#vision disabilities
allkindsofadvocacy · 1 month
Find Me Friday: Anna & Sani!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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nova-sight · 6 months
Vision assessment encompasses a comprehensive array of tests and evaluations designed to analyze the visual acuity, ocular health, and functionality of the eyes. These assessments are conducted by trained professionals, including optometrists and ophthalmologists, utilizing specialized equipment and techniques. Through a meticulous examination process, vision assessment aims to identify any visual impairments or abnormalities that may affect an individual's ability to see clearly and function effectively in daily life.
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incognitopolls · 6 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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badolmen · 4 months
They don’t even attempt to assassinate US politicians anymore. You notice that? Not since the anthrax scare back for… who was it, Barack? And even that… pathetic. This new generation has no respect for an honest hitman. I’m not sure this new generation has any honest hitman - you see that shit with Boeing? Sloppy, fucking disgraceful - you kill the whistleblowers before they get halfway to a lawsuit. What kind of fucking amateur is doing faked suicides the night before testimony? Goddamn greenhorns. Back in my day someone tried to shoot Ronald Reagan in broad daylight. There used to be bomb threats to Congress. I took out a few union leaders in the utilities sector myself. Today’s generation? Won’t even threaten to throw a punch - not even over on that - what’s it now, ‘X’? They got no guts. None! And they don’t even have poor impulse control to boot! Too much of that - that panopticon anxiety bullshit. “Oh what if I get a called out post???” People used to send the president letters full of bioweapons. In the mail! Today’s generation? Not a chance. All because of woke.
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phleb0tomist · 10 months
tumblr users will have the most inaccessible, unreadable, low contrast, flashing carrd you can possibly imagine, with a dni full of insider acronyms with no translation and numerous link buttons labelled with cryptic captions, and then go ahead and put “ableists dni and kys!” on that carrd
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the-delta-quadrant · 1 year
normalise disabled eyes. normalise crossed eyes, normalise lazy eyes, normalise nystagmus, normalise how disabled eyes look and move. stop being shitty to vision impaired people and others with eye conditions about our fucking eyes. our eyes tell you fuck all about how "smart" we are (stop being intellectually ableist anyway), they don't tell you if we're listening, they just tell you that we have an eye condition.
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“alt text for more info” “turn on cations for more info” no actually this is not where more info goes. These have a very distinct purpose. There are plenty of other places for more info. If you’re going to make your post inaccessible, the least you could do is not use accessibility tools at your own leisure for whatever purpose you see fit.
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yeahyeahbeebiss1 · 1 year
happy disability pride month to people with vision impairments. nystagmus, strabismus, lazy eyes, low vision, etc! eye problems are so normalized to the point where able bodied people refuse to see people with vision impairments.
i cannot read even the largest letters without glasses. i can’t legally drive! i needed progressives at 17! i can’t open my bad eye outside at all anymore! i’m mad! i’m done with being ignored!
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2boldlyqueer · 2 months
Listen, I know we're all exhausted, but we gotta get better about adding image descriptions to disability related stuff. Everyone should be IDing everything anyways, but there's a particularly cruel irony in disability related stuff not being accessible to folks with low/no vision.
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andresmounts2 · 3 months
Shoutout to the disabled people out there who know that something's wrong with them, but haven't gotten a diagnosis because it's inaccessible.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
By the time Sue Shusterman turns away from the bench at the overlook and back toward the trailhead, she knows the paddleboarders are out in force 300 yards away on the gleaming blue surface of Chatfield Reservoir.  
She knows the high runoff waters have flooded the roots of Chatfield’s willows and cottonwoods, and that the first spring-green layers of the foothills rise to the west like soft fabric. 
How she acquired these life-affirming memories is at first a mystery, since Shusterman is blind and is heading back toward the parking lot making her usual sweep of the path in front with her ever-present white cane.  
But then a friendly voice emerges from the phone that Shusterman is pointing toward the path from her other hand.
A little to the left to stay on the paved path. Looks like there’s a trail all the way down to the beach, about 75 yards, if you wanted to go. I’ll just be here watching, let me know if you need anything. 
The voice is from a live, trained human guide FaceTiming through Shusterman’s phone camera on the Aira ability-assist app. Sight-impaired people have been using Aira’s guides to make it easier to do anything from navigating an airport to filling out an online job form. Now, all 42 Colorado state parks like Chatfield are geofenced to allow any visitor to use Aira for free to stroll the trails with a helpful set of eyes. 
The Aira guides seemingly effortlessly offer what a blind hiker either needs, or wants. If there’s a dangerous steep drop-off on the right, they warn. If the hiker would rather know if the sneezeweed is in bloom or the sailboats are luffing through a turn, Aira offers that instead.
For Shusterman, trying Aira as an outdoors adventure for the first time, the allure was simple: “Independence.” 
“So she’s doing, I think, a phenomenal job of including the necessary safety things, but the perks of the scenery, too,” Shusterman said, as she paused during a conversation with an Aira guide based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. “She’s doing great.”
State accessibility officials recently announced the expansion of Aira to state parks grounds, after previously providing Aira free for other state-related functions such as navigating a government building or getting help on an online site or filling out forms. Colorado cannot control the cellphone signal, though, so parks officials encourage visitors to try Aira at a familiar or close-in park space before ranging farther afield with it. Popular parks like Staunton or Golden Gate contain pockets where signals are not strong. 
For consumers buying access on their own, Aira costs about $50 for 30 minutes of assistance a month. Private employers and governments often buy package access to Aira and other accessibility apps for all employees to use. State accessibility coordinator Theresa Montano, who is blind and accompanied Shusterman on her Chatfield walk, said Amazon buys access so that sight-impaired shipping center employees can navigate steps to pack orders.
Montano uses Aira at her state job, saying the guides on the app can share her computer screen and help her get through an online task in 30 minutes that might take her four hours without help or through older accessibility tools. 
Adding Aira for state-owned lands was wrapped into the overall $250,000 budget for free Aira use on state property and with state websites. The additional utility is an obvious plus, Montano said. 
“This gives blind people the same opportunity to come and enjoy it by themselves or with their family if they want to, and be independent,” she said...
Shusterman walked away taking more from the big picture experience, rather than any particular scenic detail. 
“For me, it was, you know what, I could go for a walk on this path, and I could feel completely safe, and I would enjoy a nice walk and get some exercise, in an unfamiliar area,” Shusterman said. “It’s definitely a real confidence boost for me.”  
-via The Colorado Sun, June 11, 2024
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allkindsofadvocacy · 6 months
Find Me Friday: Woodrow & Ryan!
Logo that says Reece’s Rainbow Special Needs Adoption Support in blue, below a blue & yellow paint stroke rainbow graphic with a yellow Ukrainian trident symbol on the right half. In this series, each Friday I’m able, I want to share a different child or group of children who are available for adoption and listed through the adoption advocacy website Reece’s Rainbow. Please note, names used on…
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boredth · 6 days
Do you plan on making any other cyber-JW characters? I love your style and I'm curious to see how you'd redesign them ^^ (Caine perchance :3)
No but I've been thinking about it all day now thanks
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cupidsbeaux · 4 months
it's my personal belief that Gillion needs glasses while on land but doesn't realize his vision is even different from everyone else's.
in the water he sees great! it's what tritons are made to do! but above water things are blurry and he's nearsighted. tritons can survive on land, but it's not an ideal situation (as shown by the fact that Gillion sleeps in barrels and bathtubs). he assumes that's just how land creatures are because how would he know any better? this is just another challenge that he's willing to face.
so yeah, he's totally visually impaired. lots of fish and amphibians can't see well outside of water, and i'm choosing to believe that Gillion is the same way.
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Blind/low vision emojis!
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A blind person drawn from the shoulders up, smiling. Beside them is a bubble connected to an arrow pointing to them. In the bubble is a crossed out eye.
A person with low vision drawn from the shoulder up, smiling. Beside them is a bubble connected to an arrow pointing to them. In the bubble is an eye crossed out by a dashed, semi-transparent line.
A blind person smiling and wearing sunglasses, drawn from the shoulders up. Beside them is a bubble connected to an arrow pointing to them. In the bubble is a crossed out eye.
A person with low vision smiling and wearing sunglasses. Beside them is a bubble connected to an arrow pointing to them. In the bubble is an eye crossed out by a dashed, semi-transparent line /End ID]
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nightmaretour · 7 months
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