#void stade
veronica-28 · 1 year
Nasıl hayatıma manifesti dahil ederim?
Şanslı kız sendromu nedir?
Şanslı kız olumlamaları
Nasıl hayatıma manifesti dahil ederim?
Aslında isteddiğin şekilde hayatında kullanabilirsin ama en çok kullanılan 2 yol var.Birincisi metod uygularsın ve sonra istediğin şeyin hayatına gireceğini bilerek hayatına devam etmek.İkincisi ise birkaç olumlama yapıp sonradan onu unutmak ya da zaten gerçekleşti diye düşünüp aksine zihnini yoğunlaştırmamak.
Ve evet 2 yöntemde doğru ama ikisinde de yapılan en büyük hata manifesti normalleştirmemek çünkü size normal gelmediği için sürekli olur mu diye düşünüyorsunuz ve zihniniz olmadığına yoğunluk veriyor
Tabi ki herkes bazen manifestinin tersi şeyler düşünüyor ama zihnini buna yoğunlaştırmamak ana kural.Bu yüzden manifesti büyü yapar gibi değilde hayatınızın bir parçası olarak görün.Siz isterseniz olur mentalitesi çok önemli.
Şanslı kız sendromu nedir?
Çok popüler bir süredir bu metot.Ve esasında manifesti normalleştirmenizde faydası olucağına inanıyorum.Çünkü düşünce stilinizde yaptığı değişiklikler siz bir şeyi ister istemez hayatınıza çekecek ve bu şekilde üstüne düşünmeden istediğiniz şey hayatınıza girecek.
Şanslı kız sendromu sizin şanslı olduğunuza inanmanızdır.Herkesin hayatında en az 1 kere şanslı olduğunu düşünen ve gerçekten de şanslı olan bir arkadaş girmiştir.O arkadaşınız şanslı olduğuna inandığı için başına geliyor zaten bunlar.Bu yüzden bizde şanslı olduğumuz mentalitesine bürünerek hayatımıza güzel şeyler çekeceğiz.
Aklınıza bir şey geldiğinde unutmayın ki siz şanslı kızsınız zaten o sizin hayatınıza girecek.
Şanslı kız olumlamaları
Ben şanslı kızım
Bütün iyi şeyler benim başıma gelir
Her zaman harika durumdayım
Doğru zamanda doğru yerdeyim
Her zaman fazlasıyla şanslıyım
Zamanlamam mükemmeldir
Ben istediğim her şeyi çekebilirim çünkü nasıl olsa şanslıyım
Şans benim göbek adım
Ben istersem alırım (Ariana aşkım vibe)
Ne istersem o zaten bana gelir
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redwineconversation · 6 months
Olympique Lyonnais Behind the Scenes (Episode 6)
Kind of like last month's segment, I didn't want to do this one either because of how annoying fucking stans are. They genuinely make me want to not translate / transcribe things because they have an inability to just take a step back and act like a normal human being / football fan. However, I also want [normal?] people to get to a point where they can understand this team the way I do, so it leads us to this: me screaming into the void at how much I hate stans overstepping boundaries while I translate a genuine cause of sleep paralysis.
Again, I feel this would be simpler if OLPlay would let one screen record and my technology skills were better, but here we are. Can't have everything in life.
Blah blah standard disclaimers apply; @OL Comms Dept either chip in for Starbucks or a bottle of wine, I'm cool with either option; banning stans from stadiums would make the sport a better place; what won't I do to put off vacuuming? Apparently not much; y'all know the speech by now.
Come for Cascarino being unable to hide her Lyon DNA, stay for Becho's admiration of the likable red team. Love a team who literally recoils in horror at the thought of being seen as human. It's not that Lyon creates monsters, they honestly don't. The players were already monsters before they signed for Lyon, the only thing Lyon did was take the muzzle off.
Danielle van de Donk: We had a draw against Slavia Prague at home as well. It was a bit frustrating, it was just not nice for us because we wanted to get into a nice flow.
Vicki Becho: It's not the kind of performance we want to do, it's not the kind of result we want. So it was disappointing for us, for our fans. It's the type of performance we have to keep in mind to tell ourselves there are still lots of things to work on, and that we have to do much more.
Delphine Cascarino: After the draw against Slavia Prague, we wanted to do much better, and then we played against Reims. There was good content in the game.
Becho: I was really happy for Euge[nie Le Sommer] because she was going through a complicated period and that she scored, I was really, really happy for her. I remember Eugenie's brace because I provided the assist on one of her goals. Having playing time again, getting some minutes under my belt, it was the best of things. And in that game, when I provided the assist, I'm happy. That's what I take away from it. Beyond that, I told myself that I can do much better and those are just the kind of performances I should keep in mind to do even more.
van de Donk: Eugenie [Le Sommer] scored her 300th goal, so that was amazing for her. And I saw the people in the stands with the little paper going up. Everyone on the bench was asking what that was for, I think it was Laura [Benkarth] and I explained to her that she [Le Sommer] had 300 goals for Lyon, which is just amazing. It's great, they're so much more up to date than I am. They're actually very helpful.
Cascarino: Obviously - obviously we were happy for Eugenie [Le Sommer] because she deserves that status of top scorer for Olympique Lyonnais. And yeah, I hope she will score many more. It's quite frankly exceptional for her and the club. It shows that she's really a club legend.
Cascarino: There was a good context within the game. However we conceded a goal, so that was - that was a negative.
Cascarino: Conceding a goal is never easy, be it for the goalkeeper or even for the forwards. We owe it to ourselves at Olympique Lyonnais to not concede any goals.
Becho: We won, but it remains super frustrating because we've been conceding quite a lot lately. At the beginning of the season we weren't conceding at all. Lately we've been conceding more. We need to do better. We know our previous performances haven't been that good, we need to do better in terms of defense, and offensively we need to do much better.
Becho: At the end of the game, when I saw Eugenie, I said to her "Another one? Another record? How am I supposed to catch up to you?" [Becho laughs. I don't] No, I really like to tease Eugenie. I'm really happy for her. She leaves such a big imprint at Lyon and even in French women's football, and global women's football. And I know that for many girls, she's a role model.
van de Donk: After the game, in the locker room, we celebrated of course with the song and everything. We did a little bit extra for Eugenie [Le Sommer], of course, because it's just amazing to achieve that.
Cascarino: So there was the possibility between Benfica, Ajax and Hacken. We landed on Benfica, who is a really good team. So yeah, we know it won't be easy. They drew 4-4 against Barcelona. So we're expecting a really good opponent.
Becho: They can cause problems for us, so we will need to avoid falling into their trap. We'll need to play really good football to get past them. I would have liked to have played against Ajax, I see what they're doing this season and honestly it's incredible. They manage to sell out their stadium, they're doing a lot of things. So they're a really good team that I wanted to play against. In any case, to win this competition we have to beat the best.
van de Donk: I do think Benfica is like very tricky, they're all very technical players. I feel it's just like the Portuguese team. As we experienced it lately with the Netherlands, they're quite hard. But yeah, I'm just very excited. I mean, they're kind of my style of football so I love to see them play, now I have to play against them. They want to keep possession all the time, they have all the skills. It's just going to be frustrating, but we're just not going to have to bite, you know. And then get them when they're the most - I don't know how you say it - when they're the most vulnerable?
van de Donk: The thing is, when you build it from the back, that's kind of my quality, coming out with the press[ing]. I know when to go, so when people do it, it's fine for me. But I do think that Lyon has a good press. It's kind of our game.
Cascarino: Honestly, it was positive than it ended - that it became official, but unofficially we knew that the club had been sold to Michele Kang, so it was just formalities that needed to be sorted out. Now it's done and we can move forward with peace of mind.
Becho: We talked about it a lot. We heard a lot of people talking about it as well. But as long as it wasn't done, we couldn't look ahead as much as we can now. And now we have peace of mind. We know there is someone there for us, we know there is someone who wants us to have the best possible conditions. We know our future is set, so there aren't any worries in that regard. We're very happy on our side.
Becho: She hadn't even officially taken over her role and she was already doing a lot for us. We saw the number of staff members increase. A lot of things changed. For the better, but with the caveat President Aulas had already done an enormous amount for us. Knowing there will be this person going forward, it was reassuring for us.
Cascarino: Since Michele Kang's arrival, there has been a lot of positive changes. There's almost as many staff members as there are players. So it shows we're becoming even more professional. We're getting even closer to what is done for the men's teams. So it's really positive for Olympique Lyonnais. In every area, whether it's nutrition, fitness preparation, psychology, mental health, in every area, if there's any doubt then we have someone we can ask questions to. It really helps us to reach the highest level.
van de Donk: We were kept up to date with how the process was going with Michele [Kang] buying our side, of course. Because as soon as she stepped foot in our changing room, when I met her, I was blown away by her. I think she's amazing. She's going to do very, very good stuff for women's football. So yeah, I'm a big fan, not going to lie. When I heard it was done, it was just a nice feeling. I think we're in good hands.
van de Donk: She's so involved with the women's side. She was already making so many changes for us. You can tell that she wants things to be better and bigger, which is really nice for the next steps of professionalism in women's football. When it was all done, because everything in France takes a while I think, I think it was very good. I was very happy.
Becho: You're not allowed to lose a Lyon - PSG game. You're not allowed to lose. Those are the types of games we like to play, those are the types of games we want to play.
Cascarino: We know that PSG knows us by heart, we know them by heart. So it really comes down to tactics to win the game. We worked really hard in preparation for PSG. We worked really, really hard on tactics that week.
van de Donk: Every time we play against PSG, it's just - it's wild. I think everyone goes into a different mindset. I think everyone is just a little bit more focused because the rivalry, it's just amazing. It's just a different kind of level, everyone just really wanted to beat them.
van de Donk: Before the big games, we do a lot of tactical training during training sessions [news to anyone who has watched Bompastor coach recently]. It's not necessarily my favorite part of training sessions, but I like all the small stuff, all the small games, the technical stuff. But I do think we need all the tactical stuff. But it was good. You can taste what kind of game you're going to play or something. It's hard to describe how it is if you're not a player yourself. But normally you have a whole week to prepare. So the beginning of the week it's a bit more chill, a bit more jokey, we can have a bit more of a laugh during training. But before PSG it's just not like that, everyone is focused, "we need to get this and go."
Cascarino: It was a pretty close game, pretty difficult.
Becho: We started the game off well. We started really strong, we managed to press pretty high, we're in their half. We had chances.
Becho: As time went by our level dropped, we weren't pressing as much, there was a slower reaction time. We weren't unified. We were a little - how to say this - we were late in the press, and it could be felt. The team opposite us starts to gain the upper hand over us.
van de Donk: Obviously they have a good team, super fast wingers. On the midfield, I feel they just overload us. The attackers are dropping into the midfield so we're having to play four or five against three. It's going to get complicated if we don't do the defending very well.
Cascarino: It was pretty frustrating to see that we weren't able to do it.
van de Donk: They had one long ball on Chawinga. It's complicated because she's just super fast. It was outside of the foot, I remember. So it was actually a very good goal, but it's just hard. Don't allow them anything and you give one long ball away and it's goal.
Becho: For the whole game we didn't give them any opportunities, and that's - that's the top level. If we let them have one opportunity, we'll pay for it. We told ourselves that we had done everything not to concede that goal, but yeah. We conceded. So now we have to switch on.
van de Donk: No, losing is just not an option for us. There's certain players on the team who make sure we're not losing. They keep the standards very high and whenever we need to be picked up, they will pick us up. I think it was kind of an equal game, like both parties were in the "gray, but not bad". It was just a bit of a weird phase in the game. Luckily, when Delph[ine Cascarino] came in, she changed the game so, so much.
Cascarino: I felt that the team needed help in that moment and was losing 1-0, so you have to take risks. You really can't hesitate to go into a challenge, and press for a goal.
Becho: I think it's harder to come on when the team is behind, because you don't have the same way to react. When you're losing, you want to do everything quickly, you want to score, you want to equalize. When I came on, I said to myself it will come from us, the substitutes. The game was at a bit of a stalemate. You have to bring something extra to the team. They have to feel like we are there for them, that they can count on us, that we're a relief.
Cascarino: It wasn't easy to come into the game, especially a game like that with so much intensity. But I owed it to myself to give it my best for the team.
Becho: Delphine [Cascarino], when she comes on, we know what she is capable of. The opponent knows it too. But I don't think they were expecting her to do it so quickly and at that moment. Delphine got the ball and she did what she had to do, what she knows to do.
Cascarino: Well in that moment I felt there weren't really any solutions because they were defending well, really, really well. They're playing one-on-ones. I could feel when I got the ball PSG as hesitating. So I took advantage of it and faked passing in order to dribble past some players. Then I put in a strong cross. I said to myself "it doesn't matter, Ada [Hegerberg] is a little behind." But I put weight on it anyway. And she managed to get the defender off balance enough to put the ball at the back of the net.
Cascarino: At that moment we - you're not thinking. You're acting on instinct. I saw there was a small amount of space. I scampered into it and it paid off. Sometimes it doesn't work, it depends. It depends on the situation. It depends on a lot of things.
van de Donk: Delph[ine Cascarino] did this trick with her leg, it was crazy. She runs with the ball. She's super fast, first of all. It's hard to keep up with her. And then she does stuff with her leg in the air, and she keeps going and goes past you. It's just done.
Cascarino: It made me happy in the moment to have been at the origin, if we can call it that, of the equalizing goal. But I was still disappointed with the final result because we didn't win the game.
Becho: We weren't able to put forth the style of play that we wanted, but we didn't lose and that's what we should take away from it.
van de Donk: I had no idea where Montauban was, it was a bit of a shock. It was quite far as well. But it was a cool game to be fair, I think they had a good crowd going on.
Becho: The away trip to Montauban, it reminded me a little of the away trips when I was young. You could tell the crowd was family-leaning.
Cascarino: Montbaunan was playing the game of their lives. It was good, the crowd was really pushing them to play well, so it was nice, we like those sorts of games.
van de Donk: Games like that, they always start off a bit weird because the pitch is not as good, the opponent is fired up because they're fired up because they're playing against Lyon. They always go the extra mile, I would say, a bit harder in tackles and everything.
Cascarino: We gave ourselves a fright at the start. Unfortunately I gave away a penalty. I think it was the first time in my career.
Cascarino: Maybe subconsciously there was a little bit of carelessness. Maybe a bit of tiredness as well. The month of February is never easy physically. So maybe that's why there was a bit of a drop-off.
van de Donk: I think we're just very patient as a team. Instead of killing them straight away, I think we're like "get into the game first, play our game, and then the goals will come". In the end that was true, but the second half was more easy.
Becho: It was nice but in that moment, I wasn't thinking that- I was frustrated. Like I said, we've been conceding more goals lately, and it's something that I really hate. We are Lyon, and we - I want no team to think they can beat us or even think to themselves that we tossed them a bone or that they got something from us. No. We can't let them have anything. So I was frustrated to have conceded that goal.
van de Donk: Yeah, everything is a bit harder, it's a bit always - when you start the game, then after five minutes you know what kind of game it's going to be or how they are exactly. But that's why they are a bit more hard. I think it's a bit more difficult but very exciting always.
Becho: In the end, when you could see even the substitutes, Eugenie [Le Sommer] come on, Ada [Hegerberg] come on. We know we're a team where you can count on everybody.
Cascarino: Yes, the second half was much better and the goals kept coming.
Becho: After that, we were really happy to see Alyssia [Paljevic - former Lyon academy goalkeeper, best known for being the same height as Selma Bacha], who used to play with us. We were happy as well because we qualified for the semifinal.
van de Donk: Before the game I saw Alyssia, our little goalie from last year. I think she's amazing, she's such a good kid. So it was really nice to see her but I could tell in her eyes that she was a little bit down. I figured it's because she didn't start the game. But for her it was really nice, she came on so she could play against her old club. She's just amazing, I love her.
Becho: We're leaving for the international break.
Cascarino: First of all I really happy to be called up by the head coach. It was really nice for me to go back to the French National Team and play in my city [Lyon] as well. So it's really a pleasure for me to play in the Groupama Stadium. And yeah, we were really happy to have won.
Becho: In the final, we were playing against Spain. They were playing at home. We know that in that moment we have an entire stadium against us. But it's okay, we tell ourselves it's a final, it's the League of Nations. We have to win it. They were better than us, we're not going to hide it. They had a better game plan than us, we tried to play with what we had.
Cascaarino: They played really well tactically. They really moved the ball around, they really lulled us. And yeah, we know it, it's the style of play that they have and it worked. Unfortunately for us we weren't able to impose our style of play and, yeah. I came on as a substitute. It was complicated to come on in that type of game, especially when we were down 2-0. We weren't able to get any goals back.
Cascarino: Now we are ready for the month of March and we hope we will win everything in the month.
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bellamyroselia · 2 years
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#maybe if they'd given them first names it would be easier. like maybe they'd all be named after people nemesis & helen had connections to?
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18 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
In which I talk of the possibility and headcanon of Pit being a demigod because damn it, I have a mouth and I will scream into the void because I can
Yeah, this a personal crack headcanon of mine and I thought why not speak more of it, as I think there's lot of potential in the idea… That and I currently don’t really feel like or even want to write about Hera or Artemis for that huge essay of mine in the making. And because this idea was one of the reasons I even started said essay, I thought why not scream about it for a short while since I want to actually gush about it. Long post ahead, it’s headcanon time.
So who's the god I think would make most sense as Pit’s parent? Ares, of course. I haven’t been exactly subtle about this, otherwise I wouldn’t be making jokes about how Pit could be Orpheus’ uncle. Is there really any other options that could work? Pit’s primarily based on Ares’ son, Eros so it’s already like this headcanon was asking to be made. And when compared to some other Eros-expies in media, Pit seems to share lot of similarities with Ares - they’re both one-man-armies, always ready to fight when the need arrives and have faced some rather terrifying foes. Ares is also the god of both rebellion and civil order, so it would fit rather nicely with Pit’s duty as a humanity's protector and therefore as a retainer of civil order, and to highlight the duality of Pit and Pittoo. He’s probably the best dad Olympus has to offer with Apollo being his only serious competition, so what we could get out of this deal would be both a really unique take on Ares at least when it comes to modern media that is and a parental figure for Pit who loves him unconditionally, no strings attached. Call me a massive a sap, but I think it would be neat for there to be a character who acknowledges that Pit’s still young and everyone around him has failed him by making him fix their messes, himself included by not being there. However, Pit would likely immediately just accept their apologies because that’s just the kind of person he is. In comparison, Aphrodite wouldn’t work nearly as well in this regard; in fact that she’s the main villain of that one specific myth that features Eros as a main character!
So yeah, I like the idea of Ares being Pit’s dad and a good one of that since he’s one in mythology proper. This would push off the option of him being a villain off the table, as him being antagonistic towards his own child would be massively OOC - if it’s on his own free will, that is. Only way I could see him being antagonist towards Pit is if mind control is involved and it could very well be possible, since the topic of breaking Ares' psyche to turn him into a slave has been brought up in works such as Dionysiaca. But before we get into that, how could’ve he even got into the point of having Pit and why would he be MIA during original Kid Icarus and Uprising? When it came to my headcanons, I just decided to take the lazy way out and used this as a base: 
"On the right of the so-called Dyke lies the Manthuric plain. The plain is on the borders of Tegea, stretching just about fifty stades to that city. On the right of the road is a small mountain called Mount Kresios, on which stands the sanctuary of Aphneios. For Ares, the Tegeans say, mated with Aerope, daughter of Kepheus, the son of Aleus. She died in giving birth to a child, who clung to his mother even when she was dead, and sucked great abundance of milk from her breasts. Now this took place by the will of Ares, and because of it they name the god Aphneios; but the name given to the hill was, it is said, Aeropos."
Pausanias, Description of Greece, trans. Jones
Like, look at me into the eyes and say this doesn’t sound like some anime character’s backstory! Now as for what Aphneois (or Aphneus as it’s more commonly called) stands for, it means abundant and under that title Ares was worshiped as a giver of food and abundance. It’s a really cute if a bit sad story, making it really easy to use as a base for headcanons. Now if this was the case, I could see the timeline going something like this - Ares meets KI’s equivalent of Aerope and the two fall for each other, some time later they’re expecting a kid but then something goes horribly wrong and Aerope dies. Instead of letting Aerope’s family to take care of the kid, he chooses to take the baby with him and is a single parent for a while before realizing that single parenting is hard, so he asks help from Palutena since a winged kid wouldn’t look too out of place among her angels. This deal ends up going swimmingly for a while until the events of a certain other myth take place, which makes Palutena the sole caretaker of Pit; some unspecified time later que the events of the original Kid Icarus and onward. 
To that certain other myth, it would be about Ares and some giants. For minimal backstory, know that Poseidon cuckolded his own son and had giant twins named Ephialtes and Otus - they wished to have divine wives, so they planned to storm into Olympus to get they wanted, Otus wanting Artemis and Ephialtes wanting Hera. Some time later Olympians were surprised to find these two piling up mountains on top one another and as expected, a fight broke out between them because no one comes to the Olympian home turf without facing the consequences. Once the giants finally left, the Olympians noticed that someone is missing, that being Ares. Ephialtes and Otus probably realized way too late that kidnapping the god of war wasn’t the brightest idea and because letting him go wasn’t an option, they chained him and then locked him inside a bronze jar. It took around a lunar year for the giants stepmother to finally rat this out to Hermes, who then went to save Ares with Artemis. While she distracted the giants and made them throw their spears at each other, Hermes lockpicked Ares out of the jar and so the three returned back to Olympus. And if you think this reminds you of something, know that Hermes is the god of guard dogs and dogs are sacred animals of both Ares and Artemis. Funny how that works.
I think something similar to this could’ve easily happened to him in Kid Icarus, so that could explain why he has been MIA. And if we wanted an antagonistic Ares for a while, I’d say this would be the easiest way to excuse it because unlike Pit in the Ring of Chaos, Ares was fully conscious the whole time, growing faint and breaking down before Hermes freed him. That all happened during a span of a lunar year, one can think how badly someone’s psyche would break if they had to endure it for longer. Mix this with the idea of mind control and you’d get a divine kidnapping in the purpose of mind controlling him into a indestructible living weapon, reasons can vary - maybe the giants wanted to get something out of their accidental prisoner or someone commissioned them into getting him and breaking his mind, because who wouldn’t want an indestructible, powerful living weapon who’s loyal to you and only you. And one other element could be tied to this, which is helmet symbolism as Ares is often portrayed to have something I like to call Meta Knight syndrome. He’s most of the time shown as wearing a helmet in art even when rest of his armor isn’t present, removing it is treated as a big deal. One could easily craft some ideas out of this, first one that comes to my mind is to tie mind control into the helmet and then break it during a dramatic moment, which sets him free from it. Now wouldn't that make a pretty awesome scenario, with Pit first freeing his father from imprisonment and later from mind control.
As for what would happen next? That's a bit hard to say. I’m certain he and Aphrodite would’ve definitely still had their thing in this universe, but broke up some point before Pit was born. It would likely cause some drama because I think Phobos, Deimos and Harmonia would exist and they’re his kids too, so it could turn this into a family soap opera with stakes higher than it has any rights to have - but then again, one could easily describe Greco-Roman mythology as a whole as a family soap opera with stakes higher than it has any rights to have... So would this really be out of the ordinary?
Now there’s one scenario I think would be interesting to see… In the mythos, Ares killed Poseidon’s son Halirrhothius for assaulting his daughter Alcippe and Poseidon predictably lost his marbles over it. The deities gathered on Areopagus to have the trial and the most common telling goes that gods sided with Poseidon, but goddesses sided with Ares. Since there was more goddesses present than gods, Poseidon ended up losing the trial and Ares got away without consequences. Something like this could be rather easy to make up, like maybe Pit's fighting Poseidon’s sea monster and almost loses, but Ares comes just in time to save him and Poseidon gets all pissy over it. Alternatively it could be one of Poseidon’s kids instead of a sea monster - I mean, he had twins with Medusa and Chrysaor is a humanoid unlike Pegasus, so why not use him? I could also see something like this working without Ares with Pit taking his place, and maybe Pittoo coming to his defense. 
I swear this wasn’t meant to be so bashy towards Poseidon, but it’s not my fault his hellspawns and Ares don’t get along with each other.
29 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
Excuse me while I'm trying my best to not laugh at these pics
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42 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
I just love how Submas fans saw the whole Cain instinct thing and then chose to run with it. At this point any mention of Cain instinct makes me think of Ingo and Emmet. Just them and no one else. To even think of Cain instinct outside the context of Submas feels illegal
51 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Damn, parents in Pokemon really peaked in Gen 3, didn't they?
70 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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trying-my-best · 4 years
Scp 035 x reader part 4
You woke up on the floor, your neck burned and you couldn't remember what happened.
"Do forgive me, I thought you were another unfortunate victim of the great pestilence." A robotic voice drifted in your dazed state.
Then you remember, Quinn ditched you to get away from 049. I'm not dead, and 049 didn't "cure" me. You tried to stand, only to get dizzy and fall back down.
"Do not be alarmed, you were unconscious for quite some time. I'm scp 049. You, good doctor, are immune to the disease that plagues humanity."
You held onto the wall as you staggered to your feet. Trying to get stable, 049 stood in front of you. 049 then pulled out notebook from a black medical bag and began writing.
Eventually, you gained your balance and looked around the room. You are in 049's containment cell. The door was wide open, you could easily run past him and hunt down Quinn for ditching you. Checking yourself over, you confirmed that 049 didn't turn you into 049-2. Your neck still burned like hell. You rubbed it to try and sooth the sensation.
"Sorry about that dear, I mistook you for a victim of the plague. You seem to be slightly immune to my deadly touch." 049 apologized, noticing my discomfort.
"It's fine, at least you didn't kill me. Where am I?" You said, still trying to assess your situation. You didn't want to be somewhere you didn't know.
"In my containment cell of course, I wanted to make sure you were alright." His calm voice broke your thoughts.
"I'm not a doctor, I'm a D-class" you corrected. 049 tilted his head in confusion.
You started towards the door before you became dizzy and fell to the floor. 049 seemed concerned with your situation, knowing he was the cause. He reached out a hand, you took it, forgetting that his touch was deadly and the exact reason you were like this.
He pulled you to your feet and kept you steady. His touch seemed to no longer have an effect on you, besides the already fading dizziness.
You thanked him, once you regained your balance again.
"Maybe you shouldn't move so fast dear doctor." 049 said, clearly ready to catch you if you fell again.
You nodded your head, acknowledging his statement, you walked carefully to the door. 049 didn't seem to want to stop you, instead following slightly behind you. You walked back down the long corridor towards the elevator where Quinn ditched you. You and 049 entered the elevator. You wondered why he was following you.
"What is your relationship with 035?" 049 asked as you reach the top floor.
" I don't know, acquaintances? We only meet once, besides when they found out they can't possess me." How did 049 know that you and 035 met?
049 thought for a moment before responding, "You should be careful around 035, they have been known to be quite problematic. Not trustable."
I thought about his words, I only really talked to scp 035 once and now everyone is acting like we're going to get together romantically. I mean, sure, there are great to talk to, we have a lot in common. But one real meeting is not enough for me to consider dating. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to last long here.
049 continued walking, we shared idle chat along the way.
*scp 035 pov*
This was the worst breach ever, sure I had a host but I couldn't get out of my cell. I wonder if (Y/N) is still alive. She's managed to catch my attention in a way no one has in a while. I needed to find out more about her. A D-class ran into my room. He looked panicked, guess it's because of the breach.
"Oh thank God! Someone actually found me, I thought I was done for a moment there." I tried to grab his attention.
The D-class looked suspicious of me. That's fine, the boy looks like he has one brain cell bouncing around in his skull.
"I can get us both safely to the surface, just find the control panel in there and open the chamber doors for me."
He thought for a moment, come on dumbass. Open the door.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" I tried to sound as reassuring as possible. I needed to find (Y/N).
I let out a disgruntled sigh, how has this idiot survived the breach for so long.
"I'm starting to lose my patience here." He just keeps stading there
"What are you doing just standing there? You know, the Mobile Task Force will be entering the facility any minute now. Guess what they do to stray class-Ds like you."
That scared him enough to go to the control panel and open the damn door. I walked to it, not giving that annoying D-class anymore of my time. I need to figure out where (Y/N) is, if she's still alive.
I walked for a good thirty minutes before a D-class ran by me, quickly followed by 939. Bet that D-class is having fun.
"Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11, designated Nine-Taild Fox, has entered the facility. All remaining survivors are advised to stay in the evacuation shelter or any other safe area until the unit has secured the facility. They'll start escorting personnel out when the escaped SCPs have been recontained."
Shit, (Y/N) is a stray D-class. They'll kill her on sight. I need to find her and make sure she's safe.
I kept moving throughout the facility, desperately hoping to find her. I haven't met someone as interesting as her in a while. I found myself at gate B, unluckily so have the MTF guards. They killed my host on sight and recontained me.
*reader pov*
049 and I have moved quite a distance through the facility. After hearing the announcement on the MTFs, I was worried that we might run into some and get shot. I learned a bit about 049 during our conversation. It was nice to have someone to talk to during the stress of the breach.
We finally reached the checkpoint in between Heavy Containment and Light Containment. Finally in a kinda save place, I relaxed a bit. 049 taking notice, cleared his throat.
"I think we should part ways here, so if the MTFs come for us, they will only get one."
I nodded my head in understandment. I continued on for a bit before the announcement said that 173 was contained. Perfect, don't have to worry about that statue snapping my neck. 10 more minutes pass before I heard 035 was contained. 035 was out and wondering around? Oh well, if I survive this breach they'll probably keep testing me and them.
"Control to Nine-Taild Fox: we are now checking the camera feeds for potential threats. You should see any unauthorized intruders or escapees pinged on your navigation devices." The announcement loudly said
"Control to Nine-Taild Fox: camera scan complete. Only a single Class-D remains." Shit, that means they can see me.
I found my way through to the upper level of the facility. Hearing some guards coming my way, I ran and hid in a storage room. I was able to overhear some of their conversation.
"Did you hear? That D-3567 is still alive. You know, the one that 035 can't possess."
"Oh yeah, she was last seen on a camera walking with 049. They contain him but she wasn't there."
"Wonder where she got off to."
Their voices faded out as they walked away. Thank god they didn't decide to look in here. Sneaking out, I continued in the opposit direction.
A loud announcement soon started me as I was trying to find my way around.
"Subject D-3567, report to the nearest security checkpoint for questioning."
Ok, sounds like they won't kill me, but they're mean and I don't really wanna be questioned right now. I wanna leave.
"Subject D-3567, report to the nearest security force. Failing to do so will result in immediate termination."
"Ok, where is the nearest security checkpoint?" I shouted to the void.
"Subject D-3567, report to report to Gate A immediately for questioning" thanks I guess
I wondered my way to Gate A where I was meet with 5 MTFs and a few scientis they picked up. Two guards patted me down and took the keycards, clipboard with scp files, and the gas mask I found. I kinda wanted to keep that mask.
They took me to the Tesla gate.
"Control to Nine-Taild Fox: Tesla gate deactivated. You may now pass."
After we headed through the gate, they took me to a helicopter.
"D-3567, you are being relocated to site-17. Do not resist and things my go in your favor."
Got part 4 done!! Don't worry, you will be returning to site-19 soon to see 035. ❤❤❤
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djfrankk · 5 years
Best of 2010 - 2019: BEST ALBUMS
Dagegen sind nun jährliche Top Ten eine einfach Sache. (Liste, 30.12.2019)
Bei einigen Alben-Rückblicken auf die Dekade schwingt auch Pessimismus. Der Tenor: LPs!? Werden bald obsolet sein. Naja, wir werden sehen. Bis dahin meine Top 50 bzw. Top 90 zu den letzten zehn Jahren.
1. machinedrum – vapor city (2013) 2. kid606 – lost in the game (2012) 3. dirty beaches – badlands (2011) 4. die sterne – 24/7 (2010) 5. preoccupations – preoccupations (2016) 6. radiohead – the king of limbs (2011) 7. aphex twin – syro (2014) 8. clark – the last panthers (2016) 9. jessy lanza – pull my hair back (2014) 10. luke's anger – live wrong and prosper (2010)
11. scuba – fabric 90: scuba (2016) 12. dirty beaches – drifters / love is the devil (2013) 13. actress – azd (2017) 14. special request – fabriclive 91: special request (2017) 15. daphni – jialong (2012) 16. powell – sport (2016) 17. la roux – trouble in paradise (2014) 18. isolation berlin – vergifte dich (2018) 19. kendrick lamar – to pimp a butterfly (2015) 20. craig richards / keith reilly / terry francis – fabric 100 (2018)
21. james blake – overgrown (2013) 22. jackmaster – dj-kicks (2016) 23. flying lotus – until the quiet comes (2012) 24. crocodiles – crimes of passion (2013) 25. moderat – II (2013) 26. crocodiles – boys (2015) 27. four tet – beautiful rewind (2013) 28. mr. oizo – stade 2 (2011) 29. die türen – abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (2012) 30. wir sind der mann – der mann (2014)
31. zomby – let's jam!!! (2015) 32. grizzly bear – shields (2012) 33. crystal castles – crystal castles II (2010) 34. sufjan stevens – the age of adz (2010) 35. v.a. - bangs & works Vol. 2 (The Best of Chicago Footwork) (2011) 36. kreisky – blick auf die alpen (2014) 37. thom yorke – tomorrow's modern boxes (2014) 38. ja, panik – libertatia (2014) 39. d'angelo & the vangurard – black messiah (2014) 40. liturgy – the ark work (2015)
41. thurston moore / john moloney – caught on tape - full bleed (2015) 42. jayda g – significant changes (2019) 43. kink – playground (2017) 44. underworld – Barbara  Barbara, We Face A Shining Future (2016) 45. maurice & die familie summen – bmerica (2017) 46. lcd soundsystem – this is happening (2010) 47. interpol – interpol (2010) 48. jp moregun – jp moregun (2016) 49. beach house – bloom (2012) 50. frank ocean – channel orange (2012)
... und 40 weitere Platten, die mich begeistert (o.ä.) haben:
miss kittin – 20 years of groove (2010)
deftones – dieamond eyes (2010)
broken bells – broken bells (2010)
wilco – the whole love (2011)
zola jesus – conatus (2011)
the rapture – in the grace of your love (2011)
battles – gloss drop (2011)
chromatics – kill for love (2012)
marsimoto – grüner samt (2012)
savages – silence yourself (2013)
quens of the stone age - ...like clockwork (2013)
disclosure – settle (2013)
zomby – with love (2013)
cliff martinez – only god frogives (original motion picture) (2013)
francis international airport – cache (2013)
mile me deaf – holography (2014)
yuko yuko – cultlove (2014)
shamir – ratchet (2015)
seven davis jr. – universes  (2015)
sufjan stevens – carrie & lowell (2015)
pisse – mit schinken durch die menopause (2015)
earl sweatshirt – i don't like shit, i don't go outside (2015)
dj shadow – the mountain will fall (2016)
dirty projectors – dirty projectors (2017)
clark – death peak (2017)
wandl – it's all good tho (2017)
kink – playground (2017)
lcd soundystem – american dream (2017)
grizzly bear – painted ruins (2017)
soulwax – from deewee (2017)
grizzly bear – painted ruins (2017)
lcd soundsystem – american dream (2017)
preoccupations – new material (2018)
dj koze – knock knock (2018)
martyn – voids (2018)
soulwax – essential (2018)
perel – hermetica (2018)
haiyti – montenegro zero (2018)
karen o & danger mouse – lux prima (2019)
die türen – exoterik (2019)
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thefalse9 · 2 years
2022 Serie A Preview: Inter Milan
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Last Season's Finish: 2nd.
Predicted Finish: 3rd
Odds To Win Serie A: 7/4 via OddsChecker
Inter will be disappointed that they were unable to retain their Serie A title last season. Rivals AC Milan pipped them to the trophy by just two points with both sides on good form to end the campaign. Inter will perhaps look back to their 2-1 defeat away to Bologna at the end of April as a key moment; the defeat ultimately cost them the Scudetto and the Rossoneri ended the season unbeaten, winning all of their last six matches.
Lautaro Martinez shone for the Nerazzurri last term, scoring 21 league goals in 35 Serie A appearances, so too did Hakan Calhanoglu who made the switch from Milan to Inter last summer. The Turkish international scored seven goals and assisted 12 in Serie A but he perhaps was regretting the move as Milan were crowned champions. At points, it seemed the extra fixtures and intensity of the Champions League seemed to hinder Inter last term. They went on a run of just one Serie A victory in seven in a period from February to March, which coincided with a Champions League round-of-16 tie against Liverpool, as well as the first leg of the Coppa Italia semi-final against Milan. Inter will need to be wary of fatigue and squad depth if they are to compete across all fronts once again this year.
Andre Onana is expected to challenge Samir Handanovic for opportunities straight away so don’t be surprised to see the Cameroonian in goal from the start. The ever-present three-man defense of Milan Skriniar, Stefan De Vrij and Alessandro Bastoni is also expected to stand strong once again this term. However, rumors continue to link Skriniar with a move away from the Nerazzurri, with PSG heavily linked with the Slovakian defender. Nonetheless, keeping hold of Skriniar will be important to Inter’s ambitions this season.
Oh, there's also some dude named Lukaku, but we'll get to him.
Romelu Lukaku made the headlines at the beginning of the summer as he made his "long-awaited" return to Inter. He lasted just one year at Chelsea when he re-signed with the Blues for €115 million in 2021. The Belgian struggled for form at Stamford Bridge and often clashed with head coach Thomas Tuchel, to the point he forced his way out and claimed his "eternal love" for Inter once more....a year after he left them like a gold-digger would leave for a more elderly man with a more fatal illness. He scored 13 goals in all competitions last term, with just eight coming in the Premier League. Nonetheless, Lukaku returns as he looks to recapture his form of the 2020/21 season where he scored 24 Serie A goals for Inter and helped guide Inter and then manager, Antonio Conte to the Scudetto. Of course, Conte is no longer at the helm at the Giuseppe Meazza with Simone Inzaghi in his place. The hope is that Inzaghi will be hoping he can get the best out of Lukaku once more.
Joaquin Correa completed his permanent transfer from Lazio this summer and will be looking to kick on after providing just seven goal contributions in Serie A last season for Inter. Injuries kept him from tying down a regular spot in the side and the arrival of Henrikh Mkhitaryan adds even more competition. Lucien Agoume returned to the club following a loan move at Stade Brest last season and he is currently competing for a squad role alongside loan signing Kristjan Asllani from Empoli and Roberto Gagliardini in central midfield.
Most notably? Ivan Perisic has left the club on a free to Tottenham and the void at left-wing-back is likely to be filled by Robin Gosens who joined from Atalanta. He has been struggling a little recently in terms of confidence as he looks to overcome injury issues that limited him to just seven sub appearances in Serie A last season. Raoul Bellanova also adds extra bodies at wing-back, however, he will predominantly be played on the right.
One To Watch:
For all his wishy-washy bullshit, his flip-flopping, and his skullduggery regarding where he wants to play football, the answer here has to be Lukaku. Lukaku was a force to be reckoned with when he was with Inter for two seasons from 2019 to 2021. The forward bagged 64 goals in all competitions during this time, including back-to-back seasons of 20+ Serie A goals. He's an idiot who can't decide who he loves the most, but with proper service and a team built around him to feed him the ball? He could be the deciding factor in this season’s title race and he could very much rekindle a lethal partnership with Martinez.
This is a good team that added a keeper, added a game-changing striker on his best day, and some auxiliary pieces, but they're still a couple of injuries away from their season going down the tubes because they lack squad depth. Of the outgoing transfers, the grand majority of them were notable members of their squad who played sizable minutes during the season because, with Coppa Italia, Serie A, and the UCL, Inzaghi was struggling to manage the health and legs of his team. Vidal might not be a starter, Sanchez, Vecino, & Sensi might not be starters, but they gave you depth and the opportunity to rest Martinez, Barella, and Brozovic. Who does that now? You're also one Robin Gosens injury away - which seems to happen every year - from not having a left-back. Squad depth and tired legs are going to kill this team, just like it killed their Scudetto chances last year. They finish 3rd.
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xcsalinas927 · 3 years
I Just Wish They Were True.
I wish they were true.
These thoughts that I feel.
The sounds without tunes
That aren't even real.
It's just Us,
Stading in a void.
Just Us,
Laughing with joy.
We share the room
With each other's hand.
Under the moon
Just like We planned.
But these thoughts that I feel,
That I wish I could do.
They aren't even real...
I just wish they were true.
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ssportsnews · 3 years
'Ankle injury' Hwang Ui-jo, excluded from Lorient's list...먹튀검증
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Hwang Ui-jo (29), who was concerned with an ankle injury last round, was excluded from the list against Lorient. For the time being, he is expected to focus on recovery and rehabilitation instead of competing.
Bordeaux will face Lorient in the 11th round of French Ligue 1 for the 2021-22 season to be held at the Stade du Mustire in Lorient, France on the 24th at 10 pm (Korean time). Bordeaux is currently in the 17th place with 8 points (1 win, 5 draws and 4 losses) without a draw in 4 matches.
In the last round, Bordeaux could not keep Hwang Ui-jo's opening goal and ended in a draw. In the 17th minute of the second half, Hwang Eui-jo took over Dillosun's pass with Jabai and shook Nantes' net with a fantastic winding kick. However, in the 30th minute of the second half, Pedro Chiribella conceded a goal and gave up the balance, which eventually drew 1-1.
Beyond the disappointing result, power loss occurred. Hwang Ui-jo, the team's top scorer, suffered an ankle injury. Substituted out, Hwang Ui-jo sat on the bench and made a painful expression, and local fans as well as domestic fans were worried about Hwang Ui-jo's injury.
After the game, France's 'Sudouest Girondeng' said about Hwang Ui-jo, "I suffered a sprained right ankle. I avoided ligament damage, but I don't know how long it will take to recover." 'Sued West' also shared the same news and added, "There are no signs of ligament damage as a result of the ankle examination. Despite the positive news, he will miss the match against Lorient."
In the end, it was confirmed that Hwang Ui-jo was excluded from the list against Lorient. Prior to the match, Bordeaux released the roster of players going to Lorient through the official channel. Hwang Ui-jo was removed from the list and is expected to remain in Bordeaux to focus on rehabilitation. However, it is unclear how long it will take to return to the ground.
For Bordeaux, Hwang's colon is painful. Right now, the team has lost the most goalscorer, and there is no substitute for Hwang Ui-jo. If they lose this match, they could even fall to the bottom of the league. It is expected that the match will be decided depending on how coach Vladimir Petrkovich fills the void in Hwang Ui-jo.
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veronica-28 · 2 years
Neden Void?
Voidi keşfeden birçok loa takipçisi büyük bir inatla void denenmekte fakat loa hesapları ise büyük bir ısrarla voidin takıntı yapılmamasını ve istediğiniz her şeyi voidsizde manifest edebileceğimizi savunur.
Voidde bu kadar ısrarca kalınmasının en büyük sebebi insanlara bir anda bütün dileklerinin tak diye önlerine geliceğini düşünmeleri.Bu düşünce yanlış değil fakat sanki bunu sadece voidle yapılabilir bir şey gibi gösterilmesi doğru değil.
Olay zaten zihnimizde yaşanıyorken zihnimizde isteklerimize sahip olduğumuzu kabul etsek voide ihtiyaç da kalmayacak aslında.
Sizi de anlıyorum bir anda istediğiniz her şeye sahip olmak kulağa gerçekten çok cazip geliyor.Ama bir düşünün şu ana kadar voide harcadığınız vakti self concept geliştirmeye,kendinize hak ettiğiniz değeri vermeye,kendinizi önemsemeye,isteklerinize sahip olduğunuza zihninizi ikna etmeye harcasaydınız zaten çoktan isteklerinize kavuşmuş olmayacak mıydınız?
Peki ne yapalım?
Bırakın boş verin voidi felan.Size void başaramayacağınızı söyleyemem çünkü istediğinizde ve voidi bu kadar takmadığınızda zaten başarırsınız.Fakat bu kadar işte void olmazsa istediğim şeyleri alamam ya da şu voide bir gireyim bütün hayatım düzelecek gibi düşünmeyi bırakın.Çünkü bu resmen voide bel bağlamak.
İlişki manifestlerindeki "vaz geçme enerjisini" illaki duymuşsunuzdur.Bu enerjinin olayı karşınızdaki kişiyi bu kadar kafayı takmayıp ona enerji harcamamanızdır.Aksine bu enerjiyi kendinize harcayıp kişiyi kendinize çekmenizdir.Farklı bir şey gibi dursada bu tekniğin asıl olayı şudur zaten sahip olduğunuz bir şeyi kafaya takar mısınız?
Voidde de aynı şekilde voidi bu kadar kafaya takmanız onu itiyor gibi düşünün.Aslında olay dediğim gibi enerji falanda değil zaten sahip olduğunuz ya da kolayca yapabileceğiniz bir şeyi neden kafaya takasınız? Mesela voidi her an yapabilicek biri olsaydınız voidi bu kadar düşünür müydünüz? Hayır.
Voidsizde olur mu?
Valla bal gibi de olur.Sadece 1 hafta istediğiniz her şeye sahip olduğunuza ikna olun sadece 1 hafta.O bir hafta da void denemeyin ya da herhangi bir metot denemeyin.Sadece aklınıza bir şey geldiğinde "ona sahibim" deyin.Ve sahip olduğunuz şeyleri sürekli düşünmeyin çünkü sahipsiniz zaten.Kendinizi izole ederseniz de gene faydasını görürsünüz bu hafta.İzole etmek derken kastettiğim şey şu ikidebir çaresizce kurban mentalitesindeymişçesine metot veya bilgi araştırmayın ihtiyacınız yok çünkü.
İhtiyacınız olan tek şey zihniniz.Ayrıca voidde zihniniz sayesinde oluyor yani nasıl voidde de dan uyandığınızda istediğiniz şey yanı başınızda olabiliyorsa normal manifestte de olabilir.İstediğim şey nasıl gelebilir ki diye sorgulamanıza da gerek yok yani türlü yollarda çıkabilir karşınıza dan diye beliredebilir yanınızda.Yani bu konu da da endişelenmenize gerek yok.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
the root 400 plus miles accross the tree 200 miles plus wide mostly, the height 3000 plus or , minus miles long.  stading up it can site all the way to boston, on the ground with accuracy to within one foot plus or minus really more accurate but ok.  it is not moving easier to aim.  and the Daimond below was hundreds of miles wide thusly giving it a beam of maybe one hudred if kept there which would be a logical decision the southern Hemisphere would sizzle quite often...and i am on so am i Thor and Zig say and Freya and Zag and Lobo and Proxima Midnight...we are on we get it  compete with us and save the North...we do this now.  now too. out now ad we see edgeoftommorrow is a go.  ad so is clark. now.  tons say it move them out we shall. Lobo states and me too i want in, and yes we do ad shall have it we see your attitude yours is bigger and the land smaller lol hahaha but she has tons of robots no.  were taken so you want to recover them and shall, andrevfill the void and we see it is good. Thor
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sknews7 · 4 years
Chelsea evening headlines as Premier League rivals want Loftus-Cheek and next transfer outlined
Listed here are your Chelsea night headlines for Thursday, September 24.
Chelsea verify Mendy signing
Chelsea have formally confirmed the signing of goalkeeper Edouard Mendy from Stade Rennes.
The Senegalese shot-stopper arrives at Stamford Bridge for round £22million and can present on the spot competitors for the primary jersey.
Kepa Arrizabalaga’s poor performances have resulted within the Chelsea hierarchy having to behave within the switch market.
Whereas Mendy doesn’t have the identical pedigree as Jan Oblak or Andre Onana, his arrival ought to push the Blues in the best route.
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Granovskia already lining up subsequent Chelsea switch
Chelsea switch chief Marina Granovskia is believed to be eyeing up another signing earlier than the tip of the switch window.
The Blues have already secured a number of spectacular additions to the primary workforce – together with Timo Werner, Kai Havertz, Thiago Silva, Ben Chilwell and Hakim Ziyech.
After securing the signing of Mendy on Thursday, soccer.london understands that Chelsea will flip their consideration to signing Declan Rice earlier than the window shuts.
Regardless of the Hammers demanding round £80million for Rice, the Blues might be assured of getting a beneficial deal after signing a complete host of world class gamers on this summer season switch window.
Villa and West Ham eye Loftus-Cheek mortgage deal
Aston Villa and West Ham are reportedly amongst numerous golf equipment eyeing a mortgage transfer for Chelsea midfielder Ruben Loftus-Cheek.
That’s in response to the Guardian who declare that a number of golf equipment are eager on signing the 24-year-old.
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Loftus-Cheek has been omitted of Chelsea’s final two matchday squads towards Liverpool and Barnsely, resulting in detailed hypothesis over his future beneath Frank Lampard.
After overcoming a long-term achilles damage, a mortgage transfer with extra assured minutes on the pitch may very well be the perfect factor for Loftus-Cheek’s long-term improvement.
Spectacular showings for each England and Chelsea counsel that he has the expertise required to play on the prime stage, however some damage issues have to this point halted his development into a daily first workforce participant.
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asfeedin · 4 years
Arsenal can forget Champions League, PSG president’s TV negotiations, Chelsea’s Kepa conundrum
Welcome to ESPN’s Insider Notebook, featuring contributions from our reporters across the continent. In this edition, Arsenal fans excited about getting Champions League football through the back door are dealt a reality check, PSG’s president is negotiating with himself, Chelsea have a Kepa conundrum and there’s an esports battle brewing …
Jump to: PSG president negotiates with himself | Kepa conundrum | Lockdown in Malaga | Spain and Italy’s eSports beef
Arsenal in the Champions League? Forget it
We’ve heard many weird and wonderful ideas appear about how to resolve issues if the coronavirus crisis means domestic seasons across Europe cannot be completed. But sorry, Arsenal fans, don’t get excited. Unless you finish in the top four, you won’t be playing in the Champions League next season, whenever that will be.
One of the whispers out of Tuesday’s UEFA video conference, held with all 55 national associations, was that European places could be decided purely on UEFA’s club coefficient, a system that ranks clubs based on their European performance alone over a five-year period.
In such a scenario, England‘s Champions League spots go to Liverpool, Manchester United … and ninth-placed Arsenal. Tottenham Hotspur, who are eighth in the league, would take Manchester City‘s place, due to City’s ban for financial fair play violations (pending an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport, of course).
Leicester City and Chelsea, who sit third and fourth in the Premier League table respectively, would be dumped into the Europa League with Wolverhampton Wanderers, while Sheffield United would be denied their first-ever European campaign in a cruel twist following a fine season back in the big time.
Arsenal won’t be able to find a backdoor route into the Champions League next season. Stuart MacFarlane/Arsenal FC via Getty Images
But that misfortune is nothing compared to Belgium, where Club Brugge sit 15 points clear at the top and are to be crowned champions; they are ranked only fourth by UEFA’s coefficient, so would merit only a place in the Europa League third-qualifying round.
In Spain, sixth-placed Atletico Madrid would take the place of Real Sociedad; Atalanta and Inter would lose out to AS Roma and Napoli in Italy; Lyon and AS Monaco would take places off Marseille and Stade Rennes, who have never played in the Champions League, in France.
In Germany, RB Leipzig and Borussia Monchengladbach would be replaced by Bayer Leverkusen and Schalke. AZ Alkmaar, who are only second to Ajax in the Dutch Eredivisie, would lose their place to PSV Eindhoven.
But wait! All of this just isn’t going to happen. It’s pie in the sky. It was the suggestion of one league representative, and while it might get traction in places, sources have told ESPN that UEFA is adamant sporting achievement should govern who plays in Europe. It’s up to the leagues to suggest a formula and UEFA will offer guidelines. This may be made official when the executive committee meets on Thursday.
All of which is why UEFA is so against the idea of null-and-voiding seasons, preferring instead that leagues are played to a conclusion or places awarded on merit.
These stories give great headlines, but rarely stand up to scrutiny. It is not that the idea has not been floated and could not be used in very specific cases. But for an association in full as a blanket rule? Not a chance. — Dale Johnson
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PSG president negotiates with … himself?
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• When does the transfer window reopen? • Karlsen: Possible coronavirus impact • Best ever transfers: 100-51 | 50-1 • This summer’s top free agents • January transfer grades • Latest completed major transfers
Paris Saint-Germain president Nasser Al-Khelaifi is negotiating on behalf of Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs with TV rights holders, so that the final installments for the 2019-20 season can be paid. The rights holders in France are Canal+ and BeIn Sport, whose supremo is … yep, you’ve guessed it: Nasser Al-Khelaifi.
So the Paris boss is basically in talks with himself. The motto does say that if you want something done, do it yourself, but this is pushing it. Al-Khelaifi has been put forward by the other Ligue 1 presidents, and Canal+ also thought it was a good idea that he was part of the negotiations.
On April 5, BeIn, like Canal+, refused to transfer the money to the league for the latest instalments of the Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 rights, totalling €155 million. They have another payment due on June 5. The negotiations continue, and Al-Khelaifi is asking for French football to be less selfish. He is running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. — Julien Laurens
Chelsea in Kepa conundrum
Chelsea are struggling to drum up interest in goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga, sources have told ESPN. Manager Frank Lampard is open to selling the Spain international after dropping him for six games in January and February.
Intermediaries have been gauging interest from some of Europe’s leading clubs, but there seems to be very little appetite to take the 25-year-old off Chelsea’s hands. Kepa arrived from Athletic Bilbao for £71.6 million in 2018 and has a contract at Stamford Bridge until 2025.
Chelsea face a dilemma about how to move forward with their goalkeeper situation. No. 2 Willy Caballero is set to leave at the end of the season, and the club are exploring the option of signing another senior goalkeeper to compete with Kepa. — Rob Dawson
Sid Lowe dives into the proposed protocols for team training and the potential timetable for La Liga’s return.
Spending lockdown in Malaga’s stadium
Spain’s strict coronavirus lockdown has not been a problem for the Perales family, who have Malaga’s La Rosaleda stadium as their backyard.
Andres Perales, who is 83, lives in a house alongside the 30,000-capacity arena with the youngest of his seven children, Andy. Andres worked for the club for almost 50 years in various roles — from team bus driver, to gardener, to janitor and even masseur — and has lived on site since 1989.
“This is my life. I spent my youth here at La Rosaleda,” Andres told La Sexta TV. “It’s a real shame to see it empty like this. I’ve seen it full, with people coming and going … and now like this it’s really sad.”
Despite retiring a decade ago, Andres continues to live rent-free in a three-bedroom home accessed via the stadium’s Gate 18, which bears his name in recognition of his years of service.
2 Related
“I can’t complain,” Andy, who is 43 and also a club employee, told El Pais. “After lunch I go for a walk on the training pitch, and if I feel like it I go to the first-team gym. I don’t go into the stadium too often, I’ve seen it enough.”
Andy and two of his sisters were even involved in disinfecting the stadium last month, donning protective gear to ensure La Rosaleda’s offices, locker rooms, turnstiles and concourses were free of COVID-19.
“It was like cleaning the house, on a larger scale!” he told the club’s website. — Alex Kirkland
Esports beef as Spain left stunned with Italy crying foul play
Sources have told ESPN that Spain were stunned by Italy’s comments following the cancellation of the FIFA eNations StayAndPlay Cup.
FIFA organised the virtual tournament to help spread a positive message during the enforced lockdown in Europe due to the coronavirus pandemic, with participants made up of one international footballer and an esports star as a pairing from each country.
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Dan Thomas is joined by Craig Burley, Shaka Hislop and a host of other guests every day as football plots a path through the coronavirus crisis. Stream on ESPN+ (U.S. only).
Spain and Italy were drawn in the same group of the StayAndPlay Cup, alongside Portugal and Malta. However, while most teams selected an international player and professional esports star as their two representatives, Spain chose YouTuber “DjMaRiiO” with esports player Jaime “Gravesen” Alvarez.
Italy cited this as one of the reasons for the cancellations, with Alessio Romagnoli, the Azzurri‘s representative, also criticising the move.
But the Spanish FA have been left baffled as they claim FIFA informed them they could select an influencer; DjMaRiiO, Spain’s biggest FIFA YouTuber with six million subscribers, falls into that category.
And you thought only real football could bring such drama and aggro! — Rodrigo Faez
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Tags: all blogs, Arsenal, Champions, Chelsea, Chelseas, conundrum, English Premier League, forget, French Ligue 1, Kepa, Kepa Arrizabalaga, league, Málaga, negotiations, Paris Saint-Germain, presidents, PSG, soccer transfers, Spanish Primera División, TV, UEFA Champions League
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pakcricwiz · 5 years
England spring surprise with Furbank at full-back for Six Nations opener
• Player fills void left by Anthony Watson withdrawal • Charlie Ewels a surprise selection in the second row
George Furbank will win his first cap in England’s Six Nations opener against France on Sunday with Eddie Jones handing the Northampton full-back the No 15 jersey. Furbank has been selected to fill the void left by Anthony Watson’s late withdrawal with Elliot Daly moving to the wing.
As reported by the Guardian on Thursday, Furbank has edged out Ollie Thorley - another uncapped contender to replace Watson - and caps a fine season with Northampton with his Test bow at the Stade de France. Elsewhere, Charlie Ewels is a surprise selection in the second row, coming in for Courtney Lawes, who shifts to blindside flanker.
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toldnews-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/emiliano-sala-missing-cardiff-strikers-former-club-nantes-pay-tribute/
Emiliano Sala: Missing Cardiff striker's former club Nantes pay tribute
A giant tifo of Emiliano Sala was unveiled before kick off
Nantes players wore shirts bearing Emiliano Sala’s name during their first match since their former striker went missing.
Emotional tributes were paid to Argentine Sala, 28, before Wednesday’s 1-1 draw with Saint Etienne in Ligue 1.
Sala and pilot David Ibbotson were on board a light aircraft that disappeared over the Channel Islands on 21 January.
A video featuring Sala’s highlights as a Nantes player was played before the game at the Stade de la Beaujoire.
Fans were visibly upset, while Argentina flags and ‘Sala’ scarves were waved in the stands.
Players from both sides wore shirts bearing a photo of Sala and the message ‘On t’aime Emi’ – which translates as ‘we love you Emi’ – during the warm-up, while players also wore green armbands symbolising hope during the match.
Play was stopped in the ninth minute as players and fans honoured a minute’s applause, which reduced Nantes manager Vahid Halilhodzic to tears.
In first-half stoppage time, Nantes’ Fabio and Saint Etienne’s Yann M’Vila were sent off for arguing with each other.
The visitors’ Remy Cabella opened the scoring after the break, tapping the ball in from millimetres out after Nantes had attempted to clear.
But Majeed Waris salvaged a point for Nantes with 20 minutes to play, celebrating by tapping a photograph of Sala on a top under his shirt.
Sala had completed a transfer from Nantes to Cardiff City on 19 January, two days before his flight went missing from radar when he was travelling to join his new team-mates.
On Tuesday, tributes were paid at Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, where Cardiff were playing in the game in which Sala should have made his Bluebirds debut.
FC Nantes tweeted images from inside the dressing room of Sala shirts
A banner – created by Cardiff fans – on display at the Stade de la Beaujoire
Nantes captain Valentin Rongier warms up wearing a t-shirt bearing a photo of Sala
A giant tifo of Emiliano Sala is unveiled before kick off
A photo of Emiliano Sala covered the centre circle before kick-off
A banner saying “con tigo”, which translates as “with you”
Nantes players form a huddle before kick-off
Players stop in the ninth minute to honour Sala
Nantes players all wore shirts bearing Sala’s name
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ssportsnews · 3 years
Ramos, finally PSG debut imminent... When? 먹튀검증
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먹튀검증먹튀사이트먹튀검증사이트먹튀 검증  먹튀 사이트 먹튀 검증 사이트
Sergio Ramos (35), who left Real Madrid this summer to join Paris Saint-Germain (PSG), is finally making his debut.
PSG will play Stade Rennes in the 9th round of French Ligue 1 for the 2021-22 season to be held at Roazon Parc located in Rennes, France on the 3rd at 8:00 pm (Korean time). Currently, PSG have won eight consecutive wins since the opening day and are overwhelmingly in the top spot with 24 points.
PSG, after a pleasant win over Manchester City in the UEFA Champions League (UCL) held during the week, is challenging for a streak. PSG will go into a two-week A-match break after Renjeon.
In the midst of this, news related to Ramos's debut match was reported. Ramos, who became a free agent this summer, received attention when he left Real Madrid and moved to PSG. However, concerns have been raised as he has not yet been able to make his debut due to continued injuries.
France's 'RMC Sports' said, "It has been two months since Ramos signed with PSG. He is expected to play soon, but the calf injury he is suffering from cannot be cured as he gets older." If he does not exercise, PSG's justification for signing him disappears. Looking at it so far, I think that PSG's choice to bring Ramos may have been a mistake."
Finally, Ramos' debut match is expected to take place. However, he does not appear to be an upcoming Renjun. France's 'Lequiffe' said, "Ramos is expected to make his debut against Angers on the 16th after the A-match break. Currently he is in full training and Mauricio Pochettino will make a decision based on the judgment of the medical staff. will," he reported.
If Ramos plays against Angers, he will return to the field after 5 months. Ramos' last official match was in the UCL semi-final against Chelsea in May. Ramos is expected to fill the void where some players from South America will be absent after the match A period due to France's Corona 19 quarantine regulations.
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allthepiesblog-blog · 8 years
Super League 2017 Preview
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After a great finale to last season (as a Wigan fan), I’m pretty excited for the start of the 2017 season. But who will thrive and who will falter? Here’s my thoughts…
Salford Red Devils
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: Michael Dobson
Salford’s recruitment looks solid, if not spectacular. The one bright spark could be Kris Brining from York City Knights. The young hooker scored 22 tries in 26 appearances last season, and despite his age, has already notched up 86 first team games. Josh Griffin to Hull is a bit of a loss, but other than that they look to have higher quality coming in than going out.
Prediction: 5th - 8th
Huddersfield Giants
Recruitment: 👎 Key man: Danny Brough
Huddersfield have lost bags of experience with the departures of Crabtree, Huby, Grix, Wardle and Wood. And four out the six players they have signed, have been snapped up from beleaguered Bradford - a team who last year couldn’t even reach the Middle 8s. New NRL signing Jake Mamo has joined from Newcastle Knights, with Joe Wardle going in the opposite direction. The full back now links up with former coach, Rick Stone at the Giants, after potentially finding himself third in the pecking order for the number 1 spot at the Knights. They’re in for a long season!
Prediction: Rock bottom
Leigh Centurions
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: Martyn Ridyard
Leigh have strengthened their squad for Super League with eight new names, seven of whom have significant top flight experience (in addition to the likes of Hock, Patterson and Higham who were already in the squad). In order to balance the books, they’ve also let eight players go, including fans favourite FuiFui MoiMoi. Despite this, they’re clearly in good shape to take on the Super League challenge, and their uncompromising style will stand them in good stead.
Prediction: 5th - 8th
Leeds Rhinos
Recruitment: 👎 Key man: Danny Maguire
Despite such a poor 2016 season, Leeds have been amongst the least active in the transfer market ahead of the new season. They’ve brought in two players unlikely to see much first team action, and one Aussie who’s former team were happy to release him from the last two years of his contract. Losing Jamie Peacock and Sir Kev (Sinfield) after the 2015 season has had a devastating affect for Leeds - one that they may not really recover from. I think they’ll struggle again in 2017. Perhaps with a bit of more luck on the injury front they won’t struggle quite as much as last year, but still.
Prediction: Headed for the Middle 8s.
Wakefield Trinity Wildcats
Recruitment: 👍
Key man: Jacob Miller
Seven out and seven in for Wakefield, but mostly improvements. Huby, Grix and Wood from Huddersfield should all find a new lease of life at the Belle Vue. Perhaps more importantly though they’ve managed to keep star winger Tom Johnstone. I wouldn’t be surprised by a slight improvement in their league position.
Prediction: 5th - 8th
Widnes Vikings
Recruitment: 👎 Key man: Joe Mellor
The loss of Kevin Brown could be massive for Widnes. But Denis Betts has been brave enough to put faith in hometown youngster Tom Gilmore, instead of dipping into the transfer market for an experienced replacement (and personally, I hope that bravery pays off). In fact, Denis hasn’t been very active on the recruitment front at all, bringing in just two new faces. Sadly, I think they may struggle to better last season’s 7th place.
Prediction: Headed for the Middle 8s.
Catalan Dragons
Recruitment: 👎 Key man: Luke Walsh
Catalan will be without former club captain Greg Mounis and former national team captain Olivier Elima for the new season. They’re amongst nine players to leave the Stade Gilbert Brutus in the off season. In have come Luke Walsh, Sam Mao and the returning Greg Bird to name but a few. The latter comes back on a lucrative five year deal, that will see him finish his playing career and launch his coaching career in the south of France. Laurent Frayssinous will be hoping that all three of them still have much to offer, but I think it’s fair to say their best playing days are behind them.
Prediction: 5th - 8th
Castleford Tigers
Recruitment: 👎 Key man: Luke Gale
They’ve lost their two top try scorers from last season; Denny Solomona and Luke Dorn, who scored 54 of the team’s 116 tries between them. And I just don’t think their replacements Greg Eden and Zak Hardaker will fill the void. I think they’ll struggle this year, and may just slip the wrong side of the top eight.
Prediction: Headed for the Middle 8s.
St Helens
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: Matty Smith
Saints have lost the most players of any Super League team since the end of last season, but their recruitment looks good. A lot will depend on the strength of the partnership that Matty Smith and Theo Fages manage to strike up, but hopefully it’ll be the most stable half back pairing they’ve had for some time. And look out for Matty Smith continuing where he left off at Wigan when it comes to the one-pointers. I think they’ll be as solid as anyone this year.
Prediction: 4th
Hull FC
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: Marc Sneyd
After a fine season last time out, and with comparatively few ins and outs, it’s hard to see Hull slipping away this year. They’ve lost Frank Pritchard, who they’ll undoubtedly miss, but they should have enough quality to cover. Albert Kelly is their stand out signing, especially as they poached him from they’re nearest and dearest (as Stevo would say). If they can click (and both stay fit), Kelly and Sneyd could be the most exciting half back partnership in Super League.
Prediction: Top 3
Wigan Warriors
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: George Williams
The Super League champions go into the season as favourites, and probably with good reason. They’ve lost Josh Charnley to the dark side, but replaced him with a younger, probably faster model in the homecoming Joe Burgess. Also coming home (sort of) is NZ international Tommy Leuluai, replacing the hugely underrated Matty Smith. It can be a little tricky to lose a half back, but the faith Shaun Wane has shown in George Williams has proven to be stroke of genius, with the young pie eater going from strength to strength last year - ending it as arguably (definitely imo) England’s brightest spark. I’ve no doubt Williams and Leuluai can form a decent partnership, especially if Tommy can control the long kicking game. Morgan Escare is going to be worth keeping an eye on too, if the noises coming out of the Wigan camp are anything to go by.
Prediction: Top 3
Warrington Wolves
Recruitment: 👍 Key man: Kirt Gidley
Super League’s nearly men. Will it finally be their year? Maybe.
They’ll be without the unpredictable Chris Sandow, which is a good thing if he’s as disruptive as Tony Smith seems to have indicated. In his place comes Kevin Brown, who probably falls into the ‘veteran’ category by now. I’ve no doubt Kev will do a decent job for them, but I’m a bit disappointed they didn’t give a starting jersey to young Declan Patton. I thought he showed enough last season to earn his coach’s confidence, but sadly not. I just hope to gets plenty of game time despite being down in the pecking order.
Prediction: Top 3
To view all Super League transfers, visit http://www.totalrl.com/super-league-signings-2017/
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