#vinnie in dubious battle
xcherryerim · 5 months
Me seeing this on my fyp right after i said that I hate Vinnie 🧍🏻‍♀️
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obenkriegerss · 1 month
HEYA GANG!!! MORE ART!!!! this was requested by @futturmansgf methinks!!!
it is vinnie from in dubious battle for those who dont know!!!
i actually havent watched this jhutch movie yet BUT it is on my watchlist.. he looks so silly!!! had a look at some photos to see if i got his outfit right, think i did!
PLEASE GOD ignore the hands and feet i was having a bad day with that…
anyway, his popsickle is lemon sherbet! :3 💚
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freak-accident419 · 6 months
you’re welcome…
this movie was brought to my attention by @xcherryerim like i didnt even know this scene existed so AGHHHH 😍😍
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sun-spider13 · 5 months
i just finished watching in dubious battle and omg?? honestly a pretty good movie i thought it was gonna be boring but it was pretty interesting. and vinnie??? such a little bitch what (i still love him tho <3)
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thefloatingstone · 5 years
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Last time I made a playlist of recommended youtube channels to enjoy while in lockdown or self quarantine, I focused on individual videos while also recommending other videos from the same channel.
I thought I’d make another list only this time I’m going to be recommending playlists or series on youtuber instead of just individual videos.
This is gonna go exactly like last time, so check out any of these that might seem interesting to you, and hopefully I can give you something to look into if you want something to watch but don’t feel like watching a Netflix or Crunchyroll show.
Last time I tried to put this under a read more break but it didn’t work and I ended up posting this long-ass post on everyone’s dash. Well I decided to do so again here. hit J to skip to the bottom of the post if you don’t feel like reading this whole thing. If you’re on tumblr mobile; why?
In no particular order;
Cinemassacre movie reviews and topics
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All of you already know James Rolfe as the AVGN. I started watching him before Youtube was even a thing, before he was even signed on with Screwattack. Back when his videos could only be seen on his own website (or for some reason included on the free DVD you got with the local video game magazines). However, I eventually outgrew the outrage style humour of the AVGN episodes... but then James started doing Monster Madness where he would talk about his love for horror movies, and this where I learned about his vast knowledge about movie history and even films I had never even heard mention of before! I think it’s safe to say, he got me to be interested in movie history just as much as movie production and film as a viewing experience.
I recommend this playlist which is a hodgepodge of James talking about old horror movie franchises, talking about his first experience with Power Rangers as someone who didn’t grow up with it, or how Bob Ross is a childhood hero of his. It’s an excellent play list that’s really laid back but you learn a lot of stuff from it. James is very informed for the most part and it leads you to wanting to check out a lot of these things too, just because he’s so passionate about it.
If I ever get over my weird hang up about speaking out loud, these are the kinds of videos I’d like to make.
Vinesauce Vinny: The Neverhood
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Vinny is by no means a new Let’s Player, having been on Youtube for over 10 years now, but I only started watching him a few months ago. I started with this playlist when I saw he was doing The Neverhood, a game I had heard about but never seen played before. The Neverhood is a bizarre game, as a point and click PC game from the 90s where the entirety of the video game was made with stop motion and clay. Something that sounds so insane you would say it’s impossible if not for the fact that it exists. The claymation itself is extremely well done, and the game has a really weird and absurd sense of humour. Just the strangest things happen in this thing. Now couple that with Vinny’s very dry and straightforward delivery and you have probably one of the funniest Let’s Plays I’ve watched in a long time.
This is also “short” for a Let’s Play series. With only 4 parts to it, the longest video only being a bit under and hour and 30 minutes. It’ll still take up a good chunk of your time, but it’s not as daunting as some of the other Let’s Plays I’ll mention on this list.
Team Four Star: Pokemon Shield Nuzlocke
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Exactly what it says on the tin. The guys from Team Four Star play Pokemon Shield with Nuzlocke rules. They’ve done several Nuzlocke runs in the past, but I find the Pokemon Shield is the best one they’ve done. Especially since a lot of the needless fluff and grinding has been edited out. So unlike some of their previous series you don’t see a lot of Kieran and Grant running in a circle for an hour trying to catch a specific pokemon or trying to get to a certain level.
It’s also hilarious as they have a lot of “house rules” for the Nuzlocke often involving the exercise bike they.... have..... for some reason.
It’s very good and the gym battles become SUPER hype with the Nuzlocke rules and the music.
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Having been going to a few years now, watch Allison try her very best to go through and do a video series where she talks about summarises every episode of Baywatch.
.... Ever. Single. Episode.
She’s not even close to done yet (and now she’s introduced Baywatch Nights AS WELL) but her trying to explain the batshit insanity of this show, it’s over the top characters, it’s insane plots and behind the scenes weirdness with all the enthusiasm and love for this slice of 90s is amazing. Please enjoy a good thick chunk of inside jokes, silly character voices, and a whole lot of ?????
Brutal Moose: Shenmue
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Probably one of the most chill channels on all of Youtube, Brutal Moose aka Ian, prefers playing games you wouldn’t think would make for good Let’s Plays. And maybe they don’t, objectively. A collection of playlists covering Truck Simulator, Nancy Drew, Hidden Object games etc etc, spliced in with old commercials from drive in theaters from the 50s,60s and 70s. Ian’s Let’s Play channel is great for just putting on and letting play for company while you’re drawing or grinding in a video game or playing Stardew or something.
I recommend his Shenmue playthrough as Ian completely fell in love with the game and went on to play both the sequel and the newly released third game. Ian genuinely adores the weird voice acting and all the menial tasks and mini-games you can do. I watched this a lot in 2018 when I was going through a rough time, and it really helped me in a strange way to just put Ian on and listen to him talk to the chat and drive a forklift around for like 4 hours straight before going to Tomato Mart or wasting all his money on the gacha machines.
A Measured Response to “In Defense of Dark Souls 2″
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At some point, big name youtuber Hbomberguy made a video called “In Defense of Dark Souls II”. I’m not subscribed to Hbomberguy but I enjoyed his video on why Sherlock (the BBC show) is trash. (come to think of it I should have added that to the first list). And it seems the video on Sherlock was really good and well argued.... and it seems his “In Defense of Dark Souls 2″ video... was not.
Using subjective language, bad representation of facts, or simply outright getting certain information wrong, Hbomberguy′s video on Dark Souls II is, at best, a man trying to argue that he likes Dark Souls II because it is “Objectively good”, rather than simply accept he likes it... because he likes it.
MauLer is kind of an asshole, but I have learned more about dissecting someone’s argument and deconstructing what they have said watching his response series than I have in any english or debate class I have ever had.
The response is over 10 hours long, but this is because MauLer takes time with each and every statement he takes umbrage with, discussing what is being said, discusses why it is false or dubious, and then compares with actual facts and research.
If you ever want to know how to to distinguish subjective opinion from objective fact in someone else’s argument regarding... ANYTHING really, I highly recommend this series.
I may not like MauLer as a person, but DAMN if he doesn’t know how to deconstruct an argument in a logic, emotionless way.
John Wolfe: Maize
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Maize is a stupid game. a Stupid stupid game.
It involves sentient corn, and underground secret genetics lab, a Russian bootleg teddy bear that hates everyone, sentient corn, and a crumpet.
This game IMMEDIATELY went on my wishlist after watching this playthrough. Please watch John try and figure what the actual fuck is going on in this Monty Python-eque weird black comedy. It’s stupid, it’s weird, it’s bizarre and it’s honestly one of the funniest games I’ve seen streamed.
Hollywood: a Celebration of the Silent Era
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This is not a youtube playlist. I mean it IS, but what this actually is, is a TV series released in the UK in 1980 covering the Silent Film era. As it was made in 1980, it includes interviews with many of the silent film stars who were often still alive during this documentary’s production. Each episode covers a specific theme of the silent movie era. One episode is about comedies, one is about WWI, one is about Westerns etc etc.
It’s a fascinating series, because it focuses on the silent era which, in modern day, I think many people unfairly think of as “those first few years of movies before movies really became a thing.” And that’s such a shame and really not true. The artistry, camera tricks, and raw nature of this early era of film making is so important and produced films which can still be watched today easily, possibly even easier than a few modern movies as often the very fact that the films are silent means they are universal, regardless of what language you speak.
I think an episode or two might have been turned to private or copyright claimed in this playlist, but I know if you do a search on youtube you can find the episode uploaded by someone else.
Diamanda Hagan: Bonekickers
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Bonekickers is the show Mathew Graham made before he went on to work on the new Dr. Who. It is about archaeologists and it is God-fucking-Awful.
It is.... look. Ok. I like Archaeology a lot. But this isn’t a show that’s bad “if you like history” or “if you know things about archaeology”. This show is bad because it doesn’t make a single fucking lick of sense, all the characters are awful and terrible, and even if you understand what’s going on in the story you’re still going to be screaming “WHY????” at the screen as each new baffling stupid piece of the puzzle slots into place.
Diamanda Hagan has 0 time for this garbage and she’s going to walk you through each episode to show you how truly horrible this piece of garbage is.
Cry Plays: Ori and the Blind Forest
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With Ori and the Will of the Wisps releasing recently, now is a great time to go and watch Cry playthrough the first Ori game. an absolutely gorgeous piece of work with a beautiful soundtrack and really likeable character designs and a sweet story, Ori is a great game to put on, sit back, and just let it wash over you. Cry’s playthrough is also great because although its a Metroidvania game, Cry fast forwards the parts where he backtracks for a long period of time, so you don’t get stuck watching him run back and forth as he tries to figure out where to go next or anything like that.
Cry also recently started playing the sequel as well!
If you enjoyed this list at all, please consider tipping me for a coffee
☕️ Ko-fi ☕️
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joshhutchsource · 8 years
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Another new still of Josh Hutcherson as Vinnie from In Dubious Battle. (x/x)
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harryshumjjr · 8 years
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terabithianjosh · 8 years
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I loved Vinnie.
He was a really interesting character, way more complex than I thought he would be. I wish we had gotten more of his story. And I didn´t hate him at all! I mean, I´ve loved him since we got pictures of Josh on set (cause he looks so stirring) but I thought I was going to find him as unbearable as he was said to be. But I didn´t. He is stubborn and angry in a very human way, and I understand him in that situation.
And I adored Josh´s portrayal. The fact that it was a different character for him, more tough, giving a different feeling and having a different attitude left me wanting so much more. And now I´m even more excited for The Long Home (if that was even possible).
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theclassymike · 6 years
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Josh Hutcherson as Vinnie in the film In Dubious Battle.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 6 years
‘Stop Calling Him Oracle’: Paragon, Dentacoin and BCH Haunt Vinny Lingham
Civic CEO Vinny Lingham is the subject of no confidence calls this week after his startup partnered with controversial blockchain entity Dentacoin.
Dentacoin Goes For Damage Control
Lingham, who raised $33 million for Civic in an ICO last year, had remained largely quiet regarding use of the funds, the ongoing cryptocurrency bear market taking a heavy toll on its CVC token 00 which currently trades at record lows.
Netherlands-based Dentacoin, which itself has gained a dubious reputation over the legitimacy of its operations, will now use Civic’s services to authenticate candidates for its dental health training.
News of the partnership immediately saw mixed reviews, CVC investors having eagerly awaited news of a turnaround move which would increase their fortunes.
On Twitter, users drew parallels between Dentacoin and Civic’s earlier deal with Cannabis startup Paragon in August. Paragon, which likewise raised a significant amount via an ICO, had made little progress beyond token gestures such as opening coworking spaces, Bitcoinist reported.
Last month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) succeeded in ordering Paragon to repay millions of dollars in contributions and fines over failure to comply with securities laws.
Dentacoin was forced to respond to the barrage of criticism.
“This is another great step forward towards creating a seamless UX and authentication across all our tools. Leave your username and password in the past, for CivicConnect and Dentacoin are here to take you to the future,” an official wrote.
We are proud to be the pioneering project for CivicConnect. This is another great step forward towards creating a seamless UX and authentication across all our tools. Leave your username and password in the past, for CivicConnect and Dentacoin are here to take you to the future.
— Dentacoin (@dentacoin) October 22, 2018
Delphic Oracles
Paragon and Dentacoin are just the latest PR battles in what has been a troubled year for Lingham. In January, the entrepreneur publicly said altcoin Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was “undervalued” as altcoin markets reached all-time highs.
“When I look at it from a product standpoint, I think the greater demand is for peer-to-peer cash than digital gold,” he told CNBC, referring to Bitcoin Cash over Bitcoin, respectively.
CNBC had referred to Lingham with the nickname ‘Bitcoin Oracle.’
In the ensuing eleven months, BCH 00 has split into two chains and lost the vast majority of its value, one chain like CVC trading at the lowest levels in its history.
Unsurprisingly, the interview has come back to haunt Lingham, one user appealing to CNBC on Twitter following the Dentacoin announcement:
“Please stop calling Vinny the Bitcoin Oracle.”
What do you think about Vinny Lingham’s forecasts and Civic partnerships? Let us know in the comments below!
Images courtesy of Shutterstock
The post ‘Stop Calling Him Oracle’: Paragon, Dentacoin and BCH Haunt Vinny Lingham appeared first on Bitcoinist.com.
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hamishlinklaters · 8 years
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Josh Hutcherson as Vinnie in In Dubious Battle (2017 - dir. James Franco)
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harryshumjjr · 8 years
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joshhutchsource · 8 years
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Josh Hutcherson as Vinnie in In Dubious Battle.   Please reblog and don’t repost.
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harryshumjjr · 8 years
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joshhutchsource · 8 years
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First official still of Josh Hutcherson as Vinnie in In Dubious Battle.  Special thanks to @bingoworld for sending this to us.  Please reblog and do not repost.
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joshhutchsource · 7 years
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Josh Hutcherson is featured as Vinnie, albeit tiny, on the new cover art for the French release of In Dubious Battle on DVD (x)
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