#war in ukraine murders stop russia
20thofapril · 2 years
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The number of flowers on Navalny's grave formed a mountain of flowers can you imagine this at putin's grave? this is a big fuck you to putin
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drakulesti · 2 years
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anastasiamaru · 2 years
This is the ruins of Mariupol Drama Theatre
russians destroyed it then fenced it off with advertising net featuring classic russian writers.
russian shitty culture always goes in addition to russian weapons
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
-Runs back into the room from having been wrapped up in the Sub Shitshow- context PLEASE on what’s up with Putin!?
Lol okay buckle up:
Yevgeny Prighozin is (well, as of now) one of Putin's closest allies. He is Putin's former chef and now the CEO of Wagner Group, the Russian private army of mercenaries who have spent a decade plundering Africa and destroying Syria in the employ of various terrible local dictators. Since the invasion of Ukraine, Wagner has become one of the Russian army's mainstays, mostly because they're the only ones who seem able to actually do anything. Of course, it did still take them nine months to take Bakhmut, Ukraine's *checks notes* 53rd largest city with very little strategic value, but given what a shitshow the regular Russian army has been, that's good. Or something.
The Russian army is mostly good at destroying dams and bombing civilians, which are obviously terrible for many reasons, but not that useful in the military scheme of things.
However, Wagner are also -- I hasten to stress -- thoroughly terrible people. Aside from all the shit in Africa and Syria, they've done likewise in Ukraine and will continue to do so. Legally speaking, they technically "don't exist," which has allowed them to get around a lot of the usual rules and regulations that are supposed to "bind" (ha) the Russian army. They are obviously in Ukraine directly at Putin's behest and doing Putin's bidding, but it turns out that giving an ambitious and amoral psychopathic warlord his own private army of criminals, rapists, killers, and whoever else they can dredge out of Russia's prisons to throw at the front line and die en masse may not be a good idea?
Shocking, I know.
Anyway, Prigozhin has spent months ripping into the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, for what a whole shitshow clusterfuck this whole stupid war patently is. (Not, however, that this has stopped him from continuing to eagerly carry it out, since he's just as much or indeed even more of a zealot as the rest of Putin's government.) This has included blaming Shoigu for equipment losses, underprovisioning of Wagner troops, general strategic numbnuttery, etc. Prigozhin has not, however -- again, until now -- attacked Putin directly, or backed off from getting his losers killed in Bakhmut and/or wherever else. One suspects that Putin has been perfectly happy to let Prigozhin scapegoat Shoigu for the war's failures, since this means Shoigu can always just conveniently fall out a window or something if it gets too necessary to make a public show of displeasure, and not Putin.
HOWEVER, things took a turn VERY FAST today, within about 12 hours. Prigozhin has, as noted, spent months tearing the Russian military leadership a new asshole -- not because he's a good guy (he's a fucking war criminal on like, 10 different levels), but because it is plainly obvious what a shitshow this is and even a war criminal has his limits as to how much totally pointless murderous bullshit he wants to go through, I guess. (That includes telling the truth about why the war started -- i.e. to steal Ukrainian stuff/land for the oligarchs, and not any of Putin's other stupid excuses.)
Today (June 23) Prigozhin accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of orchestrating a rocket attack on Wagner's camp in eastern Ukraine (near the Russian border) and causing massive casualties;
We don't have proof of this yet, or indeed much else of what Prigozhin is talking about, BUT he finally decided to put his Coup Hat On and get serious about "punishing" Russian military leadership, i.e. presumably Shoigu, declaring that "there are 25,000 of us [Wagner soldiers] and we're coming into Russia to sort out this chaos"
So -- again, according to Prigozhin, who is not the world's most reliable source on anything -- he turned his army of yoinks around, left Ukraine, and marched into the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, where the Russian military command in charge of the assault on Ukraine is headquartered;
For a while, there was nothing but Prigozhin's various unhinged rants on Telegram to prove any of this, but it's now early tomorrow morning in Russia and there are indeed a lot of videos of what DOES IN FACT LOOK like Wagner mercenaries rolling into Rostov and storming Ministry of Defense buildings;
Firm information on what is going on is almost nonexistent, even for Russia, but Putin is clearly taking this seriously; Moscow is shut down, there are armored vehicles on the streets, Google is down in Russia, and Russian newscasters are interrupting their broadcasts to insist Don't Look, Everything Is Fine Here, Totally Fine, Do You Hear Swan Lake? I Don't Hear Swan Lake!
Nobody can find Putin either, allegedly, but don't worry! He has been "briefed on the situation and everything is under control!"
The Russian FSB (successor to the KGB) has meanwhile issued a warrant for Prigozhin's arrest, said they'll charge/prosecute him for treason and armed rebellion against the state, and ordered him to stand down/his own men to arrest him
This, uh, does not appear to be working
ANYWAY, Putin's basically fucked no matter how this ends. Wagner literally just led an armed mutiny, he can't feel good about sending his ex-bestie Prigozhin back to Ukraine with any confidence that his orders will continue to be obeyed, it's Russian-on-Russian open war in the streets of Rostov and God knows where else, he's totally lost control of the narrative, the war, the domestic political situation, Wagner, probably good chunks of the Russian military command/elite establishment, etc., and we all know what happens to dictators in Russia who can no longer dictate
(And yet the Russian army is still finding time to lob some missiles at civilian buildings in Kyiv tonight, because they suck).
This is obviously a huge lucky break for Ukraine as well, since if the Russians are busy fighting each other, they can continue to push for a big breakthrough on their counteroffensive.
So yeah. Pride Month really wheeling out the big guns here, after Putin was the top option picked for Lady Karma to do her thing on in my poll a few weeks ago.
Stay tuned.
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ihopeinevergetsoberr · 9 months
eventually, you get used to war. your heart doesn’t flutter when you hear yet another air raid alarm. you don’t even rush to the shelter anymore. you don’t flinch when your windows shake. you don’t feel shit when that gut-wrenching thing of a whistle hovers above your rooftop; nor do you feel frightened when it lands — loud, and horrific, and explosive, ruining homes, fates and lives.
and then, on a random day — it finally fucking strikes you.
your heart didn’t flutter the last time you heard yet another air raid alarm. you didn’t go to the shelter. you didn’t even flinch when a fucking missile landed less than a pitiful mile away from your house.
you got used to war.
a real one — exceptionally sick, and murderous, and twisted.
i haven’t felt safe in almost two years now and i’m used to it. i’m used to danger. i’m used to death. i’m used to seeing it. how incredibly fucked up is that?
anyway. my point is. russia is a terrorist state. please go look up what they’ve done to ukraine in the last two days. yes, the new year’s eve didn’t stop them much. as didn’t easter. or christmas. or any other day, really.
for those concerned about me: i am safe (well, only technically, since you’re not actually safe anywhere in ukraine, but still).
i am simply tired, sad, and heartbroken. please spread some awareness. thank you for you attention.
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anastasiareyreed · 8 months
absolutely horrible profiting from death and war.
russian realtors walk around Mariupol (the Ukrainian city destroyed by the russians) showing "affordable" apartments to clients from russia.
update: video added
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just think about it. russians invaded the territory of Ukraine. with tanks, heavy artillery, rockets and infantry. invaded the Ukrainian city of Mariupol.
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completely destroyed it and killed the inhabitants, whose bodies still lie buried under the windows of their houses and in the middle of the streets. some days during periods of heavy russian shelling, up to 150 people a day were buried in mass graves.
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the russians killed whole families and then brought other russians to their homes for settlement. in apartments where the devastation caused by the russians and the personal things of the murdered Ukrainians are still visible.
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they came to foreign territory, killed the local people and settled in their houses. these are non-humans. terrorists. occupiers.
how can the civilized modern world watch this barbarism and continue to cooperate with russians, listen to russian music, watch russian films, enjoy russian art and tolerate russians in everyday life? russians are a bloodthirsty nation. half of them come and kill, and the other half profit from it, come after and steal the belongings of the killed, steal their homes, their future, their lives.
I don't have enough words. only anger, only pain for my country and my people. please don't stop supporting Ukraine.
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jacensolodjo · 7 months
I love certain people but if at any point the thought process is 'besides the invasion of Ukraine, russia is actually okay because it stands up to the USA/West etc.,', I'm gonna have to wonder where the FUCK y'all have been the past fucking 100+ years aka YOUR ENTIRE LIFE russia has been not okay.
I want y'all to think long and hard every time, EVERY TIME, russia is in opposition to something the USA/west does. (always be suspicious why they are against it. believe it or not a country isn't always against something because it is morally/ethically right to be against it. they are against it because they don't like the other country. Surprise! while you may shrug and say 'same difference' haha read on) and then WATCH WHAT THEY DO. you WATCH. they will do THE THING THEY JUST CHIDED THE WEST ON DOING. Maybe a month later, maybe two months. Who knows. BUT THEY WILL DO IT!! IT IS THEIR THING!!! Or even better, IN THEIR HISTORY they have done the exact fucking thing they just chided the west on doing. And no I'm not even gonna say 'oh a hundred years ago they did this thing'. But they did this thing they are chiding the west on within living memory. or are ACTUALLY ACTIVELY DOING IT!!! While saying to the world 'ohhhh bad evil West, you no good West, how AWFUL!!!' They will shake their finger about war crimes and GUESS WHAT THEY ARE DOING RIGHT NOW??? They don't get to sit there and say SHIT while they do the same thing they're saying is bad. Any other country pulls that, they get hung out to dry. russia does it? Why is it okay?
It's called fucking whataboutism and it is still alive and well in russia. It was invented there and you are FALLING FOR IT EVERY FUCKING DAY. Because why? Russia is not your friend. Russia is killing the people you say you care about. Russia is killing people. EVERY DAY. Just because one day it also says it is against the shit you are does not mean you start going "yay russia! you tell 'em russia!"
Russia knows what you dislike about your own damn country, about the West, and it mocks you for agreeing with it for going 'bad West'. You earn points with absolutely no one. You merely look silly when, inevitably, russia does the bad things it does later after you have praised it for saying the same things you do. When it was advantageous for it to go 'bad West'. Or when it does something politically that you say is awful when the West does it. Because, again, it is STILL bad no matter what country does it.
After it has murdered Ukrainians. Chechens. Georgians. Siberians. Jews. Muslims. Gay people. Trans people. Black People. Asian people. The people you claim to give a fuck about. The people it has been murdering for decades. For centuries.
You want to sit there and go 'yay russia' because it happened to go 'naughty West'? Imperialism is Imperialism is Imperialism. Just cause it's a different flavor of it doesn't mean a goddamn fucking thing. It does the same bad shit you hate the West for doing. Russia just wears an ushanka while doing it.
I grew up with 'russia bad'. Idk when things stopped with 'russia bad'. But can we go back to 'russia bad'? Being anti-USA/West does not make some entity good. Take that fucking thought out of your head. russia bad. say it with me. russia. bad.
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kelluinox · 22 days
"Fuck America. Fuck America."
Fucking leave America you ungrateful little bastards. If this is your stance. If you hate America this much - LEAVE. Now. Yesterday. Go to the places you venerate so much in your moronic chants of "Yemen Yemen you make us proud" and "Iran you make us proud". Experience those regimes on your own fucking skins and stop belittling the experiences of people who risked everything, who risked their lives to escape them. You should be fucking grateful you were born in America every single fucking day. You should be grateful for the freedoms you have and stop playing at oppression. Being oppressed isn't a cutesy fun experience you disgusting immature embarassments for humanity. You know what being oppressed is like?
In Russia you can be arrested for standing on a sidewalk with a blank sheet of paper. You can be arrested for printing out a portion of your own country's constitution. You can be arrested for openly insulting the government and opposing the war Putin started to fulfill his imperial ambitions. You can be arrested for saying Crimea belongs to Ukraine. You can be arrested for writing "No to vobla" in chalk. You can be arrested for anti war graffiti. You can have your daughter be put in solitary confinement for drawing an anti war picture in class while you yourself are kidnapped and secretly put away in prison. You can be arrested for liking the wrong post on social media, or leaving the wrong comment. You can be arrested for taking a picture in front of a church in case you somehow "offend the feelings of the religious". A little girl can be harassed by police for wearing blue and yellow ribbons in her hair while you yourself can be arrested for wearing blue and yellow clothes. You can be arrested for wearing rainbow earrings. You can be arrested for "promoting LGBTQ" (basically you're arrested just for being LGBTQ, or if you're suspected of being LGBTQ). You can be stopped at the airport and questioned and your phone searched for any anti war content. As a woman you can't defend yourself if someone tries to hurt you. You can be charged with "exceeding self defense" if you dare harm your assailant. The police will look the other way if you experience domestic abuse. Women and girls are regularly sent back to their relatives in Chechnya where they are abused and honor killed. Human rights advocates are imprisoned and sometimes even murdered. Families of those who vocally oppose the government are harassed and threatened. And all of this isn't even a complete list because the list of what goes on here is fucking endless. And in places like Iran it gets even WORSE.
It's not cute. It's not fun. You stupid little shits will start crying the moment you experience true oppression and run back to "evil fascist America" faster than I can say "I told you so".
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matan4il · 6 months
Update post:
The US has publicly stated that it has not found Israel to be violating International Humanitarian Law (IHL), in terms of how it uses its weapons, and not blocking humanitarian aid.
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Yet for some reason, that doesn't seem to matter when it comes to how the US is currently treating Israel. At the UN Security Council, for the first time since the start of the war, the US has not used its veto to block a resolution that's anti-Israel. This resolution calls for an immedaite ceasefire in Gaza for the rest of Ramadan (half of this month has passed already), and while it does call for an immediate release for the Israeli hostages, it does NOT make that a CONDITION for the ceasefire. The operation in Rafah, since it hasn't happened yet, is not likely to happen during Ramadan, so the main thing this resolution is calling to stop, is the on going lower intensity fighting in places like the Shifa hospital, where at least 500 confirmed Hamas and PIJ terrorists have been arrested by Israel. In essence, this is a pro-terrorist reolution. The US did abstain, showing it knows this resolution is wrong. It's also meaningful that just a few days earlier, a similar resolution submitted by the US itself, which did make the release of the hostages a condition for the ceasefire, was vetoed by those great beacons of democracy, Russia and China.
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Did I mention Hamas praised the passing of this anti-Israel UN resolution? I can't stress this enough, but if a genocidal, antisemitic, Islamist tererorist organization is glad this resolution passed, that should be upsetting to EVERY person who values life out there.
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Right after praising the resolution, Hamas also rejected the hostage deal compromise suggested by the US, that Israel had agreed to, which would have seen 40 Israeli hostages freed, in exchange for about 800 convicted Palestinian terrorists let go. Hamas might have said no anyway, but we'll never know for sure what their answer would have been, had this resolution not been passed.
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Maybe the most troubling part is that the US insists this UNSC resolution is non-binding, meaning it will have no real effect on Israel's ability to continue fighting during Ramadan. That means, the US abstaining from using its veto wasn't done for the sake of a real chance to help Palestinians. It was a symbolic anti-Israel step, a bone thrown to Israel haters. That's how Israelis understand it, that's how every political player in the international arena (including the overjoyed Hamas) understands it, that's how political analysts understand it, and it should be troubling to everyone, that the US can treat a democratic, self defending, IHL abiding ally this way.
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In fact, at least one country is already using this resolution to put pressure on Israel. The President of Colombia has said that unless Israel complies with the resolution and accepts an immediate ceasefire, his country will cut off its diplomatic ties with it.
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Just one more thing. This is resolution did not include a condemnation of Hamas and the massacre it perpetrated on Oct 7, and yet the US allowed it to pass. The other day, the UNSC immediately condemned the ISIS terrorist attack in Moscow, which left 137 Russians murdered. Nobody suggested that "context" should be brought into it, like that Russia has itself attacked Ukraine (which Putin has implied is behind the attack), or like that ISIS' animosity originates in Russia's protection of the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad, which caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands, including many ISIS terrorists. In sharp contrast to this, almost 6 months into this war, the UNSC has not yet adopted a single resolution condemning the Hamas massacre in which over 1,200 people in Israel were butchered, many raped, and over 250 were kidnapped and are still held captive in Gaza. This discrimination was called out by Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan. He pointed to another example of such discrimination, by reading the resolution that was passed in 2014, when Boko Haram (another Islamist terrorist group) kidnapped Nigerian girls.
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This is 65 years old Rami Shani.
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He's a journalist, working for an Israeli radio station. On Oct 7, he happened to be covering a bicycle event taking place in Israel's south, which is why he was already awake and there at 5:30 in the morning. At 6:30, the Hamas attack started. As Rami started getting information about the massacre at the Nova music festival, he abandoned his original task, and started driving in there and getting people out in his car. He said everyone he managed to get out of there was wounded, having been shot in their arms or legs, one woman was shot in the stomach. One of the people he saved was an Israeli Bedouin Muslim Arab, who worked at the party, and was crying as he had been shot in both his arms and legs. In one case, he managed to evacuate 8 young people from the scene while seeing a terrorist squad progressing in his direction. He kept going, until security forces wouldn't allow him to go back in. He saved a total of about 40 people, and has been visiting them in hospitals around the country since then. Whenever you hear anyone arguing that journalists at the scene of a disaster can just keep covering the news, without doing anything to aid the victims, please remember Rami.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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Ok so I can't screenshot so I'm putting this in the asks but people are talking about netanyahu because he's getting the attention right now. And that's because he's genociding Gaza right now and nothing else of that scale happened since. So of course he's the it girl rn.
Like I wholeheartedly agree with you, we shouldn't be saying people "deserve to die", I just want to point out that I don't like it whenever people go "but why are people talking about this figure (who's getting all the attention right now) and not these other figures? (Who aren't getting attention)"
But TLDR netanyahu's doing some fuck shit that's getting reported on so obviously he's getting talked about the most generally.
To bring it back to the original conversation, people were talking about Putin when the Russo Ukraine war was going on. I saw people get excited at the idea that he might have cancer when that lump on his face showed up. Putin was the it girl and now it's netanyahu.
Look I'm sure you don't mean it this way, but the original comment I was responding to was antisemitic and your comments excusing it are microaggressions.
[Original post for reference]
There are a few things going on here:
1. People are giving a hugely disproportionate amount of attention to Israel's military response to the October 7th massacre in Gaza because they are antisemitic. There have been plenty of humanitarian crises affecting Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt, yet the world literally only cares about them if they can use it as a cudgel against Jews. Obviously it's a humanitarian crisis and it deserves attention, and Israel deserves scrutiny and accountability for its actions. But the laser focus on Israel and only Israel belies the true motivation.
2. There are numerous other humanitarian crises happening right now that affect substantially more people, and which are unquestionably genocide. Can you name them? Can you tell me the relevant major players by name? Can you tell me the number of people murdered? Why or why not?
3. Specifically naming Bibi out of every possible vile human one could name, to me, specifically, a Jew - that's extra sus. Taken in combination with the previous points? Yeah, it's antisemitic.
4. The genocide of Ukraine by Russia is still ongoing, and ignorance about it is leading to dwindling support to such an extent that Ukrainians are having to ration bullets to defend themselves with. This one isn't meant as a scold, by the way — the plight of Ukraine is getting intentionally buried. Please don't stop talking about Ukraine, they need all the help they can get.
[And in b4 someone thinks I'm trying to say you shouldn't pay attention to what is happening in Gaza: please DO keep paying attention to Gaza and keep holding Bibi's feet to the fire. He's awful, his policies are awful, and he's encouraging the absolute worst members of Israeli society for his own selfish reasons. The people of Gaza are going through hell and need our help. Just please, for the love of G-d fact check things first and make sure you're not "supporting Palestine" by being antisemitic. Also make sure you are holding Hamas responsible for its part in the humanitarian crisis.]
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20thofapril · 2 years
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taiwantalk · 1 year
fighting russian invasion is more than sovereignty, recovering occupied territories, good v evil, revenge, or dignity etc.
it's that russia is 1 step closer to terrorize ukraine forever. unless driven out, russia will just bomb, fire rockets, fire artilleries, shoot missiles endlessly like they did since 2014.
russians never stopped and they never want to stop war. they are the worse evil that human civilization ever known. you see, russians don't need concentration camp. russians treat the entire ukraine as one big concentration camp to murder and torture anyone they want.
ukraine truly is fighting for humanity. ukrainians know that they cannot be scared of russian nuclear weapons, not any threat of mass destruction.
editorial addition: i meant that it's more than ideologies. it's that the patterns are all there and that ukraine as well as the rest of europe are all witnessing russia to continue to terrorize all other countries by proximity. the key is proximity. now it's ukraine, next will be any other nato countries closest to russia. germany better not think it will never happen to them. putin does not care about the territories-that's the irrational thing that nobody could understand. putin just wants to be close enough to any country to be able to destroy their cities knowing nobody would dare to take the fight into a nuclear capable power like russia.
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drakulesti · 2 years
The Ukrainian military liberated Kherson after 8 months of terrible russian occupation (11.11.22).
Kherson is Ukraine! Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
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missmayhemvr · 7 months
i reblogged a post where someone decide if trump died america would suddenly be "cured" and china would "back off taiwan" and "russia would fall to ukraine" and like ya'll gotta fucking stop that shit. you guys truly have to stop this liberal nonsense. the fact that person thought all these "ills" would be cured by trump dying is fucking ridiculous but also the fact the genocide of palestinians wasnt even a consideration needs to start clicking with people.
Why would they think so much about this mythical taiwan invasion that hasnt fucking happened, and a war america has been pushing to start for literal decades(not singular since i was a fucking child), but the mass murder of palestinians, and congolese people didnt even come up? or the mass displacement of sudanese people?
whats the link there? would you like to hazard a guess?
its shit america fucking wants! trump biden, fbi, cia, up and down the whole system. stop fucking uplifting the rabid fucking imperialist.
trump is literally only evil to you guys because he has no decorum nothing else, biden has his fucking platform you absolute ghouls.
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adrl-pt · 1 month
First Russian Military Operation Outside Its Territory. Ukrainian Armed Forces Combat Operations in Kursk Region.
You are watching the news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is August 10, 2:30 PM.
The five-day war in Georgia from August 8 to 12, 2008, was Russia's first "special operation" outside its territory. Journalist Georgy Kobaladze says that Georgian authorities commemorate the anniversary on August 7, marking the Ossetian army's attack on a Georgian village near Tskhinvali as the beginning. https://www.svoboda.org/a/kapkan-i-vtorzhenie-15-let-s-nachala-rossiysko-gruzinskoy-voyny/32538906.html
The Ossetians trace the origins of the war with Georgia back to 1989, when the USSR was collapsing. https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-45106205
After the Dagomys Agreement, Georgia maintained difficult but peaceful relations with the regions of Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region (South Ossetia). In 2008, Georgia began to consider joining NATO. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE7_p7WISo4
Matthew Bryza, who was involved in the US mediation plan for this war, told Dozhd in an interview how steps to contain Russia were removed during the process of working with the German Foreign Ministry. https://youtu.be/uK6pyU5DuQM?feature=shared&t=294
The human rights organization "Human Rights Watch" in its research discusses violations of humanitarian law on both sides, including systematic arson, robbery, and beatings of residents of Georgian villages by South Ossetian forces after the withdrawal of Georgian troops. https://www.hrw.org/reports/georgia0109ruweb.pdf
In 2021, the Strasbourg court found that Russia exercised control over Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region and therefore bears responsibility for these violations. The Russian representative stated in court that the fragments of the Iskander missile used by Russia, presented by the Georgian side, were stolen, dismantled, and planted by the CIA. https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-55737376
Volunteer and activist David Katsarava said in an interview with Dozhd: "For us, the war against Ukraine is a continuation of ours." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK6pyU5DuQM
Since August 6, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been conducting an operation in the Kursk region. The combat zone has already reached 430 square kilometers. The YouTube channel "The Insider" reported briefly on the situation: people are evacuating on their own, Putin is distributing the usual 10 thousand rubles, and Russian generals ignored reports of Ukrainian forces concentrating on the border. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vbljcaYy1k
On August 9, politician Yulia Navalnaya stated: "Putin's war has finally come to Russia." She addressed those aiding Putin's war efforts: "No one will forget what you did to our country. You are working for a killer, but it's never too late to stop." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-HoR9OJ6mU
On August 7, Vladimir Osechkin held a stream on his YouTube channel in memory of Oleksandr Ishchenko, a member of the Azov regiment who was killed in Russian captivity, and called for information about this crime to be sent to him for investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBi3sO5Rq5M
Azov commander Svyatoslav Palamar published a forensic medical examination report on his Facebook page confirming the brutal murder and violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/FWoEAf9XxGmrShd2/
On January 12 of this year, the Memorial Human Rights Center recognized prisoners of war from the Ukrainian Azov Regiment as political prisoners, as they consider the Supreme Court's decision to recognize the Azov Regiment as a terrorist organization to be unlawful. https://memopzk.org/news/my-schitaem-politzaklyuchyonnymi-voennoplennyh-iz-ukrainskogo-polka-azov/
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