#wahh... delicious am i right
crabplatinum · 5 months
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dear fucking god im so insane about them theyre so EXPLOSION ALARM BLARING SOUNDS OF SIRENS AMBULANCE DRIVING BY BABY CRYING SOUNDS CAR CRASH these men are so hungry
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laladellakang · 1 year
masterlist | wattpad
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italics dialogue = english
the aftermath of della's interview with lee youngji
"Ahh! 차린건 쥐뿔도 없지만!" Sunghoon clamped his hands together. [charingeon jwibbuldo eobjiman = lee youngji's drinking-interview-show]
"Wahh!" the members immediately cheered and clapped, saying things like 'it's really legendary'.
"Aish, seriously," Della scoffed with an embarrassed look. "Guys-"
"'This is so delicious! What is this?!'" Jungwon imitated.
"'THIS IS THE TYPE OF DRINK THAT I LIKE!'" Jay exclaimed, pretending to hold a glass.
"'Bye, unnie! Bye unnies and oppas!'" Sunoo waved around dramatically.
"'I'm not possessive of the members,' and then later says 'NO! THE MEMBERS ARE MINE!'" Heeseung came next.
"AH, SERIOUSLY!" Della threw her head back frustratingly.
"'I am a sophisticated lady,'" Niki straightened his back and put his legs together. Della sighed, hanging her head with a hand over her eyes.
"It was really legendary! I watched it so many times!" Jungwon clapped.
"And then we she returned home-" Jake cut himself off. All eight members laughed at the memory.
"Ya- seriously- it was not Della that day- she got replaced a few minutes after filming," Della whined. "The members really like watching that video, but I just want that interview deleted from existence and everyone's memory of it."
"It's so cute, though!" "It's a great interview!" "It's legendary!" Della threw her head back again.
"Seriously! I wish I just drank water and pretended to be drunk..."
"I'M HOMEE!" Della screamed when she walked into Enha's dorm. "IT SMELLS SO GOOD! Is someone cooking?!"
"In the kitchen!" Heeseung yelled. "I wonder if she's drunk," he giggled to Jungwon and Jake.
"She's definitely drunk. She can't even handle a sip of beer," Jake shook his head.
"Wait- wait- I wanna record," Jungwon aimed his phone at the corridor. 
"OW! That hurt!" she lost her footing and bumped into a wall. "You guys have fooood?" she walked in while leaning against the wall, dragging her shoulder across the surface.
"We ordered bibimbap. How was the show?" Jungwon grinned.
"It was sooo fun! I love Youngji-unnie! I feel so free!" she switched her position, shifting her weight to her back. "I think it'll be the best interview ever!"
"Oh really?" Heeseung held back a laugh. "What did you drink?"
"Kahlua with milk and Bailey's and vodka- vodka was so delicious! I was so surprised!" her brain failed to realise (again) that the 'vodka' was water. "Or was it something else...? I think it wasn't vodka, but it was clear! It was so yummy; it didn't taste like alcohol!"
"Della's home?" Sunghoon and Sunoo left their room to join them. Jungwon stopped recording as soon as Della dramatically gasped when the two walked in.
"My darlings!" she rushed to give them a hug. "I missed you all so much! Doing a show all alone was sooooo hard!"
"Ya! Do you only miss those two?! There's seven of us, you know!" Jake complained.
"I like Kungyaz. They waited for me to come back so they can eat with me!" she leaned her head back to look at them with pouted lips. "You three ate without me!"
"They finished their food before us!" Heeyunwon protested together. "We're the ones who waited got you! They went back to their room!" Sunsun laughed and cheered at their 'win'.
"Ah really?! Then I take it back! I'm upset at you two!" Della stepped back in betrayal. "Ah give me a second. Why am I so dizzy?" she held onto the wall and squatted down.
"You're really really drunk, aren't you?" Sunghoon caressed the top of her head.
"No," her response was immediately met by the others saying 'you definitely are' and 'you're so drunk'. "No but- I'm confident that I can still remember everything by the morning so I am not drunk. I'm just tipsy."
"Just because you'll remember everything doesn't make you not drunk, Lala. You're full on drunk right now," Heeseung explained.
"YAA! WHERE IS EVERYONE?!" Della stood back up and silently counted the heads. "TWO MEMBERS ARE MISSING- WHERE ARE THEY?!"
"Who? Who is missing?" Sunoo giggled, trying to mess with her.
"The really tall one and the one with the sharp jawline," she joked to him back. "Am I right, the one with honey brown eyes?"
"YA! Did you forget our names?!" Sunoo raised his hand playfully.
"Of course not, Kim Sunoo of Enhypen from Gyeonggido! This one is Park Sunghoon of Enhypen from-" a hand was placed over her mouth before she can move on.
"Okay, darling, we get it. You still remember all your boyfriends," Jungwon pat her head to try to sober her up a bit. He doesn't know how it'll work but he'll do it anyway. "Someone get her water, please."
"Of course I remember all my boyfriends! I certainly remember that I have seven!" she pointed at everyone. "Aish- Kang Della, what are you doing? Snap out of it, snap out of it. Sober... now!" she patted her cheeks repeatedly. "Where's Jay-oppa and Riki?"
「ただいま!」Niki yelled just as the front door opened. "LALA! Are you still drunk?!" [tadaima = i'm home]
"No! I was never drunk!" she whined again before taking a sip of the water Jake gave her. "Mmm! This was the drink I was talking about! I guess it was water..." she pointed.
"You thought this was vodka?!" the members in the kitchen all laughed. Sunghoon, Sunoo and Heeseung laughed especially hard.
"It was in front of me! I didn't know what it was, it was just clear and tasted good!" 
"I think she's still very much drunk," Jay told Niki. "I guess she did actually drink a lot."
"My darlings!" Della squealed at the sight of the newly arrived members. "You're home! You're home! You're home!" she rushed to jump into their arms, similar to how she did with Sunoo and Sunghoon. "Our team is complete again!"
"Oh she definitely drank a lot," Sunghoon chuckled. "Looks like we didn't need those," he pointed to the shopping bag in Jay's hand.
"What is that-" Della immediately gasped at the bag's contents. "You planned to get me drunk?!" 
"Della- Lala- I think you need some rest, my love," Niki tried to hold back his laugh. "You must be tired. Do you wanna go to sleep?" yet another dramatic gasp from the girl.
"You wanna get rid of me?! After I worked so hard today without you guys?! I missed my members so much, do you not miss meee?" she whined. "Wait wait- my head is pounding again," she held onto Jay.
"Why don't we help you wash up and get unready?" Jay suggested. "Then you can decide what you wanna do."
"I wanna cuddle with all of youuuu," she started hanging from Jay's neck like a monkey. "I miss all of youuuu."
"That's gonna be a struggle, Lala. You need to choose one or two," Jungwon said. 
"But I don't wannaaa," she got up and switched to Niki. "I want seven!"
"Actually- maybe you should take a shower, babe," Jake patted her hair. "That should sober you up."
"Carry me!" she stretched one arm to Jake while the other stayed around Niki's neck. "I like showers. It makes you feel so fresh," suddenly she started giggling. "F-R-E-S and H, so fresh!"
"Let's go," Niki picked her up himself. "We've seen drunk Della, and now you need to chill."
requested: — drunk della — aftermath of della's interview with youngji
taglist! @afiaaaa19 @riikiblr @one16core @i90snoo @danyxthirstae01 @seulgifted @clar-iii @hiqhkey @nichmeddar @jiwlys @duolingofanaccount @nvmbheart [@studioreader @sarang-wonie @fairydosii @hoonstrology @jaetint @4sahii @8-itsmee-8 @toriluvsfics]
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steadybelieverpersona · 6 months
AN: I decided to skip the opening cutscene along with how the traveler gains the Anemo element and meets Venti and Dvalin and a heads up, I won't be active mainly because of my private life and I have to focus on that so I won't be active and write a lot also, thank you for those of you who, who decided to read this
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Paimon: Were almost there!!! Paimon can't wait to try all the delicious food~ Oh!! And also help you find your sister Aether!!!
Aether: I really hope I can meet the Anemo Archon and get information about my sister...
???: *yells from above* WATCH OUT!!!
Aether: !!! *moves away quickly*
Paimon: Wahh!!! *hides behind Aether*
???: *stops gliding and jumps on a bubble to land* Phew!!! *wipes the dirt off her skirt* Sorry about that, glad I warned you both otherwise you both would've gotten hurt, anyways, introductions, My name is Y/n, resident of Mondstat!!! And you guys are?
Paimon: Paimon's name is Paimon, and this is Aether *points at a blushing Aether*
Y/n: Alright, and is Aether alright? Does he have a fever? *gets close to his to put her hand on his forehead* his head is really warm...
Aether: I-Im alright!!! Thank you for your concern!!! *quickly pulls away*
Paimon: *has a smug look* Also, you said that you're a resident of Mondstat, right? Could you lead us to Mondstat City? Paimon's directions are a blur since Paimon is getting tired after all these directions
Y/n: Sure!!! Follow me!!! *starts walking*
Paimon: What!?! Did she just trust us that quickly even if we just met!?! *stomps her foot*
Aether: *follows her*
Paimon: Wait for Paimon!!!
Paimon: *whining* Are we almost there yet?~ Paimon's hungry!!!
Y/n: We're almost there, so hang-
???: Hey you! Stop right there!
Just then a girl with long dark brown hair, orange-gold eyes, and fair skin with her most distinguishing feature being a headband with a large red bow that rests on her head, resembling the shape of bunny ears jumped from a medium sized ledge and landed in front of them
???: *has a hand on her chest in a soldier like way* May the Anemo God you, stranger! I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius, You don't look like citizens of Mondstat. Explain yourselves!
Y/n: Hey Amber!
Amber: Y/n!?! What are you doing here!? I thought Jean said that you were gonna stay at headquarters!?! And why are you with strangers!?!
Y/n: *sweat drops* I decided to go for a walk, and I bumped into these two
Paimon: Walk? But you just-- *gets a pebble thrown her face*
Y/n: shh!!! *looks at her with her pointer finger on her lips*
Paimon: *waves her hand in front of her* Uh, we're not looking for trouble! And Y/n was just showing us the way to the city!
Amber: That's what all the troublemakers say! Especially boys that take advantage of Y/n's innocence and naiveness! *points at Aether while holding Y/n close*
Aether: Um, Hello, I'm Aether *sweat drops*
Amber: That doesn't sound like a local name to me... And this mascot, what's the deal with it?
Aether: Emergency food. *proud*
Paimon: Hey! That's even worse than being called a mascot!
Y/n: So, to sum it all up, you're traveling partners...
Amber: Well look, there's been a large dragon spotted around Mondstat recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible, I'll escort you there
Y/n: Oh, but aren't you here for some other reason?
Amber: I am, but not to worry I can keep you all safe while doing that too. Besides, I'm still not sure I can trust you being alone with those two just yet.
Aether: That's a rather rude way to speak with guests...
Amber: Oh, ahh...I'm sorry. Probably something that I shouldn't say as a knight. I give you my apologies, Uh strange but yet respectable travelers.
Paimon: That sounded so fake!
Amber: Do you have something against the type of language usage prescribed by the Knights of Favonius Handbook!?
The four were walking twords the city until Y/n realized something
Y/n: Oh right! I forgot to ask you both on the reason for why you're traveling!!!
Paimon: Aether got separated from his sister during a really long journey, Paimon is his travel buddy helping him find his sister
Amber: Oh...looking for your family? Uh... okay let me finish my stuff and then I can help you set up posters inside the city
Y/n: I'll help too! I'll even put a poster on my head if I have to!
All three: *sweat drops*
Paimon: Uh, anyways, what is it that your doing exactly first, Amber?
Amber: Its simple! You'll understand in a bit, even Y/n knows what it is
They continued walking until Paimon notices a weird creature
Paimon: Look! A hilichurl!
Amber: Quick! Get it!
Aether managed to finish off the Hilichurl before it could get away
Amber: These monsters have been getting too close to the city recently, My task this time is clear out their camp
Y/n: I see it over there! *points to where the camp is at*
Aether and Amber started to fight the hilichurls and while Aether and Amber finished up fighting their own hilichurls a hilichurl was running twords Y/n and since an explosion barel was near the hilichurl Y/n came up with a "fun" idea
Aether: Y/n!!! look out!!! *running twords her*
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(Pretend that's you instead of Nahida, and the attack is blue instead of green, and the barel blew up with the hilichurl)
After Y/n did that, the explosion barel exploded, ending the hilichurl and setting the area that the hilichurl was on fire
Y/n: That was fun! *clapping her hands and noticed the small fire she started* I should put that out before it spreads...
Amber: *looks at a shocked Aether and Paimon* Don't mind her saying that she just likes ending hilichurls since it's another way of releasing her anger other than being inside a bubble that she makes
Y/n: *pops up next to Paimon* Boo!!!
Paimon: Ah! When did you get there!?!
Amber: *ignores them as Y/n starts poking Paimon's cheek* Anyways, Thanks for the backup. How'd it feel?
Aether: Barely broke a sweat
Paimon: *floats higher so Y/n can't reach her* Now that Paimon thinks about it, how did the hilichurls end up here? These creatures don't seem like they would set up camps around cities
Amber: Exactly! It's more normal for them to be further out in the wilderness, but because the dragon, Storm Terror has been around recently our orchards have been destroyed and the market has been affected aswell
Y/n: When the storms hit we usually end up with a few injuries so the Knights of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they could by defending the area, and I've been helping out the best I could by helping repair some destroyed areas in the city and by healing injuries to the best of my ability and knowledge of medicine
Paimon: *has her hands on her hips* So these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city?
Amber: Exactly, that said, clearing the camp helped clearing this area. Come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely.
Finally, after some more walking, they all made it to the city of Mondstat, and the place looked so lively
Amber: Let me fully introduce you to the city of wind, dandelion, and freedom!
Y/n: Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius -- Welcome to the Mondstat!
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
i found some sketches i did, they're messy plus they're traditional so i'm not sure i wanna send but!!!
bless my mind for drawing geto with a crazy back arch.. and piercings.. yeah that's it that's all i wanted to say
i think this man is just.. perfect... (i wanted to add more about him but it's getting long just know he stands amongst my fav characters of all time and i need him as a husband)
i love him so much actually plus i noticed a blog that does too and they post fanfics as well i think their user is hayakawalove? i dont know i hope i didnt make a spelling mistake but anyways i love their characterization of geto and how they like him a lot because i dont often see geto fans,, a few on twitter but otherwise it's mainly gojo, toji, nanami and choso.. or maybe i'm in denial because i want more geto content 😞😞
so their + your thoughts about him ☺☺ i am well fed, it's keeping me afloat right now
OH I READ AN SMAU TODAY. actually there was another smau that kinda went like this too where reader wanted to peg jjk men and i love how in these 2 smaus i read toji hasnt a problem with it but just straight up doubt reader's dicking skills instead and yeah,, i'm thinking thoughts... imagine that happens and then the reader is so good at railing him it turns his brain inside out and he drools and he just looks at them full of love but also is just so dumbified at this point he feels like he's melting... yeahhhh
(also, i thought maybe i could just make a post with all my jjk sketches even if they're messy and tag you if you want? because i wanna share but i'm hesitant still even after all the reassurance 😭
sorry that ask is messy cuz i kept adding more stuff (as usual)(i still love me some context and bonus thoughts)
~ ☀️
SUGURU WITH PIERCINGS AND A CRAZY BACK ARCH ARE YOU KIDDING ME SUNNNYY????????!?!?!??!!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK I NEED TO HAVE HIM ASAP. him having many many piercings is canon here in loserville like yeah ear piercings, lip and brow perhaps even a nose piercing. dick piercings. yeahh................... he's so fucking hot fuuck fuck fuck
HAYAKAWALOVE!!!!!!!!!! REM MY BELOVEDD!!!!!!!!! I LOVE REM!!!!!!!!! rahhh omfg i remember when me and rem and kairo aka @/gothsuguru were all going insane abt suguru wearing lingerie lmao i need to get back to that bc holy fuck that's hot...... also him being called mommy? yeahhhh i NEEEED. to do that i love him so much
oh but if you want more of suguru you can also check out summy aka @/ohimsummer and @/lxnarphase and @/ohsuguru and @/13curses they all have some delicious stuff for him!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaand then i have seen @/tojipaws talking abt fem!suguru and i know you like that soo:333333333333 ANDD if you by any chance are open to reading some sfw stuff abt him then i highly recommend checking out @/twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat!!!!!!!
TOJI LOVES GETTING PEGGEDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's so fucking hot i need to dick him down so bad i feel dizzy just from thinking abt it ooh my goddd............ he deserves it!!!!!!!!!! he deserves to get his brains fucked out he deserves to be a lil pillow princes!!!!!!!!!!!! i am veery very into that and this is also smth i want to write more abt WAHH SUNNY I LOVE HIM SO BADDD:(((((((((((((( i'm gonna die if i don't talk abt him for more than five minutes it's so bad
ALSO YESS I WANT YOU TO TAG MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know it's hard to share smth you've made but please believe me when i say that i would absolutely LOVE to see your art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS!!!! no need to ask me either really you could just tag me in anything and everything aaand i'm gonna eat all of that up every single time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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zhongrin · 2 years
"mom, you love dad more than the dog right?" :'D /lh. yeah ehdhwj i think i accidentally broke the general mahamatra, he'll be okay tho! ("miss rin, i must request you keep that scribe far away from her." cyno says). JAJDHWJ I THOUGHT HAITHAM CANT SAY NO TO YOU THO QAQ,,oh well i tried,,i'm so sorry ansy. anyways yea!! i love watching cyno wield his polearm,,it's just so satisfying to watch- "oh? is that because you find me attractive, bunny?" (SIR NOT NOW PLS /aff) ~Lycoris
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my dear daughter, there are many kinds of love.... but yes he is my number one always and forever when it comes to romantic love <3 <3
cyno my boy unfortunately i am powerless against the scribe hskdjsjd he likes his autonomy and i can't tell him what to do, yk how he is-
yesyes polearm users >>>>>>>> ("my, i am honored" "hskdjskdj HUSH YOU")
awww pretty seashells! both you and your dad with your collection of shinies... how adorable hehe i hope you enjoyed your beach date!!
flicking your forehead is such a xiao thing to do i can't explain it hahahaha
steal a bite, steal a kiss, what's the difference really :p /j
one of these days imma get a cat (bunny?) flap for yall weirdos so you don't need to use the windows- /j
WAHH these looks so delicious thank you!! come sit down for tea, i'm sure we have some leaves that will goes well with these treats <3
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i'd like to take that offer hsldjfskldf cuddle me!!! and oooh ghibli au!!! i haven't watched too many ghibli movies bc i saw spirited away as a child and it kinda uh traumatized me lmao-
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zelk0va · 3 years
Akuneko (AKNK) Event Story, "White Worship", Chapter 7: A Lavish Feast
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Servant: Esteemed guests of the Portrair family, I have brought you your supper for tonight.
No sooner had the servant uttered those words than they began to bring in giant plates of food into the room.
In an instant, a large selection of food was arranged in front of us.
Nac: The sight of all these dishes is making me dizzy... Lucas: They all look absolutely delectable. Servant: For tonight's supper, we have prepared for you some traditional Portrair cuisine. Servant: Firstly, we have soupeh jo, a soup made from chicken and barley. Servant: Next, we have gheimeh stew, consisting of mutton meat, tomato, and beans simmered in spices such as saffron and cumin... Servant: And finally, we have naan, which is a staple in the diet of the Southern Land. Servant: Tonight, you have two different types of naan to chose from: lavash, a thinner bread, and barbari, a thicker flatbread.
>There's a whole lot more food apart from this, too... >They all look so amazing...
Servant: To continue, there is also... Nac: Y-You don't need to explain any further. Nac: But, may we really partake in this generous amount of food? Servant: Lord Shakir has instructed us to provide you all with the utmost hospitality. Servant: Should you find yourself in need of something, we are at your service. Servant: Now then, please enjoy your meal.
With that said, the servant then quietly left the room.
Nac: Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would be treated to such a feast. Lucas: Just being able to eat this cuisine makes crossing the desert worth it. Lucas: Master, please do start eating ahead of us.
>Why don't we all eat together?
Nac: No, Master, it wouldn't be right for us butlers to eat together with you...
>But then the food's gonna get all cold! >But I want all of us to enjoy the food...
Nac: Yes, I understand, but... Lucas: Thank you, Master. That's very kind of you. Well, then, please don't mind we do. Nac: L-Lucas?! Lucas: The Master is so kindly inviting us to join them. Don't you think it would rude for us to decline? Nac: Y-You make a good point, but... Lucas: I heard that you it's customary to sit down on the floor as you eat here in the Southern Land. Lucas: Here, Master. Have a seat.
>Thank you >Alright, guess I'll sit here
Lucas: You, too, Nac. Come now... Nac: Ah, please, wait a moment, Lucas--! Lucas: Hehehe. Getting to sit at a dinner table along with the Master is such a novel feeling. Nac: I can't quiet get used to it...
>Relax a bit, Nac >No need to be so tense...
Nac: I doubt there is a butler who wouldn't tense up at the thought of sitting beside their Master... Lucas: Well then, Master, let's start eating. Lucas: Before that ravenous little Muu comes back...
Muu: Wahh! Muu: I thought I smelled something delicious coming from this room! Seems like my nose didn't fail me!
>Muu?! >We've been found!
Lucas: Ah, speak of the devil... Muu: Why are you the two sitting around the table with the Master? Lucas: The Master said they wanted to have dinner together. Lucas: Our Master is so kind, aren't they? Lucas: Where's Lamli, by the way? Lamli: Here I am~! Did you call for me, Sir Lucas? Lucas: Oh good, you made it back safely. Lucas: But, what's that you've got in your arms, Lamli? Nac: It looks like a bottle...Could it be a bottle of wine? Lamli: Mm-hmm! I found it while I was exploring the palace! Lamli: There were so many wines that I thought you'd enjoy, Sir Lucas, so I got one for us! Nac: Lamli, don't tell me you stole this bottle of wine! Lamli: "Stealing" is such an ugly word! C'mon, I didn't steal anything. Lamli: I'll have you know I made sure to check with a servant before I took it. Muu: But, Lamli, in the beginning you took it without asking at all... Muu: You "checked" with a servant after you caught, didn't you? Lamli: I mean, I got their approval in the end, so we don't need to sweat all the small details! Lucas: Lamli, haven't I warned you not to act on impulse? Lamli: Y-Yes, you have, and I'm aware... Lamli: But it was a wine I knew you were going to love, so I just had to bring it to you! Nac: Goodness...Lamli's loyalty to Lucas is truly remarkable. Nac: However, Lamli... Lamli: Ugh, what is it now? Still got something you wanna complain about? Nac: Tell me, what exactly do you plan to do with this sheer amount wine you've brought over? Lamli: Isn't it obvious? Lamli: We're gonna have a feast tonight!
* * *
←Chapter 6 Chapter 8→
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kithtaehyung · 3 years
omgg happy birthday!! hope you have an amazing day filled with love, delicious food and laughter💕💕sending you so much love and hugs from me✨💓✨💓✨
WAHH PATRICIA!! thank you so much, love! and i am already laughing at all the bangtan gifs my family is sending me and?? we got ot7 pics today and a yoongi selfie and jimin live and yoonmin video i— did i miss anything?😩 thank you so much and i will give you a massive hug right now, too🤍💕💗
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btsfan15 · 3 years
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(One of the best and most high quality pics we have of Jin's abs. You're welcome).
I headed into BigHit Entertainment building with Jin's favorite meal. I worked so hard to cook it for him and I'm hoping he likes it. I'm nervous because I'm afraid he won't like what I made. I don't really cook that often.
I step on the elevator and press the button for the third floor. When I arrive at my destination, I step off and look down the hallways. I check the practice room first.
Jin isn't there, but Jimin, Jungkook, and Hobi are.
"Navya?!" Hoseok grins.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks.
"And what's in that bag?" Jimin asked, licking his lips.
Jungkook's eyes go wide when he sees the bag and a mischievous grin spreads across his face.
"This is for Jin." I said, pulling the bag protectively towards me.
"Aw." Jimin and Jungkook frown.
"Sorry. Maybe I'll bring some for all of you next time. Where's Jin at anyway?"
"He decided to go to the gym today." Hoseok said.
"Oh really? Maybe he'll be hungry. I worked hard on this. It's his favorite dish."
"If he's not hungry, Jimin and I will eat it." Jungkook said.
"Nice try." I chuckled.
He sighed.
I said goodbye to the boys and headed to the gym. I approached the doors and peeked in.
(A gif just because it's ICONIC and we don't get to see videos of Jin working out)
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I let out a gasp when I saw Jin lifting some weights. I watches as his muscles flexed with every move. He finished up and stood, stretching his arms. I saw him fanning his shirt in an attempt to cool off. He raked his fingers through his hair, thanks to all his sweat, his hair stayed slicked back, exposing his forehead.
He grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head causing my eyes to widen. He moved over to a pull up bar and started doing pull ups. I felt like I was gonna start drooling as I watched his back muscles flex.
"Whatcha doin'?" I heard a voice behind me.
I jumped and let out a small squeak before turning around. Taehyung stood there, with a bright grin on his face.
"I'm here to see Jin." I said.
"Then why are you standing out here, gawking at him?"
"I-I wasn't gawking."
Taehyung looked past me into the gym and saw Jin exercising.
"Oh, you were totally gawking." He laughed. "Navya is nasty." He teased, poking my side.
"I-I'm not nasty! Jin just looks really good."
"You mean really hot?"
"Yes! I-I mean no!"
Tae started laughing.
"Go away!" I shoved him down the hallway.
"Toodles!" He waved at me before disappearing around the corner.
I sighed and turned towards the gym. Jin had stopped working out and was staring right at me. He smiled and waved really big. I waved back and headed inside.
"Hi, Jin!"
"How'd you know I was here?" He asked.
"Oh, I stopped by the practice room and had to abs- ASK Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jimin where you were."
"Ah." He chuckled, a small smirk on his lips indicating he heard my slip up. "So, what are you doing here?" He asked, throwing a small towel over his shoulder.
"I made you something." I grinned, holding the bag up. "It's your favorite. I hope you're hungry."
"Are you kidding?! I'm always hungry!"
"I think you should wait until you're..." I stopped talking, my eyes raking his exposed torso. "...uh...not...shirtless...and hot."
"What was that?" He asked.
"Ah! N-nothing."
"I thought you said something about me being shirtless and hot."
"No...y-you obviously misheard me."
"So, I'm not hot?"
"You are!"
"I am?"
"I mean...sure I guess." I shrugged.
He smirked and took the bag of food from me, setting it aside. His arm wrapped around my waist and jerked me forward towards him, making me bump into his chest. I let out a gasp at the sudden action. He was still breathing heavily from his workout.
He tilted his head a little, eyes darkening. I gulped nervously. He placed one of his fingers under my chin and tilted my face up towards him. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.
"Maybe I should have dessert first." He smirked before diving back in for another kiss, this time it was more forceful. My arms wrapped around his neck as his plump lips moved perfectly against mine. His hands gently started squeezing my waist.
A loud banging on the gym doors made us pull away. Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook were standing outside the glass doors, smiling.
They walked into the room, acting as if they didn't catch Jin and I making out.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, my face hot out of embarrassment.
"Jungkook and Jimin wanted to see if Jin would share his food." Hoseok sighed.
"Absolutely not." Jin said, grabbing the bag off the floor.
Jimin and Jungkook frowned disappointedly.
"Alright, you heard him. He's not sharing. Now, c'mon, let's go." Hoseok grabbed the backs of the two younger member's shirts and pulled them out of the room.
"Let's head to the lounge, we can hang there." Jin said.
I nodded.
He grabbed his discarded shirt and slipped it back on before we walked out.
We got to the lounge and sat on the couch. Jin put the bag on the table and opened it up, pulling out the food container.
He grabbed a pair of chopsticks I put in there and opened the container. He dramatically wafted the smell up towards his face and sniffed the air.
"It smells amazing. Let's see how it tastes."
He took a bite and chewed, looking as if he was deep in thought. His eyes widened.
"Wahh~" He clapped. "My girlfriend is a cooking genius!"
"Stop acting like it's good." I laughed.
"I'm not! It really is delicious! You did really good!" The seasoning is perfect."
"It is?"
"Mhm!" He nodded and shoved another huge bite into his mouth.
I smiled as I watched him.
He really is enjoying my cooking.
"Here." He shoved a bite of food towards me. "Have some."
I tried it when I cooked it, but I can't refuse since Jin looks so cute giving me puppy eyes. I leaned forward and took the food.
"You should cook more often."
"I don't know...I'm not that good at it."
"If you're not confident in your cooking skills, I can always help you out."
"No, you're busy with schedules and stuff."
"So?" He shrugged. "I'll find time."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'd love to be your cooking teacher."
"I'd love that, too."
After Jin, finished eating, he was kind enough to put the container back in the bag. He scooted over next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I could feel him eyeing me, so I glanced over at him.
"I didn't get to finish dessert earlier." He smirked, licking his lips.
"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow. "Why don't you finish it then?"
"Gladly." He leaned in, pressing his lips to mine.
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missneko-otaku · 5 years
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(*Writer’s notes: Hello~ It has been quite a while since I last posted a new fic. I have been trying (my very best ง •̀ω•́)ง✧ ) to give time for some writing and finally managed to do it. This was supposed to be my first attempt at writing a drabble but, oh well..hahaha ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯ I failed miserably as you can tell. So instead, this is a oneshot fluff(?) for one of my favorite slbp npc characters, Tadakatsu. Well, we can say that this is probably my first fluff fic(if this is considered a fluff). Though I don’t really know if I did good in writing it XD
About the fic too, umm...(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ, this was just a sudden urge (I was sitting and just watching random youtube videos on my laptop when I suddenly thought of writing it).
I have been meaning for so long to write a oneshot fic for Tadakatsu as well, but during those times I was focused more on Yasumasa’s fic chapter series(which btw, is still ongoing).. But out of the blue, like what I have been telling you right now---for some reason I had the inspiration to write for Tadakatsu. The sudden idea came from, I think, tenka event? From Ieyasu’s event route, where MC, Yasu and the gang were there talking about mushrooms? I really can’t remember well. And Tadakatsu was excited wanting to eat those mushrooms so that he can experience an upset stomach, or something similar to that? Not sure. I just remember that part then I had the urge to write something about it. And that’s how this fic was written and made.
As always I am really not confident about my English and grammar skills, even my writing skills. I feel like I am still lacking. Though, I am really thankful and grateful for the people who have said otherwise to me.
Anyway, in case you see some grammar mistakes don’t feel shy to correct me or point it out to me (in a gentle and kind manner ^v^**) so that I can improve more. Thanks~ )
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✼A Curious Person And Some Mushrooms (Tadakatsu x MC) (oneshot)
Ever since I have arrived here in Mikawa there is this particular person that for some odd reason would always catch my attention. And before I know it, I have become quite fond of him.
“What nice weather we have today~ You must be feeling happy right now Yahiko, seeing all the laundry will be drying very well under this weather.”
“Wahh!” I exclaim, startled by the sudden warm and pleasant greeting of Lord Tadakatsu behind me—almost making me drop the newly washed blankets that I am about to hang. I turn to greet him, “Lord Tadakatsu, please stop surprising people like that.” I say but clearly, he’s right. I’m in a good mood.
His eyes beaming as always like a ray of warm sunshine and his smile as innocent as the blue sky. I would have never thought that behind this naive and friendly facade lies such a curious, unusual persona. He loves being the catch basin of lord Ieyasu’s ire and sharp remarks. He enjoys being hurt physically too, I see it sometimes. At first, I was shocked by it but have come to gradually accept his strangeness.
“I thought so!” laughs lord Tadakatsu heartily and kindly. Usually, he is together with Lord Yasumasa and Toramatsu. But now, he is all by himself. I wonder what is he doing here strolling alone in the garden.
“By the way, Yahiko, do you have time after this?” says lord Tadakatsu, a bit sheepish which is new to me.
“Well, I do have some free time after this. Do you need help with something?” I ask as I fluff and hang the laundry so naturally on the clothesline.
His eyes bashful yet shining at the same time as he replies to me, “Can you come with me to the woods? Yasumasa nor Toramatsu wouldn’t want to come. I don’t know why they hate the idea so much and going alone seems boring too. So can I trouble you? We are going to pick and eat some mushrooms~!” says lord Tadakatsu with some delight.
“Mushrooms??” I ask, my eyes batting in a quizzical fashion at him.
“Yes~ I have been so bored for days. Nobody is paying any attention to me. Yasumasa would always tell me to shut up. Toramatsu, on the other hand, would be at a loss for words whenever I tell him something and would leave me behind. And the absence of lord Ieyasu is making it more difficult for me to bear. How I miss lord Ieyasu’s glare and..ahhhhhh..~”
Suddenly, Lord Tadakatsu starts hugging himself as he writhes in pleasure in front of me, reminiscing the past callous rebukes of Lord Ieyasu towards him. Noticing that I am quite not saying anything at all, just standing there with an uneasy expression that I don’t know that I am showing—he stops and starts to explain more.
“That’s why I asked Master Hanzo about my situation. He told me that perhaps I need a little adventure in the woods. He told me to go only by this route and pick some mushrooms the more unique in appearance, the better. Then, he said why to have a mini campfire party while I am already at it, roast some and eat it there. Enjoy the surroundings. And maybe, he said, maybe I’ll find something too.”
Oh...don’t tell me... Master Hanzo, what are you even thinking? I say in my mind with disbelief and half worried to this innocent-looking samurai.
“So Yahiko? Hmm??” chimes in lord Tadakatsu into my thoughts. “Will you?”
Gosh..how can I even say no to this adorable, sweet-looking face.
Finally, we are now in a small clearing that is located somewhere in the middle of the forest—filled with these “unique mushrooms” growing everywhere. Our faces, hair, and clothes in total dirty, disarray and disheveled state. I did not expect this at all. I don’t even know why the hell I carelessly said yes to this. Master Hanzo must be having fun right now, the thought that lord Tadakatsu foolishly took his advice and even managed to bring someone along with him would be such a fun sight for him. This route that he suggested is such an untrodden and dangerous path! I can’t think how many times we slipped, fell and got lost because of that damn untrustworthy piece of paper that was given to him as a map.
I knew it. Master Hanzo can be crafty sometimes.
“Here we are Yahiko, finally~” says lord Tadakatsu enthusiastically like nothing happened to us just a while ago. “I’m starting to really feel excited and ahhh~ I’m glad we came! That path gave us such a thrill too. Also, I can’t wait to taste these mushrooms around us.”
What to do with this man? I sigh. I don’t know if he knows how some mushrooms are not edible and are poisonous, that you CAN’T eat every single mushroom you see. You have to be familiar with them. Only a few are edible but most of them are deadly. I wonder if he knows that or is he just playing dumb? Or perhaps he just wants an upset stomach? Whatever the case, fortunately, I had time to prepare some stuff and some EDIBLE mushrooms before coming here, plus a small kettle and water for making tea later.
I pretend to go along with this ridiculous idea, pretending to be picking up these poisonous mushrooms. While on the other hand, lord Tadakatsu, with all his heart pick every single one he sees, his arm already full with such vibrant odd-looking mushrooms. I don’t know if he recognizes it as poisonous or not, but he really does seem to enjoy it. To be honest, I can’t help but feel really worried yet at the same time feel happy for him. Seeing him like this, I can’t help but find this ludicrous situation with him appealing and enjoyable. Plus he looks so adorable right now, like a big kid having his own fun—the scene, making me grin at him like a fool as well.
“Lord Tadakatsu, I think we have enough already. Let me prepare the ones you handpicked for us. I will prepare some tea too.”
“Thank you, Yahiko.” says lord Tadakatsu, you can really see the excitement in his eyes, and that he is really having fun.
“While you do that, I’m going to make some fire for us.” says lords Tadakatsu before going to the other side to prepare the woods.
As he does that, I furtively prepare the edible mushrooms I brought with us. Seasoning them well. When everything’s ready, we sit down in front of the fire, holding our mushrooms out and grilling them nicely over the fire. The smoky and delicious smell wafting through the evening breeze.
“Is it just me, or something is different about the mushrooms? Their sizes seem different from what we picked–” he examines it closely. A bit confused.
“Ha..ha..ha.. You are just imagining things.” I blurt with an awkward laugh.
We ate and finished everything.
We are now sipping hot tea under the serene moonlight as we observe the calmness and stillness of our surroundings. The sky seems to glimmer so much tonight. I unconsciously look at my side, the moon and the fire illuminating his handsome features that I never noticed before. A funny feeling comes over my chest which is weird. As I try to organize my thoughts, lord Tadakatsu speaks up, “Today I had fun Yahiko. Thanks to you.” He says as he glances my way, it is so sudden that I feel my cheeks reddening right away.
“Oh, I- It’s nothing. I didn’t do anything at all. It was Master Hanzo’s idea.” I say, my gaze faltering and I look away from him”
“That is not true, without you this short trip wouldn’t be as exhilarating and fun as I expected it would be. Being able to see your cute and funny reactions at every worse situation, how you would easily tumble so carelessly too, how we both got lost, got hurt trying to tread that path is just pure bliss to me. Ahhghh~ Don’t you agree? Yahiko?”
“And I get to eat your cooking and drink tea with you right now.”, then all of a sudden, his brows furrowing as if he remembered something, “But, it feels like something is missing, I am expecting this mushrooms to make me..hmm..I was sure I picked the weirdest ones..” he murmurs feeling confused. It is like he is anticipating something to happen to him.
I don’t know why but even though I should feel weirded out by what he is saying right now, there’s this part of me feeling happy and shy and also glad that I was the one he thought first to invite in this little outing in the woods. It has somehow felt to me like I am special too, in some way, to him.
A few moments of silence passes as we appreciate the stillness of things around us, my nose catches something delicious-smelling in the air. I look where it is coming from only to see lord Tadakatsu roasting something over the fire. As he makes eye contact with me, he excitedly speaks to me, “Ohh, do you still want to eat more? I have been saving this for the last. IT looks so ODD it may taste dangerously good~! But, what to do, I can’t give you this~” he says in a teasing manner, waving the slightly burned and fat, juicy looking mushroom on the stick at me.
As my mind is trying to register everything before me, I see lord Tadakatsu starts nibbling the newly cooked grilled mushroom. Hot and juicy.
Good heavens..! Don’t tell me what I am thinking is right..!
It has dawned on me that he must have kept an extra mushroom he picked earlier. He starts eating the half part, happily chewing the poisonous thing. Panicking, I stand right away. A loud sound of a clattering cup resounds in the air as I drop my tea and hurriedly run towards him, knocking him down onto the ground. He is sprawled out on the ground facing me who is somewhat on top of him.
“Spit it out..! Lord Tadakatsu, you should spit it ALL out..!” I say in a somehow worried yet commanding tone with a hint of anger, anger at his recklessness or stupidity.
“Wha– waahh..!?” he says in a mumble, his mouth still filled with chunks of the flesh of the mushroom. His arms flailing in defense. On his one hand, he holds up his precious mushroom in the air as he tries his best not to let it fall from his hand to the ground. He still doesn’t understand what is going on, he tries to stop my hands from reaching him as I try to make him spit out everything.
As he is about to gulp it all down—worried at what might happen to him if he ate it all—I instinctively grab his neck with one hand in a swift motion and my other hand—my right hand—force his mouth open. My fingers forced its way relentlessly inside of his mouth so that I can get all the chunky bits of that mushroom. Suddenly, I feel the sudden loss of energy from lord Tadakatsu. He suddenly stops flailing around me and a sultry, erotic moan escapes from his lips.
“Ahh-mmm~~” to my sudden shock, I remove my fingers from his mouth and slapped him hard on the cheek. Wha—– What the hell was THAT!!??
I am so shocked by his voice. The sound is so strangely inviting that it gives me the creeps.
I am still sitting on top of him, our positions looking odd and his face is writhing in so much pleasure that I instinctively get off of on top of him, scampering away from him.
Lord Tadakatsu slowly gains his breathing now that he is free from my hands. He is gasping for air for a bit and coughing out the remnants of the poisonous mushroom from his mouth. He sits up groggily, his right hand touching his neck.
I feel nervous, weirded out as well by lord Tadakatsu’s voice and at the same time guilty at how I was so forceful in getting that damn mushroom out of his mouth. I have to admit, I panicked too much. I should have used my head better. Thought more before doing something so horrible to him like that. But really, MC, he WAS eating a poisonous mushroom just seconds ago, you know. So, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD NOT PANIC ABOUT IT? I tell myself in my head.
Meanwhile, Lord Tadakatsu’s breathing slowly becomes stable. He then starts to talk, “Wha–why…Why did you stop??” he asks his voice a bit strained from all that happened but his face shows the opposite; it is like he was begging for more.
I was dumbstruck. So dumbstruck. I didn’t expect that…question…that reaction, at all.
Good. Just good, MC. Have you forgotten? It has totally slipped my mind that lord Tadakatsu takes pleasure from such things: being punished or inflicted…and in whatever manner, he likes it. He has that kind of strange, very strange side. Even though I thought that I have gotten used to it, still it shocks me a bit.
“I–, I… Wha–what are you even thinking!??” I suddenly say in a furious tone. I don’t know anymore what I am feeling. Mixed emotions are welling up inside of me. A mixture of worrying and fear, fear from him totally getting himself killed because of that stupid mushroom, and anger as well, all building up within me. I don’t know what I should do or feel about him or of the situation itself. I don’t know anymore how should I really react at this. I have known lord Tadakatsu to be really an odd person, I should have expected something like this. But for some reason, I feel angry and annoyed.
Here I am, my heart almost leaped out from my chest, I felt all my blood drain from my face the second that he ate that poisonous mushroom, worried that he might die on the spot. I was almost about to lose my mind here, you know. Yet he takes everything lightly, like nothing wrong is happening.
You just ate a poisonous mushroom!? And the first thing you would ask after all that strangling and panicking is why I stopped!?? Are you— are you kidding me? Is this a joke?
“Are you that bored..!? Bored enough to want to really try something stupid and kill yourself..!?” I snapped.
Lord Tadakatsu, suddenly becomes quiet, too surprised he doesn’t know how to react. Maybe because it is his first time seeing me get really mad and snapped at him. It is probably new to him, to see this side of me fuming so different from the usual happy, calm and understanding side I usually show to everyone.
The pleasure coating on his face before has now turned into something else: guilt. He is silent, looking a bit bewildered, like a kid being punished, feeling guilty somehow. He ruffles his dark grayish hair with his fingers, his eyes looking a bit apologetic, “I’m sorry. I got carried away. I couldn’t stop myself, you know. I had the sudden urge to eat that mushroom despite the fact that it may really be poisonous. And I’m sorry too. Before I know it, I couldn’t stop myself enjoying what you were doing to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t think I would really make you this upset…” he says, his eyes sincerely looking sad, similar to the eyes of a lost puppy.
Uggghh, again..that face..that naive face. I must be crazy right now.
I can’t help but let out a small yet long frustrated sigh. For some reason, whenever I see this naive side of lord Tadakatsu, I can’t help but give in to that silly face. All the exasperation that has burst out of me earlier is somehow gone in an instant. Like it melted away into the evening breeze along with my sigh.
Back at the castle.
We are walking, side by side in the hallway. All the retainers must be in the main hall and are probably having their dinner by now. The moon is round above the evening sky, illuminating every corner and area it can in the castle.
Feeling full because of the grilled mushrooms we ate together and with all the tiring things that happened to us today, I have decided to just return at my quarters and call it a day. I do feel very exhausted, my body feeling heavy already as I walk.
I take a glance at him and about to excuse myself when I notice that he is grinning, his eyes smiling.
“You really did enjoy and had fun today, huh? lord Tadakatsu.” I say to him, still walking side by side in the hallway.
“Oh, haha true~! I did. Is it that obvious?” he replies in a jolly manner.
“Well, you can’t seem to hide that big grin on your face. So I thought you must really have enjoyed that little (savage) trip to the forest.” I say.
“Haha, then I see that it was a good decision to asked master Hanzo. Like what he said, all I needed was a little adventure and it did satisfy the loneliness and boredom I was feeling. And he was right, in the end, I did really find something…I discovered something good.”
Hmm...I wonder what is it? Curious about what he is referring to.
“How about you? Did you have fun too, Yahiko?” he asks curiously as his head tilts slightly at the side.
“I–umm..well, I–somehow, in a way I think,” I say to him in a low voice. To be honest, I don’t have the energy at all to think about everything that happened today. I just want to rest my mind, just sleep when I get back in my room. But, despite the rollercoaster of emotions, mood swings that I felt in just a single day, I would be lying to myself if I said that the whole thing was huge exhaustion, a mess and that I didn’t enjoy it all. I honestly did have fun, maybe not the whole time, but I did enjoy accompanying lord Tadakatsu. And for some reason, I like the fact that somehow through this we got a little bit closer than before.
”*sighs*I am glad to hear that. That you had fun with me. I was worried that maybe in the end I was the only one enjoying it..” he says in a somehow meek expression.
Well, to be honest, the last part is almost true. He WAS the ONLY one who was enjoying the disasters that we encountered. To be honest, I am shocked, shocked that we made it alive and glad that nothing really serious happened to us.
“Don’t worry too much about it. I’m just glad somehow the trip turned….umm…well at the end..and that is enough for me.” I say making him feel comfortable.
Suddenly lord Tadakatsu stops walking, “Then..! Let’s do it again! Having a little excursion from time to time isn’t bad. And..ahhhhh…~~”, he pauses for a moment, then, “and those things…I look forward to it again, Yahiko…And please, you may get really mad at me as much as you want, and I wouldn’t really mind at all~” he says as he writhes in pleasure in front of me. Taken aback at this sudden twist of events, I freeze on my spot.
“Ahh~ I can’t wait..! I can’t wait to see you get mad at me again, and I can’t wait for those hands and fingers of yours to choke me again..! ahhh ..! That was so far the best experience I had for a long while...Yahiko, I didn’t really have any idea you had that kind of side in you…~ Pleaase..can you do it for me again? Do it to me again..I– I want to experience those grip of your—”
Before anyone passes by and hears him—and because he is really being too loud as well, making weird noises as he speaks—I am clasping lord Tadakatsu’s mouth with both of my hands without realizing it.
“Please, lord Tadakatsu stop…! I beg you, just stop and calm yourself. Why are you suddenly being like this? Someone will misunderstand what you are saying if they hear it..!” I say nervously as I look around us, afraid that someone might really hear him.
I thought for a moment that I finally managed to make lord Tadakatsu stopped from mumbling weird things. But to my dismay when I look at him again, it seems like I just added more fuel to his desire. He seems to be enjoying my hands clasping his mouth. I can see that weird blush getting more visible the longer I do clasp his mouth hard. So I removed my hands from his mouth and instead, I just decided to give up. Let him do or say what he wants. I don’t care anymore. Because the more I try to do something or stop him, the weirder he just becomes and harder to handle.
“I surrender. Fine..*sigh*. I give up. Have it your way or whatever, I don’t know anymore..” I say defeatedly.
I walk ahead dragging my feet—feeling all the remaining energy I have left in me escape from my body. And without looking back at all, I leave lord Tadakatsu alone there in the hallway—still in a trance from the mild pleasure he got from me clasping hard his mouth.
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The Royal Family’s Beloved Royal Blue 5/11
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Summary: Mankai Company agrees to do a performance at a gem exhibition upon request from Tsuzuru’s brother, Tadoru. Citron wants to show a precious gem from Zahra at the exhibition so he entrusts Mika to bring it to Japan. The only problem is there is also a gem thief who follows Mika to Japan….
Note: Please make sure you have read the main story up until Act 8 and Harugaoka Quartet event!
This is a 10 part story with an epilogue.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
Epilogue “A present for my cute little brother”
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[I deeply apologise for causing so much alarm.]
He says he is deeply sorry for causing so much alarm.
What happened before was not Mika’s fault.
If I had such a loyal and reliable servant I would definitely make sure I took care of him.
[For some reason when I saw Sakisaka’s scared face I was somehow reminded of Prince Tangerine—
I just felt this sense of ‘I have to do something immediately to protect him’.]
[Citronia and I also thought that Sakisaka is similar to Prince Tangerine.]
[I can see why. So it was not just me who thinks that.
Until that criminal is caught, I will do whatever I can within my power to protect everyone.]
*translating for Azuma*
…. And that is what we said.
Thank you, Mika. That is very reassuring. However, you are also allowed to take some time to relax.
For example… I got it. I would like to eat some of the Zahra cuisine you make again.
Just eating good food together cheers everyone up after all.
*translating for Mika*
[… And that is what he said, what do you say, Mika?]
[Of course. It is the least I can do… Please let me treat.]
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Can I put this here?
There is fine.
[I apologise for burdening Utsuki once again.]
[Don’t worry about it. I am also learning from Mika’s cooking.]
[For the soup, let’s use some of this spice.]
[Oh, sounds good. This spice is also one of my favourites.]
Oh! I smell something good!!
Fufu, we asked Mika to cook. He is making us some Zahran cuisine.
Nice~!! I am looking forward to dinner!
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Wow! This smells great!!
Wahh, this looks so delicious!
Director, Muku, please feel free to take whatever you like! You too, Juza, don’t be shy!
Aight, thanks.
But you didn’t even make any of this.
…! Yummy!
Yea! The spice really accents the rest of the ingredients in this soup, so delicious!
It is a different kind of taste, but it’s good.
This seems like it would go well with some sake.
I recommend this stew as well!!!
Fufu, I feel like I just walked into a Zahran restaurant.
[… I am glad.]
Hey, Chikage, could you help interoperate a little?
Yea, sure.
Mika, thank you for cooking for everyone.
[It is no problem. After all, it is thanks to Yukishiro’s proposal that I was able to take this time to relax and ease my feelings. Thank you so very much.]
Oh!? Mika and Azuma and Chikage are all having a sea creek chat!
Sea creek chat?
It’s secret chat.
Yes that!!! Harsh!! I am all confuzzled~!!!!
I wanna know what Mika is saying!!! Please, I wanna hear about Zahra.
Ahh, right. I want to know too.
I am also interested in learning about spices if you don’t mind.
Fufu, you’re quite popular.
[Yes, I am happy. Everyone, thank you so much.
Good luck on tomorrow’s gem exhibition!]
To be continued... Read part 6 here!
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theuntamedfanfic · 4 years
The scripture of the untamed
The untamed fan picture
Chapter 7 Assemble
Wei Ying : Morning everyone!!!! I got you guys huge Jian Bing ( Chinese fried pancakes)
Y/N : What time is it?
You take your phone out 5:30 AM WTF!!!
Y/N : Give me more 5 minutes
Wei Ying : minute?
Y/N : You count 1 to 300 then I will be waken up,OK?
Lan Zhan : Wake up
Y/N : Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You mumbled. Why people here wake up so early.  T3T
Y/N : So what’s the plan today?
Lan Zhan : We back to where it was started?
Wei Ying: Luan Zhang Gang. Finding any thing about Wen Sect.
You can see Wei Ying face changed. He always has wild smile but now it is fading.
Y/N : Wei Ying are you have any idea who is be hide all of this?
Wei Ying : I think I know, Do you know?
Y/N : Of cause I do. I am from a future remember huh
Wei ying: So let’s speak out at the same time. I count 1 to 3 then we call it out.
Y/N : Deal
Wei Ying : 1 2 3
Y/N and Wei Ying : Jin Guag Yao!!!!!
Lan Zhan doesn’t look surprise. He do suspect this guy since Wei ying deadth….He is the only man that not appear in 4 sect war. He learnt Lan sect, Nei sect and Jin sect skill. He know what is the weakest point of each sect since He have lived in their clan.
Wei Yin: Lan Zhan say something.
Lan Zhan : Let’s go
Y/N : No ! After I finished this delicious Jian Ping.
Wei Ying: Yummy
Lan Zhan :…………..
While we are traveling
Wei Ying : Xiu Ling can you tell me what your phone can do?
Y/N :A lot!!!  It can tell times, call other people who also have it, playing music and take pictures.
Wei Ying : Picture ?
You pause and put your phone out open front camera.
Wei Ying : wowwww Is that me ? Are that you?
Y/N : Yesss
Wei Ying : So it is a mirror.
Y/N: No No No Lan Zhan!!!
Lan zhan who have already walked beyond you. Yon and Wei ying run after him
Y/N: Come on. Look at this black whole . I will count 1 to 3 then we smile,Ok
1 2 3 snaped
Wei Ying : We are in phone. Wonderful. So where is it gonna go?
Y/N : Here.
You open photo gallery
Y/N : This. Yahhh Lan Zhan I said smile. Do you know SMILE?
Wei Ying : He rarely smile.
Y/N : Come on at least smile once for me. So when I am gone I can remember your guys.
GONE…. They have already forgotten that some day you have to go back where you are belong. Their face look sad a bit.
Y/N : But but Not anytime soon. Come on Lan zhan smile :D
1 2 3 snaped
Wei ying : Wahh You can make Lan Zhan smile.
Y/N : Is this his smile.
Wei ying : Yeah
Wei ying slide you phone to the right
Wei Ying : Is he your lover?
Lan Zhan staring at the phone emotionlessly.
Y/N : No No No He is my best friend
Wei Ying : In future women and men can be friend?
Y/N : Yes. We are together for 4 years. He is only one I have left.
You can feel you tear dropping down.
Y/N : I don’t have family, They have been death since I could remember. He also, He never know who his family is. I can not imagine how he gonna be right now.
You tear drop again
Y/N : By the way after we finished our mission. I can concenter to figure  it out how to go back.
You start walking again while Wei Ying and Lan Zhan still stand there and watch you walk away
Y/N : Come on guys.
 Luan Zhang Gang cave
 Wei Ying : Too much fierce corpses!!!!
Then Lan Zhan suddenly pull his sword out
Lan Zhan : Something is comimg.
You put your wand out, Wei Ying also put his flute in front of his lips. A group of people run out
Some old man : Killed them all!!!!
About 100 people follow his order. They dressed in different uniforms, White,Yellow,Blue,Black. Wait!!! is that Lan Sect uniform?
You 3 jump out from the back of a big stone. Lan Zhan swing his swords around killed numbers of fierce corpses. Wei ying play his flute try to control them.
Y/N : “Avada Kedavra”
A green flash of light spreading out kill amounts of fierce corpses.
Y/N : Shit!!!!some fierce corpses already in death forms.
Wei ying : It is too much every one go hiding in the back of the clan
There have an old clan in the deepest of the cave. Numbers of people have already run toward it.
Wei ying: We can’t hold it any longer!!!
You talk to yourselves. Please work,Please work just please
Y/N: “Expecto Patronum”
A patronus guards against fierce corpses
Y/N : Every one run!!!! You guy too!!!
Wei ying and Lan Zhan look at you
Y/N : Go!!!!!
You try to hold a patronus and start steping back to the the clan slowly. After you entered in Wei Ying And Lan Zhan immediately closed the doors
Y/N: “Colloportus”
The doors was closed
Some old man : A witch. She is a witch!!!!!
Some other old man : Wei Wu xian!!!!
Everyone point sword toward us
Wei Ying : Hey we just save your guys ass remember!!!! And She is not a witch
Lan Zhan step forward try to hidding me!?!?
A man in yellow suit : So why she have a wand and  can control fierce corpses?
Y/N: I did not control them
Lan Zhan: Don’t speak. Let’s Wei ying do it
You still hidding be hide Lan Zhan back.
A man in yellow suit : Liar!!! Wei wu xian is a demon and now he has a witch as a friend!!!
Wei Ying: Su Se shut up!!!!!
Ohhhhhhhhhh That guy is Su Se the right hand of Jin Guang Yao.
Y/N : It is him
Lan Zhan: What?
Y/N: He behide all of this
Lan Zhan : Keep in silent.
Wei ying: All of this time you guys still think I am a demon? Unreasonable…I did die 16 years ago. Do you guys ever think after my death why fierce corpses still roaming around and increasing in numbers
Su Se : Because you do it. You kill peo…eh eh eh eh eh
Lan Zhan: Continued
Wei ying: That is because It never be me who cause the 4 sect war!!! There have someone be hide and I think it is you Su Se and Jin Guang Yao. You both was throwed out of the sects. And now you  guys want a revenge !!!!!!
Everyone are mumbling
The oldest guy : If it true. So jin Guang Yao is the master of fierce corpses!! Let’s go kill him!!
Wei ying: Huhhh So ridicurious !!!you guy just believes in what you guys wanna hear. At first you throwed everything on me because of Yin Iron controller. Try to kill me to take it as your own.  And now because of propability of the YIN Iron controller is with Jin Guang Yao is high. Now you guys wanna kill him too. So funny.
The old guy with black suit : Is there any way better than kill him to stop all of fierce corpses.
Wei ying: First we have to go out of here!!!!
Y/N : I can help!!!
Lan Zhan: I said keep silent, didn’t I.
Y/N: I do can. Believe me.
You step out .
Y/N :It do have a spell to hiding us out of a scene so we can walk out like there is nothing happened.
Wei Ying: If It can not.
Y/N : I use myself as a bait running out let’s the fierce corpses follow me and I will use tearing objects spell.
The old guy with black suit : I agree with hers!!!
Lan Zhan : Too risky.
Y/N: Just believe in me for once Lan Zhan
Lan Zhan: I always…
He speak so softly that you can not here
Y/N : Ok everyone gather here. You two too. go!!
Wei Ying : But….
Y/N : Don’t let me use a spell on you to follow my order Wei ying. “Disillusionment Charm”
They are all disappear.
Y/N : OK I don’t know where are you guys right now so as the fierce corpses. Just go out. Go to Jin sect clan. We have to hunt Jin Guang Yao down. Go!!!!!!
Lan Zhan : Wei Ying you go with them. I will stay with Xiu Ling
Wei Ying : I stay too!
Lan Zhan: You have to protect them till arrive at Jin sect clan. There have our Lan sect juniors also. Go save them.
Wei Ying nod his head and look at you
Wei Ying: If she is hurt, You will too!!!!
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twindiansdocentral · 7 years
Hungover. Water work across the entire city are not working. DIRE AND DESPERATE TIMES! After having a mongy morning of waiting around, wishfully waiting for the water to turn on and sipping on free coffees in hopes of curing our headaches, we concluded that we were getting absolutely nowhere. We have ourselves a gross little wet wipe down and headed out to continue doing what we do best - SHOP! We continued to thrive of the thrill of a good haggle, our regular tactics working wonders as always. All that bartering and we had worked up quite the appetite, we headed to Entre Carnes (Rodys recommendation) and I swear to God, that £4 steak was the best steak I've had in my ENTIRE FLIPPING LIFE. So damn good!!! The little strip of fat just m e l t e d in my mouth 😭 it was so beautiful. After this, classic me I was still hungry - I ended up buying a fantabulous ice cream from the chocolate museum. After our last minute errands we said goodbye to our favourite Hostel ever and all the cream cakes of Antigua and were on our way via chicken bus back to Guate (where a local lady snuggled right up to my sweaty arm where she found her head rest for the next two hours, much to Anita's delight). We reached Guate at twilight and made our way back to El Poeta (Hostel). Driving through the streets felt a little more dangerous than the rest of Guatemala, but the wonderful cream cake buildings (churches lol) were beautifully lit up by the pink and purple skies. We felt it was a shame it was so notoriously dangerous here, as it looked like a very interesting place to visit. Anitas hangover sadly got a little worse and her headache continued :(. She managed to pull it together though, and we went out for one final, delicious Guatemalan meal before getting into bed for an early night. For those of you who know me well, I'm a VERY heavy sleeper, however, and 3am (45 minutes before my alarm fyi) I was rudely awoken. By a man moaning very passionately and very loudly from the other side of the room. I couldn't bloody believe it. Not tonight!!!!!! I stirred and shushed loudly with my eye mask still on. OOOOAAAAAAHHHHhh ughhhhhhhhhh Eee. Moaning Myrtle continued. What the actual hell... I whipped off my eye mask and sure enough everyone but Mister Moaner was shuffling around. *queue even more disturbing moans*. "Anita!" I hissed "what the fuck is going on?!" She shook her head in a daze. I was pissed. I hurriedly climbed out of bed and grabbed my phone "no way, I'm waking that idiot up right now!!" I hissed again and stood up and angry shone my torch on his silly French face "oi" he started to wake up "wahh iz goeeng on" he mumbled. Rest assured I told me what was going on and to stop. woke. "Can you stop that?? You're moaning VERY loudly. Everyone is awake because of you!". Needless to say, I got a little "yeah shut up" back up from my sidekick Patel. At 4.30 am, after some dulce de Letche and pancakes, we were greeted by our nutter taxi man would arrived with his speaker blaring Mi Rehuso (what a tune) - just the send off we needed. Feeling emotional we listened to our favourite song of the trip and we drove through our beloved Guatemala one last time 😢We got to the airport in good time and blew some cash on plane snacks and voila we were ready to go!!
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