gougerre · 5 months
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cgbalu · 10 months
Vishnu 16th Verse.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟16. Bhrajishnu rbhojanam bhokta sahishnu rajaga-dadijah | Anagho vijayo jeta vishva-yonih punar-vasuh ||🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟143. bhrajishnuh / One who is effulgent.பிராஜிஷ்ணு / பிரகாசமாக இருப்பவர்.144. bhojanam / One who is the object of enjoyment.போஜனம் / அனுபவிக்கும் பொருளாக இருப்பவர்.145. bhokta / The Enjoyer. போக்தா / அனுபவிப்பவர்146. sahishnuh / The Forgiver.சஹிஷ்ணு /…
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ramanan50 · 2 years
Vishnu Sahasranama Slokas Tamil Lecture 14,15 ,16
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Slokas 14,15,16 Explanation in Tamil Sarvagah Sarvavidbhanuh Vishvakseno Janardanah |Vedo Vedavidavyango Vedango Vedavit Kavih 14 Lokaadhyakshah  Suraadhyaksho Dharmaadhyakshah Kritaakritah    |CaturAtma Catur-vyuhas_Catur-damshtrah Catur-bhujah                     ||15|| Bhraajishnur Bhojanam Bhoktaa Sahishnur Jagadaadijah    |Anagho Vijayo Jetaa Vishvayonih Punarvasuh…
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priyastandon · 2 years
Celebrating the Song Celestial in today’s world
Did you ever ask yourself what the focus of your life is? What do you want? We may focus on and prioritise work, earnings, fun, travel, love, philanthropy, service, family, children, friends etc. Some focus on God. Their world revolves around Him.
Before the Mahabharata war, Arjuna and Duryodhana went to Krishna to seek His help.
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Krishna was asleep. When He woke up, He first saw Arjuna, sitting at His feet. Arjuna got up and offered Namaskar. Duryodhana was sitting behind His head. Krishna asked Arjuna, "What do you want?" Duryodhana interrupted saying, "Krishna, I came before Arjuna." Krishna said, "I am not going to wield any weapon in the war. One of you can have my army comprising of 10 million soldiers and the other can have Me." Duryodhana opted for the army. Arjuna said, "Krishna, I do not need anything except You." Well! We all know how the Mahabharata war ended.
In one of His discourses, Sri Sathya Sai Baba said, “The Pandavas placed God first, the world next and the ‘I’ last. Hence they were successful. The Kauravas placed ‘I’ (the ego) first, the world next and God last. Hence, they lost everything!”
The Kauravas focussed their thoughts, words and deeds on themselves. Second place in their lives was given to others and God was given a poor third. The Pandavas stood firmly for Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence. They had Krishna as the focus of their lives. They kept others at the second place and themselves last. Krishna was their everything, so Krishna too stood by them like a rock.
Coming to today … What is the mindset of people today? What does the media propagate? What is the focus of our lives? All the focus is being directed to, ‘I, me and myself!’ We are encouraged to think like, “What are you doing for yourself?”, “Find time for yourself!”, “Get away and pamper yourself!” “You are the most important …” Everything is about self-gratification! Does this resonate with the Kaurava mindset or the Pandava mindset?
There can be no circle without a centre. Ask yourself this – “What/Who is the centre of your circle?”
The Bhagawad Gita was delivered by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Krishna said, “Karmanye Vadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadhachana.” Meaning- Perform your duty without any expectation. He goaded him to prioritise justice over injustice, dharma over adharma, detachment over attachment. The Lord chose Arjuna as a medium to give the message of the Gita to all of humanity. Thousands of years later, the Bhagwad Gita has still not lost its profundity. Strangely it is more relevant now, than ever before, because of rampant greed and dereliction of duties. December 3, was Gita Jayanti. It is celebrated as the day when Lord Krishna sang the Song Celestial to Arjuna.
Practically speaking, if there is any one shloka of the 700 shlokas in the 18 chapters, of the Bhagwad Gita or thought in any sacred text of your religion that appeals to you; and if you can make it your life mantra, that’s enough!
And by the way, do you know what the essence of the Gita is? The first stanza of the Gita says, ‘dharma-kṣhetre kuru-kṣhetre samavetā yuyutsavaḥ māmakāḥ pāṇḍavāśhchaiva kimakurvata sañjaya’
The last stanza of the Gita says, ‘yatra yogeśhvaraḥ kṛiṣhṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śhrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama’
When you combine the last word of the last stanza, with the first word of the first stanza, what do you get? Mama Dharma! Mama Dharma is the real essence of the Gita! Leading our life while feeling God’s presence and performing our Dharma, wherever and whatever we may be, without any expectation of returns, is performing Mama Dharma. And that is what the Gita is all about. So put God in the centre of the circle of your life and see the magic unfurl!
Look forward to your views on this in the comments section below. 
(A slightly concise version of this article is published in Hindustan Times today 4.12.2022.)
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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सञ्जय उवाच । इत्यहं वासुदेवस्य पार्थस्य च महात्मनः । संवादमिममश्रौषमद्भुतं रोमहर्षणम् ॥७४॥ व्यासप्रसादाच्छ्रुतवानेतद्गुह्यमहं परम् । योगं योगेश्वरात्कृष्णात्साक्षात्कथयतः स्वयम् ॥७५॥ राजन्संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य संवादमिममद्भुतम् । केशवार्जुनयोः पुण्यं हृष्यामि च मुहुर्मुहुः ॥७६॥ तच्च संस्मृत्य संस्मृत्य रूपमत्यद्भुतं हरेः । विस्मयो मे महान् राजन्हृष्यामि च पुनः पुनः ॥७७॥ यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः । तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ॥७८॥ sañjaya uvāca ity ahaṁ vāsudevasya pārthasya ca mahātmanaḥ saṁvādam imam aśrauṣam adbhutaṁ roma-harṣaṇam vyāsa-prasādāc chrutavān etad guhyam ahaṁ param yogaṁ yogeśvarāt kṛṣṇāt sākṣāt kathayataḥ svayam rājan saṁsmṛtya saṁsmṛtya saṁvādam imam adbhutam keśavārjunayoḥ puṇyaṁ hṛṣyāmi ca muhur muhuḥ tac ca saṁsmṛtya saṁsmṛtya rūpam aty-adbhutaṁ hareḥ vismayo me mahān rājan hṛṣyāmi ca punaḥ punaḥ yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Sañjaya said: Thus have I heard the conversation of two great souls, Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna. And so wonderful is that message that my hair is standing on end By the mercy of Vyāsa, I have heard these most confidential talks directly from the master of all mysticism, Kṛṣṇa, who was speaking personally to Arjuna. O King, as I repeatedly recall this wondrous and holy dialogue between Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna, I take pleasure, being thrilled at every moment.  O King, when I remember the wonderful form of Lord Kṛṣṇa, I am struck with even greater wonder, and I rejoice again and again.  Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion.  https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/18/74 https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/18/75 https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/18/76 https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/18/77 https://prabhupada.io/books/bg/18/78 In Bhagavad-gītā five principal subject matters have been discussed: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, material nature, the living entities, eternal time and all kinds of activities. All of these are dependant on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. https://www.instagram.com/p/CltCbSKMW4J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vedic-tales · 4 years
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" yatra yogesvarah krsno; yatra partho dhanur-dharah; tatra srir vijayo bhutir; dhruva nitir matir mama"...Wherever there is Bhagwan Krsna, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Prince Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. (Bhagavat gita..chapter 18.78). please Chant: "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare" 16 mala everyday. (Speak n chant n focus on the words) And I guarantee you difference within 30 days & Within 6 months your life will change entirely. It's my Guarantee #krishna #ram #harekrishna #Radhakrishna #radha #radhe #radheradhe #prabhupada #iskcon #srilaprabhupada #iskcontemple #radhakrishn #vrindavan #mathura #barsana #kanha #lordkrishna #chanting #haribol #vishnu #RadhaRani #Krsna #Jagannath #VedicTales #bhagavadgita #jaishriram #hanuman #ramayana #rama #shriram https://www.instagram.com/p/CIxNrhzAriO/?igshid=xaviufsdme4
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iskconchowpatty · 4 years
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*Kṛṣṇa nīti course* Advice is not universal, but situational. There’s no “one-sized shoe that fits all”. In this course we will explore Lord Krishna’s brilliant advices for different individuals, when they are confused on the proper course of action. *Session 1: At the Rana-bhumi (Kurukshetra - Work)* *Session 2: For the Rashtra-bhumi (Hastinapura - Nation)* *Session 3: In the Rasa-bhumi (Vrindavan - Family)* As the last sloka of Bhagvad Gita states: yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Wherever there is *Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics*, and wherever there is *Arjuna*, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be *opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality.* That is my opinion. (BG 18.78) To register visit: https://courses.iskconchowpatty.com/krsna-niti/ Facebook official event link : https://facebook.com/events/s/krsna-niti-course/2441706342796757/?ti=as https://www.instagram.com/p/CEdYXASBCee/?igshid=1o75zmai1ux0i
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samrat747 · 5 years
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Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 18, Verse 78 यत्र योगेश्वर: कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धर: | तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम || 78|| yatra yogeśhvaraḥ kṛiṣhṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śhrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama yatra—wherever; yoga-īśhvaraḥ—Shree Krishna, the Lord of Yog; kṛiṣhṇaḥ—Shree Krishna; yatra—wherever; pārthaḥ—Arjun, the son of Pritha; dhanuḥ-dharaḥ—the supreme archer; tatra—there; śhrīḥ—opulence; vijayaḥ—victory; bhūtiḥ—prosperity; dhruvā—unending; nītiḥ—righteousness; matiḥ mama—my opinion Translation BG 18.78: Wherever there is Shree Krishna, the Lord of all Yog, and wherever there is Arjun, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be unending opulence, victory, prosperity, and righteousness. Of this, I am certain.
- http://moby.to/chlshi
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templepurohit · 7 years
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Sri Shivaramashtaka stotram (The prayer octet of Shiva Rama) By Swamy Ramananda (Here is a general prayer addressed to Lord Vishnu as well as Lord Shiva. ) Hare shiva rama sakhe prabho, Trividha thapa nivarana hey Vibho, Aaja janeswara yadava pahi maam, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 1 Hey Shiva, Hey Hare, Hey Rama, Hey friend, Hey Lord, Hey Lord who cures the three types of sufferings, Hey Lord without birth, Hey Lord of the people , Hey Yadava, protect me, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Kamala lochana Rama Dayanidhe, Hara Guro gaja rakshaka go pathe, Shiva thano bhava Shankara Pahi maam, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 2 Hey lotus eyed treasure of mercy , Lord Rama, Hey Hara, Hey teacher, Hey elephant protector, Hey Lord of cows, Hey God who is Shiva, Hey Shankara , protect me, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Suja ranjana mangala mandiram, Bhajathi they purusha param padam, Bhavathi thasya Sukham paramadhbutham, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 3 Hey entertainer of the good, with a form causing good, That man who prays the divine being, Reaches your most wonderful place, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Jaya Yudhishtra vallabha bhoopathe, Jaya jayarjitha punya payo nidhe, Jaya krupa maya Krishna namosthu they, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 4 Victory to the friend of Yudhishtra, Hey king Victory to him who is the blessed ocean of victory, Victory to all pervading mercy, Salutations to Krishna, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Bhva vimochana Madhava maapathe, Sukha vimana sahamsa Shivaarathe, Janaka jaaratha Raghava raksha maam, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 5 Hey Madhava who removes the fear of birth , Hey Lord of Lakshmi, Hey swan of the mind of poets, Hey darling of Parvathi, Hey Rama , darling of Sita, please protect me, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Avani mandala mangala maapathe, Jaladha Sundara Rama rama pathe, Nigama keerthi gunarnava gopathe, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 6 Hey consort of mother who does good to the world, Hey Rama who is pretty with colour of cloud, Hey consort of Lakshmi, Hey sea of goodness described in Vedas, Hey Lord of the cows, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Pathitha pavana nama mayee latha, Thava yaso vimalam parigeeyathe, Thadapi Madhava Mam Kim upekshase, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 7 Hey heavenly climber who likes the downtrodden, I sing about your fame which is pure , But why do you in spite of it ,neglect me, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Amaratha para deva rama pathe , Vijayathasthava nama dhanopama, Mayi kadham karunarnava jayathe, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 8 Hey greatest God of devas, Hey consort of Lakshmi, How can I ever get wealth, Oh giver of mercy, Which can measure up to the victories of yours, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Hanumatha Priya chaapakara Prabho, Sura saridhrutha shekhara hey Guro, Mama Vibho Kimu vismaranam krutham, Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 9 Hey Lord with a bow, who is very dear to Hanuman, Hey teacher who wears the holy river on your head, Oh Lord, why have you forgotten me, please, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Aharahar jana ranchana sundaram patathi, Ya shiva rama krutham sthavam, Visathi rama ramana padambhuje , Shiva hare vijayam kuru may varam. 10 That man who reads this pretty , people friendly, Prayer written by Shiva Rama, Would become fit to enter the lotus feet of Rama and Lakshmi, Hey Shiva, Hey Hare , grant me the victory of success. Pratar uthaya yo bhakthya patedh ekagara manasa, Vijayo jayathe thasya Vishnumaradhyamapnuyath. 11 He who reads this with concentrated devotion in the morning, Would attain all ound victory and would attain Vishnu whom he worships. Ithi Sri Ramanand Swamina Virachitham Sri Shiva Ramashtakam Sampoornam. Thus ends the octet of Shiva Rama written by Ramanand Swami. http://ift.tt/2xFTYts
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tv-boom · 6 years
Brazil Hundreds of workers missing after mine mine collapse | News DW
Brazil Hundreds of workers missing after mine mine collapse | News DW
One of the three dams of the Corrigue de Vijayo Mengmei complex of the Vale Mining Group collapsed on Friday (25 January 2019) in Bromadiniu, a town of 39,000 people, about 60 km southwest of Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais. "We have nine dead and our information points to the loss of 300 people," a fire brigade spokesman said.
"Police, fire fighters and the military have…
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Please Read the Purport Verse of the Day : Bhagavad-gita As It Is -- 18.78 Chapter 18: Conclusion-The Perfection of Renunciation यत्र योगेश्र्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः | तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवो नीतिर्मतिर्मम || ७८ || yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama SYNONYMS yatra—where; yogeśvaraḥ—the master of mysticism; kṛṣṇaḥ—Lord Krṣna; yatra—where; pārthaḥ—the son of Pṛthā; dhanur-dharaḥ—the carrier of the bow and arrow; tatra—there; śrīḥ—opulence; vijayaḥ—victory; bhūtiḥ—exceptional power; dhruvā—certainly; nītiḥ—morality;matiḥ mama—is my opinion. TRANSLATION Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. PURPORT The Bhagavad-gītā began with an inquiry of Dhṛtarāṣṭra. He was hopeful of the victory of his sons, assisted by great warriors like Bhīṣma, Droṇa and Karṇa. He was hopeful that the victory would be on his side. But, after describing the scene in the battlefield, Sañjaya told the King, "You are thinking of victory, but my opinion is that where Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna are present, there will be all good fortune." He directly confirmed that Dhṛtarāṣṭra could not expect victory for his side. Victory was certain for the side of Arjuna because Kṛṣṇa was there. Kṛṣṇa's acceptance of the post of charioteer for Arjuna was an exhibition of another opulence. Kṛṣṇa is full of all opulences, and renunciation is one of them. There are many instances of such renunciation, for Kṛṣṇa is also the master of renunciation. The fight was actually between Duryodhana and Yudhiṣṭhira. Arjuna was fighting on behalf of his elder brother, Yudhiṣṭhira. Because Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna were on the side of Yudhiṣṭhira, Yudhiṣṭhira's victory was certain. The battle was to decide who would rule the world, and Sañjaya predicted that the power would be transferred to Yudhiṣṭhira. . . Complete Verse : https://www.facebook.com/BhagavadGeetaAsItIs/
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः । तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ॥७८॥ yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. Plate 108final - Chapter 18 - Jnana-yoga ---Conclusion - Perfection of Renunciation https://prabhupadabooks.com/bg https://vedabase.io/en/library/bg/ https://bookchanges.com/bhagavad-gita-changes-complete-list/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CglQ5-WIM4O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skateboarding420 · 7 years
Bhagavad-Gītā as It Is [18.78]
yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama
yatra — where; yoga-īśvaraḥ — the master of mysticism; kṛṣṇaḥ — Lord Kṛṣṇa; yatra — where; pārthaḥ — the son of Pṛthā; dhanuḥ-dharaḥ — the carrier of the bow and arrow; tatra — there; śrīḥ — opulence; vijayaḥ — victory; bhūtiḥ — exceptional power; dhruvā — certain; nītiḥ — morality; matiḥ mama — my opinion.
Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion.
Purport by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
The Bhagavad-gītā began with an inquiry of Dhṛtarāṣṭra’s. He was hopeful of the victory of his sons, assisted by great warriors like Bhīṣma, Droṇa and Karṇa. He was hopeful that the victory would be on his side. But after describing the scene on the battlefield, Sañjaya told the King, “You are thinking of victory, but my opinion is that where Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna are present, there will be all good fortune.” He directly confirmed that Dhṛtarāṣṭra could not expect victory for his side. Victory was certain for the side of Arjuna because Kṛṣṇa was there. Kṛṣṇa’s acceptance of the post of charioteer for Arjuna was an exhibition of another opulence. Kṛṣṇa is full of all opulences, and renunciation is one of them. There are many instances of such renunciation, for Kṛṣṇa is also the master of renunciation.
The fight was actually between Duryodhana and Yudhiṣṭhira. Arjuna was fighting on behalf of his elder brother, Yudhiṣṭhira. Because Kṛṣṇa and Arjuna were on the side of Yudhiṣṭhira, Yudhiṣṭhira’s victory was certain. The battle was to decide who would rule the world, and Sañjaya predicted that the power would be transferred to Yudhiṣṭhira. It is also predicted here that Yudhiṣṭhira, after gaining victory in this battle, would flourish more and more because not only was he righteous and pious but he was also a strict moralist. He never spoke a lie during his life.
There are many less intelligent persons who take Bhagavad-gītā to be a discussion of topics between two friends on a battlefield. But such a book cannot be scripture. Some may protest that Kṛṣṇa incited Arjuna to fight, which is immoral, but the reality of the situation is clearly stated: Bhagavad-gītā is the supreme instruction in morality. The supreme instruction of morality is stated in the Ninth Chapter, in the thirty-fourth verse: man-manā bhava mad-bhaktaḥ. One must become a devotee of Kṛṣṇa, and the essence of all religion is to surrender unto Kṛṣṇa (sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja). The instructions of Bhagavad-gītā constitute the supreme process of religion and of morality. All other processes may be purifying and may lead to this process, but the last instruction of the Gītā is the last word in all morality and religion: surrender unto Kṛṣṇa. This is the verdict of the Eighteenth Chapter.
From Bhagavad-gītā we can understand that to realize oneself by philosophical speculation and by meditation is one process, but to fully surrender unto Kṛṣṇa is the highest perfection. This is the essence of the teachings of Bhagavad-gītā. The path of regulative principles according to the orders of social life and according to the different courses of religion may be a confidential path of knowledge. But although the rituals of religion are confidential, meditation and cultivation of knowledge are still more confidential. And surrender unto Kṛṣṇa in devotional service in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness is the most confidential instruction. That is the essence of the Eighteenth Chapter.
Another feature of Bhagavad-gītā is that the actual truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. The Absolute Truth is realized in three features – impersonal Brahman, localized Paramātmā, and ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. Perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth means perfect knowledge of Kṛṣṇa. If one understands Kṛṣṇa, then all the departments of knowledge are part and parcel of that understanding. Kṛṣṇa is transcendental, for He is always situated in His eternal internal potency. The living entities are manifested of His energy and are divided into two classes, eternally conditioned and eternally liberated. Such living entities are innumerable, and they are considered fundamental parts of Kṛṣṇa. Material energy is manifested into twenty-four divisions. The creation is effected by eternal time, and it is created and dissolved by external energy. This manifestation of the cosmic world repeatedly becomes visible and invisible.
In Bhagavad-gītā five principal subject matters have been discussed: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, material nature, the living entities, eternal time and all kinds of activities. All is dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. All conceptions of the Absolute Truth – impersonal Brahman, localized Paramātmā and any other transcendental conception – exist within the category of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although superficially the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity, material nature and time appear to be different, nothing is different from the Supreme. But the Supreme is always different from everything. Lord Caitanya’s philosophy is that of “inconceivable oneness and difference.” This system of philosophy constitutes perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth.
The living entity in his original position is pure spirit. He is just like an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit. Thus Lord Kṛṣṇa may be compared to the sun, and the living entities to sunshine. Because the living entities are the marginal energy of Kṛṣṇa, they have a tendency to be in contact either with the material energy or with the spiritual energy. In other words, the living entity is situated between the two energies of the Lord, and because he belongs to the superior energy of the Lord, he has a particle of independence. By proper use of that independence he comes under the direct order of Kṛṣṇa. Thus he attains his normal condition in the pleasure-giving potency.
Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Eighteenth Chapter of the Śrīmad Bhagavad-gītā in the matter of its Conclusion – the Perfection of Renunciation.
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः । तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ॥७८॥ yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. Plate 108 - Chapter 18 - Jnana-yoga ---Conclusion - Perfection of Renunciation - Section H - Arjuna and Sanjayas realizations 18 http://prabhupada.io/ https://prabhupadavani.org/ http://prabhupadaconnect.com/ https://windowsfromthesky.com/ http://www.gloriousgita.com https://prabhupadabooks.com https://bookchanges.com/ https://vedabase.io/en/ https://www.vanipedia.org/ https://vaniquotes.org/ #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgiw1ydoCm2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः । तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ॥७८॥ yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. Plate 107 - Chapter 18 - Jnana-yoga ---Conclusion - Perfection of Renunciation - Section H - Arjuna and Sanjayas realizations 17 The living entity in his original position is pure spirit. He is just like an atomic particle of the Supreme Spirit. The conditioned living entity, however, is the marginal energy of the Lord; he tends to be in contact with both the material energy and the spiritual energy. In other words, the living entity is situated between the two energies of the Lord, and because he belongs to the superior energy of the Lord, he has a particle of independence. By proper use of that independence he comes under the direct order of Kṛṣṇa. Thus he attains his normal condition in the pleasure-giving potency. Thus end the Bhaktivedanta Purports to the Eighteenth Chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhagavad-gītā in the matter of its Conclusions-the Perfection of Renunciation. https://prabhupadabooks.com/bg/18/78 http://www.gloriousgita.com/verse/en/18/78 #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CggJF7xI_Q1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prabhupadanugas · 2 years
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यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः । तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ॥७८॥ yatra yogeśvaraḥ kṛṣṇo yatra pārtho dhanur-dharaḥ tatra śrīr vijayo bhūtir dhruvā nītir matir mama Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there will also certainly be opulence, victory, extraordinary power, and morality. That is my opinion. Plate 106 - Chapter 18 - Jnana-yoga ---Conclusion - Perfection of Renunciation - Section H - Arjuna and Sanjayas realizations 16 In Bhagavad-gītā five principal subject matters have been discussed: the Supreme Personality of Godhead, material nature, the living entities, eternal time and all kinds of activities. All of these are dependant on the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa. All conceptions of the Absolute Truth, namely, impersonal Brahman, localized Paramātmā, or any other transcendental conception, exist within the category of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although superficially the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the living entity, material nature and time appear to be different, nothing is different from the Supreme. But the Supreme is always different from everything. Lord Caitanya's philosophy is that of "inconceivably one and different." This system of philosophy constitutes perfect knowledge of the Absolute Truth. https://www.iskconbangalore.org/blog/five-topics-of-bhagavad-gita/ https://prabhupadabooks.com/bg/18/78 http://www.gloriousgita.com/verse/en/18/78 #bhagavatam #srimadbhagavatam #vishnu #vishnupuran #harekrishna #harekrsna #harekrishna #harekrisna #prabhupada #bhagavadgita #bhagavadgitaasitis #bhagavadgītā #srilaprabhupada #srilaprabhupad #srilaprabhupadaquotes #asitis #india #indian #wayoflife #religion #goals #goaloflife #spiritual #bhakti #bhaktiyoga #chant #prasadam #picoftheday #photo #beautiful #usa https://sites.google.com/view/sanatan-dharma https://m.facebook.com/HDG.A.C.Bhaktivedanta.Svami.Srila.Prabhupada.Uvaca/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CgdnekfojCs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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