#vote request
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Could I please get a duck drawing or Glen
I don't know, CAN YOU?????
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(Yeah, you can.)
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pilkypills · 13 days
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"Shall I tell you who killed me?"
"You're supposed to be dead, Thorin. Go away."
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tangledinink · 1 year
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when big mama and donnie talked off-screen during the egg saga, this is what happened.
[ part two ] [ gemini au ]
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grumpyghostdoodles · 7 months
What if Clover was also at the beach day? :0
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I dont think that seagulls are evil, per se, but I do know what they WILL hunt you down to the depths of tartarus for a single soggy french fry
Clover joins the beach day saga!
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mylittleredgirl · 23 days
Hey! This is where you can view an MA sample ballot: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/WhereDoIVoteMA/WhereDoIVote
thank you!!!!
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sincerelywhistler · 2 months
quick Regulus sketches!
It’s high time he gets another BA. It’s high time he gets another audio in general… I miss him so bad.
suggestive below the cut ;)
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(here’s his full design post)
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TFP Breakdown
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rosesradio · 2 months
have a valgrace smut drabble, for funsies 🤲💌
word count: 787
warnings: smut (obv), coming in pants—this one’s surprisingly fluffy compared to that last jercy one lmaoo
(for all intents & purposes these characters are aged up, college-aged seven quest etc)
As Jason cupped Leo’s face in his hands and kissed him, he took his time enjoying this moment alone.
Alone time was hard to come by on the ship, what with constant duties and monster attacks. Now, though, they had a lucky break—the ship was on autopilot north, the chores were done, and the other five were on deck in the case of a monster attack. So, Leo claimed he was getting a bath while Jason said he needed a nap before the pair practically ran to Jason’s room.
Now, Leo was in his lap, his kisses tasting like the strawberry ice cream he’d had after dinner. He felt so cozy and naturally fit against him, his gray sweatpants soft against Jason’s navy blue ones. Leo’s nimble fingers combed through Jason’s hair. Each short breath from Leo drove Jason to grip Leo’s hips more firmly, to touch him greedily.
He wasn’t used to having things. His time was never his own, always dedicated to the gods or the people under his praetorship. He’d never had a relationship before—Leo was his first everything. Jason knew, according to what they’d planned, they were going to take things to the next level.
Leo began to roll his hips down on Jason’s, the friction making Jason catch his breath.
“Aw, you like that?” Leo’s voice was light and teasing. Jason’s hands moved up to his waist, letting out a shaky breath at the curve of Leo’s arching back.
“Y-yeah,” Jason’s voice was small, much less dominating than he supposed he should have sounded. His cheeks flushed, and he nuzzled into the crook of Leo’s neck, pressing kisses to the skin there.
Leo didn’t seem to notice, or perhaps he didn’t mind. He might have even liked it, Jason observed, as Leo made more of an effort to push against Jason.
Jason felt a familiar coil begin in his stomach, the feeling overwhelming to say the least. He was a late bloomer in the most unnatural way; while he knew how sex worked, he’d never had the time or patience to learn how to find relief on his own. He took cold showers and practically prayed to the gods to make any of those feelings disappear. That is, until he’d gotten his memory wiped. After that—in the weeks after the initial flurry of don’t die don’t die don’t die, he’d found a bit of time to explore what he wanted. Once he did, it took him a while after that to rein it in.
In fact, Jason wasn’t sure if he’d quite mastered reining it in or not. With how good Leo was making him feel with this alone, he wasn’t sure how long he’d last. That idea was a little embarrassing, though his mind was too fogged to care.
“Leo,” Jason murmured, pushing up against Leo, breathing shakily against the crook of his neck. “L-Leo…”
Leo’s own breathy moans in his ear were making Jason’s head spin. He nipped Jason’s earlobe, his hands sliding up Jason’s shirt and grabbing at his chest. His fingers teased and pinched Jason’s nipples as he let out a low, pleasant hum. “Mm, yeah, muñeco?”
Jason wasn’t sure what that meant, though he knew that he was close. At this point, if he stopped, he would really hate himself at best—at worst he would have one of those delayed, half-assed orgasms.
He didn’t even think he could concentrate enough to warn Leo if he wanted to. Instead, the son of Jupiter gripped Leo’s hips, allowing the friction of Leo’s hard cock in his sweatpants to send him fully over the edge. He let out a sound that was just as much a moan as it was a whimper—if he could form a word, it would have been Leo’s name.
It took him about twenty seconds to reassess—about twelve for the orgasm to ride out, and eight for the realization to hit as he met Leo’s wide eyes.
“Did,” Leo started incredulously. “Did you just…?”
“No,” Jason shook his head quickly. “I mean, yes. I mean…sorry…?”
Leo’s incredulous look turned to a slight smile, and soon enough, he was laughing into his hand.
Jason buried his face into his hands, though before he could apologize again, Leo spoke up:
“Dude, don’t be embarrassed, that’s awesome!” He held up a hand for a high five. “I can’t believe that was all me—I mean, that’s absolutely legendary, the powers I possess—“
Jason let out an incredulous laugh of his own, though he gave his boyfriend a high five. He then intwined their fingers together, pressing his lips to his and pushing him against the bed. Although Jason was done, he wouldn’t be fully satisfied until Leo was as well.
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krynutsreal · 6 months
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erm what the spruce on it boss
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pretend he's sitting on a chair guys my finger is dying from drawing digitally
while I'm on it go vote for mondo in this poll
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jesncin · 23 days
Hi there!! I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about what the process of being published was like for Lunar Boy? Were there any struggles you faced trying to get it seen? Any tips for others trying to get their work published? Thank you in advance and I love your work! :)
Hullo there! Sure! Unfortunately things have changed a lot since I pitched years ago so I don't know how replicable my publishing journey is nowadays. But I'm willing to share!
So! I always knew I wanted to write for kids, but in art school we were trained to be cape comic artists. Back then (if you can believe it), making middle grade comics was considered something that would sink your career. At that point in history, American comics was trying so hard to prove "we're not for kids!" that they left a chasm in the market for children's comics. Then Raina Telgemeier's bestselling books proved there was a hungry readership of kids and suddenly the trad pub industry is excitedly picking up middle grade graphic novel pitches (ironically, including cape comics).
I was studying my Masters in the US as this was all happening, and decided to use my time in the program to generate as many middle grade pitches as possible! The first one I made was Lunar Boy, but the story was so well received that it ended up being the one we pushed forward as a pitch and develop the most across classes. On Twitter there was this event: #DVPit, which is a pitching event for marginalized authors looking to seek editor interest on their pitches but also! To get agented. In its heyday (before Melon Husk ruined everything. This event is no longer on twidder sadly. Many pitching events have ceased to happen or are on hiatus from how unusable that platform is now) it was a fantastic event. I got agented on my 2nd try of the event, and it got the industry an early look at Lunar Boy and made them excited to see it out on submission.
My agent, Britt Siess, was extremely helpful with giving us feedback on how to refine our pitch. Not only did she give us story feedback, but I was surprised also by her comics feedback- that was more nuanced than I expected (little did I know that she's a huge comics nerd). She had connections to all the editors I was interested in pitching Lunar Boy to, and we were out on submissions right as we graduated with our Masters degree (during the start of the pandemic lmao).
I already had early editor interest in Lunar Boy which I think helped a lot with getting it picked up. I've been told that it helps to meet editors in person and get chummy with them before pitching to heighten your chances, but that wasn't really the case for me. I've never met my editor (Carolina Ortiz, I love her she's amazing) in person, but she did actually reach out to me long before we went out to pitch- on a Simu Liu tweet trend of all things lmao.
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(I didn't end up looking like evil boy band members in pastel clothes in the final book, I went for cultural clothes instead which I think is the more bespoke choice haha) Carolina reached out to me from this tweet and we actually talked back and forth about Lunar Boy, refining the pitch. I felt like she understood the story despite asking for big changes. I don't think she'd do something like this anymore, but I really appreciated it at the time (I wasn't even agented yet). All the editors I met in person for events like Editor's Day at school liked my art (and would even hire me for colorist work and the like) but they weren't interested in Lunar Boy. This was reflected when we finally went on submissions too.
We got a lot of rejections, vague language like "we don't know how to edit this" or "we already have a book like this" (??? press X to doubt). Compounded with all my interactions with editors in person, I felt like I was "marketable" as an artist but not as a storyteller because our stories were so unapologetically QPOC- with culturally specific queer identities to an already underrepresented identity. The editors that were interested in Lunar Boy had personal connection to the story (they were either also from blended families or QPOC themselves). But hey, you only need one yes to get a book deal. We ended up with Carolina as our editor and she's been our rock and champion for this book since the beginning. We were out of submissions in just a week (which is really fast in the industry).
My big tip for getting into the trad pub graphic novel industry is to study the market. A lot of people mistaken publishing as a vessel or platform for their untold story, when really it's a business we compromise with. Pay attention to trends, book deals, shifts in the industry, read your peers' books, everything. Research is key with getting your foot in. Lunar Boy may look like an out-there book, but at its heart it's a story about culture shock, trying to fit in, along with family and friendship problems. In trad pub especially, locking in to sellable tropes and trends is key. Find clever ways to innovate and work within those limitations at the same time. Be open to feedback and changes. I know so many people are held back from getting book deals because they're too attached to their story. It helps not to be phased by rejection and or take things personally. I've been very desensitized to talking about books like a business, since that's what it took for someone like me to make it out there.
I hope that was helpful!
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mleemwyvern · 2 years
Vote TangoTek for MCYTblr Sexyman!
- the personification of a cartoon villain
- evil dungeon master (twice)
- fandom assigned Creature
- team rancher
- so much fanart that makes people go feral
- orange cat energy
- makes so so many Noises
- probably bites
- makes death games for fun
- pro ravager wrangler
- have yall SEEN the fanart
- ice and fire. hes got range.
- is so good for angst and drama in aus but in canon he is just a silly
- ok yeah he definitely bites
- i have seen so much variety in tango designs and the only constant is that none of them are human
- and we love a creatureguy here on tumblr!
- constantly on the verge of a villain arc and would probably do one if he wasnt so busy constructing and maintaining massive deathtrap minigames
- hes insane
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yukiblob · 21 days
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Hi y'all ◡̈⃝︎
I haven't done a drawing request thing on tumblr soooo bare with me 🚶🏾‍♂️ BUT now you can send your ocs into the ask box or message me (if that doesnt work let me know in the comments of this post)
Here are some things you should know first:
The ref of your of doesn't have to be super detailed 😭 Just a simple picture that's easy to look at
Depending on how many sends I get it might take a couple of days 😞 I like to consider my self as a fast drawer but since these are people's characters I want to and draw them as accurate as I possibly can.
If I receive a ref with no color there won't be a colored drawing 🧍🏽‍♀️I would color with greyscale but I don't want to accidentally make the character lighter/darker than it already is.
Remember that this is basically me asking for a drawing request!!If u want u can request a type of clothing tho
I'll post the drawings in their own post whenever I finish then🧍🏽‍♀️
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Assume they have access to ikea furniture
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oc-doodles-daily · 14 days
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ODD Patreon?
Hey, Poly here! I know it might be too early for this, but I thought that maybe I could create a patreon in case anyone would want to support the project? It would be a great motivator to keep the blog going! I’ll leave a vote for you guys to decide!
You don’t have to be a part of the patreon to submit your drawings, don’t worry. But I might think of some bonuses to go with different ranks of patronage!
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llumimoon · 1 year
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GO NICKY!!!!! He’s done so well I’m so proud of my boy 😭😭😭 Could I please ask for a Nick and Glenn sketch please? 🥰
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(Vote for Glenn and Nicky here!!)
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TFA Arcee
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