svbastian-archive · 5 years
[ FROY GUTIERREZ , 21, CIS MALE, HE/HIM/HIS, BISEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, SEBASTIAN ‘BASH’ GUERRA! they’re an ACTOR from CALIFORNIA and they’re the PALADIN. people describe them as IRRESOLUTE and SUBMISSIVE, but once you get to know them they’re NURTURING and PROTECTIVE. i’d recognize them by their ( movie scripts, always dreaming of something bigger, family dinners around the table ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE. (diana, 23, she/her/hers)
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hello lovely people ! i’m diana & i’m so excited to bring bash to the island ! i love the idea of a love island roleplay and i’m so happy that i get to play one of my favorite muses !  for more detailed information you can visit his stats & bio pages but please be cautious of the trigger warnings for suicide & depression in the bio & under the cut !
sebastian was born in san diego
he’s called bash by his family & friends, some people have tried to call him seb but it never really stuck
his permanent residence is in los angeles where he’s trying to make it as an actor
he’s in kaos shooting a tv show for a couple months
he’s the oldest of six, so he often had to be the adult/caregiver while his parents were working which is where his nurturing nature was honed
he’s really protective of his siblings and super family-oriented
if he were a sim, his traits would be: family-oriented, good, & creative.
he’s extremely selfless ( it could be said that he’s too selfless ) & he will jump through hoops for anyone to be happy, asking for nothing in return
he wanted to be a doctor when he was really little which would surprise no one who knew him because he’s always trying to help and heal people. he still carries this dream in the back of his pocket
in high school, he fell in love w/ theatre. he did a lot of school plays when he had the time to commit.
he did some community theatre plays to gain a few bucks for his family when he was noticed by an agent who thought he would have a good presence on the screen. this was the first time bash kind of thought about acting as a career instead of just a hobby.
he was reluctant to take up the offer, as he didn’t want to leave his family but his parents convinced him to go
tw: depression & suicide, please don’t read any further if this makes you psychologically unsafe !
on may 4 2015, bash got the worst call of his life. he picked up the phone to his mother screaming about his little brother samuel, who had taken his own life.
after the phone call, bash didn’t hesitate to make the drive to san diego to be with his family. a week after the funeral, his parents again convinced him to go back to los angeles to pursue his dream.
again, he reluctantly packed his bags to head back to la but not before holding each of his siblings tighter than he ever had before and letting them know that he was always a phone call away.
as much as people told him not to, sebastian blamed himself for his brother’s death. he learned that sammy had been dealing with depression ever since he left home, which made him overcome with guilt.
bash hated himself for leaving and even though everyone told him that it wasn’t his fault, he had a hard time believing that
after sammy’s death, bash gravitated towards darker roles, although he took whichever roles he could get. when he had the choice, he tended to seek out broodier parts to channel his grief into.
but anyone who knows bash knows he’s not dark or broody, he’s the complete opposite.
he’s kind of like a knight in shining armor because he’s always trying to save people, whenever he sees someone struggling, he sees his younger brother in them, and something compels him to help them.
he’s a combination of the dad friend and the mom friend. he will tell you a terrible pun and then tell you to wear sunscreen in the same breath.
despite the tragedy, he is still soft and bright and kind.
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arccn · 5 years
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[ TEN, 23, CIS MALE, HE/HIM, BISEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, AROON OSATHANUGRAH / ROO! they’re a SOCIALITE from BANGKOK, THAILAND  and they’re the INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY. people describe them as OPPORTUNISTIC & FRIVOLOUS, but once you get to know them they’re WORLDLY & KITTENISH. i’d recognize them by their ( silken blouses unbuttoned to the navel, glasses of champagne on a private jet and stealing away from a party to makeout in the low lit back room). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE. (cece, 25, she/her)
call him roo, or else he probably won’t answer. he’s changed up the names he’s wanted to be called so much that it’s the only common factor... but we’ll get to that a bit later.
born into one of thailand’s wealthiest families, aroon has never been in want of anything. his family’s money ran deep, an entrepreneurial startup by a distant relative evolving into one of thailand’s most widely dispersed energy drinks. in the billions, the osathanugrah wealth enabled the frivolity of its successors. roo’s uncle, for example, used close to a million dollars to open a contemporary art museum, just because.
spoiled rotten, roo inherited the same blasé outlook on material goods. anything he wanted, he could have without working for it and, unfortunately for him, no one ever challenged that until much much later. friendships formed easily, the allure of wealth masking an occasionally bratty, demanding disposition. family connections also played a part – wealth played with wealth. he wasn’t all bad �� he could show a sweet side at the drop of a hat – it was just very often something he feigned, a mask to wear to further his enabling, to get him whatever he wanted. he had his caretakers eating out of the palm of his hand.
luckily for roo, he was naturally bright, intellectually. a clever little imp of a boy, he could breeze his way through schooling without even trying.  grew a ‘class clown’ sort of reputation and, whenever consequences should have been taken, the appeal of money got him off free of punishment. his childhood was charmed albeit slightly removed from reality. certain nostalgic appeals of childhood were lost somewhere in the shuffle of family dinner parties and a hands-off style of parenting.
his first taste of ‘opposition’ if it could be called that came in the form of boarding school. roo had done traveling with his family, both for business and for pleasure, but by the time he hit his early teens, he was told that he was going to be schooling abroad. it made sense in some ways – with wealth came a need for international negotiations, at times. being more worldly would come in handy. but roo didn’t want it. he wanted to stay with his friends, to continue to learn and grow up where he felt comfortable.
his first stop for the typical high school age group was japan. language immersion was brutal and set him back a year or two. he had to learn quickly and it took tutors and actual studying to get him there. from there, he began a dance around a variety of asian countries, picking up chinese and basic korean skills in the process. by the time he was nineteen, he was sent to london where he entered into university to get a business degree with a linguistics/world language emphasis. in each place he gave a different variation on his name. he collected these microidentities as a way to better fit in: haru in japan, ruairi in england and so on.
england was like a second home to him and, after having stumbled his way through three others, he learned the language fast. english felt easy by comparison. it’s in england where he really began to take advantage of his name, his charms, and his endearingly good looks. he became a party boy on campus, working his way into the beds of his classmates and earning himself a reputation that would go on to follow him long after. he dated around and left broken hearts in his wake. he was having fun, finally. and he was good at it.
a summer internship in new york city, a semester abroad in france, basically roo was a global citizen by the age of 21 and could successfully navigate the world. he graduated and his parents & family were ready to have him return but he had other plans in mind. he spent the following year in new york, visiting london instead of home. he’d made too many friends both places to leave anyone behind. he’d also discovered things about himself : his sexuality and his definitely non-monogamous views on relationships, mostly. he wasn’t keen on returning to life where he’d be stifled and forced into the family financial intricacies.
as a socialite and a child of wealth, his moves were pretty closely followed which is how roo’s come into contact with the producers of love island for season 2. they heard about his dionysian style parties and his frivolous attitude towards money and love both. he’s, essentially, the perfect shit-stirrer to bring on, having no need of the prize money and no intention of settling down. he’s on the show for something to do, not to find his soulmate. maybe, though, he’ll discover the concept of love somewhere along the way.
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seabreezc · 5 years
[ SHAWN MENDES, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIM, PANSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, DAKOTA KERSEY! they’re a SPORTS PHOTOGRAPHER from TORQUAY and they’re the HALCYON. people describe them as FRIVOLOUS & IMPETUOUS, but once you get to know them they’re OPTIMISTIC & CALM. i’d recognize them by their ( blue raspberry bubblegum, head tilted up to the clouds, & tracing smiley faces onto skin ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE. (hayley, 24, she/her)
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listen. i’m a simple british person. i see love island, i automatically get excited for the dramz.... it’s how they reel us in every year. but hello hi!! i’m hayley, stressed out final year uni student, and i’m hyPED to introduce you to my babiest baby, dakota. 
bio || pinterest 
so if you don’t want to read the rambled garbage that is the bio i wrote (and i don’t blame you)... here’s the part where imma do my best to summarise yay! 
dakota was born in torquay, england to celia penhaligon-kersey (an nhs emergency doctor) and robert kersey (former paralegal/stay-at-home dad) and is the oldest of two children. honestly had a pretty good childhood. he has a good relationship with his family and other than making their lives a living hell being a bundle of energy up until the time he was six..... things were pretty normal in the kersey household! 
he started surfing at an early age under his parents’ encouragement, and quickly surfing became his entire existence. nearly all of his memories until the age of twenty involve surfing in some capacity. 
he took up photography as a way to be around surfing even when he wasn’t doing it himself. it started out with borrowing a friend’s camera so he could take photos of his friends on the waves, but gradually developed into a genuine passion for capturing that one shot of the perfect hang 10. seeing people be happy with his work is a nice bonus. by taking photos, he also got to be out of the house as much as possible, so it was pretty much a win/win.
didn’t go to uni because he wanted to chase the ~surfing dream~ but uh, that never really happened and he was gently pushed by his parents to stop lazing around their house  find another outlet for his time. so!! packing his bags he decided to go where the money is and head to london where he spent his time doing bar work, hospitality... anything that would have him and didn’t have high entry requirements. 
responsibility who? dakota’s first year in london was spent enjoying most of the freedoms he didn’t have when he was competitively surfing. partying... sleeping in until the afternoon... spontaneous trips back home just so he could go to the beach... actually working was probably the lowest concern he had and he job-hopped because he lost them just as quick as he got hired.
after being kicked out of his house following rent arrears, reality finally hit dakota and he tried to think of ways to do what he loved and make money. he started taking photographs for his surfing connections for free, built a portfolio and gradually turned it into paid work. he now works for an independent photography agency as a sports photographer and often photographs football matches/tennis matches/anyone who will have him. 
was contacted on his instagram account to join love island and honestly almost rejected it and would have if it weren’t for his friends pushing him. follows his heart more than his head so hahaha.... SHOULD BE GOOD! 
so easy-going it’s unreal. 
would never say yolo but... likely thinks it way too often and most of his decisions are based off this anyway so!! like... he has a bunch of scars from surfing and has just as quickly got back up on his board with a loud laugh and wanted to do it all over again
forever listening to music, humming to music, will make you a playlist or tell you what song you remind him of 
tender and soft™ and probably sneak attacks people with hugs tbh 
CHAOTIC GOOD ENERGY! honestly doesn’t take him much convincing to get into any form of mischief. say the word and he’s already pretty much in, but he at least likes to come off like he’s not strongly considering it. he’s gotta give the image that he’s responsible now, ya know 
always has a pack of gum on him at all times. if there’s one nervous tick dakota has it’d be this. he has an incessant need to chew on a piece when he’s stressed and honestly probably thinks others do too??? like...... he will offer you some if you look upset before even thinking of comforting you. gum 
has a painted turtle called marzipan who he’ll talk about all day every day. he misses her. long distance sucks. 
wanted connections
so imma mostly go off chem for this for oNCE due to the nature of love island but uh, we could definitely work off clients he’s shot for, london neighbours/acquaintances, fitness class acquaintances. or if you have any other ideas i’m all ears! hmu either here or discord and i’ll love you downnnnnn. 
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ffsrome · 5 years
it’s ya boi/girl/wtv man honestly bacc at it again with a new muse !! same account tho but !! here’s my mess of a son, rome ( full name roman but only his dad calls him that so DON’T ). here’s his aesthetics and i also have some wanted plots down below so leave a like or hmu to plot !!
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[ FROY GUTIERREZ, 22, CISMALE, HE/HIM, BISEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, ROMAN “ROME” STARR! they’re a SOCIALITE from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK and they’re the CONNARD. people describe them as APATHETIC and CALLOUS, but once you get to know them they’re CHARISMATIC and DARING. i’d recognize them by their ( knuckles decorated in bruises, enough money to drown in, and the depression that weighs heavier on nights spent alone ). honestly, i think they’re really here for NEITHER. (moosh, 21+, no preference)
rich boii. has never had to work for anything in his life but he’s still an asshole?? raised by his nannies but his dad is the only parent figure in his life. they do NOT get along and he literally has no idea who is mom is but lets move past that skdfjf
hedonistic!! drunk boy!! will literally make a mess and not clean up after himself bc hey, thats not his job?? thats what the producers are for?? the whole crew probably fucking hates him.
rome is .... the hottest ... asshole .... smooth talker .... charismatic asf ... but also doesnt gaf about u but you’ll definitely feel like he does? he has a way of looking like he listens and cares while he literally thinks about anything else.
has most def gotten out of situations using his words. has a killer smile and knows exactly what to say to defuse a situation. lots of people think it’s his money thats gotten him out of trouble but no, it’s that goddamn grin and a string of words that always does the trick. one smooth motherfucker ill tell ya
will also not hesitate to knock you out if youre annoying enough. always says hes a lover not a fighter tho, gross.
he’s literally here on a dare?? he was over his friends’ house and they had love island on bc hey lets watch some trashy reality tv sdkfjnsdf. rome made some off handed comment about how he could prolly win the money without falling in love n his friends like o yeah??? i know the producer. lets make a bet. n ... thats why hes here. but he’s also here to fuck shit up bc he loves drama. thrives in chaos. thinks its absolutely magnificent.
definitely a fuckboii jksdfns. a big flirt tbh and he’s bi so he’ll literally flirt with anybody. he needs a slap or two across the face tbh.
walks around the villa with no shirt almost always bc its hot n there arent any rules against it ... also he’s got an ego the size of the entire villa so thats the third reason.
idk what else to add just ask me akjsdfskf
wanted plots
it’s very big but he’s here on a dare cause he thinks whoever falls in love on shows like this are dumb but lets have him fall in love with someone bc he deserves to have his heart broken.
someone who can see past his facade and hates him n he prolly thinks its hilarious n will bother them more.
someone he gets along with on the island! he needs a few friends after all.
people he’s fucking around with i guess? i know for a fact he’ll go around stirring up trouble between couples and even with anyone who’s single so yeah lmk man
maybe someone’s here he’s known before who’s broken his heart 👀 or vice versa
i need hook ups man ....
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lownctes · 5 years
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            hihiii,  babyluvs  !  i’m  koo  !  i’m  eighteen,  my  pronouns  are  she / they  ,  &  i’m  currently�� residing  in  the  pst  tmz  !  i’m  here  to  introduce  u  to  my  literal  disaster  of  a  child,  babylon  rhee  !  messy  is  the  best  word  there  is  to  describe  him  ,  i  think  .  he  has  a  lot  of  problems  ,  but  i  hope  u  hate  to  love  him  regardless  !  pretty  please  click  HERE  if  u  would  like  to  know  more  about  him  !  i  rambled  a  bunch  ,  so  um  .  u  hav  my  heart  if  u  read  the  entire  thing  ?  if  u  wanna  plot  or  smth,  hmu  either  here  or  on  discord  !  luv  u  !  mwah  !  ♡
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amaradalani-blog · 5 years
[ BANITA SANDHU, 21, GENDERFLUID, SHE/THEY, PANSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, AMARA DALANI! they’re a UNIVERSITY STUDENT / ART RESTORER from LONDON and they’re the ACE. people describe them as VAIN & SARCASTIC, but once you get to know them they’re RELIABLE & DETERMINED. i’d recognize them by their ( paint-stained hands, sharp words on otherwise soft lips, constantly drinking tea ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE.
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parallels: delaney pillar (pandora), casey (atypical), carmen sandiego (carmen sandiego), diana silvers (vibes as a person overall), isabelle lightwood, veronica sawyer (heathers), olivia pope (scandal), steve harrington (strange things)
my darling amara ; born in a middle class family, amara would be classified as a fourth (?) generation immigrant to england . her great-grandfather worked in a munitions factory in england during the second world war and was able to get his family to join him, and as many immigrants did, they never went back to india after the war and were able to get citizenship in 1948
amara goes by amy to those they genuinly like; anyone else should call them amara or mara at most
they were born in london proper to a doctor-father and a politician mother, and has two other siblings
their parents pushed them a lot to be better . they recognized amara to be rather quick on their feet from a rather young age, but when it came to school, they didn’t seem to test that well . they preferred anything they could do with their hands, finding the theoretical rather boring . still, their parents wanted them to do well in school, and so, got them a tutor for anything they found them to have trouble with that they couldn’t do themselves
they took to learning pretty well, though, and pushed themselves as much as their parents to do well, ending up near the top of all their classes 
they love to tinker with things: it used to be small things like taking apart toy cars and building them back up, until it grew to cars and eventually machines. they enjoyed the act of knowing what things were meant to do and how to fix them or build them to do their purpose. 
they went to uni for engineering and is about to finish their last semester after the summer 
also a talented painter. they started putting up their art on their instagram, which got them a lot of followers. she eventually applied for a job at the national gallery as an art restorer ; it was pretty unconventional to hire someone so young who wasn’t studying the discipline, but much of their portfolio consisted of famous recreations of paintings which were almost indistinguishable from the real thing
they also posted about their art restoration on their social media, although not in full detail, but that got a few people interested in what they did
amara gives off that typical ‘I’m too good for this’ vibe but like, nerdy ‘I’m too good for this’, yk? they’re definitely super confident in how they look and what they do, ofc, but they’re alot more vain than what one might get upon first glance. they seem like they have a stick up their ass, but they’re actually really funny and suuuper sarcastic in an almost mean way, yk?
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hvckerz-blog · 5 years
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Why did you come on Love Island ?
sam  stares  down  at  his  hands  for  a  moment ,  digits  aimlessly  playing  with  the  rings  adorning  them .  he's  seemingly  lost  in  his  own  head ,  until  he  finally  makes  eye  contact  with  the  camera  in  front  of  him .  he’s  never  opened  up  to  anyone  or  allowed  them  to  get  close  enough  to  know  who  he  really  was .  did  he  even  know  himself  ?      ❛      i  guess  you  can  say  i  have  an  “issue  opening  up  to  people”  or  something .      ❜      the  male  uses  air  quotes  and  a  roll  of  his  eyes  for  extra  emphasis  before  chuckling  softly ,  fingers  running  through  his  long  locks .       ❛      i  don’t  really  socialize  much ,  just  haven’t  had  the  time  to  ...  being  a  hacker  isn’t  exactly  your  typical  9  to  5  job .  this  would  give  me  the  opportunity  to  meet  some  interesting  individuals ,  force  me  to  take  a  break  from  work ,  and  get  out  of  the  house .        ❜
What’s your type ?
a  slight  blush  spreads  across  his  cheeks ,  gaze  dropping  to  his  lap  as  he  remains  silent  for  a  moment .      ❛      is  it  okay  to  say  that  i’m  not  completely  sure  ?  i’d  probably  go  for  a  person  who  has  the  same  sensibility ,      ❜      he  pauses  to  tap  his  chin  as  if  in  thought ,      ❛      i’ve  got  a  knack  for  trying  to  make  jokes  at  somewhat  unconventional  times  whether  it  be  to  make  people  smile  or  just  out  of  sheer  awkwardness .  it  wouldn’t  hurt  if  i  met  someone  that  could  look  past  that  and  wanted  to  get  to  know  the  other  sides  of  me .  however ,  said  sides  are  locked  in  a  safe  and  the  key  is  quite  hard  to  find .      ❜
Who are you really trying to go for ? Based on looks and personality type only.
❛      oh—  i  think  i  kind  of  answered  this  one  before ,  oops  !      ❜      he  lets  out  a  breath  while  rubbing  the  back  of  his  neck ,  teeth  tugging  at  his  bottom  lip .      ❛      if  you  held  a  gun  to  my  head  and  told  me  that  i  had  to  choose  then  i’d  say  someone  with  eyes ,  a  nose ,  mouth ,  hair  ...  i  think  that’s  pretty  standard .     ❜      he  laughs  to  himself  before  shaking  his  head  and  scoffing .      ❛      there  i  go ,  trying  to  be  funny  when  i  probably  shouldn’t .     ❜
Would you break up a solid couple to get what you want ?
the  question  is  a  little  shocking  to  the  male ,  not  expecting  to  be  asked  so  candidly  about  his  own  selfishness .  he  was  used  to  not  getting  what  he  wanted  growing  up  and  hadn’t  quite  grasped  what  it  meant  to  put  yourself  first .  maybe  that  would  be  his  downfall ,  or  something  else  he  needs  to  work  on  ?      ❛      i’m  coming  onto  this  show  with  the  intention  of  finding  love  so  it  wouldn’t  make  sense  for  me  to  go  after  a  contestant   who  already  found  someone ,  right  ?  i’d  consider  that  looking  in  the  wrong  place .  i  mean ,  never  say  never  but  that’s  a  need-to-know  basis .      ❜      sam  looks  into  the  camera  and  gives  a  playful  wink .
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saintshen · 5 years
[ LIU YANGYANG, 19, CIS MALE, HE/HIM, GAY ] – welcome to the love island villa, SAINT SHEN! they’re a WAITER/STUDENT/DANCER from LONDON, ENGLAND and they’re the GOLD DIGGER. people describe them as SELF-CENTERED & GREEDY, but once you get to know them they’re OPEN-MINDED & OUTGOING. i’d recognize them by their ( faux leather jackets, black chokers, and english downpours ). honestly, i think they’re really here for MONEY.
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heyo it’s me hazel. this is my new baby, saint. if you want to plot with him, you can give this a like or hmu in im’s/on discord.
Saint was born in Berlin, Germany, to a moderately wealthy upper middle class couple. His mother, a Taiwanese woman, immigrated there before he was born, soon afterwards meeting his father. They were together for five years before they had Saint, and they were well-adjusted, planning every facet of the pregnancy and the birth out to a T.
The way that Saint was raised was something completely different from most of the people he now makes company with. He was comfortable growing up, surrounded by support both financially as well as with his goals and his future plans, which makes his general boredom and subsequent resentment towards his suburban life come off as a little strange.
It’s just the thing is, Saint was never made for an existence like that. He has a wild heart, racing erratically ahead of him, and all he wants to do with his life is try to play catch-up with it. 
So, he left home at eighteen, and he didn’t look back.
Despite not wanting the life his parents made for him --- or perhaps because of that --- Saint found himself attending university as an English lit. major. Of course, this was only after he confessed to his parents that he didn’t want to be like them, in an uproarious argument that unfolded a week prior to his leaving the country. He still feels guilt for this even now, over a year later.
Attending school in England had sort of been his dream for years before he actually got to do it. There was just something about the freedom of being away from Berlin that made him feel more alive, and he never looked back after he walked out of his home, for the first time not intending to return. At least not for a very long time.
Meeting up with a friend that he met online, he moved in with them, using savings from the part-time job he’d worked since age sixteen to stay afloat until he managed to land a job as a waiter. Funds from school came in soon after that, and then he picked up his second job as a student. 
Living in London isn’t cheap. In fact, Saint is still struggling now to make ends meet, over a year and a half later, and with three jobs instead of just two. His third one pays more than the first two ever could, even if he is still working for tips, and he finds a new, far more exciting level of freedom in the power it makes him feel. 
Still, it isn’t cheap, and the opportunity for the dancer to go on Love Island is not one that he takes lightly. Not only that, but he’s aware of quite a few of the cast of season two who are more... financially well-off than he is. It’s something he keeps in mind.
lil headcanons
Saint’s third job is as an exotic dancer at a club. His flatmate and best friend hooked him up with it, and it’s how he originally took up his alias as Saint.
Very much in this for the money. He refuses to believe in love, and he refuses to resign himself to something as boring as monogamy; Saint will pretend to be a lover up until the point when it stops benefiting him.
A bit of a drama queen in the best way. He’s very emphatic and over-the-top, and he refuses to let anybody stifle him or put him down. 
Smells constantly of sugared lavender. Very dreamy.
He won’t tell you his real name, so don’t ask. He refuses. 
Actually a snake. He can and will talk shit about you behind your back. Call him out for it, and he’ll talk shit about you to your face. :/
Immature in a way. Yes, he’s rather worldly, and yes, he has experience and is on his own in most things, but he’s still young. Young enough to feel insecurities and to project those insecurities at the worst possible times. 
Cries to sad songs at 3AM more often than he cares to admit.
Messy, emotional drunk. He’ll fight with you and then sob into your lap in equal measures.
Talks in his sleep. Hit him with a pillow and tell him to shut up --- that’s what his roommate always does.
Pretends to be confident, but is actually a sort of anxious mess underneath it all. :c
Just a baby pretending that he is not a baby. 
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angelsaliya · 5 years
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☞  [ BOOBOO STEWART, NON-BINARY, THEY/THEM, PANSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, ANGEL ALIYA! they’re an ARTIST from NEVADA and they’re the FERVOUR. people describe them as HAPHAZARD and INTENSE, but once you get to know them they’re PASSIONATE and RADIANT. i’d recognize them by their ( chipped black nails, pantene commercial hair and paint splattered dungarees ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE. (georgia, 21, she/her)
hey hey, i’m georgia, thought i’d throw together a little introduction about angel and everything they’re about. pls feel free to like this and i’ll swing by your ims so we can plot! (or message me on discord - ga#6486)
angel was born in las vegas ( no really, they always have to insist ), their parents both worked in entertainment - their mum as a dancer and then a choreographer, their dad built sets and did lighting. that was the world angel and their two older sisters grew up in.
they were always a little different through school, but with a confidence which meant everyone accepted their quirks without notice.  people wanted to be their friend without really knowing why. 
they didn’t gel with schoolwork - a dyslexia diagnosis at 12 making why more clearer. they haaated maths and got frustrated in english even though they loved the stories their older sister would read to them.
anything outside a typical classroom was where they thrived - sports, band and art class above all.
college was a no-go, instead they used all their savings from summer jobs, a little bit of stupidity to start travelling the world. 
what they saw inspired their art, and they continued to fund their travels through selling pieces online - building up a bit of a cult online following among those that knew of them.
it was also a chance for a little self-discovery, they began to ask new friends to respect their chosen pronouns and new name, had their first relationships with people of all genders and grow their hair out like they always had wanted to.
4 years on - nothing much has changed, they are just as untethered as always, with so much more of the world to see.
until they were contacted by a love island producer, wanted to manufacture some television by bringing a contestant’s ex on. it wasn’t until they saw an episode, hearing how ingrid spoke about them that they said yes.
worst case, they’ve reached a new continent without spending a penny. best case, they get to open themselves up again, right in the face of their ex.
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❝ in my defence, i was left unsupervised. ❞
[ MIGUEL BERNARDEAU, 23, CIS MAN, HE/HIM, BISEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, NATHANIEL DELATORRE! they’re a COLLEGE STUDENT from NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK and they’re the SYBARITE. people describe them as IRRESPONSIBLE AND RECKLESS, but once you get to know them they’re OPEN-MINDED AND CHARMING. i’d recognize them by their ( constant habit of biting his lower lip when he’s anxious, inappropriate comments at the worst of times, the softness of his smile when he thinks nobody’s watching ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE. (sam, 24, they/them) 
♡ CHARACTER PARALLELS — Jackie Burkhart ( That 70′s Show ) + Joey Tribbiani ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Marissa Cooper ( The O.C. ) + Michael Kelso ( That 70′s Show ) + Logan Huntzberger ( Gilmore Girls ) + Cher Horowitz ( Clueless ) + Peter Quill ( Marvel Comics ) + Rachel Green ( F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ) + Ron Weasley ( Harry Potter ) + Romeo Montague ( Romeo & Juliet )
TW: alcohol, sex, drugs, anxiety.
ok, so! basically, nathaniel grew up in new york city. his mother was a gold digger (and never tried to hide it or felt ashamed of it), and she was married about 5 times before nathaniel moved out to the south for college. he only has two half-siblings on his mother’s side, though, as though his mom didn’t truly get attached to her husbands, she did want to be able to pay enough attention to all her kids. 
nathaniel takes after her a whole lot, and it might be why his father (who’s always insisted in playing a part in nate’s life) is constantly rolling his eyes at him and sighing in disappointment. nate’s parents’ marriage didn’t exactly end happily lmao. nowadays, they can be in the same room as each other, but they DO quite enjoy subtly insulting each other whenever they can. nathaniel doesn’t really care, though. he’s close to his mother, and to his father, of whom he’s the only child, and so as long as they don’t like, kill each other or something, he doesn’t really give a fuck whether or not they like each other. they like him, and that’s good enough for nate.
nate loves luxuries so damn much. his dad comes from a very rich family, and works in the banking industry, and is, um, rich as hell. he’s also somewhat young, having gotten nate’s mother’s pregnant when he was twenty-one years old and she was twenty-three.
nowadays, nate’s dad is married to an international lawyer from france who works at the un, and nate gets along with her really well. his mom’s husband, on the other hand? not so much. he’s always complaining about something, seemingly never happy and quite selfish, and nate just...... doesn’t like his vibe.
coming back to luxuries because i started talking about those and got distracted, yeah!!!! nate’s always gonna want the most expensive thing on the menu, without even seeing the prices. he loves fancy(tm) things, and is just!!!!!! a big fan of being rich. not such a big fan of working to get money though, so i was this close to writing that he participated in the show for the money, but i’m gonna be 100% honest with you: deep down, hidden among all these layers of a partying disaster, he is 100% a hopeless romantic.
loves attention!!!!!!!! loves being the centre of attention!!!!!! loves partying and making scenes (both positive and negative) and attracting attention to him!!!!!!! he loves having people’s eyes on him, and like!!!!!!
DRUGS/SEX/ALCOHOL/ANXIETY TW. sometimes feels somewhat stilted when he’s partying (he does have undiagnosed anxiety) and so he does like drinking and getting high a lot to feel more free to do whatever the hell he wants and feel no restrictions. when he’s drunk/high, he especially loves hooking up, and just!!!!! he loves hooking up when he’s sober too, but drunk and/or high nate hooking up isn’t rare tm.
tennis!!!!!! he’s a tennis player and though he doesn’t know yet if he’ll ever be good enough to be famous and get the attention he wants, he hasn’t given up on it yet. he plays in college, which he still attends as he keeps on changing his major, bc he’s highkey scared of entering the real world (relatable), so!!!!! still in college!!!!! and like????? hiGHKEY competitive!!!!!!! bc he wants to be the best because that means more attention and stuff hehe. (sorry i started saying hehe ironically and now i cant stop ergoieroigerijgerji hehe)
yeah i think that’s what matters most rn!!!!! i’m about to start working on his about page right here, but i wanted to post the intro first <333333
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svbastian-archive · 5 years
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bash had been in front of cameras plenty of times, so he couldn’t quite tell where this bout of nervousness was coming from. he wasn’t normally a very nervous person, but he figured that being in front of the cameras this time was different. because he wasn’t playing a character, he was putting all of himself out there for the world to see and judge. and maybe that was a little nerve wracking, even though he had confidence that the viewing public would like him -- there was still something in the back of his mind that gnawed at him. but he pushed those feelings aside and decided to focus on the positives -- he was about to be on a huge tv show that could help him find love. and honestly, at the end of the day, he was happy to even be able to have an opportunity like this. he walked into the room, a smile as bright as the sun on his face and sat down in front of the camera.
“hi, i’m sebastian guerra,” he started, with a friendly wave and a light chuckle coming through his voice. “but most people close to me call me bash.” it was a nickname that he just never outgrew. and it was a reminder of who he was and where he came from because of the people who gave it to him. “i’m 21 years old and i’m an actor from california. i’m really excited to be here.” 
the excitement was evident on his face, he was practically exuding it. whatever nervousness he was feeling before the start of the interview slowly faded away. maybe it was because he was in his element, in front of the camera, or maybe it was just because of how excited he was to be there. he had learned how to talk about himself over the years of networking and schmoozing in los angeles. it never quite came naturally, as he wasn’t one of bragging nature. 
the first question came on the screen: “so why did you decide to come to love island?”
that was a good question. bash pondered the question for a quick second before simply answering, “love.” he shrugged, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “i just really want to find love. i know it’s such a cliche answer but it’s true. my parents have one of the greatest love stories and love has always been such an important part of my life.” he was surprised it took him this long to bring up his family in the interview, it’s usually one of the first things out of his mouth to anyone who meets him. “i really want to find someone and i thought love island was a great way to do that -- being an actor is really fun but it doesn’t always give me that much time for a social life or love life.”.
next question: “what’s your type?”
“well, i basically just want someone who’s a good person,” he replied. “someone who cares about the same things i care about -- family, love, the environment, other people. someone who’s kind and funny. bonus points if they can tolerate my puns.” he figured he was supposed to describe physical attributes as well, but those didn’t really matter to him as much. 
“who are you really trying to go for? based on looks and personality type only.”
bash bit his lip and gave out another one of his charming chuckles that showed off his dimples. “well, i don’t really know anyone here yet, but i guess i’m just going for anyone who’s kind. that’s really the main criteria. oh, and family-oriented.” those were the only things that really mattered in his opinion -- his family was the most important thing in his life and he wanted to be with someone who cared about their family in the same way. his values were intrinsically tied to his family and they were one of the few things he wasn’t willing to compromise on. or compromise himself on. 
the last question flashed on the screen: “would you break up a solid couple to get what you want?”
bash knew that a question like this had to be coming. as much as he wanted to believe that everyone on the show had pure intentions and no malicious intent, he simply knew that wasn’t true. still, the question did shock him quite a bit, as evident by the raising of his eyebrows and furrowing of them soon after. maybe it was because he couldn’t fathom doing something like that or maybe he didn’t want to.
“no, i wouldn’t,” bash said, firmly. “if both people were happy in their relationship, i wouldn’t feel right doing that. i don’t like to play games like that.”
the screen with the questions faded and the interview was over. bash gave the camera a final smile and said, “that’s it from me. hope to see you around the island.”
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cevnna · 5 years
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[ CINDY KIMBERLY, TWENTY-TWO, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, PANSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, CEANNA ALVARO! they’re a AUTHOR from BARCELONA and they’re the THESPIAN. people describe them as ARTIFICIAL and MATERIALISTIC, but once you get to know them they’re VIVACIOUS and HARD WORKING. i’d recognize them by their white faux fur coat, cherry red lips, and tempting smile. honestly, i think they’re really here for MONEY. || tw: car accident, family passing ||
ceanna alvaro is a new york best selling author that was raised by two loving parents in barcelona, spain. the family moved to new york city when she was around seven, and ceanna fell in love with the gleaming lights and the lively streets. she’s been writing stories ever since she was a little girl, always making up crazy fables and scenarios in her head and writing them down. while she’s been writing books since she was a teenager, she didn’t get her first book published until she was nineteen. it quickly became a hit ( think to all the boys i’ve loved before type of genre ) and earning itself the title of new york best seller. she’s published one more book afterwards and is currently looking for inspiration for her third. ceanna can be a bit of a workaholic a times and has put her own priorities and needs above others which has made it hard for her to find a stable relationship. she hopes this show will help her connect with someone and help her find the balance she needs. 
↳key facts: ceanna’s parents were both taken away from her due to a fatal car crash on her eighth birthday. her godparents were close friends with her parents and took her into their wealthy estate in new york city and raised her as one of their own, giving her everything she could have ever wanted, and more, growing up. 
ceanna alvaro is indeed a new york best selling author that was raised by two loving parents, but the way she grew up is a complete made up story. her parents were poor and struggling to survive. they moved to the states in hopes of finding the american dream and making something of themselves. after a year of living in america, it was becoming increasingly clear that they could no longer care for their daughter and give her the life she deserved. pleading with the wealthy family they worked for, the couple decided to adopt their daughter and raise her as one of their own until her real parents could find a stable way of living once again. ceanna’s eighth birthday was the last time she ever saw her real parents, as they never returned to collect her like they promised. it didn’t stop her new parents from loving her any less, and she quickly became one with the family. despite her new parents love, their other children were not as kind, always singling her out and letting her know she was nothing but an outcast. 
once ceanna had grown used to this new wealthy way of living, she never wanted to give it up. material possessions and the status they held began to take over her way of living, and when she turned eighteen, she coupled up with her first sugar daddy. he was a powerful young man with many connections, and was the one who helped get her book published in the first place. while they still mingle from time to time, ceanna has moved on to others, not just the daddies, but the sugar momma’s as well. she loves being spoiled and gifted with all the attention and luxury items she could ever ask for. falling in love was the last thing she ever cared to do, for her love came in the form of $$$, and she was content with that. after learning about the big cash prize at the end of love island, she figured the experience could help her find muse for a new book, and give her the chance to walk away with that beautiful 1 million dollar prize. 
↳key facts: ceanna keeps her true life a secret from the rest of the world, pretending that she’s actually a sweet and hard working girl, when really she’s just greedy and looking for her next fix. her parents did indeed pass away in a car accident, but ceanna never found out and believes her parents simply abandoned her, which is why she’s so afraid of building solid connections and being surrounded by people. being surrounded by those who give her attention for a night and buy her all the possessions she could ask for gives her more comfort than anything else. 
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indigcblue · 5 years
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[ MIN YOONGI, 24, AGENDER, HE/THEY, DEMISEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, INDIGO KWON! they’re a SOUNDCLOUD RAPPER from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA and they’re the UNDERDOG. people describe them as ASOCIAL and RESTLESS, but once you get to know them they’re RESOURCEFUL and CLEVER. i’d recognize them by their ( all black wardrobe, copious piercings & dangling earrings and heterochromatic blank stare ). honestly, i think they’re really here for MONEY.
i have the most bare bones bullet point concept map for where i wanna take indie so the real deal is [ COMING SOON ] but for now, take these tidbits and grasp the idea of them and we’ll go from there. spoiler alert, in case you couldn’t tell from the app, indie’s gonna be a little bristly and hard to ‘plot with’ conventionally but i’m hoping you’ll find it in your heart to love their anxious ass anyways. ONWARDS!
born in the states and has lived there all their life to a bilingual household. has loads of siblings and falls somewhere in the middle of the lineup and, as a result, never felt particularly important
with so many mouths to feed as well, money was tight.
was relatively soft-spoken throughout their childhood. struggled with self expression for a long while and got into hip hop and rap as an outlet for pent up emotion they had nowhere else to place? 
a hobby became a passion which became a whole lifestyle. indigo kwon started releasing music under the pseudonym ‘blue’ on soundcloud to a very very small reach. 
living so close to la, the glitz and glamour, yet having no taste of it themselves -- a lot of their subjects revolved around an ‘eat the rich’ mentality and it put a chip on their shoulder
how hypocritical, to need fame success and money and yet to hate those who have it
it was easy to hide behind blue as a persona. blue was confident and angry, loud and opinionated. indigo was just... indie. 
a strong work ethic and a dedication to their craft eventually produced some mild results. they had talent and that got noticed, despite the fact that their production equipment was just in their garage that they’d painstakingly sound-proofed against their noisy family (which yes, 24 and still living at home bc the economy sucks and it’s so valid!)
some stupid anti-capitalism tweet of theirs went viral on which they promoted their first demo mixtape which is how they finessed their way onto this show.  they had traction but needed money and this, for whatever gd reason seemed like the best way to go about it.
personality wise they’re... a lot to take in. standoffish and painfully asocial they come across as aggressive or rude in their unwillingness to want to socialize but really... it’s more of a painful shyness than anything else. 
they’re also absolutely a virgin and definitely have never dated. who even knows if they’ve had their first kiss! they had to grapple with gender and sexual identities and then jumped straight into the la fame game -- there was no time for frivolities like relationships!
once you get past the reservations and anxious ticks, you’ll find a clever sense of humor and obvious passion and drive that can be really easy to relate to... you just have to get there first.
other noteworthy indie-isms! HETEROCHROMIA! because i’m weak and saw the shadow mv one time and thought ah yes, a yoongi with two diff colored eyes! short king. hates airplanes bc they’d never been out of the state before let alone out of the country so consider them Traumatized™. both he/they pronouns are a-okay, kinda said fuck caring about what you call me so long as you’re calling me something.
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miinkyuu · 5 years
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[ PARK JIMIN, 21, DEMIBOY, HE/HIM, HOMOSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, MINKYU MOON! they’re a COMIC BOOK ARTIST/DANCER from SEOUL and they’re the BABYDOLL. people describe them as CLINGY and MELODRAMATIC, but once you get to know them they’re AFFECTIONATE and RESILIENT. i’d recognize them by their ( color-faded bleached hair in need of a touch-up, ill-fitting hoodies worn with tights, dainty ink smudged hands ). honestly, i think they’re really here for MONEY.
hi i’m cece and it has been a While since i’ve made a new muse so please be patient with me. i’ve also currently got bwl on repeat so pls put that on for the soundtrack of reading this bio, thank you.
tw bullying, homophobia
*cracks knuckles* prepare yourself for the worst intro ever because minkyu is... an amalgamation of ideas i wanted to bring to a group, all mixed up in one tiny body, okay? okay.
born on the outskirts of seoul, minkyu never really had much. an average childhood, coming from an average family with parents working average wage jobs with little leftover ‘frivolous spending’
minkyu was a student who tried hard but didn’t always do the best, much to his parents’ chagrin. he was more of a creative spirit, head up in the clouds and feet tapping out the beat to an invisible tune
he often got in trouble for daydreaming during class or doodling in the margins of his notes and tests. there was just! too much imagination to keep contained but with his parents lowkey pressuring him to go into something lucrative like business or finance, he felt stifled.
there was definitely no money in the moon funds for dance lessons but minnie.... wanted to dance so badly. he actually wanted to be an idol and would spend hours after school in the gym practicing
was kind of made fun of for it. masculinity scoffs wasn’t his strongest suit and he’d eventually decide it didn’t really suit him at all so he tried not to care. but being constantly torn down and picked apart for the thing that made him happy was hard
especially since it’s not like he was supported in it at home. so with his dancing / idol dreams dashed, he focused on another creative outlet: art 
it still wasn’t exactly the route they wanted for their child but they allowed it. he was mostly inclined to manga style art but also dabbled in cartoon characters, pop art and realism. he was very talented and sort of got an ‘in’ with the art kids at his school. it was his first friendship group and he still keeps in touch with them. 
ANYWAYS, fast forward to teenagedom. minkyu’s gender and sexuality were very much repressed but also he had them figured out. he wasn’t quite cis and he definitely wasn’t quite straight. he dressed the part, acted the part, faked it until he made it. he came out to his parents to avoid living a lie at home but it was promptly ignored and so he took that as his cue not to bring it up again.
he sent out portfolios and ended up interning for a fairly well know publishing company. that gave his parents the assurance they needed that this was a viable career but it was still begrudging at best. 
that company had an international presence and so minkyu began learning english. he’s got a solid few years of intense dedication under his belt (partially, also, because he knows idols learn it and thinks they’re so cool) and is somewhat close to bilingual now but still struggles to grasp the right words from time to time. 
he also... still wants to dance. that’s why he’s on this show in the first place. he wants to make enough money to get himself some actual dance lessons and make his hobby a REALITY, a dream career. he thinks its a little too late to become the idol like those he’s emulated but if he could at least find a career within his passion, that’d come first and foremost 
and he knows he’s good at it too. he’s got a few routines up on youtube or something probably and has garnered a tiny audience of his own. that’s probably how the show found him in the first place and so now he’s putting his comic book career on hold to pursue what he thinks is the last chance he has at making a name for himself in the dance world
LOVE HISTORY --  minkyu has had a handful of relationships. they were all short and most of them ended due to his closeting tbh but even when he was out, it was difficult. he was clingy and became affectionately dependent on his partners. he doesn’t think he’s ever been in love because it’s never been particularly mutual. if he happens to actually find his one true love on this godforsaken show then it’s an added benefit to the monetary payout. he’s a little hopeless about it. 
PERSONALITY -- in this household, we take the babydoll label very seriously & literally. minkyu just wants to be cared for, supported, liked by all. he’s a little needy and whines when he doesn’t get his way but he’s also kind of... used to it? like he’s actually put up with a lot of shit and so now that he’s finally being given the means to be his true self he’s not really sure how to act. the theatrics are played up a lot for the show because he’s DETERMINED to get a good outcome. his whole future career depends on it? underneath that ambition and drive is a very soft little thing who just wants to be soft.
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rachel-hathburn · 5 years
{{ hi !! im megan! im so excited to join this rp!! plz plz hit me up for any kind of connections or plots! or just like this post and ill message ya! }}
Delilah Frank has entered the building !! 
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The click of the camera hitting record echos through the room as the lens focus on the perfectly put together girl in front of it..
“Hi! I’m Delilah Frank, I’m an assistant to the very best orthodontist in Sydney, so you know I’ll be making sure these bitches are brushing their teeth up here in the villa.” A small chuckle falls from her lips.
why did you come on love island?
“Why does anyone come to Love Island.. for love. Obviously. I’m sick of being single and I’m ready to be stranded with a bunch of other people who feel the same.”
what’s your type?
Smart. I really truly love a smart individual. But- okay, not like that smart where it’s annoying..- the kind of smart where we can banter back a fourth with each-other effortlessly. I like testing people, and if someone can keep up with that it is very attractive.
who are you really trying to go for? based on looks and personality type only.
“Oh come on, like I’d tell? Just believe me I’m here to shake things up.”
would you break up a solid couple to get what you want?
“Hell yeah! What the fuck? Of course. When I see something I want I don’t stop until I get it...- or get under it.” Delilah chuckles and covers her mouth.
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kadcns · 5 years
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[ LOUIS TOMLINSON, 23, CIS MALE, HE/HIM, HOMOSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, KADEN OAKLEY! they’re a SONGWRITER from LONDON and they’re the RETICENT. people describe them as TEMERARIOUS & FLIGHTY, but once you get to know them they’re GREGARIOUS & BENEVOLENT. i’d recognize them by their ( half finished mugs of tea, rolled up sleeves of an oversized sweater, journals filled with lyrics ). honestly, i think they’re really here for LOVE.  
hey there friends !! my name is ley, i’m 18, from the est timezone, and i go by she/her pronouns! i could honestly ramble forever, so we’re just gonna get into this cause it’s bound to get long ! alright, so here’s my boy kade ! he’s a new character for me, so bear with me as i figure him out a bit more :) 
stats ; 
full  name :  kaden luca oakley . preferred  names :  kade .   age  :  23. date  of  birth  :  january  8th. zodiac  sign  :  capricorn. occupation :  songwriter . gender  &  pronouns  :  cis male, he/him. sexuality  :  homosexual .
backstory ; ( divorce / alcohol tw ) 
okay so kade was born & raised in london ! he’s lived there his entire life, and probably always will 
his dad is a really rich and fairly well known music producer ? so music has been a part of kade’s entire life. he started playing guitar & piano when he was little 
his dad ? is a drunk & a huge asshole. all kaden wanted when he was younger was to have a good relationship with him, but the guy would only show up twice a year for about a day and then disappear again. he also would spend all of the short amount of time together telling kade how he’s not good enough sjdhks so by like the age of 15 he had just completely given up 
his mom on the other hand? is his best friend. his parents got divorced when he was young, so his mom pretty much raised him all on her own... kade would literally do anything for her 
kade used to do little shows in cafes and bars and ended up getting offered a contract to sign with a production company, but he denied it a for a few different reasons. he’s never really liked being in the spotlight, and doesn’t think he’s good enough to make it on his own in the music industry. so, he settled for being a writer. and he loves it, he REALLY does, but most of the artist that he writes for are like cheesy pop artists ? and he HATES that. but you gotta do what you gotta do, ya know ?? 
personality / fun facts ;
puts up a facade to seem a lot stronger than he actually is, he’s actually very vulnerable and emotional underneath it all. but he really only shows that side of himself to people he really trusts! 
has always hated communicating his feelings, it makes him feel vulnerable and weak. but somehow he can bang out a deeply emotional and personal song in under an hour with little to no trouble
would literally rather die than ask someone for help
doesn’t sleep. literally ever. this boy has such bad insomnia he’ll be up all night writing, get like 10 mins of sleep and then live off of red bull sdfksdj truly i don’t know how he's still alive
he always has a little notebook & pen on him for if lyrics just like... randomly come to him 
will 100% do the opposite of what you tell him to do just to be a little shit. if you ever want him to do something you literally have to use reverse psychology or it wont happen lmao
has 0 impulse control, absolutely no filter, and is extremely chaotic so he gets himself into a ton of messes. but somehow always finds his way out?? probably cause he’s cute nd he KNOWS it 
v tiny but literally don’t ever say that to his face if u want to keep your kneecaps 
tries to fight ppl a lot for a guy who’s v small and can barely open heavy doors on his own 
the type of person that you would think is a bitch ( he is if he doesn’t like u ) until you get to know him and he’s ? literally the sweetest person ever 
a very protective friend ! hurt someone he loves and he will fite u !1!1!1
100% a party boy and def has a bit of an attitude problem he will sass anyone & anybody 
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