#warning: graphical depiction of violence
mamuzzy-creates-stuff · 8 months
WARNING: graphical depiction of violence. Blood.
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FEBUWHUMP 2024, Day 6 - "YOU LIED TO ME" @febuwhump
This basicly was the prompt that inpsired me to even start this whole challenge. I just looked at the line and... yup. That's Darman.
That scene from Order 66 was really powerful to me where Darman just loses his shit over Kal's betrayal and over-protective/overly cautions secrecy. And then immediately regrets it.
But probably the most comforting thing was for me that Kal didn't cease to love him despite his violent outburst. Really. This scene meant so much for me. My ideas for these prompts are really spontainous right now but maybe I will do a sequel to this art for Day 14 - Blood stained tiles depicting the scene after this one.
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Do you have any recommendations for self sacrificing Aziraphale fics? Kind of on the line of protective Aziraphale with a little more Aziraphale whump.
We have loads of tags for fics like these!! #sacrifice, #protective aziraphale, #bamf aziraphale, #aziraphale whump, #hurt aziraphale. Here are more to add to the extensive collections. Mind the tags on these...
I'll Shed My Blood To Keep You From Harm by ShesAKillerQueen98 (M)
Crowley and Aziraphale are two young men living on the streets in 1700s England and when Crowley is caught trying to steal from a nobleman, Aziraphale takes the blame and the punishment, public flogging. Crowley is forced to watch while his best friend, his guardian angel, is beaten and humiliated. Angsty at first, fluff comes at the end.
To the World by cal_amity (M)
The split hit Aziraphale hard. It hit Crowley harder.
I've Been Loving You by acup_oftea (NR)
The laws of physics suggested that the Bentley shouldn’t have been able to drive more than seventy-or-so miles per hour in London. The laws of physics, however, did not account for the Bentley’s strong preference for protecting certain ethereal beings who had a tendency to overthink absolutely everything save for their own personal safety. Crowley made it to the bookshop in under five minutes, his mind racing and his heart hammering as he took in the fact that he was actually coming back. He couldn’t face this, couldn’t be in this place without sinking into its familiarity, without closing his eyes and inhaling the scent of the shop, without covertly staring and staring at its owner. But he was up and slamming the car door shut without stopping, trying to calm the dull panic in his head. OR It's been seven months, & Crowley has taken to drinking himself into oblivion & solitude. But when he gets a panicked call from Muriel telling him to get to the bookshop right away, he is forced to confront certain misunderstandings he may have had as the threat of danger lurks- & he'll do anything to keep his angel safe OR The author is TIRED of reading s2 fix-its where Aziraphale is the bad guy
Fragile Strength by TakeItEezy (M)
An angel of Heaven must be completely free of sin. What happens if one breaks the rules and gives in to temptation?
On Memories and Minds by the_literal_k (T)
“Tell me… Exactly how many times now have we dragged each other back from the abyss?” “Oh I've long since lost count, angel.” Crowley would protect Aziraphale until his last. They both knew that. But it made them predictable, and being predictable was dangerous. And Aziraphale couldn't have Crowley risking his life. Not even for him; not again. Especially not if it meant going to Heaven again in his stead. They've been protecting each other since Before the Beginning; it's become core to who they are. There is something to be said for shades of gray and maybe, just maybe, the Metatron didn’t think through what it meant to separate them.
Drops of Sorrow by EdosianOrchids901 (M)
Ten years after the failed Apocalypse, Crowley is captured by Heaven. Gabriel plans to use him as bait to lure Aziraphale into a fight. Can Crowley survive captivity, and will Aziraphale be able to rescue him without walking into the trap?
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willedeservesbetter · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Royals (TV 2021) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Simon Eriksson/Wilhelm Additional Tags: Inspired by Interview With the Vampire, but it does not take place in the world of IWTV, please read the archive warnings, they all apply, Vampires, Dark fic, i am repeating myself: this is a dark fic, Major character death - Freeform, but not really, this is the beginning of a twisted love story Series: Part 1 of They Own the Night (The Young Royals Vampire Chronicles ) Summary:
The boy before him is close to death, Wilhelm begrudgingly notices. The pulse slowed down quite a while ago, the heart is beating weakly, and the skin is white despite the usually darker complexion.
Well, being drained of your blood for hours and hours and hours certainly leaves a mark, Wilhelm thinks smugly, and it is all because of him. What a shame it is the boy must die soon and cannot be kept around like a picnic basket, always ready and full and promising the best flavors of his blood.
This will be a night he will remember for a long time.
- or -
Wilhelm is a very powerful and old vampire who is having a great night with his newest victim. Simon disagrees. Kind of.
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illmoraineakoi · 13 days
The Chosen One, desperate to be free of his enslavement, devises a way to escape.
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achenetype · 6 months
What would happend if Raven reader never left the nest?👁️ Love ur writing
MDNI; implied sex, hand wavey consent, abuse, raven-typical cult behavior and stockholm syndrome, riko is his own warning, injury/violence
listening to: sea, swallow me by cocteau twins
you can’t leave the nest, for a multitude of reasons. some of the other ravens still see their families; they go home for a weekend or for spring break every once in a while. they cite living close to the university, their parents being concerned or overprotective.
your family lives thousands of miles away and they hate you, so you stay at the nest. winter break, spring, summer. you know how edgar allan university looks baked in heat, drenched in rain, blanketed in snow.
riko moriyama and kevin day become your lifeline. he never leaves either. you spend more time together with them than you do with any of the other ravens, running perfect laps on castle evermore’s perfect court until all three of you are out of breath. you suck sparkling air into your lungs and laugh on the way back to your dorm, riko’s arms around your and kevin’s shoulders. perfect, perfect, perfect.
riko becomes captain and that perfection turns icelike and cold. he pushes everyone to their limits, especially himself. you and kevin push back. most of the other ravens are too scared to, but the three of you are perfect perfect perfect, the three of you are brilliant and nothing can stop you.
nothing can stop you until riko shatters kevin’s hand and you spend hours picking up the pieces.
nothing can stop you until riko shatters at the same time as your arm, when he does the same thing to you.
you spend weeks in recovery. riko sits at your bedside, murmuring apologies. murmuring we had to make it look believable, murmuring im so sorry.
your arm heals. clean break. clean hole where kevin used to be. clean, perfect number one, riko moriyama.
you still love him, which you’re not sure is a fact or a weapon. he is too tangled in you to separate what you are from what he is, and who hasn’t been cruel, in the nest? who hasn’t broken someone else to get ahead?
you have. riko has. this makes you a perfect match.
neil josten, newly rechristened nathaniel wesninski and number four, leaves as soon as he appears. some part of you resents him for it but a bigger part is, selfishly, grateful for riko’s attention to be back on you. you want your place by his side back—you want your life back.
you can’t leave the nest even when riko beats jean within an inch of his life. you can’t leave when that girl from the foxes appears and whisks him away, when riko breaks a window and punches a hole in the wall and screams about how his perfect court is falling apart.
everything is falling apart, you want to tell him. everything is falling apart and we can’t do a damn thing about it.
(instead you kiss his knuckles and help clean the glass off of the floor. instead you murmur distractions: how good his form was today, how pretty he looks with blood in his teeth, how you want him to shove you up against the court wall and take whatever he wants. you’d give it to him anyways. you’ve given it before, given everything else.)
(you fall asleep that night feeling hollow. riko’s arms around you and his head on your chest are no comfort. you want to hate yourself in a new, sick way, something that sways in your stomach and makes you want to puke or slash your wrists open like one of the freshman backliners did last week.)
(you want to hate yourself, but you can’t.)
and you can’t leave, either.
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odysseussolar · 8 months
I caved.
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Writing it right now, the first chapter has zero gore but that will be changing in the next few chapters, trust 🙏🏾
I did link the post by tooncraze on the fic
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geek-and-nina · 9 months
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Hey, read my Teen Wolf, AU post apocalyptic Sterek Fic - The Signal https://archiveofourown.org/works/39482457/chapters/98820444
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sergeantsporks · 10 months
Hey, quick q, by you guys' estimate, how explicit does violence have to be to necessitate the changing of your fic rating from Teen to Mature on Ao3?
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Hello! First off, your blog is amazing, and you're really helping all of us extraordinarily! 😭 anyways, do you have any angsty fics where Gabriel tortures Crowely and/or Heaven tortures Crowley and Aziraphale has to help him? (other than the obvious fic choices, Reposession and That Hopeful Feeling) thank you!
2/2: Oh and also, sorry I didn't mention this in my last ask, so just feel free to combine them. I rather prefer longer fics - 90,000 words at least (or else I get sad that I don't have enough Fic to cry over 😭😂) anyways, just any angsty and/or hurt comfort fics you can give me about Crowly, Gabriel, and Aziraphale would be so amazing!
Hi. We have #torture and #kidnapping tags you can check. But really, with requirements as specific as this, your best bet is sorting and filtering on AO3. Here is a search for angsty hurt/comfort fics which feature Gabriel, sorted by word count. I did the same thing, but with the torture tag, and here are some of the fics I found. Obviously, mind the tags and warnings on all of these!...
Tossed and Torn by Fire_Traveller (M)
Disclaimer: major character injury (he'll be fine, though, I promise) Disclaimer Number 2: This is part of my Per Aspera verse and will likely only make sense if you've read the other stories... When Crowley is forcefully summoned right from the sofa of the South Downs cottage, this does not only put the demon in a very dangerous place, out of which Aziraphale will need to save him somehow, but it also causes both him and Aziraphale to develop serious doubts concerning their seeming safety from Heaven and Hell. While they do have friends on their side (from both Above and Below), it seems that, despite all the promises, they are still not without very determined enemies...
Totality by rowenablade (E)
Crowley and Gabriel have a history together. Gabriel is the only one who knows about it.
A Memory of Eden by ImprobableDreams900 (M)
When Crowley gets captured by angels and dragged up to Heaven, Aziraphale knows he has to rescue him—no matter the consequences.
Another Time, Another Place by indigo (E)
What if? Two words - so powerful. A slight divergence from canon sees a very different life for Aziraphale five years after the world didn’t end. Ostracised from Heaven, he now lives in a world with bookshops and Afternoon Tea, but without Crowley; a world in which he believes Crowley gave his life to save him. However, it’s not quite that simple, and maybe they can somehow get a happy ending after all??? (They can, and they do. But let’s not tell Aziraphale that just yet. It’ll spoil the fun!)
Dark Our Woes by EdosianOrchids901 (E)
Aziraphale and Crowley's pleasant life together is thrown into disarray by captivity and torture. Heaven doesn't know how to kill either of them, but the angels have found plenty of ideas for punishment from the Earth Observation Files. After all, humans come up with the most inventive ways to make other humans suffer. Unsure what their captors really want, Aziraphale and Crowley struggle to resist Heaven’s manipulation, to find a way to escape, and to help each other survive.
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twipsai · 2 months
HII was thinking about a fic i had read a while ago and out of the blue i thought. wow i think my dear mutual twipsai would enjoy this. SO HERE IS A RANDOM FIC REC!!!
its a pirate au!!! they're all friends!!!! its long as hell and it makes me insane!!!! IF YOU'VE ALREADY READ IT JUST IGNORE THIS AHHH.. scurrying away
OMGGGG THANK YOU THANK YOU normally i dont really go for aus but this looks like my cup of tea hehehehehehehehe >:) ADDED TO THE FIREFOX TABS!!!! to read later GRINS
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mercutiotakethewheel · 11 months
Chapter 1: No Dice, Egg Version
T | Fablehaven | Navarog/Kendra | 2.7K thus far | 1/14 Chapters
Fic Summary: I give you Fablehaven: Book Five (and the end of book Four), in which mostly everything's the same except that Navarog lives to be annoying in the background and make a whole lot of trouble.
Chapter Snippet: “The tears and screaming came instantly, once he’d dropped the match. But come on, be real, holding back one thrashing mortal girl with the hand not occupied with a two-ton metal egg hardly counted as a workout for Navarog. And let that be a lesson against going toe to toe with a dragon. To say nothing of one who spit molten gold ---among other things--- and had scales stronger than obsidian to match. Not that Kendra seemed to get the hint.”
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hp-fanfic-archive · 7 months
aim & ignite by shostakobitch Pairing: Severitus, Severus/Lily Rating: T Word Count: 372k (WIP) "I know about Lily." said the girl. "That you loved her." Severus froze mid-footfall. He felt as though he’d had the wind knocked out of him. "She's my mum." her chin lifted, her eyes clear. "She wrote me that letter to tell me about you. You're the only person she really mentioned, but I guess that makes sense, since you're my father. Who else was she supposed to talk about?"
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Tumblr users @ Twitter users:
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fanficfanattic · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday
From the chapter following:
From behind him Roy growled, “Why are you here Tartt?”
And that was a fair question. Why wasn’t Jamie at a police station? Or a hospital? Or anywhere that would make more sense than his old club that he’d hated being at until the last two hours of his loan.
“I need to use a phone.”
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useless-moss · 9 days
Getting back into my shenanigans and a 'Dagur working through prison trauma w/ Hiccup' fic reminded me of an old angsty idea @reallyprofoundkryptonite and I had for the Kin All the Same AU. Also nutmeg idea inspired by that one @evilwriter37 Heather fic. (I'm almost certain it was one of their fics at least-)
TW: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Referenced Kidnapping, Implied/Referenced Rape, Rape Aftermath, Implied Pregnancy and Abortion
Characters: Original Trans Male Character (Magnus), Viggo, Krogan, Dagur. Other characters mentioned.
The last few weeks have been... Hell, to put it lightly. The panic of Magnus' initial disappearance, followed by the anger and fear of learning he'd been taken by Grimmel, and then the fight to get him back. A fight that was doomed to be a bloodbath from the second the hunter dared lay his hands on Magnus. For rather obvious reasons, in retrospect. No sane person, or person even vaguely aware of the consequences, would reasonably try. And for good reason.
Viggo, Dagur, and Krogan saw Magnus as their own. They'd worked together to raise the boy, and they didn't tolerate their son so much as being insulted. Dagur has thrown men overboard for challenging what Magnus says in regards to the dragons he handled. He's struck a few idiots with an axe for suggesting the boy be used as 'stress relief' during some particularly rough weeks at sea. Krogan has outright killed a few men, his own flyers and Viggo's hunters alike, for similar reasons. One poor bastard thought it would be funny to grab the boys chest once. There wasn't enough left of him to even throw to the fishes, and Krogan's clothes were soaked in so much blood you'd believe they had always been that red. Viggo, ever the voice of reason (about 90% of the time at least), was less violent. But he's still fired men on the spot for making the wrong comment, even jokingly, about Magnus.
The battle, the raid of Grimmel's camp, had been a gory mess. A vague plan of action, but endless violence otherwise. Men had been ripped apart like paper or gutted like fish. Broken bones, charred bodies. Even Hiccup refused to hold back, letting the dragons fight however they thought best. Letting the dragons, for a few moments at least, sink back into their wild nature. Some men had bites taken out of them, courtesy of Krogan and Hookfang. Grimmel himself had barely escaped, and even when he had he'd been one arm and almost an entire camp short. Those that survived the attack would be permanently scarred. Permanently mutilated, and carrying the memory of violence they've probably never even imagined before.
Magnus wasn't in good condition, physically or mentally. He was blind in one eye now, a fact that made both Viggo and Krogan's hearts ache. They both knew what that was like, of course. The scales around his left eye that created a birthmark-like appearance, that marked Magnus as having Lycanwing blood like Krogan did, had also been flayed off. Cut and pulled. Separated from skin and muscle in a manner that was grotesque, yet neat. Showing Grimmel had drawn out the process. Broken bones that had begun healing wrong and needed to be painfully readjusted. Dehydration. The list seemed extensive, yet far too short, considering this was Grimmel who did it.
"Do you need anything else?" The voice is soft and smooth. Very characteristic of Viggo, but lacking the usual edge it carried. There's a pause. A moment of silent consideration, then a shuddering breath.
"Nutmeg. A large dose." The answer is straightforward, like Magnus has been thinking about it for a while now. Which, in retrospect, he probably has. He'd picked up a fair bit of Viggo's planning ahead habit over the years. And, of course, being the resident healer of the hunter's gave him plenty of knowledge.
The younger ones in the room, helping monitor and tend to Magnus's injuries and mental state, don't understand the implications. But Viggo does. It makes him feel nauseous and enraged all at once. It makes him feel guilty as well.
"... Grimmel..?" The question is asked by Krogan this time, in a clipped manner. Like the dark skinned man is just barely holding himself back from screaming and punching a wall in a mix of grief and rage. A simple nod is the answer, and then Krogan is storming out. Ryker follows. Viggo swallows the lump forming in his throat, and nods to Hiccup and Fishlegs. A silent gesture for them to go get what Magnus requested. Dagur and Viggo stick with the boy. Until Krogan's yelling grows audible, at least, and then Viggo leaves to try and help his brother calm the man.
Dagur refuses to leave the boys' side. He sticks by Magnus like a tick to a dog, fingers carding through reddish brown hair. They sit mostly in silence. There isn't much to say. No amount of comforting words or promises seemed to be enough. No vows for revenge felt right. The thought of telling the boy about his time in prison doesn't seem right at the moment either, and Dagur highly doubts Magnus wants to hear how his adoptive father had gone through a similar thing in the first place. It would likely hurt the boy more than anything else.
Krogan and Viggo returned at some point. Ryker left to go make some food and to give the immediate family some time. It's been weeks since they've all been together, after all. So they're given time to just be there for each other. Krogan, the man was surprisingly cuddly when he trusted someone, kept Magnus up against his side in a protective embrace. Dagur crowded the boys' other side, resting his head on Magnus's shoulder. Viggo sits next to Krogan, fingers lightly interlocked with the boys own as a reminder that he's here as well.
And when the bleeding starts, when it's clear Magnus needs his dad's more than anything else right now, they stay. They wouldn't dare leave, no matter how much the evidence of the horror their son experienced hurt. Their pain is miniscule in comparison.
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