#warrior cats erasure
I know people are upset that Riverstar has been confirmed to have a mate and kits, but I feel like people also need to understand that just because he has a little family now doesn't necessarily mean anything, either. I say this as someone who's bi and ace, but he could still be bi and ace. Even in his own book, he still has that emotional connection with Gray Wing, and all asexuality refers to is simply the lack of (be it nearly or completely) sexual attraction. It has nothing to do with children.
So sorry for the little rant, I guess I'm just tired of fandoms seeing orientations from only a surface level without really diving (no pun intended) into the deeper nuances of it.
I completely agree! I haven’t come across a Bi Ace Riverstar headcanon until now - I really like that, and he definitely gives those vibes.
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lilithfairen · 2 years
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This is Xiao, the catgirl co-protagonist of the 2001-released PS2 game Dark Cloud. Since a certain magical girl anime that also co-starred a red-headed catgirl came out one year later, I’m a bit disappointed that she didn’t appear in its sequel, Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle, as it’s second boss is a butterfly lady with rainbow-colored wings.
More video games everything needs redhead cat-girls~
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snobgoblin · 2 years
sorry this is aimed at a very certain age demographic im testing others experiences (if I missed something big it's not erasure it's just That Wasn't Something I Happened To Experience Or Witness)
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wc-confessions · 7 months
Warrior cats fandom stop being intersexist challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
Like holy SHIT some of you guys are weird about intersex people. Can’t even have a fucking non-binary headcanon without getting asked “ok but transfem or transmasc” like it’s some strict enforceable binary. Intersex people exist and we deserve to be able to exist without being forced into neater little boxes for the sake of dyadics.
And don’t even get me STARTED on when people automatically claim that all male tortie cats or all female ginger tabbies are transgender. You can definitely headcanon them that way, but please at least don’t dismiss intersex headcanons, too… headcanoning Redtail or Squirrelflight as intersex isn’t ‘trans erasure’. It’s just not. I’ve been seeing a bit of this shit floating around the fandom recently, and it’s just generally very upsetting to be around
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 2 months
Tolkien - My Takes 2
My Linguistic Pedanticness - Elendil, Anárion, and Iþildur
My Linguistic Pedanticness - Ðə Þindar ænd ðeir Þindarin
My Linguistic Pedanticness - Narþil, not Narsil
My Linguistic Pedanticness - the Quenya K
My Linguistic Pedanticness - the Sun
Naming Children After Themselves
Nelyo was King for Ten Minutes
Nolaheri Quácwendë
Nolofinwë to Ñolofinwë to Ngolofinwë to Golfin
Noldor Training, Technology, and vs Teleri
Not Really Kidnapping
Oropher's Wife
People I Don't Trust Pengoloð's Opinion About
Problems Solving Themselves
Rock and Boat Ownership
Roommate Half Bros AU/Eternal Marriage Counseling AU
Sabaton Vibes: Nírnaeth
Sabaton Vibes: War of Wrath
Sauron, Thauron, and Gû
Scar Headcanons - Fëanárions
Sharing vs Stealing
Showing Fëanáro the Future - Jaded Edition
Silmarillion Syllogisms - Beren and Lúthien
Silmarillion Syllogisms - Celegorm, Curufin, and Finrod's Choices
Silmarillion Syllogisms - Silmarils and Ships
Silmarillion Syllogisms - Silmarils and Ships
Sindar vs Thindar
Smol Maeðros
Sometimes, Everyone is at Fault
Thauron the Politician
The Child King of Doriath
The Elf of Many Clans
The Faithful's Wife
The Hypocrisy of the Nolofinwions and Arafinwions
The Irony of Ar-Pharazôn
The Irony of Thauron's Gold Ring
The Long Con of the Valar
The Noldor Needed to Return to Middle Earth
The Only Bright Thing About Finrod is his Hair
The REAL real reason Fëanáro won't be reembodied until Dagor Dagorath
The real reason Fëanáro won't be reembodied until Dagor Dagorath
The Valar Never Needed the Silmarils
There Were Teleri at Alqualondë Who Fought for the Noldor
Thindarin Thorn Erasure
Þingollo Destroyed Doriath
Time Conversion
Tol Maeðros
Tolkien Ghostbusters AU
Turgon's Rejection of Húrin
Turucáno as High King
Tyelco at Ascar AU
Unintentional Usurpation
Valian/Sun Year Weirdness
Warrior Cats: Arafinwions
Warrior Cats: The Sundering of the Clans
Warrior Cats: Eärendilions
Warrior Cats: Fëanárions
Warrior Cats: Nolofinwions
Warrior Cats: Thingollions
Warrior Cats: Valar
What Did It Cost?
What Does It Mean for an Elf to be "of Age"?
What Does "Kind as Summer" Even Mean?
What Happened to Bór the Faithful's People?
What is the Point of Men in Tolkien? (With eri-pl's thoughts)
What was Finrod's plan exactly?
Why Did Boromir and Théodred Never Get Married (to a woman, not each other)?
Why Did Nolofinwë Not Make His Own Ships?
Why Did Thingollo Only Evict Galadriel's Brothers?
Why Do You Like - Þingollo
Why Do You Like - Þauron
WTF Olwë?
Young Pessimistic Human, Old Optimistic Elf
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healing-fire--rewrite · 8 months
I'm no longer able to fit this into Healing Fire due to the erasure of twolegs, so here's the original rewrite of Firestar's Quest because I'm very proud of it and love it very very much.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
Sweetflower (Princess) and Sandstorm go and create Modern SkyClan together. Fire has his dreams as per FQ, but as he's the only advisor of Thunder Sect, he's like "I would fucking love to help but I cannot". He confides in Sandstorm, Greystripe, and Sweetflower about it, and Sweetflower's like "hey, I'm your kin, which means I also don't have Sect blood. I'll go rebuild the Sky Sect in your place!" Sandstorm is like "not without me, you're not!"
So they talk with Bluestar and she lets them go. Tawny, who stayed with the Thunder Sect but never really felt like a part of it, volunteers to go as well. She and Bramble still haven't received their warrior names- they're still being treated as evil disasters waiting to happen.
Tawny ultimately decides to stay and live with live Sky Sect; they don't know her family history, after all, and she truly feels connected to these cats. She eventually (years down the line) becomes deputy!
The main argument between Sweetflower and Sandstorm is Kittypet Life vs Warrior Life, instead of Dead Girl vs Alive Girl. Sweetflower believes that Boris and Cherry can absolutely live as both warriors and house cats; Sandstorm insists they can't. Sweetflower knows what it's like to be forced to choose between two things you love; Sandstorm is scared that she's going to leave her.
Name Changes Leafdapple → Leafheart Cherry → Same change as FQ Boris → Applepelt Tawnypaw → Tawnyfur Sharpclaw → Waspclaw Clover → Cloverbelly Echosong → Echocreek Petalnose → Petalfur Patchfoot → Patchfur Hutch → Briarstripe Lichen → Lichenshade
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
I’m not too into warrior cats anymore but I’ve always wondered  that if cats didn’t trust bramblestar for being kin to Tigerstar what makes them trust Tigerheartstar when his name starts with tiger, he is ALSO KIN to tigerstar (just less closely) and he literally becomes leader and is named TIGERSTAR??
i cannot stress this is actually one of the ""points"" leafstar makes. she claims that he's acting like his namesake because of what he's doing in riverclan and the books are acting like past riverclan wasn't down for becoming tigerclan. i will not have this leopardstar is a shitty kitty erasure
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Round Two
The Sohma Clan (Fruits Basket) VS Clear Sky's family (Warrior Cats)
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The Sohma Clan
Members: Akito, Shigure, Hatori, Ayame, Kureno, Ritsu, Isuzu, Kagura, Yuki, Kyo, Hatshuharu, Momiji, Hiro, Kisa (plus the wider family)
They are bound together by a centuries-long curse that causes them to take the form of the animals of the chinese zodiac (plus cat), with one to represent God
Akito is the head of the family and thus God, and, fearing the others will leave them, mentally and physically abuses them to stop them from ever leaving or thinking they can leave
The above leads to a lot of other issues within the family
Kyo is ostracized from the rest as a way for the others to feel better about their own situations
More propaganda here
Clear Sky's family
Members: Gray Wing, Clear Sky, Jagged Peak, Thunder
"Basically Gray Wing and Clear Sky are the older brothers to Jagged Peak. Jagged Peak stays with Clear Sky, but after permanently injuring his leg, he's quickly banished from his brother's group for being too weak to protect himself. After being abandoned and hurt by his brother Clear Sky, and then being coddled by his other brother Gray Wing and not being able to be himself, Jagged Peak's become very bitter towards everyone. Clear Sky falls in love with another cat named Storm. Storm becomes pregnant with his kits but is quickly kicked out of the group disagreeing with Clear Sky's reckless actions. Only one kitten survives, who Gray Wing rescues and named Thunder. Gray Wing raises Thunder as his own son, but Thunder wants to seek approval in his biological father, Clear Sky. Jagged Peak is the one most heavily affected by the whole story, due to the mistreatment regarding his disability. He wanted to be treated like any other cat in spite of it, but was treated as being useless by Clear Sky, or was given too much unwanted attention and lack of autonomy by Gray Wing. Clear Sky nearly kills Gray Wing at some point too, before Gray Wing says one of the most famous quotes in all of Warrior Cats, "Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you won." Either way, funny little kitty cats, adoption erasure, and ableism all in one neat package." Note: edited for length, full submission here
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oriolepaw · 3 months
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If you're a flintfeather lore veteran, you might remember my old comic Alterity from years back. Well, I'm now happy to show you the new and improved Alterity story. No longer is it any way related to warriors but is instead a story about a group of sun worshipping cats dealing with the erasure of their culture and conflict between families.
It is still very much in the story development phase but I've had these characters for such a long time now that I wanted to show them off
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redux-iterum · 1 year
Something else I found interesting was how the clans can just move on and ignore these events to the best of their abilities. Now that it's recent Graystripe's situation seems like the end of the world, in Riverclan at least (where I suppose they have more free time to ponder grudges), but he has been temporarily exiled and Thunderclan just moved on for now.
Oakclaw and Bluestar's case must have been similar, but now they are both respected warriors in leadership positions. Thunderclan doesn't even talk about it.
And these are cats who have violated the first rule of their code. The clans don't dwell in past mistakes, crimes are forgotten and the wost criminals are punished with complete erasure of their names and presence. The worldbuilding is really cool and the execution is wonderful.
This ask and the one you sent before are such a delight. I've really come to like that aspect of this society - it's fun to write, especially with Fireheart's perspective. I can't say much more, but it does have a good deal of relevance in the third book (which I am in the middle of writing). I hope you'll enjoy it there too!
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A criticism I saw someone give for Ivypool's Heart was it just seems like a series of Quick time events
Some criticisms were just because it is a traveling book.
Then you obviously have the criticisms about Ivypool being rude to Dove
(You know despite this book being about her learning to deal with her grief)
This one is more worry but I have seen some people worried about indigenous coding of the wild cats
Though one criticism was like Galestar intermingling and speeding up the endangeredness of the wildcats
Comparing it to indigenous erasure
One criticism I kinda agree with is that some of the characters were flat but like we see them for a short time so of course they'd be flat
Then just people not liking Stormclan
The quick time events thing I do get, it did sometimes feel like “do thing then move on” but given how the warriors community do not like travelling books on the whole I feel that specifically may have been a lose-lose situation with the Erins (especially since it’s got criticism just for being a travelling book anyway,). It was a little jarring for me but I didn’t mind it personally, I get why it would bother people though.
The Ivypool and Dovewing stuff I’ve made a few posts on before and thankfully that seemed to die down mostly before the book was released.
Ok so about the wildcats. I absolutely cannot comment on the indigenous coding allegations as I am not indigenous. However, the thing about Galestar and her kids intermingling. I have full faith that was done to directly reference how no Scottish wildcats are genetically “pure” as it were. All Scottish wildcats (to our knowledge) have domestic cat DNA in them thanks to hybridising with domestic cats. This seems to have mainly begun about 70 years ago, which tracks for the kind of timeline you would expect Galestar to have come across the wildcats (I would say since SkyClan were still in the forest you’re probably looking at this whole affair happening anywhere between 50-80 years ago ish). So this does mean that the Scottish wildcat is, in a way, effectively extinct. (Although there is hope to reintroduce genetically “pure” populations thanks to selective breeding and gene mapping).
Here’s a pretty good article I found on the whole thing.
But yeah to go back to warrior cats. There is no doubt in my mind that is what was being directly referenced here. The similarities to indigenous erasure is just unfortunate coincidence I feel.
Characters being flat is a subjective thing I can’t really comment on that, if you feel that the characters were flat then fine, if you don’t then also fine.
If you don’t like StormClan then fine, it really does come out of left field and I can easily see why opinions would be divided on such a big lore drop/retcon. But I’ve seen so many people not like them but they haven’t read the book and have gone off of the opinions of others or from reading summaries. To that I will say. I think people should read the books themselves before casting full judgement on something. Obviously an opinion can be formed without reading the book but I think full context is always important. For example, when I first read summaries of AVOS before reading the books themselves I hated the concept of Darktail! I thought he was forced in and a pathetic excuse to conjure up another Tigerstar. Then I actually read the books and my entire perspective changed. The story was the same but since the way it was delivered to me was different, so was my opinion. Now I love Darktail so much, he’s my second favourite warriors cat character. You could always read the books and then still hold the same opinion, but at least you know that opinion is fully informed.
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danieyells · 4 months
I love that everyone i follow is responding to the 'your childhood book obsession' poll with 'THIS IS WARRIOR CATS ERASURE. WHERE IS WARRIOR CATS HOW DID YOU LEAVE OFF WARRIOR CATS' lmao
I have never read warrior cats but the love is clearly there. I probably would've loved it as a kid lol
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menacetomany · 2 years
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Some sketchy designs for the apprentice crew of the Mapleshade’s Vengeance rewrite that in all likelihood i will literally never finish.
Some design notes and headcanons:
Birchpaw is based on a fawn for reasons i cannot explain but I promise make sense in my head
Ravenpaw’s just a lil emo boy. The cloud on his chest represents how he has fully devoted his heart to the heavens.
Frecklepaw’s based on an adder >:D
Maplepaw’s got proportionally the largest eyes of any of the crew, and they stay big even as she becomes an adult. This at first gives her a naive look, but then it just kinda becomes unsettling.
Birchpaw got the pelt of his dad, but the build, fur type, and disposition of his mama Shinecloud; Frecklepaw has the opposite. It’s not easy to tell they’re related at all, but the giveaway is the tabby marks and the Big Ol Ears.
The four (+ Applepaw and Reedpaw, who are also a major part of this rewrite) grow up in a time of upheaval in the clans--not long after the No Murder rule was introduced-and not long after SkyClan was driven out. (This might break some things timeline wise, but the warriors timeline is one of the most hellish things to ever drag its way free of satan’s asshole so I don’t care.) The adults are all rumbling about what it truly means to be a Clan cat, the role violence has in their society, and what duty they have to cats outside their clan. The apprentices all form their own beliefs on this:
*Maplepaw is the kit of a dead rogue the clans found on the border. She doesn’t really consider herself an outsider, considering the Clan is all she remembers, but she hears the whispers of the elders and senior warriors about how bringing in an outsider at a time like this makes ThunderClan look weak. [This influences her decision to lie to Frecklewish later.] She works hard to prove herself, but she’s impulsive, hot-tempered, and can act malicious. Isolating herself further is the fact that her ideals do not match those of the traditionalist ThunderClan, which is only further compounded when she saves Reedpaw and befriends her and Applepaw. The three of them sneak out and form a club they jokingly dub the ‘Secret Resistance’. Maplepaw wants to change the clans for the better, and make them see they’re all just cats on the inside. As she grows older, she does more and more dubious things in the aim of this goal, till it all comes crashing down after the exile and the river. [Fun fact: this is influenced by canon Mapleshade’s desire to stop RiverClan and ThunderClan’s wars with her kits, which is both an admirable goal and...very naive, to say the least. This is an interesting part of her character, which I think isn’t touched upon much in canon or fanon.]
*Maplepaw is bi and crushes on both Reedpaw and Applepaw; warriors society has terms for gay people but not bi people [bi erasure real 😔] which leaves her very confused.
*Frecklepaw is very similar to Mapleshade in temperament, but there’s one key difference between the two--Frecklepaw is raised by Oakstar. He’s a staunch traditionalist to try and mask his SkyClan roots through his father, Gorseclaw. The two quickly become rivals, though Birchpaw is always there to soothe arguments when they get too vicious (until he isn’t.) Frecklepaw initially wasn’t the best fighter, but she trains hard so she’s able to match Maplepaw in spars. As they grow older, this rivalry only intensifies as Frecklepaw develops a onesided crush on Maplepaw [which is part of why she’s so eager to raise kits with Mapleshade later]. Mapleshade doesn’t find out about this till they’re both in the dark forest [because rewrite starclan aren’t any less pieces of shit than canon starclan].
*Ravenpaw has an unusually strong connection to StarClan, almost like Jayfeather. He spends a great deal of time ruminating on the words of his ancestors and ancient discourses, believing that only they could know what the right path is to take at any given moment (and he becomes the kittycat version of terminally online). He strikes up a relationship with Birchpaw after receiving advice from Acorn Fur (the cat that Moth Flight denied having a mate to because she, a single teenage mother in a brand new role with adhd and no reliable babysitters and Four Goddamn Kittens, couldn’t manage her work/life balance nobody could. Adhder here and just one baby is hell got damn). This is part of why he’s so furious at Mapleshade and reveals the secret even though he knows the kits will suffer for it--he was hurt and betrayed when it was announced Birchface had sired Mapleshade’s kits, and is now angry she made him ever doubt his partner.
*Birchpaw is the heart of the group, the glue holding them together. When he dies, it all falls apart. Another reason Mapleshade lies to Frecklewish is that her frenemy drew away after his death, and she selfishly wants the fierce closeness they once had back. He’s kind of a Greypaw figure--jovial, cheerful, charming, not the smartest, flouts the rules. He doesn’t have strong feelings on the code one way or another, but he does have strong feelings for Ravenpaw. He sent the omen because he sensed that Mapleshade’s kits would be found out and wanted to tell Ravenwing to keep them in *ThunderClan; this tragically backfires.
god, I love these pathetic flawed losers so much but only the version of them that exists in my brain ya feel me
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morningmask27 · 2 years
oo maybe bristlefrost/sunbeam for the hypokits?? hope ur doing ok!!
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their birth was in a very awkward spot. Sun and Bristle were kinda friends and during the whole impostor thing they had One(1) night together. Sunbeam did have actual romantic feelings for bris, but bris being the very oblivious aromantic she is didn't realise and just accepted to spend one night to decompress just the tiniest bit. (sun and bristle is more of a "I like her, but she barely knows I exist" thing) (also this happens before the bristleroot thing, I promise there is not cheating(?))
Anyways, Sun ended up expecting kits after that night and Jasminekit was born a bit after Bristle's complete erasure from reality (rip my beloved). sun knew that all the clans were in a very awkward position and she didn't tell anyone about bristlefrost being the other parent of the kit. Berryheart was still badgering her a lot about this kit, but she was still a doting grandmother and helped Sun raise the kit.
Jasminekit is very timid and often feels disconnected from their clanmates. lucky for them dovewing and cinnamontail's litters help them connect a bit more with other cats, but a few adults can't really look at them without feeling uncomfortable. Shadowsight especially can't really be around them at all because they kinda ressemble Bristlefrost a bit too much, but yeah.
Jasminekit's warrior name would become Jasminewhisper
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the-pumpk1n-gutz · 2 years
I’d like everyone to know that my brother HATES Scourge Warrior Cats. He calls it “Tigerstar erasure”
He’s only read The Prophecies Begin(he got brown after the first little bit of The New Prophecy), so he didn’t get to see Tigerstar return in all his glory
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anyway i know this is a partially abandoned warrior cats blog and therefor not a good place to soapbox abt fandom culture but. some of y'all have really got to stop thinking you can tell what someone's orientation is based on what ships and characters they talk about.
bc like between "you joked about ashleaf therefor you are alloromantic", and all of the times i've seen bi people be accused of being straight bc they acknowledge that talltail is attracted to reena in his super edition (or honestly bi people being assumed straight for acknowledging m/f content At All), AND the excessive amount of times i've seen people be accused of being straight people fetishizing gays only for it to turn out they were, in fact, A Gay, like i think it's about time fandom culture accepts its gaydar is just not nearly as fucking good as it thinks it is.
you cannot tell someone's orientation, gender, ethnicity, neurotype, or nationality based on their surface interests. they can inform an inference, but they can never Confirm to you what that person is, and it's kinda fucked up to act like they can
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