#want to mimic you or are apart of you or are owned by you. now youre more real.
bigfatbreak · 4 months
Hello I love your art!!! I was reading through your changeling au and Felix mentions that fae are creatures of mirth. They literally need attention to survive. But what kind of attention? I guess I'm wondering because Adrien has been in the public eye for a while now, but has been personally neglected for even longer. What does that mean for him? Is he starving? Is he in danger of dying? Does he even know it? (I assume not given he doesn't even know he's Fae).
If he is starving / in danger of starving who is the first to realize this?
it depends on the mirth, on the attention, on what it is they seek. Without making things too complicated - I don't like to define everything into neat little boxes after all, there's fun in nuance - Felix is just explaining from his experience, the Fae he was with tended to be "entertained" by certain aspects of their playing, which was the mirth that kept them relevant. Relevancy more than anything is really what keeps their wheels greased.
In Adrien's case though, the reason he's cloying for so many names and to have so many thralls and attendants is because he SHOULD be a more social creature and has been kept woefully alone. He is kinda starving in the way a fae starves - he's relevant, but only in an image his father constructs OF him, which means it isn't REALLY him - and he has no one to play with. No friends, no lovers, and no rivals, makes a very sad fae
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daosies · 1 month
when you get injured
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sylus, xavier, rafayel ♡ gn!reader
warnings: alcohol (sylus), graphic depictions of violence, sylus is his own warning he's so freaky (but hes so fine), major story spoilers (all three), blood, mc is the protagonist but gender neutral, lowercase intended
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sylus always looks forward to your calls.
he likes listening to you ramble about the little nothings of your day, the mindless white noise that echoes from your end whenever you get lost in thought.
more often than not, sylus isn't satisfied with just that. sometimes, he wishes he could witness your expressions for himself rather than through the chirps and retellings from mephisto, to narrow the distance between the two of you.
clink! he lifts a glass of whiskey up to his lips.
sylus eyes his phone before taking a sip, gaze beginning to drift around the vastness of his bedroom. warm lamps illuminate the corners and his attention redirects towards the various plushies that line the shelves.
ever-so slightly, the corners of his lips break into the subtlest of smiles.
his gaze returns to the phone.
later than usual, sylus thinks, staring at the pretentious (according to you) grandfather clock in his room. tick, tick. its tempo mimics his heartbeat, the steady rhythm falling into place.
sylus's days are redundant—they have been for quite a while—but what he always looks forward to is your calls, which always come at this time.
except for today, it seems. even though you're not obligated to call him, and you never told him that these calls would become a regular occurrence, sylus has grown expectant. terribly so.
he takes another sip of his drink, eyes darting back and forth from his phone to his wristwatch.
sylus would like to maintain his image as an independent, mysterious alpha; but you—oh, you—have a knack at dismembering him, at taking apart the chambers of his heart and weaving yourself into its tissue. you tattoo yourself into his skin, permeating into his existence without ever realizing.
you've always been a little cruel. sylus likes that about you.
tick, tick. he half-considers calling you first. when it comes to you, sylus has nothing to lose—from the crimson of his irises to the crimson of his blood, he's surrendered everything, offering all that he has in a ferocious, lovely organ that goes, endlessly: thump, thump, thump...
he thinks of your fantastic beauty. the tempo stutters.
tick, tick. ring! sylus reaches for his phone within an instant, not caring about luke and kieran's spiel about how a "real charmer" would wait for the phone to ring multiple times before picking up. but sylus doesn't have time to play games like that—he wants to hear your voice and he wants to hear it now.
"so, you finally decided to call, hm?" sylus asks, swirling his drink leisurely. he brings the glass up to his lips, unable to contain the way a smirk breaks out onto his face, the way you do so much as exist, the way you radiate and oh, the way you seek him out!
sylus thinks he's never felt so satisfied before, with all that he's ever achieved, you just might be the greatest of them all.
and he hasn't even achieved you yet. he thinks he never will; you've always been volatile, wildly beautiful and wildly free. again, sylus likes that about you.
you don't respond. sylus sets his glass down on the table, unbothered, smirk still fixed onto his lips. that is until he hears a loud crash from your end, the sound of labored breaths following soon after.
"[name]?" sylus calls, standing up immediately. his whiskey remains forgotten, free hand reaching for the leather coat draped across his chair, the fabric still stained red from earlier events.
sylus has no time to worry about how he presents himself, because before you can even utter another word, he's racing out of his pretentious (according to you) mansion and swinging a leg over his motorbike.
the steady tempo of his heart begins to race, beating the rhythm of the grandfather clock that, endlessly, echoes tick, tick... sylus attributes its consistency to the fact that the grandfather clock, in all its glory, has never had the pleasure of knowing you.
if it did, then its flow would be disrupted, its rhythm would stutter and leap, and sylus knows this fact all too well because it's happened to him. because it's happening to him.
thump, thump-thump... "[name]," sylus calls. he says your name just to say it, to feel its syllables on his tongue, to swallow the sound and let it reverberate throughout his chest, easing the spasm of his heart and the fracturing of his ribs.
"[name], talk to me," sylus says, the steadiness of his voice starkly contrasting the tremble of his irises. "[name], i'll be there. count to three?"
one. he revvs the engine.
two. his fingers tighten around the handlebars.
three. the tempo of his heart goes, achingly, thump-thump-thump, thump... for a second, the sound changes. for a second, the sound shifts and utters, in the softest of timbres: you.
black and red tendrils spew from the ground below you, wrapping your figure in a tender embrace whilst the sound of an engine rings throughout your ears.
smoke envelopes the room, your vision becoming blurry while the tendrils shrink away, their absence filled in by the warmth of calloused hands.
sylus lifts you up, pressing your head against his chest before whispering, "go to sleep, darling. it'll all be over soon."
when your eyes lull back, and your body falls limp, sylus goes mad. his hands never leave your figure, his evol forming limbs to strangle your opponent, watching the way they writhe and scream without ever tearing his gaze away.
"report," sylus demands, talking to no one.
"after finding out [name] was closely associated with you, boss, this person tried to get some information about you." still, someone responds.
sylus chuckles. "two corrections." he steps towards the suffocating person, crimson gaze trailing theirs and landing on you. when he notices this, sylus clicks his tongue, tightening the tendrils of his evol and forcing the perpetrator to look away from you.
tenderly, sylus caresses the side of your face, as if to brush away that person's distateful gaze.
"[name] and i are more than just close associates," sylus continues with his previous statement, holding you closer towards him. he finds solace in the way your chest rises up and down, reassuring him of your vitality, your incomparable radiance.
"and," he says, retracting his evol. the person falls to the floor with a harsh thud, and sylus merely tilts his head in the direction of the body, commanding the twins to clean the corpse up.
"that isn't a person. it's just some pest. kieran, don't make that mistake again."
luke snickers.
kieran straightens up, mop in hand. "yes, boss!"
only when your breathing steadies does sylus's heart return to its regular rhythm, matching the pace of the pretentious grandfather clock.
you've taken his bed (he's given it, really), and sylus doesn't bother pulling up a chair; sinking to his knees as he gazes at you fearfully, reverently. his hands come up to cover yours, elbows digging into the mattress. the warmth of your skin mixes with his own.
you've taken his bed, but sylus thinks that that's only one of the many things you've taken. you've taken his mind, his heart, him. you've taken all that he's got to give, all that he's ever fathomed of being his.
"you're always so cruel," sylus mutters to himself, thumb rubbing the back of your hand.
(but, i love that about you, he thinks.)
your head and side are wrapped with bandages, tended to by sylus himself. he doesn't trust anyone else—not even luke or kieran—when it comes to treating you; you're too delicate, too fragile for a place like this.
sylus's gaze remains fixed on the bridge of your nose, the cracks of your lips. sweat trickles down your forehead, your brows furrowed from discomfort and nightmares plaguing your sleep. he reaches a hand to brush the sweat away, grazing across your skin until your brows ease up, until your expression drifts into that of contentedness.
oh, you're beautiful. ethereally so.
(you don't belong here.)
still, sylus's hand traces over yours. he feels the callouses adorning your palm, marred by your work as a hunter. filling the gaps of your fingers with his own, sylus's hand locks into place.
(you call it abduction. he calls it love.)
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whenever it comes to you, xavier is on high alert.
he's always hyper aware of your location, your status and your surroundings. whenever you fight wanderers together—as partners often do—he's always thinking of you, of ways to redirect everything towards him, of ways to get you as far away as possible.
for the longest time, xavier thought that that'd be enough. he thought that, so long as you're okay, he doesn't care about what happens to him, about what happens to anything. he's always thought that, really. here and philos alike.
"xavier!" you yell, and before he can even react, your figure comes colliding with his, arms wrapping tightly around the back of his neck as the two of you tumble towards the ground.
he doesn't know what went wrong—was it his clumsiness? was it his arrogance? he had always thought that, so long as you were safe, nothing else mattered.
but xavier had never thought of a situation where he was the one at risk, where he was the one who needed saving. he had never thought that you'd be the one to sacrifice yourself, because, ever since he met you, xavier identified himself as a sword, as a weapon at your disposal.
he is your weapon. he is yours.
xavier's hand comes to the small of your back, feeling the blood seep in between the gaps of his fingers. his breath falls short of escaping, shrinking down his esophagus and bringing everything, from the race of his heart to the warmth of his face to a standstill.
primal instincts take over. xavier fights with tooth and nail, forgetting all that he's learned from his swordsmanship classes—but oh, never forgetting his time with you—while his grip around your waist tightens.
his movements are quick and wild as he slices through each wanderer with the efficiency of a machine, running on a code that prints out, endlessly, you, you, you.
after everything has been eliminated, xavier reaches for your neck, searching desperately for a pulse. after confirming that it's there, he teleports away to the nearest hospital, free palm pressing into the center of your wound.
xavier's scared. he's scared you won't make it. he's scared he's failed you. he's scared of a lot of things, really.
when you're wheeled away in a stretcher, tended to by a whole team of medical professionals, xavier's left yearning and waiting, clinging onto nothing but hope and a fragmented memory of you. he's always yearned—back in philos and here, now—but it's a little different this time.
you've always been out of reach, like you were a star and he, an observer. but now, you're so tangible, so delicate and so fleeting despite being right there.
xavier feels like you could disappear within an instant, and he wouldn't put it past you to leave this life behind, to restart anew somewhere else. with someone who was a little stronger than him, a little less selfish.
he's selfish. so what?
you evoke something primal within him, something that makes him forget his etiquette classes and his time at the academy, wasting away at textbooks and duels. you make xavier burn, wildly, fantastically, like a flame—like a star, even.
you make him feel unlike himself, because xavier's used to being calm and collected and oh-so drowsy, but when it comes to you, everything changes. the world reinvents itself anew and presents itself, fogged in a pink lens, as something lovelier than before.
xavier resigns himself to one of the many chairs of the waiting room. he buries his face into his gloved hands, not caring about the messiness of his appearance.
when he closes his eyes, all he can see is your limp figure. he opts to stare at the television screen instead, the reports of the news appearing mute to his deafened ears. xavier swallows thickly, mouth feeling terribly dry, wrapped around the shape of your name. it waits.
a couple hours pass, and a nurse appears to fetch him. xavier says nothing, tongue still stuck in time.
only when he enters your room, and listens to the repetitive beep of the heart monitor, does his mouth free itself from its prison, liberating itself to utter, in the faintest of whispers, "[name]..."
you don't stir awake. xavier's fine with that. he pulls a chair to your bedside, and he sits, and he stares. periwinkle eyes trail across your features, tracing them like a sculptor, desperate to reshape the bandages and gauzes that cover your abdomen.
xavier wishes he could crawl into your body and steal all the pain for himself.
there's a great, irrevocable instinct within him, the kind of instinct that is only ever sung about in epics and myths and tragic, star-crossed plays.
he reaches forward, bare thumb coming to graze over your cheekbone. you're quiet, too quiet, and xavier's paranoid. too paranoid.
there's a great, irrevocable instinct within him. it takes over xavier's eyes and it trains them to fixate on you.
your image slips into his sight, swallowed greedily by xavier's pupils, remembered fervently by his mind. while his hands cannot have you, xavier compensates with his eyes, desperate and mad and oh, so lovely.
there's a great, irrevocable instinct within him. it's primal and it's primitive and it's hungry.
xavier forfeits his beloved sleep in order to watch over your heart monitor, to watch over your heart.
even when all the lights shut off, and when the device's beeps blend into the white noise of the hospital room, his periwinkle gaze never leaves your figure, adjusting to the darkness and finding solace there.
(a star has landed on earth. it's guided by a great, irrevocable instinct. it's primal and it's primitive and it's hungry.)
once more, xavier's mouth wraps around the shape of your name. it utters, in the softest of timbres, "[name], i love you."
although you aren't awake to respond, xavier is content with just this.
(a star has landed on earth. it stayed because it found you.)
"[name]," he whispers again, finding comfort in the familiar syllables, "i love you." maybe, saying it will make it realer than it already is. maybe, saying it will satiate his soul, providing him with enough sustenance to feast on for the next century or two.
maybe, xavier just calls your name to feel its syllables on his tongue. because he likes the sound of your name. because he wants to hear it, in whatever capacity, whenever he can.
maybe, it's just a great, irrevocable instinct.
whatever it is, xavier is content. he stares at you, and he feasts.
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it always goes like this: with rafayel chasing after you.
you have a habit of leaving him behind—rafayel thinks it's just in your nature.
you give him a taste of everything before leaving him with nothing, and even though rafayel hates, hates you for that, he can't help but want everything again.
(he had everything, once.)
"[name]!" the scream that erupts from rafayel's throat is raw, marred by a desperation and anguish that travels across lifetimes. rafayel can't lose you—not again, not like this.
"raf—" you're interrupted by a violent cough, blood spilling from your lips. "just go!"
and there you go again, in all your selfish glory, in all your inconsiderate and shameless heroism. do you like watching his expression drop into that of utter horror, when all he's ever wanted was you?
he can never get his way.
"ugh," he mutters to himself, voice cracking at the end. "i just hate you, you know!?" your gaze is preoccupied by the giant wanderer that looms over your figure, its attention belonging wholly to you.
rafayel has the audacity to be offended. hello? he manages to think, despite all the fear and anxiety. why's it not looking at me? i'm right here!
you aim your gun at the wanderer's head, and rafayel almost wants to laugh. to think you're fighting close-combat with guns—wow, what an accomplished bodyguard you are!
rafayel is half-considering finding a new bodyguard now, because it looks like his current one isn't too bright in the head.
rafayel hates the way you go around, saving everyone, saving everything. he hates the way you save and the way you forget, the way you go around picking up more strays whilst forgetting your first one.
rafayel hates you. he hates you. he hates you!
despite all the pain and soreness in his (self-proclaimed) delicate limbs, he rushes forward, daggers in hand while fire vomits from the ground. rafayel hates you, sure, but hate and love are lawfully wedded, tightly intertwined and fueled by one another.
rafayel hates you. he hates you. but oh, he loves you. he loves you in the way he's willing to let you keep that heart of his, the way orpheus loved eurydice, the way he did everything and anything, only to catch a glimpse before losing it all.
he charges in front of you, occupying the wanderer while you take a couple steps back. rafayel half-wishes you'd run. he half-wishes you'd turn and abandon him so he could find it in himself to abandon you. you did it once before, so why can't you do it again?
when bullets stop flying, rafayel wonders if you left. he wonders if it's really over. so, he looks back.
you're still there. this time, you don't disappear. your eyes meet his, and somehow, you find it in yourself to smile.
he wants to cry.
"rafayel, let's resonate!"
and oh, you're otherwordly. you're so, so gorgeous. it's in the flame that dances across your irises, the determination that settles into your features.
you're so beautiful it hurts, because rafayel hates the effect you have on him, the way you go around enchanting everyone, everything!
when crimson blood trickles down your face, staining your skin a violent red, rafayel thinks you're sublime. he feels insignificant in your radiance, in your marvelous existence, your marvelous world.
"fine, let's!"
your hand locks with his, and rafayel hates the way his heart skips a beat. he hates the way yours didn't. he hates the way he's the only one overthinking these things, the only one who remembers after all this time.
the world is engulfed in flames. and rafayel spares you a glance, your skin illuminated by the warmth, flickering in and out. the wanderer disintegrates into ash, leaving nothing but a measly protocore for all the suffering it put him through.
your eyes fall back. instinctively, rafayel reaches a hand out, catching you in his arms despite hating the way you contort his limbs, the way you make him trail after you like a madman.
he is anything but a madman—in fact, rafayel is perfectly normal.
still, he cradles you in his arms. blood trickles from the side of your face.
"you're not the only one bleeding," rafayel mutters bitterly, feeling lightheaded himself. "who do you even think you are?"
his thumb comes to brush your chapped lips, wiping stray droplets of blood from the dried skin.
you're ethereal. rafayel will never admit that outloud. not like this. but, he thinks that you're something akin to a grecian statue, reflecting all that is lovely and all that is mortal.
rafayel thinks that, when you were crafted—long before this current incarnation—you were crafted with the most delicate of touches, the loveliest of visions.
he looks at you, and he wants to create. he wants to waste away at his canvases, wild and fanatic and looking over his shoulder, wondering if you'll still be there when it's all over.
knowing your nature, you won't be.
still, rafayel can't help but dream. dreams can change the world, after all. dreams are what led him back to you.
his thumb reaches for his own lips. he kisses the skin and he weeps.
rafayel hates you.
he hates you so, so much.
he shrinks into your figure and he follows your heartbeat, the sound so, achingly familiar.
when you regain consciousness, it's in rafayel's studio. your figure is drowned in pearl-white blankets, your wounds wrapped tenderly with fresh bandages.
"good mooorning, sleepyhead," rafayel says, not facing you. his hands are occupied with a brush and palette, head craned upward to fully take in the canvas. "some bodyguard you are, huh!"
"rafayel!" you quickly exclaim, trying to stand up. rafayel is quick to turn around, setting his palette down to wag a disapproving finger at you.
"nuh uh! don't get out of bed! get some rest! and oh, don't even talk to me! not until you've apologized for doing all that dumb, fish-brained stuff!"
rafayel looks back. you're still there.
in this life, rafayel thinks he has everything.
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sh1-n0bu · 7 days
yall really thought i was done with monster reader? nuh uh. VAMPIRE READER WITH A SHY MONSTERFUCKER CHARACTER
a shy monsterfucker who didn’t knew they were a monsterfucker yet, who didn’t knew of the kinks they had yet to awaken in themselves, who only thought of themselves as vanilla meeting you for the first time and thinking that you feel not so human. don’t get them wrong, there was nothing about you that was out of place. you looked human but you just… didn’t really felt like it at times
maybe it was the way you sometimes yawned and your jaws opened just a little bit too wide. maybe it was the way you were able to see so damn well in the darkness, eyes sometimes nearly glowing until they shake their head and your eyes looked just fine. maybe it was the way they slowly noticed that you barely ate anything whenever you hung out together, merely ordering a black coffee with extra shots or asking for the black coffee to be made just a little bit thicker. maybe it was the way your smile stretched just a little bit too big to be normal, sharp fangs and canines glistening
either way, you didn’t feel normal. you didn’t feel entirely… human, to them. but they find themselves shrugging it off, still thinking of you as their friend and a close companion
it all gets thrown out when you go radio silent one day. no phone calls, no notifications, no messages or hell, letters. just silence. worried sick, they make their way over to your house, using the spare key you gifted them and stepping inside to a dark and messy home. blinds closed shut, home miserable and, were those claw tears in the back of the couch?
feeling their guts churning with the desire to run away, they call out your name under their breath, akin to a whisper. when receiving no response, they call out again, feeling like they want to run away as they think of their choices. only a one step deeper into your messy home and their vision was swimming, being slammed down onto the floor as something hisses above them before it trails off into a low laugh. dazed, they open their eyes to find… you. except, it wasn’t really you. glowing slitted eyes, wide smile and a sense of danger
“fresh prey, walking straight into my grasp. must be my lucky day…” even your voice sounded weird, as if two people were talking at the same time. one, your normal voice and the other more high pitched. like how some creatures’ voice becomes higher pitched to mimic others and lure prey into their grasp. like… a monster
they tried to flee, to talk sense into you, fear and desperation tugging at their heart as their words trail off into a terrified whimper when your jaws open just a little bit wider, slits appearing at the sides as a long forked tongue runs over knife like sharp fangs before closing again. this felt like a nightmare, something they never really thought of happening before. they could only look away, tears stinging in their eyes when your clawed, stretched fingers tear off a piece of their shirt’s neck area open, thinking that you will tear them apart like how you just did with their clothes just now
a shy monsterfucker who lets out a yelp when they feel a wet feeling on their neck, something long and wet slithering over the skin as if softening the flesh there. despite the fear churning their stomach, they couldn’t help but whine out as their body suddenly started to feel hot. so needy and pathetically hard and wet in their pants like a hormonal teenager as they stare at your long tongue. even as you laugh at the flushed look on their face and make some demeaning remark, all they could do was stare
and to their own horror, they let out a fucking moan when your sharp fangs bite down on the same place you just licked at, head thrown back onto the floor as a loud plea for more falls from their lips. pleas of biting their neck more, tear their flesh apart with your fangs, clench down those strong jaws, absolutely ruin them to your own pleasure. they didn’t get it, wasn’t it supposed to hurt? at least, from all the movies and books, but no, it felt good. even as their blood gets drawn out and your canines dig into their flesh, tearing the skin apart, all they could do was moan out loud like a desperate harlot. mind muddled and body twisting to weakly hump at your knee between their legs, even as your jaws let go of their neck and licked the wounds close, they could only whimper at the loss of the feeling
the next morning, they woke up in your bed, surrounded in comfort and soft beddings. was… last night a dream? were they imagining it all? a wet dream?
their confused brain stops whirring question and theory after one another as the door to the room opens, you stepping in with a cup of steaming hot tea in your hand and a plate of some fruits cut into small pieces in the other. looking just fine and normal, no fangs, no blood, no strange slits at the corner of your mouths, no long slithering tongue, just a normal [name], albeit a tiny bit worried. so it was all just a wet dream…
since that day and that strangely realistic dream that the shy monsterfucker thought they had, it became a bit hard for them to look you in the eye and hold a normal conversation. they were fucking embarrassed, hell ashamed even, by their own thoughts that conjured up such image of you in their own sleep. they always knew you gave off an eerie, not-so-very-human vibes but even then, imagining you as a goddamn vampire who saw them as your prey was... a little bit too much. they didn't even found vampires attractive, but if you were to somehow magically turn into one, maybe they wouldn't mind it much. of being your bloodbag, your sweet prey, your willing sacrificial lamb that you toy and flaunt like a trophy pet
shy monsterfucker who gets too sexually frustrated easily ever since that one specific dream, always staring into your mouth whenever you're looking away and talking or laughing, hoping to see a glimpse of an unusually sharp fangs. who think they do indeed see something and immediately lets out a quiet whimper, thighs squishing and rubbing together as that one dream plays out in their mind again. who excuses themselves from the hang out earlier so they can go home under the guise of a "not feeling very good today", when in reality they would be touching themselves again that night, humping their pillows with pathetic broken moans of your name. sometimes, when feeling bolder, they would say the same pleads they did in their dream, asking you to bite them as they throw their heads back, neck free and pristine. if they shut their eyes tight and imagined hard enough, they could remember the phantom feeling of your slithered tongue running over their skin. humping at their pillow harder with a broken sob of your name as their body shakes, soiling their pillow case with their own cum again for the nth time in the last 2 days, changing it once more
they didn't get it, they usually had just a normal amount of sex drive, who barely got horny unless they were intoxicated or something. this newfound sexual frustration was weird to them. new and scary with the ways it left their body all hot and bothered just by looking at you. staring, waiting and gulping down saliva to wet their throat as their mind goes to the gutter. imagining your clawed hands trailing over their bare skin, maybe leave a few small cuts if you feel like it, hold over their hips a bit too tightly to leave a bruise, bite at their porcelain skin. would you make them your personal bloodbag if they acted good and begged hard enough?
shy monsterfucker who gets caught, mind too fuzzy with filthy thoughts as they moaned out your name into their pillows as you invite yourself inside their home with a bag of fresh fruits that you bought for them to get better, the spare key they gifted you in your hand. who didn’t knew they were caught, thinking of it as simply one of their imaginations again as they see you standing on the doorway to their room, leaning on the doorframe with a low hum
“i knew i used too much calming saliva on you” you say out loud, only getting a broken whimper of your name as their fingers curl inside their hole, tired and confused. vampires had a special aphrodisiac like mixture in their saliva that they used to calm their prey before feasting and to their bad luck, you have accidentally used an excessive amount when you drank from them few days ago
“[n-naameee]♡︎ ahck t-touch me! touch me, please♡︎…?” they cried out, hearts swirling in their pupils, face flushed to the tips of their ears as they whined out deliriously with an open mouth. a sweet prey, right in your grasp. since you were the one to cause it, it would only be right to fix your mistakes right? cooing out words of faux comfort, you step over their sweat clung body, taking in the way they looked so out of it. all wet and hard, too dazed to even say your name properly
shy monsterfucker who immediately lets out a squeal when your fingers push into their hole, while their own fingers were inside too! please be gentle, at least let them get their own fingers out first? who only could let out a broken sob when they could feel how deep your fingers curled inside them, feeling the way your fingers stretched and fucked their pathetic hole open easily. they were nothing but just a weak sex toy for you, a meager little bunny whose legs twitched and shook every time the pads of your fingers jabbed at that bundle of nerves inside them, squeaking like the precious little thing they were
“baahn—! aangh ah haang buh-bite..?” they asked, teary eyes staring up at you with so much love and lust as their wet lashes flutter against their red cheeks. “b-bite me♡︎..? aamh haah i... i’ve been such a go-ooddd♡︎♡︎ good bloodbag for yoouu♥︎!!” they blabber on, arm wrapping around your shoulder as they try to pull you down to their neck. the bite mark of a few days earlier already gone and healed thanks to your healing saliva. you could just hear the thrumming of fresh red liquid from under their skin, heart beat loud and erratic like a war-drum, begging you to tear them apart
shy monsterfucker who lets out the loudest moan, breaking down into pathetic blabbers of gratitude and pleads for more as you gave in to the instincts to feed. back arching up from the bed so prettily, soft chest against your own, a rapid beating heart under their own skin that you could feel against your cold, still one. shy monsterfucker who lets out a filthy squeal, tightening around your fingers as they cum on your hand, soiling it as the tears that built up in their heart pupil eyes finally fall down
shy monsterfucker who begs for a kiss, asking for your lips to be against their own. who lets out a cute muffled sob when you do just as they asked, tasting the metallic taste of their own blood on your lips before something long slithers down their throat. long and wet with a thicker textured saliva coating it, being pushed into their mouth, forcing their jaws open as they choke of their own moan as you continue to torture that tender spot inside their tight hole. gagging as your tongue slithers down their throat, feeling the way their adam’s apple feels a little bit wider due to how deep you showed your tongue inside their mouth
shy monsterfucker who could only cum dry, into your hands, tired and body aching due to their constant actions to try and relieve their sexual frustration. mouth left open, swollen lips wet with your mixed salivas that connect your faces just a little bit longer as your forked tongue comes slithering back out. eyes all hazy, nearly shut close with how low lidded they were. you would have mistaken them for unconscious if it weren’t for the weak whimper of a “mmghh—! s-shoo goowd♥︎ t-tongue... wan’ your tongue inside meegh♡︎♡︎” as they weakly wiggled their hips
shy monsterfucker who watches as you seemingly easily manhandle their body so you could do as they nicely asked, their strong body meaning nothing to you. who watches with their hands on the pillows by their head, neck painted a saccharine red that you loved, lust heavy eyes staring at you as a few tears fall from them. who lets out a broken sob as they see the way your jaws open a bit too wide, slits appearing at the edges of your lips to make it easier for your long tongue to come out. like a snake, it licks at their inner thighs, bloodied fangs leaving cuts on the tender flesh there as their legs violently trembled in your grasp
shy monsterfucker who chokes on their moans, head getting thrown back as your tongue pushes past their tight walls, eagerly humping your face as much as their shaking body could allow, feeling the way your tongue reached deep inside them — more than any meager sex toys or dildos ever could, twisting their insides. wailing out “guhhckk♥︎♥︎! s-sho deEEHNGK♡︎ y-your tongue— f-fuckinnh aanh nyah♥︎!! fuckinng my guts! aah ngaah—♥︎!” as they felt the way your tongue moved back and forth inside their hole, claws digging into their legs and thighs to keep them in place, forcing them to keep their legs open. who blabbers drunkenly about their mind melting, mushing up their words as they slur your name before fucking squirting. shrill noise between a moan and a squeal falling from their swollen lips before losing consciousness
shy monsterfucker who will most definitely ask you to bite them again the next time they wake up
⇨ dan heng, yingxing, argenti, moze, bronya, firefly, gepard, robin, caelus, yukong, legolas, lindir, meludir, baizhu, charlotte, diluc, furina, ganyu, kaveh, nilou, kokomi, xiao, calcharo, jiyan, xiangli yao, rover, zhezi, shorekeeper, aerith, zack, angeal, tifa, vincent, sephiroth + anyone you think will fit, really
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luveline · 5 months
How about Steve with a reader who already has a kid? Like they're in their twenties and she has maybe 2 or 3 year old. Her ex isn't in the picture so it's just her. Maybe the fic is Steve finally getting to meet readers son/ daughter. Maybe she has to leave their date earlier due to a babysitter problem and Steve just comes along with her and they spend the night together.
ty for requesting <3 mom!reader, 2k
“Try not to show fear,” you’re saying, your hand pulled tight against his. He savours the softness of it even as the concrete steps to your house force you apart. 
“I’m not scared.” 
“I’m just saying, Steve. Toddlers know when you’re scared.” 
“But I’m not scared.” Steve has handled worse than toddlers. If your kid is anything like you, this will be a walk in the park. 
You grin at him and give him one of your cute shrugs, though shyness he recognises from your first date stiffens your shoulders again as you open your front door. 
Your home is small. The first thing he notices is the cramped space walking in, the tight stairs, but the second thing he notices is the amount of life, photographs that deck the walls and colour everywhere, clothes folded and waiting to be taken upstairs, little shoes in a stand by an open bathroom door. 
“Melanie?” you call. “You okay?” 
Melanie appears in the door with a huge watery frown, who Steve assumes to be your young son smiling on her hip, unperturbed. “I’m so sorry.” 
She’d been incoherent on the phone, though eventually squeezed out that it was nothing wrong with Noah. Melanie’s boyfriend appears to have broken up with her over the phone. 
You scoop Noah off of his babysitter's hip, holding him with far more ease. He drops his face with affection to the curve of your bare shoulder. It’s a shame you and Steve had to come home —you’re wearing the nicest dress he’s ever seen. But not a shame, because Steve’s excited to meet the baby. 
You could’ve sent him home. He assumes this means some level of trust and, better, permanency. If all goes well, he might be able to ask you to go steady soon. He’d love to do it tonight. 
“Don’t worry, Melanie, you can’t help it if something bad happens, can you? I’m really sorry about your boyfriend. Do you need me to drive you home?” 
Melanie sniffles miserably. “No, that’s okay, I can drive. I’m sorry.” 
You rub her arm. “It’s okay, really. We were just gonna have dinner and head home.” 
Steve internalises his reaction to that tidbit well. Melanie gives him a sad smile and passes by, her shoes heavy and smacking as she leaves with a mumbled farewell. 
“She’s a little emotional,” you say sympathetically, before turning your attention to the sleepy kid on your shoulder. “Sorry, Noah, guess you’re stuck with mommy and her new friend. Do you want to say hi?” 
Noah lifts his head, following your hand where you point at Steve, a smile like yours on his lips. 
Steve genuinely isn’t scared of kids, he loves them, and he loves talking to them. “Hi, buddy. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You hum appreciatively. “Go on, say hi to Steve.” 
“Hi,” Noah says quietly. 
Your voice is different around the baby, not any less pretty but softer, and quieter. It has Steve lowering his own voice in an attempt to mimic you. “Hi, bud.” 
“He’s my new best friend,” you explain, ushering Steve closer, your hand touching gently to his shoulder. 
Noah’s even more your image now he’s closer, all your eyes and smile and brightness, but he’s got someone else’s nose, and he’s got a bad case of yawns. You laugh at his scrunched nose, wiping your thumb lightly over his bottom lip. “You want to go to bed, sweet boy?” you ask. 
“No… buppy.” 
“You want your buppy. Okay, I’ll get it for you.” You pull your arm through Steve’s. “Let’s go.” 
He laughs and goes happily. Your kitchen is empty compared to the hallway, it’s surprising, but then you open a cabinet for the aforementioned bubby and a couple of things come tumbling out. “Whoops,” you say, popping Noah down on the floor. “Can you put those away for me, please? Thank you.” 
Noah tries his best, but everything he puts in comes tumbling back out, earning a few high-pitched giggles. You crack the fridge open for a pint of cows milk. 
“He doesn’t have formula?” 
“No, you can give them whole milk after a year, but he doesn’t really need it anymore, it’s just to help him self-soothe at nighttime.” 
“Mom, I can’t do it,” Noah laughs. Steve thinks that great, that laughing. He could’ve had a tantrum (Steve wouldn’t blame him). 
Steve crouches down. “Can I help?” 
Noah gives Steve a smile, eyes squinting nearly entirely shut. “Yes.” 
“Okay, awesome. Looks like your mom needs more cabinets for all your stuff.” He starts to pick up the pieces. 
“I need a whole new house,” you say, filling the bottle about three quarters before sticking it in your microwave uncapped. You set the timer for fifteen seconds and prop your chin in your hand, elbow on the counter. Steve thinks it’s your best angle yet, your dress, your arms, the friendly smile you’re wearing that hasn’t once ebbed since the first date. It all gets his chest in a twist. 
He knows getting your baby to like him is make or break. And he really wants to give this a shot, you and him, you and Noah. He thinks you’d be good together. (Maybe he’s crazy and too forward, but you really are beautiful in your dress.) 
“How’s that?” he asks, closing the cabinet behind a tower of bottles and baby bowls.
“Perfect! Good job, baby,” Noah says, tapping Steve on the knee. 
Steve snorts. “Thank you.” 
“He’s going through a phase of saying everything I say,” you explain, yanking open the microwave to test the milk on the back of your hand. 
You deem the milk sufficiently warmed and offer Noah your hand, swiping a takeout menu from the fridge as you pass, and once again grabbing Steve by the arm to drag him along. He’s content to be dragged. You lead everyone into the living room, and he’s again surprised by how small it is. 
You catch his look. “Are you judging me, Harrington?” 
“What? No? Of course not.”
“Messing with you. There’s an extension out back, on the kitchen? That’s where I keep the rest of the toys.” You drop down onto the couch with a sigh. “Come here, babe, come cuddle with mommy.” 
If Noah weren’t in earshot, Steve would make a joke about how he hopes you aren’t talking to him. It’s probably a good thing he doesn’t.
You lay back and Noah climbs up onto one side of you, his hands out ready for his bottle, while your arm stretches out for Steve. “Come ‘n’ sit.” 
Steve sits knee to knee with you. He’s not scared of kids, and he isn’t scared of you, either. He knows exactly what he wants, and he isn’t afraid to let you know it, taking your hand where it lies open on your thigh. 
“What were you gonna get?” you ask, nodding to the takeout menu. 
“I don’t know, I’ll have what you’re having,” Steve says. 
“What if you don’t like what I’m having?” 
“I’ll learn.” 
You tip your chin up at him, beaming. “Yeah? What if I like something completely unamerican?” 
“I gotta learn sometime, right?” He squeezes your fingers nicely. 
“Well, my Noah likes everything.” You kiss Noah’s forehead, stealing his attention from his bottle, bright eyes tracing your face and then your hand where Steve is rubbing the back of it. 
“Then he can have some of everything.”
You and Steve share a loving smile. Smiles smiles smiles, everybody’s getting on, this is the best sixth date anyone’s ever had, best date full stop, though your fifth date was a close second. You and Steve had spent hours together in a park in the city eating picnic foods and soaking in the sun together, your nose brushing off of his ribs, his jacket balled up under your head. He’d kissed you twice that night when you finally, sorrily had to go home, and you’d said, Aw, I really like you, as you held hands on the stoop. He should’ve asked you then to give it a proper go, but now he’s met Noah he figures it’s as good a time as any. 
“Hey,” Steve begins, clearing his throat, “would you–”
“Woh!” Noah shouts around the teet of his bottle. It falls from his lips. “We wiw hands,” he garbles, a bunch of baby flavoured gibberish as he leans over your stomach to cover your hand where it’s held in Steve’s. “Mom!” 
“What, babe?” 
“My hand!” 
“You’re not jealous, are you?” you ask with a laugh. 
“Mom!” he says, slapping your hands insistently with his own. 
Steve loosens your fingers, leaving a gap between your palms. “Quick, bud, put your hand in.” 
Noah climbs onto your leg and presses his hand into the fold, though he grows annoyed at the weird fit, and immediately starts to sniffle. Steve winces, but you’re used to it. “Aw, don’t start the waterworks. Come on, what happened to sharing? We’re good sharers.” 
Steve lets go of your hand. He’s reluctant, sure, but he doesn’t wanna be on anyone’s bad side. Noah cries for a few seconds like he’s forgotten why he’s upset, but he sees your open palm and the cog finishes turning. 
“Hold mommy’s hand,” you say, wiggling your fingers. 
Noah thinks about it. He ends up on his side across your leg staring at you, then at Steve, who smiles at him cheerfully. “He’s so handsome,” Steve says. “He has your face. Guess that’s why you’re so handsome, huh?” He shakes his head at Noah gently. “‘Cos you got all your good looks from your mommy.”
“He knows what that means,” you preen, leaning down to speak closer to Noah’s ear. “Don’t you? You’re my handsome boy.” 
Noah puts his hand in Steve’s with another tinkling laugh. 
“Oh! I see how it is, you wanna be Steve’s friend too. Can’t let me have anything for myself, can you?” 
“No,” Noah says cheekily. 
Steve collects Noah’s little hand in his. “Good!” he says. “You should get everything you want, just like mom.”
“Think so?” you ask. 
Steve nods. 
You cover Noah’s eyes with your hand and move up to press a quick kiss to Steve’s lips. “Like you?” you ask. 
Steve’s just stoked to have someone he likes actually like him back at the same level. Noah squirms away from your hand to squeeze Steve’s tighter. Two someones. 
“Like me,” he says, grinning. 
“Mommy, kiss!” Noah says urgently. “Kiss!” 
You pull your gaze from Steve’s. “Sorry, I’m sorry! Come here, baby, I’ll give you a kiss too. I guess I’m gonna be giving double the kisses I used to, my poor chapped lips.” You kiss kiss kiss Noah across the forehead. 
Steve flusters thinking about it, making a mental note to get you some chapstick. He’d go pretty crazy for a crown of kisses like that. 
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bunnys-kisses · 27 days
can i order belgian waffles and soda served by max verstappen? thanks bunny <3
bakery menu
want to submit your own order?? then hit up the menu! there are tons of items available! i'd love to hear from you! as for this lovely anon, thank you for such a nice order! it's rather short, but i love, love, love it! jealous!max my beloved! thank you!!
belgian waffles ("i cum in that every night.") + soda (jealousy) served by max verstappen (formula one)!!
cw: smut/pwp, jealous!max, jealousy, dirty talk, missionary sex, motor home sex
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"you're a jealous man, max verstappen." you said one night in the garage. your arms crossed and you gaze heavy on him.
he mimic your stance and replied, "i don't want the likes of piastri trying to take my mechanic."
you snorted through your nose, "right." you shifted from one foot the other, "because that weekend in lisbon and that christmas present last year really were because i was employee of the month.... that and somehow my supposed contract with alpine fell through."
max wasn't jealous. he was just concerned.
there should be an age restriction on mechanics. they should be old guys who can still work like they were in their twenties. because if max caught sight of you in your coveralls, looking like a total mess.
you weren't just some cute thing in the garage, you moved with the rest of your team. you were strong for all your time lifting and moving things. but yet carried such soft features that yanked on max's heart like a chain. you seemed so dedicated to getting max his fourth championship.
which was why he was curious why you were in the mercedes garage. he stayed a fair distance with his hat low to keep from any unwanted attention. he wanted to see where this was going.
"this is crazy, george! you really shouldn't be showing me this! oh my god." you said. then you starte to ramble about the aspects of the car. you were practically on your knees to get closer to it.
george tried not to think about you on your knees to hard. he didn't have ill intentions with you. and afterwards, you thanked george before you left, telling him you 'owed him one'. you were impressed by the car, if one red bull had the same specs. the team was pushing you to your limit at times, it didn't help that you had the golden boy of the team stalking in your shadows.
"have a good nice." george said before he watched you walk off.
max caught up with george after you both left the garage, a jealousy coiled in his chest. "george!"
the other man looked over, you far ahead now. he waved to max, "hey, mate."
"what are you doing out near the garage? race's over, man." that press smile hung on max's lips. he could see that you were gaining distance. but if max doesn't set a boundary now. george might get the wrong idea.
"ah, ya know. keepin' busy." max was soon in his personal space, "what are you doing around here?"
"aw, well. looking for my mechanic." he smiled as he placed a hand on george's back, giving it a firm smack. he leaned in to the other man and said, "i hope you know, george, i cum in that every night. it's not right to touch what belongs to another man. we're friends, right?" george nodded and max nodded in response, "so just back off, okay? she doesn't need to be poking around in your garage. and tell toto that she isn't interested in that contract either." then flashed the other man one of his winning smiles before he pulled away from him and went to go find you.
max wasn't a jealous man, he just knew your skills were suited better for the build of red bull.
in the room of his motorhome the night before you had to pack up for the next weekend. there was a fair bit of privacy in the place. it was probably more spacious than your apartment. even though max keeps suggesting you move in with him (the cats would love you). it felt nice to be out of your mechanics clothes, it could be sweltering sometimes. but it was needed when handling such dangerous machinery.
you didn't stray from red bull for long. you were in a shirt that had the logo across your chest, your breasts warping the image in the process and a fresh pair of cotton panties.
max loved the sight of you, how sweet you looked in his space. he remembered the first time you were in his home and your mouth went slack from the sight of it. your first comment was the view, which max let you get a closer look when he fucked you up against the window.
but, he'd have to reign it in a little tonight.
you were curled up with him in bed, your head against his chest while he played with your hair. you lifted your head a little to look at him and he kissed you.
"i saw you were with george today."
"oh! that wasn't anything. he just wanted to show me the car. i was interested in the specs that we could use in red bull... if anyone listened to me."
he smiled, "well." he kissed your forehead, "i always listen to you." he got you onto your back and in between your legs. he was able to move you so easily, for a woman who spent her days lugging around heavy materials, max could easily move you.
you were soft under his touch. in the low lighting of the bedroom. his hands on your hips as he admired you. you blushed a little bit, "i promise there was no funny business. plus george has a girlfriend!"
he got your legs around his waist and chuckled softly, "you think so little of me. i know you wouldn't break my heart that way. only being a team switcher. plus, if george tried to put his hands on you... we'd have a problem." he pressed his clothed cock against you, "but you're my good mechanic, right?"
you swallowed, "you're insatiable."
he pulled at the shirt on you, "only for you. i don't want you getting involved with teams that are less than. you only deserve the best."
"and what's the best?" you asked as the shirt was pulled over your head.
the two of you got out of your clothes, and max grabbed a condom out of the nightstand drawer. you had already gone through half of the pack that weekend. his hands on your thighs as he gazed at your nude body.
the only thing better than red bull or max's logo across your tits was them being bare for his eyes only. he licked his lips as he brushed his bare cock up against your slit.
"hey!" you yelped.
he chuckled, "quiet. i don't want a noise complaint from the other team. i know you want to scream my name, but tonight we have to keep quiet." he put on the condom and laid you out on the bed. he kissed your jaw as he shifted you hips up against him for a good angle.
he got into you, and shuddered at the feeling. being intimate with you was like a breath of fresh air. even on the days where the smell of car lingered on you and sweat was caked to his skin.
he loved your curves, your smile. how you lit up the garage and were a hard working. your knowledge of cars and how excited you spoke about them. he remembered a time where you could point out cars that passed by when you were having lunch together.
"you feel so good." he said softly, "you just feel like a dream. thank you for taking good care of my car and taking better care of me." he peppered your face with kisses, pushed your hair out the way to access more skin.
you glowed at the touch, it was so simple but yet it left your soul on fire. even when max was a jealous man, you still yearned for his closeness. his kisses and touches, his soft words and how he looked at you. he could have a day from hell, but when he saw you it was like the skies opened for him.
you held his face and brought his lips to yours. his lips were soft, a little raw from his biting while driving earlier in the day. his body felt good against yours. when you pulled away, you smiled at him.
it was like being kissed by sunshine.
he moved against you, your legs around his waist. your nails up near the back of his head. the kisses were passionately. the bed shifted a little with max's movements, but it made your heart leap in your chest.
you then cupped his face and ran your thumb across his bottom lip and smiled. heat in your cheeks as he thrusted. "of course max, a champion only becomes one when he has a championship worthy mechanic."
a shudder went through him, "i like when you talk like that." he said with such affection, "seeing that ego of yours inflate."
you giggled and pressed your forehead to his, "it's warranted. just keep getting those podiums." then kissed him once more.
the rhythm max had was steady and made pleasure circulate through your body. your soft moans were highlighted by the creaking of the bed. the heat inside of you bleed into your hands and feet as he rutted against you.
your nails dragged lazily across his broad shoulders. you panted heavily as max shifted your hips to get a better angle.
"so good for me."
"and you're good for me." he replied. he could feel the wash of warmth in his face, probably staining his cheeks pink. like when he finished a race. but having sex with you was not a race.
he knew you were getting close. he could feel the shudder through his body. it was like a inferno that he fed into.
you covered your mouth as to not get loud. but max pulled them away from you and pinned you to the soft covers. he silenced with you a kiss as he jackhammered into you. your back arched more, stopped by max's wider chest.
you held onto his hands as he pinned them down and kissed him deeply as you climaxed. your legs tightened around his waist and he continued to move against you. he was close behind you, giving you another searing kiss as he finished in the condom.
his pace slowed to a stop and he felt the heat on his back. he pulled out of you and went to go get rid of the condom. you curled up on the bed and pulled the pillow under your head as you eyed him throwing it out with the others from the weekend.
he got his briefs back on and got you back into his arms. you melted into his touch. in all fairness, you had very little intention of running off to another team. even if red bull drove you crazy, to feel close to max as often as you did felt nice.
if you put your soul into that engine, then he gave his soul over to you.
max wasn't a jealous man, but the only thing that could sate the throb of emotion were two things. a multi-year contract with red bull with your name on it and the thin gold chain with a small 'm' pendant. something you could tuck into your uniform while you worked.
he smiled at you, and you wiped grease off your cheek with your gloves, "going to make me win tonight?"
you nodded, "of course." you smiled at him before you pushed hair out of your eyes, "win like always, verstappen. and don't." you pointed at him, "damage my car."
he pulled you by the waist for a soft kiss, "of course." he wasn't a jealous man, but he'd be a fool if he let you go. <3
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jrreigns · 7 days
Summer Heat
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It’s the middle of the night and it’s hot. Levi can’t get the thought of you bouncing on his cock out of his mind.
CW: Levi x fem!reader, needy!Levi, pwp (?), established relationship, edging, masturbation, sub!Levi, bottom!Levi.
A/N: Sorry, I love soft, subby Levi. Also, I thought fall weather was finally here and today the humidity has returned T_T. It feels like summer again. 1.2k~ words of smut.
Also, anyone else like turning on the AC so that it’s so cold you can use a blanket to sleep?
Credit to @cafekitsune for the dividers!
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There was a certain restlessness that plagued Levi tonight. 
He couldn’t tell if it was the humidity that lingered in your small room or if it was the blaring sight of the numbers on the clock on your nightstand. You grew cold so quickly as soon as he turned on the air conditioner, so he refrained from turning it on too often in the middle of the night, much to his dismay. The blanket that covered the both of you only made things stuffier, but again he complied only because it was you.
Humidity or it was the glimpse he caught of your sleeping form beneath the covers, legs appearing divine beneath the soft fabric of an oversized t-shirt, the hem of it hiked up and underwear on full display.
It wasn’t anything particularly sexy, but given that you and Levi have only up until recently embarked on the more sexual side of your relationship, it had him sweating profusely. Levi willed the thoughts away, but ever since you’ve sheathed yourself on his cock for the first time, he couldn’t help but want you anywhere and everywhere.
He looked at your face, snoring softly, lips slight agape.
The things your mouth has done to him.
It was fascinating just how quickly that mouth has worked him up. It didn’t make more than the sight of you right now to have his cock twitching and aching, begging to be touched. 
He scoffed at himself.
He was acting undisciplined and impulsive. He hated it. So needy, so ferociously and passionately needy.
Levi tossed and turned, before finally giving up; embarrassment and shame settling momentarily in his bones, before he finally let desperation win. He didn’t want to bother you, he couldn’t bother you, especially not at this ungodly hour.
Past the hem of his pants, the waistband of his boxers, he finally gripped his leaking semi-hard cock, breath hitching as he did. 
It was hot, too hot, as he languidly pumped, the humidity of your apartment creating a sheen of sweat to form beneath the wisps of his bangs. He hated it, it felt disgustingly humid, and yet the image of your lips around his cock, the image of you on top of him, forced him to push through. He imagined your soft praises, your god yes and your breathy huffs of just like that. 
Levi bit his bottom lip, focusing hard on your soft snoring, about to cum when he forced his hand to stop, right at the edge to prolong the feeling. Yes, you would be proud, eyes filled with admiration that he still fought hard to get accustomed to. He let out a soft sigh as he wounded and unwounded himself.
One hand comes to desperately shove his sweatpants and briefs down, only enough for his cock to spring free. His other hand comes to find the remote to your AC unit, turning it on so that the humming can disguise some of the throaty sounds that escaped him.
Frustration nibbled at him as he desperately tried to mimic your fingers, the way they wrapped themselves around his length, but it was hopeless. His calloused hands were no match for your soft ones, fingers that delicately wrapped themselves around him, rubbing over the head and down, covering his cock with his own pre-cum. He gritted his teeth at the image.
A low whimper emanates from deep inside him, and for a moment, only for a moment, he allows himself the pleasure of it, a low groan of your name slipping out of him. He edges himself forward, almost there, oh, a-almost there. His hand speeds up, imagining you bouncing on him, the way your hips shifted atop him, forwards and back, using his dick to get to your own climax. So good.
He can feel the cum pooling deep in his balls, wanting to so desperately shoot out and stain your pristine sheets, sheets he helped wash up since the last time he made a mess. Breathy pants give away just how close he is to the precipice, and right as he’s about to urge himself forward, to cum and cum hard, he focuses on the sound of your soft snoring.
The sound is absent.
Despite the sweatiness, Levi could feel that the room has reached a cooler temperature now. It’s enough to clear the pleasure-stricken haze of his mind. You were probably still sleeping, right, you had to be.
He doesn’t need to turn to know you’re awake, he already knows, and the hand that meets his shoulder confirms the thought. You shuffle, bringing your lips to his ear, breathy whispers that send a shiver down his spine.
“What are you doing baby?”
He was going to mumble some kind of excuse, an apology for his lack of self-control, but you move quickly, pulling the covers away from him, goosebumps forming on his skin as you exposed him. The sight must’ve truly been sickening, he thought, tip of his cock pink and leaking, the hem of his pants halfway down his thighs, half of his ass bare on your white sheets, face red. There’s no lie that could possibly explain this.
Levi’s confused when he finds need in your eyes. Instead of ridiculing him, you hum and your face breaks out into a smirk.
“If you wanted to be touched, you should’ve just asked.”
I didn’t want to bother you, he wants to say. We’ve been doing it all week, how needy can I get?
Your fingers come to graze the tip of his length and softly moves lower, Levi lets out a groan.
It’s enough to trigger a spasm between your legs, it’s enough for an ache to develop in your lower belly.
You move quickly to straddle him, moving your panties to the side, just enough to let him slip inside.
“W-wait,” he beings, crying out your name as you notch his dick against your wetness, the consequences of edging himself finally on the verge of discovery as his cock twitched against you. Your hands met the hardness of his abdomen as the first ring of your tightness surrounds his thick length.
“You want me to wait after hearing you say my name like that,” you say breathlessly, sinking lower, a moan of his name coming from your parted lips. Levi’s head falls back against the pillow, orgasm looming and threatening to spill.
“Don’t worry—ah—I’ll make it all better, Levi. Oh—your cock feels so good inside me,” you tell him as you cover him completely, your pussy smothering all of him, wetness feeling so good for him.
“It’s all inside,” you say breathlessly, and you slide up and down once, twice, three times.
It’s too good, too good, too good.
Tears slip down Levi’s cheeks as he cums, jaw clenched as he grits your name through his teeth. Your eyes widen as you feel his silky warmth shoot inside you, but you don’t stop moving as he does, watching as his face contorts in pleasure, content, before he’s overstimulated, brows furrowing and nose scrunching.
You fight through the ache and stop moving, leaning down to look at him.
You smirk as he finally opens his eyes, blue-gray eyes looking at you.
“What am I going to do with you,” you ask him playfully, hand coming to caress his cheek. He sighs contently.
Love me, he thinks, but he doesn’t voice it at all. He knows you already do.
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hanasnx · 10 months
fell in love without you
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MINORS DNI 18+ NOTES: everyone’s nineteen. WARNINGS: f!reader | you have a favorite twin | sexual content with said fave twin | dubcon kiss
FRED WEASLEY stands before you alongside his brother George. A seemingly world famous smug air about them, having charmed themselves by their own wit. Arms crossed, towering tall above the random passersby as they absentmindedly drone to their next class. Your hesitation spurs the twins on, exchanging a knowing and triumphant glance that says all as you tilt your head at them.
“Are you serious?”
One twin feigns offense. “Deadly serious.”
The other mimics him. “Gravely.”
“S’only fair, innit?”
“Game of guess the twin, guess wrong and you’ve got to give a kiss.” he repeats the game rules.
“For hurtin’ our feelin’s.” the other agrees.
You narrow your eyes with a huff through your nose. “You haven’t got any feelings. Now let me pass.” you demand, and attempt to cut through them but they’re connected at the shoulders to block your way from your corridor.
“Now that’s what you win if you guess right!” they say together. Did they rehearse this? You frown at them as you recoil, throwing your arm out to your side until your book pats the outside of your thigh.
“What? You scared? We both know you’ve got a little thing for me.” One shrugs.
“And me.” the other adds.
“We’re only helping you along.” they speak at the same time, in annoying twin-synchrony.
You give in. “Do you really think I can’t tell you apart?” Lazily, you point to the boy on the left. “Fred.” It transfers over to the boy on the right. “George.” They exchange another look amongst themselves, and adopt a crestfallen expression as their heads bow, stepping apart so you can enter. “See?” you taunt, passing them by. “Was that so hard? I’ll see you boys later—“
“Not so fast there, birdie.” You halt in your tracks at the sound of him speak. “I’m George.” You sigh hard and hang your head.
“I’m Fred. C’mon then, give us a kiss.” They’d faked you out, or they’re lying. Either way, you concede in order to satiate their egos, drawing back to the place where they wait for you. It’s only a kiss on the cheek anyway, and besides it wouldn’t reveal your true feelings towards your favored twin. You’re just friends, and that’s how it should stay. “Tha’s a good girl. Look at her comin’ back, George. She wants this just as much as we do.”
“A foolproof plan there, Fred, well done.”
“It’s practically your only pick-up line, boys. You could do far better.” you tease, and drop your satchel to the ground where it flops flat hopelessly, and toss your book to land onto the leather. “C’mon then, lean down.” They’re both much taller than you, sort of imposing if they weren’t so approachable when they wanted to be. George goes first, stooping to offer his cheek to you. Sweetly, you hook your arm around his neck for stability when you raise yourself to your toes, planting a chaste peck onto his cheek. His skin warms your nose, and he recedes as you do. When you meet Fred’s gaze, he hasn’t taken his eyes off you, and you feel yourself heat up in anticipation. He does as George did, stooping but it’s a little gentler, dragging it out. There’s a mischievous curl to his lips and you sense he plots something. So you idle while you figure him out, until he interrupts you.
“Oi, wha’s wrong with you? Go on, pay up.” and you snap out of it, doing as you did with George. Your arm hooks loose around his neck, hand splayed on the cuff of his shoulder. While you raise yourself to meet his cheek, the tips of your toes bearing your weight, and things seem to move in slow motion. An arm straps around your waist, arching you into him as he turns at the last second, drawing you into a kiss. A real one. You emit a noise of surprise as he deepens it, seizing the opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips during your squeak. Out of shock, you take a fair bit of time to register, eyes flying open as you pat hard against his chest. You can’t push him off, but he pulls back after he’s made his point.
Hastily, you adjust your uniform with a gaping mouth. “Fred!” you scold while they snicker, you took notice of how George averted his eyes beforehand, so he’d known of Fred’s trick. Perhaps Fred put him up to it. Some innocent game that allows Fred an in to make a proper move on you. Or some sort of malicious advantage over your feelings. Out of embarrassment or fury, your hands pat hard on each of them, banging your fists against whatever is within reach as their laughs feather out when they flinch and try to catch your hands. When they escape, and you realize you’re desperately tardy, you have to let them go, calling out your vow of revenge after them.
“Where’s that vow of revenge now, ey?” breathless words spoken into your ear as Fred ruts into you. Hidden under the hot covers of your bed, he keeps you close with strong arms encasing you, pressing you to him as you lay on your sides. You claw the sheets for purchase, clutching onto the fabric to keep yourself grounded as he moves inside you. Careful, gentle, deliberate. Everyone’s sleeping. If anyone found out a boy snuck into your girls’ dormitory you’d be toast. His breath sends tingles up your spine, squeezing your eyes shut in the dark as you focus on where your bodies conjoin. Sticky and wet, Fred sheathes fully with a buck of his hips, and involuntarily you whimper. A large hand cups your mouth to silence you. “Keep quiet,” he whispers and you nod against him. “Didn’t take you for a bad girl, birdie, you’re a proper troublemaker.” he tells you, barely audible, his lips moving against your ear as his hips circle, welcomed by your sex, he can’t help but soak a second. “You wanna get caught, don’t you?”
You can’t answer, shaking your head against his hand and you feel his teeth nip at your earlobe. “Is that right?” he goads, unconvinced. He shifts, gradually picking up a steady pace. “Should we give ‘em a real show then?”
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cherryredstars · 9 months
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Perverted Reader, Mentions of Male Masturbation, Female Masturabtion, Pillow Humping, Sexual Fantasies/Dirty Thoughts
Summary: Is it a blessing or a curse that you and Miguel share a bedroom wall? 
A/N: Here you go WHORES (affectionate <3)
Word Count: 1.4K (Not Edited)
Pt.1 Pt.2
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You can hear him. 
You’re not trying too, although you can’t say you’re typically upset about it. It’s just… the walls are paper thin and the layout of each apartment is basically copy and paste. Which means his bedroom is separated from yours by a singular wall, and- guessing by how clearly you can hear everything- both of your beds are pressed against that shared wall. You promise that you’re trying really, really hard to ignore it even though you did take off your sound canceling headphones. In your own defense, they were starting to irritate your ears from how long you were wearing them.
And it totally has no correlation with the fact that your next door neighbor is very clearly fucking his hand on the other side of your bedroom wall. 
At first, you had thought it was an auditory hallucination. Something your mind was making up after being deaf to the world and doing nothing but processing notes and videos and textbook pages. But then you heard it again and again and again. A faint, consistent wet noise followed by low breaths. You furrowed your brows, face gravitating to the wall until your ear was pressed against the cold plaster. Your hands had gripped at the pillow in your lap, hands tightening around it when Miguel’s muffled moan floated into your ear. 
You had scrambled back, readjusting your crossed sitting position so you could press your thighs together. It was embarrassing how a singular, muffled moan had you hot and bothered. But it isn’t a singular moan. No, it’s more. He just keeps going, hissing and grunting on the other side of the wall as the wet noises get faster. You don’t even realize that your ear is pressed back to the wall, brain too focused on your neighbor and the pulsing heat that is starting to burn between your thighs. 
It’s too damn hot. 
You have to strip yourself of your plaid pajama pants or else you’d die from the heat. Your panties are just so uncomfortable with your wet and sticky arousal that it only makes sense to get rid of them, too. This is okay, you chant in your head as you reposition your body, knees digging into the mattress as your forehead sinks into your pillow. Your ass is forced into the air, the pillow that was once on your lap now resting in between your legs. There isn’t anything wrong with this, you reassure yourself as your hands start to trail down your body. 
You’re pressed right against the wall and from your new spot against it, you can more clearly hear Miguel’s sounds of pleasure. You shove your head deeper into the pillow, biting down to muffle the small whine that escapes you when your fingertips brush over your clit. You have to be quiet. Not only because you don’t want him to know what you’re doing, but also because you don’t want to snuff out his muffled noises and eliminate the risk of him stopping. 
Your fingers flick at your bud, rubbing and pinching at it. You try to mimic the way Miguel had touched you in his kitchen. It doesn’t feel the same. Your fingers are too soft, too dainty. You try to press your hips into them, huffing against the pillow. It feels good, but it’s not enough. From the other side of the wall, Miguel hisses out a quiet curse and you close your eyes. 
You can see it so clearly in your head. Miguel laying back in his bed, pants pulled down right under his balls. His shirt lifted up slightly so he can get a good view of himself, exposing his stomach. His large, rough hands fondling his balls as the other tugs up and down his length. You bet he’s big, in both length and girth. You had been too dazed when he walked you out of his apartment to pay attention to his obvious hard on, and you whine into your pillow at your stupid brain. But he has to be big. A man that large must have the equipment to match. His cock a demanding thickness that stretches you out, tip effortlessly parting your pussy lips as he pokes at your entrance. You moan at the thought, fingers sliding down from your clit and through the wetness coating you. You bite down hard on the pillow as your fingers penetrate. 
Your walls are extremely warm, your two fingers pressing and scraping against them. You know two of your fingers would equal one of his, and you wonder how many of your fingers would equal his cock. Maybe four fingers? No, no that still feels too small despite knowing trying to shove four of your fingers into you would be uncomfortable. Maybe- oh god maybe- it would be closer to your entire fist. Your hips buck at the thought. He would absolutely destroy you. But you’d take it happily. Would beg him to rip you apart and ruin you. Your tight walls would hug him snuggly, and your body would shiver from each drag of his cock. You would be able to feel every vein and twitch of his raw cock. Your body would buzz as he spilled his seed into you, warming your stomach with it.
You wonder what he’s thinking about as he moans again. 
You hope it’s you. You hope he thinks dirty, deranged things about you. Hope he’s replaying the moment in the kitchen over and over in his head just like you have. Your mind wanders back to the image of him jerking off, to his hand wrapped around himself. Is he thinking about you as he touches himself? Is his hand white knuckled as he desperately tries to make it as tight as he’d imagine your pussy to be? Is he trying to finish to the thought of spilling into you? Or is he thinking about something else? Maybe, instead, he’s thinking about how your mouth would feel around him. Instead of thinking about your tight cunt, he’s thinking about how your throat would contract with a gag as he forced you to take it all the way to the base. Imagining how thin your lips would stretch around his thickness and the warmth of your mouth. You’ve never sucked someone off before and you hope your inexperience wouldn’t turn him off. 
Your dirty thoughts make you more horny and more frustrated. Your fingers aren’t doing it. They aren’t hitting that spot inside of you that stays untouched. A spot that you know Miguel would easily reach with his fingers or cock. Your hips drop as your fingers leave your entrance, both of your hands coming up to wrap around the pillow your face is shoved into. You groan when your sensitive clit rubs against the rough texture of your pillowcase, hips shifting and bucking until you find the right angle. Your clit drags against the pillow perfectly, a burning pleasure that you’ve only felt with Miguel starting to swell in your stomach. Your whines and whimpers are absorbed into the pillow as you start to move your hips faster, crying out from the delicious friction. 
Miguel’s own moans and hissing is becoming constant too. Dragged sounds that feed into your own approaching release. Your eyes are squeezed shut, imagining Miguel bucking into his hand desperately. His back is arched, mouth dropped open as he gets closer and closer to his climax. Your own is right at its peak, and your hips are a frantic mess as they try to get you to the finish line. From the other side, Miguel lets out a guttural sound, long and dragged out. He must have finished. You whine out, your own release triggering. Your body stiffens as you finish, heaving as you pant. 
You lift your face from the pillow, the spot you had bitten down on dark with saliva. Your cheeks flush as you remove the pillow from between your legs, dark streaks of arousal staining it. You throw it on the floor, promising yourself you’ll take care of it later as you roll onto your back. Your chest is still heaving, and your arm is slightly tired from fingering yourself. You throw one of your arms over your eyes, sighing out as you think back on what you just did. You’re in the middle of scolding yourself when one last noise on the other side of the wall makes you freeze up. You get up quickly, pressing up against the wall to hear clearly. You pray he does it again, just to reassure yourself that you’re not going crazy. 
Because- and you swear with everything in you- Miguel O’Hara moaned out your name.
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Part 4 Part 5
Extra 1
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wheeboo · 2 months
one day at a time | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which after tip-toeing beyond the line of friends to lovers, you're suddenly scared to be vulnerable, but your boyfriend is there beside you with every step of the way. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader (ft. a mention of jihoon) GENRE. fluff, comfort, established relationship WARNINGS. reader has a very prominent fear of being vulnerable, mild cursing, one brief kiss, reader is supposedly good at math, wonu being a tease n being just a sweetheart :((, self-indulgent as always oops WORD COUNT. 2.2k
notes: a bday fic w our fav comfort person because the world needs some healing. enjoy <3 there seems to be a recurring theme with all my wonu fics abt... shit like this HAHAH. sorry if it seems repetitive every time lmao
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Is it normal to be... scared in a relationship?
Well, according to Google and your endless search history on Quora and Reddit, it is. And while that does sort of help those thoughts in a way, it doesn't thaw the way you're practically tense on top of the couch right now𑁋Wonwoo's couch, specifically.
Your apartment had caught a leak and Wonwoo had offered to be your first line of support, asking you to stay over at his place for the time being. Jihoon, a friend you made in the same apartment as yours and who somehow was not affected by the leak at all, called you out on your antics for asking to stay at his place while you had a whole ass boyfriend to go to instead.
And admittedly, it does seem a bit stupid to not go to Wonwoo at first, even if he did live a good twenty minutes away from you. He still made the drive and now here you are𑁋sitting on his couch, frozen as a rock, because you realise you haven't stayed the night at his place yet ever since you both started dating, and the thought has been scaring you shitless.
You don't expect for anything to happen when you're here; you're just here to stay the night and that's all, right?
"I'm sorry, I should've prepared more if I knew you were coming," Wonwoo says while coming up to you with a glass of water in his hand, offering it to you.
You take it from him gratefully. "It's okay, you didn't know." Then you lower your gaze to the floor, adding on a quiet, "Thank you though."
A small smile crosses over Wonwoo's face as he takes a seat right next to you with a glass of water of his own, the couch dipping slightly from his weight. Nothing but a steady silence engulfs the two of you, except for the hums of the air conditioner that were sending the smallest bits of goosebumps travelling down your skin.
You and Wonwoo have only been dating for a few short months, but have known each other since your high school days. He probably knows you like the lines on the palm of his hand. The familiarity should have made this easier, right?
And yet, sitting here on his couch, you feel like a stranger. It's not that you're uncomfortable with Wonwoo himself. In fact, quite the opposite. You can talk to him for hours, laugh with him easily, but there's a certain intimacy you haven't crossed yet, and the thought of it sends a jolt through you. You've had sleepovers many times when you were friends, but now... this is different.
"You're tense."
You nearly lose your grip on your glass of water at that. "Am I?"
Wonwoo just chuckles faintly, placing his glass on the coffee table.
"Just a little," he says gently, not wanting to make you feel more self-conscious than you already do. "Am I making you nervous?"
There's a pinch of tease behind his words, yet there's also a hint of concern. You steal a glance at him, his eyes a soft, a warm brown that usually makes you feel safe and understood, and a soft smile playing on his lips. But right now, his gaze seems to see right through you, picking you apart piece-by-piece, and it makes a blush creep up your face.
"Just a little," You respond, shy at the way you attempted to mimic his tone. "I'm sorry, I-I know it's stupid. We've had sleepovers before but now it's𑁋"
"Yeah," You finish simply. "Different."
"It doesn't have to be that different if you don't want it to be," Wonwoo reassures you, leaning just a tad bit closer to you but not to the point that your limbs are touching. There's a tiny bit of space between the tips of your knees, but it's still close enough to send flutters to the pit of your stomach. "We're still us."
Wonwoo catches a glance at the way you're fiddling with your hands in front of you, a nervous habit you haven't entirely tackled quite just yet. He has the urge to reach over and bring your hand into his, but he doesn't𑁋not right now, at least.
"I just... I used to be so talkative with you when we weren't dating," You admit tentatively. "and now, if I say something you'll... I feel like you'll see me differently. I'm just..."
You gaze down at your hands like they held the answer, dry palms pressed together tightly.
"...I'm worried about how vulnerability could… affect us now, you know?"
You've been vulnerable with Wonwoo before as friends, like your conversations late at night on a FaceTime call when you confided in each other about your dreams, fears, and bucket list goals. Yet, now that your relationship has shifted, your heart feels more exposed, more prone to being hurt.
The thought of someone holding your heart in their hands feels like leaving it wide open for them to crush.
Wonwoo doesn't respond immediately, instead opting to study you. You feel the way his gaze sweeps over your face, taking in the way your brows furrow and the way your lips are pressed together in a thin line. Then, a slow smile spreads across his lips, one that reaches his eyes and crinkles the corners slightly.
"Then let's start off small." He adjusts himself on the couch, criss-crossing his legs together and scooting just a bit more towards you. The way he fixes his glasses too makes your mind hazy. "Tell me about your day today."
You lift a brow at that. "My day?" Then a frown forms at your mouth. "Don't you already know how my day went?"
Wonwoo hums dreamily, adjusting himself so that he's facing you more directly. 
"It’s different when you tell me," he says amusedly. "I like listening to you."
A small, nervous laugh leaves you, feeling the tension in your shoulders dissipating away slightly. 
"Well, I woke up to that leak," You start, rolling your eyes playfully. "And the whole morning was spent trying to get the landlord. When he finally sent someone over, I was told I shouldn’t sleep in the apartment for a few days while they fixed it. So, I panicked a bit, and that's when I, uh, called you, which made me feel… a lot better."
Wonwoo’s lips curl up at that. 
"See," he says softly. "You're already doing it. Sharing with me. And I appreciate it. Really."
There’s a wave of relief that washes over you, taking away some of the nervous jitters that had settled within you. Taking another sip of water, you place the glass right next to Wonwoo’s on the table, before mirroring his position on the couch, the space between the two of you shrinking a little more. The soft glow of the lamp behind him casts a dim glow throughout the room, and the hum of the air conditioner lulls you into a sense of calm. 
"Now…" Wonwoo pauses for a few seconds to think, and the way his brows furrowed together in concentration makes your heart skip a beat. "Tell me a little fun fact about you."
"A fun fact?" You repeat, a bit taken aback, before crossing your arms together. "You already know pretty much everything about me though."
"Trust me, I don’t," Wonwoo claims, the tips of his fingers momentarily brushing against yours that were resting on the cushion of the couch. "And even if I did, I wouldn’t get tired of relearning you."
Oh, perhaps you melt a little inside at his words; there’s a small, inconspicuous nudge to the edges of your heart. It wasn’t begging to be let in, but it was gently knocking, as if asking for permission. 
"Okay," You start. "I can recite the first fifteen numbers of Pi."
Wonwoo snorts at that. "You can?"
"I can! See: Three, point, one, four, one, five, nine, two, six, five, three, five, eight, nine𑁋"
"Was that why you were so good at algebra back then?"
"I was not good; I was decent."
"Same thing, really."
You scoff playfully, hoping that it would hide how much this praise is getting to you and making your heart stutter even more. You were quite literally ordinary throughout high school, and the same thing could probably be said about Wonwoo. The two of you were simply ordinary, and yet here you are today, sitting together on his couch, sharing a moment that feels nothing short of extraordinary. 
Wonwoo shifts his position so that his legs are crossed together on the couch and he leans a little closer, the gap between you narrowing further. His fingers brush lightly against yours again, a subtle touch that sends some goosebumps running down your body. 
"Can I hold your hand?"
The question is straightforward, simple even. Yet the simplicity of it makes your breath hitch in your throat. You meet Wonwoo's warm gaze, noticing the slight anticipation in his eyes, and your heart skips a beat.
So, you simply hold your hand out to him, and he takes it in his own, grip tender yet firm. And then he chuckles. 
For a moment, you want to take your hand away, but the way he’s holding it𑁋all gently and preciously, eyes examining over it like it’s some delicate treasure𑁋well, you’d feel like a fool if you did that. His chuckle is soft, almost a whisper, and it feels like it’s wrapping around you like a hug.
"What’s so funny?" You ask him.
Wonwoo tilts his head thoughtfully. "I’ve dreamed of this, you know. Holding your hand."
"You… you have?"
"It’s cheesy, isn’t it?" Wonwoo clicks his tongue, letting his thumb slowly run over your knuckles. "I’d see you shivering during winter and my first thought would be to hold your hand. Or whenever we sat next to each other in class, I’d look at you and think, 'I wonder what their hands feel like'. At first, I believed I thought this way because I was young and curious, but now, I think it's because I've always wanted to be close to you in this way."
Then he cradles your hand with both of his, the warmth of his palms seeping through the crevices of your heart, your entire being. 
"I like being vulnerable with you," Wonwoo admits bashfully, mindlessly playing with your fingers. If he could hold it forever, he would. "even if you’re scared of it. I like letting you into my life. I like knowing that you know me. I like you. And if you’re scared right now, that’s okay. You’re letting me hold your hand right now𑁋that’s a big step. One day at a time, right?" 
It suddenly becomes quiet enough for you to hear your own heart right now. Wonwoo seems closer to you than ever before, close enough you don’t know where to look. Your eyes flicker from his eyes, to his ears, down to the way your hands still haven’t let each other go yet, and finally, halting at the curve of his lips. 
Then a sudden impulse hits you. Without thinking, you lean forward and press your lips against his, a quick, chaste kiss, before pulling away instantly and sliding your hand out of his, feeling your face immediately flush out of embarrassment. 
"Sorry, that was, uh…" You pause, reaching out for your near-empty glass of water on the table and downing the rest like a shot of liquor. Gosh, the room feels so hot right now. 
Even Wonwoo finds himself tugging at the collar of his shirt awkwardly, a light blush tinting his cheeks. He clears his throat, readjusts his glasses on his nose, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Why are you saying sorry?"
"For… for kissing you! And It was a bad kiss too…"
"There’ll be better kisses later on."
You could probably drink an entire pitcher of water right after that. Your mouth parts open as you stare at him for a minute, taken aback by his nonchalant response. He seems unfazed, almost amused by your embarrassment. 
The way you look so shocked and flustered and cute right now has a low laugh escaping from Wonwoo’s lips, and it’s infectious enough to send you into an embarrassed, somewhat awkward fit of giggles as well. 
The two of you are sitting side-by-side just like the first minute you sat on his couch, some space between but closer than it was before. The tension has definitely dissipated and a new comfort has taken its place. A comfortable silence. A simple moment between two people, and two hearts that are beating as one. 
A small tap at your hand makes you look back up, and you see Wonwoo holding his hand out toward you with his pinky finger extended.
"One day at a time?" he asks. 
All you do is smile softly, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders as you intertwine your pinky finger with his with hardly any hesitation.
"One day at a time." 
One day at a time, You repeat to yourself in your head. For good measure.
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floatmeintothesun-2 · 9 months
Drunken Love
Pairing; Miguel O’hara x afab! Reader
Tags; grinding, lazy sex, smut, cumming in pants, word count 2.2k
Summary; Miguel really can’t keep his hands to himself when you’re sitting in his lap like this.
You’re intoxicating, Miguel reflects, watching you seat yourself on his lap with lidded eyes. He can’t get enough, you’ve got him utterly hooked. His hands settle on your waist, squeezing your hips and ass at equal pace.
He had a glass of alcohol in his hand a moment prior before it was set aside and forgotten in the haze that had consumed him. He can’t get drunk anymore — not since he was genetically altered but he feels light headed and dizzy  just from your presence. 
He tilts his head up to look at you, lips curving in a smile as he reclines back into his chair. One of your hands is in his hair, carding through dark brown strands. The other is on his cheek, your thumb smoothing over warm skin. 
“What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing here in my apartment?” He asks with a grin, pulling you closer to him. You smile back.
“Mm… I don’t know,” You hum, “I’m looking for my boyfriend. Have you seen him?” Your index traces a light path down his jaw leading down his neck. He can’t help but shiver, tilting his head a little as you reach his collarbone.
“Well, you’re in luck, pretty girl,” Miguel nearly purrs, palming flesh and sliding his hands underneath your top so he can feel your skin against his. “I’m right here.”
You laugh and fuck, he doesn’t think he’s heard a sound sweeter than that. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger and you know it. He sucks in a quiet breath as your hand slides down to his chest, tweaking one of his nipples playfully through his shirt. He bares teeth at you with no heat, content to let you do whatever you want with him.
You shift so that you’re properly straddling him and Miguel can feel himself already half hard under you. He holds you at the place under your breasts, wandering hands slipping under your bra and unclasping the hook in the back nimbly. You sigh, deep and low as large hands palm at your tits greedily. 
“Someone’s impatient.” You kiss the corner of his jaw, and he turns his head so he can catch your next on his lips. 
“Hard not to be,” Miguel breathes, trailing his lips from the corner of your mouth to your neck. And truly, it’s hard not to be. How can he possibly be patient when you’re on top of him like this? You look practically ethereal as the dim light from the overhead light shines down on you.
“Take this off?” You pull at his shirt – it’s old, a simple black tee that used to hang off him in his college years. Now, it’s tight against his skin, easily displaying hard lines of muscle, stretching across broad shoulders. He obliges your request, pulling it over his head, feeling the chill in the air soak into his bare skin before your warmth chases it away. 
Hands, smaller than his, flutter down his bare abdomen, feather light touches trailing down his ribs before rising to settle on his shoulders. Miguel peppers kisses over your face, moving his own hands so he can press you down in his lap. He pokes at your bottoms, a finger tugging at the waistband. 
“Take this off?” He mimics you, raising his eyebrows a little as you laugh.  
“Don’t wanna get up,” You reply, and he shrugs, grabbing greedy handfuls of your ass. You give him a look and —
Miguel hisses, low in his throat at the feeling of your body grinding down against his and suddenly his dick is much more than just half hard. Sticky pre seeps out of him and he swallows dryly, your heady scent swirling in the air. If he was any lesser man, he would’ve passed out by now. And also probably busted. 
“You’re a minx, pretty girl,” He rasps, clenching his jaw. Fuck, he can practically feel how wet your pussy is, can fucking smell your damn arousal through the air. It’s making him dizzy with need, he can barely think. Your arms loop around his neck leisurely as you lean in to kiss him – something he welcomes readily. 
“Would you have me any other way?” You tilt your head, coy. He almost misses your words with the way he’s focusing on your gorgeous body. 
“No. I wouldn’t,” He whispers, big hands forcing your hips down onto the hard shape of his cock. Making you feel how bad he wants you right now. His tip is pressing against your clit through the fabric and god, he’s so big, tenting through his sweatpants. You swallow back a moan as his hips twitch up, pressing against you in just the right angle. 
Your panties are practically soaked by now, needy pussy pulsing to have him inside of you. But you’re too impatient to get up and discard your undergarments, heat coursing through your veins like molten fire. His huge frame dwarfs yours easily but right now, it’s you who’s on top of him, you who’s making this 6 foot 9 inch man moan and hiss with every teasing dip of your hips over his straining erection. 
His breaths come in quiet growls, and he squeezes his eyes shut as you tease and tease and tease.
“Baby, please,” He nearly whines, obedient hands resting lightly over your waist. Your cat-like grin makes sparks of halfhearted irritation and warmth dance through his nervous system. He knows you’re just as desperate as he is and he kneads your plush thighs as if trying to entice you. 
You’re addicting and infuriating, Miguel thinks to himself. He wants to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you until you’re sobbing in pleasure and he can barely breathe through the haze of overstimulation. He wants you to keep him right here and make him beg for just a scrap of your attention. Mostly, he just wants you. 
You finally decide to grant him some relief, messily slotting your hips against his and a ragged hum escapes Miguel’s throat, low and quiet. The shape of his dick is defined through his sweats, pressing and twitching against you through the fabric. You can’t help but moan as he rubs his tented half against you, almost like a dog in heat. You have half a mind to tease him for it, but the way he presses up against you makes your head feel foggy. 
The edges of razor sharp fangs glide over the sensitive flesh of your neck as he peppers kisses and nips to your skin indiscriminately. It’s slow, it’s messy, his hips roll upwards underneath you, searching for that sweet friction. A particularly harsh bite has you hissing lightly and Miguel soothes it over with his tongue. It doesn’t bleed, but you’re sure it’ll leave a mark. 
And he had to leave it in the most obvious place ever? Bastard. You shoot him an unamused look and he just gives you a smug expression. 
“Something wrong, hermosa?” He coos, all cloyingly saccharine, and you roll your eyes. If someone told you that this man was begging for your touch three seconds ago, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
“Don’t act cute now,” You grumble and he laughs, a wonderfully soft sound. His hands drift to the small of your back, putting pressure and lazily grinding against you, keeping your pussy anchored over his dick through layers of fabric. It’s like a haze has settled over you both, something sweet and heavy and sticky all at once. It’s languid and mind numbingly good — it’s different from the way he fucks you. You might even call it domestic. 
Something about the way Miguel stares at you feels almost reverent. He looks so pretty here, mussed up hair and heaving chest. He’s warm and you can feel it in the way his thick thighs tense and the way his hard cut abdomen presses up against you. Sticky sweetness seeps into your limbs like molasses, and you can’t help but kiss him, all teeth and tongue. His low pleased hum vibrates through his chest and vaguely, you think he tastes something like wine and spice. 
He’s sloppy and hungry, quickly deepening the kiss as he leans closer. It’s not until you’re running out of oxygen that you tap his shoulder and he pulls away, a pink tongue darting out to wet his lips. You’re panting, kiss swollen lips shiny with saliva and he’s groaning, rolling his hips upwards. His clothed cock catches on your clit deliciously and he catches on quickly, making sure to aim for that one fucking spot that makes you see stars. 
“Shit — Miguel, feels so fucking good…” you gasp into his mouth and he groans. You sound so sweet when you moan and whine on his lap. He’s head over heels for you, he decides. You could sit on his face for hours, suffocating him between plush thighs, and he’d say thank you. He’s almost tempted to pull you to the bedroom right now just so he can beg you to do just that, but fuck, with the way his dick is throbbing, he might not make it that far. 
“Just like that, baby, c’mon,” He nips at your neck lightly and licks into your mouth greedily, “you want it? Want this fat cock? I’ll give it to you, I’ll give it all, j’st cum, baby, you can do it,” quick hands come up to palm at your breasts, squeezing stiff peaks and god damn, he knows how to use them.
Your back arches, pressing your tits against his bare chest and Miguel dips to litter marks around your collar bone and lower, humming in satisfaction as you thread a hand in his hair. You’re a mess, he’s panting and groaning, hair mussed up, dark crimson eyes squeezed shut. He might just be the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
The thing that really does it for you is the way he says your name. Breathy and pleading, it makes your head spin, and you press a searing kiss to his lips as the knot that has been slowly building finally snaps. It’s filthy, sinful, and fuck, its everything you want. 
Miguel tenses underneath you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he shudders and twitches. He sounds almost drunk from the way he’s slurring your name, honey sweet and desperate. He cums with a quiet grunt, staining his boxers with it, soaking the light gray of his sweats.
You slump against his chest and he hisses lightly as you brush against his slowly softening cock. A burly arm comes to loop around your waist, pulling you closer while you gently move sweaty strands of hair out of his face.
“Good?” He asks, and you hum in affirmation. He grimaces at the feeling of slick cum dripping down his balls. “We should get clean.”
“My thighs feel sticky,” You mutter, trying to gently extricate yourself from your boyfriend’s hold so you can walk to the restroom. He shoots you a look and sweeps you up into his arms easily, pressing an easy kiss to your neck. Instinctively, you hold onto him, leaning against his bare chest as he carries you to your shared bathroom. 
He glances at you as he pushes open the door with his foot, considering.
“Bath or shower?” Miguel tilts his head, looking remarkably composed for a man who just came in his pants a few minutes ago. 
“Shower,” You answer immediately, and he puts you down, turning to strip off his clothes and hearing you do the same. You turn on the water, setting it to both of your preferred temperatures and slip into the stall, sighing in relief at the warmth. Miguel joins you after a moment, swiping your body wash off from the corner. Technically, it’s his, but you use it so often that he just delegates it as a shared item. 
You say that his is better because it’s fancy. He doesn’t object. After all, he really doesn’t mind you smelling like him.
Squeezing some into his hand, he cleans you up, soapy suds washed away by the spray overhead as you do the same for him. You pay special attention to his pecs and ass and he just sighs like he’s annoyed. He’s not. Honestly, he doesn’t care — you can touch whatever you want. He’s all yours and he relishes that fact whole heartedly. 
Your hands trail down his chest and abdomen. He smothers a smile against your hair, pressing you up against the shower wall and hooking strong hands under your thighs. 
“Wanna go another round?” He asks, looking down at you, a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. You card a hand through wet curls and he leans into it.
“Sure, why not?”
Needless to say, you don’t come out of the bathroom until much later, littered with marks and sore between the thighs. Miguel follows after you, looking utterly satisfied with himself, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist as you both enter your bedroom. It’ll be a pain to wear a scarf for the next few weeks but with the way Miguel practically drapes himself over you has you not caring. 
A problem for future you. For now, you’ll just snuggle under the covers and exchange sleepy kisses with your boyfriend. 
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vanteguccir · 2 months
riding the shit out of matt after his stressful day until he's js babbling app
── ୨୧ ! a small blurb where you ride sub!Matt until he's a babbling mess
        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
Matt lay sprawled on the bed, a sheen of sweat glistening on his skin. His breath came in ragged gasps, and his eyes were glazed over with a mix of exhaustion and bliss. Y/N was straddling him, her movements slow and deliberate as she continued to ride him, her body moving in a rhythm that kept him teetering on the edge of sanity.
He had already cum twice, each time leaving him more spent, more pliant beneath her. Now, as she moved atop him, he was a babbling mess, incoherent words spilling from his lips as he begged for mercy and more in equal measure.
"Please… baby… I can’t… it’s… too much… can’t…" He whimpered, his hands clutching at the sheets, knuckles white with the effort to hold on. His body trembled uncontrollably, the overstimulation sending waves of intense sensation through him. His cock, still hard and sensitive, throbbed inside her, a mix of pleasure and pain that left him dizzy and disoriented.
Y/N leaned down, her nipples brushing against his chest, her breath hot against his ear.
"Oh no, but you can take it, Matty. You’re doing so well for me." She whispered in a pathetic mimic of him, her voice soothing yet commanding. She bit lightly on his earlobe, eliciting a shudder from him that made her smirk.
She straightened up, picking up the pace just enough to send sparks of pleasure shooting through him. His hips bucked weakly beneath her, his body instinctively seeking more even as his mind struggled to keep up. She could see the strain in his face, the way his eyes fluttered shut with every wave of pleasure that crashed over him.
"Y/N… I…" He gasped, unable to form a coherent sentence. His hands moved to her hips, trying to steady himself, but he was too far gone, his touch weak and trembling against her skin. His mind was almost blank, the only coherent thoughts being the overwhelming sensations and his need to please her.
She placed her hands over his, guiding him to grip her thighs instead.
"Hold on to me, Matt. I want you to feel how good you’re making me feel." She said, her voice a mix of affection and authority.
He complied, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as she rode him harder, her movements precise and unrelenting, his short and tinted nails hurting her skin in the right amount.
Each thrust drew a whimper from his lips, his body quivering with the intensity of it all. He was completely at her mercy, and she reveled in the power she had over him, the way she could reduce him to this state of pure, submissive pleasure.
"You’re so good for me, Matt." She praised, her voice dripping with honey. "Look at you, taking everything I give you. Such a good boy."
Her words sent a jolt through him, his cock twitching inside her. He was close again, teetering on the brink of another release, but she wasn’t ready to let him go just yet. She slowed her pace, grinding her hips against him, drawing out his pleasure until he was a trembling, desperate mess beneath her.
"Ba-aby… please… I need… I need to cum… I need t-to cum so bad." He begged, his voice cracking with need, his words barely understandable. His eyes rolled back in his head, his body shaking uncontrollably. "Please… so good… Ugh-Fuck... thank you… can’t… more…"
She smiled down at him, her eyes dark with satisfaction.
"Not yet, Matt. I want to see you fall apart for me." She murmured, her hands moving to his chest, her nails raking lightly across the skin of his own nipples, knowing how sensitive he was in that area. "I want to hear you beg."
He moaned, his body arching into her touch, every nerve ending on fire.
"Please… I’m begging… please… please…" His words were slurred, barely understandable, his mind too overwhelmed to form coherent thoughts. His cock ached with the overstimulation, each movement sending a mix of pleasure and pain through him that left him on the brink of tears.
She picked up the pace again, riding him harder, her own pleasure building with each thrust. She could feel herself nearing the edge, and she wanted him to fall with her, to be completely consumed by the moment.
"Cum for me, honey." She commanded, her voice firm and unwavering. "I want you to cum with me."
That was all it took. With a strangled cry, he came, his body convulsing beneath her, his release spilling into her with such force that it triggered her own orgasm. She cried out, her body trembling as waves of pleasure crashed over her, mingling with his in a symphony of pleasure.
His entire body shook, his hands gripping her thighs tightly as he lost himself in the sensation, his mind blank except for the overwhelming feeling of release.
She collapsed onto his chest, both of them breathing heavily, their bodies slick with sweat. He wrapped his tired and trembling arms around her, holding her close as they came down from their high. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her cheek, a steady rhythm that matched her own.
"Thank… you…" He whispered, his voice barely audible, his body still trembling slightly from the intensity of their shared pleasure.
She smiled, pressing a kiss to his chest. She loved how he was so polite for her.
"Always, pretty boy."
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floatmeintothesun · 10 months
Drunken Love
Pairing; Miguel O’hara x afab! Reader
Tags; grinding, lazy sex, smut, cumming in pants, word count 2.2k
Summary; Miguel really can’t keep his hands to himself when you’re sitting in his lap like this.
You’re intoxicating, Miguel reflects, watching you seat yourself on his lap with lidded eyes. He can’t get enough, you’ve got him utterly hooked. His hands settle on your waist, squeezing your hips and ass at equal pace.
He had a glass of alcohol in his hand a moment prior before it was set aside and forgotten in the haze that had consumed him. He can’t get drunk anymore — not since he was genetically altered but he feels light headed and dizzy  just from your presence. 
He tilts his head up to look at you, lips curving in a smile as he reclines back into his chair. One of your hands is in his hair, carding through dark brown strands. The other is on his cheek, your thumb smoothing over warm skin. 
“What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing here in my apartment?” He asks with a grin, pulling you closer to him. You smile back.
“Mm… I don’t know,” You hum, “I’m looking for my boyfriend. Have you seen him?” Your index traces a light path down his jaw leading down his neck. He can’t help but shiver, tilting his head a little as you reach his collarbone.
“Well, you’re in luck, pretty girl,” Miguel nearly purrs, palming flesh and sliding his hands underneath your top so he can feel your skin against his. “I’m right here.”
You laugh and fuck, he doesn’t think he’s heard a sound sweeter than that. You’ve got him wrapped around your finger and you know it. He sucks in a quiet breath as your hand slides down to his chest, tweaking one of his nipples playfully through his shirt. He bares teeth at you with no heat, content to let you do whatever you want with him.
You shift so that you’re properly straddling him and Miguel can feel himself already half hard under you. He holds you at the place under your breasts, wandering hands slipping under your bra and unclasping the hook in the back nimbly. You sigh, deep and low as large hands palm at your tits greedily. 
“Someone’s impatient.” You kiss the corner of his jaw, and he turns his head so he can catch your next on his lips. 
“Hard not to be,” Miguel breathes, trailing his lips from the corner of your mouth to your neck. And truly, it’s hard not to be. How can he possibly be patient when you’re on top of him like this? You look practically ethereal as the dim light from the overhead light shines down on you.
“Take this off?” You pull at his shirt – it’s old, a simple black tee that used to hang off him in his college years. Now, it’s tight against his skin, easily displaying hard lines of muscle, stretching across broad shoulders. He obliges your request, pulling it over his head, feeling the chill in the air soak into his bare skin before your warmth chases it away. 
Hands, smaller than his, flutter down his bare abdomen, feather light touches trailing down his ribs before rising to settle on his shoulders. Miguel peppers kisses over your face, moving his own hands so he can press you down in his lap. He pokes at your bottoms, a finger tugging at the waistband. 
“Take this off?” He mimics you, raising his eyebrows a little as you laugh.  
“Don’t wanna get up,” You reply, and he shrugs, grabbing greedy handfuls of your ass. You give him a look and —
Miguel hisses, low in his throat at the feeling of your body grinding down against his and suddenly his dick is much more than just half hard. Sticky pre seeps out of him and he swallows dryly, your heady scent swirling in the air. If he was any lesser man, he would’ve passed out by now. And also probably busted. 
“You’re a minx, pretty girl,” He rasps, clenching his jaw. Fuck, he can practically feel how wet your pussy is, can fucking smell your damn arousal through the air. It’s making him dizzy with need, he can barely think. Your arms loop around his neck leisurely as you lean in to kiss him – something he welcomes readily. 
“Would you have me any other way?” You tilt your head, coy. He almost misses your words with the way he’s focusing on your gorgeous body. 
“No. I wouldn’t,” He whispers, big hands forcing your hips down onto the hard shape of his cock. Making you feel how bad he wants you right now. His tip is pressing against your clit through the fabric and god, he’s so big, tenting through his sweatpants. You swallow back a moan as his hips twitch up, pressing against you in just the right angle. 
Your panties are practically soaked by now, needy pussy pulsing to have him inside of you. But you’re too impatient to get up and discard your undergarments, heat coursing through your veins like molten fire. His huge frame dwarfs yours easily but right now, it’s you who’s on top of him, you who’s making this 6 foot 9 inch man moan and hiss with every teasing dip of your hips over his straining erection. 
His breaths come in quiet growls, and he squeezes his eyes shut as you tease and tease and tease.
“Baby, please,” He nearly whines, obedient hands resting lightly over your waist. Your cat-like grin makes sparks of halfhearted irritation and warmth dance through his nervous system. He knows you’re just as desperate as he is and he kneads your plush thighs as if trying to entice you. 
You’re addicting and infuriating, Miguel thinks to himself. He wants to bend you over the kitchen counter and fuck you until you’re sobbing in pleasure and he can barely breathe through the haze of overstimulation. He wants you to keep him right here and make him beg for just a scrap of your attention. Mostly, he just wants you. 
You finally decide to grant him some relief, messily slotting your hips against his and a ragged hum escapes Miguel’s throat, low and quiet. The shape of his dick is defined through his sweats, pressing and twitching against you through the fabric. You can’t help but moan as he rubs his tented half against you, almost like a dog in heat. You have half a mind to tease him for it, but the way he presses up against you makes your head feel foggy. 
The edges of razor sharp fangs glide over the sensitive flesh of your neck as he peppers kisses and nips to your skin indiscriminately. It’s slow, it’s messy, his hips roll upwards underneath you, searching for that sweet friction. A particularly harsh bite has you hissing lightly and Miguel soothes it over with his tongue. It doesn’t bleed, but you’re sure it’ll leave a mark. 
And he had to leave it in the most obvious place ever? Bastard. You shoot him an unamused look and he just gives you a smug expression. 
“Something wrong, hermosa?” He coos, all cloyingly saccharine, and you roll your eyes. If someone told you that this man was begging for your touch three seconds ago, you wouldn’t have believed them. 
“Don’t act cute now,” You grumble and he laughs, a wonderfully soft sound. His hands drift to the small of your back, putting pressure and lazily grinding against you, keeping your pussy anchored over his dick through layers of fabric. It’s like a haze has settled over you both, something sweet and heavy and sticky all at once. It’s languid and mind numbingly good — it’s different from the way he fucks you. You might even call it domestic. 
Something about the way Miguel stares at you feels almost reverent. He looks so pretty here, mussed up hair and heaving chest. He’s warm and you can feel it in the way his thick thighs tense and the way his hard cut abdomen presses up against you. Sticky sweetness seeps into your limbs like molasses, and you can’t help but kiss him, all teeth and tongue. His low pleased hum vibrates through his chest and vaguely, you think he tastes something like wine and spice. 
He’s sloppy and hungry, quickly deepening the kiss as he leans closer. It’s not until you’re running out of oxygen that you tap his shoulder and he pulls away, a pink tongue darting out to wet his lips. You’re panting, kiss swollen lips shiny with saliva and he’s groaning, rolling his hips upwards. His clothed cock catches on your clit deliciously and he catches on quickly, making sure to aim for that one fucking spot that makes you see stars. 
“Shit — Miguel, feels so fucking good…” you gasp into his mouth and he groans. You sound so sweet when you moan and whine on his lap. He’s head over heels for you, he decides. You could sit on his face for hours, suffocating him between plush thighs, and he’d say thank you. He’s almost tempted to pull you to the bedroom right now just so he can beg you to do just that, but fuck, with the way his dick is throbbing, he might not make it that far. 
“Just like that, baby, c’mon,” He nips at your neck lightly and licks into your mouth greedily, “you want it? Want this fat cock? I’ll give it to you, I’ll give it all, j’st cum, baby, you can do it,” quick hands come up to palm at your breasts, squeezing stiff peaks and god damn, he knows how to use them.
Your back arches, pressing your tits against his bare chest and Miguel dips to litter marks around your collar bone and lower, humming in satisfaction as you thread a hand in his hair. You’re a mess, he’s panting and groaning, hair mussed up, dark crimson eyes squeezed shut. He might just be the prettiest man you’ve ever seen.
The thing that really does it for you is the way he says your name. Breathy and pleading, it makes your head spin, and you press a searing kiss to his lips as the knot that has been slowly building finally snaps. It’s filthy, sinful, and fuck, its everything you want. 
Miguel tenses underneath you, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he shudders and twitches. He sounds almost drunk from the way he’s slurring your name, honey sweet and desperate. He cums with a quiet grunt, staining his boxers with it, soaking the light gray of his sweats.
You slump against his chest and he hisses lightly as you brush against his slowly softening cock. A burly arm comes to loop around your waist, pulling you closer while you gently move sweaty strands of hair out of his face.
“Good?” He asks, and you hum in affirmation. He grimaces at the feeling of slick cum dripping down his balls. “We should get clean.”
“My thighs feel sticky,” You mutter, trying to gently extricate yourself from your boyfriend’s hold so you can walk to the restroom. He shoots you a look and sweeps you up into his arms easily, pressing an easy kiss to your neck. Instinctively, you hold onto him, leaning against his bare chest as he carries you to your shared bathroom. 
He glances at you as he pushes open the door with his foot, considering.
“Bath or shower?” Miguel tilts his head, looking remarkably composed for a man who just came in his pants a few minutes ago. 
“Shower,” You answer immediately, and he puts you down, turning to strip off his clothes and hearing you do the same. You turn on the water, setting it to both of your preferred temperatures and slip into the stall, sighing in relief at the warmth. Miguel joins you after a moment, swiping your body wash off from the corner. Technically, it’s his, but you use it so often that he just delegates it as a shared item. 
You say that his is better because it’s fancy. He doesn’t object. After all, he really doesn’t mind you smelling like him.
Squeezing some into his hand, he cleans you up, soapy suds washed away by the spray overhead as you do the same for him. You pay special attention to his pecs and ass and he just sighs like he’s annoyed. He’s not. Honestly, he doesn’t care — you can touch whatever you want. He’s all yours and he relishes that fact whole heartedly. 
Your hands trail down his chest and abdomen. He smothers a smile against your hair, pressing you up against the shower wall and hooking strong hands under your thighs. 
“Want to go another round?” He asks, looking down at you, a grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. You card a hand through wet curls and he leans into it.
Needless to say, you don’t come out of the bathroom until much later, littered with marks and sore between the thighs. Miguel follows after you, looking utterly satisfied with himself, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist as you both enter your bedroom. It’ll be a pain to wear a scarf for the next few weeks but with the way Miguel practically drapes himself over you has you not caring. 
A problem for future you. For now, you’ll just snuggle under the covers and exchange sleepy kisses with your boyfriend. 
AN; this was supposed to be 500 words omg
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kaisturni · 3 months
let me | m. sturniolo
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→ matt x fem!reader
→ plot; you’ve been on your own for a while, not needing or wanting the company of anyone. what happens when you meet a guy late night on the beach, and everything about him draws you in?
→ includes; making out, slightly suggestive towards the end, reader is slightly angst if you squint
→ a/n; this was my first request! it was by an anon, so i hope you like it :) this was super short i feel like i usually write longer lol but this is something i’d see myself doing a part 2 of!
sand sticks to my feet as i walk along where it meets the waves, taking the salty air into my lungs.
the moon shines down on just me, seemingly the only soul on the beach unlike it’s brighter, more crowded counterpart.
i find a good spot further up on the sand, peeling my sweatshirt off to sit on. i cursed at myself for not bringing a towel, but this will do.
i didn’t bring anything besides my wallet and keys, since my apartment is a short walk away from the beach. i take walks like this alone often, so i don’t usually come geared up.
i’m used to being alone now. i left home, i don’t have roommates anymore, and everything just came falling apart. i cant rely on anyone anymore and i don’t want to.
closing my eyes, i sit with my solitude for a moment before i hear a pair of feet shuffling in the sand.
i open my eyes, he’s a fair distance away, but close enough that i can make out every detail of him.
he’s pretty cute; tattoos, all black, nice hair, all his features go together nicely. as if he can feel my gaze lingering on him, he turns in my direction as he fixes himself on his towel, and i quickly whip my head in front of me.
i feel rude, he definitely knew i was staring. just i did to him i can feel his eyes on me too, and i close mine to prevent from investigating.
“aren’t you like, cold?”
i look in every direction first before his, seeing if he could have been speaking to anyone else. but no, he’s the one other soul now present here.
truthfully i am a little cold, the breeze is fairly strong and here i am sitting on my jacket like an idiot who forgot to bring a towel to the beach.
“a little yeah,” i’m a little standoff-ish without meaning to. i feel bad. i have no reason to be rude to this person but i am.
“i have a blanket here if you want, you know to sit on or wear or somethin,” he lifts up a blue blanket that was out of my sight, and i ponder this strangers offer.
this could potentially be a really bad idea, but how many murderers are sitting on the beach at night with a baby blue blanket on them?
“sure, thank you,” i say, getting up and walking over to him.
our eyes meet and i can now see that his are blue, still glowing despite the lack of light present. his jaw is sharp and he gives me a sweet smile as he hands me the blanket, i smile back; both at his gesture and how handsome he is.
“i’m matt, by the way, and you can sit next to me if you want— if that’s not weird, if you don’t mind,” matt’s words pick up at the last part, and i giggle at his rambling.
“i don’t mind, and i’m y/n,” i say, settling down the blanket so it’s touching his side. we smile at each other as i sit down and prop my arms slightly behind me.
we sit in silence for a bit and i my eyes flutter shut again, before he breaks the quiet between us,
“so why are you all by yourself?” he asks, shifting his position to mimic mine.
“i just like being alone. plus, it’s pretty peaceful out here at night. less people but it’s so much more alive,” i tell him, taking in all of what’s around me.
“oh yeah i know what you mean. i’m sorry if i disturbed your alone time,” matt gives me a cheeky smile, and i feel my face grow hot realizing my situation and the accidental rude comment i made.
“sorry, i didn’t mean it like that.”
“all good,” he smiles warmly at me.
i want to keep more distance but at the same time i don’t. i hate myself for being drawn to him but for whatever reason i can’t. he seems so sweet and inviting and it makes me sick.
“what are you doing alone here?” i ask him, genuinely curious as to why he is here alone and casually picking out his new best friend.
he laughs for a second, “just needed some peace and quiet away from my brothers; nick and chris. i’m a triplet, we all live together. sometimes they just drive me crazy and i need a break.”
i purse my lips and nod, i almost crave to have people to drive me crazy.
“im guessing you guys are close?
“they’re my best friends, i love em to death,” he smiles, and i can tell he’s thinking about his brothers.
he obviously loves them. he has people he can love. maybe that’s where he gets his kindness from. kindness to give a stranger a blanket, offer conversation, he’s so nice that — it annoys me.
being attracted to him is also not helping.
i think he can almost tell that i’m getting annoyed, and he clears his throat.
“did you bring a suit, we can swim if you want?”
luckily i did bring a suit, and i can take him up on this offer. unfortunately for myself, it’s quite small and doesn’t cover much, but i can grit my teeth and stick it out because it’s dark out and he won’t be able to see much of me anyway.
“yeah, let’s do it,”
he peels off his hoodie, leaving him in just black swim shorts, and he looks down at me waiting for myself to change.
i take off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my matching black two piece. fitting.
matt seems to have no adverse reaction to my suit so i think i’m in the clear. he offers me his hand to help get up, and i take it.
i’m shocked by how strong his grip is, how he easily picks me up off the ground with just one hand. this doesn’t help with my attraction to him, and neither does seeing him just above naked right in front of me.
“race ya!” i say, before sprinting to the water, him running after me calling my name.
i splash into the water before falling in, and a pair of arms grips around me, pulling me back up to the surface.
“i think you won,”
he glows in the halo of moonlight down on us, his body is slick with water and hair messy, it’s hard to keep my guard up when he’s so kind and attractive.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚୨୧
after playing in the water for about 10 minutes, we drag our tired bodies up to the towels waiting for us on the sand.
i crash down first, and matt follows. he lays down on his back, eyes closed and chest rising up and down softly.
i can’t help but stare at him again. it’s became a problem that i can’t find the solution to. i don’t realize i still am, until i meet eyes with him.
“hey,” he says gently, his tired eyes peering into mine.
“hi,” i reply, my wet body shivering in the wind, cold air kissing my skin rapidly.
“come here, let me wrap you in this,” he moves to where i’m sitting on the blanket before picking up his towel and wrapping by body in it.
i sigh in relief at the warmth of it, he chuckles at my reaction.
we stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, and now that i’m closer i can see how plump and pink his lips are, his tongue swiping across his bottom one and i look up at his eyes and he’s staring at my own lips.
he leans in, and i close my eyes and brace for the contact of his mouth on my own.
it’s soft and warm, unlike anything i’ve felt before.
our mouths move in sync, and i find my hands tangling in his hair for something to grip on to. matt groans into my mouth lightly, his reaction making me want more of him.
he swoops me from my seated position to underneath him without breaking our kiss, one arm holding himself up and the other anchored on my waist.
all my bravado is gone as soon as i’m underneath him, and i can’t control my hands that explore his body, wanting to feel every bit of him.
it’s horrible; i just met him but in this moment he’s everything and i don’t want any of this to stop.
we both break away for air, and i hesitantly take my hands away from his body, them tingling at the thought of how his skin felt all from my palms to my fingers tips.
i want more.
he’s panting, lips puffy from kissing me, and he moves the sticky wet hair out of my face.
“you’re so beautiful,” he whispers, hung eyes exploring my face, taking in every bit of me as i do the same for him.
“says yourself,” i say, unlike myself to directly compliment a man i had just met, let alone make out with him first.
“i don’t normally do this, i hope you know,”
“neither do i, i don’t normally find random cute guys to make out with at this time,”
he chuckles and drops his head, feeling wet droplets from his hair falling onto my skin.
i cant help myself, i want to kiss him again.
so i do.
matt is initially taken aback at first, before relaxing into me and his grip is stronger on my body than it was before.
our last kiss was about a minute ago— but even so this one is different. it’s less controlled, hungrier, and i can feel my body grow hot as it goes on.
his lips come apart from mine and they move down to my neck, lightly nipping and kissing down it.
i groan at his mouth on my skin, and my hand finds its way back to his hair again.
he’s been in my neck long enough that i’m sure i’m going to be marked up by matt, but i cant even begin to care in this moment.
he lifts his head up from my neck, i can tell he’s about to say something but before he does he grips onto my waist,
“we should, we should dry off. let me take you home, i can give you a ride,” his eyes pierce into mine, and my next sentence is difficult to get out.
“i actually walked, i live pretty close. but i wouldn’t mind a ride in your car,”
what is wrong with me?
he captures his bottom lip between his teeth, registering the words before even i do.
“perfect, let’s go,”
we quickly gather our beach supplies, not bothering to put on clothes or properly. beginning our walk to where his car his, he reaches his hand out to mine.
for a second i’m hesitant to take it, but i do anyway and our pace picks up and i’m almost being dragged to the car by him.
he has a sleek, black kia with dark tint. it’s a nice car, way nicer than mine. he unlocks it, turning around and signaling me to give him the stuff in my hand, and he shoves it in the trunk.
i find myself shuffling to the passenger seat of the car before he can even shut the trunk, nervousness kicks into me and my heartbeat is so loud in my own head i almost don’t hear him get into the drivers seat.
my head whips around and meets his gaze,
“hey,” he starts,
“want t… want to go to the back?”
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amalainse · 2 months
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"life spring"
— gojo satoru
tags ට lite somno (consensual), praise kink, pussy job, riding, vanilla and full of so much love its gross, morning sex, lowkey sub satoru, established marriage, fix it fic of sorts
a/n ට i listened to hozier the entire time i wrote this. so thats how you guys know im serious about the vanilla sex.
───⠀౨ৎ this is the married life that gojo deserves and it's his and sometimes he can't believe its all real. (1.4k wc)
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the room glows like pure gold, spun from the sun's waves.
its warm and it smells like home and satoru's eyes blink open slowly before shutting again. there are other colors too ; pretty cherry blossom pinks, hazy greens and blue the color of the sea. a gift from the first years — from nobara in particular. it's supposed to mimic stained glass.
satoru wants to cling to his dream for a moment longer. a boat, rocking gently at sea. you and your smile as you took turns pushing each other overboard. but the fuzzy feeling is lifting and faster by the second.
a bird cries and sings its morning song. satoru opens his eyes and grins.
the first thing he always sees when he wakes up is you. whether thats when your curled up under his chin like you want to burrow up under your skin. or if its like now—with your face inches away from his, eyes screwed shut in pleasure, grinding down on his cock.
satoru reaches out to pull you down, and breathes your name against your lips. not quite kissing, just breathing the same air. bucks up once and twice, smiling at your cheeky grin. like you aren't more undone than he is.
"'morning, satoru" you giggle, kissing him finally, sounding breathless.
his fingers find your waist, secretly delighting in your bareness. hums appreciatively as your weeping cunt rocks down against his cock—fully hard now. "its a very good morning"
he has no shame at all in admitting he loves this—loves when you take charge. when you go for what you want. you had spent so long being meek, trying to blend into the background. hoping to fade away. but you've come into your own, and satoru likes to think he's apart of that. how he gives you the stability, the comfort, to chase what you're after.
"did you cum yet?" satoru asks, fingers tracing shapes into your skin.
you shake your head, lip caught between your teeth. but you know to keep your eyes open—focused completely on him.
"that's my good girl" satoru says, proud. you let out a shaky whine, pace faltering. "my pretty wife, so wet for me"
your hands come down to frame his chest, nails pretty against his skin as your hips grind in tight little circles that have him groaning out. and then your hand grabs his dick—holding him right where you want him, oh god—grinding more firmly against your clit.
"that's what you needed baby? needed my dick, didn't you?" satoru asks, like you both don't already know the answer. pleasure zips up his spine as your movements grow faster, sloppier. the pressure's enough to keep him on the edge, enough to make him feel like he could cum, maybe—but doesn't. it's the best. his hand rubs your back, moves your hair out of your eyes. "i don't mind sweetheart, its your dick. my hot, perfect wife"
you sob, muscled thighs trembling as you chase your high. your nails dig into his chest and he knows your searching for it now—the perfect stroke that'll finally make you cum.
"my perfect sorcerer wife is so strong" satoru whispers, gently caressing your stomach. "so beautiful. i'm so lucky. you gonna cum soon aren't you, baby? gonna cum messy too?"
you nod, another broken sob falling from your lips, fractured uh-uh-huhhh, satoru. you change your angle, and suddenly the wet sounds of your pussy sliding against his cock fill the room.
"yeah," he says, nodding, a wistful sigh leaving his lips. "can you hear yourself baby, hear how fucking wet and sloppy you are?"
and that's what does it for you—slumping down into his neck with a wail, as you take his hand and lead it down to your cunt. he knows what you want immediately, rubbing you fast and hard as you cum.
"you did so good," he says, sticking his fingers into his mouth to suck off the taste. your hips shake and quiver with the intensity of your orgasm. you don't answer for a long minute, and he can feel the soft puffs of air against his skin.
"hi" you breathe, finally, smiling at him
"hi" he says back, like a dork. you snuggle in closer, fingers brushing up softly against his cheek. satoru smiles and briefly closes his eyes. he can feel the smile breaking out onto his face, impossible to stop. never did he think he could be here, and have this : softness, laughter and smiles. peace.
"mm, and what are you laughing at?" you ask, leaning up on one elbow.
satoru opens his eyes. grins cheekily. "you. i was thinking your head looked like a raisin"
your mouth opens and closes in disbelief. the hand that been so gently caressing his face moments ago pinches his cheek sharply. and then you get that familiar mischievous look in your eye.
"no wait—" he protests, far too late. you descend upon him, jabbing your fingers into his sides, and his stomach and the side of his neck—where he is most ticklish. satoru writhes on the bed, loud peals of laughter bursting from him as he tries every yielding term in the book.
"oh yeah not so funny now is it?" you goad, although the sound of his laughter drowns you out.
"okay, okay, okay—"
a loud thud, and satoru falls of the bed and crashes to the floor in a heap of too-long limbs.
"oh shit" you mutter, and he doesn't need six eyes to tell him that you're covering your mouth with your hand to hide your laughter. you lean over the edge of the bed, eyes crinkling in the corner. age has done well by you. "baby, are you okay?"
"i think i broke my back" satoru groans, and massages his lower back to nail the point in further. "i'm getting so old"
"oh please" you snort, rolling your eyes, "you're only 39"
"that means i already have one foot in the grave!"
you roll your eyes again, pulling him up on the bed. "yes, you old old man. practically dead already"
"its been a good run" satoru says dramatically, tossing his head back onto the pillow. "i'm going to die happy now. 10 long years married to the love of my life"
"mmm" you hum, noncommittally, reaching over to feel up on his cock. his back straightens and he gets hard again embarrassingly fast. "do you think you have enough life left to handle me riding you?"
satoru pretends to think about it, massaging your right tit, slightly smaller than the left—fitting so perfectly into his hand. "try not to squeeze my soul out of my body and we're good"
"good," you say, settling on top of him again "i want you in me"
"fuck—baby, you can't just—" satoru gasps, as you breach yourself with his cock in one hard thrust. all coherent thought tumbles from his mind, gone with the wind, when he feels your warm cunt flutter around him and then squeeze. "you're doing that on purpose"
"am i?" you ask cheekily, smirking, riding him hard and fast. your ass smacks down against his thighs loudly, and when he dares to look at the place where the two of you are connected—he sees the ring of white around the base and has to screw his eyes shut to stop himself from cumming. he groans, tossing his head back, arm shielding his face from view.
ten years, and he still has to fight from busting his load the minute you get your cunt around him. ten years and he still keens, still mumbles shaky gasps and praises into the air. hands squeezing delicately around your hips, occasionally going to cup your ass—to help you along.
not that you need it. you grind down, hand massaging and squeezing at his pecs, as your go in tight circles around his dick. then you rise back up, letting him slip all the way out before slamming back down again.
you lean down next to his ear, taking his lobe between your teeth and biting gently. "baby?"
"y-yeah?" satoru asks, voice high, thrusting up into your tight heat in short aborted pumps of his hips. "you need something from me?"
"mmm" you moan in affirmation and he can feel you smiling against his cheek. "i want you to cum in me now"
satoru's grip on your hips turns bruising. he holds you still and shoves his dick into you over and over again, loud in the silent room. so good he can't think, broken praises and curses spilling from his lips. he brings you down and slams up into you one last time before doing exactly what you ask of him.
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notmyneighbor · 3 months
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resistance - doppel francis x female reader
part 3/?
words | 3.8k
cw | explicit sexual content
ao3 link
taglist | @jazminetoad @uhnanix @fangwh0r3 @zenxvii @mistrosa @mistrosa @vurivuri
The doppel’s eyes open.
He’s lying somewhere soft and warm. Your bed. You’re tucked against his side, your head pillowed on his chest. One of his arms is draped around you. Pleasant. That’s what this sensation is. It feels natural to be here, with you. He feels content. Safe.
The sun is hampered by the curtains on the windows but it still creates a soft, warm glow in the room. This space that bears your fragrance. His fingers drag lazily against your bare arm, a light caress as he contemplates what his next course of action should be. More of this, he decides. More of you is what he wants.
He feels you stir. “Good morning.”
“Hi,” you greet him, your head lifting to peer at his features. He helps you smooth back your tousled hair. “I’m so glad it’s the weekend. Can stay in bed as long as we want.”
“This is nicer than the couch,” he murmurs.
“Mmm. It is.” You burrow your face against his chest again.
“You slept finally.”
“I did.”
“Good.” His lips press into your hair and you sigh, sounding pleased. “What are we doing today?”
“Well, I have to do errands. You can’t wear the same clothes everyday, for one thing. Then laundry. The washers are downstairs. Mop the kitchen floor. Get groceries. There’s always so much to do on the weekend.”
“You should reverse it. Have five days to do those things and work two.”
“That is an excellent idea. You’re a genius.”
“I agree.”
Your head lifts again to find him smirking and you peck a quick kiss on his lips.
“Can I help you with any of that?”
“Well, it’s not safe for you to leave, but stuff around the apartment, sure. You can help put the laundry and groceries away, things like that.” Another kiss. “You’re not what I expected, you know. At all.”
“You mean the sex?”
Another smirk and you return it briefly. “That. Everything. You’re really one of a kind.”
His knuckles graze your cheek. “You got a little time before you start all those errands?”
“A little, yeah.” You kiss him again and this time your mouth lingers. “We should take a shower.”
“And then more of this?” He steals another kiss.
“I like this plan.”
“Me too.”
Waking up in the doppelganger’s arms had been strangely satisfying.
Showering much the same. The tension between the two of you finally eased, you find yourself feeling playful, enjoying the other’s company. You’re very firmly steering clear of any problematic thoughts at the moment. It’s the weekend. You deserve a break, considering everything that has happened over the last few days. Time enough to worry about consequences later.
Right now, you’ve got a very attractive mimic at your back. You’re both out of the shower and hastily dried, now standing in front of the bathroom sink. His hands haven’t stopped wandering since you’ve woken up this morning, and you’re not exactly keeping your own to yourself, either. It’s not terribly surprising when his hands pull the towel you’ve wrapped around yourself free and let it drop to the floor, your breasts now being massaged and his lips at your neck.
“Time to mate again?”
“Francis,” you gasp.
“What do you prefer to call it? Breeding? Fucking?” His breath is warm by your ear. You can feel his erection pressing against your buttocks and lower spine.
“I don’t know,” you reply nervously.
“Surely you must favor one over the other. Let’s try again. Mating? Breeding? Fucking?” One of his hands has progressed downward, sliding across your abdomen and wedging between your thighs. He finds you wet and hums in satisfaction, teasing over your clit. “Tell me.”
“Um…” You’re struggling to form a coherent thought as he slides a finger back and pushes the first joint inside of you, penetrating and then withdrawing, repeating the process several times. He thrusts a little deeper as the fingers of his other hand pinch and roll your nipple and you bite your lip, letting your head fall back against his shoulder.
“I’m still waiting for an answer.” His hand departs your sex and you hear him suck his fingers clean. “Oh, your taste…”
You allow yourself to be turned around, the doppelganger guiding you, pushing you back against the counter and bending to kiss your mouth. He tastes like toothpaste, and your arousal, and you savor every stroke of his tongue before he moves again, kneeling in front of you.
His lips brush each hip and just below your navel and you know what’s coming next, already trying to broaden your stance to grant him easier access. His tongue slides over your bud, flicking a few times before his mouth seals over the sensitive pink flesh and he sucks, hard. Your fingers knot in his hair and you whimper. He hums in approval and begins working the nub over with sharp flicks of his tongue, coaxing it from beneath its hood, bringing it firm and swollen into his mouth.
Your legs are already shaking and he’s barely begun. He’s sampling the rest of your pussy now, his tongue reaching further back than should be possible. Not a human one, though. A doppel’s. The clone of the milkman who lives in your building is eating you out in front of the bathroom sink, fucking your canal with something sinister and serpentine and your body is going absolutely crazy for it. Your fingers tighten when you feel a pair of fingers joining the mix, violating you right beside that moist muscle, the suction so strong over your clit you can feel the points of the doppel’s cuspids.
“Oh, Francis…”
It’s too much stimulation in all the right places. You surrender to your climax, quivering violently against your new lover’s mouth. Your spine is on fire. Your legs, too. Everything is hot. It’s not just leftover droplets from the recent shower staining your skin. You’re sweating, writhing and shaking until the kneeling replicant finally rises and you catch a glimpse of his eyes, his true eyes, the sharp teeth between lips glistening with your arousal and your release, his damp hair mussed from your rough handling. He looks wild and frightening but you don’t shy away from this new appearance, even as he catches sight of his reflection in the mirror behind you and seems surprised, startled at how much control he’s lost, at the monster you’ve drawn out of him.
“I’m sorry, I…”
“It’s okay.” Your legs are wobbly like a newborn foal’s. “Francis, I need to sit down.”
Another surprise when he lifts you into his arms, so easily, as if you weigh nothing, bringing you back into the bedroom and placing you on the mattress, then sitting beside you. You still need to strip the bed and change the sheets, but maybe it’s just as well you haven’t yet, because you know there’s only one way this is going to go.
“Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” The doppel’s features are once again an imitation of the human version of the milkman.
“No, not at all. That was just…intense. My body is a bit overwhelmed. I’m okay, you’d didn’t hurt me,” you reassure him again. He still looks worried.
“I didn’t mean to…I mean, I did, but…” His voice trails off when he sees the expression on your face. “You really did enjoy it? You don’t mind seeing what I look like, underneath? That’s only part of it, but…”
“I enjoy being with you,” you say simply. It’s the truth. Whatever reservations and prejudices you’d had before, those were evaporating rapidly, between last night and now again this morning. And not even just the intimacy. All of it. All the time you spend with him makes you further question everything you’ve ever been told about the doppels. “And to answer your question from earlier: all of them. I like all the terminology. I like doing all of them with you.”
“I do, too.” You lean towards each other and your lips brush. “We’re not supposed to like each other.”
“I know. I don’t care.”
He smiles softly. “Neither do I.” Another kiss. Lingering. Wanting. You fall backwards and he moves with you. Over you. Hands exploring your body again. Mouth wet against yours.
“Fuck me,” you breathe against his cheek, and he shudders, shifts so that he is between your thighs, at your entrance, cock plunging inside the space that’s so slick, still tingling, even now, throbbing at the memory, thrilling at being filled once more. The doppelganger fucks you fast and slow, until it’s the afternoon, on top of you and beneath you and behind you and then over you once again, finally spilling inside.
When you’ve finally managed to wash and get dressed, the replicant helps you remove the bed linens, adding them to the basket of laundry you need to wash later on. The way the sunlight that’s now visible with the curtains parted touches him as he bends to drop the pillowcases into the basket stirs something in your chest. You’ve never seen him outdoors at this time of day. He’s been trapped inside so much. Hiding. Before that, captured.
Francis’ copy seems to notice a change in your expression. “What is it?”
You shake your head. “Nothing. Just noticing how handsome you are.”
“Just noticed that now, did you?” He moves towards you, tugging you back into his arms. It’s so hard to stop touching him. He must be feeling it, too. The day is speeding by and you have so much to do but you don’t want to waste any moments you can have together.
“I’ll be back as soon as possible, okay?” You reluctantly step away and move to stand in front of the dresser, performing one last appearance check in the mirror.
“If I say no, will you stay?”
“Francis,” you say gently. “If you want to eat cake this week, I have to go to the store.”
“I could change my appearance, you know.” Your eyes meet in the mirror. “Then I could leave the apartment.”
“I…I don’t think I want you to do that. Do you want to do that?” You hadn’t even considered this possibility, but of course it’s an option. An uncomfortable one. Having him switch out his countenance like changing a pair of socks…it just felt wrong, somehow. You know Francis’ visage isn’t his real one, and yet you can’t think of him as anyone else. Especially not now, not after being intimate together.
“No,” he says. “Not really. You like this face. This body.”
“I like you,” you correct.
“It might be the only way I can ever leave,” he says softly.
“I don’t want to talk about that right now.” You set your hairbrush down with more force than necessary, the wood slapping the surface of the dresser loudly.
“I’m not saying I want to leave you.”
“I know.” You consider the makeup sitting on the dresser. You’d applied less than usual. It felt weird, about to go out like this. But he preferred it, didn’t he? And didn’t you want to please him? “How do you…do it? The cloning?” You can’t meet his gaze anymore, nervously rifling through jewelry pieces you have no intention of wearing today.
“It takes time. It’s not something that happens swiftly. That’s why I didn’t swap appearances when I escaped the DDD facility. It’s more than just a physical change, too. It’s complicated.”
You chew your bottom lip. “I don’t want you to do it. I know that’s selfish, but…”
“Then I won’t.”
You abruptly turn to face the replicant, stepping closer and wrapping your arms around him. His face tucks into the side of your neck and he inhales deeply.
He’d said he was lonely without you, and maybe you were lonely without him, too.
You hadn’t even known it, until now.
There’s someone ahead of you on your way out of the main entrance.
Francis Mosses, of all people, dressed not in his customary work clothes but something more casual. He’s paused outside the security booth to greet the doorman. You didn’t need clearance to leave, just to enter, but it was only polite to at least mumble a few pleasantries on the way by. It must be a relief for the guard to be able to talk to people that he knows for certain are human, emerging after previously being screened. You don’t envy your fellow DDD employee his position at all.
“Hey Francis, what happened to the scratches on your cheek?”
You freeze just as you draw even with the milkman, your blood running cold. The doorman had noticed the visual discrepancy on the real Francis, of course.
You dig around in your purse and hurriedly withdraw a makeup compact, linking an arm through the startled third floor resident’s and waving the item in the air.
“Oh, that’s my handiwork. Nothing a little makeup can’t fix.”
Your grip on your neighbor’s arm tightens as you will him to be silent, your nails digging into his arm.
“Huh. Maybe you should go work in Hollywood. Do fancy makeup for the movie stars. Them special effects and the like.”
“Yeah, maybe,” you laugh nervously. “Well, I’ve gotta get caught up on errands now. See you later.” You bid farewell to the doorman and walk outside with your arm still wrapped around Francis’, who shakes you off the second you’re clear of the door.
“You want to tell me what that was all about?” The normally drowsy, quiet delivery man looks upset, something you’ve never seen on his features before.
“I’m sorry. Thank you for playing along.”
“What was he talking about? Why does he think I got injured?”
You hesitate, worrying your bottom lip. “I don’t want to get you involved, Francis. It’s too dangerous.”
He scoffs. “I’m already involved now, so you might as well tell me what’s going on.”
“I really can’t.”
His eyes narrow, then widen. “Was he talking about a doppel? Did you help a doppel get into the—”
You clamp a hand over the milkman’s mouth, hurriedly glancing around the parking lot. “Please, you can’t tell anyone. I know we don’t know each other well, but you have to trust me.”
Your fingers slide from his lips. Eerie, how familiar they feel. The same as your lover’s.
“You helped a doppelganger that looks like me get inside the building and I’m supposed to trust you? I should march back inside right now and have the doorman call the DDD.”
“Francis, please, you can’t. You don’t know what’s happening.” Your hand closes over his sleeve again. “They’ll kill him, or recapture him. I don’t even know which is worse.”
He scowls at the hand on his arm. “What do you mean ‘capture’?”
You let your hand drop, keeping your voice low, just in case. “That’s where he came from. When I was at work late the other night…he was inside the DDD building. They erased some of his memories and—”
“—Do you know how insane this sounds?” He hisses, frantically glancing around. “The DDD doesn’t collect doppels, it exterminates them. You work for them, for pity’s sake. You know that.”
“I thought that, too. But it’s not true. I don’t know all the details myself yet, but…”
“He’s deceiving you. That’s what they do. He concocted this story to manipulate you.”
“No. It’s the truth, Francis.”
“Is he…is he staying with you?”
You nod, feeling your cheeks flush.
He rolls his eyes. “Unbelievable.”
“I promise you, he’s not like the others. Some of them. I don’t know if there are more like him. There must be. But he’s not evil.”
“He’s pretending to be me. Do you know what that feels like? Having someone else wear your face like it’s a Halloween mask? Steal your identity?”
“He’s not trying to replace you. He’s just trying to survive.”
Francis shakes his head. “He’s really gotten to you, hasn’t he?”
“Maybe if you met him, spoke to him…”
“Oh, yes. That’s exactly what I want to do. Make friends with my clone.”
“Please don’t tell anyone. That’s all I ask. You don’t have to get involved beyond that.”
“You’re asking too much.” He scrubs a hand through his hair, and the gesture tugs at something inside of you. They are the real Francis’ gestures and mannerisms. All of it. None of it truly belongs to the mimic hiding in your apartment. Maybe this was some of the more complicated elements the doppel had been referring to in the cloning process.
“I know I am. But I need you to do this for me. I promise you, he hasn’t harmed anyone since he’s been with me. I think he’s more scared of us than we are of him, honestly. He just wants a fair chance.”
“He can’t keep using my face. Someone is going to find out. Aside from what already happened today. Forget the doppel. What do you think they’d do to you? You’d lose you job. Your home. And maybe go to prison. I don’t even know. There’s no precedent for this. Humans and doppelgangers are enemies.”
“Not this one.”
Francis sighs. “I’m not promising anything. I won’t blab. But I’m telling you right now, I’m not putting my neck on the line for a replicant. If push comes to shove, he’s going down. And you’ll likely be going down with him.”
“I know. Thank you.”
The milkman shakes his head. “Don’t thank me. This is a hell of a thing you’ve gotten us involved in. A hell of a thing. This affects all of us, you know, not just you and I. You’re endangering everyone living in this building.” He jerks on the handle of the door of his car and you watch him drop behind the wheel. He slams the door shut and exits the parking lot, leaving you staring after him.
Francis’ doppelganger paces the small apartment, waiting for your return.
There’s a new kind of unease that’s developed after your departure. It’s not just about being bored or lonely.
He’s worried about you.
Even though you’re not the one who’s an escaped fugitive, even though you don’t have pieces of your memory completely wiped away and your very existence threatened by the DDD, he fears for your safety, for would happen to you if he’s discovered. As pleasant as the previous evening and today has been, he can’t help but feel some of it is artifice. Pretending. He’d seen it on your face, whenever you’d let your emotions slip free. You know it just as well as he does. He isn’t really Francis Mosses, and you aren’t really a happy couple enjoying your lives together. He can’t hide in your apartment forever.
He can’t, but he wishes he could.
The front door opens and he tenses until he sees your face poking around the corner. You’re okay. He sighs in relief and quickly moves to help you with the bags of groceries you’re balancing, setting them on the counter. The smile of gratitude you offer seems strained. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You hesitate midway through unpacking the first bag. “Francis knows.”
“What do you mean? How?” His eyes flick to the door to check that it’s locked.
“The doorman noticed the scratches weren’t there. I had to make up a story to cover for it and he went along with it, but I had to tell Francis the truth afterwards.”
The replicant touches his cheek absently. He’d forgotten about the injury you’d inflicted. “Can we trust him?”
“I don’t know. I hope so. He said he’d keep it a secret.”
“I’m putting you in danger being here.”
“That’s what Francis said. That we’re risking everyone in the building’s lives.”
“He’s right.”
You slam a bag of flour you’ve just pulled from the paper sack down on the counter. “Stop being so complacent and just agreeing with everything I’m saying. You sound like you’ve already given up and you’re going to surrender. What’s the point of it all, why have you bring me here and make me care about you, just so you can abandon me and—”
The doppelganger suddenly leans forward, interrupting you, his mouth brushing roughly against yours. “I’m not surrendering,” he says, his voice husky. “I’m not abandoning you.” His thumb strokes your cheek. “Okay?”
You nod, sinking into the offering of his arms. He holds you for awhile, until he hears your stomach grumble and realizes neither of you has eaten yet today.
“I guess we should probably take care of these groceries.”
The milkman’s clone releases you and together you finish unpacking and putting things away. “How did you talk your way out of the situation with the doorman, anyway?”
“My makeup compact. I said I used concealer on Francis’ face.”
“Huh. That’s actually pretty clever.”
“Think so?”
“I do.”
“Want to make dinner together?”
“Yes. And play cards.”
“I have to go throw the laundry on. Oh! And I have clothes for you.” You point to the final bag waiting to be unpacked.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll be right back.”
The doppel steals a kiss before you leave with the laundry basket, and another before you decide on what to prepare for supper. Once the oven is on, you both head to the living room and you switch the television on, settling onto the couch just in time for the start of the evening news.
“And now, our top story this evening. A fire broke out in an abandoned warehouse on Raynor Avenue late last evening. Authorities say…”
“This isn’t the usual reporter,” the doppel notes.
“Weekend news. Different crew. Izaack Gauss is on during the week.”
“The man with the big smile.”
“Yeah, that’s him. He lives downstairs. Very well known. Won some kind of award. Did an exposé on a crooked politician. He’s kind of pushy, but I guess that’s what makes him so good at his job. He’ll do anything to get a story.”
“Anything?” Francis’ copy looks at you sharply.
“Mmm-hmm. Why?” You straighten up from your slouching position on the cushions. “Wait. Are you thinking…? A tip off about the DDD…but Francis, a news team tried to get inside before and they got shut right down.”
“But not this Izaack character. The one who will do anything for a story,” he persists.
“It’s risky, trusting him with that kind of information. If he finds out about you…”
“No. I’m not suggesting asking him for help.”
You frown. “Then what…Oh. No. Francis, we talked about this earlier. You agreed you wouldn’t change your appearance.”
“It would only be temporary.”
“And you think you’re going to what, just waltz back in and demand to know what the DDD is really up to?”
“Something like that, yes.”
“It’ll never work. That’s insane. You’ll be captured all over again. Maybe worse.”
“It might work.”
You stand up and walk over to the television, shutting it off. “No. There has to be another way.”
“And if there isn’t?”
“There has to be another way,” you repeat firmly.
The doppel remains silent.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Mimicking his mannerisms ✧
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Plot: You mimic your boyfriend’s mannerisms.
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At first, the enigmatic striker didn't seem to register your playful imitations of his signature subtle smirks or the way his steely cobalt eyes would narrow with razor focus.
Why would he? To Kaiser, such trivial details weren't worth breaking concentration over.
That utter absorption in the game, in dismantling defenses and obliterating opponents through sheer, leonine skill is what made you start mirroring his mannerisms in the first place.
The way his chiseled features settled into that stony, impenetrable mask of intensity whether dribbling a ball or simply contemplating strategy...you found it weirdly entrancing.
Which is why, bundled up on the sofa freshly showered after a match, you erupted into peals of giggles after perfectly emulating Kaiser's celebratory chest thump and fist pump from earlier when he'd scored the game-winner.
Complete with your best attempt at replicating that guttural grunt of exertion just to sell the impression.
At first, Michael merely arched one of those winged brows fractionally, gaze flickering over to you with mild interest. Studying, analyzing, deconstructing your silly antics just as he might an opponent's offensive patterns to identify weaknesses.
You beamed right back without a shred of self-consciousness, striking another achingly-familiar pose - feet braced apart, knees bent, arms raised like they're clutching an invisible ball, mouth curling into that infuriatingly smug half-grin Kaiser flashes before blowing past defenders like they're standing still.
And...was that the ghost of a chuckle rumbling up from the striker's barrel chest at catching your overly-earnest mimicry? Sure sounded like it before he hastily muffled the impulse, eyes crinkling with unmistakable amusement.
In a flash, you pounced - taking shameless advantage of your petite stature to clamber right into his lap before he could protest or deflect.
Looping your arms loosely around his thick neck, you peered down with dancing eyes and an impish grin.
"Something funny, Master Sniper?"
You crooned his moniker in an exaggerated baritone approximation of his own molten vocals.
"Don't tell me the great Michael Kaiser is finally going easy on the opposition?"
Michael, to his credit, didn't so much as flinch at your flagrant invasion of his personal space. Just leveled you with one of those piercing, soul-searing stares from beneath heavy lids for a pregnant pause.
Almost as if evaluating whether to simply disengage entirely...or take the bait and engage with this maddeningly irreverent side of you that delighted in needling his legendary composure.
Then, before you could react, those powerful arms looped in an inescapable vise around your midsection, crushing your squirming body flush against his own.
One broad palm cradled the nape of your neck, callused thumb dragging along the line of your jaw as Kaiser fixed you with a lopsided smirk crackling with unspoken challenge.
"So that's how you want to play it, wildkatze ?" Any pretense towards stoicism evaporated in favor of that rich, honeyed baritone dripping with roguish self-assurance that stole your breath more effectively than any physical exertion.
"Well then...no more holding back, starting now."
Those silvery eyes glinted like sharpened steel as he effortlessly flipped your positions with that same controlled, explosive grace he wields between the lines - pinning you bodily beneath his solid, unyielding weight with startling swiftness.
One sensual caress along the curve of your lips with the calloused pad of his thumb ignited tingling shockwaves through your nerve endings.
"Let's see how good your impressions really are...starting with the most important celebration of all once we're done here."
Any further protests dissolved into breathless, keening pleas of surrender as Kaiser set about teaching you to mimic the only poses and exertions that truly matter between the two of you.
289 notes · View notes