lurafita · 4 months
Challenge time!
I got a challenge. So I found this:
random generator thing. I typed in the different species we know from canon (tv-show canon for me), and that will randomly assign a species for a character. Like you press go for Magnus, write down result, then press go for Alec, write down result, and so on. Then, once the species have been assigned to the characters, you need to think up a prompt for them. My picks will be under the cut.
Magnus: Shadowhunter
Alec: Higher demon/prince of hell
Jace: Seelie
Izzy: Angel
Clary: Werewolf
Simon: Vampire (🤣)
Raphael: Vampire (Are you kidding me?!)
Catarina: Vampire (is this thing broken?)
Ragnor: Mundane
Maia: Mundane
Luke: Warlock (finally got a warlock in the mix)
okay, I will cap it here for now, other characters can be assigned later if need be.
uff. this is surprisingly hard.
Magnus is the only shadowhunter.
Alec as a higher demon has potential, not gonna lie.
Seelie Jace. hmmm.
and Izzy an angel. Then there could still be a sibling relationship between her and alec, actually. Alec is simply a fallen angel. Izzy didn't fall because she still follows the doctrine. though she might fall as the plot progresses.
Clary as a werewolf. Guess that is easy enough. She could be a mundane that had an encounter with a rogue werewolf, and Magnus found/saved her. Not knowing whether or not she will turn, he can't take her to a hospital. If she needed medical attention, he would probably take her to the institute, where they could also monitor if she changes, dies, or remains mundane. after the change, he can get her to the nearest wolf clan and inform them of the rogue that got her.
simon could also start out as a mundane, maybe he was even with clary when she was bitten and Magnus had to take him along as well. as both simon and clary then want to learn more about the shadow world, simon lands himself on the business end of a pair of vamp fangs. (could be Camille)
Raphael and Catarina could have history. Catarina could be leader of the clan! maybe she was the one who turned raphael in a bit to save his life.
Ragnor could be like a mundane university professor who is well versed in obscured knowledge and the history of mysterious stuff. Maybe Magnus is enrolled in one of his classes, because he has discovered that some of the mundane knowledge about all that goes bump in the dark can be surprinsgly helpful
Maia… I don't know yet.
Luke could be the high warlock of the territory.
okay, how to bring higher demon/prince of hell Alec into the mix.
obviously there would have to be some kind of summoning.
or alec himself decided to visit the mundane plain for a bit, because why not?
and maybe he just happens to witness the shadowhunter that is so uniquely dressed for his kind, fighting off demons, or that rogue werewolf, or whatever. and he takes a shine to him.
Or, Clary was supposed to be a shadowhunter (like her canon counterpart), and Luke was the high warlock who blocked her sight/erased her memories, and the werewolf thing just happened. So when the transformation seems to mess with Clary more than it should, because there is a magical block involved (which they don't know at this point), Magnus calls in the high warlock. Luke helps Clary through the transforamtion, but then in order to have the chaotic energies in Clary balance out, they need to get her her memories back. And just like Magnus in canon, Luke had given them to a demon for safekeeping. The demon in question happens to be Alec.
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alternateworldcomics · 5 months
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Marvel Comics on sale in May of 1974.
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 173- The Looming
Summary: Josie connects with Garrett's dream. Her symptoms worsen as Rahl's venom metastasizes. The sky warns of a harbinger. Time for the truth. A little blackmail aids an escape. Bard has a deep sense of foreboding involving Thranduil's wrath. Thranduil's voice is heard. 3 witches collide. Josie forks her tongue at 2 others. Mary has a choice to make. Lola's despises her paternal DNA and a faultless Stephane. Legolas, Josselyn and Lola search. Haldir Bash falls ill. Charles is warned.
*Chapter Warnings* language, angst, blood
Chapter characters: Josie, Haldir, Legolas, Bard, Ravenna, Jadis, Lola, Josselyn, Mary, Bash, Charles
Chapter word count: 5,390
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
The candlelight's tangerine glow reflected off the bath water's subtle ripples, dancing in waves over your blank expression. You were unaware of your surroundings or of anything at all as you sat breast deep in the healing H20 with your eyes adrift and your mind, body and soul lost somewhere at sea.
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But the ocean was nowhere to be seen as you sat upon a mound of scorching sand, being cooked alive beneath the immense inferno that reigned in the hazy, ominous sky above.
Oxygen. The ferocious fireball was depleting it. Even the tears of turmoil that you cried, vaporized the very moment they dripped from your sunburnt cheeks, except for one single droplet that escaped it's disintegrating destiny to be captured by the remains of a skeletal hand that laid before you. With quivering lips, your frightful eyes hesitantly followed the trail of bones and came to a rest upon a skull that possessed vampire fangs and thinned chestnut hair that carried a lingering scent of pancakes.
"Garrett??!!!" you cried as you snapped out of your trance and splashed your way up and over the bath's ledge, tumbling to the floor.
As you pulled yourself up to the sink basin, hyperventilating at your sun kissed image in the washroom mirror, you clenched the ledge so tightly that your knuckles resembled the whiteness of your eyes. Flashes of your hands clutching a familiar throat and squeezing the life out of it plagued your blurred vision. What had just happened? This was not a hallucination. You could feel it. It was either one of your usual premonitions of what was to come or it was a vision of what already had. The last thing you recalled was learning from Bash that an injured Stephane, or Rahl to be technically correct, had returned but now, there you stood, overheating and parched with a splitting headache, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks and missing a gap of time, much like your fall down the hole in the dark forest not so long ago.
Straight to the privy you ran, tossing up the wine you had gulped down earlier and with it went any memory of Garrett. As you regrouped, you quickly realized that the debilitating attack you were experiencing was obviously a result of Rahl's venom interacting with the healing water you had bathed in, just like it had done to you once before. So now, you decided you would either A, never bathe again or B, take a hypothermic bath in the Rhun from now on.
You recalled the day you found Rahl, in Stephane's form, bathing in the magical liquid. How had his evil ass not been affected? It would be like poison to the dark warlock lord since Stephane's immunity was as dormant as he was. This, you were going to find out, but first, what you needed to do was be able to get to him, for your deep-seated intuition told you Haldir was going to interfere and by now, he had probably recruited Legolas to aid him.
"Snaky sprites." you grumbled as you vigorously brushed your teeth with well water from the tap, then sharply spat the foam into the basin. "Two can play at this game and I like games."
Looking into the reflective glass, you glared into your own eyes and proudly grinned at how you sounded so much like Stephane, then you playfully recited a relevant tune as you slipped into a blue sleeveless dress and primped your hair.
"Playin' with the Queen of Hearts and knowin' it ain't really smart."
Humming the rest of the song as you gazed with approval at your refreshed image, you winked at yourself and turned to the window. Unlocking the clasp, you swung the double doored glass open and sucked in the crisp winter air with a wicked smile as you peered down at one of Narcisse's guards. The warlock who nailed you in the face with a snowball and stood laughing in his victory.
Patiently waiting for you to emerge, Legolas stroked Merlin's head as he sat beside the cradle that held Mirkwood's sleeping Princess while Haldir did what he did best, steadily pacing about with a side eye upon the washroom door at each turn. Annoyed by the Marchwarden's scuffling, the Prince rolled his Thranduil-like eyes and stood in a similar arrogant stance.
"You are going to set yourself ablaze if you persist with your useless attempt to propel the hands of time. Josie will return when she has gained control of her anger. Have you learned nothing of her ways by now?"
Haldir abruptly halted and glowered at the royal pain in his backside. "Time is not on our side in case your tiny elven brain has ceased to remember. Enough has been wasted. Rahl has returned and soon, so will the King and she needs to be contained from both in her state of mind and might I add, their state of minds."
Legolas chuckled. "And who shall contain her? You? I suppose you DO prefer being thrown on your back when it involves my father's Queen."
Before Haldir could riposte to the crude and quite hypocritical statement, a knock on the door snapped the bickering elves out of their spiteful state. As Haldir opened the door with caution, in walked a worrisome Bard without invitation.
"Legolas. Haldir." the bowman breathed. "Have you seen the Northern sky???"
The Prince's brow acutely arched as he made his way to the balcony doors and opened them.
"It swirls and glows of....amber?" Legolas exclaimed as Haldir appeared at his side with wide eyes.
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"There is only one being that brews such a wicked hue. Jareth. He must be near." the Marchwarden confidently confirmed.
Legolas stepped out to the rail and slitted his eyes at the firey sky with considerable skepticism. "It is a King indeed, but it is not the goblin King."
"The Elvenking." Bard whispered as he joined the debating elves. "He wears the citrine. I witnessed it with my own eyes."
Legolas now understood just how far gone his father truly was. "We have merely three sunsets at the most. It is time. We must tell Josie the truth, no matter the impact to her mental state, for it will be far worse if she is blindsided by his return."
Haldir's eyes darted to Legolas and he cringed as he replayed the image in his mind of being catapulted across the room by your magic. "Worse for all of us who knew."
Legolas slightly gulped as he made his way to the washroom door and knocked. "Josie? We need to speak with you. It is urgent."
All was quiet except for the eerie whistle of the chilled breeze entering the room from beneath the washroom door. Legolas loudly knocked again. "Josie?? Are you alri...."
Without hesitation, Haldir pushed Legolas to the side and promptly opened the door. Three pairs of incredulous eyes stared in horror at the empty room with the wide open window.
"She's...gone?" Bard gasped.
Legolas sprinted to the window and leaned out with his moonstone eyes darting in every direction and then suddenly fixated on the ground below.
Haldir's lips pursed in frustration. "It would seem our witch Queen has secretly acquired her flying skills."
"Not in the least." the Prince assured. "She used another with the ability."
The perplexed Marchwarden bolted to the window to peer down the three story drop at Legolas's discovery. "Two pairs of footprints in the snow leading from the castle. Clever cat." he scoffed and turned to Bard. "Stay with the Princess. Legolas and I are going on a witch hunt."
"But she and I have not been acquainted yet. What if she becomes frightened? Or worse yet, what if Josie returns and becomes hostile?"
Haldir marched out as Legolas stopped in the doorway with a hiked brow and a snarky grin. "I suppose you will have to shoot her."
Bard's brows lowered, almost knitting together as his incredulous eyes turned to witness the Prince's departure.
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"If she don't set me ablaze first." he mumbled as he quietly sat down beside the sleeping beauty with a slight tremble in his hands.
Bard knew Legolas was toying with him but even so, the bowman would never take aim at Thranduil's Queen for any reason. The King of Mirkwood's mind may have been programmed to despise her but in his eyes, she still belonged to him and Bard was already neck deep in the hornet's nest for not complying with Thranduil's demands to return to Mirkwood with his shipment and his son, wife and daughter. The long trip back was not safe, especially for the child but that would not matter to the Elvenking. He would surely consider it a betrayal and the not so subtle threat to Bain during the previous conversation between the two Kings had Bard on edge now more than ever. He had already lost two daughters and his wife in the vicious vampire attack on Lake Town. Only a fool would tempt the wrath of King Thranduil and Bard had been a fool. Even Legolas would surely suffer for his disobedience.
On the opposite side of the castle, you strolled through the snow wearing a white winter cloak lined in faux fur that you made the warlock guard steal for you after you had blackmailed him to fly up and free you, for you assured him Rahl would hear a different version by you of your blood rage attack on him if he did not comply.
The snow covered grounds were quiet and so still as the fluffy flakes of ice continued to fall to the ground. It was all just a little bit too quiet and still. It was then that you noticed the fire in the Northern sky where all of Mirkwood laid beneath. Your first instinct was to believe it was Jareth's presence just as Haldir had, but something felt off about it.
As you rushed towards the front entrance, you heard a whisper carried in the wind and you could almost have sworn it was Thranduil's voice.
Gasping, you spun around, eyes darting about as a tear sped down your cheek.
"Th...Thranduil???" you squeaked, hoping he had came back to watch over you like you believed he had done before on more than one occasion.
There wasn't a single soul in sight. Just you, blending into the powder beneath your feet. You softly sighed in sadness, thinking you were hallucinating again but then you heard it once more and this time the breeze also carried a floral scent. Was it lilacs? You couldn't be sure for it had been so long since you had smelled your King. WERE you hallucinating?? Because now you had begun to feel as if you were high.
Something pulled you in the direction of the eerie, bare, iced over gardens and that was when you saw it. A single rose as red as blood, swaying from the dormant bush it grew from.
"More than my own life." it whispered. "Come to me my love."
Tears now gushed from your yearning eyes as you cautiously approached the rose.
"Feel me my Josephine. I am here."
Your lips trembled as you reached for it. "My King, is it really you?"
"Yessss." Thranduil's identical voice hissed. "It is I, my Queen. Touch me and you will know."
Now, without hesitation and with great anticipation, you gently brought your fingertips near the petals only to be pricked by a hidden thorn before you could touch the flower. As you yanked your hand back in fright, three droplets of blood dripped to the ground.
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The voice changed to that of a woman's. One you had never heard before, but you saw no one. "Only by fairest blood can the spell be broken."
Footsteps were approaching as a cackling giggle echoed from the trees. Side to side, round and round, you frantically turned about in search the unknown threat as your vision began to blur.
"Who are you!!?? What do you want??" you gasped.
"Do not be frightened little one. All I want is the blood you shed."
Your finger throbbed with each of her words. Falling to your knees, blinded and paralyzed by the wicked entity's presence, the footsteps ceased in front of you and an ice cold hand clutched your wrist. You gagged, helplessly inhaling her scent. What was that smell? It literally reminded you of camphor. Could it be Morwen?? or...Malsha??? No...no. It was neither.
"You sicken me." she snarled as she knelt before you. "Your privileged power. Your beauty. Your youth. Never knowing what it's like to grow old. I can assure you my dear, you certainly will never know it, for you will be dead soon. Sucked dry into an ugly little prune and I will not only take in your ageless skin, but also your undeserving, formidable charm that you are ever so clueless to utilize. Why not have two for the price of one since a portion of my own powers were stolen from me? My curse will finally be broken and I will have all that you have...or had seems more fitting. You will be erased. Now be a good little witch and give me your finger. I promise. It will only hurt....a lot."
Struggling for a breath to scream as she yanked your hand towards her mouth, the outside temperature must have dropped 20 degrees in merely seconds as another voice arose from behind her. One you DID know from a previous and literally chilling dream. "Release her! Her blood of light is of no use to you now Ravenna. You're too late. It has been pleasantly tainted and soon enough, she will take her place with her true family where she belongs, just as Freya and Julian were destined to. A daughter of 7th daughter and a 7th son. A weaver with both elven and vampire blood within her. Such power our family will hold when all are united."
Ravenna??!! Jareth's witch Queen, Jace's mother, whom you only heard stories of but had never come face to face with. You recalled everything Haldir had showed you of Josselyn's history with her, but it was children's soul's that the wicked witch of mirrors had needed, not blood. Now you understood why she was after yours.
As she released you and sprung to her feet, your vision cleared. There before you, stood the two witches of darkness. Ravenna in a formfitting black gown that reminded you of vinyl or latex with the way the beautifully wicked material shined and over that, she wore a cloak made of feathers, black as coal, resembling a crow...and Jadis, your paternal grandmother, known as the winter witch or white witch, wearing a shimmering gown of icy elegance and an outer robe of fur that was as white as the snow and most likely real because her soul was as black as coal and as cold as ice, just as her presence and touch was. In this instance, you didn't care, for she was keeping Ravenna away from you.
"You!" Ravenna hissed. "Always interfering, you miserable hag!"
Jadis was as chill as the air as she stood in her frozen stance, for there was nothing or no one that she feared. "Your mirror of magic must think the same of you when your daily quota of children are not met. I though, as well as your King, do not need a mirror to see your worth. It reflects off of you like warts on a toad. It would seem to me that you are the miserable hag. That is the price one pays for your betrayal of myself with my King and Jareth with Jonathan."
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"You leave Harker out of this! He did nothing but love me and YOU betrayed him for it!"
"Love is FORBIDDEN. A rule that you and Jonathan BOTH were very aware of so you both had to learn the hard way. Even Julian learned the hard way by trying to save Jareth from his true nature and now everyone will learn the hard way under his rule."
"You speak of your precious Jareth as if he has not betrayed you. You are all hypocrites! He killed his own father, your KING Jasper! and what about Jareth and his LOVE for that dreadful dhampir?!! He was bedding her while I was out looking for our son that he cared so little to do himself."
Jasper received his just deserves for letting his cock stray inside of you. I would have killed him myself all in due time. Jareth too, has paid the price for allowing love to consume him and now all will feel his wrath. Love will be forbidden for all and to even speak the word will hold sizable punishment." Jadis then oddly looked at you. "They will learn to loathe the living, no matter who they are to them, just as...some...already have."
Ravenna chuckled. "Jareth cannot alter the minds of ALL of middle earth. Not without that book."
Jadis spoke with firm confidence as she lifted her chin. "Can't he?"
"He cannot control their hearts. That much I know."
"Ahhh yes. The foolish beating organ that Jonathan ever so despises. Ripping them out to ease his suffering. I am aware you still pine for him and he for you. I am aware that he aids you with your youthful needs. I am aware of everything. I find it quite entertaining actually, the fear you must feel as the clock ticks towards midnight each day as Jonathan juggles his time between keeping you young and alive and fulfilling his family duties. I often visualize your agonizing accelerated aging in the mere day you have before you die if not all three souls are consumed at the strike of midnight."
As Jadis's eyes darted towards the castle, she spoke familiar words. "Time is short."
Armed warlock guards were racing through the snow and following them were Haldir, Legolas, Bash, and Charles.
Ravenna's eyes burned of fiery rage as she glared at you. "There is always one other that holds your blood and your power."
You knew exactly who she meant. Leeanduil.....and you became you again in that moment.
"NEVER!!!" you roared and charged her as your blood rage ignited.
Ravenna spun her cloak around her and in seconds, she burst into a frenzy of cawing crows that swarmed around you before retreating into the Southern sky.
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As you lost your balance, Haldir was right there, steadying you on your feet while Jadis vanished before everyone's eyes.
Haldir's helpful hold on you now became a clutching grip of your arm as he glowered down at you.
"You. Inside. Now."
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Still feeling woozy from Ravenna's magic, you didn't have the energy to resist him, so you scoffed and complied as he led you back like a scolded child with the others quietly following.
Bash finally broke the steamy silence. "I don't know about all of you, but after the night we all had with Rahl in the forest and now all this, some wicked ale sounds quite replenishing. I'm parched."
"I agree." Charles promptly replied. "The cellar would be best to steer clear of both my father AND my mother."
"Steph... errr Rahl I mean, is occupied with the female healers tending to his wound. He won't be leaving his chambers anytime soon. Trust me." Bash explained to his nephew who caught on quickly. "But yes...Catherine, from what I've gathered through gossiping whispers, is a mad hen right now that I involved you in the hunt for Delphine."
"You mean Josselyn the jaded bitch doctor." you snapped as you angled your head to leer back at him.
Bash remained silent as Legolas's stern stare at him told him to be.
Once inside, you pulled your arm from Haldir's hold. "That will be enough manhandling from you! I am going to see Rahl now."
It bothered you knowing Rahl was being tended to by other women and it bothered you even more that it even bothered you at all. As you turned around to leave, Legolas stepped into your path.
"You cannot."
The wickedness in you returned. "Excuse me?? I...cannot!?? Who do you think you are, my father?? Get out of my way Legolas Greenleaf!"
"I will not. I need to speak with you first. It is urgent. Please, Josie. Will you join us in the cellar?" he softly asked with a sweet smile as Haldir slitted his eyes at the Prince's charming way with you, for it almost always worked.
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And it did. His Thranduil-like smile and eyes were of magic that your brewing darkness had trouble shielding.
"Fine. For YOU I will."
Legolas swayed his hand to the cellar entrance. "After you my lady."
The tense glare between the two elves, followed by the Prince's smirk at the Marchwarden, pleased you greatly as you headed down the winding stairs.
The room of stone and wood was dimly lit by candlelight and rays of light beaming down from the small grated windows near the ceiling and spread throughout the underground pub were warlocks and guests of the castle, including Mary and Francis, all washing away their grievances of Rahl's return. While the two warlocks and two elves filled their mugs so full of ale that the foam trickled down the sides, your eyes scoured the small crowd and soon caught sight of Lola and Josselyn.
"You knew she was down here, didn't you Bash!?! I trusted you and you trick me??!!" you raged at the perspiring warlock who sat down, heavily sighed and lowered his head, seemingly not feeling well. "And Lola, if you're here, where is Leean?? Why are you not with my daughter???"
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"She is with Bard." Haldir simply answered.
"Hmmph. Well...I suppose that's better than a trio of Maine Coons." you snarked as you glanced at Legolas and then brought your exasperated eyes back to Josselyn. "I need a drink...on the OTHER side of the room."
"Josie, please." Josselyn pleaded as she bravely approached you. "Can we tal..."
Without hesitation, you slapped her so hard that she stumbled to the side. Many gasps sounded and then all went silent except for you.
"You stay away from me!" you snarled through your teeth. "I do not want your cursed healing! There is NOTHING to talk about. How dare you even ask! I saw everything! Am I supposed to feel sorry for you??? Because I do not! I hope Ravenna eats you alive for what you've done to my family! You knew the truth about everything and you said nothing to my father, to me, to Sarah, my SISTER and ALL these years, I've had a twin brother to boot!! and poor Lola, Sarah is her sister too and you let her believe you were dead all this time and left her here with her father with neither knowing who the other really was! All you had to do was tell Julian the truth and none of this would have happened. Stephane and my father would have protected you from Caroline if they had known. God knows why but Julian loved you!! But now just look where we all are, well, except my real mother who's probably long dead by now being left to rot in Jareth's forest walls! And Sarah or should I call her Bella?? You just forgot all about her too just as you did your own mother!"
"That is enough Jo. She has been through enough." Haldir defended at Josselyn's side as she sobbed, still holding her sore cheek.
You sarcastically chuckled. "What...are you sweet on her now too?? You don't even know her! She's poison and poison seems to follow you everywhere doesn't it? And hey, who gives a shit what me, your best friend has been through."
Straight for the wine bottles you headed, angry as hell at the entrapment and still furious about Ravenna and her very indiscreet threat, to a corner by yourself to drown your troubles but your alone time only lasted a few seconds at that when Legolas and Haldir cornered you. Ignoring them, you pulled the cork from the bottle with little effort and drank straight from it.
"I agreed to speak to you Legolas, NOT the elfinator of Lorien."
The Prince's concerned eyes glided to Haldir who stubbornly remained in place.
"Whatever then." you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Let's have it Leggy. What do you need to lay on me this time?"
"Maybe this is not the best time Legolas." Haldir suggested, raising a cocky brow. "There are many breakable items down here."
"Haldy har har!" you jested. "Why don't you go comfort the poor weeping willow witch over there. You're pretty damn good at taking advantage of damsels in distress. Maybe she'll put out for you too since she cannot be with the one she truly loves."
Haldir lowered his beer as he gazed at you in disbelief.
"Oh, would you look at that. The Marchwarden is speechless for once in his putrid life. What's the matter? Truth hurt?"
"Josie." Legolas barked in a whisper. "I know you are angry with him but..."
"Angry??" you hysterically laughed. "Nawww. I'm not angry. I'm just telling it like it is to the goody two shoed sprite."
"Josie, this is not you." Legolas firmly reminded. "It is the venom speaking."
You knocked back another swig and set the bottle down, then stepped right up to Haldir, your body touching his as you peered directly into his wounded eyes.
"Oh it is I speaking alright. Maybe THIS time, it will sink in to his tiny little libido and leave me alone. I never wanted you. I never loved you. I wanted my husband, my Thranduil, my King. I loved him more than my own life and I stupidly believed he had been unfaithful to me by Malsha's trickery. If it were not for THAT, I never would have touched you. You knew the state I was in that night in Rivendell. My heart and soul had been demolished by a lie but that didn't stop you from taking me to your bed. YOU knew better. You should have turned me away! In fact, I wish you never would have came to Mirkwood to begin with. I was happy! Thranduil and I were happy! We just got married but that did not stop you from pursuing me. Thranduil had every right to lash out in the ways that he did. If only I had understood that then instead of letting his actions push me towards you. You were the biggest mistake I had ever made aside from Peter and if I could take it all back, I would! Now stop interfering in my life! Go away! I don't want you here! We are done. Whatever you had to tell me Legolas, can wait."
As the entire room of people stood motionless with incredulous eyes, you ran up the stairs, allowing the tears you held back to fall. Your entire world was collapsing and there wasn't a single thing you could do to stop it...but Stephane could, if only you could free him.
A tear fell from Mary's eye as she sat quietly at a table in the back, watching the drinking and conversations resume as if nothing had ever happened. Watching Haldir as he blankly stared at the staircase with eyes of glistening sorrow. Watching Legolas try to comfort the elf that he always bickered with because deep down he carried deep love for his guardian. Watching Bash cradle Josselyn as Lola fumed over what Narcisse had done to her mother and to you even if it wasn't truly his doing. Watching the young Charles look at Lola in a very different way now that he knew she was his sister. Everyone was in turmoil and that was all that she could do was just....watch.
Mary knew there was one thing she could do that would ease your emotional pain that was clearly intensifying as Rahl's venom spread through your veins. She knew where Thranduil's letter was that her King concealed and now, she was more conflicted than ever on giving it to you, for she knew she would lose Francis over it. If only she didn't love him in the way you loved Thranduil, she would consider it a gain and not a loss to be free of the cold hearted man he had transformed in to, but she knew who Francis used to be before he inherited all the riches and the weight of the crown and in her mind, she stupidly held onto hope that she would find that man again. Mary knew in her heart though, that man was long gone, so now...she had a choice to make.
As Legolas spoke with Lola and Josselyn, Josselyn resumed her story of her past that she had begun telling the pair upon her arrival at the Dorwinion castle earlier that morning. She informed the Prince of Mirkwood of how Julian destroyed Rahl with Ashmole and that she knew where the necromantic spell book was...or had been, right there within the tunnels, but she did not know if Julian had left it there when he departed, for she never saw him again. She also remembered the password to enter the concealed room that it was protected in. Even so, she reminded, that the book would disguise itself to those who did not possess witch blood. That is when Legolas also reminded that Lola is Lord Narcisse's daughter, which infuriated her to hear it once more. Not only was she not conceived of love, but she did not want to be a witch at all, especially with Narcisse's warlock blood inside of her, for she feared she could inherit his mental troubles. She didn't even want to be his daughter.
As the trio snuck out the back exit in search for the notorious Necronomicon, the stoic Haldir blocked out your heart wrenching words as he swallowed down his ale, then made his own exit and headed out through the forest to the base camp where the Celduin joined the Sea of Rhun to update Aragorn and company on all the recent happenings and warn of the Elvenking's impending arrival.
A parched and perspiring Bash refilled his mug and desperately drank it down in an attempt to quench his relentless thirst that had suddenly befallen upon him, but when he began hearing echoes of Rahl's laughter in his mind and feeling lightheaded, paranoia then plagued the worried warlock.
He swiftly made his way to Charles and pulled him from his seat. "We need to go. Now."
As Charles stood in shock, Bash briefly lost his balance from burning pain searing through his chest and stomach.
"Bash! What is it??"
Bash leaned on the wall and lifted his shirt to reveal the scratch from Rahl's panther attack the previous night which was now severely inflamed and tripled in size, extending down his abdomen.
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Charles gaped at the wound with horror as he spoke under his breath.. "I knew it. I knew it was worse than what you claimed."
"It was nothing like this when it happened."
"Which was only last evening. It is rapidly progressing, much faster than Josie's hand. We must tell Del..Josselyn." Charles decided and turned from side to side, searching the crowd. "Where...where is Josselyn? She was just here? We must take you back to your room before others notice....and they will. Bash...you sort of...stink. I think it's the wound."
Once Charles had assisted his uncle back to his chambers, Sebastian was trembling from head to toe. "Ch..Charles. You need..to go f..find J..J..Josselyn."
"I agree but...but I do not want to leave you in this condition. What if something happe..."
"GO!!!" Bash growled, his baby blues now glowing of saffron and fully dilated like that of a prowling cat. "You..you are not safe here."
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Have the confidence of Isabelle Lightwood
Get around like Jace Wayland
Have the swagger of Magnus Bane
Love like Clary Fray
Have the work passion of Alec Lightwood
Have the humor of Simon Lewis
Protect like Luke Garroway
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inthecornerstone · 3 months
once again thinking about how magnus bane and luke garroway could have been the couple ever
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wanderingmind867 · 4 months
While the avengers and defenders take the fight to dormammu in his dark dimension, all others in the galaxy fight for the universe's survival! The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Inhumans, Luke Cage, Ka-Zar, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing, Doctor Doom, even Dracula, Adam Warlock and Thanos. All are as one this day. (Avengers #118):
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shutupeiffel · 2 years
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Excuse me sir, this is my emotional support lute
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thespookybean14 · 1 year
Hi!! So, I’ve kept thinking about The Haunting of Hill House and Dungeons & Dragons, so…here’s a little moodboard post for my thoughts about what class and alignment they’d be if they were thrown into the world of D&D. :)
1. Steve Crain - Warlock Bard
Alignment: Neutral Good
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2. Shirley Crain - Ranger
Alignment: Lawful Good
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3. Theodora “Theo” Crain - Sorceress Rogue
Alignment: Neutral Good or Chaotic Good
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4. Luke Crain - Barbarian
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
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5. Eleanor “Nell” Crain - Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Good
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trckstaer · 4 months
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˖ ⭑₊˚ Tag drop 5/8. Like this for memes from my lit muses ! Specify muse or I roulette you ! ( This is a clever ploy to retag everything but make the spam bearable )
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powernappin · 5 months
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(*proper magic, not any of that possession shit this time)
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lurafita · 8 months
Just me spitballing a Malec reverse au re-write kinda thing
Reverse AU, featuring my chaotic brain process whenever I try to figure stuff out.
Okay, Malec, because of course Malec.
And reversed roles, but also not just reversed roles, because they aren't carbon copies of each other, so I need to make things different, while not making them too different.
Also, if I want Malec as the two main characters, I might have to "extend" their significance? But then again, wouldn't that just make them Mary Sue-ish? And do I care about that?
Okay, so warlock Alec and shadowhunter Magnus. But not simply swapping places, because they are not simply the same person.
So how about we try, Magnus is not HOTI or acting HOTI. Alec might be high warlock, though.
Magnus is the son of the circle founder, but that's his mother. (Since canon didn't give any info on her I can use her as I want).
I still want Asmodeus to be Magnus' father, but I also want Magnus to not have magic, which he would if Asmodeus was a demon.
So how about at the time of Magnus being conceived, Asmodeus was still an arch angel, and sleeping with the shadowhunter was actually the thing that made him fall.
(though at first, no one knows about all that)
(or, well, no one knows about the Asmodeus thing, but that Magnus is the son of the traitor shadowhunter who made the circle is widely known.)
Magnus is openly bisexual, likes to rub his "life-style" into his superior's faces, and is known to favor downworlders (though is often mistrusted by them, because of who his mother is)
Alec is the son of a high ranking demon, don't know which one, though. (could actually even go all the way up to Satan, but that might be too op?)
Or go the other way around. His demonic parent wasn't all that powerful, but Alec has spent most of his immortal life training his magical ability to be more powerful, and so has achieved his own status. Kinda.
Gotta think about this.
So, yeah, unsure about Alec's specific origins.
Makeshift family with Izzy, Jace, Max, no blood relation whatsoever, though.
Max could be the newest member of the family. Jace a vampire, because my brain thinks it's funny if he can't see his reflection. Izzy a fellow warlock, who specializes in another field than Alec, who is more battle oriented with his magic, while Izzy is more interested in the variety of magic.
Clary could be a seelie, Jace could at one point drink Magnus' (extra angel) blood and become a day walker
Then Simon could be the new shadowhunter on the block, though it is questionable if there needs to be that whole complicated backstory with blocked sight and stolen memories… maybe a psychological reaction from onset trauma as a child, that then stabilized over the years, so that he was able to rejoin the shadow world…. Gotta think of this one,too
Magnus and Raphael would be best friends and shadowhunting partners, but not parabatai. (partly because I'm not a big fan of the parabatai bond in general, and partly because I get the vibe that Raphael and Magnus are the kinda people who strife to become good partners without runic assistence.)
The NY institute could actually be the place where the Clave sends its troublemakers, aka anyone who doesn't conform to their ways. (anyone not straight, etc)
Which could lead to the institute being pretty understaffed, (because why have lots of shadowhunters in an institute if you only ever make use of the same 4 people to take care of everything?)
Ragnor would make a good HOTI. I like the thought of Ragnor as HOTI. He would be in a perpetual state of being exasperated and fond of the shadowhunters under his command. (Magnus most of all)
I don't know where to put Luke.
So, meeting between Malec. ...
Maybe something more indirect that leads up to it?
Okay, so the family unit that is Alec, Izzy and Max (and Jace), move to New York.
(maybe the rumor mill goes something like shadowhunters in NY being more easy going with the downworld, or something. Or just that there are less shadowhunters in NY than in other places).
And since Max has had a particularly bad experience and is still so young, they decide that he would benefit from the new environment. And maybe Andrew is the high warlock in new york, but he wants a vacation, so he is all too happy to shove that responsibility into Alec's capable hands.
And then Magnus and his team need to close a rift, so they contact the high warlock, but Alec is with the vamp clan, to help Jace move in or something. So then Izzy goes in his stead.
But unbeknownst to anyone, Max follows them. Because he doesn't trust the shadowhunters not to hurt his "sister".
Closing the rift drains Izzy, and as she collapses, Raphael catches her. Max, who has been spying from a hidden place, can't help but see his sister in danger, and his magic reacts.
But he doesn't have great control, and his emotional turmoil makes like a fire spiral form around him. Izzy's magic is too depleted to try and control the fire, Max is panicking which makes the flames grow ever higher and higher.
So Magnus chucks his jacket and jumps through the fire spiral. There are some tense seconds, before the gathered people can hear the sounds of singing (?) (like a lullabye or something).
And then the firey spiral slows down and shrinks, until they can see (a slightly singed) Magnus rocking young Max and singing to him to calm him down.
Magnus and Raphael (plus Maia and Dot?) keep this little tidbit out of the report, no need to tell the higher ups that there is a warlock child who can't yet properly control his magic.
Alec learns of it all later from both Izzy and Max, and seeks out Magnus to thank him/get a read on him.
(I do like the image of Magnus jumping through fire to calm down a hysterical child, not gonna lie. And then Raphael hitting him over the head for not activating his fire resistence rune first.)
Also, whenever there is a clave envoy sent to visit the institute, Magnus makes sure to put on extra makeup and sparkly jewelry. And wear a t-shirt with a bisexual pun.
His fashion sense normally abhorrs those shirts, but if those stuck up homophobes make an appearance, he needs them to know that he "Likes his women like he likes his men"
And I have actually no real idea for actual plot..... so this is pretty much worthless. *insert rofl emoji here*
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Reprints (Warlock #11)- Star Wars Weekly #67
1979 UK Reprint 
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 1 year
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Adam Warlock vs Luke Cage
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 8 months
The Good Omens Musical Masterpost🎵❤
How it started :)
Some time before 2013: Vicki Larnach, the australian composer and lyricist, read the Good Omens book, imagined figures dancing on stage with brilliant music and thought, ‘Ah, I’m gonna ask Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman if I can turn it into a musical.’ and sent an email to the publishers. The next day she got an email saying, ‘We don’t want a musical but Terry’s coming to Australia, so come and say hello and tell us what you got.’
Rob Wilkins came down to meet Vicki and Jim Hare - Vicki's husband and writer - and took them to meet Terry. They spent an hour and a half with them where Terry asked ‘piercing questions’, had tea with them and they showed Terry a song that Vicki wrote (about the Chattering Nuns). Terry said to Rob, ‘Rob, write and email to Neil, “Dear Neil, this is Terry. I’m sitting in front of two hippies from Sydney and they want to make a musical out of Good Omens and I’m tempted to let them do it.”’ which was the best email they ever heard and then Terry said, ‘Okay, you have me curious.’ - it was because of the Nuns song which sounded like the book. ‘I’m gonna give you six months, come back with a first draft libretto and five songs.’
They then sent it to Terry who sent it to Gaiman. Terry said, ‘I really like it, you’re moving story, you’re doing all the right things, but where’s showstopper, where’s the toe-tapper, you know I need people to go to intermission just snapping their fingers with the song they just can’t get out of their head, and I haven’t heard that.’ - and they realized that they were so busy serving the story they forgot to do the wow-factor, but found it very encouraging from Terry that he wanted to make it better.
They went through the whole book again to find a centrepiece - and they found it  when Warlock is growing up and Aziraphale and Crowley are with him, and spent months working just on that one thing and called ‘All Living Things’ [the song at the start of this post :)] which is a line from the book.*’ Terry gave that song to a person he knew and asked him to play it to his wife with no context and when the next day the person said that his wife woke up still singing the song Terry said to Vicki and Jim: ‘Well, that’s what I asked you to do.’ 
* [“This here’s Brother Slug,” the gardener would tell him, “and this tiny little critter is Sister Potato Weevil. Remember, Warlock, as you walk your way through the highways and byways of life’s rich and fulsome path, to have love and reverence for all living things.” “Nanny says that wivving fings is fit onwy to be gwound under my heels, Mr. Fwancis,” said little Warlock, stroking Brother Slug, and then wiping his hand conscientiously on his Kermit the Frog overall.]
Vicki and Jim got the permission to being adapting it as a musical in 2013.
Vicki and Jim on it a couple of years ‘fumbling about’, took it as far as they could and decided to bring another person into it: Jay-James Moody
In 2015, Jay James-Moody joined the collaboration initially as a dramaturge and directorial eye, eventually evolving into co-book writer. Vicki, James and Jay have continued to evolve through countless more revisions and a number of private development readings with the support, time and talent of numerous wonderful Australian performers testing the material.
In November 2017, the musical was presented in its then-current form and entirety for the first time before an audience of over 500 eager attendees. The cast included Luke Joslin, Lachlan O’Brien, Nancye Hayes, Barry Quin, Brett O’Neill, Lauren McKenna, Nicholas Craddock, Paul Capsis, Rob Johnson, Amy Lehpamer, Debora Krizak, Blake Erickson, Nat Jobe, Ana Maria Belo, Jordan Hare, Bella Thomas, Anthony Abrakmanov and Samson Hyland.
Following a rapturous response to this reading it continued to be refined and developed.
In 2019, ten days before the show came out they did their last presentation, since then they’ve been to London and shown a videotape of that workshop to Gaiman and Rob Wilkins which was ‘a pretty heartstopping experience’.
Differences between the musical and the book
The ending of the musical is a bit different.
It opens with the burning of Agnes Nutter and Aziraphale and Crowley are introduced there. 
Act One ends with them ‘essentially breaking up’ because of a huge argument and they dissolve their friendship, Act Two starts with the first time they meet.
The Future?
What is the future for the musical: in 2021 they said that they need to work on some things and then they hope to do another run, initially in Australia.
There will be a CD of the soundtrack available when the show is produced in it’s full version.
In 2024 on insta they said that it is in "complicated process of rights to stage Good Omens" and "We appreciate your support and patience of the progress or seeming lack therof, of Good Omens the musical but we assure you, we will bring you the show in the next few years."
Vicki, Jim and Jay talking 46min about the musical (this video was shown at the Ineffable Con 3 in 2021 :))
Sizzle Reel 6min
Anathema singing The Perfect Place
Crowley calling Dagon to check on the hellhound
Shadwell and Newt
Aziraphale vanishing Hastur 👀
Instagram - a lot of more bts videos and pics :)
How to support?
Subsribe to the instagram page and like and comment that you want the musical on posts :)❤. If you want to be a sponsor or donor, there is contact on their webpage.
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