#virgile!au they stay together
gloryride · 2 years
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The Doll & The Netrunner
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warnadudenexttime · 6 months
Ghost au where
Analogical are getting together
And anytime a ghost feels strong emotions (negative or positive) they start to flicker or even disappear for a short while
And to help virgil stay grounded, Logan will hold his hand to help him stay corporeal
Also now thinking about Logan and Virgil kissing for the first time and Logan dhsjsjs immediately pops out of existence
And Virgil’s like UHHH WAS IT THAT BAD???
Logan coming back 5 seconds later: IM SO SORRY I GOT A LITTLE TOO EXCITED
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someidiot-withadhd · 3 months
So uhm…
Sanders Sides Fantasy AU!!!
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Please I’ve spent four days on this
Explanations and extra details under the cut! And close ups of everyone!!
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Well there everyone is!
So, for some basic info, this is kinda based off of D&D but I’m too lazy to give everyone classes and stats, so they just get races!
This is set in a world that Roman created in the imagination, and dragged everyone along with him. Maybe by accident, maybe on purpose.. maybe he was just missing the others.. it had been so long since they’ve all been together, so why not take them on an adventure!
Patton: A frogfolk! He’s already one of the shortest, and even shorter now! That’s doesn’t bother him though, if anything were to bother him, it would be the memory of his past experience being a frog… But no matter! If they’re stuck in the imagination until they finish their quest, he’ll just have to do what’s needed! (And he’ll collect every shiny thing he sees on the way, even if it puts him in danger!)
Logan: A faun. Not his first choice, but whatever makes the others happy. Thankfully, he got to keep his tie, and his book. That’ll help keep him focused in this unfamiliar world. And if only his fur would stay neat, no mater what he does it’s always unruly, it’s irritating.
Virgil: Mr. Panic at the everywhere finally has a form to match, maybe. A phantom? Well that fits. Although why is he neither an animal or human? Is it because he’s left the dark sides..? No.. he’s getting paranoid again.. and why does he have a knife?
Janus: yes he may be the two-faced snake of the group, but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy! He’s trying to do better, honestly. And turning him into a Hydra seems kind of mean, don’t you think? No this wasn’t his doing, he never wanted to be here in the first place.. well, if he’s here he should probably make the best of it.
Roman: A dragon, just like his dreams! Of course, he never expected to be a dragon himself, but the tail and wings are really cool! And besides, why not make the best out of his forced family bonding time! It’s not like he’s scared to talk to them after they’ve drifted apart or anything! No, the great prince Roman is fearless!
Remus: oh, what do we have here? Roman and co. are in the imagination? Well why not turn this to my advantage! We’ll see how they’re doing in there, and maybe pull some strings, take this into my own hands, and twist this to my liking. And I better change to match, besides, it’ll be nice not being cold blooded for a while. This will be an amazing little adventure, won’t it, ————?
So, all the dark sides have animal traits right? Why not take this a step further, and make them full animals!
Woah, thanks for reading this far! I’m super excited about this, but still, it’s only a concept, and stuff could change!
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anxiousgaypanicking · 21 days
Prinxiety (Roman x Virgil) Prompt: I was wondering if you'd be able to write something with prinxiety or Virgil/Roman/Janus in some kind of winged!au where the wings are pretty sensitive and one of them has feathered wings and kinda gets off on having them groomed/preened? Maybe they get embarrassed about it so let their wings get a little messy before the other(a) step in to help and find this out? And then maybe decide to make things fun (wink) Idm necessaily who's in which role :3 I just never see smut with a focus on wings and think it would be really cute <3 no pressure tho!! /Gen Warnings: preening, handjobs, overstimulation A request from my AO3
Virgil shifts in discomfort, prompting Roman to turn to him and frown. When Virgil notices the bitter look, he mumbles an apology, but Roman doesn't look away. 
"You keep squirming," Roman comments, almost judgmentally, though Virgil knows Roman well enough by this point to understand he's concerned. "I know my bed is not this uncomfortable, so what is?"
"It's nothing," Virgil tries to dismiss, though when Roman sits up - opposed to their former position of cuddling together, Virgil's eyes can't help but flicker towards Roman's white wings, which stretch out briefly, flap shortly (unintentionally knocking Virgil in the arm), and then tuck snugly against Roman's back. After being laid on for the majority of their snuggle session, Virgil understands the need to spread them and soothe the ache within them. But Virgil's own wings were folded beneath his hoodie - of which he loved too much to cut the appropriate slits in which would otherwise allow his wings to slip out. However, not allowing them to stretch was causing dull pain to reverberate in his bones. 
Roman sees Virgil look towards his wings, and then frowns as he reaches to tug at Virgil's hoodie sleeve. 
"If you took this off you'd probably feel a little better," Roman says, which has Virgil yanking his arm away and frowning. "Even if at least for a minute. Your wings need to stretch." 
"No they don't," Virgil lies, shrugging off Roman's worry. "I'm fine. Just needed to shift positions is all." 
"Your wings need to shift positions." 
Virgil rolls his eyes and glares at Roman, which causes Roman to pout softly, as he leans against Virgil needily, sliding one of his hands beneath Virgil's hoodie and rubbing it against Virgil's ribs. 
As his thumb presses against Virgil's side, Roman mumbles "I don't want you to be in any discomfort, Virgil. Just... just stretch them briefly, won't you? For me?" 
Virgil nearly cringes at Roman's words, and doesn't hesitate to shove Roman away, but Roman smiles at the noticeable flush decorating Virgil's cheeks and the way his hands play with his hoodie strings as he considers Roman's plea. 
Eventually though, Virgil pulls his hoodie off. He keeps it crumpled on the bed next to him, but gives himself the opportunity to finally let his wings splay. It does feel rather refreshing - especially since Virgil would only normally let his wings free at night before heading to bed. So a mid-day sprawl was incredibly soothing. 
He spreads them out fully, with Roman leaning forward so that Virgil's wings could stretch behind him, but is staring rather intensely at the dark feathers. 
As Virgil's wings briefly flap and shake, and then tuck against his back, Virgil realizes that Roman's still staring. It starts to make him nervous. 
"Sorry," he instinctively apologizes, as he goes to put his hoodie back on. Roman quickly stops him though, leaning to set his hand atop Virgil's as he shakes his head, but his brows are furrowed in thought as his gaze stays shifted towards Virgil's back. 
"Don't be sorry," Roman quickly dismisses, as he reaches for Virgil, before stopping just short of his shoulder. Glancing at Virgil's face, he sees that Virgil is staring at him in discomfort, and so Roman retracts his hand. "I should be apologizing. I don't mean to stare. Could I just..." Roman chews his inner cheek, choosing his words carefully, before restarting with "may I touch your wings?" 
Virgil flushes at the request - more so out of shame than fluster - but nods anyway. 
Roman gently takes one of Virgil's wings, and guides it out, shifting his position so he's sitting the opposite direction Virgil is facing. As Virgil's wing is spread, Roman frowns, and Virgil rubs his hands together anxiously at the sight. 
"Is... is something wrong?" he asks, but Roman quickly reaches over to squeeze Virgil's thigh in a soft bit of assurance. 
"No, no," Roman quells him, before sort of humming and going "well, kind of." 
Virgil doesn't like that answer, and shoots Roman an upset look, which has Roman huffing and going "well, something is wrong! I wasn't going to lie to you." Roman's fingers gently brush over Virgil's inner wing, over the rough feathers, and even feels one coming loose! He goes to grab and pluck it in order to ease Virgil out of the discomfort the stray is no doubt causing him, but Virgil's face goes bright pink as his wing quickly flaps to knock Roman's hand away, and tucks back against his spine instead. 
"Be careful," Virgil hisses, as Roman pouts at the retraction. "You can't just go around pulling feathers off my wings!" 
"They need preened!" Roman whines childishly, as he grabs at Virgil's shirt and places a few rapid-fire, uncoordinated kisses over his face as if trying to convince Virgil of his point. "I'm sure those stray feathers can't feel comfortable! Let me pluck them, darling, I promise you'll feel so much better." 
Virgil shoves Roman away with a huff. "They don't need preened," he mutters dejectedly, pulling his knees to his chest. 
Roman frowns, and turns away from Virgil to mess around in his nightstand. After a few moments, he pulls out an expensive looking brush, that he shows off to Virgil. 
"Grooming brush," Roman proudly explains, smiling wide. "The bristles are incredibly soft and designed for feathers." 
Virgil stares at the brush, and briefly thinks back on his time with Remus and Janus. He tries to remember if he ever saw them grooming their wings. Virgil stares at the brush, and then looks back at Roman. "Remus never brushed his wings." 
Roman frowns at the mention of his brother, but still explains "Remus's wings aren't feathered like yours and mine. They're just skin. I'm shocked he can even fly." Roman then pushes his beautiful golden brush into Virgil's hands, encouraging him to run his fingers over the soft white bristles, and Virgil is indeed shocked with how gentle they are against his flesh. "This brush is specifically made for wings like mine. It's able to ease loose feathers away from the wings, and smooth them out overall."
Virgil hands Roman his brush back, still looking a bit unsure. Roman takes it from him, but then kisses Virgil's head. 
"Trust me," Roman implores him. "You'll feel so much more comfortable with them brushed out. I'll be gentle, I promise."  
Virgil chews his inner cheek, looking admittedly doubtful... but he trusts Roman. And if Roman's wings looks so smooth and well-groomed, then surely he has a lot of experience in combing through the feathers. And honestly Virgil's wings have felt stiff and uncomfortable for days now, more so than usual.
So, slowly, Virgil slides down the bed a bit, and lets his wings spread. Seeing this as an invitation, Roman smiles and moves to be sitting behind Virgil. 
Fingers gliding gently against his feathers, Virgil shivers in anticipation as Roman merely pets over his wings for a moment, as if smoothing them out until they're spread just enough for him to have the most unhindered access. 
Roman holds the brush in his hands, and hums as he looks for the best place to start. Eventually, he settles on combing from the inner side outwards, starting with the feathers closest to Virgil's back. Most of the feathers here look loose, and many fallout the moment his bristles brush against the plumes.
Immediately, Virgil can't help but sigh at the sensation of these disgruntled feathers - that have been irritating his wings so fervently - being removed tenderly by Roman's gentle hand.
"I don't mean to pluck," Roman murmurs, as Virgil feels Roman's fingertips gently push into the skin of his wings. "Some of these feathers are just so buried in your skin that my brush can't even ease them out. It's like an ingrown hair..." and then Roman's grimacing at his own words, as if nauseated by the comparison. Virgil can't see his face, but he understands what Roman's saying, and flushes shamefully because that's exactly what it feels like. Just to an amplified degree.
"This can't be comfortable," Roman then continues, as Virgil looks towards the pile Roman's making as he sets the removed feathers aside. "I really wish she would have let me know about this sooner. You don't have to live in discomfort, Virgil."
"It's just.. not your problem..." Virgil mumbles in reply, and though his voice is breathy, it's not out of guilt or anything, but in fact out of fluster.
As Roman's brush begins to swipe towards the latter half of his wingspan, Virgil's body starts to feel hot. His wings are rather sensitive, and even a cool breeze could send him shuttering - let alone the diligent bristles of a delicate brush, combing through him with such compassion. 
Virgil squirms a little, and causes the brush to press deeper into his wings, which has him abruptly covering his face. Roman retracts as soon as he notices.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Roman asks, halting all movements. Though he's only combed about half of one wing, if detangling feathers was hurting Virgil, then he was worried about continuing. "I'm so sorry. I thought I was being careful!"
"You are being careful," Virgil replies, though he sounds considerably muffled.
Roman pouts, interpreting Virgil's words as a lie. "If I was being careful then you wouldn't be hunched over like I hurt you," he huffs, and wraps his arms around Virgil's wait. He lays his chin on Virgil's shoulder, but is careful to not press his front against Virgil's wings, as if scared of irritating them further.
Virgil's silent for a moment, before he nervously peels his hands away from his cheeks. He sets his hands atop Roman's knuckles, and very gently guides Roman's fingers downwards, over his pudgy stomach, and then down between his thighs, where Roman's palm meets an unmistakable bulge. When Roman rubs it, Virgil has to stifle a soft moan, and they both end up red in the face.
There's silence between them for a moment, and Virgil almost goes to pull away, worried he's ruined things, but then Roman is rubbing over his bulge more firmly.
"Did... did I do that?" Roman asks, which is a question that admittedly makes Virgil snicker.
"Who else could've," Virgil snarkily replies, but his words are obviously playful, which easily melts some of the tension. At this silly response, Virgil feels Roman's concern melt into a similar bout of playfulness, and then he's kissing the side of Virgil's chin.
"What did I do," Roman then asks, after a moment, which has Virgil chewing his bottom lip.
Virgil has a pretty good guess on what it was that has him so excited, but admitting such would no doubt be embarrassing. However, after some further prompting from Roman, Virgil utters something soft and embarrassed about "the brush" and "my wings."
It doesn't take an expert to piece these things together, and Roman is instantly cooing at just how sensitive Virgil's wings are.
"Aw!" Roman immediately exclaims. "Just a bit of brushing and you're already worked up! Is that why you don't groom them? Because you get too hard and have to stop?"
Virgil whines out Roman's name, almost as in a plea with him to stop teasing, which has Roman laughing and saying that he's just kidding.
Roman then pulls away from Virgil, his arms sliding past Virgil's waist, before he grabs his brush and continues his preening. Virgil can't help but flush darkly at how Roman just shamelessly neglects him after finding out he's hard, but he supposes that his wings are in desperate need of plucking and grooming, so he doesn't stop Roman regardless. Besides, he wasn't lying when he said the brush was what aroused him, because as it continues to slide through his feathers, he can't help but let little moans slip past his lips.
"Feel free to touch yourself while I preen," Roman says, surprisingly casual, though he's blushing just as much. "You shouldn't have to be neglected while I continuously stimulate you. I'd never deny you pleasure, Virgil, just like you should never deny yourself self-care." 
Virgil says something quiet about being embarrassed, but Roman can't really understand it. And despite his apparent embarrassment, Roman hears a zipper, and then glances over Virgil's shoulder to see he's pulled his cock out anyway, as if he's desperate to touch despite still habitually complaining about it. Roman can't help but laugh softly, and press his own thighs together to hide the fact Virgil's got him excited as well. 
More loose feathers are carefully preened from Virgil's wings as Virgil tries to touch himself in tandem to the movements of Roman's brushing. 
"There," Roman sighs, happy with his work, as he gives Virgil's wing a few loving strokes once it's been completely brushed out. "That one's done. Give it a flap for me, won't you?" 
Virgil does - his wing retracts, and then stretches out, and then flaps, scattering most of the loose feathers Roman had meticulously piled up on the bed. Virgil immediately frowns at the mess, while Roman chuckles again, mumbling an embarrassed "whoops." 
He moves his brush to the second wing, starting again from Virgil's back and brushing outwards, but says "that feels nice, doesn't it? I'm sure there's a noticeable difference." 
Virgil mumbles something in response, swiping his thumb over the slit of his cock and dragging his pre downwards, smearing it over the length of his shaft. He shivers again as Roman brushes over his wings, and suddenly jolts as Roman plucks another disorganized feather from his back. 
"Roman!" he squeals, before shoving a hand over his mouth. He hears Roman sharply breathe in behind him, but Roman doesn't say anything, and instead brushes over the spot he just pulled a feather from. Virgil squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment, and the hand around his cock squeezes as well, as Roman continues grooming him. 
Each brush of Roman's bristles has Virgil gasping or moaning softly. It felt like Roman was caressing his inner thighs, over his ass, even rubbing over his front in terms of sensitivity. He feels so good that he's almost jealous he's never given his wings the time of day before! And Roman seems overly aware of the power he has, as he spends a lot longer on this wing than he did on the last, combing over the same spot repeatedly until the feathers and skin of Virgil's wings are so soft that he's forced to move on. 
Roman's taking such gentle, tender care of Virgil. He's being careful and attentive, and his hands are so skilled at preening and plucking. 
His brush is indeed soft, but when Roman takes the time to card through Virgil's feathers with his own fingers, Virgil almost comes right then and there.
"Roman," Virgil moans, taking in a stuttering breath. "Roman, please." 
"I can't go any faster, Virgil," Roman muses in response, as he uses his hands to gentle comb through Virgil's feathers, teasingly pressing the pads of his fingers into the skin of Virgil's wings. He swears he can feel Virgil's rapid heartbeat through beneath the feathers, and rubs smoothly against thin skin there. "You wouldn't want me to accidently miss anything, after all." 
Roman's finger dips into a certain spot, nestling beneath an unruly feather, and as he begins to ease it out, Virgil suddenly cries out. 
"Fuck, there!" he pleads, stroking his cock vigorously. "Keep rubbing there!" 
Roman does. With a flush on his face, he lightly drags his nails along that exact spot, pushing and pressing into it, rubbing against it and continuing to ease the loose feather more and more out of place. And just as Roman's soft scratching fully works the feather from Virgil's wing, Virgil's flooded with relief, both from the itching, annoying feather falling away from his body, and from him finally letting go, and letting himself stroke his cock through a quick and relaxed orgasm. 
He makes a mess of his pants, and Roman's bed, but he keeps pumping his shaft until he's satisfied, and then lets his head fall back as he pants, meeting Roman's eyes. Roman was watching him through it, but quickly turns his head in embarrassment when Virgil meets his eyes. 
Virgil's heavy breathing fills the room, until Roman resumes his preening, using his actual handheld brush this time as he works on the end of Virgil's wings, making Virgil whine softly. 
"Roman," he weakly protests, but Roman just hushes him with a dramatic "shh." 
"It's not my fault you finished before I did," Roman pouts, though he's only teasing. "I'm almost done, alright? Just a little bit more, and your feathers will be as soft as a baby fledglings." 
Grumbling something bitterly, Virgil huffs, but doesn't push Roman away, and instead lets Roman finish up his grooming. However, with the bristles lightly scratching through his feathers and the constant petting from Roman's hand, Virgil is embarrassingly worked back up again. So much so, that when Roman's done, Virgil lets out a soft whine of protest. 
"Why are you upset?" Roman pokes him, grinning like a dope as he rubs his hand through Virgil's wings a final time. When he deems them preened to perfection, he puts his brush away. "You should be feeling a lot better now." 
But when he moves to wrap his arms around Virgil's waist once more, his knuckles bump against Virgil's cock, which is fully stiff, and very messy. 
Virgil feels the heat radiating from Roman's face, but with it resting on his shoulder, he can't gauge Roman's countenance. 
Instinctively, Virgil mutters "sorry," but then Roman's wrapping his fingers around Virgil's shaft, and stroking it slowly and carefully, giving Virgil's cock his full and intense attention. And when Virgil moans, and asked through bated breath what Roman's doing, he just gets kissed on the side of the head in response. 
"Consider it a 'thank you,'" Roman explains, cheerily. "For letting me brush through your wings." 
"But that was already-" Virgil pauses to moan in overstimulation, and then swallows a follow-up whine, struggling for a minute to recompose himself. "Preening me was already a gift. You didn't have to do this as well." 
Roman shrugs. "Well, I like taking care of you. In all ways." He squeezes firmly around the base of Virgil's cock, and drags his tightened hand upwards, as if milking the pre from Virgil's slit. "If this is making you feel good, then I want to help you feel great." 
Virgil presses the back of his hand to his mouth as he whimpers, rocking his hips into Roman's touch. Roman praises him under his breath, rubbing and pumping Virgil's length until every breath Virgil takes is an unexpected gasp or a shuddering inhale. 
And truly, Virgil does feel good. His wings are no longer stiff and uncomfortable. He no longer has to deal with itchy feathers poking into his skin that need to fall out and won't. 
Roman plucked away all his problems, and is now taking care of Virgil's final one as though it was no burden at all! 
"Roman," Virgil moans, and this time Virgil hears Roman moan back. A wordless, sheerly instinctual moan. And that's when Virgil realizes Roman's touching himself behind him. Briefly, Virgil wishes he was turned around to see, but he likes the comforting hold Roman has on him. The hand around his waist, reaching past his side to stroke him quick and lovingly. While Roman's other hand occasionally brushed Virgil's back, it was mostly used to touch his own cock, getting off alongside Virgil. 
"I'd brush your wings every day if you'd let me," Roman pants, even though they both know that'd be excessive. "I'd have you in this position, and I'd even get you off after if you so desired." 
Virgil's face is bright red. Sweat rolls down his cheeks. 
Roman leans closer to him, pressing his chest against Virgil's wings, making Virgil gasp. 
"Let me," Roman breathes, barely above a whisper. Virgil doesn't even know what he's asking, but answers anyway. 
Roman lets out a soft moan. "Virgil." 
Roman kisses Virgil's shoulder, up his neck, beneath his earlobe - anywhere Roman can kiss, he does, and with Roman's front against his back, lips against his neck, and hand around his cock, Virgil comes, a spluttering orgasm being milked out of him with loving ease. Perhaps having already came only aided Roman's pursuit, but Roman seems satisfied nonetheless. 
Roman touches Virgil through his orgasm, before pulling away to finish getting himself off, and coming much less ceremoniously over Virgil's back and the bedding. When Virgil huffs out a few bad words for Roman getting his shirt dirty, Roman just laughs and says Virgil should consider himself lucky it wasn't his jacket. 
"It did get on your wings a little, though," Roman mumbles, making Virgil flush and turn to glare at Roman over his shoulder. 
"Damnit, Roman," Virgil huffs, "now I'm going to have to struggle to wash that out." 
But Roman just smiles cheekily, and slides off his bed, pulling Virgil up as well. "Or," he starts, already bringing Virgil towards his bathroom, "we could shower together, and you could let me give your wings a proper washing. It'll be good for them, I swear! And I even have a shower brush to really help scrub the soap in!" 
Virgil knows what Roman is implying, and flushes dark, but rolls his eyes and sighs regardless. "Fine, whatever," he mumbles, but picks up his step a little, already moving to undress completely and let Roman tend to him further. 
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«Nobody will break your heart again,»
Said Virgil quietly to Thomas. He has finally taken all control over other sides. Now nobody will hurt Thomas, no one will force him to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. No one will push him to make abrupt acquaintances. No one will put pressure on him because of the excess of emotions. Everything is fine now. So why is Thomas still not smiling?
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«You shouldn’t say that, Thomas, if can’t foresee the consequences of your idea. It is better to stay quiet and keep to opinions of others»
Thomas has already got used to hearing only Virgil’s voice in his head. He can’t really remember when he heard Patton or Roman singing together or Logan trying not to show how he adores making punches. He even doesn’t hear these crazy thoughts from Remus anymore.
Only his anxiety’s voice to listen to.
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«It is not you, Virgil! Stop that before it is too late»
«It is too late now. Should have done that earlier, Thomas was about to be broken and what you did was talking and arguing, while his world was falling apart! I’m done»
It was the first time sides heard Virgil rises his voice. He seemed desperate. All of them understood that In this state, Virgil will only make things worse
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Some ideas on my au where Virgil becomes too anxious and feels that he is the only one who can protect Thomas.
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employee052 · 2 months
ive been revisiting Detroit Become Human bc of my partner playing it recently, as well as me reading some connor x readers that gave me this idea directly, plus adding in some other games that i feel like could fit, i had this idea:
(its not refined atm n hella rough draft so please ignore shit that doesnt make sense)
The Narrator is an experimental Android named VA427 "Virgil", made as the ultimate assistant and sent to work at some office building
He follows the boss around, doing tasks given by them and walking around the office helping the boss manage it while they stay in their office
This is how he meets Stanley, an employee who is usually reserved around everyone except for Virgil.
He takes a liking to Virgil, signing to him and having chats whenever he passes by, and Virgil loves it.
The two grow close. Virgil likes Stanley because he treats him with respect and listens to him, Stanley likes Virgil because he's not judgmental and can understand sign language
However, as their friendship grows, the boss begins to assign more work to all his employees, causing most of them to be overworked with a few accidents involving people passing out on the job
Stanley is no exception, he stays late and does every task asked of him, Virgil is worried but keeps doing it since thats his task, however this is when he starts to deviate.
He starts questioning things during his time working, and realises his attatchment to Stanley
Stanley falls over one day at the office after staying overtime for a month straight for 3 additional hours.
Virgil runs in to help him as everyone else walks around him like its not a problem. Stanley dies shortly after in the office.
Virgil goes to call 911 when the boss stops him, telling him that its not neccessary and to dump his body in the basement.
if the police found out about the treatment of their employees, they could be sued, so the boss has elected to hiding the bodies and covering up their deaths.
Virgils furious, mourning the loss of his friend taken too early and the only person who treated him nicely. But the boss doesnt budge
they throw Virgil and Stanley into the basement together. Locking them in with a pile of dead bodies and all items that other dead employees used.
He goes to find a few spare computers and manages to find a way to hook himself and stanley up to it.
Connected to the PC, stanley's body and mind is uploaded. However, its not fully, since stanley was dead for a while before being uploaded, it only retains a few memories. primarily that of being in an office, and having a wife and an apartment, but not having the exact memory of who or what they looked like.
Virgil creates a VR world for stanley to live in. at first he had attempted to create sprawling stories for him just as stanley told him in past conversations, but Virgil hasnt really explored the outside all too much given he lives at the office.
He shifts the VR world so its centered around the office. He cant tell stanley he's dead either, so he acts as though hes simply playing a video game.
the next few years/decades are just the narrator falling deeper into the role of making stories for stanley and getting too into the video game idea. releasing the game offically however with stanleys consciousness only on his PC in the basement of the office.
during these years, is where im combining some aspects from portal blue sky and half life.
while virgil falls into the role of the narrator and is in the basement of this office with stanleys decayed body, the black mesa incident happens.
aliens come in, vorts n shit, and then the combine come in and take over. virgil doesnt ever see this bc hes safe in the basement.
decades pass by, then after a long while, an explorer wanders into the ruins of the old office building
they eventually find the basement and the narrators body hooked up to the computer and stanleys skeleton beside him
this explorer would take the keyboard and begin playing the game, until virgil, now the narrator, realises that its not stanley
however, so much time has passed and so little of stanley was saved that hes simply a dead man walking, an echo of a dead man, a memory
after a long time where the explorer and the narrator talk, the narrator agrees to end the vr simulation, he keeps it in his memory banks, but he agrees to not fully trap himself in the simulation to keep stanley going. hes gonna lay him to rest
getting up, the narrator finds his body to be alien to him, hes forgotten that he even had a physical form, and through the years of being put on sleep mode to allocate all processing power to the vr world, his bodys also decayed a bit
the synthetic hair doesnt grow, but begins to fade in its colour
his eyes dont work as well considering theyve been on standby mode, they still work, but theres a permanent blur to him that means he needs glasses
the synthetic skin on his face and hands only begin to sag and wrinkle
the parts of his body that dont have synthetic skin and are exposed from the rips in his clothing have rusted, the office building's basement being almost like the skip button where a break in the roof causes some water and plants and animals to enter and eat away at his body. making it rusty and making him slower to move
the explorer and the narrator leave the building, and take refuge in a small town of other survivors quite similar to eaden in blue sky, where the explorer lives
during the narrators stay here, he struggles to move past stanley, being focused and obsessed with him for decades before being brought out of it.
and here comes the whole reason why i got this au idea:
the narrator goes back to the vr simulation with stanley and the office, and shifts it.
what was once an office becomes a refurbished memory zone. with a desk for him to write in whenever the explorer sleeps and a place for him to calm down when tough things happen. its the closest he can get to a mind palace
however, hes not alone in here, he makes a small area for stanley to live in, he will never leave him and his mind, but hes moved on, hes past that grief.
he visits stanley in this new mindscape of his from time to time, to give an update, to just remember him, but he moves on.
the rest of the au would just be the narrator learning to take control of his life again, trusting the explorer and becoming more integrated with the townsfolk, managing his rusty body, and re-exploring his old hobbies that he forgot about.
ik i already posted the designs, but with this context, heres virgil and the narrators form before and after the parable
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fandombead · 3 months
For Those Who Have Mourned Me
Hello!! This is my submission for Anaroceit Shipweek's prompt: Apology.
Summary: Virgil returns home after a quest to retrieve an invaluable gift for his partners takes far longer than he'd anticipated. How will they receive him? How could they forgive him after disappearing for 2 years? (note: Fantasy AU! Heads up for angst, this is hurt/comfort)
WC: ~3k || It’s on AO3! @anaroceitweek ! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Virgil had no idea how he was going to explain himself. There wasn’t much he could say that would make this day easier. But he’d been psyching himself up for weeks and he was here now. But would they want him back?
Virgil stopped walking as the quiet forest opened into a grassy clearing. 
He felt faint as he stared up at the little cottage backed to the stream on the other side. He clutched his walking stick hard to stay standing, exhaustion and longing and heartache battling it out in his chest. Guilt rose from his stomach and made him feel sick. His magic sparked at his fingertips from the increasing anxiety and he could only grip his satchel to his chest, protecting thd thing he’d fought so hard to retrieve. That would make a world of difference and change all of their lives for the better. He had to believe it would, or else this was all for nothing. 
They…they’d accept him back, wouldn’t they? Once they knew why he’d been gone so long. He could explain it to them, and he’d do anything for them to apologize, to be pulled into their embrace, and he’d never leave it again if the asked it of him. If they wanted to hold him again. 
Tears pricked at his eyes but he wasn’t allowed to cry over this. He had no right to. It didn’t matter how much he’d missed them or how many times in the months it took to get back to them that he wanted to give up the quest. He should have told them. He didn’t know he’d be gone this long, but he should have. 
The sun was nearly gone behind him, casting long shadows of the trees on the house. 
A light was on in their sitting room by the garden. Attention drawn to prolong the inevitable, it looked like they’d planted the new crops already in his absence. He wondered if Roman had helped Jan in his place this year. And last year. 
He wanted to go in and hold them. He just wanted them to understand: prayed to whoever would listen that they’d understand why. Did he have the right to call this his home anymore after such an absence? Virgil doubted he’d be welcome, but perhaps that was just his own doubt clouding his mind. 
Virgil forced himself forward, hobbling carefully down the path. He looked as frazzled as he felt, and maybe he should have stopped in town to be presentable first. He’d bathed in the river regularly, but the clothes were old now, damaged from travel. Maybe they could forgive him for it, too, if they could with everything else. He hadn’t wanted to delay another moment once back in the safe lands of the kingdom.
The path hadn’t changed much, even if a little overgrown with grass and wildflowers that hadn’t been cleared in a long while. The porch still creaked on its second step. Roman had said he would fix it soon. The bench swing on their porch was not as white as it used to be, sun-damaged and with a few chips in the paint, but it still had a clean outdoor blanket folded over the back of it and was free of dirt or pollen like it was regularly kept up. They still used it, then.
He tried to imagine the two of them there, sitting and watching the sunset like they used to together on many nights. He wonders if they sat there together watching the path for him to return. He wonders how long they waited, assuming he would come back for months. Hoping he would come back. Guilt tightened in his chest as he stood there far too long, staring and lost in thought. 
He did not realize he wasn’t the only one outside.
 Roman’s sharp gasp followed by the loud clatter of his watering can on the stepping stones leading to the back of the house was the only warning Virgil had. Virgil jumped, nearly tripping over his walking stick in his haste to whip around and just as startled as Roman stared. He had changed so much quite visibly. Ro looked more hallowed, his eyes not as bright as they used to be with small creases underneath. He had longer hair than Virgil had ever seen him with, messily put up in a bun.  
Roman was right there, and Virgil’s heart ached to reach out, to say something and make that shaken expression change. 
“Virgil!” he cried out, and it was almost more of a wail.
He wasn’t able to say a word before Roman was rushing him. “R-Roman– I-I’m so sorry, I really– oof!” 
Virgil’s back bumped the door in a moment of distress, because so much that had run at him in these past years had been hostile and trying to kill him. Roman closed the distance faster than Virgil could sidestep and he flinched, almost expecting anger to greet him, but arms encased him, not trapping or to hurt, but holding him close, as if he were something precious. Roman held him fiercely, and it took Virgil several long seconds to realize he wasn’t the one shaking. Or maybe Roman just was more than him. Virgil let out a small wounded noise as all the words he’d had ready were stuck in his throat, and it was all he could do to hang onto Roman’s arm around him.
The front door swung open and Virgil could not see behind him as he was currently being clutched against Roman’s chest, the tall diefic being refusing to relinquish him as he somehow cradled Virgil to him while they were both standing. Roman was sobbing over his head.
Virgil collapsed forward unwittingly, too startled to stay upright. Roman held fast, sinking carefully down with him and not letting Virgil slip from his strong arms. Virgil was stiff, trembling as he didn’t know what to do with his arms.  Roman tried to speak through his sobs, as Janus both tried to console him and fuss over Virgil, reeling as well, but knowing he was needed by them both. That didn’t stop Virgil from seeing tears on his face as well, Janus pulling Virgil against his chest when Roman let up for a moment to fuss over his state.
Virgil clung onto him like a lifeline, shameful in how weak he was to allow it. They should be furious with him, but they were too kind to turn him away. They wouldn’t, even though he’d properly abandoned them. He’d told himself he wouldn’t cry– wouldn’t force their sympathy from past feelings for him. 
“We’ve got you, love, it’s alright.” Janus said soothingly, and tried to pretend his voice didn’t hitch on the words. He cradled Virgil’s face in his cool palms, pressing their foreheads together as he just seemed to reveal in the sudden relief and change in their reality.
So many dreams of this very moment, a hope they’d shared in all its clear futility for two years now. Janus held on tight to make sure he was real, and refused to open his eyes for fear of waking up again.
“We thought you were gone,” Roman breathed out, pressing his damp face into Virgil’s wayward curls. “The–the pendants– stars, they told us you weren’t even alive– they didn’t glow when we reached out with thoughts of you, nowhere in the world…we t-thought you were–”
“I am so sorry,” Virgil whispered, clinging to Roman’s sleeve and pressing his face into the fabric desperately. He still smelled like canvas and that fruity spritz that Virgil always loved on him. He grimaced, trying to reign his emotions in, he couldn’t get overwhelmed right now. He had to tell them; needed to explain himself before they realized they should be far more upset. Though they had every right to be. “I’m sorry,” he croaked out, louder this time. “I-I– I never intended to be gone this long– but I couldn’t give up and time passed so much faster than I–”
Virgil cut himself off, trying to calm down. He wasn’t trying to make excuses. Janus hated when people couldn’t even be accountable, but what could he even say? 
Virgil clutched the bag to his chest and tried to pull back, however reluctant, to get his arm out. He managed to wiggle it free when Roman realized he was trying to get to it and let up a bit on his hold, not letting him go for even a moment.
“I– I got you this.” 
Janus and Roman’s eyes widened at the curling amber circlet he pulled from his bag, Roman covering his mouth when he saw it held gently in Virgil’s hands in offering. The headpiece had unshaped Ecludite at its front, trapped by a translucent tesseract crystal. The chunk of metallic crimson was no bigger than a coin and nonetheless radiated the immense power it contained just from being exposed. It was invaluable and a thing of legend and entirely non-existent in this mortal realm. Which meant…
“Virgil– this is from Erok!” Janus exclaimed, nearly standing again in his horror. 
Roman gaped, immediately turning to Virgil, who shrunk in on himself. “You went to Erok on your own?! Do you have any idea how dangerous and reckless that was? For two years!” 
Janus was shaking his head, trying to steady himself. “We could have easily lost you even from meeting in the afterlife, do you have any idea what would have happened to your soul had you died there? What’s likely already happened to your Quintessence–”  
“I-I know this doesn’t excuse me leaving!” Virgil said quickly, head bowed. “I know it was so stupid and I should have told you and that it was horrible to not even let you know where I was going the day I left– gods, I left a letter telling you I’d be back in a week…! I–I know this doesn’t make it up to you. For what I did before I left–” “Virgil!” Roman tearfully cut in, horrified and not able to take just listening a moment longer. “Did you do this on your own because of that guilt? Did you truly think we would not care or would want you to ever go to that– realm of chthonian horrors?!”
Virgil wouldn’t look at either of them. “If I thought for a moment at the start of all this that it would take me so long to get back, I swear I would not have gone like that, I never wanted to worry either of you, I wanted to do this for you! You both are so amazing and took care of me at my lowest–  A-And I had to do something–I could do something, I could b-bring you Mindscape’s Gate–”
“You should have taken us with you!” Roman cried, nearly knocking one of the most powerful dimension-crossing pieces out of Virgil’s hands, much to their little mage’s fear. Janus was faster, quickly taking it and the bag Virgil had settled it on away, holding it in his lap. Janus ran a hand through Virgik’s hair, settling it there as he gazed at him hard. “Virgil, you matter so much more to us than a portal back home. We would have found a way together, but to risk your magic being striped, your life– everything you are for this, all alone…”
They fell silent, save for Roman’s quiet soothing murmurs in their home tongue.
Virgil shook his head slowly, unable to hold the gaze. “I–I was selfish. I didn’t want to risk you, but thought…stupidly, that I could travel and make it after some lousy soothsayer told me how to get there. They never mentioned how hard getting back was and I was too desperate to ask. But you were just so terrified and devastated when the Di-Keep stole your connection to Home.”
“V-Vee, stormcloud, please, you’re–”
“Y-You both can go home again! You can see the others, so it was worth it, the risk, everything, it had to be worth it!”
Neither of them said anything for a long moment that time, and Virgil tried to pull away, but neither let him, Roman making a soft noise of protest. 
Janus shook his head as he tilted Virgil’s face gently to meet his soft eyes. “You did…all that for us. It was amazing of you, and…and so brave, even if…short-sided.” he said carefully, sighing as his face fell. “But you must understand, you mean so much more to us. No matter what happened, we do not want you to ever put your life up for us. It is so much more valuable to me than anything we’ve ever come to find in this realm. You are our greatest treasure.”
Virgil felt himself trembling at the implications.
Roman pressed his nose against Virgil’s shoulder, holding him close as Janus pulled them both to him, the circlet miraculously having been shifted safely to the bench swing as if it were just a souvenir he had gotten them.  
“We love you so much, our brave and selfless knight. We missed you deeply. We are so thankful the realm allowed you to return to us. If I’d known that’s where you were this whole time, we would have come for you, no questions asked. You must have been so scared…”
Virgil shuddered as his composure left him entirely, held so close between them and not wanting to let either go. He fisted Roman’s soft cotton shirt in tightly as Janus pressed a kiss to his forehead. “We have you now, my love. And we aren’t letting you go again.”
“We know. All will be alright.” Janus soothed, and Virgil held onto the words meant to comfort him. They did not know if he would be alright again. “I’m sorry– y-you mourned me.”
“You are here now, you are home.” Roman cooed, voice lulling. “You returned to us. Don’t you worry right now about how we will handle it. We are relieved.”
“I’m sorry,” Virgil sobbed, and he didn’t even know what specifically for. For everything that he knew they must have went through. They had to be relieving the pain he’d put them through, showing up out of nowhere like this–
Janus shushed him softly, brushing long damp hair from Virgil’s face as it stuck together on his pale cheeks. Being without sun for two years would have such awful effects on mortals. Janus made a note to have Virgil sit outside with him as he recovered.
“All will be alright, windstorm.“
It had all but set now, the shadows all-encompassing in their little clearing as the stream bubbled in the quiet. Crickets and fireflies started their nightly concert and dance in the tall grass, having a light show that didn’t compare to the constellations starting to come out above them. They sat there, letting Virgil cry out all his feelings of loneliness and longing and fears he would never come home, that they’d never even know what happened to him. He didn’t stop his garbled apologies until he was physically too exhausted to keep it up. Roman and Janus patiently reassured and comforted him the entire time until he finally fell silent, slumped against Roman’s chest as Janus held his free hand, stroking the scarred skin in his cool, smooth ones.
“I-I’m going to lift you up, okay?” Roman warned right before Janus pulled back. It wasn’t even a second later that Roman took his place once more, easily lifting Virgil and standing with him, followed by more quiet fretting over how light Virgil was. Virgil could only curl into Roman, unwilling to pull away drained as he was. If they abandoned him now, he would simply lie there, unmoving until the Wyervins and scavengers found him. He had nothing left. He weakly clutched at Roman’s chest, chasing the dark thoughts away. Such thoughts had long haunted him in dreams of his return. They got to him, warping his memory of them and their love. Janus and Roman were not like that. Ro was bold in his outspoken declarations of adoration and love for them both. Jay was more subtle but no less sentimental and just as intense, showering them in sweet words and close contacts.
“I have you, little hero. You’re with us again.” Roman reassured as Janus got the door for them, sweeping the precious token up with his telekinesis once more to bring it and Virgil’s staff safely inside. He made sure it was slid back into its bag and that it was set in the study, safe in the heart of their home. Many would kill or worse to get their hands on something so impossibly priceless, but they already had something worth more in their arms. They could discuss it in a few days or weeks, after they all had recovered enough and had a proper talk about all of this. 
Jan was not so sure a complete recovery was feasible, no matter how many decades and centuries passed, but they could be okay again. They would get to a place they could function in normalcy, even if it was never gone. Maybe it should never be gone, as life-changing as it was. Neither he nor Roman were done explaining to their beloved just how much he meant to them, and they would get it through the cloud of doubt in his mind. They would dote and tell him constantly of that truth, and reassure his anxieties as much as he needed them to without question. He had been through something no one should have to face and survived it. He was going to need time and help recover from that. They’d be here to listen and help him get any residual soulmarks healed. They’d guide him through the trauma and how to cope with what he’d never be rid of. They’d do anything for Vee, for Virgil, as long as it meant they’d still be there to love and protect him. He was as much their home as Mindscape, and they’d never let him be isolated from them ever again.
“We will take care of you, darling. You can rest now.”
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iamwritingsanders · 1 year
Hear me out; the Sides in an Assassin!AU
Remus and Roman's father is in charge of a, fairly large, assassin group, having many killers under his employment and even having them live under the same roof. While there are other groups, they are nothing compared to what their father runs
When Remus and Roman were born, Roman got severely sick and their father worried that getting Roman involved in the family business would be too dangerous for him and had him stay at home with their mother while he raised Remus to take over the business when he's gone
Cue them many years later, their mother is retired and living in a lovely nursing home and their father has passed away due to sickness. Remus had already been running the place before his passing but is now officially in charge and on his own.
Now Roman is brought into the home of assassins since he has nowhere else to go and Remus, worried that his brother is going to end up getting killed in some way or another, puts one of his higher-ups, Virgil, in charge of training and guarding Roman
But, while all this is happening, Remus hides a secret relationship with Logan.
No one knows of the relationship except for Patton (or at least that's what Remus thinks since he's unaware of Patton discussing things with his own partner, Janus). Patton is the cook of the house, he's in charge of making the meals and keeping the kitchen organized and together for anyone to come in and get as they please.
Logan, on the other hand, is in charge of maintaining the order of paperwork, scheduling, and research. While he doesn't do it all on his own, he does a lot of it and insists on double-checking everything himself. Not that he doesn't believe the others can't do it, he just gets anxious if he's left unaware of anything.
Also, Logan's own father was part of the business as well and had died during a job and had made Remus and Roman's father promise to provide work for Logan since he feared Logan being hunted down. A fear that Remus now shares
and has good reason to
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fastestmanalive333 · 5 months
Rundown on my AU Earth-1987
Heavily based around New Earth.. a continuation in a sense accept for a few changes
-Bart Allen is the big resurrection instead of Barry, Conners resurrection in Legion of 3 Worlds stays intact Bart continues as the flash and gets the title but keeps his impulse and old personality unlike fastest man alive, Wally gives him a made up oath and goes goes to retire to be a dad and raise the twins, Bart is unsure of his New position.. he reconnects with Carol Bucklen..
-Roy Harper continues as Red Arrow Cry of Justice simply does not happen and Lian is still alive, he will even go on to join the Justice League
-The Justice League will be very much led by Dick Grayson the line up will consist of
-Nightwing, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Troia, Red Arrow, Jade, Obsidian, The Atom (Ryan Choi), The Flash (Bart Allen), and a New Green Lantern (Terry Berg) more on him later, Firestorm (Ronnie/Jason), Kendra Saunders(Hawkgirl) and Cyborg(Victor Stone)
-Titans will mostly consist of the YJ characters except Bart the line up will consist of Red Robin, Sentinel (Kon-El) he will now move on from the superboy moniker and become his own hero, Fury(Cassie Sandsmark) will be trained by Lyta Trevor the Fury of the newly reformed Earth Two and the daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve trevor her and Conner will be dating once again, Ravager (Rose Wilson), Red Devil(Eddie Bloomberg), Blue Beetle(Jaime Reyes), Static (Virgil Hawkins), Aquawoman(Lorena Marquez)
-Gar and Raven will join JL Dark along with Zatanna and others
-Batman: Batman will run batman incorporated Duke Thomas will be in this canon and will have met batman during no man's land as opposed to Zero Year, he will be Cass' best friend and will become The Signal, Gothams day protector unlike main continuity he will not be in the Batfamily, he will be his own unique hero, Jason Todd will have his pre crisis origin and hair color.. controversial ik.. but for the sake of preference that will be so, he will be an anti-villain crime boss controlling the drug trade, him and Bruce won't be at odds with each other, he simply does not approve of the path Jay has taken and it saddens him, Jay cares about Bruce too.. but he has chosen this life he will still be with Scarlet, Stephanie Brown will still be Batgirl, Barbara will still act as Oracle, Joker will have the doll maker remove his face and the court of owls will be introduced as Justice League villains instead of batman villains, they will very much be a worldwide illuminati type organization Damian will still act as Robin the bat fam will just be smaller and have Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Steph
-Green Lantern: Hal Jordan will marry Carol and Kyle Rayner will lead the corps, the mythos will be explored more, Terry Berg will be given kyles ring after kyle becomes a white lantern, Terry is Kyle Rayners assistant in Winicks run he will become The fifth earth lantern, kyle and Terry will get more bonding moments.. Kyle and Jade will get back together and marry for real this time, Terry's character will be explored more
-Superman: Kal will lead the Supermen of America a new team, Chris will be living with Clark and Lois again, he will be attending college classes with Thara and will be best friends with Duke Thomas, their dynamic will be like a swapped version of batman and superman.. Chris being the more serious super and Duke being the lighthearted bat, Chris will be able to control shadows and darkness, Duke controls light, him and Thara will be members of the JL Dark, Thara will assume the civillian identity, Claire Connor Lang acting as Karas sister, Kara Zor El/Linda Lang will still be living with lana and be on her last year of high school she will meet and team up with Linda Danvers her predecessor and they will quickly become friends, Conner will still be in Smallville now going to school at Kansas State.. the same college Chris goes too Kon will see him as a brother/Cousin, and they will be a duo in themselves they will all deal with the repercussions of zods war on earth
-The JSA: It will very much feature mostly the children and grandchildren of the jsa.. the remaining founding members will pass on.. except Jay and Carter Jay will act as mayor of NYC quitting the team giving guidance when needed, the JSA Hawkman will continue on with the JSA
Flash: Bart Allen will now be the main flash.. he will not be so sure he can do it again.. he failed.. he died.. and failed.. he will reconnect with his old friends in Manchester now all adults, him and Carol's relationship will spark, now working for Star Labs, Bart will get a job as a reporter at Picture News with Iris and we will see their relationship more Rival will return still possessing Max's body he will be the first big bad and it will give Bart and Max the closure they deserve, him and Bart will speak in the speed force where he will call him son before passing on, we will establish his rogues, the old rogues will still be on, barts old villains will hoin in too including White Lightning, Irey will become Barts Kid Flash
Wonder Woman: Diana will be working for the government and working to rebuild themysciras connection to earth, the amazons tactics have changed no visitors are welcome, Cassie will unleash her Olympian abilities more, she will cross over to earth two and meet Hippolyta Trevor the Daughter of Earth Two Wonder Woman, she will take on the name Fury, while Donna has uncovered a prophecy.. depicting the rise of an old God long defeated known as Typhon the Enemy of the Gods
Green Arrow: Ollie will still be married to Dinah, Robert Queen II will join the arrow family, Roy will gain a bigger role, Olivia Queen will be born
Aquaman: Arthur will retire with Mera, Garth will now be the king of atlantis, but he will not be the Aquaman.. Koryak will be the new Aquaman, a more brutal aquaman, although meaning well, it will feel like a tale of two brothers, Garth and Koryak will constantly butt heads.. Dolphin and Cerdian will be revealed to have not died but survived the destruction of atlantis in infinite crisis having been taken by atlan, Cerdian will have aged to 10 having been in the pocket dimension with atlan so long... the family will be reunited at last.. Cerdian will become Aqualad
Captain Marvel: Billy and Mary go on a quest to get their powers back which they do successfully, Freddy and Kit Freeman reunite the long lost freeman Brothers together at last they go on a journey through hell together
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Relationship Map for The Blood That Binds- A Sanders Sides X Vampire the Masquerade AU
There's a title now!!! From now on, posts under this project be titled and tagged with The Blood That Binds.
2 weeks ago I posted a poll asking if people would like to see Character Profiles or a Relationship Map first. The results showed a majority rule for the Relationship Map, which I am sharing today! But! I will be uploading the Character Profiles as well some time between now and the publishing of Chapter 1 (which I do still plan to release on Halloween).
Anyway, I've rambled enough- HERE'S THE MAP
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So I know this is an absolute mess to look at so let me further explain how it's set up. Each character has their own color (I am aware of the shade similarity between Patton/Logan and Roman/Thomas but I genuinely couldn't think what other colors to use). The symbols next to most characters are their Clan Symbol- which I will further explain in the Character Profiles.
Characters connected by solid lines have interacted directly at least once. Characters connected by arrows have not interacted, but will interact in the beginnings of the tale. Below the cut, I've included some further explanations of the relationships.
Patton and Virgil
This is the dynamic that made me want to write this story in the first place. In this AU, Patton is Virgil's biological father. Through a misfortune that will be explained later on, Patton became a vampire when Virgil was still a baby (late 90s). Virgil grew up in the city believing his father to have passed away, all while Patton has been silently observing him from the shadows. At the time where our story takes place, Virgil has returned to the city after a little over 6 years away. And Patton is going to have a totally normal and rational reaction to seeing his son again.
Roman and Thomas
I knew I wanted to toy around with the supernatural power dynamic of a Sire Bond. And I knew I wanted Thomas specifically to be someone's Sire. In the context of the story, Roman was once Thomas' love, and was given the gift of immortality as a means to stay together forever. Thomas himself was still quite new to vampirism, and he quickly grew to regret making Roman. In the modern day, Roman is more like a lackey to Thomas. Following his beck and call in hopes of earning his favor once again. It has been over 70 years, and still Roman very much has the desperate hero vibes about him.
Roman and Virgil
Roman has spotted Virgil, and where the story picks up, he's beginning to close in. The only issue is he can't decide what exactly he'll do once he gets close to Virgil. He could make him a mindless Blood Slave. He could string him out as a forlorn lover. He could recruit him to his vampiric faction, as either a Bonded Ghoul or a fledgling vampire. His decision will drastically reform the dynamics of all those around him. But he's a little too lovestruck to realize the potential damage he could cause.
Logan and Patton
A healthy relationship?? In my toxic vampire romance? Yes, actually. Logan found Patton as a terrified fledgling who'd been abandoned by his Sire. Having roughly two decades of vampiric knowledge to rely on, Logan was quick to lend his talents to guide Patton. It became rather apparent that Patton did not take well to vampirism, and Logan's levelheadedness eased him into his new existence. In the modern nights, the two are inseparable. This is mostly at Patton's request, as he begins to grow paranoid in Logan's absence.
Janus and Remus
Janus is power-hungry and Remus is easily controlled. Janus has a few years of seniority over Remus, which he is quick to remind him of. Remus is also the only character who is beginning the story already Blood Bound. He has been Janus' thrall for since the 80s, and after spending over 30 years unbound, he just feels grateful to be noticed. He thinks being close to Janus gets him closer to Roman gets him closer to the command and power he truly craves. He views his Bond as a necessary evil. Janus views it as a means of controlling a scary guard dog.
Janus and Thomas
These two are both members of the Inner Circle, a sort of Sect within the Sect of the Camarilla. Those in the Inner Circle often interact directly with the Prince of the city (or whoever is in command) as well as following out any jurisdiction placed by the Prince. Janus and Thomas entered the Camarilla at roughly the same time, as well as being welcomed to the Inner Circle during the same night of Elysium. Their specific roles within the inner circle will be explained later.
Janus has always viewed Thomas as a potential adversary, believing that their power and influence combined could be immensely beneficial to the Camarilla. Thomas, on the other hand, is extremely jealous of Janus. He believes that their parallel rise to power is building up to an ultimate showdown where one of them will be forced to overtake the other. And he does not intend for Janus to have the advantage.
Remus and Logan
Remus has a 20 year advantage on Logan. At the time of their meeting, they were both strays who were not bound to any vampiric Sect. Remus viewed Logan as a fellow outcast, someone with skill and poise that could prove a useful asset in his major goals. Logan viewed himself as superior to Remus, believing his pragmatic approach to vampirism made him more appealing. They had a messy breakup, to put it lightly, and neither of them have made any attempt to reconnect.
Roman and Remus
These two are still canonically twin brothers. There's a lot to explain, which I will cover in better detail in each of their Character Profiles. But to summarize here: Roman became a vampire first, and has believed Remus to have passed away after being deployed during WWII. However, Remus did return home after the war, and had heard whispers of his brother joining a "secret society". Efforts to find Roman ultimately lead to Remus becoming a vampire himself. Rather than wallow over what had become his fate, Remus has instead spent the last few decades working to use his abilities as a means of finding Roman and taking all that he is.
Characters who have NOT interacted together!
Patton and Roman
Logan and Roman
Logan and Janus
Janus and Patton
Janus and Roman
Remus and Patton
Remus and Thomas
Logan and Thomas
Virgil and EVERYBODY
I believe that covers everything for now. My goal is to have a Character Profile posted every Friday between now and Halloween, and then posting Chapter One on Halloween as a way to enjoy the spooky evening. As always, if you wish to be tagged in this project, reply on this post or send me a DM.
Tag List: @sethlost @thearomanticsnake
Above board for a moment, I do want to thank everyone who has been encouraging this story. It's been a long while since I've written any major works, and I'm really excited to be worldbuilding again. So just- thanks for the kind words and the sharing and the support. Its really means a lot <3
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radioactive-dazey · 2 months
The Kiss
A scene from one of my fics that I may end up scrapping, it was a Prince and the Frog au inspired by the original story. Janus was supposed to be the main character with the twins, logan, and virgil having their own side stories going on. And I think we can all guess who the frog was going to be. (I just have no idea how to fully tackle this idea, but I had this chapter written out for ages and don't want to let it go to waste.)
Important context: Prince Logan is visiting a neighboring kingdom for his older brother Virgil's marriage to Prince Janus. Logan has beef with Prince Janus's younger siblings, Princes Roman and Remus.
To celebrate the marriage, the kingdom is hosting a masquerade ball. Logan attends but stays mostly in the background, and a mysterious stranger grabs his attention.
Pairings: Logince, implied Dukexiety.
CW: Uh technically underaged drinking?? I guess?? Mild swearing? I dont know what counts anymore, if I miss anything major let me know!
Logan watched as Virgil and Janus waltzed across the dancefloor, momentarily adjusting his mask. Roman wasn't anywhere in sight, a fact that Logan was grateful for. He grabbed a glass from the buffet table and took a sip. The drink was bitter in his mouth and he had to choke it down. 
Someone chuckled. "Should you be drinking that?" 
Logan turned. A boy stood on the other side of the buffet table, his arms resting behind his back. Logan didn't need his glasses to know the stranger was handsome. It took him a moment to recognise the blobs of red that leaped off the boy's dress were actually sparkling butterflies. A large silver butterfly wing popped off his mask, red costume diamonds and painted shapes detailing it. Logan was star struck, swirling his glass in his hand before suddenly realizing he was staring. 
"The drinking age is nineteen here, isn't it?" 
"No, it's twenty-one. You're a foreigner?" The stranger's voice was melodic. It made Logan feel warm inside, an unfamiliar sensation filling his chest. He stuttered out a few syllables, suddenly overwhelmed with the way his body was reacting and he tried to smother the feeling. 
"I- Yes, I am. I'm Pr-" 
"Don't tell me your name," the stranger interrupted, waving his hands out as if to stop Logan. "I don't want to know." 
Logan's eyebrow quirked up. "Can I know yours?" 
"No!" He blurted out, and the man's face flushed. "It would be better for the both of us, trust me."
Logan nodded in vague understanding. "I will," he stated, deciding at that moment it wasn't worth trying to pretend he enjoyed his drink. He placed it on a passing servant's tray, his full attention back onto the man in front of him. 
"Are you enjoying the party?" 
"No," he sighed, gently brushing away the strands of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. "I was… Encouraged to be present, but frankly I'm trying to avoid someone. There's a million other places I would rather hide at than in a crowded ballroom."
Logan nodded. "I know the feeling. I'm trying to avoid someone as well. I've never been very fond of parties, there's far too many people present and pretending to enjoy their company is exhausting. Not that I don't enjoy yours!" He added the last part quickly, smiling sheepishly. "You may be one of the few pleasant people I've met in this kingdom."
The stranger smiled, and Logan's heart did backflips. 
"Thank you, that's kind of you to say." 
They grew quiet. Logan resisted the urge to ask the stranger to dance. He was a terrible dancer. But still, he didn't want the conversation to die out. 
"Do you want to leave?" 
Logan's head shot up. "Excuse me?" 
"Do you want to leave? The party? I know of an exit that will take us to the gardens." 
Logan smiled and walked around the table, offering his arm for the stranger to take. "Lead the way." 
They stepped out of the ballroom together, Logan struggling to keep pace with the boy as he guided him through the halls. The stranger's heels clicked loudly on the tile and Logan wondered how he could be so quick. He swallowed nervously and fiddled with the buttons on his coat. 
"So, tell me," the stranger began, and Logan was once again entranced by his voice. "Who were you trying to avoid?" 
Logan sighed. "Some boy. He is the most infuriating person I have ever met." 
"How so?" 
"He's very arrogant," Logan started, stumbling slightly. "I've only just met him, but he behaves like I've done something horrible to him." 
"Well, have you?" 
Logan scoffed. "If I did, I wouldn't have the slightest idea what it would be. From the moment I arrived he's behaved as if I spit on him. Unfortunate, really. I had hoped we could have gotten along." 
"He's not worth your time, my dear. Someone as handsome as yourself shouldn't dote after foolish men."
Logan chuckled and stood slightly taller, the mask feeling oddly cool against his warming face. "Handsome?" 
"Truely, has no one told you that before?" The beautiful stranger stepped in front of him, and wow was Logan entranced again. Despite the dim halls, Logan could make out the finer features; freckles peppering over the stranger's shoulders and chest, the green- or maybe hazel- hues in his eyes. The stranger was close enough for Logan to smell his cologne, a smell that instantly sobered him.
He cleared his throat. "The gardens?" 
The boy nodded and resumed his position, half-guiding-half-pulling Logan along. Moments later, they were outside, and the scent of dewy grass and roses overcame the boy's cologne. Logan adjusted his mask as he tried to make out the flora around him. 
"This way," the stranger called, and Logan was suddenly pulled further into the gardens. 
“Wait,” Logan said, suddenly apprehensive about the notion of (quite literally) blindly following the stranger. “Where are we going?” 
The stranger glanced back at him, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Trust me, just a little further. I promise it’ll be worth it.” 
Logan’s nerves were instantly soothed, and he let the stranger pull him further. They rounded a corner, and suddenly, the stranger pulled him through a gap in the hedges into a secluded alcove. The stranger released Logan’s hand, and they sat together on a stone bench, the full moon gently illuminating the stranger’s face.  
“If I may, my dear?” the stranger asked, a subtle urgency and desire hidden in his voice. Logan nodded.
The stranger gently cupped his face, and as they leaned closer, the lingering scent of roses and cologne engulfed Logan. They locked eyes for a single moment, and then the stranger’s lips were firmly pressed against Logan's. He squeaked, the taste of strawberry lipstick exploding on his mouth, and he melted into the kiss, eagerly reciprocating. 
The stranger pulled away, and hesitantly, he reached out and gently removed Logan's mask. Logan didn't stop him. He was distracted, finally being able to see the gold flecks in the stranger's hazel eyes. 
Suddenly, the stranger gasped, dropping the mask and screwing his face in shock and horror. "Prince Logan?!" He whisper-shouted, covering his mouth and standing from the bench. 
"Yes…? Is there something-" 
The stranger ripped off his mask and threw it onto the ground. Logan paused, eyes squinting and he reached into his pocket and threw on his glasses. The realization hit him like a brick. He stood, covering his own mouth and stepping back. 
"Oh my god," Roman nearly yelled, forcing out a laugh. "You couldn't recognize me. Are you serious?" 
"I wasn't wearing my glasses and you were wearing a mask, what's your excuse?!" Logan spat out. Sudden panic set in and Logan thought he may throw up. 
Roman opened his mouth and gapped at him. He struggled to form words. "You were wearing a mask too!" 
"You can still see far better than I can!" 
Roman scoffed. "Forgive me for getting wrapped up in a beautiful moment! A masquerade ball and a handsome stranger who was brooding in the background the whole night steps out to drink champagne meant for the adults? It was sexy! Sue me!" 
Logan didn't have a moment to point out that they were both technically adults. His fists were shaking violently, rage filling his mind as he began to spat, "You're a dumbass! You should have let me introduce myself, then none of this would have happened." 
"You shouldn't have been flirting with me!" 
"You flirted with me too!" 
"I didn't know it was you!" 
Their argument escalated to yelling. 
"I can't believe you! You've been nothing but antisocial since the moment you set foot into the kingdom. I tried being friendly and charismatic but you've shut me down every time, and you have the gall to call me infuriating? What did I even do to you?" 
"Let's review, you insulted my brother Virgil to my face, mocked me with Prince Remus, and when I tried to be courdal and respectfully tell you to leave me alone, you decided to engage in childish petty pranks and destroy my property." 
"Are you still talking about your stupid book?!" 
Logan thought he may blow a fuse. "Yes!" 
"I already apologized for that. Just get over it!”
His blood boiling, Logan stormed over to Roman and forcefully grabbed his face, crashing his mouth onto his and instantly silencing Roman. Roman moaned and shuddered, and Logan wanted to roll his eyes. 
There was a whistling sound, and Roman shoved Logan away and wiped his mouth, cursing under his breath. His head shot to the hedges. "Remus?!" He whispered-shouted. 
"Hey, don't stop just because I'm here! When clothes started flying I would have left on my own." 
"Gross," Logan and Roman spat out. 
"You guys are the ones with your tongues down each other's throat!" Remus exclaimed. He stepped out of the hedges and jabbed Roman's chest with his elbow. "I'm glad you're seeing now Ro-bro!" 
"Seeing what exactly?" 
"That this family? Hot! Sexy people!" 
"Oh shut UP Remus!" He shoved him away. "He kissed me!" 
Logan's face burned. "You kissed me first!" 
"I REFUSE to repeat this argument again." 
"You guys kissed twice?! Damn it! I need to catch up." Remus looked at Logan, stepping forward slightly. "Heeeey Lolo, do you think Virgil would be interested in a little one-on-one time with me?!" 
"Ask him yourself! He already doesn't want to marry Janus!" 
Logan wanted to smack himself. A look of shock grew on the twins faces as they stared at each other, mouths wide in absolute bewilderment. Virgil was going to kill him. 
"FUCK!" Logan yelled, turning away from Roman and Remus as he processed what he had just revealed. He tugged at his hair, spinning back around on his heels. "You can't tell Janus- OR Virgil for that matter. Pretend I said nothing!" 
"No, no! This is good!" Remus squealed, bouncing on his toes and yanking on Romans arm. "This is the best news I've heard since- ever!" 
"How is this the best news ever?! It's an economic disaster! Your kingdom is struggling and this was supposed to help! Not to mention, if Virgil finds out-" 
"Janus doesn't want to marry Virgil either!" 
Logan snapped his mouth shut. 
Remus squealed, his bouncing turning into full on jumping. "Roman, do you think this means I have a chance with Virgil?! Do you think he and I can start courting?! We'll get married and I'll move kingdoms and-
"You don't even know if he likes you, Remus." 
"We could get that love potion again!" Remus raised his eyebrows and his face screwed up in an unpleasant grin. Logan grumbled and quickly glanced at Roman, who was rolling his eyes at Remus. "Is that meant to be some sort of a joke?" 
"Of course it is. Love potions aren't real, and it didn't work the first time anyway, Remus." 
"Didn't you hear?! Remy and Emile are fucking!" 
Logan sputtered and Roman gasped. 
"Language! Why can't you be mature and say 'having sex?!' Oh what am I talking about- you're lying! I know you are!" 
"Hmm nope! They've done a lot of sneaking around tonight. All the castle staff are talking about it too." 
"You gave my advisor a love potion?!" 
Remus nodded. "Yup! And it worked." 
"That's- preposterous!" 
"Magic doesn't lie." 
"Yeah, but older twin brothers do!" 
Remus shoved Roman, and Roman shoved him back. 
"I swear to whatever fucked up God you believe in, Remus, if you mess up my dress-" 
Remus ignored him and shoved Roman again. Before Roman could return the favor, Remus held him back with an outstretched hand. "Don't worry about it Logan, whether it's real or not, I would never force Virgil to drink it!" 
"Where did you get it?" Logan demanded. 
"Why, planning on giving it to Roman? You already kissed twice, seems a bit unnecessary." 
Logan flushed noticeably. "I want to know where you're getting your information from!" 
"Oh, nowhere in particular. I've just been dabbling in some potion making."  
Roman finally shoved away Remus's hand, and gasped exasperatedly. "He bought it from some crackpot old woman in town. I read the label, it's like some healing crystal, star sign-aligning guru shit. What a waste of money!" 
Remus stuck his tongue out at Roman. "One man's waste of money is another man's love potion. And who are you to say it doesn't really work? Maybe I slipped some in one of your drinks, and THAT'S how I found you guys out here." 
"Oh shut UP Remus!" 
"No thanks, I'm good." 
Remus turned on his heel and parted through the edges with ease. 
“Where are you going Remus?” 
“Back to the party of course! I heard some nasty rumor about one of the princes sneaking off with a stranger. That, and I gotta go find Janus to share what you two disasters were doing.”
“Don't you dare!” 
But there was no response. Roman angrily shook the air in front of him. “Ugh! I cannot stand him sometimes!” 
He took a long drawn out breath, and suddenly his attention was on Logan again. Logan swallowed harshly. 
“We can't tell anyone. It's bad enough that Remus knows. I'll keep my mouth shut, you'll keep yours shut, and we never mention this again.”
Logan was about to step out of the hedges when he was suddenly yanked back. His body was spun around and he was face to face with Roman. Logan sighed, and relaxed his muscles slightly.
"Was there something else?" 
"I want to apologize. You're right, I have been behaving rather 'infuriatingly,' as you put it." 
"It's… fine," Logan said after a moment. Wow, Roman was really close to him. "I expect a replacement of my book though, if you don't mind." 
"I think I can make that happen," Roman replied. Just then, he glanced down at Logan's lips, and Logan swallowed harshly. 
"Are you going to kiss me again, or are you teasing me on purpose?" 
"Do you want me to kiss you again?" 
"I wouldn't be opposed to it…" 
Roman leaned in, and Logan closed the gap between them. He inhaled deeply, mildly enjoying how airy and light his chest was feeling. He fought down a smile and leaned into Roman more. 
Then Roman pulled away, and the spell was partially broken. Logan fumbled with his cuffs as he stared into Roman's eyes.
"Two for one," Roman said, booping Logan's nose. "Better catch up, Lolo." 
"Is that a challenge?" 
"It might be," Roman mumbled. He gently shoved past Logan and through the opening in the hedges. "Till tomorrow, and all that." 
He stopped, and turned around. "If I find out you told anyone, I'll gut you like a fish.”
"As if I was going to anyway." 
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zeni1098 · 24 days
My omori x sander sides au!!! X0
If you were on my blog you’ve probably seen the au lol. Basically Patton kills Virgil and Remus helps him cover it up. The roles are
Virgil and Patton were in an argument, Remus had sort of did something to Patton and Patton was sort of upset. Virgil was trying to console him but Patton lost control and pushed him into “memory lake” (it’s a place where Thomas’s memories are kept. If a side fell in Thomas would forget them slightly but not the sides). Remus witnessed it and rushed over to try and get Virgil out but it was too late. Patton was already tearing up and was paralysed, he was apologising over and over again while sitting down next to Remus while Remus just stared down at Virgil. Remus WAS going to tell the others what Patton had done but Patton begged Remus not to, Patton didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want the others to hate him and he didn’t want them to be upset so he thought irrationally. Remus agreed to keep quiet. They then left and went back to the mindscape. The others realised Virgil was missing and then later found him dead underwater.
Remus was the one that self isolated, not Patton. He didn’t have a headspace but he stopped leaving his room until Roman managed to get him out. He wasn’t the same since.
Logan was petrified and was sort of alone. He needed help and no one would help him or be there for him. He begged everyone to just hang out with him but no one would. Remus was the only one that sort of listened to him and hung around with him so Logan considered Remus his “only friend”. Later the desperation then turned to “hatred” and “resentment” to the others. Logan wears a white jersey over his clothes, he doesn’t go out of his way to “bully” the others but he has a short patience and temper it everyone (especially Patton and Janus). He only gets physical when he gets impatient. The reason Patton and Roman look for him in the audience is because he took Janus’a snake cane.
Janus was in a denial, at first he was depressed but one day he sort of acted like nothing had happened and refused to believe Virgil passed. He usually stays inside and comes out rarely, his excuse is usually “Oh I can’t leave yet guys! I don’t want to miss Virgil when he comes back!” But no one has the heart to give Janus a reality check. Janus also has a headspace. He is always smiling calmly and is soft spoken, gentle and nice to everyone. Morally because denial has led him there and if he got the reality check he’d probably turn back to normal Janus.
Roman is mostly the same as Kel other than the fact he had hero’s grieving for a while before accepting what happened and moving on. He wants the group back together more than anything, he was very happy when he got Remus to come out. Remus had changed a lot and was very different to how he used to be, Roman sort of wants Remus back to the way he was because he knows Remus isn’t happy.
Remus fully isolated and never left his room until a few months ago, he became quieter, more introverted, sensitive and emotional. He wants to tell everyone the truth but won’t let himself do it without Patton. The fight was about Remus finally cracking and telling Patton to tell everyone the truth.
Remus actually told Orange about what happened, and visited him for advice (in replace of Basil visiting his grandma in the hospital). You all can decide what Orange had said. Remus was going to jump into memory lake if Patton hadn’t caught him self harming in his room at night (before the fight).
Patton was morally the same, instead he wears his cat jumper instead of on his shoulders. Instead of a knife he carries a rugby football to throw at enemies (since I think it fits him more than an actual weapon lol). He isn’t a bad person or “unsympathetic” he just doesn’t know what to do all the time and especially in the current situation. He doesn’t mean to hurt anyone.
(I’ll talk about the headspace’s another time lol!!!)
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ryoko1232 · 7 months
ok so, au idea so like
Janus is this lil prick who thinks people are just there to satisfy him and once he doesn't like it anymore he breaks up with them and move on to a new victim. Keep in mind in every single stage except kinda the first one in the relationship does not once even think about their emotions at all.
Now Janus had just broken up with Logan, and he is not happy about it, like he is sobbing hard. But then he realized the more he thought about him the more red flags started to reveal themselves, he realized Janus wasn't a good person, and with their sour break up. Logan wanted revenge, he was to make Janus' life miserable.
He does some digging and found that he had 4 boyfriends before him, further investigation found that just a day after Janus breaks up with one, he's now officially dating the next, even with Logan. The day after he broke up with Virgil Blackwood, is when he officially got together with Logan, and the day after his break up, he got together with some stupid guy named Cronus.
Logan then contacts the previous boyfriends, and together they team up to make Janus' life a living hell, though Patton took a passives route and stayed out of it he did help with some funding.
sorry again if it has been done before also this is completely unrelated to my last posts
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prodigal-explorer · 9 months
i have a sanders sides au concept on the brain
they're all siblings but they all sort of defy expectations when it comes to sibling dynamics. all six of them live together.
(cw for mention of substance addiction under the read more)
janus is the oldest at 23, and he struggles a lot with the whole "parenting" thing. he's very ambitious, and he's working to further his career in the detective industry so he can better provide for his family, but he is extremely emotionally and physically distant, and it's rare that he does anything with his brothers, whether it's helping around the house or playing with them. he does love his brothers, but he has trouble connecting with them.
virgil is the second oldest at 21. he had to drop out of college in order to provide for his younger siblings' needs at home, and he resents janus for staying in college and leaving virgil to be the one to drop out. virgil is a bit of a "bad cop" when it comes to parenting his younger brothers, but he'd rather be a little mean than be the reason why his brothers get hurt. he cares a lot about safety, and he's super protective over his brothers. but being the one who does all the chores and the cooking and the paperwork is super taxing, and virgil runs on practically no sleep and no self care.
patton is the third oldest at 20. he's the "fun one" to the younger siblings, and he also stays home to help his brothers when he isn't working his job at a bakery, but he doesn't do as much around the house. he's the "parent", the one who gives the children baths, reads them stories, comes to their school events, etc. he's practically worshipped by the littles, but he's hiding a horrible secret that puts his brothers in danger whenever they're around him. he has a bad habit of babying his little brothers, especially roman. he also tends to spoil them with money that they do not have.
roman is the "middle child" so to speak at 18. he's a new adult, but nobody really considers him as such because he is severely intellectually disabled, having the estimated mental capacity of a six-year-old in terms of physical and intellectual ability. despite being the fourth oldest, roman is sort of regarded as the baby of the family due to his disability, which is something he does not particularly like. roman is very close with all of his siblings, even though he has a tendency to dramatize things and make up grand stories. despite struggling with academic and common sense related skills, roman is extremely emotionally intelligent, and he is probably the wisest sibling in the bunch.
remus is the second youngest at 14. he's at a difficult age, where everything is getting harder, and nobody is truly there for him. between family fights left and right, siblings who seem to always need more than him, and his tendency to brush off emotions, remus is often floating around on his own with no guidance. he is addicted to nicotine due to looking up to some bad influences at school, and he's going down a very dangerous path. he's gritty, sarcastic, and overall just angry at the world. angry at his family. angry at himself. just...angry.
logan is the youngest at 10. he's a shockingly serious child, being a prodigy. he's extremely skilled academically, especially in subjects like math, science, and grammar. despite being the youngest, he hates being regarded as a baby, or a child, or anything similar. being the only member at the family adept at math, he does the family's taxes, and ends up being a kid who grew up way too fast. he's the only one who knows patton's secret, and he's sitting on it with sealed lips until he can figure out what to do about it. despite being very mature for his age, logan is still very clearly a kid who needs help.
i just have so many scenarios pertaining to this au as a whole and i might need to write some snippets.
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monkeythefander · 5 months
Analogince Headcannons💜💙❤️
Am I participating in my own event/ship week? Yes, I am 😁. Am I also posting this a little bit early? Yes, because I’m too excited to wait until it’s officially the 29th in my timezone. I wanted to eventually make headcannons for this ship, so I thought I’d make some based on some of the prompts for Analogince Week 2024. I didn’t write for every single prompt because I didn’t have ideas for some of them. These headcannons all take place in a human au.
The prompts I chose to write for were the following:
Day 1 (April 29th): Library / Theater
Day 2 (April 30th): Nightmare
Day 3 (May 1st): Disney / Adventure
Day 4 (May 2nd): “Are you okay?”
Day 5 (May 3rd): “Here is where we shall stay.”
Extra ideas: Tea, and Companionable Silence.
Content warnings: mention of lunch (nothing specific, just getting lunch together), mention of nightmares (also nothing specific), mention of tea, let me know if I missed anything else.
Click below the cut to read the headcannons
- Virgil wanted to contribute to the local theater’s upcoming musical. Acting wasn’t one of his best skills, so he decided to contribute using the skill he’s mostly confident in, which is his illustration abilities. The theater was looking for people to help sketch out designs for and paint parts of the set, so Virgil decided to help. While working at the theater, he met Roman, who was acting in the play. Virgil was busy painting when Roman approached him and started a conversation about the play. The two men quickly fell into a nice conversation about whatever came to mind, and from that day on, they continued to talk to each other whenever they had free time at the theater.
- Besides helping out at the theater, Virgil also worked at the local, public library. He mostly was in charge of organizing the books. He wasn’t put at the front desk often. One day, when Virgil was organizing some of the book shelves, a man approached him. This man was Logan, and he was asking Virgil if the library had a specific book about the solar system. Virgil led Logan to the book he was looking for and the two ended up having a nice conversation about outer space. Logan also mentioned that he needed the book to reference for a lesson he had planned for his students; he’s a teacher. After that conversation, Virgil didn’t think he’d see Logan again. But Logan ended up returning to the library a lot to look for more space themed books and to talk to Virgil about the books. The emo man enjoyed the conversations; it made his job more interesting.
- One day, Virgil decides to introduce Roman and Logan to each other. The emo man hopes the two will get along, since he thinks they’d be good friends too. The three men decide to get lunch together and Logan and Roman are able to bond over their interest in poetry and Greek mythology. Seeing his two friends getting along makes Virgil smile, but he tries to hide his smile behind his hand. At this moment, he also realizes that he might just love these two, wonderful men. Virgil doesn’t plan on saying anything about his feelings yet though.
- Virgil didn’t end up being the first one to confess his feelings. That title went to Roman. It was several months after Roman and Logan were introduced to each other that Roman realized he had feelings for the emo and the nerd. So like the romantic he is, Roman decided to create a fun way to confess. He was a bit nervous that they wouldn’t feel the same way, but he couldn’t hide his feelings forever. So Roman set up an adventure for his crushes to go on; it was a scavenger hunt. He set up clues for them all over town in spots the three of them liked to hang out, and then made the final destination the diner where they all hung out for the first time. Once Virgil and Logan arrived at the diner, Roman confessed his feelings and the emo and nerd said they liked him back. So they became boyfriends that day.
- After dating for a year, the three men decided to move in with each other. They did a lot of searching online until eventually Roman said “Here is where we shall stay” as he pointed at the photo of a nice house on the laptop screen. Logan and Virgil agreed with Roman’s statement. This house would be perfect for them. Roman had wanted a house with a front porch he could put a nice, rocking chair on. Logan wanted a house with three bedrooms so if any of them needed some personal space at night, they could have their own beds instead of sharing one all the time. Virgil wanted a house with a nice backyard where he could just sit and draw. The house they found online met all these needs, so the three boyfriends were definitely buying it.
- Before moving in together, the three men never really saw each other when they were feeling super upset or stressed. So now that they lived together, the boyfriends saw every aspect of each other’s lives, and got into a routine of making sure everyone was feeling okay. If anyone seemed like something was bothering them, they’d be asked “Are you okay?” If Virgil woke up from a nightmare and couldn’t fall back asleep for the rest of the night, Logan would make some tea to help calm Virgil down and Roman would gently hug the emo man and whisper comforting words to him.
- If Roman was feeling worried about an upcoming play, Virgil will remind him of how great he is at acting and offer to practice reading whatever script Roman had to memorize at the moment. Logan would also offer to read through lines with Roman, and provide advice whenever Roman requested feedback.
- If Logan stayed up too late grading papers for his students, Roman and Virgil would remind him it’s time for bed. Virgil would offer to help Logan finish up grading after they all got some sleep. After they get Logan to lay down in bed, Roman will quietly sing to help Logan relax more and fall asleep.
- The three boyfriends like to sit in companionable silence with each other when they all just want a quiet and relaxing day. Logan will sit on the couch with a book. Roman will plop down on the couch, rest his head on Logan’s shoulder, and just watch random videos on his phone with headphones on. Virgil will sit on the floor in front of the couch and sketch whatever comes to mind. Most of the time the emo finds himself drawing his boyfriends sitting on the couch, like they are in that moment.
End Notes: Thanks for reading! As always, if you like any of these headcannons and want to make a fanfic or fanart based on them you can. You just need to ask me first, and then tag and credit me in the post so I can see it.
AO3 Link to these headcannons: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55441837
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
In your devils vs. angels au (I think that's what it's called, correct me if I'm wrong), do Roman and Remus miss each other? If so, how do they cope? If not, why?
Also, what does Roman do all day? We've learnt a lot about the angels, less so the devil's I think. I'm curious
Oooo questions!
Roman and Remus do miss eachother :( They were so close when Roman was still an angel, so theres a hole in their hearts without their brothers
The coping question is a really interesting one! I think Roman copes by reminiscing about the good times they had together, but i think eventually Roman learns to move on and while he still misses Remus, he accepts his new life in hell. Remus is more sad about the separation compared to Roman, he goes through a long grieving process. He talks to Janus about it and does a lot of crying and looks for any solution to get him back. Hes unsuccessful and he never really gets over the grief.
If i ever make this au into some storyline, they reunite and do plenty of happy crying, but itd take a lot of time and effort to make a whole story and stuff.
Demons dont really have any responsibilities like angels, so a lot of them like creating mischief and chaos on earth or staying in hell and just living there. But hell sucks its really hot, and theres always the sounds of the screams of the dammed in ur ear, and everythings on fire. Plenty of demons arent just chaotic and evil, theres friendly demons that reside in hell (like patton and logan). Demons live together in their little communities in hell and spend their time together. Theres a level of risk for the demons that come to earth, even if theyre not causing trouble for humans and just visiting because its so cool and beautiful. When on earth a demon can run into an angel, and that angel could forcibly send them back to hell. If they run into a demon exterminator (like virgil) on earth then the could get killed and die
I think Roman spends a lot of his time getting introduced to hell when he first arrives, and he gets to know Patton and Logan better. Roman sometimes visits earth, but he mostly stays in hell and gets meets new people and lives his life with Pat and Lo
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