#violet cinderella boy
kazul-101 · 5 days
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I absolutely love Violet’s design. Very sparkly.
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I know Prunella is a child, but she seems like the type to give into logic which would mean she’s saying, “We have food at home.” Or she’s just looking for an excuse to raid the Hollow’s house for food.
Bronze on the other hand doesn’t really care either way, but I also feel like he would purposely order a singlar black coffee just to mess with Deacon a bit.
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silvermoon617 · 4 months
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My headcanon design for Violet’s human form
Alternate form
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yvessaintlowrent · 2 months
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Don’t make her tap the sign.
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storkydorky · 19 days
I've been having some thoughts about Violet's design and I thought might as well get them out there.
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So, compared to the other keys we have seen so far, who have just generic looking gems in different colours as their eyes, Violet's eyes don't have that "generic gem" look to them. In my opinion, they look like opal? And they match the underside of her dress. (Which is also a first, in the sense that all the other keys' bodies/clothes so far have just a single solid colour to them)
Edit: Now that I think about it, if Violet's eyes are supposed to be opal, then maybe all the keys have a different gemstone/birthstone as their eyes. Like, maybe silver's eyes are supposed to be tourmaline and bronze's are emerald?
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Also, her skin and clothes have a more "glittery" look to them than the other keys who have a more shiny metallic look.
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So, does any of this have a deeper meaning to it, or is it all just a way to create more unique looking keys? 🤔
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cinderellaboyfanpage · 3 months
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omg violet is so gorgeous!!! and the other key siblings are cuteee <333
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aim445 · 2 days
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gothicbeastgirl · 1 month
If you are having a bad day I'm going to give you a few tips to make it better, at least a bit better :)
With pictures!
1. Go to your App Store or Play Store.
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2. Tap on the search bar.
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3. Write the word Webtoon.
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4. Tap on Install button.
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5. Open Webtoon app.
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6. Tap on the magnifying glass on the upper right corner.
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7. Write Cinderella Boy.
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8. Tap on the webtoon with a cute blonde boy and a handsome mall goth in it.
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9. Start reading.
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10. Now you'll be happier.
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toelessbastard · 2 months
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WHEN CHARACTERS GET THROWN IN WATER AND THEIR HAIR CURLS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways can we eat up his tattoo or wtvr. Hello.
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blareviridi · 7 months
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kitkat-the-muffin · 5 months
For fun I reread Cinderella Boy and kept track of everything in the following categories:
What the boys know about Buddy and vice versa:
Knows Chase is 18
Knows Chase takes dance lessons (or more accurately that he’s on a dance team). Amendment: knows Chase took 4 years of dance lessons
Knows that Chase knows basically nothing about the keys and their actual power
Knows Chase has a gluten allergy
Knows Chase is sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Chase is a fan of musicians
Knows Chase loves to sing
POSSIBLY knows Chase’s full name and trademark (if he was actively listening)
Knows Chase is on good terms with Silver
Thinks Chase stole the Heroine and Helper keys
Knows Deacon chose the cat story (this will affect his perception of him)
Knows Chase dislikes boats because he is scared of the water (and that Chase is prone to seasickness)
Knows Deacon likes making plans
Is under the impression that Deacon and Chase met on the bus
POSSIBLY knows about Chase’s grandpa (depends on his eavesdropping abilities during their first meeting)
Knows that Chase found his key with the missing page from the book that supposedly belongs to the “old man” (this further supports the misconception he has that Chase stole them)
Is aware Buddy has allies
Knows Buddy is NOT sensitive to gore and violence
Knows Buddy hates singing but likes dancing
Believes Buddy is on bad terms with Violet
Believes Buddy doesn’t know his full name
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Knows Buddy is searching for the keys and expected someone else to have Silver
Is aware of Buddy and Ex Libris and pays more attention to that info than Chase does
Believes Buddy does know Chase’s full name
Thinks Buddy is very intense
Knows Buddy is a tsundere lol (or at least I think he’s capable of picking up the hints of the trope)
Knows Buddy is a Drama Queen
Knows Buddy hates him in particular
Knows Buddy hates getting wet
Suspects that Buddy is working for someone else
Additional notes:
Chase used to have a copy of the book he found Silver’s key in as a kid
Buddy says he needs to get the Heroine key back “before the old man finds out something’s missing”
The keys cannot be removed from their user’s person within the story
Chase has a friend named Simon who flakes out on dance practice
Buddy says that there are people more deserving of the keys, implying he has people in mind. He also says “our keys” implying he has allies
Gaining Narratonin takes mental fortitude
It is acknowledged that Buddy uses some kind of unknown method to end up in the same books Chase does
Buddy loves bugs and insects
Boris the horse hates Deacon
In Cinderfella (I), Buddy agrees to stop trying to bully Chase out of the books if he can complete all of the original Cinderella novel
Buddy drew a smiley face at the bottom of the chore list. I just think that’s neat
Buddy is willing to give Chase hints to progress the story
When Buddy tells Chase to water the grave of Cinderella’s mother, the task makes him feel uncomfortable and he asks to opt out of it (which he can’t). He says it hits too close to him :(
Story-relevant clothing disappears once a key-holder is wearing it
Fairytale food has no effect on the digestive system
Chase feeding and naming the birds. I just love that. One of them is named Jake
Silver’s full name is Little Silver
Silver says that entering someone else’s book without having the book on hand is impossible, meaning Buddy is breaking some kind of rule (unless he is a part of Ex Libris and is using an unknown spell)
Narratonin is the pure form of humanity’s enjoyment of stories
There are 12 keys in total
Silver and Violet are sisters. Amendment: Bronze is their brother
Narratonin can heal small wounds
Chase’s mom is named Myra and his dad was named George. George is dead and Myra has cancer
The keys don’t have parents so they likely all consider themselves siblings
Buddy hates Chase’s singing voice
Buddy knows a lot about the keys and claims that it’s helpful to be on speaking terms with them, which contradicts Ex Libris’s ideals
Keys are capable of tasting and digesting food (it is unknown if they produce waste)
The key Chase failed to buy was gold-colored, likely named Gold 🤔
Chase can’t count
Silver loves cheese
Deacon loves horses but horses hate him. Amendment: the same goes for unicorns
Chase loves sparkly things
Buddy is somehow capable of knowing the entire plot of the book he’s in, including obscure stories like the cat one
Buddy was only aware that the Heroine key was missing (likely only after running into Chase for the first time, however) and is surprised to later find out other keys were gone too
Real-world items can be taken into the books, like cellphones and jackets
Buddy knows a fair amount about cats
At the end of Toffee Break, Buddy says that Chase “will be useful after all” after acknowledging his ability to derail the stories. His plans remain a mystery 🤔 since we already know he prefers to follow a story to the letter, what use could he have of Chase who does the opposite?
Punko implied the existence of a Mary Sue key
Chase’s full name is Charlie Everett Hollow. Deacon’s full name is Deacon Everett Hollow. They share a middle name
Chase is 18, Deacon is 20, and Buddy "looks 20-ish"
According to Punko, Buddy would do ANYTHING for a chocolate bar
If Chase’s wedding vows include the phrase “timely jewelry retrieval” we are all legally allowed to make fun of him
Chase's dream husband is a "super crazy hot vampire guy" from the Mistenwood Movie franchise named Caspian Wolfsblood
“After all that… and it’s just a small… weak little thing like you.” This implies many things. After all what? What do you mean by “thing”? We need answers, Buddy! He ends their first ever conversation with “it’s your funeral” which is VERY concerning, as if using the keys incorrectly may kill Chase???? So many questions!
Boris the horse has been in the house before
Boris ate one of Deacon’s shirts
When Deacon and Chase were kids, they’d play in the attic area above Chase's room and Chase’s dad would warn them not too fall off the ladder
Chase has an Alistair shrine under his bed
Bronze is 100% content with living in an oven mitt
Chase openly hates Deacon’s mom
Chase loves coconuts
Chase tried to take photos of Buddy with both digital and film cameras but they turned up blank. He took a lot of test shots though. A lot
Chase lies when he says he tried to take the photos for Silver, because they realized Buddy was too young for her to recognize him the same day he met her
It can be assumed that book objects can be taken into the real world thanks to Bronze’s request for a seashell from the Beach Boys arc, but as the arc is currently unfinished we do not know if this is truly possible
Ex Libris lore:
They created the keys
They kept the keys in a library and rarely let them interact in their person forms
Silver last remembers being in the “Ex Libris building” which is the society’s headquarters
The Order of Ex Libris had many spells and secrets
Narratonin was discovered before the keys were created, and they were created to collect this substance
The keys were used constantly by lower members of the order and then given to senior members to make wishes
The keys were kept on key rings to keep them asleep, and the keys themselves were stored in a very safe and secure location (presumably a box)
As a StarGoth Enthusiast I will also log every time Chase and Buddy blush in response to each other:
Cinderfella (I)
Toffee Break (II)
Toffee Break (V)
Toffee Break (V)
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Cinderella Boy Text Posts (3/?) Bronze
Bronze just gives me those vibes where he gives no fucks and would rather be eating and taking naps. Because of these qualities, he is deemed the best character in my eyes.
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All art is from “Cinderella Boy” by Punko on Webtoon
Link to other text posts
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silvermoon617 · 4 months
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Converted my design of Violet into a simpler style like the webtoon.
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caffeinewitchcraft · 2 years
Cinderella Doesn’t Believe in Fairytales (pt.6)
summary: Cinderella finds her friend...and his real identity.
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3). (Part 4) (part 5)
“You kept your promise,” Cinderella says. She leans her head back to look into the dark canopy of the oak tree. The moon shines through the gaps in the leaves. The magic her friend carries with him slides through the branch. “I’m here.”
“You’re here,” her friend says. A wash or warmth drifts over Cinderella’s face, coaxing her eyes shut. “Don’t look at the magic.”
“It doesn’t hurt me,” Cinderella says. She closes her eyes anyway and smiles. “The dresses are beautiful.”
“I knew you’d pick the green,” her friend says. There’s a long pause. Finally, he says, “Thank you. For coming.”
How odd the words sound! Cinderella is never thanked. It makes her feel full, somehow. Confident. She wants to share the feeling with her friend. “Thank you for keeping your promise.”
There’s no verbal reaction from her friend, but she can tell he’s happy. The moonlight is warmer and the leaves rustle though there’s no breeze. “My pleasure.”
“My stepfamily is here,” Cinderella says after a moment. She smiles and stretches her arms out in front of her. “They look beautiful.”
“No, they don’t,” her friend says. She imagines he’d be curling his lip if he had one. His aura slinks around the tree. “One of them is wearing purple. Doesn’t she know better?”
“It’s lilac.”
“She’ll soon find out if that saves her from the Queen.”
If Cinderella were kind, she’d be concerned by that ominous promise. But Cinderella is selfish because she says, “You saw her?”
“…yes,” her friend says. The courtyard warms another few degrees. “I, er, haven’t told you everything about me.”
Cinderella raises her eyebrows and bites her tongue. She wants to say, we haven’t even exchanged names. Instead she says, “Like how you’re a human?”
“What?” His energy lashes. “Who told you that?”
“Nobody,” Cinderella says. What she can see of the magic through her barely open eyes is darker, responding to his emotions. Cinderella isn’t afraid even when it weighs on her lungs. She huffs a laugh. “I don’t think a tree could pick out dresses.”
Something odd happens then. Cinderella’s eyes are barely open like when first waking up. She can see the glimmer of magic through her eyelashes and the gentle light of the moon on the castle walls. Something seems to step out of the light like smoke solidifying. Her friend’s presence disappears all at once and, startled, Cinderella opens her eyes.
Not a boy, Cinderella’s first thought is.
The man standing in front of her belongs in the sun. She doesn’t know why she thinks that. His hair is as dark as the night sky above and his green eyes shine like stars. He’s beautifully structured, face drawn in broad lines and shoulders squared against her scrutiny. The coat he’s wearing is almost completely black. There are dark swirls of velvet across the lapels that look violet in the moonlight and his dress pants match.
Cinderella watches the way his hands twitch and then still. Rainbows of magic curl out from his back like wings and then fade into thin air as if they never were.
“I,” her friend says, “am not a tree.”
Cinderella surprises herself by laughing. There’s something so him in his first words to her. A little offended, a little embarrassed, a little too commanding. She smiles at her friend. “No, you are not.”
“You…aren’t mad?” Like she’s studying him, he studies her. His eyes flash from her expression to the easy way she’s holding her hands in her lap and he frowns. “Why?”
“Because we’re friends,” Cinderella says simply. She’s always known that they haven’t told each other everything. The important thing is that they know each other. “Friends learn new things about each other all the time.”
He stares at her. He is less easy to read than he was as a tree. There’s no warm energy dancing around her to interpret, no suspiciously timed breeze. He steps forward and then collapses onto the bench next to her like a puppet without strings. The line of his body against her arm is strikingly hot and he is very careful not to jostle her on the narrow bench. He throws a hand over his eyes. “You’re too kind.”
He says the word kind like a curse. Cinderella who is so tired of being kind, of being patient, likes the way he says it. She doesn’t like being accused of it.
“I am not,” she says tartly. It’s hard to look at him seated next to each other like this, but she does her best. She twists, her knees pressing against his, and sits at her full height so she can scowl directly into his face. “Take that back.”
Her friend peeks through his fingers. His lips twitch at the indignation on her face. “I didn’t say anything untrue.”
The almost-smile soothes the sting of her offense. Cinderella has to work hard to keep scowling. “Yes, you did. If I was kind I would be trying to pay you back for bringing me to the Capital and putting me up for a week and giving me a dress. But I’m not, see? I’m only taking.”
“That’s okay,” he says. He drops his hand and grins at her, leaning forward so that their noses are only inches apart. There’s a mean edge in the corners of his mouth that reminds her of winter. “So am I.”
A thrill runs down Cinderella’s spine. They’re so close and there’s a warm darkness in his words that flusters her. What does he mean? She’s the one wearing a dress she could only dream of in a place she couldn’t have dreamt. He hasn’t taken a thing from her, has he? Rather than ask, Cinderella nods firmly. “Good. Then it’s settled. We’re both taking and not paying the other back.”
“Good,” her friend echoes. He’s still close but he’s her friend again, that mysterious quality absent from his voice. He asks, “Have you been enjoying the ball?”
“Oh, yes,” Cinderella says. She’s relieved to be back on familiar ground. “Let me tell you everything.”
And she does. She tells him about Helga and how kind she was (“I’ll be sure to reward her efforts.”) and the coachman who told her the names of the nobles (“There’s no one better to ask for information.”). Her friend’s smile seems a little tight when she describes the dances and her partners (“I know of them. You enjoyed the dancing? That’s all that matters.”), but he also asks her about her favorite song to dance to and if she’s tried any of the food yet.
“I haven’t,” she says. She eyes him. They’ve been talking for half an hour and, as usual, he hasn’t said a word about himself. Usually she’d let that pass, but didn’t she want to change? Didn’t that voice inside of her tell her to ask? “You were in the ballroom if you saw my stepsisters. Did you try anything?”
“Not yet,” he says. He clears his throat and stands, offering her his hand. “Maybe we can try some champagne together?”
Somehow taking his offered hand is daunting. They’ve been sitting shoulder to shoulder, but that wasn’t a deliberate touch. She can still feel his warmth as she wrestles with her sudden embarrassment. Cinderella tries to keep her fingers from trembling when she takes his hand. “…yes.”
If he notices her hesitation, he doesn’t mention it. He gently helps her stand and then tucks her hand into the crook of his arm. “We can come back here later if you’d like.”
Cinderella looks over her shoulder as he leads her back inside. The oak in the middle of the flowers is beautiful and comforting. “I would like that. Later.”
“Later,” he says.
They walk down the deserted hall, side by side. Cinderella’s spent a lifetime keeping her footsteps light so as not to wake her stepfamily. She listens to the sound of his confident stride, ducking her head to hide her flush. His arm is strong under her fingers. Even through his jacket she can feel his warmth chase the chill away. She rubs her fingertips against the velvet details on the fabric. She struggles with herself. Ask. Don’t ask. Finally she says, “This is violet.”
His footsteps don’t falter and he doesn’t tense, but she can feel his aura flutter under her touch. “It is.”
“Violet is purple.”
“Is it?”
The ballroom is coming up. Cinderella stops before the light seeping through the entry falls on her. “Maybe you should go in first.”
He stops with her and catches her hand before she can let go of his arm. He doesn’t look at her, staring straight ahead. He swallows and asks lightly, “You don’t want champagne?”
“I do.” Cinderella can’t ask.
“Then we have to go in. That’s where the champagne is.”
“I know, but…” She can’t ask, but she can say, “Everyone will be looking for the Prince. He’s very late.”
Her friend’s jaw works and slowly, so slowly, his head turns to meet her gaze. “He has reason to be late,” he says. “He had to meet someone very important.”
The way he looks at her tells her who he thinks is important.
There’s that thrill again, like there are butterflies in her stomach. Cinderella fights against a smile and loses. “I’m very important?”
The tension leaks from his aura little by little. “You are.” His eyes search hers. “You aren’t mad again.”
He’s the Prince. Cinderella doesn’t think she’s really processing the information. All she can see is her friend frowning at her, perplexed. She wants to smooth the wrinkle from between his eyes, but refrains. She’s not sure if it’s because the gesture would be too intimate for her or if it’s because it’d be improper to touch the Prince like that.
Oh, she thinks faintly. He’s the Prince.
“I don’t think I am,” she says. She looks back to the door to the ballroom. The music sounds sweet again, complimented by the clinking of glasses and silvery laughter. “I just…they’ll be looking for you. I don’t want to…” She trails off, embarrassed, and looks at the ground.
He takes it the wrong way. His mood darkens his eyes from a summer green to the deepest parts of the forest. “You don’t want to be seen with me.”
“No!” Cinderella jerks, eyes flying up to his. Her desperation to correct him makes her honest. “No, but Stepmother is here and she’ll—well, if she sees you, she’ll see me and I know she’ll see you.”
His aura brightens so quickly that Cinderella has to blink against the flare of magic. The Prince beams down at her. “I can take care of that. I did promise you, didn’t I? Your stepfamily won’t recognize you.”
She resists his lead when he goes to enter the ballroom. “Yes, but I don’t see how! You’re the Prince! The Prince! They’ll announce you and everyone will turn and I’ll be right there—”
The Prince snaps his fingers. The warmth from the meadow descends on Cinderella all at once, rolling over her like the sun does when it rises above the horizon. The Prince grins, rainbows swimming in his eyes. “There. Now only I will recognize you.” He laughs. “Why I didn’t have Helga do that from the beginning…well. I know better now.”
Cinderella blinks magic out of her eyes. “You can do magic?”
“I’ve been talking to you through a tree for years,” the Prince says. He’s not laughing at her. He sounds affectionate. “I get by.” He gestures to the entryway. “Are you ready?”
Cinderella takes a tentative step forward. The warmth follows her. “Are you sure they won’t recognize me?”
“Then…yes,” Cinderella says. This time when he gently nudges her, she follows. “Alright.”
The Prince takes her through the doorway to the ballroom. At first nobody notices. The room is as she left it, grand and arching and filled with color. Then the volume of the voices and music seems to lower.
“Presenting,” the Master of Ceremonies calls. He’s all the way across the room near where Cinderella first entered, but his eyes are on them. His voice booms across the dancefloor with such clarity it sounds as if he’s right next to them. “Presenting the Prince and the Baron’s Daughter!”
As one, every noble stops dancing, turns, and bows.
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to read the next part a week early, please consider supporting me on Patreon where I post all my short stories a week early as well as exclusives!
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sugaroto · 5 months
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Ok so
I noticed a few things about the title
So obviously the two keys on the back making an x are the heroine and the villainess key
Extra details being the heart on Silver's end and a diamond? Something shape on the end of Violet
Cinderella Boy
Chase's name starts with C, as Cinderella
And Buddy's name starts with B, as Boy
(I mean it's not his real name and we don't know his name yet but so far we know him as Buddy)
So like their initials make the title? Kinda?
Also Cinderella is in purple colors, which resembles Buddy's colors and Boy is in gold which resembles Chase
This could all be a coincidence or not intended but eh I'm throwing it in here anyway
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bananacakepie · 7 months
So there’s a webtoon called Cinderella Boy by Punko, and I’m hooked. There are some spoilers about the plot up to the 17th episode, so if you haven’t read that far: continue at your own risk.
The plot goes like so; there’s a boy who goes by Chase, and his mom is sick. He wants to make a magical wish to save her, but to do so, he needs both a magical liquid called Narration, and a set of 12 magical archtype keys. Each of the keys can turn into a little person, but also allow whoever is using that specific key to enter a story, and seemlessly take the place of whatever character holds that specific archtype. There’s a dangerous group called Ex Libris that wants the keys (assumingly to fulfill their personal goals with the wishes) and has most of one, but Chase is on a mission to find all of them.
My big question is this: What keys are there?
So the plot kicks off with Chase finding Silver, the Heroine Key.
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So she then tells Chase thst the last thing she remembers is being held by Ex Libris, and dhe refers to the other Keys as her family, and she encourages Chase to find them.
While trave Ing through stories, Chase meets “Buddy”. He wants Chase to stop using the Heroine Key and hand it over to him. Buddy has a Key of his own - but he hides it under his shirt.
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Buddy holds the Villainess Key (who’s name Silver tells Chase, is Violet), and is implied to work for Ex Libris. So that one will definitely be hard to get.
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In a recent storyline, Silver spots two Keys at a flea market, but by the time Chase runs away, grabs the money to but them, and comes back, one of the Keys has been sold. Chase buys the remaining Key.
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The Key that Chase does get turns out to be Bronze who is the Helper Key. The archtype of a sidekick.
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And that’s all the know Keys! The Heroine Key (held by Chase), the Villainess Key (held by Buddy/Ex Libris), and the Helper Key (held by Chase/Chase’s cousin).
You get the idea. 3 known, 9 unknown. 2 held, 10 with unknown locations.
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And Chase wants to find them.
One of the Keys got sold at the flea market, so it’s likely nearby.
(Left Picture: The lighter colored Key is the missing one.)
And there’s another Key mentioned on the paper that Chase found.
(Right Picture: We can see symbols on 3 of the Keys. From what we can see, the top left is labled “Hero-”, has a rose on top, and a heart shape on the bottom. The top right’s lable is obscured, but we can see the sun on top and the circle shape on the bottom. The bottom left is labled “Villa-” before being cut off, has a gem on top and a curved diamond shape on the bottom. There are no visible details on the bottom right Key.)
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The right picture tells us more about the unknown Keys. We know about the Villainess and Heroine Keys that match up with what is seen on the bottom left and top left respectively. But the top right Key’s name is unknown.
So aside from that, we can also guess what the rest of the keys are, because they said to represent the 12 archtypes in stories.
Chase initially mistook the Heroine Key for the Hero Key, which is a good guess for one of the archetypes.
But things get interesting if we look at the 12 Jungian archtypes: The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage.
Breaking down these roles, they are:
The Innocent - The dreamer or a romantic
The Everyman - Kinda background character
The Hero - You know this guy, he’s the warrior, the dragon stayer, the HERO
The Outlaw - The rulebreaker, or revolutionary who dislikes the status quo
The Explorer - The wanderer/seeker, they like their freedom and seek to keep it
The Creator - they seek to bring their vision to fruition as an artist or innovator
The Ruler - The big boss who wants plwer/control (maybe the VILLAINESS)
The Magician - They seek to make others all happy and are charismatic leaders and healers
The Lover - The HEROINE; goal is to be in a relationship
The Caregiver - The HELPER
The Jester - The fool or the trickster who lives for fun
The Sage - The smart one, often the mentor
We do pick up some potential archtypes from this, but we can’t really be all that sure of the names for some vauge ones. Some new ones I feel more sure about might be: Mentor, Trickster, Fool, Leader, Wanderer, Artist/Creator, Rebel, Everyman.
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But what do I know? Do your own research, or share your own opinion on the future Key archetypes!
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