#wally nightingale
theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
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Reading stories of betrayal, despair & friendships going south from “Wally …Did You No Wrong” by Ron Evans:
some of you may -or may not- be familiar with the sad & obscure tale of the lost Sex Pistol, Wally Nightingale, Steve Jones & Paul Cook’s schoolmate who actually put the initial pre-Pistols band together as a trio & provided the classy rehearsal space (“Riverside” studios in Hammersmith, London, where the boys could sneak in since Wally’s dad worked there as an electrician) but got the boot because Malcolm McLaren had decided he didn’t fit the image he had envisioned for the band, being the geeky & uncool kid with the ‘old man’s glasses’. He was completely erased from the Pistols history in a heartbeat, as though he had never existed and the rest is known R’n’R history.
Wally’s story remains a fairytale gone bad, one in which the dishonest get all the glory while the good guy is left with bollocks, and Ron’s book is so rich in first-hand feedback and so well written that sometimes it’s hard not to actually see the narrative played in your head as a scene from a movie that hasn’t been filmed yet. Like the heartbreaking part where Wally’s pals come to his parents’ house, after he was ousted from his own band, to get all the gear that he kept in his bedroom: guitars, acoustics, amps, saxophones, foot controls and harmonicas that had been nicked throughout the band’s lifespan. Wally had been gutted but he managed to keep it all in with dignity (he was such a lovely bloke that he even went for a drink with his ‘former’ bandmates that same night after he got the axe) and when they came with a van to move the gear, he dutifully even helped them to unplug and pack everything up, carefully putting everything in their cases, while his mum and dad silently stood in the hallway, till his mum broke into tears and had to be hurried into the living room while shouting that they owed Wally:
“I could hear her crying as I went back upstairs to say goodbye to Wally. His bedroom door was ajar and I looked through the gap. All I could see was that second-hand Les Pau copy he’d bought in order to start the band sitting on its stand, and Wally sitting on his bed crying”, says his schoolmate Steve Hayes.
Needless to say that the late Wally Nightingale is my all-time favorite R’n’R anti-hero, the most underrated figure in the entire history of punk & the undisputed champion of punk rock underdogs, and Ron Evans, his younger schoolmate/neighbor/friend/bandmate in Key West -the band Wally Nightingale played after the Sex Pistols- has done an excellent job in documenting Wally’s tragic path to self-destruction. You can order the book from his site: https://www.ronevans.rocks/, as well as his cool music, which you can also enjoy on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1z5w6O0737uoAZutq48mrn
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closetofcuriosities · 6 months
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leolithe · 2 months
[Transcript: Oh. OH. She's wonderful. Triple-Faced Goddess! But there's a shadow on her, isn't there?]
There have been so many lines of past NPCs mentioning Lotus just to taunt the Tenno or threaten to kill her or threaten to kill her children or simply just to talk about her as one talks about their colleague so TO HAVE THIS LINE. IS INCREDIBLE. GOOD FOR SPACE MOM. GOOD FOR HER!!!!!!!
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warframestuff · 6 months
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Characters in Warframe: 1999 (so far...)
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junespriince · 2 months
A birdflash before bed
Your nightingale au
Pride: your job Sloth, is to make Richard Grayson lazy.
Wally, at 10yo: should be easy enough.
Several years later
Wally: I quit.
Pride: huh!? You can't quit!
Wally: you gave me a man who laughed in my face when I told him to rest for a bit, TO REST! Not to stop working, not to go to bed, just to rest!
Wally, getting into Greed's blankets: don't get me started on the homeless arc this man had! Ugh he's the bane of my very existence!
Lust: so, you're quiting because he's hard to tempt?
Wally: Hun, no, I'm quitting because I married that infuriating man and it's against the rules to tempt your spouse.
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Dimension 20 don't make me cry every campaign challenge
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th3sp4rr0w · 5 months
A03 Link <- Starts at Chapter/Day One for those just joining us :)) Performance Piece <- The link to just the one-shot for those interested
Tw's; Bulimia, purging, vomit/vomiting, past rape/non-con mention (squint and you'll miss it tho)
Summery; When you're a performer at heart, it's hard to tell where the show stops and you begin. This can be tricky; especially when you need help.
Performance Piece under the cut :)
It had been the smoke from the fire burning like a raging inferno that had been the worst. The thick smoke filled the air, obscuring his vision and choking his lungs. Was that why he’d been too late?
It had been his fault from the beginning. It was like he’d forgotten everything having to do with crisis management. He was Nightwing, for fuck’s sake; he’d been Robin before that. He was supposed to be the symbol that soothed victims, the very being supposed to keep you safe from things that go bump in the night. He should’ve known better; that was a mistake Bruce should’ve been making. He should’ve known better.
The rain pounded on the window, setting him on edge. His skin itched with the urge to go back out, rocking back and forth in a desperate attempt to self-soothe. If he’d been a better man, he’d probably be suiting up to find the literal children that had been kidnapped by some unknown government hacks; as it was, he sat on the couch in his dirty apartment. For what? Because he was scared of a phantom-
A sharp breath. Bile in the back of his throat and burned. It almost felt good, grounding. What was he again? It had been so long-
It’d only been three days since the last one. Not enough time. It hardly seemed to matter.
Before he could blink, he was up. By passing the prepackaged fruits and protein bars, he reached into the back of the cabinet. The one Wally knew not to touch. What was it they called him? “Fearless leader”?
He scoffed as he shoved a mouthful of dry cereal down his throat, barely chewing and certainly not tasting. If only they knew how weak he truly was. If only Batman knew how fucking weak he truly was.
“You truly are the strongest among us, Dickie. I’m proud of you.”
It was his fault, he hadn’t deserved the praise to begin with, and now what’s he doing about it? Eating his feelings like he was a stupid child. Well, he already had the cereal. What’s another handful?
... What’s another box? He tossed the empty bag behind him; the cardboard having already been stripped in favor of tipping the whole thing back into his mouth. He grabbed the second box, tearing into it. Might as well, right? What else is he going to do?
The fire escape was so cold-
The thought jolted him. He stared at the half-empty box and put it on the counter. It wasn’t working anymore.
He turned his sights on the fridge, desperate now. Didn’t Ma Kent send over a Boston cream?
It was hardly his best moment. It was considered sacrilege to waste one of Ma Kent’s pies. He wondered what she would think of him now.
He didn’t bother with a fork, digging into the delicious treat with his fingers. The bits that clung to his teeth and tongue were heaven ; refuge in the storm. The only thing that could’ve made this better?
He opened the freezer, grabbing the vanilla ice cream Wally had left in his freezer. “Comfort food,” he’d claimed with a wink. If only he knew half of it.
Fingers already crusted with cereal dust, pie filling, and his own saliva, he dug into the frozen treat. The cold was already making him shiver with nervous energy, the rain mixing the feeling into something distinctly unpleasant. He swallowed bite after bite. It was no time at all when he finished it.
He tossed the empty containers somewhere to his side. Vaguely nauseous from the sugar, the fridge opened once more. What else is there?
Wandering hands found the meal prep containers he’d been delusional enough to buy. The carefully packaged portions intended to be reheated through the week had gone untouched for three, the contents questionable at best. At any other moment, he would’ve thrown them out. As it was, he dug in.
Jason’s condition had led to him desperately trying to get his life together. Bruce had proven he couldn’t handle a second chance; why would he let him try? He’d allowed himself the reverie for a short period, of getting his life together for his baby brother. He’d bought the stupid meal prep containers. He’d done it. He kept up with it for a single week, eating the portions and dishing them out.
Jason’s disappearance was what kept them in the fridge to rot. Whatever pipe dream he’d concocted was dead in the water, cultivating in a night of utter weakness. It was his fault. He was the one that let him go out and he was the one who failed to rescue them. He was right there, dammit. He should’ve done more.
A crack of thunder sounded out, choking him. He was back on the fire escape, his suit ripped, his scalp on fire, the guilt and the shame-
He stared down at his hands, sticky with everything he’d consumed. His stomach throbbed, bloated and beyond full. Painful. He turned around.
Empty containers greeted him. Cereal boxes and tupperware, pie tin and ice cream and everything else. What had he done?
He ran for the bathroom. His body protested the movement, gagging without his consent as he reached the sink. The first bits of it came up unassisted, something he was grateful for in the long run. Less mess clinging to his fingers.
The same fingers that dug into container after container dug into his throat. Retching and coughing up the feelings he’d just shoved deep inside of himself. What goes down must come back up, right?
It was a familiar song and dance. He’d been thirteen the first time he’d done it, young and stupid and not understanding the dangers. He’d been caught by Alfred, managing to convince the man he’d been hit with something at school and that had been why he was covered in vomit, not that he’d done it to himself. Because that would be absurd , right?
It was supposed to be a one-time thing. He’d done research after that, passing it off for a school project when Bruce had asked. It was stupid. It was deadly. It was supposed to be something that only happened to girls.
The stench of bile continued to follow him through his teens. The research had only prepared him for not getting caught again, and the support groups he’d found online were resolutely ignored. He couldn’t afford to get sloppy and was well aware of Bruce’s habit of being well and truly unhinged; if he thought anything was happening, he’d hack his way into everything private he could’ve ever owned and there would go his cover. Nothing about his... condition made its way into his digital footprint again. He made it a system.
The gymnast pages he followed were innocent enough. The weight training, the exercise- it was to be expected. If they talked about nutrition a bit too often to be healthy? Well, that just came with the territory.
It was shitty. He shouldn’t use the thing that connected him to his parents to motivate this infection spreading through him. It was a guarantee that it would be taken away if he got caught. He continued.
It was a compulsion. It was a need he couldn’t explain; even now, an adult working at the studio and supporting himself through his... minor issue, it persisted. The taste of stomach acid burned his throat and stained his tongue. The electrolyte packets he dumped into his water every day weren’t enough to stave off the bouts of delicious dizziness, filling him with a sense of accomplishment and gnawing dread at the same time. Days of emptiness followed by stuffing himself full full full only to cough and retch it back up was worth the minor sacrifice, right?
He choked on it, nothing coming up as his air was blocked. He pulled his hand away, fingers going to the drain to work it down, running the tap when convenient. He looked himself in the eye, taking in the bloodshot eyes and the puffy cheeks.
He’d managed not to get caught before, he could do it again. He would do it again.
Rinse out the mouth. Fluoride rinse after to help keep the cavities at bay, though it was easy enough to hide bad teeth when they were constantly knocked out anyways. Wash his face to help with both the puffiness and the acne. He could do this.
He took a deep breath. He went to the kitchen.
He threw away the evidence, immediately taking the trash out. Wally was supposed to be over tonight; he’d notice. He threw the tupperware into the sink, running water over it to be easier to clean. He did wash out Ma’s pie pan though; he wasn’t a monster. He also had a healthy fear of what she’d do if he messed up one of her favorite pie pans. She was a bit like Alfred; nobody had anything bad to say about them, and they’re the kindest people you’ll ever meet, but boy are they  terrifying when they need to be. He’s seen her yell at Bruce and succeed ; he didn’t want to be on the receiving end.
The storm raged on. The kids were still missing. He was still having flashes of the fire escape. He felt a little more grounded with the soreness in his throat.
He turned to the hallway and nearly jumped. There in his hall was Bruce, still dressed in the bat suit, his cowl down and hair a mess. He had a pained expression.
Every performer knew one fundamental thing, and Richard John Grayson was nothing if not a performance.
He knew. He knew that Bruce knew. Bruce knew he knew that he knew. They stared, not daring to breathe a word.
Every performance came to an end. It looked like this was the end of his.
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mubabee · 7 months
Honkai Star Rail
—Yanqing being overprotective
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.1
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.2
—Y/N bumps into Blade p.3
—Y/N tries to hide her wound
—A bit of a suggestive moment with Luocha
(NSFW) On Luocha’s lap
Dan Heng/Dan Feng
—Dan Feng licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff moment with Dan Heng
Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan licking your hand(don’t ask)
—Fluff Moment with Jing Yuan
—Jing Yuan with shy!Y/N
—Baking with child!reader
—Genderbent Natasha
—Helping Natasha
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Himeko hugging Y/N
—Kafka and Himeko protecting you
—Genderbent!Himeko being wary of Kafka
—Random Kafka x reader
—Kafka and Himeko protecting you
—Random Kafka thought
—Blade baking with child!reader
—Gepard hugging Y/N
—Sibling Caelus
—Genderbent Acheron
Wuthering Waves
—(NSFW)Jiyan between your legs
Path to Nowhere
—Genderbent Zoya
—When you get hurt
—When you get hurt
—When you get hurt
—When you get hurt
—When you get hurt
Demon Slayer
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Genderbent!Shinobu and Mitsuri
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—Rengoku, genderbent!Mitsuri, and Inosuke
—KNY x Reader chapter 1(no context until next chapter)
Jujustu Kaisen
—The main trio and Gojo
—Gojo cheering up Y/N
—Bum pillows
Yuji Itadori
—Yuji x reader on Halloween
—Yuji x (Y/N)
—Geto licking your neck(what else do I write)
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
—Hobie and Pavitr with child!Y/N
Yona of the Dawn
—Y/N asks Hak to teach her how to fight
Genshin Impact
—Sleeping with Alhaitham
Raiden Shogun
—Genderbent!Raiden Shogun
Cyno x reader who laughs at his jokes
(NSFW)Baizhu eating you out
Lego Monkie Kid
—MK and Y/N with short hair
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Macaque being unimpressed
Red Son
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
—Red son, MK, and Mei with chibi!Y/N
Aftertale sans
Genderbent Tracer
Kill La Kill
Ryuko Matoi
—Genderbent Ryuko Matoi
—#Me characters thinking about Y/N
—Genderbent Mikan
Cookie Run Kingdom
Vanilla Cookie —Vanilla Cookie
Hazbin Hotel
—Hazbin Hotel with child!reader p.1
Welcome Home
Wally Darling
My Little Pony
Pinkie Pie —Genderbent!human!Pinkie Pie
Sunset Shimmer
—Genderbent!human!Sunset Shimmer
My OCs (All OCs here are yandere)
—More info on Mikio
—Valentines Day with Kuroko
—Meeting Arata for the first time
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zylev-blog · 6 months
This is the masterpost for everything that I have posted, not reblogged or added on from someone else.
DCU Only
The Batkids hide in Batman's cloak: here
DP Only
Ghosts as a separate species: here
Young Danny: here
Danny really hates Christmas: here
Failed Ghost Danny: here
The Purge: here
Secret Arms dealer: here
Danny is Jon Kent: here
Martian Danny: here
Danny's being followed: here
Danny is Bruce Wayne: here
Danny is the clone of Barry and Hal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Ace the bathound: here @bloggerspam wrote a beautiful fic for this!
Danny goes back in time to kill villain Tim: here
Danny is Diana's daughter: here
Danny arrives during DCeased: here
Danny is Alfred's son: here
Danny is centries old: here
"My name is Danny Fenton, and this is Jackass.": here
Danny is the son of Clark Kent and Lana Lang: here
Danny is convinced Batman is a vampire: here
Danny is Deadshot: here
Danny infiltrates the Light: here
Danny is Jason Todd: here
Danny pays Diana a visit: here
Dan meets Jason Todd: here
Red Lantern Dan: here
Dan raises Kal-El: here
Jazz gets drunk: here
Halfa Jazz: here
Jazz is Lex Luthor's daughter: here
Tucker is Amity Park's protector: here
Dani wants to get arrested: here
Dani is from the future: here
Dani is the clone of Bruce and Danny: here
When Dani destabilizes, Superman stabilizes her dna. She doesn't appreciate this: here
Danny is Clockwork's assistant
Clockwork's assistant au: here
Apprentice of time au: here
Green Lantern Danny
Adult GL Danny: here
GL Danny in Justice League: here
GL Danny helps arrest his parents: here
Danny and others:
Danny and Jazz go to a gala: here
Danny and Dick talk during a stakeout: here
Damian's rant: here
Cujo steals Jason's gun: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Wally crosses into the DP universe: here
Bruce trains with Phantom: here
The Phantom siblings like to throw things: here
Gotham is on fire: here
Danny and Sam make a bet: here
Flash, Batman, and Joker accidentally cross into the DP universe: here
Danny and Bart are from the future: here
Dani and Dani decide to crash Bruce's interview: here
Mind-controlled Superman crashes Danny and Sam's date: here
Damian and Danny are best friends: here
Danny haunts Batman: here
Dick and Danny talk: here
Dick and Danny are childhood friends: here
Danny rescues Bruce in 1732: here
Jason and Danny kill the Joker: here
Deaged Danny
Danny escapes CADMUS: here
Danny and Dani are adopted by Aquaman: here
Oliver adopts Danny: here
Clark adopts Danny: here
Barry adopts Danny: here
Teen/Adult dad Danny
Ellie and Damian's forced friendship: here
Single Dad and toddler Ellie meet Single mom Kara and baby Kal: here AO3 link: here
Danny is Klarion and Nabu's Dad: here
Danny is Zeus, and Diana's father: here
Dick throws a party for his 30th birthday: here
The Batfam discover the GIW's warehouse by accident: here
Freakshow and Joker are brothers: here
Tim accidentally creates a portal to Amity Park: here
Dick accidentally saves Danny instead of Tim: here
Danny becomes backup Red Robin: here
Deaged Dick: here
Jazz, Harley, and Bruce are in medschool together: here
Halfa Tim Drake: here
Villain Fentons au: here
Valerie doesn't want to be on a hero team: here
Dick and Damian are ducks: here
Kryptonian Jack Fenton: here
Amity Park is its own nation: here
Villian Fentons: here
A Turkey ghost sends the Fentons on a country-wide chase: here
Little Baby Man Danny: here
Conner is Phantom and Superman's clone: here
Kryptonian Danny: here
Dash/Danny: here
Tim/Danny: here
Tim/Danny gods of Krypton: here
Damian is Jazz and Bruce's son: here
Valerie/Danny raise Dani: here
GL Jazz/Bruce: here
FBI Agent Jazz Fenton(Nightingale): here AO3 link: here
Stephanie/Danny: here
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
it's so sad that Wally never was able to regain his friendship with Jones and Cook. at least Glen Matlock took the time to recount stories for the book. does the book say anything about Wally being able to at least reconnect with Glen?
Glen did socialise with Wally back in the day, they'd meet up some place and go for a drink. He didn't hold a grudge against Glen or any of the other Pistols, I mean Lydon & Sid didn't actually know Wally and Matlock only came to know him for a few months. It was Jones and Cook that Wally expected more from, since they were old buddies and schoolmates but it was them that airbrushed him out.
When Wally went to see the Pistols play at 100 Club in Oxford Street in 1976 and they were doing a soundcheck, Lydon's voice was heard saying ' Wally's in the house'. His old bandmates though wouldn't even talk to him or about him, I mean Steve Jones still sometimes refers to Wally as 'some guy we knew back then'.
Wally actualy stayed in touch with Glen on and off over the years.
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leolithe · 15 days
Something I find really interesting about the Lotus' dialogue after the Lotus Eaters is her use of the word 'witch'.
"I was the Daughter. I became the Mother. In time, I shall be the Witch, blind once again, empty of all but wisdom." -Lotus
'Witch' has very specific connotations. Close enough to another similar word that I can't help but feel like it has to be a deliberate reference to the Triple Goddess ─ Maiden, Mother, Crone. These are figures from neopaganism that symbolizes the stages of a woman's life. Eleanor (proto-Nyx) even outright calls her the triple-faced goddess. While it definitely could just refer to Lotus, Margulis and Natah, what if we have yet to see her final form?
She was first Natah, the daughter of Hunhow. Then she assimilated Margulis' form and became the Lotus, mother to the Tenno. And now, she is to be the witch. Even urging us not to mourn should she turn into something we don't recognize. I'm very excited to see what exactly that will look like for her and how her role could potentially change. The quest made a point that the Operator will be staying behind while Drifter is the one chosen for the quest to 1999. Maybe instead of the mother-child dynamic that we've had for a decade, we'll get to see what kind of relationship she might have with the Drifter (<-copium)
I'm not much of a Greek Myth Lorehead but I've read up a bit on The Triple Goddess Hecate (who I've been told that, in Hades 2, was voiced by Amelia Tyler... who is now also voicing our dear Eleanor Nightingale. Worth mentioning cuz u just know rebb was kicking her feet and giggling at being able to pull that together). Hecate's status as a gatekeeper type figure, as i understand it, is very interesting when u apply it to the Lotus...
I'm just thinking about how meta the whole "Lotus' ascent to godhood" plot thread is. It's like a direct parallel to her voice actress' "intern to creative director" journey LMAO. It's a bloody golden opportunity and i hope they're cashing all in on Goddess!Lotus and everything it'll entail...
Not to mention lorewise and what it means for the Lotus' own arc!! To be someone constantly being pulled around by others to fulfil their own purposes, having her own wants neglected, shamed, belittled... To becoming a Witch/Crone/Gatekeeper a la Hecate -- now the one potentially capable of denying or approving others' needs and goals...? Ugh, that's so fucking JUICY. What a bloody incredible character.
Lotus mentions becoming "empty of all but wisdom", and I've seen someone theorize that she'll become even more emotionless and distant as a shield against Wally because it thrives on emotions. This theory scares me because it could very well happen... Not like Space Mom already has a history of being distant and reluctant to tell us how she's feeling... *Sniffles*...
There's also the theories about assigning Natah/Lotus/Margulis as the Maiden/Mother/Crone...
The most surface level reading would be Margulis = Maiden, Lotus = Mother, Natah = Crone, but imo when people make this read they're kinda hinging on their appearances lol. Pretty Margulis, "Ugly" Natah... Maybe even just "Good mom who can do no wrong" and "evil Sentient who led part of an assault on the Origin System".
I would like to think that it isn't that shallow, buuuut their personalities do fit the bill when u bring the "phases of a woman's life" theme to it.
Margulis' naivete, or the shattering of it, as the Maiden:
"No, Ballas, no more destruction. Maybe they're meant to save us."
"You lied to me, Ballas. You're no different than the rest of them."
Natah's headstrong wisdom, or her desire for it, as the Crone:
"I am the witness, the victim, the judge. My family has returned. Your trial, soon to begin."
"The times ahead will need decisiveness. Power."
And Natah does die in TNW. Her death is a very big part of the quest lol. The "End of life" theming of the Crone fits her very well... And the very first "gatekeeper/crone judges and makes the decision for you" thing she did was killing ballas. So i get it!
Inversely... You could also assign Natah as the Maiden and Margulis as the Mother because of the simple "Natah was the Daughter, now I am the Mother" quote. After all, Lotus before TNW was living very much under Margulis' shadow, assimilating into her like you mentioned. This read leaves Lotus to be the Crone; the empty, wise Witch we have yet to see.
The more i write this the more I wanna say: Damn. These 3 were always meant to converge into each other. Their stories are all sides of each others' respective coins and it almost feels arbitrary to chuck them into strict roles, even if symbolic.
I definitely think we're gonna see her "Triple Goddess Final Form" in the future. It's too good a story beat. Too sexy. DE HAS to do it. I have my platinum ready. Give me all the skins.
As for the DrifterLotus copium....... Hehehe. I don't think DE will ever do anything romantic/sexual with them. i think they're just gonna cap their relationship off at "they care immensely for each other" because they might be concerned about the questionable pseudo incest implications looming over anything to do with Lotus and the Tenno.
Like don't get me wrong; Drifter is their own person and Lotus of all people would be comfortable with the concept of "people having identical faces won't make them the same person". I just feel like DE might not be willing to play with them in that way. For perfectly understandable reasons... The Player Tenno are very much "colouring book" characters for the OC lovers so it seems smart to keep them relatively open-ended.
But. Don't worry. Check my AO3 at the end of the week. I hope you'll find something that brings u even a little bit of cheer ;3
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shadowsndaisies · 1 year
that time where everyone met birdy
main masterlist codename: nightingale series masterlist
so this is another hc for my codename: nightingale series, but this is the first time Dinah introduces Birdy to people outside of Star City, and it's the root of Robin's crush on her, but also the root of her friendship with Wally.
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so dinah brings her to her first meet up with Wally, Dick, and kaldur.
and in the way the numbers have been crunched via fic magic — there is no roy yet (more to come on this later)
Nightingale has not made her official debut just yet, so she’s just going by Birdy.
Which explains the nickname a little
Dinah shows up with this little girl and she's dressed in black leather, black combat boots, and black lipstick. She looks like a little mini Canary, and it's adorable, because she's small
she has about 3 to 4 inches on Robin since girls grow earlier.
she’s just barely shorter than wally who’s a few years older
Dinah introduces her to everybody, “I’d like everybody to meet my new partner in crime, everybody this is Birdy. She hasn't made her official Star City debut just yet, we’ve got a bit more training to complete, but she's getting there.”
Bruce, who knows exactly who Birdy really is, is watching her with his analytical eyes, because he wants to see how she's doing, how she’s adapting, to ensure that she really is ready for this. It’s the first time he’s seen her in person in a while, probably since the trial of her parent’s murderers.
Flash manages to make a small crack about replacing GA that gets a ghost of a smile on yns lips
“Finally get sick of GA, Canary? You know we’d have been happy to replace him ourselves,” he flirts a little, but all the adults know it’s completely playful. “Then again, if I had to stare at his ugly mug everyday, I’d probably want to find someone else to partner with too,” he sighs, pulling a light chuckle out of Aquaman, and a small smile on your face.
which B is very happy to see, because frankly, he’s not sure he’s seen birdy smile since before her parents deaths
The kiddies on the other hand, are in awe, they want to know more about this new person, because oh my gosh, it's a girl! and oh my gosh she’s kind of adorable!
without a doubt they’re underestimating her the slightest bit— except rob, because he knows that looks can be deceiving, because Bruce had taught him not to underestimate anyone.
So maybe, Flash gets a little cocky. He looks at Birdy and sees she's small, and realizes know she hasn't actually said anything yet and she's standing just to the side of Dinah, but a few steps behind, almost like she wants to hide behind her mentor.
So flash looks at the kid and looks at KF and then looks at Dinah and is like “what about a little action, huh, Canary? 10 bucks that KF can take your baby bird,” Dinah raises an eyebrow and looks at him, and she's like “really flash? Betting on the children?” The flash shrugs, “we’re here to see their skills, make sure they’re up to par, no?” he adds, defending his offer.
Before anyone else can say anything Oliver saunters up and is like, “I’ll take that action,” looking straight at flash, “but only if you make it 50 bucks.”
and robin who is analyzing the new girl sees as her lips turn up just the slightest bit, and how she stands just a bit straighter, basking in Oliver’s confidence of her.
Flash accepts.
Dinah’s like “all right boys before you go and pull your wallets, why don't we actually check with the kids?”
KF says he's down, absolutely underestimating Birdy
The boys pull him over to them for a second, and whisper in their little huddle
robin: you sure about this man?
KF: shes little, she’s new, it shouldnt be too bad
aqualad: perhaps we should not judge this particular book from her cover?
KF: maybe someday, but look at her? she’s like 10!
But then everyone shifts to look at Birdy because again she still hasn't said anything yet.
YN raises an eyebrow at KF, looks him up and down, and then turns to Dinah and shrugs
safe to say, she lays him flat on his ass despite his powers. and she does it quick.
Kaldur and Ollie are laughing
Bruce has got this lil quirk of a smile at the corner of his mouth
Barry’s caught between laughing and awe because that little girl who’s less than half his height, just took his boy down.
Wally’s on the ground groaning, but he looks at her when she steps into his line of sight, blocking the ceiling, and offers her hand to him to pull him back up.
and instead he says “marry me” gaining a slightly bashful smile from her, and a new round of laughter from the boys.
Birdy, ever a team player, sobers her look just a little, and finally says something.
“your stance was off from the very start. Speedster or not if you don't have a good footing you'll never win in a fight.”
But Dinah?
Dinah’s so proud of her kid. Not only because she won, which is huge, but she did exactly what D would want her to do, she helped her ally improve, and you can be damn sure that Wally’s careful with his stance going forward, and Dinah knows it’s because of what happened that day.
leaving Rob, who, at first bust out laughing watching his best friend go down to the floor so fast, but he’s also in awe because omg she’s so cool!
flash hands over the $50, and ollie takes it winking at Birdy, ruffling her hair as dinah rolls her eyes but squeezes Birdy’s shoulder appreciatively so Birdy’s smiling because she made them proud..
GA: way to go kid, how about we get aqualad next, huh?
Canary: Arrow!
AquaMan: I think it would be in the best interest for my wallet and my protege if I declined that bet
aqualad: I concur
NG: (beams nice and big at the praise)
wally: (quietly to the boys only) seriously I think im in love
rob: (just in his head) wow she’s pretty
B: (suppressing a smile while addressing everyone) shall we begin the training exercise? or would anyone else like to attempt a round with our newest addition?
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everything tags:
dc tags:
@grey-water-colors @batarella @loninctzencarat @escapenightmare
cnng tags:
@babymango-writes @smile-more19 @bruiscdlikeviolets @truly-dionysus @farfromjustordinary
@sometimeseverythingsucks @dweeb-central @lucy-roo @casedoina @cipheress-to-k-pop
@anonomano @seninjakitey @wherethesidewalkens @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving
@officiallydarkgeek @midnxghtblue @unini @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient @dontmesswithbeebo
@raggedyoldwitch @tinybeantm @unicorn-mya @bouqet-of-gay @duckmylife18
@kendallambrosio @hanbetired @torchbearerkyle @cynthiarose07 @lolsnacks
@mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea @notsostraightweeb @cryingnotcrying @sassyspanishartist
@we-flower-fan @laurcad123 @aces-tattooartist @awkward-youtube-trash @so0bercore
@sanovr @feverish-dove @raginghellfire @mischiefmanaged71 @evermoore580
383 notes · View notes
fishymom-art · 4 months
WHAT KIND OF ANIMAL WOULD EVERYONE (and I mean EVERYONE..even Nathan..who I majorly dislike) BE IN METAL AND INK? This also includes yourself and Len because I think you two are awesome ^ ^
Main Comic:
Joey Drew/Datura - Orca
Henry Stein - Golden Retriever
Susie Campbell/Susie Angel - Valais Blacknose Sheep
Dr. Daniel Hackenbush/ Metal Bendy - A stray Black cat
Sammy Lawrence - Nightingale
Wally Franks - Clown Fish
Grant Cohen - Burrowing Owl
Lacie Benton - Curled Octopus
Norman Polk / The Projectionist - Dutch Draft Horse
Johnny Polk / Lost Johnny - Galineers Cob
Allison Pendle / Angelic Allison - Hummingbird
Thomas Connor / Tom the Wolf - Alexander Archipelago Wolf (duh)
Audrey Stein - Harrier Hawk
Nightmare Joey - Sphynx cat
Nelly Pevolet / Nightmare Nelly - Deer Mouse
Talyn Benton - Bernese Mountain Dog
Valeria Connor - Bullfinch
Kameela Franks - Springbok
Aminata Awee - Puma
Jamie Green - Jaybird
Wilson Arch / The Creation - Common Raven
Nathan Arch - a fucking tapeworm Persian Cat
Len - Ragdoll cat
Tim/ The Lyricist - Betta fish
Bertrum Piedmont - Black Maned Lion
Shawn Flynn - Sea Otter
Lance Derby - Black-Footed Ferret
9 notes · View notes
fandomgirlz01 · 2 years
My Place In This World Pt. 1
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Independence Day
Dick Grayson X Reader
Imagine on my fandom instagram?: No
Prompt?: No
Request?: No
Requested prompt?: No
Edited: Yes
Word count: 10,757
Warnings here
You can listen to the story be read out loud here.
Post Date: December 4th, 2022
Post Time: 11:29 pm
Updated: October 26th 2023
Update Time: 10:55 pm
Summary: Growing up in Haly's circus and losing their parents in the same night makes the reader and Dick closer than anyone else. Together they go through life having one another's backs though every life change, even eventually becoming Robin and Blue Jay together. What happens when feelings have changed and slowly start to be revealed? 
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This series was inspired by @shadowsndaisies Daisy's story on her page is called Codename: Nightingale and I absolutely loved it to death, so I decided to try my hand at my own story line. Thank you so much for being a big inspiration to this series Daisy.
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Y/n’s Pov:
I stand off to the side of the practice ring in the bat cave as Dick and I circle one another. Dick lunches towards me and I quickly move to my left, making him fall to my feet. I quickly grab his arm and pull it behind his back as I sit on the small of his back. 
“That’s not fair…” Dick whines from under me as he wiggles to try getting free and I giggle. 
“It was too fair. I won fair and square. Tapping out yet?” I ask him and he grunts while shaking his head no. 
“Really?” I ask as I pull his arm a little more and he groans out in pain. 
“Fine! Fine! I tap!” he shouts as he taps the floor lightly. 
Satisfied with his answer, I let his arm go and push up off of him. I start to walk over to my water bottle, but I get tackled from behind. With a groan, I roll over and look up at Dick, who’s smirking down at me. 
“Hey. That was unfair. My back was turned,” I whine and he chuckles. 
“If that was a villain, they wouldn’t care if your back was to them or not. Remember what Bruce says?” he explains before asking me and I roll my eyes. 
“Never have your back to an enemy,” I quote and Dick nods proudly before getting off of me. 
“Today’s the day,” Dick says in excitement and I smile at him as I get up. 
“It is, wonderboy. Today we get to actually see the league's headquarters,” I agree with him, smiling as I think about the happy day we’re about to have and walk over to the bench to sit down. 
“So what are you doing for the fourth tonight?” Dick asks as he picks up his water from beside me. 
“Not much. Just hanging out here at home,” I inform with a shrug and his jaw drops. 
“You're not doing anything? Nothing at all?” he asks in shock and I take a gulp of my water. 
“Don’t know if you’ve noticed, D… but you, Kaldur and Wally are the only real friends I have,” I tell him and he shakes his head. 
“What about that Tina or that John guy you were hanging out with at school?” he asks with a scowl on his face and I feel a blush rush up over my neck. 
“You were right about him. He was an absolute asshat. He was only using our friendship. Plus, he got really mad when I told him I was into someone else,” I explain and he sighs, shaking his head. 
“Jay, I’m so sorry. Should I go all Robin on him?” he asks and I smile softly. 
“No Rob, I’ll be ok,” I promise him and he smiles. 
“Of course. How could I not? You’ve been with me since birth. You were the only person who understood when I lost my parents,” he tells me with a frown and I nod at him. 
“I’m thankful we had each other. When our parents both passed, I almost didn’t make it out, but you helped me with it. Thank you for always being there, D,” I softly explain to him and he grins at me. 
“Thank you for always being there for me too,” he says with a small smile and I smile at him before pulling him into a hug. 
“I’m glad you’re my best friend Jay,” he tells me and I smile with tears making way to my eyes. 
“Thank you, D, I love you,” I reply as I pull him closer and close my eyes at the thought of being able to tell him that for real. 
“I love you too, Jay. Hey. Me and Wally were gonna go out to celebrate the big day tonight. Wanna maybe-” he starts, but stops when the bat cave’s crime signal starts to go off, making us turn quickly. 
Bruce slides down his fireman’s pole before rushing over to the bat computer. We walk over and he types a few things before video footage of what’s going on pops up and the other league members start to video chat in. 
“Get into your gear. The ice family is at it again,” Bruce tells us, making me and Dick nod in affirmation before rushing off. 
We both rush to our own suits before rushing into the changing rooms that Bruce had made sure was here for us after adopting us. I quickly change into my Blue Jay suit before putting my utility belt around my waist, my ear piece in my ear and then putting my boots on. 
I quickly walk back into the main part of the cave to find Bruce back at the computer in his bat suit. I walk over and stand next to him just as Dick comes out and stands on his other side. 
“We’ve got Mister Freeze. Arrow, can you and Speedy take on Icicle Junior?” Bruce asks and Oliver nods. 
“That we can do, Bats,” Oliver replies and Batman nods. 
“Ok. Aquaman and Aqualad, you take Killer Frost. Flash and Kid Flash, I’m assigning you to Captain Cold,” Bruce commands and they all nod before signing out to go take on their missions. 
Bruce closes out our video feeds before rushing over to the Batmobile. Bruce gets in along with Dick who gets into the passenger side. I go over to my Blue Bike that matches my suit and get on. 
I put my helmet on and my fingerless gloves before starting it up. Bruce rolls down his window and I look over at him. 
“We’ll meet up there. If you get there before us, you wait for us, understand? We don’t need you going back to the hospital,” Bruce tells me and I roll my eyes. 
“One time… I’m not going to sit back and just watch them be criminals, Bruce,” I reply venomously as I roll my eyes. 
“Y/n, listen to him please. Just wait for us,” Dick practically begs and I huff, rolling my eyes. 
“Whatever,” I reply before starting my bike up and driving off. 
I drive to Gotham City park and park my bike with a roll of my eyes. I take my helmet off, keeping my gloves on as I slide off my bike. I put my helmet away before starting to walk towards where Mister Freeze is. I don’t care what they told me, I’m not just going to sit back and wait while people are getting hurt. I continue walking until a familiar voice pulls me back. 
“Blue Jay, stop,” Dick demands as he gets out of the Batmobile and comes running over to me. 
“Why must you insist on putting yourself in harm's way?” he asks almost desperately and I roll my eyes again. 
“I’m not, Robin. I’m just doing my job. I don’t know if you’ve really noticed, but that’s our job. Throwing ourselves out there so civilians are safe,” I tell him harshly and he sighs. 
“Maybe Bruce was right. Maybe he needs to take you out,” Dick comments and I whirl around to face him. 
“What did you just say?” I ask through gritted teeth. 
“Look, all I’m saying is that you need some time off. You seem out of character lately,” he tells me softly as he holds his hands up in surrender. 
“No. I don’t need time off! What I need is my best friend’s support,” I growl angrily and he sighs. 
“And you have it. I just don’t want to see you hurt again,” he explains in a shaky tone, refusing to look at me.
“Oh… I didn’t even think of it that way… I’m so sorry. I… I… I just can’t stand bullies. You know that,” I reply with a frown as I look at him. 
“I know, I just need to know you’re safe. Please… I can’t lose you too,” he tells me in a choked tone and I shake my head. 
“I know, D. I know. I promise I’ll start being more careful,” I tell him as I pull him into another hug. 
“I’m glad you two made up, but we have work to do,” Bruce tells us as he looks out over the scene. 
Me and Dick pull away from one another, but stay close. Bruce takes a moment to assess what needs to be done before turning to us. 
“Ok. Here’s what we’re going to do…” Bruce starts off with the plan. 
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“Enjoying family time?” I hear Mister Freeze ask before he aims his freeze gun at a family who was enjoying their Fourth of July. 
“My family has other plans,” he tells them menacingly before flying over them as others run from him. 
I look at Dick and he smirks at me. He bounces his eyebrows at me before he drops down from the building we now stand on. Dick throws a batarang at Mister Freeze and it just hits him in the back, making him stumble forward a bit. 
“Batman. I was wondering when…” Mister Freeze starts as he turns around, but he stops when Dick starts to laugh. 
I shake my head and jump down after Dick. He lands on Mister Freeze’s dome before flipping as he pushes off of him. Mister Freeze turns just as we both land on the other side of him as we both throw our shurikens at him, causing his dome to crack. 
“Oh, Wonderboy and Blue Jay. The bat sent you both to drag me off to prison? Frankly I’m underwhelmed,” Mister Freeze tells us as he slowly stands up. 
“I’m coming in. Just give me a moment to fix this new set of cuffs we’re trying,” we both hear Bruce grunt over the coms and I roll my eyes. 
“Great, but we’re kinda in a hurry here,” Dick replies with an annoyed eye roll. 
“Kids… always in such a rush,” Mr. Freeze mocks as he smirks at us. 
“Not talking to you,” Dick replies in a sing-songy tone and I have to hold back a giggle, making it come out as a chortle. 
Mr. Freeze's eyes widen for a moment before turning around as Bruce finally drops in. Bruce flies in before throwing a punch as he lands, completely breaking Mr. Freeze’s dome. Once he’s down on the ground, Bruce cuffs him before handing him off to the officers. 
“You know, you two could have handled him without me,” Bruce comments as he turns to us and chuckles when Dick rolls his eyes. 
“Yes, but we work so much faster and more efficiently when you're with us,” Dick argues and Bruce looks at me. 
“You two distract one another, that’s why,” Bruce accuses and I give him a shocked look. 
“Umm, excuse me! I’m pretty efficient on my own. It’s not my fault Rob gets distracted. Especially when he goes off on his own with that disappearing laugh he does,” I argue back and Bruce chuckles as he smiles. 
“I must admit, dear boy, that is really infuriating,” Bruce gruffly agrees with me and Dick scoffs. 
“Whatever. Jay got distracted by a squirrel the other day!” Dick argues again and I huff, shaking my head. 
“It was hurt. What was I supposed to do! Leave it to die?!” I fight back and Bruce just chuckles as he crosses his arms. 
“As much as I’m enjoying your little fight, don't we all have plans?” Bruce asks with a light smirk and I roll my eyes. 
“Yes we do. Can we get going now?” Dick groans and I giggle. 
“You're the one that started it. You know I’ll fight back anytime,” I inform and he rolls his eyes behind his mask. 
“Oh, don’t I. Can’t say I don’t admire it really,” Dick tells me and I grin at him. 
“Thank you, Rob. That’s really sweet,” I tell him in a flattered tone before he gives me a soft smile and a small nod. 
“Ok you two, let’s go,” Bruce demands as he shakes his head. “Your connection continues to amaze me,” he tells us as we all start walking back to our vehicles. 
“Why’s that, Bats?” Dick asks and Bruce shakes his head. 
“Because you guys always have one another’s backs, even when fighting. It’s not always like that,” Bruce explains as he opens the driver's side door to the Batmobile. 
“It’s just always kinda been easy to stick together,” I reply with a shrug as I grab my helmet. 
“Well, not many people really stick together. It’s nice to see you two together. You always have smiles on when even just in the vicinity of one another. It’s cute,” Bruce tells us as I put my helmet on before turning and raising an eyebrow at Dick. 
“Thanks, Bruce. What?” Dick replies to Bruce before turning to me. 
“You gonna ride with me or Bruce?” I ask him and he slowly starts to grin.
“Now you want me to ride with you. Earlier you just took off,” Dick jokes, making me shrug as I get on my bike and lean back, crossing my arms. 
“Earlier I was mad. Now I want my best friend to ride with me,” I explain in an even tone as I hold back a giggle at his reaction. 
“Oh! So now I’m supposed to just ride with you when you want I guess,” he playfully jokes back and I giggle. 
“That’s the way it works, my dude,” I reply and he snorts, shaking his head. 
“I don’t know. Maybe I’ll go with Bruce,” he teases and I frown. 
“You don’t wanna go with me? On the big day?” I pout and playfully bat my eyes at him and he groans. 
“How can I say no to the pout face?” he asks and Bruce chuckles. 
“You can’t, son. Never have been able to,” Bruce tells him in a form of amusement and Dick groans again. 
“Ok. Ok. I’ll come with you. Whatever the Queen wants, she gets,” he finally agrees and I grin as I pat the seat behind me. 
“Well…” I ask him with a raised eyebrow and he shrugs. 
“Well, what?” he asks me and I giggle. 
“You comin’ or not? We kinda have somewhere to be…” I tell him and he chuckles as he comes over to me. 
“Let me drive,” Dick tells me and I shake my head. 
“No way, my dad suspended my motorcycle license,” I reply with a giggle and Dick makes a noise of shock. 
“He didn’t suspend it!” Dick fights back and I bite my lip. 
“I’m pretty sure he did, wonderboy,” I tell him and he shakes his head. 
“That I did,” Bruce jumps in and I giggle when Dick looks defeated. 
“I’ll drive, don't worry. We’ll be ok. I’ve driven this many times before,” I promise Dick and he shakes his head. 
“Yeah. The law would go crazy knowing good ol’ dad lets his thirteen year old drive. Fine, you can drive, but when I get my license back, I’ll be the one driving,” Dick replies and I grin, nodding. 
“They really would, wouldn’t they? I’d expect nothing less,” I tell him with a soft smile and Bruce shakes his head with a shrug. 
“I’ve got money and influence so it works. Helmet’s in the back, Dick,” Bruce brags a bit and Dick groans. 
“You know I really hate when you go all dad mode on me,” Dick tells him as he goes and grabs his helmet from the Batmobile. 
“Maybe wear a helmet and I won’t have to,” Bruce tells him and I hold back a giggle. 
“Ok. I’ll see you guys at the hall of justice?” Bruce asks us and I smile over at him. 
“Yup. See ya there!” I agree with him before he drives off. 
“Let’s go, you big sap,” I joke and Dick puts his helmet on before getting behind me on my bike. 
Once I’m sure he’s holding on and ready to go, I start my bike up and drive to the hall of justice. When we finally make it, I park the bike with the rest of the league’s vehicles before turning my engine off. 
Dick gets off the bike first, taking his helmet off and looks up at the building in awe. I smile softly as butterflies swarm my stomach and I have to stop myself from loving how excited Dick is. I get off my bike and take the helmet off before putting it back in its compartment. Dick quickly rushes over and meets Bruce at the Batmobile. 
He puts his helmet back where he got it from before standing up straight and walking with Bruce. I easily catch up with both of them and before we know it, we’re meeting up with the other young superheroes who stand with their respective hero mentors. 
“Today is the day,” Bruce tells us as he looks down at me and Dick, putting a hand on his shoulder. 
“Welcome to the hall of justice,” Green Arrow speaks up next. 
“The headquarters of the Justice League,” Aquaman says and I look at Dick with a huge smile. 
“Oh man!” Is heard, making us all turn to look as Flash and Kid Flash zoom up. 
“I knew we’d be the last ones here!” Wally shouts out as he comes to a stop and crosses his arms. 
“How are they always the last ones when they’re the fastest…?” Dick whispers to me and I snort before holding a hand over my mouth to cover my laughter. 
“Honestly, I don’t know. Must mean they take longer capturing their bad guys. They really should be more efficient, shouldn’t they, D?” I ask him as I lean on his shoulder. 
“Yeah. They really should. Like we are!” Dick agrees and I grin. 
“We are pretty efficient, aren’t we? Ehh, it’s only because I have you. If I was working with anyone else, I wouldn’t be,” I tell him and he chuckles, shaking his head. 
“Same goes for you, Jay. Anyone else and you wouldn’t get a lick of efficiency out of me,” Dick jokes and I giggle again before we hear a sound like someone gagging. 
“You guys are so disgusting. You know that?” Wally asks as he walks up next to us. 
“Oh we definitely do, but it makes it fun to gross you out,” I joke with Wally, sticking my tongue out at him. 
“Oh, so you do it to spite me?” Wally asks as we all start to walk towards the entrance of the hall of justice. 
“We most definitely do it to make you underwhelmed,” Dick tells him with a smirk and Wally gives us a shocked look. 
“That’s just-” Wally starts, but stops as we walk past all the press, who start shouting questions. 
“Is that Batman?!” a man to the left of us asks and Dick lets out a chortle as we smirk at each other. 
“Oh my goodness,” a woman to the right of us exclaims. 
“I see Flash and Flash Jr.!” a kid from the left shouts as he points over the rope. 
“His name’s speedy. Duh,” the kid next to the other kid explains in a sassy tone. 
“No, Speedy’s Green Arrow’s sidekick,” an older man argues with the kids. 
“Well, that makes no sense,” another man replies. 
“Ready to see the inner sanctum?” Green Arrow asks as he leans forward just a bit so Roy can hear him.
“Born that way,” Roy replies, making me and Dick look at each other again with big smiles. 
“I’m glad we’re all here,” Kaldur comments as he smiles at me when I look at him. 
“Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?” Wally asks as he looks at me and Dick. 
“No. I think-” I start, but stop when I get cut off. 
“Don’t! Call us sidekicks. Not after today…” Roy berates Wally and I frown a bit, but I feel a hand grab mine and squeeze. 
I look up and see Dick smiling at me, so I give him a small smile back as I squeeze his hand back. We keep our hands together as we continue to walk, not caring how it looks. 
“Sorry. First time at the hall. I’m a little overwhelmed,” Wally apologizes and Dick rolls his eyes. 
“You’re overwhelmed and underwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn’t anyone ever just whelmed?” Dick asks his famous question that makes me giggle before hugging his arm closer. 
“Rob, I’m whelmed most of the time, am I not?” I ask him and he smiles. 
“You're an exception, sweetheart,” Dick tells me and there’s another sound of someone gagging. 
“Gross. Can you two not be all coupley the whole time, please?!” Wally whines and I pull back to look at him with a grin. 
“Nope!” I tell Wally and he groans, shaking his head as Dick and I laugh. 
Finally after what feels like a long walk, we make it to the front of the hall of justice and look up at all the statues. As we walk, I poke Dick before pointing up at Wonder Woman, who I’ve admired for years. Dick nods, smiling at me. 
“Oh, maybe that’s why,” Dick comments as we come to a stop just under the statues at the door. 
The door slides open and we see Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter standing just inside. They walk out and come to a stop just a few feet from us. 
“Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Blue Jay. Welcome,” Martian Manhunter greets us before turning around and starting to walk back into the hall. 
“You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course, our library,” Martian Manhunter explains as we continue to walk through the hall.  
“Make yourselves at home,” Flash tells us as he turns around and holds his arms out. 
The league walks over to the side to circle up and Wally plops down in one of the chairs. Dick does the same and Kaldur sits lightly on the one across from us. Dick pulls me down onto his lap and I giggle as Wally makes another gagging sound. 
“Oh, shut up,” I tell him as I roll my eyes. 
“Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day,” Bruce speaks up, getting our attention.
“We shouldn’t be long,” Bruce promises before he turns around and starts to walk towards another door. 
“Recognized. Batman, 02,” the scanner, much like we have in the bat cave, speaks as it comes out from the ceiling and scans Bruce. 
“Aquaman, 06,” the automatic woman’s voice speaks as she scans Aquaman next. 
“Flash, 04,” the voice continues as she scans Flash. 
“Green arrow, 08,” she continues on again. 
“Martian manhunter, 07,” the voice calls out. 
“Red Tornado, 16,” the voice finishes off and there’s a hiss as the doors slide open. 
“That’s it?!” Speedy suddenly yells out, making me jump before he walks over to them. 
“You promised us a real look inside. Not a glorified backstage pass,” Roy angrily tells them as he crosses his arms. 
“It’s a first step. You’ve been granted access few others get,” Aquaman speaks up and we all watch as Roy gets even angrier.
“Oh, really? Who cares which side of the glass we’re on?” Roy asks as he throws his hand up to point to the window above where press and civilians can look in. 
“Roy, you just need to be patient,” Green Arrow tells him as he steps up from where he previously was. 
“What I need is respect,” Roy argues before turning back to us. 
“They’re treating us like kids. Worse, like sidekicks. We deserve better than this,” he tells us and pauses as he waits for us to agree. 
I look at Dick and he looks at me before looking at Wally, who looks at Dick, then at me before we all turn to look at Kaldur. It’s like for a moment we all try to decide if he’s right or not, but we just stay quiet as we look back at him. 
“You're kidding, right? You’re playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day. Step one of becoming full fledged members of the league,” Roy angrily asks us and again we all look between one another. 
“Well, sure, but I thought step one was a tour of the HQ,” Wally says what we’re all thinking as he looks at all of us before looking at Roy again and sitting up. 
“Except the hall isn’t the league’s real HQ. I bet they never told you, it’s just a false front for tourists and a pit stop for catching zata-beam teleporter tubes to the real thing, an orbiting satellite called the watchtower,” Roy explains to us and all of our eyes widen as Green Arrow turns to look at Bruce. 
“I know. I know, but I thought maybe we could make an exception,” Green Arrow explains with a shrug as Bruce gives him a silent stare. 
“Or not…” Green Arrow says when nobody gives him an answer before turning back around to us. 
“You are not helping your case here, son. Stand down or-” Aquaman starts as he walks forward to be closer to Roy. 
“Or what? You’ll send me to my room?” Roy cuts him off. “And I’m not your son. I’m not even his. I thought I was his partner, but not anymore.” Roy takes his hat off and throws it to the ground. 
We all watch with wide eyes as he turns around and starts to walk away from the league members. He heads towards the door, but slows down just a bit as he gets to us. 
“Guess they’re right about you four. Didn’t expect it from you, Jay…” he tells us as he walks past us and we all quickly stand up. 
My eyes start to water as one of my many brother figures walks past me. He continues to walk and we all just watch, not knowing what to say. 
“You're not ready…” he adds as he keeps his back turned to us. 
My eyes continue to water as I watch him walk away from us. It’s only a moment later when I feel a hand on my shoulder, pulling me out of the trance I don’t even realize I’m in. Roy finally fully walks out and it’s quiet for a minute before the sound of an incoming transmission can be heard, making us all turn to the screen. 
“Superman to Justice League, there’s been an explosion at project Cadmus. It’s on fire,” Superman explains when he pops up on the screen and the rest of the League walk over to the screen. 
“I’ve had my suspicions about Cadmus. This may present the perfect opportunity to-” Bruce starts, but gets cut off as another transmission comes in. 
“Zatara to Justice League, the sorcerer, Wotan is using the amulet of Attan to block out the sun. Requesting full League response,” Zatara says as he pops up on the screen. 
“Superman?” Bruce questions as he looks at Superman. 
“It’s a small fire. Local authorities have it under control,” Superman replies in a matter of fact tone. 
“Then Cadmus can wait,” Bruce agrees with Superman. 
“All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara’s coordinates. Batman out,” Bruce tells them all as he pushes a button that lets the rest of the league in on the plan. 
We all walk over to them just as he signs off and he turns around. He comes closer as all the other heroes start to head out.  
“Stay put,” he commands and I cross my arms. 
“What? Why?” Dick throws up his hands in confusion. 
“This is a league mission,” Aquaman tells us as he puts his hands on his hips. 
“You’re not trained,” Flash explains as he too puts his hands on his hips. 
“Since when?” Wally asks, throwing his hands up as well. 
“I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team,” Flash explains as he steps out from behind Bruce and motions to the other heroes. 
“There will be other missions, when you’re ready,” Aquaman promises and we roll our eyes. 
“But for now, stay put,” Bruce finishes off as he looks at me and Dick with a stern look we both know too well. 
They walk off and Wally crosses his arms as we watch. I still have my arms crossed too and an angry scowl on my face. 
“Glad you didn’t bring you know who?” Green Arrow asks Martian Manhunter.
“Indeed,” Martian Manhunter replies before they too start to walk off. 
They all walk through the door and Red Tornado stands just in front of the door, looking at us. After all the other heroes are fully through the door, he turns and follows them. The door closes behind him leaving us with the ‘Justice League members only’ sign. 
“Uh, when we’re ready? How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like, like sidekicks?” Wally asks angrily, throwing his hands up as he moves to look at the rest of us. 
“My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me,” Kaldur speaks in a solemn tone. 
“Trust? They don’t even trust us with the basics. They’ve got a secret HQ in space,” Wally exclaims as he motions upwards. 
“What else aren’t they telling us?” Kaldur questions and Dick sighs. 
“I have a better question. Why didn’t we leave with Speedy?” Dick asks and my eyes only water more at the mention of him as the others look down in shame. 
“Jay. You ok? You haven’t spoken much,” Dick observes as he looks at me. 
“No. Speedy really hit a sore spot. You know how close we are with our anger issues… I mean him more than me, but ya know,” I mutter out and Dick sighs before pulling me into his side. 
“I do know. I do,” Dick whispers to me and I cuddle into his side. 
It stays quiet for a moment as we all feel the shame and pain. I straighten up as Kaldur seems to get an idea and he takes a moment to think it over. 
“What is… project Cadmus?” Kaldur asks and Dick looks up at him. 
“I don’t know, but I can find out,” Dick replies and I look at him as we both smirk. 
Y/n’s Pov:
Together Dick and I walk over to the big computer on the wall. Dick starts to do exactly what we were taught since we were eight: hacking. He quickly hacks into the computer and while he looks for any answers, Kaldur walks up with Wally. 
Kaldur stops on Dick’s left and Wally stops on my right. Dick tries the first time and gets ‘access denied’ from the female computerized voice we all know so well. Dick just chuckles and tries again. 
“Wanna bet?” he asks before trying again. 
“Whoa! How are you doing that?” Wally asks and I giggle. 
“Same system as the Batcave,” Dick replies in a cocky sing-songy tone, making me giggle again. 
“Not to mention we’ve learned how to hack since we were eight, Wall,” I tell him and his eyes widen as he looks at me. 
“Wait? Really?” he asks and we nod. 
Dick types for another second before hitting one last button. The screen then changes from ‘access denied’ to ‘access granted’ and the files start to open as the female computerized voice speaks again. 
“See. We know what we’re doing,” I tell Wally with a smirk as his mouth falls open. 
“Walls, close the mouth. You're going to catch flies,” I tell him, making both Kaldur and Dick chuckle when Wally crosses his arms. 
“Mean…” Wally mutters and I giggle. 
“Alright project Cadmus, genetics lab here in DC. That’s all there is, but if Batman’s suspicious maybe we should investigate,” Dick explains with a smirk as he puts his hands on his hips. 
“We really should. Bats always is right whenever he’s suspicious about something,” I add with a nod of my head. 
“Solve their case before they do. It would be poetic justice,” Kaldur comments as he tilts his head ever so slightly to his right. 
“Hey. They’re all about justice,” Dick adds with a chuckle and Kaldur sighs. 
“But they said stay put,” Kaldur points out, looking away in shame for a moment. 
“For the blotting-out-the-sun mission, not this,” Dick excuses with a smirk and I smirk with him. 
“Wait. A—are you two going to Cadmus?” Wally asks, making me and Dick turn to him. 
“Because if you two are going, I’m going,” Wally adds on as he points to us before motioning to himself with both hands. 
We then turn to Kaldur and smile at him. He takes a moment to think about it as he looks at us. 
“Just like that, we’re a team on a mission?” Kaldur asks and we all grin at him even wider. 
“We didn’t come for a play date,” Dick tells him and Kaldur smirks. 
“Let’s go then,” Kaldur agrees, making the rest of us cheer. 
~Time Skip~ 
When we approach the scene, Dick and I arrive on my motorcycle as Wally runs up next to us. Kaldur also comes walking up next to us. 
“Man, I miss my motorcycle,” Dick complains as we both take off our helmets and I giggle. 
“Then tell Bats you wanna take the test again and get your license back,” I tell him as I shove him lightly and he shakes his head. 
“Definitely doing that when we get home,” Dick replies and I playfully put a hand to my chest, giving a light gasp. 
“Are you saying you don’t like riding with me?” I ask him in a playful hurt tone. 
“It’s not that, Jay. You know I love it, but it’s more that I miss the freedom and control,” he tells me and I nod in understanding. 
“I mean I’d be pretty sad without mine,” I agree with him and he smiles at me. 
“Thanks, Jay. You always understand,” he says before pulling me into a hug. 
“Can you two stop acting like a couple for two minutes?!” Wally asks before making a gag noise and I tsk before whacking him on the back of the head, making him let out a light ‘Ow’ as he rubs where I’d smacked. 
“You know we’re not a couple, Wall,” I scold him and he scoffs. 
“Yeah, right. I’ll believe it when you-” he starts but by some magic I catch onto what he’s saying and glare at him. 
“You know what, never mind,” he chuckles out nervously as I keep my glare on him. 
“Woah, Jay, don’t kill him with the glare,” Dick comments as he stands in front of me. 
“I wish you’d let me…” I tell him with my teeth clenched. 
“No, you don’t. You love KF,” he tells me with a shake of his head and I huff. 
“Love is a strong word sometimes,” I say with a roll of my eyes. 
“Love you too, Jay,” Wally jokes with a nervous chuckle and I shake my head at him. 
“We need a plan,” Kaldur says, interrupting us as he looks over the situation. 
“Help!” We hear a man yell from inside the building. 
“Get us down!” Another yells as they wave at the firemen. 
“Stay put. We will get you out,” the chief firefighter tells them through a megaphone. 
Just as he finishes his sentence, an explosion goes off. The two men go flying out of the window and they fall to the concrete. Wally smirks with confidence before putting his goggles on and racing off. 
He runs over and up the building, catching the two men and carefully placing them on the roof before almost falling backwards. He catches himself on a window and hangs there for a moment. 
“It’s what’s his name, Flash boy,” one of the firefighters yells out as he points up at Wally.
“Kid Flash. Why is that so hard?” Wally shouts as he continues to hold onto the window. 
“So smooth…” Dick jokes and I giggle. 
“I mean, he really is,” I joke with him and he chuckles. 
“Does he always have to run ahead? We need a plan. We-” Kaldur asks before trailing off as he looks past me. 
“Robin? Where���d he go?” Kaldur asks me and I shrug, shaking my head. 
“Rob always disa—” I start, but get cut off by one of Dick’s famous laughs. 
Together Kaldur and I watch as Dick gets up onto the fire truck and runs up the ladder. He then uses his grappling gun and swings into the building. He then helps Wally up and into the building as well. 
“That’s infuriating. Does Robin always do that?” Kaldur asks me and I nod. 
“It really is, isn’t it? But yeah, he does. Don’t worry, Bats and I are working with him on that,” I tell him and he nods as he turns back to watch. 
“You comin’, Jay?!” Dick shouts and I giggle before running the same route as Dick. 
Once I’m on the windowsill, Dick comes over and gives me a hand. I smile and take his hand as I hop down into the room with them. 
“I’m going to start hacking the computers. Jay, wanna help?” Dick asks and I shake my head. 
“Nah, I’ll watch your six,” I tell him and he agrees with a nod. 
“I’ll take a few laps around the building to see what I can find,” Wally tells us as Dick finds a computer and I watch his surroundings. 
“Appreciate the help,” Kaldur tells us as he lands in the room and puts his water bearers on his back. 
“You handled it. Besides, we're here to investigate. Poetic justice, remember?” Dick asks, shrugging as he continues to type on the computer. 
Kaldur looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I shrug before looking around. Kaldur walks out of the room as Dick keeps typing away and I keep watch over Dick’s back. I turn around just as Dick seems to be finishing up. 
“Done yet, Wonderboy?” I ask him and he shrugs. 
“Just about, miss impatient,” Dick replies as he keeps typing and I giggle, shaking my head. 
“Ok. Done!” Dick exclaims as he pulls his drive from the computer. “Let’s go,” he tells me and I nod as we both rush out of the room. 
“Elevators should be locked down,” Wally observes as me and Dick rush past him. 
“This is wrong,” Dick comments as he pulls his holographic computer up on his arm. 
“Is this what I think it is, Rob?” I ask him and he hums, nodding. 
“Thought so. This is a high speed express elevator,” Dick explains and I nod along. 
“It definitely doesn’t belong in a two-story building,” I reply and he hums in agreement as he continues to look at his holo computer. 
“Neither does what I saw,” Kaldur comments before he walks over to the elevator and pries the doors open. 
“And that’s why they need an express elevator,” Dick observes as we look down the long elevator shaft. 
He then grabs me and pulls me with him as he takes a jump. He holds out his grappling gun and shoots it so we go propelling down. 
“I have my own grappling gun, I could have done it myself,” I express and he shakes his head as he lets out one of his famous laughs. 
“This way is more fun though,” he replies and I roll my eyes, letting out a laugh as well. 
“Ok. Whatever you say,” I agree with him and he grins at me. 
As we get farther down, I look up to see Kaldur and Wally sliding down the wire after us. We rush past each floor before coming to a slow stop on level 26. 
“We’re at the end of my rope,” Dick comments as we hang there for a moment. 
“We really are…” I suggest and he chuckles, shaking his head before swinging us to the side of the shaft. 
“That was so wrong!” Wally shouts as he comes down the rope after Kaldur. 
“What! You know me! When I see an opportunity, I take it,” I admit and he makes a gagging sound. 
“You only make those sounds because any kind of love is gross for you,” I point out and he scoffs as I cross my arms. 
“Yeah, because I don’t need someone to make me happy. I do that on my own,” he fights back and I let out a huff of air. 
“Ok. Ok. You two, stop it. We don’t have time for arguments,” Dick tells both of us and I sigh, uncrossing my arms. 
“You're right. I’m sorry, KF,” I apologize and Wally softly smiles. 
“It’s ok, Jay. I’m sorry too. You're only being you,” he apologizes too and I smile. 
“Ok. Now that that’s over with,” Dick comments as he plops down and pulls his holo computer back up. 
“Bypassing security…” he explains as he types and it takes him a moment. 
“There. Go,” he tells us just as all the robin faces on his screen turn green with a beep. 
“Dude, is your face really your load bar?” Wally asks in amusement and Dick nods. 
“Hey. It’s not that weird. Jay’s is her face!” Dick tells him and Wally breaks out into a huge grin. 
“That’s cheesy, dude,” Wally says and I groan. 
“It’s just the right amount of cheese though,” Dick replies, wiggling his eyebrows and I snort as I hold back a giggle.  
“I mean, he’s not wrong,” I tell Wally with a smirk and he shakes his head. 
“Ok. That is enough. We are here for a mission. Not to joke around,” Kaldur tells us before he steps up to the elevator doors. 
Kaldur pries the second set of elevator doors open and we walk through. After crossing the threshold, we all stop and look around. 
“Welcome to project Cadmus,” Dick introduces like he would if we were meeting someone. 
Wally takes off running and Kaldur quickly turns to reach out like he’ll stop him. 
“Kid, wait!” Kaldur quietly exclaims, but Wally doesn’t listen and keeps going. 
Wally skids just as he’s about to turn the corner and stumbles right into some giant dog-looking animals. He comes to a sliding stop and one of the dog-like creatures almost steps on him, but he rolls out of the way just in time. A whole bunch of them walk past as if in a trance, not even really noticing us. 
Wally quickly zooms back next to us and we all watch as the creatures all walk past us. The one in the front growls and it seems that there’s a smaller matching creature on its head. 
“No. Nothing odd going on here,” Kaldur sarcastically comments as we continue to watch more pass us by. 
“Let's keep going…” Dick decides just as all the dog-like creatures pass us by. 
“I’m game,” Wally agrees with him and Dick looks at me. 
“If you’re going, you know I am,” I say with a nod. 
“Ok. Let’s go to that door,” Dick points at it and we all nod before walking over. “Give me a minute to hack it,” he tells us as he pulls up his computer again. 
“Why are you doing all the hacking if Jay knows how to hack too?” Wally asks and I click my tongue on the roof of my mouth as Dick laughs. 
“Ask her,” Dick tells him through his laughs as I glare at him. 
“Why is he doing all the hacking?” Wally asks as he looks at me. 
“I may or may not have broken my holo pad computer yesterday…” I mumble and Dick chuckles.
“And how did you do that, hmm?” Dick asks in a playful tone that makes me glare at him again. 
“I fell out of my bed with it…” I mumble as quietly as I can. 
“Almost got it…” Dick tells us as he keeps typing. 
“How’d you fall outta bed with it?” Wally asks and I sigh, shaking my head. 
“Does it really matter?” I ask with a roll of my eyes. 
“Yes,” Kaldur and Wally say in unison. 
“Fine… I was watching my favorite movie on it, because I didn’t wanna move from my bed to go watch in the den… and then boom! Someone decides it’d be funny to scare me…” I tell them as I side eye Dick and he smirks cockily. 
“I’m not 100% the best when I get scared when I’m just relaxing. When I’m home, I let all my guards down, and Dick saw an opportunity and took it. He scared me, made me jump and I fell off my bed, breaking the arm band…” I explain and Kaldur raises an eyebrow at me. 
“So it really wasn’t your fault then?” he asks and I sigh, shaking my head. 
“In a way, yes and no. I should’ve still had my guard up and I should’ve had my gear in my room. Bats is always telling us that,” I explain just as the doors slide open. 
“Okay, I’m officially whelmed…” Dick comments as we see what’s behind the door. 
We walk in and see what looks like more of the creatures from earlier, except these ones have electricity flowing through them. We walk farther in and inspect as we go. 
“This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the world,” Wally explains as he walks in front of us while looking around. 
“The real Cadmus isn’t on the grid. It generates its own power with these… things. Must be what they’re bred for,” Wally continues as he turns to us and points at them. 
“Even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragon’s teeth into the earth,” Kaldur takes over explaining his thoughts. 
“And this Cadmus creates new life too,” Dick adds on as he walks up next to Kaldur. 
“Let’s figure out why,” Dick decides before going over to the computer and connecting his holo computer to it. 
“So if you still had yours, what’d you call it?” Wally asks as he looks at me. 
“Holo pad computer,” I inform him and he nods. 
“So if you had that, you could hack things too? I’ve been on missions with you. I’ve only ever seen Rob hack,” Wally states and I giggle while Dick laughs too. 
“Oh, I’ve done it. You just haven’t seen it. Also when we’re all together, Rob prefers to do the hacking and I prefer to watch his back. He’s just a little more advanced than I am,” I inform Wally, who nods along. 
“But to answer your question, yes KF, I can. When my new holo pad comes in, I’ll show you by hacking your phone,” I joke and he crosses his arms. 
“You better not hack my phone. That’s a violation of privacy…” Wally replies with an attitude and I giggle. 
“I’m joking KF, I’d only do that to Rob…” I joke again and Dick quickly turns to me. 
“Tell me you don’t do that,” he deadpans and I slowly grin. 
“I don’t know, you tell me. Do I?” I ask with a smirk and he groans. 
“Don’t do that! I thought you were serious,” he tells me before he goes back to the computer. 
“Do you have something you're trying to hide? I thought we told each other everything?” I ask him in a sickly sweet tone and he quickly shakes his head. 
“No. I do tell you everything, but ya know, sometimes there may be some surprises I keep from you,” he explains and I grin. 
“So you are hiding something,” I say while smiling at him. 
“No, I’m not. Plus, you’d know if I was… you always figure it out if I do try to anyway,” he explains with a shrug and I giggle. 
“Ok. Whatever you say, Wonderboy,” I continue to joke with him and he shakes his head. 
“Ok. So they call them Genomophs,” Dick explains as he finally finds what he’s looking for. 
“Whoa, look at the stats on these things. Super strength, telepathy, razor claws. These are living weapons,” Dick continues to read them off as I read over his shoulder. 
“They’re engineering an army, but for who?” Wally asks as he too reads from over Dick’s side. 
“Wait. There’s something else. Project Kr,” Dick explains as he finds more and Kaldur comes up beside me to look over it too. 
“Ugh, the file’s triple-encrypted. I can’t-” Dick starts to say, but gets cut off with a voice.
“Don’t move!” we hear someone yell, making us all turn to look at the doors as they open. 
A man runs in with a bunch of the dog-like animals and comes to a stop. Two or three of the creatures growl and sneer at us. 
“Wait. Robin, Blue Jay, Aqualad, Kid Flash?” The man questions when he recognizes us.
“At least he got your name right,” Dick snickers at Wally as he turns back to his holo computer. 
“Yeah. He coulda called you flash boy like that other guy did,” I agree with Dick, who laughs while I giggle when Wally sneers at us. 
“I know you. Guardian, a hero,” Kaldur tells the man. 
“I do my best,” the man replies in a nonchalant way. 
“Then what are you doing here?” Wally asks him as we all stand around Dick as protection. 
“I’m chief of security. You’re trespassing. But we can call the league, figure this out,” he explains in a gruff tone and I shrink back a bit. 
“You think the league’s gonna approve of you breeding weapons?” Wally accuses him and he looks shocked for a moment. 
“Weapons? What are you…” Guardian asks in confusion before the creature on his shoulder turns to him as its horns light up. 
“What have I…” Guardian asks before trailing off. “Ugh, my head…” Guardian mumbles out as he holds his head. 
“Take them down hard. No mercy,” he suddenly demands as he points at us and the creatures growl as they launch at us. 
“Jay. Come on,” Dick tells me as he grabs me like he had in the elevator shaft and shoots his grappling gun. 
Wally and Kaldur stay on the ground fighting as me and Dick get up into the rafters. He starts to run out and I roll my eyes before following after him. He quickly jumps down and heads for the door with me right behind him. 
“What are we doing?!” I ask him as we run. 
“Finding the elevator!” Dick tells me as he takes a sharp right and I follow him.
We come up to the elevator and he pulls his holo pad back out as he crouches down. He types and I keep a watch over the hallway as Wally quickly comes around the corner. 
“Way to be team players, you two!” Wally shouts as he comes to a stop next to us and Kaldur stays at the end of the hall. 
“Weren’t you guys behind us?” Dick asks nonchalantly with a small shrug as he continues to type. 
“Hey. I didn’t have a choice, he pulled me with him,” I argue just as the doors open. 
We get in and Kaldur quickly rushes through the hall to us. He gets into the elevator as the creatures come racing around the corner. He flips and lands into the elevator just as the doors close. 
There’s a bang at the doors as we all stand up and we look up at the flashing numbers. The numbers count down one by one. 
“We’re headed down?” Kaldur asks in an astonished tone. 
“Dude. Out is up,” Wally agrees with Kaldur as he points up and he looks at me, making me shrug at him. 
“I know just about as much as you do,” I tell him as I hold my hands up in surrender and Wally looks back at Dick with an expectant look, who then turns to him. 
“Excuse me? Project Kr. It’s down on sub-level 52,” Dick explains his plan matter-of-factly, making me cover up a giggle. 
“This is out of control, perhaps…” Kaldur disappointedly comments as he puts a hand to his forehead and walks past us before trailing off. 
“Perhaps we should contact the league,” Kaldur finishes as he turns back to us. 
We all stay silent, not wanting to agree with him for a moment before the elevator dings. The doors open and we all step up, ready to exit as they do. We all look out into what seems to be a cave of red for a moment before Dick rushes off. 
I sigh, shaking my head before rolling my eyes. I look at Kaldur and Wally, who give me questioning looks. I shrug as nonchalantly as I can before rushing off to follow Dick. 
“We are already here,” I hear Wally tell Kaldur before he follows us. 
Together we all catch up with one another and crouch down, stopping to see two different hallways. Dick seems to be analyzing something for a moment. 
“Which way?” Kaldur reluctantly asks with a roll of his eyes. 
“Yeah… bizarre looking hallway one?” Dick says he points to hallway one. 
“Or bizarre hallway number two?” I finish off for him and he turns, smirking at me and I smirk back. 
“Halt!” A voice says out of nowhere as a creature walks out. 
He lifts his arm and his horns on top of his head start to glow. Two canister-like things fly at us and dick quickly makes me duck as one almost hits us in the head. Dick quickly bounces back up as the canisters explode and throws two Wing Dings at the creature's head. 
The creature's horns glow again and the Wing Dings stop just short of his face before dropping to the ground. The creature then lifts two more canisters and Dick grabs my arm as we run down the opposite hallway with the canisters exploding right behind us. 
Wally runs faster than us and goes ahead of the group. We run in right behind him to see a doctor on the floor as Wally lifts one of the canisters and throws it between the door and wall to stop it from closing. 
“Hurry!” Wally shouts as he turns back to us and waves frantically. 
He goes into the door first, then Aqualad follows him in with me following behind him and Dick right behind me. Aqualad quickly runs back over and kicks the canister out of the doorway as Dick starts trying to hack into it. 
“I disabled the door. We’re safe,” Dick promises as he pulls back from the hacking to look at Aqualad. 
“We’re trapped,” Aqualad points out and I scoff. 
“No. Safe. As Dick said…” I speak out and Dick smirks when Aqualad sighs while shaking his head. 
“Uh, guys. You’ll wanna see this,” Wally speaks up instantaneously, stopping the starting fight as we all turn to him. 
We all walk over as Wally presses a button and lights come on. Dick lets out a small ‘whoa’ as the case in front of us lights up, perfectly showing what looks like Superman. 
“Big K, little R,” Wally comments as he walks closer the the case. 
“The atomic symbol for Krypton!” Wally continues explaining what he’s seeing. 
“Clone?” he asks as he turns around to look at us. 
“Robin… hack,” Aqualad commands as he turns to me and Dick. 
“Uh, right, right,” Dick agrees as he comes out of his shock. 
He pulls his connection cord out and connects it to the computer in front of us. He types for a minute and he groans when it won’t open. 
“Rob… you skipped a part,” I tell him and he shakes his head. 
“Where would I be without you, Jay?” he asks, leaning over to give my cheek a light kiss and I shrug lightly before he tries the hack again. 
“Still trying to hack into whatever’s on this computer,” I joke and Dick rolls his eyes giving a small ‘haha’ in response. 
This time he bypasses it and Wally gives me a look. I shrug and he shakes his head. 
“You two really are made for each other, aren’t you?” Wally asks with a snicker and I shake my head. 
“I’m more meant for him then I'll ever be for you,” I joke with Wally about when we had met and he groans. 
“I can’t help it. When I see a cute girl, I just have to shoot my shot, ok?!” Wally protests and I laugh as he crosses his arms with a pout. 
“So that means flirting with every moving thing you see?” I ask, adding insult to injury and he huffs, shaking his head. 
“Ouch. She’s got you there, KF,” Dick agrees with a laugh when Wally huffs again. 
“I only flirt with the pretty moving things,” Wally states with attitude and I giggle, shaking my head. 
“Only you, KF. Only you,” I comment with a laugh and he only huffs again as he tightens his crossed arms. 
“Weapon designation superboy. A clone force grown in…” Dick reads off the monitor, but pauses and I read over his shoulder. 
“Sixteen weeks?!” I shout out in shock with wide eyes. 
“From DNA acquired from Superman,” Dick continues to read after me. 
“Stolen from Superman,” Aqualad adds on, in a voice full of venom. 
“No way the big guy knows about this,” Wally says and I nod my head in agreement. 
“Solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7,” Dick reads off more information the more as he finds. 
“And these creatures?” Aqualad starts to question as he points at the screen. 
“Genomorph Gnomes…” Dick fills in for Aqualad as we all read over the information now. 
“Telepathic, force-feeding him an education,” Dick explains even more information. 
“And we can guess what else. They’re making a slave out of… well, Superman’s son,” Wally points out and I frown as I look up at him. 
“Poor guy. He’s probably never been outside this case,” I sympathize and the others frown as we look up at him. 
“Now we contact the league,” Aqualad tells us before he presses his belt buckle button. 
“No signal,” Dick comments when Aqualad looks confused as to why it’s just silence though the com. 
“We’re in too deep… literally,” Wally states and I roll my eyes. 
“You’ve been waiting to say that, haven’t you?” I ask him with an unamused look and he smirks. 
“What can I say? I’m full of good puns,” Wally says with a shrug and I chuckle. 
“Good puns, my ass,” I joke with a roll of my eyes and Dick lets out his own laugh. 
“You are not on her good side today, buddy,” Dick chuckles out and Wally frowns. 
“What did I do?! I didn’t do anything to her today!” he exclaims and Dick shrugs. 
“I don’t know, but whatever it was made her upset,” Dick replies before laughing again when Wally throws his hands in the air. 
“This is wrong…” Wally comments as he turns back to the case. 
“We can’t leave him like this,” Dick comments and Kaldur takes a moment to think it over. 
“They’re right, K. We have to help him,” I comment and Kaldur eventually nods. 
“Set him free…” Kaldur demands and Dick gives him a skeptical look. 
“Do it,” Kaldur finally adds on and Dick finally brings up his holo computer before starting to hack in. 
It takes Dick less than a second to type into it before the case starts to open. It slides open with a hiss and steam comes from the sides as we all watch. The case fully opens and we all wait with bated breath before the clone is squeezing his knuckles together, making a fist. 
It stays quiet for a moment, but the creatures above the clone horns glow and there’s a light buzz. Soon I jump slightly into Dick's side as the clone's eyes fly open and he stares at us. Dick reaches out and helps me fix my stance before it’s thrown off again when the clone launches himself at us. 
He knocks me out of the way, making me push Dick down with me, but he catches me with a small huff. Quickly we all scramble back up only to see the clone sitting on top of Aqualad, throwing punch after punch to his face. 
“We have to stop him!” I shout as I jump into action and run over with the others right behind me. 
“Whoa! Hang on, Supey!” Wally yells out as he grips onto one of the clone's arms. 
“We’re on your side,” Dick also tries to tell him as he holds his other arm back. 
I jump on his back and try to pull him off by the neck, but he throws Wally, who goes flying back into the glass. He then pulls me off and throws me to the left. 
“Blue Jay!” Dick yells out as he takes a moment from struggling with the clone. 
“I’m fine, Rob,” I groan as I roll onto my side and he nods lightly. 
“I don’t wanna do this,” Dick shouts before he activates one of the many gas bombs we carry before shoving it into the clone’s face. 
Dick pushes off of him as he goes crazy when the gas explodes in his face. Aqualad takes the chance and kicks the clone, making him fly back into the computer panel. Dick runs over to me and quickly helps me up before shooting out his taser just as the clone recovers, standing back up. 
Dick hits him right in the chest with the taser, but it doesn’t seem to phase him at all. The clone then pulls at the taser lines and pulls Dick over to him. I get mad and rush over to try and help Dick, but the clone just flicks me away again, making me hit the wall. 
I groan and roll over only to watch as he puts his foot on Dick’s chest so he can’t get up. He starts to push down with his foot and Dick groans. I try to get up, but my side screams at me to stop.
It’s only a moment later when there’s a bright light and I pause when I see Kaldur rushing forward with his water bearers. 
“Enough!” Kaldur yells out as his water bearers turn into a big hammer and he knocks the clone off of Dick. 
The clone goes flying back and hits the back of the case we’d found him in, leaving a big dent. Dick pulls himself up onto his knees and Kaldur puts his water bearers away before going over to help Dick. I roll onto my back and let out a sigh, but even that feels painful. 
“Not me… check on Blue Jay…” I hear Dick speak and I groan lightly. 
“I’m ok, Rob,” I assure him and Dick tries to get up before ultimately falling back to the floor himself. 
I look down to see a piece of glass in my side. Then I realized that I had rolled through the glass Wally broke previously. I groan and carefully pull the piece of glass from my side before trying to get up, but ultimately fall back to the floor. 
The clone gets up and I watch as Kaldur stands up. He shields Dick as he stands up and holds a hand out to the clone. The clone stops maybe about a foot from Kaldur. 
“We are trying to help you!” Kaldur shouts out and the clone doesn’t seem to like it as he lunges forward at him. 
They fight back and forth for a few minutes. Kaldur even tries to electrocute him again with his water bearers, but again it doesn’t seem to phase him. He leaps and slams Kaldur into the roof. When Kaldur still doesn’t stop, he slams him into the roof again and that’s when my vision starts to blur. 
I groan and try to lift myself back up to stop him, but my vision goes almost completely black as I fall to the floor. The black edges around my vision slowly take over and I find myself succumbing to the darkness.
To Be Continued… 
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As of right now there is no tag list for this series, but if any of you would like us to make one we totally can. For now we have decided just to see if any of you like this one.
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oc-poll-times · 2 years
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The Ultimate OC Showdown Tournament has begun!
This was inspired by a lot of the tournaments in @competition-list including @transfemswagbracket @nonbiney-swag-competition @best-fnaf-character @autismswagsummit @robot-swag-competition @mad-scientist-showdown @adhdswagcompetition as well as the OC tournament done by @oc-cinematic-universe! I have over 600 of these guys, so it's finally time to figure out who the OC of all time is!
You do not need to know who they are to vote!
Their brackets will include a brief bio (one sentence), a link to their Toyhouse page, and an image! But also you can just vote on vibes, anything works! I just want to have a good time!
This post will be updated with each bracket and an updated bracket illustration each time! Polls will run for one week, and for this first round Part A and Part B will go up on Saturday and Sunday respectively! I hope we can all have a good time!
EDIT: I wanted to add more of the tournament blogs that inspired this since they're all excellent people and y'all should go vote in their tournaments as well!
Round 1A
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. George (Murder Mystery)
2. Cabriel (Love Gods) VS. Rouge (Bakeries)
3. Amadeus (Fantasy Story) VS. Freeze Frame (Villain Squad)
4. Nina (Whisper Court) VS. Kalliope (The Hallowed)
5. Phyllis (Villain School) VS. Adelaide (Locked Love)
6. Jinx (The Hallowed) VS. Cinna (The Hallowed)
7. Kisaragi (Whisper Court) VS. Ariyana (Angel Wings)
8. Angel (Angel Wings) VS. Zyaire (The Hallowed)
9. Wally (Villain School) VS. Mikal (Whisper Court)
10. Cordelia (Fantasy Story) VS. Catt (The Hallowed)
11. Xena (Fantasy Story) VS. Maple (Villain School)
12. Emmit (The Hallowed) VS. Abbey (Locked Love)
13. Wally (Whisper Court) VS. Glimmer (Red Signal)
14. Lorelai (Whisper Court) VS. Lily (Monster DND)
15. Willow Whisp (Whisper Court) VS. Ephraim (The Hallowed)
16. Lyra (Carnival Casino) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
Round 1B
Aurelius (Angel Wings) VS. Veridan (Whisper Court)
2. Ringmaster (Fantasy Story) VS. Darciel (Love Gods)
3. Wally (Locked Love) VS. Dusty+Coco (DND PC)
4. Johon (Whisper Court) VS. Velvet (Bakeries)
5. Khalida (Villain School) VS. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery)
6. Rose (Whisper Court) VS. Charlie (Villain School)
7. Mei/Yue/Eyumie (The Hallowed) VS. Phospher (Tech Story)
8. Irene (The Hallowed) VS. Hijack (Villain Squad)
9. Scarlet (Bakeries) VS. Evelyn (The Hallowed)
10. Ismet (The Hallowed) VS. Daisy (Daisies And Demons)
11. Finch (Whisper Court) VS. Kastra (Kastra-Verse)
12. Wally (The Hallowed) VS. Karma (Fantasy Story)
13. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Tripp (The Hallowed)
14. Meri (Locked Love) VS. Alice (Carnival Casino)
15. Lilith (Locked Love) VS. Cardamon (Fantasy Story)
16. Bella (Angel Wings) VS. Meredith/Nightingale (Artistic Licensing)
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Round 2
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. Rouge (Bakeries)
2. Amadeus (Fantasy Story) VS. Kalliope (The Hallowed)
3. Phyllis (Villain School) VS. Cinna (The Hallowed)
4. Kisaragi (Whisper Court) VS. Zyaire (The Hallowed)
5. Mikal (Whisper Court) VS. Cordelia (Fantasy Story)
6. Xena (Fantasy Story) VS. Emmit (The Hallowed)
7. Glimmer (Red Signal) VS. Lorelai (Whisper Court)
8. Willow Whisp (Whisper Court) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
9. Aurelius (Angel Wings) VS. Ringmaster (Fantasy Story)
10. Dusty + Coco (DND PC) VS. Velvet (Bakeries)
11. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery) VS. Rose (Whisper Court)
12. Mei/Yue/Eyumie (The Hallowed) VS. Irene (The Hallowed)
13. Evelyn (The Hallowed) VS. Ismet (The Hallowed)
14. Finch (Whisper Court) VS. Karma (Fantasy Story)
15. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Alice (Carnival Casino)
16. Cardamon (Fantasy Story) VS. Meredith/Nightingale (Artistic Licensing)
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The rounds last time were SUPER CLOSE I am getting SCARED
Round 3
Miranda (Carnival Casino) VS. Amadeus Kama (Fantasy Story)
2. Cinna Hallowell (The Hallowed) VS. Kisaragi (Whisper Court)
3. Cordelia (Fantasy Story) VS. Xena (Fantasy Story)
4. Lorelai (Whisper Court) VS. Castor (Love Gods)
5. The Ringmaster (Fantasy Story) VS. Dusty + Coco (DND PC)
6. Cinnamon (Murder Mystery) VS. Irene (The Hallowed)
7. Evelyn Soleil (The Hallowed) VS. Finch (Whisper Court)
8. Blackjack (Fantasy Story) VS. Cardamon Suite (Fantasy Story)
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theunderestimator-2 · 2 years
What else did Wally contribute to the band besides creating it, the rehearsal space, and writing the Did You No Wrong riff? I want to know more about what he did!
You know, this may seem like little or unimportant, compared to what followed the blitzkrieg after the birth of such an influential band as the Sex Pistols but it's more than enough when one decides to start a band:
It was him that had the idea to form a band, it was him that convinced his schoolmates Steve Jones & Paul Cook to join in, it was him that helped Jonesy to 'expropriate' all the band's gear, he was probably the only one who really knew how to play an instrument since day one and also taught Steve Jones how to play, it was him that provided a professional rehearsal space for the band (Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, London, where the boys had access because Wally’s dad worked there as an electrician) and it was him that actually contributed some music in their early days (in 'Did You No Wrong', as well as in one song called 'Scarface', which was never released) when they tried to come up with some original material other than the covers that they usually rehearsed.
What else can one expect from a bandmate?
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