#waiter remus lupin
engie-ivy · 9 months
(Wolfstar Meet-Cute with Fancy Guest Sirius and Waiter Remus!)
Read Part Two here
1697 words
When the best thing about a party is the waiter, it's either a very lame party, or a very appealing waiter. Or, as in this case, both.
There's Bound To Be Talk Tomorrow
Baby, it's Cold Outside - Frank Loesser
Sirius has to resist the urge to just lay his head down on the table and groan when Rabastan walks away for a moment to chat to the prime minister. The main course hasn't even been served yet and the evening already feels much, much too long.
“He's an asshole.”
Sirius looks up to see his table’s waiter having sat down on the chair next to him. Calloused hands, scars peeking out from under the collar of his shirt, floppy hair and a somewhat challenging look in his amber-coloured eyes.
Around them, people are milling about, dressed to the nines, seeing and being seen, exchanging polite conversation with existing connections and trying to make new connections, at the annual Christmas benefit gala dinner for high society's rich and powerful. Sirius can already see curious, and some scandalized, looks being thrown in their direction for an employee sitting down at one of the tables and talking to one of the guests. The waiter must also notice, but he doesn't seem to care, or even might enjoy causing a little controversy.
Sirius is intrigued.
He has been exchanging looks with the waiter all evening, it's actually the only thing that has made the evening bearable so far.
“I know things are unequally distributed,” Rabastan said. “Of course I have achieved everything by working very hard, but sometimes I think it's just so unfair that I'm also highly intelligent, well-spoken, and a naturally gifted businessman. I feel bad for those who don't have my skills and talent, but giving money to the poor will not solve anything. They will just squander it.” He shook his head. “No, I believe I'll help most by leading by example and giving advice based on my own successes.”
“Mmm,” Sirius hummed. “I don't think ‘let your dad make you CEO of his company’ is very useful advice to many.”
Sirius heard someone snort, and when he looked up, he saw the waiter quickly covering his mouth with his hand. They exchanged an amused look.
“Why would I have to pay for other people's health care?” Rabastan asked loudly, wine almost splashing out of his glass. “I take good care of myself! I spend precious time working with a personal trainer, I only let my personal chef prepare healthy meals, and I only eat at restaurants serving the finest organic foods.”
One of the women at their table looked at Rabastan with admiration.
Rabastan sat back in his chair, smirking. “If other people want to stuff themselves with fast food, it's their problem if they get sick. I'm not going to pay the prize.”
The waiter glanced at Sirius in a ‘is this guy for real?’ kind of way, and Sirius had just shrugged helplessly.
Rabastan lifted his glass. “I'd like to propose a toast! But not to myself, no. The excellent year I had, all my personal achievements, all my impressive financial gains, it all means nothing in light of the good cause for which we are gathered here tonight; the orphaned children.”
“Orphaned children,” Sirius repeated with a raised eyebrow. “You do know tonight is to raise money for children fighting cancer?”
Rabastan gave him an annoyed look. “Of course,” he said pointedly. “That's what I meant. When you give so much to so many charities all the time, you sometimes lose track.” He placed a hand over his heart. “I'm just such a giving person. It's my biggest flaw.”
Sirius almost automatically searched the waiter's gaze, and when their gazes met, they rolled their eyes at the same time.
Yet, Sirius hadn't expected the waiter to be so bold as to sit down in the vacant chair next to him the moment Rabastan’s back was turned, and talk to him like that.
“Your date, I mean,” the waiter says, as if Sirius might not have understood. “Your date’s an asshole.”
His refreshing straightforwardness, his ‘I don't care’-attitude, the challenge hidden in those eyes, it's… Well, it's damn hot, is what it is.
“I know,” Sirius agrees, taking a sip from his drink.
The waiter smirks. “So, is that your type then? Egocentric pricks?”
Sirius chuckles. “Not quite, no. It was my mother who insisted on this match.”
The waiter arches an eyebrow. “Does your mother always pick your dates?”
“This was a special case,” Sirius replies. “Her brother's daughter just got engaged to a Lestrange, so of course one of her children simply had to attend tonight's event with a Lestrange as well.” He rolls his eyes.
“You do know that you are allowed to say no to your mother, right?” The waiter asks.
“Oh, believe me, I do,” Sirius replies. “Going against my family's wishes is actually one of my specialties, but in this case I decided to oblige.”
“How so?”
Sirius nods towards a couple a few tables to the right and the waiter turns to look.
A young man with features similar to Sirius’, but shorter and slightly thinner, with also shorter hair, styled in an old-fashioned haircut, is talking to another young man, with blond curly hair and a face that seems permanently flushed. They seem not to notice anything else in the room, leaning towards each other with similar smiles on their faces, talking animatedly.
“Cute,” the waiter states.
“My younger brother, Regulus,” Sirius says. “He got asked by Evan Rosier to attend tonight's event together, and he was just over the moon. I knew that our mother wasn't going to let go of the idea of one of her children attending with a Lestrange, and that if I would say no, she would ask Reg, and he has never been as good as I am in telling our parents no. He definitely would've agreed for some stupid reason as ‘placing the family's interest above his own’ or something like that, even though it would've killed him to turn down Rosier.” Sirius shakes his head. “I decided to give Reg this one night with Rosier that he had been so looking forward to, and the only way I could, was by agreeing to attend with Rabastan Lestrange myself.”
“And here I was thinking you just had awful taste in men,” the waiter says. “But there's actually some noble, self-sacrificing reason behind it.”
“It's just one night of sitting in a chair eating fancy food,” Sirius says. “Not much sacrifice.”
“Well, I couldn't do it,” the waiter says, glancing at the many rows of cutlery on the table. “Sitting next to him with so many knives within hand's reach. I would've stabbed him by now.”
Sirius chuckles. “I admit I came close to jabbing a fork in his hand at one point, but I feared I would hit my own leg, as his hand happened to be positioned on my thigh at that moment.”
The waiter makes a face. “I'm sorry.” Then he looks at Sirius with a sincere expression. “Listen,” he begins a tad awkwardly. “You definitely don't strike me as some damsel in distress and I'm sure you can take good care of yourself and don't need to hear this from me, but I hope you're not letting him bring you home? I know it's none of my business, but I don't like the way he's looking at you, and he seems like the type of person who's not used to being told no. I don't like the idea of you being alone with him.”
“Don't worry,” Sirius says, tapping his glass of water. “I made sure I have my own ride. I drove here on my motorcycle.”
“Motorcycle?” The waiter groans, placing a hand over his heart. “God, just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter.”
Sirius barks a laugh.
The waiter tilts his head and smiles while looking at Sirius. “I like your laugh. I didn't hear you laugh like that before.”
Sirius, who can't even recall the last time he blushed, feels his face flush. “That's because it's my real laugh. And Rabastan told me not to laugh like that in public. He says I'll embarrass him, and that it makes me sound like a barking dog.”
The waiter frowns. “Like… that's a bad thing? I mean, can you imagine a better sound than a barking dog?”
Sirius barks another laugh.
“That's two,” the waiter says. “Two times I made you laugh your real laugh. Take that, Rabastan. You know,” he leans forward smiling at Sirius. “I think, given the chance, I can increase that number.”
“What do you mean?” Sirius asks.
“How about we just get out of here together?” The waiter asks.
“Really?” Sirius asks, and then he smirks. “Didn't you just warn me against being alone with a man who might have an ulterior motive?”
“Ah,” the waiter says, holding up a finger. “I said a man who isn't used to being told no. I, however, am very much used to being told no!” Then he cringes at himself. “Good god, did I really just try to flirt with a cute guy by emphasizing how used I am to being rejected?”
Sirius barks a laugh again.
The waiter says nothing, just holds up three fingers.
Sirius shakes his head, but he can't suppress the smile on his face. “You'll lose your job.”
The waiter shrugs. “It's a shite job, with shite pay.”
“Still,” Sirius says. “You'll give it up for someone you know nothing about?”
“I know that I want to hear that laugh more often,” the waiter says. “As for the rest? I'm willing to take a risk.” He holds out his hand. “So, what do you say? Is it too much of a cliché for me to sit on the back of your motorcycle with my arms wrapped around you, while we drive off into the night together?”
It will undoubtedly be stupid. The waiter will lose his job, Sirius will get in all sorts of trouble with his family, and they don't even know each other's name. Yet, there's something about the man that Sirius finds himself unable to resist. “It is a terrible cliché,” Sirius agrees, while still reaching out to take the man's offered hand. “But I guess I can appreciate a good classic.”
Now with a Part Two!
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mischievousmoony · 3 months
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷 ⟡ 𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚗
⟢ james potter x fem!reader
⟢ summary: modern restaurant au; it's your first day on the job and james is your trainer . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ 2.4k
⟢ warnings/tags: is profanity a tw pls lmk actually, coworker!james, coworker!marauders, accidentally wrote an anxious!reader, trying out that headcannon where remus is a bit of a hothead, only lightly grammar checking this series bc i just wanna have fun w it
⟢ the new hire masterlist ⟡ main masterlist
note: here, bc i gotta chill and write something light for once. i think this will be an ongoing fic. also im not beating the mentioning tea in ever fic allegations anytime soon how does this always happen.
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“Welcome in! How many in your party?”
“Oh! No, I’m Y/N. It’s my first day.” Your fingers pitter patter nervously on the host stand.
“You’re the new waitress!” the bubbly hostess exclaims, “I’m Mary! It’s so nice to meet you. Stay right there, I’ll go get the manager.”
She disappears into the busy restaurant, leaving you rocking back and forth on your heels nervously.
Mary, you repeat the name in your mind, recalling what she looked like so that you wouldn’t forget who the name belongs to. You had a thing with learning names—you just hated forgetting them. It felt so humiliating to have to ask someone to remind you of their name. One time, you worked with someone for months and their name lived on the tip of your tongue the entire time. Luckily, they quit before it ever came up.
“There she is! Ready for day one?” The manager, Nate, greeted as he followed Mary back to the host stand.
Not in the slightest. You always hated first days, with all the pressure to make a good impression. Not to mention it’s only the start to the slow climb over the learning curve. You hold out hope that everyone will be as nice as Mary seemed, it would make today a lot easier.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” you say, straightening out your black shirt. The dress code for this job was essentially the color black from head to toe. You used the lack of a formal uniform to your advantage, expressing your personal style as much as you could within the confines of business casual.
Nate clapped his hand together, “Right, first up is a tour and introductions. I have all your paperwork already, right? So, after that we’ll get you in an apron and find someone for you to shadow.”
“Sounds good,” you try sounding cheery and excited, only for you to start worrying about whether or not you sound too eager.
“So, front of house is up first. You’ve already met Mary, our lovely hostess—“
Marry wiggles her fingers at you as a playful wave while she takes a phone call, “Yes, we do takeout!”
“You don’t need to worry about the host stand, but I’ll show you the book so you can get a feel for the sections and how we operate. We’ll only give you a small group of tables at first…”
You try to commit everything Nate says to memory, wanting to do well here. You really need this job. Rent isn’t cheap, especially without roommates. And you really don’t want a roommate. Plus this place pays their servers well, so you want to be good at it. You really really need to listen to Nate if you’re gonna be good at this.
But, jeez, Nate seems like he loves to talk. He’s going on and on and on and you’re fighting back a yawn when Mary swoops in like a hero, telling Nate she needs the book back to make a reservation.
“Sure, I think you’ve got the idea of it anyway, right?” Nate asks.
You blink, “Oh, yeah. Sure do!”
Shit, you think. You totally zoned out.
“Great, let me show you to the bar,” Nate says, already walking away.
Another reason why you really want to work here was for the ambiance. It’s a contemporary place with a grungy interior, all while remaining slightly upscale for restaurants in this area. Another upside was the live music. If you’re gonna be working, at least let it be somewhere nice with good music.
“Sirius! New server’s here,” Nate interrupts the bartender who’s in the process of mixing up a cocktail. You introduce yourself with a shy smile as you study him, trying to make a permanent link between his name and face in your mind.
Sirius the bartender—mischievous gray eyes and long black hair. He wears half of it tied up in the back of his head, surly to avoid having it fall in his face while he mixes drinks.
He puts the shaker down and rolls up the sleeves of his satin black dress shirt, “Hey there, doll, y’alright? Natey not being too boring for ya?”
“Alright, back to work, Sirius.” Nate says, sounding snappy.
You follow Nate to the back of the restaurant.
“This is the kitchen—“
“Who the fuck rang in scallops? We’ve been 86 scallops all fucking day.”
“Don’t look at me! Was probably James, the bloody dolt.”
“This seems like a bad time,” Nate spins on his heels and ushers you out of the kitchen quickly, “Whoever trains you will get you acclimated to the kitchen later. That’s Remus, just so you know, head chef.”
You nod, not having anything else to say as you begin to worry everyone won’t be as nice as Mary.
You want to take a moment to commit Remus’ name to memory like you had Sirius and Mary’s, but you only caught a glimpse of him. Still, you were sure you wouldn’t forget who the name belonged to now that you’ve had such a lovely first impression.
Next, Nate takes you down a hall, past the bathrooms, to show you his office and the staff area complete with a rickety table for breaks and some lockers. In the corner are two plastic bins with fading sharpie scrawled across the front of them: CLEAN and DIRTY. Nate reaches into the “clean” bin and picks out a slate gray apron.
He hands it to you, and you try to tie it the way the server in the kitchen had it. Nate starts leading you back out into the dining room as you continue to fiddle with the ties.
As you dart around the restaurant, the “fast-paced environment” detail from the job listing is really starting to materialize, and this was only the tour.
“Right, now where are my bloody servers.” Nate mutters under his breath, “Slacking off by the host stand, of course.”
There’s two servers at the host stand: a girl with red hair hanging in two braids on either side of her face and a tall boy with glasses. They’re huddled with Mary, looking like they’re sharing hot gossip.
You and Nate make it to the host stand at the same time as the other server from the kitchen.
“Hey, team!” Nate says, but it falls on deaf ears.
“Chef’s fuckin’ pissed at you,” she says to Glasses.
“What I do!?” He asks, whipping his body out of the huddle. Mary and the red-haired girl keep talking without him.
“Thinks you rang in some scallops,” she shrugs, blowing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.
“Why would I do that? We’re 86.”
“Yeah, but I forgot,” she says nonchalantly, leaning her back against the host stand.
“And you let him think it was me!?”
“Oh yeah, obviously. Anyway, I should probably go tell my table they’re not getting their scallops.”
“Servers!” Nate interrupts loudly, finally making your four new coworkers quiet down. You feel all eyes suddenly train on you. You smile through the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach lurching.
“We have a new member joining our team today. Please give a warm welcome to Y/N.”
“Hi,” you flash a smile to the new faces in front of you.
“Welcome!” The red-haired girl returns a bright smile of her own, “I’m Lily, I love your earrings.”
“Marlene,” the blonde says plainly.
And finally—
“Hiya, Love. I’m James,” the one with glasses says coolly as he rests an elbow on the host stand. He exudes confidence, and it makes you want to shrink into yourself.
You try to study the three of them to commit names to faces.
Lily—fiery red hair, kind eyes, and a fair complexion with a sprinkling of freckles.
Marlene—you like the way her blonde hair is cut into a shag. She also kind of intimidates you, so you really want to remember her name.
James—glasses, tousled dark hair, very attractive. That last part probably wasn’t a necessary attribute to help you remember his name, but it was true. He has a tall, toned frame that would’ve made him seem intimidating if not for the way his eyes transformed into the physical embodiment of sunshine when he smiled. Were your hands getting sweaty?
“Alright, great. Introductions are done, now I need someone to be a trainer.” Nate claps his hands together, waiting for a volunteer.
“I have to go give a table bad news, so-”
Nate cuts Marlene off before she can hastily run away, “Wasn’t gonna ask you anyway.”
James is eyeing you, sizing you up it seems, when he pipes up, “I’ll do it.”
Marlene snorts. “Weren’t you saying an hour ago that Nate better not dump the-”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Marls,” James says through clenched teeth, glaring sideways at her.
You felt like quitting on the spot, thinking that you were obviously a burden on these people. Being a burden to James, specifically, felt particularly embarrassing. It had your face heating up.
“Great! Thanks James,” Nate says, “Y/N, you’re in good hands. I’ll be in the office if you need anything. The rest of you, get back to work!”
With a reluctant groan from Marlene and a “nice to meet you” from Lily, the small crowd disperses. All except for you and James.
“I’m sorry you got saddled with training me.”
“Aw man, no! Marlene was just-” James cuts himself off with a sigh, “Fine, I didn’t think I’d want to train today. But I changed my mind, so don’t feel like you’re a burden or something, alright?”
James seems pretty genuine, so you digress. Not without a joke first, though.
“Just remember you asked for it later when you get tired of me.”
“I have a feeling that’s not gonna happen,” James says, a certain playfulness dancing in his eyes.
As a new party walks into the restaurant, James leads you toward a nearby order station so that you’ll be out of the way.
“So, you’re gonna wanna forget everything Nate told you,” he says as you walk, “I’m gonna show you how we actually run this place.” He shoots a boyish smirk over his shoulder.
“That shouldn’t be very hard, I don’t think I was awake for any of it,” you admit with a chuckle.
“Ooh, I’m gonna like you!” James swings his body around when you reach the order station, “We love Nate slander here. Behind his back of course.”
“That’s worrisome,” you say, trying to find a comfortable way to lean against the terminal. You end up just standing up straight, “He seemed kind of nice.”
“You ever work in a restaurant before?” James leans toward you, looking coy, and you do your best not to shrink away from him.
“Yeah, I was a hostess.”
“You ever been friends with any of your old managers?”
You think about it for a minute, “No.”
“Exactly,” James leans back and you feel your shoulders relax at once. “He’s alright, but he’s still the boss. Plus, it’s good for server morale to have a common enemy.”
James earns a laugh from you, and he smiles brightly as if it’s the biggest honor.
“So, when do you get off?”
“I’m closing, I think.”
“Nate has you closing on your first shift? Diiiiick move.”
“He asked first and I told him I could handle it.”
“He shouldn’t have asked.” James insists, then he waves it off as if deciding what’s done is done, “That’s alright, you’ll be able to stick with me. But in light of that, I’ll make today easy for you. You can watch while I take orders, and I’ll show you how I ring them all in here,” James pats the POS terminal, “And you can help me get bread and refills out to tables mostly. I won’t make you take orders today ‘coz it’s a bit rowdy in here, but maybe if we’re sat with an easy table we’ll see how you’re feeling.”
You nod along, not having anything to say, not that you had the chance. James is a fast talker and you’re beginning to notice how full of energy he is. It’s a tad amusing, and it’s beginning to show on your face.
“What?” James asks, eyes flicking down to your growing smile.
With a slight shake of your head, you say, “You a big coffee drinker?”
“Y’know, I get that a lot,” James reaches into the underside of the order station, and pulls out a canned beverage, “But I’m partial to these.”
Your face scrunches up as James takes a sip of what you like to call battery acid in a can.
James makes a big show of acting refreshed, emitting a long sigh when the can leaves his lips, “Not your cup of tea, I take it?” James raises an eyebrow.
“My cup of tea would be actual tea. Or coffee-“
“Coffee’s any better?”
“A million times, yes.”
“I beg to differ.”
“You can’t be serious.”
James’ eyes light up like you’ve just handed him a prize, “You’re right, that’s the bartender. ‘Ave you met him?”
It takes you a moment to register what he means, and then you’re rolling your eyes, “Oh, I’m gonna hear that joke a lot from you aren’t I?”
“You’re gonna hear that joke all day from everyone, Love, it’s a house favorite.”
As you’re about to quip back, Lily squeezes between you two to ring in some food.
“James, enough flirting. Some of your tables are starting to look pissed,” she says, tapping on the screen quickly to get the order in.
“I’m not flirting,” James protests, but the wink he shoots you begs to differ.
Lily takes a break from noting modifications for a sandwich order to look at you, “James is always flirting, you’ll learn to ignore him.”
James is looking at you over her shoulder, shaking his head and swirling his index finger by the side of hers, mouthing “she’s crazy.”
As Lily resumes removing tomatoes from the order, she catches James in the act and swats his hand away, “Seriously, James, they’re starting to flag me down because they haven’t seen you in ages.”
James clutches his hand close to his chest. His eyes flit between you and Lily, a mock-horrified look on his face that communicates “see, I told you she’s crazy!”
“Who?” he asks.
“Your tables, you dunce,” Lily hisses, but there are notes of humor in her voice.
James bares his teeth as grimaces and checks his wrist for a watch that doesn’t exist, “Bollocks, look at the time. Come Y/N, I’ll show you how to turn an angry table into a happy one.”
You have to stifle a laugh as you follow James to his tables, mentally adding him to the list of reasons why you really want to work here.
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lulublack90 · 6 months
Prompt 10 - Bar/Restaurant AU
@wolfstarmicrofic April 10, word count 1000
The restaurant Remus worked in was swanky. It was the most expensive in the city. He was only a busboy, but he loved it.
The Potters may be famous, but they had kind hearts. Effie was the head chef and prided herself on her perfect, delicious food. She often boxed food up for Remus to take home with him. He was certain she cooked most of it just for him. Monty ran the front of house, ensuring everything flowed and the customers were all happy. He always had a cheerful wink for Remus and a hug when he arrived.
The last Potter was their son, James. He and James had hit it off instantly, and he thought that was probably what got him the job in the first place. James worked the bar and helped Remus clear the tables when he was having a bad day. He loved the Potters and happily put up with their snobby customers just to spend time with them. 
One evening, the richest family in London darkened their doors. 
Walburga Black swooped in, closely followed by her husband Orion and her youngest son Regulus. Her eldest made a B-line for the bar. 
“Sirius!” She barked. Sirius immediately turned away from James and got back in line behind his father, but not before catching Remus’s eye and grinning at him. 
She seated her family without waiting to be shown. Walburga Black did not like to be told where she could and could not go. She clicked her fingers in Remus’s direction. He looked around. Monty was busy with another customer. Marlene and Mary were carrying plates of food to a big party. She clicked her fingers again. 
“Finally,” She snapped. “Champagne and three whisky neats.” Remus stood frozen to the spot, unsure what to do. A hand squeezed his. He looked down and saw the eldest son’s hand moving back to the table to fiddle with his fork. Remus walked shakily to the bar and gave James the order. 
“Breathe Remus. It’s fine. Just make sure they always have drinks.” James said as he placed the drinks on a tray. 
“Wait. What do you mean?” Remus paled. 
“You’ll have to be their waiter while they’re here. She hates having multiple people waiting on them. Please, Remus. They always leave a good tip, and it’s all yours.” James put his hands together and pleaded silently to Remus. Remus grabbed the tray of drinks and served the drinks.
“Menus,” She ordered. Mary brushed past him, forcing four menus into his hand. Quickly, he passed them around the table. Sirius's fingers brushed his hand as he took his, making Remus nearly knock over Regulus’s drink. He moved away so he wasn’t hovering. Monty caught his eye, and he went to stand by him. 
“Sorry, kid. They’re early. I thought we’d be alright. You okay?” He put a comforting hand on Remus’s shoulder. Remus nodded. “Better go back over. I think she’s ready to order.” Remus hurried back to their table. He was lucky he had a good memory as they all wanted changes and substitutions to their meals. He smiled pleasantly at each of them as he took their menus back. Sirius’s fingers brushed his again, but he was prepared this time. He hurried to put their order in before he forgot anything. 
When the ticket got to the kitchen, he heard Effie slam a pan down. She hated people messing with her food. 
“Oh, dear,” Monty groaned gently. “Remus, love. I don’t suppose…” Remus grinned at him. 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” He pushed through the door and into the shining kitchen. 
Effie looked flustered as she peered at the ticket and stirred something that smelled amazing in a giant pot. 
“Hello, darling,” Effie cooed when she spotted him. “Do you have any idea whose ticket this is?” She pointed at the piece of paper next to him. 
“It’s the Black Family.” Effie raised her eyes to the ceiling and took a deep breath. 
“Alright people. We have the Black family order. Let’s make it perfect, people!” She pushed a chocolate mousse in front of Remus and a little spoon. He happily ate it as he watched Effie in her element. 
She got their first courses out in record time, and Remus took them out after explaining that he was taking care of them. 
He placed the food in front of the correct person and refreshed their drinks.
Remus hurried around, clearing the tables he’d neglected and re-setting them. He felt a rush of gratitude as he caught Marlene, Mary, Monty and James all clearing tables with him.
He kept a careful eye on his table and, much to his surprise, got through the entire meal without any mishaps. 
When it came time for them to pay the bill, he slipped it onto the table between Mr and Mrs Black. She picked up the small folder and glared down at the bill. She laid down a small stack of notes and rose from her chair. Orion put £100 into Remus’s hand and followed his wife. 
“Fleamont,” She stopped in front of Monty. Remus noticed the nervousness of his smile. 
“Yes, Mrs Black.”
“I demand that waiter at all our future visits. He is the only competent member of your staff.” She turned to her family. “Come.” And much like she entered, she swooped out the door, her family following in her wake. 
But Sirius paused next to Remus, slipped something into his hand and winked at him.
“Call me,” He grinned a wide, toothy smile and exited the restaurant. 
“Well done, Remus.” Monty clapped him on the shoulder. 
Remus looks down at the scrap of paper Sirius had given him in his hand. It had his number on it. Remus looked at it bewildered. “I’d call him if I were you,” James said over his shoulder. “He’s a good guy.”
Remus tried to share his substantial with the others, but they all refused, telling him he’d earned it.
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sun-kissy · 1 month
chocolate-coated hearts | r.l. (part 3)
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
barista!remus x shy!reader
You smoothen the ruffles on your dress, twirling this way and that. One last glance at the mirror was spent convincing yourself you looked fine before you finally stepped out of your apartment.
The wind blew your hair back as you walked, the click-clack of your boots on the pavement mirroring the thumping of your heart. It was loud and fast, so much so that you wouldn’t be surprised if there was a bomb waiting to explode in you.
The barista, Remus — possibly the loveliest human being on earth, had invited you to a poetry reading at Beanie’s. He scribbled down his number onto your coffee cup too, which had to have meant something.
The nerves were starting to get the better of you, your heart climbing its way up your throat as you neared the café. 
This was the first time you so desperately wished that you hadn’t majored in literature, that you didn’t feel the impact of words as deeply as you did. A poetry reading would definitely trigger the part of you which didn’t shut up once uncorked, and you were praying you didn’t mess this whole thing up with your tendency to ramble.
Beanie’s was always crowded, but as you pushed the door open, the largeness of the mob was startlingly obvious. You couldn’t help but think it looked more like a fish market than a café, feeling skin against skin as you pushed past people.
There was a small stage set up at the corner, fairy lights strung above it. At the moment, there was a teenage girl timidly reciting something from a scrunched up piece of paper. You paid her no heed, craning your neck to find Remus.
Just then, an arm wrapped around your waist and you yelp, head swivelling to come face to face with Madison. “Hi, gorgeous.”
You sigh, feeling the tension leave your shoulders as she gives you a peck on the cheek. Of course, she came. Your best friend wouldn’t shut up for hours after you told her Remus had given you his number. “Hey.”
“Where is he?” she asks immediately, trying to follow your line of vision.
You shrug, eyes darting around till you spot someone’s gaze trained on you from across the café. It’s not Remus, by any means. But he’s undeniably attractive, long black curls and tattoos all over. Once you finally meet his eyes, he grins and wriggles his eyebrows. Who the fuck —
Just then, Remus sticks his head out from behind the stranger and beams at you, giving you a wave. You immediately shift your gaze to him, your heart feeling like it can’t decide whether it wants to be in your throat or chest.
A small smile makes its way onto your face as you wave back, trying to shove your way over to him with Madison on your heels. 
“And now, we’ve got Remus Lupin, with The Bell Jar by Sylvia… um… Plait? Plaque! Sylvia Plaque!” a waiter suddenly squeaks into the microphone before scurrying off stage. You pause in your movements, Remus giving you an almost apologetic smile before he climbs up.
“Hello,” he tests the microphone, his lips curving upwards as some members in the crowd cheer. You notice that the black-haired man from earlier seemed particularly enthusiastic, yelling “Go, Moony!” and sticking his fingers in his mouth to whistle.
You train your vision back on Remus as he starts to speak. “So, this isn’t exactly a poem,” he starts. “It’s an excerpt from one of my favourite books. And it really resonated with me, so I’d like to share it with you.”
You listen silently, anticipating whatever he was going to say next. It was alarming how much this mattered to you, that he had good choices in stories and poems and words. Because how were you to fall in love with a man who didn’t feel lingo as deafeningly as he felt the beat of his heart? He wouldn’t be able to understand you; you were sure, if he couldn’t listen to the silent pleas of scribbles on pages. You conversed like a book, like you were begging to be understood and silently guarded in the heart of one’s brain – and you only hoped that there was someone out there willing to peruse scripture after scripture till he memorised the language of your lips. Right now, you were really wishing that someone was the gorgeous man in front of you.
“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story…”
Your eyes flutter shut as you lose yourself in his soliloquy. You don’t just hear his speech, but you listen. You listen to the ache that seeps into his voice, the silent rasp of air leaving his lips as he stresses on words he deems important, the sheer longing etched in every word. And you couldn’t see it, but you could feel his gaze on you, you could feel the string connecting his heart straight to yours.
“...they plopped to the ground beneath my feet,” he finishes. A slow, somewhat hesitant round of applause sounds in the café.
You open your eyes, unsurprised to find them misty. You bring your fingers to your cheeks and swipe the tears away. Madison was gripping one of your hands, squeezing it. The both of you were used to this, your onslaught of tears whenever you felt a little too hard. 
You watch as Remus steps off the stage, disappearing into the sea of people. Someone else climbs up, and you zone out, getting lost in your thoughts once more.
“Hey.” You blink, looking up to see Remus in front of you now, his pretty face scrunched up a bit in worry. “Hey, Y/n. You okay? Saw you getting a little emotional just now.”
Madison makes a small squeal of excitement, and Remus flashes her a small smile before turning back to you, patiently waiting for you to respond.
A teary chuckle bubbles out of you, “Sorry, yeah, I’m all good. It’s just – that was really something. It hurt in the best way. You have great taste, you know.”
He softens at your confession, a smile playing on the edges of his lips. “Thank you. And I get it, I couldn’t stop crying for almost an hour when I first read it.”
You let out a real laugh at the thought of that, and his smile breaks into a grin. He reaches forward, and you barely have a moment to comprehend it before he’s wiping away the tears on your cheeks. You really hope he can’t feel the heat emanating from your skin, or hear the giggles from beside you.
You make it a point to shoot Madison a dirty look as he pulls his hand away. “On another note,” he starts, and you can hear his slight cockiness at having you all flustered, “I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Of course –” you meant to say that you’d cleared your schedule to be able to make it, but the words die on your tongue as he whips a rose stalk out from behind his back and holds it out for you.
You stare up at him blankly, feeling your heartbeat growing more erratic by the second. “A small thank you for attending.”
“You give it to all the customers, then?”
“No. Just the prettiest one.”
You press a hand to your mouth to stop yourself from gasping, and shakily reach out to take the flower from him. Twisting it in your fingers, you feel your heart start to turn to mush – he had cut off all the thorns on the stalk.
“Thank you.”
He grins, and it’s more endearing than the rose between your fingers. A sideway glance at your best friend tells you she’s at the edge of combusting into giggles and swoons.
“Hello, lovely ladies.”
Your gaze shifts to the right of Remus to see that man, the good-looking one who had been staring at you from afar. You arch an eyebrow, but Madison matches his energy. “Hey, handsome.”
His eyes linger on you. “You’re Y/n, I assume. Moony – Remus has told me all about you.” Your heart does a backflip and you glance at Remus, only to find him already smiling at you.
“But you,” he turns to your best friend, his thoughtful expression morphing into a grin. “Who might you be?”
“Madison,” he drawls. “Sirius.”
You watch as Sirius compliments her dress, and she turns a red so deep it could rival how you had been minutes ago. And you smile, because you knew she’d been belittling herself over her appearance with the baby bump.
Remus silently tugs on your hand, steering you away from them. He glances over at the two of them again, grinning. “Sorry about Sirius. The asshole can be such a flirt.”
You huff out a laugh. “No, it’s quite alright. Madison’s quite the lovergirl herself, and god knows she needs this after her previous relationship.”
He nods understandingly, and a silence settles over the two of you. “I’m glad you came. You know, studying literature and stuff, I thought you’d like it.”
“I’m glad I came too. But I’m sorry you had to see me like –” you chuckle nervously, doing a jazz hands in front of your face, “like this, tears and all.”
His curls bounce as he laughs, eyes crinkling at the corners. You couldn’t help but think that all the creative evocations you’ve ever read fell short in comparison to the depth of his eyes. “That’s nothing to apologise for, sweet girl. You look just as lovely even when you’re crying.”
You pull your lip between your teeth to stop the smile from spreading across your face, feeling your heart do a somersault in your chest.
“Babe –” Madison comes over, out of breath. “Can we leave? I still haven’t gotten the groceries for tonight. And you’re helping me with dinner.”
You glance over her shoulder to see Sirius watching her with hearts in his eyes, and you let out a soft snicker when you see tints of Madison’s maroon lipstick on his cheek. “Okay.”
Madison starts pulling you towards the exit. You cast a glance at Remus, smiling and waving.
“Y/n!” Remus calls out, and you tug on Madison’s fingers to get her to stop.
“How else would you like me to see you?”
You blink. “Huh?”
He chuckles. “You said you didn’t want me to see you like this, in tears. How else – where else can I see you, sweetness?”
Your heart jolts at his obvious attempts at flirting, and how easily it was working.
“Tammy’s Bookstore,” you almost mumble, shyness flooding into your voice. “8pm to 12am shift.”
Remus seems to have gotten the answer he wanted. “Cool. I’ll see you there sometime.”
You turn around before he can see how pink you’ve turned, urging Madison out the shop.
“And sweetheart? Use the phone number.”
a/n: okay so i had a lot of fun with this part!! but i'd love to hear feedback, if you think maybe i'm sidetracking or you have any ideas for the next part <3 also the excerpt mentioned is about how we can't take every opportunity we wish we could in our short life, and it's from the bell jar by Sylvia Plath. agonisingly beautiful, hits you right in the feels!! here it is if you're interested :)
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milunalupin · 7 months
— tale as old as time
a/n: welcome to my beast!remus x beauty!reader series ! i hope you come along this journey with me and enjoy!
chapter one
remus lupin x reader ★ 1.4k words
Gowns and music filled the ballroom, the castle's servants walking around with silver trays of the most luxurious desserts in France. Beautiful and wealthy people danced around to the sound of the piano and the most famous opera singer money could buy in all of Europe.   
The ballroom was decked out in glimmering jewels and fresh flora, the smell of roses strong in the air.  In the middle was Prince Remus Lupin, twirling countless girls about, a smirk on his handsome powdered face.  The Lupins ruled the Alsace region, their wealth apparent by their acres of meticulously landscaped property, the glimmer of the sun on the enormous castle blinding. Remus was an only child who was raised by King Lyall and Queen Hope, until the queen passed away from an illness many years ago, leading the Prince to grow up with the influence of his cold and selfish father.
Staff members were forced to turn a blind eye when they would see the young master walk through the castle with watery eyes or badly hidden bruises. No matter how much they pitied him, his father would rid them of their job in a heartbeat if they dared speak up about it. With every passing year, Prince Remus grew to be increasingly more his father, prioritizing status over everything.  Remus' life was filled with anything he wanted, and obviously once you have everything, things get boring. So, he constantly hosted balls and invited only the most beautiful and influential people in France. Men and women came from all over the country dressed in the most lavish of outfits, trying to gain the attention of the young Prince. 
In a silky yellow tailcoat stood the royal family's head of kitchen staff, Sirius Black. He let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood along his colleagues, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.  "How many girls will leave crying tonight, do you think?" 
James, dressed in all white with embroidered lapels, rolled his eyes and frowned as he watched the Prince.  "He'll never get married if he keeps acting like this, never form a true bond with anyone." 
A huff came from Peter, who looked the worst out of the three of them (according to Sirius), in a simple brown waistcoat. He held his prized pocket watch in his hand, constantly checking the time to ensure the party was running smoothly.  "The prince's love life isn't really any of our business, Sirius." 
Peter Pettigrew, to say the least, was a suck up, and nothing but loyal to the royal family. It was in his blood; his family having served the royal family for decades. Naturally, he started working under his father in the administrative department and moving ranks until he was appointed head of house, managing the rest of the staff as His Highness' right-hand man. 
James Potter credits everything he has now to his beautiful mother, Euphemia, who was an incredible seamstress who worked in the castle years prior. Now, James assists the young master with his clothing as well as leads the housekeeping staff with his mini assistant Harry, who's favorite thing to do is fold the towels into swans. 
Sirius met James when they worked together at a pub in town before James accepted his position among the royal staff. He was an orphan who had run away from his abusive foster parents. Euphemia felt for the boy and had immediately taken them in like her own son. Cooking meals with his new family ignited his love for food and with help from the Potters, had gone to culinary school. Later, with James's help, began as a waiter at the castle turned kitchen manager. 
Prince Remus, to be frank, doesn't love, not really once his mother had passed. Once under the orders of his father, his image, and the people he surrounded himself with became a priority. Being human was being vulnerable, and being vulnerable was being weak. That's why he found himself surrounded by attractive women, knowing that each one hanging onto his arm believed that they would be the one he fell in love with, inheriting his fortune and power. His arm was around one of the maidens' waists, loosely spinning her as his eyes scanned the room for someone more interesting. 
"My lord, I can't help but believe you might have an interest in me. this is the second time we've danced tonight; you need not be so shy." 
His eyes dropped back to Amelie? Emily? who blushed under his gaze, looking up at him through her fluttering eyelashes. He scoffed and retracted his hand from her waist, pushing past her towards another, ignoring her pleas and attempts to grab his arm. As much fun as he had being the center of attention and being the one everyone wanted to be with, he despised the desperate ones, none of them being worth his actual time. 
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"Papa, I brought the napkins you asked for!" 
Sirius, James, and Peter turned to find Harry, James's son, holding a stack of cloth napkins up to him with a bright smile, his glasses sliding down his nose. James grinned as he took the napkins from Harry, pushing his glasses back up his nose and fixing his hair. 
"Great job Harry, now run along." 
"You've got him working already Potter? A chip off the old block, that one is." Peter chuckled, smiling along his colleagues as they watched little Harry skip away. 
The doors suddenly burst open, a woman in a cloak falling to the ground, her hood slipping and exposing her ratty grey hair. The maidens closest to the door gasped and squealed as they backed up, trying to distance themselves from the old woman. The music has stopped, Prince Remus weaving his way through the crowd to stand before the elderly intruder. 
"Who let you in, peasant? This ball is invite only." 
The woman looked up, her cloudy grey eyes looking into the Prince's. She held up a single rose, offering him the flower for temporary shelter from the cold. Prince Remus scoffed, rolling his eyes at the woman. The party goers laughed at the old woman from the other side of the ballroom. 
A smirk appeared on the old woman's face, as her body under the cloak began to glow a warm yellow, what seemed liked enchanted haze spreading towards the aghast party goers. Flower petals began to float around the woman as she transformed into a younger, more beautiful version of herself, her now bright blue eyes staring into the Prince's. The guests screamed at they scrambled to escape the sorcery they've witnessed, polished shoes trampling over expensive fabric and rose petals. 
The royal staff looked on in fear, not knowing how to help their master in this situation. James weaved through the people rushing out and found Harry hiding in a corner. He picked him up and turned to head out the door but stopped when he heard a deep growl coming from the center of the room. 
The cloud of magic enveloped Prince Remus, his bones cracking and expanding as his body slowly transformed him into a large, furry monster. His perfect silk robes tearing and falling off the Prince's new body. Large curved horns grew out of his head, and his perfect teeth evolved into sharp fangs. His once perfect appearance turned into one of a menacing animal. 
The young Prince had failed his test from the enchantress. He had not shown kindness to a stranger in need and had confirmed his own selfishness and entitlement. He was mean and ugly on the inside, so she had turned him into who he really was, a beast. Adding on to that, she left a powerful spell on the castle and villagers, turning the royal staff into household objects for allowing the Prince's behavior, and erasing all memory of the royal castle and its inhabitants from the villagers. The curse was infinite, unless the prince managed to make someone fall in love with him. 
Over the years the castle grew colder, lonelier as Remus and his staff became more hopeless for a chance to end the curse. Snow had fallen over the crumbling castle and grounds, the bitterness of the cold outside matching what Remus was feeling in his heart. 
 He was doomed, turned into a disgusting monster for the rest of his days, because who could ever learn to love a beast? 
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ros3kill3r · 2 months
Marauders Era Characters at a Wedding
James Potter-Black - The Groom Himself
Is most definitely being dragged around by the kids at the banquet hall. He's surprisingly not giving a shit about it but near the end of the night he begins to realize he didn't hang out that much with everyone else.
People (Barty) are approaching him for shots at random points of the wedding and he gladly takes shots with them.
Is absolutely hammered by the end of the night because of his friends and Regulus', but he's literally just staring at Reg with absolute love and adoration written on his face.
Is talking to the waitress'/waiters about how amazing his now-husband is, and how amazing the reception and the food was, and the workers are pleased about this.
Grabs his husband randomly and starts making out with him and then leaving like nothing happened. Sirius hates this and Reggie loves it.
OPTIONAL: Not even 10 minutes after the vows, he's caught making out with either Barty or Evan outside (maybe even both?), behind the building, where the smokers go. Regulus doesn't bat an eye to this information even though some guests are confused and shocked. Sirius is merely dissapointed but still claps James on the back when he comes back inside!
Sirius Lupin - James’ Best Man
He's walking around to other people's tables just to speak about some drama. The drama is about the 'bride', groom, and the 'bride's' best friends.
Is the one walking around drinking shots with other people. The type of drinker who either acts like he's drinking but he isn't or drinks a sip of the shot, just so he can pull some secrets/some drama from the person he's drinking with, and he can be conscious while doing so. He’s also the type to be walking to a table and be crossing through the dance floor, so he twerks against someone or he starts fucking someone from behind like a wild boar, and the elders have to shield the eyes of the children. It’s fun 🤷‍♀️
Is the one who caught James making out with Evan and/or Barty behind the banquet hall, and is the one who told everyone about it, yet he acted like he was innocent. He did it because he was petty, and disappointed, and extremely, secretly, proud.
Eye fucks Remus from across the room because DAMN does he look good in that suit Regulus picked out for him, he'll give his brother that.
OPTIONAL: When everyone leaves the wedding, it’s just The Marauders, The Valkyries, and The Skittles, so things are still fun and music is still playing. It’s kind of like an after party. When everything is settled, Jegulus make their way inside of James’ vehicle, Marylily make their way to Mary’s bug/pea shaped car, Dorlene approach Dorcas’ Rolls Royce, Pandora and Xeno use their feet, and Rosekiller take either an Uber or a half dead, half broken down vehicle. But, Remus and Sirius stay behind a bit longer to..catch up.
Remus Lupin - Regulus’ Best Man
Is eating all the wrapped chocolate placed on the plates as a sweet welcome.
Is the type of guy that sits all throughout the wedding and says he’s “not the dancing type”. He’s just sitting there, watching Sirius quite literally grind on The Groom, and watching James gesture to Lily for her to “distract Regulus”.
Goes outside for a smoke every time the DJ blasts up the music again. He does this throughout the whole dancing, just so Sirius and none of their other friends drag him forcefully to ‘party’.
Probably takes a book with him bc he “might read”. James is upset because “you’d rather read than celebrate our wedding?”, Sirius is annoyed because “you’d rather read than be with me?”, and Peter is surprised because “you’d rather read than eat?”
OPTIONAL: Is waiting for the damn moment everyone leaves so he can pounce on Sirius and ruin him. He ushers everyone out the door and says they’ll make it home themselves. When they finish, they each have 60 missed calls and messages. Oh shit! That’s right! Remus forgot that the gang was supposed to be having a sleepover tonight!
Peter Pettigrew - The Planner
Regulus sat down with Peter and told him that he trusts his designer eye more than anyone else’s, and that him and James want Pete to be the planner. Which suit? Dress? Which DJ? What type of center pieces? Invitations? Drinks? Food? And where will the wedding be held?
Peter is honored. He immediately begins planning, visiting banquet halls, taking Regulus and James outfit shopping (separately, ofc!) and making sure everything is in place.
There’s one tiny problem though. Nobody helps him. Nobody thanks him. Nobody compliments him. Nobody tells him a word. There’s no “Wow Pete, this is amazing!” There’s no “Christ, I can’t believe you did this! WOW!”
He sits at The Marauder’s table. And yes, people greet him and say hi, but none of them tell him he did a wonderful job. Perhaps they don’t know he was the designer, but the least his friends could’ve done was send him a smile.
OPTIONAL: This was the last straw for him. It’s been enough. He’s leaving this friend group, because he doesn’t get the respect he deserves. He’s had enough! He deserves love and support! He deserves congratulations! And he deserves appreciation too! Nobody paid him any mind, as if he were a rat! But he won’t be having any more of that. None. It’s over.
Lily Macdonald - Usher
She is most definitely standing in front of the entrance and waiting for people to come in so she can greet them and take them to their seats.
The kids always come to her for help whenever something happened, or they scraped their knee. She doesn’t mind this at all.
When everyone is finally there, she allows herself to walk around and ask people how everything is going, and always laughs fakely when people tell her they expected her to be the bride.
Is tired yet amused of James every time he motions for her to distract Regulus because Sirius starts grinding on him. (As a joke, it’s just funny bc Regulus doesn’t like seeing it). She thanks the gods above that whenever Barty or Evan switch places with Sirius, James doesn’t tell her to distract the ‘bride’.
Stays sober throughout the night bc she’s not really quite the drinker. She’s also supposed to be watching everyone and making sure none of them (Barty, Evan, Sirius, James, and Marlene) do something stupid.
OPTIONAL: Mary and Pandora are dancing on the dance floor, absolutely shredding it down, and they drag Lily to join them as she’s walking by towards another table, and they tell her to “LET LOOSE AND HAVE FUN!!” And that’s what she does. She dances with them, takes selfies, drops it down, etc. (Xeno doesn’t mind bc he’s probably being ‘forced’ to do the same with Pandora’s friends.) it’s completely platonic between all of them when doing this besides Mary and Lily.
Mary Macdonald - Usher
She is probably dancing the whole night with an absolutely wrecked Marlene, and an horrifically high Pandora. She may be an usher, but all she does is say hello to everyone who comes in, and helps them to their seat if Lily is busy or if they still can’t find it. She knows her girlfriend has it covered though.
She remains sober. She claims that she “doesn’t need to drink to get lit”. She genuinely acts drunk and all hyper even though she didn’t take a sip of any alcoholic or energy drink, not even coffee that day.
Is always reaching for Lily every time she walks by them because she needs to relax and let loose. Everyone agrees. Mary’s been dancing all night and she forgot to bring slippers so her feet are currently murdering her. The back of her heels are skinning her skin, the space underneath her legs is tearing apart, and her toes are covered in bubbles.
When Marlene/Barty start chugging a whole bottle of alcohol in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by people and their body heat, you can bet your flat ASS that Mary is in the front screaming and hollering.
Doesn’t step outside for a single second. Remus asks her if she’d like to go for a smoke and she denies even though she usually loves smoking at places like this. Remus asks her why she won’t sit and relax, and all she says before dancing away is, “IT’S JAMES’ WEDDING, I CAN’T SIT DOWN!”
OPTIONAL: She’s having the time of her life with Pandora on the dance floor (Marlene is in the bathroom with Dorcas, and she’s vomiting her guts out), and successfully grabs Lily a handful of times so they can all dance together. They all dance on each other and with each other, but they all know it’s friendly. I mean shit, you’ll probably see Mary grind on Sirius or Sirius grind on Evan. On days like this, they’re all best friends, and it doesn’t always have to be romantic.
Marlene McKinnon - Usher
When the party starts, she’s the first person on the dance floor, accompanied by Mary and Pandora here and there.
She’s drinking multiple shots with Barty. They’re the type of friends to be sitting on separate tables but always join each other and start drinking different shots and cheers. Barty definitely has an arm around Marlene’s chair/shoulders while she has a hand on his shoulder and they’re both just DRUNK chatting with a shot glass in hand at all times. It’s sweet to look at them doing this, especially bittersweet when you know they used to be childhood friends.
Gets sick halfway through the night and runs to the bathroom, all Dorcas does is sigh, stand up, fix her suit, and walk calmly to the bathroom to help her girlfriend.
This bitch does NOT do her job. She doesn’t greet anyone besides people she loves, (James, Sirius, all the girls, Barty, Evan) and even then she’s too busy dancing, vomiting, or taking shots all night with Barty and other people to pay that much attention to anyone else. She definitely has makeup running down her face though.
She cries during the ceremony, absolutely sobbing and wailing. Sirius and Lily are the only other two who are crying. Oh, and she definitely acts like she wasn’t crying later on, even though she most definitely was.
OPTIONAL: She doesn’t remember a single thing from the night before, but she (and many others) took photos and videos of the night, they even hired a photographer, so when the whole group sits together and watches the 3 hour clip the next morning (since they had a sleepover, and the photographer was someone they knew and they sent the unedited version) she begins crying again, and everyone is just laughing at the hilarious scenes. James and Regulus are sitting together, staring at each other with love and affection in their eyes, Sirius and Remus are watching with loving smiles on their faces because even through all the teasing, Sirius is so happy for both of them. Lily and Mary are sitting down on the couch, Mary’s feet draped across her wife because of the pain, and they’re both very happy watching the clip. And Barty is just sprawled on Evan’s lap, his hands running through his hair, and they laugh at Barty’s drunk ass, and all those funny scenes. And then there’s Dorcas and Marlene. They’re both cuddled up together, Marlene (and Barty) both have horrible hangovers, but they don’t seem to care at all. They’re all together now, and it was an amazing day.
And if Barty and Marlene start hanging out more after that, then so what?
Dorcas Meadows - Officiant
Was so honored that Reg and James chose her as the officiant of the wedding. She memorized what she had to say, staying up all day and night until the wedding. She called over Barty and Evan so she could stand next to them/between them and rehearse the words. “Oh please, don’t whine about it! This is helpful for you two as well! Now shut up and stand!”
At the wedding, she goes outside and smokes with Remus occasionally. They’re not best friends, not even close, but they talk and they bond. They would definitely stand up for each other if it was ever the case.
She doesn’t dance. She sits, talks to everyone at the table, visits other people at other tables, drinks a little bit, and takes care of Marlene when she has to vomit. Nobody has ever, and I mean ever, seen her dance before. And no one will (besides Marlene and even then it’s either slow dancing or head rocking.)
She does get a bit emotional at the ceremony and saying the vows, and her voice wobbles when she asks Regulus if he will take James as his husband. Nobody speaks a word about it because they know she’ll whip their ass, but also because it’s rare to see Dorcas become emotional over something.
She stands up on the mini stage, holding a shot glass. She’s always been good at cheers and saying a speech, so she does exactly that. She stands on the stage and says something so poetic, so gut wrenching, so bittersweet and beautiful, that even Regulus and Evan shed a couple tears. Afterwards, Reg and James mention it and tell her how thankful they are, and how they don’t regret choosing her as their officiant.
OPTIONAL: There’s this one point where everyone is dancing. Everyone besides Remus, Dorcas, and a few others. Because Remus successfully managed to escape outdoors, they quite literally drag Dorcas to the middle of the dance floor. When they realize it’s no use, they ask the men to pick her up while she’s in her seat, take her to the middle of the dance floor, and they all take turns giving her lap dances. Everyone is screaming and throwing money, especially when Regulus starts getting all nasty with it. It’s all fun and games though.
Regulus Potter-Black - The ‘Bride’ Himself
He isn’t running around and panicking (he leaves that job for Lily), but he is most definitely constantly pulling her aside and asking her if everything is okay. His eyes are definitely running around the room.
He stands up every second to greet people he knows. Poor boy doesn’t even get a chance to eat. Luckily, his friends (and Sirius) do notice this, so they occasionally pop in next to him and feed him something. Remus does this too, except he takes him outside for a break/smoke.
He dances very stiffly at first, but then as the night goes on, he gets more loose and relaxed, especially when James starts getting all drunk and goes crazy on the dance floor. He’s always seen either dancing with James, or Barty, Evan, Pandora, and his brother.
Tells the kids to stop bothering James because he’s very busy. James keeps reassuring Reg that everything is fine, but Reggie is just like, “Bitch, no it’s not. It’s my wedding day and I’m barely catching my husband from the corner of my eye.”
He is absolutely exhausted by the end of the night, and is impatient for the honeymoon. He just wants to relax with James, no one there to bother them. He’s so happy that James was the one he married. He’s so happy that he didn’t have to wear a dress. He’s so happy that this wasn’t an arranged marriage. He’s so happy he’s free.
OPTIONAL: Regulus will forever act as though he hated this, but in reality he doesn’t and everyone knows that. At their wedding, a decent amount of time after they had said their vows, James was playing around with the children there. He had immediately looked at Reg, pouted with puppy eyes, and raised both his eyebrows up and down as he got drunker throughout the night. Again, Regulus acted like he despised it, when in reality he didn’t and Sirius was the one who was disgusted. “OH! My poor innocent brother! I knew you’d ruin him Prongs! Oh, I just knew!!”
Barty Crouch Jr. - The Payer
For some fucking reason, he’s the one who paid for everything at the wedding. He offered, and who was Reg to refuse? The weird part is, that nobody knows where he got the money from. He doesn’t have that type of money! Or does he?
Spends the whole night walking around the room and taking shots with everyone, even people he doesn’t know. He makes toasts and cheers, and even does little speeches. He’s the life of the party, and catches the eye of everyone there. He’s also drunk out of his mind halfway through the wedding, but somehow doesn’t vomit like Marlene every 4 minutes.
Is definitely grinding on all his friends, and making eye contact with Evan from across the room. They’re eye fucking each other, and everyone hates it. When he grinds on Dorcas, everyone goes wild because Cas and Bat have always acted as though they are frienemies, so this was new for everyone who didn’t know them like that.
People approach him when they find out he’s the one who paid for everything, and they’re always so amazed and shit; “I can’t believe you did this! You paid for all of this? WOW!”
Bonds with Marlene the whole night, even while dancing. They do the same dance moves as each other, or they do something that reminds them of when they were friends. They start hanging out again after this wedding. I mean, they had no choice either way. Regulus and James got married!
OPTIONAL: May be caught violently grabbing James and Evan (and maybe Reg? Or some other form of the four of them?) and taking them outside. They come back inside looking messier and more frazzled than before. Marlene—drunker than a sailor—calls this out, and all Barty does is wink in her direction. Because she knows. Of course she knew all along.
Evan Rosier - Ring Bearer
Usually this job is supposed to be done by a young boy, but Evan is a young boy! Period.
Like Dorcas and Remu, doesn’t really dance unless it’s songs where he can get all seductive. He sits there usually, manspreading with a glass of tequila in hand, and watching Barty grind and swing his hips against some other man/woman. That man is going to get the biggest punishment of his life.
Forces himself not to cry during the vows. He acts kind of upset because Reg didn’t choose him as a best man or anything special, but he’s actually so fucking happy he’s the ring bearer.
He observes the room and the people in the room. He watches them and what they’re doing. He watches their movements and their words, and their mouths and body language. He notices when someone is left out (Peter), when someone is illegally hot (Barty), when someone is scarily hot (Regulus), when someone is beautifully hot (James), etc.
Is in charge of the music the DJ plays. He created the playlist, and the way the songs transition, and what they transition into. Everyone tells him he did an amazing job after the wedding. He mostly chose specific songs because he knew Bee, Redgie, and Jamie would dance under them.
OPTIONAL: Allows himself to be dragged everywhere. Barty drags him to go dance with him, and drags him outside where he makes out with him ferociously (and they’re occasionally accompanied with someone..). Regulus drags him when he needs help fixing something, like his slight makeup or his outfit, and even the decor. And James drags him around when the kids do something sweet or cute, and it’s so fucking adorable to see. It drives Evan insane. Not to mention when Regulus is busy doing something so James approaches him (or Bat) and whines for their/his attention. Now that drives him wild.
Pandora Lovegood - Plays the ‘Father’ Role
She walks Regulus down the aisle. That’s literally it. She has one of the most important jobs ever, and it’s too walk him down the aisle because his parents weren’t invited. Because they were either dead, or not important enough for such an event.
Everyone—and I mean everyone—either tears up or gets a bit emotional when they see Panda walking him down the aisle. She waves at Ev from the walkway and all he can do it hide his wobbly smile.
Dances mystically and majestically. She dances like she’s high (bc she is), and she’s sometimes separated from the circle/group, so you’ll probably see her and Xeno dancing around in tiny swirls, with her one hand holding her pregnant stomach.
She’s mostly dancing either by herself, with her friends, her husband, or Lily/Mary. When she gets too tired she resides to her seat and smiles at her grown stomach, sliding a hand up and down the canvas and feeling Luna’s kicks.
After the wedding, Panda approaches Peter and slips a note inside of his bag, telling him she’s so proud of him and his arrangements. Sadly, Peter never sees this note until it’s too late and he’s lost all of them. Anyway, exactly a week after the wedding, Luna Dorcas Lovegood is born, and Regulus calls her his gift.
OPTIONAL: Dora announces her pregnancy on this day (Reg invited her too), and mentions that her first born child’s full name will be: Luna Dorcas Lovegood, and her sons name will be: Arcturus Barty Lovegood. Evan asks why he isn’t named after a child, and Panda smiles while saying; “Because every time I look in the mirror I see you. Because you’re the godfather of my child, if you’d like to be?” And finally, Evan cracks. He would be the godfather of Luna, and Barty would soon be the godfather of Arcturus.
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mybutcheredtongue · 9 months
I'll Love You 'til the Grass Around My Gravestone is Deceased
Harry Potter timeline Sirius Black x fem!reader
CHAPTER TWO (see full series list here)
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"'Sup, Moony."
You step into the tiny cottage Remus Lupin inhabits, smiling at him.
There's a keen scent of lavender in the home. Remus has always kept the place well and tidy. His tidiness has always been something you've envied. However, you know well that there's a small basement locked away beneath the cottage that's considerably less tidy, because werewolf Remus is not as orderly as normal Remus.
It'll be a few weeks until his next transformation. You've always made sure to plan your days together around the cycle. Sometimes you wish people would make their plans around your cycle too, but that's besides the point.
"Ready?" You ask and he nods, smoothing down the front of his sweater, picking at a small ball that had formed on it.
"Yes, let me just grab some change, I'll be right back," he says, skipping off to another room.
You sigh gently, studying a photo on the wall. It was a photo James had took of yourself and Remus, sitting on the common room couch reading a book together, and then promptly getting into an argument because Remus flipped the page too fast for you. You're both in fits of laughter.
Remus returns, coins jingling in the pocket of his trousers and you turn back, smiling. "Where'd you get that photo? It wasn't here last time."
"Found it in one of my old textbooks," he replies.
You give him an amused but skeptical look. "What were you doing looking through your old textbooks?"
"Just a bit of light reading."
You snort, placing your hand on the back of his shoulder blade and gently pushing him through the door. "Light reading."
"How are you?" Remus asks as the two of you sit down at a small, circular table in a quaint cafe not far from his cottage.
For such a small cafe, it's quite busy. Small groups chat around the tables, cutlery clinking against plates and the cash register rattling every once in a while.
You shrug your satchel off your shoulder, dropping it to the ground with a gentle thud. "Yeah, I'm alright. How 'bout you?"
A waiter wanders up to your table, flipping open his small notebook and nodding at the two of you. "Now, what can I get for you?"
"A pot of tea for me, please," you say.
"Can you get me a cup too? And, uh, some chocolate."
The waiter nods and hurries off, leaving you to level with Remus' awaiting eyes. He doesn't say anything and you widen yours in question.
"What, Moony? You look like you're dying to say something."
Remus raises his eyebrows at you. He says your name gently. "Talking helps. You know that."
You sigh, drumming your fingers on the table, looking away. "Yeah, alright, fine. Can't say I'm doing all that well."
Remus says nothing, silently imploring you to continue.
"It's just...Harry, he's...it's just hard to...I don't..."
"I know."
You swallow hard. "Spittin' image, the spittin' fucking image of him. I'm almost half expecting Harry to turn around and tell me to 'go shag Sirius'."
You laugh dryly. The humour is lost on you when your mind thinks of Sirius.
Remus chuckles gently, if not with an added tension to his jaw. You're aware of his feelings on the matter. Remus doesn't hold the same confidence in Sirius that you do, he's always stipulated that he would need hard evidence ro prove his innocence before he believes it.
Any mention of Sirius tends to remind Remus of what he considers to be 'bad believing'. He thinks it's bad for your health to not move on.
He's probably right.
"Yes, well, that was one of James's favourite phrases."
"And — and — that troll I mentioned? Yeah, Harry defeated it. Along with the help of two friends, of course..." a smile lifts your face. "He's got a good heart. As good as his parents. I'm glad the Dursleys didn't take that away from him."
The waiter arrives down with your pot of tea, the porcelain clanking as he places it on the table. You smile and utter your thanks and he hurries off again.
"It's just tough, you know? I mean, my own godson, and I can't even talk to him properly?" You say. "I know Dumbledore's right, his judgement is always right, but still..."
"I would feel the exact same if I were in your place. He is, after all, the closest thing we could have to James and Lily." Remus takes a sip from his tea, wincing, before glancing around himself at the muggles sitting around you.
He pulls the cup down beneath the table and secretively pulls out his wand, muttering a quiet spell under his breath to cool it. He sips again, nodding. "I miss them too. The autumn and winter months tend to be the hardest."
There's a small silence between the two of you and you sigh, stretching your arms out behind your head. "Look, enough about all that. How's the job hunt going?"
Remus groans. "Horrendous."
You bring your cup to your mouth, eyeing him over the rim. "Hogwarts is always looking, you know. I'm sure Dumbledore'd be happy to take you on."
He raises his eyebrows unenthusiastically at you. "And what could I possibly teach?"
"Anything! You're a smart bloke, y'know," you reply. "Charms? You've always been great at that!"
Remus shakes his head in amusement.
"I'm being serious, you know! You'd be a great teacher. Ooh, maybe you could even be my assistant!"
Remus chuckles. "That would be torturous."
"Oh, shut up," you scoff, laughing. "Seriously though, consider it. You'd be brilliant. And I'd actually have someone my own age at work."
"It can't be that bad."
"It is! Severus is the only one, and we both know how much he hates me," you tell him. "I mean, everyone's lovely and all, and I do occasionally have tea with McGonagall, but she was my teacher! Can't fully relax around her, if I'm honest. And Dumbledore can be a bit barmy at times."
"Just a bit. Tends to get a bit distracted during conversations."
Remus just laughs, and you feel certain worries lift from your shoulders.
He's right.
Talking does help.
Later, you and Remus part ways. He walks down the road towards his cottage and you spin on your heel, checking the street before Disapparating.
You land in an alleyway, stumbling on your feet before steadying yourself. You wince, trying not to focus on the turning of your stomach. You breathe in, before stepping out and onto a street in London. In front of you is the window to an abandoned department store. The sign above reads 'Purge & Dowse Ltd', though the paint is flaking and faded.
You sidle up to the ugliest mannequin there, wearing a wretched green pinafore dress, and whisper, "I'm here to visit the Longbottoms."
You watch as the mannequin nods and beckons you forward. You glance around to make sure the coast is clear before stepping through the glass.
You breathe in the clinically clean air of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies, watching as nurses and visitors bustle about. It's not long before you've made your way up to the Janus Thickey Ward for spell damage and are seating yourself down on a rickety stool between Alice and Frank Longbottom.
You sigh, gently taking Alice's hand in yours. "Hello, lovely."
Alice's face is no longer the healthy, bright face you used to know. It's now sallow and sunken, dark bags dragging under her eyes. Her clipped hair, which you remember her cutting during the war to keep it low-maintenance, is missing tufts in certain spots and clearly hasn't been cut in a while.
She rises at the sound of your voice, sitting up in her bed and looking about in confusion. She turns her eyes to you, but she's not really looking at you. It feels like she's looking through you, unfocused.
"How are you today?"
Alice blinks before nodding slowly a few seconds later, a blank expression on her face.
This is often how your 'conversations' with Alice go. She doesn't know what's going on at all. It's a cruel living.
Still, it feels good to visit. Part of you feels that if you keep returning to these two, they might gain some of their former sanity and health.
"Well, I'm good. Your young lad has started at Hogwarts, though I'm sure Augusta's told you that already." You turn your head to Frank, who is also sitting up but dreamily staring off at a potted plant in the far corner of the room. "Did you hear that, Frank? Neville has started at Hogwarts."
Frank blinks at you, then looks back at the potted plant, muttering something incomprehensible to himself.
"N...Ne — vuh," Alice utters slowly with great effort.
You turn and smile encouragingly at her. "Nev, yes. Little Neville. Such a sweet boy, you two. You'd be so proud of him, being placed in Gryffindor! He's clearly as brave as you two!"
Silence. You look down at Alice's hand in yours, and gently pat the top lovingly.
"I talked to Remus today. We both miss you very much."
Still no response. Alice has now fixated on your hands and you can practically see the cogs slowly turning in her mind as she works to...think.
You've read plenty of articles on the Cruciatus Curse, looking for anything that might help your friends, but nothing ever comes up. You have found that some healers believe that the state that most victims end up in, the one that Alice and Frank are currently in, is like dreaming. They feel like they're in a dream. Not entirely in control of anything, especially their mind.
A healer walks up to Alice, a potion bottle in her hand, full of vile-looking yellow liquid. She notices you and gives you a sympathetic smile.
"Lovely to see you, professor!" She greets brightly and you smile in response. She turns to Alice, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Have you seen your visitor, Alice? Isn't it nice to get visitors?"
Alice doesn't say anything.
You sigh, stepping off the rickety stool and sliding your satchel up over your shoulder again. "I'll get going, Alice," you say to her. You nod at her husband, "Frank. Can't be missing dinner."
"Here, drink this, Alice," the healer says softly and raises the bottle to Alice's lips, who thankfully parts her lips without objection and the healer tips the contents down her throat. She turns to you. "Thank you for visiting. It may not look it, but it does wonders for them."
You nod in understanding. "I hope so. Thank you for taking care of them so well. I'm sure I'll be 'round again soon enough."
She smiles and you take your leave, giving Alice and Frank one last departing look as you exit the ward.
The healer is giving Frank the same potion and Alice has already fallen asleep and you bite your lip, sighing. At least she's asleep now.
->-> read chapter three here!
→ all kinds of interaction appreciated ♡
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veganbutterchicken · 23 days
Short wolfstar fic recs (under 20k) aka go read them all if you haven't already
Impossible Things by accioromulus
Roommates & angst. The belt loops scene is permanently engraved into my brain.
Lock it down by WrappedUp
Roommates again, this time set during lockdown. The buildup and the smut is divine.
Statten Park by eyra
Sirius is rich and Remus works as a waiter. Two nights at Sirius's estate and lots of smut. (I reread this one about 20 times each month.)
Let Me Touch You or The Five Times Sirius Black Kissed Remus Lupin and the One Time Remus Kissed Him Back by JadedandConfused
Marauders at Hogwarts. Lots of love and kisses (that Remus pretends he hates).
Leather and Cinnamon by TracingPatterns
Meet-cute in a coffee shop. I love Teddy in this.
Born Under Punches by orestesfasting
Roommates AU set during the First War with Voldemort. Angsty.
(Just realised that 3 fics out of 6 are roommate AUs. I clearly have a type lol.)
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roseygurl · 7 months
jobs i think the marauders & friends would have
james potter
- works at a sporting goods store
- he’s very knowledgeable and great at his job
- will definitely persuade you into buying something you don’t want or need
- “sir these nike airs will make you jump so incredibly high”
- always chewing gum and always getting yelled at for it by his boss
- hates working register, you’ll find him in the shoes section reading a magazine
- made the store playlist, he’s always on aux
- all his coworkers are really old but he still manages to get along really well with them
- has definitely grabbed a beer with the 50 year old cashier
sirius black
- movie theatre employee
- he hates his job so much. so much
- but he loves saying he works at a movie theatre because it sounds cool
- applied because he loves films and the smell of theatre popcorn
- works at the concession stand and steals extra large slushees (his go-to flavors are cherry and coke)
- he’s really bad at customer service but he’s naturally charming so it’s okay
- always has one airpod in
- coworkers love him because remus brings him food on his break that he shares with everyone
- never ever wears the hat that comes with his uniform because it’s ugly and makes his hair look bad
- definitely cries in the bathroom
remus lupin
- waiter at a nice restaurant downtown
- he’s actually quite rude but his dry humor and nice cheekbones charms people for some reason
- (gets horrible tips)
- has to wear a fully black outfit with a silly black bow tie, sirius thinks he looks handsome
- really good at bussing tables and rolling silverware
- steals fries from the kitchen
- sometimes they ask him to bartend and he really enjoys that
- the hostess girl adores him (sirius despises her)
- smokes near the dumpster on his break and then sits on the floor in the walk-in for a few minutes
- “can i speak to the manager?!”
- “ma’am i am the manager” (he’s lying)
peter pettigrew
- works at a gas station
- constantly forgets to check for ID
- free vape pods for his friends!!!!!!
- actually likes stocking shelves because he doesn’t have to talk to anyone
- always scared the store is gonna get robbed at gunpoint
- sees people steal but never says anything about it
- he literally never sees his boss around, where is that man???
- usually closing shift, he hates it
- reads comic books up front all the time, sometimes he’ll have really long conversations with customers about x-men
regulus black
- works drive-thru at a burger joint
- customer service is on point but after 8pm he turns into the biggest bitch on the face of the earth
- he just wants to go home
- sirius and james always drive by to troll him and order shakes
- sirius is really good at doing the karen voice and has actually fooled him almost every single time
- big brother behavior
- his uniform is rancid and smells like burger grease
- always having one sided competitions with other coworkers that nobody is in on except for him
- he loves oreo milkshakes
- ends up having to train the new hires but he’s so terrible at it
- “idk i think this is how you do it but im not sure”
- bad at counting change on the spot, he’ll start tearing up if you give him coins
lily evans
- second-hand bookstore employee
- started out as a volunteer but they actually ended up hiring her
- she doesn’t get enough hours
- works next to a coffee shop so she always grabs a cappuccino for james after her morning shifts
- gets to wear cute outfits but has to wear an ugly gray apron
- decorates it with pins
- remus always comes to visit her and they bitch about rude customers together
- he ends up helping her move heavy boxes
- her boss is this sweet weird hippie woman who somehow knows everyone personally
- the dusty books give her terrible allergies
- that girl is always sneezing and sniffling
- will talk your ear off about jane austen
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lumosinlove · 10 months
Christmas Eve Will Find Me
Two: Sirius
Grimmauld Club
London, England
“Do you want to go get a burrito from that place?”
Sirius looked up from his desk. There were miles of paperwork. Mounds of things to do. A five AM flight to catch. God, did he even want to think about it? No. No, he didn’t, not with Remus Lupin looking at him like that. A smile. Hopeful. Sirius wasn’t sure what kind of hope it was. Two friends getting a beer and a meal after a shift? Or—
“Yeah,” Sirius said. “Brilliant, love to.”
Sirius could see himself sitting there, could see the mess of salsa and chips on his plate. Beans and rice that had fallen out. Each time he went back to that tiny restaurant—alone, no one else could know about it, it was theirs—he’d kept looking at the door. He had to stop doing that, they would think he was going to make a run for it. It was ridiculous, him thinking that if he just stared long enough then Remus might walk in. Cash only here, forgot. Just popped to the machine. Flash him a smile. We’re set now.
They’d stayed too long that night. Far too close to their flight. They hadn’t had a thing to drink but Sirius had felt like he had by the end, cheeks hurting from smiling. They’d stood up at the same time, go-bags in hand. So sure of themselves. Such a team. We’ll have to find at least some time to see the sights in Athens—
“You with me, Si?” James’ voice said.
The waiter had just set their drinks down, vest nearly matching the blue-black velvet walls of The Grimmauld Club. Somehow, it was their favorite even though they were never dressed properly for it. Dirty looks for their lack of jacket and tie, but the whiskey was good, they could see all the exits, and the club had their own reasons for letting them get away with it. The club knew who they worked for, at least in theory.
On my way. Remus’ voice said in his mind. Then his own voice. I’ve got you from above.
“Yeah,” Sirius said. “Sorry.”
James had invited him to stay over at his flat last night. Finn, too. Finn had had too many questions and questions weren’t a good fit for a night alone. Sirius hadn’t slept well, squeezed onto the guest bed next to Finn. He’d had the thought that Finn probably hadn’t slept in the same bed as someone since Logan’s death, and then he just couldn’t shake it. Finn had slipped out early in the morning though, because when Sirius opened his eyes he was alone.
“Sorry I’m late,” said a voice from behind them. Accented. American, but not like Finn’s. Louisiana.
Sirius saw James look up first. There was a familiar flash of bright blond hair, a beat up looking computer bag was slung onto the ground, and Leo Knut sat in the chair beside him.
Leo looked between the two of them, then sent a skeptical roll of his eyes around the club. “Didn’t think they were going to let me in.”
James flashed him a small smile. “I think you still forget who you work for sometimes.”
“Oh? And who might that be?”
James’ smile turned wry. “Oh, traffic control of London, of course.”
“Of course.” Leo did laugh, but his eyes were steady when he looked at Sirius. “So, you’ve told Finn.”
“Right before wheels up?”
“Yeah.” Sirius knew he would have to go back to his apartment for his bag. But sometimes that one pot in the kitchen stared at him so vividly he thought he would die. Sirius, honestly, you can’t live on take away. Let me make you something.
“What did Finn say?”
“He had a proper freak, to be honest,” James said. “It hurt to watch.” He sent Sirius a sideways look. “He got his hopes up way to fast.”
“So did I,” Sirius said. “Didn’t you?”
James set his glass down hard. “Yeah, but off of a photograph. We’ve got nothing besides that.” Nothing on Logan, he meant.
Leo leaned forward. “Where is he now? His courses are all finished, you can’t just drop that—”
A waiter came up and looked primly at Leo. “May I get you anything, Mr. Knut?”
“Uh—” Leo blinked up at him. “I—just a—what they’re having.”
Sirius saw the waiter give Leo, and his baby face, a skeptical look, but he gave a slight bow and turned away.
“It wasn’t my idea to tell him,” James said. “Sirius insisted.”
“No,” Leo said. “I’m glad you told him, but you can’t just tell him and leave him in the dark.”
“He slept over,” James protested.
“What choice do we have?” Sirius said. “We don’t know anything else, and we’re going to be out of reach. He’ll have to wait.”
Leo scoffed. “Hey, your husband is alive, see you later?”
“May be. May be alive.”
“Before you go shouting at us,” James said. “What exactly are you doing to speed up the process?”
“All that I can,” Leo said. “My facial recognition program is what found Remus.”
Leo’s drink was set down before him, but Leo paid it no mind. He just sent a glance towards the hallway with a simple WC and an arrow on the wall in golden stencil.
That was the other good thing about Grimmauld. It had some very interesting rooms.
James sighed, but made to get up. “They really shouldn’t have put it near the bathrooms. It makes it look like we’re all going to go together.”
Leo’s back room was full of blinking lights and wide monitors.
“Look,” Leo said as he swung into his chair. He clicked around a bit, then pulled up a video file. “This is what the still you saw is from.”
Sirius leaned forward alongside James as Leo hit play. The video had been frozen on a crowded street, not as cropped as they had seen at Salazar. This time, they had to wait for Remus to walk into frame.
“There.” Leo pointed, but Sirius hadn’t needed to be told. He would recognize him anywhere, it didn’t matter how grainy the footage was. He would know his gait. He would know the tilt of his head. Remus eyes were more like blurs, even with Leo’s enhancing technology, but Sirius knew their gold color.
God, Sirius had missed seeing the way Remus walked.
Leo’s finger hit the space bar the moment Remus turned his head. It was close. They could have missed him. He’d only turned when he was almost out of frame, just looking before he crossed the street. Nothing strange, nothing unusual, besides the fact that he was a walking memory. Sirius scanned the background, looking for any eyes on him, but there was nothing. A fruit vendor. The bank whose camera it was. A man putting his wallet away. Someone sitting reading a newspaper at a café table. A mother holding the hands of two children, one of them crying.
“And Logan?” James asked.
“Nothing,” Leo said softly. His voice held some of the hurt that had been in Finn’s voice. Sirius wondered about that sometimes and ached for Leo. “He’s still a ghost. If they’re together, I can’t tell. Or Logan hasn’t been out like Remus has.”
Sirius and James exchanged a look. “Out?”
“If they had really been in Athens all this time, I would have seen them. A camera would have picked them up long before this. And they would have found us if they could.”
“So, what, you think they escaped some type of captivity?”
“Or just Remus. I don’t know. But it’s possible.” Leo frowned. “Why do you think they haven’t contacted us?”
James let out a tired breath and put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. “If we knew that, don’t you think you would know by now, too?”
They drew their chairs close together and stared the footage down, looking for anything to go on. They looked up shop names and got the street name. Lisiou. They clocked nearby hotels, but Remus could have been coming from anywhere, could have taken a bus or a car. He looked clean. Showered and shaven. They watched the footage over and over. Remus appeared from the South and turned his head just as he was almost out of frame, going North.
“Pause it,” Sirius said suddenly. When Leo complied, he pointed. “There’s writing on his t-shirt. Can you make it out?”
“He could have picked it up from anywhere,” James said thoughtfully. “But it’s still something. He definitely wasn’t wearing it when…”
The room quieted, even chilled, until Leo cleared his throat and enhanced the image.
“Shit,” James said when half of a word came into view. “It’s all Greek to me.”
“It’s kind of twisted, but…” Leo frowned and pulled up the Greek alphabet. He went to work matching the letters, and, somehow, the bottom text box began matching them to the nearest English equivalent. “Pi…Piraeus. Piraeus?” Leo muttered the word to himself a few more times before typing it in. “It’s a myth—a city. It’s a bank—though not the one that caught him. And it’s a port.” He pulled up a separate map. “A harbor, there.”
Sirius leaned back. “That’s not too far. That’s a half hour ride at most.”
“We don’t know it actually—”
“We don’t know anything,” Sirius said. “But we start there.” He glanced at the computer clock. “We should get to the airport.”
As they made to go, Leo stopped Sirius with a hand on his arm. His blue eyes looked painfully young just then. Afraid. They weren’t supposed to show fear.
“Sirius,” Leo whispered.
James didn’t stop, too. He knew when someone needed a second. That was the beauty of James.
“I don’t know, Leo,” Sirius answered before Leo could ask.
Leo asked anyway. “Do you think Logan is…”
It wasn’t something he spoke about. It wasn’t something he wanted in his head more than it already was. He didn’t want the tragedy coating his tongue, he didn’t want it blocking his throat.
“I thought I saw both of them…” Sirius swallowed. Die. “Go. I thought…”
Sirius thought maybe Leo was going to press, but he didn’t. He nearly deflated a step backwards. He sank back into his chair with a nod.
Sirius put a hand on the doorframe. “Are you…”
“I’m gonna stay here a bit.” Leo looked like he was already pulling up footage of the port. Lupin, Remus and Tremblay, Logan typed into a program and the slide of code running fast through the room.
In the hallway, James jingled his keys in his pocket. “Coming to mine?”
“I should go home,” Sirius said. He ran a hand through his hair. He would take hot water while he could. A long shower, alone in the quiet. Who knew when they’d see it again. Safe houses were always safe, that didn’t mean they were always comfortable. “Gotta get my things.”
It was always strange, being in London the night before a mission. There was, of course, the pesky thought that he’d never see this city again. But it looked different, too. The street lights were brighter. The fresh rain on the pavement smelled better. He’d stop for whatever take away of his choosing. They all knew him, the restaurants, but they didn’t at all, did they? He could remember their names, could spot the different take out bags on other customers form a block away. He could say his work kept him up late and smile and laugh with them.
“George,” Sirius said when he entered the small fish and chips shop. It smelled like vinegar and salty chips, frying fish and the paper they got wrapped in.
“Ah, my friend.” George reached across the table to shake Sirius’ hand, then proceeded in getting his unsaid order ready. Strong, capable hands that went through the motions of his life by memory and touch. Watching him made Sirius wish badly for something that familiar. “How are things?”
No one knew about Remus. It was hard to grieve when the only souls he could tell were right there stuck with him.
“Fine,” Sirius said. “The usual.” At least that wasn’t a lie. “How did Matt’s maths test go? He was nervous on Tuesday.”
“Oh, Jesus, what a kid.” George folded the paper expertly, whipping down the sticker with the shop’s logo on it to hold it closed. “Fucking worries about everything. Takes after his mother in that way—and in the way of getting all the answers right.”
“Good.” Sirius smiled and looked down to his wallet, but when he went to hold out his crumbled bills, George put a hand out and simply slid the food over.
“It’s on the house.” When Sirius looked up, alarmed, George shrugged. “No, no, no. Nope. Blame Christmas.”
“I can’t let you do that.” George’s shop was beloved by the neighborhood—his whole family was—but that didn’t mean business was easy.
“You can.” George hesitated. He rubbed a hand on his red beard, blue eyes honest. “If you don’t mind me saying, you’ve not looked your best lately. Matty’s is worried you’re going to, ah, disappear again.”
Disappear. This is what George’s ten year old son Matt called it when Sirius had to work. He was vague about it to them, but honestly probably more up-front than he should be. Five months was too long to pass as a business trip and there were only so many of the agents that could fake trades that took them to archaeologic digs. Sirius didn’t have a family. He didn’t have friends. It was enough for Salazar to expect him to simply lay low. Maybe it was their fault, then, that he’d made this mistake with Matt. He could still see himself crouching down in front of him. With his mother’s dark hair, he looked a little like Regulus had when he was little.
Sometimes, Sirius had said. Sometimes I just have to disappear for a while.
“Just for a bit,” Sirius said softly. He put his money away and picked up his meal. “Tell…Tell him goodbye for me, all right?”
George’s mouth pulled to the side, but he nodded. “All right. And what about Remus? Will we be seeing him around? Matty’s taken a real shining to him, too. It’s been a while.”
Two days ago, Sirius would have had to leave without answering. No. He’s dead. He’s dead, he’s dead, and I never—I never told him that I—
“Maybe.” Sirius flashed him a brief smile. Please, please, maybe.
“Gonna be back for Christmas?”
“Maybe not,” Sirius said. He held up the packet. “Thanks. Really. I’ve got to run.”
“All right.” George sighed and it sounded almost resigned. “All right but… If you need anything…Okay?”
Sirius nodded. “Okay. You, too.”
The bell above the shop door sent him right back.
“I like them,” Remus said. He had already torn open his packet and was munching on a chip with a satisfied smile. He bumped their shoulders together. “I also like you with them.”
“What does that mean?” Sirius had asked.
It had been cold like this then, too. Remus had been wearing a green beanie, pulled low.
“You smile more with them.”
Usually, before a flight, he didn’t sleep at all. He could tell himself he would sleep as he walked down his familiar street. He could take his keys out of his pocket as he opened the low iron gate and tell himself he was going to take a shower and fall right into bed. He could say all of this to himself, but he knew he would end up on his couch, staring at nothing in particular until he had to go.
Remus had changed some of that. For a moment. For a second. Get some sleep. Laying down beside him, tucking his hand beneath his own pillow. Just close your eyes.
God, Sirius had a single glimpse of a moment where he had thought his life might change for the better.
He looked up, preparing himself to face that same room, empty now.
Finn O’Hara was on his stoop.
“No,” Sirius said before he could ask.
Finn looked just as restless. “I’m coming with you.”
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chaoticladyfire · 1 month
A List of Things that are my 'Roman Empire'
Emily Gilmore (they can never make me hate you)
The letter Alex Turner wrote to Alexa Chung, you know which one
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte by Georges Seurat
The Eagles' 'Hotel California' guitar solo
What did Henry tell Camilla at the end of The Secret History?
That one article about Bennington University in the 1980s
Lana Del Rey’s unreleased songs. Specifically ‘Boarding School’ ‘Smarty’ and ‘Children of the Bad Revolution’
Fleabag and Claire from Fleabag
The Holdovers
Annabeth intuitively knowing to protect Percy in The Last Olympian
The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche
That scene in Lady Bird where Lady Bird jumps out of a car because of her mother's ramblings
House M.D.
Simon from Lord of the Flies
Anne Boleyn
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Otessa Moshfegh
Remus Lupin
The Roy sibling’s childhood in Succession
George Harrison's pictures in India
Stop All the Clocks by W.H Auden
Paris Geller not getting into Harvard
Fleetwood Mac's album Rumour
Macbeth, the character
Inigo Montoya
Emma, 2020
The most important women in Don Draper's life dying of different kinds of cancer
Ash Lynch from Banana Fish
Nicky Hemmick from All For the Games
Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy
Will Herondale and Jem Carstairs from The Infernal Devices
That one Thanksgiving episode in Gossip Girl
Jess Mariano from Gilmore Girls
Challengers, 2024
Baby Fever
Little Miss Sunshine
Robert Spearing from Industry
My Lady Jane being cancelled
Creme Brulee
Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games
The violet field scene from E.M. Forsters' A Room With A View
The fountain scene in Atonement
Skyfall, 2012
'But did you die' line from The Hangover Part II
That scene in Good Will Hunting where Robin William tells Matt Damon how he met his wife.
Sansa Stark
The Twinyards
The fact that men can strike a conversation with waiters, cab drivers, etc without fear of repercussions
The Persuasion letter
Caravaggio vs Artemisia’s art
Declan Lynch from The Raven Cycle. Pretty much the entire TRC series
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hi! i love your writing, and wanted to ask if you'd like to write some wolfstar with fem/genderfluid sirius? have a nice day/night!
So not only did this request come in but today I followed a car blasting the Killers "somebody told me" and because I am in so deep in this fandom all I good think was wow this is incredibly wolfstar coded. Anyway, this is what the combination inspired - enjoy! with love
The Bit (1/1) (wolfstar)
It didn't really matter where they went, they were often the best dressed couple. Remus looked sleek in formal wear, a shiny black suit with velvet lapels. His soft curls in a mop on his head, and a confidence now that drew much more attention than any of his scars.
Remus was a perfect contrast to Sirius, whose shoulder length black hair was flowing, effortlessly smooth and wavy at the same time. Sirius had a sheer black top that hung just off the edge of their shoulders, and matching not-so-see-through pants that waved with every one of her steps.
All eyes were on them as they walked into the restaurant.
"Hello, Reservation for Lupin please," Remus said. His tone sauve, but husky and low, a sound that generally made Sirius go mad. Remus knew it was working, as Sirius gripped his arm tighter.
The host nodded, ran his finger down list, and then turned to grab two menus. "Please follow me," they said.
They were led to a small candlelit table, one Remus had asked for specially, as it was the table where they had their first real date. Sirius noticed immediately, and reached their hand across to intertwine her fingers with Remus'.
The waiter came shortly after, reading them off the specials. Then the waiter turned to Sirius then Remus and back, "anything to drink for the lad... lady?"
Sirius eyes brightened, and a matching smirk appeared on Remus' face. He squeezed Remus hand before pulling away and addressing the waiter, "I'll have a cosmopolitan," they said, voice deep but sickeningly sweet.
It was Remus and Sirius' favourite joke to watch others try to figure out Sirius. Mostly because it took so long for Sirius to figure themselves out, and for her to be okay with who he was. And partly because everyone was still so daft that Sirius never got gendered the same twice.
Remus' chuckle brought the waiter back to reality, who turned away from Sirius quickly to ask, with a very politically-correct pursed lip, "and a drink for you?"
"The house red will do, thank you," Remus said and nodded, dismissing the waiter who was struggling to keep a blank expression.
Sirius used to get upset about it, and she still will when it's people who they care about or who should know better by now. But Sirius is long past worrying about what strangers think about them, and he loves how much joy Remus gets when Sirius fucks with the ignorant.
Remus took Sirius' hand back, turning it over to splay their fingers open and kiss her palm. Sirius swooned.
"Moony," Sirius whined, shamelessly.
Remus looked up and caught his gaze, "my lovely lovely boyfriend, you look absolutely beautiful princess, and I am endlessly thankful that you let me in your life."
And as Remus spoke, the pair fell more and more in love. But Sirius couldn't help but burst out laughing as the waiter shakily placed the drinks on the table after hearing the whole encounter, and then rushing away. Remus joined in the laughter as they watched their favourite waiter, a trans man, smack the current waiter with his order pad.
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in-flvx · 10 months
depressed rich boy remus lupin decides to flee his life, as best he can, by booking a long cruise and just leaving everything behind. What he hopes for: loads of cocktails, food he doesn't cook himself, enjoying the sun, swimming in pools while the ship drives over actual water, see some whales or dolphins, and a few new cities. What awaits him: a seasickness he didn't know of, and a hot, mysterious waiter who doesn't take rich peoples shit
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 14 - Forgotten First Meeting
@wolfstarmicrofic May 14, word count 964
Sirius had been set up on a blind date by his brother's best friend, Pandora. She’d declared she was tired of seeing him moping about with no one to love and demanded he allow her to set him up. Sirius apparently had no choice in the matter, and he couldn’t explain why he hadn’t just sacked it off and not turned up to the restaurant. But he had, and he’d even spruced himself up a bit. 
“Table for two, should be under Black, might be Lovegood.” He told the host waiting just inside the restaurant. 
“Ah, yes, here we are two for Lovegood. Will your guest be arriving soon?” The host looked behind Sirius as though his date would just materialise out of thin air. 
“Hopefully,” He told the man. “It’s a blind date, so you never know.” The host nodded sagely, as though he got that a lot. 
“Ms Lovegood, enjoys sending her projects to us. She’s never once had a no show, I might add.” Sirius felt himself redden. He and Pandora would be having words. “Right this way Mr Black, we have your table all set up.” Sirius followed him into a corner where a small table was set for two. It felt very intimate already. 
“Thanks,” He gave a half smile to the man before he sat down. He opened the menu and glanced at the dishes. 
“Can I get you a drink Sir?” Asked a waiter. 
“Oh, yes. Gin and Tonic, please.” 
“Right away, Sir.” The waiter bustled off. 
A tall, bean pole of a man stopped beside his table. Sirius looked up and up and up from his seat. The man was well over six feet tall and fit as fuck. Sirius felt his insides do a little jig. Pandora had done good. His date didn’t look as impressed.
Sirius jumped to his feet. 
“Hi, Sirius Black.” He told the giant, holding out his hand for him to shake. 
“Remus Lupin.” The giant responded, engulfing his hand with his own. Sirius’s heart stuttered as he imagined those hands somewhat lower on his body. 
“Sit, please, sit,” Sirius stammered, “Do you want a drink? Er.” He looked around for the waiter and was relieved to see him walking towards him with his drink on a tray. 
“Here you are, Sir.” The waiter said, placing Sirius’s gin and tonic on the table in front of him. “Would you like anything, Sir?” He asked Remus. 
“Whisky, neat, please” Remus replied. The waiter disappeared again. 
“So, Remus. How do you know Pandora?” Sirius dove in, not comfortable with silences. Remus narrowed his eyes. 
“We went to school together.” Was the only answer he gave. Right, thought Sirius, short and blunt. This was going to be difficult. 
The waiter returned with Remus’s drink. 
“Do you know what you would like to order or do you need a minute?” Sirius looked over to Remus. Neither of them had looked at the menu properly. 
“I think we might need a minute, thanks.” Sirius smiled weakly at the waiter. 
“Steak, rare, please.” Remus said as he glanced at the menu. The waiter looked at Sirius, who quickly looked down at the list of mains. 
“Erm, I’ll have the chicken chasseur please.” He handed the menu to the waiter, and they were back to silence again. 
“So, er, what do you do, Remus?” Sirius broke the silence. Remus scoffed this time. 
“I work in a library,” He said bluntly. 
“Wow, I bet that's interesting,” Sirius pushed a bit. 
“I’ve been digitising all the old records. It’s mind-numbing.” Remus looked around as though trying to find the nearest exit. 
“Have you found anything interesting in the old records?” Sirius tried again. 
“No,” This wasn’t going well. 
“Sorry, have I done something wrong?” Sirius asked. They’d barely been there ten minutes, and he couldn’t think what he could have done in such a short time to anger him so much. 
“Do you really not remember?” Remus snapped. Sirius shook his head, taken aback by Remus’s tone. “Are you serious?!” Sirius had to bite his tongue not to respond how he usually would to that question. When he didn’t answer, Remus went on. “We’ve already met. You’ve been to my flat. Slept in my bed, amongst other things.” Sirius stared at him, trying his hardest to remember. 
Remus shook his head in aggravation and one of the wall lights glinted off a silvery scar running across his face and Sirius remembered. 
“Oh my God, Remus!” He hit his forehead with his palm. How could he have forgotten? He’d been so drunk that night and in the morning Regulus had rung him crying about something their mother had said to him. Sirius had had to sneak out to go calm his brother down. He hadn’t gotten Remus’s number and had forgotten where the flat was. 
That had been months ago and Sirius had never been very good with faces. “I’m so sorry.” He pleaded for forgiveness and explained what had happened. Remus still seemed a bit grumpy, but he stayed. They ate their meals and Sirius treated him to a big piece of chocolate cake as an apology. Remus cheered up after that. 
“So,” Sirius said shyly to him once he’d paid the bill. “Will you see me again or did I totally blow it last time?” He looked up through his eyelashes, knowing full well what effect that had on people. Remus closed his eyes for a moment, but gave in. 
“Yeah, go on then.” He grinned. “Fancy a night cap? At yours this time, that way you can’t sneak out,” Sirius beamed at him and, taking his hand, practically dragged him from the restaurant. He could just hear the host chuckling to himself as the door closed behind them.  
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Wednesday WIP
A little something from my Wolfstar falling in love in their 30s fic set in Edinburgh. I honestly cannot wait to start sharing this with you properly, I just need to get a bit more written first.
“It won’t take long,” James promised, giving Sirius’ shoulder a pat before walking off.
Sirius was happy that he didn’t have to follow, satisfied he could find the bar instead. He ventured inside, weaving his way through the crowd until he found the bar that had been set up in the State Drawing Room. It wasn’t very crowded yet, only a few people that Sirius didn’t recognise standing around talking. There was a waiter there though, his back against the room as he wiped down the bar with forceful movements.
Sirius did a double take as the man registered with him, his gaze trailing from the dark curls that rested against the collar of his shirt. He was wearing a bloody kilt, and Sirius swallowed back the sound that was threatening to escape him. Since he had moved to Edinburgh he had seen people wearing kilts every now and then but he still hadn’t got used to it.
Even though Sirius could only see the back of the man he knew he was immediately hooked, and he took another moment to enjoy the view, his eyes snagging on the little flash of skin between the kilt and the socks that were pulled up to his knees. He was wearing a black jacket that hugged his body in a way that made a little thrill run down Sirius’ spine.
He straightened his back automatically, running a hand carefully through his hair to make sure it was messy in the right kind of way. He glanced down at his own outfit, snug black jeans and a midnight blue shirt, and after a brief hesitation he opened another button in his shirt before he made his way over.
He cleared his throat as he was right behind the man, dropping his voice slightly, “So is it true that you’re not wearing anything underneath those things, or is that just a cruel rumour?”
The waiter whipped around, brown eyes wide in shock and Sirius took a step back in surprise as two things registered at once. The first one was that it was the second time in only a few days that he found himself eye-to-eye with Remus Lupin and the second one was that it was surprising how quickly a kilt could change the way you saw a person.
“Oh,” he said, weakly, feeling like an idiot as he let out an embarrassed laugh, “Remus! I didn’t realise it was you.”
Remus stared at him for a moment before something closed off behind his eyes as he took a step back, his face schooling into something neutral.
“Clearly,” he said, a quirk of his lips that wasn’t a smile as he turned away from Sirius to step behind the bar.
Sirius thought about the last time he’d seen Remus, in Lily’s office at the centre, the realisation of why he was there. Of who he was. Sirius wanted to say something about it but he didn’t know what or how, not here where they could be overheard. He wanted to assure him that his secret was safe, that Sirius would never tell anyone, but he wasn’t sure how to do that.
Sirius looked at Remus as the other man refilled the container with straws, and he could feel his heart pounding harshly in his chest, partly from the lingering embarrassment and partly from the fact that Remus Lupin or not, kilts were still really damn attractive.
“You, er, you work here?” Sirius tried, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at himself, instead leaning against the bar in an attempt to look casual.
Remus raised a brow at him, looking pointedly from Sirius down at his own hands that had moved on to rearranging the clean glasses and then up again, “It sure seems like it, dinnea it?”
Sirius felt his face flush, Remus' dry tone made him feel like even more of an idiot and there was a flare of anger in his chest. It wasn’t fair, he had done nothing but tried to be nice to Remus and yet he got nothing but snarky replies. Remus said nothing more as he continued to shift things around behind the bar, not paying Sirius any attention.
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blueroan-equestrian · 2 years
Fluffy for Remus
Remus watched his beautiful girlfriend get into the boat to leave Hogwarts as a student for the last time. He couldn’t help but stare at her beauty before trotting up to catch up with her. Remus sat next to her, wrapped her quickly up in his arms. She leaned into his embrace and for the moment he was content. But life as a werewolf was not easy and keeping a job was hard. (Y/n), insisted she was alright with supporting him. Though that didn’t stop him from feeling guilty every time he lost a job. Remus sat at the kitchen table with a muggle newspaper. (Y/n) walked in nothing but one of his shirts and a skimpy pair of panties. She shuffled over and kissed him on his head as she wrapped his arms around him, “What are you doing?”
“Looking for a job.” He says as circles another flexible job opportunity.
“In the muggle newspaper?” She asked in not a judgmental manner but rather curiosity.
“Yeah I can work my schedule around the full moon without anyone thinking anything of it. So it’ll be easier to hold on to the job… you know?”
He paused to look at her and she nodded, “Alright, if that’s what you want to do. But don’t risk your health alright?”
“I promise to do only what I can. I know… but I need to work, I can’t let you do everything. You’re working two jobs because I can’t hold down a job and we would barely scrape by if you didn’t work the second when I don’t have a job. I can’t do that to you… I refuse to be a burden, it’s supposed to be me to who takes care of you. Don’t tell me it’s not because it is.” He grumbles.
(Y/n) gives him a squeeze before shuffling to the cupboard, “Pancakes?”
“That would be nice, thank you love.”
Remus got a job as a waiter at a decent restaurant that paid well for only four days of work. The job allowed him to pick his days out each week so it was perfect for him. He felt like like a contributing family member. Not just (y/n)’s sickly stay at home boyfriend but her partner and boyfriend who can help take care of her. Not a burden. Today after he got off work, he stopped by his father’s place, it was time to ask for his mother’s engagement ring. He was finally in a position where he felt worthy and deserving of love. He was going to finally make (y/n) his wife.
On his walk home he fiddled with the box. He practiced his speech in his head over and over as if he hadn’t imagined it a thousand times before. He stepped inside their shared small apartment to the smell of something delicious cooking. He instinctively hummed to himself. He stepped behind her and wrapped himself around her as she cooked, “What are you making love?”
“Beef stroganoff.” (Y/n) hummed.
“Smells delicious. How was your day love?” Remus kissed her shoulder.
She spun around, “It has about fifteen-twenty minutes to cook, want to sit?” He nodded and they do, “today we had this guy try to smuggle this huge cursed artifact into the ministry! It was epic! You should have seen Peter’s face when they popped open this guy’s suitcase and out popped this gargoyle esk statue! He screamed bloody murder like it had tentacles or something. Like for real that was the best part my day.”
“Watching Peter nearly shit himself? You got a mean streak.” Remus chuckled.
(Y/n) brushed him off, “Whatever you say, how was your day?”
Remus smiled softly, “Oh you know, same old same old. But I did stop by my father’s place.”
“Oh? How is he?”
“Excited.” She gave him a questioning look, “You see, I have found the most beautiful and supportive woman a man can ask for. I asked him for my mother’s engagement ring so that I might ask her for her hand in marriage. So (y/n) will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
“Oh my Merlin!!!! Yes! Yes I will marry you oh my goodness!” She squeals as he took her into his arms and spun her around.
He gave her a peck, “better get the oven, the times up.”
(Y/n) playfully smacked him, “Remus Lupin, your timing is horrendous.” And the two laughed.
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