#wanted to share uwu
kasarian · 10 months
i wanna change alon's color pallette. technically i have?? into something more deepish ocean, or the ocean with something like his fanderg below minus the pink augment.
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kuromi-hoemie · 2 months
ngl it does really annoy me when everyone accepts “ace people don't have sex” as the baseline assumption instead of ace people just not experiencing sexual attraction.
you can still have sex but be driven by different reasons, like to me it is a kind of affection and way to hang out with people that is influenced by the relationship we have with each other. i can think people are pretty to look at with or without their clothes without sexual attraction in the mix.
when i see something full of ppl assuming ace people don't have sex i always want to jump on it and be annoying like MEEEE I'M ACE PEOPLE WHO HAS SEX, WE EXIST WE EXIST STOP ASSUMING WE DON'T THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO STRAIGHT UP WILL NOT DATE OR BE INTERESTED IN ACE PEOPLE BECAUSE OF THIS MISCONCEPTION AND WE E X I S T.
stop!!!! assuming ace people do not have sex!!!!!!!! if you don't know then ask if it's appropriate!!!!!!!!!!! stop thinking about it in a binary you either do or don't have sex kind of way!!!!!! this is fundamentally off!!!!!!!!!!!! if you are ace you do not have sexual ATTRACTION!!!!!!!!!!!
as to how we feel about and handle sex, that varies person to person but sex favorable aces are a lot more common than you'd think. hell, figuring out I'm ace was the hardest thing to figure out about myself because all i ever saw people talk about was whether you have sex or not. I'm sure there's a lot more people who haven't figured it out for this same reason, and let me tell you it's hard to know you're missing a whole ass type of attraction when you've never experienced it before and didn't know it was missing to begin with!!
ace is not synonymous with sexless. aces who don't have sex don't speak for me, and y'all gotta stop letting them be the only face of the community. there are More Of Us, it is All Of Us.
accepting that baseline at face value leaves you uninformed and it's frustrating to see this over and over again. challenge yourself to do better and try understanding ace people more.
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borealwrites · 5 months
I see your (general) “Kakashi expects children to be half as smart as he was at that age” AU and raise you a “Kakashi thinks children are way dumber than they actually are” AU. His only in-person experiences with pre genin are himself, a year at the academy, and Naruto.
So he’s convinced that Iruka is some kind of god for wrangling 17 half-feral children (and Naruto) into real human beings who can read and write and use chopsticks and deadly weapons. Yes, clan children probably learn a bit before, but still.
Kakashi: can’t believe you taught them almost everything they know
Iruka: I didn’t??
Kakashi: I watched you turn 18 hellions into mostly functional members of society
Iruka: most of my kids were well behaved
Kakashi: they absolutely were not, I once saw baby Shino bite Chouji and Hinata took out Gai’s kneecaps because he stood still long enough for her to catch him
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lemon-grey · 3 months
I know I’m probably being obnoxious metaposting about Dimitri again but I’m going to anyway,,,
I think a lot about his time living on the streets and dealing with psychosis because, it’s Relatable and all, but
Mostly I think about how important it is when coping with psychosis to have a routine, and stability—and conversely how scary it is to not have those things. To not have a safe environment and to not have basic human needs met, means that it’s impossible to deal with severe mental illness, and Dimitri spends five years like this.
It’s no surprise that he hasn’t found a way to cope at all during that time, when he is on the run for his life and thinks everyone has either betrayed him or died. He’s living like a shell of a person because he isn’t able to take care of himself at all—and this leads to an element of The Scene With Byleth that stands out to me.
Of course I’m all for the “touch starved Dimitri” reading of that scene, but it’s also important to remember how grounding it can be in the midst of a mental health crisis to hold hands with someone. Dimitri, who has been unable to experience safety or stability in five years, is sure to immediately pick up on that grounding feeling when Byleth touches him. And it’s sure to tether him to reality just a little bit, when he needs it most, too.
Idk, I just think about Dimitri so much, his struggles and how deeply sad and scarred and confused he must have been after dealing with psychosis alone for so many years
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elvenbeard · 4 months
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You're my World
Doesn't matter where we are as long as we're together.
New Pride Flags Makeup (AXL Edition) by @pinkyjulien 💛
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palin-tropos · 1 year
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purpleajisai · 1 year
Drop your Madara headcannons 🧠 💣
Hi! This is going to be quite a long list. Didn't add every single hc because I'm planning on writing a little fanfic and don't want to spoil some details to you hehe. Anyways, hope you enjoy! Some of these are very oddly specific, this man occupies at least half my brain if not more.
🔥 misc!
* He drinks his tea boiling hot. Burning your tongue? Never heard of it
* Is actually good at cooking and makes the most out of any ingredient available. Growing up in war, he knows how to make meals out of anything.
* Has a pillow to cuddle in bed! The dude is lonely.
* Very elegant and expensive hanko to stamp his documents. A clan leader needs to be fancy sometimes!
* Neat freak. Never has his house messy or his clothes out of place. Even his hair strands are calculated.
* Is actually able to mend/sew his clothes very well if some stitches are damaged during training.
* Sleeps a maximum of 6 hours a day, minimum of 30 minutes. The amount of sleep he gets is like playing a roulette (ever seen the eyebags? yeah)
* Speaking about the eyebags. His eyebags are both sunken and protruding (based on my personal experience of being sleep deprived+stressed) the lower eyelid pops out a little and the dark circles extend more.
* The man is physically unable to go out in social settings during the day. Only has social battery for the night. If he has to do some sort of diplomatic celebration with other clan leaders or kage during the day, he’ll leave the talking to someone better at social gatherings like Hashirama. 
* Has houseplants both for decoration and for cooking. We’re talking pretty succulents and mint plants or peach trees.
* The type of guy to wake up and immediately jump out of bed. Things have to be done everyday and he doesn’t trust people to do things the way he likes. 
🎀 appearance!
* Shaves to perfection every single morning, no excuses. Takes a little razor to missions, hates the feeling of facial hair growing. Trims his eyebrows as well. The Sharingan needs a pretty frame, right?
* The gloves have 2 purposes: protecting his hands from getting calluses or any form of damage due to the metal handle of the gunbai, kusarigama, etc and to hide burn scars (courtesy of @madaraservingcunt go follow her!)
* Continuing with the gloves, they’re made out of leather or thick cotton. Maybe has several sets of them for different activities.
* Smells like a mix of wood (cedar or pine), soot/ash, aloe and maybe lavender or wild daisy.
* Skincare and haircare? He’s VERY serious about these. Aloe vera facial masks for soothing the itchiness of constant katonjutsu, washes face with caution, rice water to keep his hair shiny, protective hairstyles to not damage the long hair strands, bamboo hairbrush to retain the natural oils, etc.
* Either has thick straight hair or textured and slightly wavy hair, definitely cut in layers. The wavy hair would make more sense as it poofs up when dry but looks rather straight when wet, taking into account the scenes of the battle in the Valley of the End (thank you Indra for the wavy hair and gorgeous mane genetics). Definitely loves his hair, fav part about himself.
* The bandages above his ankles are to keep the pants in place because his calves are thin and not very muscular, a small insecurity when he was a teen.
* Speaking of the terrible teens, he got grumpy whenever he got a breakout, zit, etc.
* Has mixed/dry, sensible skin. Dealt with painful and itchy sores due to lack of skin hydration while in war.
* Is a bit ashamed of his height and body proportions (i.e. wishing he was taller, less lean and more bulky, broader shoulders). These were regular nuisances during his teens but he eventually controlled the insecurities in adulthood, not managing to make them disappear completely nonetheless.
🍡 food!
* The databooks say that his fav food is inarizushi, so I've added that he likes similar things: onigiri, temaki, nigirizushi, tamagoyaki or even gyoza.
* Eats with little pleasure, only to fuel his body or whatever. That changes when Konoha is founded and he can actually enjoy and taste his meals.
* Dislikes greasy foods. Not a fan of ramen or katsudon, gyoza has to be boiled and would never eat tempura or ebi furai.
* Has a sweet tooth. We're talking dango, wagashi, dorayaki and more. However, only Izuna knew about this. Can't have a clan leader that eats candy like a little child.
* Prefers his sake cold and drinks mostly umeshu in informal gatherings.
* Actually likes fruit. I have no reason for believing this but he has the face of a man who likes fresh fruit. Fav fruit is persimmons or apples.
* Was malnourished as a child, giving away his food to his brothers or clansmen. Eventually took a toll on his muscle growth and height.
* Eats very light breakfast (maybe tea and some rice with nori or miso soup with wakame), heavy lunch (meat or fish, rice, more tea and other side dishes), no dinner.
* Favourite tea is jasmine or pu'erh, mostly drinks green tea and actually enjoys a good ceremonial matcha.
Thanks for the fun ask! I legit have a google docs of 4 pages full of hcs 😭 please send more asks about him I need to dump my brainrot
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wheatcak3 · 2 years
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rip wine 😔😔😔 
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I'm talking abt vrisker or whatever their user is clearly tagging their post... as being violent intrusive thoughts. And ur attacking them for it.
saying "I want to cause a victim of my abuse to have a psychotic break for speaking out about what I did to them" publicly is not an "intrusive thought" and pretending it is only serves to further hurt those with ocd and actual violent intrusive thought
then again, you prats have never cared about actual disordered people so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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pinkyjulien · 1 year
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🟨 Just call me [V]
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tansypaws · 11 months
cannnnooottt believe people think rn is an appropriate time to wax poetic about how uwu uwu it’s okay to take a mental health break and stay silent on an issue when literally the least you can do (and the least that has been asked for) is to spread awareness of what is going on. jesus fucking christ. couching your refusal to do this BASIC fucking thing as ~*~ uwu #mentalhealthmatters uwu ~*~ is fucking depraved call your FUCKING REPS good god
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randomnameless · 10 months
Something that really bothers me about the rose coloured glasses vis a vis tellius and fe fans (ESPECIALLY from 3h fans who learned about tellius later) is that many like soren purely because of his main ship (i mean i like ikesoren too but come the fuck on) and jokingly characterise soren as a stereotypical nasty mean limp wristed sarcastic gay man instead of a deeply flawed branded angry at the world and definitely trauma bonded to ike, but micaiah is still absolutely getting raked over the coals over the blood pact and not being ike’s fangirl
Jokes often involve flanderisation, so Soren being flanderised to oblivion when people joke about him isn't something I really care about, but maybe that's because I'm not really fond of Soren to begin with lol
What annoys me more is when some people try to rationalise Soren's anger and backstory by either pointing at Almedha or Deghinsea being responsible for everything, and I'm like, what.the.fuck?
Almedha's just, idk, I won't call it sexism, but damn - that woman loves her son who is the only reason why she hasn't completely lost her mind over 1/losing her powers 2/being casted away like trash by her "BF" 3/being rejected by her dad 4/thinking her brother was tortured and abused to death because of her actions 5/being separated from her beloved child.
Deghinsea being "uwu bad bcs he's the reason why brandeds are rejected by both beorcs and laguz" is another take I really am not fond of, and iirc I wrote a post earlier this year about it? But to some people who buy the "Crusts BaD" as the reason why Fodlan sucks, I guess they need to have someone to name and pill all of the world's nonsense rather than, well, in Tellius' case, realise that the worldbulding and the lore really sucks, to the point where the duology touted as the most "against racism" of the franchise, is pretty much way more racist than anything Tru Piss can throw us (yes, because in Tru Piss we have characters rejecting coexistence, in Tellius, it's the world mechanics - whenever a Beorc and a Laguz coexist too much, the Laguz dies...).
As for Miccy,
Just like, imo, Soren gains some "new" attention and "uwu excuses for why he's being a snarky jerk at times", Miccy used to be bashed when FE10 was released (with all the Mary Sue accusation being thrown around!) because she was written to be a sort of foil/antagonist to Ike, and when the party reunited, she was demoted to a "soul-jar" role, let it be regarding the greater plot, or, even, her own backstory!
TBH, for people who didn't play FE10, if Ike is the bestest thing since melted cheese, Miccy, who opposes him, must be BaD and so you can pile everything you don't like on her, hoping to see it stick.
Or even worse, I've seen posts here and there comparing Miccy to Supreme Leader and how misunderstood uwu she is, which is the worst insult poor Miccy ever received since FE10 came out rofl
#2goldensnitches#do you want to kill me friend lol#once upon a time discussions about soren and miccy were very animated lol#anyways i still don't like how some part of the fandom tries to uwu him#he is a character with flaws that sure are never called out in the game and by the main character but#they exist#and to uwu them away is imo a disservice and not a good reading on him#'but his backstory sad uwus' Sephiran also has a crapton of sad uwus for his backstory#and yet the game chews him out about his plans to destroy the world because hey fuck off#it's not fair to condemn the world and everyone who lives in it for your suffering#It's sort of hilarious because sometimes I wonder if Miccy wasn't also written as a Soren foil#Miccy is the one who doesn't like when Beorc call Laguz names#she lives in racist land and knows she has to hide else she'll die too#but she still came to care about the people who live here#she gets to talk to Vika who feels weirded out by her being a branded and yet they agree to continue talking/being friends despite it#Miccy never insults Rafiel calling him a half beast#Soren follows Ike and his lead but Miccy has to take the lead despite wanting to follow Pelleas at first#tfw we know more about Soren's backstory even after being kicked away from Daein than Miccy's lol#granted I loved what FE10 with Almedha when you see that some of his worst traits/flaws are actually shared by his mom lol#tl;dr : a Soren raised by his mom would have been even more of a jerk than the one we got#i have a lot of feelings about how Miccy was treated in FE10 which in turn sort of explains the vitriol she received from the fandom#but that's for another post lol else it'll be too long#basically FE10 is more Ike v.2 than a game where Miccy is the Lord
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rapidhighway · 1 year
heyyy rec some songs to me??? :)))) i like rock, alt rock, space rock an stuff, ive been starting to like metal, but i like the mother mothers and stuff as well... electronic? idkkkkk
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raiswanson · 6 months
when a friend mentions they're trying to get back into reading and you have to hold off from dumping your entire 300+ book personal library over their head because you don't want to overwhelm them/scare them off
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luhman16 · 3 days
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Cringetober 2024 prompt list Made a cringetober list :3 some prompts were taken from Awestin the surfer dude / Icryink 's cringetober 2024 prompt list
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lotus-duckies · 1 year
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they really collectively went omG SPARKLES
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