#viollettes answers
viollettes · 7 years
JinAh, I just have to tell you that you now own my heart since you broke it with ‘Like Rose’, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to recover now. You’re a writing genius, and I hope you know that 💛
caro, i kid you not - i’m hooked up to an ekg machine right now, and my heart rate sped up as soon as i saw this message.
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i love your work. you have a signature style of writing that i admire and envy but in the best way possible. that said i’m honored and shocked and over the moon that you liked Like Rose. and writing genius?? holy shit i am not worthy of such a compliment
Like Rose (Bucky x Reader)
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pleasecallmecaptain · 7 years
when we lived in germany, there was a lad who liked my sister. they went on one date, and afterwards he assumed they were a thing. this went on for a month, and when it was time for my fam to move back to aus, my sister sent me to "break up" with him for her. we were triplets and we don't look heaps identical, but he was so pissed drunk that i don't he realized that i wasn't my sister. it ended up with him clinging on my leg while i attempted to leave the beer garden. not a proud moment oops
omfg JinAh that is wild lmaooo I don’t know any twins, let alone triplets, so I’ve always wondered if those switcheroo stories ever actually happen in real life bUT I GUESS THEY DO
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howlingbarnes · 7 years
I saw your reply on viollettes text post, and.. I don't know. Chronic pain is horrible, and I'm sorry you have to go through that, but she's literally dying. Idk, it felt weird that you were trying to compare your situation to hers or maybe even shed more light on your situation.
Regardless of anything, I feel like this is between me and her. It seems - in a way - that what you’re doing is trying to downplay what I’m going through too, so I don’t see how you’d be annoyed with someone for something that you think is happening and then turn around and do it to them? It feels like “how dare you mention that you’re sick? she’s way more sick than you so you shouldn’t talk about the fact that there’s something wrong with you as well.”
I definitely am not the type of person to compare my issues with anyone else’s. Going through something never means that what you’re going through is any more important than anyone else’s struggles. I just wanted to basically tell JinAh in my own way that I know how she’s feeling rn and I’m here for her. If it came off any other way then my tone and wording were way off because my intentions were not ill in any way. I’m far too old and tired for petty bullshit of trying to one-up others. You’ve got the wrong one, and clearly, don’t know me.
@viollettes  if I made you feel uncomfortable, or made you feel like what you’re going through is insignificant in any way, I sincerely apologize. We may not talk much but I do genuinely care about you.
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cassiopeiassky · 6 years
I’m sad.  I wrote a thing.  Don’t read it if you don’t want the sads.
This idea first came to me about a year ago, right after I found out about @viollettes losing her battle with cancer.  I didn’t get the courage to actually write it until losing my mom in law last month, and now another friend from high school.  It’s a songfic - the song is Fly by Jars of Clay.  I’d link the video but I don’t have the energy to deal with Tumblr being a twat.
This is for JinAh, Maggie, and Mande.  Fly high, loves.  You live on forever in the hearts of those that had the luck to know and love you.
Bucky x reader
Word count: 1283
Warnings: character death, talk of cancer and dying.  Brief mention of thoughts of self harm.
Lyrics are italicized.
 Be still, let your hand melt into mine
The part of me that breathes when you breathe is losing time
I can’t find the words to say I’ll never say goodbye
The room is quiet save for the uneven breaths she struggles to take; there’s no more unending beeps or shrill alarms, no more whoosh and pulling velcro from the blood pressure cuff.  There’s no need for these things anymore.  The nurses come in periodically to give her a bit of morphine under the tongue, just to be sure she’s comfortable - and to check on him - but mostly they leave him alone.
They’re grieving, too.
She’s been in this hospice room for five weeks, and she’s already lived two weeks longer than expected.  It didn’t take long for her to make her mark. Bucky already knows how easy it is to love her; the nurses found it out the hard way. He supposes it’s an occupational hazard.
He gently traces the contours of her face one more time as he holds her close.  He moves his fingertips over her eyelids, remembering how they opened for the last time early yesterday morning.  Despite her exhaustion, despite the poison flowing through her body, he could still see her love for him in them.  Even cancer couldn’t steal that.
Bucky smiles.
Her lips, now dry and chapped, managed a smile and a mouthed “I love you” before her eyes slid closed.  Her voice left a few days earlier, but Bucky knows what she meant.  He suspected but didn’t know then that it would be the last time.  
He presses a kiss to her forehead and remembers.  He remembers when they first met, how he was so self assured as he sauntered over to her as she stood by the pool.  He was so utterly taken by her in the sight of that sundress that he completely lost his cool and gave her an absolutely terrible pickup line, one that in hindsight was totally inappropriate.  She calmly handed her friend her drink before spartan kicking his cocky ass into the pool.
“Yeah, I had that comin’” he laughed as he surfaced, and she cracked a smile.
“Yeah, you did.”  She hid her smirk behind her lemonade as he pulled himself out of the pool.
“That was awful, can I have a do over?”
He prayed as she tilted her head.  “You sure you want one?”
“Absolutely.”  He was already in love.
Even if Bucky knew then what he knows now, he wouldn’t have changed his answer. Even knowing how it would end, with his heart grinding itself into millions of tiny shards in the semi darkness of a room not their own, he wouldn’t change a thing.
Not a single thing.  Not one tiny moment.  She was the best part of his life.
I saw the host of silent angels waiting in their own
Knowing that all the promises of faith come alive when you see home
Hold still and let your hand melt into mine
 God, he doesn’t want her to go.  He’s even briefly thought about going with her, until she made him promise he wouldn’t do anything stupid.
“Define stupid,” he’d mumbled, trying to hide his desperation.
“You know what I mean,” she’d said sternly before pulling him close and kissing away the tears he couldn’t stop from spilling over.  “The world needs you, Babe.  You’re a good man, and there aren’t enough like you.  You’re needed here.”
“But I need you.”
“I’ll always be with you, Bucky.”  When he didn’t respond, she said, “Don’t you dare get all Twilight on me and do stupid shit so I have to come back and haunt your ass.”  That won a tearful chuckle, so she continued, “I have every intention of taking over as your guardian angel, so take it easy on me, okay?”
That was a while ago, back when they first found out for sure that the cancer was far more aggressive than any existing treatment.  Contemplating the reality of living without her isn’t any easier today than it was then, but a promise is a promise.
Besides, he’s pretty sure she’s gonna be okay, and that’s really what matters to Bucky.  He had a dream the night before last – he doesn’t generally believe in stuff like this, but he’ll hold onto this with every fiber of his being.  He dreamed that he was lying here with her when the door opened, and in walked a steady stream of people: his ma and dad, his siblings, the Howlies.  Peggy, not old and faded but young, bright and vibrant.  There were faces he didn’t know but they resembled Rebecca.  Others that resembled the woman lying in his arms were also there – Bucky recognized one from an old picture as a favorite uncle that was taken all too soon.
“We’ll take care of her, Jamie,” whispers a soothing voice he hasn’t heard in nearly a century.  His ma.
“And no one will be able to stop her from taking care of you,” murmurs another once cherished voice, soft and lilting.  Sarah, Steve’s ma.  “She’s a lot like you in that respect.”  She gazes at Bucky’s beloved, “She’s holding on for you, a leanbh.”
I’ll fly with you through the night so you know I’m not letting go
I’m not letting go
My tears like rain fill up the sky
Oh my love I’m not letting go, I won’t let you go
She fought so hard over the past year.  Fucking cancer.  Bucky had begged and pleaded to take her place – had done everything he could to support her fight.  He watched as it dulled her eyes, sapped her energy, ruined her skin, and confined her to a bed. Cancer took so much from her, but it never managed to steal her kindness, wit, or love.  It only sometimes overcame her stubbornness; Bucky actually believed she’d beat it, despite what the doctors said.  
But now, it’s time.  
“It’s okay to let go, Baby.  I love you so much, and I’ll carry you with me wherever I go.  I promise.  I’m gonna go to all those places we talked about, and eat the local foods you wanted to try.  I, uh, I still have the list in my wallet.  And I’ll see those shows on Broadway, the ones you always talked about.” Bucky tries so hard to keep it together, for her sake, but the idea of doing these things without her is unbearable. He’s still going to do them, though.   “I’m gonna miss you so fucking much, but there’s some good people waiting for you, okay?”  His own choked whispers are broken and unrecognizable, but he knows she understands. She always did.
He doesn’t leave her side.  The breaths become few and far between, but her heart, her strong, steady, beautiful heart, stubbornly continues to beat.
“It’s okay, Baby.  You can let go.  You fought a brave battle, and it’s time for you to rest.  I love you.”  He repeats it over and over and over again until she sighs, and he whispers her name one more time as her body briefly stiffens.  He sobs as her heartbeat finally, grudgingly falters.
He almost can’t believe it.  Or won’t.
She’s gone.
His world is gone and everything hurts but she’s no longer in pain. The thought is a bandaid on a bullet wound, but he supposes it’s something.  He’d much rather it be him that hurts than her.
She’s peaceful now, and even though it’s supposed to be impossible he’ll swear to his last breath that he felt her lips graze his.
Shed your heart and your breath and your pain and fly
Now you’re alive
@hellomissmabel @howdoesoneadult  @nykitass @danimuhle @iwillbeinmynest  @shifutheshihtzu @passiononfire​  @learisa​ @widowvinter​  @kaaatniss ​ @ladylizzieofdarbyshire​ @denialanderror  @k-nighttt​ @givemethatgold​ @manders2487 ​ @afangirlrambles​ ​ ​ @polkadottedpillowcase​ @bluebrrn @saysay125​  @aikibriarrose @saharzek @mmauricee @imhereforbvcky  @whenallsaidanddone @supernatural508  @scarlettsoldier  @natalie-nightcourt  @im-beautifully-sewn  @lovemarvelousfics  @feistytravel  @tbetz0341  @nearly-whitches  @jamie-leah  @shliic  @dessinemoiunehistoire  @lucywinchester2000  @solarbarnes  @a-proper-chicken  @movingonto-betterthings @seekingkairos @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety  @buckyywiththegoodhair
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Good Hair, Better Fics (Best of 2017 Edition)
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We made it y’all - the last day of 2017. It somehow feels like this year dragged on for far too long and flew by all at once. Through it all, there were countless fics that made this this year a bearable one. Fics that deserve to be placed in the spotlight alongside authors who deserve all the thanks in the world. 
In order to do just that, I’ve listed a bunch of fics below and decided to include my reactions to each one. This is gonna get long.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Salvation | @marvelingatthewonder​
Amberly, I don’t know if you’re going to see this or not, but I need you to know that I never got over the excellence of this fic. Never. And I don’t thing I ever will. You showed us the relationship between the reader and Bucky not through their words, but through their thoughts and actions. And that moment when Bucky realized someone out there could care about him? I’ll never forget the way my heart sang.
Faithfully | @avengerofyourheart
‘Faithfully’ is a song that owns m heart. It’s one of those songs where, if it comes up on a shuffle, I’m not allowed to skip (not that I’d want to). So, when I saw you wrote a fic based off of the song with Rockstar!Bucky? I was floating on clouds. And I continued to float on those clouds throughout the entirety of this well-written fic with an even better plot. Now when I hear this song, I think of this fic and you.
Cheap Thrills | @avengerofyourheart​​
Gosh. I remember reading this fic and practically dancing in my seat. I had to refrain (probably because I was around people), but when I get too happy to put into words, dancing is my go-to option. That’s what your writing and this wonderfully fun fic did to me. 
New Beginnings | @redgillan​​
The realism of this fic was killer, Maisie. Whenever I think about it, the first thing that comes to mind is “bittersweet”. The second is “what if?”. You gave us the perfect combination of both when hitting ‘Post’, sharing this gift with the rest of us and making the conscious decision not to write a sequel. Happy endings aren’t guaranteed and knowing that the reader and Bucky just missed out on what could’ve been a beautiful relationship alongside the hints that all of the friendships you wrote about don’t make it out unscathed was something tangible. Something I could relate to and i thank you for that.
When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) | @cassiopeiassky​
My darling, Cass. In my eyes, this isn’t a Tumblr series. It’s so much more than that. It’s a novel that I’ve been lucky enough to find for free online (even though I’d be more than happy to pay to have this on my shelf). The depth of each and every character you’ve included is impeccable. The emotions you write about are raw and real and I feel them. Whenever I start a new part, I kid you not when I say that my heart starts and stops, clenches and thumps away happily. This is what you and your writing do to me.
Roses | @rotisserierogers​
You broke my heart, Kumi. I’m not sure if you’re aware of that, but you did. Your writing and this fic did that to me. “Is it possible to win a girl’s heart in a day?” I’m convinced that the answer to this is yes because it took approximately 1.3k words for you to win my heart and then proceed to break it.
ocean eyes | @whothehellisbella​
Angelic Isabella, you stunned me with this fic. Not because I was surprised you could write something so beautiful (you do it on the regular), but because of how perfect it was. Finding the right words is never easy, I’m sure every writer is fully aware of that, but you somehow managed. You wrangled the English language as if you were a farmhand and it was a wild horse and you made it bend to your will and calm down under your touch. I don’t know if this makes sense so, if it doesn’t please know this fic meant the world to me. And it really is something I could read every day without growing tired of it.
Lovebug | @thewinterswimmer​
I have never forgotten this fic. I will never forget it because it is one of the best things i have ever read. You evoked every possible emotion out of me. When I say you took my breath away, I hope you know that’s not an exaggeration. I could feel the time and effort you put into this and I hope you know how appreciative I am of it.
The Ink of My Heart | @theassetseyeliner​
This was easily one of the most unique fics I’ve ever read. I was intrigued by the concept and you kept my interest for the entirety of everything you wrote. Also, you made me realize something I never realized before - I would very greatly appreciate having a tattoo artist!Bucky in my life.
Intertwined | @theassetseyeliner​​
Erin, my love. I am a sucker for royal!au’s and this one in particular was so damn adorable. I can’t tell you how excited I was when I saw the word count for this. It was the perfect length with all the best details and all the most fluffy things going. Just writing about it now makes me want to go back and read it and I think I’m going to do just that.
Home | @spee-iderman​
These days, people make it a habit to refer to things as ‘soft’. You yourself used it in your summary for this fic. And, let me tell you, you did not lie. In this world you created around Bucky and the reader, everything is soft. If I had to compare this fic to an object, it’d be a blanket or a fireplace or anything else that could be used to keep me warm because that’s exactly how my heart felt while reading it. Warm and happy. 
If I’d Stayed | @soldatbarnes​
Nikki, my love. This fic. THIS FIC. What you did with it was you took my heart, which I willingly handed over to you, and smashed it in the most beautiful way possible - with your words. That ending where he’s at her tombstone and he thinks about her refusing to let him go off to war without taking his last name because she wanted him to know she was waiting for him, no matter what?? Killer. You’re much more talented than you give yourself credit for.
Flirt | @soldatbarnes​​
This fic is exactly what I wish would happen to my shy-as-hell self. You captured the whole shyness, being a terrible flirt thing to a tee. I couldn’t just sit back and read this. I had to sit back, read it, and nod along like crazy because I knew exactly where the reader was coming from. And the fact that I couldn’t stop nodding? Well I’d say that speaks volumes about your abilities as a writer.
Hearts Entwining | @lovingkatsuki
Jade, there’s something about your writing. Something I struggle to put into words every time I come across one of your fics. Something I’m struggling to do right now as I think back to how I felt while reading this fic. But here I am, convinced that this will be the time that I finally find a way to properly express myself. I’ve never been to a ballet, but I can imagine that people keep their eyes trained the stage with bated breath as delicate excellence unfolds right in front of their eyes. Hopefully what I just said makes sense because that’s how it felt to read this. 
roygbiv | @marvelous-fiction​
The idea to use colors to describe a person’s feelings is such a brilliant idea and I’m certain that no one could have done this as well as you did. You made me look at the colors in a whole new light and you did it so beautifully. I could feel the love that the reader and Bucky had for each other. And you accomplished that in 1,100 words - I hope you know how impressive that is.
The Five Times You Caught Bucky Blushing | @mindingmyownbusiness​​
Elizabeth, this series of yours is the definition of adorable. I remember sitting at my kitchen table reading through the whole thing with the biggest smile on my face. You know there’s the whole notion of people having ‘feel-good’ things (shows, movies, books, etc.) that make them happy? That’s exactly what this fic was to me.
open letter | @bookybuns​​
Heartbreak is such a complex subject. How does one write about it in a way that is relatable? Understood by an audience who have (potentially) experienced this very emotion, all to varying degrees? Well apparently you, my darling Blade have the answer to this question. You wrote this piece, gave us the juxtaposition of happiness and pain and somewhere in between it all, took my heart with you. And of course, you accomplished such a feat in the most stunning, eloquent way possible.
Bring It to You | @thewinterswimmer​
When I think back on this fic, I remember how well you portrayed Bucky and his general tiredness. You didn’t spend much time describing him and yet, with the small amount of words you did dedicate to him, wow. I felt his exhaustion, which made it that much better when the reader came to save the day. And your descriptions of the reader and Bucky together? Holy hell. I haven’t reread the fic since reblogging it, but I still clearly remember your description of the look in his eyes when he was looking at the reader. And the fact that I remember that really is a testament to your writing.
Like Rose | @viollettes​
Being a beta-reader for your writing was one of the easiest tasks a person could do entirely because there were rarely any corrections that needed to be made. Other than a spelling error or two, everything you wrote was spell-bounding and this fic is no different. It’s an interesting concept really, to take comfort out of a movie that was built around a tragedy. But that’s what you always did, isn’t it? You saw the beauty in everything and I admire you immensely for that.
Steve Rogers x Reader
Two Weeks | @viollettes​
The emotions you were able to evoke with your writing were always out of this world, babe. I will never forget the way my heart ached while beta-reading this for you and knowing that your personal experiences inspired it. You molded something beautiful out of something heart-wrenchingly terrible. You were always good at that.
“Dating Pre-Serum Steve” | @aubzylynn​
I still remember the moment I read this headcanon you had written. It showed up on my dash and I was intrigued. That intrigue quickly gave way to love and admiration because holy hell, you had written something so damn beautiful and amazing. After I finished reading it, I had to stop for a few seconds and take it all in while also reconciling the fact that, unfortunately, there is no pre-serum Steve for me to love. But if you somehow find a way to write one into existence, please remember me.
Wrong Number, Right Person | @4theluvofall​​
There was so much cuteness in this fic. So damn much. Enough to keep me smiling the entire time I was reading it. I love them getting to know each other before actually meeting. I love meddling Tony. I love the nervousness that sets in for the reader after she sends something close to her heart to Steve and fears his response (so relatable!). You gave us all the best things with this fic, truly.
Christmas to Remember | @avengerofyourheart​
ANIKA. YOU BROUGHT BACK MY FAVORITE MINI-SERIES AND I FLIPPED. Not only did you bring it back, you slayed. In this case, the things that were slayed were: my emotions, heart, and soul. But slayed in the best way possible because everything about it was pure gold.
Autumn | @viollettes​​
The last thing we spoke about was this fic and your writing. I can’t imagine a better final conversation to have. This fic was a reminder that hope is out there and I’ll carry that message (and you) with me in my heart. Always.
The Lonely Tree | @sarahwroteathing​
This series took my breath away. Just thinking about it has the same effect. This was a masterpiece, from start to finish. I was also hooked from the very beginning, entranced by your writing style and ability to make me feel like I really was in the story. And don’t even get me started on your portrayal of artist!Steve seriously, don’t - we’ll be here all day.
Peter Parker x Reader
the six stages of falling in love | @parkerstcr​
My darling, May. It is my hope that, at this point, you know how deep my love for this series and your writing is. There’s something beautiful and insanely poetic about the way you write. To say it ‘flows well’ would be the gosh dang understatement of the century. It does so much more more than flow. It soars and it makes me feel like I’m flying right along with it.
enough | @parkerstcr​​
You do angst well. Like too well. Like give my heart a break well. Luckily for me, you did give me a break and let this one end on a high note even though the path to get there was real rough and I didn’t know if I was going to make it out with my heart intact. 
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Stole the Show | @writingruna​
“Pulled at my heartstrings” is an overused expression. You hear it so much that it begins to lose its meaning. For me, that expression gained back all of its meaning after reading this fic. I’m pretty sure my heart was begging me to stop reading this fic because of how much pain it was in. When it comes to angst, you don’t play around and that’s something I’m grateful for. 
Eggsy Unwin x Reader
Know No Better | @ughjoekeery​ 
You know that saying “the best of both worlds”? That perfectly describes this. You gave me Bucky. You gave me insecure Eggsy. You gave me the amazing level of writing that only you can produce. You gave me everything I could ever want and so much more. 
Safe Haven | @ughjoekeery​​
When I was rereading this, the first thing that came to mind was “we found love in a hopeless place”. That’s what happened between the reader and Eggsy. That poor man found the love that he deserved and you gave me Roxy. You are a true angel, a queen, and I’m so thankful to you for writing this and giving me the good stuff my poor soul needed especially after the trash that was Kingsman 2.
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Exotic part 1
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Pairing: Bucky x siren!reader, Steve x siren!reader and Tony x siren!reader
Warnings: Talk of rape, sexual activities
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: 5 years later, you and Tony have a fling and Steve asks you to go to Wakanda with him.
Series masterlist can be found here
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“So what’s going on with you and Stevie boy?”
You’re straddling Tony’s thighs, completely naked except for the skimpy cotton panties he got you earlier today during your little shopping trip. As you’re sipping from your glass of white wine, you rock your hips teasingly slow over Tony’s clothed member, straining against the dark fabric of his boxer briefs.
Kinking an eyebrow at him, you roll your head to the side and sigh. “There’s nothing going on between me and Steve,” you reply as the words roll of your tongue with a touch of venom. “Why would you ever assume there’s something going on with me and Steve?”
Tony wets his lower lip, rolling it between his teeth as he tries to keep his hands to himself. You made it very clear that he can’t touch you now if he wants to get laid later tonight. “Then why did Natasha say she saw you enter his room at three in the morning?”
“Because Natasha doesn’t like me.” Sighing deeply, you down the rest of the clear liquid in one go and put the glass aside on the bedroom table, resting your hands on Tony’s lower stomach as you press your warm core to his aching cock. “And she’ll say anything to discredit me.”
“What the fuck happened between you two?”
“Oh Tony,” you coo sweetly, “It’s a long story and it happened a long time ago.”
Tony’s fingertips tick softly against your skin, a heavy mood falling over his eyelids as he closes his eyes in frustration. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But seriously, baby, if Steve has as much as a tiny crush on you, I’m pulling the plug.”
“No, it’s alright, babe. It just – Steve asked me to go to Wakanda with him.”
A low growl falls from Tony’s lips as he firmly plants his hands on your hips, your fingertips leaving soft, red marks on his skin as you drag them down his bare torso. “Bucky is coming out of cryo.”
“And why should you be there?”
“Don’t worry, Tony, I know what I’m doing,” you assure the man of iron, “I wanna be there for when he wakes up. I wanna be there and meet the new James. Not the Winter Soldier that abused me, but a man named James Buchanan Barnes.”
“What about Raegan? She’ll be there, too, you know. Under custody, but still, she’ll be there.”
“She kind of saved my life. And now that Hydra is dead and dismantled, there’s no reason for us to be enemies. Raegan was Andrei’s sex slave, forcibly taken away from her parents. Just like I was kidnapped and forced to be Bucky’s handler.” Tracing his stubbled jawline with your thumb, you lean in to peck his lips in a tender kiss. “Relax. Steve and I got this under control.”
This seems to calm him down, but as your wetness is seeping through the flimsy fabric of your panties, Tony gets increasingly excited and makes a suggestion of his own. “I believe you, sweetheart. How about some dry humping, hm? What do you say, princess?”
“Call me princess again and I’m yours,” is your reply while you roll off Tony and welcome him on top of you, your arms lacing around his broad shoulders as he rubs his erection against your entrance.
“I’m surprised Tony agreed,” Steve comments casually as you gear up in the locker rooms of the compound. He’s standing with his back to you but is gazing over his shoulder at where you’re zipping up your jacket.
“I sang to him.” With a wink you tell him it’s okay to turn around again and as you inspect his suit, dusting off some dirt from the last mission, you press a chaste kiss to his cheek. When you notice Steve’s face is drained of all colour, you shake your head and laugh. “Don’t worry Steve, I didn’t sing to him. I don’t do that anymore.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
“But why would Tony have anything to say about it?,” you continue, surprised by Steve’s remark.
The blond shrugs with one shoulder, picking up his shield. “I don’t know, aren’t you two like dating or something?”
“That’s funny,” you chuckle amused as you walk towards the elevator, pressing the button to the right floor. “Tony said something similar about you and me.”
The doors to the elevator slide open and reveal the private jet that will take you to Wakanda. “But no, we’re not dating. After Pepper left,” you explain softly, “Tony… needs someone to take care of him. He can’t sleep unless someone cradles him to sleep. And if we both can’t sleep, we sometimes have sex and when we do we’re both so exhausted we fall asleep right after.”
“Kind of an odd arrangement if you ask me,” Steve mumbles under his breath. “Just be careful, Y/N.”
Squeezing his shoulder, you give him a sideway glance that pretty much says you’re not very happy about his observations but appreciate the concern. “Anyway,” you breathe out slowly, “I’m ready to go see Bucky. When he was still the Winter Soldier, we rarely spoke.”
Steve’s lips form a tight-lipped smile. “Unless when he had been out of cryo for too long. Then I’d sing to him. But talk?” You fasten your seatbelt after you’ve taken your assigned seat next to Steve, who naturally is the pilot of this flight to Wakanda. “We never said anything else but I’m sorry and I never replied anything else but I know. And that was right before he’d rape me.”
The super soldier casts his eyes downwards to all the buttons in front of him, trying to avoid your eyes. “I guess it could’ve been worse. If Andrei had given his men the same orders, I wouldn’t have survived the first night. But I was meant to be the whore of the Winter Soldier as much as I was supposed to be his handler. My job was to please both Andrei and the Soldat in any way I could.”
Gazing over at Steve, you see his hands wrapped tightly around the armrest of his seat. He’s clenching his teeth, shifting uncomfortably as he starts up the engine. After a while, when you’re flying over vast oceans and unexplored wilderness, he dares to look at you for the first time since you took off. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I shouldn’t have involved you in all of this.”
You smile sarcastically, his apology bringing back a bittersweet memory as Bucky used to repeat those exact same words to you over and over again. “I know,” you chuckle but your answer has lost all humour. “But you should involve me in all of this. I might not use my abilities anymore, but keeping me locked up at the compound won’t make me a good agent. I need field experience. So consider this field experience and not some desperate attempt to get the Soldat out of your best friend’s head.”
“The king already got the trigger words out.” Knitting his eyebrows together, the Captain doesn’t seem to understand your scepticism of this mission.
“Steve…,” you roll your eyes at him with a dry chuckle. “We both know that removing the trigger words does not mean restoring Bucky’s old self. Far from it, actually. So you’re gonna need me to sing to him, to bring back the Winter Soldier so we can eradicate him forever.”
Switching to auto-pilot, Steve unbuckles his seat belt and stands up from his seat, gesturing to you to do the same and afterwards tugging you along by your arm, his touch burning through you gear. Once he’s isolated you from the rest of the people on the plane, he whispers harshly into your ear. “What is that all about, Y/N?”
Yanking your arm free, you hiss through gritted teeth. “I’m on this flight, not because you think I should make amends with the man that abused me, the man I controlled for a very long time. No, I am on this flight because you,” poking Steve’s chest, you emphasise your words, “Need me to give you your Bucky back. And the only way I can do that, is to sing. Not to Bucky, but to the Winter Soldier.”
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise  @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb  @thatawkwardtinyperson @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers  @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous  @ailynalonso15 @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64  @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @reniescarlett  @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @lovemarvelousfics @yknott81 @rrwilson66 @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers   @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @sammyissassy @kudosia  @bellejeunefillesansmerci @lumelgy @mizzzpink @southernbellestatues @daringtodreamawake @neurotic-narwhal @cokamarie24 @blue1928 @movingonto-betterthings @breezy1415 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @jesspfly @weenie-butt  @debzybrazy @fuckingchaotic  @always-an-evans-addict @petersunderroos   @thegreentgirl @nedthegay @eve1978 @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall  @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @pineapplebooboo @curvybihufflepuff  @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67  @ssweet-empowerment @cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasura @jo-l-ab @autijahnerd13s-blahg​ @sophiealiice @movingonto-betterthings @sarahmatthews7​
Series tag list (closed): @incoherent-smiles-deactivated @persephone-is-here-omg @thebookisbtr @just-another-teen01 @grande-and-thediamonds @badassbaker @mizzzpink @suz-123 @missinstantgratification @sebspocketsquare @kyaracrazy @lastfallenstar @afabletimelady @satanwithoutstyle
Strikethrough means Tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you!
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sebbytrash · 7 years
Winter Canvas - Part Five
The One Where Fun-er Is A Thing You Agree With
Summary - AU Reader is an Art Major and needs a life model for a major assessment. The catch? It’s gotta be a stranger.
Pairing - Bucky x Reader
Warnings - Bucky is sweet as shit. Wear tooth protection. 
A/N - Thank you for all the support on this fun little series guys, I really appreciate it as tumblrs new best stuff feature is killing me. Posting early for my peach @-supernatural-coffee-llama
Winter Canvas Masterlist
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“I’m bored.” Bucky says, for tenth time maybe. Probably.
“We’ve been here 10 minutes. Could you not?” You roll your eyes, again. Child.
“Let's play a game!” His eyes a little wider, his smile tripping up your fingers like it always does. Despite having spent a number of hours with him now, it never gets any less.
“Fine, if it’ll keep you quiet for a minute.” Smile. Wink.
“What’s your favorite movie?” Only one?
“This game is an awful lot like a conversation, ya know.” You smudge at the paper with your finger, blending a heavier line across his jaw.
“A game is fun-er.” Fun-er. O-kay.
“More fun.”
“Whatever. Answer the question.” He urges, rolling his eyes at the correction.
“Uh, I don’t know. Probably Star Wars?” You pull an answer from somewhere, too busy with the curve of his neck and the shadow his jaw casts on it. Looking between the paper and his face, urging your brain not to forget why.
This continues for the next 45 mins, Bucky hitting you with question after question, and his answers admittedly are not what you expect.
“Did you do any sports in High School?”
You can’t contain the laugh, “No. No, I did not. That’s obvious, no?” A vague gesture down at yourself. He squints at you, confused and then not, scoffs at the comment.
“Seriously, you look amazing.” Hello butterflies. Goodbye stomach. You clear your throat, and then again, you know, just to be absolutely clear on how awkward you feel. Stellar performance, Y/N.
“I assume you were, what, a football player? Given all the…” You wave at his shoulders and chest area, lingering a little on the latter. You blink a slow blink and look down at the pencil in your hand so you don’t lose any more minutes in the very full, solidness of his shoulders...and chest. Yeah, so not thinking about them. Nah.
He laughs, those crinkles around his eyes making your fingers itch, “Nah, I wasn’t into Sports.” He says, pulls his bottom lip into his mouth like he might think on how to continue, if he’ll elaborate, “My friend Steve, he was pretty sick when we were young. For a long time, actually. So yeah, after he finally got better, he was super into his fitness, wanted to stay healthy and in shape and I guess I just wanted to keep him company.” His smile turns to fondness, maybe even a little wistful.
Yeah, you’d pegged him wrong alright. Surely, in the handing out of personal qualities, one does not simply get this many good ones? How can he be this sweet and loyal, and yet has a face that’s slowly stripping you on any functioning body parts.
“Sure, I’m a little overprotective, but can’t say I mind the effects.” He mimics the way you gestured to him earlier like he knows.
Aaaaaaand there's the smirk again.
Forever:  @manawhaat @theashhole @a-little-hell-to-raise @viollettes @betheboo55 @palaiasaurus64  @captain-rogers-beard @chrisevansnco @howlingbarnes @poealsobucky @raxacoricofallapatoriuspotter @johnmurphys-sass @katbird787 @because-imma-lady-assface @stephie-senpai @movingonto-betterthings @sexyvixen7 @hollycornish @feelmyroarrrr @jobean12-blog @sanjariti @waywarddaughter1317 @justreadingfics @abovethesmokestacks @justareader @smoothdogsgirl @theliarone @aikibriarrose @peculiar-persephone @timeladylaurel @badassbaker @earinafae @crushed-pink-petals @purgatoan @tardis-is-mine @httpmcrvel @bucky2-0 @mocking-rain @imhereforbvcky @sociallyimpairedme @jezzula @bless-my-demons @winterboobaer @ign-is @vintagevalentinexx @indominusregina @-supernatural-coffee-llama @alwayshave-faith @itsonlysarah @thelastxgoodthing @superwholocknda @shifutheshihtzu @mizzzpink @yknott81 @haven-in-writing @avengerofyourheart @danijimenezv @xtina2191 @reniescarlett @carriefish-er @stormy-thomas @simplyme8308 @notsoprettykitty @tinaferraldo @stevergxrs @wickedwerewolf @ayeputita @tori-medusa-belongs-to-bucky @winchesterswantmypie @buchonians @tatalopes23 @mirkwood---princess @pineapplebooboo @mizzezm @thefridgeismybestie @memory-of-a-goldfish @supernatural-girl97 @anyakinamidala
Bucky:  @beautiful-aravis @miss-mcbotty @bucky-is-my-precious @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @its-daydreamer23 @learisa @the-observant-fangirl @borkybeans @almost-dean-inside @nerdy-gal316 @brandybucky @creideamhgradochas @beefthief247 @waywardpumpkin @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch @kaaatniss @blacwings-and-bucky-barnes @ladylizzieofdarbyshire
Winter Canvas:  @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @marvellousholland @klmpun @fizzylollipop12 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @nuvoleincielo @fireismysaftey @lostinspace33 @un1corn-bitchess-blog @random-nerdy-interests @dani-si @thunderous-flower @taylorjacksonandtheolympians @lame-lozer @thatsbucknasty
Send Asks or IMs for tags only please. Forever Tags closed. Feedback is my lifeblood. 
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themcuhasruinedme · 7 years
Hungry Eyes
[Summary]: There was no denying it; Scott had a massive crush on you. How he wished that he could tell you how he felt but it seemed to him as though you didn’t share those same feelings. But deep down, you secretly harbored those feelings because on the surface, you played it as Scott was “just a friend” material. But when Scott has his breaking point and becomes jealous of you going out on a date, a fire heats up between the two of you when you get back and feelings are confessed, leading to the most exhilarating night you’ve ever had.
[Pairing]: Scott x reader
[Warning]: SMUT, NSFW (18+ only), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people!), language, masturbation
[Word Count]: 2,831
Tagging: @marvel-ash @dividedwecantfall @buckysmetallicstump @rotisserierogers @avengerofyourheart @nataliarxmanxva @metalarmproblems @marvelingatthewonder @mcuimxgine @capsbuchanan @imagine-assembling-the-avengers @that-sokovian-bastard @hellomissmabel @abovethesmokestacks @maybe-mikala @bellameys @hymnofthevalkyrie @after-avenging-hours @buckys-shield @callamint @redgillan @tragicalchemist @marvelous-fvcks @professionally-crazed @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @fanfic-shiz @i-dont-know-how-to-write @iwillbeinmynest @theassetseyeliner @lilasiannerd @aubzylynn @viollettes @sgtbxckybxrnes @marvelatthepeople @iamwarrenspeace @marvelrevival @pufflethehuff @alwayshave-faith @magnitude101999 @barnesvogue
A/N: First gif was made by yours truly! Other gifs used are not mine. This is my first smut fic, so go easy on me… Used this song as inspiration [x] Feedback for this would be greatly appreciated! I would also like to thank Annie (aka @hellomissmabel the Ant-thony to my Scott) and Chels (aka @marvelous-fvcks) for beta-ing this for me. Love ya, sweeties!
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As you trained in the gym alone, sweat dripping down your forehead and also soaking into the hem of your sweat pants, Scott stood at the door watching you while trying to build up the courage to go in and train with you. His nervousness around you made it only that much harder.
He had a massive crush on you ever since you joined the team two years ago and everyone knew it. You on the other hand, had only wanted to keep it professional between the two of you. It’s not that you didn’t like Scott, you sure as hell did. But you tried to convince yourself that Scott was not “boyfriend material”, even though there were certain things about his personality that you loved and admired.
You enjoyed when he did something really cute for you on occasion, like make waffles for breakfast or give you his jacket when he could see that you were cold. The little things he did to impress you made him that much more desirable because traits of being a gentleman were very hard to find in a guy now-a-days. But you still told yourself that nothing would become more for Scott and you and you should be able to date other guys and not worry about what your fellow team members thought, including Scott.
Scott huffed into his bangs and opened the door.
“Hey, [Y/N],” he said and placed his water bottle and towel next to your stuff.
You stopped and wiped your forehead. “Hey Scott,” you said, a bit out of breath. You walked over to him and grabbed your water bottle taking a few swigs from it.
He leaned against the wall and looked you up and down, imagining what it would be like to have his hands all over your body. Feeling a slight twinge in his pants quickly snapped him out of his thoughts and he cleared his throat, making you turn towards him.
“Um, I wanted to know if I could train with you for a bit,” he said.
You smiled and nodded. “Sure. But I won’t go easy on you,” you answered placing your water bottle back down and walking over towards the mat.
Scott chuckled. “I don’t expect you to.” He stared at your ass as you walked away and had to quickly snap himself out of his thoughts once again. His fantasies about you sometimes made it even that much more harder to be around you.
You and him trained for the next hour and a half and were pretty much soaked in sweat by the time you two were done. Scott needed to take his shirt off just so it wasn’t as clingy to his skin and you almost tripped over your bag when you saw him. His chiseled abs and glistening skin were enough to make your ovaries pop. 
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Yet you cleared your mind as fast as you could, saying to yourself, “Don’t do this to yourself, [Y/N]. He’s just a friend and thats how it’s gonna stay. Plain and simple.”
You grabbed your stuff and headed towards the elevator so you could go take a shower in the safety of your room, without having to think about what you just saw. But having a hand slide through the elevator doors just as they were almost closed and having Scott get in with you, shirt still off, didn’t help in the slightest.
“You were good today, [Y/N],” Scott said and smiled at you.
“Thanks,” you answered. “You weren’t so bad yourself. Gotta work on those side kicks a little though, I think.” And gave him a smirk.
He chuckled which made you a bit weak in the knees. Your mind started to reel with so many fantasies of how it would be with Scott that your clit started aching and you had to lean against the wall of the elevator for support. Luckily for you, he got off on the next floor. 
When he got out and the doors closed, you slumped to the floor, clenching your fists and started to groan. “How? HOW?!” you yelled. “How am I supposed to keep this “just friends” thing going when he’s like this?! UGH!” 
You stood back up when the elevator dinged for your floor. “I gotta get out tonight. Try and clear my mind,” you told yourself. And even though taking a shower felt good after a hot workout, it sure as hell didn’t help that you had another fantasy about you and Scott in the shower. 
Once again, your cunt started aching and you leaned against the wall, the water cascading over you. Your hands starting to roam your body imagining that it was Scott’s and you grabbed one of your breasts while your other hand went down to your clit. Using the wetness that was already seeping from you, you slid a finger in, having a moan emit from the back of your throat.
Your back arched off the wall as you slid another finger in, hitting your sweet spot. Tugging at your hardened nipple, your lips quivered underneath your own touch. A louder moan escaped from you as you curled your fingers, bringing you closer to your orgasm. A gasp followed by a sigh emitted from deep within you, making your body shudder a bit as you rode it out.
You cleaned yourself off and got dressed, still thinking you needed to get out for the night especially after what you did in the shower. Heading over to the local bar, you struck up a conversation with a really great guy who ended up giving you his number, wanting to go out on a date the next night. You of course said yes and that you would call him the next day.
Doing as you promised, you called him and set up the date for that night. You trained with Scott again that day but had to stop at a certain time to start getting ready.
“Ready for what?” Scott asked, curiosity getting the best of him.
“I have a date. No big deal,” you responded.
Scott stopped a minute and looked at you. “You have a date? Since when?”
“What does it matter? I can have a life outside the Tower, can’t I?” you asked.
“Well, yea, but…” Scott started to stutter. “I didn’t think that…”
You cut him off. “What? That I’d ever date a normal guy? That I have to date another superhero? Scott, that’s so stereotypical, it’s ridiculous. You guys are like family to me. And I would never in a million years date a family member! That’s just so…” and you shuddered, even thinking about that, “gross.” 
You grabbed your stuff and headed towards the door. “I have to go get ready,” you said and left, leaving Scott standing there speechless. 
He looked down, anger filling up inside him. He clenched his fists and punched the punching bag extremely hard, pushing the stand it was hanging on back a few feet. He walked over towards his stuff and throwing his back against the wall, he slid down it into a crouching position and placed his head in his hands. Those were the last words he ever thought he’d hear from you.
The door bell rang and you yelled from the bathroom for Scott to get the door. “Please? He’s gotta wait a minute! I’m not quite done.”
Scott, flipping through tv channels, yelled back and asked, “Why can’t he wait outside?”
“Scott! PLEASE?!”
He rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
He opened the door for your date and told him that you weren’t ready yet. Scott sat back on the couch and flipped through a few more channels before you came down the stairs.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. He tried not to stare at you as you came down but it was kinda hard for him not to. You were absolutely gorgeous in the little black dress you had on and it fit you perfectly, showing off every one of your curves in just the right places. Swallowing hard and trying to focus back on the tv, he kept glancing at you as you went to go get your little matching jacket and put your shoes on.
You went over by Scott and placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning down towards his ear. “I’ll be back later, Scott,” you said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “By the way, I’m sorry I got angry with you earlier. We’re still friends, right?”
He turned and looked at you, giving a weak smile. “Yea, we are. I’m sorry for thinking that you shouldn’t be able to date whoever you want.”
You smiled at him and wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him another quick kiss. “Bye, Scott!” you called over your shoulder and he raised his arm in a goodbye motion.
When the door closed, he couldn’t help but feel completely jealous that you were going out on a date with someone else and not him. He leaned forward, letting the remote fall to the floor and placed his hand on his forehead, running his fingers through his hair in frustration pursing his lips together. 
He took in a deep breath to calm down but instead, inhaled the intoxicating scent of your lingering perfume. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to make his feelings for you known and if that didn’t happen tonight, he stood a good chance at losing you.
When you got back from your date, Scott was waiting in the Common Room to talk with you. He paced back and forth, trying to figure out the right words to say. When you got in the room, you saw him pacing and asked if everything was ok. He said it was and you started walking towards the elevator but then he called out to you. Turning around, Scott started walking towards you.
“[Y/N]… I.. uh… there’s something…,” he started to stutter drastically. You knew that when Scott got like this, he was nervous about something.
“Scott, what is it?” you asked.
He took a deep breath and finally found his words. “[Y/N], I love you.”
You raised you eyebrows in shock. You knew he was majorly crushing on you but didn’t know it was this much. You stood there speechless, mouth gaping open, as he kept walking towards you and continued to let things out.
“I’ve loved you for a while now. You’re smart and beautiful and…,” at this point he was standing right in front of you, “And I don’t know what it is but I feel like I can always be my funny self around you. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before and I really can’t explain it.” He stopped a minute and looked at you, still being completely speechless. “Are you gonna say something?”
Realizing you still had you mouth open from hearing his first sentence, you closed it quickly and licked your lips, trying to find something to say. “Wow, Scott… um, well.. I’ve liked you a lot too.. I just never…” but your sentence was cut off from Scott’s lips landing on yours.
He pulled back and even though you were shocked, a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Having this be his confirmation to continue, Scott pulled you in for another kiss. You dropped your purse and placed your hand on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.
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He pushed you back against the wall and placed your hands on the wall too, above your head, entwining his fingers with yours. You raised your leg slowly against his thigh, feeling his erection pressed against you. 
His hand trailed all the way down from your arm to your thigh and hoisted your leg up a bit more, letting you feel his hardening length against your clothed, wet folds while you started to run your fingers through his hair and claw at the back of his shirt. Your toes curled and your back arched off the wall as Scott trailed kisses down your jawline. You let out a small moan as he nipped a bit at your collar bone.
Scott picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, while he led the two of you to the elevator. When the doors closed he had you against the wall once again, kissing you passionately. A low growl rumbled from the back of his throat as you slipped your tongue into his mouth.
He slowly started to unzip the back of your dress and feeling the coldness of the wall on your hot skin made you let out a gasp, allowing Scott more access to your mouth. You started grinding your hips against his as you unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it on the floor and feeling his length get harder by the second.
When the elevator dinged for your floor, he carried you to your room, closed the door and gently placed you on the bed. Hovering over you, you could see that Scott’s beautiful green eyes were full blown with lust and hunger. Hunger to see what was awaiting him once your dress was completely off.
Locking your lips together again in a heated kiss, your back arched off the bed as he slowly trailed his finger up the inside of your thigh. A moan escaped his lips as he felt you unbutton his jeans and slide your hand into them, slowly stroking his length, making it harder with each gentle touch. Getting on your knees you slid them down to the floor, Scott then kicking them off. He then slid your dress off, revealing only a pair of panties.
Licking his lips at the sight, he climbed on top of you and took hold of one of your breasts in his hand and the other in his mouth. Slowly sucking on your hardened nipple and rubbing the other in between his fingers, you ran your fingers through his hair moaning with every flick of his tongue. 
Arching your hips up some as the sensation reeled through your body, Scott felt your soaked panties against his abs. He looked at you with a devilish grin and slowly slid his fingers into them, lightly touching your wet folds. Your breath hitched in your throat as your core heated up eve more.
Scott slipped a finger in, rubbing little circles on your swollen clit while having beads of precum spill from his tip. Sliding another finger in and picking up the pace a bit, you grabbed the sheets in your hands, back arching as high as it could go as he kept hitting your g-spot.
“Scott, please. I need you…” you breathlessly moaned. “I want you in me.” Your legs writhed with the feeling of his fingers deep in you, making you grab one of your breasts and play with the hardened nub. “Fuck me now, Scott… please…”
Scott was having the pleasure of seeing you come undone because of him. Taking his fingers out and licking them clean he shimmied out of his boxers, his cock hard and erect. Pulling your soaked panties off and tossing them aside, he positioned the tip at your entrance and slowly pushed it in, allowing you to adjust to him. 
Scott’s thrusts were slow and steady at first but he picked up the pace, which made you want to scream out in pleasure. Your fingers clawed at his shoulder blades and into his hair as he pounded into you. He lifted your legs onto his shoulders getting a better angle for both of you and hitting your sweet spot with every single thrust. You cried out as your walls clamped around Scott’s throbbing shaft.
“Fuck, [Y/N], you feel so good..”
“Scott… I’m-gonna… gonna..” you whimpered.
“That’s right, baby, cum… Come on, baby…”
He let go of your legs and made one last deep thrust, making you scream out his name. A slew of curses came out of both of you as your body convulsed underneath Scott as you hit your climax with him following right after, filling your throbbing pussy with his hot stickiness.
Scott collapsed on top of you, both of you panting as you rode out your highs. Eventually, he pulled out of you and sat up, pulling you up with him and placing gentle kisses on your temple, holding you close to him, rubbing his hands up and down your back as you slowly ran your fingers through his hair.
You got up and walked to the bathroom to clean yourself up with Scott following suit. After that, he put on a pair of sweats and you put your panties back on along with one of his button up shirts. Climbing back on the bed, the two of you snuggled close to each other, watching tv.
Scott kissed the top of your head and whispered, “I love you, [Y/N].”
You smiled and looked up at him. “I love you too, Scott.”
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killmongerdreams · 7 years
dissonance [5]
summary: Go where your heart takes you. || hades!bucky x persephone!reader || mythology au
warnings: demeter is introduced and she is a cunt-nugget supreme, falling out between famiy, use of the word whore, and i think that’s it
notes: I know I said I was going to make this a fluffy scene between Y/N and James, but I had to throw some kind of discourse in there somewhere (blame H). I hope you guys like this, sorry for the long wait. Also, I imagine the cottage to look somehwhat like the one in the gif, only a little smaller. 
Feedback is always appreciated!
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The stories say you kidnapped the precious flower girl. Little did they know that she was the one who came to you.
Y/N slowly walks through the forest, following the tiny, secluded path to her cottage. It’s a quaint home, just enough to house her and her things. One might call it suffocating, but Y/N thought it was perfect, her safe-haven away from the hectic hustle and bustle of civilization. The war to acquire the humble abode was a tough one, a battle with her mother that truly never came to an end. 
To reside in the human world, Demeter would say, is poisonous to a god. We only help them live in it, not help them preserve it.
Y/N thought the notion was ludicrous. The Earth was a beautiful place, thriving and brimming to the edges with life. The Earth was her personal playground, a blank canvas that Y/N could paint on. 
The young girl pushed the door to her home open, humming a tune under her breath as she set down her basket. Someone cleared their throat, and Y/N’s head flies up, eyes widening as her heart fell to her feet. Looking as elegant and terrifying as ever was her mother, eyes shining with perpetual disapproval. Y/N slowly stood up, back ramrod straight as she tried - and failed - to meet Demeter’s gaze.
“To what do I owe this honor, mother?” Y/N asked. The sarcasm she so desperately tried to contain dripped from her words like venom. The giddiness she always felt when in James’ presence dissipated immediately, leaving the girl weary and irritable. 
“Can I not visit my own daughter?” Demeter returned in kind, equally as scathing. “It has been ages since I last visited you in this...place.” She cast a disdainful look around the tiny living room, wrinkling her nose in distaste. Y/N wants to open up a hole in the ground and let it swallow her whole.
“I am tired. Can this not wait until morning?” Y/N pleads. She can feel her eyelids growing heavy, exhaustion creeping into her bones. 
“No, it cannot.” the goddess declared. Her eyes narrowed into a nasty glare, the expression rivaling that of her beloved’s. When her sights fell to the necklace sitting idly against her collarbone, Y/N could feel her entire body seize up in terror. “Where did you get that?”
“Someone made it for me.” It technically wasn’t a lie. James did physically make the gift for her. The thought makes her cheeks warm. 
“Who?” Without giving her a chance to answer, Demeter barrels on. “It was him, wasn’t it? The filth that runs the Underworld? That is hellstone, is it not?”
“He has a name.” Y/N mumbles, indignant. “It’s James.”
“I do not care what his name is. And it won’t concern you anymore, either.” Demeter scowls. 
The expression accentuates the slight wrinkles on her face. For a supposed immortal goddess, Demeter’s age was starting to catch up with her after all this time. It would take a long while - perhaps thousands of more years - before she truly looked old, but Y/N took comfort in the fact that her mother was indeed not perfect. “You are never to see that vermin again.”
Y/N gasps, suddenly feeling wide awake. She couldn’t. “But I love him!” Both mother and daughter are caught surprised at the abrupt change in volume. No longer docile, she glares at her mother with a fierceness that she’s never felt before. “You can’t do this!”
Demeter raises an eyebrow, a gesture that should have Y/N flinching back in fear. Usually that look was accompanied by a harsh slap. Y/N merely juts her chin out, stubbornness hardening her features. “You are my child, Y/N.” Demeter says coolly. “I decide what you can and cannot do.”
“I am not a child anymore!” Y/N yells, unable to help herself. She’d been containing this outburst for too long. “You cannot dictate my entire life! I have lived with the humans for ages now! I can fend for myself!”
“Obviously not, since you are the devil’s whore.” Demeter spits. She’s never seen her mother so livid, nor has she herself ever felt this extent of rage. “The daughter that I raised would not be that imbecilic and associate herself with that kind of infidel.”
“I am no whore, mother.” Tears stream down her cheeks. Whether it’s a product of her rage or from hurt, Y/N is not certain. “He loves me.”
Demeter’s answering laugh is harsh and mocking. “That man is soulless, my dear. He knows nothing of love.”
“Then I will teach him.” Something unknown always possesses the ability to be taught. 
“You ignorant little fool.” Demeter sighs. Cupping her daughter’s face, she shakes her head, eyes suddenly turning sad. “You will find out soon enough what kind of monster you are dealing with. Just don’t come to me when he shatters your fragile little heart.”
And with those words, Demeter parts, vanishing from the room without any trace that she was there in the first place. 
Y/N stumbles back into the wall, chest heaving as she tries to catch her breath. Sliding until she’s seated against the stone floor, she grips at the cage of her necklace, wanting nothing more than the comfort of her beloved’s arms around her. She closes her eyes, heart pounding painfully in her chest as she envisions a more peaceful world, one where she and James can live in harmony.
Her eyes flutter open as the air grows cool around her, alarms ringing in her head when she sees that she’s no longer sitting in her little cottage. Instead, Y/N sits on the dark, hardwood floor of a bedroom, the walls dark and menacing around her. One torch is alight in the farthest corner, bathing the unknown territory in an eerie, low glow. 
Something on the bed, sitting in the middle of the room, shifts. Y/N catches a peek of a pale, muscular back as the person turns, hand hanging over the side of the mattress. Y/N peers closely, noting the familiarity of the ring the stranger adorns.
Realization hits her like a brick in the face. 
She’s in the Underworld.
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Golden eyes chapter 1
It was a lovely late night for a burglary. I was in one of the Grande Hotel Riche's suite for investigation which the crime took place that evening. The room itself was one of those that looked like a Victorian style and a bit of modern for convenience. I glanced at the window before I turned to my colleague. “Woody, my dear fellow, I think we can inform the Countess that we found out how the  Lavender Pearls were stolen and by whom.” My friend looked at me dumbfounded.  “Did ja really solved the theft case that easily, Felix? Cause the Chief will be flying off the handle at ya if you screw this up, ESPECIALLY when it comes to important guests like royalty.” “Yes I do understand, but I assure you, it's a bit unbelievable if I told you who are the culprits.”
Before he asked, our Chief came to visit, along with our robbed victim, Countess Violette. My Chief, Inspector Hank Blake, was my 40-something years old boss. The man's got brown eyes, a small, short, french moustache and has a few wrinkles in his face. He had a old fashioned bowler hat with a black ribbon and a stripped beige vest and brown pants.  The Countess Viollette, was probably in her late 20's, wavy, brown hair and green eyes. Did I forgot to mention she's obsessed with that colour purple? Her entire outfit, Vest, skirt, hat, glove and all just screamed that message. “Ah! Felix, my good men! I knew you were always on a crime scene for personal reason  but I'm surprised it doesn't involve the mafia this time.” He pronounced. “You look quite the charmer, better than what Mr. Inspector described, and here! Even Lilly adore you!” Countess Violette complimented.
I blankly glanced at the dog, a Beagle to be precised, was wagging her tail and tried to climb on me. I REALLY can't explain why, but most dogs are friendly to me and I'm not really a dog person.
“Down Lilly! Please! Do not disturb the man!” The woman ordered.
“No harm for a friendly dog, Milady, and for the burglary, I may have a plausible, yet unbelievable answer and our culprits identity.”I told her. “Well?” My chief asked.
“How about we start at the beginning so we can all be at the same page.” I suggested and my hand gestured at the empty glass case. We all stand in front of the case with a small hole on top of the glass case. “It was at 7:40 pm when our Countess was worried about her Beagle when she noticed her companion started barking in the lobby and rushed through the stairway. She was frantic at the door of this room and you hear an odd pitch and then a shattering sound, correct?”
The countess replied. “Yes, I called immediately the room services as I was rushing down. The manager has the spare key while I had my own, but I was terrified to unlock alone and when we opened the door, there was a broken window and the glass case with a circle cut right where my Lavender Pearls were.... It was a very lovely light shade of purple and I do love that colour very so...”
“Yeah, your belongings explained to us very well-oof!” Woody replied with an elbow 'bump' by the chief and a cough followed. “Please continue, Felix.” He ordered.
“R-right, umm... During that time you explained, our thief had a diamond on him to cut opened that glass panel and if  you looked closely at the broken-window...” I jested with my left hand. “You can see a crescent-like  line at the left side of the frame. It was almost unnoticeable until I saw a bit unusual. Normally, the cracked glass on the right are all straight or zig-zaged. But on the left, only a crescent line mark.”
Woody says with amazement. “Woah! You're right. Anybody would just assume it was just a break in with all of those cracks and totally missed THAT particular one.”
The Countess was excited. “Oooh! It's like one of those Nancy Drew books I read back in my private school for lecture classes!”
The chief looked at me with annoyance. “Continue, Please.” he replied.
I resumed. “Now speaking of which, I believed that there was where our second fellow waited for that diversion.”
“Wait a second, you telling us it's just a distraction?” Woody questioned and the chief followed. “And for what reason? Unless he's furious enough that he couldn't enter the same way as his partner did so he forced in the window-.”
I gave them my score. “One point for Woody, nil for our chief.” My chief raised an eye brow out of confusion. “I beg your pardon?”
Here's why: “My friend here was correct about that diversion of making us think it was a 'forced' robbery, but more of a cunning strategy for a clean getaway. As for the second , it wasn't that his partner wanted to enter the room, as I explained.”
Now he's baffled. “Then HOW did our thief entered this room, then? The windows were locked from the insides and the only entry was from that door. There was only two keys. The manager's and the Lady herself. Both had it on them when the time it took place.”
I bet you never did any field work at my age... “Is that so? I asked the owner of this establishment and he confirmed the was three keys. Both are exactly where you described and the third one is with the cleaning maid on duty tonight.”
Woody spoke. “So it's the-” “No, she's innocent. Our female police officers were in charge of rummaging woman’s personal for privacy. They detected no jewelry and she had an alibi. Our thieving character was using their staff's cleaning schedule for his and his partner’s advantage. Earlier that day, the lady opened the key to this room for cleaning in the afternoon. Our thief was hiding close to her and when she when inside, he snuck in and quietly wait for her to finish her duties and locked the door.” I clarified.
Our Countess was having fun, despite the situation.  “Astounding! How did he do it without being noticed?”
My chief sighed. “I'd say it's impossible. Even if he was small and an acrobatic, no human can do it without being detected!”
Heh! I think he hit the jackpot for once! “Perfect score, because he's NOT a human.”
Woody stared at me like I said something stupid. “Say what?” “Like the chief said, no human can accomplish this task even he's as small as a child. Unless-”
“A... monkey? Maybe?” Our countess thought. “Bravo, Countess. Your thief is indeed a trained monkey, to be more precised, a golden lion tamarin from Central America.” Thank God for those trips at the zoo. But the chief glared at me and said. “Preposterous! Is there any evidence to support your theory?”
I can do that only better. “There is and there's his long orange hair behind that flower pot in the corner over there. If my theory is corrected, our friend was hiding there until the evening. His accomplice gave him the signal, a high frequency whistle alerted him and at the same time, your dog. While he was cutting out the glass case that contained the necklace, the dog was alerting at the door. Once he attained the necklace the attempted to go out the window, but the accomplice thought other wise. He whistle again and this time,the thief hid on top of the chandelier, as suggested, there a couple of missing candles, is there not?”
We look up to the decoration, for conformation. “Then, our accomplice bust through the window without entering. Giving the impression it was a 'break in' and as the staff arrived, it was during the confusion that our agile little thief makes a quick getaway through the door that was locked.”
The Chief questioned still. “But Felix, how DID anyone, let alone in Chicago, gets a trained monkey?”
I turned to the Countess for the answer. “Milady, did you visit a Chinese circus during your stay? And was there cute animals?”  “Why yes!” she exclaimed with delight. “ There was a fascinating show with animals, including the darling monkeys. Some of them with an orange fur on their back with cute little vests.” Woody then smack a fist on his hand, indicating he's got the point. “So our culprit at that circus! Shall we have an arrest warrant, Sir?” The chief admitted his defeat. “I still doubt it's possible, but I'll have my trusted men to look with you. As for Felix, I think you might needed some rest. I did promised you off tomorrow until this incident occurred. You wanted to see your nephews right?”
I nodded. “That is correct. I did promised to attend their soccer practice in the afternoon, and I hardly have any time for them. I'd really like to spend time with them.” He nodded in return. “I understand. We'll take things from here and I'll call you when something's up.” “Thank you, chief and don't worry milady, we shall do our very best to find your necklace.”
“I am pleased and despite the event, I feel much better.” She said. Afterwards, I exited the room.
While I walk out from the Grande Hotel Riche to report at the police station, let me introduce myself. My name is Felix, Felix Lockheart. I'm a detective here in Chicago. My mission is to put a end to this endless mafia crime spree for the innocence and victims. Ha! I sounded like a superhero there, right? Anyways.....
This is the third robbery that involves necklaces.  
Just to recap from my notebook; The first was the case of the Emerald Snake. It was one of those streets where the new wealthy people rent their luxurious homes. That place looks like a small version of a mansion. That a bit unusual to me because the scene of the crime is much too tidy and there was no sign of force or pick-lock entry, even on the glass case itself, no sign of any kind. The robbed victim was Mr. Julian Vermelho. A well, successful business man who deals in the fresh fruits and vegetables, including transports of exotic plants, several flowers and herbs shops on the public image. The man was from a south American continent that I forgot the name to. He had the Latin gentlemen look: A boater hat, with a green ribbon. A forest green buttoned shirt underneath a lime green shirt and a very dark green pants. His skin was tan and he had slick, wavy black hair, a small mustache, brown eyes and boy oh boy did I ever see so many green than a whole vegetable chart in my life. Apart for Mr. Vermelho, there was only the butler, the housemaid, and the rottweiler whom was chained in his corner,  both are telling the truth of where they were in the kitchen at the time of the crime....
The second case is the Snowflake Diamonds. It didn't took long to find his address, considering it was only a few houses away. It was a very white mansion and it looked like a castle from those fairy tale except the garden was a bit neglected. This time it was a forced entry with an entrance that looked like someone ram a car through and judging by the glass case, it has seen  better days. The second Business man who was a CEO from that big company, the WHITE A.C.M.E,. is Mr. Blancheur. He had partially bald head which he keep underneath a white wig, and like the others, he had white all over his clothes and his house. THAT guy is a real piece of work! That 67 year old cotton swab was one of those cranky grandpas who over react on a tiny spec of common mistakes. He wasn't co-operating, he's very stingy of how we should investigate without touching. Obviously, did anyone mention him at least once that white things can easily be stained? This time it was a forced entry and judging by the glass case, it has seen  better days. There was no glass left untouched and presumably by a very large thug and he might have been in a hurry. Afterwards, he demanded to speak to the chief for the money.  Anyone care to guess who was the 'lucky' soul that had to deal with him and my chief? That right, THIS unlucky black cat! It was a nightmare to defused those two. The only thanks I got was from his white little poodle, Marcel.
But apart from the theft, they all had similar ties to that special exhibition for that jewelry show Kitiana, my girlfriend, really wanted to see at the end of the month.
Next to that, all three were competing at the dog show held in next weekend. I really don't think there's something worth noting but just in case, I marked it down if something comes up. I yawned after I finished writing that note. I should really get home otherwise I might accidentally take a cat nap in the middle of the game.
It was a bright day for a good soccer game at the school. I was in the good upper part of the spectators area that I can see my nephews. It's a bit of a long story, but I'm their guardian uncle who's taking care of them after a tragic accident that happened to my father. I wish I can tell you more of that but now is not the time. OH THERE IT GOES- “GOOOOOAL!!!” I can't believe it! My nephews won the game! Inky was the good player and Winky was the goalie. I guess they take it after me when I was at their age. I used to be a pretty darn good soccer player back in middle school and high school. At least until that faithful day... No no, Felix there was nothing you can do at that time. I need to be there for my nephews. I was very proud until something just had to show up of all days. A fancy black Cadillac pulled up from the parking lot indicates it's for a very special guest with whom I can guess from this familiar chauffeur.... Bendy De Mon himself with Boris Wolfenstein.  All my happy thoughts were gone in the thrash can whenever that demon shows up. Why? Cause I know he's the king of the Chicago mafias! I can't even lay a finger on him when he's out in public. According to my observation, he announced and giving out a donation support to the principle for the soccer team's upcoming tournament next month. 'It's just a facade for covering his “main” business.' My thoughts told me. Luckily for me, he was only there for a few minutes until he had to leave for his appointment with his animators.  My nephews came up to me and says:
“Uncle! Uncle! Did ya heard? We're getting new uniforms!” Inky exclaimed. “I can't wait for our next soccer game! Can you teach us more, please?” Winky begged me.
I sighed in defeat, but at least these two tried to lift my spirit. “Alright, but don't forget to do your homework once we're home, and help me dry the dishes.” “OK!” They both replied.
“TOP OF THE AFTERNOON! How's my favorite jazz cats doing?” Woody surprised us from behind he. “Uncle Woody!” They said in fusion.
I turned and glanced at my colleague and friend, Woody McPecker. He was my first friend when I started working at the police force. I can always count on him to keep a close eye on things when I'm working long hours. How he and I met well... That a story for another day... “So how's my favorite rascals doing? Staying out of trouble?” He asked them. “Uncle Woody! I did two goal!” Inky did a kicking pose. “And I blocked three!” Winky did a cross pose.
He chuckled a bit. “Sounds like yer uncle taught you well. If it was me, yall'd act like cows and be eatin' greens” We all laughed and played a bit. It was a great time for me to unwind until I go to work tomorrow....
And for good reason too.... The next day, Kitty barged in from my door and shoved this in my face----->>>
It was highly printed on the front line of this morning newspaper in. Kitty was upset. “I can't believe anyone can steal such a lovely necklace!Not only that, but the others famous jewels too! I wanted to go there for our girls only date but now, the show will get cancelled!” I tried to sugar coat it. “Calm down, I'm pretty sure we can figure something else we can do.”
“But it's the second time we had to take a rain check! First it's the creeps at the docks for suspects in an investigation now this! Normally, I'd say let's leave this to someone else who's better suited for this field but now this time, I'm not letting this one slide! I told our chief we'd both go as soon as you start so I'll be waiting in the car. Wait too long and I'll put spicy onion sardines and hot peppers in your next lunch.” Saying so, she left the building in a furious yet determined attitude. I really can't win an argument with her... That was Kitiana Katarina, Kitty Kat for shorts. She's my girlfriend since high school. You can tell she's quite a gal! I hardly knew any other girl who can wear cute dresses and beat up five jocks when they couldn't stop hitting on her friends. Despite her tomboyish and headstrong attitude, she's actually a sweet, bubbly, caring person who's been there when I'm having a tough time. She's also staying with me and my nephews cause she doesn't have a place but I made sure she has a spare room at mine cause 1. I wanted to respect her privacy. 2. I want to set an good example and 3. I'm a gentlemen at heart. YES, GO AHEAD AND LAUGH ALL YOU WANT! Just because chivalry's on the life line, it doesn't mean it's dead. Without further delay, I REALLY need to get going...
We've arrived at the Chicago Art Gallery, where that jewelry exhibition was supposed to be held. My first thing to do was to investigate at the huge main room where all the historical and new sellers would display their goods along with a built-in stage for the show. Once there, Kitty told me she'll be gathering some information for others, so that will leaves me with the main famous necklace itself; The Sapphire Collar.
I started with the rectangular case itself. There was a large, well-shaped hole at the top which tell me that either it was a very large piece of jewelry or our robber has large hands. I saw a thrash can and something's fishy in that bin. I reached in and grabbed what appeared to be a red cloth with some substance. There's also a familiar mark at the bottom corner but I can't place my fingers where I've seen it before... I've decided to put it in my evidence bag for analysis later. I've examined the other cases that were opened but... To be honest, I've ruled out for a large-handed culprit... some has small holes and some are just for show. Either way, this guy likes to play a game for us! Next on my agenda was to talk to the owner of this gallery, Mr. William Babera, who was with Kitty. He looks like he's in his 60's, has grey hair slicked back, a short beard and mustache.  He is almost the same height as I.
“Mr. William Babera, I assume?” I asked.
“Mr. Felix, I've heard a lot about your well known accomplishment. You make a fine example of a honest cop and ease our minds in this corrupted times.” He complimented me on our first impression? Hmmm...
“I thank you for the compliments but I cannot accomplish without help from my colleagues and friends. Tell me, can you describe me the night of the robbery? At the time from beginning to the end.” I might be over thinking it.
“From what I can get from the security cameras, there was a black out at 1 o'clock in the morning. There was no suspicious character around the building. I've only had my two security guards and a few of your own guarding inside and out for this special exhibition. I had both mine in the security office, one in the main hall, two for paroling the rest of the museum and two for outside. I believed that during the black out, the inside where all knocked out by sleeping gas that were cleverly disguised as toys. As there's proof in your lovely assistance possession.” He gestured at the unusual toys in a large bag. “Somehow, there were no sign of force entry or easy access. We locked them in and we only have tree keys to this place which only my Janitor, one of the officers, and myself.” He explained.
I put on my thinking cap. “Unusual, so during the black out, the toys released the knock out gas, and the culprit took his or her sweet time to take most of the jewelries, leaving a few and added some. Some of these holes are just for show.” “Your observation is quite correct.” He nodded.
“Mr. Babera, there's a question I wanted to ask. Why did they leave a few behind? Were they fake or they didn't like them?”  That's a good question, Kitty. “Ah, it's a bit humiliating but the remaining pieces are actually fakes or copies. They are just for show and our 'visitor' might knew about them if they were still here.” He replied honestly.
Odd. Did our suspect knew in advance or can detect the authentic? I asked. “May I asked who are sponsoring this show?”
“That would be the famous Disney Inc. They wished to display their first new collection along with a variety of famous treasures like the Sapphire collar. I'm pretty sure the recent news of other famous necklaces that were robbed has reached to your ears.”
“My friend actually DID investigate these cases! How did you know?” She asked.  “I read the newspapers, and his deduction were quite spot on even if it's a bit of talented ridiculousness solution.” He joked. I was not amused at the last part...
Kitty Giggles a bit. “So tell us, is there something special about the stolen necklaces or the Sapphire itself?”
“Ah, they all have a bit of history behind each stones which they will take a long time to tell all about them.” He said.
I decided to go with the main subject. “How about you tell us a bit about the Sapphire collar's history. I wanted to know more about it and why was it infamous.”
He then tells us. “The Sapphire was actually lend to us by China's representative. As for it's story, They told us that it was one of the archaeologist fellows who found it in a secret tomb during an excavation. It was just an unusual but a lovely piece of jewelry made for an empress, until it changes color when it was day or night. It's stones looked like any other ordinary sapphires in daylight, but it changes into a crimson red in the moonlight. Historians are still not sure it's origins, but it was such a discovery, even just the change of colors, it draws attention to anybody. To this day, no other jewelry or gemstones  can out shine nor came close to this unique piece even after a decade has passed. But now it is lost to a scoundrel. I believed that the necklace was worth at least five hundred thousands US dollars. Maybe it was the usual greed motive.” He then sighed.
“No need to be so glum, we shall do our best to find this missing Sapphire and plausibly the others.” I tried to assured.
“I do hope so, the exhibition will be delayed until at least the sapphire collar and most of the missing jewels are found.” He told us.
“Please rest assured that we will find them!” She added with a thumb up and the most cutest wink and tong out face. I so wanna cuddle her right now! No. Not now Felix, you're at work. I cleared my throat and say our goodbyes.
As we walked out of the place, I staggered a bit and Kitty replied “Felix! Are you alright? You looked pale.”
Yikes! “Please don't worry. I just feel light headed a bit from being-”
“FEEEEEEEEEELIX! KIIIIIIIIIITY! I GOT AN EMERGENCY FROM THE CHIEF!!!” We glanced in surprised when Woody was ridding his bicycle at full speed. It was fortunate he didn't tear up the road at that speed. “What's wrong?” Kitty asked, worried.
My mind drew blank at the last one “.....what?”
Woody addressed himself once he catch his breath and said: “That Beagle dog of Count Violette gone missing!”
TO BE CONTINUED>>>> Chapter 2
This is my first FanFiction. 
I was inspired by Marini4′s Doushinji of Bendy before the Ink machine.
I wanted to write a parallel universe with Felix as the protagonist about a story before the ‘main’ one begins.
There will be cross overs here and there so I hope you’ll enjoy a little story.
BBTIM characters belongs to Marini4
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viollettes · 7 years
I love your Like Rose so very much I'm actually weeping right now
don’t cry! 
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thank you for reading, dearest! x
Like Rose (Bucky x Reader)
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pleasecallmecaptain · 7 years
i'm a sucker for a crush story ;)
omg so this isn’t my crush story, but a coworker’s crush story lmao For the purpose of privacy, I’m gonna change up the names but yeah. 
So at work, most of the managers are old, but there are a few younger ones scattered here and there. James is one of them. He is also pretty good looking, and in our department, I would say he’s the best looking out of the bunch. He wears sunglasses all the time and this black leather jacket, bikes to work, gorgeous hair, tall - you get the picture. 
Anyways, Maggie, my colleague, has like a mini crush on him LOOOL James and I both work on the 13th floor and his office is like 3 offices down from my cubicle. Maggie works closely with me, so every time I’m like, “Maggie, I have some files I need to give you. I’ll come down in like 3 minutes.” She’ll respond saying she’ll come up instead. For the longest time, I never understood why but I just assumed she was bored at her desk. TURNS OUT SHE WANTS TO WALK BY HIS OFFICE AND PEEP A GLANCE AT HIM LMAOOO
Anyways, this has been happening for a few months now until just last week, Maggie came up to my desk and saw that James wasn’t in. She asked about him and I was like “ooooh nobody told you? He moved.” She just shook her head and asked which floor his new office was.
I said, “Maggie, he moved to fucking Oregon.”
Needless to say, she was devastated. She stomped off saying, “Well I guess you’ll never see me on this floor again!” LMAOOOOO
Party with me!
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howlingbarnes · 7 years
A/N: This is less than 500 words so I’m not adding a read more. It’s a sleepless 6am for me right now but I couldn’t get this out of my head. Hope you guys like it!
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“I can’t do this.”
“It’s a bit late for that, Buck.” You scoffed softly and ran your fingers over the surface of your stretched stomach.
“No, I know,” Bucky answered, propping up on his elbow to let his free hand join yours in the exploration of your skin.
You could’ve sworn that the baby could feel the chill of the metal and the electric buzz that emanated from Bucky’s fingertips. Inside your belly, your child was basically doing backflips. This was nothing new whenever Bucky would touch you though and you were left convinced that they knew it was him. If his touch wasn’t a dead giveaway, it was his voice.
“It’s just...after all the time that I’ve been around, I never really felt like I would leave anything this important behind. I didn’t think about the Barnes legacy being carried on either, just always thought it’d die with me.”
“Your legacy would’ve never died either way.” You reminded him. “Howling Commando? Captain America’s right-hand man? Any of this ringing a bell for you?”
Bucky shook his head before pressing a kiss to your stomach and rolling onto his back, his eyes finding a random spot on the ceiling to stare at while he spoke. “That’s different. People will always remember me, sure, but having a family is a whole ‘nother accomplishment altogether. I spent so much time feeling like this was impossible like love was this unattainable thing, and I’d be a machine following orders for the rest of my life. Now I’m here, and we’re gonna have a baby.”
“We’re gonna have a baby.” You repeated, almost as if trying to remind yourself that it was real life.
After a long pause, Bucky opened his mouth as if he was going to talk but then closed it before opening it one more time. “Can we name him after Steve?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Really?” Bucky groaned.
“Fine, but middle name only.”
@bionic-buckyb @purgatoan @mamapeterson  @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @feelmyroarrrr @my-blackbird-universe @hellomissmabel @huffleypuffelycas @thirstybitchqueen @palaiasaurus64  @callamint @takemetoneverland91 @seargantbcky @marvel-fanfiction @hollycornish @toc1985 @lillianfromaccounting @viollettes @sincerelysaraahh  @anyakinamidala @teamfreewill-imagine @debzybrazy @justareader
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language-rxgers · 7 years
I was tagged by @lilmissperfectlyimperfect, thank you for tagging me even though I was prob just one of the first 11 blogs to show up when you chose your tags, but still thank you :) Also this will probably be hella long because idk how to write a short answer.
Here’s the rules:
Post the rules
Answer the questions given to you by the tagger (my questions for my tagged blogs will be found at the end of the post)
Write 11 questions of your own
And tag 11 people
1. Your favourite season?
My favourite season is probably winter because while winters where I live are cold as balls there’s really lovely lights on outside all the time and it’s just really cozy inside :)
2. If you could have a chat with a dead celebrity/actor/historical figure/musician who would it be?
I would have to say I would chat with Carrie Fisher. I think that she just had such an interesting life, and she seems like she would be so funny to talk to. Her role as Princess Leia was one of the first strong female characters I was introduced to as a kid and growing up with Star Wars being one of my dad’s favourite movie franchises, I was very influenced by her work. 
3. Favourite holiday destination?
Gee, I’ve never really gone on a holiday vacation except to Disney World once, but I do love going to my cousins’ cabin over Christmas and summer breaks. It’s really great just being with the family, and the cabin has such a cozy atmosphere it’s like I’m in my own little bubble. 
4. What would you do if you could be president/PM?
I would definitely give a shitload more funds to the education budget for our First Nations students. In my province, First Nations students receive about half the funds per student that a public or catholic school student like me would receive, which I think is grossly unfair and absolutely ridiculous. I think everyone deserves the same opportunities to succeed, no matter their status, and that can absolutely start with giving on-reserve schools the funds they need and deserve. 
5. Favourite musician of all time?
Oh lordy, I really really love Led Zeppelin, Glorious Sons and The Hip, but on the other hand, I’m a sucker for oldies like Elvis and Bing Crosby. There’s too many!
6. What superpower would you want to have?
I would probably want to have something that I could use to help people, like super healing that I could transfer to others (as you may have seen in some of my fics lol) or just all around super enhancement like the Super Serum. Or maybe enhanced knowledge, memory and learning, like I could learn languages really quickly and remember important dates and events. Wow, I’m kinda boring lol 
7. If you could live in another country for the rest of your life which would it be?
I would want to live in Finland. Idk, I just feel like things are pretty good in Finland, like it’s beautiful, safe, clean, and there’s good food. Of course, I don’t know the language, but that’s where the super learning would come in ;)
8. Favourite food?
My favourite food is prob either cheesecake or tourtière, which is basically just a meat pie, but homemade really is the best
9. Who is your biggest inspiration?
I think my biggest inspiration would be the character of Steve Rogers. He’s good and just and he fights for the little guy because he knows no one else will. Even before the serum, he was always standing up for what he believed in, and being a generally shy person, I was always really inspired by how such a small man could be so strong. Idk, be it in the comics, movies, whatever, Steve Rogers is a character who represents everything I wish I could be, and I know he has influenced me to try to follow his example. 
10. Book to movie or book to tv show?
I wasn’t really sure what this one meant, but I think it means what’s me favourite book turned to movie or tv show? And if so, then (obvi) prob the Marvel Cinematic Universe (if comic books counts) or Harry Potter. 
11. Favourite thing about where you live?
I live in Canada, so while I know that there’s a lot of jokes about how Canadians talk weird and are all too nice and whatnot, I love that we kinda run with it. Like the other day I literally had a Canadian showdown with a guy who was trying to turn into his driveway where I was walking on the sidewalk, we were both trying to get the other to go first. Idk I just think that shit’s hilarious, and it happens more than you’d think. Also, free healthcare is always kinda nice. 
Alright, sorry for the rambling... here are my questions:
1. What’s your favourite holiday movie?
2. If you could travel to three places in the whole world all-expenses-paid, where would you go?
3. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
4. Who’s your favourite superhero?
5. Favourite place to go when you need to think, study, or whatever?
6. Favourite day of the week and why?
7. Favourite pastime activity?
8. Do you play any instruments? If so, then what?
9. Song/book/movie that affected you significantly?
10. Favourite movie and book of all time?
11. If you had the opportunity to ask any actor/historical or political figure/musician/etc. (dead or alive) one question, who would you choose and what would you ask?
@the-instrumental-mortal @satans-knitting-club @palaiasaurus64 @crazy4thewinbros @winterboobaer @chrevastan @e-g-b-o-k @viollettes @ilovethings-somuch @pitubea1910 @avengerofyourheart
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Good Hair, Better Fics (Week 1)
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Hey, y’all! A proper, comprehensive reading list is something I’ve been wanting to do since before I went on break and what better time to start than on Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day? Below you will find a collection of fics (listed in no particular order) by countless amazing writers who deserve all the kind words in the world for providing us with this amazing content.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Lovebug by @thewinterswimmer​
Summary: lovebug (n); the name given to the person with whom you have fallen head over heels in love. to be called a lovebug is the ultimate expression of affection. they are the love of your life.
If I’d Stayed by @soldatbarnes​
Summary: What if Bucky Barnes had never gone to war? What if he’d stayed home with you, like he wanted to?
Lazy, Rainy Sunday by @marvelous-avengers​
Summary: Lazy, rainy Sundays with Bucky are usually spent in bed, with lots of love.
To Steal a Kiss by @imhereforbvcky​
Summary: As a mild criminal, you make a bold move to pick-pocket a suspicious looking stranger, but you may have picked the wrong target.
Home by @spee-iderman​
Summary: In which Bucky Barnes is hopelessly in love and everything is soft.
Clair de Lune by @writingruna​
Summary: Bucky always seems to calm down when you play piano for him
Was, Wasn’t by @whyisbuckyso
Summary: He was never really yours anyway.
Deserve by @writingsparrow
Summary: Car rides filled with tension are never easy. 
Grasping the Obvious by @yesbucky
Summary: Bucky Barnes was in love, and it seems that everyone figured it out but you. 
Cheap Thrills by @avengerofyourheart 
Summary: A bet within the Avengers becomes a battle of the sexes, with you at the center of it. Who will be victorious and could it somehow help you snag the man of your dreams?
Ferris Wheel by @buckys-fossil
Summary: At a carnival, Bucky experiences love at first sight when he sees you, completely blown away by your beauty. Throughout the night, he can’t help himself by making an effort to ask you out, even though he will not take no for an answer.
Knitworthy by @knittingknerdy
Summary: A little something for all of my knitters out there (and crocheters)
Leave This Town by @avengerofyourheart
Summary: Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
Roses by @rotisserierogers 
Summary:  Is it possible to win a girl’s heart in a day?
Business and Pleasure by @snowyseba
Summary: After a major deal falls through, your father’s business almost falls apart. In a desperate attempt to save his livelihood, he seeks the help of his oldest friend, George Barnes, who happens to be the CEO of one of the most influential businesses in New York. He agrees, but on one condition. You have to marry his son. 
When Everything’s Made to be Broken (I Just Want You to Know Who I Am) by @cassiopeiassky
Bored by @whothehellisbella
Technicolor Sea by @canumoveyourseatup-no
After the War by @chaneltheavenger​
Braids by @sgtbxckybxrnes​
Steve Rogers x Reader
Wrong Number, Right Person by @4theluvofall​
Summary You get a text message from an unknown number and it sets the ball rolling into what could be the start of something wonderful.
Married With Benefits by @bovaria​
Summary: In order to not pay out-of-state tuition, you ask your friend, Steve Rogers, to marry you. Things, as always, never go as planned. (College AU)
Kissing Booth by @viollettes
Summary: After Nat volunteers your services at the kissing booth, you find yourself sitting across from you is none other than your best friend.
You Don’t Know Me by @avengersandchill
Summary: Based on ‘You Don’t Know Me’ by Michael Buble (MCU Universe Drabble)
Love You by @knittingknerdy
Summary: It’s easier to tell Steve you love him when he doesn’t know you mean it.  
Kaleidoscope Blue by @canumoveyourseatup-no
Things We Don’t Mean by @waitingfortherightpartner
Peter Parker x Reader
Stole My Heart by @buckys-fossil
Summary: The five times the universe appeared to be against you when you wanted to ask Peter out.
Genesis by @wndas-romanoff
Eggsy x Reader
Eggsy Drabbles by @writingruna​
x / x / x / x / x / x / x
Puppy Love by @itsanerdlife​
No One Knows by @eggsyunwincankillme​
Imagine Eggsy Nearly Dies On a Mission by @eggsyunwinftw​
Caught Up In You by @itsanerdlife​ 
*Banner created by @violentlyfarts
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
Of Dusk and Dawn part 1
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Pairing: Apollo/Steve x reader, Bucky x reader
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1.602
Summary: Y/N is the Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi, blessed by the God Apollo with the gift of foresight. Yet one day a hunter sets foot in her temple and she is struck by a dark vision. With the blood moon approaches fast, higher powers take the upper hand and shake up Y/N’s life and love. Is she strong enough to survive the wrath of a Goddess? Or shall she wither and die in the aftermath of a God’s sorrow?
A/N: Written for @marvelous-fvcks her challenge. My prompt was Greek God AU.
Series masterlist can be found here
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Steve’s POV
My love has been dusted to sleep, coaxing into the land of dreams after our bodies intertwined in the moonlight. Her chest rises and falls softly in the rays of dawn that shine like a halo around her rested body. Trailing my lips over her exposed shoulder, I feel time is ticking away from us and I will have to return soon. Reluctantly, I kiss her skin one last time, weaving my fingers through her hair knowing the caresses will bring her to open her eyes.
“Steve…,” she mumbles my mortal name groggily, the hands of sleep clinging onto still. “Is it morning yet?”
Pecking her temple, I whisper lovingly into her ear. “Yes, my sweet. It’s time.” Followed by a barely there kiss to her cheek.
Opening her eyes as she rolls onto her side, I watch as they fall on my face and a tender smile erupts from her lips. She holds out her hands for me to fold into her loving embrace. “Come here, my Apollo. Let me hold you close.”
Any resistance is futile as I’ve lost my heart to this mortal woman, my sweet Y/N. My human form finds a purpose so divine whenever I connect with her, in spirit or in body, that it must be none other than true love. “As you wish, my sweet,” I yield to her request.
Y/N hums contently once my arms have wrapped themselves around her and my head lays on her bare chest. Pecking the crown of my head, her melody alters gradually into a worrisome tune. Craning my neck to look up at my beautiful lover, I see her eyes have turned a paler shade of Y/E/C. “What is on your mind, my sweet?,” I inquire with a slightly nervous tenor.
“Nothing, my Apollo,” she replies after some time has passed agonisingly slow, a sad smile tarnishing her full lips destined for joyous laughter only.
She has never withheld anything for me before and it inspires great concern for her well-being. Promptly, I detach myself from her affectionate arms and charm her into my soothing embrace. “Is it more gold you wish, my sweet? For the poor and the sick and others that seek our help? Because I can bestow upon you all the richness in the whole of Greece if you want me to.”
Shaking her head, she cradles my face in her hands. I smile down at her and her fingertips follow the crinkles of my eyes. Her touch is still sincere in its love and not lacking in heart, yet the gesture has lost some of its former playfulness. “Your hair is the only gold I will ever need.”
“Is it beauty you wish, my sweet?,” I try again, uncertain of where her mind lies and her thoughts wander to as she eyes me with that same sad smile. “Are you worried I will not love you as you grow older, because I can assure you that I will. And I’m sure Aphrodite will be very forthcoming with her blessings if you offer half of this week’s gifts to her.”
“Your beautiful blue eyes are all I will ever need,” she answers instantly, pecking my lips briefly. No further reply follows and her state of mind continues to leave me puzzled.
“Then it must be power you wish, my sweet? Have the people been asking too much of you again?”
“It is not power, neither beauty or gold that I desire, my Apollo,” she sighs softly as she drops her hands to my chest, gently pushing herself away from me. Y/N sits on the bed, her back facing me, slow tears lazily cascading down her cheeks in a woeful blues.
Pressing her back flush to my chest, my arms encircle her waist as I allow her to lean into me. I pepper small kisses down her cheek, her jaw and her throat, drawing soft moans from even softer lips. “Then tell me, my sweet Y/N, what it is your heart desires.”
With careful consideration, she speaks in a quiet whisper. “I am carrying your fruit in my womb, my Apollo.” Y/N laces our fingers laces together, squeezing them gently when she senses my confusion. “I am with child, Steve,” she clarifies affectionately, her voice breaking under the confession of such a fresh truth.
As it slowly dawns upon me, the impact of a new life growing inside her, I press a lingering kiss to her lips. “I am going to be a father,” I mumble to her lips before kissing her languidly and gingerly laying her down onto the cushions of the bed. “I, Apollo,” I smile joyously to her bare stomach as she caresses my hair away from my eyes. “Am your father, little one.”
“My Apollo, look at me,” she requests with kindness yet urgency. I beam at my love with obvious delight at this wondrous news, ignorant of all the thunderclouds gathering in the sky above. “I desire a father for this child. A father that will be there to see his son or daughter grow up. Not a father that visits his family once every fortnight.”
“I promise I will be there for our child, my sweet,” I pledge sincerely, pecking her tummy one last time before bringing my lips up to meet hers in a chaste kiss. “I will visit you more often and bring presents and sweets and…”
Her finger to my lips prompts me to silence, and there is that sad smile again. “That’s exactly what I am afraid of, Steve.” Y/N sighs dejectedly, averting her eyes from mine as she speaks more to the pillows than to me, her words emphasised by the early morning light.
“You visit me once every fortnight and in the few faint hours of the evening, we make love. Afterwards, we fall asleep in each other arms, only to wake up the next morning for you to leave me until another eleven moons pass and you can be mine again.”
Our eyes lock and there are relentless tears staining her cheeks. “I want you to stay here with us.” She takes a deep breath, uneasy in what she will request of me. “I want you to stay here with us, in your human form. This way your child will know its father, really know its father. Not through whispers and rumours or the tales I will tell it at night before bedtime.”
I hear what’s she’s saying, I understand what she’s asking of me. I do. But I am a God and I have a divine duty towards the people and my family at Mount Olympus. I would give it all up in a heartbeat, believe me, but I cannot forsake my immortality for the sake of a mortal woman. Even if that same mortal woman is carrying a demi-god in her womb.
It is with grave sadness that I utter the following statement, tearing my heart apart for the good of the universe. “I’m afraid that’s impossible, my sweet,” I state regretfully as I move away from her, rolling onto my side and to the edge of the bed. As I sit on the edge of the bed, I expect her to follow and wrap her arms around my shoulders like always when we have to part ways. But she remains frozen, laying on the bed with her eyes staring at the sky above.
“My sweet,” I exhale in a sharp and shuddering breath, “I love you. I love our child. I love you both so much.” I stand up from the bed and walk to the other side, where I sit down next to my love. She still refuses to look at me, her face pale and drained of her natural blush. “My feelings will never change and our child will only strengthen our love.”
“I understand why you would be opposed to a union or any other kind of matrimonial bond,” she reasons with me, finally returning her gaze towards me. “But we’re not just talking about my life or your life anymore,” she points towards her stomach as she sits up on the bed, “We’re talking about an unborn life, this unborn life.”
Resting her hands on my shoulder, she looks at me with earnestness. Her touch is both abysmal as it is elysian, luring me into her earthly spirituality with celestial tenderness. “Your judgement is clouded by your hormones, my sweet. You don’t realise the severity of what you are demanding of me.”
Her touch lingers for a moment longer, fingertips digging into my skin with dissolving determination as she senses the finality of my words. Eventually she retracts her hands from my shoulders and the immediate coldness of the air pulled taut causes goose bumps to rise in an instant.
Wetting her lips, she distances herself as she crawls further onto the bed, yet her soul is still locked with mine. There are silent tears and hands that serve no purpose other than covering her face as she sobs into them. Not another word falls from her lips as she cries solemnly over a lover that can never truly be hers.
“I will come again in a fortnight, my sweet. I can’t bear to be so long without you, especially now you’re pregnant,” I tell her calmly, honestly and with care. “I love you, my sweet, and I hope you will feel different by then.”
As I shed my human form, right before vanishing into a thin veil of light, I hear her mumble through strangled cries and muffled sobs. “I won’t, my Apollo. I won’t.”
Tagging: @avengerofyourheart @a-little-hell-to-raise @marvelingatthewonder @mrshopkirk @hardcorehippos @knittingknerdy @winterboobaer @italwaysendsinafightt @viollettes @hymnofthevalkyrie @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @austinamelio @volklana @4theluvofall @themcuhasruinedme @theoneandonlysaucymo @caplanbuckybarnes @nenyakj @amrita31199 @emilyevanston @minervaem @howlingbarnes @buchananbarnestrash @youandb @you-and-bucky @fvckingsteverogers @thatawkwardtinyperson @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @mellifluous-melodramas @its-not-a-phase-hux @melconnor2007 @ivvitm1109 @toofuckinfabulous @ailynalonso15 @hollycornish @delicatecapnerd @camigt1999 @learisa @curlyexpat @palaiasaurus64 @fanndas-snow-goddess @crisssivonne @yourenotrogers @tomhollandzs @supernaturaldean67 @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @aletheladyinred @beyondbarnes @xbergiex @reniescarlett @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @lovemarvelousfics @yknott81 @rrwilson66 @pegasusdragontiger @mizzzpink @salty-holographic-stickers @sammyissassy @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @kudosia @bellejeunefillesansmerci @lumelgy @southernbellestatues @daringtodreamawake @neurotic-narwhal @cokamarie24 @blue1928 @movingonto-betterthings @breezy1415 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @jesspfly @weenie-butt @debzybrazy @fuckingchaotic 
Series tag list: @nativesebby @taylorjacksonandtheolympians  @sad-af1121@throwingup-rainbows @thegreentgirl @jughead-wuz-here @redroomproperty @sgtbxckybxrnes @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @lifeofmarvvel @amiarealfan @captainsbestgal @whiskeyandwashitape @kimistry27 @superpaperclip @acunningstargazer @heyitsaznfangirl @follow-the-freeway  @mo320 @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @katalina-from-hellbound​ @grantsgorgeousgirl @winterwolf57​ @lycanmomma​ @caffeinatedcellist​ @yknott81​ @thefandomimagines​ @lostinspace33​ @jasmineladjevardi​ @majbritsr @dinorapreira @naturalistamisslyn @winenighthoe @aliasauthor @heneed-somemilk @quoththe-raven @thelostswan @2017booklover @suz-123 @lumelgy @magellan-88 
Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you!
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