#was the first time id heard that made me a little insane!!!
genreawareness · 2 years
compilation of every time austin pulls a reference that makes my mouth drop open
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To everyone freaking out over NM S2 premiering a wee bit later than expected. The amount of time/effort R&F put into this is colossal. They constantly and consistently pull 60-70 hour weeks. Week after week with no break, upwards of a year and longer, to the point they flirt with burnout like Leo/nore flirts with Annabel. That to me is the exact opposite of lazy. Over the last year, I and others have witnessed this mind-blowing work ethic first hand. Its insane the amount of work they put in. Often eps are well over the minimum panel amount, they don't have to do 10-20 panels more than the minimum, but they do it as they want to tell a good story with each episode ending where it feels natural. The next thing: Nobody is entitled to any creator's time, or gets to dictate how they spend their personal time off. A hiatus is merely an opportunity to create buffer. R&F are under no obligation to use it that way. It is their choice to. It is also a time for them to regroup, recover from fatigue -- as any artist or writer knows headspace is important to the creative process -- attend to the shop, catch up on any admin that needs doing, and a litany of other things that people need to do to go about their daily lives. This break -- because lets call it what it is, if this were a normal 8-6 we'd call it UPTO -- is for them to take time to themselves, same as any other job. If they want to play Star Dew Valley to relax or decompress or ruminate on an idea, who the heck are we to deny them that? They're two human beings, not machines.
Thirdly: Please consider: There is so much more that goes on behind the scenes of a comic of this calibre that we as readers don't see. (Think of an iceberg, how they are so much bigger than the tip that pokes above the ocean's surface.) R&F don't just make it up on the spot. There's script writing, planning, research, editing, more planning, rough storyboarding, more research, tests, and probably a heck of a lot more pre-production stuff than I can even guess at before sketching can even be considered commencing. We don't know their creative process, nor are we entitled to demand an explanation of their process, or that they use their personal time differently. (Personally, I listen to music and walk but what is one person's jam, might not be another's.) Nevermore S2 premiering a little later than expected is not some big drama its being made out to be. Its perfectly normal. I cant count the amount of times I've heard some comic/ book/tv series/movie has been delayed for whatever reason. (I've been waiting seven years for one book I won't mention here, as an example.) I don't know about you, but I know Id much prefer to read something that has been well thought out, with attention to fine detail applied to it than something rushed and shoddy. Give them grace to cook! I know we might be a wee bit disappointed, especially when we're so eager to find out what potential horrors might befall characters we've grown to know and love on the eve of one heck of a tantalising cliff hanger, but I ask that you all show a little patience and, more importantly, understanding.
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ms0milk · 17 days
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✧ forget-me-nots ✧
trying to pass on some of the appreciation I receive here because it's crazy to break the 4th wall for a second and really internalize how this community is driven by creativity and mutual loving. here's a list in random order of my most dear to me loves + a few nonmutuals whose work i think of often, and the pieces that remind me most of them
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when they come for you in the night (thorfinn x reader) | @gardenofnoah
the depth of dive i had to take through your blog to find this is just.. the moment i hit "when you’ve known nothing but cruelty, kindness would surely be terrifying" it was game over. thorfinn came so so to life and this was such a stunnning introduction to your style. youve written so much now and i find myself always totally stunned! but i still always think of this one first. (i give it all to you also spills out of my brain sometimes while im trying to go about the world and was a close contender + this bkg x feral creature little piece of wonderful)
you. that's what happened, you (maki x reader) | @neiptune
you already know, i would be a godless liar if said i didn't think about this weekly; the maki rizz is heretofore unmatched, this piece went above and beyond all req expectations, “hold my hand, they’ll think something’s wrong if you don’t” will be the epitaph on my tombstone. you have the power to make me love all those boys ive never even thought about, and when it was time to write for my actual wife you cracked your knuckles and made sure id never be satisfied by another! (aint that the worst thing you ever heard also reminds me of you sm, eren aot of all people)
unsubtle pro shinsou drabble | @moonbeamwritings
i can feel the heat of shinsou's crush through both our screens it is just perfection!!! what a dweeb. love to send this to myself so its easy to find and reread on the regular
To Shape a Home (bkg x reader) | @kweenkatsuki-fics
not only do the stardew vibes shine through every corner, this fic was carved out with such care it makes the relationship + bkg's growth all the more precious! "yer nothin’ to go nuts over." was an insane introduction and the two of them only got better and better and sweeter and stickier with time (ao3 tagged bc i cant find your beautiful masterlist marquie sosrrrrry)
bittersweet (vash x reader) | @heich0e
i remember exactly where i was when i read this for the first time and I remember how excited I was to find a vash fic after so long loving trigun! i didn't even know the new series had been released yet! this was agonizing, such a soft characterization for both, and the desert was so palpable-- the setting really added so much spice to an already seasoned piece
hanafuda (tanjiro x reader) | @cherryblossomsenpai
way way back in 2022 this was one of the first tanjiro pieces i ever read that really made a romantic argument for him. love his exhaustion, exasperation, fear and relief all wrapped up in one hug "The rest of his lecture is indecipherable," bc he's just crying so hard! total sweetheart, so in character
kirishima drunk girl wrangler | @mechamedusa
dusa🫱🏻‍🫲🏼kirishima ofc your kiri thoughts are unmatched and this one is so quintessential, when i think of him i think of you. he is so wrangler shaped! the perfect boyfriend, your mind is a treasure trove
wedding vows (hashira x reader) | @meowzfordayz
to my very first friend <3 you'd think the piece i associate most with you would be one of giyuus and you write so so impressively much it was hard to decide, but this hashira drabble wrung me by the neck when I first read it, and it still crushes me that your kyojuro isn't a real man i can go outside and hunt for sport. "I have an energy bar in my suit pocket — just in case." a snack for his partner at their own wedding put me down, love your mind always
sleepy rengoku drabble | @vampcubus
my femdom queen! why was it so hard for me to remember which character this was written for? reader's rizz blinded me, thank you for introducing me to dom!reader works bc now every sexy hc i have is filtered through the puppysub filter to make all those big strong boys tastefully more submissive
anything to do with anika~ | @ltadoriyuujl
love your oc, she's such a caring nuclear bomb! loved reading your wonderful chara exploration piece and being able to write for her myself! what a trust fall
the only exception (yuuji x reader) | @touyangel
yuuji is such a boyscout at the end of the world, even in total tragedy he is kind and calm and caring. thinking about "If he wasn’t teaching you how to decapitate something that used to be human, it might have been romantic." this one hurts so so good and very easily convinced me love on him. even with all the choso pieces of yours I adore, this yuuji piece reminds me most of you (this sick choso drabble is a close second!)
menthol (aki x reader) | @cyancherub
the smut hall of fame all time champion on my knees on the floor kicking my feet and smiling, love the characterization in this piece! car guy/childhood friend/overprotective/smoke sess/ so intimate and perfectly filthy. a tried and true classic, this is a blessing
fill my little world right up (aizawa x reader) | @shibaraki
the fic of all time yeah, WHAT a way to be introduced to your writing and what a privilege! this piece is just a beating heart, every action and character introduction felt like a memory, the love was so palpable. reread this one all the time, can't believe it's free, want to bind a copy for my bookshelf
cor unum (sukuna x reader) | @vampyrsm
this was the first writing i ever saw from you and in an effort of solidarity (im finishing a longform fic as well and holy fuck) i've very recently started reading and can already tell how much care you had for this world and its characters. the dedication to setting and history is so cool and rare in reader fics, can't believe you're letting us read all this for free! what a tome, seriously looking forward to it (and this bkg thought abt crowded places! mmm)
i love you more than being seventeen (nanami x reader) | @strawberrystepmom
this fucking guy oh my god, this fic almost put me in the hospital, so so glad you reposted. "hey. I love you." OOhhhHHGoowwAWAWAAAA this is such a timeless character piece-- nanami running away from this word he hates, job he hates, girl he loves, and coming back to it all knowing he'll die and knowing its worth it. i get chills
strawberry stars on my lips (bkg x reader) | @willowser
breaking the rules of speed dating is insanely romantic, probably the most romantic thing someone has ever thought of and this is the piece i think of when i think of your blog. bkg is simultaneously so constipated and so vulnerable i almost feel like i have to cover my eyes for him and it is sugary sweet in the best way. happy hiatus!
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lynn-tged-posting · 12 days
tged webtoon ep 159 spoilers and thoughts below the cut yep just the usual
JAVIERS FACE LMFAO "wow. these people are so weird. thank god im the only normal person here" jesus christ this entire estate is insane /aff
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also i think im required to inform that i sent this panel to some of my irls because they're also civil engineers, and i asked if they recognized any of this and they said "oh god yeah"
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so we can pleasantly confirm that the adaptor/artist are still referencing real civil engineering stuff!
while we're still here at the start of the ep/my thoughts i do wanna say, the whole "ugly" gag is getting. a little too well worn
it is really well drawn! the artist is very skilled at drawing exaggerated expressions and its always fun to see, but i think this is like the third or fourth time now that this has been used, and i think my brain is just tired of the repeated schtick. i dont hate it, but the funny has moved on for me
i really hope that in this next arc we see a return of a devilish or conniving lloyd, rather than silly "ugly" expressions; its funny when he looks stupid but id like a better balance, which means i want more instances of him looking cool and smart as hell!!!
of course these words will. probably fall on deaf ears its not like i can message the artist/adaptor directly lmfao but yknow its the thought that counts i guess. actually i might be using that phrase wrong not sure
ANYWAY ANYWAY verkis looks so pretty here,, i like that he confirmed lloyds intentions w the jewel of truth . truly a man who wants to do Nothing thats so real of him me too bud
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IT MAKES SENSE THAT LLOYD PUSHING HIS MANACIRCLES TO THE LIMIT WOULD BE THE LAST PUSH HE NEEDS TO BECOME A HIGH LEVEL SWORD EXPERT and now hes suffering the consequence of not dealing with this earlier </3 get overstim'd idiot shouldve taken a break before this happened bozo!!! /j
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i really really REALLY love how the text and the effects were drawn in these panels and the following ones (thats three reallys!!!)!! the visual echo and then the sudden sharp jaggedness, it really shows how much OUCH and impact it has and i really really love it YEAHHHH PUT LLOYD THROUGH THE WRINGER YEAHHH YEAHHH
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no seriously wow he's so pretty ALSO THE FUCKING. HAND POSE IM CRYING
also its really really fluffy nice that javier helped lloyd with getting used to his senses! though they couldnt really do anything abt his insomnia
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i had heard that some really cute moments got cut from the novel in this little timeskip here which is like awww i wish we got to see it like, that short bit with the "ugly" gag could have been replaced with the moments from the novel and itd still fit the episode length! at least i think
(like i was told that lloyd gets called "good boy" by javier. like. WHAT. WHAT. GOOD BOY??? GOOD BOY??? AND THAT GOT CUT?????? GOOD BOY!?!?!?!? i told my irls abt this and we collectively had a stroke i wish it made it in bc javiers face when saying that and lloyds reaction wouldve been PRICELESSSS)
oh but also back to talking about javier helping lloyd out, i think its really really cute,,, i know its not explicitly said or shown but i want to think that javier is able to repay the lullaby in a sense by doing this. i really like that javier not only depends on lloyd, but lloyd depends on javier too, and they can rely on each other. thinking about that makes my heart warm and my feet kick and then i start giggling like a maniac
anyway few month timeskip and lloyd u look tired as hell im so sorry buddy
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though honestly i really like how he looks in this panel for some reason HAHAHAHA idk him just looking grumpy and tired is fun bc u dont really see it that often u usually see him being silly or evil more so this is a nice panel to have heehee
disgruntled tired sleep deprived engineer now aint that the realest STEM experience ever,,, shaking ur hand lloyd i get u i understand
AND THEN THE END OF THE EP HI RAPHAEL the angel arc!! i guess!! idk the names of these arcs
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i wonder how he'll try to enforce this,,, and i wonder how lloyd will get out of it,,, like did tkobai ever go over the angels and what they do? does lloyd know about them?
i did see pics of what he looks like from the novel and we were SO robbed of very pretty long wavy hair, it seems the artist just chopped it all off,,, uueueueueuee
i posted abt this on twitter already but my singular cope is that we actually just havent seen the rest of his hair and its just in a ponytail and its like really really thin and we'll see the rest of his hair soon trust <- copium pumping
and a bonus little illustration, happy chuseok!!!
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thats all from me!!!!!!! IM REALLY EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS ANGEL ARC GOES and whether or not lupellan and wrot,,,, whatever his name was are going to interfere also,,, triple clash!!! also if he'll ever overcome his insomnia,,,
see yall next week :3
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littleeggrock · 11 months
Dirty Little Animals by Bones UK (from the Arcane soundtrack) is so first couple days feral BOLAS?! To me. Explanation under the cut for anyone interested lol
Like the first verse? "Taste what fell from grace"? They weren't exactly high and mighty on the first island, but they sure had it better there than in literal purgatory.
"You wanna mess around they're gonna take you down down down" - The other teams took this somewhat seriously, but by the end of the first day Bolas was completely broke and decided to go with the rp route, go completely insane, and somehow are still winning, despite all the hangups and deaths they had.
"such a lovely way to burn burn burn" - at the end of the first day there was a solid five minutes of people throwing themselves into the campfire to amass a large pile of bodies
"I've never felt like this before, think I might just want some more" - the amount of all the trauma and just general vibes given off by these specific people was enough to allow bolas to go over the edge and go crazy, alone they've all got their respective RP things going but together the energy bounces off each other as they constantly enable the ones around them, allowing for them to go well and truly insane after Bad provided a catalyst
"the kind of wrong that make you feel right" - so many of the characters on this team are considered morally grey, really none besides Phil and maybe carre have any sort of moral standing, and even then it's debatable, Jaidens close but she's also very easily manipulated as we see with cucurucho, she has good intentions most of the time but she doesn't have them because they are good, she has them because she doesn't want the people close to her getting hurt
"the little death that makes you feel alive" -jaidens complete disregard for her life on day four, willing to die upwards of 30 times (she died ninety four times total but also died from the gas a lot so im not sure how much was spawn camping, figured id play it safe) to cheat and manipulate the other teams for the benefit of BOLAS. Also again the campfire. And the stick fights. They just really like to beat eachother to the death.
"it makes your blood run hot, it makes your spit taste sweet, it makes you feel more alive than you have ever been" - literally just the insanity that's swamped the team, it's been dialed down some since day 4 but it's definitely still there, they are not ok and I love them. Some analogy could be made with the gas masks and the toxic gas, knowing you are immune to something that has killed many, the high of the adrenaline as they run through this fatal fog with little regards for their own safety.
"dirty little animals, beautiful cannibals" - they've brought up cannibalism multiple times and the majority of them (characters, to clarify) say they would be fine with it if given consent first, cellbit's canonically already done it too lmao. You can't tell be that they aren't just a buncha dirty little guys. Have you seen Charlie's skin, have you heard jaiden and foolish barking, all of them screeching muffled at the enemies, or howling in joy
Also for those of you who haven't seen, arcane season 2 got a release date for sometime in November 2024, which is so fucking exciting and it's a lot sooner than I expected
Sorry for the long post the brainrot got to me and I had to write this down somewhere lmao, figured id share with the class
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lawrence-songs · 4 months
fictionkin questions under the cut.
So, I'm a little nerve wracked.
I am.. no expert on fictotypes whatsoever, so if anyone can help me out with this, that would be fab.
I'm considering sammykin. Maybe bendykin, but sammy just feels more.. right.
I've heard a lot about how fictionkin are commonly fond of the characters they kin, or how they saw the character for the first time, and went "oh shit that me", and I didn't do... any of that.
In fact, I've played what's considered "my source" millions of times and never once considered the fact that I could be samuel until just yesterday, when I made a joke about how similar we are.
I've always considered that I was batim kin of some kind. the studio just.. is a spot I've never left. there's something in there that's me. I know it inside and out and I've always been obsessed with it, with finding out everything. I whistle the tunes in my day to day life, I collect merch from it, I once built the projectionst's head out of 2 spare cardboard boxes, some acrylic paint, and a fuckload of hot glue.
I've cosplayed Boris.
I've always kinda felt myself somewhere in an inky mass, but I don't have any memories of that.
I just assumed, somewhere, there was a background character that would never be created that I was. and I was okay with that.
Sammy Lawrence in source is a nutjob that I have always made fun of. (lovingly ofc, but in the way you see a character and you're like "oh you moron. your smooth little brain. you went and started worshiping a demon and you really thought that would end well. fuck.")
But then I realized..
that was a somewhat personal and regretful opinion to have about a character that is on screen mostly shown as a fanatic.
I made a post last night that said (paraphrased and edited for clarity): "I love hating on sammy lawrence because he's such an obsessive moron, and then i remember i have such an extensive collection of bendy merch that it's been referred to as a shrine and im like oh. actually he's accurate
most based character in the game because frankly if you locked me in a cartoon studio with a demon that acted as the catalyst of new beginnings id worship him too
i like to make fun of sammy as if i am not also insane enough to chug a vial of ink on no basis other than my own whims and being too insane about something
me holding sammy up: theres something wrong with you (staring into a mirror)"
I didn't realize this might actually be more than a joke until I realized I had all the stuff I needed to closet cosplay Sammy and I walked back after getting dressed and it just. felt correct.
I'm not an inky monstrocity, I'm still a person-
I didn't consider that we were the same thing until I saw myself in our clothes with his hair and my face.
I don't have memories of the studio after it's downfall, but I have what could be flickers of what it was like before.
In the games, he's only there for a small amount of time.
.. I'm only there for a small amount of time.
But I remember reading the implications that he drank from an ink bottle and could nearly taste it.
I'm unsure if my fixation on the ink demon stems from a connection to him or a connection to sammy. but either way, there always has been.
I can remember moments of myself before the studio's downfall, but not. After. I see him in source and I'm like "oh god. is that what happens to me?" like it's the disappointment a ghost would have at watching a zombie of a body carry on without it's mind. is that- is this anything. Please tell me, I am unsure what the fuck is up but I don't. know exactly how to sort this out myself. any input is appreciated.
gently tagging you in this. hi
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jsprnt · 1 year
Healing Hearts PT.1 | Virgil van Dijk
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Would a fresh start bring you more than just a new job?
WC: 806
Summary: Y/N L/N is a very skilled and praised physiotherapist. A certain event pushing her for a fresh start, as a physiotherapist for Liverpool FC. One question always being in the back of her mind: Will she be able to let go of her past and allow herself to experience new things?
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I throw my blanket off of me for what feels like the millionth time these past two hours. Shifting on my new bed. These covers were expensive, though it seems like I won't be fully enjoying them tonight.
My head is full of thoughts, making up certain scenario's over and over again. I turn my phone on again it unlocks immediately, the Face ID somehow recognizing my horribly tired state. "Oh thanks I guess", I mumble, a little offended.
My fingers instinctively tap onto my e-mail, opening that one message again. 'We welcome you for your first day at Liverpool FC next Monday'. The words read, it still felt weird. It wasn't like I had no experience at new clubs, no I had quite a bit of that, despite my age.
I never specifically dreamt of becoming a physiotherapist growing up. I had fantasies about literally every profession. I had my vast collection of career Barbies to thank for that. Although, I did have a preference of studying medicine, accompanied with the delight of my parents, though our relationship had never been the best. That's just what I did. I had met a lot of people during that time of my life, including my best girlfriends. Couldn't have gone through all those sleepless study sessions without them.
I did some research before graduating high school. Looking at all the bachelor studies universities close to me had to offer. Then I realized physiotherapy was my calling. My last year internship was then, by the fate of the universe at AFC Ajax. Thankfully, it wasn't far from home at all. The connections, knowledge and memories I had built there still manages put a smile on my face when I think of them. I was so lucky to be able to experience that. When they offered me a three year contract after graduating I didn't hesitate to sign. Those three years had me build up so much knowledge and the mentors were amazing people to look up to.
That's unfortunately also how I met my ex Theodore (Yes, he was as snobby as his name), he was a supporter, sitting in the VIP chairs. I can't lie and say it wasn't love at first sight, our relationship progressed from there.
Years later an insane offer was presented to me when I was nearing the end of my contract at Ajax. FC Barcelona's head physio wanted me on his team! He had heard about my skills from people in the industry. After much consideration and discussions with my loved ones I decided to accept my new job at FC Barcelona.
To my surprise my ex had also decided to move with me. After all he was practically filthy rich, living off ofhis mommy's money. So, he wasn't bound to be somewhere for work or anything. I can't help but roll my eyes when I think of what that man-child put me through. The only positive thing about him was the connections I built at parties and gatherings he made me go to as his little picture perfect girlfriend. Ladies, only date a rich man once for the connections and money. Don't let it drag on for to long though, know when to get out before it gets too toxic.
My time at FC Barcelona was amazing, though I didn't feel that free with my boyfriend breathing down my neck at anything I did. I worked hard, the players and staff were amazing. I still talk to some of them today, a message here and there to check in on each other. When me and Theo finally broke up I decided to move away and quit working at Barcelona, it was a difficult decision with many players and staff trying to convince me to stay, but I had to. Just to feel fully separated from him.
That puts me here in Liverpool, laying restlessly in my bed at almost two in the morning. I glance outside my apartment, my curtains half drawn. Some of the city lights reflecting back onto the window glass. A smile replaces my previously anxious expression. Working hard and spending hard had its perks.
I turn my phone off, placing my head on my new not-yet-comfortable pillow, grabbing another one for comfort. My racing thoughts tire me out, my eyes fluttering shut, curious for what will happen tomorrow...
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lilyevansreincarnate · 2 months
So the movie was um interesting to say the least, personally, I thought it was good. It built up a steady feeling of dread and made the whole setting feel uncomfortable and stuffy, the first half was good. I thought it was setting up the story to have an incredible meaning and insanely cool symbolism but then it got just a bit silly.
Longlegs - nic cage’s character - was from what Id heard somewhat of a mystery. He wasn’t in it very much, that being important to the story. HE WAS IN IT ALL THE BLOODY TIME I had to see his pasty face every two seconds. I think he had the buildup to have explained trauma that led him up to doing these things, possible religious trauma from a parent resulting in his obsession with stealing youth as his was but no. Just a satanist with a t.Rex obsession.
Next, I want to talk about Lee. She’s a cool character, sure, but how did she have this intuition about everything? A point of her character was that she’d been made to forget these specific points so that her mother would be able to assist longlegs in his killings but no, she has this weird psychic shit that leads her directly to longlegs with little to no injures on her part. I mean, sure, she got threats and it was a bit unnerving but in plot points he hadn’t killed anyone to directly connect with her - obviously her mum being an accomplice to the murders and longlegs visiting her as a child was his connection to her but what connection led her to have the obtuse psychic visions?
I really want to talk about what the title is meaning and what ‘longlegs’ actually refers to. So, obviously, longlegs has this fascination with satan. He believes that murdering these people will somehow bring him closer to Satan? Or resurrect him somehow maybe, and when he visits Lee as a child he says “it appears I’ve put my longlegs on today” so either he’s making the situation far more creepy by acknowledging the obvious difference between their heights as she’s a child and he’s an adult, a gross joke, or, he’s relating himself back to Satan because he somehow believes he’s Baal who is a Christian demon who was ranked as the first and principal king of hell, he is described as white and pasty with a low raspy voice - which is an accurate description of Nic cage’s character - who is incredibly tall. Now the character longlegs’ height isn’t talked about in great detail it is only mentioned when Special Agent Carter says to Lee “a tall man with pale skin visited you as a child, didn’t he?” near the end of the film.
And, at the end, we see Nic Cage - who had before been taken into custody after being found very easily and then had repeatedly slammed his head into the table in front of him until his nose cracked open after saying “hail satan” - unharmed and smiling and he winks and blows a kiss at the camera. In media, this is usually a “I’ve won” type of shtick but he hadn’t?
The point of the murders was to complete this satanic triangle to bring himself closer to Satan - as he believed. But, once he’d got so far and had the mother and father killed the little girl hadn’t died. The entire point is the little girl in the family has to die but she hadn’t. So, the triangle wasn’t complete. He had lost, in terms of relativity so why did he wink and blow a kiss? It felt as though the film had several things that were to be built up in to a metaphor or something symbolic but they’d forgotten to finish it. Several things just making no sense and strings left dangling.
Don’t get me wrong, I think the whole way they had so many hidden things in the movie was incredible and the architecture having small satanic symbols, the devil constantly being behind Lee was very cool and the whole ‘the man downstairs’ thing was very interesting to me but yeah, just wasn’t for me. Might rewatch it, see if I like it any better.
Overall, the movie was fine. It had the potential to be very very cool and a fantastic horror film but it felt as though they’d built up this whole world and then left it incomplete, simply it was bad writing. It got a little predictable and it felt like the writers realised this so they just did tons of stuff that made no sense to make you sit there and wonder ‘well, what the fuck was that for?”
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
hi!!!! :3 here are "some songs" ive been "listening to" that "i" think "you" should too!
spotify || youtube
notes on each below ^w^
Big Dipper - Death Grips: this song has such a good bounce to it, it makes me move no matter what, i cant help it. especially the chorus cuz ill start singing along and, well, then theres no stopping me. ill wiggle in my seat or like put some bounce in my step. which is all fun when im listening to music at home, but at work, where i mostly listen to music, i cant i have to skip the song. plus i love u songs that end with a good few minutes of noise just because, i never skip u i swear 🥺
classic j dies and goes to hell - glass beach: im fiiiinally getting around to glass beach and why didn't ANYONE say it was good? don't think ive heard the opinion that the first glass beach album is good yet. i wanted to listen to more bc of the hazel "Twinkle Park" version of the self titled song which is also very good but i put this one on this list bc it builds energy and emotion soooo well. it starts so somber but builds and builds till we're screaming about supporting each other and making a home for yourself despite despite despite.
DOGTOOTH - Tyler, The Creator: he creates once more! i always forget i had a kinda big tyler thing in high school until he releases new music. out of all his recent releases post-Flower Boy, Call Me didnt connect with me as much, but this single from the Call Me If You Get Lost "estate sale" of stuff that didnt make the album surprisingly did! it feels a little flowerboy-ish in the production but has the call me vibes of like "i can afford all these cars, buy my neighbors house, and ill still take my private plane to Switzerland for the day just cuz i was craving some nice chocolate" very braggadocio, very tyler, very good :)
Dumbass!! - Machine Girl: this song both sounds like and has similar effects as brainworms. it fuckin. got in there and made me quantifiably more insane than i was before. said brainworms make me wanna scream the lyrics and scuffle my feet and just like run into traffic and dance around the cars bc this song makes me believe i could and id be fine. i hope to fucking god they play this at the mg/100 gecs show. this song is also one of the few times ive looked up the lyrics for a machine girl song, usually content to just let the beats jar my head, and as soon as i did i couldnt get them out :) like some sort of... thought... eating... something or other idk theres probably a word for it (<-the worms are finally getting to her)
Fantastic Cat - Takako Minekawa: this song is sooooo cute, there is so much synth and whimsy to be had! unfortunately i don't know much about the artist bc this was one of the first songs i found after using Radiooooo (which u should be basically required to use if u like music and finding new music) set to Japan in the 90s, but she's part of the 'shibuya-kei' genre/subculture that was popular during that time, which sounds like an interesting topic to dive into :3 the whimsy contained in this song is almost too much tho. the melody is so sweet, that wind instrument is so silly, and the moog breakdown in the middle too is. well, its all quite fantastic.
HI 5 - Frost Children: i took too long making this post that this entry went from originally a cheeky indirect plug for their upcoming album bc i just really liked this single to just,, oh the album came out... but either way i wanted to talk about the song bc 2 me its just more proof of how exciting of a voice in hyperpop the frost children are. the bass on it is as crazy and slick as the one on the cover. this whole song just explodes with eccentricity i think ull really like it :) also check out the epic music video! its ai generated for those who'd like to know beforehand, but they use it to like. rotoscope real footage its preddy neat!
Introduce me to your family - Otoboke Beaver: i made a little post recently about Otoboke Beaver's influence on six impala's WFLYTD, and after revisiting their album, Itekoma Hits, after making that post i got this one stuck in my head for a while. the hook hooks (the main reason i had it in my head for so long), the bass is groovy, the guitars are sharp, the rage is channeled, its all here! they keep all the energy going and growing the whole time until you cant help but scream along.
こんがらがった! (Kongaragatta!/Tangled up!)- Necry Talkie: started reading the bocchi manga recently (im just past where the show ends as of now :3) and they have art at the beginning of each chapter with the kessoku band members that references visuals from like irl japanese bands and music videos which i thought was really cool! of course i had to find a collection of all the referenced songs, and what do ya know... this cute little number was in there! (if ur wondering it's the art for chapter 18 that references this song's music video :3) its such a dinky beat at first (said so so lovingly) but it evolves into a precise, energetic little jam.
One Million Dollars - 100 gecs: this fucking sonnng.. not everyones fav off 10k i know but it is for me :3 it just rattles me in such a specific way. it originated and is the only way to sate the need in my brain to hear what it was like for nic cage in that "not the bees!!!!" scene. i love it sm, but im absolutely biased from my hearing this at a gec show and falling for it right then and there. the live version and the album version are a bit different and i think the changes they made for the album make it a fuller song i just. loved the feeling of hearing this live so much. i would just search up the epic live version at terminal 5 where Laura fucking SHREDS on the guitar at the end over and over while i was waiting for the album. again, makes me very excitied to see them and machine girl soon :3
o (__*) - Hakushi Hasegawa: i dont know much about this artist but goddamn the few songs i have heard from them have made such an impression. u know a song is good when its not even dnb but uses the "yeah.. woo!" sample to keep everything going. and yeah with how crazy fucking banana bonkers jazzy and technical the drums and piano get at times it needs that tiny bit of stability at least. this song feels like the epitome of controlled chaos in the absolute best way possible.
PARTY GIRL - Angel Electronics: after rook's latest solo album came out i decided to go back and visit this collab project of hers with ash nerve i had missed at first and.... weeeeeeh ;w; this song makes me wanna cry every time. rook can obviously write some bangers but i love her more tender songs too. so many parts come together to make it just the sweetest thing. the part that stuck with me the most was the chorus, like it's sooo cute id just sing it to myself on loop bc it leads into itself so well. i wanna just keep talking about how fucking cute this song is but like George Costanza voice the love story between the party girl and the weird shy girl got to me okay?
Prime - Marnie Stern: kinda the reason im making this list hehe :3 this song was on char 'igottawin' mp3's most recent WILT (what im listening to) poast (hi char :3) and it was What Im was Listening To... too... (both of us bc of this epic animation) so here it is on MY knockoff WILT post too mwahaha hahaha! haha but seriously guys this song is quite good. it does so much with all the variations on just that one verse and i get sucked into the lyrics and the guitars. and by the fourth time im chanting this same unending verse the song is surprisingly over and i just wanna listen to it again. this one deserves a 10 hr extended version frfr
Wait and Bleed - Slipknot & 青春コンプレックス(Seishun Complex) - Kessoku Band: whats this? a double entry? ahaha yes! 😈 i would've put these songs here separately bc ive been getting into both slipknot (thank u char :3) and the actual kessoku band album, both of which are quite good on their own. but i only combine their entries here bc of this epic mashup of these two songs by the aforementioned rook blackdresses which makes me unable to sing either without thinking of the other song. like the first three chords of the bocchi theme start playing and my brain wants to scream the GOODBYEEEEEE from Wait and Bleed. the slipknot chorus melds with the kessoku band guitars soooo well. to me they are pieces from different puzzles entirely but they still fit together <3
wants mom to know she looks cool and doesn't plan on changing - leroy: i finally listened to the dariacore and accompanying berdlycore serieseses and ive loved diving into this little subculture of silly hyperpop meme mashups that fuck immensely. takes the silly to earnest and very good pipeline to a new level. plus having been a fan of dltzk and jane's other stuff its the one thing i never really got into but there are. so many dariacore related things i need to listen to now. i feel like theres lore i have to catch up on but im excitied :3 this is one of my faves off dariacore 2: electaria corebaloo (not what its called)
This has been... Post! thanks for your time. if u read this far i love u so much please never forget that. 'til summer music-heads! *curtsies and shows myself off-stage*
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dizzydesi53 · 1 year
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I was very sure I wanted him, I wanted to be his mate. That didn't change the fact that I was very nervous.
he kissed my lips aggressively sliding his tongue in making me moan and shiver. his hands went from cupping my face to sliding down my neck and across my arms. I could tell his excitement was rising and I wasn't sure if he would lose control.
he suddenly gripped my hips pulling me underneath him, making my back hit the bed, my wings fanning out around me. I jumped at his sudden touch. he pulled back slightly his face and lips hovering a hairs breath away from mine.
"Are you ok? we can stop if you want"
"um...i-i've ..never done this before."
he chuckled.
"I've never done this before either."
I shook my head, I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I don't think he understands why I'm so nervous. I cover my face with my hands, I can feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
"no...I mean..sex. I've never....had sex, before."
he gasped and he pulled my hands away from my face. his nose brushed mine while he stared into my eyes. he kissed all over my face before giving me a passionate kiss on my lips that quickly turned heated. when I needed air his lips trailed down my neck and to my ear.
"you sure little mate, last chance to back out"
I gasped at the feel of his breath against my ear and neck, the same side he marked before!
"I'm sure!"
He'd been holding back before. he moaned against my skin kissing a trail down to my neck, when he reached my shirt I heard ripping and felt cold air on my bare skin. I gasped and my first instinct was to cover up my chest but he caught my hands before I could move far, and pinned my hands over my head with a few of his feathers.
he stared at my chest like a predator his eyes tracing over the tattoos that ran alongside my breast down my stomach and into my pants. his breathing hitched and he licked his lips while I tried to get my hands away from his feathers so I could cover up, I was so embarrassed.
"Have I told you, I love cherry blossoms?"
he kissed a trail along my cherry blossom tattoos sending electricity through me. heat pooled in my stomach and I groaned. he licked and nipped my skin all around my breast but never where I wanted, I thought at first it was me, I was doing something wrong. Then I realized he was doing it on purpose to drive me insane.
"Please, Keigo!"
"what do you want baby?"
I pushed my chest up to his face, I made an embarrassingly pathetic whimpering noise that had him chuckling. if I wasn't so desperate id have been mad.
"use your words."
his breath fanned over my nipple making me moan and arch my back desperately.
"I want your mouth on my nipple!!"
I think he lost his mind when I said that. he sucked my nipple laving it with his tongue. I made noises in the back of my throat, on par with pornos. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. sparks and butterflies fluttered in my stomach, my skin felt like it was tingling everywhere he touched.
his lips trailed from my chest down my stomach making me twitch and squirm. his hands hooked in the wait of my sweatpants pulling them down revealing that I wasn't wearing underwear. he groaned pulling my thighs apart. I squeaked embarrassed as he stared directly at me for a long time. I tried closing my thighs but he pinned them open with more of his feathers.
he kissed up my thighs with light pecks before licking up my legs to my core. he looked up at me making eye contact while he licked me up all the way to my clit making me scream and jerk a little. he chuckled against me but quickly lost himself, going feral. that was the only way I could describe the way he sucked my clit in his mouth and then pushed his tongue inside me aggressively.
the noises drove me crazy as much as what his mouth was doing to me. he growled, sending vibrations through me his tongue made slick lewd noises against me, he groaned and grunted completely lost and it turned me on more, setting me on fire.
when he found a spot inside me that had me squirming, he abused it until I shattered apart, it felt like every part of me was sparks and it took a while for me to come back down to my body. he was still going, his tongue moved back to my clit and I felt his finger push into me making me jump and cry out
"I got you, baby"
his finger pumped in and out slowly while his tongue swirled around my clit. it didn't take me long to go over the edge again this time more intensely.
I whimpered when he pushed in two fingers and then three, feeling a slight burn that was overshadowed by waves of firey tingles that ran over me and settled in my stomach. I could feel how wet I was now and I moaned and whimpered. I was getting close to a third orgasm when he pulled away completely making me mewl desperately.
he pulled his sweats and boxers off, I caught a glimpse of his erection, it was big. and I was nervous suddenly but it got pushed to the back of my mind when he used his feathers that were still pinning my arms and thighs to flip me over on my stomach. they pulled my hips up and back, my wings shivered and my thighs were spread wide.
he pushed his fingers back into me all three at one and I clinched around them at the suddenness of it. he spread them apart while they were in me, pumping them in and out making me lose my mind. I moaned loud and long. he curled his fingers up hitting a spot that sent me over the edge again, and then again. he wouldn't let up
"Keigo, please! I feel empty please."
he growled against my hip while he trailed kisses up my spine. I could hardly catch my breath in anticipation. but he kept pumping his fingers into me, I whimpered desperately
"You made me wait so long for this, I want to hear you beg for me."
I couldn't talk, all I could do was scream while I came again from his finger in me. I shivered as sparks flew down my spine for the millionth time.
"Ple-ease! Please Keigo, I need you!"
without warning he pulled his fingers out of dripping wet pussy and pushed his length in, swiftly and fully. bottoming out inside me. I screamed, cumming all over again just from how full I felt. it felt like he might poke right out of my stomach I was trembling and shaking. so wet my slick was all down my thighs.
he leaned down over me interlocking our fingers and kissing my sweaty neck while I moaned. his hips pounded into me, not even a slow buildup just instantly harsh and fast. it was ferocious and animalistic. I bit my lip and closed my eyes trying to keep my noeses down.
"look at me!"
he was staring down at me while his hips still pounded into mine. his eyes were blown, while he growled against my skin.
"Don't you dare hold back your moans! I want it all, it's all mine. nobody will hear you but me, my woman. my mate!"
fire exploded in the pit of my stomach at his words and I moaned loud. his hips picked up speed if that was at all possible. the bed's headboard kept hitting the wall. I whimpered and then screamed as I came again, clenching around him.
"Thats right baby scream for me!"
he didn't stop if anything he went even harder shocking me. he let go of my hands grabbing my hips and pulling them up and back so that he could drive into me deeper. my fists clinched around the sheets.
"Scream. My. Name!"
each word was punctuated with a harsh and deep thrust that had me screaming and clawing the sheets under my hand.
"whos your mate!"
"YES! You. Are. Mine! Who's gonna knot you down, who's gonna mark that pretty neck!"
I whimpered coming again
he kept hitting that special spot he found earlier. ramping up my pleasure, every time I came it was like my next orgasm got bigger and I was going insane! tears rolled down my cheeks from the overstimulation.
he pushed his hand through my hair while his other hand gripped my waist tighter. he pulled my head back by my hair. leaning down he licked up my neck, his hips never slowing. suddenly he bit down hard on my neck, his sharp teeth piercing my neck. unlike last time when I felt intense pain this time I came harder than anytime before. he growled against his bite. he pumped into me a few more times before coming hard. I could feel him knot in me.
we were both breathless, my heart pounding a mile a minute.
"you ok baby?"
he chuckled, I could feel the vibrations against my back. There was a sudden wave of intense heat that started in my stomach and radiated out of me. I was a little dizzy and my legs felt weak. I was suddenly so very wet and with him in me, I came again clenching around his erection hard.
He gasped and moaned into my neck, his lips rubbing the mark making the heat in my stomach worse.
He chuckled darkly it was gravelly and deep. Then he groaned
" I think you just went into heat"
His knot loosened and he pulled almost all the way out before thrusting back in forcefully!
"Oh! Keigo!"
He flipped me over onto my back kissing my face before my lips thrusting his tongue down my throat the same way he thrust his cock in me. He chuckled again his nose skimming my neck, breathing in my scent
"It's gonna be a long night, little mate"
"But it's the afternoon!"
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crow-caller · 2 years
first off, i absolutely adore your channel. i think ive fully listened through your lightlark review twice every day since its come out. i play it in the background while im doing the dishes or doing homework or writing (its great motivation, really “if this could get published, then by god some poor fellow on Ao3 will like my story”)
i left a youtube comment on your latest video about sweet evil that has the same premise as this ask, but either it just didnt go through or you deleted it yourself (which i kind of doubt, but if it did bug you then please disregard this ask lol) because i cant find it anymore.
your love for angels in literature is a very nice breath of fresh air among the booktube community, and that paired with your love for bad books made me wonder, have you ever read Georgia McBrides PRAEFATIO?
if you have, oh my god i thought i was alone in experiencing this horrendous novel, but if you havent i really do recommend it.
actually. “recommend” isnt the right word. i dont recommend this book to anyone at all. save yourself
the writing is so JUVENILE its painful to read, imagine my immortal but with zero edge and thats almost exactly the writing style of the first few chapters. at some points the book gets so insanely hardcore (like lightlark but the violence is somehow even more unnecessary to the plot) but then the mc is reacting to these things with such eloquent phrases such as “OMG” “WTF” and “OW”
the mc, grace ann miller, is (from my memory) newly seventeen and is also the most specialist nephilim to ever exist because she was actually the will of GOD, so that makes her better than the other nephilim.
she falls in love with a Hot Rockstar Fallen Angel™ named gavin who is absolutely not also 17, after he totally didnt kidnap her and when shes eventually saved— i mean ripped away from her one true love by the police— shes deemed INSANE and a victim of stockholm syndome. the entire book is meant to be her giving her police statement which georgia seems to forget for most of the story.
tale as old as time really.
id love to hear your thoughts on it if you ever get your hands on this garbage fire (or if you have already).
(also, georgia mcbride is totally in love with gavin and its a little weird, you can see her ramblings here)
I def didn't delete the comment, I've only deleted 1 spam comment the entire time I've done youtube, but I probably haven't seen it or it got caught somewhere in the web. I TRY to read and respond to every comment or at least like it to show I've read it, but as I get more videos and views that's increasingly hard to do. I'm bad at time management to begin with and now I have hundreds of comments to respond to!
The name Georgia McBride sounds very familiar but I can't tell why. I have never heard of PRAEFATIO, it doesn't seem very notable or wide spread but you're right in that it looks similar. And sounds bad. And the cover looks.... wrong.
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They.... look so wrong. They both look extremely photoshopped and severely uncanny, the girl in particular looks like a doll and honestly, it really really creeps me out. It definitely is going on my list of books to read though because it sounds gloriously bad, and yes, I love angels and bad angel books a lot.
(It's the autism if anyone couldn't guess by everything about me... special interest: angels (and demons). Longest lasting special interest maybe I've had)
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eld-red · 2 years
okay time for a shit summary of the prescription to the monstrumologist fans
so. will wood, singer/songwriter, you might’ve heard of him because of the song I/Me/Myself or The Main Character or Dr. Sunshine is Dead, you might be hearing him for the first time ever bc of me (please listen to his music i strongly recommend him)
as ive said, the prescription is a zine he’s writing. i am going to try to give away as little details as i possibly can while still having this make sense! after all. you can only read the prescription if you pay for his patreon and id feel bad if i said too much bc thats kind of like. leaking content in a way. and im probably going to be modifying parts of the story in order to fit with the monstrumologist. anyway,
it centers around a man named Adrian Crick, who happens to be a therapist (saying Adrian A. Crick, LCSW is so fun i say it out loud to myself sometimes); one of his clients, a high school freshman (i think?) named gwendy lamorte; and one of his old friends james marshall, or as he used to be called in college, jimmy mushrooms.
one day, adrian has to start this new medication simply called The Prescription and he uh. starts to see things.
besides jim, gwen, and adrian there are a BUNCH of other neat characters. there’s lily, there’s seymour, the wills (there’s three of them), marvin, thursday
and i have a rough list of which characters from the monstrumologist im assigning in this au if that sentence made any sense
pellinore would be adrian in this au, john chanler will probably be jim, will henry is gwen, muriel is probably going to be lily, dr. von helrung will probably be seymour, kearns will possibly be this other character alabaster rose
i am going insane im so excited to write this but i have so many things to write im writing a thing where im expanding on vixy reinard and james mccloud from star fox bc i have a tendency to fixate on pieces of media where there are, im writing a thing for wildwood, i need to finish writing my DND campaign im so glad ive been getting excited about writing again!!!
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roranotaurora · 7 months
i could tell you a thousand reasons of why i love taylor and admire her so much but none of them would be something you haven't already heard before.
I'm gonna show a side of myself i've never showed to anyone before right now :,)
flashback to some years ago: my mom was running here and there in between hospitals (and i had no idea why) getting tested for cancer.
little did i know since i was only 11 :,)
a few time passed by and, as i was young but i wasn't really dumb, i started to notice.
i found out what was happening behind my mom's back and i swear to you i was going through it, started to pray every night for a good outcome of the whole damn situation.
"cause desperate people so now i pray to Jesus too".
id cry myself to sleep every night praying my mom would've been fine, i had so many regrets, unsaid things but i couldn't just walk up to her and tell her "hey i know you might have cancer so i wanted to tell you this..."
except i knew more that i should've except i knew more that i should've and felt like i was hanging to an absolute nothing, an invisible string of hope, praying that whenever they removed that lump in her breast they'd just tell us it was a benign tumour and not a cancer.
i had no idea of what to do or how to feel.
but it wasn't about me, if my mom could've pretend everything was just fine so i should do.
and that's when i truly connected with music for the first time in my life.
you probably know at this point, but ofc it was "soon you'll get better" that made me feel understood without having to talk for the first time ever; i realized i was allowed to hurt even if it wasn't about me.
i'm endlessly and forever grateful that taylor decided to put that feeling into words when i wasn't able to.
months passed by, my mom got surgery and she still gets tested every once in a while.
it seemed to me like the world had just stopped spiralling.
only years after me and my mom talked about it and i can definitely and surely tell you that without her words, without that song, i never would've been able to find a way not to go insane because of my own emotions i felt like i wasn't allowed to feel.
this is how much taylor and her music mean to me.
that's the best way i've got to show you that and this is a story i actually do finally wanna tell, hoping it'll get to her one day :)
@taylorswift @taylornation
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button-mash · 2 years
What I played last week #8
Klona 2 [Playstation 2]
This was such an absolute treat to play. I had heard of the series before, but I'd genuinely never played any of them at all - in fact they'd just totally passed me by really. I think they got remade fairly recently and it suddenly felt like everyone but me had some proper beloved history with the series, so not sure how I totally missed it - especially as I love platformers. Managed to snipe an eBay auction for this for £12 which I was buzzing about considering it rarely goes for less than £30 and often sells in the £50-60 range. 
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Playing this it feels like it's the insane centrepoint between SO many games that have come before and since, I'd love to learn more about it and any games that were actively influenced by it, because it felt like it could somehow have come out in any area of platformers and fit in perfectly. At different points it reminded me of Nights, Kirby 64, Crash Brandicoot, Rayman, Mario Galaxy and more, yet somehow always still felt like completely it's own thing too. It's a pretty simple game at it's core - it's a 2.5D platformer where you can jump and hover, but can also grab enemies if you're close enough, either throwing them across the screen as a weapon, or using them to jump off and essentially serve as a double jump. The game actually starts off pretty slowly and at first I thought it was going to be another Kirby - something with loads of personality and character, but ultimately so easy it undermines the whole thing. However, the games levels quickly become more and more complex and constantly alternate between platforming and puzzles sections - by the end it becomes difficult enough where you have to have mastered every technique in the arsenal to progress through the levels, some of which are surprisingly long and complex.
The most amazing thing is how good the game looks, it's just absolutely beautiful - I genuinely couldn't believe it was a PS2 game at times. The occasional blurry texture or jagged edge gave it away, but there is just so much vibrant colour, detail, movement and animation on every level, it just gave the game an insane amount of character and life to each stage, and all of them have such a strong, memorable visual identity. There is even an amazing sense of scale to some of the levels where you'll get shot high into the air and you'll see these massively complex stages just fully modelled out and it just shows how much imagination and craft have gone into each one. There is one level set in a theme park and it just looks incredible. It's seemingly impossible to find any good quality gifs of this that aren't from the remake or haven't been upscaled in PCSX2, but hopefully you get the picture from an art direction perspective
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The game isn't without it's flaws - there are some difficulty spikes that come out of nowhere and very strict animation windows sometimes make you feel like you missed grabs or jumps that you made, but it's rare and the platforming usually feels great. It never becomes a real chore of a challenge, but the levels become difficult enough where you feel genuinely accomplished getting through them, especially the last few levels. The bosses are also great mechanically, although they start to feel a little similar by the end. 
Normally if you play a retro game without the nostalgia, there is always this element of wishing you could have played it at the time, simply because it's almost always aged in some way that diminishes the experience at least a tiny bit. Here this just feels like that rare experience where it could have come out yesterday and I think I'd still be banging on about how much I loved it - if I'd unknowlingly played the remakes without knowing they were remakes, I don't know if Id have been able to tell from a design point of view. Im glad I played the original though, honestly one of the best looking, most colourful and lively games I think Ive played on the PS2, all at a crisp 60fps. Looked absolutely phenomenal on the PVM, I wish I could somehow show off how great it looked.
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virtuangel · 2 years
vity and tbz?!
hi bibi <3 (it got long so. it goes under the cut)
first bias: serim (& jungmo)
current bias: woobin / wonjin / jungmo / serim
album ranking: season 2 (hideout: the new day we step into) > liberty: in our cosmos = new wave > season 3 (hideout: be our voice) = season 1 (hideout: remember who we are) > the awakening: written in the stars (> vivid > boogie woogie)
how i got into them: i was interested when i heard they were going to debut bc. it's always exciting to see new groups debuting i think (nd partially because of the pdx/x1 guys but like not Really bc . i didnt rlly remember that i liked them during pdx AND i didnt like mini/hyeongjun when x1 was. a thing) + brina was posting abt them when the teaser pics were coming out nd all that so they were on the dash for me to see y'know. then batr came out and i hated it so i thought that's where my adventure w the cavities was done but after a while i finally listened to the rest of the album AND STAY WAS THE BEST SONG IVE EVER HEARD............i listened to Only her on loop for like DAYS . n here we are now
which member would be my best friend: id pester mini until he agrees to be friends w me . also wanji !! best friend energy off the charts
something i associate with them: crabs. cavities. brina & eri. the phrase brand deals bc of how many times ive said that mini deserves all the brand deals in the world. bubblegum w hyeongjun. orangeade & sewoon songs with wanji. pitbull (dont ask). randall the lizard thing w jungmo (this is brina's fault blame her). meteors, honestly.
bring the boyz back
first bias: haknyeon (& hyunjun)
current bias: ?????? (chanhee/sunwoo/hyunjae)
album ranking: reveal = breaking dawn > the start = chase > maverick => the sphere = dreamlike > the first = thrill-ing > the only > tattoo = be aware > bloom bloom (= last man standing = all about you > christmassy! => drink it > white) + still haven't heard the she's the boss album oops..... as u can see. very different from my title track ranking
how i got into them: see it's a long, long, long story........ was really excited when they were rumoured to have their little snack shop show/be debuting because i liked hak from broduce. i made another twt account just specifically for the to-be-tbz stanning purposes. saw hwall fantakens n i was like Oh Whos that. nd then suddenly i stopped going on that account n kinda forgot? abt them? i would listen to every release they'd put out but without much more bc as much as i LOVED boy. song of the century. i absolutely hated giddy up so i was like well too bad :/ rip my interest in them :/ and i think i disliked right here at first as well (i love her now. shes my beloved.) but i was absolutely INSANE about no air shes the best song ever i've been in love with her from the first second i heard her. so i ended up watching the showcase stage n someone caught my eye (i ended up finding out it was hak which was rlly funny it was a . destiny kinda moment). i think it was around that time that i saw their right here era weekly idol appearance. got a small crush on sunwoo. but then nothing much more happened rlly? i still kept watching their mvs whenever they'd release one and i Was a p big fan of their music!! and . i must have seen some more content at Some point before rtk because i remember already having a better idea of who each of them were before rtk started but. it was rlly during rtk that i rlly got Into them . but like . Rlly into them like . the amount of vlives i watched in the span of a few months (while rtk was airing, even though i wasn't watching the actual show, only the performances, and for a while after it ended im p sure)......yeah
which member would be my best friend: chanhee bestie shaped.... also possibly moonbae . or hyunjae/eric
something i associate with them: betrayal plotlines. flower emojis (esp in spam format). horses & pigs w hak. pink hair, chanhee's natural haircolour. big pools during summertime. winter releases (they probably have the best ones overall all things considered). sorry to taemin but danger is their song. also u w kyu & léks w cob & sarah w eric
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berryunho · 2 years
LOL sorry omg i really died. like am still dying. i spent all day yesterday crying over my coursework and shit but i talked to that guy and he really knocked some sense into me and told me to not be so hard on myself... so now im crying internally and not externally 😭
ive been thinking about it now and i think i might switch majors for the sake of my sanity bc real talk the amount of work is insane and i cant properly function it's crazy out here idk how people do this... i was thinking maybe health sci since i already have most of the credits for the degree and ive always wanted to be involved in the healthcare field... im gonna see my academic advisor on monday and see what they say because holy guacamole i want to be able to enjoy school w/o crying every time i think about it
omg that got long but those have been my thoughts for the past few days BUT ANYWAY that's so good!!!! im so happy for you big brain energy we love to see it!! ive got a biochem midterm this week (which is the cause of my mental breakdowns BUT KLSJFRG) and ochem is in 2 weeks but as i said might change majors and ochem is not necessary... so i'll prob drop it haha
the last season was so good. i found it a bit slow in the beginning but once it picks up it's going like i could not stop watching it!! i havent watched bcs but i heard it gets better near the end again?? ive watched el camino tho
that's how i felt abt crocheting at first like im the type of person to try something for a little bit and then give up right after but honestly!!! it's so fun because you can make all kinds of different things like clothing, bags, accessories and it's so fun!! i've been picking up knitting too and i've made some socks and i'm working on a sweater rn
WOIEFJWE that man is so wonderful like i feel like he really understands me and !!!!!!!!!!! i feel like he really balances out the "negative" parts/thoughts of me and is so reassuring IM WHIPPED LOL
omg yes i had a bad cold too like a week ago (no covid as well) and i think i might be good now knock on wood!! what a slay im glad your classes are going so well for you! i dont follow hockey (gasp) but i can see the thrill of it!! hopefully they can win the next game!
highly enjoyed the break. have a great weekend too!! <3
no no no worries lol i totally get being busy and everything <33
but omg :[[ im sorry that school has been so overwhelming and stressful for you aaaaa yeah if its at the point where you're upset everyday and completely overwhelmed and don't like school then i definitely agree w changing your major.... you don't want the rest of your life to be like this lol health science would be interesting for sure !! there are so many ways to be involved in health care and the health system without being a doctor/nurse/etc so im sure you'll be able to find something that works !!
?!*%*$???($*@)? you're taking ochem AND biochem at the same time ?!!?($*@)@ i understand the breakdowns wtf id lose it fr but lol fingers crossed changing your major works out so that you don't have to take that ochem exam
fr i definitely understand why breaking bad is considered like one of the best shows of all time ... the writing was so good and the story was so compelling and even when it got to the point where you were like 'wtf thats sick and messed up' you couldnt stop watching bc you were in so deep lol but !! ive yet to watch el camino ... hmmm
oooo man thats so cool !! you're so right like i always see crochet tutorials on tiktok for like the most random things ever and you can make like. anything. its amazing. hehe maybe ill try it out once i have more free time :]
YAAAYYY FOR THE MAN!! im glad that he's good for you :] its very nice that he's sticking w you through all of your stress and helping you out!! hehe have yall gone on any fun dates or are you just ~talking~ ?
tis the time of year for colds lol this one i think is just about done ... my cough is significantly better today but i can't decide if its actually better or if its just bc i havent been talking today .... lol ig ill see tomorrow! KFLJDSKFJ [gasp] a canadian that doesn't follow hockey ... an incredible find ... hehehe im joking but yes fr hockey is so crazy compared to other sports like even though its kinda like soccer its still so different and sooooo entertaining to me lol ty for the support for my team they definitely need it [muffled through fake coughing] they're bad [more fake coughing]
yay! i hope this week of classes goes better! tyyyy <3 <3 <3
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