#visage ⸺ tim.
ghoulysaphomet · 4 months
No Capes/ Monster hunter AU idea ft. Werewolf Jason, the YJ team being inhuman and Tim hiding Jay while trying to help him.
In my head the au is like dis;
There is no Batman, there's no superheroes. However, Bruce is a 'Hunter'. His parents was killed by a werewolf running rampant, but no-one believed him, thinking it was a wild animal that did it and that Bruce was lucky to have survived. Dick's parents died, unsure how, maybe vampires or somth? either way he's adopted by bruce who finds young dick in captivity and brought home. unsure of how he adopts jay, but he does. Tim is adopted early on bcs screw his parents, even if bruce isn't that much better lol.
at 15, jason is murdered by a man who calls himself Joker, a man who loves monsters and wants to create the perfect creature. instead of beating him with a crowbar he tries to sew other bodyparts (and fails) onto him or remove stuff. jay dies in pieces and is found by bruce too late.
he's revived by the league, a band of necromancers, specifically talia who wanted to do her beloved a favor, but also to have someone to help protect damian. However when jason sees that he's not even buried in the wayne family plot, that he's lost the 'wayne' part of his name, he's saddened and brought to despair, he feels a sense of loss and talia helps by offering training and more training.
then he finds out that despite bruce happily killing monsters, he didn't killl joker, who in jasons eyes, is the real monster.
and decides to return to gotham under an alias. he runs into tim who is flying solo despite what happened to jay and hes just so angry and doesnt understand why bruce would do this to him, to them, when he saw what happened to jason.
im unsure what rlly happens then but basically the joker is the one to turn jason.the joker forced the werewolf turn on him, and bruce had been on his way to the place bcs jason had goaded him there. disoriented from a sudden shift and new body, jason has no time to really figure out what to do before bruce is there, with joker gift-wrapped and a confused werewolf.
when he sees the warehouse, he sees joker, a human and thus can't be killed, and a werewolf, a monster with no thoughts or feelings just barely above an animal that's a danger to everyone. to him it's not even a question of who to go for
bruce doesn't react to joker aside from im calling the police, before going after jason who is so confused because that's his *dad* and why isn't he trying to hurt the joker who's a real monster why is he trying to hurt and kill jason??
and jason survives but he's so stressed that he doesn't really know what to do. im not sure how he gets out of there but he does. he tries to survive but he just *cant change back* and doesnt know what to do
and thats how tim finds him, tim who's been keeping an eye out on him bcs he's not fkn stupid and he's worried and jason is hurt, so so hurt and forced in wolf form and tim is just, angryand brings him to his friends, the friends bruce will never know about bcs bruce is so far up his own vengeance filled ass he'd kill them without thinking about the fact that they're tims friends
edit, wrote a small ficlet in this au::)
can be found here!
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drawing-write · 1 day
More Tim and Visage!
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I drew Tim slightly tanner as a teen/young adult. Because baby Tim is as pale as a ghost due to how dark Gotham is and the fact Tim only really goes outside to head off to school or to spend hours tailing behind Batman, Robin (and Nightwing whenever he visits), so he’s paleeee.
but after time spent as a vigilante and training around the world primarily in very hot places, he got very sunburned and definitely a little tan.
the fanfic is underway! Woo! The amount of support I got on my initial post really got my motivation going. I don’t know when or *if* I’m even gonna post my writing, but I’ll 100% try!
I feel like my writing is a bit pretentious when I write from a third person Narrator perspective- But I’m getting back into it. I’m so much more used to writing in a first person perspective snksnsksnsj
Initial Post
Edit: Oop- forgot to tag this-
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newgolddream · 9 months
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My 10 favorite albums of 1980
David Bowie - Scary Monsters
Visage - Visage
The Police - Zenyatta Mondatta
The Clash - London Calling
The Pretenders - Pretenders
Devo - Freedom Of Choice
Split Enz - True Colours
Ultravox - Vienna
Roxy Music - Flesh & Blood
Dire Straits - Making Movies
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talentforlying · 7 months
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constantine: i thought i'd explained enough for you to understand the rules. tim hunter: i have ... i do! constantine: no, you don't. the phone book's free, tim. with magic, you play, you pay. tim hunter: oh, bloody great! what is this — an "i'm-john-constantine — so-i'm-in-charge" sort of thing? you-react-the-way-i'd-least-expect-just-to-prove-a-point ... that sort of thing? constantine: no. and stop swearing.
a "stop swearing" from john constantine is never not SO funny. anyway, sometimes i wonder if i like this motherfucker so much because he too falls victim to the autistic-coded trap of 'everybody assuming there's subtext when you're just saying exactly what the hell you mean'.
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pcnnyworth · 11 months
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alfred pennyworth upon seeing a rat in the batcave, circa 1997 (source: "guided tour: the batcave" in batman: secret files and origins #1)
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vigilantesx · 2 years
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unwaivering-archived · 9 months
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batcrested · 1 year
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"My parents weren't perfect by any means... But they were mine and they loved me."
Jack Dr.ke ( aged 42 )- Simon K.assianides Janet Kupos-D.rake ( aged 38 )- Sarah P.odemski Tim Dr.ke ( 22 years old )- Gavin L.eatherwood
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peachmuses · 2 years
dc universe tags.
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
Yandere self-aware Dick Grayson—He really enjoys winging it.
Yandere Dick Grayson thought you were a god(dess) from another world. He first became self-aware while on patrol. He got hit in the face and sustained a concussion after the fight. He saw you for the first time—only your face. He became aware of the pictures on the pages of the issue you were reading. You picked up another one and opened it up, and he was still there. You watched something with Dick Grayson, and he was there. It was so incredibly overwhelming for him. He simultaneously exists in so many forms of media. 
It makes it that much easier to stalk you.
He can just as easily slip out of a show or movie and watch you through your phone, maybe your television, or your computer.
Yandere Dick Grayson doesn't tell anyone about you. He asks Tim to search for alternate dimensions, but he simply brushes off Tim's questioning. He needs to know exactly what this is. He deludes himself into thinking you have chosen him. There has to be a reason you are now connected. You must be some sort of higher being that needs his protection and help. He needs to figure out how to get to you.
Yandere Dick Grayson talks to you a lot. He addresses you by name; he learned it by looking through your online accounts. He talks about everything from the most mundane to the most personal. He bares his soul to you. He hopes that one day you will do the same in return. After all, he's never been this vulnerable with you before. 
It's startling the first time, but you think it must be some strange side plot. He must have a new love interest with your name that the writers haven't introduced yet. 
Yandere Dick Grayson has an unbelievably arduous time maintaining normal romantic relationships. He is madly devoted to you, but he has to maintain his normalcy. His family may think he has lost his mind or had it manipulated if he told them what he sees and who he loves. He can barely find it within himself to go on dates with those who fancy him. He grows bored almost instantaneously. He imagines them in your visage, and it eases the ache in his heart a little. He needs you. He craves it so dearly.
Yandere Dick Grayson does the most rational thing he is able to think of. He makes a shrine devoted to you and offers things to it. You have to do a double take when you see this. You begin to ignore any media surrounding him. It just keeps popping up. He breaks the fourth wall and begs you to forgive him. He has everything he's learned about you. He needs you. He's so ashamed. He's so used to being confident and having it all together. When with you that all crumbles. 
Yandere Dick Grayson is willing to support you through his hard time. He may be having panic attacks and beating himself off the page, but he knows you'll come back to him eventually. His dear deity would never forsake him. You wanted him to love you after all. Right? You did, obviously! You're just shy. No mortal has willingly worshipped you this much before. You're just busy in your world. You'll come visit him again.
Yandere Dick Grayson who eliminates your distractions for you. He simply pulls a few strings, sacrifices some people, and offers lost souls to demons! They drag you into his world, and he is so overjoyed. You are just a little frazzled. That's why you look so scared. Don't you worry. He'll keep you safe for the rest of his life. He may even sell his soul to make himself immortal so he may stay with you forever.
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yourlocal-edgelord · 4 months
have this lil headcanon that whenever jason super pissed at the batfam he speaks in old english or Shakespearean to annoy them
Bruce: Hood I need you to type up a mission report
Jason: Thy not mine own father
Dick perched on the chandelier: Finders keeper losers weepers
Jason: Trait'r thee consumed the final cookie, visage mine own wrath like an established sir
Tim sticking out his tongue after winning monopoly
Jason: No more brain than stone replacement stealing mine own lodging as the grand winner of monopoly
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drawing-write · 4 days
Tim Drake and Visage
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As a continuation of my Fanfic idea, here’s my rushed doodle!
Introducing Visage! A little piece of Venom from the Marvel Multiverse. Accidental child abandonment on Venom’s part —as we know that Symbiotes reproduce asexually— this little baby Symbiote ended bonded to little baby Tim Drake.
Another drawing
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^^^ My original doodle, it says “Vee” instead of “Vis” because I was using Venom as a placeholder name.
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celaenaeiln · 1 year
Bruce: *sees a motorcade come up on his right* *ignores*
Timmy in the back eying the group suspiciously: ….
*tapping on glass*
Dick: B, there’s someone tapping on my side.
Bruce: Don’t roll the window down they could be-
Dick: *already rolling the window down* *GASP* ROMMEY?! ROMMEY! ROMMEY!!
A 45 yr old grizzled man with a smoker’s voice, nicknamed Rommey by Dick: heya Dickie, how it’s going kiddo.
Another motorbiker with a full claw scar down his face: what about the rest of us, kid? Forget about us?
Derrick-I take down mercenaries for fun but let a kid I like call me DERRICKA-Rolan: You little shit, why’d we not hear from you after you fucked off to neverland huh?!
Isabella-what? Someone went missing? I had nothing to do with it, it’s total coincidence that I hated him-Hodges: Maybe he doesn’t like us, Der. That right, Dickie?
Dick: *flabbergasted* No!! It’s a long story! After I left I ran out of gas and then some girl crashed into my bike and sent it flying off the cliff but I dove off it first and then I had to walk to the nearest motel on bare feet because I gave her my shoes and then I met this half bear half man and I’ll be pleased to tell you that it was a beary bearable encounter once he got his bearings hahahahaha- *progressively climbing out of the car as the story goes on*
Bruce: Dick! Get back in the car! *having one hand on the steering wheel and grabbing the back of his shirt with the other to keep his wayward son from falling out*
Dick: Wait- *accidently twisting too far and nearly braining himself on the speeding asphalt*
Rommey: DICK!
Bruce: DICK!
Rommey, Derricka, Izzy, and Manes: *grabbing the front half to prevent Dick from becoming like two-face*
Bruce: *letting go of the wheel to grab Dick’s bottom half for the same reason*
Tim: *high pitched screaming from the back* DICK! Tₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ! ₜₕₑ Wₕₑₑₗ!!!
Bruce: *struggling to pull his son in while the motorcade struggles to pull him out to sit on a bike thus leading to Dick hanging in limbo out the window of a car going 80mph on a freeway* GRAB THE WHEEL TIM
Dick, Bruce, Tim, and motorcade: *furious screaming and shouting and panicking*
*2 hours later*
*Arriving at the manor*
Jason: damn what happened to you lot, you look like you went through hell and back.
Bruce and Tim: *drained, pale-faced, messy, sweating, and heaving*
Dick: *a curl of hair falling elegantly into his shining eyes* I just had the time of my life, Jay!
Jason who is well acquainted with Dick’s “Time of the life”s: ah. My condolences.
Tim: Never again. *flopping on the ground and cater-pilling his way up the stairs*
Damian: Father, this is such disgraceful attire! Fix yourself at once, mother would be embarrassed by such a visage! What in holy reincarnation have you been doing?!
Bruce: Never again, Dick.
Dick: it’s nothing Dami, they were just helping me.
Damian: Father, I am ashamed of you. Why must you devolve to such a state when you assist Grayson, he is perfectly capable of extraordinary feats without your input. I suggest you refrain from interfering with his success again.
Bruce: Damian, you-
Dick: Bruce. *smiling pleasantly*
Jason: *immediately sneaking off*
Bruce’s life momentarily flashing before his eyes: …..nothing. Go finish your homework. *trudging off to whine to Alfred about how no one’s gonna believe him*
Dick: *sincerely* what a great day! 😊
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talentforlying · 7 months
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the sandman universe presents: hellblazer / books of magic #4
hey mr. si spurrier, can we talk!!!! can we just fuckin talk!!!!!!
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Polaroids & Promises
When your mother had first met your boyfriend, she had made two very astute observations: He was incredibly distinguished (read: much older than she’d expected) and he was definitely a heartbreaker. At the time she’d meant the latter as a testament to his devilishly good looks, but her statement had turned out to be true in a much more literal sense.
Letting out a sigh as you toed your shoes off by the front door, you settled your winter gear and house keys on their respective hooks before making your way to the kitchen. The contents of your fridge left much to be desired, a box of Chinese takeout and an unfinished bottle of wine sitting pretty on the second shelf, a sad cast of recurring characters in your post-breakup misery. Pointing at the Merlot, you declared, “I’ll be back for you soon.”
Although you wanted nothing more than to curl up with a trashy romance novel and the cheap wine, your career didn’t care how sad you were; work needed doing and therefore laundry needed washing. After shedding your work attire and scrubbing the day from your body with a hot shower, you carried the sizable buildup of clothes down the hall to the laundry room. You began sorting the delicates from your regular wash, pausing mid-squat at an unfamiliar shade of red peeking out from the bottom of the hamper. Tossing t-shirts and work pants aside, a traitorous prickle of hot tears momentarily blurred the stark white USMC before you. Releasing a ragged breath, you pulled the hoodie to your face and inhaled deeply, the fabric muffling your sob as the smell that you had come to think of as home overwhelmed your senses. Seven months of memories played in your head in the span of mere seconds, quiet nights on the couch, steaks cooked by the fire, the scraping of a sander against wood.
You missed Jethro more than words could describe. You missed his warmth, his touch, his teasing remarks. You missed visiting him at work, and sharing entire conversations with Tony consisting only of movie quotes, and nerding out with Tim over the latest Game of Thrones episode, and bonding with Ziva over a few hours at the range, and going to concerts with Abby, and trading interesting cases with Jimmy. You missed insightful talks with Ducky about life and opera and the enigma that is his friend and your lover. You missed the sight of matching keys on the hook next to yours and work boots in the hallway. You missed trading sections of the paper over morning coffee. You missed the quiet protest of the bed when he slipped in beside you well past midnight.
You missed having someone to come home to.
Swiping at your eyes, you abandoned the task at hand in lieu of moping in your bedroom, but first doubling back to enlist the company of your trusty red. You settled down on the floor at the foot of your bed and eased the cork out of the mouth of the bottle, taking a hearty swig as you pulled your wooden memory box into your lap. Running your fingers over the intricate pattern on top, you recalled the day Jethro had gifted you the handcrafted piece for all of those pictures you force me to be in, he had admitted with a begrudging smile. You took out the stack of Polaroids, spreading them out on the floor before you as you gulped down another mouthful of wine. Although the dates were printed at the bottom of each photo, you could easily track the progression of your relationship by the way Jethro’s visage grew less grumpy and more smiley over time. A teardrop splattered across the shiny surface of one of your pictures, and you were quick to wipe it off without smudging the writing on the bottom. You finished off the last dregs of red wine and with it, your crumbling resolve, and you dialed ten digits on your cellphone purely via muscle memory.
Jethro’s voice in your ear made your heart twinge, even if it was just to tell you to leave a message. Taking in a shuddering breath, you opened with a brilliant, “Hey, it’s me.” Cringing, you soldiered on. “You’re probably still at work, because that’s- that’s what you do, isn’t it? Work yourself to the bone, people who care about you be damned. Sorry,” you sighed, immediately reneging on the snarky comment. “That’s not fair of me to say. I admire you and the work you do, you know that, right? It’s just that, well, Ducky had warned me this would happen, that you have a hard time separating yourself from the job. I guess I thought I could stop it or delay it or something, but I couldn’t. And now it’s-” You paused to squint at the digital clock on your nightstand. “-a quarter after ten on a Wednesday night, and I’m wine drunk, and I miss you so much that I called just to hear your voice on a goddamn answering machine. I mean, c’mon, Jet, who still has a landline these days? Christ, this is fucking pathetic. Maybe I should get a cat or some-” The phone beeped at you, indicating that you’d reached the time limit on the machine. Dropping your head into your hands, you groaned out, “Oh my god.”
You heaved a sigh, then delicately returned your treasured memories to their keepsake box before replacing it on the desk. Deciding that the crisp winter air would do you good, you slipped into your coat and boots, locked up, and headed outside for a late night walk.
“I mean, c’mon, Jet, who still has a landline these days?” Jethro chuckled softly at the incredulity in your tone, tuning back in to your message just as it got cut off. He poured himself another splash of bourbon, then downed it in one go, finger already itching to replay the rambling message for the third time in as many minutes just to bask in the sound of your voice for a few more precious moments. He heard the stairs creak and emptied out a mug of miscellaneous screws and fasteners under the assumption that Tobias was joining him to discuss their progress on the case. Instead, the voice he was so desperately craving to hear floated downstairs to him.
“You really should lock your doors. Never know what sort of unsavory character could wander in off the street.”
Turning to face you as you reached the bottom step, he rumbled out, “So that’s where my favorite hoodie’s been hiding.” There was a distinct edge to his voice as he silently took in your bleary eyes and slightly disheveled appearance.
“I took a cab,” you said softly, immediately recognizing the heat in his glare as concern at the thought of you driving in your current state. “Can I come in?”
“You’re already in,” he responded, not quite curt, but not exactly warm either. Still, he hooked his ankle around the stool beside him and pulled it out, simultaneously pouring two fingers of his signature bourbon into the awaiting mug on the workbench. You took that as an invitation to join him, closing the remainder of the space between you and accepting the amber liquid as you perched on the seat. Gathering your courage, you took a sip and offered, “I missed this gasoline with a side of tetanus.”
“I missed your unparalleled wit,” he shot back, the corner of his mouth lifting with mirth.
“Hey, so, random question,” you forced out through a laugh, “have you checked your messages yet today? Just wondering cause I-” Your words caught in your throat when Jethro suddenly framed your face with his hand, the familiar ridges of his callouses pressing against your skin as he molded his mouth to yours. He pulled back just as abruptly, eyes wide with the realization of the wounds he had reopened and muttered, “Sorry, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” you whispered, entwining your fingers with his on the workbench. Not yet able to meet his gaze, you clarified, “Don’t apologize. Not for that, at least.”
“No, actually, you know what?” You finally dared to look up at him, taking in the scruff dotting his cheeks and the dark circles beneath his lower lids that no doubt mirrored your own. Hot tears brimmed at your water line as you continued with a ferocity, “You don’t get to turn those pretty blue eyes on me and kiss me and make me forget about the terrible month I’ve had without you. I’m so mad at you. So mad.” You punctuated this thought with a sharp prod to his firm chest. “I wanted you to fight for me. For us. But no! You decided the best course of action was inaction, and I had to be the bad guy. And you know what the worst fucking part about all this is?”
He bit the inside of his cheek, shaking his head before pulling you into his arms. You melted into his embrace, all of the fight draining out of you as you confessed, “I’m not really mad at you. I’m mad at myself for being so naive.”
“Oh, my love,” he breathed out, squeezing you tight until your tears subsided. “You deserve so much better.”
Pulling back so you could look into his shiny eyes, you huffed, “That’s just it, you idiot. I want you to be better.” Lifting your joined hands to your lips, you pressed kisses to his knuckles before whispering, “I need you to choose me, just like I choose you every day. I want to build a life with you, to grow old with you-”
“One of us is already old,” he cut in with a cheeky grin, forcing a laugh out of you.
“Fine,” you amended, “I want to grow older with you, grumpy.”
“I want that, too,” he confessed quietly, the intensity in his eyes stealing your breath away. “The thing is, angel, I did choose you. I just thought you would be better off without me, and that if you left you’d be angry instead of hurt.”
“You- what?” you spluttered. “I should smack you upside the head for that, you stupid, infuriating man. What kind of dumb reverse psychology is that, Jethro? I just thought you would be better off without me,” you mimicked in a deep voice. Jabbing your finger into his chest again, you repeated, “Stupid.”
Grabbing your outraged finger as leverage, he pulled you closer and pressed his lips against yours once more, hands coming up to cup your cheeks and thumbs rubbing soothingly against your skin until your righteous anger boiled down to a controlled simmer. You let out a sigh as his mouth left yours, then beckoned him forward again. “One more.” He placed a kiss on the corner of your mouth. “Another.” This time, the opposite side. “Keep ‘em coming.” He chuckled warmly before dotting gentle kisses all over your face until you graced him with a smile.
“Honey, listen,” Jethro said, growing serious as he guided you back down to sit across from him but keeping a firm grip on your hand, “I know I went about this in entirely the wrong way, and I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life making up for it.”
“Yeah, you’d better,” you grumbled playfully, squeezing his hand.
“And you know I’m not big on moon phases and star signs and all that-”
“We’ll work on it.”
Fixing you with a look and tweaking your nose affectionately, he continued, “But I’m pretty sure most people don’t get lucky enough to find two soulmates in one lifetime. Shannon would never let me hear the end of it if I let you get away again.”
“Oh, Jet,” you sighed, leaning forward to press your forehead against his. “The day I realized I was in love with you, I made your girls a promise that I would take care of you. Help me keep that promise, okay?”
“I will,” he whispered, two simple words, a solemn pledge. “Now let’s go upstairs so you can tell me what I’ve missed and call me stupid a bunch more times.”
“Deal,” you laughed, taking his hand so he could help you up. “Can I just check the answering machine real quick before we-”
“Nope,” Jethro cut you off, pulling you into his side and squeezing your hip as you ascended the stairs together. “I’m keeping that message forever. Maybe even quote it in my vows one day.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
Yoooo idk if you know what my hero academia is but what about a batsib( platonic) who’s a lot like dabi. Abused all there life has blue fire burns all over them. Abnormal body heat. Who would be more interesting in the fire? Who would help batsib take care of there burns. HOW WOULD THEY REACT TO THE STABLES COMING OFF!!!
Just the amount of chaos has me foaming out the mouth. 
I tweaked your request a bit and added yan todo clan into the mix if you don’t mind anon? if you rather a version without them then feel free to request again!
I’ll prolly do a part two of this to expand more on the Todo family, Tim, Dick, and Bruce but who knows what my ADHD will hyperfixate on next.
God can I just say that I love Todoroki Clan v Batfam fics. However few and far between they are so I’ll be writing this with a Todoroki! Reader in mind. Perhaps a twin of Dabi.
status: unedited
Humans have a natural, visceral attraction to fire. One can’t help but be drawn to its glow.
You were born as Touya’s (fraternal) twin except your power didn’t have to rely on emotions.
You burned the day you were born. Hurting your mother in the process. Scalding her skin as she desperately tried to feed you despite the danger it meant to her well-being.
In spite of her growing hatred for her husband, you managed to sear your way into her heart and make your mark.
Rei adored you. You looked the most like her underneath all the flames and charred skin. She would coo at you while glaring at her failures. She would run her hands through your hair while the room slowly froze when hearing about that kid who asked for your hand in marriage.
You were her precious gem. A jewel amongst the icky, dark, coal the others call her children. She would do anything for you. Anything.
Enji had to admit. He loved you more than his ambitions himself. He abhorred the pained screams you’d make whenever you tried using your powers. Luckily, unlike his eldest son, you were much more susceptible to the idea of not becoming a hero. All of his attempts at another heir were all in hopes that you didn’t have to face the horrid world of villains.
Touya admired you ever since you two were little. Your parents would often speak of how he’d cry whenever you two were separated. Of how he’d wail whenever you’d get burnt by your own quirk as if he was the one who was hurt.
As you grew up, he grew distant. Envious of your flames that were already so strong. Angry that you born several steps ahead of him regardless of being his twin.
Natsuo and Fuyumi bore the brunt of his complaints. His parents were too entranced by your being so who else did he have to talk to?
It all came to a climax when Shouto gained his quirk. You’d never forget the hope draining from your twin’s visage. The flames that surrounded the two of you when he dragged you out into the woods only to take an attempt at your life.
As darkness consumed your vision, you reach out to your brother’s face and choked out as the smoke covered the two of you.
“I will . . . always . . . love you.”
You awoke to your parents in tears, the news that your twin’s body was never found, and your belongings packed in several bags.
You were to study far away. Have a new start. Where you’d forget your brother.
It was a place known for its crime rate, but Enji’s close friend Bruce promised he’d take care of you while you’re here.
You were greeted by one of his sons, Tim. He was around Fuyumi’s age and was utterly fascinated by your powers.
Through him you were able to appreciate your flames a little more. It was hard not to get close to him. You attended classes together, ate together, played together. He even made you equipment and salves that would ease the burns.
It wasn’t long before you found out about his vigilante persona and thus Bruce’s. But for the sake of safety (your own and their’s) you decided to keep that fact to yourself.
Dick often came by once in a while. It was rare but his visits started to become the highlights of your stay in Gotham. He was fun and energetic. Tim and Bruce were great and all but they always had an air of seriousness that reminded you all too well of your family back in Japan.
He’d often sneak you out and teach you some acrobatic moves. Through process of searching good old google about the Robins, you figured out he was Nightwing after a short while.
Although you absolutely despised them now, you couldn’t deny them their credit for reigniting your passion for heroics.
You started training on your own. Control was something you had already practiced in the past. You knew how to stop the flames when it flared up too much. But you never really got to the point of using it for attacks and combat.
You didn’t really get that far. The most you could do without getting suspicious was to ask your father for a tutor in self defense while only adding some of your flames for the extra damage.
Not to mention the fact that a fire based vigilante would definitely raise flags for the family you’ve been living with.
So you started your “hero” life without using much of your flames until such a time that you were able to either go back to Japan or move out to another state.
That’s when you met Jason. You didn’t know much about him at first. Only that he killed a bunch of the thugs that you were trying to handle on your own.
Without him you’d probably have been dead several times by now.
Thus you took it upon yourself to help him in any way you can.
From being a hindrance you slowly started becoming an essential asset to Jason’s patrols. So much so that he often would blow up if you disappeared for a week only to apologize profusely and buy you pizza when he found out you were gone because of exams.
Jason also made you discover a very important part of your power. While your quirk didn’t rely on emotions to be strong within itself, emotions still played a huge part of it.
And as he slowly placed his lips upon yours, a wall of flame sets off.
You never returned to him after that day.
Around your early adulthood, Damian was taken into the household.
It wasn’t that long before you figured out he had no filter and a lot of ego to boot.
He reminded you a lot of a cat. Your parents would never let you adopt one out of fear for you being scratched, or worse a cat barbecue so you often projected that childhood desire of yours to him.
So while he’d hurt you both physically and emotionally, you in turn would return whatever he gave with love and headpats.
It annoyed him to no end. Who were you to treat him like a baby? If it weren’t for your flames he could probably have you on the floor in a minute tops.
But whenever you’d disappear he realizes how much he enjoys your presence.
He was there when you came back after your encounter with Jason. Your burnt and tattered clothes.
He saw the news. He knew that you’ve been going out to save civilians with one of his predecessors. He knew all about your past and your powers.
And he knew that from this day forth, you were never going to leave the manor ever again.
GENERAL BATFAM TAGLIST: @the-sander-fander
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