#was squirming and giggling while reading this ask over n over because he’s perfect and he’s suchhh a good kisser
ticklishfiend · 10 months
prompting my own gomens tickle content im so desperate—crowley is bothering aziraphale for attention (maybe while aziraphale is trying to read or bake or organize or something) until my man is thrown into the bookshop couch and tickled to pieces for being such an annoying little shit. discuss. (ideally this is a recurring event because we know crowley wants attention no matter how he gets it) -🍓, n
happy holidays!! hope you like it <33
Aziraphale took a slow, deep breath. In and out.
“Was that really necessary?”
Crowley snickered behind him, “What, I thought you liked when it snows?”
Aziraphale huffed, brushing off the flour Crowley had sprinkled onto his shoulders. He refused to turn and look at him, because right now he did not need that mischievous demon to see the smile he was fighting off.
“Well, I prefer when the snow is actually snow. Like on a perfect Christmas day!” He glanced over his shoulder with a cheeky side-eye, “You’re making a mess of my best garments.”
Crowley snorted, “Best garments my arse, you’ve had that one for, what, 100-somethin’ years now? You ask me, it’s about time you get a new wardrobe.”
Aziraphale decided against responding, instead going back to kneading his dough. It was silent only for a moment before he heard Crowley suck his teeth.
“You’re boring. Dreadfully boring. The hell do you expect me to do, wait for bread to rise that I won’t even eat? Like watching paint dry…” He heard pacing footsteps behind him now.
“You don’t have to stay. I’m just trying to keep busy, you’re the one who decided today was the perfect one for a rainstorm-“
“Because I thought it’d give us some ffffuckin’… some alone time, angel,” Crowley mumbled in slight embarrassment and frustration, leaning against the wall and staring daggers into Aziraphale’s back. “Didn’t realize you hated spending time with me so much…”
Aziraphale couldn’t hold back a fond chuckle at his pouty demon, molding his dough to perfection. “Is that not what we’re doing right now? Spending time with one another?” He loved making Crowley work for it sometimes, especially when Crowley’s been so (endearingly) annoying.
Crowley grumbled, but Aziraphale felt arms wrap around his waist only moments later, a head resting on his shoulder. “Not the way I wanted, though.”
“Must you always get your way?”
Crowley chuckled, giving a kiss to Aziraphale’s ear and whispering, “My way’s the more fun one and you know it.”
Aziraphale flushed, but otherwise gave no reaction. He continued to knead, and felt a bit flustered at how intently Crowley watched his hands work.
He felt hot air against his ear once more, “You’re very good at that, angel,” Crowley hummed, kissing behind his ear, “Got such a way with your hands.”
Aziraphale tucked his lips in, his hands slowing, “You’re distracting me, Crowley. Quit.”
Crowley chuckled darkly, “Whaaaat, I’m just observing!”
“Yes, well, you’re very talkative for someone who’s ‘just observing,’” Aziraphale was ready to let his dough rest when he felt the arms at his waist squeeze tighter.
“Can’t help myself. You’re a bit easy to tease,” Crowley snickered, biting at the lobe. Aziraphale gasped softly, fingers nearly pinching at the dough. It tickled, and Crowley wouldn’t stop even when Aziraphale started squirming away and huffing. The demon knew he was tickling, even blowing air into the ear to make Aziraphale squeak, before finally the angel-
“Okay, I think I’ve had enough,” he said through a breathy giggle.
“Enough of what? M’not doing anything,” Crowley pinched Aziraphale’s sides, purposefully tickling him now. Aziraphale couldn’t help but yip at the tickle, how frustratingly embarrassing, and finally he snapped.
Aziraphale whipped around, grabbing his leather collar and pushing Crowley’s chest towards the door, leading him back towards the living room.
The demon’s eyes were wide,“Gotten impatient, have you? Someone can’t handle a little—oh-!” Crowley yelped as he stumbled backwards, “Ohohoh, excited are we?”
Aziraphale wore a smug grin as he used more force to push Crowley against the couch, “You’re very persistent.”
“I try,” Crowley gleamed, leaning his smug head back against his hands, “I mean it worked, right?”
Aziraphale just hummed, crawling on Crowley’s waist with his intentions seeming obvious. The demon chuckled, prideful over another successful temptation. He pressed his hands into Aziraphale’s thighs, smoothing the pants with his palms.
Aziraphale gently took Crowley’s wrists, bringing them above Crowley’s head and meeting their faces in the middle. “Oh, it’s that kinda night, is it?” Crowley mumbled against Aziraphale’s lips. He felt the weight lift off his wrists, but since it seemed his angel was taking a more, mhm, controlling role tonight, he kept his hands where they were.
Aziraphale said nothing in return, if only humming in affirmation. After all, he was a little busy making sure his hands tracked down the demon's body to that verrrry specific spot on his lower ribs. And Crowley remained none the wiser, still caught in trying to keep his hands up and off Aziraphale (which was agonizingly hard, how he’d love to stroke his soft cheek with his thumb, or scratch along his back, or maybe even keep up his cheeky streak and tickle his—)
“GahK-“ Crowley choked, nearly biting Aziraphale in the lip. He jerked, pinned under Aziraphale’s weight as he felt fingers pinching into his fucking ribs, that sneaky little- “Wahait angel!”
“None of that. You were being particularly annoying just moments ago,” Aziraphale tutted with a smile, fighting to keep his fingers under those ribs as Crowley wriggled and squirmed and laughed. “I shouldn’t be rewarding such pestering behavior, now should I?”
“Yohou cuhunt-!,” Crowley cackled, his hands pushing and slapping weakly against Aziraphale’s, which had now moved to squeezing against his very ticklish belly. “Ahaha-! Hahaha nohoho!”r
“You aren’t helping your case any, Crowley~,” Aziraphale sing-songed, poking his fingers up and down Crowley’s sensitive torso, which made him squirm like a giggly worm on a hook, his hands mainly just gripping onto Aziraphale’s sleeves at this point for something to hold onto. Aziraphale smiled down at his giggling frame fondly, “What would help you, however, is. a proper apology.”
Crowley scoffed through his giggles (it came out more like a choke but thankfully Aziraphale didn’t tease him about it), shaking his head from side to side. “Make me-ehehee!”
“Oh now you’re asking for it,” Aziraphale took Crowley’s batting hands with relative ease and hid them under his knees, pinning him down fully. Crowley felt a zing through his chest, digging his heels into the couch despite no longer being tickled just because he needed something, anything to put his anxious (excited) energy toward.
“Hhhmmmmhh,” Crowley hummed through a nervous giggle, refusing to look Aziraphale in the eyes. Hopefully his lips don’t bleed from how hard he was biting them.
Aziraphale looked so smug above him, cheeky grin and all. “Say you’re sorry. I won’t even make you do the dance.”
Crowley chuckled in his throat, “Not happenin’.”
“Isn’t it?”
“Nope,” Crowley popped.
“I think you will.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because I happen to know…” Aziraphale placed soft fingertips against the skin where Crowley’s shirt rode up, his lower belly quivering at the gentle touch. Crowley’s face scrunched hard, and Aziraphale only smiled harder, “…that being gentle with you makes for a most delicious torture.”
Crowley stood no chance holding back his whine. “You’re being mean, angel. I don’t even know what I should be ap-ahha—apohohologizing—wahahait, wait just gimme a secohohond—!”
Aziraphale had just barely grazed his nails against the soft skin, back and forth against that pant line and, and, and—God, how did you make an angel this demonic?!
“Such a sensitive demon,” back and forth, a single-finger scribble inside that awful hip pocket, and Crowley tittered as he felt his face heat to an unreasonable degree. “So, are we going to keep name calling, Crowley?”
Aziraphale brought both hands into his evil equation, fluttering against his hips with a gentle ferocity that sent Crowley into a horribly embarrassing giggle fit. He kicked against the arm of the couch, his body too long and his nerves far too alight to keep still.
“Angel plehehease.” Oh how he hated that word. Aziraphale hummed, his laughter sounded so pretty when it was laced with those desperate giggles.
“Please…?” He gave a quick pinch to those hips, a flustered cackle escaping Crowley’s chest before bringing his fingers up to barely flutter against Crowley’s lower ribs. Fuck Aziraphale for knowing him so well.
“Nonononohohohoho you bihihitch!” Crowley squirmed and shook, hair a tousled mess and cheeks dusted a pretty pink in his delighted embarrassment.
Aziraphale sighed dramatically, pinching the ribs, “Oh well…” except this time the pinches didn’t stop, gentle and precise as they plucked against each and every rib. Crowley couldn’t stop the cackles and giggles and snorts and whines and fuck…maybe this was worth all the fuss it took to get here.
Crowley laughed and laughed, spewing curses here and there as his ribs were plucked and poked, his belly scribbled, curse his fucking waistline for being so damn sensitive—
“Ahahangel-! I—fuhuhuhuck!—I cahahant!” Crowley pulled at his hand, those fingers poking delicately along his waist and around towards his back making words very hard right now.
“A break, love?” Aziraphale asked so sweetly as if he wasn’t breaking Crowley down bit by bit, one sensitive nerve ending at a time.
“Yes-!” Crowley squeaked as Aziraphale pinched his sides just to be cruel. But of course, Aziraphale pulled away, giving his belly a warm rub that only an angel could make feel so good.
Aziraphale kissed his cheek tenderly. Crowley scrunched his neck instinctively. “You’re lucky you’re cute, Crowley,” he whispered in his ear like Crowley had done just a bit ago to him. Crowley was still giggling at the slight contact, twitchy and unsure if it was over for good or if this was really just a break. Maybe a really short one with how long Aziraphale’s been lingering at his devastingly ticklish ears.
“A-Angel, the ears” He squirmed his head, shoulders as scrunched as they could go with his hands pinned by his sides.
“Mmm, yes I’m aware. I did say a break, no?”
“Ffffuck you’ll kill me there,” Crowley said, a breath away from another giggle fit.
“What an unusually adorable death for a demon of your stature,” Aziraphale teased. He kissed the sensitive ear, unable to hold back a chuckle at Crowley’s squeak. He kissed again, and again, light as he dragged his soft lips against the shell, relishing in Crowley’s growing giggles.
“Oh fuhuhuck.”
“So incessant with the cursing. It’s almost like you want me to keep going.”
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i had this prompt idea that gives me butterflies everytime i think about it!
Peter 2 tickling peter 1 and peter 1 and doing really good at not laughing! BUT....He really wants to make him laugh so he calls in Peter 3 because he knows peter 3 can be ruthless sometimes going for people's worst spots, etc. So i see peter 2 being like "okay...i guess i have to call him...Ohh peter 3"! And Peter 1 going completely bug eyes bc he knows he's gonna lose!
Ler!Peter3 lee!peter1
(The part where Peter 2 says he would have to call Three gave me an idea for a twist in the fic 😁 I hope you enjoy Anon! ❤️)
"Okay . . . I guess I have to call him . . . Ohh Peter 3!"
The youngest's eyes widened comically as Peter 2 held up his phone.
Soon, Three's voice filled the room. "Hey guys!"
"Hey Three!"
One squirmed. "Don't listen to him Three!"
"Whahat's going on?"
Two started skittering his fingers across One's tummy and sides. "Wehell, Ihi have a stubborn lihittle ohone here that I need to help laugh. Ahany chahance you can come ohover and lend a hand?"
"Aww! I would love too Two!" Some papers shuffled around on Three's end. "Buhut I'm at work right now."
Two's fingers paused. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had to work today."
"It's okay, I'm on break right now. Plus, I'd likd to hear thohose gigglehels. I could really uhuse aha pick me up."
"Ihi would help you out, buhut I can't get him to laugh." Peter 2 added.
"Aww, come on Bug. Dohon't hog all thehe giggles."
The youngest blushed and stubbornly shook his head.
"Please?" Two asked and tried to make puppy eyes at the youngest Peter.
One shook his head again and a small smile crept across his face.
The oldest playfully sighed. "No luck Three."
"Hmm . . . We might have to work together on this one Two."
"Yeah! Put me on speaker and set the phone near One's ear."
Two did just what Three asked.
"Petey? Can you hear me?"
The youngest Peter glanced at the phone. ". . . Yes?"
"Perfect!" From Three's side of the phone came the sound of shuffling before a door closed. "Alright Two, work that wiggling finger magic!"
A grin spread across Two's face as he did so. "Ahalright."
Three cleared his throat. "Daww, whose a tickwish wittwe cuwtie? Youw awre! Yes youw awre!"
The blush on One's face darkened. "Hey!"
The next instant, two sets of fingers began crawling across the youngest's ribs.
"Ahh! T-two!"
Three chuckled. "That was cwose! Wittwe baby Buwg is being stubbown."
Two's phone vibrated. From One's perspective, he couldn't see the text. However, Peter 2 quickly read it.
The oldest's Peter grinned. "Oo."
"W-what's with th-that face?"
Peter 2 rested his fingers on One's stomach. "Go ahead Three."
Three started singing at the same Two's fingers started tapping his tummy. "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man! Bake me a cake as fast as you can!"
Two's fingers ran up and down One's tummy while Three sang, "Roooooll it."
The fingers tapped One's tummy and the voice sang, "Paaaat it."
One finger drew a B. "And mark it with a B."
"Oh no!"
Two leaned forward and blew a raspberry into One's tummy. "Add a raspberry."
Two lifted his finger and slowly wiggled his finger down while Three's voice replied. "Aaaaaaand . . ."
Two wiggled his finger into One's belly button and Three sang in a silly high pitched voice. "Put it in the oven for baby, Peter 2, and me!"
Peter 1 was a blushing, wiggling mess, but he had yet to let out a proper giggle.
"Wohow! Someone is being really stubborn."
A squeaky sound came from Peter 3's side, as if he was leaning back in a chair. "Oo, a challenge hmm? Mahahaybe he needs some 'pit' persuasion Two."
One's eyes bugged as Two quickly wrestled his arm above his head. "Waaahahay ahead of you Three."
"T-two! D-don't w-work with h-him!"
Two dangled his fingers over One's armpit. "Gehetting pretty hard toho hold those giggles back huh?"
One was already grinning and he was shaking from pent up giggles. "N-no!"
"Wehell see about thahat." The oldest Peter turned to the phone. "Whenever you're ready Three."
The squeaky sound returned. "You got those fingers wiggling?"
Two's fingers started moving. "Yep!"
"Okay! Lower 'em!"
The oldest Peter slowly lowered his fingers as Three started to sing again. "I'm a little giggle bug, giggle bug, giggle bug! I'm a little giggle bug, and I loooooove. . ."
Peter 1 squeaked.
Peter 2 attacked and One squealed.
"Giggles!" Three sang.
The youngest Peter broke into loud laughter and squirmed all over the place. "NAHAHA! NAHAHAT THEHEHRE!"
"Thehere we go!" Three teased. "Nohow was thahat soho hard?"
Two moved back down to Peter 1's sides. "Ahare yohou going to give uhus some giggles now?"
The youngest Peter giggled adorably as he squirmed in Two's hold. "Peheter!"
"Ahaww, wisten tow the cuwtness," Three cooed. "Thahat mahade my day."
"Shuhu--." One snorted. "-huhush!"
Two cooed and bent down to One's neck. "Wook at that wittwe face."
Peter 1's giggles became high pitched as Two attacked his face and neck with kisses. He had to pause to check his phone when it vibrated again.
"Whahat's uhup?" One asked.
Peter 2 wiggled some fingers into One's stomach. "Giggle fohor me?"
"Eep! Hehey!"
Peter 2 snapped a picture. "Thank you."
Peter 1 scowled at the oldest. "Why'd yohou do thahat?"
The oldest Peter typed something on his phone. "Becahause."
"Aww, thank you Two," Three cooed from the other end of the phone. "Thahat's myhy new home screen."
Peter 1 whined.
"Ahaw, sohomeone's cranky," Two teased.
"Maybe becahause you stopped?" Peter 3 asked.
Two set his phone aside. "Guehess Ihi better give him some more."
The youngest Peter squeaked and his giggles picked back up again as Two restarted his kiss attack on his neck.
"Aww, wittwe bwushy Bambino," Two cooed.
"Muhusic to my---."
Three suddenly went quiet.
Peter 2 paused his tickles. "Three?"
"Hold on a second Pete. Hey, what's up? . . . Okay, I'll be right there!"
"Everything okay." Two asked again.
"Yeah, everything's okay. I gotta head back to work now though."
"Awww, so soon?"
"Ahalright." Peter 2 held up his phone. "Say bye Peanut?"
"Byhye Three," One called out.
"Bye Bug. Are you going to be okay? We didn't go to far?"
"Noho . . . Ihit wahas fun."
Both older brothers cooed.
"Enohough with the cohooing! Ihi'm not that cute!"
"Wehe beg to differ Pete, but wehell have to discuss that later. For now, you need a nap and I need to go back to work. See ya tonight guys!"
"Bye Three!"
As soon as Three hung up, Peter 2 hopped off the youngest and grabbed a nearby blanket. "Ahalright Peanut, nap time."
"But Ihim not tired!"
One yawned immediately after his statement.
Two chuckled and crawled on to the bed next to the youngest. "Come on, we'll watch a movie until you finally fall asleep."
Peter 1 cuddled closer to his older brother. "Okahay."
Peter 2 stroked One's hair. "What do you want to watch Peanut?"
"Star Wars it is."
Peter 2 started the movie. However, even with the promise of his favorite movie, Peter 1 didn't last past the opening credits.
And Peter 2 may have snapped a quick picture to send to Peter 3.
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Day 14- Housewife Kink with Steve Kemp
Kinktober masterlist
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A/N: hey guys, i have to repost all of my 18 days of Kinktober for now. Because my account got suspended last night. Many of you might have read them already, and maybe many more of you might read it for the first time. I'm not someone who asks for reblogs, likes are find by me. But for this one time...i would be very grateful if you could reblog it. To help me go back in the game. I'm sad that i lost all my works. But so grateful i wrote them on Word... Or i would have lost literally months of prepration.
So yeah, Hi again, i'm back, hopping to get back my first account.
Don't be shy to comment, reblog or like! :)
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TW: due to the movie fresh.... dead dove inside, do not open. oral (r-receiving) p in v (wrap it before you tap it), mention of blood and torture...duhhhh it's from fressshh
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own
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Cleaning the knifes, getting ride of the blood, put the rest in the freezer. It was your day to day basic. But for Steve, it was the most beautiful thing to see in the world.
You’re wearing an apron, this dress that looks coming straight the 50s and you’re humming. Steve comes out of the basement and just with one look he’s hard.
“Oh, my wife”. You giggle, fuck that sound coming from you…it’s something.
“Well, I cooked a roast, my dear husband”, he groans, and you smirk. He’s so easy. This morning you kidnap another poor girl and tonight you’re cooking him a roast. Anyway, life is great.
“Steve, honey, can you grab me the ricer for the potatoes?”. He nods and has to pass between your thighs, under your skirt, he could scoot you away, but he doesn’t want that, he wants to smell you, taste you, so he passes under your skirt and instead of going to fetch the ricer and kisses up your legs and kisses your covered pussy. “You have white panties on”.
“Because I know how much you love when they get see through, my dear husband.” He growls, licks on your covered clit and admire the tissue getting transparent. You try to not squirm to much, you know he prefers when you’re docile, quiet and doing the little cute noise, like this little whimper when he sucks on your clit.
He stands up behind you, holding your skirt and flushing himself against you. “Does my wife want her husband to fuck her while she does the mashed potatoes?”. “Yes, please”
He pushes your panties to the side and rubs his hard cock between your slicks. “You were amazing this morning, how you took this girl, gosh, my perfect wife.”
“I had too, she was hitting on you…”, he chuckles at that.
“That’s why I love you.” He pushes the head in and you moan quietly, like he loves. You try to mash the potatoes but it’s getting hard to focus, his dick going to kiss your cervix. His hands get on top of yours and he helps you. “My little wife getting already all dumb-dumb?”
You giggle and nod, “You know I will when you’re balls deep inside me.”
He kisses your neck and cups your breast. “Such a good wife. Let me taste these mashed potatoes.” You give him a spoon full of it and he moans in your ear, making you clench. Then, he makes you go to the sink. “Now, do the dishes while you keep me warm”.
You make a show out of it, putting the gloves on and you take the bloody knife, stroking it.
“I think the clients would be happy with this one.” He strokes your hips.
“Like they always do when you choose them”, you hum and rubs against him.
When you’re done with the dishes, he guides you to the centre island and bend you over, some blood getting on your dress. “Oh, Steve… my dress, I didn’t finish to clean here”.
“It’s okay, my sweet wife, I’ll clean you up after, I’ll buy you a new dress”. He starts to fuck you slowly and you moan just a bit louder but still with tenderness.
“Steve more…fuck me harder.” He groans and gives you what you want fucking you hard, and you clench around him.
You both say “I love you” when you cum. And you can hear the scream of terror from the poor girl who wakes up without her leg in the basement.
taglist :
@navybrat817 @christywantspizza @buckyalpine @iloveprettyboysblog @ethreal-love @nailedbymandy
@captainsimagines @buckybarnesandmarvel @rogersandlightwood @sparkledfirecracker @barneswinterraven @hansensgirl @blades-and-heartbreak @runa-falls @chrisdrysdale
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134340am · 2 years
i wanna tuck my face into oikawa’s neck and smell the baby powder scent and leave lil kisses there to hear him laugh ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
tooru’s pushing you away half-heartedly, fond chuckles bubbling in the back of his throat as you land a flurry of kisses up and down the column of his neck.
“i—i’m not ticklish—stop it!” he yelps breathlessly when you plant a big kiss below his ear.
and then he’s pawing at your hips to get you off his lap, noisy complaints of “you’re being mean, baby!” and “wait till i tickle you back” and “i’m telling my mom!” falling from his lips.
you’re both breathless with laughter when you finally pull back.
“you smell like baby powder, tooru.” you cup his face to look at him closely, proudly noting how his chest heaves with the effort of keeping his giggles to himself while a light pink tinges the tips of his ears. “did you know that? that you smell like baby powder?”
“no, and i’d rather smell like you.” and he’s pulling you down to him again, hands clasped firmly around your wrists in an attempt to assert some control over this situation. “fun’s over, babe. it’s my turn now.”
that day, you came to know very well how tooru smells like baby powder and tastes like his honey vanilla lip balm.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Navy! Hope you and florist Bucky are well. We miss him, but hope you are taking care of yourself!
Hanging in there, nonnie! I've missed him, too. Why don't we pay him a visit.
Pairing: Florist!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky helps you unwind after a long week. Word Count: Over 1.7k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) vagina sex, fluff, feels, established relationship, florist!Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?). A/N: Hey, lovelies! Happy Sinday! I haven't had much time to share fics lately, but managed to make something short and sweet for our deserving florist. This is during the established part of their relationship. Beta read by the beautiful @blackwidownat2814, but any and all mistakes are my own. Banners by the talented @vase-of-lilies. Divider by the brilliant @firefly-graphics. Moodboard by yours truly. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Please reblog or comment as it means the world!
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Bucky knew you had a rough week and wanted to take care of you when he stopped by. After setting fresh flowers on the table for you, orange today, he insisted on making you a nice meal while you relaxed with a glass of wine. You tried to go into the kitchen to help and that only earned you a gentle swat to your ass since he refused to let you lift a finger. The simple action, of course, sent a rush of heat through you.
"Sit down, Petal. Don't make me put you over my knee."
"You wouldn't," you said with a coy smile. "But what if I want you to?"
That question earned you a chuckle in response. "That's for after dinner."
"So, dessert?"
His nose scrunched as he laughed again and you quickly snapped a picture on your phone. You looked at the photo with a smile, taking in how gorgeous and happy your boyfriend looked. He still had his hair pulled back from work, but you knew it would be down by the end of the night. And seeing his metal arm gleam in contrast to the tight blue shirt made the picture that much brighter. 
“Another candid photo?” he asked, holding out his hand as the other stirred the noodles on the stove. “Gimme.”
“Nope! You’re not deleting it since you never delete the ones you take of me! It’s mine forever!” you declared, stepping out of reach. 
“But you’re much more photogenic than I am,” he said, tilting his head to gaze at you. His eyes shined an even brighter shade of blue as you tried not to squirm under his gaze. “Should be a model.”
Heat filled your cheeks because, to him, it wasn’t a cheesy line. He thought you were the most beautiful woman alive. “Delete the photo of me sleeping and I’ll consider deleting this.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes like he was considering it. “Nope. That’s a keeper.”
“My mouth was open and I had my arm over my head!”
“And it’s perfect because it’s you,” he said, trying not to laugh as you pouted. “That look, too. Perfect.” 
Will I ever get used to someone thinking of me that way? 
“Fine. Still keeping the photo of you falling when I was waiting in your bed,” you smirked, rushing from the kitchen before he could catch you.
“That was your fault for wearing the floral lingerie! I got excited!” he called after you.
You giggled as you sat down, taking a large sip of your wine. You remembered wanting to capture the look on his face when he walked in and found you waiting for him, the fabric barely covering you. His enthusiasm outweighed his normal poise and he stumbled trying to get out of his jeans. It made the moment that much more special and real to you.
“You’re also lucky I didn’t tear it to shreds,” he added.
You would’ve bought me another.  “Wait until you see what I’m wearing tonight.” you said, willing yourself not to look over your shoulder when you heard his footsteps behind you moments later.
“Petal, what are you wearing?” he asked, desire thick in his voice as he set his broad hands on your shoulders.
Should I tease him or put him out of his misery? “Something pretty,” you said carefully, leaning forward to set the glass down. He didn’t pull his hands away as you settled back in your chair. Instead, he began to gently rub your shoulders. “Mmm. That feels nice.”
“I’m glad. You sure you don’t want to tell me what you’re wearing?” his voice practically moved along your skin as his fingers trailed down your arms. 
“Why?” you moaned a little, distracted by his delicate touch. Like I’m one of his flowers. “You want your dessert now?”
“Maybe I do,” he murmured as his touch stoked the fire in your veins. “Maybe I want to take care of you.”
You always take care of me. “What if I said I’m not wearing anything under here?”
His metal hand moved to your chin, carefully tilting your head so you could look up at him. That passion you frequently saw in your florist burned in his eyes. “Care to repeat that?”
“You heard me.”
He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours as you held still. You knew it was a promise of something much more. “Bed. Now.”
You shakily exhaled, instinctively wanting to give him exactly what he demanded while still teasing him. “Thought we had to eat.”
“I’ll keep it warm. Get in bed, Petal. I think we both need dessert first.”
Dessert is the best part of a meal.
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Your breath caught in your throat as Bucky crawled over you, his hips dipping down to grind against yours. Unlike the rushed excitement when you previously waited in his bed, he took his time stripping down, slowly letting each piece of clothing fall to the floor where you had abandoned yours. It was impossible to suppress your shiver with your bodies pressed so close together. 
You traced your fingertip along one of the scars on his left shoulder, hearing the hitch in his breath as you did it again. His eyes searched your face, not hiding his need as you met his gaze. You hoped yours reflected the same. You brought my passion out. I'll always be thankful for that and for you.
Your mouth parted the moment Bucky’s lips touched yours, the way you always opened up for him. He was a dream come true, the combination of soft and with a touch of rough that you craved. What amazed you was that you didn't have to ask for which side of him you needed because he made you feel cherished all the same. 
“Fuck,” he groaned when you raised your hips, brushing against his hard and thick length. “Keep doing that and I’ll lose it before I’m inside you.”
“I wouldn’t mind you making a mess on me,” you told him, reaching behind his head to free his hair from the ponytail. Your heart raced as it framed his face. “Though it feels much better when you’re dripping out of me.”
“Fuck,” he moaned again, his metal hand taking yours and threading the fingers together. He gently pinned it over your head as he left a trail of lingering, wet kisses down your neck. He could crush you with his strength, but all you could feel was bliss. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you.”
“We take care of each other,” you corrected him, feeling him arch into your touch as your hand moved down his lower back. You squeezed when your palm met a firm cheek, which made him sink his teeth in just enough to make you feel it, but you know he’d never hurt you.
He lifted his head, his gaze devouring you. "I know you'll take care of me," he whispered, spreading your legs open more with his muscular thigh. "And I know you're soaking wet for me."
"Yes," you moaned breathily as he reached between your legs, two fingertips exploring your folds. It didn't take long for his thick digits to spread you open, exploring what belonged to him. The pads brushing along your walls had you shuddering, close to losing it yourself. “Please, Bucky.”
He ignored your sound of protest as he withdrew his fingers, putting them in his mouth. "Please what?" he asked as he licked them clean.
You whimpered at the sight and knew what he wanted to hear, which brought a smile to your face. "Please, take care of me."
Dragging the tip of his cock against your hole, he tenderly kissed you as you tried to take him in. "I've got you," he swore, slowly guiding himself into your wet heat. You clamped around him as he slid home completely, desperate for the pleasure he so willingly gave.
"God, please," you simpered, feeling every inch move along your sensitive walls. Your fingers squeezed the metal as he slowly fucked in and out of you. He brought you to life with each touch, making you flourish in ways you didn't know were possible.
“God isn’t here. It’s just us. So say my name.”
“Bucky,” you moaned, shuddering with building pleasure as he brushed against your g-spot. Fuck, there, yes, please!
“Trust me to always take care of you?” he asked, his hair falling in his eyes as he kept his steady pace. “Answer me.”
You weren’t sure when tears filled your eyes, but you nodded. Bucky put you first, determined to make you feel special no matter what the circumstances. No one else would ever do that for you. “Always.”
"Then come for me," he urged, his voice rough as his fingers tightened on your hip. 
A tidal wave of euphoria washed over you as you came, leaking around him. He didn't let up as you let out a strangled cry, the sound fading to a soft moan as you went soft and pliant in his grasp. Your release felt almost filthy from how wet you were, but he wanted to pull every drop of pleasure from you. The way you liked to pull it from him. 
"That's it, Petal. Beautiful," he praised as you melted into him, waiting for him to fall apart, too.
"Come for me" you begged, still riding out your pleasure.
It was enough to push him over the edge, gritting his teeth as he spilled inside you. The debauched sound he let out made you tremble all over again. I brought that out of you. His lips met your forehead as he panted, his breath harsh and warm against your skin as you both recovered. 
“I’m sorry you had a rough week,” he whispered, releasing your hand so he could wrap both arms around you. 
“It’s okay,” you whispered back as he pulled you close, your body boneless against his as you closed your eyes. You felt his heart race against yours, his weight like a warm blanket over you. “You made it better,” you promised. You make everything better.
“That’s what I’m here for, Petal.”
Your stomach growled as your eyes flew open, the sound making you both laugh. Well, there goes that post-sex haze. “Guess we should finally eat dinner.”
“Better eat up,” he smirked, his lips moving along your face as he slowly pulled out of you. “We have a long night ahead of us.”
More to come from Florist and Petal soon. Love and thanks! 💙
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
Random thirst thought: Can u imagine cuddling up with mafia Bucky while suckling on his necklace and twisting the rings on his fingers lovingly 🤧🥺💜
Pairing: Mafia!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x f!little!reader
Word count: 995
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, it's just fluff.
A/N: White wolf nonnie love🥺💜 Thank you for sending this in, beautiful💜 Please enjoy this little something i wrote for you just now i love you so much xx💜💜 (it's probably bad but you know i love you:")
cozy and clingy
It was a quiet afternoon. The sky was softly crying outside, her tears hitting the large glass window Bucky was sitting next to.
He had a work call and after he was done, he checked on his girl to see she was calmly colouring in her playroom. She was so focused he didn't want to interrupt her peacefulness.
Instead, Bucky took a seat by the window that was letting in just enough light for him to be able to read a couple more pages of the book he'd started last week, 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think.
To anyone else, the view would've looked ironic. Bucky, the mafia boss who only talked the language of guns and knives, sunken in his big chair by the window, reading a self-help book during a rainy day? Yeah, no. Even his rings and the chain around his neck didn't fit the scene.
But she didn't care; not about what fit and what didn't. It was a recurring, usual and a very endearing sight to her eyes. Her smile brightened her face as she held her blanket tighter around her and tiptoed to Bucky's chair before resting her hand on his forearm to get his precious attention.
Bucky looked up, his smile immediately appearing as well; a smile that only comes out for her and her alone, "hey, angel!". He held her hand up to his lips.
She stood between his legs, wrapping her arms around his neck when he pulled her in for a warm hug, his book temporarily closed.
"Missed you, daddy," she whispered, a little shy of how clingy she thought she sounded but Bucky was absolutely loving it.
"I missed you too, angel.” He pecked her forehead, “you wanna sit with me for a bit? I only got 2 pages left for today," Bucky suggested, slipping her hair behind her ear, thumb stroking her cheek gently.
She nodded quickly, "yes, please."
"You gotta promise to be quiet though," Bucky said with a teasing smile, his hands leaving the book on his lap for a minute so he can adjust the blanket draped on her shoulders.
"I promise, dada." She smiled, taking Bucky's hand and wrapping her pinky around his ringed one and pressing their thumbs together to stamp on it. Bucky chuckled, kissing her cheek before easily lifting her up and getting her on his lap.
She squirmed, getting the book from under her and handing it to Bucky with a cute giggle.
"Thank you, angel," he laughed, letting her cuddle up to his body and get comfy and then he was opening his book again, picking up where he left off.
Everything was cozy and the atmosphere was perfect. She was leaning on Bucky's chest on her side, his right arm around her waist as his left held up the book. Her nose would ever so tenderly caress his collarbone and neck every now and again.
It was barely five minutes of stillness before Bucky felt a tug on the gold necklace around his neck. He looked down and bit back a smile at what he saw. His angel had part of his necklace in her mouth and was suckling on it.
Before Bucky could address it, she let it out of her mouth on her own and leaned her temple by Bucky's collarbone, staring at the rain washing the window. So he just kissed her forehead and went back to reading, trying not to get distracted by the feel of her warm saliva now touching his skin or the shivers that ran through him a second after when the necklace started getting cold.
Five more minutes and her hand was on Bucky's flesh hand that was lazily hanging on her side, playing with the rings adorning his fingers. Her thumb traced over the shape of each ring before she settled on one and started twisting it around and around until it made a full circle around Bucky's finger.
"Angel?" Bucky called softly, stifling the idiot smile about to show on his face as he rubbed her side with his ringed hand.
"Yes, daddy," she replied, her tongue darting out to catch the necklace again before she was sucking it between her lips, innocent eyes looking up at Bucky.
"I thought you promised to be quiet." Bucky whispered, closing the book and holding her pinky between his thumb and pointer, “you know what happens to those who don’t keep their pinky promises?” he asked, nearing her little finger from his mouth and baring his teeth.
"I didn't say anything, dada!" Her defense came out as a squealed jumble of words as she struggled to talk with the necklace still in her mouth and Bucky chuckled because she was such a smart one! Technically she was quiet the whole time. Just as promised.
"Yeah?" Bucky let her pinky go and bit his lip, brushing his nose over hers until she giggled and the necklace slipped out of her mouth, giving Bucky the chance to peck above it.
"Mhmm, I didn't make any noise." She insisted, pointing to her face before saying, "good girl."
Bucky laughed out loud at that. She knew how to talk herself out of any situation; always so smart and cute and she knew his keys. "That you are, angel." He pressed his lips to her temple in a lingering kiss before pulling back and taking her in.
She really was a good girl. The best girl out there. And as Bucky looked at her wrapped up in a blanket, her body warm against his and her ass squirming on top of his lap, he felt the need to see how good she could be for him in a slightly different context.
Bucky's thumb felt along her lower lip, now, like his necklace, glistening with her saliva before leaning in to steal a very brief, teasing kiss from her mouth, "what if Daddy wants you to make noise though?"
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battinscn · 3 years
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FALLIN ALL IN YOU — dad! draco malfoy x pregnant! f! reader
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CONTENT WARNING: pregnancy anxieties/ body image self consciousness/ throwing up/ birthing process
SUMMARY: the pregnancy process of you carrying draco’s baby.
WC/ AVG. READING TIME: 5266 words/ 26 minutes
return to the draco masterlist here
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I WAS GETTING ready for work and looking at myself through the reflection when i realised the dress i was wearing didn't look like how it used to fit on me. they were now tighter around the waist. i lifted the dress up and rubbed my belly.
"do you think i'm fat?" i frowned asking my husband who was sitting on the bed behind me putting on his dress shoes.
draco immediately snapped his head to look at me, a confused look on his face.
"i dont know, i feel like i've gained weight...i feel like an elephant," i pouted staring at my feet.
"hey, look at me," draco lifted my chin, "you are perfect just...the...way...you...are," he pecked my lips after every word.
"yea maybe it's just water weight," i mumbled, still not feeling too confident with my body.
draco turned our bodies so that we were now both facing the mirror.
"have you seen my wife anywhere?" draco asked, tilting his head, looking at me through my reflection.
"what'd you mean?"
"because, she's always smiling....like this," draco immediately started tickling my sides, causing me to squirm and giggle under his touch.
"there she is...my beautiful y/n," draco hugged me from behind and kissing the top of my head.
"as much as i would love to stay here with you all day, we best be off to work," i pulled my dress down and brushed my hair.
"you ready?" draco asked holding his wand in his hands.
"mhmm," i hummed, putting my wand in the waistband of my undershorts.
i grabbed a handful of floo powder from the bag on the mantle and stepped into the fireplace in our bedroom.
"ministry of magic headquarters," i enunciated clearly as i threw the powder on the floor.
i soon emerged into the atrium of the ministry of magic building, draco following right behind me.
we walked hand in hand to the service lifts, getting into one.
the lift started descending, stopping at level 5, the department of international magical cooperation.
"well, this is my stop," draco let go of my hand.
"see you at home dray," i smiled at the man.
"bye baby," draco kissed my cheek, making his way out the lift.
the lift descended further to the first level, and i stepped out of the lift. i walked down the halls, passing by my colleagues and waving to them as i did.
i got to the door that stated 'senior undersecretary of minister of magic', opening it and walking into my office.
once settling myself into my office, i knocked on the door to the room that was connected to my office. turning the doorknob, i stepped into the room.
"good morning minister," i greeted.
"oh y/n, no need for the silly formalities, it's only us in the office today," hermione chuckled, sitting by her desk reading the daily prophet.
"how was your weekend?" i asked.
"it was alright, except ron nearly set the bloody house on fire while trying to bake some biscuits. how was yours?"
"classic weasley move. my weekend was normal, nothing special really. i'll go prepare the paperwork for the board meeting this afternoon, if you need anything just give me a shout as always."
"okay thank you y/n," hermione thanked as i walked out of her office into mine.
i worked on the paperwork for what felt like hours and was finally finished. i looked at the clock and saw that it was almost lunchtime, yet i wasn't feeling hungry at all.
moreover, i felt rather nauseous. i tried to lessen the growing urge to vomit by sipping on some hot tea, but the urge was too overbearing.
i quickly grabbed the bin on the floor and hovered my face over it, throwing up the remnants of yesterday's dinner.
i should've known never to trust draco's horrid cooking.
"merlin y/n are you alright?" hermione who was coincidentally leaving her office asked worriedly.
"um yea i'm fi-" before i could finish my sentence i puked once more.
"y/n my dear you are definitely not fine, maybe you should take the rest of the day off," hermione held my hair up as i hugged the bin.
"i'm fine really," i assured the redhead.
"what a load of bullshit. go home y/n alright? you're done with the paperwork anyway," hermione stood up, collecting my things for me.
"fine fine i'll go home and rest. thank you mione," i wiped my mouth with a tissue.
"i'll have one of the secretaries let draco know you've gone home," hermione held onto my arm guiding me to the door.
"i have to rush off to the meeting now, can you manage on your own?"
"yes, thank you mione."
"of course dear."
i waved goodbye to hermione and floo powdered back to draco and i's london flat.
reaching home, i kicked my shoes off my feet and quickly brushed my teeth to get rid of the awful bile taste in my mouth. i took a nice warm bath before putting on my comfiest pair of pyjamas and snuggling up in bed.
"hey baby, are you alright?" i slowly stirred awake to draco's soft voice filling my ears, and feeling is cold hands stroke my cheek.
"mhmm i feel better now," i let out a yawn.
"here take some of this," draco put a blue potion up to my lips, "it'll help with your stomach flu."
i tilted my head back to down the potion, scrunching my face in disgust at the flavour of it.
"do you want to eat anything? it's a quarter past seven."
i had slept through the afternoon, yet i still felt as tired as before.
i shook my head, "just. need. sleep." i closed my eyes again, burying my head into the pillow.
"alright my princess, get some rest," draco pulled the comforter over my shoulders and kissed my forehead.
as i was deep in sleep, the sudden feeling of needing to vomit caused me to jolt awake.
i jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet, throwing up water and the potion i had drank yesterday. after a few minutes, and i was certain i did not need to puke anymore, i stood myself up, supporting myself by leaning against the sink.
i splashed my face with water and dried it. i peered at the small digital clock and saw that it was six in the morning. i definitely would not be able to attend work today.
i brushed my teeth and tied my hair up.
walking back into the bedroom, i saw a soundly sleeping draco, little snores leaving his nose. it was an absolutely adorable sight.
i walked out of the room and into the study. getting out parchment and writing to hermione, informing her i was still under the stomach bug and wouldn't be at the ministry today.
after sending our owl, herbert, off, i walked into the kitchen to make myself some food, considering i haven't eaten for the past 36 hours.
i made myself and draco a cheese toastie and some tea to start the day.
sitting on the kitchen barstool, i started eating my breakfast. from the corner of my eye, i saw a bunch of bananas that were starting to become overripe.
not wanting them to go bad, i peeled open a banana. with a piece of cheese toastie still in my mouth, i took a bite out of the banana.
the sweet taste of the fruit and the saltiness of the cheese went perfectly together. it was a rather pleasant taste.
"good morningl" draco groggily walked into the kitchen in his sleepwear, taking a seat next to me.
"good morning you bum, i made breakfast," i gestured to the plate in front of him.
"thank you baby, are you feeling better now?" draco asked, digging in.
"i woke up this morning to throw up. i owled hermione this morning to let her know i won't be able to show up at the ministry today," i sighed sipping my tea.
"do i need to take time off work as well? i can stay home and take care of you," draco's face laced with concern.
"it's alright my love, i think i'll pay my mother a visit. have her make me up some of her special soup," i assured, taking a bite out of the banana as well as the toast in my hand, "by the way, all of this is because of that awful food you cooked for dinner on sunday.you're not trying to poison me are you?"
"for someone who's having a banana with their cheese toastie you act as if you understand anything about culinary," draco stared in disgust at the toast in my hand.
"hey it's good," i frowned in defence.
"whatever you say baby," draco dusted off the crumbs on his hands and walked back to the bedroom to get ready.
i stayed sat on the barstool, finishing my food and reading this week's copy of witch weekly.
"goodbye love," draco, now dressed in his robes, hugged me from behind.
i spun myself so i now faced him, "have a good day dray,"
draco leaned down for a kiss on the mouth but i quickly pursed my lips together.
"nuh-uh i can't have you catching this awful bug," i shook my head.
"i think i'll take that chance," draco swooped down and stole a quick peck.
"you bum, you're lucky i love you," i lightly shoved his chest.
"bye, i love you more," draco stepped away from me and apparated himself away.
i washed the dishes and got myself ready. not feeling like i could stomach down apparating, i decided to drive to the y/l/n manor.
i actually liked driving. none of that weasley flying car shite. actual foot on the gas; the real deal muggle driving.
i got into the small convertible draco had bought for me for my birthday last year that was parked in the garage, and sped off.
i stopped in front of a pair of grand gates that had y/l/n surname detailed on them only to see willie, the house elf that worked the security post, at the front of my parent's house.
"well hello ms y/l/n-malfoy, mrs y/l/n will be thrilled to know you're visiting," willie greeted.
"hello willie, i hope you've been well. open the gates for me please," i smiled at the small elf.
"of course, have a good day missus," willie snapped his fingers and the large iron gates in front of me opened up. i drove and stopped in front of the fountain in the courtyard.
my family was one of, if not the most influential pureblood family in the wizarding world.
i used the spare key my parents had given me and unlocked the front door. opening it, i saw my father sitting on an ottoman in the front hall, reading the daily prophet.
"hey dad" i broke the silence in the room.
"my darling y/n, you've come to visit," my father set the newspaper and got up to give me a hug, "what brings you here?"
"i think i've come down with a stomach bug, so i took the day off," i explained, taking a seat across the older man.
"that granger girl must be working you too hard. i never did understand why you have the job, you don't even have to lift a finger for the rest of your life if you wanted."
"i just like to feel like i'm contributing back to the wizarding world," i hugged the cushion and leaned my head on the arm of the sofa.
"no wonder everyone calls you the hufflepuff that got sorted into slytherin," my father chuckled shaking his head, "mum's in her sewing room if you're looking for her."
"i'm gonna look for mum then," i stood on my feet and took the staircase on the right which led to the east-wing of the manor.
i opened the double doors belonging to the sewing room gently.
"hey mum," i greeted the woman.
she looked up from her sewing machine and smiled at me. her eyes trailed down to my stomach as she looked at it for a few seconds.
godric i knew i was putting on weight but was it really that noticeable. i started to feel self-conscious and shuffled my body to take a seat on the fluffy loveseat.
"so when were you going to tell me?" my mother questioned.
"tell you what?" i furrowed my brows in confusion.
"don't play dumb with me y/n, when were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" my mother jumped out of her seat and clasped her hands in excitement.
"pregnant?" i asked puzzled.
"you even have that pregnancy glow and everything. so tell me how many months far along are you?" she snuggled up on the sofa with me.
"mum i'm definitely not pregnant, i've just gained some weight that's all," i was offended to say the least.
"you mean you don't know that you're with child?"
"because i'm not?" i retorted with a look on my face.
"well get up. hurry. we should head to the st mungo's for a checkup," my mother ushered me on my feet.
"i don't see a point in this," i sulked, but before i could complain further, my mother had stuffed a bunch of floo powder in my hands and pushed me into the fireplace.
"st mungo's hospital," i spoke clearly, hesitation in my voice.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
"mrs malfoy, you may visit the healer now," the clerk at the front desk of the maternity unit announced.
i let out a sigh, standing up.
"we're just wasting our time here," i turned back to face my mother, but instead of giving me a response, she rolled her eyes and nudged me in the direction of the healer room.
i knocked on the door of the room and walked in.
"hello mrs malfoy, please do take a seat on the bed," the healer gestured to the hospital bed.
"so what can i do for you today?" the lady asked.
"um, i've been feeling really nauseous in the morning recently and my mother suspects i may be pregnant, so she dragged me here. but there's no point in checking me really, i know i'm not pregnant," i fiddled with my fingers.
"well there's only one way to find out," the healer gestured for me to lay on the bed and i did as asked.
the healer waved her wand over my belly, the tip of her wand glowing white. she scribbled some notes on her parchment and lifted her wand away from my torso.
"i'll be right back. you can sit up now, and help yourself to some water," the healer smiled and left the room.
i sat myself back up and poured myself a cup of water. as i took a sip, the healer walked back into the room.
"congratulations mrs malfoy, you're three months pregnant!"
i instantly choked on my water, "i'm sorry what?"
"your baby is perfectly healthy, they're about the size of cherry right now," the healer handed me the report.
"oh my godric. but i'm on that muggle birth control pill st mungo's recently started promoting," i blabbered, in shock of the news i've just received.
"ah yes i've heard about this new birth control pill, that must explain why you did not suspect anything after your lack of monthly periods. i never did understand why the up there's approved it. you do know that consuming it is not foolproof pregnancy prevention right?" the healer explained, "but if you do not wish to keep this child there are other measures we can look at..." the healer looked at me with the most caring eyes.
"oh no no, i want the baby, i just wasn't expecting this that's all," i rubbed my belly and smiled, there was a baby growing inside of me.
"if you want, i can run some extra tests and find out the gender of the baby today."
"i'd love that."
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
"so? what's the news?" my mother rushed up to me as i walked back in the waiting room.
"let's just say your mother's instincts are very accurate," i admitted.
"ooh i just knew it. i'm so excited. i can't wait to owl all my friends and our family and share the news with them," my mother gushed.
"woah mum relax, i think i should let my husband know before you tell the whole wizarding world."
"oh yes of course, you do that first."
"can we go to oxford street before heading back, i have a few things i'd like to purchase."
"you know i can never pass up an opportunity to go shopping, just don't tell your father how much i'll be spending today," my mother winked.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
i sat on the sofa watching television when i heard draco unlock the front door.
"i hitched a ride from your brother, how was your day baby?" draco cooed, joining me on the sofa and nuzzling his head on my chest.
"it's been good, i visited my parents and feel better now, how was yours?" i spoke into the boy's hair.
"ugh same old same old. i just want to stay here and cuddle you forever," draco placed his arm over my torso and hugged me tighter. little did he know he was hugging his baby girl as well.
"before we do that, i went to town earlier and there's some stuff for you in that bag over there," i removed draco's arm that was around me and pointed to the bag on the kitchen counter.
we both got up and walked over to the counter. draco sat on the barstool while i stood across from him, watching him open the bag.
he pulled out a few pairs of trousers and a shoebox from the bag.
"shoes?" looked at the box dumbfoundedly.
"i thought i'd get you a pair of trainers, you can't wear dress shoes all the time my dear."
he opened the shoebox and admired the pair of sneakers.
"these are very out of my comfort zone, but i love them regardless."
"good. because i got myself a pair of the same colour, so we can match," i beamed.
"well now i love the shoes even more. thank you for the gifts princess," draco unfolded the different trousers to take a better look at them.
"oh but those gifts aren't from me."
"what'd you mean?" draco tilted his head to the side.
"there's a card in the bag, i think you missed it," i signalled to the gift bag.
draco pulled a white card from the bag and started reading it.
in messy handwriting the card stated:
hope you loved the gifts daddy! i can't wait to see ya in 6 months!
love, ur lil bum
i had to use my left hand to write the card so it'd look as if a kid wrote it.
when draco lifted his head back up at me, i slid a pair of sneakers that looked exactly like draco's, except they were toddler-sized.
"so...um..we're having a baby girl." except when i said the words aloud, there was a hint of confusion in my voice.
draco's face was expressionless, no anger, no smiles, no tears, no nothing.
instead, he stood up from the barstool and started walking towards me.
i felt as if time slowed down.
shit. fuck. this was it. draco was going to divorce me. i mean we were only 21 what if he was just not ready. shit. what will we do with the flat? would i have to move out? but i did pay for half of it. we could not sell the flat either, it had not been 6 months yet. shit, what about my car? it'd be awfully awkward, did i have to give it back to him? i mean he did buy it for me after all.
before i could think further, draco was now stood in front of me. i bit my lip in nervousness and braced myself for whatever he was going to say next.
instead of yelling at me, draco kneeled down so his face was right in front of my belly. he lifted up my shirt and placed a comforting hand on my stomach.
"hi there my little princess. i did in fact love the gifts and i can't wait to see you either. i love you so much my little girl, so so much," draco mumbled the last part, peppering kisses all over my belly.
i don't know if it was my raging hormones acting up but i immediately started tearing up.
feeling my tears drop on his head draco immediately stood up to meet my eye level again.
"merlin baby what's wrong why are you crying?" he caressed my cheek. i couldn't help but to cry even more.
"i-i thought you were going to leave me. but then y-you walked over and told our daughter all that, and i just love you so much and i love this little bum growing in my belly so much and i-"
"shhhh don't cry, my silly girl i'd never leave you. i thought i made that pretty clear in my vows," he wiped my tears away and pulled my body into his gently, holding my head against his chest as he rubbed circles on my back.
"i love you so much draco lucius malfoy," i mumbled into his chest.
"and i love you just as much y/n y/l/n-malfoy"
"shall we pay your mother a visit and share the good news with her?" i pulled away from my husband's chest.
"it's almost as if she hasn't been pressuring us to give her a grandchild the second we got married," draco joshed as he playfully rolled his eyes.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
"hello draco, dear y/n," narcissa greeted as she opened the front door of the malfoy manor.
even though lucius malfoy got sentenced to azkaban for his crimes during the war three years ago, narcissa insisted she continued staying at the malfoy manor even though it meant she would be alone. she felt that this house was the one draco grew up in, and she did not plan on ever leaving till the day she died.
"what brings the two of you here? what'd you need...money? a new house?" narcissa asked as she led the couple to the grand hall.
"can't we just pay my lovely mother a visit without a hidden agenda?" draco dramatically batted his eyelashes and placed his hand over his heart.
"godric you are so dramatic, thank merlin i don't have to deal with you anymore. i never understand how y/n puts up with you."
"please do save me, i've been trying to run away from him for ages," i joked.
"hey! how rude!" draco folded his arms and pouted, sinking himself into the cushions of the loveseat him and i were sitting on.
"anyway, actually mum, we're here to give you a present," i cleared my throat, fishing out the black box from my bag and handing it to the older malfoy.
"what's the occasion?" narcissa asked, peeling the box open, "a muggle hat?"
"flip it around and read what's on it," draco explained.
she turned the hat and read aloud, "world's best grandma?"
draco and i gave my mother-in-law our cheesiest and brightest grins, "yep!"
"merlin! i'm going to be a grandmother!" narcissa exclaimed, jumping out of her chair and hugging draco and i.
she bent down and placed a hand on draco and i's cheek, "both of you are going to be the best parents, i just know it."
"oh i'm so excited i can't wait to tell everybody!" she pulled away and clapped her hands in excitement, dashing out the grand hall to her study.
"i take that as our cue to leave," i turned to my husband, who i noticed face had fallen.
"oh um yea let's go home," draco forced a smile and helped me stand up. we bid our goodbyes to the house elves and drove back to our apartment.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
i woke up that night to find that the bed felt oddly cold. i reached over to feel for draco but instead was met with an empty side of the bed.
i saw the door of the master bathroom closed and light illuminating from the gap between the floor. although it was rather muffled, i could hear tiny sobs coming from the toilets.
"draco, hun are you alright?" i tried opening the door but it was locked. the sobs only got louder.
worried, i immediately grabbed my wand from my nightstand and cast an alohomora on the locked door. the door clicked open and i dashed into the bathroom.
the sight in front of me absolutely broke my heart. draco was leaning against the bathroom wall, hugging his knees as he cried his eyes out.
he turned his head and met my gaze. his eyes were bloodshot and swollen, the tears leaving them almost never-ending.
"oh my godric draco my baby what's wrong?" i knelt down next to him pulling him into my chest.
he quickly pulled away and buried his face in his knees in shame, "no i can't have you see me like this."
"draco, please what's wrong?" i pleaded.
i was starting to tear up as well, seeing my husband in such a broken state.
i lifted his head up to look at me and wiped away the teardrop that rolled down his cheek.
"what if i'm like him?" draco's hoarse voice spoke up.
"like who hun?"
"my father. what if i'm just like him...my mum said i'd be a great father, but what if i'm not.. what if i turn into a monster...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you know," he croaked.
"gorgeous, i know for a fact you'd be a wonderful father to our little girl. the fact that you're worried about all this just proves you're nothing like him. you treat me like a goddess and i'm am very sure you'll do the same for our little girl. please draco, my love, i never want to hear you doubt yourself ever again. you're a perfect husband and will be just as good of a father," i spoke rather sternly at the timid man in front of me.
"i love you so much draco lucius malfoy," i spoke every word with emphasis.
there was silence for a while but draco finally spoke again, "i love you just as much y/n y/l/n-malfoy."
i leaned closer to draco, as did he, and our lips met halfway as we shared a kiss. we finally pulled away and rested our foreheads on each other's, catching our breaths.
draco bent his head down so he was in front of my stomach and whispered, "i'm going to be the best daddy ever."
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
"dray i swear to merlin if you let go of my hand i'm leaving your arse," i whined as my blindfolded self was being dragged out of the house.
"where even are you bringing me?" i whined as i waddled after draco's lead.
"almost there my love," draco hummed.
a few turns to the right and a couple of lefts later, draco announced i could take off my blindfold.
"holy fucking shit. draco lucius malfoy you did not," i gasped.
"oh but i did," he cheekily smriked.
"oh my godric i love it i love it i love it, thank you thank you thank you" i gushed as i gawked at the black mercedes g wagon in front of me.
"well i thought that since we were going to have a new addition soon, we'd need a bigger whip."
"if i wasn't 8 months pregnant right now i'd make sweet sweet love to you right on top of this car. holy shit i love it."
"want to take it out for a spin?" draco waved the car keys in front of me.
"is that even a question?" i snatched the keys from him and got into the driver's seat.
"well?! are you coming in or not?" i rolled down the window and yelled at draco who was standing on the pavement, a large smile on his face.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
"fuck you draco malfoy!" i yelled as i felt the worst pain i have ever had in my entire life.
"you're doing so well mrs malfoy, just one more big push."
"ow ow ow," draco winced at the harsh grip i had on his hand.
this only earned a glare from me, "shut up malfoy, i'm currently pushing your daughter out of me."
"that's it, deep breath and push."
with all the energy i could, i took a deep breath and pushed. my vision was foggy as sweat and tears clouded my eyes.
soon, a baby's crying filled my ears.
"she looks absolutely beautiful mrs malfoy, i'll get the nurses to clean her up then we'll bring her to you," the healer informed.
"you did it sweetheart," draco cooed as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears.
soon enough, the healer placed the tiny infant in my arms, "look at hera, she looks just like you dray"
"she's got your beautiful eyes though," draco stroked hera malfoy's cheek as his other hand stroked my hair.
"i'm so happy to start a family with you," i looked at draco with loving eyes.
"i am too," draco beamed at his two princesses that laid in front of him.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:*:·゚✧*:·゚✧
𝗳𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿, 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗮 𝘀𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝘃𝘀 𝗿𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗹𝗮𝘄 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵
"for the last time malfoy, no i will not go out with you," i rolled my eyes as the blonde boy pulled me into the tent.
"come on just one date?" draco whined.
i shook his grip from my wrist and folded my arms, looking at him in detest.
"malfoy! hurry up the game's about to begin," marcus flint, the slytherin captain, yelled as he pulled open the entrance of the tent.
"malfoy you have to go," i nudged the boy, but his feet stayed glued to the floor.
"you're not going to leave until i agree aren't you?"
cheers could be heard, insinuating that the match was going to begin in less than a minute.
"ugh fine, one date. that's it."
"yes!" draco pumped his fist in the air.
"mark my words y/l/n, i'm going to make you fall in love with me, then we'll get married and have beautiful children and live happily ever after," the boy grinned.
"malfoy," i warned, "go." i pointed to the field.
"i can't wait for our date," the boy placed a quick peck on my cheek, grabbed his broom, and skipped out of the tent.
although i tried to suppress it, a small smile formed on my face.
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dr4cking · 3 years
I could request a smut with draco post war, where he and his wife (reader) have tried to have sex but their young children always interrupt them in some way, so they give it to cissy to take care of so they can have privacy. Thank you and only if you feel comfortable writing this request😊😊
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draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hi! thank you for requesting! this one is a really cute idea 😂💞
draco twisted the doorknob entering the house with his sleeping 5 year old son on his hips, the familiar scent tickling his nose as he step into their house, a smile crept up to his face as he sees the mother of his kid busying herself in the kitchen.
“hi dray, he’s asleep?” y/n whispers, walking to her husband, examining their son and she smiles as she sees her son sleeping peacefully resting his head on his father’s shoulder.
“he is, love. i think he got exhausted after playing all day in the park, lemme put this little guy on his bed first okay?” draco said as he kisses her forehead before heading into his son’s bedroom.
draco put scorpius carefully on his bed, pulling the cover up to his small body, he chuckles internally as he watched that scorpius is a spitting image of him. he left a kiss on his forehead as he closed the door quietly then head downstairs going back to his wife.
“hey, how’s your day? i miss you so much, love” draco put his hand around y/n’s waist startling her, he buried his face onto the crook of her neck inhaling his favorite scent making her giggles.
“i miss you too, dray. its been lovely, how about you hmm? did you have fun with our little guy?” y/n said not turning back as she still chopping the carrots.
“we did but he kinda took out all of my energy, you know what that means, right?” draco smirked as he pressed her back closer to his chest, his hands started to groping around her body.
“d-draco scorpius is s-sleeping” y/n said between her moans as her husband pressed her ass against his crotch and rubbing it behind her, she gripped the knife harder.
“then we’ll have to be quiet” he turns her around pushing her back against the table carefully, quickly catching her lips on his, kissing his wife hungrily moaning instantly into the kiss. she broke the kiss to catch some breath.
“f-fuck y/n” draco let out a whispered moan into her ear as he starts grinding his boner on her core, y/n throw her head back in pleasure feeling butterflies errupted in her stomach as he starts to trailing kisses down on her neck and still grinding on her.
“god its been so long since the last time, baby. i cant believe we managed to last that long” y/n chuckles at his words but turns into a hitched moan as draco pulled down the straps of her dress and latching his lips onto her nipple sucking on it, she interlocked her hand with his hair.
“no bra, yeah? as if you know you were gonna get fucked” y/n bites down her bottom lip, her eyes never leaving her husband who started to go down kissing her stomach, she gets more excited as he lifts up the bottom of her dress and kissing her inner thighs.
“d-draco please-” y/n hooked one of her leg onto his shoulder as he pushes her panties aside, he was about to gives all her craving but-
“mommy, daddy!” both of them froze as they heard a small footsteps approaching them, they quickly redressing themselves and act normal as their son run to y/n, hugging her leg.
“whats wrong baby?” y/n asked worriedly as she gets down on his level, patting his head.
“i’m having a nightmare mommy” she places soft kisses to all over his face to calm him down then she looks at draco who still held the frustation on his face, she wanted to laugh but she remember that her baby needs her right now.
“c’mon daddy lets put scorpius back in his room” y/n teasingly said running her fingers on his cheek, draco clenched his jaw gritting his teeth as he realizes what his wife playing at.
“you’re gonna regret that, babygirl” draco whispers into her ear as she walking the three of them to scorpius’s bedroom, he walked behind her and squeezing her ass, he smirks when he heard her gasped.
after an hour of reading scorpius a book, telling him a story, he finally gets back into his sleep but y/n and draco are too tired to continuing what they were about to do in the kitchen.
y/n look up to her husband who already staring at her, her mouth agape as she watches draco mouthed “i’m still horny” to her. holding out her laughter she shook her head.
“not now draco, we almost get caught by our son” y/n said quietly cant help but chuckles lowly when she sees draco whining and rubbing his face in frustration.
the next day comes, draco was sitting on his chair working through something, a quill on his hand and a parchment in front of him. then he heard rustling behind him, he turns around to find his beloved wife, only in a towel.
y/n gives him a wink and motioning him to come over making draco gulped, he made his way to her as fast as possible then pulling her closer by her waist, his lips immediately founding hers, his hand goes to unwrap the towel and it falls down onto the floor.
draco let out a grunts as he sees y/n’s exposed body he was getting hard by the seconds, he grabbed her by her thighs and placed her on his desk. his hands roaming around her body.
y/n moans softly when she feels draco sucking on her nipple, his hand playing with the other and his free hand rubbing her clit collecting the wetness, he brought his fingers into his mouth sucking it hungrily making y/n whimpers at his action. draco was about to pulls down his sweatpants until he heard a soft knocks on the door, he groaned in frustration.
“mommy, daddy? i’m so bored, can we go get an ice cream?” scorpius yelled behind the door making draco frustrated more.
y/n melted at her son’s voice, quickly getting a piece of clothes and putting it on, draco look at her in disbelief.
“are you serious, y/n?” draco loves his son so much but he always had a bad timing.
“draco he wants to get an ice cream, i cant say no to him, later okay? now c’mon” y/n chuckles at his pouted face, she kisses the tip of his nose and leading him with her to approaching their child.
after hours taking a walk and getting an ice cream per their son’s wishes, they go back to the house.
draco took a seat on the couch in their living room reading daily prophet while his wife and his kid starts to playing together in front of him, enjoying their day off but suddenly an owl barging into the house making the three of them turning their heads at it. draco raised his eyebrows in confusion as he takes the letter from the owl.
y/n rose up from the floor wanting to see who was sending them a letter, scorpius still unbothered playing with his toys.
“oh its from mother” draco said as he opened the enveloped.
Dear Draco & Y/n,
How are you? I havent heard anything about the three of you, I sent this letter to tell you both that Lucius & I missed our grandchild so much, I was hoping that he could stay for a little bit in the Manor, we wanted to spend some time with him. I wish you all healthiness as always.
“perfect.” draco smirked as he finishes reading his mothers’ letter looking up to his wife with a sly grin making her blush.
“scorp?” he called out his son smiling at him as scorpius turning his head to listen to his father.
“do you want to stay with your grandmother and grandfather? they said they missed you and will be happy if you’re staying with them for awhile.”
“really? of course yes dad!! i missed them so much, mommy please pack my stuff” scorpius shouted happily, jumping around with his toy in his hand making his parents laugh at their boy’s cuteness.
in the evening, draco, y/n and scorpius apparated to the Malfoy Manor. lucius and narcissa already waiting at the front door welcoming the little family happily. scorpius runs to his grandmother and she picked him up kissing his cheeks.
“draco, y/n aren’t you staying too?” lucius asked as he watched the couple didnt go inside with them.
“uh father actually we were kinda busy- the work is stuffing up our faces.. but thank you for willing to take care of scorpius” draco nervously said as lucius looked at them in confusion but after connecting the dots together, he nods giving his son a smirk.
“sure sure, have fun you two” y/n widen her eyes but quickly laughed it off, the pair blushing madly because of draco’s father words but draco hurriedly takes her hand in his and apparating back to their house saving them from embarrassment.
as they appeared back in their house draco opened the door and shoving his wife inside kicking the door behind them as he pushed y/n against it.
“woah woah slow down draco” y/n laughs at her husband aggressiveness but interrupted by his lips capturing hers, she returns the kiss with the same passion, moans slipped off of her as draco undressing both of them.
“fuck- i cant take it anymore baby wanna take you right here right now” draco places wet kisses on her neck, marking every inch of her skin. he slowly get down after he finished assaulting her neck, continuing what he was doing yesterday, but now without any interruptions.
“draco.. oh- fuck” y/n couldnt control her moans anymore as draco drowned his head between her thighs eating her out making his wife squirming and scratching on the door.
draco let out a hum at the taste of her, he was hungry he eats her out like a starved men, its not only for her but for his pleasure too. y/n’s moan ringing in his ear filling the house making he gets more hungrier, he inserts his fingers into her thrusting and curling them inside of her making her body shake, his tongue skillfully playing with her clit.
“oh my god draco.. i-im so close!” y/n warned him, she was closer than she thought, after she said that she felt her orgasm snapped through her body, a loud moan of her husband’s name escaped her lips, it feels too good.
“fuck i missed this, babygirl. taste so fucking delicious.” draco hummed as he lapping up her juices closing his eyes at the taste, he was longing for it.
draco stand up after he finished, looking at y/n who was still catching her breath, he chuckles deeply before reconnecting their lips, shoving his tongue down her throat letting her taste herself, he squeezes her ass giving it a few slaps before placing one of her legs on his waist and he starts to lining his cock on her glistening cunt. whimpers and begging came out from her mouth.
“h-holyfuck y/n feels so good” draco groans as he bottomed fully inside her letting her adjust for a second before picking up his pace, he starts to rocked in and out of her, her walls clenching and squeezing hard around him making it impossible for him to last longer.
y/n’s body bouncing up and down uncontrollably against the door, all she cares now was getting her high again and feeling her husband’s cum filling her up. she rolled her hips fucking him back, loud moan left her lips as the head of his brushing her spot, draco took a notice and pounding harder into thek spot making her seeing the stars.
“fuck fuck fuck y/n im gonna fucking come if you keep doing that.” draco wrapped both of her legs on his waist the new angle making his cock going deeper inside her, he screams her name as y/n starts to pulsing around him signaling she was close, he sneaked one of his hand and rubbed a small circle on her clit making her body jolted out at the double pleasure.
“yes- yes.. oh my god im cumming daddy!” y/n doesnt care about her words anymore as she lets her second orgasms washed over her- wait no she’s.. she just squirted all over draco.
“holy shit! that was so fucking hot.. gonna give you all of my cum until you carry my second child.. f-fuck y/n take all of me!” draco screams her name out loud as he stilled, shooting all of his semen into his wife filling her womb non stop until some of it dripped out of her but he quickly pushing it back inside not letting it go to waste.
draco is still inside her, both of their bodies shaking from their intense orgasms. y/n look up to him, sweats running on his forehead, his blonde hair messy, mouth hung open to steadying his breath, he looks like a god.
they continue their activities for a whole days, now without interruptions. rounds after rounds, on the couch, on the desk, against the walls, in their room, in the bathroom, basically everywhere in their house, it was like they were making up for the lost times.
and a month after, lucius and narcissa were given a news, that draco and y/n are expecting their second child.
tagging : @dracoscum
(if you want to be tagged in my fics please click here )
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wh0rephobic · 2 years
I have this idea
So what if y/n somehow did the impossible and tied William up and is on top after a while William brakes out of whatever material y/n used to tie him up then he gets on top and he just goes WILD on y/n
cw: hardcore, face-slapping, dubcon(?), bondage, sex toys etc. read at your own risk
reader tricking william. straddling him in bed, the two feeling each other up as you rock your hips back and forth on his pants to work him up, tracing the path his hands take before holding them in your own.
“your hands are so big,” you comment.
“mm, but they’re perfect for touching you.” william whispers back seductively.
you only giggle in response before you jump, only managing to cuff one of his hands to the bed frame before he caught on when you reach for the other.
“darling,” he starts, trying to hide his temper. “what are you doing?”
“just… playing with you is all. let me see your other hand,” you request, holding out your palm in request.
william’s eyebrows narrow at you. he hates being restricted. he hates giving up his power. he hates it when you win… he reluctantly gives you his hand, knowing that you’re stubborn enough to just sit there and wait with him stuck to the bed until he did; what a brat you are. he returns the grin on your face with a scowl as you cuff him to the bed.
“oh come on, william. don’t be such a baby, we’re just having fun!” you nudge.
he scoffs, “you’re having fun.”
you pout as you shift down his frame, resting on his thighs as you bring a hand up to palm at his crotch.
“just let me make you feel good,” you insist with a sigh, to which william only rolls his eyes as he turns away from you.
fine. if he’s going to be a bitch and give you the silent treatment, you’ll just have to put him in his place.
while william’s head is turned, you take it upon yourself to surprise him by bringing your mouth down to his clothed cock and mouthing over him. you hear the metal of the cuffs clank together when he flinches, turning back to you.
“why, you little—“
“ah, ah!” you shush him. “you might wanna watch your words now that i’m in charge. you wouldn’t want me to leave you here all hot and bothered now, would you?”
you wait for a response as you undo his zipper, but only giggle at his angry expression, lips pressed into a thin line as he watches you carefully pull out his half-hard dick and begin to stroke it. soon enough it has reached full length as you just continue to stroke it, watching as the tip becomes darker and darker as more blood flows to it. you find it amusing and all of a sudden find yourself giggling again.
william grunts where he struggles against his bondings. “go faster.”
you hiss, slowing your strokes. “ooh, watch your tone… maybe if you ask nicely, i’ll consider it.”
but he only responds with a deep growl before biting out, “please.”
and as he has obeyed your wishes, you increase your pace, making sure to squeeze the head whenever your fist passes it. there are two things that can be heard in your bedroom right now, the slick movements of your hand and the clattering of the metal cuffs on the bed frame, and it sounds like a symphony.
you know how to work him. you know he loves it when you speed up your wrist and limit your movements to flicking over his sensitive cockhead, and you relearn how much he hates it by the way he throws his head side to side with animalistic growls and tugs on the cuffs. you know how worked up he gets whenever you add some pressure into the vein that runs up the underside, so of course you perform that whenever you slow down, making his hips wiggle around on the mattress.
“you know, squirming like this isn’t going to help you.” you thumb at the bead of precum forming in the slit.
it doesn’t take long for the sight of everything unfolding to create a messy heat in your abdomen, body begging to be touched. just because you’re torturing william doesn’t mean you have to suffer, so you sneak your free hand up your top and push your bra aside to pinch at your own nipple, giving yourself just a little relief while you watch his angry red cock twitch in your tight grip. you tilt your head back as to put on the facade that you’re ignoring him, just playing with him for your own pleasure while your lips fall parted and quiet gasps and moans slip out to spite him. you can feel his balls tighten at the sight of you. you twist your buds, taking turns rubbing them between your fingers and thumbing at them until they’ve created so much wetness in your underwear that it becomes uncomfortable. without stopping the unguessable rhythm on william’s dick, you shift out of your shorts and put your wet cunt on display for him.
you let your dainty fingertips play with your clit, kneading it and letting out lazy sighs while you get the two of you off.
now, it’s not that william doesn’t like this. no, it’s the complete opposite actually. he loves watching your tiny hand work his length up and down, pumping out all of his cum and pleasing him. he also loves watching you please yourself. he loves seeing you get all helpless for him, whining for william’s attention, for his touch… what he hates is being the helpless one. he hates when these things happen and he is forced to be at your mercy. he hates when you have control… which is why he’s had enough.
for as long as you can remember, william has always had a trick or two up his sleeve, so it’s a wonder why you ever doubted him when you cuffed him to the bed. you begin to fall under a haze, twisting your wrist and dipping a few of your fingers into your drooling pussy. you scissor them and stretch yourself out, all while continuing to touch william. right when… click!
the sound makes you freeze; tilting your head back down to him and removing your hand from yourself, slowly bringing your eyes up to see a hand free from the cuffs, and a dark look on william’s face.
things move fast from there. in the blink of an eye, you are now under him and he’s the one cuffing you to the bed.
you squirm. “no, n-no you can’t!”
“yes, i can.” he grunts. “now, you’re going to stop your goddamn squirming. sit still and let me use you.”
he pulls your thighs apart with a whimper, wasting no time lining himself up and pushing himself inside of you to his hilt. it’s more of a stretch than you could manage with your fingers and it makes you arch your back and mewl. his cock is pressed delightfully against your cervix, confusing you with the feeling of the throbbing stretch but also writhing pleasure you get as he thrusts his hips wildly in and out of you.
he’s growling and snarling in your ear, he sounds like an animal and it’s honestly the hottest thing you’ve ever heard while he pounds into your sorry hole. so, you let him use you.
“william, oh—oh, william! f-fuck—ah!” your unhinged moans for him are cut short by a sting to your cheek.
“shut up,” william seethes in your face, eyes red with anger. “good toys don’t talk.”
squeezing his dick with your pussy, you bite your lip to suppress your noises. you don’t really have a choice anymore but to be good, so you try your best to sit still, to be quiet while he pumps into you, sliding around your pussy until you both cum together.
it would’ve been longer and more torturous for you, but you had already been playing with william so much that he was already close when he started to fuck you. but it should be more torture for you, so he makes it as such.
leaving you throbbing where you’re cuffed to the bed, he cleans himself up and slides on a pair of boxers quick enough so that you don’t get to catch your breath before he straps a vibrator against your puffy clit. then, he heads for the door.
“ah—a-ah, w-where are you going?!” you gulp, twitching in the feeling of the toy overstimulating your bud.
“to work.” he spits. “and you’re going to stay here, cumming over and over on that stupid toy until i come back for you. alright? that’ll teach you not to play games with me.”
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
can I please request for prompts 2, 5, 10, 12 for hard&soft dom!heeseung and an innocent!fem!s/o from enhypen smut prompt list? prompt no. 5 to be said by the reader while the rest by heeseung
A/N: forgive me if there r any typos lol i hope u like it :)
Warnings: unprotected sex, oral (f recieving), degredation, slight corruption kink
Word count: 2.4 k
You cling onto your boyfriend’s arm as another jumpscare appears on the movie screen. He giggles at you. “Is it gone yet?” you whisper and he nods.
Today was your four month anniversary with Heeseung and you decided to treat him by taking him to a scary movie he’s been wanting to see.You’re not a huge fan of them but you figured it’d be a way for you to cuddle him without raising too much suspicion.
He kept a hand on your thigh throughout the movie, occasionally squeezing and rubbing it over your pants.
You try to ignore the film by keeping your eyes on him. His hands, his legs, his hands, his profile. Anything to distract yourself from the poor family being killed on the screen.
It isn’t long before the movie ends and you walk out to Heeseung’s car.
“The brother was such an idiot. Why didn’t he just call the police?” he says while starting the engine. (haha engene lol sorry)
“The police can’t stop ghosts.” you chuckle.
“Maybe NASA could’ve figured something out.” he grabs your thigh again, it’s kind of his thing. “I’m surprised you survived.”
“Yup, my love for you overcomes my hatred for horror movies.”
He smiles and leans over to give you a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s go to my place.” he says and you frown.
“But all the boys-”
He cuts you off. “The maknaes aren’t there, they’re paintballing in Itaewon.”
You groan. “Fine.”
The boys’ dorm is never your first choice which is understandable without elaboration. But you try not to get annoyed and instead enjoy living in the moment.
He has the windows cracked open and the wind is whipping through his hair, making him look like a moviestar.
Sunghoon and Jake are in their own rooms when you get there so at least there’s some peace and quiet.
Heeseung plops onto his bed. “Come here sweetheart.” he says with his arms out to you.
You smile and snuggle up to him, resting your head on his chest.
He pets your hair and kisses your forehead. “You’re so pretty.”
“You’re prettier.” you say and he chuckles.
“Nuh uh.” he says and sits up. “Lemme see your pretty face.”
You sit up too as he holds your face delicately in his hands. “You’re so gorgeous I wanna kiss you everywhere.” he kisses your forehead, then your cheeks, and your nose, your eyelids, then your jaw, and down, down, down your neck. Your heart beat starts to speed up. You never tell him, but your neck is your weakness. He finally pulls away to give you a proper kiss on the lips.
“C’mere.” he says and pulls you onto his lap. You let out a small squeal.
He holds your waist tight as he kisses you again, this time slipping his tongue into your mouth. You moan a bit, enjoying the sensation.
You guys had made out before and even grinded a bit but it never went further than that. Not because you didn’t want it. Of course you wanted it. There have been nights where you spent hours imagining what it would be like. You already knew that he’d be sweet, but you kind of wanted more than that. You wanted him to take control and boss you around. Maybe today will be the day, you think to yourself.
You start to slowly rock your hips against his and he lets out a low groan. His fingers travel up your hoodie and he’s delighted to find out that you aren’t wearing a bra. He massages you and pinches your nipples a bit as you grind on his hard on. You’re already so stimulated, you could cum just like this.
Heeseung’s curious as to why you’re acting like this today. Usually by now it’d be over, but why would he complain about you being naughty, especially when it’s been such a big fantasy of his to corrupt you. His darling little girlfriend who checks in with her parents everyday and wouldn’t dare to skip school all sprawled out under him, whimpering and begging for release. God, he could think about it all day.
He flips you onto your back and pushes your hoodie up, exposing your torso. Your arms fly to cover yourself.
“Stop that princess,” he kisses your stomach. “Let me see you.”
You slowly pull your arms away and he goes right to kissing your chest. “So perfect.” he whispers, rolling his tongue over your nipples.
You’re already squirming underneath him, eager for him to touch you somewhere else. And as if he read your mind, his fingers start to play with the band of your pants.
He quickly unbuttons them and slides them off your legs.
“Can I touch you?” he asks and you nod eagerly.
“I’ve never done this before.” you admit.
“That’s okay,” he kisses your knee. “Just relax.”
He kisses your neck, licking it and nipping at it, leaving a blooming bruise. Your body tenses as he circles your clit.
“I didn't know you were this sensitive.” he smiles.
You feel your face heat up. It’s kind of embarrassing. He was barely touching you plus it was on top of your underwear.
“I’m just teasing baby.” he kisses your cheek and continues the circling motion.
Soft moans leave your mouth as he does so. He pulls away and notices a wet patch already forming on your underwear.
His fingers slip into the waistband. “Can I touch you here?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out. “Please?”
“You submit to me so well,” he nips at your neck. “I love it.”
His fingers find your slit and you whine.
“So fucking wet,” he whispers as he rubs your clit. “Did I get you that worked up princess?”
You nod pathetically, already drunk on his touch.
He circles around your hole for a bit before slowly pushing his middle finger into you. You hold on tight to his arm, getting used to the foreign feeling.
He pumps it in and out of you a couple of times. “You ready for another one?”
You nod and whine as his ring finger stretches you out.
“You’re doing so good.” he whispers and kisses your forehead.
Your moans get more and more needy as he curls his fingers in you hitting a spot that you’ve never felt before.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
“Feel good?” he asks and you nod. “I bet it does.”
He shifts down and settles his face between your legs.
“Wait what are you doing?” you ask him, shutting your knees. “I want to taste you,” he says. “Is that okay?”
You contemplate for a moment. The thought of it makes you a bit shy but then you imagined how good it would feel and that won over everything. “Yeah.” you nod and he smiles.
His fingers are still curling in you as he kisses your thighs, leaving small marks on the way down to where you need it the most.
After what feels like years, his tongue finally finds your clit. Your thighs shut from the sudden pleasure.
He chuckles. “Keep em open baby.” he uses his free hand to keep you spread.
He moans into you. “Tastes so fucking good.”
It’s so much to take in at once; his fingers in you, his tongue drawing circles on your clit, the vibrations you feel every time he groans. You feel overstimulated but in the best way possible.
Your fingers tug on his hair as your thighs begin to tremble.
“Don’t stop don’t stop,” you cry out.
His grip on you tightens and he moans into you, encouraging you to cum in his mouth.
A string of curse words leaves your lips as you reach your high, and it’s the hardest you’ve ever came in your life. It’s like you’re floating up in the clouds, and you never want to come back down.
Heeseung kisses you, giving you a taste. He holds you tight in his arms and tries to calm your shaky breathing.
“You did so good doll.” he kisses your cheek.
You hold onto him as your heart rate goes down to normal.
“Here let me go get you a towel.” he starts get off the bed but you grab his arm.
“Wait we’re done?” you ask and he looks at you. “Do you wanna keep going?” he asks and you nod.
“Yes,” you say and he chuckles.
He sits back down onto the bed. “I didn’t expect that.”
You climb on top of him and give him a passionate kiss, sliding your hands under his hoodie.
He pulls it over his head with ease.
You admire his lean body for a moment before kissing his neck and his collar bones. “Can you fuck me please?” you ask him.
He smirks. “Your wish is my command.” he flips you over onto your back and unbuttons his black jeans. Just watching him do it makes you wet.
He climbs over you, rubbing his tip on your clit. He sighs into your neck.
“You ready princess?” he asks and you nod vigorously.
He slowly pushes into you and you wince a bit from the stretch.
“Ow ow ow.” you say quietly and he stops.
“You okay? Does it hurt a lot?” he asks.
“It’s not bad.” you say through gritted teeth.
He kisses you, giving you time to adjust to his length. He pets your hair and tells you how gorgeous you look.
“Please start moving.” you ask him and he listens, slowly thrusting in and out of you.
“Fuck,” he moans. “So fucking tight.”
You whimper so loud as his tips brushes against your g-spot that you clamp your hand over your mouth, worried that Sunghoon and Jake would pick up on what was going on.
He pulls your hand away. “Be louder, I want them to hear you.”
“Do as I say sweetheart.” he cuts you off.
Of course you melt under him. How could you not. He’s so perfect. He’s the type of boy that only exists in books.
“What a good girl,” he kisses your shoulder. “Look how well you take it.”
You grab a pillow and cover your face with it, you can’t help but want to conceal your moans.
He throws it off and grabs your jaw hard. “What’d I say about that? Don’t you want them to know how much of a slut you are for me?”
“Yes,” you whisper.
“Speak up when I talk to you.” he says sternly. His words make you throb and he notices. “Do you like it when I’m mean?” he smirks at you.
“Yeah,” you admit, sheepishly.
“There you go again being all quiet, keep that up and I’ll edge you until you’re begging.” he threatens you with a good time.
“What if I want you to do that anyway.” you say flirtatiously.
He raises an eyebrow. “I can make that happen.”
His thumb finds your clit and the sensation of him rubbing you and his cock ramming in and out of your pussy sends you so close over the edge.
The look on your face is so angelic and hopeless, you’re better than anything he could imagine.
“You’re so fucking perfect.” he kisses you. “You look so pretty while being fucked.”
He snaps his hips into yours and your eyes roll back.
“Just like that.” you whine.
“How bad do you want it?” he asks you.
“So bad,” you say out of desperation. At this point you don’t care. Heeseung had taken over your mind, ego, and pride. “You feel so fucking good inside of me.”
He smiles. “How could such a sweet voice say such dirty words.” Then all of the sudden he pulls out. You nearly cry out from the unexpected emptiness.
“What the fuck,” you swear at him.
“You’re the one who asked for this.” he says, still slowly rubbing your clit.
You whimper. “I take it back. I need you.”
“No take backs sweetheart.” he tsks.
He kisses your chest and pinches at your nipples. You writhe under him, needing him in you.
After what feels like an eternity but is probably a minute or so, he slams back into you and right after being satisfied, he pulls out again.
“Heeseung please,” you whine. “Please I’ve been good haven’t I?”
“You have, but I like doing this to you.” he kisses you. “Who knew my innocent girl would be begging for my cock like this.”
You pull at his waist. “I need it.” you tell him in the sweetest voice you could get out.
He sighs. “I’ll never win.” he kisses you again before pushing into you.
“Fuck yes,” you moan in relief. “Faster please.”
Thank god he listens to you.
You cling onto his back, pushing your nails into his skin a bit. It only takes thirty seconds to get you on the edge and Heeseung can tell by the way your moans are getting high pitched.
“Cum on this cock sweetheart,” he says lowly. “Be a good girl for me.”
And just like that, your whimpering his name like it’s the only word you know; like it’s your mantra.
“That’s it baby,” he whispers. “Just like that.”
Your pussy pulsing around him sends him into euphoria and he groans into your neck.
You don’t even realize the tears on your cheeks until he pointed it out. He looks at you in shock and holds your face in his hands. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? Fuck I’m so sorry pumpkin I-”
“No no it just felt really good,” you giggle. “I didn’t even know I started crying.”
“Oh thank god,” he sighs in relief and kisses your forehead. “You’re the best pussy I’ve ever had you know.”
You laugh. “Stop it, you sound like a man whore.”
“Just being honest.” he smiles and pulls you into his arms.
“Shit,” you curse to yourself.
“What is it?”
“Jake and Sunghoon definitely heard us.” you say, wide eyed.
“Yeah probably,” he says “they probably got off on it too.”
Your face twists in disgust and you shove him in the shoulder.
He cackles. “I mean wouldn’t you?”
You think to yourself. “Yeah I probably would.”
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baekhansol · 3 years
relief & reassurance
Tumblr media
pairing: san x reader, wooyoung x reader (both san & wooyoung are doms, reader is sub)
genres: comfort, angst-ish, smut, completely self indulgence | rating: mature ! do not interact if a minor
word count: 3812
plot: you're feeling down, and your boyfriends try to make you feel better
warnings: depression, self hatred, skin picking disorder, body weight insecurity, polyamourous relationship, nipple/ breast play, fingering, sex toy usage, oral, bdsm themes, doms/sub relationships, orgasm denial & control, squirting, spanking, choking, biting/marking/slight scratching, a bit of hair pulling, slight teasing, use of pet names (princess, good girl), bulge kink, creampie, unprotected sex (please be safe!!), doggystyle, praise kink, multiple orgasm, pain kink(?), threesome, use of the color light system (just check-ins, no safe word use), subspace, and sweet sweet aftercare - as usual, let me know if I missed anything!
a/n: this is a very very self indulgent fic. a very special thanks to @sugasbabiie for beta reading this for me and pointing out some things that I needed to change 💜💜💜
You felt disgusting, broken, and just downright depressed. You were supposed to hang out with San for the night, but he was running late. So you went ahead and ordered takeout, getting his favorite. Ever since you started dating him and Wooyoung, you would take time to have a date night with them separately and together. That way, you wouldn't always be the victim of their teasing.
You hear San unlocking the door, so you do your best to act fine as you go over to greet him.
"I'm glad you're finally here!" You say, pulling him into a hug.
"Hi baby," he says, his dimples appearing as he hugs you back. "It smells delightful," San adds, pulling back and looking at you. His eyebrow twitches, and you're afraid he is going to ask what was wrong, but instead, he takes off his shoes.
"I'm glad! I bought your favorite barbecue, and I think it might still be warm," you tell him, clapping your hands once as you go to check, San trailing behind.
"Did you already eat?" He checks, looking at you sternly as he breaks the wooden chopsticks.
"Yes, and if you want proof, it's in the trash can," you say, looking down and away.
"Alright," he says, his voice softening immediately. "Go turn something you like on, okay? I'll eat and then clean up."
You nod and kiss his cheek, going back and turning on the show you've been marathoning. San comes and sits next to you, eating and half-heartedly paying attention.
You lean against his shoulder and curl up into your blanket, trying to relax. Your insecurities were getting the better of you.
When San finishes his food, he kisses your cheek. "I'll be back in a few," he says, and you know he is going to shower.
"Make sure to brush your teeth!"
"I will," San responds with a chuckle.
When San returns from cleaning up, you hadn't realized you zoned out from the show and started crying. He turns off the TV and pulls you into his lap slowly, giving you the opportunity to pull away.
You don't, so you end up letting out a soft sob against his chest. San soothingly plays with your hair and rubs your back, letting you cry while saying soothing words in your ear.
"It's okay baby, let it out. I'm here for you, don't worry. You can tell me anything; you know that, right?"
When you’ve calmed down enough, and you blow your nose, San finally asks, "What has you so worked up, Y/N?"
You sigh, looking away and shaking your head.
"I just want to help," he assures you, "So please, tell me."
He wipes your tears away with his thumb, his own eyes full of concern.
"I've just been… feeling really insecure and hating my body," you murmur, looking away. "I hate that I have a stupid skin picking disorder. I hate how fat I am. I hate my stretch marks and my stupid eyes. I hate that I have two incredibly attractive boyfriends, and I'm just a potato," you rant, getting overly worked up to the point you start crying again.
"No, no, no, no, precious no," San says, his heart breaking as he sends a quick text to Wooyoung (get your ass over here asap).
"You're so beautiful, okay? We are all humans with flaws. Woo and I are idols, so that's why you think that. Remember my high school and middle school photos? I'd probably look worse than that now if I weren't an idol and could spend lots of money on skincare," he says with a slight giggle, handing you tissues again.
You take it and blow your nose again, groaning slightly. He just had to be logical.
"And I love all of you. I love your sexy body. I love your personality. I love the way you think and talk; how you see the world. I love your pretty eyes. They can see, you know? So you can see me," he giggles at that a little, gently kissing each of your eyelids.
"I love your pretty lips," he says, running a thumb over them. "I love your body. There's so much to cuddle, and you're soft and even better to cuddle than shiber, but don't tell them." At this, San gently starts caressing your body.
"And you know, your sweet tummy isn't going to be flat like mine. It's hard work to keep abs, and I generally don't eat before we perform to keep them there. Because when I eat, bye bye abs," he tells you, pulling his shirt up to show you how his stomach was just smooth and soft.
"And for your tummy," San begins, laying you down on the couch and pulling your shirt up to kiss it. "Your pretty tummy holds your uterus and the most precious parts of the entire female reproductive system, your ovaries and eggs. And right here," he kisses under your belly button, getting closer to over your pubic bone, a very sensitive spot for you, "right here is where all the magic happens."
You quirk an eyebrow, waiting for him to explain as you feel your cheeks heating up.
"It's where a baby will grow, if we decide to have one, and it's where your body let's you know it's reproductively healthy," he starts, kissing lower and lower each time, until you're biting your tongue to hold back a moan. San picks up the change in your state, swallowing the need to smirk.
"And your legs, your beautiful legs," he murmurs, massaging your feet and up your calves. "They carry you around all day and are so pretty." San kisses your shins, then slowly up your inner thighs, making you squirm.
His strong hands hold you in place as he continues worshiping your body. "You're beautiful thighs," he murmurs, nipping them. "They hide something beautiful between them, but even on their own…" San tries not to groan, as he can tell he is growing hard by your soft gasps. "They're soft and lovely to rest my head on, like your breasts, and I could spend all day marking them up. I love the way they jiggle like your ass does when spanked," he adds, looking you in your eye as he rubs your thigh, what he normally would do before spanking you.
When you nod, he gives them a resounding smack. This time, you don't hold back your moan.
He takes your hands in his, kissing your palms. "Your beautiful hands are perfect to hold, and your arms giving the best hugs, but don't tell Wooyoung or really anyone I said that," San giggles a little again, kissing up your arms, nipping here and there on the soft flesh.
"I know you hate how you pick at your arms, and I know how hard it is for you to control that impulse. But I want to help you, and I assure you Wooyoung feels the same way, okay?" he assures you.
You look away, more embarrassed than aroused now. "Precious, I asked you a question," he says, turning your chin to make you look at him, his dominance coming out.
"Yes sir," you say, biting your lip.
"You don't have to call me sir right now. This is about you. Now, can I make you feel good?" He whispers, his thumb ghosting over your lip as his knee ruts into your core.
"Please," you sigh, wondering if he would ask first or if he would make you beg.
Your word pleased him, as he immediately picks you up and kisses you deeply, carrying you to your bed.
“I love you so much; you know that, right?” San asks as he sets you down on the bed, helping you out of your shirt.
“I do,” you say softly, looking down as your face heats up.
San plants another sweet kiss on your lips, then slowly down your neck.
“Your soft skin is so kissable,” he says with a little giggle, nipping and sucking lightly, just enough to leave slight marks for the day. He undoes your bra, laying you back on the bed as his mouth travels down your decolletage, his hands caressing your breasts.
“You’re so precious to me, and I love all of you,” San assures you. “Are you sure you’re okay? You’ll say yellow if you’re uncomfortable? Red if you want to stop?” he adds.
“I love you too,” you whisper, looking down at him lovingly. “And I always will,” you assure him.
He immediately takes one of your breasts in his mouth, his teeth lightly grazing your nipple, causing you to moan out his name.
He smiles against your skin, giving the same attention to the other breast. San begins to kiss down your stomach, humming while he does.
“I love your soft tummy,” he murmurs, looking up at you with utmost sincerity in his eyes. “It makes you extra cuddly,” he giggles.
You blush, not sure how to respond until he hooks his fingers beneath the waistband of your shorts.
“May I?” San asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes please,” you say, raising your hips to help him. He ends up taking your underwear off as well, a somewhat sheepish smirk on his face.
“Sorry,” he says, his tone rather unconvincing.
You roll your eyes as he spreads your legs, his eyes going face to face with your heat.
“Can I eat you out?” he bluntly asks, his warm fingers opening your folds.
“Please,” you say, letting him position your legs better as he immediately licks your folds, kissing your clit.
You let out a soft whine of pleasure, falling back onto your bed and allowing yourself to relax. San continues to suck on your clit, feeling your arousal start to drip onto his chin as you clench around nothing. Before you could beg for more, San’s tongue enters you, lapping up your arousal and easily hitting the spots that make your orgasm begin to quickly grow. San’s nose rubs against your clit, and he smirks as you grind against his face.
“San~ Sannie~ ah~” you moan, causing him to chuckle softly. The vibrations make your toes curl, and you gasp and grab the sheets.
San reaches up and takes one of your hands in his, gently squeezing it in reassurance as he continues his ministrations.
As you start feeling closer to your orgasm, San stops. He stands up, causing you to whine.
“Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” he says with a gentle laugh. San opens the drawer where you kept your sex toys and lube, and he takes something out you can’t quite see.
“What color are you?” he asks.
“Still green,” you assure him, trying to smile for him.
San kisses your forehead before going back down on you, this time putting his fingers inside of you. He turns on the bullet vibrator he took on a low setting and presses it against your clit, smirking when you groan his name and buck your hips.
“God, you’re so sexy like this,” he murmurs, kissing your thigh.
You whimper in response, boosting his ego. San turns up the setting on the vibrator, relishing in the power he had over you. He was glad he could help you feel better, even if it was only temporary. Which he hoped it wouldn’t. He wanted his words to have comforted you.
“I’m close-” you begin, your toes curling and thighs shaking.
San immediately pulls his fingers out of you and turns off the vibrator.
“San, what the fuck?” you whine. You weren’t being bratty; you were just confused.
“I promise I am still doing this to make you feel good,” he assures you, setting down the vibrator. “What color are you?” San asks.
“Green,” you admit, causing him to smirk and go back down on you.
After being denied twice, the coil built into a strong pressure, causing you to furrow your brows and whine out his name, being more vocal than usual. You almost feel overstimulated, but he holds your hips in place with firm hands so you can’t escape.
“San, fuck, I’m gonna- fuck!” you nearly sob, suddenly orgasming harder than you have in the past.
He lets you ride his tongue through your orgasm before he pulls up, a confident smirk on his now rather wet face. “I made you squirt,” he says proudly.
“Squirted, yeah,” San smugly confirms, standing up and sauntering to the bathroom. You’re not sure what he is doing in there, but he soon comes back with a dried face and a damp washcloth.
“I want to keep going,” you sheepishly admit.
He nods and cleans off some of the mess, tossing the washcloth into the hamper. “Let's take off the blankets then, yeah?” San says, helping you stand as he strips off the blanket.
You sit back down and look up at him, pulling him in for a kiss when he comes back. “I want you inside me,” you say softly, tugging at his pants.
“Be patient, you will,” he assures you, pulling away to undress himself.
His self-control never failed to surprise you because as soon as he got rid of his clothes, his hard length stood erect.
He hovers back over you, laying you down and kissing you sweetly. San grinds against you to test how sensitive you were. When you shivered, he stopped, continuing to gently kiss you.
San pulls away after a moment in order to align himself with your entrance. “I love you so much,” he tells you, sliding his tip in.
“I love you too, San,” you assure him, gasping as he continues to enter you, stilling only when he was fully seated inside.
“See, your tummy is even bigger now,” San giggles, rubbing your tummy.
“Are you trying to get me to say you have a big cock?” you giggle.
“No, but I wouldn’t be offended if you did say that,” he responds with a giggle of his own.
“San, please move your big cock,” you tease a little, laughing softly.
“As you wish, princess,” San teases right back, beginning to move at a comfortable, intimate pace.
You move your hips in tandem to his thrusts, gasping softly as he brushes your g spot.
“I’m so lucky to have you in my life,” San says, praising you sweetly. “You’re an amazing person, and I can’t believe you love me back.”
You feel yourself blushing, unable to say anything besides soft moans and whines.
“You’re so beautiful. Like this and any other time. You’re always beautiful,” he assures you, reaching down to start rubbing your clit.
You grab onto his bicep that was holding him up, whimpering his name.
“Good girl,” San groans, reaching down to capture your lips in a kiss. “Go ahead and cum when you need to, don’t hold back,” he adds, picking up his pace ever so slightly, knowing you were growing close.
“I- oh, fuck,” you whine, your nails digging into his bicep as you orgasm.
He continues to thrust through yours, and San soon releases inside of you.
“You couldn’t wait for me to get here?” You hear Wooyoung cry indignantly.
“How long have you been there?” San asks, pulling out of you and cupping your cheek before rolling onto the bed next to you, giving you a view of a very irritated and flustered Wooyoung.
“Long enough to start getting hard,” Wooyoung complains. You glance down to his crotch, and there was a definite tent in his pants.
“Well, this wasn’t the original plan,” San begins, and you are quick to look at the floor, taking great interest in the carpet suddenly. “Y/N was feeling depressed and very insecure about her body, and it just happened to lead to this,” San explains, leaning back and crossing his arms.
“You did?” Wooyoung asks, his eyes snapping to you.
You don’t look up at him or say anything, but you nod a little.
Wooyoung doesn’t say anything, but you know he walks over in front of you. His fingers grip your chin and tilt your head up. “I asked you a question,” he says, his eyes hard.
“I… yes…” you say, sounding uncertain of yourself.
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow, waiting expectantly.
“I… don’t like myself?” you tell him, your words coming out as more of a question than a statement.
“Y/N,” Wooyoung says, trying his best not to sound disappointed. “You’re an amazing person. The best partner we could ask for. I don’t know what exactly is wrong, and I would love to talk about that later if you want. But I love you so fucking much, okay?” Wooyoung’s eyes were a little glossy, and you could tell how much he meant his words. He wanted you to feel better.
“I know… I love you both too…” You say, holding onto his arm before leaning up to give him a gentle kiss.
Wooyoung holds you close, deepening the kiss. “Is it okay if I have a turn?” he asks you, his hand resting on your hip.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you whisper, rubbing your noses together.
“I love you so much,” Wooyoung says, mostly to himself. He then asks, “Can I be rough?”
“Yes, I’ll say if it’s too much,” you assure him, Wooyoung and San both nodding.
Wooyoung is quick to undress and is soon guiding you onto all fours. He spreads open your legs and cheeks, watching San’s cum drip out of you. “You didn’t use a condom with San?” he leans forward and whispers into your ear.
San shrugs, knowing it didn’t matter since you were all clean and you were not likely to get pregnant.
Wooyoung pulls back and smacks your ass. “I love the sight,” he groans to himself, teasing your entrance as he smacks your other cheek. “I love how your body reacts to me,” Wooyoung says, grinning as you arch your back up, trying to get him inside of you.
“You had San, and you need more?” Wooyoung teases, slowly entering you.
“Yes, I need you too,” you gasp out, getting fistfuls of the sheets as you hold them to keep yourself up.
“Good,” Wooyoung grunts, beginning to harshly thrust into you.
“You’re making such a mess with your pretty cunt,” Wooyoung laughs a bit sadistically.
“Just for you, just for you both,” you manage to get out, angling your hips so he would hit your g spot.
“You’re such a good girl for us both, and you’re so fucking perfect,” Wooyoung groans.
San scoots up closer to your face, tilting up your chin to look at you. “You okay?” he whispers. “Color?” He knows Wooyoung could get a bit carried away at times, so he wanted to check.
“Green,” you choke out, your arms giving in on a particularly strong thrust.
Wooyoung slows his thrusts and grabs your hair, pulling you up and moving his hand to your throat. “You’re beautiful, Y/N. We are so lucky to have you,” he whispers, rolling his hips into yours.
You nod a little, your orgasm building again. Wooyoung hums softly and starts thrusting faster, grunting softly in your ear before he decides to suck colorful marks onto your neck and shoulder.
“That’s our girl,” he murmurs, reaching down to rub your clit as he squeezes your neck.
You gasp, your thoughts going blank from the slight lack of oxygen to your brain.
“Go on and cum on my cock, princess,” Wooyoung urges you, biting down on your shoulder as he squeezes your neck a little more, searching for his release.
At the slight increase in pressure, your body explodes, and you cum, your fluttering walls encouraging Wooyoung’s orgasm.
He lets up on your throat and clit, thrusting a few more times to ride out your highs. Wooyoung pulls out of you and helps you lay down, cupping your cheeks.
“How are you feeling, baby?” Wooyoung asks, cupping your cheeks.
You’re zoned out, blissed expression was a dead giveaway of your state, as you felt high and floaty.
“Damn, if I had known you were going to come and fuck her like that, I wouldn’t have made her squirt,” San says with a sigh, getting up.
“You did? Without me here to watch?” Wooyoung groans.
San shrugs, heading into the bathroom and drawing a bath.
You watched the two, not quite able to make out their conversation.
When Wooyoung picks you up, you gladly lean against his chest and gently hold him. He leads you into the bathroom and sets you in the tub, which San had filled with a bubble bath. Wooyoung kisses your forehead, and San squeezes your hand, saying something.
San stands up and sighs, looking at Wooyoung. “Don’t leave her alone like this. I’ll wash the sheets,” he tells him.”
Wooyoung lets you play with the bubbles and soon gently washes your hair. “You’re doing so good,” he says, rinsing out your shampoo. “Our pretty girl,” Wooyoung adds, smiling. “Turn a little to face me, and I will wash off your makeup~” he says, putting the cleanser oil on his hands.
“Okay!” you giggle, turning and closing your eyes.
Wooyoung is gentle as he massages the oil into your skin, singing to you softly. You hum along with the tune, letting him rinse off the oil and use your regular cleanser.
“Are you ready to cuddle?” San asks, coming back into the bathroom and now fully dressed.
“Cuddles~!” you say, nodding immediately.
Wooyoung giggles and unplugs the drain, readying a towel.
“I have your favorite pajamas ready for you,” San says, smiling.
You let out an excited squeak, reaching out to Wooyoung to help you up. He gently grabs your arms, helping you find your footing before beginning to dry you off.
“Will you finish her up?” Wooyoung softly asks San, wrapping you in the towel before picking you up.
“Yeah, go clean yourself up,” San says.
Wooyoung kisses your temple and goes to the bathroom, and San helps you into your pajamas.
“You pretty princess,” he says, pulling on your pink pajamas.
“Mhm, your princess!!” you confirm, nodding.
San smiles, plugging in your hairdryer.
“You are the prettiest princess I have ever seen,” he assures you, brushing your hair before adding essence to it.
“Then you’re my… prince?” you ask, glancing up at San as he picks up the hairdryer.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” San assures you, turning on the hairdryer and drying your hair.
Before San finishes drying your hair, Wooyoung returns and lays on the bed next to you, rubbing your back.
Once finished, San unplugs the hairdryer and turns off the light. Wooyoung pulls you under the covers, holding you in his arms. San joins you, kissing your cheek.
“I love you,” Wooyoung murmurs.
“We love you,” San corrects him, smiling.
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raibebe · 3 years
Coming Home
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Genre: Sentimental smut with the most feelings Words: 1.456 Prompt: Taeyong + “Mmmh, you are warm” Warnings: unprotected sex, THE most feelings
A/N: One night the wonderful groupchat now named “sexc writers” with @ncteaxhoe and @sly-merlin came up with the idea of what would happen if the three of us had the same prompt and all wrote something with each other’s biases. So I wrote for one of Inni’s biases!
For maximum feelings, play “Dear Dream” while reading. I just want you to know that I actually made myself cry while writing this and listening to that song.
Waking up to your boyfriend in your bed when you definitely went to bed alone wasn’t something unusual. Waking up with him curled around your body like he was some kind of snake and you were his prey wasn’t either. And waking up because of the little butterfly kisses he pressed to the skin of your neck wasn’t out of the ordinary either. So what was the unusual thing when you woke up this morning? “Good morning baby,” Taeyong spoke in your ear, his voice raspy either from sleep or from recording all night – you weren’t sure which one it was. “Morning,” you smiled, snuggling back into your boyfriend’s chest.
“When did you get here?” You sighed after a couple of serene moments spent with Taeyong caressing your body. “Not too long ago,” he confessed, pressing an open mouthed kiss to the tender skin on your neck that seemed to linger longer than his lips actually did. “You should’ve gone home to sleep, baby,” you whined, squirming in his hold to turn around but his grip wasn’t budging. “Mmmh, stay still,” he sighed, tangling your legs together and oh- that was why it was an unusual way to wake up. “Yongie~,” you sighed, arching your body into his. “Mmmh, you’re warm,” he breathed, pressing his naked body to your back until there wasn’t a single centimeter of space between your bodies, “So warm.” He sighed deeply and gently rutted against your backside, his dick sliding between your panty clad asscheeks since he had forgone clothing all together.
Taking a shuddering breath, Taeyong let his hands roam beneath the big shirt you had worn to sleep, mapping out your body with firm hands like it was the first time he was touching you before he grabbed a handful of your boobs, squeezing the soft flesh to make you moan his name. “You’re so beautiful,” he sighed, burying his face in your neck to stifle the moans that kept slipping past his lips, the sounds so soft and breathy, they would have gotten lost any other time than right now in the early morning hours. “Make love to me,” you said softly, turning your body around in Taeyong’s grip to press your lips together in a sweet kiss, pouring all the fragile feelings into it you weren’t quite able to voice. “I love you so much,” your boyfriend whispered against your plush lips once you broke the kiss, his eyes so open and sincere, you almost choked on the feeling that built inside your chest.
“Want to see your face,” you mumbled before catching his lips again, soft and sensual, “Want to see you when you make love to me.” “Then let me see all of you in return,” Taeyong whispered back, his nimble fingers helping you out of your shirt and panties before he settled his body between your open legs, another moan spilling past his lips as his cock got trapped between your bodies. “So perfect,” he chanted, littering your cleavage and breasts with soft kisses, the ghost of his lips burning on your skin while his hands left goosebumps in their wake. With practiced ease, his fingers found your center and easily pushed inside, his eyes never leaving yours as your lips parted in a breathy moan. It should have been embarrassing how intensely he was watching every twitch of your muscles and how open and vulnerable you were but this was Taeyong, he knew you inside and outside so it was easy to just let go and bathe in the feeling of being loved and cherished just by the touch of his fingers and lips.
“I want you,” you moaned softly, letting your own hands roam over his strong back, down his small waist and down to his perky ass, pressing him forward. “You have me,” your boyfriend promised, gently curling his fingers into your sweet spot before slowly pulling them out, savoring the whine that spilled past your lips at the emptiness. “I’m yours.” You meant it. In more than one way and Taeyong was able to understand the weight behind those simple words because sometimes you two didn’t even need to speak at all to understand each other.
“Tell me if it hurts,” he breathed into your skin when the head of his cock prodded at your entrance. “You would never,” you just replied, curling your arms around his neck to swallow his moan with your lips as he slowly pushed into your heat until your hips were flush together. For a little while you just got lost in the feeling of being close to him, connected in the most intimate of ways as your tongues lead a sensual dance, exploring each other’s mouths as if you hadn’t already done it a thousand times over and over again. “Please,” you pleaded, letting your eyes flutter open to marvel at the beauty of your boyfriend, every detail on his face so imperfectly perfect. “Anything,” he promised, “I’d do anything for you.” Breathing the same air as you, Taeyong slowly pulled his hips back to slide back into you just as slowly, letting you both savor every inch of his length, every drag against your walls and every unspoken word between you.
The air was heavy with both spoken and unspoken feelings as your hands never stopped to caress each other: Yours slipping from his arms up his shoulders before tenderly cupping his face to softly stroke your thumb over the scar next to his eye. Taeyong easily leaned into your touch, his dark eyes that held all the stars of the galaxy slipping shut as his pink lips parted to let out soft sounds of pleasure while he held you securely in his arms. “I love you,” you softly whispered and immediately felt like love wasn’t a strong enough word to describe what you were feeling in this moment, soft rays of sunlight bathing your naked bodies as you moved as one, just basking in the feeling of pleasure that buzzed in your veins without the urge to reach your peak. “My whole world,” Taeyong whispered back, pressing open mouthed kisses along your jaw, “My sun,” down your neck, “My moon,” back up to your ear, “And my stars,” to finally connect your lips again all while he never ceased to move his hips, reaching so deep you could feel it in your entire body.
“Please,” you begged, wrapping your legs around his hips and your arms around his shoulders to press him impossibly closer, feeling like you needed to feel all of him to make sure this moment was real. “Everything for you,” he whispered into your skin, picking up the pace of his hips without it being urgent or frantic, just what both of you needed to reach your peak. You worked your hips with him in perfect unison as much as your position allowed you to, burying your hands in the soft strands of his hair to keep his close to your pulse where he was panting into your skin, sending tingles down your spine.
“Please,” now it was him who was begging, his hips losing their steady rhythm to grind deep inside your heat. “Look at me,” you asked, voice cracking slightly but if anything it showed how fragile this moment was, how fragile the feelings between you were. But the moment Taeyong looked up and locked eyes with you, you knew that your heart was safe with him; he would keep it safe and give you his soul in return. “I love you,” you spoke in unison and the soft smile that tugged on Taeyongs lips only got broken when his eyebrows pulled together in a frown as his hips came to a stop deep inside you and you felt him release inside you, the blissed out look on his face pulling you over the edge with him. The orgasm wasn’t mind-blowing to the point where colors were exploding behind your lids. Instead it washed over you like a smooth tide on a beach, leaving you warm and glittery; your skin prickling with thousand little firecrackers everywhere Taeyong and you were connected: From the tips of your hairs down to your toes and inside your chest.
A breathy sigh left your lips and you couldn’t help the soft giggle that spilled past your lips when you saw the feeling of safety and just home you felt reflected in the warm brown of Taeyong’s eyes. “Marry me,” he spoke into the delicate silence, bearing his heart for you to receive or reject, “Be with me for always and forever.” “You were my first love and will be my last,” you accepted his heart, vowing to always keep it safe.
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jekde04 · 3 years
One-shot for Gruvia Day/Greige Day/Gruvia Family Day 2021
Summary: Coming home from a mission is always better when there's someone waiting for you.
Word Count: 2,483 words
You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics.
Tag List: @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
“Mommy, we’re back!”
Looking for her blue head of hair had become second nature to him, so he quickly spotted her among their friends as she stood up to gather the running Greige into her arms. He followed right after, though a lot calmer.
“I finished my mission with Daddy!” the four-year-old boy with dark blue hair exclaimed as he reached his mom, still a little breathless from running. “I made big blocks of ice for the party, and Daddy crushed them to make snow cones for everyone!”
Greige prattled on excitedly, demonstrating each point with his hands and arms and making Juvia smile. Arriving at her side, Gray put his arm around his wife’s shoulders and kissed her temple. She embraced him back, giving him a quick squeeze before letting go and turning back to their son.
Gray chuckled. It seemed like ages ago when Juvia would welcome him with a half-hug, half-tackle to the ground while shouting, “Gray-samaaaaa!” Now, all her attention was on their son.
“That’s great, darling,” Juvia told Greige as they all sat side by side, with both of her boys on either side of her. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
Gray rolled his eyes. It was so like Juvia to get worried over a simple mission of making ice sculptures and snow cones for kids at a birthday party, even though she was the one to spot it on the job board.
At first, she got really excited as she saw it as an opportunity for family bonding. But with her six-month pregnant belly, Gray wouldn’t risk it even if it was just an easy and harmless mission.
It ended up being a father and son bonding with his little ice mage apprentice.
“Relax, Juvia. As if I would let something happen to our son,” Gray answered after taking a gulp of the ice-cold water waiting for him at the table. Mira passed by and set a hot bowl of udon in front of him, giving him a light pat on the back.
“Of course you won’t, Gray-sama,” his wife answered with a smile. “But Juvia will always worry for you two. It’s just the way it is.”
She turned to Greige and held his elbow to pull him closer but was surprised when he yelped in pain.
“Greige-kun? What’s the matter? Where does it hurt?” Juvia asked in a concerned voice, trying to look for any bruise or cut on his son’s well-covered body.
Gray also turned to look at him with worry. “Did you get injured, buddy?”
“N-nothing. I’m okay, Mom,” Greige answered, squirming from Juvia’s fussing and a bit embarrassed about his outburst.
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me, young man,” Juvia said in her stern mommy voice that meant business. She rarely used it to both Gray and Greige, so both of them knew better than to defy her in any way when she was in one of her moods.
And being pregnant, those mood swings escalated tenfold.
Greige let Juvia remove his outer coat, allowing her to quickly spot the source of the problem: a scratch on his elbow. It wasn’t that deep or big, but it definitely should be cleaned, or else it would get infected.
Suddenly, Juvia snapped her head towards her husband and glared at him with her fierce blue eyes.
“Gray-sama! You said you won’t let anything happen to our son!”
Gray gulped and scratched the back of his head. All they did was make snow cones, how the hell did Greige get that?!
“Juvia, I swear, I didn’t let him out of my sight! I don’t even know where he got that,” he answered as he moved to Greige’s other side, examining the wound. “Besides, it’s just a small scratch. It’s no big deal.”
He immediately regretted his words the moment they came out of his mouth. He felt goosebumps prickling his skin as Juvia’s glare intensified.
Really, this woman means the world to him, but she could be scarier than Erza sometimes.
But before he could appease his wife, Greige said in a small voice, “This was from yesterday.”
Juvia turned to their son. “Yesterday? What happened? And why didn’t you say anything about it?”
With his head bowed, Greige mumbled something he couldn’t hear. Gray was about to ask him to speak louder when he saw him chance a glance at the pink-haired girl just three tables away from them...
And blush.
Holy Mavis.
He knew that look. He used to steal glances at Juvia with that look.
But his son was just four years old!
“What did you say, Greige?” Juvia’s voice broke through his thoughts (and internal panic), and he tried his best to focus on his son’s answer instead of his pink cheeks.
“I-I... scraped my elbow while Nasha and I were trying to hide from Aunt Lucy,” Greige answered, and Gray swore his son’s cheeks flushed some more.
Okay, he and Greige need to have a long talk when they get home. He was just four, but who knows what ideas and thoughts were running through his head now? Better nip it in the bud while it was still early.
And maybe he would tell Juvia tonight, but he had to be really careful because it might trigger the waterworks. And God knew how extremely sensitive she was, especially now that she was pregnant. Just last week, they ran out of milk, and she bawled her eyes out over it.
“Next time, be more careful, darling,” Juvia said, seemingly oblivious to what just happened and already arms-deep into her first aid kit.
Juvia had always been like that whenever he returned from a mission. She would have a first aid kit by her side and a glass of cold water and a serving of whatever the meal of the day was already ordered for him. At home, there would always be a feast.
He had to thank her failproof Gray-sama radar for always getting the timing of his arrival right.
She started dabbing alcohol on Greige’s wound while blowing at the spot to ease the pain. Greige flinched a little, but he put on a brave face while his mom cleaned his wound, his eyes traveling now and then to the nearby table where his bubbly friend was busy playing with her mom’s keys, unaware of his stolen glances.
That talk was definitely happening the moment they get home.
“All done!” Juvia exclaimed, lightly patting the band-aid she placed over the abrasion. “Now, for the finishing touches.”
She puckered her lips and lowered it to Greige’s elbow to kiss the boo-boo away, as she always did whenever her son injured himself. But just when her lips were a mere inch away, Greige saw Nasha looking at him with her big brown eyes, causing him to push his mom’s lips away from him.
“Ahh, stop it, Mom! I’m a big boy now!” Greige blurted, crimson cheeks and all.
Lisanna, who was delivering some drinks to a nearby table, smiled widely and ruffled Greige’s hair. "Aww, you are so cute, Greige-kun!" This made the boy even redder.
Surprised, Juvia locked eyes with Gray, and he tilted his head towards the table where his rival’s family was staying. She saw Nasha looking at Greige, and she looked at her husband and raised one of her eyebrows.
“Okay, Mommy understands,” she told Greige as she smiled at him and smoothed the band-aid on his elbow. “But promise me one thing, darling.”
Greige looked up at her and waited.
“Promise me that even though you’re a young man now, you won’t give Mommy a grandchild yet, okay? Mommy’s too young for that.”
Greige just continued looking at her, brows furrowed in confusion. Gray, on the other hand, almost choked on his udon and shouted, “Juvia!” at his giggling wife.
“Really, I can give Mommy a grandchild? How?” their son asked, excitement twinkling in his eyes.
Gray took a gulp of cold water before turning to his son. “Alright, that’s enough. Greige, don’t listen to your mom. And Juvia, stop putting ideas into your son’s head!”
Juvia covered her mouth with her hands. “Juvia’s sorry, Gray-sama. Juvia just thinks it’s so cute that Greige-kun already has a --”
A little girl’s voice interrupted them, and they all turned to look at Nasha, who had quietly made her way to their table. Gray stole a glance at his son and saw him giving the girl the tiniest of smiles.
Just like the smile he used to give Juvia when he was still fighting his growing feelings for her.
All of a sudden, the innocent-looking girl jumped on Greige and locked his head under her arm, a mischievous smile on her lips. “Aunt Juvia, Uncle Gray, can Greige and I get some ice cream?”
“Ow! Let go!” Greige exclaimed, suddenly finding himself in a headlock with a giggling Nasha. He escaped her grip and glared at her while his mom answered, “Of course, sweetie. Just don’t go far and don’t take too long.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Nasha excitedly answered, dragging a sulking Greige after her. “Come on, weirdo. Let’s get some ice cream!”
“But I just ate a snow cone!”
“Whatever, you’re coming with me!”
Gray followed the two kids with his eyes, watching them hold hands as they made their way to their Aunt Mirajane.
That was his son, alright. Before long, he would be all grown up and meeting Nashas from different worlds and seeing snow dolls of Nasha and having enemies conjure up fantasies of him and Nasha in a perfect, happy world and --
“Relax, Gray-sama,” he heard his wife say, bringing him back to Earthland. “It will be a long time before all your thoughts would come true.”
His wife’s Gray-sama radar probably got an upgrade as it apparently developed mindreading powers now. And since when did his mind start running off to fantasy world? After all these years, Juvia’s powerful imagination must have rubbed off on him somehow.
Gray stretched his sore muscles and popped the joints in his neck. “Don’t joke about grandkids again. It’s scary.” He placed his hand at his wife’s round belly. “‘Sides, we’re not yet done having kids.”
Juvia looked at him, the most beautiful smile gracing her face. “Juvia knows. Now, get naked.”
“N-now?” Gray stammered, surprised at his wife’s sudden request. Sure, he would love to try having more kids, but --
“-- so Juvia could examine you thoroughly for any wounds. And change your bandages,” she continued, eyes feigning innocence. But he could see a small smile tugging at her lips, satisfied with the little joke she pulled.
Gray rolled his eyes and took off his shirt. He let Juvia’s light fingers explore his body and carefully remove the old gauze wrapped around his broad chest. “It’s almost healed already,” he remarked.
Juvia just continued applying antiseptic on his injury, not looking up at Gray. His wound was by no means fresh, but it was a deep gash he got from one of his missions with Team Natsu. He threw himself in front of a kid to protect her from one of the bandits, which earned him a cut over his breastbone. Good thing Wendy was with them; it could have been fatal if she didn’t treat it right away.
“Still not totally healed. Gray-sama should keep the bandages clean to avoid infection.” She looked up at him and added, “And Gray-sama should be extra careful now that our family is growing.”
Despite her steady tone, he could see her eyes glimmering with unshed tears. He remembered the first time she saw his injury and how she tried to muffle her sobs so that Greige wouldn’t think something was wrong.
Gray wiped the tears that escaped her eyes and kissed her forehead tenderly. “I will. And no matter what, I will always come back home to you.”
Juvia nodded and gave him a small smile. She wrapped fresh bandages around his chest in silence.
“All done now, Gray-sama.” She patted her handiwork and started putting all the stuff back inside the first aid kit. When she was done, she stood up and was about to return the kit to Mira when Gray thought aloud, “How come she does it for Greige but not for me?”
Juvia turned to look at him. “Are you saying something, Gray-sama?”
Gray looked at her sheepishly while scratching his cheek. “Ah, nothing.”
“Juvia’s sure she heard something about doing it for Greige but not for you. What is it?”
Gray’s cheeks turned pink. “Well, it’s just that...” He puckered his lips towards her.
“Eh?” Juvia asked incredulously. “Juvia’s not sure she understands what Gray-sama’s talking about.”
Gray sighed and picked up his shirt. “Forget it. It’s silly.”
Juvia sat beside him again, thinking aloud to herself. “Hmm. What does Juvia do with Greige that she doesn’t do with Gray-sama?” After a few moments, her face lit up. “Aha! Does Gray-sama want Juvia to kiss his boo-boos too?”
Gray’s face flushed some more, but he couldn’t help the smirk from crawling on his face. “Well, you used to do it, right? I’m just curious how come you don’t do it anymore.”
It was now Juvia’s turn to blush. She put her hand over her mouth and said, “Is Juvia hearing this right? Gray-sama wants Juvia to kiss his body right in the middle of the guild?”
Realizing what she was saying, Gray suddenly burst out, “What? No! I was just asking!”
But it was too late. Juvia’s lips were already pressed onto a scar by his collarbone.
“Does this still hurt, Gray-sama?” She then moved lower to his chest where the bandage started, and kissed it softly. “How about here, hmm?”
Gray froze as Juvia’s lips traveled even lower, now kissing his hard abs covered by his bandages. He clenched his fist as he could feel something else hardening.
“Is Gray-sama feeling better now?” Juvia asked in a sultry voice, looking up at him with those beguiling eyes, a tiny smirk on her luscious lips as if challenging him.
Oh, she was definitely teasing him.
But why did she have to look this sexy?
Around them, he could hear some of their guildmates snickering and hollering.
“Get a room!”
“They’re being lovey-dovey again.”
“Give your wife what she wants, Gray!”
He was flustered alright, but he only knew of one way to turn the tables on his wife.
He grabbed her shoulders and straightened her so that they were at eye level with each other.
“You missed a spot right here,” he said, pointing to his lips. But before she could react, he angled his head and kissed her full on the mouth.
That will teach her, he thought.
Amid all the teasing, gagging noises, and catcalls, a little boy eating his ice cream a few tables away yelled, “Eww, Daddy and Mommy are being gross again!”
Happy Gruvia Family Day, loves! 😘
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
held against the window — lee hoseok/wonho
request: Could you write a smut of wonho being a secretary and the reader the ceo. OR they are both ceo's. Maybe fuck him against the window of the office building.
a/n: of course darling <33 hope you enjoy <3 gif is mine
disclaimer: that is this is just a fanfic so in actuality please discuss what you are and aren’t comfortable with beforehand with people and don’t just jump into stuff like this. aso please don’t involve other people (aka public sex) in your sex life. please read with caution.
word count: 2.5k
content: sub!wonho, dom!fem!reader, ceo!reader, tall!reader (i’m sorry but there’s literally only like one line and i’m doing this for me) ceo!wonho, fingering (m receiving), pegging, minor nipple play, minor dumbification, fucking him against a window,
summary: he’s a powerful ceo just like you are, but he’s just so sweet and docile and soft that you wonder if he’s even the same person.
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lee hoseok.
smart. calculated. muscular. dangerously attractive.
he’s an enigma, in a sense, to you. he’s rich, he’s insanely intelligent, he’s beyond adept at running his company, and he’s just so gorgeous that you wonder how he isn’t the cockiest asshole ever, but he’s also so kind and so sweet and so startlingly shy that it all just throws off everything about him.
“mr. lee is here, miss,” your assistant pops their head in through the door, “should i show him to your office?” you nod, murmuring a small “thank you” before you focus back on your laptop, finishing up typing before the door opens once more, and the man of the hour steps inside your office.
“hello,” you say.
“hello, good morning,” he smiles back, looking almost cute in the way he smiles, sitting in the chair opposite from yours at your desk, “thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me- can i call you y/n?”
“go ahead,” you tilt your head as you hear him talk, but you don’t honestly pay attention to what he’s saying, too lost in his eyes and the fact that his shirt is way more unbuttoned than seems appropriate when meeting another company’s ceo.
he keeps talking, but it’s becoming visible how out-of-it you are, especially when he tentatively waves a hand in front of your face to get your attention, “everything okay in there?” he jokes.
“yeah! yes, i’m fine, hoseok, please continue,”
“are you sure you want me to?” he asks, voice still soft but now it’s almost teasing in its softness, and it’s startling, flustering because obviously, you don’t. your mind is everywhere but this conversation, “i can- we can do something else if you’re not too interested in what i’m saying.”
“god, i’m so sorry, hoseok-”
“don’t be, it’s okay,” he murmurs, getting up out of his chair, “well, come on, come and get me,” he murmurs cheekily, and you cautiously step out of your chair, closing the distance enough to whisper and have him hear, “look, if i’m reading this wrong, then just let me know and i’ll apologize, leave, and probably never look you in the eye again if i’m being honest,” he giggles out of nervousness, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, “but, if i am reading this right, then kiss me.”
“you’re… demanding, you know,” you complain (not really) as you pull him in fully, touching his jaw gently with the tips of your fingers as you kiss. his lips are so soft and thick that you just can’t help but pull on his bottom lip with your teeth gently. he breathes out a soft and inconspicuous moan, exactly what you wanted, and his hands find your hips as he pulls you closer, and his every movement seems to drive you insane, “how are you so…?”
he tilts his head in confusion so cutely that it stirs a certain feeling inside of you, “so what?”
“so…,” you blank before the perfect word hits you, “perfect,” he huffs, but you continue, “genuinely, you’re just so enticing, you’re so beautiful,” your lips find his neck, gentle in the way you nibble at his neck, even as he squirms in your grasp, making you simply just hold him tighter against you, “you’re so docile and passive, it’s everything i want.”
his small, gasps and breathy moans keep you going, intent on dragging more out of him, “you- can people see us on the outside of that window??”
“if they look up, maybe, but we’re on a very high floor,” you respond between small bites on his neck, and as you become less and less gentle with him, he whimpers, “hoseok,” you whisper, “if you at all need or want to stop, just let me know, okay?”
“i- uhm, okay, i don’t want you to, though,” his hands hold your waist loosely, playing with the edges of your tucked-in shirt.
you chuckle endeared at his response. he’s so sweet (both in the way he tastes and the way he acts) it makes you wonder if this man was even real, “good, because i enjoyed that whimper much more than i should have,” he breathes heavier after hearing those words, so physically affected it’s like this man was created and molded to your exact tastes, “since you brought up the window, let’s give everyone a show, hm?”
“you- uh- what? what do you mean?”
“you know what i mean, baby,” you mumble, the pet name so sickeningly sweet off your tongue that he can’t help the way he succumbs to you, “i’m going to fuck you so hard against the window,” you pull him as you take cautious steps back towards the window until your back hits the window, “i’m going to make sure the whole city knows that the lee hoseok is just my little whore.”
you take the breath out of his lungs with every word past your lips and his knees go weak at your words. you flip over to hold him against the window, finally getting him where you want him.
“is that what you want, hoseok?” you ask, but you know the answer. he nods, biting his bottom lip anxiously, “you want everyone to see you like that? that’s so naughty,” you tease.
“i- oh god-“ he exclaims with a heavy breath as you flip him over, feeling upon his body even if his shirt is in the way, letting your hands wander a little lower to grope his ass. he bites his lips, but he can’t hold in his moans for very long.
“you feel perfect against me, baby, so perfect,” you wrap your hands around him to unbutton his shirt, “let’s get this off of you, hm?” he shyly helps you shrug the fabric off of him, “don’t bother with trying to not get fingerprints on the window, they’ll be a reminder of who touched it.”
your hands resume touching him, running against his skin, feeling up every perfectly built muscle on his torso, noticing how he went from overwhelmed and sensitive to teased and desperate so quickly, noticing how hard he’s gotten. aside from moans or soft curses, he’s quiet. you keep your eyes on his facial expressions, especially when your fingernails brush his nipples, “ah-!” he cries out.
“oh? that’s enough to get a cry out of you?” you smirk, seeing him become flustered at your taunting, “then you’re really in for it, baby. i’m gonna fuck you so hard you see stars, and if we break the window?” you lean in to really whisper to him, reaching down to start unbuckling his belt, throwing it off of him, “then good. i’ll be smiling while i pay for the repairs. now, strip all the way down.”
as he obeys, you do the same, throwing off all your clothes and making an absolute mess of your office. you search through one of your drawers, “ah, there it is,” you say, grabbing a couple more things and setting them on your desk before returning to hoseok, now naked and trying to cover himself as he stands a little bit away from the window, “baby, if you’re uncomfortable with any of this, i need you to tell me,” you say you press kisses to his shoulder to soothe him a bit.
“no, no i’m okay! this is really hot, actually, i’m just-” he’s more nervous as you guide him towards the window again, and he puts him hands up against it just like before, “i’m just getting shy.”
“it’s cute, hoseok, i like it when you’re shy,” your hands massages his skin, specifically at his hip as a way to keep him in place and also comfort him, “but if that shyness becomes discomfort, tell me.”
“i- okay,” he nods, and your hands once again find his ass, and he whines just like he did before.
“you have such a nice ass, you know,” you murmur absentmindedly as you squeeze, “i mean, the rest of you is perfect too, god i just can’t take my eyes off of you.”
“i- i want to touch you too,” he whispers, “i just- you’re giving me all the attention, and you’re so pretty yourself that i just- i want to make you feel good too.”
“maybe later, hoseok,” the way your lips say his name is like a venom and he loves it, it’s all he wants to hear, “for now, just let me have you.”
“oh-okay,” he stutters, giving in so sweetly, “i’m yours, y/n, yours.”
“you’re adorable,” you coo, pressing a kiss to his shoulder again before your wet and cold fingers press against his hole. he’s not even sure he saw you put lube on them but he’s startled when he feels the touch. even still, he lets you push your fingers in to the first knuckle, keeping them still for a moment before making slow circles.
“you can- you know,” he mumbles, and you laugh at his shyness before pushing your fingers in more, watching the strain on his face with a subtle sense of pleasure, he’s just so cute like this. he groans, “oh my god, you- oh, fuck- your fingers feel so-”
“and these are just my fingers, hoseok. imagine how wrecked and fucked out you’ll be with my strap on even deeper in your ass,” you press a kiss just below his ear, taunting him with your words slightly, “i doubt you’ll even be able to stand, but i’ll keep you held up against this window so you don’t have to worry that the people down there don’t get to see how slutty you are.”
he moans with a cry as your fingers brush that spot, and his eyes shut as his cheeks go red with embarrassment.
“did that feel good?” you ask, rubbing your fingers over the spot to try and drag that same reaction out of him, and he’s just a beautiful sight. he’s trying to catch his breath, he’s failing to catch his breath. his eyes roll back as his head falls back against your shoulder, “aw, can you not handle the pleasure? it’s just my fingers, seok. you’re going to need to prepare yourself if you’re getting this messed up over just my fingers.”
“i want- i want more than just your-“ he breathes, his voice so dry and airy that it makes him sound so much more desperate, “please fuck me.”
“sure thing, doll,” you kiss the side of his neck (making him flinch at the now sensitive skin from all your bites. he’s pretty sure you left some bruises) your fingers leaving him makes him whine, but feeling the cool touch of the strap on against his ass reminds him that this wasn’t over; it hadn’t even begun. you push it in slightly, seeing the overwhelmed look
on his face almost makes you hesitate, but you get it fully inside of him before you wait to continue, keeping him still against you while he adjusts, you say, “it’s so fun to think about how someone as powerful and influential as you is, in reality, just a cute little hole for my strap,” he jaw is slacked and his eyes are shut, like he’s not even mentally present at all, “you just look so cute and dumb, it makes me want to lose all control and fuck you until you break.”
“please. please, fuck me- fuck- until i break,” he whines, even pushing back against your strap slightly, and that’s your queue to let go of that caution you’ve been holding, and just go for it. you almost pull out completely just to push back in entirely and harshly, and he cries out.
“you’re really in for it, baby,” you say as you rock your hips back and forth, finding a comfortable pace for yourself that is still intense and overwhelming for him, making sure to hit it deep, holding him close by his waist and pushing harshly, “now, don’t be shy, moan for me.”
he does, crying out moans so beautiful you’d think he has the voice of an angel. he keeps his arms against the window, above his head, and he looks down at all the people. he thinks about what they’d think if they looked up and saw him like this? would they recognize him? why did the though of being caught like this both horrify him and excite him like no other?
but all those thoughts fade away as he gets more and more worked up, only really focused on how good he feels and how he wants to feel even better, “you look so pretty and docile like this, hoseok, but you know, i bet you look even better when you’re cumming,” your hand reaches down to give some attention to his cock, and he moans even louder, even more, “i can’t wait for you to completely fall apart.”
“i- oh, fuck, fuck, god-” he stammers, getting closer, so startled by how easy he was to get this close, this fucked up, but your hand works his cock so good and you fuck him so good that he can’t help that all the stimulation is becoming too much, and he’s getting closer to the edge, “fuck, i’m gonna cum, please-”
“cum, hoseok. show me just how much of a whore for me you are,” you mumble in response, and that’s enough to push him over the edge. he arches his back, his head thrown back like before, and he cries out a loud moan as you continue to fuck him through his orgasm, keeping pace until he starts to whine instead of moan, and that’s your queue to slow down and pull out, holding him up because he might not be physically strong enough to stand if you didn’t.
“t-thank you, that was- that was amazing,” he breathes heavily as you turn him around gently, keeping him up as he catches his breath, “let me return the favor now, please.”
he seems okay enough for you to let go now, and you move to sit on your chair instead, “i mean, if you would like to eat me out until your jaw is sore, then by all means, baby: enjoy your meal.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @rosiethefairy @domreaderrecs and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Poker Face
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader thought she could get away with speaking her desires out loud as long as they were in a different language. Turns out, someone could understand her.
A/N: Hey guys! This is my fourth fic for my 1250 follower celebration!! I got this request from @imagining-in-the-margins and if you want to see the original request go checkout my follower celebration Masterlist! I do not speak Russian, nor do I know someone who does so I made everything in italics as if they were speaking in Russian! Hope y’all enjoy reading and requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Public sex (who’s surprised lmao), Reader is very unprofessional and probably should be fired lmao, Dom Spencer with hints of Sub Spencer in the future (dont worry all my Sub Spencer lovers I’ve got more coming for that soon!), Nickname use: Princess, Unprotected sex, Fingering, Oral sex (M receiving),Creampie
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
Words in italics are in Russian
There was no harm in voicing my thoughts I thought to myself, in a different language, Russian specifically. Especially since the only one that could understand me wasn’t near me at the moment nor would she probably bat an eye at a slightly risqué remark. Emily was snuggled up at the other end of the jet, her headphones in both of her ears. They would plug up any sound around her preventing her from translating the lusty thought that sat on my lips.
If I said my thoughts in Russian, no one would be able to catch how much I wanted Spencer’s fingers inside me. They were long, obviously dexterous- I knew they’d be able to reach places inside me that I couldn’t reach myself. I couldn’t say these thoughts out loud, in English at least,
I didn’t want Spencer to ever know. But, I wanted to get the thoughts swirling in my head off my chest, the only way to do that without embarrassment was to say it in a way that no one here would be able to understand.
As Spencer shuffled with ease and delt the cards out with his dexterous fingers my lusty thoughts were too pressing for my lips to be able to contain. So I spoke quickly with my voice slightly lowered, maybe Spencer and the people around me would miss my transition into a different language, “I wished you would use those fingers on me instead, preferably inside of me.”
Spencer blinked back at me, obviously confused by my words.
“Sorry, just spaced out for a second, didn’t realize I had switched to Russian.” I giggled out, mostly because I was amazed that I had gotten away with it. I moved on quickly not wanting to linger on my ‘slip up’ any longer, plus I finally wanted to try and play against Spencer in a poker game, “Let’s see if your poker face is as good as everyone says it is, Spencer.”
“Please, fuck me?” Over the course of my daring adventures I had become increasingly louder with my declarations. Last week I had commented about how much I wanted his cock in my mouth, of course in Russian and the week before that I had made my initial comment about how much I wanted his fingers inside me.
This one happened to be the loudest out of the three little sentences that seemed like innocent slips into another language to everyone else, but to me and only to me I was voicing my desires. Each time I did it a little rush of adrenaline sparked through me, no one besides Emily would be able to translate, who wasn’t with me in the file room. It was only Spencer and I in here right now, the rest of the team had gone home for the night.
“Maybe we shouldn’t do that at the office, but if you asked me again somewhere else I’d do it.” He answered me back and in perfect Russian as well.
My entire being withered in embarrassment as soon as I had translated Spencer’s words, he understood me. He had understood all of what I had said, every last word. I should’ve remembered that he spoke Russian, we had a case where he spent the whole time translating, I couldn’t believe how idiotic I had been. I wanted the earth to swallow me up in that moment, just so I could escape Spencer’s piercing gaze. I couldn’t tell from his words or the look on his face what exactly he was feeling about my words, some profiler I was. He didn’t seem angry at least, maybe a bit bemused?
I shrank back a little more over fear if he was making fun of me or not. If I hadn’t been feeling so mortified I would’ve realized that Spencer wasn’t one to make fun of anyone, hindsight is 20/20 after all.
“Your poker face is spot on.” Was the only measly response that I could find myself to come up with, in an attempt to cover my embarrassment if only a little bit. A bunch of apologies also felt like they were crawling up my throat. I was absolutely mortified that I had been caught red handed, it was beyond unprofessional- I don’t think there was even a word for it. I had crossed the line so far I might as well have leaped over it, forgetting that it had ever existed.
“Well- I am from Vegas and before you start apologizing, you don’t need to. I liked it.”
Silence fell between us again after his smart remark. It was like we were sizing each other up, deciding what to do.
“You know- there’s no one here tonight, everyone’s gone home…” My confidence seemingly had come back after being knocked down a few pegs. I tapped my fingers absentmindedly on the large desk in the file room, my mind wandering to think about what it would be like if he bent me over it.
“That’s true.” A smirk was on his face now, one that I didn’t see often from him. I felt like I was going to be ensnared by him as soon as I took the time to blink.
Sure enough in a flash he had brought me into a bruising kiss that I got swallowed up by so fast there was no chance for me to try and win back any dominance.
In no time he had me bent over the table, my face pressed into the cool silver metal with my back arching up trying to reach his touch in any way I could. He gripped the waistband of my skirt roughly, but did not pull it down right away. He pulled my skirt down ever so slowly that by the time it reached the floor I impatiently wiggled to step out of it.
“You’re impatient.” He stated simply. I couldn’t deny it because of how true it was, all he’d have to do was pull my black lace panties off to see how wet I had become.
Instead I decided to lean in on how needy and impatient I was by whining out, “Spencerrr, please?”
“What do you want? Is it the same thing you said to me on the plane?” He pressed a kiss to my hip as he pulled down my panties just as slowly as he had done with my skirt, making me squirm again. Once I was bare from the waist down before him he paused for a moment to look at me; I withered a little under his gaze. I whined again when he carefully took his long fingers to just slightly part my folds before speaking again, “Tell me.”
I hesitated a little for a moment trying to focus to remember exactly what I had said on the plane. When I had collected my thoughts I whispered out in Russian, much more shaky than I had said on the plane, “I wished you would use those fingers on me instead, preferably inside of me.”
He was seemingly satisfied by my breathless reply, immediately beginning to work me up to orgasm. As he started to work his fingers inside of me he pressed his other hand down on the small of my back, a silent warning to not move.
I contemplated disobeying him, but when two of his fingers curled inside me to perfectly hit my g-spot it felt too good to lose.
“You gonna cum so quick for me, princess?” I got even wetter when he said princess like that, in Russian made me get even wetter than I already was. I was practically dripping down my thighs- and Spencer’s fingers.
“Yes! I’m gonna cum soon!” I gasped out and tried in vain to wriggle my hips to gain more friction, his hand on my back however was unyielding.
“Ask nicely and I might let you.”
“Please?!” I even asked it in Russian to make the plea possibly better in Spencer’s eyes. He didn’t respond right away, only picking up his pace faster. I tried to hold off my orgasm as best as I could, but I wasn’t sure how much longer I was going to be able to hold it. “Please, sir?”
“Alright, since you asked so nicely. You can cum, princess.”
I gave up the fight of holding off my orgasm, it immediately washed over me. My legs shook with the force of how hard and fast my orgasm shot through me, causing me to cry out as well.
Once I had come down from my high I slid off the table and down to my knees to repeat what I had said while at the round table a week ago “I want your cock in my mouth.”
He looked at me with wild eyes and obliged me, letting his cock free from his slacks. My mouth watered at the sight of him, his tip was bright red and dripping with precum. He had obviously not been the only one to be turned on.
As I grasped him in my hands and jerked him slowly I relished in the way he felt in my hand. He felt hot and heavy, I couldn’t wait to take him into my mouth.
I wrapped my lips around his tip, sucking lightly. Spencer’s head tipped backwards, his hands curled into fists as if he was trying to prevent himself from grabbing my hair to fuck my face. Little did he know that was exactly what I wanted.
When I guided one of his hands to the back of my hair to reassure him that I didn’t mind if he took control that way he almost let out a groan, but successfully stifled it by biting into his other fist. He then fisted my hair harder, wrapping his hand around so tight that tears prickled a bit in my eyes. It wasn’t a bad feeling at all, I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed it even more when he started to use his hand to guide my head up and down. He set the pace to the one he desired. It wasn’t too fast or hard, it was actually quite slow. He dragged out each of my movements and when my nose nuzzled at the base of his cock he had me stay there for a moment each time. Each time I gagged a little on him he let out an almost whine, it made me wonder whether or not he’d look good underneath me as well. Though I was thoroughly content with being underneath him at this time.
Even though I had already had one orgasm the tingling between my thighs was not satiated, looking up at Spencer’s blissed out face only served to make me even more turned on.
“Stop.” I blinked up at him like he had done so at me on the jet, confused. I pulled off of his cock, a slight pop echoed in the air. He then lifted me up onto the table with my legs wrapped around his waist before I could ask him why he wanted for me to stop.
“Now what was that last thing you said to me? I want you to ask me again. ” His cock was running up and down my folds teasing me. My head fell back and I moaned when he bumped my clit.
“Please, fuck me?” My breathless voice sounded wrecked already.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” As he slid into me my eyes rolled back into my head as he slid into me. His pace was faster this time than what he had done while fucking my face. I was squirming with overstimulation and my orgasm was going to come ridiculously fast. Spencer could sense it too and brought his hand down to my clit to bring me over my peak even faster.
“You can cum again, princess.” My second orgasm was much longer than my first. It sparked through me slowly, almost in waves that felt like they had multiple peaks.
He too, was not that far behind me. When he tried to pull out to probably cum all over the tops of my thighs I kept him locked in place with my legs around my waist and asked, “Cum inside me?”
He obliged me with a groan pumping into me a few more times before spilling inside me. We were both slick with sweat, making me wish for a shower. As soon as I got cleaned up that would be the first thing I’d be doing when I bolted home. Maybe I could bring Spencer along for another round, I could hear him speak Russian to me all day.
“I’ll go get something to clean you up.” He spoke softly as if he was afraid I’d break, you’d think after the way he had fucked me that he’d realized I was not so breakable. I’d have to fix that later. As I sat there with his cum dribbling down my thighs waiting for him to return , mixing with my own I knew that I’d never underestimate Spencer’s poker face again.
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom Spencer:
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rebeccccccaaa · 4 years
🅁🄴🅀🅄🄴🅂🅃: (ANON) hi! can you do a bucky x reader where they’re at a gala and the team has a mini after party (like AoU) and they’re playing cards against humanity or something dumb like that and bucky can’t keep his hands off of Y/n? maybe a lil smut if you’re up for it hehe. you’re the best !
🅆🄰🅁🄽🄸🄽🄶🅂: Smut 18+ (duh lol), Bathroom sex, horny Bucky, slight dacryphilia, Cw: light asphyxiation (in case anyone gets triggered here’s a small content warning) 
🄰🅄🅃🄷🄾🅁'🅂 🄽🄾🅃🄴: dude I looove this omgg thanks for the request babes ;)
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“Alright, alright! Settle down, guys,” Nat shouted over the laughter.
“Ok next card. ‘Blank’: kid-tested, mother-approved,” she read off a black card.
“Which one, babe?” You and Bucky were a team; you sat on his lap insisted by the man himself.
“That one,” he pointed to the card you also had your eye on. You placed in the pile face down and waited for the other who snickered and giggled under their breaths believing they had the funniest card.
“Ok ready?”
“Whoo!” everyone cheered.
“Ok, we have Dead parents: kid-tested, mother-approved; oh my god,” Nat laughed, as did others.
“This groovy new thing called LSD: kid-tested, mother-approved,” everyone laughed out loud with that one.
“A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis: kid-tested, mother-approved!” 
“Water: kid-tested, mother-approved.” 
“That one’s boring!” Sam shouted.
“Hey, be nice; that might be Steve’s. He still doesn’t understand the game,” you joked, making Steve rolling his eyes; it was in fact his card.
“And lastly, My inner demons: kid-tested, mother-approved, I just know this one’s Tony’s,” Nat read off the last card, making Tony get really defensive because it was his. 
“Hmm, this is a good one,” she thought. 
“I think I’m gonna go with the LSD,” Nat said, making you and Bucky cheer.
“Awe man, you guys are good,” Sam threw his cards. 
“Alright! I’m dealing now,” you said grabbing the deck of white cards. While you distributed the white cards again to the rest of the players, Bucky couldn’t keep his hands off you. Having you sit on his lap let him get away with a lot of things you two should be doing in private.
Ever since you two had gotten together, he was absolutely addicted to you. He wasn’t a sex addict, especially before your relationship; he hardly ever gotten intamite before. But with you he needed you in some way almost everyday. he addicted to you.
When you two had sex for the first time, Bucky couldn’t stop cuddling you afterwards. You tried to shower and Bucky followed you in and washed your body for you. You went to put some clothes but he just pulled you in bed, kissing your neck with arms wrapped around you tightly. 
Since then he practically couldn’t keep his hands off you. This had been the most sexually active you’d ever been in a relationship. And you didn’t mind too much if you were being honest. He was insatiable and you were more than willing to feed his desperate appetite; it made you feel desired.
“Get a room you two,” Tony mocked.
“I would if my girl didn’t keep insisting on playing with you buffoons,” Bucky growled.
“Baby, be nice,” you warned. 
You pulled a black card and hesitantly everyone put a white card in a pile for you to read. These particular answers got really dark and really funny to the point where you were squirming in Bucky’s lap but he too was laughing so hard.
“Oh my god! You guys I have pee,” you squealed.
“I’m gonna run to the bathroom,” you jumped from Bucky’s lap.
You made your way to the guest bathroom since it was the closest. When you finished washing your hands but in between that you heard the door open ever so quietly, but your instincts alerted you. 
You turned to the small halfway that led into the stall and waited for what could possibly be Wanda or Nat. You waited longer than you’d accept and ultimately turned back the mirror immediately startled by a large figure standing beside you. 
“Bucky!” you shrieked.
“Sorry, doll,” he gave you a toothy grin. 
“What are you doing in the ladies’ room?” you turned to face him fully.
“Got a couple minutes? They won’t suspect a thing,” bucky leaned down to kiss your neck.
“Are you serious?” you laughed.
“Come on, baby. Please,” BUcky’s hips pressed into yours and you could feel his hard cock poking through his pants. 
“Bucky, you’re addicted.”
“With an ass like that, how can resist. You’re perfect,” Bucky said cheekily.
He held your jaw and kissed you quite messily, urgency not forgotten. Your hands snaked up to curl into his long beautiful locks. He spun you around and your hands hit the mirror in front of you. 
Your hips dug into the marble counter of the bathroom as Bucky’s hands trailed up and under your shirt; rubbing your bare skin. He quickly unzipped his pants pulling and stroking his cock.
“Can’t fucking stay away from you, babygirl,” Bucky moaned in your ear. 
He pulled your pants down along with your panties and used his metal fingers to rub against your pussy, moving around the wetness that is coming out of you quickly. 
“Bucky please,” you whined.
“What baby? What is it?” he cooed.
“Bucky, fuck me,” you whimpered, moving your hips back to grind against his cock.
“You got it, my love,” he whispered.
 Bucky thrusted hard into you making your body repel forward. You were sure there’d be bruises from the hard marble table digging into your hips. You looked in the mirror to see Bucky’s stern expression as he thrusted in and out of you relentlessly.
You tried to moan quietly but the pleasure building up inside was getting overwhelming. Bucky moved his arm to cover your mouth and pulled against his chest.
Your breathing became heavy, going in and out through your nose sharply trying to keep your moans muffled behind Bucky’s hand. Bucky kept his eye trained on you still bucking his hips repeatedly. 
“Fuck, doll. You always feel so warm wrapped around my cock. I can never get enough of this perfect little pussy; squeezing me all tight and shit, god, I’m gonna cum,” Bucky moaned.
With your mouth covered, all you could do was whimper and moan as best as you could. Your eyes filled with tears of pleasure and spilled down your face beautifully. Bucky almost came from the sight of you crying in pleasure alone; but he kept his composure, not for long of course.
“You gonna cum? I can feel you squeezing me,” Bucky slid his hand down your front to rub your clit and your entire body jerked against him, making Bucky chuckled mockingly. 
You orgasmed violently against Bucky and he too reached his climax biting your shoulder to muffle his own loud moans and grunts. You leaned forward to catch yourself after Bucky released his firm hold on you.
“Fuck that was hot. Seeing you cry like that. Did I hurt you?” Bucky asked gently, helping you clean up. 
“No that was awesome!” you giggled. 
“What if someone came in?” you said once you felt decent.
“Just adds to the fun,” Bucky smirked.
“You’re crazy,” you pushed him lightly. 
You two went back to the group hearing laughter from still playing the insanely hilarious card game.
“Finally you two! What’s the point in calling it a quickie if you guys are gonna take twenty minutes,” Nat mocked.
“Was it really that long?” you asked, shocked; no shame in trying to pretend like you both leaving after Bucky’s hands were all over was a ‘coincident’.
“Yeah kinda,” Tony spoke up.
“Damn, we’ll have to practice,” Bucky smacked your ass, making you roll your eyes.
“Damn, Buck you’re addicted to her,” Nat chuckled.
“Of course I am, look at her,” Bucky flaunted you, making you feel slightly shy under the attention. 
“Come on guys let’s keep playing!” Wanda shouted, clearly tipsy.
You sat down next to Nat and Bucky sat at your side still holding your waist lovingly.
“You know,” Nat whispered to you, “As much of a sex addict you turned him into, he’s so in love with you. Head over his fucking heels, babe.”
“I know, and I love him too,” you smiled looking at Bucky.
if you want to be added for all my upcoming works and series or just one specific person send me an ask!! or message me! 🥰
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