#vox has abandonment issues
alice-after-dark · 5 months
Vox Losing His Shit (RadioStatic? I Think?)
TW for implications of abusive StaticMoth.
"...and on top of that, you insist on debasing yourself to fraternize with that insect. He's only using you. He has no respect for you and he'll just keep using you if you don't-"
"YOU THINK I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THAT?!" Vox screeched, screen glitching hard. "You think I don't know he's a colossal piece of shit?! Newsflash, asshole! We all are! In case you forgot, we're in fucking Hell! Fuck, if I didn't know you better, I'd start to think you're buying into this whole redemption bullshit! It doesn't get better down here, Alastor! It only gets fucking worse! Maybe Mr. High-and-Mighty-Needs-No-One doesn't have shit he wants to protect, but I do and if that means putting up with Valentino's bullshit then that's what I'll fucking do!"
Alastor sneered. "I just think-"
"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT YOU THINK! You lost any right to tell me what to do with my afterlife 7 fucking years ago and you do not just get to waltz your way back in and expect me to roll over and beg for fucking treats! I didn't tell you to leave! You made the choice to fuck off out of my life and you made it very fucking clear you didn't want shit to do with me, so fucking deal with it!" Vox wrapped his arms around himself, electricity crackling through the air. "And Val might be fucking shit stain, but at least he stuck the fuck around!"
A red-clawed hand reached for him, but the media demon jerked away from it.
"Don't. Don't fucking touch me. Just go, Alastor. Leave me the fuck alone."
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goodmorningbluejay · 5 months
Not me just casually writing a RadioStatic fic about Alastor realising he gave Vox trauma by fucking him over all those years ago.
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voxxcd · 3 months
((*stares at my threads* he just likes..............kidnapping people, you know?))
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 7 months
I love that specific tik tok artist with the Vox x Alastor child oc who Al raised till he gave the kid to Vox once they were older is doing the introduction to other ocs as a news report
Bc the once shown are legit just Al's children he either adopted or had with other overlords or with Lucifer and the one with that Carmille likes the news report calls Al a whore
Bc it made me cackle bc the oc is just mad bc they look like Al but have Vox's coloring and thst the one that's Rosie's kid legit told them they got daddy issues
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signedkoko · 8 months
hello, good afternoon/night!
I was wondering if you could do a vox x character (?) oneshot where the other person has royal status (something similar to stolas).
I’m interested to see if vox would change his attitude if he was interacting with someone above him, or if he would act the same as usual.
either way, I hope this makes sense and thank you so much!
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which you are apart of the ars goetia family, and Vox doesn't know much about royalty. Reader is genderneutral.
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Being one of the 72 members of the family didn't feel special from your point of view; you were royalty, yes, but what that actually meant was beyond you
Nevertheless, you were representative of innovation, and your role as an 'aristocrat' was quite literally the most dull of all: an archivist
Your role was to document, file, or archive every piece of information that has ever existed or will exist, and to protect it all in your library
You were a vast network of knowledge, not too different from a computer
That was where you and Vox became so similar, he was certainly an impressive overlord worth meeting.
You found yourself archiving logs upon logs of his creations, of his ad campaigns, of his scandals; he was always up to something
It piqued your interest, so you were sure to note the next time you were in proximity so you could meet him
Vox didn't give two shits about royalty, but what he did care about were the opportunities it presented
It was worth being nice to them and biting your tongue, and in all honesty, he wasn't much of a hot head when it came to people he didn't know
He had files on every member of the Ars Goetia, including yours, and he'd developed a bit of a 'celebrity' crush
You seemed so like him, but he knew pictures could only say so much about a person and moved on
Both of you knew the other would be at the same event, and like magnets, you came straight to one another
Vox used his television charm to lure you in, and just like you'd hoped, it worked
He is extremely nervous around royalty because, truth be told, they really are far more powerful than he or any other overlord
Not to say he doubts himself, but he understands his limits
And being technology itself, he also knows that your ability nearly pales his technology—computers are without a doubt more capable of storing information and processing it than any human or demon ever could, but you were beyond that
That is to say, he is extremely impressed with you and asks a lot about your ability, almost hoping it'll reveal some kind of trick he could use too
Unfortunately, no tricks, but he does find you to be just as kind as he'd imagined
Ars Goetia is extremely strict about the relationships they have, but fortunately for you, you knew every rule and loophole there was to know and managed to get by with 'one of hell's strongest overlords'
He is very adaptive to rules and customs, so it's no issue impressing your family with his seemingly infinite skills
" I didn't know you knew all that, Vox. "
" Yeah! You know, I didn't either! "
He absolutely goes autopilot a lot around other royals because he does not want to cause you any trouble, but you always tell him to relax and let him know you'd never let them get in the way
The hardest decision is who is moving, and when you eventually offer to abandon your lavish lifestyle for his minimalistic city style, he does whatever he can to help you adapt.
Really, you are his prince(ss), and he will treat you like the royalty you are
" So, does this make me a prince now? "
" Are you proposing? "
One of his favourite perks is that now he can really stick it to Alastor
Not that he would ever intend on putting you in danger—even if you'd win—but let's be honest
You would win against that stupid radio demon
Oh yeah, he's proud of that too
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Author's Note - I ended up doing headcanons because I felt the prompt didn't have enough for me to go off of, I apologize for disappointing!~ Even so, I hope this still catches your interest 🖤
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kurara-black-blog · 5 months
Radioapple Thoughts that live rent free in my mind
Alastor being the most jealous bastard in Hell because he's a possessive and obsessive little shit whose love only manifests as intense, crazed devotion
Lucifer knows by heart Alastor's measurements and has made many clothes for him, some he even sewed by hand
Alastor is jealous of Cat Alastor (no one gets it because the cat is basically him??? Or maybe not??? What even is that thing???)
Alastor's cane is sentient and it will play some love songs if Alastor is ever lost in his thoughts of Luci or sharing a quiet moment with Luci
Alastor is jealous of Angel Dust (Al, Angel flirts with everyone, chill)
Lucifer is the strongest being in Hell, period, and Alastor goes feral whenever he sees his little King show his true powers
Alastor is jealous of Adam (he knows Lucifer would not want anything with the guy that almost killed his daughter, but still, he feels nauseous when Luci talks about his time in Eden with the first man for a friend)
Lucifer, despite mostly using he/him, doesn't really have a concept of gender and he abhors gender roles in general, meaning he'll take whatever form he feels more comfortable with himself at the moment... And meaning Alastor will dress him up in all fashion choices from his time period as much as he can
Alastor is jealous of Lilith (ok, that one is forgiven. Also, it's always a treat to see the little king plead him to not hunt his ex wife even though his entire face is yellow and his eyes are twinkling in gratitude)
Lucifer and Alastor don't engage in sexual activities frequently, but they do adore the intimacy of being naked and vulnerable with someone who chose not to kill you. Shared baths where they clean and polish each other's hooves are common
Alastor is jealous of his own shadow (again, CHILL, that's literally a part of you!!! It just wanted to give Luci a pretty flower!!!!!)
Instead of a wedding band or a promise ring, they gifted each other rings made with the bones of their own ring fingers. In fact, body parts being used as accessories become very common for them. Lucifer usually gifts cufflinks while Alastor gifts earrings
Alastor is jealous of Stolas (that's the literally the most outlandish one, like, Stolas is a hellborn noble, Luci is only his boss. Ok, maybe they bonded over the bad divorce, the shitty parental figures, the beloved daughters they have no idea how to interact with... But Stolas has a boyfriend! That he clearly loves! Do not kill the first friend Luci made after the divorce)
The only times Alastor willingly watches TV is when he cuddles with Lucifer in the couch and they spend the next hour shit talking Vox' show
Alastor is jealous of Vox, but he'd rather be shot again than admit it (Luci said he wouldn't mind a quickie with the TV guy and said TV guy's far too much interested in Alastor's relationship with the King [Alastor, please, he likes you])
The "keep the musical pieces at 2 per day" rule is not for Charlie, but for them
Alastor is jealous of Alastor (all Luci did was make an offhand comment about Alastor looking more handsome while alive. Thank God time traveling is not possible for sinners)
Lucifer has terrible abandonment issues and Alastor being willing to fight for their relationship against threats that aren't even there while not even once blaming Lucifer for other people's action makes him feel very loved
Still can't eat Stolas, Alastor. Nor Angel. Nor the cat. Adam might give you a tummy ache.
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
⭐️How the Hazbin Hotel characters act when they become comfortable/trust you ⭐️
A/N: Hopefully this makes up for the shitty post I just did lol. If people seem to like this I will make a part 2 with more characters.
This can platonic or romantic it’s your views
Charlie: When Charlie starts becoming trusting and comfortable around you, she starts going to you for advice when she needs help, because she trusts that you will steer her the right way.
Vaggie: When Vaggie is comfortable around you, she begins to open up more and she’d her she. She will talk to you about her past as an Angel and struggles, knowing you won’t judge her.
Husk: Once Husk begins to trust you, he begins to how his true colors. And that he’s not just some arrogant alcoholic asshole, and that he genuinely does care for people.
Angel Dust: He becomes very protective of you. He knows the feeling of being hurt and never wants that to happen to any of his friends. He will let nobody fuck with you. You two will come to eachother to talk about problems. He shares his fears with you :)
Alastor: if you do somehow manage to get Alastor to somewhat trust you (yOuR a wIzArD hArRy) you can get to learn more about when he was alive and he will be very very protective. But won’t let others know because they could use you against him.
Vox: Ranting. Lots of ranting about the people he hates. (*cough* Alastor) also will not let you leave him because he has abandonment issues because I say so. He lets himself be more vulnerable around you.
Velvette: let’s her guard down. She’s constantly stressed and on edge because of her job, so her trusting you means she can relax around you and feel safe and secured, not having that weight on her chest.
Valentino: Feels like he doesn’t have to use manipulation tactics to keep you around, or a deal. Likes to know he can have you there and you won’t go off leaving him.
A/N: If people seem to like this I’ll make a pt 2 with the rest of the characters! Hope you enjoyed!
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correlance · 7 months
Remember that one fan theory I wrote about Alastor having a rivalry with Thomas Edison in the 1920s? Well, I decided to do a bit more research; it turns out that, not only was I right, but Edison really hated radio. He loathed it so much that he wrote not one, but several articles railing against the "radio fad" in 1926, to the point where an anonymous person wrote "letters to the editor" to argue with Edison.
Gee, I wonder who it could be doing that in the Hazbin-verse? /s
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GIF and art originally by karumkin on Twitter/X (2019).
There was also a slew of increasingly aggressive telegrams sent back-and-forth between Edison and radio proponents, with Edison penning thinly-veiled insults that offended even mild critics of the "Wizard":
"The radio is a commercial failure, and its popularity with the public is waning. Radio is impractical commercially, and ethically distorted, and is is losing its grip rapidly in the market and in the home. There is not 10% of the interest in the radio that there was last year.
Radio is a highly-complicated machine in the hands of people who know nothing about it. No dealers have made any money out of it. It is not a commercial machine, because it is too complicated. Reports from 4,000 Edison dealers who have handled radio sets show that they are rapidly abandoning it; and, as for its music, it is awful.
I don't see how they can listen to it. Thousands of people have signed a petition asking that sopranos be kept off the air. Of course, most of them don't know that the soprano voice distorts the radio. The phonograph is coming into its own because people want good music. The fact is that the radio never had a high peak of popularity.
In towns where 25 or 30 dealers were handling radio sets, only one or two are now handling them. A farmer 5 miles from town buys a radio, perhaps on the installment plan. A wire becomes loose. The dealer has to arrange to fix it. This happens time and time again. The business becomes unprofitable for the dealer to engage in. He does not make any money out of it. None of them has. They are giving it up as fast as they can. It is not a commercially successful machine, because it is too complicated.
Static is awful, and the difficulties of tuning out--and now, they're stealing each other's wavelengths! It is too bad that the radio has to be too complicated. It was a big and interesting thing, and the people responded to it, but they want good music, and they found it is not to be had on the radio. That is why the phonograph is reclaiming its own."
Quote from "Edison and Radio", Radio News, December 1926, "in which the Editor takes issue with Mr. Edison's claim that radio is a failure; yet it is pointed out that the radio industry owes Edison a great debt; wherein facts are figures are given to show that radio is on a steady increase; granting that neither radio, nor the phonograph, is yet perfect; how the interest in radio is steadily increasing, and radio dealers are now making good money":
"Since the publication of the famous interview with Mr. Edison, the press, and particularly the radio press across the entire country, has been more or less agitated...I do believe that Mr. Edison has not been recently in-touch with radio sufficiently to appreciate fully the tremendous advances that have been made. Mr. Edison is a busy man, and a tremendously busy inventor. It would be well-nigh impossible for him to be in-touch with all of the various commercial phases of radio all over the country; and, like other executives, he obtains his reports from his subordinates, and such reports often as not may be highly colorful, and even wrong...[thus, the radio industry is unwilling to accord Mr. Edison anything]...as to Mr. Edison's remarks, the statements that follow are facts, which can be checked up by anyone who is unbiased."
Imagine Alastor and Vox with "Stayed Gone" in Episode 2, and Alastor and Lucifer with "Hell's Greatest Dad" in Episode 5, but happening entirely over letters and telegrams, because mass media and television didn't exist yet. The closest musical numbers would likely be "Farmer Refuted" and "Your Obedient Servant" from Hamilton.
Per the book The Wizard of Menlo Park: How Thomas Alva Edison Invented the Modern World by Randall E. Stross:
Page 276: "[Edison's] phonograph business faced a challenge in the 1920s unlike any that had come before: the advent of commercial radio stations, and the wide availability of free music broadcasts and other entertainment. By the end of 1921, an estimated 1 million listeners had access to radios, and listened to programs broadcast from the Eastern seaboard. A single station in Roselle, New Jersey, which offered the voices of operatic stars among its musical programs, had a broadcast range of a thousand miles, covering New England and the mid-Atlantic states, and reaching as far west as Missouri. A contemporary newspaper account explained to readers not yet acquainted with the phenomenon that those who owned radio sets could enjoy entertainment that was 'literally as free as the air'. Charles and Theodore Edison [proposed a combination phonograph-radio]...their father need not feel slighted because the vacuum tube, a key component of the radio set, was a modern descendant of Edison's experimental work on the incandescent lightbulb. Edison did feel slighted, however; such, at least, was the opinion of Thomas Cowan, a former Westinghouse employee...[who conducted experiments in radio broadcasts with the aid of a phonograph Edison was willing to loan him in 1921]. Cowan had several conversations about radio with Edison, who became upset and recalled the loaner when he heard the Westinghouse broadcasts...[Edison's sons were embarrassed, humiliated]."
"Edison calls radio a 'failure for music', thinks phonograph will regain its own": The New York Times, 23 September 1926. Underlining the usefulness of radio for purposes other than musical programs, Edison did tune in to a radio broadcast of the Dempsey-Tunney fight in 1926, which he was too deaf to hear. He had to rely on family members [usually his wife, Mina] to summarize what had transpired at the end of each round.
"Radio satisfactory on bout, Edison says": The New York Times, 24 September 1926. Defending the quality of musical broadcasts, the radio industry offered expert testimony to rebut Edison's claims [in the next week's newspaper]. See: "Broadcasters disagree with electrical wizard", The New York Times, 3 October 1926.
The "radio fad": A few months later, [after much outcry from the radio industry], Edison was willing to grant that radio might not disappear, but he had a new criticism: listeners' aesthetic sense would be damaged. "Undistorted music, in time, will sound strange to those brought up on radio music," he predicted, "and they will not like the real thing." See: "Thomas A. Edison sees a menace for music in the radio", Musician, January 1927.
"Edison's fears [about the Edison Company not succeeding in the radio business] were realized, though it had been Edison's intransigence (refusal to change one's views) that put the company at such a great disadvantage as a late entrant...on 9 October 1929, Charles Edison prepared a report for his father that showed a loss of $1.3 million due to start-up costs for the [Edison] radio...he could not know that, two weeks later, the stock sell-off would begin with Black Thursday, on 24 October, followed by Black Monday and Black Tuesday...a few days later, Thomas A. Edison, Inc., announced that it would cease producing [music] records [altogether], and refit the factory for the production of radios. The announcement was accompanied by a mention of regret, as the phonograph was 'one of Mr. Edison's favorite inventions'."
"An employee reported observing Harvey Firestone tearfully explaining to Edison that the collapse of business due to the stock market crash of 1929, and the Great Depression, meant that he could no longer continue to financially support Edison's laboratory. Edison was heard, sneering, 'He's a Goddamned lightweight.'" ("I saw your fiasco on the picture show, and I just couldn't resist. What a performance! Why, I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929, hahaha! ...so many orphans.")
Edison's death at the age of 84 on 18 October 1931 was also, ironically, commemorated through radio broadcasts: "[The next] night, two radio networks, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the Columbia Broadcasting Company (CBC), jointly broadcast an 8-minute tribute that ended on the hour, when listeners were asked to turn out the lights. The White House did so, and much of the nation followed, more or less together, some a minute before the hour, others on the hour. On Broadway, 75% of the electrified signs were turned off briefly. Movie theaters went dark for a moment. Everything seemed connected to Edison: the indoor lights, the traffic lights, the electric advertising, everyone connected via radio, which Edison now received credit for helping to 'perfect'. In the simple narrative that provided inspiration for posterity, one man had done it all..."
Some numbers provided for how much radio was making:
1922: $46.5 million (~$860 million in 2024)
1923: $120 million (~$2.2 billion in 2024) (156% increase)
1924: $350 million (~$6.3 billion in 2024) (186% increase)
1925: $449 million (~$8 billion in 2024) (27% increase)
1926: $520 million (~$9.1 billion in 2024) (14% increase)
Overall, per another source:
1922: $60 million (a little more than the previous statistic)
1929: $842.6 million
From here, we can tell the biggest gain was in 1923-1924. Per another source: "Total cost was about $120.00 to buy a new radio in 1926; in today's money, that is about $1,500 to own a radio." That would mean that 7.6 million radios were sold by 1926; an impressive feat, considering that the United States only had a population of a little over 117 million people at the time.
Percentages of United States households with radios:
1925: 19% (5 million households)
1929: 35-40% (200% increase)
1930: 12 million households
1939: 28 million households
The number of licensed broadcast stations surged from just 5 in 1921 to 500 by 1924, per yet another source. In the early years, household radio ownership was highest in the Northeast and on the West Coast. In large sections of the South, Midwest and Great Plains, stations and radio sets were scarce. However, there were notable exceptions.
There were 732 radio stations total across the country by 1927, and the average radio was on 2 hours and 25 minutes per day. People who couldn't afford radios purchased them on installment loans, through which the full price of a new radio could be paid over time. Radios had even more advertisements for washers, dryers, and refrigerators, causing people to use even more merchant credit and installment loans to purchase these shiny, new technological devices.
However, radio sales also took a hit with the Great Depression, as average income levels fell from $3,270 per year in 1920 ($53,300 in 2024), to $2,300 per year by 1929 ($41,500 in 2024), then to $1,500 per year by 1932 ($35,500 in 2024). However, buying a radio also became cheaper, dropping from a costly $200 ($3,200 in 2024) in the early 1920s, to just $35 ($630 in 2024) by 1929-1930.
By the time Alastor died in 1933, 3.6 million radio sets were sold that year alone. By the mid-1930s, 67% of American households had radio sets, and by 1939, about 80% of Americans—over 100 million people—owned radios. Radios were in almost every house, and some Americans even had radios in their cars. The Golden Age of Radio lasted from the 1930s to the 1940s, before being eclipsed by television in the 1950s. Radio hosts went from being paid $10 per broadcast in 1921 ($180-200, 1-2 hours per night, 3-4 nights a week, for a weekly salary of $720-800; monthly salary, $2,900-$3,200; annual salary, $34,800-$38,400; modern-day annual salary range for a radio show host is $30,000-100,000, depending) to making triple-figure salaries in the later 1930s.
Another source lists the following salary ranges for radio hosts:
$2,500-2,700 a year to be an announcer in 1927* (~$45,000-$48,000 range in 2024)
$2,400 a year to be a dramatic director (~$43,000 in 2024)
$4,000 a year to be a program director (~$72,000 in 2024)
New Orleans' first radio broadcast was on 31 March 1922, with WWL. The station wasn't started as a commercial one; but rather, "more of an experiment, started as an interest in wireless communication picked up nationally". The station did not go commercial until 1929, meaning that Alastor also probably had at least one other side job.
Also see:
"Early Radio Announcers Invented Their Profession in the 1920s"
"The History of the Radio Industry in the United States to 1940"
"'A Godlike Presence': The Impact of Radio on the 1920s and 1930s" by Tom Lewis
American Babel: Rogue Radio Broadcasters of the Jazz Age by Clifford John Doerksen (see excerpt here)
Race and Radio: Pioneering Black Broadcasters in New Orleans by Bala James Baptiste (Note: The earliest Black broadcast in New Orleans was in 1945, meaning Alastor was white-passing.)
"Golden Age of Black Radio - Part 1: The Early Years" (Note: The first Black radio announcer, Jack L. Cooper, hosted in 1929.)
"How African Americans Entered Mainstream Radio" by Bala James Baptiste, the author of Race and Radio: Pioneering...
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Do you think Valentino from Hazbin is a sociopath?
I would like to preface all my posts on headcanons related to psychology and mental illness with a disclaimer: diagnosing mental conditions, especially personality disorders, can be extremely challenging. It's a complicated process that relies heavily on a psychologist's interpretation of facts, making it susceptible to biases. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed based on surface-level observations and are not just labels that we can assign to people like in the case of MBTI. Additionally, I am not a clinician with any expertise in diagnosing people. Therefore, the following post should not be taken as a reliable professional opinion. It's simply my interpretation of the internal mechanisms that may be responsible for the behavior of certain characters in my fan fiction. Furthermore, I want to make it clear that I have no intention of stigmatizing people with personality disorders by associating them with villains. A personality disorder does not determine someone's character or make them a bad person. Some characters may be evil because of the choices they make, not as a result of their mental conditions.
I don't think he has an antisocial personality disorder. I can categorize him as a man with borderline personality disorder with antisocial tendencies (generally men with BPD are quite likely to exhibit APD traits).
Why do I interpret his behavior as BPD:
❤️ mood swings and incoherent personality. Like he's a completely different person with Vox and with Angel. Duh, even during his one scene with Vox his whole attitude did 180° in seconds.
❤️ hardcore abandonment issues. It makes him act out to get Vox's attention. And he hates Angel so much not because of pure sadism, but because he used to love him (well, at least he interpreted his feelings as love). As he became more and more toxic and after Angel finally tried to stand up for himself, Valentino felt so terribly rejected and betrayed that he immediately started hating him.
❤️ there's this thing called splitting and it means that people with BPD perceive others very binary, as either good or bad. There's nothing between love and hate and those emotions can change rapidly. So yeah imo he occasionally "loves" Angel and that's why he hasn't killed him yet but at the same time he proceeds to abuse him so terribly (I can't buy the "you make me money" excuse, no amount of money would matter if he really wanted to kill him. And I don't believe he keeps him alive just to torture him, Angel's behavior causes him too much stress. Like, he cares so much.).
❤️ Things common for men with BPD are substance abuse (overlord of drugs, duh), aggressive behaviors, and violent tendencies (I don't think I need to provide you with an example)
❤️ General high novelty seeking. It essentially means looking for stimuli to feel anything and just fill horrifying emotional emptiness (in the case of BPD; novelty-seeking is also a trait of perfectly healthy people that differs individually). I connect this novelty-seeking thing to him being an overlord of depravity, he loves perversion for the sake of perversion because everything extreme he does or witnesses makes him feel things again. And he bores very quickly so he has to constantly push boundaries further.
❤️ Autodestructive tendencies. We don't see them in the text, I just assume they are there. Again - drugs, unsafe sex, and (according to my headcanons) involvement in violent and irresponsible "BDSM" (I put it in a quotation because BDSM to be BDSM must be safe and based on informed consent, trust and good communication) which is essentially using Vox' sadism to inflict harm on himself. He rather do it using someone else's hands because he perceives this desire to self-harm as a weakness but at the same time, can't resist it.
Vox hc | Velvette hc | Vees + Angel hc
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drh3nryj3kyll · 3 months
I am unbelievably tired at the moment, so this won't be as coherent as it could be, but here's some rambling about Vox, as well as a little tidbit about him and Alastor somewhere in there.
Vox has a lot of self-esteem issues. He has a big ego, sure, but deep down he struggles with a lot of suppressed self-loathing. It's why he's so 'fake', he's put up a deliberately crafted persona to protect himself and to attract others. He overcompensates for how much he truly hates himself with this exaggerated, ideal version of who he wants to be. It's good for business too, so he doesn't see a problem with it.
But deep down, Vox finds so many reasons to despise himself. Underneath all that ego and bravado, he's convinced he can't be loved.
Additionally, I think that Alastor convinces himself that he can't love, which is an interesting contrast between the two. When Alastor and Vox were friends, they started feeling otherwise and panicked. Around Alastor, Vox started feeling like maybe he can be loved; around Vox, Alastor started feeling like maybe he can love people too. Alastor was the one who panicked the most out from the revelation, but the fact just made their falling out all the more painful.
Vox is always changing and upgrading himself because he feels a constant need to be better. If he isn't constantly changing and upgrading, people will get bored of him and he desperately doesn't want that. He has a huge fear of abandonment. That's not the only reason for his constant change, though. As I said before, Vox has been convinced that he can't be loved, so he's always desperately trying to change that.
He tries to convince himself that the adoration of the denizens of Hell is enough for him, that he's already loved by thousands, but . . . Is it really enough?
Sure, Vox's products and company may be undeniably of good quality but a big reason people buy his products is because of hypnosis. What if without it, there would have been a better brand that people loved more?
Even so, is it truly love? It's onesided, it's parasocial. It's not the comfort and intimacy Vox so secretly craves, as much as he might not want to admit it.
Deep down, in his eyes, maybe Vox is just unlovable.
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nunalastor · 3 months
Strange Magic AU
Alastor was set to marry Vox after developing feelings for him, but has his heart broken when on the day of their wedding he finds Vox hooking up with Valentino. He calls off the wedding and swears off love, going back to hunting overlords and sharpening his craft, this time not just disinterested in love but outright bitter.
Vox did not want Alastor to know about that because he needed Alastor’s power to gain power for the Vees, but no attempt to win Alastor back works, so he recruits Velvette to craft a love potion and force the issue, unknowingly attracting the fury of the King of Hell.
Lucifer was also bitter about love after Lilith abandoned him and used so much parental alienation on their daughter that Charlie took her side, and he also still valued free will. Hearing sinners started crafting love potions went against everything Lucifer stood for and he was set to do something about it and grab the person the love potion took effect on to figure out how to help them.
But that person wasn’t Alastor, it was Alastor’s adopted daughter Niffty who was being used by Vox to lure Alastor, only Niffty drank the potion herself on accident and was subsequently taken by Lucifer. Alastor didn’t know any of that so instead of killing Vox there, he goes across hell to find his daughter and kill her kidnapper. 
Only they actually have a lot in common and find excitement in this rivalry, so once they get the fighting that quickly turns playful out of the way, they actually talk and Lucifer explains that he was trying to help Niffty but unfortunately the potion still took effect so now Niffty was madly in love with Lucifer and locked in her guest room at the moment because she was kinda scary about it. Alastor is less bothered by that than he would be normally because Niffty adores “bad boys” so the potion probably wasn't doing much.
So now the two have to find someone who knows how to break love potions, and happen to start developing feelings for each other along the way. Meanwhile Vox is hellbent on getting Alastor to marry him and plans to “rescue” Niffty to win Alastor’s favor, and if that does’t work, he has the remains of the love potion to do it with. 
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mayashesfly · 6 months
Something about Alastor not liking change and wanting things to stay the same because he's already content with his relationships with the people he's close with being platonic and casual and tehre's nothing that needs to be changed. And Vox feeling the need to continue to change in order to keep the wonderful relationships he already has in his life because if he doesn't keep improving himself then he will lose the people he care about in his life because he's not good enough for them.
(Vox's abandonment issues is fueled by a life of having to constantly improve in order to get attention and love from his parents while Alastor had a stable rock in his life he can always count on called his mother despite his terrible dad until an unfortunate change came into his life)
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dried-up-f1sh · 6 months
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This is my Hazbin Hotel OC, Genevieve. She's a siren overlord. In this drawing, I just drew her in a different outfit from her usual ones, so yes, I'm aware it doesn't fit her era. Her main outfit is actually a yellow polkadot swing dress. Anyway, here's some info about her:
TW: brief mentions of murder, and drowning
Death Age: 35
Height: 6'7
Powers: She can control people's emotions with her singing, shapeshift, imitate voices, she has hydrokinesis, and she can detect electric fields underwater (kind of like a shark). She's able to do so because she has ampullae of Lorenzini.
Likes: Gardening, cooking, her kids, singing, keeping the hearts of her victims as trophies, making people smile, old movies
Dislikes: Being undermined, misogynists, being watched, being replaced, not reaching people's expectations
Genevieve, a famous singer in the 1950s, and a scientist with a streak of impulsiveness, was opened to a world of crime after accidentally killing a man in self-defence. After getting away with it, she became bolder, killing those who deserved it by luring them backstage after concerts, but unfortunately one night her recklessness cost her.
While attempting to dispose of a body by throwing it off a pier, her still conscious victim dragged her to the sea with him as they drowned together. One moment she was kicking and screaming against the water as it forced its way into her lungs, the next moment she woke up to the feeling of cold concrete and reddish skies. That's when she realised, she was in hell.
Determined to continue her career as a singer, she decided to work alongside a strange demon who called himself Vox. He promised her a world of ideals, similar to that of the life she lived before it was tainted with sin. Unfortunately, this dream involved the destruction of herself in order to fit the expectations of everyone. To be completely flawless at the expense of her individuality. Sure, it was unhealthy, but she was used to it.
Eventually Vox's partnership with a certain moth man drove her away, but it was for the better... or for her it was. That's when she decided to work for the radio demon, a friend who taught her that she didn't need to create an image of herself for people to enjoy, just to be adored. She assisted him in his killings by broadcasting her songs and putting demons to sleep, so he could carry out his next step. He was more than capable of doing it all on his own but her assistance was appreciated.
She enjoyed it all. She enjoyed showing up to the studio, being greeted by the familiar sight of his wide, almost uncanny, smile every day, but one day it was gone. He was gone. Genevieve's old habits returned and with it, some crippling abandonment issues.
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I know Alot of people agree that Alastor had an Abusive father and a loving mother. But what about Vox. What's your headcanon for his childhood parents.
In my headcanon they Abandoned him either as a baby or as a child. Hence why he has major abandonment issues
I was definitely gonna say Vox probably didn't have parents or something along that sort. Poor baby, I'm thinking like I need to look into when he was born again but considering he comes from an old time period imagine it being something like neglect. Parents were too busy to actually play and be around him and if that was the case I can also see Vox being sent to different relatives so they could deal with him. Hm imagine this as well, Vox was abandoned because of something with his face.
I've heard people say that his form contributed to how he died but consider it being something else like Vox was born with some sort of deformity, he grew up quite alone because of it.. grew a deep bond with TV because it gave him comfort like those kids that sit cross legged super close to the TV and they can't seem to pull away, something like that.
He got into the wrong crowd, seen some things and became a product of his environment which is probably why he'd later lead himself into working with Valentino because old habits can and do die hard.
I can totally roll with the idea of him being abandoned from a young age, like in reality it had nothing to do with Vox but he was made into believing so. I feel like if that's somewhat the case not only does it explain him working as he does in Hell, why he has those abandonment issues, and why in the face of the public he's more than willing to put on a fake smile and act like it's all okay.
Most people in Hell are dumb so he's not worried about it.
I think I mentioned this in another post but in case I haven't Vox we have now is really just a shell of the old Vox we had before.
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ohbother2 · 8 months
It's crazy to me I read 2 of your fanfics and you legit became my favorite hazbin writer, wtf. Your writing has this depth and impact to it no one in this forsaken fandom has, I don't mean to put down anyone but holy shit you make everyone seem like 11 year Olds on wattpad. The lucifer fanfic was INSANE i legit thought i was reading a novel at some point, I have never been this entertained reading a fanfic much less SMUT for God's sake. I read the Vox headcanons one and I was so speechless I didn't even finish it I came straight to request. I knooooow Adam is acquired taste, he's a mysoginistic rock 'n roll 9ft tall "nice guy", with Abandonment issues who likes to manhandle women! He can't appeal to everyone but if he does to you, please PLEASE write something abt him. I don't mean to put pressure on you, I won't even request something specific seeing as you never wrote for him. I don't wanna stress you out I'll probably request smth more specific later on, just general sfw/nsfw headcanons. I just want him to be in character, but you def don't need me to tell you that.
It's your lucky day I've been working on this from a previous ask the past few days - hope you like it :) (would love to hear anyones thoughts)
And thank you so much!! That means a lot because I genuinely worry my writing is boring compared to so many other fantastic writers on Tumblr! And I worry so much about trying to get the characters 'right' because I genuinely believe there's nothing worse than ooc works. I'm glad you liked my other writings!
I hope you enjoy the Adam x reader general heacannons! I tried to keep him as in-character as possible (I love him but he's surprisingly hard to write he's just so goofy)
Also, I fucking love Adam please send whatever requests you want him there isn't enough Adam love out there
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tokintormin · 2 months
Wow Vax fever came to you too 😢 I love your drawings so much 💖
This may not apply to your AU but with regards to Valentino I can understand why he didn't want Vox to overprotect Vax. Remember that we are in hell if you are not strong enough you will not be able to live for long...
He may be a mortal, but if he shows that he is not screwed with him, at least he will be able to enjoy his life longer. I think that would be another reason why Valentino doesn't want Vox to overwhelm Vax with all his rules, after all they know how short life can be to waste it like that...
Thank you, and for your comments.
Yes, Valentino is a firm believer in tough love, and he genuinely thinks that loving Vax the way loving affectionate families do would do no good. It comes from his personal beliefs and his disdain toward loving people.
Vox's anxiety tends to top over his reasoning and rationality, which is why he considered trying to raise him with love; Vox had fleeting hope that he would manage to raise Vax with love despite being a terrible person but he changed his mind.
I personally can't say I agree, and I can't say who is right.
I think that Valentino can more easily think with a cool head because he blows off steam on others hence he has the time and energy to think things through without getting paranoid. And I think Valentnino is more intuitive than Vox and understands mental things on a deeper level. Vox tends to keep to himself and plan ahead, given his field of work, so he's more prone to stress and susceptible to having his emotions and anxiety get the best of him, so when he has to make choices outside of his work he acts irrationally. For someone who is a control freak, raising a child is something that throws him off balance
I think that Valentino did the wrong thing, because his belief and Vox's choice led to Vax being abandoned and developing issues and bad experiences . I didnt show it well but Valentino, despite having good intentions, taught him things he wasn't supposed to learn and indugled him in Val's sphere of interests.
But given who Val and Vox are, it's hard to imagine it could go differently
He may be a mortal, but if he shows that he is not screwed with him, at least he will be able to enjoy his life longer. I think that would be another reason why Valentino doesn't want Vox to overwhelm Vax with all his rules, after all they know how short life can be to waste it like that...
these are true words
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