#volt tackler friede
Oh my god. Oh my fucking god. Liko in Episode 9 knows deep down that the Volteccers will leave her in Paldea, because that was her job, but she wants to stay with them because they are like family to her and she's changed so much since episode 1 and she WANTS to experience and grow more. But she buries that thought and doesn't confront the Volteccers about it because she thinks she'll just be inconveniencing them. Ever since the beginning of her journey she's had the lingering fear that she is nothing but a burden to the Volteccers, that all she is doing is putting them in harm's way, that they'd be glad to get rid of her because in her mind she's not "useful" to them. Liko thinks that she's a burden to everybody, that she doesn't DESERVE to be able to go on an adventure, putting everyone else's needs before her own. That's why she doesn't talk about her interests. She thinks she will inconvenience people with her "rambling". THAT'S WHY, partly, she struggles with connecting to people so much.
Oh my fucking god, please get this girl therapy, I'm going to bite my fucking arm off. 10/10 characterization, 10/10 relatability.
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p.s, this is something very commonly seen in neurodivergent kids, ESPECIALLY girls (and I am speaking from my own experience here too). Which adds to my headcanon that Liko is autistic!
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Friede my beloved
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colourful-void · 1 year
It’s gonna be so funny if we find out Friede doesn’t wanna be called a professor not for any like… tragic backstory reasons or anything and it’s instead something really petty or silly.
His ass is just so famous as a professor he’ll get mobbed but no one knows it’s him unless someone directly calls him a professor. His best buddy used to call him professor but they don’t talk anymore so no one can call him professor. He technically never graduated professor college. He just really hates Professor Oak and doesn’t want to be associated with him. The word professor is like the word moist to him.
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ballonleaparadise · 1 year
'The Cook' (Horizons short fic)
The aroma of freshly sliced herbs ascended into Murdock’s nostrils. Rockruff stood at his ancles, wagging it’s tail in anticipation.
“Smells delicious, don’t you think?” Murdock chuckled.
Calming down a little, Rockruff made itself conformable on the kitchen mat. Murdock checked that the door was propped open. It was an annoying habit, but he couldn’t help it. Dot’s room was not far, and he hoped that she would smell the dinner too. Steam arose from the oven.
“The vegetables!” Murdock exclaimed, as panic rose within him. He hauled on his oven gloves and rescued the food. The vegetables were perfectly cooked, brimming with colour. ‘They’re not burnt,’ he thought, letting out a sigh of relief. He turned the knob on the cooker, before opening the rice.
Friede’s head appeared by the side of the door: “Smells good! What’s for dinner?”
“Veggie Paella,” Murdock replied proudly, “I found a good recipe book when we were in Paldea.”
Friede’s expression changed: “I know you’re worrying about whether or not Dot will join us.”
“She might,” Murdock said, half to himself. He turned his attention away from the food to notice the state of Friede’s clothes. Traces of mud outlined both his jacket and trousers. “Where have you been?” Murdock asked.
Friede replied: “Oh, just training with Charizard. I won’t come in any further. I don’t want to get dirt everywhere.”
Murdock cracked a smile as the professor left. Friede was always short for words, even when he had obviously been in a quarrel. While the rice was cooking, Murdock retrieved the cakes that he had made with Alcremie from the refrigerator. The pink-beige buttercream rested on the chocolate sponge like silk. Alcremie clapped it’s squishy hands, admiring the little desserts. Once the Paella was ready, Murdock moved to the dining room. As he was laying the table, he set out an extra plate- just for Dot.
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munna-sato · 7 months
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l00rem · 8 months
Pokemon Horizons characters summarised in a few points
(keep in mind that this isn’t a serious take on the characters and doesn’t genuinely reflect how I view them for the most part)
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Extras/couldn’t fit:
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pcerise · 2 months
rvt practice doodles!
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jadeazora · 3 days
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I feel like I could have used Coral for "pissing everyone off", but Spinel has shown himself to be more effective there imo 😂
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phopollo · 1 year
Hey what if--
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I cant be the only one who noticed them, can I?
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gemsbian · 1 month
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spookyshooti · 1 year
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My first impression of them was correct lol
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Here’s a BOGO bonus too! 🎉
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Trying to stylize the volteccers more. Draw em the way I like and all that…
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sage-nebula · 4 months
"Friede's using himself as a decoy to keep us safe."
I rambled about this in the tags of a reblog, but hell, I'm going to go ahead and make a separate meta post about it as well, because it's something that I think could have a delicious narrative impact on a future Horizons arc if the writers choose to utilize it. (And even if they don't, it could make for some delicious fic.)
So, one thing I noticed on my catch up binge of Horizons is that Liko and Roy (and to a lesser extent Dot) see Friede not only as the leader of the Rising Volt Tacklers, but also as a hero -- as their hero. This especially jumped out at me in episode 25, when Friede had them take shelter in the tower of the ancient castle while he battled Amethio. Not only did they readily listen to him when he told them to stay put inside the tower while he alone went to the exposed top, but then we were treated to this:
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This whole sequence is notable for several reasons:
Friede jumps off the tower to draw Amethio away from the higher floor of the tower where Liko and Roy are sheltering, so that Amethio has a lower chance of going after them.
As he passes by their window, Friede gives them a wink and a smile, to comfort and encourage them.
The animators made sure to show us not only how Friede looked from Liko and Roy's perspective (heroic), but also how awed they were by giving us a full shot of their own facial expressions.
Just in case it wasn't obvious enough, Roy and Liko spell it out themselves that Friede is using himself as bait for Amethio in order to protect them, not only telling the audience what he's doing in case the audience didn't pick up on it (which, young children do watch this show), but also showing how this knowledge affects them, because Roy's voice is shaking a little when he says his line, and Liko's is hushed.
This was a very scary night for these two kids. They were outnumbered, their enemies were much stronger than they were, they were being pursued and in hiding. But Friede put himself between them and the greatest, nearest threat, and did his best to comfort them as he did so. To give them a wink and a smile as if to say, "Don't worry, it'll be okay."
And this isn't the only time.
We would be here all day if I grabbed screenshots of every time Friede rushed in to either save the kids from danger (either directly himself or by sending Cap in his place), or check on their well being after the fact to make sure that they were unharmed. Often, he does both in the course of the same episode, sometimes multiple times. Hell, his establishing character moment in the very beginning of the series is a heroic rescue whereupon he enters the scene to protect Liko from Amethio on the rooftop of her school. Friede makes it a point to prioritize the kids' safety and well-being, and as a result, they've reached the natural conclusion: they view him as a hero. As their hero.
So then, the question must be asked: what happens if their hero is taken out of the picture?
The question needs to be asked for a few reasons, and not just because I have a love for angst. The first reason is because we've already been given a teaser of what would happen at the end of the Terapagos Shine arc. In episode 44, Friede was trapped in a tower of Spinel's design. Though neither Liko nor Roy knew that the tower was a trap by Spinel, they did know that Friede was trapped inside -- and both immediately panicked upon seeing that Friede was trapped in a tower beyond their reach in enemy territory.
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Roy immediately tried opening the door and, when repeated attempts to yank it open wouldn't work, banged it on it with his fists while yelling Friede's name. Liko, meanwhile, stared in abject terror. And even after Friede reassures them, Roy still frantically demands more answers while Liko just as frantically wants to know if Friede is okay, and a little bit after that has to take a deep breath to try to get herself to calm down. Keep in mind that just an episode prior to this, when faced with a sudden attack by the Explorers, Liko's first instinct was to call Friede for help, while Roy said that he would battle because there was no time to call Friede (not because calling for backup wasn't necessary). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the kids aren't brave. Of course they are! They both insisted on going on this mission in the first place! And they're there because, as concerned as Friede is for their safety, he is also Professor Pushover when it comes to them and caved immediately to their puppy eyes. But they also feel much safer on that mission because Friede is there with him. Feeling that he is in danger, cut off from them like that -- the stakes suddenly became that much more real.
And on the other side of the door, Friede knew it as well. And how did he react?
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He's not happy. He knows this is a bad situation. But --
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He does what he always does: he doesn't let on at all that this is a bad situation, so as not to worry and scare the kids. He also tells them to leave the area, because Spinel is there and Spinel is dangerous, and he wants to get them away from that danger. To date, Spinel is the most dangerous Explorer that they've encountered. Remember, Spinel is the one who successfully stole Terapagos' pendant, and the one who wiped Liko's memory and had her missing in Levincia for awhile. It's understandable why Friede would prioritize getting the kids as far away from him as possible.
So, to recap:
In a situation where, as far as the kids knew, Friede was just temporarily locked in a room away from them (in enemy territory but not with an enemy) and could still talk to them, it freaked them out enough to make them panic, and it took Landau telling them that they had to believe Friede could get himself out of the room and that they had to move forward for Liko to deep breath her way out of her mounting panic attack so she and Roy could move on. In a situation where Friede was actually captured, then, we could probably expect their reactions -- at least, their initial reactions -- to be much worse.
And I consider this possibility for two specific reasons: one genre, and one narrative.
First, genre. Pokémon has always been a coming-of-age story of sorts, but I feel that the Horizons anime feels especially so, focusing very strongly on Liko, Roy, and Dot as they grow up and discover both who they are, and who they want to be when they're older. (This has been especially emphasized with Liko and Dot, I feel; with Roy, he hasn't really thought about the future beyond battling Rayquaza.) The thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings, though -- rather, the thing about coming-of-age stories set in fantasy settings wherein the young protagonist has a stronger mentor that they can lean on to bail them out of jams is that, if they can consistently rely on the mentor to bail them out of jams and danger, then it doesn't give them the opportunity to overcome that danger themselves. Therefore, very often those stories will kill off the mentor character to force the younger protagonist character to go off on their own to face the primary villains in the end. Hence the deaths of characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars, Gandalf in Lord of the Rings, and so on.
Now, given that this is a Pokémon anime, obviously they're not going to have Spinel murder Friede. I mean, true, they let Zygarde kill Lysandre on Bonnie's order at the end of the XYZ anime, but Lysandre was the big bad and we didn't see his corpse, it was just heavily implied that he didn't survive what Zygarde did to him. Same with Hunter J and her crew in the DP anime. Did she live? Probably not, but we never saw the bodies, so hey, plausible deniability, and they were villains anyway, so. But Friede is a main character, and a hero, so we can be 99.9% sure that they're not going to have Spinel or anyone else murder him in order to force the kids to get by without him for awhile.
However, Friede doesn't have to die for him to be taken out of the action. He just needs to be put into a position where it is physically impossible for him to get to them to save them when they're in danger (and for them to know that he can't get to them when they're in danger). But I'm getting ahead of myself. The point I'm making here is that, for genre reasons, the writers have a reason to want to remove Friede from the field of play in order to force Liko, Roy, and Dot to stand on their own against the Explorers. Because while they would still have the rest of the adult crew of the Rising Volt Tacklers, the rest of the adult crew aren't really battlers. The only one among them who has a fully evolved pokémon is Orio with Metagross, and we've only seen her attempt to battle once. It doesn't mean she can't, of course, but it does imply that perhaps she's not an active battler. Certainly, she's not the one rushing in to save the kids all the time like Friede is. The rest of the RVT crew is important as well, but Friede is the one who would cause the real narrative impact here, as well as the psychological impact on the kids.
(And to briefly address Dot, since I've barely talked about her: Dot hasn't received as much focus in this discussion since she rarely leaves the ship, and thus hasn't been in as much danger as Liko and Roy. However, Friede has had as much of an impact on her life and I believe she sees him as a personal hero just as much. He is, after all, the one who gave her the new life that has impacted her so greatly. He's the one whose thesis first caught her attention. He showed an interest in her interests. He called her abilities special. He invited her to join the Brave Asagi. He brought her aboard no questions asked, made her feel welcomed, has never shamed her for being a shut-in, so on and so forth. Friede treats Dot with as much respect as he does the rest of the crew and his offer to let her become a crew member changed her life for the better. So while he hasn't had to rescue her as much as the other two, I think she does see him as a hero just as Liko and Roy do, and would be just as affected if something happened to him as they would be.)
The other reason why I think the question needs to be asked is a narrative one. I think, from a narrative perspective, it would simply make sense for the Explorers to want to do something about Friede at some point, particularly if they wish to take Terapagos from Liko (or get the kids out of the way of their plans for Rayquaza / Terapagos / Rakua). Again, whenever the kids are in danger, Friede swoops in and saves them. This is something that Spinel, at least, has noticed; he built the trap on the island specifically to imprison Friede. Why would he do that, if Friede was not at the very least a nuisance, at the very most a threat? And at the end of it all, we got this:
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Which then brings me back to what I mentioned earlier: since the anime clearly can't (and won't) murder Friede, because that would be going way too far for a Pokémon anime, if the writers do choose to temporarily remove him from the field of play in order to give the kids room to stand on their own two feet without Professor Safety Net, then I could see this playing out one of two ways.
The first (and most delicious) way is obvious: have him be captured by the Explorers. I feel that this is already set up by Spinel's little smirk and comment above. Spinel has already designed one trap meant to imprison Friede; there is nothing stopping him from designing more. Of course, it would require nerfing Friede (and Cap) a bit, in order to leave them captured for a good while; but it would also give the kids a mission, that mission being rescuing Friede and Cap in a reversal of all the rescues Friede and Cap have provided for them thus far, while simultaneously taking the fight to the Explorers, versus the Explorers always coming after them. Of course, this does carry the risk of still seeming too dark for the writers to want to consider, since Friede would be a prisoner during all this, but if nothing else, I can always write fic.
The second possibility that is less obvious and more bonkers, but less dark and so somehow more plausible in my mind, is that Friede could somehow end up trapped in Rakua with Lucius. And before you're like "what," consider this:
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Friede has a plan that involves the three Heroes they've obtained so far. If I had to guess, Friede is going to continue pursuing the remaining Six Heroes while the kids are on their Terastal course. And that's fine / good; he's continuing the mission so they don't lose time, although how he's going to do that without Terapagos is a mystery. (Although I'm sure Liko would let him borrow Terry if he just asked.) But the point is, he's got this mysterious plan involving the three Heroes they currently have. Rakua is some mysterious place that isn't on any maps and so could very well be another dimension or something similar, because those are 100% canonically real in the Pokémon world (e.g. the Distortion World). It would behoove the writers to have Friede off the field of play for awhile, to the extent that it is physically impossible for him to help the kids. And the kids also intend to reach Rakua because that's what Terapagos wants. So if Friede somehow got trapped in Rakua, then they would be killing two birds with one stone: Friede can no longer help the kids when they're in danger from the Explorers, and the kids can rescue Friede when they take Terapagos to Rakua to see Lucius' spirit (or just Lucius himself if Lucius has been alive in Rakua all this time because it's like a fountain of youth or limbo or something). Bonus points if the kids don't even know that's where Friede is, if they just know that something happened to him but don't know what, but they keep working toward Rakua anyway because the other adults on the crew convince them that Friede would want them to. (But Friede can maybe still somehow get messages to them through Terapagos visions or something, I don't know.)
I could honestly see this being the way they go with it, simply because it's less dramatic than "the enemy has taken your mentor hostage and taunt you about how powerless you are to do anything about it and also they're going to hunt you down to steal your little turtle, too." Plus they're setting Friede up to do something with the three Heroes, and it can't be for nothing. But then again, neither can Spinel's interest . . .
Either way, the fact that the kids so clearly see Friede as their hero, and the way it would impact them to have something happen to him as a result, has lived in my head ever since episode 25. Particularly since it would have a narrative impact as well, given how often he is their safety net, and what it would mean if he couldn't be any longer. Not because he chose not to, because he would never choose that; but because he couldn't, because external forces took that choice away.
Well. Even if the anime itself doesn't deliver, that won't stop me. :)
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 11 months
Proposal: In the "what if" scenario of Amethio someday becoming one of the Rising Volt Tacklers, he also gets to rap for the ending theme, but instead of failing (Murdock, Landau) or cheating it (Dot) - he slays for the Singular Purpose of singing it better than Friede did
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munna-sato · 7 months
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ballonleaparadise · 6 months
Happy 1st anniversary to Pokémon Horizons! I love this found family so much ❤❤
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