#vinyl syndicate
arcadebroke · 1 year
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ruinedholograms · 5 months
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Sherwood At The Controls (1985-1990)
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derbybeardo · 3 months
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now re-encoding: "An On-U Journey Through Time & Space" by various artists (2015 EU 10" 45 rpm release)
Side AA only
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mywifeleftme · 10 months
237: Various Artists // Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs
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Howl...A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs Various Artists 1994, Glitterhouse
Released in 1994 by German indie label Glitterhouse as a double 10”, Howl…A Farewell Compilation of Unreleased Songs collects 18 songs by a real odds and sods assortment of Americana, indie folk, and alt. country acts. I’m not super-familiar with Glitterhouse beyond the fact that they were Sub-Pop’s European distributor during that label’s 1987 to 1995 grunge apex. The patchy history recounted on the Glitterhouse website indicates they were making a turn towards singer-songwriter fare at the time the Sub-Pop relationship petered out, and I can imagine this comp serving as a sort of soft launch of the label’s new direction. I’m not sure how many of these artists were signed to the label directly, though presumably Glitterhouse distro’d a number of them. Iin any case, it makes for a great sampler of some of the better artists of the time who operated at the meeting place of roots and alternative music, many of them still active today, and mostly still lesser-known outside of connoisseur circles.
The best-known act on the comp today is easily the Mountain Goats, which I doubt anyone would’ve predicted in 1994—their contribution, “Against Agamemnon,” is typical of John Darnielle’s early direct-to-boombox sound, a bare sketch that refers obliquely to Greek mythology but could as easily describe waking up with a nosebleed on an existential camping trip. Steve Wynn (ex-Dream Syndicate) pops up in the midst of his wandering ‘90s period, and we’ve also got a desert jazz instrumental version of “Route 66” from the venerable Giant Sand, which anticipates the sound members John Covertino and Joey Burns would refine after departing to form Calexico. The next tier of notability down would be… I guess Vic Chesnutt, the devastating Georgian songwriter who offers a moving cover of Yoko Ono’s “Goodbye Sadness”; long-running heartland groovers the Silos (featuring Vulgar Boatmen founder Walter Salas-Humara) with the demo “Nothing But You”; alt. country forerunners Freakwater with their woozy “Lullaby”; and venerated songwriter Victoria Williams, who unfortunately contributes an irritating rendition of “Feed the Birds” from Mary Poppins.
Howl doesn’t transcend its times, but if you like this era of weird Americana, it makes for good company. You’ll likely pick up a band or five who’ve slipped your filter that you’ll want to check out (my pick being Chicago’s Souled American, whose woeful “Suitor’s Bridge” would see eventual re-release on their final record Notes Campfire).
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P.A.S.S.I.O.N. (Power Mix) - Rythm Syndicate
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itslouisan · 3 months
C!Ranboo headcannons!!:
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(art by @C0RPSING on twitter)
• So, Ranboo is an anxious person, probably he owns some toys to deal with anxiety that he keeps on his suit or in a messanger bag he carries
• Sometimes when it's Christmas or any events or it's dark and he is without his torches, he places little jolly lights on his horns creating a tall walking lamp
• He doesn't own just a memor book. He has SEVERAL, some have photos, doodles, notes, objects glued, but he eventually just abandons them and starts new ones because he thinks the memory books aren't "up to date" anymore to his current moment
• He likes to dress fancy and presentable because he finds this way he can create impressions of being more in control and less scared than he actually is, probably also a fan of ouji lolita, vintage, victorian, goth and grunge fashion
• I like to imagine C!Ranboo loved to map all the places he was so he'd never forget them, so he creates little maps of things like L'Manberg or the syndicate room or just designs in general of how these places are because he wants to keep a forever fresh memory.
• Isn't THE artist, but can draw, loves to draw landscapes and animals but barely draws people, also I always imagined C!Ranboo played violin or piano or both, having an old and rusty out of tune piano on the syndicate room together with the syndicates other instruments and vinyl player and records and discs
• An all nighter type of person, sleeping all morning and part of the noon and only waking up when it's night, probably due to his enderman side since enderman tend to appear more on the night and The End was always quite dark like the night
• Grossed out by enderpearls and hates to use them thinking if maybe it ain't an eye of a relative of his or something, also hates when people kill enderman in front of him, WOULD CONSIDER ENDER FARMS AS GENOCIDE.
• Obviously non-binary and gay so yeah.
• I imagine he'd love cats but be scared of them at the same time, loves bats though
• Loves to collect random bs and keep in a corner of his house, probably a collector of a lot of different stuff like discs, books, quills, anything really due to his enderman instincts of just picking random bs
• Always has a pair of headphones with him
• Probably the time he was the most unhappy and unstable memory, anxiety and depression wise was L'Manberg, all the wars, the feeling of dread of maybe losing your home and friends, being constantly manipulated and used, not knowing who to trust, keep remembering stuff you don't want to, make things you didn't want to, the fear of dying, I can say this was the time he just isolated himself and followed others more than ever
• He DEFINITELY can't do stuff under pressure and will break easily, can't deal with expectations and hates when people observe him doing things even the simplest
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All Eyes Lead to the Truth | 731 (3x10)
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He sits back as comfortably as possible into the vinyl seat of the helicopter, waiting for landing. The roar of the propellers is loud and irksome, the tops of the vast expanse of West Virginia trees drift below him. It’s nauseating. He doesn’t generally enjoy flying, nor doing any sort of dirty work himself, really, but this one he must champion. He is the one who makes decisions, after all. And the problem that is Fox Mulder has been a perpetual thorn in his side for years.
He’d been told by Spender time and time again that “the Mulder problem” wasn’t actually a problem; that every time the young agent involved himself or inched closer to the truth, it would only help their cause. For a while, they all believed this to be true, himself included. 
But ever since Mulder found himself a new partner, they’ve come much too close for comfort. In more ways than one.
The Elder readjusts himself in the uncomfortable seat, quietly seething. His intelligence has informed him Dana Scully is down there somewhere at the Hansen’s Disease Research Facility poking around, having stumbled upon a secret that should have been kept better hidden. And now he needs to sell her a story; one she will believe, one she will then tell her partner. 
One that will put them off the Syndicate’s trail for good.
He goes over it in his mind: all the information they’ve gathered about Dana Katherine Scully since they’d hardwired her thoughts back during her abduction. What can he use, what memory can he manipulate to make her believe his lies?
Her fear of clowns, her fear of failure. Her fear of rejection.
Her love for Agent Mulder.
No… it’s too soon for that card to be played, much too soon. The one thing that can be manipulated more effectively than any other is her fear of the unknown… of what happened to her last year. And perhaps if he can put that to rest in her mind, she will be satisfied that they've arrived at a dead end.
Neither Mulder nor Scully need to know that the dead end they’ve reached is very much alive.
He lands, a bit unbalanced, and pulls the Dramamine from his pocket. Then he waits for Dana Scully to be brought to him. When she is, they regard each other with a dubious mutual respect, but offer no pleasantries.
“Who are you? What is this place?” she asks.
“This was one of the most frightening places on the earth,” the Elder tells her, spinning his tale. “A place where society sent its monsters to live in shame and isolation. Now their disease is all but conquered. Science has eliminated thousands of years of misery.”
“I've seen your methods of elimination,” Dana Scully spits. There’s a fire in her that he’s always liked. It will be a shame when, one day, they will find a need to extinguish it. “What happened to the man who was with me? What about the people who were in this room?”
“They had been exposed,” the Elder replies.
“Exposed to what?”
Alien technology.
“The same thing all these people have been exposed to. Victims of an inhuman project run by a man named Zama.” He keeps it vague. It’s a lucky thing she does not have the power over her thoughts that he has over hers.
“You mean Ishimaru. You hid him here after the war.”
“He stayed here and he continued his experiments,” he explains. And then he eyes her meaningfully. “The ruler of the world isn't the country with the greatest soldiers, but the greatest scientists.” 
Her expression drops at this, and he knows he has her. If there’s one thing he’s learned about Dana Scully over the years, it’s that science will always win her over.
“Unfortunately, Ishimaru began to conduct his work in secret, not sharing with those who'd risked much in giving him his asylum.”
“What was he exposing these people to?” 
“Terrible things.” He doesn’t have to say it for her to believe the lie. She’s already halfway there herself.
“What kinds of things?”
The Elder looks down, knowing what he plans to tell her will be false, a lie they have carefully chosen: hemorrhagic fever. She will believe it, because when someone isn’t willing to believe the truth, they will inevitably stop searching when they arrive at an acceptable lie.
“Have I been exposed?” she asks.
“I don't know.”
Fear of the unknown.
“Who knows?”
“Please, I'd like to show you something that will give you your answers.”
He will be required to show her the boxcar, the one in which she was experimented upon. He will be required to inform her of the consequences of allowing that bomb to detonate in a populated area.
But he will not tell her everything. She will not get all of her answers.
A lie is most convincingly hidden between two truths.
Just as they use Mulder to spread the stories needed to cover up their atrocities, they will use Scully to convince him those stories are fiction. To keep the lie alive.
“Follow me, Miss Scully,” he gestures, leading the way. But she pierces him with a stare that unnerves him, something he is not used to. Perhaps he’s sold this one short. 
The motion sickness resurfaces as they walk. He is unsteady on his feet.
Read the rest of All Eyes Leads to the Truth on Ao3
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thbishop · 3 months
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( robert pattinson, cismale, he/him ) THEODORE BISHOP the THIRTY-SEVEN year old is said to remind people of THE SMOOTH CARESS OF EXPENSIVE LEATHER AND THE UNSETTLING FEELING OF BEING KNOWN. they are known to be CHARMING and METICULOUS which makes sense when you think about how they are HEAD OF HEIST OPS in THE SYNDICATE. written by taylor.
[ thefallhq ] ☓ [ pinterest ] ☓ [ interactions ] 
full name: theodore henry bishop
nicknames: bishop, theo 
age / D.O.B.: 37 / 18.05.1987
sexuality: heterosexual
place of birth: barnes, london, uk
gender: cismale
current location: brooklyn, nyc
accent: british, specifically central london though it has dulled slightly over the years
languages: english, french, some italian
education: ba in psychology, philosophy and linguistics from oxford university
occupation: head of heist ops for the syndicate
transportation: a forest green 1976 porsche 911 (930)
tattoos: his mother’s initials on his left wrist 
drinks, smokes, & drugs: yes, yes, no
zodiac sign: taurus
mbti: intp 
likes: literature, classic rock
dislikes: loud chewing, invasive questions
bad habits: tearing labels off bottles, swearing
secret talent: playing the piano
hobbies: cooking, going for late night runs, collecting old vinyls
fears: monotony, true indifference 
five positive traits: charming, protective, adaptable, determined, introspective 
five negative traits: meticulous (bordering on perfectionistic), escapist, guarded, conflicted, competitive
tw: familial death
Theodore Bishop has always been lost. A  wanderer, it was his restless feet that carried him to a lakefront in the summer of ‘94. It was a sweltering day, the bank was crowded, yet when no one cared to spare the gasping pleas of a boy caught in the swell, Theo was there. His first and last act of heroism, as he now sardonically recalls it.
Celeste Bishop, a single mother who worked as a waitress at the local pub, raised him in a tiny cottage on the Thames. She coddled him and in turn fostered a soft, gentle spirit that he carried with him after her death when he was ten. His memories of her and their humble dwellings comforted him through the ensuing years of instability, as he was tossed between aunts and uncles who never wanted him. A lanky boy with a crooked smile and quiet demeanor, there was never one defining moment that set the pace for his life. However, perhaps being expelled from elementary school for shoplifting adult magazines was a sign.
Unlike his more outspoken cousins, he found himself in books and football, his agility earning him a striking position on his secondary school’s squad. Still, he never quite connected with the other boys, impossibly pragmatic on the pitch and disinterested in socializing afterward. Theo was an observer and an impossibly sensitive one at that.
But his mother was dead and the world was unkind, a truth he learned in the form of an ACL tear which put an end to hopes of a university playing career. Instead, he pursued linguistics, psychology, and philosophy.
Upon graduation, he moved to California to live with his cousin. The other man was one of the few members of their family who understood him, who was raised far from the dreary English shores and didn’t tease him for his introspective nature.
Anthony introduced Theo to a faster-paced lifestyle, one that would put his skills to good use. He started small at first, assisting with heists and observing the movements of local luxury store owners. His eye for detail endeared him to The Syndicate, and he moved up their ranks swiftly, finally able to abandon the anxious, adrift boy he had once been. It was a lucrative career and he drank it in for all it was worth. When they announced the move to New York, he was the first on the plane.
Theodore, or Bishop as he came to be known amongst the gang, made it his business to learn Brooklyn as well as the back of his hand, liaising with the other gangs when his boss asked it of him. His clinical precision and disarming demeanor made him an asset, as he was able to charm his way into the best jewelry shops in the city without anyone batting an eye. After all, who would suspect a well-dressed, high-paying client to be the one casing the joint? The trick was in the timing — a visit a few weeks in advance, planting bugs in all the blind spots to allow for distant observation, and the perfect heist was born. 
Theodore grew jaded in the same way he resurfaced with the drowning boy all those years ago. Slowly drawing towards the surface and then breaching, disturbing the stillness of the surface in far-reaching ripples. The weight of being a pragmatic taskmaster wore on him, and the loneliness he shrugged away began to catch up. He could see the ripples of their actions, the disasters the Syndicate didn’t see fit to tamper with; the works of their ‘allies’, the lives they didn’t see worthy of saving. Murder was an entirely different blood sport than stealing already-pilfered diamonds, and it left a sour taste in his mouth.
When news of the Blackwell girl’s death reached the media, Theodore kept his opinions to himself. A well-connected family had lost a daughter, and he’d long since grown indifferent to the moves of the wealthy. After all, his own wealth came from exploiting the system that kept them rich — corruption. Regardless, his mother’s memory tugs at the corners of his mind, reminding him of the gentle boy he once was. And who is he to decide which parts of himself should die, permanently erased from the annals of his memory?
bold which habits your muse has
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | nose picking | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
he prefers to go by theo, but in gang matters is officially introduced as theodore. it's somewhat of a defensive technique, and he tends to wait until he’s gotten to know someone before correcting them. one more way to keep his new life from interacting with the old
theo has a burn scar on his left forearm from his most recent operation. it’s the first time a sizable vestige of an operation has marred his skin, and he doesn’t quite know what to make of it. he’s grown accustomed to doing the job that’s asked of him without question and putting it out of his mind shortly thereafter; this time… the memory lingers and he can’t help but wonder what he was doing there in the first place
it’s tortured nights in luxurious hotel rooms, desperate for home but knowing there’s none to return to. it’s a breathy laugh that doesn’t quite reach steely blue eyes, a sarcastic quip to deflect, deflect, deflect. it’s waking too early to watch fuscia rays inject an inky black sky, shirt clinging too tightly to a sweat-slicked back. it’s trading glances across a crowded room, feet rooted firmly in place because duty depends on it. it’s the dull ache of a possibility unrealized, the tick of a watch sweeping across a million-dollar face, jewels ripe for the taking. it’s realizing that you’re on a chess board… and deciding to be the bishop
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anotherdayinbliss · 2 years
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Poster by Milton Glaser for Lillian Roxon’s Diskotique, 1972
Lillian Roxon, the trailblazing Australian music journalist and author of the massive Lillian Roxon’s Rock Encyclopedia (1969), was a rich subject for any artist. The charismatic writer moved from Sydney to New York City in 1962, where she became an early chronicler of the 1960s rock music scene and culture.
Episodes of “Lillian Roxon’s Diskotique,” originally broadcast in 1971, were two minutes in length and devoted to Roxon expounding on a single topic. The recordings were later distributed on vinyl and syndicated to American radio stations.
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dailyshowchica · 1 year
Stormtrooper Armor, Mark 2
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In 2013, I was living in a small town in Iowa, and I not happy.  I was not happy in a way I couldn’t begin to process until I’d gotten a new job and was moving out of town.  But that was over a year away yet.  To cope, I fell into Supernatural, hard.  I caught up by watching syndicated reruns before work in the mornings on TNT, and I was keeping an eye out online for anything related to Supernatural.
I found a video, of Misha Collins, and several other, non-actor people.  They were staying in a haunted castle in Scotland, and it looked like so much fun!  The trip was the grand prize for something called Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen, or Gishwhes.  And a new hunt was starting up in a couple months.  (Super)Naturally, I decided to play. (No, I will not apologize for that pun.)
There’s more about Gish online, so I’m not gonna repeat it here, but I was hooked. The hunt list was huge, and there was an item that sounded really cool:
5. IMAGE: A stormtrooper at a laundry mat folding clothes. (56 points) (From https://www.fangirlquest.com/gish/gish-item-list-2013/)
I didn’t have any kind of Stormtrooper costume, so I let that one go and made a bikini out of tea bags instead.  But I kept that item in mind, in case they did a Stormtrooper item next year.
The point of Gish, at least as I always played, was not to spend money, but to get creative.  Stortrooper armor is really fucking expensive, and the sets I’ve seen are meant for the troopers in the movies, i.e., adult men.  I am nowhere near the same size as an adult man, so even if I could afford armor, it would be too big.
There’s a community of folks called the 501st Legion, which are stormtrooper cosplayers.  They make their own armor, as screen-accurate as possible.  You’ve seen them before, they tend to be asked to appear whenever somebody needs A Lot of stormtroopers for an event.  These folks are hard core, at least compared to me.  They build vacu-forming machines in their garages to custom fabricate their armor (this was before 3D printing was widely available).  Well, I did not have the time, money, or space to build a vacu-forming contraption.
But I had another idea: duct tape.  I thought, if I covered cardboard with white duct tape, I could fashion a set of armor for myself.  So I went looking for a pattern, and started to save boxes.  It took over a year, but I pulled it off!  I did buy the helmet, and the boots were slipcovered with white vinyl fabric (think Pizza Hut table cloth fabric), cut from a pattern for Ugg-style slippers.
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This lovely person has created Sand Trooper armor, which are the patterns I used. Thank you so much, kind cosplayer!  I couldn’t have done this without you! http://foamysandtrooper.blogspot.com/
That armor served me well until 2022.  But it was so hard to move in, and after so many times taking it off and putting it on, it looked pretty sad.  Also, I made this armor before The Force Awakens came out, so the armor wasn’t actually attached to me.  I had to wear a belt and use loops of nylon strap material to keep the thigh armor from sliding down my leg.  After I saw Finn taking off his armor piece by piece, I thought that in my next version, I’d use something to make the armor attached to the black underclothes.  Maybe Velcro.  Plus the cardboard hwas heavy and bulky, and there had to be a better material.
And yeah, I know, most cosplay armorers use Worbla or craft foam, but I have zero experience with that, and I’d hate to screw up on a huge project with expensive materials.  I thought I’d have better luck with posterboard.
I played with ideas, and in 2018, after Gish, I even bought some poster board and white duct tape to get started.
And then I got a new job, and I had to move, and learn a new area.  And the old armor still looked good in photos, so I let it go. And so it went, until summer 2022.
2014 3. IMAGE. It’s “me time.” Spoil, pamper and be decadent to yourself like you never have before. Oh, and P.S., you’re dressed as a Stormtrooper. (48 points)
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2015 179. IMAGE. Work opportunities are scarce since the Death Star blew up. Let’s see a stormtrooper working at their job as a waiter, fast food line prep, car mechanic, postal worker, deli sandwich maker, road-repair worker, etc). – Katherine Parsons (65 points)
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2016 #76 97 POINTS Nobody ever talks about the fact that 250 years ago, stormtroopers who had been abandoned on planet Earth were forced to assimilate into pre-Industrial culture. Dramatically re-enact this difficult time. Show a stormtrooper getting back to basics using a spinning wheel, butter churn, or other old-fashioned tool or machine in a rural setting. Feel free to add accessories to the stormtrooper’s outfit to make their assimilation more complete—a Shaker-style hat, a musket slung over the shoulder, etc.
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#116 65 POINTS Not many people know this, but the Kessel Run was actually a foot race. Let’s see at least 5 Star Wars characters competing in the Kessel Run in a shopping mall.
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60 POINTS Assign To Me Submit Modern stormtroopers are so much more enlightened these days. They’re in touch with their “new age” side and have their chakras aligned. In fact, you just spotted one teaching a yoga class or leading some other new-age class.
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34. [IMAGE] The Federation of Stormtroopers has been officially sponsored by the X Games this year. Let’s see a highlight from one of their competitions with the stormtrooper participating in an extreme sport. (81 points)
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2020 main hunt
247. [IMAGE] Where do stormtroopers go in the summer? To summer camp, just like the rest of us. Show us a Stormtrooper engaged in a typical summer-camp activity: canoeing, sailing, archery, making s’mores or playing guitar by a campfire… you get the idea. (37 points)
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2020 October mini hunt
63. [IMAGE] Everybody knows Stormtroopers love Halloween. Show a Stormtrooper dressed up as what they REALLY wanted to be — a gentle, sweet or heroic costume like a ballerina, a firefighter, a fairy, etc. They should be in their Stormtrooper armor as well as their costume, of course. (41 points)
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191. [IMAGE] It’s tea time for Bananakin Skywalker and his Sconetroopers. Show us a Stormtrooper tea party. (72 points) 
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Gish is on an indefinite hiatus now, and I’m looking at another move.  But before I pack up everything again, I decided it was time to finally finish my new set of armor, so I could stop carrying around the old set.  And now, after months of work, it’s done!  I don’t know how many rolls of duct tape it took, but it was easily 10.  And I still want to try making a helmet, based on the speeder bike troopers, since theirs is the only helmet that would let human eyes look out.  But that’s for later, maybe this summer.
Thank you, Mark 1 Stormtrooper armor.  You went above and beyond what I imagined.  You are now relieved of duty.
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And welcome, Mark 2 Stormtrooper armor! Can’t wait to see what shenanigans we get up to!
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Ken Sharp – I’ll Remember the Laughter (Jet Fighter)
Back in the day, when an artist could not fit all the goodies they had stored up on a single slab of vinyl, they would release a two-record set. The latest collection by pop/rock anthropologist Ken Sharp is an embarrassment of riches. It wouldn’t even fit in a two-record set, at 50 tunes it’s more like a three-record set or a box set.
The album title I’ll Remember the Laughter is rather apt because laughter is not the only thing this brace of tunes will make you remember. It is a stylistic traipse through the history of 60s and 70s AM/FM radio (with a little 80s and beyond mixed in for good measure).
Sharp has grown a cult audience for his sharp pop songwriting skills and on-point understanding of popular (and also obscure) music of the past. Taking a sonic trip through I’ll Remember the Laughter is like coming across a transistor radio from the multiverse; an alt-history of songs that could have, should have and would have been hits in the glory days of Top 40 radio, only if they had just been recorded in time.
It is a place where Todd Rundgren rubs elbows with T. Rex, The Knack hangs out with Hall & Oates, and The Raspberries had the kind of career that merited inclusion in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The styles of I’ll Remember the Laughter are all over this place – and I mean that in the best possible way. From the bluesy shredding of “No More Silver Linings,” the strutting bubblegum pop/soul of “42nd Street” to the catchy prog of “Halyx Rising (Lora’s Song)” to the sunshine pop of “Dennis” to the soulful lament “Cracking This Heart of Stone,” the album is a primer of musical styles and feels.
“Lightning Crash” feels like an old lost Cheap Trick fave, while “Shut Out the Lights” rides on a Clapton-esque guitar line. “Ghetto Child” (not to be mixed up with the Spinners classic of the same name) does share that song’s Philly International soulful vibe, as does the sweet intro to “Are You a Lover or a Fighter?” which eventually moves into more of a blue-eyed soul feel. “Between the Lines” on the other hand, pulls from the paisley underground school of The Dream Syndicate and The Bangles.
Beyond Sharp’s sharp originals, I’ll Remember the Laughter also offers some adventurous and intriguing covers. There is a swinging version of The Who’s “The Kids are Alright” and two (count ‘em) covers of songs from a semi-obscure pre-superstardom album by 80s pop/rock icon Rick Springfield of “Jessie’s Girl” fame. (Springfield adds some tasty backing vocals to Sharp’s recordings of his songs.) However, possibly the greatest cover is a stunningly catchy version of “Girl,” which is remembered in pop culture as the song which Davy Jones performed in his guest appearance on The Brady Bunch.
So, if you miss the glory days of pop radio, where diverse styles rubbed shoulders in a mind-boggling array of music – with the only true through line being that most of it was one hell of an earworm – you can recreate that sensation with I’ll Remember the Laughter.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: February 6, 2023.
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nat-alessa · 2 years
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Chisato ( Penicillin) VINYL SYNDICATE vol.23
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,302
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Omega Radio for December 27, 2022; #340.
Col Nolan & The Soul Syndicate: “Ode To Billy Joe”
Michel Sardaby: “Gail”
Ahmad Jamal: “Jamalca”
Cal Tjader: “Never My Love”
Grant Green: “Maybe Tomorrow”
Wes Montgomery: “Yesterday”
Julie Driscoll w. Brian Auger & Trinity: “Light My Fire”
Norman Conners: “You Are My Starship”
Isaac Hayes: “One Woman”
Patrice Rushen: “Kickin’ Back”
Headhunters: “I Remember I Made You Cry”
Bonus Omega; sampling, crate-digging, and vinyl treasures.
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Resilient Flooring Market Opportunities, Sales Revenue, Competitive Landscape, Key Players Analysis and Trends by Forecast 2030
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The Insight Partners stands out as a reliable ally in the syndicated market research and consultation through its steadfast commitment to the market research industry. With extensive experience and proven dedication, we have been delivering outstanding outcomes. With a team of researchers catering to distinct business requirements, we can emerge as a trusted research partner in the past decade.
By prioritizing precision and trust ahead, we are proud to announce the addition of the latest offering titled “Resilient Flooring Market Growth Outlook to 2030”. This report ensures spotless coverage of recent updates and a range of business environment factors impacting the Resilient Flooring market growth. The meticulous approach opted by our researchers can assist companies in transforming business space into the Resilient Flooring market.
Resilient Flooring market report offers a comprehensive analysis of regional and global scenarios. The scope of the market report extends to the competitive landscape, cost analysis, key players, specific market regions, profit margin, and market situation. A glance at wide-ranging factors restricting Resilient Flooring market growth is deliberately included in this study.
Objectives of Resilient Flooring Market Report
To deliver a detailed market overview by integrating quantitative and qualitative analysis
To unveil growth strategies by evaluating the competitive landscape and examining key companies against their position and strategic advantage
To offer estimates on sales volume, market share, size, and CAGR for the projected period.
To offer segment wise insights
This detailed report on Resilient Flooring market size is heavily based on verified information and authoritative sources. The study intended to offer market players an overview of market opportunities in the coming period. This report helps clients as a first-hand source of knowledge on the market while providing a full-fledged analysis of each segment.
The study contains details on frontrunners in the market along with their recent collaborations, segments, revenues, product launches, and Resilient Flooring market trends. It projects the competition in the Resilient Flooring market for an estimated duration. This research further looks at industry channels and the performance of key market players to help businesses stay ahead in the market.
Our Report Sample May Brief On:
Scope of Resilient Flooring market report
Brief introduction of Resilient Flooring market and Industry Overview
Table of Contents
Top market players covered in this report
Report Structure
Research Methodologies by The Insight Partners
Regional Insights:
This section includes insights on different regions and key players present in the region. This section attempts to analyze the growth of a specific regional market based on economic, technological, and environmental factors. Readers may expect revenue-based data and sales insights gathered by our team after comprehensive research. This informative chapter remains an absolute perk for investors, as it will help them to understand potential investment value and expected returns in specific regions.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Vinyl Flooring
Linoleum Flooring
Rubber Flooring
North America
Asia Pacific
and South and Central America
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Ardex Endura
Interface, Inc.
Diversey Holdings LTD
AFI Licensing LLC
Wonder Floor
Novalis Innovative Flooring
Mannington Mills, Inc
Other key companies 
Why The Insight Partners?
Proven Expertise: The Insight Partners comprises expert market research analysts who have extensive industry-specific knowledge. Through this report, our team is bringing years of experience to the table while safeguarding the accuracy of insights.
Actionable Insights: TIP relies on a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies that drive tangible results. We are committed to keeping our offerings clear, accessible, and concise to guide businesses in the decision-making process.
Integration of Technology: We embrace technology in all its forms as the core of our research tactics. We use various tools and platforms to analyze and interpret the data. This allows timely results.
Current and Future Market Estimates- Resilient Flooring Market Share, and Size | 2030
Market Dynamics – Drivers, Challenges, Regional Trends, and Market Opportunities
Market Segmentation – Product, Application, End-use Industries, and Regional Growth Prospects.
Competition Matrix – Key Market Players and Strategies
Recent Developments and Innovation contributing Market Growth
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
Contact Us: www.theinsightpartners.com
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maximuswolf · 3 months
Independent No.1's Vol.14 Now Available for Pre-Order! Free Vinyl giveaways as we celebrate #WorldMusicDay!
🎉 **Independent No.1's Vol.14 Now Available for Pre-Order! Free Vinyl giveaways as we celebrate #WorldMusicDay!** 🎉 **Independent No.1's Vol.14** is here, and it's a celebration of Global Independent music like never before! Available for both digital and vinyl pre-order, this compilation showcases the best independent artists from around the globe.**Digital and Vinyl Pre-Order:** Fans can secure their copy of **Independent No.1's, Vol.14** now! Whether you prefer the warm crackle of vinyl or the convenience of digital downloads, we've got you covered. **Exclusive Giveaway:** Join our mailing list for a chance to win a **free download** or a limited-edition **vinyl** of **Vol.14**. Don't miss out! **Tracklist Teasers:** Get ready for soul-stirring melodies, infectious rhythms, and genre-defying tunes. Our artists have poured their hearts into this compilation and we will be showcasing the songs and artists every week on the Internationally syndicated WOAFM99 Radio Show and Podcast with celebrity host Oliver Sean (MTV EMA Nominee and Multiple Billboard Top 10 Charting Artist/Producer)READ MORE Submitted June 21, 2024 at 10:16AM by oliverseanband https://ift.tt/PjMJTut via /r/Music
0 notes
theinsightweb · 5 months
Foam Tapes Market Outlook to 2031
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled Foam Tapes Market Outlook to 2031 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Foam Tapes market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. Foam Tapes Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, The Insight Partners is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the Foam Tapes market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated Foam Tapes market research has all that you need.
What are Key Offerings Under this Foam Tapes Market Research?
Global Foam Tapes market summary, current and future Foam Tapes market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global Foam Tapes Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the Foam Tapes Market?
Foam Tapes market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. Foam Tapes market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their Foam Tapes market share.
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Resin Type
Foam Type
Pe-Backed Foam Tape
Pu-Backed Foam Tape
Acrylic Based Foam Tape
Backing Material Type
Polyester and Polyether Urethane
Vinyl Nitrile
PVC Vinyl
Solvent Based
Water Based
Hot-Melt Based
End use industry
Automotive Building and Construction Electrical and Electronics Paper and Printing General Industrial Others
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective Foam Tapes market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
The The Insight Partners offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Foam Tapes market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
Contact Us: www.theinsightpartners.com
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