sj-parker · 7 years
dancing in darkness / open
SJ had, had a long night performing for a combination of horny men and pretentious women, dancing and swaying his hips. Despite the stupidity he constantly dealt with, Sebastian didn’t let his job effect him. He didn’t let the title of ‘stripper’ allow him to sink further. It was a way of making money, and he enjoyed the company of the performers he worked with. Exiting the venue dressed in an oversized “hoodie” and trackpants, spare clothes bag in hand, he walked to the closest food vendor he could see, deciding to order a box of nachos. It was twenty-five past four am and surrounding him was a combination of darkness and glimmering lights. He loved Las Vegas. 
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masondaniels · 7 years
“Have you ever had someone come up to you at lunch and you think that they want your autograph or a picture, but in reality you’re just sitting on the person’s bag and they politely ask you to get up?” Mason’s smile went away, awkwardly. “Yeah, ha, me neither.”
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lennox-giamatti · 7 years
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“Okay--- What happened last night?” Lennox was trying really hard not to have one of those cliché mini freak outs one has when they wake up with a massive headache, in a bed next to a stranger, with no recollection of what happened the night before whatsoever. Well, at least she was good at acting nonchalant. “Last I remember we were at the bar sharing a drink, but now I seem to have lost my clothes, and I can’t recall where I put them last...”
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gottharttt-blog · 7 years
“So, I was working last night right, and this man is sitting at the bar. He flags me down and is like ‘Lemme tell you a story.’ Now, this guy is two sheets to the wind so I humor him because it’s the right thing to do. Well, turns out his roommate is apparently nuts. He was like, ‘My roommate, man, he was standing on my bed and wearing my blanket like a cape when I got home from work, right? And I’m just like, what the hell are you doing here? I lock my door for a reason. Then he jumps from my bed, to the floor like some superhero and then gets in my face, saying that I stole his socks because he had 12 pairs of socks and I only had 8 but now he only has 8 and I have 12. At this point I’m over the shit because this isn’t the first time he’s done his crap. Like, it’s always something. One time, her refolded all og my clothes while I was at work because he said that I wasn’t doing it right when he was watching me.’  And honestly, I’ve been thinking about that all night. I’m just so happy that my roommate isn’t wild like that, you know? Like, could you imagine that?”
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“Excus-” Emilia’s words stopped, a confused look splattered across her face. “Did you really just say that?” Her eyes drifted away for a moment before bringing them back towards the other person’s face, her own expressions still in a confused state. 
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masakahli-blog · 7 years
The weather was nice. And, as always was the case when the weather was nice, Aishwarya wanted to be outside rather than stuck indoors. Which found her poolside, smelling faintly like coconuts and sunscreen, laying in a lounge chair beside a sparkling pool, a plush and expensive towel underneath her. For the time being her phone was on silent, so that neither her agent, her manager, nor her publicist could interrupt her. At least for twenty minutes. The sun was kissing her skin pleasantly, and for a while she was relaxed. Until she felt a shade fall over her face. Her eyes blinked open, gazing up at the person standing over her. “You’re blocking the sun.” 
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det-beaucanon · 7 years
❝ i may be a creature of habit--❞ the brunette muses upon pausing mid sentence to take another swig from her glass. ❝ but at least i have damn good taste in alcohol.❞ the statement itself left her with much pride. ❝--shit, what time is it?❞ 
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william---ford-blog · 7 years
“All I’m saying is it seems stupid to have four different spin-offs then half the viewers they have now wont turn in past the first episode and if they really think people are going to watch four shows that tie into each other just to find out things that wont be important after the original ends then they have no idea about how marketing works.”
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xaurorablack · 7 years
Persephone did love people doing her hair and makeup before doing a photoshoot, but she enjoyed doing stuff for herself too. She’d just finished one of outfits and hidden slightly from the crowds of fans, she took the dress off to change. Spotting a person in the corner of her eye, she turned around, not at all awkward about just having her bra and pants on. “Hey! Can I help you with anything? Sorry, didn’t realise anyone would be walking past.”
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aubreyroth-blog · 7 years
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“I feel so bad for Starbucks Baristas right now,” Aubrey mused lightly with a shake of her head. “All five of the people in front of me at the coffee shop this morning asked for that sugared up Unicorn Frap. And every time I visibly watched the baristas’ souls die just a little. What happened to just having coffee . . . plain coffee . . . maybe a shot of flavor, and calling it a day?”
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xdarcyrose · 7 years
Darcy let out a small sigh as she sat by the bar, sipping on a water as she looked around for any suspicious behaviour from anyone she didn’t know. She frowned as the person came over and before they could open their mouth, the brunette got in their first. “If you say anything along the lines of my outfit and the fact I’m wearing makeup, be prepared to be punched. Yes I do know I look hot, alright?”
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costellatios-blog · 7 years
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 ❛                ———————–   okay,   i know those  pull - bunnies  from  the  hat  and coin tricks can get boring  but  would  you like to see something MORE   awesome ?            ❜
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angelicarogers · 7 years
    Another bartender fired. It was the fifth of the month and the club owner couldn’t quite find trustworthy sources to hire another one for the night. Certainly, she knew they would have a new one by the morning but alas, she was bartender-less on one of the islands and not wanting to admit defeat under any circumstance, the businesswoman found herself serving shots and cocktails alike after a brief introduction to the art of trendy cocktails from the rest of the bartenders. Upon sensing a new presence on a stool in front of herself, Angelica smirked, handing out a glass of her favorite scotch, shrugging lightly “On the house. Just a fair warning, if you say you don’t like it I have the power to ruin the rest of your drinks for the night. On the other hand, I can cover your tab for the night if you play your cards right.” 
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tonychaves · 7 years
The mafia member took a deep breath, facing the person that was currently talking before shooting them a long look before taking a drink from their glass. “I’ve been listening to this non-stop for 20 minutes, and I get the gist of it and like, congratulations on making sense out of that idea, but…” they paused, chewing their inner cheek. “Have you stopped to consider that this idea totally sucks? I mean… Are you sure that’s something you wanna do? Is that even legal?”
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william-ford-blog1 · 7 years
He was walking around without a real purpose on that moment apart from getting home and changing out of his gym clothes and having a nice long shower, but his mind was clearly elsewhere as he wasn’t looking where he was going and ended up bumping into someone hard, his body mass almost knocking them over as he grabbed them by the arm to help steady them. “Sorry, that was totally my fault. Are you okay?”
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Vegas being landlocked was a difficult thing for Sushant, who loved to visit beaches and swim in the natural ocean and not in pools filled with chemicals. Still the day was long and hot and he needed to cool off. The large hotel and casino was something of a resort with it’s spas and stores, restaurants and of course, it’s huge swimming pool. Most people coming from India would find this one place so amazing they wouldn’t need to see anything else in the city, and that was often the way he thought.  Moving towards the pool and finding an empty lounger, he set his towel down and began to remove his outer shirt hoping the water wasn’t becoming a giant Jacuzzi with the sun being so hot when he noticed a pair of eyes on him. ”...what?”
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