stanford pines from gravity falls speaks volapük and lojban! :-)
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Stanford Pines from Gravity Falls speaks Volapük and Lojban!
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twentydaysofmay · 1 year
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Volapük gets tired of being treated like a punchline by languages like Esperanto, who considers him to be mere gibberish. Instead of eroding his own soul to conform to the other auxlangs' parochial and oppressive standards, he embraces the rejection he faces, manifesting in a form different from human.
Also, people kept misreading "voidpunk" as "Volapük", and I thought it would be funny to combine.
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Surely THIS time the new international auxiliary language will resonate with the masses and be adopted worldwide, not like the last one
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alcedeerie · 2 years
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the boys are having fun today :D
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crescentaureola · 7 months
the fact that Volapꞟk (Volapük) doesnt use the Ꞛꞛ Ꞝꞝ Ꞟꞟ letters that ARE WAY BETTER AND PRETTIER than the boring ass umlaut makes me furious. USE THEM GODDAMN IT!!!!!!
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alsteneldoeight · 1 year
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there just came one point where i just. can't stop drawing him!!!
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kunstsprechen · 2 years
Drückende Schwärze im goldenen Schnitt. Seitenzählung. Sofortheilung. Für den Küchentisch der an Kippung litt.
Volapük: Buk yufon mufülik tab !
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fashionfotorecccluse · 8 months
Sample texts in Volapük
Mens valik pemotons libiko e leigiko tefü digäd e gitäts. Labons tikäli e konsieni, e sötons kosädön ko ods siämü svistäl.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
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dialoogid · 2 years
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Juliet Berto in L’escadron Volapük (1970)
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graywyvern · 2 years
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( via / via )
"REMOTION is the act of ignoring or avoiding blame, or shifting responsibility for something you did onto someone or something else." --@HaggardHawks
The Streisand Effect of AGI Alignment.
    hyaline rondure of the sky-lost fathoms where the crunch flees after its time
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simon petrikov from adventure time speaks volapük :-]
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Simon Petrikov from Adventure Time speaks Volapük!
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twentydaysofmay · 1 year
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renegade-hierophant · 9 months
Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, Novial, &c, &c, are dead, far deader than ancient unused languages, because their authors never invented any Esperanto legends.
J. R. R. Tolkien, Letters #180 to ‘Mr Thompson’ (draft), 14 January 1956
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alcedeerie · 2 years
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"And if, somehow, someway, no god was going to save him, he would save himself and wait until the bitter end.”
fanart for the “The Sapir Catalogue” AU on Ao3!
(here’s the link)
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tower-of-hana · 6 months
Satirical Headlines: Conlang Edition
The Ithkuileans Are Protesting but Nobody Can Be Bothered to Translate What They're Saying
Heartwarming: European Trans Woman Beaten for Speaking Volapük instead of for Being Transgender
Sahar: Awating Newspaper Awarded Smiley Sticker on Calendar for not Being Racist Today
Klingon Empire Addresses America: "Please stop bombing us we don't speak Arabic."
Toki Ponist Addresses UN: "Many person think language Toki Pona simple and person Ook caveman but many person wrong. Person Ook have big big mouth think paper from big many person school. Goodly give language Toki Pona legal place in world government."
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kunstsprechen · 2 years
vifik jueg hitukumön, bör binön mütik. Sek binön svidik. Braunik, smekik jön.
vifik = schnell jueg = Zucker hit = Hitze kumön = zu etwas werden bör = butter bin = sein mütik = erforderlich sein sek = Ergebnis svidik = lecker braun = braun smek = Geschmack jön = Schönheit
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