#villagers start believing he was blessed by arceus
hoofpeet · 2 years
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Trans man gets dropped into ancient Japan with no memories of transitioning, chaos ensues
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
I am back with more sims arceus au thoughts! Bc yes, raising a god fragment child takes a village, and that village is... (looks at hand) 1 human dad, ten noble aunt/uncle pokemon, and 3? god pokemon siblings???? YES i AM saying that giratina and dialga and palkia are older siblings to god fragment akarei, and YES i think that makes giratina the edgy older brother who casually breaks the law, and YES I may be imagining human!giratina on a motorcycle with a leather jacket bc WHY NOT.
Also if giratina steals akarei, ingo will tear his way into the distortion world with his bare hands (Sneasler would be so proud!) giratina vs ingo! Fight!
And you know takes more than one village, since with dad ingo, you’ve for sure got pearl clan and like at LEAST the wardens (barring Melli, maybe? I think that man might take one look at akarei and decide on the flip of a coin between immense dislike and believing that akarei NEEDS the blessing of his presence, but idk) of diamond clan and jubilife barring kamado! You know laventon sees akarei and sets up a time share with ingo, zisu probably teaches them how to punch and cyllene … idk she has a sword, so she gives off knife aunt vibes. Is giving akarei a blade a good idea? Who knows! Give that child a knife! And also there are probably so many Pokémon. So. Many. Pokémon. (I might be Disney Princessing akarei, but arceus gave them so much anxiety, I feel like it would mess around with the sliders to make them a Pokémon magnet. Hopefully not literally, but *pats akarei’s head* this baby can fit so much anxiety and stress!)
Maybe some exceptions. Kamado didn't mind Akarei too much when he thought they were just some random kid who got lost and somehow fell from the rift. Sure, he gave them the boot when the sky got fucked, but after they calm Dialga and Palkia who inadvertently reveal Akarei's true godling nature... well, some people continue treating them as they did before (Ingo, Laventon, Cyllene, Zisu...) and some people start treating them like an armed bomb (Kamado, Beni, Calaba to an extent).
Giratina is ABSOLUTELY the edgy older brother. He wears black leather, chains, and spikes. He was used to being the youngest of the three - and the forgotten youngest, not the babied youngest - but OH LOOK AT THAT. THERE'S A NEW BABY. And.... hm, dad loves them a lot. Time to be maybe a wee bit of a bad influence? :3c
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina ARE the god fragment's older siblings tho! They are actually fragments of Arceus as well who also gained their own sentience, and so they consider themselves siblings and Arceus their parent/father. Giratina was off throwing a fit when Akarei was 'broken off' essentially, so they knew that Arceus had done something but not EXACTLY what they'd done. Dialga and Palkia both tried to convince Arceus to NOT fragment themselves to explore the human world but oops. They weren't listened to! Arceus was like "nah, nah, this is gonna be good! i figured it out!" except no, they didn't. They treated Akarei both like they were playing the sims but also like they were playing Virtual Villagers and left them alone and then was surprised that they'd developed a sense of self while Arceus was gone.
Giratina didn't even think about "oh hey, sibling's probably got a family out here!" they just were like "oh shit, this is where you've been! hey, we gotta go check in with the older siblings and dad to let them know you're okay :)" They DID intend on returning their sibling once everyone had a chance to have a talk. they did NOT expect Ingo and Laventon to start tracking down the other legendaries so they could use the space-time rifts to get INTO ARCEUS' SPACE-TIME AREA???
It's a very awkward family meeting. Sneasler is along for the ride because she thinks it's funny. Ingo, Laventon, and Arceus discuss child-care and who gets Akarei when.
Ingo and Laventon are 110% dads. Anthe and Marie are aunts. Cyllene and Zisu are moms. Akari and Rei (who are twins, and jokingly tried to convince Akarei to take the other's name when they first arrived until Akarei went "why not both" and put them together) are their siblings, along with Irida and Adaman. Melli is like your brother's best friend who is cool for a minute until you hang around him long enough that you see how much of a fuckin dork he is and then he becomes another brother. Akarei and Melli bitch at each other constantly but they will also braid each other's hair and whine about their family.
The pokemon are somewhat iffy on the fragment! They've got their team, but the wild pokemon are highly ill-at-ease with this power that keeps wandering around. Some of them prefer to run away from it, some of them want to investigate, and some of them are so ill-at-ease that they decide to try and fight it. When injured the Arceus fragment bleeds shiny golden blood and literal light. The Nobles, once they're calmed, all take a liking to the godling and decide to protect them, but they're more intelligent than the standard wild pokemon anyway. Their children also like the godling because they're weird and interesting!
All of the people taking care of them and looking out for them are part of the reason Akarei ends up gaining a sense of self. They operated a bit like a sim in the beginning, not really talking or interacting much and just doing what Arceus told them to, but once everyone starts interacting with them and showing them new things, introducing them to new foods and experiences, they kind of 'open their eyes' and find a new love for the world.
They're extremely upset to know that Ingo has been taken from his proper time :) Akarei wants him to go home, but they don't have the power (yet) and their siblings are dubious on what that might do to not only the timeline but also to Ingo's mind.
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askfletchrook · 3 years
A little backstory
So i likely won't be drawing for a bit more time so i decided to write a short story of ancient's past that explains a bit of what is Setting of this world that they are in, and how humans view them now and why they view fusions this way. this will be, ofc, only text.
1,000 years ago there was a mega Pidgeot who was stuck in a mega state. He flaunted his power to the extreme showing how powerful he was. Some people did follow him as they believed he was blessed by Arceus themselves. He kept on showing off wining battle after battle and his ego grew so high that he believed he could use a Aegislash as his own sword! But, as soon as he grabbed the hilt the Aegislash started to drain the Pidgeot's life energy. But the Pidgeot still being very powerful managed to hold on and after much toil the two mons fused becoming the first ever fusion.
Now here's where the story splits. the human's side of the story is Shorter so I will share that first: With the Pidgeot's Selfishness on full display we banished that Pokémon. But, 3 years later the Pokémon came back trying to seek acceptance but we could not accept them back, not after what they tried! So we managed to fight it off back into the forest where we have never seen it again.
Now for Pidslash's side of the story: Pidslash quickly realized their mistake and the humans rightfully banished them from the village. But soon after they had found out about this new ability of theirs. They could evolve at will. They practiced this power in the wild for 3 years and sheltered wild Pokémon while doing it. They practiced kindness They never did do in the past years and learned wisdom that they passed down. After 3 years they felt humble enough to return to humanity but the humans took none of it. They attacked Pidslash on sight and almost killed them. They retreated to the forest and realized that this would be the end. They sat and meditated and gathered all of their power to create a new world, a small one at that, but one made entirely of energy, made for the safety of fusions, and with it, two Pidedge, one to protect, one to find more fusions and bring them to the new world.
Those two roles are still in place today though these two that are here are Great grand children of the first two, they are very experienced at this time. Over time the Pidedge combined their power to expand the dimension for more fusions. (and an explanation for how more fusions are made: Any excess energy (recent z-move usage, recent dynamax, or mega evolution) around when creating a Pokémon egg or the egg itself could result in a fusion.)
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Flame Bearer CH 1.1
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My name is Cefas: princess of the guardian village that protects the only tree of life on this continent. I have been chosen by the council of elders to carry the sacred Aura Staff to deliver a cry of help to an unknown ally to the East. I am getting quite lonely.
It has been one week since I’ve left on my solo journey to human civilization. Architect Andrew taught me how to record myself in some strange hope that I give myself something to do before the night ends. He also suggested that I explain myself and our situation lest we somehow lose contact or I fail. If I do fail, there is the small chance that this strange device reaches our unknown ally’s hands, but that already seems incredibly unlikely.
Let us hope it does not come to that.
So… I do not know where I should begin. This is quite strange; I am essentially talking to a piece of metal with no one on the other end. Regardless, I shall begin.
My name is Cefas. I have been chosen by the council of elders to carry the sacred aura staff to deliver…
Wait, I believe I said that already… how do I start over? Is this what I press-
Gods, my voice sounds completely different from what I normally hear, I almost do not wish to proceed with these journals…
I believe I understand how this contraption works with recordings. After a short conversation with Architect Andrew, I believe I have now mastered the art of recording my thoughts. Thank you, Architect. Your human expertise is proving to be quite helpful in my attempt to talk to myself like a lunatic.
This device that I am holding allows me to contact the members in my home and also allows myself to create these… what did he call them? Audio… journals?
Either way, I believe I was talking about my current mission. However, I do not believe I can do so without explaining our current situation.
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Our tree of life has been the first tree of life on this continent. It pains me to say this, but it is currently the only remaining one on the continent. It has not always been this way.
For generations, pokemon have been living harmoniously with these life givers. Our great ancestors took seeds from this tree and spread them throughout the continent to spread the life that has been blessed upon us. These seeds have provided lands for which we can inhabit: fertile soil, clean water, and a means of protection from the harsh elements of this Arceus-forsaken land we call home.
For those in the mountains, the tree grew root on the rocky soil. For those in the tundra, the tree grew root in the endless snow. For those in the deserts, the tree somehow survived in the unbearable heat. So on, and so forth. There were multiple trees of life, with ours being the grandfather of them all.
However, we received reports that these trees began to die.
The seeds that have been spread were not properly cared for. The generations following the pathfinders became lazy, hungry for control, or divided among themselves in political strife. Conflict arose in the lands, all except ours. One by one, the trees died.
What were once conflicting parties decided to throw their differences and form clans. When one is forced from their lands, their only hope is to live off of the kindness of their neighbors. Or, alternatively, force the current inhabitants out of their own homes.
The clans grew together in their conquests and formed factions from those who joined their cause of survival. The factions formed nations, and shortly after, armies. Each nation has been slowly encroaching on one another’s territory in hopes of taking what few lands they had left.
We should have seen this coming. We should have foreseen that they would all turn on us-
(A snap of twigs is heard in the distance. Cefas’s breathing sharpens.)
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