#villain sherock
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“No one can know about her,” Moriarty fussed to his loyal sidekick Sebby, the Terror Tiger, looked unfazed by the declaration from his boss.
This wasn’t something new to him considering their gigs as superheroes for the greater part of London.
As Pyro Professor and Terror Tiger they constantly battled with the evil masterminds such as Ice Man, Purple Pirate or even worse, tango with their favorite henchman, Captain Action.
It was always a game of cat and mouse as the lone duo tried to rid the city of their influence and control while managing to evade arrest. A deed, most annoying slow considering Mycroft Holmes aka Ice Man had his hand in the pockets of every major business and authority.
To have their own sibling Eurus as their mole was a blessing the city couldn’t afford to lose as she had a watchful eye on both her brothers evil schemes. 
“Boss, if the Ice Man and Purple Pirate haven’t caught onto our real identities by now then I don’t think we have to worry about it,” Sebby rationalizes to Jim, “I mean they still won’t come to terms that the Holmes brothers are villains so why worry about us?”
“Because if they figure out who we are our families will be in danger,” Jim stresses, “They  could be used as bait or worse!”
 This isn’t the first time that Jim had gone off like this about his sister _____ after a difficult foiling of the dastardly duo but this is one of the few times it was too close for comfort.
However, being an orphan of war Sebastian can’t imagine what it feels like to lose someone but if its anything by the way Jim acts he know it can’t be good.
Not one of them could figure out why or how ______ kept ending up near their battles but it was starting  to put Jim on edge and when Jim is on edge then he’s crawling up his back with complaints that makes him want to claw off the backs of the infamous Holmes brothers just to make Jim stop crying.
And he just got his titanium claws resharpened just for the occasion. 
Watching and (tuning out) his boss’s ramblings about keeping his sister safe Sebastian turns his attention to the big screen showing off the city’s zones praying for a distraction when a cellphone rings.
“I’m holding out for a hero! I’m holding out for a hero until the morning's light..”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Jim was surrounded by some of his most dangerously sensitive bombs-the ones that only required just a light pressure to set off- Sebastian might have found it funny how he fumbled for his phone to answer it. 
With his cat-like reflexes he swooped in to drag the the nervous man from dropping his device on what would be an instant death for them both and answered the phone for him.
“Sebby,” comes an excited voice from the other line, “It’s great to hear you! How has the canning business going with you two lately?”
Sebastian winces both at the moniker that ____ picked up from her brother and the fact that she still believes that lie.
How anyone believes that lie is beyond him but then again, people still can’t believe that Sherlock Holmes is the Purple Pirate DESPITE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT EACH TIME BUT ONLY PURPLE. THERE’S NO MASK TO OBSCURE HIS FACE OR HAIR BUT WHEN HE TRIES TO SHOW PEOPLE THAT THEY THINK HE’S “CRAZY”.
But thanks to his ever witty and not good with lies on the spot partner the first thing that came out of his mouth for their nightly activities is starting a canning business and they’re in a relationship.
Needless to say, this puts a damper on his dating life but for the life of him Sebastian doesn’t have the heart to cheat on Jim for fear of _____’s private version of “You hurt him and I’ll make sure you have a 4 year slow death in the backyard tool shed back in Sussex where no one can hear you scream.”
If ______ is anywhere near as bad as Moriarty Sebastian doesn’t want to be on her bad side. 
“Yeah, its going great _____,” Sebastian says convincingly while shooting a glare at Jim who is piteously trying to reach for his phone, “So what are you up to sunshine?”
“I’m so glad you asked,” she continues with enthusiasm, “You see, I met this guy...”
“You met a guy you say,” Sebastian parrots loudly knowing good and well that it would send her brother into a rage.
It really shouldn’t bring Sebastian as much joy as it does but Jim jumping desperately to retrieve his phone but it does and he continues to torment him.
“So what? you want me and Jim to meet him,” Sebastian carries on causally like Jim isn’t trying to scale him.
And failing.
“Yeah, actually. I’ve kinda been seeing him for over 2 months now and want him to get acquainted with you guys because I might be bringing him home for Christmas this year,” she states with more confidence than her brother wearing spandex tights.
“Ya know that’s a pretty big step in a relationship right?”
“I know,” _____ agrees, “But this guy is just so right for me that I don’t feel like its too big of  deal.”
  ‘Yeah I know,” Sebastian concedes, “But you know that your brother is going to have kittens right?”
“Well, that’s why I want you to come with. Nothing can settle someone down like their spouse am I right?”
“Speaking of which is my brother around?”
Looking around and finding that Jim had skunked off somewhere was alarming.The guy never gave up that easily which was why he was the Purple Pirate’s favorite target. 
“I think he may have ran to the loo-” Sebastian tries to say before an image of terror, Moriarty running full speed with one of his guns toward him with a battle cry of “GIVE ME MY PHONE” being heard throughout the hide out. 
“No, wait! ____, here he is,” Sebastian cries as he throws the device at Jim and runs for cover.
The phone is quickly caught by Jim who purrs his hellos to her and then promptly hangs up.
Sebastian doesn’t have to turn around from his hiding spot to know that its Moriarty standing behind him. His voice is dark and deadly as he leans closer.
“You tease me like that again when ______ is calling and I’ll clip those claws permanently.” 
“Yes boss,” Sebastian responds carefully knowing that when Jim is in one these moods that his life can very well be in forfeit because for all of Jim’s silliness he was a damn genius with an affinity for violence and murder. 
He could only shudder of what horrors Moriarty would unleash if he had not been on the side of angels.
“So, when are we meeting him?”
“Next Tuesday at 6″, Jim spats coldly, ‘And you had better not make us late.”
“You know that’s not my faul-” Sebastian says defensively until he sees the look of murder in his boss’s eyes. “I mean, sure boss,” he corrects himself, “are you going to use Eurus to spy on the bloke?”
“Of course I am! Why wouldn’t I want to know the scum who’s shacking up with my sister? I want to know who he is, what he does and what he shits to see if he’s good enough for her! I wanna maul the guy with all the dirt I have on him so he’ll fuck off and leave us alone.”
Poor guy Sebastian thinks as his boss stalks off to Skype Eurus he can’t be all bad if ____ likes him.
“Believe me the feeling is mutual.”
“Guys, can we settle down please! We’re in a public place!!”
“You gotta be kidding me.”
Here, sitting before him in the flesh in one of his bespoken suits, is the Ice Man at one of the nicer restaurants in London acting like he’s an honest to God good man beside Jim’s sister. 
Like the guy hadn’t tried to murder them last week for foiling their slave labor camps in India or tortured them on occasion.
And to make matters worse his hand is on _____’s thigh, oh my God Jim is going to murder him before the waiter even arrives.
________ has her hands up as is to stop her brother from launching himself over the table to fight and pronounces quickly, “I can explain!”
Well this would explain why Eurus couldn’t find information on him Sebby muses as the air becomes frigid. 
Crap, its one of Ice Man’s classic moves Sebastian thinks as other civilains begin to feel the icy sting.
“Explain what,” Jim spits out venomously, “that this monster brainwashed you into thinking that it loves you? That not even you can recognizes that he’s the Ice Man, the man responsible for the poverty and waste in our country? That he’s so evil that members of his own family are trying to end his tyranny?”
“Now you see here, you two-bit genius,” Mycroft interjects, “I may make up causes and strife for my own gain but my love for ______ is one of the few things from me that are true.”
“Bullshit! You’re just using her to get to me!”
“Why would he want you when you already have Sebby,” _____ cries.
“I’m not gay!”
Sebastian can already see their waiter in the distance looking far too nervous to approach the shouting match that was their table so he shooed him off with a “come back later.”
Realizing that this would not only lead to a needless blood bath but to unmasking their identities to the public Sebastian tries his attempt to at least save this meal.
Tapping his glass to get their collective attention Sebastian starts,” Shut the hell up, you guys are causing a scene.”
Pointing at Mycroft accusing Jim begins to mouth out, “But he started-”
“I don’t care who started this I told you to shut up!”
He looks around the table at the lot of them.
______ looking confused and hurt that anyone would accuse Mycroft of anything less than sainthood, Mycroft torn between tearing ____ away with him like the villain he is or staying to suss out any evil intent toward her and Jim seemingly five seconds from ignoring the command to maul the Ice Man outright.
Praying to whatever deity that cursed him into a situation like this Sebastian began. “Look, we can’t outright believe that Ice Ma-I mean, Mycroft has the best intentions toward you _______-”Only to be interrupted by Jim’s HA!
Giving Jim a glare Sebastian continues, “However, JIM, we also can’t lawfully say that Mycroft’s feelings aren’t true because we aren’t mind readers.”
“I bet I can find us one on Craigslist!”
“Jimmy shut the hell up,” ______ hisses before gesturing for Sebastian to carry on. “So, my proposal is that we, Jim and I, monitor you two just to make sure that you’re safe.”
“But I’m 32,” ______ complains, “I’m too old for a chaperone!”
“Listen, I’m doing what I can _____. It’s either this or Jim’s going to try and murder Mycroft when you’re not around. It’s a compromise.”
“As if he could after all this time,” Mycroft snidely remarks.
“Maybe I just didn’t have the right motivation,” Jim counters getting squared up.
“Promises, promises,” Mycroft teases as he gestures for a waiter,” Besides we both know who the better genius is.”
“Yeah, your little sister.”
The air was becoming increasingly frigid to the point where Sebby was sure that he would have to evacuate people from the premises until _____ leaned onto Mycroft’s shoulder, melting away the frost.
“Guys, guys! Let’s stop the banter and eat! I’ve been dying to try this menu for ages,” _______ says cuddling Mycroft’s chill into submission.
“Anything you wish ______,” Mycroft says fondly in a way that makes Jim’s skin crawl.
Later after the bill was (fought over) and paid for  _____ hung back with him while Mycroft and Jimmy went to “talk” about some ground rules in private.
 “Sebby, why do Mycroft and Jimmy hate each other,” she asked innocently, “I know they never went to school together and Mycroft rarely leaves his office so how would they know each other enough to despise one another?”
Cursing his boss and this ridiculousness of their town Sebastian states, “We’re rival canning companies.”
“Oh, well that makes sense.” 
Listen, I’m not the best at superhero/villain names so cut me some slack. 
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afishlearningpoetry · 6 years
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Looking Closer at How The Abominable Bride Foreshadowed and Can Be Used to Chronologically Decode Series 4:
In TAB, shortly before Sir Eustace is murdered –– the big event of the episode –– Sherlock has a conversation with him about his spouse and his past coming back to haunt him. Eustace degrades Lady Carmichael and downplays what she said, to which Sherlock essentially says that Lady Carmichael must have had to look hard to see something worthwhile in him while ignoring the red flags. At the end of the conversation, Sherlock asks for his cooperation, to which Sir Eustace tentatively refuses and denies any connection to Emelia Ricoletti, resulting in his death later in the episode.
In TST and TLD, shortly before Mary is murdered and John is shot –– both of which are the big events of their episodes –– Sherlock has a conversation with Mary about the A.G.R.A. stick she gave to John and her past coming back to haunt her. At the end of the conversation, Sherlock asks for Mary’s cooperation, to which Mary refuses and runs away. Eurus has a conversation with John about the loss of his wife and about how his past, or her ghost, continues to affect him. Eurus asks John what he’s looking at, but he refuses to tell her what’s haunting him
[Continue below the cut for more ➤]
See also: 10 Revealing Things From The Six ThatchersThat Haunt You Late At Night, 10 Revealing Things From The Lying Detective That Haunt You Late At Night, and 10 Revealing Things From The Final Problem That Haunt You Late At Night.
Bonus: They’re talking about covering up Mary’s murder.
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In TAB, Sherlock is both recounting past events and trying to estimate what will happen in the future. This is most evident in him playing out an imaginary scenario to figure out how Moriarty could have survived and what he might do now that he’s returned –– that being it would have been easy for him to fake his own death, just like Emelia Ricoletti, and that he will return to try to destroy his relationship with John again by isolating them from each other again. But it’s also represented in what the future holds for Mary and John, which is the primary function of the Carmichaels in the story.
Sherlock knows that even though killing Magnussen has temporarily provided safety for John by protecting Mary’s cover, her past is eventually going to catch up with her. It can’t not considering all the dead people that Sherlock knows Mary is responsible for. At this point, Sherlock is not consciously aware that Mary is working with Moriarty, though this does appear in several subconscious signs throughout the dream (the dress, shared phrases, etc.) and John’s story... but the most obvious example of this is both in the character of Sir Eustace and in Mary working for Mycroft.
John and Sherlock’s stories continue to mirror each other. Sir Eustace is haunted by an object representing his past. Mary is haunted by the A.G.R.A. flash drive. Sherlock agrees to help Lady Carmichael, or rather John, in helping them deal with whatever ghosts lie in wait. Eustace is murdered, thus Sherock has broken the vow he made to Lady Carmichael, making his death his fault. The bride escapes in part because Sherlock doesn’t communicate with John, and both of them are isolated from each other again, resulting in the bride sneaking up behind John. As this is playing out in his mind, Sherlock does not feel he will be able to protect Mary forever, and that eventually he will break his vow and John will hate him for it. This can also be seen in another scenario, a mini one, later in the episode. When Mary goes off to the lair of the villain, in conjunction with Sherlock’s investigation into Emelia Ricoletti, dream John is furious with him for her being in danger because of him. Sherlock even imagines present John during this sequence, meaning he believes this is how the real John would react as well. But this John isn’t real, and the real John wouldn’t react that way; both these instances of anger and violence are fictional scenarios devised under the pretense of John loving Mary.
John knows how dangerous Mary is and doesn’t love her; he’s simply playing a role until an opportunity opens to reveal her agenda and take her down. He opened the flash drive (though it’s likely it may have been empty, like the A.G.R.A. treasure chest in The Sign of Four, the story where Mary is introduced). Despite this, it seems that Mary is murdered, thus Sherlock has broken the vow he made to them, making her death his fault, as John is devastated and furious with him. The same scenario plays out again –– but that’s only half the story. As Sherlock is racing throughout the Carmichael mansion, he finds Lady Carmichael standing in front of a large pool of blood, and moments later finds Eustace stabbed to death. Near the end of the episode, Sherlock reveals that Lady Carmichael killed him and plotted with the bride (instead of a singular person, a mantle that anyone can take up). In the closing scene, Sherlock asks if dream John has written up his account of the case, “modified” to put it down as one of his rare failures. Sherlock discovered Lady Carmichael killed her spouse and then covered it up.
Sherlock assumes that Lady Carmichael must have seen something in Sir Eustace if she married him, but also implies that she didn’t know about his real past. This is also Sherlock playing out what happened to John –– John saw what he wanted to see, and the safe, easy life she provided, but didn’t notice the warning signs, just like Sherlock failed to before HLV. When Sherlock told John that “Because... you chose her,” he was lying to and trying to manipulate him into staying with Mary so that she wouldn’t kill them. He didn’t choose her. He had no idea. He only saw what he was supposed to. Sherlock returns to the same failed strategy he did with Moriarty threatening John by not letting him in on the truth. By the end of TAB, Sherlock has realized his mistake –– by forcing John and Mary back together for her cover, he’s ensured that Mary’s past will come to haunt both of them. By both of them making this decision, the show has entered a state of regression.
But Lady Carmichael doesn’t see whatever that was anymore. She plotted to kill him, and Sherlock covered it up. Series 4 then is the cover up and fall out of Mary’s death. Or rather, her disappearance, because Mary isn’t actually dead –– because she is also the bride in this scenario. Mary is also the ultimate figure of death in the Samarra story.
In TST, in contrast to Sherlock stating this about Lady Carmichael, Ajay knows about Mary’s past and wants to kill her for it. “Tell her she’s a dead woman walking.” But the bride comparisons don’t stop there, Sherlock even says that Ajay is a “very tangible ghost” while gripping his side, recalling the fight they had earlier in the episode. At the beginning of the episode, a trigger happy soldier is blamed for Magnussen’s death, while at the end a trigger happy Vivian Norbury is blamed for Mary’s. In TAB, John says that “Some cases are still too sensitive to recount,” also establishing an unreliable narrator. But Vivian Norbury, or John’s writer character stand-in, compares herself to the Merchant of the Samarra story, not the figure of Death itself. Mary is Death. John is cleaning up his own biases and jealousy. “The curtain rises” Sherlock texts Mary before the showdown at the aquarium, setting the stage for her covered up death and John’s alibi establishing that he couldn’t have been there. “It’s not like it is in the movies. There’s not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards.”
In TLD, John is also being haunted. In this scenario, John has now become the Eustace figure with the past haunting him, while Mary has taken on the role of Lady Carmichael and the mantle of the bride. In TAB, Sir Eustace cites that he’s been having trouble sleeping because he’s sleepwalking. In TLD, John doesn’t really seem to sleep at all, or at least he’s in a state where he has difficulty grasping reality where sleeping and waking seem to blend together. Their pasts are haunting them, but neither of them are actually ghosts –– they’re physically there. Sir Eustace is seeing the bride while John is seeing Mary. And similar to the previous two instances, Sherlock doesn’t appear to be there in order to stop something even worse happening. While Sherlock is working together with John this time around, he still hasn’t let him in on the biggest secret of them all –– that he loves him. And so him and John are still separated. They are still haunted by the ghosts of Moriarty and Mary.
Eurus even compares herself to Sherlock at the end of the conversation, but Eurus isn’t really Sherlock. If she was, then we wouldn’t have seen John being shot. As the heart of the unreliable narrative of series 4 and John’s primary invented plot device, Eurus was never really there either. Ajay and Eurus (and more peripherally, Vivian Norbury) are the ethereal bride figures and figures from Mary and Sherlock’s pasts that aren’t really responsible for any of these deaths –– the real culprits behind the facade are John and Mary, and before this feud finally ends, one of them is going to end up with a knife through the heart. “I will burn the heart out of you.”
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mr-brightside24 · 8 years
“some posts are like fine wine, they need time for people to appreciate it” I say as I reblog myself
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xistentialangst · 8 years
EMP doesn’t fit with Mary’s Death
I just read this cool theory by @tjlcisthenewsexy​ which proposes that Mary shot CAM and Sherlock in CAM’s office, Sherlock is in a coma, CAM is dead, and John is accused of killing CAM. That’s a neat way to tie in the idea of “Johns Alibi” with EMP.
I’ve been curious about the EMP idea since it began, and the meta writers for it are really awesome and convincing. For a while I thought it was likely. Now I keep thinking about it, and trying to see if it might still make sense to me, but there are too many piecew that don’t fit for me now. The main issues I see that are inconsistent with EMP are:
1. The birth announcement in the paper (which happens outside of Sherlock’s coma reality). 
2. A number of scenes in T6T are not (IMHO) from Sherlock’s POV. For example, the 666 convo between John and Mary and even the end of TAB when Mycroft asks John to look out for Sherlock.  I’ve written about this before, so I’m not going to belabor it here. But IF T6T is entirely in Sherlock’s head, it needs to be believable that every single thing that we see is something he’d invent. We should be seeing more “fat Mycroft” sorts of things, clear projections of Sherlock’s psyche like in TAB, versus more realistic everyday things Sherlock is unlikely to come up with or be interested in.
Now I’d like to add.... 
#3. Mary’s Death.  In T6T, Mary is painted in the best possible light as the “ex spy with a heart of gold”. This is a patently false narrative given everything they showed us about Mary in HLV. And then at the end of T6T, Mary dives in front of a bullet to save Sherlock and has an elaborate, loving, totally unrealistic death scene.
If T6T is all going on inside Sherlock’s mind, and it’s a “John’s Choice” sort of scenario (I still love that idea), what is the purpose of such a depiction of her? I can’t imagine this is a realistic projection of Mary that Sherlock would dream up. Even if he is blind to Mary's flaws, he surely can’t be that naive about her past or about how loving she’d be with John (see TAB!Mary for example, who is definitely a more morally gray, sneaky creature). But mainly, why would Sherlock invent the idea that the woman who shot him would then throw herself in front of a bullet for him? (especially if he is still lying in the hospital dying at this woman’s hand, he’s got to be really traumatized about her). 
If T6T were a realistic “if John chose Mary” projected scenario, I would have expected we’d see the happy family, as we did at the start of T6T, but then John and Sherlock growing apart and maybe eventually Sherlock OD’ing alone or growing old and miserable. Or, alternatively, if Sherlock’s psyche sees Mary for the villain she really is, maybe in “John’s choice” she would kill John or she would vanish with the baby and John would close off, hating everything. That’s the kind of story I’d expect to see if we are in Sherock’s brain imagining John’s future life with Mary after she shot Sherlock. But that’s not what we see in T6T. 
There has to be a very good reason to invent the unrealistic nice!Mary and the self-sacrificing Mary’s death we saw in T6T, and the only thing I can think of to explain such a whooping “fish story” is to a) rewrite and sanitize the events of her real death at the hands of John or b) it’s all an elaborate ruse to “disappear” Mary for her own safety (LSiT). The later is plausible story wise, but I don’t see any evidence for it in the subtext whilst there’s abundant evidence for John’s alibi.
Please don’t feel like I’m picking on EMP! I’m just trying to think it through myself and I’m interested in hearing counterpoints to my arguments. I’d find it fascinating if EMP turns out to be true and edifying too, since I hate the end of HLV!
 I think (I hope) after tonight we’ll have a lot more breadcrumbs to point us in one direction or another.
@loudest-subtext-in-tv, @tjlcisthenewsexy, @caressthosecheekbones @the-7-percent-solution @monikakrasnorada @isitandwonder@ebaeschnbliah @gosherlocked @yan-yae @loveismyrevolution @tendergingergirl@longsnowsmoon5 @theragesniff @impatient14 @shylockgnomes @doomsteady@waitingforgarridebs @deducingbbcsherlock @loudest-subtext-in-tv @johnlockfulfillment@cheuwing @skulls-and-tea @may-shepard @mollydobby @just-sort-of-happened
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lobsterjimsourcream · 8 years
abstinencesymbol replied to your post: this whole show, mofftiss has referred to the...
lmao is that what’s happening now? i love the three garrisons and i’m not surprised that’s how they give tribute to the original. i guess i’m glad i got out early (same case with supernatural…)
like, i was pretty done with the fandom by the time s3 rolled around and watched it anyway, just out of habit. i was a bit intrigued by the johnlock hints in s3 (even being out of the fandom for years, i could see them), but attributed it all to queerbaiting. 
but apparently (and i only found this out in december) - most of the fandom that was so obnoxious in the early years is pretty much gone. a new set of lgbt holmes fans found sherlock in between s3 and s4, and absolutely found every little scrap of johnlock evidence (and a lot of it. there’s no way it wasn’t deliberate by the creators of the show). 
i read so much meta-analysis (which was all done by this new johnlock fandom between 2014 and now), it was truly convincing - which is why i gave the show another chance and watched s4 because it really did seem like johnlock was gonna happen (this is coming from me, a person who thought johnlock was queerbait from 2012 onward). there’s no way all of it was coincidence.
also, a lot of the evidence was the creators deliberately dropping johnlock hints at panels and in interviews and referencing johnlock theories from this time period in the show. one of the set directors kept making elephant references on twitter & making winky face emojis - which was in direct reference to the episode where john gets married but they made the whole episode about how upset both john and sherlock were about it and they literally made a reference to “the elephant in the room” in reference to how john and sherlock felt about each other (like, why would they do that with “just best bros?”). mark gatiss (a gay man himself), when asked about queerbaiting in sherlock, would talk extensively about how important it was for lgbt kids to see themselves represented on tv. 
both gatiss and moffat said their favorite holmes adaptation was TPLOSH (the private life of sherock holmes) where sherlock is gay and in love with john, but it’s not state outright (bc it was made in the 70s) - and the director said he wanted to make holmes openly gay.
they said that s4 would be “history-making.”
but they ended the show with the “big twist” being a plot-hole-riddled season, with the main villain being sherlock’s secret evil sister or something? and ended it with sherlock and john open-ended at baker street, with a voiceover saying “it doesn’t matter who you really are.”
like, damn. i wasn’t even that invested in this show and i’m upset. the tjlc community (again, mostly joined a few years back for johnlock and are young lgbt people) has been putting their heart into this for 3 years.
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mariavlc82 · 8 years
30 days tv series challenge
day 5: favorite villains.
- Cottonmouth (Luke Cage)
- Moriarty (Sherock)
- Joffrey Baratheon (Game of Thrones)
- Fish Mooney (Gotham)
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