#visit canterbury
srivallika0701 · 4 months
My kinda therapy 🤌🏻🪽🌥️
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elysabeththequeene · 3 months
some photos i took from my visit to canterbury during the weekend (at westgate gardens!)
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years
Parallels of Eve: The Joyful Mysteries
Today, as we celebrate the Feast of Adam and Eve in preparation for the feast of the Nativity tomorrow, just some things to think about concerning the First and New Eves. 1. The Annunciation. In the Garden of Eden, Eve is approached by an angel who tempts her into sin. The angel promises that she will be like God, only to become isolated from Him. Thus, with her cooperation, "sin entered the world through one man" (Romans 5:12). At the Annunciation, Mary is approached by an angel who declares to her God's plan, and all of creation awaits her response. Mary will "breathe a passing word, [and] embrace the eternal Word" (St. Bernard). Thus, with her cooperation, "abundance of grace and of the gift of justification come to reign in life through the one person, Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:17). 2. The Visitation. According to one Rabbinic legend, the Fall causes Adam and Eve to temporarily separate from one another. This brokenness in their relationship is only fixed when Eve, who was pregnant at the time of their separation, begins to give birth; her cries of pain bring Adam back, and they reconcile after the birth of Cain. The shared pregnancies of Mary and Elizabeth also bring a family closer together, but without a preceding disruption of family life caused by sin. 3. The Nativity. Eve gives birth to a firstborn boy, naming him Cain, "for I have produced a male child with the help of the Lord" (Genesis 4:1). Mary likewise gives birth to a firstborn boy with the help of the Lord, for the Holy Spirit came upon her and the power of the Most High overshadowed her (Luke 1:35). In this, Eve is the mother of all the living (Genesis 3:20), because through her biological lineage all humans are born. In this, Mary is the mother of the re-created world (St. Anselm), because it is by being incorporated into the Body of her Son that "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). 4. The Presentation. Through the Fall, Adam and Eve lose the riches of the Lord that they had in Paradise; "by the sweat of [his] brow" will Adam eat his bread; God tells him, "the ground is cursed because of you! In toil you shall eat its yield" (Genesis 3:19, 17). Joseph likewise toils for his bread, and he is a poor man; at the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, he sacrifices two turtles doves (Luke 2:24), which is the alternative sacrifice for a poor man who cannot afford a lamb (Leviticus 12:6-8). There is an important difference, though; for Adam, death is prescribed "as a remedy. Human life was condemned because of sin to unremitting labor and unbearable sorrow [...] there had to be a limit to its evils" (St. Ambrose). This physical and spiritual poverty will not last, now; by being born as a human into Joseph's family, "for your sake [Jesus] became poor although He was rich, so that by His poverty you may become rich" (2 Corinthians 8:9). 5. Finding Jesus in the Temple. Adam and Eve lose a son to a violent death, and in doing so actually lose two sons; Abel is killed, lost to Adam and Eve in the world of the living forever. Cain is alienated from his family, for he has committed the very first murder, and Cain is concerned by the anger of his family: "Anyone may kill me on sight" (Genesis 4:14). A family is fractured beyond repair, at least in this life. Mary and Joseph also lose a Son, but it is a temporary situation; they find Jesus at the Temple, the very home of God, the same God that Adam and Eve hid from and Cain lied to. After finding Jesus, Mary ponders what has occurred in her heart, while Jesus remains obedient to them (Luke 2:51); the temporary loss only serves to strengthen family bonds.
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travelernight · 5 months
Unlock Wonder: 20 Most Magical Experiences in the United Kingdom
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vidhingu · 6 months
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And that’s how my site looks like from a Birds Eye view!
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giffingthingsss · 11 months
I'm sorry, was anyone gonna tell me that they released new recordings of Lewis on a tape a few years ago or was I supposed to stumble upon a web page for myself?
Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote, The droghte of March hath perced to the roote, And bathed every veyne in swich licóur Of which vertú engendred is the flour; Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth Inspired hath in every holt and heeth The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne, And smale foweles maken melodye, That slepen al the nyght with open ye, So priketh hem Natúre in hir corages, Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages...
A Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man, That fro the tyme that he first bigan To riden out, he loved chivalrie, Trouthe and honóur, fredom and curteisie. Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre, And thereto hadde he riden, no man ferre, As wel in cristendom as in hethenesse, And evere honóured for his worthynesse. At Alisaundre he was whan it was wonne; Ful ofte tyme he hadde the bord bigonne Aboven alle nacions in Pruce.
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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On 2 May 2015, Princess Charlotte was born to Catherine and William, then known as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in St Mary's Hospital, London, at 8.34 BST weighing 8 pounds and 3 ounces. She was born during the reign of her paternal great-grandmother Elizabeth II is the second child and only daughter of Will & Cat. The little princess' name was announced on 4 May as Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. Charlotte is the feminine version of her paternal grandfather's name - Charles & also her aunt Pippa's middle name. Elizabeth honours her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, and is also the middle name of her grandmother Carole and her mum Catherine. Diana is in honour of her late paternal grandmother, Princess Diana. Lottie was nine weeks old when she was christened by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, on 5 July, at St Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham. She wore the handmade replica of the Royal Christening Robe, and the Lily Font and water from the River Jordan were used during the baptism. Charlotte spent the first two years of her life at Anmer Hall in Norfolk, before relocating to Kensington Palace in 2017. She started at Willcocks Nursery School in 2018 and later joined her brother George at Thomas's School in Battersea in 2019. In 2022, Lottie and her family relocated to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, after which she started at Lambrook School with her siblings. Born as a Princess of Cambridge, she became HRH Princess Charlotte of Wales after her grandfather conferred her parents with the titles of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Charlotte who is currently third in line to the throne, made history as the first British princess to outrank a brother in the line of succession. She made her official royal debut at the Trooping of Colour in 2016 and since then has accompanied her parents and brothers for engagements and events. Charlotte joined her parents on official tours to Canada, Germany, and Poland. Taking part in two royal weddings, Lottie has also been a part of her great-grandmother's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022 and her grandfather's coronation in 2023. Charlotte is a nature pixie, and is a keen rugby and tennis player. She loves gymnastics & acrobatics and does amazing cartwheels & handstands. She adores dancing, especially Tap & Ballet and has a passion for theater, putting on shows for her family at home. Lottie loves Pizza and Olives (that's a queen, right there). She's an excellent footballer, which her father was sure to mention to the Lionesses, who she is a big fan of during a visit.
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thewatercolours · 6 months
Thanks for tagging me to share five things I could talk about for an hour without having to prepare, @kursed-curtain. I'm going to try to zero in on topics that aren't as obvious (because clearly I could talk for an hour about my novel, or directing theatre, or books and shows I love, or anything I've taught a class on, or my religion. But let's be more specific and interesting, and possibly slightly less expected?)
Why visiting Canterbury (Kent) should be the top of your bucket list.
ADHD hacks and self understanding/compassion.
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Saints, aka Mormonism (not a believer and never will be - just hyper-fixated.)
Mythbusting the medieval era! You probably believe some wacky things and don't know it!
The difference between romanticization and re-enchantment, and why the former has pitfalls but the latter is essential for survival.
Tagging anyone who wants to get in on it.
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ily-sunghoon · 23 days
The Omen of Sterling | CHAPTER II
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Pairing : vampire!enha x fem!oc (sunoo moments appear a lot in this chapter)
Genre of this chapter : vampire, fluff if you squint
POV : Author’s
Words count : 3.9k
WARNINGS : food, blood, slight manipulation, sunoo dad is handsome and funny (lmk if i miss anything)
Note : the masterlist almost hitting 300 notes... im very grateful, thank you for liking my works guys <3 it feels like a dream :( feel free to ask if you have confusion about the world building! and feel free to correct any grammatical mistake, im also still learning english!
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TAGLIST : @nshmrarki @capri-cuntz @millieinyourarea @strxwbloody (let me know if you want to be added)
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“Can I come with you?” Sarco asked Jestel who’s ready to go to Idris with Jusarlie, Saine, and of course, Iolana.
“No, you have to teach today.” Jestel knows Sarco’s schedule.
“But they have to teach too?!” Sarco pointed at Jusarlie and Saine with his chin.
“They have substitutes. You don’t.” Jestel shortly ended it.
“Ricardo can—”
“Ricardo is still one of your students, Sarco.”
“Ugh! You’re annoying.” Sarco unexpectedly sulks.
“Isn’t our bet about Jusarlie? Why is Sarco becoming grumpier than him?” Saine chuckled.
“He’s very nosy.” Jestel shook his head. “Let’s go.”
They headed to Cairneye’s Mansion. Jestel had contacted Idris beforehand, saying that they would show up with a surprise guest. Cairneye’s Mansion is beautiful. It has a wide yard, beautifully decorated with flowers, bushes, fountain, and some statues. They head straight to Idris’s workshop that usually opens every day for people who need guidance. He made an exception today, because he’s feeling like he’s going to be exhausted after Jestel’s visit.
Stepping into the workshop, Iolana can’t help but observe her surroundings. The workshop gives her a cozy feeling. Warm lights, a tall armchair, some books that were left open on the desk, potions, herbs’ scent, incense that is burning in some spots, ritual candles. It’s just very homey. Judging by his workshop, Iolana has a feeling that Idris is a warm person.
“Papa, where are you?” Saine calls to his father.
Iolana continues to observe her surroundings again. She found a table full of framed pictures. Her eyes are staring at a picture of Saine and a guy, they’re smiling so sweetly with their eyes too. Saine is holding some flowers, Iolana assumed they’re canterbury bells based on how they look.
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“I always have a panic attack whenever I heard you looking for me, Saine.” Saine’s father suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
“Can you stop scaring us, Uncle?” Jusarlie scoffed.
“Keep hating your own son and see where it’ll take you! Ugh!” Saine scoffed as well. Idris is such a cute silly man.
“It’s fun.” The said man smiles, his eyes are smiling too, looks like Saine got it from him. “Oh, hi! A girl. Human even. A sweet scented one.”
“Hi.” Iolana said shyly. Idris is incredibly handsome. His fashion taste is no match too. An elegant white top with black trousers, and even the touch of a man’s corset on his waist, or more like a wide belt? Iolana doesn’t know. Is it the outfit or his face? Iolana doesn’t know that either. Cairneye are so blessed, that’s the only thing that she knows. Best physical appearance combined with predicting future skill? Iolana immediately feels the need to have whatever they have. What a strong gene.
“Do a full test on her.” Jestel orders the older man around.
“Your name, Child?” Idris asked Iolana softly.
“Iolana Sterling.” Iolana is still shy.
“Holy Amadeus!” Idris is definitely surprised. “Welcome back!”
“Thank you…” The shier she gets, the more she hides behind Jusarlie. Jusarlie found it adorable, he feels warm because Iolana is already comfortable enough to seek for his protection.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got.” Idris nods and prepare his bowl.
“Papa, let’s use the pool.” Saine told his father. More like a warning, to be frank.
“Oh.” Idris immediately knew what his son meant. “Excuse me for asking this, but are you perhaps the last Sterling alive right now, Iolana?”
Iolana nods, “That’s correct.”
“Well, the pool it is!” Idris listened to his son and brought some bottles of potion with him. His feeling was right, he will be exhausted today.
They walked together to the pool, Idris took off his shoes and socks, then sat by the pool.
“Sit next to me, Iolana.” Idris told her with a smile on his face. How could she say no?
She took off her own shoes and socks. Saine, Jestel, and Jusarlie immediately looked away. 1700s is so funny. When she sits next to Idris, they’re looking at the pool again. Flustered.
“Have you… take off your socks?” Saine is confused. Under the dim light, Iolana looks like she’s still wearing her socks.
“She’s just almost as pale as Sarco and you, Saine.” Idris chuckled.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Saine is flustered again.
“Now, Iolana. Shall we begin?” Idris looks at Iolana again.
Iolana nods calmly, showing that she’s ready.
Idris begins the ritual. He poured two bottles of his potions into the pool. He touched the pool and stirred the water to the right. “Could you tell us what you see?”
“A dining table?” Iolana is confused.
“Can you tell us what’s on that table?”
“Five empty plates and one apple in the middle of the table.” Iolana explained.
“Five? Wow! Do you see any marks on the empty plates?” Idris asked again.
“Yes. Lion, snowflake, cat, sun, and a broken crown?” Iolana is so confused.
Oh, the four of them hit the mind links together.
Idris stirs the water to his right again. “Now, what do you see?”
“The apple cut in half. It’s flying over the plates, it looks confused.”
Idris laughs. It is indeed funny. He stirs the water again, “How about now?”
“It’s changing every second, I don’t know.” Iolana frowned.
“Do you want to explain it to us?”
“One second, it’s on the snowflake plate and the cat. Next second, the snowflake and the sun.”
“Ah! Does the apple have one frequent destination?”
“I don’t think so, the apple is really confused.”
Idris laughs again. “You’re adorable.” He stirs the water again.
Iolana doesn’t have to be told this time. “I see five love letters.”
“Okay, I can understand now. How about now?” Idris stirs the water to the right again.
“I see Saine crying.” Iolana still looks confused.
“Do you know why?” Idris is kind of surprised.
“I lied, it’s actually Jestel.” Iolana giggled. She’s in a goofy mood.
The four of them are dumbfounded. The last time Idris successfully lied to was when they were having pioneers’ dinner, and the very person who lied to him was Tearle Sterling. Yes, Iolana’s father himself.
“Why am I crying?” The said person is as confused.
“I’m not sure, you look very… devastated?” Iolana is concerned.
“That’s odd!” Idris stirs the water again.
“There’s a throne.” Iolana answered.
“Who sits on it?” Idris asked.
Iolana remains silent.
“Iolana? It’s okay, you can say it.” Jestel said softly.
Can’t you read her mind? Jusarlie asked Idris through mind links.
I swear on Roberto Cairneye, I can’t read this little girl at all, Idris answered.
“It’s Jestel.” Iolana finally answered. “…or me.”
They’re definitely surprised by that.
“And that’s also my omen of Sterling.” Idris giggled. “What a coincidence, right?”
“It’s just a possibility, right? I would never do that to Jestel.” Iolana is worried about her own future.
“Yes! Don’t worry, Iolana.” Idris’ smile is so reassuring. He stirs the water again. “Do you see something?”
“Few things. Sword, crown, herbs, map, books, potions.”
Saine’s jaw dropped at that one. Idris just nods, not wanting Iolana to feel uncomfortable.
“Before I explain your results, let me talk with Jestel first. Are you okay with that, Iolana?” Idris asked her.
Iolana nods at the question, “Can I wear my shoes back?”
“Of course, Iolana.” Idris chuckled, he dried his feet with a spell and put his shoes back. “Let’s go, Jestel.”
Iolana gets her feet out of the water, Jusarlie and Saine immediately look away again.
“Hey, Saine. Could you do the spell that your father just casted for himself?” Iolana asked at Saine.
“Is it okay for you—you know…” If Saine is a human, he’s blushing pink right now.
“Yeah, of course!”
“Excuse me, Iolana.” Saine said before looking towards Iolana. He swings his hand above Iolana’s bare feet while casting the spell.
“Wow, you should teach me that!” Iolana is amazed. “Thank you, Saine.”
“N-no problem.” Saine looks away again.
“Just to let you know, it’s okay to look at me. I grew up being okay with my feet on display at home.”
“It’s just… we feel like a pervert…” Saine admitted.
“I wonder what’s the limit of dressing here in Krashoviel.” Iolana laughed. “I’m done. You are safe to look.”
Jusarlie and Saine hesitantly look toward Iolana again. They feel relieved when her feet are fully covered with her long skirt and shoes again.
“The girls are usually covering their feet, that’s why we act that way earlier.” Jusarlie explained.
“I want to be controversial and show my ankle to the streets.” Iolana giggled.
“No, no, no!” Jusarlie and Saine panicked. “Arms are okay, but ankle? Wow, that’s pornographic.”
“That’s confusing.” Iolana nods. “What about chest area? How far can the neckline go?”
“Chest area is okay, as long as the breasts are not like… full on display? Ankles, however, is a big no.” Saine explained. “I feel like invading your privacy earlier when casting that spell.”
Iolana laughed. Krashoviel is so funny for her, when it’s just her who doesn’t even leave her house before going to Krashoviel. She’s lucky she’s easy-going and pretty.
“Drink this, don’t you feel tired?” Saine hands her a glass of questionable drink.
“Not really.” Iolana accepts the glass. “Oh, what is this?”
She smelled the drink, and it smelled like strawberry! She drinks it without hesitation until the last drop. “I like it! What is this? Strawberry juice?”
Curiosity kills the cat!
“Our bloods.” Saine grins.
“Oh?” Iolana is concerned. “What would that do? Whose blood?”
“Three of us. It can give you strength! And you can summon us anytime you want when you need it. You can also talk to us through telepathy.” Saine explained excitedly.
“Summon you? How?” Iolana is interested in this.
“Just say our name and say you need us. For example, Jusarlie I need you.” Jusarlie explained further.
“Oh! I get it.” Iolana nods. “But why? Isn’t that… personal? Don’t you think I need to gain your trusts first?”
“You already did.”
It feels too fast for Iolana, but she accepts it as it is. She’s grateful that they care about her a lot, but are they?
“Jestel, that was the most entertaining reading that I ever did. I thanked you for that.” Idris is giggling non-stop.
“Elaborate, please.” Jestel is frustrated.
“You will fight your best friends.” Idris started off so strong. “You, Saine, Jusarlie, Sarco, and Hiael.”
“Why?” Jestel asked, still oblivious.
“You’re going to fall in love with Iolana. All of you.” Idris stated. “Some of you already did, I checked my son and he’s already blooming for her.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Jestel shook his head.
“Love never makes any sense, Jestel.” One thing about Idris is that he hits hard with his words, accidentally or not. “Especially the throne for her vamp host. You’re going to fight really dirty for that. I can see it.”
“Nonsense.” Jestel scoffed.
“I won’t help you if you cry someday.” Idris threatened him. Scares him for sure, where will Jestel run to for advice if not Idris?
“What should I do about this?” Jestel is stressed out.
“Accept it.” Idris calmly told him.
“What can I do to make her choose me?”
“That remains a mystery.” Idris doesn’t know either. “I’m more surprised you’re not bringing up anything about the throne. You already fell for her, don’t you?”
“No. I just trust her.” Jestel explained himself.
“You gave her your blood, along with Saine and Jusarlie.” Idris points that out.
“She’s a human, Idris. I just want to protect her.”
“Sure, sure. Protect her. When we all know it’s special and intimate.” Idris mocked him.
“It’s not that intimate.”
“Imagine she chose Sarco as her vamp host.” Idris immediately puts a scenario.
“Fine, it is intimate.”
“Best of luck, Jestel.” Idris taps his shoulder a few times. “It’s going to be anything but easy.”
“She’s not capable of wiping out the whole Sinflame, right? She’s lovely, she would never do that.” Jestel asked Idris for reassurance.
“Not yet. However, if I was you… I would never get on her wrong side. She’s a complicated girl.”
“Your father is so majestic.” Iolana admitted. Truly smitten by Saine’s father.
“You think I’m ugly?” Saine acts like he has been hurt.
“I never said that.” Iolana is still giggling over Idris.
“Don’t feed his ego, Iolana.” Jusarlie scoffed.           
“Get over it, Jusarlie. She thinks I’m handsome.” Saine is being cocky right now.
“Your father reminds me of a pine tree.” Iolana sudden words silenced them.
Jusarlie and Saine is so confused. There’s no way she just said that like it’s a normal thing to do.
“I can’t believe we lose you to Sarco’s species.” Saine faked a sigh.
“Species is insane.” Jusarlie laughs. “Why a pine tree?”
“Tall, look good, calming, I don’t know? He reminds me of it.”
“Bloody hell, she really is a Sarco’s species.” Jusarlie couldn’t believe it.
“Why Sarco?” Iolana is curious.
“He’s odd. Just like you. I don’t mean it in a bad way, it’s creative. Sometimes we just… don’t understand.” Saine explained. “He did that a lot, saying I look like the lamp near south’s stairs and so on.”
“You should show me the lamp later.” Iolana is invested now.
“Hey, small question, but if you don’t want to answer it’s fine. What happened to your hair? Did you get punished?” Jusarlie suddenly hits Iolana with a personal and nosy question.
Iolana expects this with her a little bit over the shoulder-length hair. It is unusual for a girl to have hair that short, at least in their era.
“Well, it was an accident. It got cut by my brother when we were practicing sword, so my mom cut it all to this length.” Iolana explained. “I’m waiting for it to be long again. It’s troublesome, I can’t tie it properly, yet it’s annoying enough to be left undone like this.”
Jusarlie and Saine nod in unison.
Idris and Jestel went back to the pool area. Jestel looks stressed, while Idris looks happy. What a weird combination.
“Iolana, do you mind if I ask you to lend us your power?” Idris asked.
“Huh? I have power?” Iolana is confused again.
“Bigger than you think.” Idris giggled. “We are also testing it out.”
“Sure, if it’s for a good reason…” Iolana is totally unsure.
“We are going to search for Jestel’s long lost brother, Holstein.” Idris explained briefly.
“But I don’t know what he looks like?” Iolana is still questioning him.
“You will, if you succeed.” Idris smiles warmly. “Would you do it?”
Iolana nods after a few seconds of hesitation. She sits between Idris and Jestel, making half of a circle.
“Saine, Jusarlie, let’s go.” Idris points at the empty seats.
“You need us as well?” Jusarlie questioned but obeyed.
“You were just doing nothing, so why not?” Idris is an entertaining man for sure.
They held each other’s hands. For the first time ever, Jestel could understand what the romance books were talking about. The electricity and the butterflies, he feels them now.
“I seek upon Holstein Sinflame whereabouts,” as Idris said those words, there is a big cloud forming over Cairneye’s mansion. Thunder begins to growl, lightning begins to show.
They close their eyes, focusing on the name Holstein Sinflame.
They begin to see a vision. A palace, but not Krashiovel’s palace.
“Whose vision is this?” Jestel asked.
“Iolana.” Idris answered.
“Have you found the girl?” Holstein asked them.
“She killed herself along with her father, Your Highness.”
“Did you see her face? Is it really her?” Holstein asked again.
“No, but there is no way she could run away. We’ve blocked all the access.”
“Tearle is the smartest vampire that I’ve ever met. She could be in Krashoviel now with my stupid brother.” The Prince of Slevado is furious.
“That would be the same as suicide, her blood smells so fucking sweet.” Holstein chuckled. “Where is she?”
“Holstein, you must come back to Krashoviel and fetch that girl.”
“Unnecessary, I think she’s gone.”
The vision turns black again, the clouds are nowhere to be found, the thunder is no longer roaring.
“Wow, he’s a traitor.” Saine couldn’t believe what he just saw.
Idris was the only one laughing, he couldn’t contain it. “It’s so funny, you’re swapping brothers.”
Iolana holds back her giggle, she doesn’t want to be rude.
“Thank you, Iolana.” Idris has stopped laughing. “We wouldn’t make it without you, we’ve tried for hundred years to get a vision of Holstein.”
“I didn’t do that much, I’m glad I could help.” Iolana is still oblivious about her real power, buried deep down under that human form.
“Here’s your test result, make sure you read it alone without them lurking.” Idris intentionally whispered loudly.
“I will lurk.” Saine smiles.
“Have some class.” Idris faked a sigh.
“We’ll head out, Idris. Thank you for your service.” Jestel stood up, the others followed.
“Bye, Papa.” Saine waves at his father.
“Don’t come back.”
“You see? He’s not as handsome as you think, Iolana.” Saine used that as a way to show her his father’s teasing habit.
“Forgivable if he has that elf type of face.” Iolana giggled.
“Aw, you flustered me.” Idris chuckled at Iolana. She has a sense of humor too!
“Let’s go.” Jestel is not having it. Well, at least now he knows that he truly fell for her.
Saine is being told to look after Iolana while the others held emergency meeting for the third time today, of course he enjoys this! They’re currently putting Iolana’s clothes into the wardrobe.
“I think you have good eyes for apparels. I want your wardrobe.” Saine adores Iolana’s taste in fashion. “Ah, the trousers! Where did you get these?”
“Come on, Saine. Those are just my casual and practice clothes. I got it from my human maids.” Iolana chuckled. “I love my pretty dresses, but I barely get to wear it.”
“You will wear it more often now, there are so many events that we usually have to attend.” Saine informed her. “Ah, you don’t have any ball gowns! Do you want to go to Charson? You’ll need some gowns for royal ball and Jestel’s birthday.”
“Is it far?” Iolana asked.
“Not really, but we need to cover your scent.” Saine chuckled. “I’ll put some spell on you. It could last for two hours, at least.”
“Don’t play with me, Jestel. What do you mean Holstein is a traitor?” Sarco shook his head.
“That’s what we saw.” Jusarllie admitted.
“They must’ve brainwashed our Holstein,” Odelia, the queen on the throne, scoffed. Clearly annoyed.
“Hiael betrayed his nation by his own will, it is not an impossibility if Holstein ever do the same.” Idris shrugged his shoulder. “However, this Sterling girl…”
“What Sterling girl?” Raphael, the queen’s brother, is shocked.
“She came with this letter.” Jestel gave them the letter that Tearle wrote.
“She’s back? Here? In Krashoviel?” Sullivan, the queen’s father, is puzzled.
“She could end your bloodline.” Idris said without any burden.
“I’d rather be dead than to fight back, it’s no use.” Sullivan chuckled. “Oh, Sterling.”
“Are Sterling that dangerous?” Wilhelmina, Jestel’s niece, is too young to watch how frightening Sterling can be back then in the war field.
“I’m really scared of them, take that information as you wish.” Sullivan said to his great-granddaughter.
“Oh!” Wilhelmina is surprised. “Is she beautiful?”
“Very.” Jestel answered. “I would do anything for her.”
“In front of your queen aunt is just insane, Jestel.” Idris laughed at his son.
“I don’t blame him.” Jusarlie stands with him.
“They fell for her charm,” Sarco scoffed. “I would ne—”
“Careful, now.” Idris warned Sarco. “You will fall for her too. I saw it.”
“Who else?” Odelia asked her son.
“Saine and Hiael. The five of them will fight to be her vamp host.” Idris informed them.
“This is ridiculous, let’s just kill that girl.” Raphael is furious. “She will tear us apart.”
“If Sinflame is no longer worthy of the throne, then just let it be.” Odelia is calmer than the others.
“What on earth are you saying, Odelia?” Raphael is getting more furious. What an old grumpy man.
“Grandma Odelia is not wrong.” Wilhelmina is against his father.
“Father, look at this—” Raphael seeks Sullivan’s support.
“I’m not going to say anything.” Sullivan is busy cleaning each of his gemstones.
“That girl won’t do it by herself, right? Who are the potential traitors?” Raphael asked Idris.
“Have you ever done a friendly practice with Tearle?” Idris questioned him back.
“No, why?”
“Then you are not in the place to say that.” Sullivan makes it clear. “One Sullivan equals five Sinflame. Train her as hard as you can, give her the best facility, and don’t you dare to let other nations have her.”
“Yes, Grandpa.” Jestel nods.
“When will you sit on the throne, Jestel?” Odelia asked, she’s tired of the kingdom’s bullshits.
“As soon as possible, I’m still preparing myself.” Jestel feels a heavy weight on his shoulders. He can’t control his feelings toward Iolana, that is what bothers him the most right now.
“Mr. Cairneye! Oh, my vamp, close the shop!” The receptionist panicked when he saw Saine smiling at him.
The workers immediately temporarily close the shop, the other guests who are waiting outside are getting used to it now. Must be one of the pioneers making some sudden appearance.
“How can we help you, Your Highness?” The shop workers are ready to serve him.
“I’d like some ball gowns for this cute little girl.” Saine pushed Iolana slightly.
“Of course, we’ll measure her.” Two of the workers quickly measured Iolana, while the others asked Saine about the gown’s details.
“What’s your favorite color, Iolana?” Saine questioned her. “You can name five.”
“White and pink. As for the others, I’ll leave it to you. I trust you.” Iolana is never failed to make Saine feels so… flustered.
“White, pink, blue, red, and purple.” Saine told the worker.
“Which shade, Your Highness?”
“Actually… make it six. White, violet, navy, sky blue, maroon, and pink. Maybe a bold pink like this one? Iolana, do you like it?” Saine asked her again.
“Loves it.” Iolana stares adoringly at the color that Saine just showed her. It’s almost fuchsia, just a little less bold.
“Pardon me, Your Highness. She looks unfamiliar to me, is she a new citizen? I’ve never seen her before.” Jeremy asked Saine, trying to be as polite as possible.
“Yes, she is. She’s Iolana Sterling, Jeremy.”
“S-Sterling, Your Highness?”
“She has a perfect body proportion.” One of the measurement workers said to the other.
“Thank you.” Iolana whispered to them.
“We apologize, we didn’t mean to…”
“It’s okay. I love your compliment. You’re being genuine.” Iolana smiles. “I’m done, Saine.”
She walked to Saine as he smiled at her proudly.
“Payment should be here by tomorrow morning. Thank you for your service, Jeremy.” Saine informed the owner of that grand boutique.
“Always happy to be at your service, Your Highness and Lady Sterling. Thank you for trusting us.” The workers and Jeremy bow a little to show their respect and devotion towards the pioneers.
They walked out of Charson and went home instantly. After they got back to Iolana’s room, Saine seemed confused.
“Are you not going to ask anything about them referring me as… you know?”
“Jusarlie told me about the royal family’s tree. I was a little surprised, I’m so sorry I interacted with you so casually.” Iolana admitted, feeling a little guilty.
“No, no! Keep being casual, we’re equal.” Saine quickly reassured her. “No one dares to challenge a Sterling, not even the oldest Sinflame alive. You’re still a part of the pioneers.”
It sounds incredibly weird for Iolana, but deep down in her heart… it feels just right.
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The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, cancelled plans to meet the Bethlehem-based Lutheran pastor Munther Isaac, saying he could not meet him if he shared a platform with the former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn at a pro-Palestinian rally, the pastor has said. Isaac, the pastor of the Christmas Evangelical Lutheran church in Bethlehem, who has been highly critical of Israel in Gaza, saw his Christmas sermon go viral when he said if Jesus Christ was born today it would have been under the rubble. He spoke at a Palestinian Solidarity Campaign rally at the weekend where Corbyn was also a speaker after being invited by the Palestinian ambassador to the UK, Husam Zomlot.
In an interview with the Guardian, Isaac said he was told by the archbishop’s aides that if he shared a platform with Corbyn, no meeting could happen. Isaac said: “It’s shameful. It’s not my type of Christianity not to be willing to meet another pastor because you don’t want to explain why you met him. “This sums up the Church of England. They danced around positions, and ended up saying nothing. They lack the courage to say things.” He added: “The small Christian community in Gaza has discovered what is hell on earth. Most of them have lost their homes: 45 destroyed completely and 55 partially destroyed. There is no life left for them. This war will most likely bring an end to Christian life in Gaza. Everyone wants to leave. “It is so painful for us to see the Christian church turn a blind eye to what is happening, offering words of concern and compassion, but for so long they have been silent in the face of obvious war crimes. Churches seem paralysed, and they seem willing to sacrifice the Christian presence in Palestine for the sake of avoiding controversy and not criticising Israel. I have had so many difficult conversations with church leaders. “I know from meeting many church leaders that in private, they say one thing, and then in public, they say another thing. I’ve had the same experience with many politicians and diplomats.” Isaac, on a visit to the UK to build support for the Palestinians, said an immediate ceasefire was “a moral obligation”. He added: “This is not a time for neutrality or soft diplomacy. Gaza should be your moral compass.”
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lovebvni · 9 months
a dream i had + how it pertains to shifting
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so, as you guys know i am a dream interpreter, but i am also a reality shifter. a dream i recently had really reminded me of shifting and parts of it have stuck with me for a little while now. i had this dream on the 19th of december in pretty sure, and it is currently the 22nd and i still remember it. this isn’t normal for me. so i will explain the parts that feel the most important then get into the message.
sorry this is kinda long!
the part of the dream was this:
two litte girls, one black and one white, said they were going to run away to their and get married. they showed us a dress and i said something like “your father and i made that dress!” (i am not married in my cr btw AND THE GIRLS R NOT RELATED HELP ME) this dress it had strawberries on it and it was pink and white with ruffles around the trim and sleeves. both strawberries and pink and white are signs from my soulmate. pink is his favorite colour and the main sign i get from him is strawberries! when typing this yesterday, i got this sign n i was like aww!
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anyways, i decided i was gonna help them, even after the trouble they cause me before (they like kept breaking into my house n shit. they were little ghosts at this point) but, in order to help them, i had to open a “portal”. it was a green bush over the side of a brick building. it was circular with blue flowers. they looked like lillie’s of the valley but turned upward. they were light blue. i’m pretty sure they were canterbury bell or blue coral bell flowers. it was very interesting. the flower on the bottom right had water in it. earlier i had visited it this exact place and tried to pour the water from that flower into my white candle (which was either made OF my mother or given to me by her. i hope it’s the second option) this didn’t work earlier, and i had the candle again. i leaned down again in front of this flower and pulled out the candle. i started pouring the wax from it into the flower. i’m pretty sure it started to glow, but then i woke up.
i have no idea what happened in this dream afterwards, but i feel in my heart that i was able to get these girls home and then i went through for something. idk LMAO
anyways that was the serious part, what the meaning could be for my shifting journey.
very obviously, it’s saying reverse how i do this. instead of trying to take from the “fountain of life” aka shifting, try to give. give part of myself. make it more fun. have less of a strategy and do more what feels right, you know?
i feel like this can be applied to day to day life. don’t take someone’s energy, be willing to give some… even if it’s sacred to you. be willing to share and do more for others like i did for these girls.
btw i had a similar dream last night where i saved two cats n a plant (yeah a plant) from my fathers residence because they were all like dying, malnourished n stuff like that. i did eventually n they were all safe. it made me very happy.
helping others is a reoccurring theme now, and i feel like that’s going to be the chapter i’m stepping into now :)
im very excited for this new journey coming to me. one where i can rest and guide, fulfill my souls purpose and also have some fun !!!
i love u!! thank u for reading :)
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Timeline: Part 10 - December 11-31 2017
For earlier timeline posts: click here or here.
There's a limit to how many links you can put in a tumblr post. Who knew. Anyway, continuing where we left off...
12/11/2017: Andrew Morton announces new biography of Meghan. Rebecca English writes about Meghan's yoga influencing. Meghan's "Sexy Santa" costume from Deal or No Deal is republished. Kensington Palace announces William and Kate's trip to Sweden and Norway, and The Times debunks The Crown.
12/12/2017: Harry and his friends kill 15 boars during German hunting trip (Meghan's not happy). Harry and Meghan take credit for William and Kate showing a little PDA on an engagement, while Meghan merches her parka. Later, William and Harry attend the Star Wars premiere.
12/13/2017: Kensingon Palace officially confirms Meghan is spending Christmas with the royals. Meghan is revealed as Google's most-searched celebrity of 2017. Meghan merches her handbags, especially Strathberry's, and modernizes the monarchy.
A UK survey finds that a majority of their respondents are unhappy with Harry's engagement:
67% of women surveyed are devastated by the engagement announcement.
20% of overall respondents prefer Harry to be single.
57% of respondents are against Harry marrying Meghan.
And Meghan leaks that Kate has taken her under her wing to protect her from negative parts of royal life. She tells The Express that "Harry is like a brother to Kate and she has never seen him so happy."
12/14/2017: Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, announces that he expects to preside over the royal wedding. In the morning, the royals attend a service for Grenfell Tower at St. Paul's Cathedral (Meghan isn't allowed) and they gather again in the afternoon for The Queen's annual Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace (Meghan is invited). In the evening, the Kensington Palace Christmas party is held at a nearby restaurant that Harry and Meghan may or may not have attended (it's claimed they left early) while William and Kate are papped leaving.
Meghan merches Strathberry again and she is named the #4 Fashion Influencer of the Year, besting Kate who comes in at #5. (I really doubt Kate cares about this.)
12/15/2017: Kensington Palace announces the wedding date. Palace gift shops begin selling engagement memorabilia. Harry visits Sandhurst Academy and awards Cadet of the Year. Idris Elba shows support for Meghan while Meghan merches tea tree oil.
12/16/2017: Meghan teases a Canada tour post-wedding again.
The Daily Mail reminds us that Meghan is attending royal Christmas.
Harry announces that he has interviewed Barack Obama for BBC Radio 4 Today, but the interview won't air until the end of the month.
Meghan used to work at a yogurt store in LA as a teenager and everyone just loved her.
William's diary clash: Harry scheduled his wedding on the same day as the FA Cup Final, which William usually attends.
To prep The Queen and Prince Philip for spending Christmas with Meghan, Harry says he has shown them clips of Meghan in Suits.
Windsor hotels begin to profit off the wedding by marketing Meghan and Harry.
12/18/2017: The Cambridges release their Christmas card photo and Kensington Palace announces that Charlotte will begin nursery school in the new year. Meghan is voted one of the UK's ideal Christmas dinner guests and she leaks that The Queen likes her better than Kate but Buckingham Palace hits back with a denial.
12/19/2017: William and Kate attend the Royal Variety Performance. Meghan tries to ride their coattails by hinting she and Harry may be their guests and Harry is appointed Captain General Royal Marines, succeeding Philip.
Sketches of potential wedding dresses are published/leaked again.
Doria is papped at a LA laundromat.
Meet Meghan's lookalike
Will Meghan have to curtsey to Kate?
Meghan is crowned Hello Magazine's "Woman of the Year."
12/20/2017: Meghan hypes up her Kate-like style makeover from the Windsor Christmas luncheon at Buckingham Palace and merches her dress again. More wedding dress sketches are published.
12/21/2017: The royal engagement photos are published and:
Prince Philip and The Queen leave London for Sandringham.
Meghan modernizes the monarchy.
Meghan merches Ralph & Russo.
Body language analysis
Yorkies are papped at Soho House.
Meghan leaks that The Queen wants her and Harry to have a prenup and that she (Meghan) is hurt the family thinks she has an ulterior motive for marrying Harry. (Well...) In the same article, Meghan teases her and Harry's individual net worths and hints at the wedding budget - £22 million minimum overall cost and her dress budget is £375,000.
Harry debunks Meghan's PR about the prenup, saying no one asked for one and that William and Kate don't have one so they don't need one.
Meghan v Kate fashion showdown over their engagement photos.
Princess Michael's Blackamoor brooch controversy kicks off.
Cambridge vs Sussex engagement portraits showdown
Meghan merches her Ralph & Russo gown again
Press criticism of the engagement photos begin
Meghan takes credit for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner posing together.
12/23/2017: Meghan announces that Guy has broken two legs in an unprecedented Kensington Palace statement and her lookalike does a wedding dress photoshoot.
12/24/2017: Meghan leaks that Harry will not participate in the royal family's Boxing Day shoot because it would upset her.
12/25/2017: Meghan joins the royal family on their Christmas Church Walk. She merches her coat and her hat is the stuff of poo memes.
12/26/2017: Criticism from Meghan's Christmas Church Walk continues with coverage on her curtsey fail and sticking her tongue out. Meghan also merches her outfit again.
12/27/2017: Harry's interview with Barack Obama is finally released. He makes a "we're the family she never had" comment that sets the Markles off. Harry also bans blood diamonds from Meghan's jewelry and Meghan merches her lip gloss.
12/28/2017: Some poor media intern who listened to the Harry/Obama interview realizes that Harry invited the Obamas to the wedding. Meghan deals with more curtsey criticism. She deflects by announcing that she was shortlisted to be the new Bond Girl but she had to give the role up because of her relationship with the Harry. Meghan also merches the Soho House restaurant she and Harry had their first date.
12/29/2017: The royal family's engagement count for the year is released and Harry worked more than William and Kate. The Markles begin popping off about Harry's "we're the family she never had" comment.
12/30/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
12/31/2017: No new Meghan or Harkle stories.
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coopsgirl · 1 year
Modern AU Thranduil One Shot - Studying Abroad
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Safe for work, 995 words
The study abroad program you were participating in felt like a dream come true. The University of Kent located in Canterbury had proved to be the right school as the campus was lovely and it was a short train trip to London which made it easy to travel around the rest of England from there. You had been invited to a bonfire by some of your classmates and you happily accepted. The crowd grew fairly large by the time the sun had begun to set which during the Summer, was quite late. One man in particular caught your eye. He was very tall, you guessed around 6’5”, and had shaggy, light blonde hair. You were afraid he was going to notice you staring but it was hard to stop as he was so handsome. “You fancy him, don’t you?” your friend Ruby asked as she sat down on the ground beside you. “He’s really cute” you confessed. “He’s rich too. His father is the Earl of Guilford. He’s the eldest so he’ll inherit the title one day.” “Really?! I’ve never met anybody with a title.” “Come on, I’ll introduce you.” “No! I couldn’t. I’m a nobody” you said in protest. Ruby stood up and then took your hands to pull you to your feet as well. “He’s a real sweetheart. Come on!”
You followed behind her nervously as you walked towards him. “Hello! I’m Ruby and I wanted to introduce you to my friend Y/N. She’s studying abroad from America and has never met any of the nobility.” “Oh well, it’s very nice to meet you both. I’m Thranduil” he said with a big smile as he took turns shaking each woman’s hand. “I’ll see you later” Ruby said and then she walked away leaving them alone. “I hope we didn’t bother you” you said apologetically now feeling quite embarrassed as Ruby hadn’t known him any more than you did. “No bother at all. Are you studying at the university here?” “Yes. It’s just for the Summer but so far, I’m having a wonderful time. I’ve always wanted to come to England.” “I’m glad you’re enjoying your visit and I’m glad you were able to come to my party as well.” “This is your party?” you asked as you realized you hadn’t been given much information about the event. “Yes. I graduated from the University of Kent and every Summer I like to hold a party open to all current students, particularly the ones dedicated enough to continue classes through the Summer term” “That’s really nice of you. Is this your property?” “Yes, the manor house is just on the other side of that rise” he said as he pointed to a small green hill behind him. “Thanks again for the party and for not minding talking with me. I should get back to my friends.” “Do you have to?” he asked with a half-smile. You felt the butterflies in your stomach going crazy as you replied, “No, I guess I don’t have to.”
“Would you like to see the house? There’s a beautiful view from just over there” he said looking to the hill. “I’d love to see it.” You could hardly believe your eyes when the large house came into view. “Wow! I can’t imagine living somewhere like that.” “It was built in the 1700s. It takes a lot of work to maintain but it’s a privilege to be responsible for it and make sure it stands for centuries to come.” Thranduil was so proud as he spoke of the home he had been raised in and that he loved dearly. There was a gazebo not far from them and he took her hand in his as they walked towards it. You sat down beside each other and looked out onto the sky where the first stars were beginning to twinkle in the twilight. “I went to Leeds Castle last weekend and that was really fun. It’s beautiful there too.” You really wanted to tell him that he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen with a voice smoother than silk but instead you rambled about the places you’d been. “It is very lovely there…as are you.” You looked up at him with surprise and he quickly spoke again. “I am sorry. That was much too forward.” You felt courage well up inside you as you said, “I don’t mind. I think you’re really cute too.” You could feel your whole face turn red as you thought you sounded silly but the smile he gave you quickly put you at ease.
“I hope this doesn’t sound rude but I’ve never heard the name Thranduil before, is it a traditional English name.” He chuckled and then answered. “The name was my father’s idea. It is very old and I don’t believe that anyone has used it in centuries. I usually go by Thran.” “It’s a nice name and definitely is unique. Should I ask about your middle name?” you said with a joking tone. “Oh, it’s even worse! It’s Oropherion” he explained and you both laughed. “You’ll have to explain that one to me sometime” you said hinting that you wanted to see him again. “I certainly will” he said and he reached over to hold your hand.   
Thran then smiled as he moved a little closer to you and then took both of your hands in his. He leaned forward and tenderly kissed your forehead. When you did not pull away, he looked into your eyes and then his soft lips kissed yours. He let go of your hands to caress your face and neck and you put your arms around his chest and pulled him closer to you. His kisses were gentle and sweet and you could feel yourself becoming a bit lightheaded. A shooting star streaked across the sky above but you were both oblivious to anything going on around you as you were completely lost in each other’s arms.
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wonder-worker · 7 months
what did cicely neville do in edward iv's reign?
Hi! Cecily’s entire role during Edward IV’s reign is too long and complex to fully get into right now, so this is just going to be a very brief overview. It’s also not going to touch on her relationship with her daughter-in-law Elizabeth, even though that's somewhat relevant here in some aspects, because that’s also too complex and speculatory.
Ironically, despite the Duke of York’s claims to kingship, it was only after his death and during her widowhood that Cecily Neville truly emerged as a “quasi-queen”. After her son Edward IV had been acclaimed as King in London, and before he left for Towton with the other lords, he summoned the mayor and “all the notables of London” to gather and “recommended them to the duchess his mother”. During his absence, Cecily would preside over his household in Baynard Castle and was probably meant to act as his representative of sorts in the city. After his kingship was more firmly established, Cecily primarily resided at Westminster with him from 1461-64 and regularly accompanied him on several ceremonial and political occasions, such as their visit to Canterbury where she was magnificently welcomed. She also appears to have had a great deal of personal and political influence with her son: Nicholas O’Flanagan, the contemporary Bishop of Elpin, observed in the first few years of Edward IV's reign, his mother could “rule the king as she pleases.”
Cecily’s role demonstrably changed after Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville in 1464. She remained the second-highest ranked woman in the country, but she took a significant step back from high politics (a la Joan of Kent after her son’s marriage to Anne of Bohemia). That does not mean that either of them suddenly became apolitical or uninvolved: quite the opposite*. Cecily remained the head of a large household, her administration supported her son’s, she continued to support a few religious institutions, she engaged in trade, she launched court cases, and she clearly inspired loyalty among her affinity. All of this was fairly standard for a medieval noblewoman, but was naturally enhanced by Cecily’s own prominent royal status. Cecily was godmother to at least three of the royal children: Elizabeth of York, her namesake Cecily, and the youngest child, Bridget. She also played a role in reconciling her son George to the Yorkist cause in 1471, though she did not have the spearheading role which has often been erroneously credited to her by historians (ie: “engineering peace between her warring sons”); instead, it was her daughters Anne and Margaret who took the leading role in achieving the reconciliation, while Cecily probably aided them. She was also clearly perceived to be influential with Edward IV, best evidenced by how the mayors of Norwich petitioned her to aid them against the Duke of Suffolk in 1480, though we don’t actually know the result of Cecily’s intervention to judge whether it succeeded or how effective it was**. Regardless, though, she evidently had a much lower national profile during these years.
(On a more personal level, we also have a very sweet anecdote from Elizabeth Stonor who spoke of a meeting between Cecily and Edward in October 1476 at Greenwich: 'and ther I  sawe the metyng betwyne the Kynge and my ladye his Modyr. And trewly me thowght it was a very good syght’.)
Cecily’s numerous titles are also interesting. Immediately after Edward IV’s ascension, she called herself “the Kyngs Moder, Duchess of York”. Variations of the title included references to her late husband, but she primarily defined herself in relation to her son, through whom her current position and power derived. As Laynesmith says: "narrative accounts, particularly chronicles, had naturally used the phrase ‘the king’s mother’ to describe women in the past, especially Joan of Kent. However, it was Cecily who turned this into a specific title in her letters and on her seals." A few months after Edward's marriage was announced, Cecily adopted a new title, now styling herself as: “By the ryghtful enheritors Wyffe late of the Regne off Englande & of Fraunce & off ye lordschyppe off yrlonde, the kynges mowder ye Duchesse of Yorke.” This referenced the Yorkist perception of her husband, Richard Duke of York, who was called the "true and indubitable heir" of England. In 1477, a herald for the wedding of her grandson Richard of Shrewsbury styled Cecily as “the right high and excellent Princesse and Queene of right, Cicelie, Mother to the Kinge”. This was once again linked to her husband’s status: Cecily described him in her letters as “in right King of England and of France and lord of Ireland”. All in all, Cecily’s various designations appear to have been designed to signify her own importance within the regime, to uphold the claim of her late husband, and to strengthen Edward IV’s position by promoting him as the son of the supposedly rightful heir. It’s also very possible, as Laynesmith has suggested, that “it was as her queenly power diminished [after the early 1460s] that her claims to queenship were more elaborately emphasized in wax and on parchment”.
Cecily’s role and prominence, and how it changed overtime, is best demonstrated by the number of times English subjects offered prayers for her soul in return for grants. Between June 1461 and September 1464, there are twelve instances of grants made to people who offered prayers for her. (To compare, during the first three years of Elizabeth Woodville's queenship, there were sixteen grants of the same type. So, Cecily didn't quite reach the level of the queen, but she came close; it was quintessential "quasi-queenship"). However, mentions of Cecily dramatically deceased following Edward IV's marriage: over the next 19 years till 1483, she is only mentioned five times, and in all cases Elizabeth Woodville was also listed before she was. Three of these mentions are in 1465, likely reflecting contemporary unease with her son's controversial marriage and the perceived unsuitable origins of the new queen. After that, however, Cecily is mentioned only twice: once in 1476 and once in 1481, with the latter being a grant to her own son-in-law Thomas St. Leger***. This fits well with what I mentioned above about her quasi-queenship in the early 1460s, followed by a much more reduced role and lower national profile in the future years.
Hope this helps!
*Oddly, Cecily is not mentioned at all in contemporary reports for her daughter Margaret’s wedding. Laynesmith believes that she was unwell, and that may as well be true, but Margaret's celebrations went on for a great period of time and it does seem conspicuous that Cecily was entirely absent from them all. It's also worth noting that a letter from the Milanese ambassador Giovanni Pietro Panicharolla on the marriage wrote that "the king, the queen, her father, and the king's brothers are all disposed to it" (sidenote: it's VERY interesting that the queen's father is mentioned before the king's own brothers and male heirs) but made no mention of Cecily. Nor, iirc, was she mentioned in the tournament held to celebrate Anglo-Burgundian relations. It does clearly seem as though Cecily did not play a notable role in the marriage, and relevant diplomacy, at all. (Laynesmith's claim that Cecily had "helped lay the ground for" the marriage because she *checks notes* dispatched both her sons to Burgundy in middle of a civil war 7 years earlier, with many fluctuations in Anglo-Burgundian relations in between, is, I'm sorry to say, nonsense). ** Laynesmith believes that "Cecily’s intervention to control Suffolk perhaps marked a turning point in the duke’s violent career because when he resorted to force again the following summer his victim successfully reclaimed the manor from which he had personally ejected her." I think that Laynesmith is being far too assumptive and that we don’t even know the result of Cecily’s intervention in 1480 to somehow credit her with entirely different case one year later that did not even involve her, lol. ***Even more oddly, Cecily’s own son Richard didn’t include her among the list for who to offer prayers for in his college in Middleham in 1478. This was despite the fact that he had included Edward IV, Elizabeth Woodville, his wife Anne, his sisters, his dead brothers and his dead father. It’s incredibly striking, and I wonder what could have happened to cause her exclusion, especially since she was included in religious foundations by both Edward and her son-in-law Thomas St. Leger? Laynesmith claims that "this rather suggests that Richard's own piety was not consciously influenced by hers", and sure, that seems obvious, but it certainly can't have been the only reason. Was she merely overlooked (unlikely), or did they have a quarrel at the time, or was it for another now-unknown reason? Whatever the case, it's a small but intriguing detail to me.
"Cecily, Duchess of York" by J.L. Laynesmith
"A Paper Crown: The Titles and Seals of Cecily, Duchess of York" by J.L. Laynesmith (The Ricardian)
"Cecily Neville: Mother of Kings" by Amy License
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whencyclopedia · 5 months
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Thomas Cromwell
Thomas Cromwell (l. c. 1485-1540 CE) served as chief minister to Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) from 1532 to 1540 CE. With his king and the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer (in office 1533-55 CE), Cromwell masterminded the English Reformation which saw the Church in England break away from the Pope in Rome and such momentous acts as the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Gaining favour from the king for his role in successfully annulling Henry's first marriage, Cromwell is also credited with restructuring England's finances and developing the institutions of government. With powerful enemies at court and blamed for arranging an unsuitable marriage for his king to Anne of Cleves (1519-1557 CE), Cromwell was arrested on charges of treason and heresy and executed without trial in July 1540 CE.
Early Career & Rise
Thomas Cromwell was born in Putney, London, the son of a blacksmith and cloth merchant c. 1485 CE. The young Thomas earned a living as a mercenary soldier in Italy from 1503 CE and then went into business where he learnt banking in the Italian banking house led by Francesco Frescobaldi. He visited Rome in 1517 CE and then moved on to Antwerp where Cromwell worked as a merchant in the cloth trade. By 1520 CE he was back in London and making a name for himself in the financial and legal community there, where he established his own legal practice. In 1523 CE he became a Member of Parliament and already displayed an interest in Church reform. Thomas' work as a legal agent caught the attention of the Lord Chancellor, Thomas Wolsey (in office c. 1513-29 CE). Cardinal Wolsey appointed Cromwell as a legal adviser in 1524 CE and his obvious administrative talents would see him become Wolsey's most important secretary. He became a member of the King's Council in 1530 CE which eventually resulted in the apprentice even taking over the role of his master.
Thomas Cromwell was third time lucky for Henry VIII after his previous two Lord Chancellors, Wolsey and Sir Thomas More (in office 1529-32 CE) failed to make any progress in the king's 'Great Matter': to secure a divorce from his first wife Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536 CE). Wolsey could not persuade Pope Clement VII (r. 1523-1534 CE) to annul Henry's marriage and Thomas More had been against the whole idea. Wolsey died on his way to imprisonment and then trial for treason in 1529 CE, and More was imprisoned in 1534 CE. Cromwell, who had cleverly distanced himself from Wolsey when his career started to capsize, found himself sole or chief minister to Henry VIII from 1532 CE. The new man would have to step very carefully as a servant to a highly temperamental sovereign. Indeed, one of Cromwell's major tasks was to interrogate More and persuade him to accept his king as head of the Church of England instead of the Pope.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 9 months
in answer to @elgooso - #so. prev tags #what. what do you mean#home of rimming?
on this post about Canterbury and my tag: #HOME OF RIMMING
Calling Canterbury the home of rimming (or "the home of the chocolate smooch") is an in-joke from when we went to visit Canterbury during first year of uni.
Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (which, admittedly, happen on the road between London and Canterbury, not in the city itself, but whatever) features The Miller's Tale.
There's a bunch of different things that happen in The Miller's Tale, but for our purposes the key bit is this. Warning - this does, I guess, count as SA, but this is a story told for gross-out reasons by drunken idiot. The point is that its crass and terrible.
Alisoun, who has a husband but is being wooed by two other dudes anyway, is sick of Absolon (guy #2) hanging out under her window, singing to him, and begging her for a kiss. At the climax of the poem, he's outside asking for a kiss, so she sticks her arse out of the window and he kisses her right on the bumhole. With relish.
Here's the key bit of the poem, and a Harvard translation:
Original: And at the wyndow out she putte hir hole and Absolon, hym fil no bet ne wers but with his mouth he kiste hir naked ers ful savourly, er he were war of this. Abak he stirte, and thoughte it was amys, For wel he wiste a womman hath no berd.
Translation into modern English: And at the window out she put her hole, and Absolon, to him it happened no better nor worse, but with his mouth he kissed her naked ass with great relish, before he was aware of this. Back he jumped, and thought it was amiss, for well he knew a woman has no beard.
What really got me was the ful savourly part. And the part where Chaucer specifies that it's her hole, not just her bum or her bumcheek. Because of this delightful tale, we started to call Canterbury the home of rimming. Look, we were young and very, very silly.
Anyway! There we go. Go forth with this knowledge, and kiss people's buttholes ful savourly 🍑
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