symbi0sis · 4 months
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"... Holy shit is that J. Jonah Jameson?"
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dragonspined · 5 months
they shouldn't care about his family, but given how nolan turned on the world they don't trust mark not to do the same. even a half viltrumite is a threat and one the dragon plans keeping a close eye on. the house had been easy enough to find. it smelled like the bastards to the point that devani had kept as much distance as possible without losing sight of it. she knows the agency has nothing effective for the time being, a still terrifying thought as much as she holds disdain for cecil.
now it might be a bit of a power play to be sprawled in the grayson's backyard like a cat marking its territory. devani is old enough to know how to not leave a trace in the grass. she forced a calm demeanor, wings remaining folded, licking forefoot as if her spines weren't literally standing on end at having one of his kind so close. instinct still had her curling up a lip in warning.
"it's a free country, is it not?" bright eyes surveyed the other with predatory criticism. "and i don't believe you live here anymore." they flick out sharp tongue in a yawn to show off teeth longer than his fingers. "i'm sure you don't care, but i have no desire to lay a talon on your family."
@viltrumtraitor from here
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rebelpuff · 5 months
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hold up. HOLD UP.
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zoom in.
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it's over. the original approves. we can all walk away knowing i'm right. i'm ALWAYS right.
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droidsplode · 4 months
starter for @viltrumtraitor <3
When operating as Robot, Rudy had never met Omni Man in person. He had seen him on the news, of course. Then later during his fight with Invincible from the Guardians headquarters. His excitement about getting to study Viltrumite physiology had left him oblivious to how awkward meeting him now would be. The man is clearly struggling. It almost does more to convince him of his regret than the fact that he agreed to be here at all. Despite that, he still manages to carry an air with him that has Rudy feeling intimidated and on edge.
It doesn't help that the alien is over a feet taller than him in this body and almost twice as wide.
The old Teen Team's headquarters serves as a familiar enough space that is removed enough from the Guardians to let him work in relative comfort. He has returned some old equipment there using his drones and is able to quickly get to work. After a round of initial tests it quickly stagnates.
Rudy knows there is a sound frequency that can damage Viltrumites. It is a hunch he had before and comparing Nolan's inner ear to that of a human's would suggest he is correct. Finding that right frequency is another matter entirely.
Most of the day has been turned into him playing different notes to try and find the right one. He realises vaguely how boring this must be for the other, but has been too focused on getting the answer to his question to hold more than a few words of conversation. His own frustration building to a point where he barely looks up from his console. Reskimming research papers about glass shapes and their resonant frequencies while adjusting wavelengths.
It is when he suddenly hears an exclamation of pain that he finally looks up. So focused the sound startles him considerably. He stares for a second before he realises it's him. It's his machine. His research works. it's the noise thats playing that has the strongest being on earth practically immobilized.
He quickly shuts it off. Then rushes to the larger man's side but hesitates. Awkwardly hovering besides him. All the previous tension seems to have been sucked back into the room like a door was opened in a vacuum. It's strange to look down at him, now on the floor.
" ... Are you okay ? "
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emeraldbuilt · 3 months
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"I know a guy who also wears a red cape. Gotta say he wears it with more honor than you @viltrumtraitor if what I've heard is right - and by all accounts it is."
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thenten · 3 months
@viltrumtraitor liked for a starter!
The Viltrumite's high-speed flight would quite suddenly be intruded upon by a red shape somehow pulling beside (and possibly even a bit ahead) of him in the air, revealing itself as an unfamiliar, manta-like creature remarkably keeping pace next to him.
Clearly not aggressively, though, as it would turn to wave & smile.
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"Salutations!" The Aerophibian greeted casually, as if they weren't both currently blasting through the air at incredible speeds. "Don't suppose you can spare the time for some questions? You're clearly in a hurry, but you can trust that I won't be slowing you down.
Awesome cape, by the way!"
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doomedwarlock · 3 months
@viltrumtraitor - one liner
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" Sorry to break it to ya but you reek of unfinished demon business , mate . Got my cig all tasting like burnt hair - Dunno what a super fellow like you did to piss someone off down below but you'd best get that sorted . trust me . "
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1mpulsee · 4 months
❝ you guys need to LEAVE THE MAN ALONE . jeez ! ❞
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❝ he’s a BIG BOY, he ain’t gonna go into a blood rage when he’s mistaken for another person ! he put up with Felicity’s mustache jokes for like ten minutes straight, and I don’t know if I could handle that . ❞
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symbi0sis · 4 months
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rebelpuff · 3 months
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"how are you holding up after that?" / @viltrumtraitor
she   can   feel   her   body   healing   ,   muscles   knitting   together   ,   teeth   growing   back   in   ,   bones   setting.   she's   half   tempted   to   find   a   pole   to   rub   herself   against   like   a   cat   on   a   scratching   post.   healing   ITCHES.   regrowth   hurts.   any   mortal   with   a   cast   on   could   tell   you   that.   experiencing   it   in   hyperspeed   fucking   sucks.   it   always   fucking   sucks.   give   it   an   hour   or   two   and   she'll   be   fine   ,   she   knows   that   ,   but   it   still   takes   her   longer   than   she   wants   to   focus   in   on   whatever   omniman   is   saying.   she   hears   the   buzz   of   his   voice   the   way   she   feels   a   tooth   popping   through   her   gumline   —    part   of   a   cacophony   of   overstimulation   that   makes   her   want   to   scream   if   it   weren't   for   the   fact   that   she'd   hear   that   ,   too. 
the   closest   she   gets   to   calm   is   after   a   brutal   fight. 
she   took   the   worst   of   it.   she   can   heal   MUCH   faster   than   her   sisters   ,   so   it   only   makes   sense   that   she   jumps   in   front   of   them   every   now   and   then.   she   didn't   become   the   toughest   fighter   by   doing   nothing. 
but   god   fucking   dammit   ,   she   can   feel   her   bones.   her   femur   moved   back   in   place   and   she   can   sense   the   cells   regenerating   at   speeds   that   would   be   cancerous   for   anyone   else.   (   understatement.   )   all   the   surface   wounds   healed   up   just   fine   ;   its   the   internal   ones   that   take   longer.   she   LOOKS   fine   from   the   outside.   which   is   probably   why   omniman   is   asking.   he   probably   means   well.   doesn't   know   that   she   can   feel   everything   ,   that   it's   taking   every   single   fragile   ounce   of   her   self   control   not   to   lose   her   goddamn   mind   right   now.
(   her   sisters   haven't   talked   to   her   yet.   they   know   better.   )
her   tongue   is   leaden   in   her   mouth.   eyes   shut   tight   against   any   sensation.   she   still   knows   it   all   —    can   sense   omniman   hovering   now   that   it's   taken   her   TOO   LONG   to   answer.   fuck. 
deep   breath. 
shit.   the   breathing   hurts.   she   must   have   punctured   a   lung   at   some   point.   the   pain   is   sharp   and   then   gone   ,   healed   the   moment   she   noticed.   it's   why   she   stays   still.   if   she   pays   too   much   attention   to   ANYTHING   ,   she'll   feel   everything   even   more. 
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“   fine   ,   ”   buttercup   finally   answers.   healing   is   exhausting.   worse   than   battle.   more   annoying.   “   the   inside   stuff   takes   a   while   to   heal.   ”   something   POPS   inside   her   ,   an   organ   settling   back   into   place.   her   eyes   are   still   closed.
post battle.
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droidsplode · 5 months
@viltrumtraitor said: ❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
Rex blinks, Nolan's deep voice pulls him out of his thoughts. He smiles sheepishly. " I apologise , Nolan . I was just thinking ... I am sitting here on the moon with Omni Man, who is now sort of my neighbour and also my friend . If I were to go back in time and tell this to the me that watched you fight Invincible - a lifetime ago for both of us - Well, I don't think it would compute . " He chuckles. He finds himself reminiscing on the old times a lot these days. How he misses them so desperately.
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" If you will , please indulge me . When you first came to this planet all those years ago . We must have seemed so fragile and insignificant . I heard what you said to Invincible back then . What the Viltrumites were . Was it really humanity that caused you to change its empire so drastically ? "
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gvngreen · 4 months
@viltrumtraitor . / liked !
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“ oh — ohhh, this is your city to protect ! right, gotcha. silly me. ” the spray paint can is kicked out from his feet as if that would dispel the evidence. his petty act of vandalism was a neon sign behind him, bright & edgy & colorful. the man holds up two hands in mock surrender.
“ y’know, just between me an’ you’s ; i’m kinda friends with the powerpuff girls, and they gave me the okay for a little graffiti action. what’s some harmless artwork between friends anyway, huh ? ”
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eendtiimes · 5 months
@viltrumtraitor / Red Rush starter .
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❝ a word of FRIENDLY ADVICE — ❞
Josef’s smile is relaxed, open as he was with any of the guardians . some of the others found themselves more TENSE with Nolan — Immortal and War Woman in particular come to mind — but Josef had tried to make it a point to treat him the same as any other teammate . after all, they were all FRIENDS here, right ?
❝ — having a child to look after with SUPERPOWERS is not all it’s cracked up to be . give Mark time . he’ll be fine . ❞ Josef didn’t make it a point to pry too deeply into Nolan’s personal life, hell, he forgot he HAD a son half the time, but anyone could tell there was an expectation for the son of OMNI-MAN to be just like his father .
❝ I can only imagine what you got up to when you were younger, eh ? and I know my parents were grateful I didn’t have POWERS then . ❞ though the advice came from a genuine place of worry ( and he spoke from experience — a nephew with superspeed was a lot . ) but he would be remiss if he didn’t throw in a joke .
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1mpulsee · 5 months
"don’t you know how dangerous this is ?" (( it took five seconds for nolan to start being concerned abt his wellbeing sorry
@viltrumtraitor :
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❝ YEAH, that’s why I’m doing it !! ❞
Impulse looks over his shoulder with a grin, golden eyes shining with GLEE and not a shred of self-preservation . he’d only just arrived to the fight, some sort of attack that had BLOCKS of the city in distress . more than one wide-eyed young hero could probably handle, but NEVER say never !
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❝ come on, heroes go TOWARDS the danger . am I right or am I right ? ❞ and he starting to make to leave .
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bledf1rst · 5 months
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@viltrumtraitor said : 💬 for mark :)
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it's like rope pulled TAUT around his vocal cords. something about the air getting sucked out of his lungs- and he's rendered speechless, for the most part. he had to un-grind his teeth to speak and his jaw tingles when he does so, mark with his fist balled atop his knees, shoulders high by his ears.
" . . . i can do this, " he says for the umpteenth time. like he can SPEAK the fact into existence. like he isn't doubting himself whenever he meets his dad's eyes. what he doesn't say is-
i was born to do this. it's ALL i've ever wanted to do. i want to make you proud. i want to be able to protect my family against anything that stands against it.
there's flakes of dried blood under his nails he picks at. he washed his hands under water hot enough to give anyone else a third degree burn, but it sticks stubbornly in some places. it's stained the calloused palms of his hands pink.
" so all this ' TOUGH LOVE ' bullshit you're throwing around, " he swallows over the lump in his throat, " . . . i can take it. if it makes me a better hero, i'll do whatever it takes. okay, dad? "
an angsty starter, STILL ACCEPTING
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supurman · 1 month
that was before i knew there was something else .
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omniman was a man with past as known as the sun is yellow. many superman knew would call him irredeemable and not worthy of anything else from another beating heart let alone compassion. but superman wasn't your standard person . his ideals came from the stars with how unfettered they were by human standards. unmoving in his philosophies. was there such a thing as too good ? well, there was only one way to find out.
everyone was capable of change.
both of their red capes swayed within the sky's wind. a conversation only meant between them. superman looked at the other from the corner of his eye after his words were said.
❝ my ma and pa taught me to not feel sorry for myself. you owe it to yourself to learn the same lesson, omniman. and somewhere you will find it. whether its from your son or not. i know what you did before there was something else to life and your power. but i also know you want to change and you can. you have to keep trying. for yourself, for someone, but it has to be aimed into the future and not drug from the past. you have the potential to be a better person, and with enough work, even more than that too. ❞
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