#wakfu the great wave spoilers
kilfeur · 4 months
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Voir Yugo souffrir là comme ça, fait mal surtout qu'il essaie tant bien que mal de contenir la belladone. Il est encore vivant que grâce à sa nature ! Amalia ne peut rien faire pour lui que de rester témoin devant ce spectacle ! Après je m'en fais pas trop non plus concernant les deux frangins, dans le teaser, on les voyait ensemble donc ouais ils vont s'en sortir. Peut être en se réfugiant dans l'éliasphère par exemple.
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Tandis qu'Amalia fait tout ce qu'elle peut pour sauver son peuple et ses amis. Elle ne peut que constater de voir Adamaï et son mari partir en fumée. Emportée par la colère et la tristesse, elle fonce sur les Osamodas, sans de preuve en vrai. Bien que je pense que ça pourrait être favorable les concernant, si le peuple sadida voit leur reine se déchaîner même avec l'explosion de son mari, ils se sentiront pas en sécurité avec elle pour justement les guider et rendre leur royaume prospère donnant raison à la vieille génération qui voyait déjà le peuple éliatrope d'un mauvais oeil. Là avec la colère d'Amalia, c'est clair qu'il va y avoir des conséquences et ça va pas être beau à voir !
Seeing Yugo suffer like that hurts, especially as he tries so hard to contain the belladonna. He's only alive because of his nature! Amalia can do nothing for him but stand by and watch! After that, I'm not too worried about the two brothers either. In the teaser, we saw them together, so yeah, they're going to make it. Maybe by taking refuge in the eliasphere, for example.
While Amalia does all she can to save her people and friends. She can only watch as Adamai and her husband go up in smoke. Driven by anger and sadness, she goes after the Osamodas, without any real proof. Although I think it could be good for them, if the Sadida people see their queen run amok even with her husband's explosion, they won't feel safe with her guiding them and making their kingdom prosper, vindicating the older generation who already viewed the Eliatrope people with suspicion. With Amalia's anger, it's clear that there will be consequences, and they won't be pretty!
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geekgirles · 5 months
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They're everything to me
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cocogum · 2 months
That weird Amalia choking scene from the dream we saw in the Great Wave manga made me think a lot about what it could mean in the long run cuz the more I thought about it, the more I started realizing how common it happened.
Because her choking actually happened more than once.
I was talking to @geekgirles one day, and I mentioned to her how much I found it odd that Amalia kept getting choked every time she'd be in a fight/confrontation with someone or something.
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It's weird, right?
There were so many instances where we've seen her like this, and I don't understand why. The number of times that she got choked makes me seriously wonder if I missed any more. Four times, people. How the hell did we all miss this???
Black Bump choked Amalia in Season 3, Julith choked Amalia in the cinematic krosmaga trailer, an invisible force choked Amalia in Yugo's wet dream, and Aurora choked Amalia in the great wave manga.
The most weirdest one between all of them is the Krosmaga trailer because her getting choked by Julith isn't even canon, and yet we saw her getting her pipes squeezed out by Julith's cape in a trailer around 7 YEARS AGO (before 2016 and possibly in 2016). Julith didn't have to go to her throat, and yet that's exactly what happened.
This krosmaga pic also doesn't help my heart because Julith has been resuscitated in the Great Wave manga and took part in poisoning Amalia's husband...
God, I have no idea if the freaking 7-year-old Krosmaga TRAILER of all things foreshadowed any interaction that could happen between these two in the future great wave volumes.
It also doesn't help that Black Bump, the dream, and Aurora did the same thing.
Tot stop cooking, you're gonna burn the veggies.
I'm really scared yall...
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nina-numa-blog · 26 days
New revelations!
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aishazero9i18r · 5 months
I had too much fun playing Waven and my goal is basically to reunite these two as much as i could until the official lore drops
Also Yes, another overall experience of playing Waven ft. Zza’ah, i was low on health when i finally get to summon these two.
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Man. I cannot wait until they dropped the patch that included Sadida ruins or something, i lowkey wish that if Amalia survived, she will be the guardian of the ruins and such. Idk about Yugo though, he may isolates himself in another area, with 10 years holding the guilt :))
Is it possible if he isolate himself in the Inglorium tho—
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makes-cents-doesnt-it · 5 months
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I absolutely needed to contribute to this
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wearepurplejackets · 5 months
Already read the webtoon...
I thought I was reading Wakfu The Great Wave, not Wakfu, The Great Orgas- WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!?!?! HELP!!!
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WELL, how are you? And why are we even surprised, I mean, we had tortured Yugo last season, enjoy the buffet :D
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And have a good time.
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Sorry, my bad....
I want to publicly apologise to the Great Dragon. 🙇
After a cool-down period, I dove into Wakfu Wikia and re-read the first chapter of WAKFU: The Great Wave.
I've realised the dragon who invaded my boy's dream and gave Yumalia a case of coitus interruptus (a wet dream ?) was NOT Yugo's father.
*Beware of potential spoilers for Dofus the Movie, Wakfu, Wakfu the webtoon and Waven*
The silhouette shown during the dream sequence reminded me of two dragons from the World of Twelve.
Theory #1 : Grougalorasalar
The first one is Grougalorasalar, the Primordial Ebony dragon. Yes, the same dragon linked to Master Joris.
The picture from the webtoon is very similar to Rasalar, especially the wings and horns.
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I can't show the webtoon, but here is the Ebony dragon. Looks like if Godzilla and a giant bat had a baby.
However, I don't know how Grougalorasalar could have entered Yugo's dream or how he would have known about the threat the Eliatrope king might represent. I mean, sure, Yugo is a walking disaster but his reputation is not (yet) that bad, right?
As far as I know, Grougalorasalar doesn't have a "dream-hijacking" ability. Plus, like in all good old fantasy settings, the Ebony Dragon and all Black dragons from the WoT is a malignant creature, symbolising Black Fire or Stasis... or so the Wakfu wikia says.
If that's the case, why would Grougalorasalar seemingly try to prevent Yugo from doing what he does best, "unwittingly endangering the world" ?
That's why I'm more inclined to believe this is the work of Draconiros.
Theory #2 : Draconiros
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His dragon form is flawless.
Draconiros is the Master of Dreams and the Lord of Nightmares. He lives in the Kingdom of Dreams, within the Astral Plane. As such, he can manipulate dreams as he wishes. This could include hijacking someone else's dreams or even changing his appearance within said dreams.
In the wikia, it is said that Draconiros also seems to have a part in the events preceding the Eliocalypse, possibly trying to prevent it.
Since he has access to dreams, this dragon could know about the vision the Eliacube gave Oropo and how Yugo might be linked to the almost destruction of the World of Twelve (WoT). If so, it would make sense for Draconiros to contact Yugo and announce his upcoming courtesy visit. This dragon is a true gentleman! 🙏
Still, if Draconiros is really behind Yugo's nightmare, why would he pick the form of another dragon? It could also be that his true form has been redesigned for the webtoon, like they did with Nora in the tv show, idk.
Theory #3 : Idk for sure but it's not the Great Dragon
Either way, an interference from any Twelvian dragon makes more sense than the Great Invisible Dad trolling his son just to say "I hate you! Wait till I get home! 👿👿👿".
This is especially true, taking into account what is known about the Great Dragon. He is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction. Why would he bother preventing the end of one world among so many? Plus, he wasn't shown interacting with the Eliatropes back in the day, even when they were facing extinction, thanks to the Mechasms. he Great Dragon is the incarnation of Stasis, the energy of destruction.
Nah, Great Dragon "danced" with the Eliatrope Goddess, which helped her get the kids she wanted, and DIPPED! Does he even know the names of his kids? There's a reason they are called Eliatropes and not Stasisians or something. 😒
These are speculations based on my small understanding of the Wakfu universe. I don't play any MMORPG from the Wakfu franchise. I have not read all the available materials, apart from the manga-style Wakfu comics, which are a must-read for fans of the series and take place after Season 2.
For all I know, Yugo's nightmare could be sent by someone else or something else entirely.
For example, if the gods were not MIA, I would have thought Osamodas, the OG dragon master, or Sram, the biggest troll in Twelvian History, would have something to do with this nightmare.
Ngl, I was hoping this was a nightmare created by Yugo's trauma (ptsd) or his link with Toross. I really want to see this antagonist come back to haunt Yugo somehow. Maybe he can still make an appearance as a hallucination (PTSD?) or as himself from the Necroworld, channelling Rotalström (still in the Sadida kingdom), the stasis he stabbed Yugo with or the wakfu he ingested from the Eliatrope king. Anything to see Toross again! 🙏🙏🙏
I cannot wait for Episode 2 to drop and obliterate my theories!
**Please, go read Wakfu The Great Wave if you can **
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pinkysgallery · 4 months
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Ya valimos, A CORRER!!!🏃‍♀️💦💦💦💦
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ryoka8796 · 3 months
hello everyone, I'm making this post because I have the impression of being the only one to notice all the weirdness around Amalia and what's more, no one in the community talks about it so I'm lending myself to this mission by listing all that
s1: -She had a prophetic dream where the god Sadida told her to go to the forbidden forest and that her “destiny” was there
-She managed to heal a legendary tree
- She did the impossible (fused with the tree of life, something new in the Krozmoz)
S2:- She literally creates a new species of plant with a tear something that no average Sadida can do.
S3:- She does not age in the time bubble. Many say that it was Oropo who wanted this except that this bubble is xelor magic while Oropo is an eliotrope. So in theory if Oropo activated this spell, Oropo therefore has no control over it (besides it seems illogical since if he would not have wanted to make her age why then destroy her psychologically with his father at the bedside 🤔)
-She knows Dathura's story. So yes it seems strange said like that but Dathura herself is shocked that she knows her story and besides there is a weird shot of Amalia's face when she talks about the sadidas dolls
S4:- Episode 9 Qilby tells him that it is an “artificial flower” (in the french version) An insult which literally means nothing because if he meant that she was without depth, well the superficial term would have to be used and is the exact term in his case (even if I think quite the opposite). Superficial and Artificial are clearly two different things.
And a point that I like to say is that artificial flowers do not wither just like Amalia who does not “wither” in the time bubble 🙃
Here I am speaking in a theory but EACH CHANGE OF ERA and linked to sadidas dolls. To move from the primitive era to the era of dofus it took the 10 sadida dolls, the transition from the era of dofus to the era of Wakfu was made because of the sadness of Ogrest sadness caused by Dathura ….
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aphilayx · 4 months
Chapter 9 makes you understand why Yugo is the one being called little princess.
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kilfeur · 4 months
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La bataille promet en vrai, je serai déçue qu'il la skippe juste pour la conclusion. Mais là j'encourage Amalia, vas-y Amalia déplume la et fait en la nouvelle spécialité culinaire des Sadida ! Après pour ma part, Aurora est amusante à regarder. Et puis honnêtement parmi toutes les perso féminins détestables selon moi, elle est soft ! Car ce qu'elle fait envers le royaume de Sadida et Amalia, c'est rien comparé à ce que j'ai pu voir ailleurs. Du coup je me demande si le roi des Osamadas, va pas s'éclipser les autres royaumes concernant la situation. Ce qui pourrait davantage la situation.
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Sinon j'ai pas mal apprécié le moment doux entre les deux frangins, mon ami avait parlé du fait qu'Adamaï soit affecté par le poison. Et d'une certaine manière, il l'est mais volontairement pour retenir les explosions causé par le poison et soulager son frère. Après je me doute que le petit "voyage" n'est pas passé inaperçu pour Julith et l'autre dragon. Mais bon ils sont pas encore débarrassés du poison. Y a-t-il un moyen de le contrer qu'Adamaï.
The battle looks really promising, and I'll be disappointed if it's skipped just for the conclusion. But here I'm rooting for Amalia, go ahead Amalia, pluck it out and make it the Sadida's new culinary specialty! For my part, Aurora is fun to watch. And to be honest, out of all the female characters I find detestable, she's soft! Because what she does to the Sadida kingdom and Amalia is nothing compared to what I've seen elsewhere. So I wonder if the King of the Osamadas won't overshadow the other kingdoms regarding the situation. Which could make the situation even worse.
Otherwise, I really enjoyed the sweet moment between the two brothers, as my friend had mentioned that Adamai was affected by the poison. And in a way, he is, but voluntarily to hold back the explosions caused by the poison and relieve his brother. After that, I'm sure the little “trip” didn't go unnoticed by Julith and the other dragon. But they're not free of the poison yet. Is there a way to counter it that Adamaï.
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geekgirles · 4 months
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Low-key high-key obsessed with the fact that Yugo loves and trusts Amalia so much he feels completely at ease showing his Wakfu wings when he's alone with her, and only when he's alone with her. The moment somebody else intrudes on their time together or they're needed, he pulls his hood back up.
These two are the highlight of this Webtoon, I swear 😭😭😭😭
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articwolfclawartist · 5 months
Wakfu webtoon chapter 2 spoilers:
Yugo: I dunno, man. I’ve just been having these really bad nightmares lately and I don’t really know what to do about i-
Adamï: Have you considered divinity, you dumb bitch?
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nina-numa-blog · 11 days
So, here there are some things revealed by Tot during his interview
The Goddess Eliatrope is the representation of Tot's mother, who was traumatized by the death of her child
Rotalstrom isn't dead as we think. Anyway, the Necrome Dofus are "rotten" so they will never Hatch, but there Is still power inside
In Waven we won't have Eliatropes and Sadida as available classes, and Tot said that something will happen in Waven's serie that explain their absence
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astrosociety · 4 months
Trying to dodge chapter 9 and 10 spoilers while dying of curiosity
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Also after seeing some pictures I'm sure the Webtoon works WAYYYY better in manga format
I hope they translate it in English (not even hoping in Italian since we don't even have even the wakfu manga 💀)
Might be time to undust my crusty ass french 😔 (was decent in middle school because i wanted to watch miraculous ladybug episodes and only found it in french ☹️)
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