#was there not more they could've done with vintage video games?
princesspastel8 · 3 months
Chapter 52
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Third POV
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When everything settled, Eboni went to her room- opening her closet door. With a sigh of relief, Jeff is gone. Under any other circumstances, she would've wished that he had stayed. But right now- that would be too risky. With Alex having her room bugged, things are going to become difficult and uncomfortable.
Right now, Eboni is walking into an old video game store. Tiffany had given her another black card to buy whatever she wants- trying to make up for everything with money. She doesn't care much about crap like that. The only thing that matters to her is Jeff. Though, nothing wrong with treating herself from time to time.
However, Eboni isn't here for that. She glances around the store, noticing an old Wii hooked into a dusty looking tv located at the back of the store. She glances around before turning it on, smiling a bit at the game as it appears on the screen. A rather corrupt copy of the legend of zelda.
She begins playing the game, messing up on almost everything on purpose. Soon, the game begins to glitch, BEN flashing on the screen. The girl smiles, noticing how BEN attempts to try and jump scare her to no avail.
"Oh, cut the crap and come out. I need to talk to you, it's important."
That triggers BEN into realizing who's playing the game. The lights within the old shop begin to flicker as the screen to the old tv morphs - BEN's head poking out of it.
"Eboni? Didn't take you as one to be interested in vintage games nor dumb enough to play a clearly haunted game." He snickers.
"Watch it, Elf. I need a favor."
"Ugh... you sound too much like Jeff, but go on, I'm listening. Though....you could've just reached me from your phone."
"Did you forget that the cops have it already? What the hell are you on?"
"Xanax. Lil' bit of weed. I was about to do a line of cr-"
"Fucking junkie. Anyways, Imma need you to follow me using the wires outside. I'm going to Luna's place."
"The witch's place? Why?"
"Long story. I'll explain later. I'm sure Luna has some spell or shit around her house to keep beings like you out. I just need you to get a good look at her address and hang back for a bit. When Luna spell is down just a bit for you to come in, do it. I'll explain more later. Can you do that?"
"Yeah, yeah, you owe me a weed session, though."
"Always. Now come on. I hear the store owner getting closer." Eboni grins before turning the game off and walking away, pretending not to have seen a thing.
On the trail to Luna's home, Eboni can feel this odd lingering in the back of her head. She swiftly turns around, scanning the area. Her senses are heighten- having become far more paranoid than before. Someone is watching her, more than one person. Gulping nervously, she looks up at the wires- noticing the green flicks of electricity right above her.
Eboni smiles thankfully, quickly continuing her walk to Luna and Iris's home. When there she knocks on the door, not having to wait too long. Luna opens the door, greeting Eboni with a warm smile. The blue haired witch moves to the side, welcoming her in.
"E-Eboni?" Iris questions with a shy smile, moving to stand.
Eboni sighs, opening her arms. She knows the girl wants a hug. Iris jumps forward, nearly squeezing the life out of her. She taps her shoulder, and Iris lets go and giggles.
"S-Sorry, I just... missed you."
"Yes. We were so worried. Apologies for not being able to see you."
"It's fine. I'm sure you both had your reasons. Anyways, Luna - I'm gonna need you to lighten your spell so BEN can come through."
"You're referring to that video game demon? Why?"
Eboni walks into the living room, moving to sit in front of the tv. "I'll explain later when everyone is here."
"When everyone - ?"
"Just trust me."
Luna sighs, her blue eyes glowing faintly as she waves her hands. Eboni questions if she's done or not, but her question is answered once the tv in front of her begins to glitch. BEN forces his way through, leaving his lower half inside the tv.
"Ooooooouch! Are you sure she lowered this spell!? My body feels like it's on fire!"
"Shouldn't you be used to that? Being a demon and all?" Eboni questions.
"I drowned to death, not burnt - you know all that! Just hurry up and tell me what's up! I feel like I'm being ripped apart!"
"Hm...kinda like seeing you in pain -"
"Eboni, come on!" BEN begs.
She grins, "Alright, alright. The cops are onto me, and I need to talk to them about it. Alex also bugged my room and I'm sure bugged the whole house. We can't meet up at my place anymore. It's not safe. So go get them and bring them here. Just give them the address, and they'll know how to get here."
"Ma'am yes ma'am! Be back in five!" BEN said, zapping back into the tv.
"Eboni. What happened?"
"Y-Yeah... did Alex hurt you again? Did Taylor -"
"Like I said, I'll explain when they get here. Sorry in advance, Luna."
After a few minutes, BEN returns, forcing his whole body through the tv. He pants, arms, and legs stretched out as he lay on the ground - completely out of strength. BEN glances at Luna, noticing an odd glint in her eyes that brings a chill down his spine.
"You enjoyed that shit... didn't you?"
The witch's answer is cut short by the sound of glass shattering coming from up theres- followed by shouting and lots of swearing.
"Damnit, Jeff! I t-told you to b-be careful!"
"And I told you to fuck off! I don't gotta listen to you ticking freak!"
"Th-That was o-one of her favorite things..."
"And I should give a shit why?"
"She's a witch that could quite possibly kill us with just the snap of her fingers, you smiling idiot."
"My girl wouldn't -"
"Stop arguing and get down here!" BEN shouts, still buzzed.
The three young women turn their heads to the stairs, heavy and loud footsteps getting closer. The first to appear is Jeff, a wide grin on his face until he catches sight of all the weird decor all around the living room.
"What the fuck? Creepy ass shit-"
Eboni giggles, "Yeah. That was my reaction when I got here for the first time."
Jeff looks at Eboni, his grin returning as he walks straight towards her- stepping on BEN in the process but doesn't care. He scoops the girl into his arms and kisses her deeply. Eboni squeals, happily kissing him back.
Toby moves towards Luna, giving the girl a light kiss before wrapping an arm around her waist. Hoodie goes to Iris, kissing the girl on her cheek and moving to sit on the recliner hair - his favorite spot. He pats his lap, Iris shyly going to sit on his lap- curling up against his chest. EJ sighs, going to BEN and forces the demon onto the couch, looking him over since he looks more drained than normal.
"Her spell did this?"
"No shit sherlock ugh...Eboni get on with this meeting..." BEN grumbles, his glowing demeanor fading.
"I was only expecting Jeff and EJ to show...not those two."
"They overheard us talking and tagged along. Annoying, really." Jeff grumbles, moving to sit down and pulls Eboni onto his lap.
"Like I'd trust y-you anywhere near her." Toby frowns.
"If you haven't noticed, I got my own girl to sweat bullets for- fuck off!"
"Ok ok just stop it. Ugh, anyways I think I fucked up.." Eboni sighs, curling more against Jeff- the killer rubbing soothing circles on her back.
"How so?"
"They know we're connected in some way. Though I gave them a story that kinda...threw a few of you under the bus." She said nervously.
Toby raised a brow. "Y-You didn't tell them about us d-did you?"
"No! No way, that would drag Luna and Iris into this shit hole. I made up a story on Masky being the one that kidnapped me and, um....that it was EJ that saved me." She looks at Jeff. "I did say I saw you a few times during my captivity, but that was it."
Jeff laughs, shaking his head. "So you threw Masky under the bus! That means that trailer park trash knows what's up, too!" He snickers.
Toby chuckles, shaking his head. "Word does spread qu-quickly..."
EH looks at Eboni, crossing his arms over his chest. "Really?"
Eboni holds her hands up in surrendernce. "I had to make it believable so they'd get off my back! I went in without a plan... I'm sorry."
EJ sighs, "it's fine. I doubt they know much about me."
Eboni again looks around, averting her eyes from EJ's calculating gaze. The cannibal gawks, completely surprised. "....they do!?"
"They're smarter than you think."
"Told you, princess." Jeff sighs, flicking her forehead. "What else did you say?"
"I didn't deny my suicide attempt. I feed them the story on what Alex did. They didn't really believe me until I explained why Tiffany and Daniel didn't - ....can't take action."
"Wh-Why can't they?" Iris asks.
"His parents are their number one investors." Eboni shrugs. "Also...those cops seem to already be aware that there are more of you. They seemed more surprised when I admitted that you all may be connected."
The killers share a knowing look, Jeff grinning. "Good job, princess."
"Huh? What? Pretty sure I fucked up."
"You gave those fuckers something else to do."
"How we k-kill are different. Sl-Slenderman makes sure to give us all different sets of m-missions that fit our M.O."
"It's how the police have yet to figure out that we are all connected in a way. Working understand the same man." EJ shrugs. "I'd say you did pretty decent."
Eboni smiles from the praise she's receiving, which Jeff doesn't like at all. The only praise that should make her smile like that is his - no one elses. He's been itching to remind her of that and so much more lately- but the timing to do so never comes. He'll just have to continue waiting until the opportunity presents itself.
"Wait...hold on..Eboni, you said... that prick bugged your room?"
Jeff clicks his tongue, anger rising. "Yeah, that piece of shit is just asking for it!"
"Yeah, yeah, he did. So I'm kinda stuck. BEN, I want you to handle that, but you seem in need of a charge. So....I can deal with it a little while longer.."
Eboni lowers her head, picking at her nails. The thought of Alex watching her 24/7 is clearly uncomfortable. Jeff hates this tough act she keeps trying to front, especially in front of him. She should be able to let it all go with him, but she refuses. That only pisses him off more.
"You're more than welcome to stay here with us for a while." Luna offers with a kind smile.
Eboni looks up, hope in her eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah, I don't see why not."
"W-We know you're struggling. Pl-Plus, we know you don't want to be st-stuck in a house with your foster p-parents either." Iris stutters.
Eboni moves from Jeff's lap and goes to hug Luna. She smiles when she feels Luna hug her back in her motherly embrace, the feeling bringing calming memories of her own mother. Jeff watches, a frown edged onto his face. The killers notice how his hands seem to twitch as they rest on his lap. Jeff is, if not, the most overly possessive out of them off. Their surpised that he's managed to keep himself under control.
Unbeknownst to them, he's slipping. This self-control he forced himself to have is cracking away. The smiling killer hates how Eboni has others she can rely on, others she can trust. Why isn't he enough? He should be enough, but apparently, he's not. Just witnessing Eboni hug the witch like that is making his blood boil.
All she needs is him. All Eboni should long for is him. She shouldn't need others. Only him. Only Jeff. She's slipping from his grip, from under his control. He can feel it. Or maybe he's being paranoid, delusional even. Yet the way Eboni seems to attract attention and the likeness of others so effortlessly feeds his paranoia.
He opened up to her- gave himself to her. He became vulnerable only towards Eboni. He'll be damned if he allowed anyone else to get close to her, sweep her off her feet. There's no way in hell. Eboni Brown belongs to him. Her reason for breathing is because of him. He kept her alive, kept her around, and done so much for her. He should be enough....why isn't Jeff enough?
His eyes become bloodshot from lack of moisture. He continues to stare, his nails digging into his palms and his smile stretching to sicking lengths. Jeff is so close to snatching Eboni from Luna's arms, especially when the witch looks at him, tauntingly.
He's right. Luna is trying to take her away, get Eboni back onto her feet, help the girl find her own independence, and become less dependent on Jeff. She did warn Eboni about Jeff, yet the killer sinked his claws into her by then. Unlike Taylor, Luna cares about her wellbeing. She saw the future, though in bits and pieces, she knows if Eboni stays with Jeff any longer- her fate will be detrimental. Luna will do all she can to prevent it.
However, Jeff....isn't one you want to war with. He's relentless, almost never ending when he has a goal dead set in his mind. And right now, his goal is to make Eboni devote her entire life to him. To laugh for him, smile for him, breathe for him, and live only for him. He'll accomplish that - not matter the cost nor sacrifice.
"She has five seconds to let go of my girl before I rock her shit." Jeff thought to himself, yet Luna understood his warning but wouldn't be backing down.
Though Eboni seems to sense the tension and lets go of Luna. She moves back to Jeff and onto his lap. The girl looks at him, noticing the shift in his mood. She tilts her head, placing her hands on his cheeks - rubbing his jaw with her thumbs.
"You ok?"
"I'm fine, princess.." he hums, leaning into her touch while wrapping his arms around her - caging her against him. He looks at Luna, Toby now wrapping his arms back around the witch protectively.
"I'm juuuust fine...."
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