demon-blood-youths · 11 months
For @vischys from here
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"Great! Awesome, Vergil." Ink smiles. "Let me give you the address to the party. It's not a huge one. Just our team and friends for now." She smiles, writing down the address on a note. Maybe sending him a text over the phone would work as well.
"Hahaha! Thanks! We appreciate it! We're going to have chips, pizza, wings, some grilled cheese sliders, candies, caramel apples, pumpkin pie, popcorn, and chocolate strawberries! And oh! We will have hot apple cider drinks! We're thinking of craving pumpkins and watching a movie in the background. It's either The Conjuring, Halloween or Scream!" Ink said.
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sorrowshared · 1 year
What type of symphony are you?
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You are the silence in the theatre as the soloist readies his bow, and the chill one feels at the strike of the first note. You are the undeniable gravity that brings everything together, and you hold captive the fool and the genius alike. You make no promises with life for which path you are to take, and that is why your life can be nothing but extraordinary-- you know no other way. Though the mirror may be your greatest enemy, you know there is no absolution but that in the reflection. Through light and dark, you feel no discomfort in being alone though at times you crave affection. No matter. You persist. And that is your greatest strength. Your song: Partita in E Major by Bach
"I suppose there is something to be said about me receiving the same result as Vergil. I wonder.. if Urizen were inclined to test his mind in this manner - would he receive those same lines or this were we are different?
Tagged by @vischys (thank you! :3) Tagging: you!
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lovelyxhorrors · 1 year
What type of symphony are you?
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The Nocturne: The Rise
There is a darkness which has tormented you, and the genius lament burdens you, but fear not... you are the pull of the tide and the light of the moon on a winter path. You are the soft notes which increase in intensity till the pianist pours over the keys with such passion it can only bring tears to your eyes. You cannot do things halfway though you yearn for it, and you envy those blessed with blissful ignorance, but in the end you know you'd not have it any other way -- you are the rise they are afraid of till they cannot look away. Your song: Nocturne in C Minor by Chopin
"This is my kind of jam for a good fight! I will make sure to go all out!"
tagged by: @vischys ( Thanks! )
tagging: @blackfanged-hellhound, @the-silver-peahen-residence ( Ryuunosuke Akutagawa ) @kitxkatrp ( Atsushi Nakajima ) @theircurse @electricea @youllthinktwice ( any ) @bxrninglegends ( VillianAU!Chase ) @mirroredworlds ( Grimmjow ) @dxrknessembr8ced ( Any ) and anyone who wants to do this.
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genexxer · 2 months
oil crisis and possible solution
The Islamic world is tyrannized by a hated vischy government which dictates the flow of crude oil and stamps out conservation/alternatives to keep the barrel price up. It's basic greed. The oil companies lobbied US Congress and fdr signed a treaty commanding king Saud to only trade oil in dollars. For that, troops bearing the US flag protect Saud from vengeance by his many subjects/ victims. Side effects of oil transaction include hate for the West by the entire Islamic world for protecting their oppressor. Boycott gas, goods packaged in plastic, supply chains reliant on oil like hydrogen and everything made of plastic. Or go on a crusade to genocide the entire Islamic world.
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latrompeta7 · 1 year
Peteco Vischi 
 Con sus cuentas equilibradas, desde 2001, Gobierno de Corrientes nunca ha tenido déficit fiscal. Se gasta según lo que ingresa. Esta medida populista castiga la buena administración: #Corrientes pierde $60.000 millones, 2 veces su nómina salarial.
El Congreso tiene el deber de cuidar nuestra moneda, con este tipo de medidas no lo está haciendo. Se está empujando a una hiperinflación que da pie a un estallido social u otro tipo de populismo que plantea dolarizar como si fuera la solución. Quieren reventar a la Argentina.
Creerle al ministro Massa es, como mínimo una ingenuidad, sería masoquista. La sociedad exige responsabilidad. El Senado, que debería defender a las provincias, no está cumpliendo su cometido.
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nirvnsu · 1 year
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◌⃘ ִ ׄakira ノ vischi … adult ୵ 咅
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secondborn-cambion · 3 years
A large stuffed toy in the size of a child and in shape of what seemingly to be a dragon, bright and gaudy in color, definitely not his own choice of toy if he were into such, is situated comfortably upon Dante's desk, still wrapped neatly in a soft plastic with a blue bow on it.
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... Dante stood and gaped at it, for a long time. Memories came flooding back, more vivid than before, and far more piercing to his tender heart. He was in his mid forties, and he was stopped, dead in his tracks, in the face of a child's stuffed dragon.
Swallowing, Dante moved to carefully undo the wrapping, careful with the ribbon bow. This was a far cry from Dante as a child, rending paper from presents as a hurricane ripped roofs off buildings.
Yeah, he was gonna start bawlin..
"Smoke," he murmured, lifting the seated stuffie under its stubby front arms. Its wings, lined with rainbow-ish reflective fabric, flopped, its long, spike tail hung, and its round, soft back legs and feet stuck straight out so that the dragon was always sitting. "You .. You found Smoke.."
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tyriandemonroyalty · 3 years
『 From llunarys 』
“How fares you, Sire?”
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"I can neither complain nor exhault, my son. I fear I am reaching that terrible age that all demons come to where they've seen all, done all, and are now just .. dull."
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@vischys​ ahhhh!
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“So. Hmm. Are we going to talk about the fact that I’m still here? Or are you just going to ignore me like some pestering thought. Because I’m still here.” To be honest, V was surprised too, instead of being fully incorporated into Vergil’s consiousness, he’s still wandering around in that head of his. It’s kinda weird being a voice in someone’s head.
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redgraves-hunter · 3 years
🐢 & 💕
🐢 for a mental health headcanon:
Dante suffers from survivor’s guilt. It stems from the Manor as he feels that Vergil’s departure was his fault and therefore Eva running out to go find him and him not being close by was all tied in to his actions.
💕: for a love headcanon:
Dante loves all the ‘sappy’ displays of romance and love. Flowers, teddy bears and gifts, chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.
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relicsden · 4 years
Older bro said: (To @relicsden) "I am not playing this foolish game with you, brother mine. But for the record, you ought to work on your poetic lines as they are positively cringeworthy. PS: As if there's any doubt that mushroom is an unaided flavor-maker thence beyond superior as a topping."
   Boredom played out in a messily scrawled hand and folded carefully into the shape of paper air planes. Winding back his arm and then pushing forward he released his creations to glide on the stagnant air of the business and carry it to the lap of his sibling who was sitting quietly on the company sofa — nose pressed to some stuffy novel no doubt. Dante was, if not willing, to impart some of his creativity to the otherwise quiet afternoon, in hopes to ‘spice up’ some of his elders reading. All of which had been signed lovingly with the poorest form of cursive to grace creation.
   It wasn’t long before he received a response in return — a wadded ball of paper sailing with such force it audibly connected with his head before falling to the desk below. Rubbing the place it struck, Dante unfolded the ball with one hand and reading the smooth even handwriting scrunched the bridge of his nose in disgust. Mushrooms?? Truly Vergil’s mind had gone sour from eating that crusty demon fruit. Hastily, Dante set to work out his retort on the back of the page. Taking a moment to reread it:
Roses are red,
pizza sauce is too.
I’m ordering a large,
And none of its for you !
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   Satisfied with his comeback Dante set it loose, then leaning over to reach for the phone to seize his prize.
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demon-blood-youths · 9 months
Chin dipped gracefully, he presents a small yet neatly wrapped box in dark blue paper. Equal in significance as the Christmas gift he presented to her yesteryear, yet of different content altogether. For this time the nature of said gift was more personal and upon opening it, Ink shall find a pair of warm gloves in the same color of her trademark hood and a letter of V – similar in fashion to the one engraved upon her hood – embroidered upon the rim, knitted by yours truly.
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“I wish you and your youthful brethren an abounding joie de vivre upon this Yuletide.”
There's a larger box as well, containing a humongous size of white-frosted Christmas cake decorated with an elaborate array of cookies in the shape of father christmas, snowman, and reindeer complete with a few trees, meant for her to partake of along with her friends.
Ink is happy when Vergil comes over for Christmas Eve, she blinks when she receives a gift from him. A present wrapped with a blue bow on it. Once Christmas Day arrives, she will love it no doubt.
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"Wow! Thanks, Vergil!" Ink smiles. "Here I got you something too!" Merry Christmas!" She brought out a medium rectangular gift where the blue gift wrap design is snowflakes and reindeer with a light blue bow that says
To: Vergil
From: Ink
Inside the box, there is a pair of black leather boots with a silver fur trim to keep him warm, a sword frog holster that carries his katana, Yamato, and oh a mug that has a Japanese aesthetic on it. She wonders if it's too much but to her, Vergil deserves the gift. She really looks up to him. At the center, there is a symbol that looks like a demon close to Vergil's devil trigger.
"Merry Christmas, Vergil." She said, before hugging him. "Thank you for bringing the cookies!" She said happily, noting the designs. They look so awesome! "I also made hot chocolate. It has peppermint in it!"
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failcringegf · 3 years
they are multiplying
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portfolioxvislar · 3 years
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registrosdemivida · 4 years
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latrompeta7 · 1 year
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Peteco Vischi
En las urnas, los argentinos le dijeron basta a la política de la ventaja y los privilegios. Desde @juntosporelcambiosenado exigimos al oficialismo cesar con los avances contra la Justicia y dar tratamiento a temas urgentes como la inseguridad, la inflación y la producción.
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