#void rick au
blackberreh-art · 2 years
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My made up Rick is done! lmao
Decided if i was gonna do this I was gonna go full off the rails and cringe is dead. Rick A-7798, who I'm also calling Void Rick, didn't have a Diane or Beth and went a lil off the rails/mad scientist and accidentally destroyed his OG dimension. Has a bit of a mortality crisis going on in that he cant die no matter what he does. Stumbles into a pocket void that holds a monster that he becomes boyfriends with. Lots and lots of fun stuff.
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starii-void · 2 months
missed opportunity to give the rrverse characters guns. like cmon
if mr chase could melt celestial bronze and make them into bullets so can they. the Hephaestus kids could figure it out. its not like its that much more dangerous than letting kids handle swords and bows they’re fighting for their life here, plus theyre in america so yk
anyways in conclusion they should give the chb campers guns thank you
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scoliosisgoblin · 10 months
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Trans Morty au, feat. Summer and Void
(this was made in September and has been in my drafts ever since)
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brucenorris007 · 2 years
No More Magic
“I remember every second.”
She lied. 
Rick downed another double and wondered how he’d been blindsided by it; he’d been with the 12th long enough to pick up on their methods, their approach to cases. He brought the perspective of the story, they looked at evidence and patterns.
What was his track record with women if not a pattern?
He knew Kate cared about him, in some capacity; caring made her the best cop in the precinct, Hell, in the whole city. And she hadn’t been totally innocent of flirting with him over the years, either. The evidence, as Beckett would’ve called it, at least showed some mutual attraction.
She wouldn’t have sought him out (after months of no contact, a vicious voice murmured) to bring him back if she didn’t care. And they hadn’t stopped flirting, they’d just eased off it a bit out of consideration for her trauma. In some ways, the past year had felt more intimate, at least to him. She might’ve even been wiling to sleep with him, provided they didn’t attach any meaning to it beyond the carnal.
She cared, but it wasn’t anything real. Nothing that would’ve made it last, made it beautiful. 
Kate didn’t love him, and she wasn’t going to. Simple as that.
Rick knew he’d been here before, every time he made a conscious effort with someone. Ultimately, all his attempts at a happy ending blew up in his face for the same reason; Beckett said it herself, he was the only common point in his relationships. Everyone adored Richard Castle, the handsome face on the best-seller book sleeves.
Nobody wanted Rick.
He took another drink, sliding the glass to one side so he could hunch over the bar. He pressed the heel of his palms against his eyes; he’d fled to one of his backup taverns. Beckett didn’t go out alone, as far as he knew—then again, he used to think he knew a lot of things—but if she did, it’d be the Old Haunt. He’d wanted space, time to get out of his own head, through drowning in scotch if that was what it took. Some self-defeating tendency in his brain just wouldn’t let him escape. 
He could only think how unfair it was that familiarity didn’t dull the sting of rejection; that failure still hurt so damn bad.
Kyra, Meredith, Gina... The sum of his parts just wasn’t enough to be anyone’s first choice.
He grumbled under his breath, pulling another shot.
‘This isn’t working.’
He needed a weekend away, a couple days out of the city to get his head on straight again. Los Angeles—no, he had memories there too—Chicago, then, or maybe Vegas for a distraction...
His phone, on silent for once, buzzed in his pocket. Against his better instinct, he pulled it out at the behest of some masochistic streak in him that hoped to see a message from Kate.
His daughter’s name came up instead.
Alexis, the center of his galaxy, the one woman in his life who preferred Rick—Dad—to Richard. His baby, about to graduate and head off to college in a scant few months.
She barely needed him anymore, and soon she’d be living under a roof he didn’t own.
That thought provided a brief moment of stone cold sobriety, and with it came clarity. It’d be so easy to meet someone superficial, to slip Richard Castle back on like a coat and just hide forever. Oh, it’d hurt, but he’d done it before; he’d changed though. Grown, he liked to think, because of the 12th, and he’d studied enough psychology during his career to recognize the temptation to regress. 
Rick didn’t want that.
He closed out on his tab, put on his coat and left the bar. He shunned the idea of a cab or his town car and started walking home. He’d use the time to sober up; neither his mother nor Alexis deserved to suffer his poor company and his inebriation.
He’d take some time off the 12th—he wouldn’t quit yet, he liked doing good too much for that—spend whatever precious moments with his daughter remained before she moved out, and he’d write.
Hopefully in that time, he’d manage to tease out the distinction between resignation and acceptance. Once he had, he’d... move on.
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hydrangeyes · 2 months
Rambling about a COTL AU that's been slow roasting in my mind for a bit
COTL AU where lamb doesn't spare the one who waits but its more of a "you want to be like this? Have a break in the void asshole." A "sleep on the couch for a week" type beat. But it completely back fires, when lamb "resurrects" Nariander, they revive the body but not the.... i guess soul that makes him who he is. They seperated at some point.
The one who waits themselves is wandering about the ever changing domain, and he was at first furious then annoyed then just lost. Memories start to slip the further they're seperated from their literal vessel. (Vessel = body). A bit of a reset going on.
Just rambling baout this one:
*looks at notes*
- both Lamb and The one who waits are messy and possessive. A short of "You can't escape me." Dynamic but not toxic, the non toxic part being it's mutual and they at least respect each other by this point in time.
- Lamb is beefy and kind of an asshole. (They're tired, becoming a deity takes a lot of energy. Diety of death???? Mmmmm we'll see)
- The one who waits and Nariander being seperate people who become one is the best way i can explain this siuation. (A yami yugi situation minus the yami backstory reveal idk yet)
- The one who waits is a feral MENACE, so is Nariander on the opposite end.
- i have a vivid imagery of a pissed off Lamb yanking down dubious astral one who waits, pissed off and demanding "did you think you could escape me." And the one who waits being absolutely delighted 🙄😒
- the two together once everything is done are grossly romantic. That whole will they won't they thing gets annoying fast and neither care to keep pretending after everything. But they also don't label anything.
- they had that stage before the one who waits was still chained up.
- i do have a branching AU for this AU involving flowers but not in locations you'd think. (Yes, it's hanahaki. No, they aren't throwing it up. It's something going on that's worse and funnier to me)
- Simp yandere x Simp yandere?
- *insert that one rick and morty scene of rick asking what the fuck is he doing, when he opened that anti curse shop and what not* this is the Lamb towards the cult after "defeating" the one who waits, only they don't burn it to the ground. (Basing theme on my in-game cult who are..... well, i spoiled them rotten early on let's just say that)
- Nariander being fond of Ratau is not lost on anyone.
- the siblings are there.... they're part of the world building, tho. They have their own lives outside of this hot mess. Might ramble about it at some point.
- the *hand gestures* of "Is somebody gonna match my freak?"
- *squints at notes* something something painful transformations all around....
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icedragonlizard · 6 months
Kirby AU talk: "Friendship Really Does Shine Like A Star!"
This AU heavily rewrites the story of Star Allies, rewrites a small part of the story of Forgotten Land, and does a few more extra things. All the other games that take place before Star Allies and Forgotten Land stay the same.
Four big things happen here:
-The villain group in Star Allies is much more threatening in this AU.
-An extra wave of dream friends accompanies Kirby and co.
-All the dream friends show up in Forgotten Land in post-game.
-Some extra masks are added to Merry Magoland.
Now, let's go into all of this in detail.
Before this AU's Star Allies events begin, there's a prologue of Hyness attempting to use up all the dark energy the cult currently has to power up the Jamba heart in hopes of summoning Void Termina.
However... there's a problem. There's not enough dark energy to activate the Jamba heart. Void Termina cannot be summoned yet.
It's only about 60% complete. The cult needs to expand on its believers to radiate more dark energy to be capable of fully activating the Jamba heart. The cult is going to need to invade planets for this.
And so Hyness orders his three generals, The Three Mage Sisters, to take their armies and invade planets to force people to join the cult against their will. Each Mage Sister has her own respective army of Jammerjabs, and so there are three Jambastion armies out to force expansion for the cult. Hyness will stay at the Divine Terminus to keep watch, as this is the very area where he'll summon Void Termina.
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The Mage Sisters start invading a handful of planets with their armies. They relentlessly coerce people in the cult by overpowering them and then throwing corrupted dark hearts at them (like how Kirby throws friend hearts). When someone is joined into the cult by being influenced by a dark heart, it radiates dark energy that the cult will then use to power up the Jamba heart to summon Void Termina.
After invading a planet, the Mage Sisters are then free to run rampant around it, causing random chaos and killing people with their weapons. The planets they invade become stomping grounds.
Planet Earthfall, Planet Misteen, Planet Caverna, Planet Frostak, Planet Towara and Star Lavadom all get conquered by the cult. Not just that, but their respective smaller-sized stars get conquered too.
There still isn't enough dark energy radiated from all those conquests, however. The cult will still need to invade more planets.
After the cult conquers all those planets, Popstar is the next planet that the cult has their eyes on. And it's a much bigger planet than all the previous planets that were conquered, so the cult deduces that it may be able to finally summon Void Termina if it conquers Popstar.
All three of the Mage Sisters come into Popstar with their respective armies in an attempt to dominate the peculiarly star-shaped planet.
This is, of course, when Kirby and all the dream friends get involved. This is when the group eventually bands together to stop the cult.
King Dedede and Meta Knight get captured and are fed dark hearts. Kirby will have to fight them to knock the dark influence out of them.
While Kirby saves Popstar from the cult's domination, the dream friends gradually tag alongside him as they're all trying to fight back as well. They all agree that joining up with Kirby will increase the odds of victory and to finally put the cult in their place. Bandana Waddle Dee is the first one to join Kirby, as they meet up shortly after the grand adventure begins. All of the others then show up at later points.
All the dream friends in the canon Star Allies show up. This, indeed, means the wave 1, wave 2 and wave 3 groups as we know them.
Rick, Kine, Coo, Gooey and Marx show up to join the team early on. Adeleine, Ribbon, Daroach and Dark Meta Knight show up to join the team sometime after Dedede gets saved. Magolor, Taranza and Susie show up to join the team sometime after Meta Knight gets saved.
But the troubles in Popstar aren't over after Meta Knight gets saved. The cult still has strongholds on some places on the planet. The group still has to eliminate those strongholds and chase the Mage Sisters and their armies out of Popstar. And after they get chased out of the planet, three more people then show up to join the star allies.
Yes, that's right. Three more dream friends. An entire new wave of dream friends joins the group. That means even more help! Hooray!
Here are the three extra dream friends that join the group:
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Gryll swoops by to join the star allies. This silly onion witch lady was once an adversary to Kirby, but they've made up a long time after. She's a buddy now! She's got many magical powers that she can use to fight the cult with, such as spawning star blocks out of her hands that she can throw in rapid succession, and many other various magic that her broom is able to perform. Gryll seems to enjoy chaos, so she might go a little bit nuts when fighting alongside the others. Gryll also appears to have history with Marx, as they were happy to see each other when she came to join the team shortly before they depart from Planet Popstar.
Drawcia shows up?!? What a surprise!!! She didn't even make up with Kirby before this, but it's still very much appreciated that she seemingly wants to help with the rest! Able to use all the attacks that she did when she fought Kirby a long time ago before this, Drawcia will be sure to make a great asset to the star allies. That being said, though, while Drawcia appears to have softened up a little bit compared to before, she's still incredibly morally grey. She can be considered another 'evil token' star ally, similarly to Dark Meta Knight.
Prince Fluff was hoping for the day he'd assist Kirby in another adventure. He's proud to have finally gotten that chance now! He's a bit of a prideful one. Although Fluff isn't only joining just to feed his ego by adventuring with Kirby again, he's also joining because his home of Patch Land was being threatened by the cult. He found a way to lock up the sock that serves as the gateway to his home to prevent the cult from going there, and then he's ready to join. Fluff can use all the attacks that he used during his adventure with Kirby.
After these three join the team, and after the team leaves Popstar, they go to the Jambastion fortress when they saw the Mage Sisters flee there. They hunt the Mage Sisters down and beat them up again.
But the Mage Sisters still don't give up. They inform that they're still fully intent on getting the dark energy needed to summon their god, and that they've already made a lot of progress in doing so with the handful of planets they've already conquered before this. The time on the Jambastion fortress ends with Zan Partizanne maniacally laughing as she destroys the fortress, forcing the star allies to leave the area and to go save all the planets that the cult has dominated.
The star allies go to each of the corrupted planets one-by-one. They save the planets in mostly the same order as canon, except that Star Lavadom gets visited before Planet Towara. Planet Towara is the last of the conquered planets that the star allies rescues from the cult.
After the star allies free denizens of Planet Towara from the cult's influence, something terrible happens. The Mage Sisters appear to have planned a surprise attack, as they then ambush the star allies, catch them off guard, and they literally kidnap Kirby in the process.
Yes, you heard that right. The Mage Sisters kidnap Kirby. They then fly off, maniacally laughing as they carry the pink puffball with them back to the Jambandran base. This enrages all the other star allies, as they unite closer together with the collective goal to save Kirby.
Although Kirby already gets taken to Hyness before the star allies can get to him. The cult threw a bunch of dark hearts at Kirby, as he was refusing to let himself join the cult, but it still radiated dark energy.
When the star allies show up at the Divine Terminus, they beat up the Mage Sisters and Hyness, and then free Kirby. But after he's freed, Hyness then throws the Mage Sisters and himself onto the Jamba heart in a desperate attempt to power it up, and luckily for them, it just suddenly has enough power to finally summon Void Termina.
The star allies destroy Void Termina. Hyness and the Mage Sisters then end up finding themselves into Another Dimension, which kickstarts events that are very similar to that of the events of HiAD.
HiAD plays out mostly the same in this AU as it does in regular canon, but a difference in the ending. When Kirby throws friend hearts at the four cultists... it appears that there's something wrong.
Francisca, Flamberge and Hyness appear to come out perfectly fine, but Zan Partizanne appears to be seriously injured. She's still alive, but she clearly needs treatment or else she'll eventually die. Hyness and the other two Mage Sisters freak out over this. They profusely apologize to the star allies, and thankfully Kirby forgives them and is willing to help them out in saving Zan's life. Eventually, the cult goes back to their home in Jambandran base just in time while Zan is still alive, and they're able to get the necessary treatment for her to live.
Zan Partizanne survives a close brink of death. And she's then super grateful to the rest of the star allies for helping out in saving her.
Hyness and the Mage Sisters are then onto the star allies' good side.
They, as well as the rest of the star allies, regularly keep in touch with Kirby. This includes Dark Meta Knight and Drawcia, who didn't make up with Kirby before this adventure, but they then became friends with him during it. Kirby grew on everyone in the team afterwards.
All the star allies show up in Forgotten Land after Fecto Elfilis gets defeated. Most of Forgotten Land's events mainly stay the same as in canon, as the main adventure before the Fecto Elfilis fight is not changed. However, after Elfilis is defeated, and when Kirby and Elfilin have to save Leongar, that's when all the star allies show up in Waddle Dee Town, intending to help clean up the mess that occurred.
They all got there through Magolor's ship. The Lor Starcutter was able to locate the place of the Forgotten Land during the events of the main story, and so he gathered up all the other star allies. The Lor traveled through dimensions to get to the Forgotten Land. As they came there and helped clean up the place, they met Clawroline and the others of the Beast Pack. They'd then met Elfilin and Leongar after the latter finally gets saved. Kirby would've needed to help clean up the Forgotten Land otherwise, but it turns out that he doesn't need to. All the other star allies showed up to do exactly just that!
A portal gets set up for people to travel between Popstar and the Forgotten Land literally anytime. This is a gift from the Beast Pack.
When Magolor opens up his amusement park of Merry Magoland some time after, four more masks get added that aren't present in the actual Magoland in RTDL Deluxe. All the 86 masks that show up in the game are still present in this AU's Magoland, but 4 get added.
These four masks are based on Gryll, Prince Fluff, Gorimondo and Sillydillo. Not gonna lie, I'm not sure why they didn't have masks for the latter two when they have masks for the other two in the Beast Pack. And of course, Gryll and Prince Fluff could use Magoland masks since they're in the star allies in this AU.
Now there are 90 masks for Merry Magoland instead of 86.
That's basically it for the major events of this AU. Other than Gryll, Drawcia and Prince Fluff getting accustomed with the rest of the star allies and how those three interact with the others, but that's for another day. I may or may not make a separate post going over that!
With moments like all the star allies showing up to save Kirby after he's kidnapped by the Mage Sisters, and all the star allies showing up at the Forgotten Land through Magolor's ship to clean up the place, the name title given to this AU very much becomes a true statement.
Friendship really does shine like a star!
That sums up the synopsis for this AU! I must thank you so much if you've taken the time to read it all. I know there's a lot here, but thanks regardless if you've gotten through it! This is a big juicy AU.
This is the last of the AUs that I'm making a synopsis for.
Here are the links to the other AUs I've made synopses for:
Dark Stormy Matters: Kracko fuses with Dark Matter in a desperate attempt to finally get back at Kirby with as much power as he can.
Memories Still At A Halt: Accidentally encountering an active clockwork star, Susie makes a wish to it that revives her dad. But he still doesn't recognize her as his daughter after being brought back.
Hope Within The Darkness: Morpho Knight makes the rare decision to bring the Dark Matter Swordsman back to life after watching him get horribly mistreated by the rest of the Dark Matter clan in hades. DMS adopts the name 'Blade' as he tries to fit in with Kirby and the rest of his friends, which ends up being extremely awkward at first.
If anyone decides to come to my inbox and ask something about one of these four AUs, I'd be hugely appreciative! I won't encourage it necessarily, but I'd love to hear people's feedback on any of these.
But with that, that ends the post. See y'all later!
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kitsune024 · 7 months
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Doctor Who
run, boy, run (the Umbrella Effect) by @ford-ye-fiji I Part 1-13 I Series Completed Crack Treated Seriously, AU - Fusion, Time Travel, Number Five | The Boy is So Done, Action/Adventure, Angst and Hurt/Comfort
Two unlikely allies, familiar in more ways than they can imagine, join forces in a series of happy accidents. And then things get really complicated very fast.
The Walking Dead
From One Apocalypse to Another by y_oruko I Chapters: 17/? I Crack Treated Seriously, BAMF Five | The Boy, BAMF Rick, AU- Canon Divergence, Five has beef with almost everyone, Eventual Found Family, The Walking Dead Season 5
Five lost his siblings to the void of time when he recklessly tried bringing them all to travel back in time. It bit him in the ass and threw him into a world where apparently zombies were real. The universe sure loved to screw him over. Rick didn't know what to expect when he followed the priest into a church, but it's certainly not a homicidal teenager.
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The Four Horsemen by @silverwolf3432 I Chapters: 24/30 I Five | The Boy/Original Female Character - Dolores, Whump, Original Character Death(s), Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Torture
Instead of waiting 28 years, the Handler plucks a 15-year-old boy from the rubble of the Apocalypse and trains him to be a killer. So Five knows. He knows what it’s like to live through hell, to be broken down and made back up again, to be stripped of everything. He understands and he can relate to the torture Reginald Hargreeves put his siblings through after he disappears, even if they claim he never could. He knows because he went through it too. Because before he worked alone, there was Dolores. Because before he was the best, they were the best. Because before it was just Five, they were the Four Horsemen.
The Five Whistle by @i-logophile I Chapters: 1/1 I one shot Hurt Five | The Boy, Creepy The Handler, AU- Canon Divergence, Episode: s02e05 Valhalla
“What the hell was that?” Five tried to demand, but his breathlessness ruined the effect. The Handler grinned. “What? This little thing?” she asked, pulling a long, thin device from within the folds of her coat. “This is just a little something I had cooked up back at Headquarters just for you.” She twisted the end of the device. In response, the fabric of space released an unearthly howl of agony, making Five’s legs collapse beneath him. Then it stopped, and a shadow fell over him. “Now about that assignment,” The Handler said, gazing down at him with a predatory grin. – After the Hargreeves’ disaster of a family meeting, Five is still pacing the alley outside of Elliott’s when he’s confronted by The Handler. She presents her offer, but since it’s not his only option just yet, Five declines. However, The Handler isn’t so easily denied, and she decides to use a little something from the Commission to convince Five to rethink his decision.
The Lonely Lodger Inn by @i-logophile I Chapters: 1/1 I one shot Blood and Violence, Gore, BAMF Five | The Boy, Feral Five | The Boy, Episode: s02e07 Öga for Öga
"Ben, are you crazy?! We just watched Número Cinco go fucking apeshit on a room full of random people and—” “What if he had a good reason for it?” Ben interrupted, crossing his arms. “What if they were bad guys or something? Ever think of that?” Klaus scoffed. “‘Bad guys’? Really, Ben? We’re not thirteen anymore.” “Exactly, so use your brain, moron. Why would Five just go around murdering people in the ’60s?” “Oh, I don’t know, because he’s fucking psycho?! He’s probably all screwed up from time travel or something! Who knows what kind of shit—” “Klaus.” “What?” “He can hear you.” -- Or, what if the Board meeting was somewhere in Dallas, and one of Five’s siblings stumbled upon the massacre as it was taking place?
Crocodile Tears by @i-logophile I Chapters: 1/1 I one shot Five | The Boy Cries- but it’s “pretend”, Kidnapping, Drugging, Angst, hurt/some comfort, Post-Season/Series 02, The Commission. Number Five | The Boy Needs A Hug
A plan took shape in Five’s mind. It wasn’t one he particularly liked, and it would be unequivocally humiliating, but with the Commission coming and their powers shot to hell for the foreseeable future, Five couldn’t think of any other option. Didn’t change the fact that he despised crying. -- Five pretends to cry to get an enemy to lower their guard—emphasis on “pretend.” His siblings don’t catch on. After getting over their shock, they become unnecessarily distressed and proceed to flutter around Five like neurotic chickens. Oh, and some people die, but that was kind of the plan all along.
Can you hug me as I go? by maddienole I Chapters: 10/10 I Completed Five | The Boy Whump, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Flashbacks, AU- Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
What if the FBI captured Five instead of Vanya? 2x7 canon divergence.
Misfortunes with The Sea by @euoniatz I Chapters: 6/6 I Completed Dark Five | The Boy, BAMF Five | The Boy, AU - Canon Divergence, Number Six | Ben Hargreeves Lives - eventually, The Sparrow Academy, Hurt No Comfort, Whump
Five doesn’t hold back anymore, doesn't think he could limit himself again now even if he wanted to. His eyes glow, never to be denied again, and the space around him shifts as if someone is pinching and pulling reality by force. The Boy tries not to laugh, but he feels incredible on a level he has always, during the sad expanse of his life, thought impossible. * When the Hargreeves return from the 60s, Five is already at the end of his rope. He swears off killing, only to find their deceased father in the living room, disapproving as ever. Add six mediocre replacements and a ghost coming back to haunt them and you've got yourself a desperate time traveler whose grip on reality is slipping. Five is willing to sacrifice his own humanity for the sake of his siblings, but is his humanity really the most important thing he could lose? How much power can he afford to let loose before he loses control himself? Will his family even want him after everything is settled?
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itsgrimeytime · 9 months
Magnolia in May (Part Twenty Five) || Rick Grimes (TWD) x Greene!f!reader Regency AU
Parts 1-20, 21, 22, 23, 24...
Taglist: @loliakeoghan23 @curlycarley @queenie32 @mgparker
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Inspiration (in honor of Speak Now Taylor's Version): Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your town was small, not the smallest you knew, but anyone of high fortune was the gossip of the week. Predictably, Richard Grimes was a thing of whispers -rumors of a search for marriage among the grassy hills. You weren't one to buy into town gossip, but something about him... just seemed a little too intriguing.
TW: none.
[[A/N: DRAMA. That's all I have to say. Happy New Year !!! Thanks for reading !!! ]]
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He wasn't serious.
Or maybe he was, you were rendered rather speechless afterward, on account of his lips pressing into yours without much less thought.
You hadn't quite thought of an answer because he didn't present you with the opportunity; in fact, he'd acted as though he'd never said such a thing in his life. He still held that soft gaze, as you explored the rest of his lawn, but you weren't quite there then.
Eyes distant, you were as though you had a shock to the heart and perhaps you did. No one had ever proposed to you, there were a few drunks who'd gotten close at certain parties, but never anyone with any merit.
Mr. Grimes loved you. He was courting you, only officially for a few weeks, sure, but still-
The man who was courting you had asked for your hand in marriage, and you had said nothing.
Headmistress was going to kill you.
It's not like he'd given you much of an option, really. He'd begun kissing you after as if such a confession was void, as if the words were just well, words.
But they weren't.
It was driving you mad, beyond mad. Which is why you were currently wearing a hole into the dining room carpet -walking back and forth, pacing really.
Your Father sat at the table, files at the ends of his fingertips, and in his hands, he stayed rather busy. The rest of the house was out to the theater, you'd been asked to come but refused -Maggie would know too much. She already had-
"Darling," he spoke and you immediately straightened, "-is everything alright? You're bound to run a hole in the floor with all the pacing."
"When did you ask for Mother's hand?"
It slipped out of your mouth before you could take it back. And you really wished you could take it back-
"Why do you ask?" your Father questioned, white beard lit up orange by the candlelight, "-Are you expecting something?"
"No, I-" you started, before stopping, "-May I ask you a hypothetical?"
"A hypothetical," your Father pursed his lips, "-Does it have to do with a proposal?"
"Yes," you echoed out, a little shaky, "-well, if someone proposed out of nowhere and didn't give you time to respond, would you believe them to be serious?"
"Any man who asks for someone's hand is serious," your Father relented, something in his eyebrow twitching, "-It's quite a large thing to say, especially in today's age."
"Right," you spoke, slowly -convincing yourself, "-right."
The silence of the room was unwelcoming.
"What if," you started, trying to figure out how to word this, "-What if it was more of an emotional response? Like... after a confession or... or-"
"Something else?" Father asked, raising an eyebrow -teetering on the question of what exactly.
"Yes," you swallowed, "-something else."
"Still," he echoed, "-such words hold high accountability, any man who says it often means it."
"But, just because he means it doesn't mean he's serious-"
"In some way," your Father restated, "-he is. A man does not say such words without thinking about it, dear. Without realizing what it means."
"So," you began, "-he may mean it, and be serious about it? Even though it came unprompted?"
"He may not realize it himself," he explained, "-That moment, when he, hypothetically, said such a thing maybe when he realized he wanted it."
"And what am I-" you stopped, clearing your throat, "-What are you to say to that?"
"Whatever you wish," your Father stated, picking back up his files -eyes peering over them, "-Is there anything you wish to tell me, daughter?"
You sighed, running a hand through your hair, "I think... I think Mr. Grimes proposed to me."
The room fell uncomfortably silent, the sole tick of a clock and the shuffle of paper echoing through the room. You couldn't look up at him, only down at the carpet -tracing the design with your eyes.
"Two weeks," your Father answered, setting down his files and looking up at you, "-it took me two weeks to figure out I couldn't live without her. I... I'm not sure it was proper, but we made it work, even then."
"Two weeks, that's-"
"Nothing," he hummed out, "-I know. I loved her and she loved me, there was no reason to wait."
"I love him," you said, sort of weakly.
"And he loves you," your Father added with a smile -certain.
"But, he didn't let me answer," you sighed, pacing yet again, "-what am I to say if he didn't let me answer?"
"You wait," he answered, "-until he does."
"How is that fair?" You questioned, "-He asked me, I should get to answer! I will... I want to answer."
"Then, answer," your Father laughed, "-you know where he resides."
"This late?" You echoed, loud and a little squeaky, "-I can hardly explain showing up at this hour."
"He'll know," he smiled, "-he'll know, darling."
"That's even worse," you remarked, "-I can't just... confront him with my hand."
"Okay," your Father reasoned, "-then let's go for dinner. I'm certain your sisters will demand to eat before returning and I don't know about you but I'm famished."
"Just dinner," you echoed.
"Just dinner," he reiterated, "-and if you choose to confront him, so be it."
So, be it.
The walk was not one of note, as your carriage remained an option but you requested the fresh air and Father neatly agreed. He didn't speak a word, as to give you time to think, perhaps. But part of you wished him to say something, anything-
"I already gave him permission," he stated, echoing out into the falling sun of the evening, "-so, such a question requires no clarification on my part. But, if you wish-"
"No," you started, headstrong, "-it has to be me, Father."
And the rest of the walk was as silent as a mouse, Father only giving you a few forlorn glances -as if he didn't wish you to be in this situation. He most certainly didn't, and you imagined, if you let him, he'd say a few choice words about it to Mr. Grimes.
But, were you to confront him, you'd simply choose to do it on your own. It was your issue, you'd deal with it.
The idea of Mr. Grimes confronting you first, however, was a much scarier one. Would he apologize? Say he didn't mean it? You weren't sure you could handle such words.
The estate was covered in the evening sun, and you thought for a spare second how beautiful it was. The orange haze drenched the plaza, the fountains, the hedges. It was stunning, and you felt rather wonderful to see such a thing -to know such a thing.
"Mr. Greene," a deep grumble echoed, Mr. Dixon stood rather strong against such a soft skyline, "-Ms. Greene, wonderful to see the two of ya."
You curtsied, and your Father spoke, "If you don't mind, sir, can you ask Mr. Grimes if we could join him for dinner?"
"'Course," he echoed, guiding the two of you through the door, "-follow me into the foyer."
You entered the foyer with a sort of curiosity, still, despite everything -you loved to see such a space every time. Yet, something was off. You'd been in here so frequently. You knew the space, so well, so when something was different-
Your eyes landed squarely on the wall, an empty space on the wall. You weren't certain what was there before, but now it remained empty -beautiful walls clear and open to the viewing.
"Father, it's-"
"Empty," he hummed -something in his voice, "-perhaps for something new."
"Ms. Greene," a voice spoke, a little breathlessly and suddenly a little startled, "-Mr. Greene, hello."
You wordlessly curtsied again, something in you nervous -Mr. Grimes lingered on such a movement, he could tell-
"I assume we're welcomed to dinner, then?"
"Very welcome," Mr. Grimes hummed, eyes darting to yours -just for a moment, lingering, "-Your family is welcome at all times, you must know that by now."
"Certainly," your Father echoed, matching his eyes -something conveying that he knew. And he did.
You shrunk into yourself only slightly, but still, Mr. Grimes noticed -blue eyes laid squarely on you. Something in his lips twitched into a frown, as his eyes swam along your face -you couldn't quite meet his eyes. He noticed.
"What's are we to expect?" you asked, something crossing over your face, "-For... For dinner?"
"I'm not quite certain," Mr. Grimes echoed, making a note to meet your eyes, "-but Ms. Peletier is bound to make something worthwhile. And-"
You matched his eye, and something in your chest warmed, just to see him.
"-the children would love to see you, Ms. Greene."
You smiled, couldn't help it, "I'm quite delighted to see them too."
"Wonderful," Mr. Grimes echoed, smiling in that same way he had before like he couldn't believe you existed, "-wonderful."
Your Father cleared his throat with a teeny little smile, "Shall we go to the dining room?"
"Certainly," you echoed, hand itching to take Mr. Grimes's arm, but instead you met your Father's. It felt right then, despite the urge -to brush your fingers against his shirt, to feel the warmth of his skin against your gloved hand.
You righted yourself, and followed your Father into the room, still as beautiful as the first day you'd ever seen it. It could be yours-
You flushed crimson at the spare thought, pushing it away in your mind. Not now, such thoughts are useless without knowing his intentions.
I want to know his intentions, something in your head rang.
Which meant you were to confront him, you needed to know. You had to know-
"Ms. Greene?" a softer voice spoke, a maid -you realized, "-Would you like to sit?"
"Yes, I apologize, I just-" you faltered, accepting the pulled-out chair, "-Thank you."
Mr. Grimes looked to you, something shadowing over his face -concern furrowing in his brow.
You sat just beside him at the head of the table, the two children on the opposite side and your Father on your right. It was all a rather organized affair, and not a word was spoken.
The comfortable chatter was lost, as the room filled rather full -only Judith's small little hums of appreciation breaking through the air. The food was delicious, certainly, but you had a bit of a sour stomach -you picked at the dish, a little preoccupied.
Mr. Grimes hadn't eaten a bite himself either, eyes boring a hole into your side. You knew such a conversation would have to be soon, if not-
"Ms. Greene, may I speak with you?"
There was a beat.
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ask-missparker · 7 months
I remember you said don't leave me here alone / OUAT AU Series
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Pairings: Amelia x Nikolai, Ethan x Liane, Rick x Liane
Friendship: Belladonna St. James & Joshua C. Nolan 
Extra Characters: Erik, Cassie, Alexander and etc 
-> Special appearance: Introducing Meira as Merida/The Mad Hatter, played by Billie Eilish
Summary: A dark glimmer of hope come in doses, even if it feels like everything is stuck in time. Sometimes you need a push in the right direction..
Warning: Angsty, with some fluff. Some violence here and there.
Note: Inspired by the episode Hat Tricks. And yes, Cherik is canon in every universe hush!
He woke up with his hands tied behind his back. 
His ears were ringing, his head hurt worse than the time he finished that English paper for Charles that weekend, and felt a gash on his forehead. He hissed sucking in his breath recognizing one of his lower lip as well. He blinked as it felt like was drugged, as the last thing he remembered was searching for clues on a small upcoming case he had about the stormy woods and the town folks who went camping up there. It was stupid really but he took the chance to clear his head and figure out the next move. 
Now he’s stuck in what seems to be a basement. 
He was laying on his back, flipping to the side noticing his backpack on the ground a few away from him. He tried inching over huffing and grunting, feeling he must’ve broke a bone during the fall to the floor. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
He hissed as his gaze fell onto a pair of black boots following upwards to face the mayor’s wondering grin. As if he wanted to put together a puzzle but didn’t have the right pieces yet. The boy glared in response trying to wiggle free of the ropes behind his back. 
“Wh..” He muttered.
“Oh? Too shocked to speak. Don’t worry I wouldn’t drug my nephew, I mean, I could. But it wouldn’t put on a good impression, would it?” He responded.
“..wh—what do you want from me..” He muttered trying to clear his throat.
“Aw my darling nephew wants answer. See, I hope what I’m about to say finds you in good heath, and in a prosperous enough position to put wealth. In the pockets of men like me who might be down on their luck..you see, that was the darkness in this town you decide to pluck.”
“..you can’t afford to be afraid..”
“Wise words coming from a child.”
It was as if Joshua could see right into his heart. The sadness, jealously and darkness that filled within. It was black, with gushed of red. As if he was lonely and felt underrated against his brother, that his darkness was just a craving of harsh lies he puts himself to sleep with. 
Joshua has learned from a long time ago, evil isn’t born. It’s made. The world was cruel, it was your choice to be a hero or a villain in their history. You pick the card and decide how to spin it over it’s head.
Maybe there was a slight bit of hope within that thick wall Alexander hides behind. His thirst for powerful, was a thirst to be seen as an equal, to be as loved and appealing as the others are. Then again, it was just wishful thinking. 
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“I..is this how you hurt my father?” He asked. 
Alexander was pacing around the room then paused not expecting those words to come from him. He took a moment to regain himself as he replied, “You know about that?”
“I heard a thing or two..I’m not going to try and dismiss what you did—what your doing is wrong. Because it is. You have people in this town locked under your finger..but at what cost?”
“..you don’t know everything, Mr. Nolan.”
“I don’t need to..i’ve seen men like you who took care of me before..they do it for the money, for the status, to be seen as something they are not..just to fill the void..”
Alexander gaze fell onto his nephew this time. It was as if those dark blue-green pierced right into his soul, swirling around waiting for an answer. This kid was smart, he’ll give him that much. He saw nothing but kindness and heartbreak behind those eyes, yet a determination that can slice an apple he has in his backyard waiting to be used on anyone for that matter. It was nothing like his brother nor his mother, but his own self. 
This child as been across some things, it was hard to tell if he was bluffing or not. As if he was telling the truth, a honest threat waiting to be fired. It was he like see a lot more, like he was sure he will be fine by the end of the day.
He scoffed, “There’s not void, child. You just stumbled into my town and think just because you fixed a few things, you did some good. Sorry to break your glass, but you are nothing. And you will rot in here til something worse happens.”
“You think I’m afraid of you..you afraid that your little town will see right through your lies and come after you? So you lock me up, cause some chaos and spin the bottle..clever..very, very clever..” He replied looking down. 
“You really think you’re safe? That your precious little friends and roommate will come find you?”
“That’s what I thought. Here’s the thing Joshua, your a pathetic exsume for a son, a lousy street kid who has no right to be living in your condition and someone who will never know the truth about himself. But I can ease your thoughts.”
“You’re parents, they were nothing. One was a lousy young lady with no right for royal status and the other a weak lad on the run from everything because he was too afraid to face the true. Everyone in this town has their agendas, and your just another spec in the dust of voices here.”
He watched the young man look down, not saying a word seeing a flicker in his eyes trying to not go out and lose that hope. However all Alexander could think was the way Joshua’s eyes pierced into his soul seeing the cracks behind his very own eyes. 
As if the boy’s eyes said, ‘your soul may be dark as the pitch black night but there a dose of kindness within than he ever gave credit for.’ It made him sick to his stomach that—that his face spoke more than a thousand words. 
It reminded him of his mother before his brother was ever born, believing that there was good in the world and a light inside him despite that darkness that converted him into who he is today. That he had the strength yet vulnerability to stand up to him in the mists of pain made him want to congratulate him, but it was merely pathetic he believed one little thought of confidence could make him turn a leaf.
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But then again, he didn’t want to kill the boy. There was no part of him thrust himself into the idea of harming in could led to death, he still wanted him alive and decently well..maybe there was a small inch within him that made him think twice before his actions…
He was brought out of his thoughts as Joshua spoke up, “..what? After me, who’s next on your agenda of victims?..I just feel sorry for you, mister mayor, thinking this will fill that void within..”
He didn’t speak, only slapped his face to keep him quiet. He didn’t need his voice ringing in his ears for the rest of the day, he had more important things to attend to.
The doors the station were slammed open, as the soft sounds of grunts and huffing could be heard followed by the whispers of the man in charge. He threw the man into the cell and locked it as he turned around. Nik stepped over as his hands gripped the bars of the cell he was placed into, his face showcased a mix of tiredness and worry. 
“I’m telling you, I have no idea where he went! Erik you have to believe me, I haven’t seen in him 24 hours..no calls, no text..I didn’t do anything to him.” He said, banging his against the bar.
Erik stood there with his arms crossed, “Are you sure? How could I know you didn’t drive him away or worse, dragged somewhere deep within the town line, Mr. Hawkins.”
“Do you really think I would harm the kid I have been taking care of for a while now? I have done nothing but provided him a home!”
“Where was he last?”
“..last time I checked he was going to get some air, said he had a small case he wanted to solve. I advised him to stay home but he promised he would be safe.”
“And you let a teen boy go thinking he wasn’t going to lie to your face and go to some house party?”
“Oh please, Erik, he isn’t that type of kid! He went to the campsites in search of something..please, just let me go.”
Erik walked back to his desk, starting to fill out some paperwork for the man muttering, “Not until I have evidence that you didn’t do it.”
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Just then, Alexander rushed in with Ethan behind trying to stop him of entering. Ethan was barking a few words at the man, two accents fighting for a place within the room. Nik rolled his eyes, glaring at both.
Then he stopped, “If you want evidence, ask my brother. He clearly has something to do with this. Isn’t that right Alex?”
Alexander placed a hand over his chest fixing his collar and said, “And why I ever do such a thing? I got a call that my brother was in jail, I had to see what’s the matter.”
“Since when do you care?! You couldn’t care less if I was hit by a bus!”
“Watch your tone, clearly you never learn anything from me about manners. What did you do to get you in this mess?”
“Nothing of the sort. What did you do to my kid?”
“You’re kid? Since when did you have the legal right to call him yours?”
“Not the time. Where is he? I know you did something, you could never keep your hands to yourself.”
“With that tone, I might as well not bail you out.”
“What. Did. You. Do. To. My. Kid?” 
“Nothing, I didn’t even know about this until now. But whatever you did to your kid, must’ve driven him away or worse, he’s probably being held hostage somewhere by one of your friends.”
Alexander put down 20 bucks on the desk before walking out, smirking at Ethan who just glared blocking him from his path. 
“Why are you not letting me leave? You think I have something to do with this?” Alex asked.
“Well, you always magically show up whenever it’s often than not convenient for you. First you show up when Ms. Spencer is awaken, then you appear when I’m taking a role in this town, even when Rochelle and Rick’s children are in a small crisis at school with Cole..you always show up. Matter of time when you come around again.” Ethan explained smirking, “What’s next for you?”
“Are you trying to threaten me, Mr. Long?”
“Depends, you see it as one?”
“Not at all.”
“Good. But mark my words, mister mayor, if you try something just as bad as this, I will come for you and your home.”
“I’ll like to see you try.”
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With that the mayor walked out as Ethan marched right back into the station talking to Erik about the current events, glancing over at Nik every so often hoping the man listen to this words. Ethan wanted to come start a hunt for Joshua as quickly as possible within the towns and woods. He requested Rick, Cassie and Rochelle to come along knowing that the boy could be held anywhere. Erik was hesitating to bring anyone else into this search party but he knew they would need extract hands on deck, he was getting old more help would be better. 
Half an hour later, he came back with this requested people. Rick didn’t look very pleased to be here, as he refused to have any weapons on him during the hunt in the woods. Rochelle hummed deciding on a gun, taking a small area of the town to look for the kid promising to Nik he’s innocent here as the man just sighed. 
Cassie was quite analyzing the whole situation, knowing that Alex has done this to prove a point to pull them apart into separate groups for whenever his biggest heavy hitters came. However he remembered seeing Alexander’s body language shifted wondering if someone beside Liane or Bella told him off, but she couldn’t place her finger on it.
Erik stayed back, watching the four of them go as he stayed to question Nik for his innocence, he should be at home with his husband Charles, not here at work together. Yet, here he is. He offered the man something to eat or drink, but Nikolai couldn’t stomach anything at the moment. 
He sat down on the bench of the cell at dark worse case scenario filled his head, thinking horribly of himself for letting that kid go off that afternoon when he should’ve stopped him. He was considered his guardian at this point, not just a friend. He said it himself, ‘his kid’, he never said that before put the words felt familiar. 
He just hoped he wasn’t badly hurt, and he will forgive him..
Joshua was tired, cold and hungry. He was bleeding and bruised, but a part of him knew he had to stay awake. He tried sitting up properly against one of the walls, not even realizing that his feet were tied by some rope—oh how could this day get any worse?! His vision was slightly blurry as he looked over his shoulder to see a spec of light, crawling over to notice it was a window seeing trees, some snow and much more. 
He was still in the woods, but he didn’t know for long. Alexander was planning on keeping him here, to keep his shut and guard by god know. He replayed the conversation between the two of them over and over again, he noticed a shift in the man’s tone earlier, like he hit a nerve. He didn’t know but the man just barked threats at him afterwards then slapped him across the face before leaving.
He searched around for any broken glass, sharp objects of any thing, to break himself lose and make a run for it. Then suddenly opened the door, as down the stairs walked in a women. He could hear a possible other voice coming from the room across but it faint. His eyes fell on the lady once again, short pink hair, glasses and black overalls along with some pink boots to match. 
He recongized her from the record store, he barley talked to her very often but liked the vibes she gave off. He remembered hearing Riley’s tales of her father being Red Riding Hood and her mother being The Huntress, always pointing out the store’s kind lady. 
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According to the tales, her name was Luna, the women who was sent to harm his father but couldn’t have the heart to do so and ran away unable to finish the job, meeting Rick afterwards. Joshua bit his lip worried she was going to live up to her promise and harm him instead. Luna placed a cup of tea in front of him, shyly waiting for him to drink it. 
Instead Joshua asked, “W-what are you going to do me? What’s in that?”
Luna gave him a innocent look shaking her head, “I only made you tea, you looked thirsty…I-i can make you s-something else.”
“No thank you..w-what is doing for you in exchange of keeping me held here..”
“..he-h-he is not doing anything..he, uh..”
“..let me go, please..”
“He told me he would give me a bonus upgrade on my store, allowing new shipments of video games…”
“W-what? D-did I say something wrong? I won’t hurt you..I-i promise..”
“He is doing you a favor..but I am the one getting hurt here!”
“You will be fine, it’s only for a while..please drink up before it gets cold..I am sorry if I upset you, I um..”
Joshua looked down, a sadness and darkness filled his eyes, he didn’t know what to even respond with. It wasn’t her fault, she didn’t know any better and probably didn’t want to get hurt by the mayor, so she did the favor in efforts to save her skins. But he didn’t trust her that easily, even if he was thirsty. Josh pushed the tea away from him causing it to spill on the floor, as the small cup rolled around, Luna looked rather upset that he didn’t take her offer. She glared calling him ungrateful stepping back out the door, not before treating him a couple of threats. 
The door closed behind her as he sinked back into the corner he was placed into. He looked at his backpack that seemed open. He assumed someone must’ve tried to look inside, he crawled over to the using his legs to inch the bag over searching for something to help him. He found an old textbook from Charles’s English class and smirked using whatever strength he can, even his hand tied behind his back tossed it over the cup Luna placed on the ground as he sat on top of both items crushing it. He was surprised all the hours of watching TV payed off, using the shattered piece he tried to saw his way out of the ropes slowly starting to cut. 
The group of four searched around separating into pairs of two to cover even ground. Rochelle looked around the town’s older buildings deciding on heading to the woods next as Cassie went asking around for any sighting of the boy, tracking the area for clues. Cass knew one thing for sure, one of the advantages of being securely awake from the curse, is that there are hidden part of the town that come into bloom during the mid winter—early spring. 
Certain flowers. 
Meanwhile Rick and Ethan decide to split up. Rick knew he was able to cover more ground by himself, it was as if he had an act for catching people red handed with just the mere scent of their tracks. His daughter liked to say it was because he was half wolf, sometimes he liked to believe that was true.
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With that knowledge, he went searching around for clues of any kind, dried blood marks on the ground, items lefts aside, anything useful for his hunt. To his surprise, a certain young Latina tagged along wanting to help out, having her clear guesses on what might’ve happened and who could’ve taken him hostage. 
Ethan went lurking around the woods, driving in his car passing buses after buses, the foggy sight of the trees along the road didn’t help his vision almost knocking into someone. He stepped out to find a women with wild curls, a deep blue skirt, combat boots and a long ass coat catching her breath. He rushed over asking if she was alright, as the young women smiled with a shrug. Ethan questioned why she was in the woods as she said she going for a walk, the man just slowly nodded.
 She asked him, “What are you doing here?”
“I uh..” He replied looking for an lie, “..I was searching for my dog. He’s a runner.”
“Ohh I love dogs! What’s is name?”
“Uh, Portland.”
“Portland? No offense, sounds like they were trying to run away with a name like that.”
“Yeah well, it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw him.”
“You know look like you could see a refresher, I know the woods very well. I have a map at my place, we both look for him together afterward.”
Ethan thought for a moment, seeing how kind yet familiar this young women meant to him. He thought a little help couldn’t help, technically he was looking for someone. 
“Sure!” He added with a smile, “What’s your name by the way?”
“Meira.” She answered with a smile.”
“Nice to meet you, Ethan.” 
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The two drove off into the woods, stepping into Meira’ grand old house that was lovely decorated with flowers, nice chairs, paintings on the wall and even a beauty of a piano in the living room. She even had a couple of telescopes. She said that her parents died leaving with such a nice estate she couldn’t help but make it her own. Ethan was amazed by her little world inside the home, feeling cozy inside. 
The two of them entered the kitchen as Meira pulled out a map and two cups of tea for them to drink out of. He joked if it was poison as she shook her head, pointing out the mapped sections within the woods. 
Everything was going fine, the two chatted as they drank. Feeling at ease in the conversation, circling spots on the map onto where ‘Portland’ could’ve gotten. Meira kindly excused  her to use the lady’s room as Ethan nodded for her to go right ahead. Once she left, he wondered around the hallways spitting his glass looking at the paintings of forests that didn’t look like any he’s seen before. He heard muffled sounds coming from the hallway as if Meira was on the phone with someone, he stepped into one of the rooms to find weapons.
Guns, bows and arrows, hats, throwing stars and much more. He slowly exit the room into the hallway, moving slowly. Suddenly, the sound of a gun cocking is heard turning around to meet Meira’s face who grinned.
“I see you found some new toys for Portland.” She said holding the gun to his face.
He raised an eyebrow, “I've already called for backup, they'll be here any second.” “You haven't called anybody... for the same reason you didn't tell me about your real plan. You don't want anybody to know you're here, which means nobody does.”
“Have you been watching me?”
“Your telescope. You've been watching me. Why?”
“I need you to do something for me…brother.” 
She gently shoves him into a room, telling him to sit down in the chair in front of her desk, he does as so. As Ethan sat down, he noticed the room filled with hats on display and telescope. He even noticed a small potted plant in the corner, Meira smirked hoping his eyes darted to the small flower. She would have to thank Cassie later for it. She explained to him the situation here, along with the curse. Ethan rolled his eyes at Meira. 
“Have you been reading Belladonna’s book?” Ethan asked.
Meira smirked, “Belladonna? You mean the Mal’s favorite hand maiden?"
“Belladonna’s, the Liane’s adopted kid.”
“Oh, Bella. Your Belladonna…and her book of stories, the ones that you choose to ignore. Maybe if you knew what I know, you wouldn’t.”
“Why have you been spying on me? Why did you call me ‘brother’? I don’t have a sister..”
“Yes you do. I’m your baby sister and Cole is your brother. You just don’t remember, cause you scared of the truth. Because for the last 16 years, I've been feeling stuck, day after day. Until one night, you, in your car, roll into town, and the clock ticks and things start to change. You seeI know what you refuse to acknowledge, Ethan. You're special. You brought something precious to the town—magic!”
“You’re insane.” 
“You say that. But we know you seek to know that town is a little crazy. You show know, you’ve been around crazy you’re whole life! The tattoo on your arm is a small symbol of it.” 
Ethan was silent, looking down at the tattoo on his arm, he was a feather. He didn’t remember getting it, alway assume it was due to a drunk night out with friends. Ever since he arrived, he felt strange around this town, the very fact that Cole decided to be nice to him surprised him, and now this. One look at Meira, he could tell she was onto something but he refused to acknowledge it like the rest of the damn town. She wanted him to look around and open his eyes, to wake up from whatever dream he has created his head. 
She wanted him to take a second to remember who he was, that he had magic, skills untapped that just doesn’t want to take back. Make her a hat. Muscle memories as one would call it. He barked back that she has enough already but she responded that known of them work. However he can make some, due to their being very few magical elements in the real world. 
He looked around briefly letting out a chuckle, “The hats, the tea, the bow and arrows…you’re somewhat psychotic behavior…you think you’re the Mad Hatter.”
She sighed with a smirk, “Yes, and I don’t think. I know. The name’s Merida, but some like to sweetly mistaken it as Meira.”
“You’ve clearly glommed onto my kid’s book. Well, the kid’s thing, but they are just stories. The Mad Hatter, he’s in-“
“She! She is supposed to be in Wonderland. But travels to other land that look just like this one, you should know. You’ve done it! You’re the Ace Of Hearts, The Knight of the realms..one of the plenty of Prince Charming’s around..”
“It’s all in a book! Stories that I’ve read in school, myself. I am no hero of those tales..they are hysterical stories.” 
She sat down on the desk in front of her, leaning in with an almost convincing smile as she said, “Stories? Right, just stories. Tales of many kind..and where do you think they come from? History books are based on a version of history. And storybooks are based on what, imagination? Where does that come from? It has to come from somewhere.”
“Mhm..yeah..” He responded staying quite listening to her rant as his gears started to turn. 
“That’s where we all come in! Every tale comes from somewhere, cue in our characters, from Nik being Prince Charming to Luna being the Huntress in his tale, simple really.”
“Simple? You want me to believe that?”
“You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants some magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic. It’s not that hard, just open your mind.”
“Yeah, right open your mind..to this one reality!” 
At that, she barked back standing from her chair leaning into his face with a knowledge smile. He leaned back, a hint of fear washes over him. He heard everything she said but there was something he feared from it all.
That she was right.
“What are you so afraid of?! All of the evidence is slowly coming into light, right there in front of you! God, dad must’ve made you hit your head a little too hard when you escaped..” She exclaimed, her gaze following him sight, “What is holding you back?”
That made Ethan finally snapped as a glare reached his eyes as he snarled, “Of this! I’m afraid of this. You think I am such a worthy hero? A Knight from Wonderland? Prince Charming?! I don’t want that job back on my shoulders! I may not remember what you’re saying but you’re making hard to run back and stay in my perfectly safe mind.”
Meira smirked, “There it is!”
“You know what’s it like to be separated from your kid? It makes you lose your mind wondering if they are okay! I just got her back, I am not willing to lose her again..I can’t be this hero—your Prince Charming, I don’t want it. I ain’t hero..”
“One of the heroes..only some of us remember who we are, the others don’t. But the kids do! It’s time to wake up, Ethan. Grab your pals and break this damn curse.”
The two of them were standing at this point. Meira even showed him across the telescope the town, the homes, her brother and friends. She said that they don’t remember anything, her parents don’t remember who they are. She can’t tell them, which drives her mad. Drives everyone mad when you can’t be with the ones you love. Ethan nodded understanding her statement, how it can make you feel like you’re losing your mind sometimes. 
He shrugged saying it possibly a chance he believed, that she said was true. She smiled, as she turned around to pick up the hat, he picked up the telescope and strikes her with it, knocking her out cold. He muttered that she’s crazy, making sure she was alright as his gaze fell to a tattoo of a heart on her shoulder, before taking the gun and rushing out. He took one last glance at the flower, snatching up a knife from the kitchen before he left. 
As he rushed out of the house, racing across the woods he spotted a certain brunette running looking over his shoulder. He noticed it as Nik who explained he tipped Erik off while he was asleep. The clock chimed as the two men exchanged a look knowing they had something they needed to do soon before it got dark. 
Meanwhile Belladonna and Rick went scouting the woods in search of the missing person. Rick leaned into his older path, tracking the more natural way searching foe clues. Finding a piece of cloth and dark dry blood marks on the ground, gasping at the sight. As they were moving in closer, Belladonna went the more tech route linking Joshua’s phone to hers, tracking him there. There was a low signal that was rather faint, but it was there. 
Both of their radars went off, exchanging a couple of looks rushing off to the place where he must’ve gone. Rick stepped up the doorstep of the home banging on the door, getting a sense of nostalgia when it came to house. As if he knows it from somewhere. Like he’s been here before, but couldn’t place his finger on it. Belladonna noticed the small half smile on his lips as it seemed like a fragment of his mind was trying to tell him something but he had no idea what it was.
Funny how the mind work, huh?
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There was ruffling sounds coming from the door, a heavy breath that could be heard loud and clear. As the door opened, dark brown eyes met the very blue of the blonde man who lowered his fist from the very door she opened. A connecting twinkle sparked between them, like a swirling look of acceptance and confusion at the circumstances. 
“Luna?” Muttered the blonde, nodding for Bella to follow him inside.
“I um..R-rick..wh-what are you d-doing here? Wh-who is she?” She repiled, looking worried and nervous on the two visitors, “Uh..you can’t come in..”
But it was too late. 
“Who is she? More like, who are you? And don’t play coy with me..” Belladonna asked eyeing the pink haired woman who looked petty and guilty in her eyes.
“I um..don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luna respond, looking between her and Rick, “I didn’t do anything, if that’s uh-what you’re thinking…”
“Likely story. Where is he? Where were you the last 24 hours?”
“I don’t know where you’r talking about..I um..I-i-i ww-was at h-home.”
Rick pinched the bridge of his nose and scoffed, “Luna, honey, I know you’re lying. What happened?”
Luna looked scared and more than guilty looking down, “..I-he m-made me do it..I was given a favor..f-for-for I can get a g-great deal o-on my at-store..it was a n-nice uh-thought…”   
Belladonna didn’t wait another second, hearing the couple talk in the room as she hurried into every room on the first and second floor of the small house. She could hear exact footsteps and voices coming their way upstairs. She assumed it was her father and the others. A couple of screams were heard.
She paused as her ears caught wind of the muffled screams coming from the basement as she let out a small gasped, opening the lock and hurried down to find her friend on the ground weakly trying to break free. She felt horrible, rushing over to step untie him starting with his hands that were tired behind his back. He dropped the glass of the class cup that sliced a corner of his hand as she heard tiny whimpers coming from him.
Joshua’s eyes were red and puffy from crying, his gaze was dark almost like they lost his light. He was quiet, almost numb but responsive which was a clear positive sign for her. She pushed some hair out of his face as his body flopped over to the ground as she shouted for him to stay awake. But he couldn’t he was tired, annoyed and hungry. 
She carefully led him upstairs calling for help up the steps, as thankfully Rick was there reaching for Joshua who weakly took his arms to hold onto. Belladonna blocked out his conversation with Luna as her only thought was on Josh’s health. 
As she led him out the door and into the front of the house down the steps across the woods, in a flash came her father and Nikolai turned up rushing to side. Both adults rushed to the exact child. Ethan held his daughter close, proud of her for today’s action, walking them back looking over at the others. Belladonna carried the backpack on one shoulder. Nikolai held Joshua’s close, running a hand across his face telling him to stay awake and they will be home soon enough. 
At the station, everyone was getting cleaned up. Erik talked to the adults, not pressing any charges on Nikolai for what happened, seeing a worried father take place in front of him. Rochelle was helping to gently clean Joshua’s wounds as he kept quiet. Ethan was nursing an wound that ended up on Belladonna’s body, despite her effort to tell him she was fine, he didn’t listen.   
“What happened back there?” Rochelle asked dabbing a cotton ball on his forehead as the boy hissed. 
Nikolai was wrapping his hand in a bandage, “..buddy, you need to tell us..”
Joshua was just silent, looking at Rick then Luna. But his gaze fell on Bella who locked eyes with him, as if to send a single signal to her onto what happened, who harmed him. She got what he meant and sighed. 
He inhaled and hissed, “..I was in the woods, searching on a clue on our new case with the sighting of wolves and more campers lately, I saw something in the road..when I was knocked out cold, I woke up in the basement..my backpack away from me, tied up as Bella saw..”
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Nikolai didn’t know what came over him, pushing his hair out of his face being gentle with his wound concerned with his state wondering what was going inside his head. The light in his eyes flickers out like a old used flashlight, like the sun was coming down to rest as the night took over for him. He noticed Erik questioning Luna onto what happened, as Rick backed her up. Ethan was taking notes of what happened, as the wildness of the woods still played in his head. Rochelle chimed up with her insights on the townsfolk and the accident that might’ve led up to it.
He shook his head, deciding to take him home to rest at their loft instead, ignoring Ethan’s calls saying they will talk later. 
Once the two arrived home, Joshua lay down on the couch as Nikolai got some fruit to eat as he across from asking if he could open the backpack for him. The teen just nodded, watching him with blurry vision eating the long awaited food, humming at the taste of fresh blueberries and slices of mango entering his mouth. It felt better than expected. 
Later on, after a quick shower and now in cleaner clothes he found his father in the kitchen wiping up two grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. He watched him with tense shoulder, as the man hummed in comfort clothes than the pair of jeans and hoodie he was wearing earlier. 
He knew he was waiting for him to talk about anything else that happened, as the teen just sighed and muttered, “..where were you?”
The older brunette paused from flipping the two slices of bread to look over his shoulder and reply, “Umm what?”
“I was gone for almost 24 hours and you were nowhere to be found..I was hoping you’ll be the one to find me..”
“Joshua..when you didn’t come I was worried, I called you phone plenty of time and you didn’t pick up. Next thing I know I was put behind bars at the sheriff’s station because they thought I did something to you..that I had something to do with your disappearance..”
“Wh..b-but yo-you escaped..I-i saw you!”
“I couldn’t any longer for bail or to be prove innocent to go after you, so I broke out of there! That’s what I came late to find you..I am so sorry..I should’ve listen to my gut and ran to search for you..”
“I needed you and you weren’t there..”
That caused Nik to turn around and face him. That words sting like a bee. He blinked hearing this words replay in his head over and over again like a drumbeat. He saw the look on his face that almost broke his heart. 
He looked down for a moment, shaking his head hating that he made him feel that way, the words sounded like it came from a different place. As if he broke the line. 
“Wh..what is that supposed to mean exactly? Josh, I haven’t said anything lately, but you’ve been holding something back ever since we started this whole thing..” Nik admitted crossing his arms, giving him a certain look, “What’s going on here? I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“..um..you won’t get it.” Josh repiled, looking away for a moment, “..you won’t..”
“Try me. Go ahead.”
“Alright..you want the truth.”
Joshua took a breath and scoffed, “You let me go out that door last night, without a care in the world, because you thought you could trust me and look where it got me! I’m hurt because you’re brother decided to have me kidnapped because he knows if the truth gets out on what he plans to do with the town..he will be doomed.”
“I’mma stop you right there! Alexander kidnapped you and you didn’t expect to tell me this?! This is serious matter, Joshua I don’t care what his plan is, he harmed a kid. He tricked one of the townsfolk to keep you there.” Nikolai exclaimed with an anger in his stomach growing. “That’s my point! He wants to keep everyone locked up in this town for god knows what reason, cause he knows if everyone is happy he will have no power over us..I stayed quiet about this for weeks now I am not taking it anymore!”
“Alexander kidnapped you and harmed you in a way that shouldn’t be expected at any point. No kid should go though that..did he do anything else?” “I’ve been hit before at old homes, it seems like before I was knocked out cold I was fighting someone..but Alex, he just threaten me over and over again..he..he called me an orphan, a lost boy..that I will never know who I really am..I um..”
He started to get chocked up as he recounted all the bad things Alexander said to his face and all the things he told him. He was told stuff like this before, that he was a child. He’s got nothing to prove, nothing at all. Nikolai walked around the kitchen island setting in between the stools wrapping his arms around the teen, as running his fingers across his hair to smooth out his cries. He felt like a part of his way his fault, it was. He pressed a small kiss onto his hair and hummed trying to hush him as he listen to Joshua’s comments. He made a silent promise to himself to not let him feel that way again, not feel hurt or alone. 
Then he heard it. 
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A small whimper that came from Joshua as he let go of his arms. He watched him go to his room, then come back with a blanket. A baby blanket with his name engraved in a font, on the side was a small little monkey. He handed it to Nikolai as he noticed the way he ran his fingers crossed the letters and the patch, he let out a small chuckle he knew his style of drawing better than the back of his hand. He took one glance at Joshua, trying to piece the words together. He noticed a old stuffed bear in his hands. 
He spoke, “Remember the stories I told you..the ones you would hear us talk about at the diner, how each one of us like to talk bullshit for the characters are real and how they are our parents..I believed in that because I wanted to hope there was a sign they were out there..then..”
“Then all of this happened..” He continued for him, taking it all home, “..you had theses ups and down your whole life..and I walked in. The hot chocolate, the artist in you, the fact that..your looks..I’m your..”
“Yeah..I might need an DNA test to prove it but..”
“Prince Charming..me? I have..how long have you this?”
“For a while now..I-i didn’t know how to tell you or bring it up..because I didn’t think, I couldn’t wrapped by head around it..”
He didn't know whether to believe it or not. He was sure, he wasn't from some fantasy world. But how do you react to the kid who has been staying with you, is now saying you might be their father?
Nikolai walked over placing a hand over his cheek as his thumb rubbed his cheekbone, not knowing where he got his eyes from but he does have his chin, eyebrows, and—well his face in general, for sure. A a quarter of his height for the added measure. But there part of him that he must’ve gotten from his mother..
“Who did I screw to make you?” Came out his question.
The concept of him being his son was still wild to him, he probably needed an DNA test and answers on who the mother was. He has been with a couple of women over the years, so he wonder who is was.
Why come now with the questions? But a part of him could only wonder what came next.
Ahh I am so sorry if this was long! I hope you guys like it. I’ll love to see your comments and insights you might have. Any thoughts on things.
Click here to see what else was happening during all of this
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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paintpanic · 6 months
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Other Places to Find Me:
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blackberreh-art · 2 years
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A lil cooldown sketch with void rick and his offscreen monster ailien boyfriend lmao
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For Talk Shop Tuesday: Have you ever written AUs for your fics/OCs? If so, tell us about them!
Thank you!!
Talk Shop Tuesday
For the most part... not extensively? I've tossed around ideas for AUs here and there, mainly with asks like "what would your OCs be like in Arcane?", "What if X and Y switched powers?", "what if your OCs had no powers/were vampires/etc." and things like that, but I haven't written much in terms of full, fleshed-out AUs.
The main AU pieces I've written are more just side-pieces that I couldn't fit into the canon timeline I've created. Most of the time, that means they involve some sort of character death or irreversible damage that would conflict with the rest of their story. Some examples:
This angst snippet for Eris and Rick - obviously Rick doesn't die in the main timeline, so it's an AU
Years Ahead - Same as above. I'm a metahuman!Rick truther so this whole piece is an AU where he just remains human and eventually dies of old age
Tear Us Apart - A super angsty piece where Rae and Warren have their mutations removed a la The Last Stand, technically I could write some way to work it back into the main timeline but it's easier just to say it's an AU
Closing the Rift - Super whumpy piece with Ophelia and Peter, Olly ends up blinded and losing function in her hands so that's definitely an AU. Would be cool to write how she adapts to those disabilities, but it's not what I had planned for her main story
Torment - An alternate chapter for when Indie gets partially reconditioned in B&B, really just cranking up the angst. Technically could have fit this into the main story, but I went with a different idea instead and this became an AU
Now I DO have one proper AU fic, and it was actually the one you suggested - the zombie apocalypse AU for Ophelia, 8.34 Million People! Still really proud of that one :D
I've got ideas for a few AUs kicking around my writing ideas doc (I'm partial to fairy tale retellings tbh), but haven't had the time to write any of them out. And I've got another whumpy Eris AU in the works, and an ArchAegis Void AU I came up with after watching Deadpool & Wolverine, but I need to finish writing those before I can post them lol
Thank you so much for the ask!! <3
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scoliosisgoblin · 6 months
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idk what to caption this haha
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Quick! Name your fav unfinished/abandoned fanfics. Maybe shouting their names into the void will bring them back like some kind of Beetlejuice situation.
(A gal can dream lol)
Cool ask!! You didn't ask me to specify a fandom, so I didn't. As I've been going through my bookmarks, tagging them and sorting them into the correct collections, I've noticed several unfinished that I miss. Please do not judge how incredibly insanely varied my tastes are. If an author had a tumblr, I tagged it. Please note this list is heavily influenced by nostalgia:
At the Office by wolfqueen1015 , 62/70 chapters, The 100, multiship (but I read it for linctavia (Lincoln/Octavia Blake)), last updated 2/22/2021.
As a linctavia shipper, I actually did not care if Clarke was with Bellamy or Lexa, and read many a fic I enjoyed that went either way for side linctavia. (I will sincerely apologize for that @catthestral497). This is a bellarke fic, beware. It's just a silly stupid social media fic that I found really funny in 10th grade, and I actually think is still funny. I want my last eight chapters.
operation braven by orphan_account , 19/? chapters, The 100, multiship (but I read it for linctavia (Lincoln/Octavia Blake)), last updated 7/3/2018.
It's my honest prerogative to say The 100 is a bad show, it's really not good, but I have read this fanfiction all the way through at least five times and some of it lives in my brain in place of childhood memories. Again, it's a silly social media fic but it's so funny, I miss it.
Infinite Variations by Someone_else_before , 17/? chapters, Stranger Things, mileven (Mike Wheeler/Eleven), last updated 1/1/2018.
My guilty pleasure for so so long has been 2016 post season one Stranger Things fics. I think they have infinitely cooler plotlines than the actual show. This is slightly different, it's a full season one rewrite where the Demogorgan never comes and never takes Will, and Eleven and Mike meet through dreams. I could die to find out how this fic ends, it's been like six years.
Perry the Evil-Adjacent Boyfriend series by Kereea , 15/? works, Phineas and Ferb, perryshmirtz (Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus), last updated 8/29/2020.
STAY WITH ME ON THIS. Me and my roommate decided to explore this tag as a joke (highly recommend), and I stumbled upon this?? Incredibly sweet and wholesome gem?? Anyways its about a human Perry who quits OWCA and adopts the kids after his brother Lawrence and Lawrence's wife Linda die in a car accident (insane premise) and then him and Doof raise the kids with Vanessa? It's literally so wholesome and cute and family friendly, god I love this fic I have to go read it again I wish there was more.
New Elysium by Cloud_Nine , 16/? chapters, The Walking Dead, multiship (but I read it for gleggie (Glenn Rhee/Maggie Greene) and richonne (Rick Grimes/Michonne)) last updated 3/21/2021.
This fanfiction. Lives with me almost every day, I am FURIOUS that there isn't more of it. This is a fic about the members of Rick's group waking up before the apocalypse began but some have their memories of the events to come, so they start gathering, finding each other, and setting up the best location to hunker down. I just for some reason could spend hours reading about their little house mission and the seeds and working on getting generators to the farm, god, the tension of the time ticking down gets me.
New Chat Created: North Island Daggers by Comin2U , 24/24 (now marked complete), Top Gun movies, multiship (but I read it for icemav (Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell) and a lil for the hangster (Jake "Hangman" Seresin/Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw), last updated 7/29/2022.
This fic, ohohoho. By now you all know I love a social media au, a text fic, anything of the sort. But this fic is creme of the crop of any social media au. It's just so magnificent. It's my fav thing ever, which is found family, and involves my two favorite things to see in a Top Gun fic; icemav adopting the dagger squad post mission, and also the Daggers being shocked and then pissed at Rooster when they discover Mav is married to Ice. Also Ice using sign is always a fucking bonus to me.
Spider Sully series by @alexihollis , 11/? works, James Cameron Avatar movies, Spider Socorro & Sully Family, last updated 4/11/2023.
I've raved about this fic enough for you all, but once again! This is the og and if I had my way it would go on forever and ever and never end. Especially now that it's ended up on the front lines fighting for aocorro, which you all also know I've recently decided I enjoy.
I Believe We're The Enemy by reginalds , 7/10 chapters, Spartacus (2010), nagron (Nasir/Agron), last updated 8/13/2015.
This fanfiction was last updated in 2015, but I only watched 2010 Spartacus in 2021 and that's what hurts most of all, huh? What a fantastic show. There would probably be a ton more nagron fics on here but I stopped reading unfinished fics from 2012 😔. Like genuinely though I've bled that fandom dry, I've read every single Barca/Pietros fic that exists.
The Pride of Burrough House by RonsGirlFriday @constitutionalweasleymonarchy , 23/65 chapters, Harry Potter series, multiship, last updated 12/8/2023.
This fic is still being updated, I believe it's just slow because each chapter is an epic. It's just really cool and you all should read it. It's a regency era Harry Potter fic which like, all the ships getting their own plot. Also love love Harry just, growing up rich and cool with his parents lol. I think the dialogue is super fun and I'm very invested in every characters plot so far.
a study in poor judgement by cze , 7/8 chapters, The Goldfinch, boreo (Theodore Decker/Boris Pavlikovsky), last update 8/29/2022.
It's so close though!!! I've read every boreo fanfiction that exists too, and for a bummer of a book, it's a bummer of a fandom as well lol. This fic (although it also manages to be a bummer), puts Theo in such a funny predicament that it combats enough of the bummer-ness that I just loved it. And just like almost every other boreo fic, it's stupidly well written.
Best Laid Plans by voiceoftime @music-is-love-90 , 30/40 chapters, Bridgerton, kanthony (Kate Sharma/Anthony Bridgerton), last updated 3/24/2023.
This is my favorite of my favorite type Bridgerton fics to read, which is Kate and Anthony courting from the beginning instead of the nonsense with Edwina. And this one is just *chefs kiss* I think it's still being updated as well though. Hopefully.
Holding On and Letting Go by Nizhoni93 , 9/? chapters, The Black Phone, rinney (Finney Blake/Robin Arellano), last updated 9/8/2023.
I have pushed this fic before, but once again it is absolutely heartbreaking. I cried seven separate times reading just one of the chapters. I need it finished so I know if it works the fuck out, because I literally cannot handle ghost Robin being stuck watching the boy he loves but can't see him for the rest of Finney's life.
When Eywa Sleeps, So Do Her Children by Aye_Dei , 9/9 (now marked as complete), James Cameron Avatar movies, Ao'nung/Neteyam/Spider, last updated 10/23/2023.
This one is a massive bummer, as it was ended due to newfound bigotry, but I was really enjoying it before it was discontinued.
And finally, I just wanted to express my deep disappointment that my icemav Star Wars au was deleted halfway through. I'm mad about it.
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Idk why but I’m thinking of my dark matter hive headcanon again
I kinda wanna ramble sooooooooo
Okay so best way to compare the dark matter hive mind to is an ant colony.
Zero/zero 2 would be the queen
Specialized dark matter like dark nebula and miracle matter would be comparable to like uhh specialized workers? Queen attendants?
There’s also the drones which are regular dark matters, but also super drones like dark matter swordsman.
Dropping the ant comparison it’s more like a ranking
Zero is on top
Specialized dark matter below that
Below that are the generals (dark matter swordsman)
And bottom ring is the drones.
The dark matter are a hivemind, though the more specialized matters will have a bit more wiggle room when it comes to personality than a regular drone.
Which is why nebula developed such an ego when a standard drone really doesn’t.
Generals have a bit more leeway too but in more of a ‘they have a specialized skill’ so they’re allowed to develop a base personality that improves those skills.
Such as being a cold and cunning general of an army.
Drones tend to not have any personality To speak of, closest they get is a sort of ‘group thing’ sort of thing? They’re like a big echo chamber repeating one another.
Zero of course is their own thing entirely, they are the head of the hive mind so they influence it and aren’t controlled by it.
All dark matter spawns from zero (idk if there’s other instances of zero that currently/can exist but that’s getting into void stuff and I’m not touching that today)
Dark matter can be recycled back into zero if the drone spawns with some sort of defect that they don’t like.
Though some rare cases mutations can be so wild that zero just straight up cuts the drone off of the hive mind and abandons them.
Drones that are cut off from the hive mind tend to die out quickly, unless they find some sort of ‘identity’ to latch onto.
Using gooey as an example. He was quickly found by Rick, Kine, and Coo, so was able to latch onto a sort of ‘curious kid’ identity until the stabilized enough to start becoming his own little Gooey.
In a similar sense (going into more au stuff) dark matter swordsman when he was cut off was able to latch onto the ‘big brother’ roll until he started to settle into his own identity, thanks to gooey finding him.
Though swordsman already had more of a personality to jump from as he was a general and not just a drone, but it still wasn’t much.
Plus I’m pretty sure both he and gooey were ‘defects’ from the start, being a bit too in tune with emotions when compared to other dark matter.
I’ll also go into a dark matter adapting outside of the hive. Using gooey and swordsman as examples, those two had to adapt to all the positive energy coming from dreamland, since dark matter is generally a substance that is destroyed by that sort of thing.
Basically after spending enough time in dreamland they’d get sick as their body’s properly just adapted to the changes. Sort of like when you get a vaccine to prevent you from getting a more serious illness.
Though in this case if they were overwhelmed too quickly their body might just give up and die instead.
But the two were fine so it worked out.
It was also after that instance that the two really solidified their own identities, gooey taking on the blue form he has now and swordsman getting his design I drew up. And the two can now exist just fine in dreamland, like a concentrated love beam isn’t going to kill them anymore. (Might still hurt though)
Though going back to zero, when he died the dark matter hive pretty much imploded, because again, the drones typically can’t survive without their ‘queen’ though the specialized matter and a few generals and very few drones did survive.
I like to think they’re still out there, biding their time to try and take revenge on Kirby.
Good luck with that though have you seen how many friends this guy has now? Lmao
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d33pwithinmys0ul · 7 months
might be talking into the void bc i’m worried my moots that care abt my fanfic never see my posts, but i’m almost done with the new chapters and was wondering if i should write a delta backstory into a chapter or straight up as a separate one shot- because i realize that even before i started becoming obsessed with the first two fast and furious movies, i gave delta a racing background.
i also wonder if i should do a u137 fast and furious esque racing AU (which might have more motivation rn than my other AU concepts) maybe some delta, some self insert y/n, some squanchy some bird person, some young rick(?) a la young paul walker but more rick
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anyway pls vote 💃🏻
here’s also some vibes to give u an idea
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