#vr1srezi h8
cornflowercanine · 3 years
my annual Thoughts On Vrisrezi upd8 put under a cut cause its kinda long, also sorry if this somehow shows up in vrisrezi tags or search despite my 8log 8eing hidden im not trying to start shit im just thinking out loud lol the tl;dr is i like in-canon vrisrezi not cause i think its Good (healthy) 8ut cause its just so fucking Much and so heartwrenching to watch unfold, 8ut i still h8 (what i last saw of) fanon vrisrezi stuff cause it came across to me as muffling all the high-stakes fighting (underst8ment) under "oh haha they did it cause they were in love so it doesnt matter what stupid gfs in denial!!!" and i think thats unfair to the chars, their actual canon story, and to how intense it actually is - it's different and special and A Lot, 8ut ppl don't (wouldn't?) let it live up to that
i like in-canon vrisrezi not cause i think it's good as in healthy or like Cute Romantic Moments to just a8out kill eachother 8ut cause i think its good as in it is just so Much. it is so high stakes it is so "im gonna k33p doing this 8ad thing so that the other person responds/gives me attention/tries to do smth a8t it, oh why dont i just stop doing the 8ad thing??? cause if i dont theyll stop caring a8out me and leave duh!!!!" and it just snow8alls and snow8alls and snow8alls until vriska is Fucking Killed and it's just so Dramatic and i like watching just how like. vicious cycle and heartwrenching it is to s33 unfold
8ut, AND A DISCLAIMER THAT IVE HAD VRISREZI 8LACKLISTED SINCE EARLY 2019 IF ANY DEVELOPMENTS IN THE VIEWS AND HANDLING OF VRISREZI 8Y VRISREZI FANS HAS 833N MADE SINCE IM NOT LIKE DELI8ER8LY IGNORING THEM TO SHUT THEM DOWN, I JUST STR8 UP HAVENT S33N IT LOL, i didn't like and really wasnt satisfied with how vrisrezi was handled with (recent??? idk older hs content takes from canon hs more often instead of 8eing muddled 8y perception 8ut also vrisrezi was called "scourgecest" 8ack then, so) takes like, the worst moments of vrisrezi and specifically the 8ad sides of it and went 'omg how romantic and cute and lovey!!!' like. imo i Do think they wouldnt have 833n chasing the other person 8iting their head off so much for so long if they didn't care a8t them (on terezis part i Think it was like terezi was like 'ugh i have to stop this thing from happening' FIRST and THEN vriska and her strong mixed f33lings regarding her and O8VS theres a lot more going into vriska doing All That than her liking terezi and wanting her to care, 8ut thats off-track) and there is definitely f33lings 8EHIND and DRAGGED ALONG 8y their... fighting (underst8ment), 8ut to like sw33p All That under the rug 8y 'haha they were just doing it cause they were in love haha stupid gfs' LIKE YES AHHH 8UT THEY WERE HURTING EACHOTHER!!! and when it's all muffled under 'they did all that 8ut who cares they're just gfs now' ITS SO 8ORINGGG TOOOOO IF I WANTED TO LOOK AT HS WLW SHIP CONTENT WHERE THE CANON INTERACTIONS ARE FORGOTTEN AND THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE DILUTED SO ITS JUST 'T33H33 THEY ARE KISSING [END OF STORY]' ID LOOK AT ROSEMARY STUFF JUST AUUUUGH
and this is not not not not notttttttt to say that ALL vrisrezi content dilutes their actual situ8ions and how they treated eachother and shit, please do not take this that way, it's just, Ugh. it was so much Easier to make them 't33h33 stupid disaster les8ians!!!' so that's what people went with way more than i'd liked or wanted to s33 and it's just, man!!! they're COOL!!! you don't n33d to look very far at all to find ppl saying how ground8reaking vrisrezi is as far as fictional wlw rel8ionships go and they're right!!! it's not 't33h33 girl kiss [end of story]' it's ugly they disappoint eachother they try to drop and give the other one up like. at least once on 8oth their ends there's just. So Much and again im sure someone else has said it 8etter than i have, 8ut terezi is so distinct a character vriska is so distinct a character and there is a Lot to their rel8ionship, so Why would you want to make terezi 't33h33 makes vriska f33l 8etter and refuses to exist outside of making her happy/not do terri8le shit', Why would you want to make vriska 'hehe 8adass hot girl is cool', and WHY would you want to make their rel8ionship 'h33h33 when they leave the other to str8 up die it means they like eachother!! stupid disaster les8ians!! heres my art of them looking Cool and 8eing Gay and thats literally it!!!!!!!' LIKE UGHHHHHHHH
and also i noticed Again, At Least 8ack Then, a lot of vrisrezi fans are also a fan of post-retcon vriska and think it's like the ideal coolest way for her to 8e in Their take of Ideal At Their Happiest vrisrezi WHICH I AM RESISTING WITH EVERY 8ONE IN MY 8ODY TO GO OFF ON A HUGE TANGENT A8OUT, and also that they think like. romance is one-dimensional or one-way and them 8eing such a 8ig deal to eachother and having lots of f33lings a8t and for eachother and (again in their ideal vrisrezi version) settling down and shit means it HAS to 8e <3-ways, like after a point any and all intense rel8ionships WILL 8ecome d8ing (at least <3ways), sometimes even to the point of making content a8out like, post-retcon just 8efore fighting lord english and shit part of the story AND LIKE.... MAKING IT ROMANTIC <3WAYS ANYWAY????? like everyones interpret8ions exist and if you get something out of a story 8eing a specific way then you get smth out of it and whatever and even I think (vris)rezi was <3 not <> 8ut man. mannnnnnn. good for you to learn romance is not the only way intense rel8ionships and f33lings can happen, good for ppl who already know this to enjoy the content made from that knowing, and again it serves to make shit less 8oring lol if vrisrezi is such a universe-changingly intense and complex rel8ionship in f33lings and otherwise why can it only manifest in One Way, in One type of f33lings, in One expression? i think it's silly
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
man if at some point idc a8t vr1srezi anymore and can take it off my 8lacklist its gonna 8e WACK to have like, half my dash at any given time 8ack
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
it's the "opened my eyes on vr15sr3z1" anon from yesterday, i only saw that you had answered my ask when i was checking my dash befur going to sl33p so i didn't have the time or energy to write out my essay BUT it's morning now and i can so yes the widespread fandom purrception of it is wildly innaccurate to the characters and the canon! it's all just "vriska and terezi are in love and that's all there is to say about it" painting it as a purrfect healthy relationship with no flaws at all (1/?)
(2/?) when in fact there would be PLENTY of flaws literally everywhere like did you even READ homestuck??? they reduce the characters to a few traits and ignore any pawsible nuance in them and also like did you people just completely forget that they disabled each other? that was a thing that happened and it s33ms like everyone just completely brushes it off for their ship??? i s33 people acting as though vr15r3z1 is unarguably canon and just the absolute best pawsible ship and writing up huge -
(3/?) thinkpieces on it that are just simply incorrect. and people do in fact reduce characters to simply their role in a ship CONSTANTLY especially if the ship is pawpular enough in the fandom- i s33 this with r053m4ry where one time i tried looking fur art of kanaya and all of it was just r053m4ry ship art??? which of course happens with vr15r3z1 as well but with the bonus of being accused of being an awful homophob3 if you try to point this out. i haaate how it’s become such a prevalent ship
(4/? IM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG I HAVE THOUGHTS) based entirely on false purrceptions of the characters and how it would work. here’s my take on it: while they obviously do care about each other a lot and are important to each other’s arcs, the extent to which that is and their treatment of each other would not make for an easy good relationship!!! it would purrobably be at least somewhat unhealthy even if just beclaws neither of them are very healthy people (another thing that bothers me is that
(5/5) despite people complaining endlessly about how terezi is reduced to a manic pixie dream girl in m/f ships with her, they ignore her trauma and reduce her to a manic pixie dream girl fur vriska), it would purrobably be very dependent on at least one side, it would purrobably n33d some sort of intervention and safety net to work even as a friendship, and yet the fandom acts like they’re just made fur each other and UGHGH WHY. i have more thoughts but i f33l like i’ve gone over enough fur now
ok first off TY TY TY TY for going off omggggggg ive like. Never s33n anyone else who f33ls similar to the ship as i do and half the time its just ppl going ‘yeaaa the fandom is a 8it 8ad at portraying it’ and nothing else and this is soooooo nice to s33 ^_^
second off, “(another thing that bothers me is that despite people complaining endlessly about how terezi is reduced to a manic pixie dream girl in m/f ships with her, they ignore her trauma and reduce her to a manic pixie dream girl fur vriska)” THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS ENTIRELY THIS HOLY SHIT YOU. YOU GET IT,
i think my 8iggest issue with it is like…. idk how to word it 8ut terezi and vriska DO have a lot of like… 8uildup? ‘coincidences’? in their arcs Towards eachother, and it is like… Interesting cool 8ut its like… in the fandom, instead of it 8eing portrayed as smth that continuously hurt eachother, or amplified their trauma, or made entirely new trauma, instead of it 8eing viewed and portrayed as something to get over, to heal from, to grow away from, it’s portrayed as their Destiny, as Romantic, as them 8eing Meant For Eachother, which i guess is made “canon” in post-retcon 8ut its just so….. demeaning to s33.
its not inherently a 8AD ship, i Can s33 genuine like… romantic tension or whatever towards eachother, and (vris)rezi s33ms p chill and mostly devoid of the issues that made it previously awful for the 8oth of them, the fandom is just. so fucking 8ad at collecting what could possi8ly make the ship romantic and cute.them disa8ling eachother isnt romantic or cute. terezi staying with vriska out of fear that if she left her for a second she’d do awful things isn’t romantic or cute. vriska dragging terezi along in her crimes for whatever fuckoff reason, to 8e more dramatic or smth, isnt romantic or cute. terezis trauma that she’s responsi8le for everything 8ad someone does isnt romantic or cute. vriskas trauma that if shes not as intense as possi8le (ex; killing people) or she’ll die (ex; getting eaten 8y spidermom) isnt romantic or cute.
and i 8riefly mentioned this in the tags of my og post 8ut, i f33l like ppl portraying them this way so commonly and so consistantly is just issues with the ppl making the content themselves. sometimes its ppl who only rlly care a8t d4vekat or whatever who will post either a diluting occasional ‘haha gremlin girls getting up to crimes’ which comes off as just. not SUPER 8ad 8ut -rolls eyes-. or its like wlw who have ‘love HAS to hurt’ or ‘if ur in a shitty rel8ionship you should stay cause its not like you can find anyone else like you’ issues, theres all the vriska stans who are visi8ly projecting with just ‘i think im a terri8le person 8ut i want a cute girl to hold me 8ack and make up for me’ shit, and its like……… sorry u guys have these issues 8ut -puts hands on shoulders- u n33d to understand. this isnt how good romance looks at all. just cause its COMMON takes doesnt mean theyre GOOD takes. pls love urselves
like… vriska and terezi are really complex and good characters, even if they arent rlly good as people or in how they handle shit, they have a lot to them in a way that female characters most often just Dont, and i like and appreci8 that, and i love s33ing the way their whole deals kinda intertwine and how its put together……. 8ut i dont like that ppl take literally the worst aspects of their rel8ionship in all of their existences and paint it as the 8est, the most romantic, the most dramatic, the 8est, the most lova8le and appreci8a8le, 8est possi8le outcome for them. i just. i wish ppl would reread homestuck a lot hskkjhgkkgfklgfk they were fucking MISERA8LE dudes
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
god thank YOU fur going off as well beclaws the fandom is just so very incorrect most of the time. i can't really come up with a very intelligent analysis and repawnse right now but i n33d you to know that i agr33 on your points. "8ut i dont like that ppl take literally the worst aspects of their rel8ionship in all of their existences and paint it as the [...] 8est possi8le outcome for them." exactly correct a lot of what i s33 of it comes across as pretty much romanticized codependency? (1/2)
(2/2) and yeah i think the ship could pawsibly work out but definitely not the way the fandom always purrtrays it (god i hope i didnt already say that in my furst message i always furget the anon right after i send it)? cutting this ask short beclaws my laptops almost out of battery but like if you want to talk more i can dm you
thank youuuuuu its like... homestuck is so so so fucking massive in and of itself i get why so many things are misinterpreted so frequently 8ut sometimes i just. wish. ppl would reread homestuck. at least a few parts of it. select pesterlogs.
8ut yeah tysm fur talking ur more than welcome to dm me at any time :D ♥!!!!! 
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
@ whoever that anon was; art thou fucking okay
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cornflowercanine · 5 years
ppl who still ship vriskan or vrism33n like... its weird to me cause like, theyre still Cute Ships, and they were A Thing and i get where ppl are Coming from, 8ut. you. you saw how that ended. why are you still hung up on it
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