#was listening to Skillet while drawing this i think that says enough about the process
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“little wolf”
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the-odd-job · 4 years
astridkolch replied to your post: “astridkolch replied to your photo: “Tobias,...”
Everything and anything. Let the beast come out, lol 
Read more! Because this’ll get long.
For starters, his full name is Tobias Draken Ilsilla, and as a random fun fact, the -lla ending in Gwandanan surnames is kind of like the -nen ending in Finnish surnames, in that it’s absolutely EVERYWHERE and the vast majority of surnames end in it. Tobias is no exception, obvs.
BUT WHO IS HE AND WHAT IS HE LIKE. He’s not too dissimilar to Sideswipe in that he’s very happy go lucky, but unlike Sideswipe sometimes, he can also get serious at the snap of fingers and doesn’t get swept into the search of fun and excitement the same way Sideswipe does. He’s more grounded and... Reasonable I guess is a good word. He LOVES physical activities though. Yeah, he can sit down and chill, but he’s happiest exerting himself and has always excelled at physical activities, not due to natural talent, but just because he’ll bust his ass off and has a blast while at it. He’s the one that’s gonna be running around the racetrack for ages and doesn’t seem to tire no matter what he does, because he’s just done so much that his stamina is through the roof. That translates into his feline form as well, no surprise there.
As well as that, he’s big on nature and nature conservation and the whole “live in harmony with nature” spiel. Which isn’t an uphill battle to take on on Pangeia, since the humans are very eco conscious already and take a lot better care of their planet than humans on Earth do.
He is an introvert though. Not shy, he acts reasonably outgoing and handles himself in social situations just fine, but he loses mental spoons while at it. He finds Sideswipe particularly troublesome because Sideswipe is just the most extroverted of all extroverts and has endless social energy and zeal, so while Tobias does like Sideswipe a lot and can spend a lot of time with him, he kind of needs some significant downtime afterwards. Not always easy with how close the twins are, but he manages and Sunstreaker knows about the whole situation and will try to arrange some alone time for either just Tobias, or for Sunstreaker and Tobias.
Anyway yeah, he’s good friends with Sideswipe and they’re both playful and enjoy jesting around together.
With Sunstreaker, Tobias balances out Sunstreaker’s semi-seriousness and dry sense of humor by being very understanding of Sunstreaker’s stances and views while adding his own spice into all interactions and easing tensions that easily form with how intense Sunstreaker is. A similar role to what Sideswipe takes, there. He’s also of similar physical ability as Sunstreaker/the twins, and can keep up with Sunstreaker and vice versa, and they can effectively tire each other out where many others will just tire long before they do.
Tobias isn’t prone to being overtly chatty though. Rather, if someone’s talking with him, he’ll chat right back with matching exuberance, but if someone’s quiet, like Sunstreaker tends to be, then Tobias is perfectly content being quiet too. And where Sunstreaker is very selfish, Tobias is very selfless. Not just with Sunstreaker, although Sunstreaker gets the most of it on account of their partnership, but really with everyone. He’s a reasonably kind individual, but he can be very mean without any pangs of conscience if he feels he or someone he cares about was slighted. He doesn’t have a temper though, so while he can get into physical altercations and isn’t opposed to them, it’s not because he just snapped and saw red like has a habit of happening to Sunstreaker. He’s just... Willing to completely throw down with someone, even if he doesn’t look for excuses to do so. He loves sparring though. Like, even very violent sparring that leaves the participants bloody. He doesn’t shy away from pain and in general he’s a pretty brave individual, and gathers even more courage from Sunstreaker, while also being levelheaded enough to make Sunstreaker think twice about something Sunstreaker and/or Sideswipe want to do that goes kinda beyond fearless and into the land of stupid.
And obviously, Tobias is a shifter, hence why he was so buff and generally well developed even as a teenager, which is what age he’d be in the pic. He dresses really casually and in kinda ragged manner sometimes, which drives Sunstreaker absolutely nuts. Sunstreaker also hates his hair and would love nothing more than for him to take some actual care of it, but naaaaah just let it grow and tussle it up a bit.
Basically Sunstreaker thinks he looks better as a cat. Sunstreaker was never mean about it though even if Tobias knew that was what Sunstreaker thought, so he could just joke about it without having to worry about Sunstreaker trying to force him into a mold of Sunstreaker’s making. 
Speaking of shifting, Tobias was the first of their year to finish his transformation and was ahead of the others several months even though he’s younger than most of them, having born towards the end of the year. His parents both had partners, so he was always pretty familiar with that lifestyle. His parents also got him tested for shifting when he was just a baby, and didn’t hide that fact from him, so he’s always known he’s a shifter. He’s pretty accepting of that fact and will just say there’s no point in considering the alternative of being a stayer, since he, you know, isn’t one. He’s pretty tall as both human and feline, taller than the twins, and the twins aren’t exactly short either. As a human he was a bit lanky too, bit he mostly grew out of that as a feline.
He was born and raised in a town on the smaller side, some ways away from any big cities, to parents named Ilse Ilsilla and Theo Alevavilla. However, once military school started, both him and the twins were assigned to a school at an approximate halfway point from where they both lived, so at the campus they’re all pretty far from their childhood homes. 
Like most students, Tobias was kind of terrified of Megatron (and his partner) and not the happiest camper around when Sideswipe started chasing him, even less so when Sunstreaker joined in and suddenly they’re dating and that is honestly the absolute worst, what’s he supposed to do around them when he has no idea how he’s supposed to address someone that high ranking that’s also dating his partner. Kind of a mess if you ask him, but obviously Megatron and the twins keep at it and Tobias just... Kind of learns to live with it even if he never loses that fear mixed respect he feels for Megatron.
After twins and Megatron have started dating, the twins and Tobias graduate and are assigned to the front where they spend some time putting all their training to good use. Unfortunately Tobias eventually ends up injured pretty badly, and while the promise is that he’ll return to full health eventually with very few physical reminders of what happened, it’s a process that will take quite a bit of time and physical therapy, so him and Sunstreaker are reassigned and Sideswipe requests to go with them. They return to the school, this time in teaching roles while Tobias tries to regain his health. The twins and Megatron proceed to get married in that time and Tobias is there at the wedding like. I guess this is happening. Help.
And Megatron and the twins are perfectly happy, nothing with that, but it doesn’t mean they don’t have their arguments, sometimes pretty heated ones, just because both Megatron and Sunstreaker have big tempers and Sideswipe doesn’t always manage to smooth everything out. As such, Sunstreaker spends some nights with Tobias, ranting about Megatron while Tobias gets to offer a listening ear and enjoy Sunstreaker’s company.
The relationship between him and Sunstreaker is never romantic, as that of partners rarely is, and it’s never sexual either. Tobias has actually never had sex in his whole life. Not because he wouldn’t have had the opportunities, he’s just... Kind of wanted to reserve that for someone really special. So far he hasn’t found anyone, but he’s not too bummed over that. There’s still time, and he always has Sunstreaker.
Unfortunately his playlist is very short for now:
Skillet -  Feel Invincible
Drum Tao - High Hopes
I was actually surprised with how easy he was to draw after he finally agreed to tell me what he looks like. Like, obviously I didn’t go into too much care with him, but that I got him done into one evening at all was rather impressive for me. I was a bit undecided on the eyes ‘cause the color options for those would’ve been pale blue, pale grey, or the dark brown I ultimately went with. But he gets striking eyes as a feline so it’s nbg if he has just basic brown eyes as a human. I didn’t necessarily let them be as dark as they’re supposed to be ‘cause they’d need to be dark enough to be near black, but eh. Practice makes perfect.
And his skin was originally a little lighter so I had to fix it ‘cause he’s supposed to have a reasonably dark skin.
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Mystery Girl
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 1881
Summary: You and Carol have a secret relationship and the team wants to know who you’re dating.
Warnings: Some kissing, I think that’s it. Mistakes??
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Reader
A/N: This was requested by @im-so-done-42 and I hope you love it as much as I do. I had loads of fun writing it, sorry for the wait by the way :))
You hummed to yourself as you flipped the pancake in the skillet. Your thoughts trailed back to last night and a happy grin etched itself onto your face. As soon as everyone had gone to bed your girlfriend Carol snuck into your bedroom and the two of you spent the night cuddled up under your fluffy comforter. The two of you have been dating for three months now but you both agreed on keeping the relationship a secret, at least until you were sure that it would be a long-term thing.
“(Y/N)? Hello, Earth to (Y/N)!” You snapped out of your haze and found Clint waving a hand in front of your face.
“Shit.” You cursed when you saw that you had completely zoned out and burnt your pancakes. Not to mention that practically the whole team had made their way down to the kitchen and were staring at you. “Oh hey guys,” you greeted sheepishly.
“You’re being extra spacey today.” Tony narrowed his eyes at you and you did your best not to squirm under his gaze.
“No I’m not, I’m always this spacey.” You prayed that Tony hadn’t noticed your voice’s higher pitch and did your best to remain stoic under his watchful eye.
“Hey, keep those pancakes comin’, (Y/LN). You’ve still got the rest of us to feed,” Sam hollered from the table. While you would normally be annoyed at his words, this time you cheered internally for the change in subject and turned to continue making pancakes.
“I’m on to you (Y/N), and don’t you forget it.” Tony’s words made your whole body tense up. You snuck a glance at Carol and you saw her swallow nervously once she met your eyes. The silent conversation between the two of you would have gone completely unnoticed if it weren’t for one highly trained assassin.
Breakfast went down as it normally did after the interrogation, Sam and Bucky bickering and fighting over food while Clint scarfed down both of their portions. The look of horror in both of their eyes never got old.
Round two of Tony’s scrutiny happened when you were minding your own business and reading a book. Ok, maybe you weren’t reading a book, but there was a book in front of you. Instead your mind had drifted off to Carol and how beautiful she was. How her smile lit up the whole room and how her eyes always showed so much emotion. You were in the middle of replaying the sound of Carol’s laugh throughout your head when all of a sudden Tony crawled out from under the couch with a cry of “aha!”
You screamed and nearly tumbled off of the couch at his appearance. You clutched your chest in fear and scolded him, “What the hell is wrong with you!”
He hopped to his feet and raced around the common room. He pointed to you and stated, “You, my dear, have a crush.”
“What? Pfft I don’t have a crush.” You did your best to play it off but he saw right through you.
He gave you an incredulous look and continued his skipping around the various couches. This time he sang out the words, “(Y/N) has a crush! (Y/N) has a crush!”
You felt yourself panicking when Tony kept chanting those words over and over again, not wanting any other nosy avengers to start pestering you alongside him. “Shh, shut up Tony!”
“Nuh uh! Not unless you tell me who.” He practically giggled in glee as he kept frolicking all about. You swear that you even saw him clap his hands together like a seal.
You heard the footsteps of a few other avengers drawing nearer. Not wanting to see who they were, you hid your face in a pillow and groaned at Tony’s antics.
“Hey guys! Did you know that (Y/N) has a crush,” he practically screamed those words to the group and you felt yourself blush furiously. ‘At least he doesn’t know the truth,’ you thought.
“Alright Tony, leave the poor girl alone.” You sighed in relief at Natasha’s words, she was always a mediator.
Tony grumbled out a “party pooper” and begrudgingly shuffled away. You pulled your face out of the pillow and met Natasha’s gaze. She gave you a small smile and a pat on your back before she too left the room.
You were peacefully watching a movie with the majority of the team when Tony struck again. He smiled innocently and took a seat on the couch next to you, but you knew his intentions were more than likely nefarious. He sat and watched the movie for a good twenty minutes before he made his move. “(Y/N) has a crush.” He covered his words up with a cough and an apologetic smile. You had heard him loud and clear and sent him a wicked glare. He fought a smirk and remained silent for another ten minutes before he repeated his words. A few others glanced at him this time, to which he responded with, “Sorry team, I’ve got a little bug in my throat.” He muttered under his breath, “A love bug.”
The night continued with Tony’s nonsense and you felt your resolve crumbling all throughout the movie. It only took two more times for you to finally snap. “God dammit Stark! I don’t have a crush, ok? I’m dating someone. Are you happy now?”
Everyone fell silent at your exclamation. You felt several pairs of eyes on you and tears of embarrassment welled up in your eyes. You threw yourself off of the couch and fled to your bedroom.
Back in the common room everyone sat in tense, uncomfortable silence. Carol wanted to race after you but she feared that it would look too suspicious. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and tried to keep her face from showing her concern. Tony sighed and made to move off his couch, “I didn’t mean to hurt the poor kid. Let me go after her.”
“Oh no you don’t Stark, you’ve done enough.” Natasha sent Tony a glare that made him stay put.
Carol felt her heart break a little when she realized that no one else seemed interested in making sure you were ok. She faked a yawn and stretched her arms above her head. “Well I’m headed to bed. Goodnight.” Various chimes of “goodnight” followed Carol’s statement and she walked off towards her room. When she made it far enough she changed course and made a beeline for your room instead.
She knocked softly on the door to alert you to her presence and slowly pushed it ajar. You were sitting on your bed with tear-stained cheeks when Carol rushed forward to sweep you into her arms. She whispered words of comfort and you clung to her body, grateful for its warmth.
“I’m sorry that Tony was bugging you all day, baby. I would’ve blasted him if I could.”
You let out a watery chuckle at her words. “You always know what to say to make me feel better.” She smiled softly at your statement.
Carol reached over to you and tucked your hair behind your ear. She cupped your cheek with one hand and your body leaned into her on its own accord. “That’s because I hate seeing your smiley face upset.” She placed a light kiss on your temple and you tucked your head under her chin. You snuggled further into her body and the two of you drifted off to sleep.
When you woke you were met with the sight of Carol’s infectious grin. You grumbled out, “How are you so happy in the morning?”
“It’s because I woke up next to you.” She finished her statement with a boop to your nose and you blushed heavily.
You gave her a happy grin, “ Cheesehead.” You saw the mischievous glint that showed up in her eyes but you were too late.
Before you could process what was happening Carol had straddled your hips and was gazing down at you. “You wanna take that back, babe?”
You shook your head and all of a sudden she started tickling you all over. You squealed in surprise and tried to wriggle away but she had you trapped under her weight. “Wait-Carol I take it back. I take it back!” You could barely talk due to the giggles that erupted from your throat.
Carol finally took mercy on you and flopped to the other side of the bed. She grinned at you as you attempted to catch your breath and once you did you grinned back. “I think I love you.” You panicked, that was definitely not supposed to come out.
Carol blinked at you in response, she was stunned speechless. You immediately thought the worst and babbled out an apology, “Oh god, I said that too soon didn’t I? It’s fine, just pretend you didn’t hear me because I certai-“ Carol cut you off with a single finger to your lips and your eyes widened in response.
“(Y/N). I think I love you too.” She spoke quickly and quietly and if you hadn’t been listening intently you would have missed it altogether.
“That’s great! You know, because I said I think I love you and you just said you think you love me, it all works out.” You blushed when you caught yourself rambling again. “So, should we tell the others? They already know I’m dating someone.”
“Oh don’t worry about the others, babe.” The glint in her eyes had returned, “You just leave them to me.”
You were sitting at the kitchen island picking at your cereal when you heard someone sit next to you. “So who’s the mystery guy?”
Clint, of course it was Clint. You put on a look of confusion, “Excuse me?”
“You know, the guy you’re dating? You did admit to it last night.”
“Yeah (Y/N), who is this mystery guy? Do we know him?” Great, now Sam was pestering you too.
You simply shrugged at their questions and went back to eating your cereal. You ignored the curious expressions that were on you and instead stared at your blurry reflection in the spoon.
When Tony showed up in the kitchen you avoided his eyes completely. You could feel him staring at you and you kept going about your business, just as you had done before.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned in the direction of it. When you saw that it was Carol you smiled, “Oh hey Carol, what’s u-“ Before you could finish talking she smashed her lips into yours. Your eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of her heated kiss and you melted right into it.
Carol pulled away with a loud pop and she smirked at the other occupants in the room. You could only let out a quiet, “Oh wow,” before the room boomed with multiple voices at the same time.
“What?!” That one was Sam.
“Girl, mystery girl.” There was Clint’s voice.
“I didn’t see that coming.” Pietro and Wanda at the same time, that was pretty cool to hear.
Tony didn’t even say anything, just gaped in shock.
Last but not least, Natasha’s voice echoed around the room, “I knew it.”
A/N: My laptop still hates me so please forgive anything that looks weird or any mistakes, I will fix them eventually. I hope you liked the fic!! Let me know if you did and also feel free to check out my other stuff. Oh and send in some requests, I’ll write almost anything. Thanks, Viv :)
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tvntae · 6 years
heartbreak hotel 3
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pairing: reader x ceo!jeon jungkook
plot: was sleeping with your boss really such a great idea?
Genre: smut (eventual), angst, fluff
word count: 2.7k
warnings: smut? but like poorly written lmao, dirty talk?? talks of anal play???
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Your usual morning alarm blast through the silence of your usually quite room. It has you jolting awake, almost wanting to rip your hair out by realizing how much sleep you got. Or better yet, how much rest you missed out on. You tossed and turned all night after Jungkook suddenly showed up to your place. It took fucking forever to finally get him situated on your couch. The amount of walking back and forth between your room and your living area where he was staying nearly killed you. You feet felt swollen, and they ached, your head pounded and you weren’t even the one who spent their night and morning drinking their life away. The asshole also dared to demand he take your bed and you sleep on the couch because he’s your guest. Unwanted guest, you whispered under your breath when he said it. He didn’t hear you, but a part of you really wished he had. You finally reach over for your phone and hit the stop alarm button. You feel like absolute shit once you notice it is only 11 am, which means you just got a total of 3 hours of sleep, no thanks to Jungkook. What the fuck was your life becoming of. You sigh for what feels like the 100th time today, you need a shower and quick. You were quietly hoping, praying that Jungkook had left already and you two could put this whole situation behind you and pretend it never even happened. 
You grab some fresh clothes from your laundry basket and head to your bathroom, because yes you are a lazy bitch that never puts her clothes in their respective drawers. You smile when you take a peak in your living room and see Jungkook gone. You almost do a victory dance but decide against it since your head is still throbbing like crazy. You sigh a breath of relief when you notice your bathroom is empty as well. Jungkook must really be gone, thank God. You probably would have actually ripped your hair out if Jungkook was somehow still here, in your home and eating your food. You felt so much more refreshed after your shower. Your ‘nap’ had left you sweaty and sticky since you had begrudgingly given up the only fan you had in your home to Jungkook. He begged for it and as much as you wanted to slap him across his face for disturbing your unbeauty sleep you gave it up to finally sate him. 
Once you dry off and change into new clothes, you head to your kitchen to make yourself a late breakfast. You smell an odd burning smell coming from the living room and rush to find out what the hell could possibly be burning. You frantically search around to see what’s burning only to come face to face with the Devil Himself. 
“What the hell are you doing? God, it smells horrible in here.” You seethed and pinch the bridge of your nose when Jungkook drops your favorite skillet in the process of turning around. It’s not like you cooked in that skillet or anything, but it was a non-stick and absolutely fucking beautiful, so how dare he drop it? He frowns when he sees you, visibly nervous and now you kind of feel bad for scolding him. He lifts up a plate of mouth-watering looking pancakes and mumbles, “Made ‘I’m sorry’ pancakes.” And now you feel even worse for yelling at him.
The pout that sits on Jungkook’s face when you take your seat at your small kitchen table makes you want to giggle. He looks cute and not like the big mean boss or the drunken frat boy personalities you’ve seen before today. His cheeks are full of pancakes and syrup runs down his chin to slowly drip down to hit the surface of the table where his plate rest. On instinct, you lick your thumb and gather the droplets of syrup from Jungkook’s chin. He smiles brightly at you but, you could see the hesitancy in his face. You internally scream at yourself, now he thinks I’m a fucking weirdo. Jungkook awkwardly coughs and sets his fork down, and you think for a second he was going to get up to leave until he starts to speak.
“So,” he draws out. You set your own fork and knife down, you were in the middle of cutting yourself another small slice of pancake but figured Jungkook was finally going to address the elephant in the room. The big fucking elephant. You give Jungkook your full, undivided attention, “So?” You question him. 
“How do you like the pancakes?”
The question was simple enough, yeah, but what about the more critical issues at hand, like you know ‘why are you here, still?’ Maybe that was a bit rude, harsh even, but it’s not like he’s your sugar daddy or something, he’s your boss. Essentially, yes he is paying for your apartment but that’s because he’s your boss, you're his employee. So he doesn’t really get free reign when it comes to your personal belongings and living space. And, God you were praying he didn’t break your skillet. 
“Like them, a lot,” you reply after stuffing your face with another big bite. He smiles at that. The two of you sit in unbearable silence, you kind of want to speak first but what exactly would you even say? Jungkook coughs, rather loudly and you drop your fork again, waiting for him to say whatever he needed to get off of his chest. 
“I really am sorry you know. About just showing up to crash here, I needed a place to stay, and I thought you and I were close enough of friends that you wouldn’t have... minded. You didn’t mind, right?” He starts to rub the back of his neck slowly, a habit that you noticed he has when he’s nervous or stressed. 
Of course, you did mind that Jungkook stayed the night without correctly asking, but you’d be a shitty person to have kicked him out. And besides, he thinks you’re his friend. How horrible of a person would you be if you told him no? He most likely would think you’re a jerk and that’s just something you could not have. You were the type of person who liked to have close relationships with their bosses, and so far Jungkook was opening up to you. Hell, he takes you home from work every day, the least you could do was return some kind of favor. 
You shake your head no, and the non-verbal answer seems to appease him, so he continues.
“My fiancé and I sort of got into an argument about something silly, and so I went out for drinks with some buddies of mine and just drove myself here. Probably wasn’t the best of ideas,” he nibbles on his bottom lip, still a little hesitant about telling you what happened, but you made sure to show him you were listening regardless. 
“but nonetheless I really appreciate you being patient with me, so that’s why I made these pancakes. Actually, haven’t cooked for myself or anyone else in a while but I decided ‘why not’ ya know? I also noticed you were short on a few ingredients, so I went to pick those up as well. Hope you don’t mind, I kind of went a little overboard. You have shit choices when it comes to grocery shopping.” He smiles so brightly at you that you completely ignore the innuendo and smile back. Am I really that crappy at grocery shopping? 
Jungkook stands up to collect the now empty plates, and you silently thank him once he starts to wash them as well. You try to help him, but he shoos you away and says he’s perfectly capable of cleaning dishes that he dirtied by himself. 
You flop on your sofa and Jungkook follows you soon after, offering you a glass of iced tea and you joyfully accept it from his hands. Jungkook didn’t say much to you once you started up Netflix and put on a comedy for the two of you to watch. Either he didn’t find it funny at all, or there was just too many thoughts racing through his mind all at once for him to give the movie his full, undivided attention. Nonetheless, the silence was palpable, and he must have noticed it too at some point. He slowly but surely starts to inch his way closer towards your side of the couch and astonishingly you don’t mind the newly added body heat so close to your own. You can see him gulp as if he’s contemplating something fundamental and then he abruptly asks if he could stay another night with you. 
He chooses to avoid eye contact, and you figure it’s out of nervousness of being rejected. Jungkook is your boss, and there is and should be a fine line between appropriativeness and unprofessionalism, and you are sure as hell Jungkook is crossing that line. Like, he’s taking a gigantic leap over that line, and it is pretty fucking obvious. But to be honest, you feel sorry for the guy. It’s obvious he’s going through some personal things, and he just needs a shoulder, maybe even someone to listen, and he must think you’re the right person for that. Are you though? You were always bad at sympathy and giving advice and even when you did go out of your comfort zone to help someone they never listened to the help you’d suggest. Yeah, Jungkook’s situation is different, but how would this affect your work life? It was bad enough you had a semi-crush on him, it’s even worse now that he wants to stay another night at your cramped little shitty apartment that probably smells like trash since you hadn’t taken it out in a few days... He looks so timid though, and it makes you want to just roll him up in a burrito blanket and smother him in kisses. 
He patiently awaits your answer and when he gets tired of waiting he sighs. “I’m making you uncomfortable, aren’t I? I should go.” He says, and he sounds so fucking dejected you almost cry, almost. He gets up to leave, but you stop him, your tiny hand holding his much larger one and you can feel his fingers twitch. He wanted to hold your hand much tighter but decides against it, not wanting to make you any more uncomfortable in your own home than you probably already were. 
“No, you can stay Jungkook,” you rush to tell him. Maybe you should have given it a lot more thought, but you didn’t want to displease him for some odd reason. Besides one more night wouldn’t be that bad, right? 
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The knocking sounds of your headboard are so prominent throughout the entire room, and you’re sure the neighbors can hear. You don’t understand why Jungkook and your self are being so quiet, but it sends a fire throughout your core and has you silently pleading him to fuck you even harder. His thrust was so slow and saccharine at first, and you felt as if he was torturing you, but soon he too got bored of the vanilla shit and starts to fuck you like he was some wild animal. You were trying your hardest to bite back moans, and you could see the struggle in Jungkook’s face as he did the same as well. He was fucking you so hard, and so thoroughly you were sure you’d pass out from over-exhaustion, but you desperately held on. His kisses went from a light ghost-like breaths to full-on lip biting, teeth clinking, hard kissing, and you loved every second of it. When was the last time someone fucked you this good? All you do know is how great you feel now. You feel so full of him, and just that thought alone has you smiling to yourself. 
Jungkook starts his assault on your clit, and you almost scream for more but soon remember that silence is apart of the ‘game.’ You want to moan so bad, tell him how good he’s making you feel but you won’t give him the satisfaction. You can’t let him win. 
Jungkook’s breaths get deeper, and he drops lower so his body is flushed up against yours and you know he’s close but hell, so are you. Your long nails dig into his back, and he lets out a low grunt that has your pussy tightening around him even harder. 
Essentially, yes you won the game since Jungkook did make a noise, but you weren’t going to ruin such a perfect moment by saying something about it. Your release feels so close and yet so far, and it’s driving you insane. You don’t know exactly what you need, but you need more of it, more of him if that’s even possible. 
“Please Jungkook, fuck, please,” you croak out. Jungkook looks at you, his pupils are so large in the dark that his usual soft brown eyes are unrecognizable. For awhile the two of you just stay like that, him rocketing into you, making intense eye contact until he pulls out and flips you over on all fours, your stomach flat against the bed sheet and ass arched high into the sky. He drives himself back into you, and you scream as loud as you can, having finally been able to be as vocal as you like. Jungkook must like the sounds you make because he's picked up an unbelievable speed. 
“I’ve wanted to fuck this cunt for so long,” he lowers his chest to your back to whisper in your ear, still keeping the same fast past thrust that has your body hammering against your headboard. “fill you up with my cum for so long,” he’s growling now and you feel so close to cumming. You never took Jungkook for a dirty talker, but the surprise is pleasant. “Have you ever had your ass played with before, baby?” 
You look over your shoulder to get a better look at Jungkook, and he seems to be completely enamored by the way your ass shakes every time his hips meet your ass cheeks. When you don’t reply fast enough for him, he slaps your right cheek and smirks, and you feel his dick twitch when you choke back a cry from the harshness of the slap. 
“n-no, never,” you stuttered, internally wanting to slap your self for sounding so small. Jungkook hums, “next time I’m gonna fuck your pretty ass, watch it bounce on my dick, you’d like that wouldn’t you, huh?” Jungkook starts to circle your clit again, and you know now any moment you're going to cum, and you pray he is too. You weren’t sure how much more you could take.
“Cum for me y/n, come on,” he cheers you on. And you do. Your body starts to shake from the intensity of your orgasm and then you finally let go. Jungkook follows soon after, cumming inside you and you feel some of it drip from your cunt, making you cringe at the thought of having to wash cum stained bed sheets when morning came. Jungkook softly lays you down, and he hops off the bed to run and fetch you both cold bottles of water. He must be completely confident in his body, as he should be because he foregoes his underwear that lay haphazardly on your floor and walks around with his soft dick swinging.
 You thank him for the water and he softly kisses your cheek. You want to be happy about getting the best fuck of your life but why do you suddenly feel so guilty? 
Oh yeah, it’s because he’s getting married to 5 months. 
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Promnis Week: Day 6
Dancing / Ignis finding out Prompto got pushed off the train
(For @promnisweek ! Also cross-posted to my AO3 account.)
Prompto woke that morning to an empty dip on the opposite side of the bed and lukewarm sheets in its stead. Ignis was already up. Normally, that wouldn’t have been anything out of the ordinary (he liked to sleep in; Ignis didn’t), but after their rather...late night together the previous evening, Prompto had expected to see Ignis’ snoring face right in front of him the second he opened his eyes. Apparently, not even staying up until 3AM could keep Ignis Scientia away from his 7AM cup of Ebony. He had a little bit of a problem.
Yawning, Prompto rolled over to check the time on his phone. 9:27AM. Still too early for him, but the guilt of being a lazy ass while Ignis had likely been up for hours won the battle against the sleepies in his eyes. He forced himself out of bed, pulled on a random pair of boxers that were lying on the floor (were they even his?) and set out to go about his zombie-like morning routine.
On his way to the bathroom, though, his footsteps slowed to a halt when he heard something in the air. It was muffled and low, but the way it seemed to bounce up and down and drone constantly told Prompto that it was music. Music. Huh. That was odd. Was Ignis listening to the radio? Ignis wasn’t really a huge fan of the radio (“too much mindless drabble instead of music”, he’d say) so if he was in fact listening to the radio, well, it was a rare occasion. Curious, Prompto slowly padded down the hall, stopping when he approached the kitchen doorway.
Oh, it was the radio, all right. But what intrigued him more was the additional hum in the air, the one that wasn’t blaring from the speakers.
Ignis, dressed in his favourite powder-pink robe with his usual apron strapped to his front, hummed along to the radio, a carton of eggs in one hand as he rifled through the refrigerator with the other. “Ah,” he declared when he found what he was looking for, exchanging the eggs for the brick of butter that had been buried behind several takeout containers in Leftover Hell. He closed the door with a bump of his hip, turning to head for the counter where he’d been working. A whole slew of ingredients lined the surface, and on the stove sat various pots and pans in several states of meal prep. Apparently, Ignis was planning a huge breakfast. Dude must have been starving after last night, Prompto thought to himself, smirking.
While Ignis chopped some choice vegetables, the radio’s song changed. A familiar ‘80s synth-riff blared, and with it Ignis’ hum began to bloom into something more. Prompto felt his breath hitch in his throat and the hair on his arms stand on end while he listened. Wait. Was… was he…?
“I set my sights on you,” Ignis sang, after the first verse had blended with the sizzling roar of the frying pan. “And no one else will do.”
Prompto’s eyes widened.
Ignis? Singing? In their kitchen?
This rare event needed to be recorded. But dammit, of course he didn’t have his phone on him. And then, as if the singing hadn’t been enough of a rarity on its own, there came the hip shimmy not long after to accompany it.
“Open up your lovin’ arms, watch out, here I come.” Ignis tossed the vegetables he’d just chopped into the frying pan, a contented hiss spitting upon impact.
Prompto grinned.
“You spin me right ‘round baby, right ‘round,” Ignis continued. “Like a record baby, right ‘round, ‘round ‘round.”
Holy crap, Prompto hissed internally. His hands balled into fists as his grin grew wider. Ignis is singing along to Dead or Alive. While cooking.
Ignis turned on his heels, spinning in a little half circle before he reached for an egg. His foot tapped on the floor, the sharp clink of the egg cracking against a bowl syncing to the beat of the music.
And with that, Prompto couldn’t take it anymore. Amusement brimmed through him, drawing him over to his partner like a magnetic pull. He briskly left his temporary hiding spot and skidded into the kitchen, sliding on his socks as he belted out the next lines of the song.
“I got to be your friend now, baby; and I would like to move in just a little bit closer,” Prompto crooned, doing a twirl of his own; a performer in front of his one-man audience on the stage that was the kitchen floor.
Ignis, startled, practically jumped ten feet in the air, spatula in hand as he held it in front of himself in a defensive stance. “P-Prompto,” he stuttered, eyes wide in surprise. He glanced at the radio, as if he were debating turning it off and erasing the last one minute and thirty seconds from this timeline, but before he had a chance to, Prompto approached him.
“All I know is that to me---” Prompto sang, reaching his hands out toward Ignis.
“---you look like you’re having fun---” Prompto stepped close, tilting up on his tiptoes so their noses nearly touched.
“What are you---”
“Open up your loving arms, watch out, here I come!”
Prompto snatched the spatula away from Ignis, dropping it on the counter with a discarded clunk. Taking both of the man’s hands hostage, he pulled Ignis closer to himself and gave him a quick kiss. “You spin me right ‘round, baby, right ‘round,” he sang, the grin returning to his face.
Ignis laughed, a gentle titter that made Prompto’s heart sing a song of its own. “Prompto, just what are you doing?” he asked, his pitch higher than normal.
“Like a record baby, right ‘round, ‘round ‘round,” Prompto continued, lifting their arms as he twirled Ignis around in a circle. He winked as he placed a hand on Ignis’ shoulder.
Ignis was still laughing, and after the initial shock of being caught in the act wore off, suddenly, they were dancing. Each drag of their feet and tap of their heels to the rhythm sent their bodies gliding about the kitchen floor, moving as one. Prompto was in the lead to start, keeping up his singing, but after another line or two Ignis took over the dancing lead while Prompto gave a little “ooooh” in delight.
Then, while Ignis dipped Prompto low to the ground, they became a duet.
“I want your looooooooooooove,” they belted out in unison. Ignis kept the note going, and while Prompto tried to keep it up, he failed, voice breaking with a burst of laughter.
Ignis swooped Prompto upright again, another full turn to follow before he snatched him up in his arms, lifting him clear off the floor. Right ‘round, round round. “I want your looooooooove,” Ignis continued. Prompto was long gone at this point, unable to continue singing. He laughed so hard his stomach hurt, body shaking as he clung to Ignis, pure joy radiating from him.
A few more right ‘rounds later and the song came to an end at last. Prompto, still elevated off the floor, found himself face to face with his taller partner, his arms wrapped around his neck. He tried to catch his breath, but the sight of Ignis’ smiling visage in front of him halted the process.
“Good morning, Prompto,” Ignis greeted cheerfully, his eyes sparkling. In the background, the radio mumbled with the utterings of a radio announcer, an intermission between songs.
“Hey,” Prompto replied. He couldn’t help but laugh again, smiling sweetly as he gave Ignis a kiss. His heart swelled in his chest, amplified with the usual warm fuzzy feelings Ignis often gave him. “Oh man, you and I, I think we’ve got a future in show business, dude.”
“Oh? And what would the name of our double act be?” Ignis inquired lightly.
“Burning Skillet.”
“Oddly specific, don’t you think?”
“Not really, I think it’s plenty appropriate. By the way, I think your skillet is burning.”
And it was. Ignis’ eyes widened, setting Prompto down on his feet immediately so he could tend to the stove. “Drat,” he muttered. “I knew there was a reason why I didn’t listen to the radio much.”
Prompto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. “My bad. Sorry, babe. Don’t worry though, I’ve got this.” He headed for the counter so he could start chopping up more vegetables.
While he worked at replacing the vegetable sacrifice, the commercials came to a halt as yet another ‘80s synth beat blared from the speakers. Feet began to tap on the linoleum from both parties. Heads bobbed, fingers snapped.
“Sweet dreams are made of this,” Ignis gently sang, standing over the garbage can as he scraped burnt food off the skillet’s surface. The spatula scraped back and forth, back and forth, in time with the music.
Prompto’s lips quirked upward, glancing over his shoulder at his partner. Chop, chop, chop, went the knife, the rhythm flowing naturally, much like the sliced tomato’s juices under his knife. “Who am I to disagree?”
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See Me
Summary: Modern AU Professor Tom creates a worry-free evening for his elementary school teacher wife after a long week at work.
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating/Warning: M - Possibly me being overly cautious.  Perhaps not everyone’s cup of tea.  Non-explicit shenanigans.  You have been warned.  
Author’s Notes:  This is for @i-wanna-be-toms-body-pillow so blame her.  <3
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He met her at the door.
It had been such a difficult week.
A week of assessments and stress and suits in state offices deciding what “standards” meant.
A week of runny noses and tears and little hands that always needed something.
A week of never ending reports and meetings and late nights.
But now she was home.
Now she was in his arms.
Now she could rest.
Now she could cry.
“I’ve got you now, Pop Tart,” he assured her, knowing that she’d probably gone through more than one box of them this week.
He cradled her head against the soft fabric of his worn black sweater, let it soak up her silent tears for a moment while a hand rubbed her back gently.
“We’re…we’re expected at my parents’ for dinner,” she sniffled and attempted to pull away from him.
He clucked his tongue at her in disapproval at the action and she practically sagged back against him as his arms tightened more securely around her.
“I rang them an hour ago and told them you are exhausted.  We’ll go next week.”
A sigh of relief from her told him that he’d made the right choice.  
“Now, listen to me,” he instructed, his voice taking on that no nonsense comforting tone that made her tingle.  He tapped her chin so she would look up at him and brought his hand up to adjust his glasses, eyes narrowing on her face.
“Daddy is going to take care of his baby doll,” letting a firm squeeze to her bum punctuate the promise, a gesture that initially made her bristle and now made her melt.  “Dinner is almost ready and I’ve put your pajamas in the dryer so they will be warm for you.  Go have a bath and relax and I’ll have everything on the table when you’re done. No protests.  Yes?”
She wondered for a while why he bothered asking anymore, since she’d come to realize that she was nearly incapable of refusing him.  But she now understood that he did it because they both needed to hear her compliance.
“Yes,” she answered in a wobbly tone that was evident of how much she needed this from him.
“That’s my good Pop Tart,” he praised and rewarded her with a kiss on the tip of her nose.
He had to stifle a giggle when she frowned and pointed to her own lips.
“Very well, darling,” kissing her properly this time and then finally releasing her and pushing her towards the bedroom.
She’d been soaking in the tub for twenty minutes when he entered the bathroom in an exaggeratingly stiff, formal way, carrying her fleece Mickey Mouse pajamas perfectly folded on the silver tea tray that she kept in the dining room.
“M’lady’s attire for the evening,” he said in a ridiculous Jeeves fashion, causing her to smile for the first time since she arrived home.
“Would m’lady prefer to dress for dinner with assistance from her humble servant?” he asked, continuing the charade after placing the tray on the marble topped vanity and turning back to her while trying to keep his face neutral.
She sat up a bit, emerging from the strawberry scented bubbles like a mermaid, just enough so that the tops of her breasts were visible, noting with delight the tightening around his mouth in reaction to the sight.
“M’lady would prefer you to strip and join her in the tub and –“
“I’m afraid,” he interrupted, “that such illicit services do not fall within my prescribed duties.  Madame will excuse me.  Dinner to be served in five minutes.”
He bowed with a flourish and exited with lazy strides, chuckling at the annoyed expression on her face and her feeble attempt to throw a handful of bubbles at him.  
But when she stepped out of the tub and into the toasty warm pajamas, a wave of gratitude rolled over and the tears welled again.  This was love.  This made it worthwhile.  This was the most important thing, not the little blobs of toothpaste he always left in the sink or the towel hanging crooked on the rack.  She wanted to strangle him sometimes, wished that she could exert authority over him like she could in a roomful of 25 first graders, wished that she could send home a scathing report card and give him F’s on Bathroom Tidiness in the hope that it would alter his behavior permanently.  
Then the infuriating man with his infuriating accent and infuriating eyebrows would do things like this: greet her at the door with open arms, warm her pajamas, and cook her favorite foods.  She still hadn’t quite managed to figure out the give and take of marriage. By turns she was delighted and bewildered.  Wanting to give him so much, hesitating.  He had been unexpected.  She had to teach herself how to treat him as a partner and not a seven year old.  It was a slow process, although she knew without question that it was what she wanted; it was a truly wondering thing to be cared for, to be treated with sincere concern and dedicated attention. How wonderful to trust someone who desired to see you clearly, who put the time and effort into it.  And even more wonderful, someone who helped you see yourself through his eyes.
He was standing at the stove when she walked into the kitchen, just clicking off the burner under the skillet of perfectly grilled salmon.  Her arms slipped around him quickly from behind and he chuckled at the strength of her grip.
“Does my Pop Tart feel better after her bath?” he asked and placed his own arms over hers.
“I love you.”
“I love you, too, darling,” was spoken back to her in a way that seemed almost like a reflex.
She wanted him to know.  
“Not like that.  I mean, I love you.”
The big hands that covered hers tightened.
“I understand,” he replied softly before rotating to face her.  
“I’m hungry,” she stated, licking her lips and smiling up at him.
“Everything is ready, m’lady, as promised,” in that ridiculous Jeeves manner again.
She shook her head and her hands pushed at the rolled collar of his sweater, parting the soft fabric further and exposing the pale skin of his neck.
“Not only for food.”
Those big blue eyes widened when her lips feathered their way across his clavicle.  She tasted him in little nips and nibbles, tongue gliding and swooping.
“Mmm, I see my little vampire is in rare form tonight,” he growled and adjusted his grip on her hips.
“But I’ve spent hours slaving away over a hot stove and we should eat before the food gets cold.”
She lifted her head and let herself put on more of a pouting face than was perhaps necessary, a muttered “You’re not the boss of me” resulting in a swift and not so soft smack to her bum.  A squeak of surprise preceded an indignant huff.
“Oh, but I am,” he informed her, with an amount of glee that made her want to rip off the bloody sweater and the loose cotton sleep pants that he had conveniently forgotten to tie. “I most assuredly am.”
He turned her by her shoulders and let a much more playful swat push her towards the table.
“You know I only married you because you can cook.”
She meant it to sound like an insult, but in his typical irritating way, he thwarted her.
“I am a man of many talents, indeed.  Just ask the neighbors.”
He winked and handed her an ice cold glass of sweet tea, something he had yet to embrace and that she knew he still figuratively wrinkled his nose at; but she also knew he made it for her because it was her favorite and in that sense, it was more romantic than any expensive glass of champagne ever could be.
His talents were on display as they both sat down to dinner.  Everything was delicious and she gobbled it up, not realizing just how hungry she was.  And he listened.  He always listened.  He simply let her vent, let her do so without judgment or much commentary beyond an occasional “Mmhmm.”  
“And what about you?” she asked and put another forkful of asparagus in her mouth.
“Oh, my day was great.  That new class I submitted was approved for next semester.”
“Sweetheart, that’s wonderful!” she praised, reaching across the table to give him knuckles in a fist bump and making him giggle and blush.
He was so handsome, it struck her.  Eyes so expressive, smile so genuine.
“I need to amend my earlier statement.”
An eyebrow raised in curiosity at her words as he handed her the basket of bread.
“I married you because you’re cute.”
They cleaned up the kitchen together while he explained more about the new course he had written.  She was drying her hands and the dishwasher was whirring away when he asked what she wanted to do for the rest of the evening.
“I think that new Marvel film is on telly tonight, with that actor playing the petulant homicidal psychopath, the one you says looks like me.”
He saw immediately that her expression had taken on that questioning, hesitant shade, the one that he had come to recognize as indicating an internal struggle.  It had been a while since he’d seen it and he wasted no time in gently urging her to speak her mind.
“I don’t want to watch a movie, and yes, he does look like you –“ drawing a smile from him, “but I’d rather read. In fact,” she paused and took a deep breath, “I’d like you to read to me.”
“Of course I will,” he answered, practically beaming from being asked, “Go fetch the book and your blanket, love.”
They were settled on the couch a few minutes later, her curled up under her blanket beside him with her head resting on a small pillow on his lap.  A well-loved volume of Anne of Green Gables was in one hand and his other nestled in her hair, massaging her scalp with slow circles of his fingertips.  His voice had a similar affect, somehow seeping into her weary body with a therapeutic quality.  When he finished the chapter that saw Anne and Diana uniting after Anne’s heroics in saving Minnie May, he looked down at his wife.
“More, darling?”
She sat up slightly and removed the book from his hands.
“No, that’s enough.  I’d like to express my gratitude.  For everything.”
The pillow was placed on the floor to cushion her knees.  His long legs had been stretched out while he read and he drew them up, bending them and letting them press against her sides as she arranged herself between them.
His eyes narrowed on the small hands that were inching their way from calf to knee to thigh and ever upwards until they caught the loose ties of his pants.
“Well, who am I to refuse such an expression.  It would be cruel,” the last word leaving him in almost a hiss when her hands found their mark.
He started to remove his glasses, his eyes already closed, his blonde head leaning towards the high back of the couch, when she stopped him.
“No.  Leave them on.  I want you to see me.”
And he obeyed.
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