#wasn´t the budget enough?
numei-num · 5 months
I just watched Batman: Under the Red Hood.
I need to hug Jason.
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, Vigilantes 84, Replies Part 1
1) “Time for vigilantes, if that wasn`t completely obvious I guess lol, and oh my, am I excited to see how he`ll get out of this pickle. “-  He’ll get by with a little help from his fri-… current unfortunate associates.
2) “Alright, right where we left, and the backup jet seems to not be igniting. See Koichi, this is why maintenance is so important, rockets can`t fly on the power of friendship alone, not at the moment at least.”- He doesn’t need to fly long, just angle himself enough far away to reach the landing spot, and his ‘Double-Jump’ method is sufficient to pushing himself just far enough along to reach that, even without the massive thrust his rocket mode allows. 3) “OH MY GOD IS THAT MIDNIGHT? IT LOOKS LIKE HOW MIDNIGHT DRESSES
WHAT IS GOING ON WHY IS SHE HERE WHAT DREAMS HAVE TO DO WITH NOT BECOMING A SPLATTER ON THE GROUND?”- She’s here to be Koichi’s figurative deus ex Machina to ensure Pop is actually saved in the end, even if it would have been nice if the vigilantes had been on-the-spot competent enough to not need a professional’s aid to stabilise Pop. But then again, I guess Furuhashi wanted to highlight that there’s realistic limitations to what untrained amateurs can logically pull off trying to save somebody in a rescue service without any if the advantages of experience or medical training,. Koichi’s got enough versatility and training beaten into him to preform under pressure, but there’s no way to prep yourself for a surgical operation with a shoestring budget – even Knuckle clearly was trained on proper first aid whilst he was still operating as a hero before he turned to vigilantism. 4) “Also, are you going somewhere Koichi? I thought the idea was to not go splat, where are you trying to get to?”- The trick with learning how to take a fall is to pick the right landing spot. 5) “Go girl, if you get there quick enough you might make Koichi sleep a pleasant dream instead of agonizing to death on the ground after his fall.
Ohhhhh- so that`s what the tittle is about, I see…”- Well, her dreams, and Nomura’s, though he’s dead-set on turning it into a nightmare for Koichi….    (Vigilantes ch 79) 6) “Yeah, you know, like I said, Koichi could probably already be there if he was on his on. I don`t know what kind of equipment y`all carrying on that truck, but he probably can do without it. “- Koichi might be able to fly, but need needed some way to stick that landing with an unconscious passenger. “Still, that must`ve hurt like hell, I hope he managed to slow down a lot before hitting that thing, because otherwise his internal organs and bones won`t have a good time.”- It would be even worse for Pop, given her insides are presently in the midst of a revolt from her current passenger. 7) “Oh right, the self-destruct thing. Trust me, that`s the least of her worries right now, there`s a fucking bee in her brain. Tamao got extracted while her heart was stopped, I think Pop will be fine.”- It was one thing to remove the queen when it was agitated and wreaking Tamao’s body, it’s another thing entirely when said bee has been shot up with an unknown drug that’s making it go unstable and at risk of violently erupting if agitated too much – plus, Soga clearly doesn’t have Knuckle’s iron willpower of split-second decision making skills to support him in moments like this. 8) “You know, I wouldn`t call this a deus ex machina, but fucking hell Furuhashi, do you know you can set up the cavalry before it charges into the enemies? It would be a lot more exciting seeing Midnight coming here before she suddenly is needed”- This does deflate their ‘victory’ here somewhat, given that their efforts only proved to be halfway successful with saving Pop, and she still needed professional assistance in the end. On the other hand, I got the impression furuhashi was trying to send a message of how not everybody can be a hero, even with a lot of potential, prep time and a plan of action. There’s limits you run into, and at times like these, it’s ok to ask for aid, especially because it helps prove to them that not every hero and official would judge Pop as a villain despite her actions. On the other hand, it would have been nice if Koichi had come to that realisation himself organically, and called Midnight for aid… or maybe even have has Pop’s singing group to contact her for him in case things turned out of the worse 9) “This was supposed to be Koichi`s sink or swim, there were no heroes that he could trust on, no allies besides those criminals with a warehouse, this was supposed to be the point where the lines were blurry between good and evil, since they were about to do something that, although necessary, is pretty fucked up. And then you show up.
And now we have a hero that not only has an ability that can calm down pop, but is willing to help with no questions asked.”-  Granted, Koichi’s efforts were still necessary to actually get Pop to a location where Midnight could help subdued the bees within and away from Nomura’s control, but it would have been better if Koichi had had the foresight to relaise this was going to be an outcome they’d need to deal with, remembered Midnight’s subduing scent quirk from that pub crawl, and discreetly arranged with her to meet up here once he’d gotten Pop out of the line of fire himself, in a way that didn’t direct unwanted attention into Midnight interfering with another Pro hero’s arrest of a villain and lets Midnight handle the part of saving Pop that Koichi and crew aren’t equipped to handle themselves. 10) “And that raises the question of why it hasn`t done that already? Knuckle saved tamao because he acted fast, once her heart was stopped he immediately removed the bee, but Pop here- jesus, she got shot down, Koichi run away with her, flew up and then crashed down and now we`re talking about removing it. The Parasite is trying to charge overtime it seems.”-  Tamao’s body still had bees and other options to use and she was ‘controlled’ by the Queen throughout the whole mess, but Nomura’s shot has effectively disrupted the Queen’s control and rendered it unstable, unable to fully control either Pop or itself, thus giving the kids a larger window to either extract or neutralise it.     (vigilantes ch 80) 11) “Yeah I truly believe that one, alright… Suuuuure. I`m shiver in me timbers over the possibility of Pop dying here, because Furuhashi would most certainly do that, right. sure.”- Well, she sure didn’t get off easy regardless… 12) “Yeah see. Pop is Twitching and and convulsing? Well, fear not, here`s the one hero that can put her to sleep with her quirk, who just so happen to also be completely onboard with everything.
So much for “we can`t trust the heroes on this one””- Well, to be fair, the majority of heroes who didn’t know Pop, they couldn’t cooperate with, and if they’d come close to actually taking Pop down, then Nomura would have sneakily detonated her before anybody knew what was up, so Koichi’s aid was still vital in getting her away from him and his ‘script’, but having Koichi independently rely on the allies he’s made so far would have made him some across as a better independent ‘hero’ than he does. Regardless, for his first actual act of heroism in the field, it wasn’t overall bad – if Knuckle had still been around, he could have probably taken over the bee extraction without Midnight, so I guess it’s to highlight that Koichi won’t automatically succeed at becoming a hero on his first attempt without adult supervision to help him out when he falters? 13) “Why you looked at him? When did you suddenly started looking up to Koichi for confirmation? “-  Soga’s the ‘technical’ leader of this band, but Koichi’s still the one actually being the hero, so it’s his call – especially since Soga’s well aware he ain’t hero material. 14) “HOLY FUCK IT WAS HIM
NOW, HOW DID HE GOT HERE SO FAST? I THOUGHT THIS ENDEAVOR COULDN`T FLY, DON`T TELL ME HE FUCKING POWER-WALKED ALL THIS WAY FURUHASHI”- I’m more interested in the random bystander he shoved out the way to reach them. Very crowed back-alley for what was supposed to be a ‘remote’ hiding spot they could safely extract the bee in. 15) “Also, endeavor just arrived, there`s no way he`s gonna let this go on, this is an absurd, and those people here are criminals on his eyes”- The good news is, with Puto out cold, Soga and co just look like some random bystanders helping out their drunk friend after a hard night’s drinking that were passing by where Koichi and Pop crashed down, meaning they have plausible deniability protecting them. 16) “You`re barking up the wrong tree Midnight, five minutes ago Endeavor wanted to turn her into a pile of smoldering ashes, I don`t think he`s just gonna let her go scot-free. This Endeavor would put her in handcuffs and ship her to Tartarus without batting an eye”-  That was when she was still an active threat and could be immolated under the flimsy excuse that she was a danger to others. Rendered unconscious and in critical condition, there’s no longer any justification for Endeavour to flame-broil her – plus, he’s presently more enraged against Koichi for accidentally hitting his ‘All Might’ button, so he’s got a more pressing target to go after than her. 17) “I bet he`s gonna eat that one. Just watch it.”- He might be more aggressive and confrontational than MHA-Endeavour, but this Endeavour still isn’t dumb enough to pick a fight with another pro hero that could devolve into a scandal over a situation that’s now basically resolved without any proof, so he just takes the obvious lie whilst he looks for Koichi himself. 18) “KOICHI PLEASE WHY ARE YOU CLIMBING THIS BUILDING RIGHT WHERE HE CAN SEE YOU
YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WERE BEHIND A WALL, WHY DO YOU NEED TO ADD INSULT TO INJURY”- He was actually hiding behind the giant inflatable landing pad they set up, which would have been the first place Endeavour checked out as being massively suspicious and wouldn’t have hidden him for long- seems he was taking the opportunity to stealthily slide up the nearest building whilst keeping an eye on Endeavour to know when to speed up before his attention was brought back to him.
19) “Now Koichi also learned how to teleport, or become invisible, because there`s no way he managed to climb that whole thing in the second it took for Endeavor to turn around.”- You can technically achieve both of those through the power of Turbo Fast. @thelreads
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
A little talk
Let´s get right to the spicy things.
Taglist:  @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread​ @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70​ @twistedcaretaker
CW// Pet whump, dehumanization, implied torture and dubcon, noncon touch, creepy whumper, creepy caretaker, touch starved whumpee, mind games, conditioning and manipulation. 
A few weeks passed quicker than Albus had imagined. He quickly understood his Mistress had a quick paced life hard to keep up with. 
She was someone that was hard to read. 
One morning she could be the tough, unforgiving business woman that would scold him for every misstep and another she would cook him her favorite breakfast “just to know if you would like it”, she had said. 
His heart had warmed up at her words and had taken a mouthful of the dripping-with-spicy-salsa eggs that set his mouth fully on fire. 
“Delicious, th-thank you so much, ma´am.” he said sniffing away the burn on his tongue as his eyes turned glassy “Thank you for cooking for me, ma´am” he had said before Zarai rushed to stop him and then flew to get him milk. He had profusely apologized for not being able to handle spice, as it was something his owner had treated him to.
The boy had felt something fuzzy settle on his chest when Zarai told him he was allowed to refuse to eat something if he didn´t want to. And when he did left food, he had surprised himself to find it on the fridge for him to take when he wanted. 
It didn´t take him long to understand food wasn´t given as a reward, nor was earned, but it did take time to not check on the fridge every few minutes to reassure himself he wasn´t dreaming.
From then on, Zarai kept in mind Albus diet shouldn´t include anything too spicy. He would plummet down on his bed at night remembering in the middle of night that he had to change. 
However, there were also be times when he would stay up all night with a dictionary and practice books laid all over his desk, every night more cluttered than the one before. During those silent moments, he would twist the collar between his fingers and slide his eyes to the sketchbook. Allowing himself to wonder what would Sann be doing. If he was fast asleep, safe and calm or awake on Robert´s arms wearing that fake smile or trying to hold a scream.
He shook the thoughts away and tried focusing on work. 
There was no point in worrying, he told himself over and over. If anything, he could only hope that if their owners allowed it, they would meet again. Mysteriously, that thought alone pulled him to try to play the role of “Albus Serra, Zarai´s assistant” better. 
He thought he was doing a good job at it. Eating lunch with Tony and Sasha, slowly relaxing more around them, enough to hear Tony confess he had bet he would be fired on the first day and along the rest of the department, had to pay to one lucky winner a second salary. 
When Albus received his paycheck, he thought the correct thing to do was to give it to his owner. What use would a pet have for it? 
However, when he extended the envelope to her, she simply pushed it to his chest. The boy had blinked at her in shock.
“It´s yours. What do you wanna use it on?” she had asked him in the sweetest tone he had ever heard her talk in.
He clenched his fingers around the paper. “I-It´s really…mine?” 
“You earned it” She had told him.
He remembered feeling an itch on his legs. As if in preparation to break into a sprint towards the first bus station he saw. But handler Harry´s snapping his baton on his leather gloves cracked through his memories, making a shiver ran up his spine. 
He decided spending it on the pencil for his tablet and saving up the rest was the smartest move to deal with suddenly having so much liberty. 
Albus was unusually cheerful, already getting used to the throbbing behind his eyes at the constant exposure to reading. He had a smile on his face as he walked back to the office to finish the task Zarai had entrusted him with, but his mood took a dramatic turn when he recognized the person inside the lift.
Every veteran in the office stared at the man making his way through the maze of desks with a surprised, confused smile. The shabby looking man stepped into the office with outmost elegance, despite the smell of weed permeating his clothes.
“Is that Robert Glass?” a woman whispered to the man on the other cubicle.
“Yep. He hasn´t put a foot here in years” Albus learnt through Sasha that after an incident, he had somewhat vanished. 
All eyes were in the man halting to a stop in front of the increasingly growing stiff albino.
“Mister Robert” Albus said. Feet glued on the entrance of Zarai´s office.
“Hey! It´s been a while, Albus” The boy simply stared at him. Nobody watching could know if it was fear or hate what made him curl his fingers into a fist. “Is Zarai there? I have to talk with her”
“No, sir. She is on a meeting. Ma´am will be back in an hour” The boy responded with palpable hostility despite his poker face. The man seemed unbothered by it.
“It´s alright, then I will wait inside” he said already walking into the office. Albus chest puffed up a bit, before staring down and then walking inside. Closing the door behind him, made the rustle of murmuring dance in the air.
Robert paced around Zarai’s office. Touching every surface with slim fingers. Knowing fairly well red eyes followed his every move.
“Don’t worry, I won’t steal anything” Robert grabbed a book from the shelf glancing for a second at the albino, before putting it back “I’m just here to have a little chat” he made a twist and sat on her desk. Facing the boy “You know, talk with you a bit”
“With me, sir?”
“Yes” he drummed on the wooden desk “Do you like games, Albus?” He asked the suddenly mute boy. “Do you remember if you liked them before becoming a box boy?” He pulled an eyebrow up.
Albus blinked rapidly. Trying to keep away the headache starting to form behind his eyes “I don’t… I don’t remember, sir”
“That’s very sad. Don’t you even remember your own name?” The man asked with fake concern. Albus shook his head.
“No, sir” Albus eyes dropped for a second before lifting up again “Box boys don’t have names”
The man couldn´t hold a smile before turning it into a dramatic sad face.
“Pity” he said before lifting himself up and walking to Albus “You know? I came to check on Zarai’s assistant because as you may know, she’s isn’t very attached to them and loves to see them get fired” he patted his head, the boy didn´t express discomfort. Completely pokerfaced as the man lowered his hand “Well done. Good to see the handlers at the company made a good job with you”
Albus swallowed, as images of men with the collar’s remote on their hand and a cane on the other appeared on his head. Yelling at him with the cane held above their heads in anticipation for not doing a good job on the extra conditioning.
 Memories flooded his senses. The white uniform and the uncomfortable chains around his feet. The needle of the tattoo gun piercing his skin and the haziness of hunger made him dizzy.
“Thank you sir” he managed to say, keeping himself from swaying, putting effort into not showing vulnerability. If something had stuck from the facility that wasn´t protocols, was to not show you were weak. They loved weak, and he wouldn´t give them it. “I´ll keep working hard”
The man stared at him for a second. “That´s the spirit” he went “Now listen well, Albus” he pointed his index up “I want you to be the very best assistant she has ever had. So let me give you some tips, alright?”
Albus´ eyes snapped open in shock. 
“The first thing you got to know is read everything you get handed. Don’t even dare skip a word” he continued with an inquisitive tone that made him nod immediately “You don’t wanna sign something that would put Zarai in a bad situation would you?” Albus actually began to pay attention as the man talked. Cautiously keeping him at an arm length.
Albus frowned, studying the man´s face carefully “Why are you helping me, sir?”
The man stayed quiet for a moment, before a grin appeared on his face.
“Is that what you say to someone lending you a hand, boy?”
Noticing his slip up, the boy rushed to say the words. “Thank you, sir”
“What a good boy” the man ruffled his hair and delighted himself in how slightly he leaned into it “If you work hard, I´ll make sure to reward you” 
Albus couldn´t know what he meant before he continued reciting his tips and advice. By the time Zarai came, Albus had a full list of new business words to search on the dictionary.
She was certainly confused and irritated to see him, but kept her composure as she sat at her desk someone knocked on her door and Albus was quick to get it as Robert settled on a chair.
“What are you doing here?” She asked not looking up from her computer.
“Oh, you know, just checking up on the fresh meat and giving him some advice” he pointed at Albus reading something on his hands. Squinting at the words and blinking them into focus.
The boy gave back a paper to the person and shook his head until the other went away with a slow impressed nod.
“What did he want?” Zarai asked.
“It was a budget, ma´am” the woman tilted her head.
“And why did I not see it?” She asked with a suddenly pissed tone that peaked Albus nerves for a second.
“It didn’t have coherence with the data I sent yesterday and didn’t follow the calendar of activities for Dune’s project, ma´am” she lifted an eyebrow up “he’ll bring it with corrections in an hour” she stared at him and then at Robert before going back to her computer.
“Alright, well done” she said before he could breathe finally. He made sure she didn´t notice though.
Robert lifted himself up and patted the boy’s shoulder before looking at her.
“He’s not so bad huh?” She shot him a glare before he giggled and went away “Goodbye Albus. Ah I was forgetting it. Zarai” his expression suddenly softened as he kept the door half open “I’ll go next weekend, with Claude. It’s been a while since we paid a visit. All three…Will you come?” His voice was oddly respectful. Albus sneaked a glance at the woman. She looked grim.
“It’s already that time of the year?” She said with a hush. She stayed silent for a moment before typing again. “Yeah, only us though” she warned.
Robert’s eyes sparked for a second. A spark Albus recognized from his handlers. The ones that liked to play games with the trainees and promised no good.
“You won’t have a problem if Albus keeps Sann some company for the weekend?” He asked her. Albus made a conscious effort to breathe normally through the churn of his stomach.
“We will talk it out later” she said after squinting her eyes slightly.
“I wouldn’t trust anybody else” he said giving the boy a smile before waving goodbye.
Robert walked out of the office with a gentle smile that got ruined when the elevator´s doors closed. He started humming to himself. Pleased. He loved games that took time. One that needed meticulous strategies that involved messing with the fragile psychology of broken people. Juggling around box boy´s minds was his new hobby and Albus was looking like quite a fun toy.
Zarai knew better than to believe the man´s act and promptly ordered Albus to sit in front of her desk as the door closed. The boy did as he was told and waited for instructions.
“I don´t know what he wants, but try to keep a safe distance from Sann, ok?” Albus shot his eyes open, before knitting his eyebrows together “I have a bad feeling about this sudden…invitation. You heard?”  Albus opened his mouth, closing it in resignation.
“Yes, ma´am”
“I feel sorry about him too, but we can´t do much about it” she said going back to her laptop. Ignoring the boy´s fingers rounding his thumbs in a nervous gesture.
“T-That means I can´t see him ma´am?” he asked trying to not sound as terrified of speaking out of turn. She lifted her eyes and stared at the albino that went completely stiff waiting for her answer.
She went back to work “That´s why I said safe distance. Just don´t fall for him”
Too late.
“Yes, ma´am” he said instead, in an act of defiance he made himself swear would keep hidden from her.
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Summary: A young reaper/ time entity talks about all the times she came in contact with Dean Winchester, and what would have happened if no one had interfered.
Genre: Gen
Angst, Hurt
Trigger warnings: Abuse, sexual abuse, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt(s), murder.
Chapter 5: When Dean was 10 years-old, something terrible happened
To recap, staying in questionable motels and leaving behind your two underage sons? Not the smartest idea.  Surprisingly, there was no other motel incident for almost two years, this may not seem like a big deal, but for time, who had seen some of the places where the Winchesters stayed, well, let´s just say that the surprise is that it took until now. Sadly, this incident was even worse than the first. Let´s provide a bit of context.
John Winchester was hunting something or another (time is not really sure and to be honest she doesn´t care) in a city with a high crime rate, he was low on funds so he decided to stay in a very cheap motel in the bad side of town. Of course, this hunt required that he go hunting in the woods (on second thought, he could have been hunting a wendigo), so again, in all his infinite wisdom, he paid the motel for the week, grabbed his gear, gave Dean 100 dollars and left him in charge of taking care of Sammy. He figured it would be enough money to cover for expenses and it is not like he was going to take that long anyway (spoiler alert, he did). Let´s remember, at this time, Dean already knew a skill that most people don’t learn until they are 30 and that is that he knew how to budget, so the money in theory looked good.
Fast forward two weeks, there wasn´t a sign of John, the money was running out and the motel manager was giving them the stink eye and was ready to throw them out. At least the day manager. The night manager, however, was giving Dean a look that he couldn’t understand (sadly, he would soon know). On the 20th day of staying on the motel, the manager gave them an ultimatum, either they payed or they were out. Dean was desperate, his father wasn't answering the phone, and he hadn't eaten for two days in the hope that Sam wouldn't starve, so he sat in front of the motel office wondering what to do and that is how the night manager found him. John Winchester taught his children a lot about monsters, he just forgot to tell them that some of them were human. The night manager (let´s call him Gary) asked Dean what was going on, and Dean told him in hopes of negotiating the price of the room. Gary presented himself as sympathetic and told Dean that he would help them and give them the room for free if only Dean could do him a little favor. The bait was set, while the predator stalked his victim, and the victim fell. If John had taken the time to do some research, he would have known that in this particular town, there had been a string of boys between the ages of 9-12 going missing at nights. The manager took Dean into his office and proceeded to use him as a rag doll. The little boy prayed for mercy and help that would never come. The assault ended up being fatal (time is going to skip the details if ii is the same to you), the last thing he saw was a lustful gaze and a pool of blood mixed with a white substance. Now, Gary didn’t exactly set up to kill his victims but most of them died anyway, so he did what he normally did, that is dumping the body in a garbage bag on the plot next to the motel, which was the city dumpster.
John arrived two days later and what he found made him grow cold. Dean would never leave Sammy unattended even if he was dead. So when John entered the motel he saw a little half-naked Dean with blood in his tights and bags under his eyes sitting next to a crying Sammy (Sammy may not have known about ghosts back then but he did know about how his big brother had gone out and come back with a haunted look and cold fingers). It didn’t take a genius to realize what had happened (because deep down John had seen the looks) and he saw red. The police were called almost 20 minutes later after a passerby saw John beating Gary to death. What happened next was the stuff of nightmares. John was charged with murder in the first. Although the police found evidence of the manager´s crimes, they never found the bodies. And Sam was taken to foster home with a little ghost following him, Dean had latched to Sam and he would never let him go. Over time all spirits go mad, even those with good intentions. At 15, Sam was found in a bathtub full of blood, the police ruled it out as suicide, after all there were many motives, he was an antisocial child, who was bullied at school, with a murderer for a father and a dead brother that he claimed to see everywhere. His foster parents reported that he had nightmares in which his brother asked him to join him and the case was swiftly close. They say if you stay in the motel, you would see two young boys playing hide and seek.
Obviously, this wasn´t part of the Big Plan, so the powers that aren´t decided to “fix-it”. Therefore, when Gary was in the middle of the act, a patrol car passed in front of the motel, which made him nervous enough to finish up quickly. So, Dean walked out of that office alive, with a room paid and enough money to keep them comfortable for a while (Dean wonder later that night as he rubbed his skin raw if the price was worth it, one look at Sam´s smiling face, gave him an answer). John would arrive 2 days later and they would leave town without any problem, he would never find out what his oldest had to do (that is not entirely true or relevant to this story, but there is a timeline close to the original where he did and it was devastating) or that Dean now knew a new “skill” to get “easy” cash (and a haunted look that would never go away)
And that is how this event was corrected, time thinks corrected is a very ugly word for the disaster that was, if they wanted to correct something they should have prevented the whole thing and let Dean keep his innocence a little bit longer.
First chapter   <<Previous Next>>> AO3
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brandonimhotep · 4 years
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A second excavation begins Monday at a cemetery in an effort to find and identify victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre and shed light on violence that left hundreds dead and decimated an area that was once a cultural and economic mecca for African Americans. 'I realize we can tell this story the way it needs to be told, now,' said Phoebe Stubblefield, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Florida and a descendant of a survivor of the massacre who is assisting the search, told The Associated Press. 'The story is no longer hidden. We're putting the completion on this event.' The violence happened on May 31 and June 1 in 1921, when a white mob attacked Tulsa's Black Wall Street, killing an estimated 300 people and wounding 800 more while robbing and burning businesses, homes and churches. 'People, they were just robbed, white people coming in saying Black people had better property than they had and that that was just not right,' said Stubblefield, whose great-aunt Anna Walker Woods had her home burned and property taken. 'Burning, thieving, killing wasn´t enough. They had to prevent Black people from recovering. 'Personally, professionally, spiritually I have an investment in this,' said Stubblefield, a Los Angeles native who said she is in her early 50s and learned of the massacre and her ancestor, who she doesn't recall ever meeting, in the 1990s. The two locations to be searched are in Oaklawn Cemetery in north Tulsa, where a search for remains of victims ended without success in July, and near the Greenwood District where the massacre took place. The earlier excavation was done in an area identified by ground-penetrating radar scans as appearing to be a human-dug pit indicative of a mass grave. It turned out be a filled-in creek, said Mayor G.T. Bynum, who first proposed looking for victims of the violence in 2018 and later budgeted $100,000 to fund it after previous searches failed to find victims. (SWIPE LEFT) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhwyVNjcyr/?igshid=1c093ak9avkzh
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
La Liga de los 5, México has their own heroes [SPOILERS]
Superheroes are very popular now days, kids love them very much, so let Anima Studios jump into the opportunity to tell the story of group of heroes with unique and not orthodox superpowers. Mexicans have a new group of heroes and they are spicy! 
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After their parents passed away, Chema and Dolores have been living together while hiding. After using her powers and getting the attention of the main villain, she gets kidnapped and is held to be used for a ritual that brings back the worst evil the world has seen. Now Chema has to look for his parents´ comrades to save his little sister before it´s too late. 
Art design and animation: 
Let me get something out of the way: people always talk shit about this studio and about any animated Mexican movie. Mexican movies tend to be either gross humor and obscenities when it comes to animated movies, at least the ones with Huevo Cartoon, even Mexicans talk shit about their own studio! I hate that. Animation here is complicated to take out, people get inspire and do try to give something, to tell a story they believe in and show their creativity. People inside and out of the country have to understand we dont have the same resources but we do try to make something good. Ana y Bruno might not have looked pleasant but what it doesnt have in animation it has in character development and story. La leyenda de la Nahuala might have looked awkward, but the story and the effects (at the time) looked and gave slight horror to the kids who watch it. It´s a try and fail, it´s been a REALLY long time for animation in Mexico and this creators are trying their best, the main things they are using to tell stories might be viewed as over the top but those are practically the main parts of our culture. Of course there´s more, there are legends and places and such but for the love of god give the studio and the creators a break. They are trying to entertain you, they are trying to tell a story of bravery, of family, of accepting one self. STOP SHIT TALKING ABOUT MEXICAN MOVIES AS IF THEY ALL SUCK. THERE ARE PLENTY OF GOOD MEXICAN MOVIES, OLD AND NEW. SAYING MEXICAN MOVIES SUCK IS NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM EXIST, YOU ARE NOT COOL FOR HATING A MEDIA. 
Now where was I? Right. 
As always, Anima Studios amazes me with their different animation skills and artwork. Maybe for some people who are used to Pixar or Dreamworks this doesnt look appealing, but hey, it looks way better than I thought, this is actually an improvement from previous works. Their style is recognizable and distinguish. If you dont know which studio is Anima or what they´ve done, maybe you´ve heard of La leyenda de la Nahuala. No? How about Legend Quest? Yep. They made Legend Quest. 
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The character design is always a treat, everyone look different from each other and always pop in their own ways. Even the background characters look different from each other, this people actually take care to make sure everyone looks unique. For some reason they didn´t use as many models as they used too, it look pretty empty in comparison to their other works but considering this is AN OPERA PRIMA from Maverick Núñez I think they did a really good job. 
The main protagonists also come in different shapes:
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Just... Look. You can tell everyone apart. 
The backgrounds  are really eye catching to being waaay too different from the main characters animation, that´s like they common thing now. I dont really mind, they capture what A MEXICAN CITY LOOKS LIKE NOT LIKE OTHER USA OR WHATEVER OTHER COUNTRY PORTRAYS IT. I can´t find many pictures since it has been almost a week after it came out. 
The animation looked very fluid, one thing that is really awesome is that they use different types of animation, you have the main 2D and they mix up the 3D animation for villains and other models of backgrounds. Sure it pops up but it doesn´t do it as awkward as before, they made sure to blended a bit better. The effects are fitting and blend WAY better than other movies they´ve done. It looks part of the characters and part of the animation than a separated after effects thing. Anima Studios has improved a lot. 
Sound and editing: 
I don´t know if you know this, but sometimes some Mexican movies have troubles with sound, general sounds. Sometimes they are way to loud, other times way too low, then it has too much noise or sounds like a sound taken from the internet. This is one of the reasons some people don´t like Mexican movies, though the ones I´ve seen so far have improved more (And let me tell ya, Hollywood movies sometimes have sucky sound too. Really bad sound design sometimes, specially for horror movies and they HAVE A BIGGER BUDGETS! For example: The Conjuring used 20 000 000 dollars, Belzebuth, cost around 191 500 dollars. Like... Bruh). 
In this case the sound design was on well done, it wasn´t over the top and the sounds made sense. effects for the cars and the steps do sound like they were done. The designers really tried and accomplish, the dialogues were at the same volume and never were uneven. I liked they didnt use a lot of popular songs, Pachuco was actually a good song for the car chase scene. The music? BOI. I loved it. For some reason they have this whimsical and epic music and I have no idea where they got it. Even in La Leyenda de la Nahuala they always had this type of music: really well made, fitting to the scene, perfect between events and its not over used, letting the silence spaces to be silent and/or letting the background sounds do the job. 
The editing had a really fast pace. I´ve notice lately that a lot of animated movies are really fast now or feel really fast, this was way too fast. There´s not exactly enough time to breath, the events pass so quickly you have to pay attention to what´s going on. Even at moments where there has an emotional moment it passes so fast because of a next action. At some point they slow it down but then it makes it fast again. I think the main problem is the time, it is a 1:30 movie like many others but I feel this movie was longer than that so they had to reedit it to make it go faster. Plot is understandable, just fast. 
Writing and Characters: 
Ah, shit! Here we go again. I like this studio, I like the movies they´ve made (not all of them. Agente -P2? seriously, guys? That was a dark time...), but the writing has always been slightly awkward for me. Sometimes they have too many pauses or what they say doesn´t land correctly. I thought it was the voice actors but no, guys. The voice actors are really good, we have a lot of talent. In general is the writing. They did improve a lot, the pacing and the dialogues were cleaner and sounded natural but for some reason this one has the same problem in certain parts. It´s not like people dont talk like this I think its the pauses that make it weirder. Other than that, the story of the origins of the main 2 is not really original. Then again, as I said before, Originality is a lie. The characters and their powers are the original part. The tale of two siblings that become orphans and have to hide because the main villain is looking for them is old, its what happens around and how the characters act that matters. 
It could have used a bit more of a build up, maybe more interactions between the siblings to know them better. The opening scene and introduction was great, it shows you the characters, what happened to the parents and then you flashforward to the main two in their... teenage years? I think they are teens. It´s perfect, but other than that we don´t know Chema or Dolores that well, we know Chema is careful and gets worried a lot while Dolores is a bit more carefree and cheerful, and they interact and you can tell their personalities. i just think it could have used a bit more of their relationship. Dolores powers involve turning into a ghost, flying, going through walls and apparently, being a vessel to bring the evil Dr. Vampire. 
The other 4 characters are La Tuna, Catrina, Tetlepanquetzal and Tin Martin. 
Tin Martin is kind of annoying to me. He is smart and builds the different gadgets the heroes use, he is really useful and also the comic relief though he actually shows he cares about what I presume are his nephews. Its really competent in his area, all the gadgets he provides work perfectly which is odd to me, its usual for this type of guys to have something that doesnt work. It´s a nice change. 
La Tuna is a wrestler and has a goofy look, but this guy knows how to fight and really well. He is extremely strong, as strong or more than Tetlepanquetzal, and he actually has a soft side that isn´t shown as a weakness. He gives advice to Chema when he is down and encourages him to be brave and to believe in himself. Chema is really insecure because of his powers that are to make everyone get spiced. I´m not kidding, his power is to make the air spiced, like if you take chilli peppers and throw them in peoples faces, he does that without having any peppers around. Tuna tells him to believe in himself because his powers dont define him, Tuna had issues too because of his short stature and his powers are becoming prickly and secreting slimy substance (you know, like a nopal. Tuna is a prickly pear) but tells him his father told him that non of that matter, what really matter was who they were inside. Its a really nice and touching scene, Chema is a kid who had to grow fast and misses his parents and now he has a couple parental figures to help him with whats troubling him. 
Catrina is kind of a fresa? Like a rich queen or something, or its portrayed like that. Stylish and such, but she is loyal and does care about his friends and dont diminish them, she only teases them because they´ve known each other for a while. She is powerful, summoning bones to be use as armor and to kick the bad guys butts. Catrina has a strong personality, not taking shit and trying to focus on every situation, she is practically the glue that keeps the team on track. 
Tetlepanquetzal is the most left out character there is. He is silent, his expressions are ok but he doesn´t provide with any remarks. He does his job, his power is really cool too. He transforms into any animal he touches for a certain amount of time. He is the extra muscle, Tetlepanquetzal is smart but really goofy, due to having animals characteristics from the transformations he does  lot of goofy stuff but other than that its just like a silent wall. Strong wall that is. 
The villains... We have 2 which one of them I have no idea how it´s called. They never called him by his name in the whole movie. One of the henchman calls him boss so I will call him by that. Boss is a pyrotechnic mastermind, he controls the fireworks and uses that to destroy everything. He is the one that wants to use Dolores and open a portal to bring Dr. Vampire (which is the second villain). The reason? He used to have a daughter, and her daughter died in his house because of fireworks going off, she was burned or suffocated. The Dr. Vampire promised him he would bring her back if Boss brought him back.
Turns out the vampire lied and kind of turn his back on Boss, who now felt like an idiot and wanted to save Dolores. (There´s a point where Dolores enters Boss´ mind with the help of an obsidian mirror and sees the flashback of the daughter dying, so both characters do kind of have a mild bond) 
Dr. Vampire is the weirdest, dumbest looking villain I have ever seen. He looks like a edgy teenager but looks old as fuck. It´s super weird and is completely evil, bringing certain Mexican monuments to live and bring havoc to Mexico City. like... Holy shit, he has red messy hair, long face, nose and teeth, wears A FREAKING GOTH CLOAK AND BOOTS and has a trident. It´s a weird design for a vampire. We don´t know shit about this character, only that he was supposed to be brought back by Boss and that´s all. BUT HE IS PURE EVIL! 
They manage to defeat the villain by fighting each of the monuments and then fighting against the vampire, Chema and Dolores have a special combination that not only provokes an explosion but also gives the other 3 characters a power boost. I dont know why that happens, there´s no explanation. If there´s more of it I WISH AND HOPE THERE´S A SERIES. THIS!!! THIS RIGHT HERE:
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(If you take a closer look you can see the aura is in a pepper form, its so funny to me. The big pictures at the movie theater glow at a certain angle if they are stroke with a light) 
There´s something I like a lot and that´s that there isn´t a separation moment, they never get separated because of ¨I have to prove myself¨ or ¨i need to do this alone¨. They get separated due to circumstances like following a truck while others take care of a fallen comrade, but Chema is never alone. He is with at least one of them, mostly La Tuna (that´s how we get their emotional talk) and IM SO GLAD THEY DIDNT DO THAT KIND OF CLICHE. Chema never fights with them for stupid things or misunderstandings, they all work whatever misunderstanding right then and there and always stick together because THEY KNOW HOW DANGEROUS IT CAN BE. AND THEY LISTEN TO EACH OTHER! ITS GREAT! THEY ARE GREAT! 
Also the last scene, which parodies marvel movies:
Tin Martin: OH NO! A giant snake is eating Trompa´s wall
La Tuna: Let the snake eat it. 
(People call Trump El Trompas, trompas has several meanings like trumpet but we use it to also refer to the duck face) 
Superheroes are really overdone. Marvel, you are ok I guess but please just let yourself die (At least after you give me Black Widow and the next Guardians of the Galaxy). In México the close to a superheroe we had was Santos and Blue Demon, being really popular wrestlers and movie stars and all in the silver era. Sure, we also have Villainous that explores villains and heroes that TO ME ARE ALL MEXICAN UNTIL PROVEN THE CONTRARY, but this is a movie not a web-series (that has probably being cancelled ´cause Ituriel doesn´t seem to know how to administrate his company and properly treat his workers). 
Anima Studios took the chance with Maverick Núñez and they really made a good job. As an Opera Prima it looks and sounds awesomely, the writing could still use some work but other than that it is an entertaining movie. It has a nice message, the characters are really well made from design to voice acting and the story is interesting. From what I read it had a really good opening, but it didn´t quite made it in the box office. Still, I think you should give it a watch, not because it´s a Mexican movie, but because it´s a superhero movie that just takes place in Mexico. It´s different from Marcianos vs Mexicanos because that one was full on ridiculousness and comedy while this one is drama with comedy. If you followed Anima Studios, you will see how much they have improve and advance. This company was and is the start of animation in México and they are becoming better. 
Now I´m waiting for their next movie: Las Leyendas: El origen. And you know why I am excited? Because it´s 2 movies from the same Studio in 1 year, they are really becoming bigger. 
Animation has never been this amazing, and Mexican Animation is growing faster and better. Please, be objective but supportive. Don´t be destructive for the sake of being destructive. People are trying their best and it is paying off in my opinion. 
Sincerely, a Mexican with hopes for more animations in her own country. 
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Richest Duck In The World!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Storyboard by: Stephanie Gonzaga, Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
The calm before the moon-related storm.
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Our episode begins with a flashback to the very day when Scrooge McDuck became the richest duck in the world. selling his entire mine of haveyouseenium to a man named Mr. Zee. Because of this deal, he became the richest duck in the world, and he gets surrounded by a pink aura that spreads across the land. No, not the kind of aura that would turn into a stapler, but an aura that will attract a certain "he" that Mr. Zee describes in a rhyming riddle.
Mr. Zee: He cannot be bought, he cannot be fought, though riches you've got, your life will be fraught, until you have earned the one thing you have not!
Scrooge: Who is "he"?
Mr. Zee: The Bombie! So long, no take backs!
I'd talk about who or what this Bombie is, but the episode makes us wait, too. All we see is Scrooge happily dancing, knowing very well that the threat of the Bombie should be nothing to him. He then looks at something that caused the earth to shake, and he makes a face that can only come before the theme song.
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After the theme song, we cut to the present day, where Scrooge gets to hear the good news about all the money he's going to get from Louie after his successful plan. That is, none of it! Turns out, the title is not referring to the Richest Duck in the World we all know, but his nephew, who, in the Louie Inc. plot's big payoff, has inherited the McDuck fortune against Scrooge's will! Many would expect, including Zan Owlson in the show itself, that this would lead to a "sea monster ate my ice cream"-level tantrum from Scrooge.
Somehow, that tantrum doesn't happen, as he just walks away laughing at this, telling Louie that he can call him anytime to give back his title. Is this really the same Scrooge that went insane over 87 cents? Sure, he knows where the money went, which is half of the reason why he went insane in that episode, but still, this is Scrooge. Maybe he's just that genre-savvy that this will not last.
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While all of this is happening, we finally get something that has some relation to the upcoming Moonvasion, which is still unknown to anyone on Earth. This even includes Della Duck, who is still making space-video-calls to her friend Captain Penumbra, who isn't calling back for some reason. However, nothing can stop Della Duck, so she decides to show off the children that aren't currently doing "complex business deals."
...and Dewey is dabbing. Unfortunately, Mark Beaks is not the only person who is willing to dab in public.
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Unfortunately, Dewey ruins the moment, in an intentional-by-the-plot way, not a "why are they doing this" way, even more by knocking into the camera after trying way too hard to do a backflip. Oh, Dewey. This distresses Della, as she really needs to find someone with a camera! Huey and Webby get distressed as well, as Dewey is getting really excited at his own idea...
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...a special moon-focused episode of Dewey Dew-Night, with special guest "Mom"! Even in-universe, it doesn’t exactly bring that much excitement to anyone, as her stories of being lonely on the moon for a significant chunk of her life are more downers than knee-slappers.
They go back and forth between this show and the main plot, and all that really happens is that Della is led to wonder if Penumbra is really her friend. Also, Webby tries to bring in a real raccoon. There's a running gag with that.
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As the talk show of the century is happening, Zan Owlson gets to learn that going from a manchild to a literal child is not an upgrade. Louie is completely uninterested in her strategies to grow and maintain his newly-gained company. In his new suit made entirely of emeralds, he sits on his giant chair, and trying to find a comfortable position to put his legs.
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Suddenly, Johnny and Randy of the Ottoman Empire show up, still mad at each other. That plotline with the Ottoman Empire's breakup does come up once in a blue moon in this season, and while I wasn't expecting a whole episode on the resolution to that, I was wondering if they would resolve it in this season. Turns out, they will, thanks to Louie convincing them to reunite with a heartwarming speech about comradery.
Just kidding, he offers them 100 million dollars, and they just can't refuse that kind of money even if they hate each other. Plotline over!
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He then turns on his phone to play a song he definitely invested money into: Mo Money, No Problems! This song doesn't appear to have lyrics. I'd say that might be for the best, but that's still some missed potential.
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The vulture capitalists aren't too happy about this recent $100 million dollar investment into the "Bring Back The Ottoman Empire, And Not That One, Djinn" business. Just like they were in the very first episode of this reboot, they suggest cutting funds to the "magical defense" in the unknown-because-Scrooge-struck-it-off-the-maps island in the Herod Sea. Louie agrees, probably just to get these old guys to hush about their nagging.
The very minute they press that button, Owlson shows up to tell Louie that something terrible has happened in the island in the Herod Sea. Louie eventually agrees.
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As for the former richest duck in the world, he's going to try to be lazy like Louie. This potential for a plot lasts about a few seconds. As he's watching the fully funded return of the Ottoman Empire, just like Louie would do, he notices that Johnny and Randy are talking about the importance of work. They technically worked for that 100 million plus whatever else they made from being celebrities, as they did have to make that emerald-studded footstool, though they certainly wouldn't tell the audience that most of that is from one little rich kid.
With that speech about work, he almost immediately gives up the laziness, and sets out to remake his fortune. How? By shoe-shining, just like he did to get his Number One Dime. However, he's going to do this in a modern world where few people wear shoes. Even he realizes the problem with this eventually.
Back to Louie's first big adventure as a gajillionaire, he goes to the island with Owlson and Manny, with Launchpad as his pilot. He even convinced Launchpad to color the Sunchaser green. As Louie sits on his specially made footstool, ordering his headless horse to turn the pages on his magazine, they eventually make it onto the island, where Louie makes a big discovery...
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...Scrooge was hiding yet another bin! It's the other, other bin of Scrooge McDuck, and Louie assumes Scrooge was hiding yet another fortune. Unfortunately, that bin has a big hole, and there's no money to be found. Launchpad suggests they should ask the green guy what happened to it.
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Turns out, that "magical defense" that I thought was a reference to Magica in the first episode wasn't to keep her out, but to keep this guy in! Makes me wonder if that was always the intention for that; considering this show's knack for continuity, I would not be surprised if it was.
This episode introduces Bombie the Zombie to the DuckTales 2017 universe, and to animation in general. The Bombie, as he is called here, originated in the Scrooge McDuck comics as a zombie that gets sent after Scrooge. In this show, his origins are left unknown; he gets treated more like a force of nature that goes against the richest duck in the world.
As they didn't have any weapons to stop this beast, Louie and his employees run away with the help of Louie's plan to fake him out with Manny's fake Louie head. It's just like what he did in the last episode; some tricks are immortal, just like the Bombie is. Speaking of which, Louie decides to do some drastic measures against the Bombie: he calls up Bradford Buzzard, one of the vulture capitalists, to cut funding to the satellites.
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This causes a whole bunch of satellites to fall on the island, causing a dramatic explosion. Hopefully those satellites aren't important, I say fully knowing that it will be a plot point in the next mega-episode.
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Also, it doesn't work, as he ends up on the wing just like that Twilight Zone episode. Unlike that Twilight Zone episode, the Bombie is not willing to just drive some guy bananas, as he breaks in.
This is the last straw for Zan Owlson, who decides to quit her job just as dramatically as that explosion. She decides she’s going to become a better billionaire herself, and she starts with a plan to get this Bombie off of the plane. She tells everyone to grab a hold of something while he opens the Sunchaser's hatch. This causes the Bombie to fall into the ocean.
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Unfortunately, Louie didn’t get the plan in time, as he ends up falling into the water, too. Even though she quit, she still has the heart to try to grab Louie from his watery and/or zombie-caused grave. That’s a neat touch to her character, in the last time we see her in the episode.
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Good news: Louie does ends up living, and he even gets to keep his emerald ottoman. Louie is glad to know that the Bombie is probably stuck in the seaweed, leaving him to be to enjoy it.
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Well, he is stuck in the seaweed, but that's not going to stop him.
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As this threat looms over Louie, Scrooge finally gets one customer. Unfortunately, the customer is the Tenderfeet, who is just as much of a jerk to Scrooge as he was with Louie in that one episode I don't really want to think about.
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Eventually, Louie shows up, running away from the Bombie and converging the two plots. Honestly, not much happened with the Scrooge plot anyway. He indirectly gets Scrooge into situations of harm, as he's getting in the way of the Bombie's undying journey to...murder the richest duck in the world? Come to think of it, if he murders the richest duck in the world, wouldn't that mean he would then go after the second richest, the third richest, and so on? Yeah, maybe this curse doesn't make a lot of sense from the viewpoint of the Bombie himself. Maybe whoever made this Bombie never thought of that.
Scrooge tells Louie all about this Bombie, including his name and that riddle he couldn't figure out. He doesn't really question why the Bombie was able to get out of his magical defenses, because he doesn't get the time to think about that.
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Eventually, Louie's own billboard advertising the new owner of McDuck Enterprises gets broken off, with the giant Louie picture getting his arm broken in a way that suggests pointing to him. Somehow, this gets Louie to figure out that riddle: he just needs to admit that he can't do something.
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Also, Louie offers the Bombie a shoe-shine, which he really needed. That might have been the solution, too. No richest person in the world has figured this riddle out since this "curse" began. Honestly, that is actually believable.
It doesn’t take a genius to realize this means Louie doesn’t want to be the richest duck in the world anymore, and he gives the money back. The aura even transfers over to Scrooge, as if this aura represents more than just the curse of the Bombie. This is a cool bit of symbolism.
The Louie Inc. plot finally reaches its merciful end. I'm not exactly mad, I'm just a little disappointed. I mean, we get a Doofus Drake plot, and a plot where Scrooge loses his money and just kind of accepts it. We did get a good Goldie story out of it, at least.
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Oh yeah, and they give us a cliffhanger for the next episode, kind of undoing any drama that happened in the Dewey Dew-Night plot by revealing that Penumbra actually is friendly enough to let Della know that a Moonvasion is going to happen. One of the plots turned out to be pointless, but hey, we got a Moonvasion to get to!
How does it stack up?
Eh, it's okay. This is another case where I considered giving this a neutral. Unfortunately, I'm still considering it right now, as there's no real reason for me not to give it.
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Next, the season finale.
← GlomTales! 🦆 Moonvasion! →
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pffbts · 6 years
hi my amazing baby koyel ❤ can i request an imagine with namjoon; waking up in the morning in bed while dusk is breaking and the smell of coffee is in the air because he made you morning coffee and cuddles you back in bed to wake you up and life is just somehow perfect in that exact moment. clichè i know hahahah take your time with it angel ❤ i love you, ure always there in my heart ❤ your existance itself makes me feel abit better about the world ❤
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―genre: fluff; angst; soulmate! a.u.
―characters: kim namjoon x female reader | no supporting character.
―w.c: 2.4K
―author`s note: this is like a parallel universe story. i wanted to write something like this for a long time. i hope you`re happy darling. thank you as always for requesting such beautiful ideas. much love
[04:50 PM] [a lesser busy street of someone`s city and two people bumps into each other while walking in the opposite direction]
―namjoon got down from the metro and walked onto the curb. the bustling city daylights and the unreasonable talks of the street occupiers make him sigh against the lamppost. suddenly, a gush of wind moves against his face making his shirt that he was wearing over a white t-shirt flow with the air. namjoon realized it`s been twenty years. two decades had gone by and he still continues to write love poetry even though he has never fallen in love with anyone.
your day always starts off with a cup of tea that should be half hot and half cold. strange, right? but that`s just a little detail of what you are. maybe someday it`ll be a reason someone will fall in love with you. funny story again, your inner self stated laughing. maybe it`s never happening. maybe it won`t ever happen – you falling in love with someone and having it returned.
putting on your jeans jacket and a berry coloured beanie, you slung your bad on your shoulder. walking out of your rented apartment, you walked towards the passport office. for six months you`ve been planning to take a solo trip to somewhere you`ve never thought you`ll go. some people will tell that you`re stupid to think like that – that, you`re a twenty years old girl not having any permanent job and a still college going one. but you wanted a break. you wanted to grasp onto something that you didn`t even realize you have.
you work hard at the local big restaurant, then at the library, you work late shifts too – some days it comes with good payment, sometimes not also, you saved a lot from your monthly maintenances fee from parents, you kept your grandparent`s pocket money as saving too. for the last six months, you didn`t buy any clothes or accessories, books, or anything that might be categorized as unnecessary. you`ve saved a lot, and now that your bank account looks decent enough for a good trip, you decided why not inhale some holiday spirit and fall in love with random people like a cope up mechanism.
the lady at the office was quick enough and after some one-hour paperwork, she said to collect the passport in two weeks. when you passed by the fish fry shop, you didn`t even give a second glance to it.
it felt like seoul was getting busier and busier each day, so the trip to ilsan worked like a magic inside namjoon`s head. even though it`s his hometown, for the last ten years due to his high school and college days, he has spent most of his time in seoul at his maternal aunt`s place. for namjoon everything has been always perfect – no financial problem, no stressed-filled days in his educational life. absolutely not like yours. if there was one thing that lacked in his life then that would be friends and love. even though he would disagree on the latter one because namjoon is like a local love poet.
for namjoon it was just a train ride from seoul to ilsan after all, it`s the closest city to seoul. two days later, he boarded the train in an attempt to find a kind of solace he wasn`t initially planning. but somehow something pulled at his heartstrings and he felt like if he didn`t visit the town, he probably would regret it later.
the passport was two days late. like as if anything would go right in your life. suddenly, one of your friend`s sister`s wedding came up too. but when your friend told you that you can take the much-needed break of yours, you thought maybe you can, maybe one gift won`t do much harm to your budget. but things never work out in your life that easily and while coming back from receiving the passport, you met with an accident.
you stayed in the hospital for a one whole week and absolutely nothing could make you feel happy because everything that you had saved for the last six months was almost gone into the treatment. you couldn`t attend your friend`s sister`s wedding too. though they didn`t mind it still felt unfair.
all you wanted a good trip. a breath of fresh air. after your discharge, your friend stated that you can visit a place that is close to seoul and not even worry that much about your expense. at one point you told her maybe you`ll just skip the trip altogether and just go with life. it was useless after all and your leg wasn`t even that much functional for you to take a trip.
when you sat in the train after three days of convincing by your friend, you wondered if you`re doing anything right after all. it`s not like you`ve never heard of ilsan ever – you`ve seen it on the map too but to visit there is what you`ve never seen yourself to come to conclusion. but here you are, sitting on the train with windows up.
as the train started pulling off, you felt the cooling gush of wind all over your face. suddenly, you saw a boy sitting in front of you, in the seat that`s facing yours. he had a cap on his head and his clothes looked too casual for these days along with his tracks. soon your attention diverted to the hard concentrated face of the boy – to be frank, he didn`t even look like a boy, he looked a well-developed man. you discovered the shape of his plump lips along with his pressed chin as he concentrates hard in the book that he was reading. you felt another gush of wind hitting your side as you saw the trailer of his ever so cute dimple. for the first time after a long time, you felt like smiling.
all of a sudden you realized that two whole decades had passed by and you`ve not had your chance of wearing your lover`s clothes. looking at the beautiful boy in front of you, you realized you have never even kissed someone on their lips forget about tongue or as simple as standing in front of each other and holding onto each other`s fingers in that loose yet strong way. maybe you`re too ugly, too simple for someone to look at you and realize that maybe ‘this is the one for me’, maybe no one will ever look at you like you`re the only thing in the field of their vision.
you looked away, staring at the scenario that passes by the train.
no, namjoon said to himself, maybe there`s someone who`s probably sitting in this same train and probably not reading a book like him, maybe that person is looking out through the window and watching the trees pass by along with the speed of the train. maybe that person is eating ramen noodles and watching animes as a pass time because they don`t like watching television. maybe that person is waiting for someone like him to arrive and make that person realize that he`s the one for them and that he`s ready to be injected with their love. but somewhere namjoon feels like he had a lot to give – after all he had two decades of love inside him and like a drug he is waiting for that person to arrive so that he can shoot it all inside that person.
wait for me, namjoon said to that person in his mind, just keep your sleeves rolled up because you`ve to be prepared when i inject all my love for you.
when namjoon got down from the train, his younger sister was waiting for him. when she ran up to him for a hug, her brother leaned down for her. namjoon`s 5ft 11` body was a tower compared to his 5ft 2` sister. it was strange that they`re actual siblings having the same parents.
the guy who was sitting in front of you all throughout the journey had a girl in his arms -  a much beautiful petite girl who looked so much happier than ever as if her face was only made for smiling. maybe that`s the kind of girl who`s known as the one on whom smile looks better than any other makeup. throwing your bag over your shoulder, you passed by them only to hear her calling him “brother.”
you thought that maybe sometimes you`re kind of strange too because why the hell did you feel that relieved to her calling that train guy brother. he was nothing to you. he was just a fellow passenger. whatever you think sometimes, really?
next morning when you woke up under the white blanket with no one by your side, you realized that maybe being twenty has never been this pathetic. maybe there really won`t be anyone to share the same warmth of the blanket, no one to share a trip with.
the day passed by as simply as it could with no sparks here and there. no one glanced at you except for the cashier at the café where you had your lunch. but it was just for you losing your concentration and forgetting to take the change.
the afternoon sun was sadder than ever. the lesser busy curb of ilsan gave you a little breather and just as you glanced at your watch to read the time as 04:50 PM, your shoulder bumped into someone who was walking in the opposite direction of yours. when you looked up to meet with the person`s soft, apologetic voice saying, “sorry!”, you discovered that it`s the same guy from the train.
for a moment the whole surrounding was blurred out. the voice of all the people was muted, the traffic sounded like a faraway carnival and your eyes remained fixated only on one person and that was the guy in front of you.
namjoon realized the girl onto whom he bumped while his regular casual afternoon stroll didn`t realize what just happened – maybe she`s daydreaming just like him. so he took her hand in his and shook it. but just as soon he took her hand in his, he felt like someone just injected a large dose of drug into his bloodstream and suddenly, the only one in his field of vision was this unknown girl. then he remembered her face.
this was the same girl who was sitting in the seat facing his last day while he was on his way to ilsan. he realized that the girl was probably giving the same expression as to his – as if she was like a mirror in front of him. he couldn’t grow bigger or smaller than what he was. he shook her hands again to bring her back to the reality and when she shook her head as an attempt to come out of her daze, namjoon giggled softly finding it cute.
“um, thank you, i`m-i`m f-fine.” wringing your hand out of the guy`s grip, you ran as far as your feet could take you, away from him and away from that electric feeling of someone injecting a heavy dose of a drug in your system.
it`s still early and you can feel your boyfriend`s face against your neck mumbling coherent praises against the skin of it. what is it with him and his early morning praises, you wondered. the dawn was breaking behind the window and you were still sleepy so he continued placing soft kisses and whispering little ‘i love you’(s) as you drifted off to another hour-long slumber.
next time when you woke up, the body heat from the person behind you wasn`t there, instead, you were met with the air filled with morning coffee and a room coloured with the breaking dawn. namjoon sneaked into the room, holding two cups of coffee in his hands. the phone on the cupboard suddenly started out its alarm and the digital clock on top of namjoon`s desk said 06:00 AM.
it`s still early inside your head. putting the coffee cup down on top of the cupboard, you pulled at his arms. namjoon stumbled upon the bed and fell against your blanket-covered figure. his mouth came face to face with the sensitive place of your throat and sniffing at your essence and earning a giggle from you in return namjoon whispered, “in some other world, we don`t even know our names and you`re running away from me after bumping into each other in this town. maybe we weren`t neighbours like this life, right?” pulling his face away from your throat, he came too close to your face and continued, “maybe we didn`t even start out as friends in middle school like in this life. maybe we`re still confused in that life.”
sure, maybe your previous life must have been completely different than what it is right now. maybe it is the truth – maybe you really were running away from him after touching his hand while he consoles you, maybe you don`t even know his name. you held onto namjoon, holding him as a tightly as possible when you realized how must have your life been in your previous life when you can`t even imagine life after your middle school days with namjoon in this life.
it didn`t matter to you. because in this life, you`re with him – he`s in your arms and you`re loved. there`s the smell of early morning coffee in the air and the dawn breaking behind the curtain. that is all it matters. the other you from the other life is probably cursing you but it doesn`t even matter anymore because that you is gone and this you is happy, living and in love.
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brainwxshxd · 5 years
Spooky Secret Santa!
here’s my part of the halloween event created by @icypyre ! 
i was assigned to creat something for the wonderful @amplifyingtrace , and i decided to write a short lil story for them and their amazing oc! i apologize for the lateness, but here it is ! i think it turned out alright, considering its my first time writing with someone else’s oc, but i hope you enjoy!
Word Count : 1517
Characters : 8337
Izuku had been planning this date for weeks - even before he’d asked her out. That was why he had been so relieved when Leia had accepted his offer, and even more so when the reservations went well and the ticket purchases went through. Everything about their night had been planned down to the smallest detail.
Nothing could go wrong.
The two had always been close. Their classmates most likely would have predicted that they'd end up together one day, but it had taken his so long to even work up the confidence required to pop the question, and any mistakes could easily push everything downhill. Anything could happen, though, anything could ruin their day - what if there was a villain attack? Or a disaster? There had been earthquakes before, one could hit without warning, right?
The boy shook his head, his grip on the tablecloth tightening. The quiet chatter around him was a welcome distraction from his anxiety-induced thoughts. He knew he shouldn't be getting himself worked up like this. Especially since Leia should be arriving at any minute. His watch read 6:00 and they'd agreed to get together at 6:30 for dinner - he'd simply arrived a while earlier than expected. After that, he’d scraped up enough to buy tickets for the top show in town ; it would be the highlight of the night, as long as everything went according to plan. Just to make sure everything was running smoothly, of course.
His thoughts were cut off sharply as the door opened, and she came into view. Leia. She looked beautiful. Midoriya hadn't even asked about what they should wear to the date, but somehow, she'd matched every expectation.
He hadn't even realized he was staring until she was seated in front of him, hand waving in an attempt to get his attention. "'zuku? Hello - anyone home?"
Hastily, he corrected himself, rushing to busy his hands with his napkin in a weak attempt at appearing casual. "H-Hey, Leia! You look amazing!" Suddenly feeling self-conscious about his own outfit choice, the greenette fidgeted lightly with the buttons of his dress shirt. As mentioned before, he'd forgotten to confirm a dress code for the day. He'd thought about what he wanted to wear, of course - but he wondered if it was too fancy for the day planned? There shouldn't be too much walking, he wanted to catch the eight o'clock train into town to catch the show and the nine o'clock train back, but maybe she'd expected something more casual? Though, judging by her own choice of dress, she's probably planned at least nicer clothing, so-
"So do you! And wow - you picked such a fancy place for lunch!"
Her cheerful tone plucked him out of his spiraling thoughts yet again, for which he was grateful. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he got too deep into these worries. Following her glances around the restaurant, Izuku smiled a little in pride. He'd tried his hardest to find the nicest place in his budget that they could eat - even did some extra work for a few people living near his mother - and this was it. The people dining around them seemed pretty high class, as did the food, which was on the pricier side as well. "Yeah…" The boy rubbed the back of his neck nervously upon noticing a twinge of something other than joy on her face, "I tried my best."
As the two began flipping through their menus, casual conversation beginning to take place and ease Izuku's nerves a bit, the actual prices of the meals hit him. They were expensive. Careful to keep his tone and expression easygoing, he made sure not to let on that under the table he was rifling through his pockets to make sure he actually had enough to pay for both of them to eat. He did, providing everything he had was right - but just barely. He'd have to order on the cheaper side, just in case.
"Wow, 'zuku." Leia mumbled from across the table as she scanned one section of the menu. "You know I would've been fine with something a little less… pricey, right? I mean, this is amazing and everything! But you don't have to go this far out for me."
Yes, I do. Because if I don't, someone better will.
He wouldn't voice those thoughts, of course. But he guessed that was probably one of the bigger reasons he was so intent on going all out on this date. Maybe Leia didn't see it the way he could - but she was amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have her - there were people better than someone like him. Just a plain kid. All he could hope for was that he'd be able to impress her enough today that she wouldn't get bored of him.
His answer was more relaxed, though - with a smile and a nervous laugh.
"I know. I just wanted it to be good, y'know? For our first… time out?"
"You know you can say date, right? That's what this is, after all - I won't be upset." She smiled, picking her menu back up and beginning to look through it again. Izuku breathed a silent sigh of relief, finally selecting his own meal and setting the menu down. He was ordering the cheapest thing there - mainly because he didn't really care and wanted to save as much money as he could. Leia seemed to have a similar idea, since they're total wasn't even near what he'd planned on spending. It was both a relief and a disappointment - on the one hand, he had more money, but on the other, they wouldn't get to eat as fancily as he'd planned.
They filled the gap between ordering and actually eating with conversation - discussing casual things, like school and friends and their lives. Nothing too deep, but it was enough to keep them entertained, right? After twenty or so minutes, though, Izuku began shifting impatiently. The date couldn't continue until they got their food, and he didn't want to risk missing out on anything. The meals didn't even arrive until seven thirty, and it was much smaller than either had expected. Still, they joked and laughed as they ate, and Izuku frequently shot worried looks down at his watch while the time ticked on.
He didn't want to rush her. Leia looked like she was having fun already, but he wanted to get going as soon as possible. The anxiety was beginning to seep back into his thoughts again, tainting the enjoyment he already felt with an urgency to leave. The train would be leaving soon, and they still needed to make the hike to the station. His foot began tapping under the table, casual remarks becoming a little more forced as the minutes ticked by.
Leia noticed - he could tell even before she pointed it out. Despite his best efforts to hide his impatience, she was clearly trying to finish faster for him. “Are you ok?” She finally asked, voice laced with concern, “You look nervous. Is there something wrong?” He shook his head quickly, smile popping right back up just shy of naturally.
“I’m ok. It’s just - “ He hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before continuing. It was hard to lie when she was looking at him like that. “I had so much planned for tonight. We’re supposed to go see a show in town in - “ The boy shot a glance down at his watch, then deflated slightly and shook his head, “It's too late now. The food took too long to get here, and we’d never catch the train in time. I’m sorry, Leia, I wanted this date to be perfect, but there wasn;t enough time. I should’ve planned better, maybe we could have - “
She held up a hand to silence him suddenly, just as his words began to pick up in speed. It was a tell-tale sign of him beginning to panic, and she knew enough about that to stop it.
“Izuku, I already told you. You don't need to do all this for me! I would've just been happy spending some time with you. And I bet that show would’ e been great, but… we can’t talk during a show like that, right? I know a better way.”
Leia’s grin erased most of Izuku’s worries in an instant. He shrugged, putting his fork down and meeting her gaze. “How?”
“Movie marathon. Your place, since you’re so determined to treat me tonight.” She was already pulling out some cash to pay for half of the bill - something he never would’ve asked of her but was still grateful for. “We can relax a little. Just the two of us. What do you think?”
He smiled, putting his own cash down with hers. “Okay.”
The fact hit him hard as they walked down the street hand-in-hand, autumn chill bringing  a rosier tint to their cheeks and the sound of her voice as she joked and talked brought a warm feeling to his chest. She loved him. And God, he really loved her.
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** Disclaimer: When I do reviews, I make it my mission to point out both the good and the bad in whatever I'm reviewing. And I want to make it clear that me doing so is in no way meant to be taken as disrespect to anybody who worked on the show, especially the late Monty Oum. He was a visionary animator and it's a tragedy that he was taken from this world so soon. Anyway, with all that out of the way, let the regular review commence. **
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**  **Hello everybody, my name is JoyofCrimeArt, and I've always had a particular fondness for web series. There's just a certain charm to online content that I don't think can be repudiated with other more conventional mediums. Unlike other mediums, web series have the most creative freedom to do whatever the heck they want. They don't have to adhere to studio notes, focus groups, or censorship guidelines. It's just a group of people, or sometimes even just one person, deciding to put something out there into the world. Simply because they want to see said thing exist. And I think that the freedom that can comes from that can result in some very unique and creative piece of entertainment that may not have been approved if they had been pitched to a more "main stream" outlets. Not to mention the fact that web series, when compared to film and television, are definitely the underdog. And who doesn't love a good underdog story?
 I've talked about several web series before, (like _Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared _and _Camp Camp) _and I'm defiantly going to talk about more in the future. However, today I wanna talk about a certain web series that managed to do something that very little other web original series have done. And that's break into main stream through sheer force of will. And that series is RWBY.
 RWBY, created by the late Monty Oum and produced by Rooster Teeth, is an anime inspired online series that premiered in 2013. Now in the middle of it's sixth season (Oh, I'm sorry. Not seasons. Volumes? Cause we have to be all different all of a sudden.) it is still going stronger than ever. Now Rooster Teeth had always been one of the biggest companies out there for online content, and have had plenty of success with their very popular Red vs Blue machinima series, along with other projects. So RWBY doesn't exactly have the same underdog story as most other web series out there. It was made by a studio, and had a decent budget behind it from the start. However, the thing that I find noticeable about the series, and the thing that drew me into the series in the first place, was just how different it looked compared to so many other web series out there.
 Animated web series as a genre is very much a dying breed. Sure, they were all the rage back in the early 2000's on sites like Newgrounds, and with shows like Homestar Runner and Eddsworld. But ever since the rise of Youtube and the algorithm shift they've become a bit of a dying art. (Outside of the "Animated Storytime Video" genre but that's kinda it's own separate thing.) Why spends weeks or even months on a three to five minute animation when you could just record a let's play or vlog in a fraction of the time, and get way more views in the process? And if you do decide to devote yourself to web animation than you gotta find a way to make it cost effect. This usually means short, comedic, easy to animate sketches. Often with some kind of parody element included to help get the viewers in. That way the series would (hopefully) become financially viable enough that more animations could be made. (Like How It Should of Ended as an example.) And this isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with the shows that follow this formula. But I bring this up to show how much of a contrast RWBY is by comparison.
 A fully original action anime inspired series, not based on any pre-established i.p, where the animation was the main focus. Rather than being animated in flash it was animated with motion captured CG. And despite all of that the series had new episodes coming out on regular basis and getting millions of views with every released. This series broke every rule in the book, and somehow ended up becoming insanely popular in the process. There wasn't very many web series like it. Now, I've brought up this series several times in other reviews. Sometimes I praised it, other times I made fun of it. Which is why I think it's time to finally put the jokes aside, and give my honest on RWBY.
 Now there is a lot to go over with this series. Like, I said earlier, there are six sea-VOLUMES out as of the writing of this review. And given that this is a story based show with a changing status quo, it makes reviewing the show a bit tricky. And since I wanna have this review act somewhat as a introduction to the series for people who are on the fence about watching it or not, I'm going to try to keep spoilers somewhat light. But there will be some things I'll have to talk about, so if you want to go into the series COMPLETELY BLIND without knowing anything, you should probably drop off now. And if there's enough support in the comments (or if I just decide to at some point) I may come back to this series at a later date and do a more spoiler heavy review focused on events of the newer volumes. But with all that said, let's dive right in.
The plot of RWBY is actually pretty simple. (GASP!-)
 The series follows a young teenager names Ruby Rose. She's a protege when it comes to the art of combat and dreams of being a huntress. What a huntress you may ask? Well hunters and huntresses are warriors who's job is to protect humanity from the Grimm? What are Grimm you may ask? Well Grimm are monsters that are manifestations of humanities negative emotions. Try to keep up. Anyway, Ruby, along with everyone else in this world, has aura. aura is used to channel there semblances. _WHAT ARE SEMBLANCES you may ask?! _Well there basically superpowers powered by aura used by hunters to fight Grimm. But then there's also Dust, which is not the same thing as a semblance or aura and is DEFINITELY not magic. Magic is a whole separate can of worms that comes up later. Dust is energy (not aura though) that hunters put into there weapons to fight Grimm. RWBY semblance is super speed and her weapon is Crescent Rose, which is a scythe that's also a gun. Understand that? Good, cause that's just the first three minutes. Don't worry, it's all very well explained, and not convoluted in the slightest. Anyway-
 Basically, the world functions like an JRPG. That's all you really need to know. There are random monsters everywhere, everyone has weapons and abilities, and they can equip the weapons with special elemental attributes attributes. After a chance encounter with some mysterious villains Ruby, despite only being fifteen, is selected to attend the worlds top school for hunters and training. Weapon Meister Academy, I mean Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, I mean UA Academy, I mean Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, I mean Beacon Academy! Yeah, that's the one!
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 Ruby ends up getting sorted into her house-err, I mean-sorted into her team, Team RWBY. (convent, I know.) where she is joined by her half-sister Yang Xiao-Long, and her new teammates Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna. _Can these rag-tad team of huntresses in training learn to harness there abilities, and just maybe learn friendship along the way?! _Well if you've ever seen a piece of fiction before, you probably know the answer.
 Now, I know I just got done taking a ton of jabs at the shows premise for having so many similarities to so many other popular piece of media. But all jokes aside, I don't think that any of that is actually a problem. As they say, there are no original ideas. So taking some inspiration from other works isn't really an issue as long as you have your own unique execution and spin to it, which RWBY thankfully does. RWBY has this unique style and flair to it that's all it's own. And it really does help it stand out as it's own thing. Also, since it borrows from so many different genres and franchise, the series ends up being this really bizarre melting pot of concepts that I haven't really seen done in tandem before. There's elements of action, drama, fantasy, magical girl, superpowers, coming of age stories, giant robots on at least one occasion...and THAT'S pretty original.
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 It's like the people at Rooster Teeth decided they wanted to make an anime, but couldn't decide on what kind of anime they wanted to make. So they just said, "Screw it!" and decided to do them all, And while that might sound like a criticism, it really isn't. I love how over the top and crazy this show can get. It's kinda part of the charm.
Now let's talk about the characters. I've seen a lot of people (mostly hard core anime fans) argue that the characters in this series are cliche and uninspired. And in my opinion at least, there both kinda right and kinda wrong. It's true that a lot of the cast do fall into the somewhat standard "anime" tropes. Ruby is the typical wide eyed genki girl who's greatest skill is her kindness and optimism. Weiss is the stuck up snob tsundere from an upper class family who has to learn the power of friendship. Blake is the quite bookish girl with a dark and mysterious past who learns to open up. and Yang is the hot blooded action girl slash cool older sister archetype. Basically, there's a waifu for every flavor.
 But like the series itself, the series makes up for some of these more cliche elements by adding more elements to the characters as the series goes on. These developments start fairly basic with things like "Oh, Ruby has to learn responsibility and leadership" or _"Oh, Weiss has to learn to stop being a fu*king BITCH for like the fifteenth time this week." _But as the series goes on we get much more complex and serious themes. From Ruby's history with her dead mom, Yang's struggles with PTSD, Weiss' broken family, or Blake' history of racial predigests. These are all themes that are tackled, and they are tackled well...for the most part. For a show that starts out pretty light it ends up in some dark places. But despite this it never deviates so much that it loses it's root, and becomes unrecognizable from where the series started. The series ages with the audience and the characters.
 In addition to Team RWBY we also have Team JNRP (Juniper). They're kinda like the "B-Team" of the series. However, they become more important as the series goes on, and are basically main characters in their own right too. They're's Pyrrha, a prodigy huntress, gifted with natural talent. She's smart, kind, popular, and a skillful leader, and is literally selected as the objective best student by the school's headmaster in volume three. But she's not a Mary-Sue or anything...she has problems! Like how people are intimidated by her because she's so perfect and...she's not a Mary-Sue I swear! We also have Jaune, the leader of the team. He's a pathetic loser who has no skill, no semblance, and literally had to lie his way into the school. So of course he's the one who Pyrrha has the hots for. Because wish fulfillment. There's Ren, a stoic but sensitive ninja warrior who, judging from his hair and season four redesign, really seems to like the color pink despite being...y'know, a ninja. And Nora, a hyperactive genki girl who's job is to hyperactive and generally genki when Ruby's not around. Also, there all named after cross-dressers for literally no reason.
 Like Team RWBY, while they all start kinda cliche they become more and more interesting as the series develops and we get more into there development. From Jaune's arc (Heh, get it?) of becoming a competent warrior to protect the people he cares for. To Ren and Nora connected tragic upbringing. To Pyrrah...being too perfect. Y'know, all good character arcs that really helps develop the cast.
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 I don't know why I keep making fun of Pyrrha. I really do like her as a character, and her arc with Jaune is very captivating...She is a Mary-Sue though. 
 These arcs end up being just as interesting as the arcs the members of Team RWBY go through, an help make these "side characters" all the more interesting and human. Even if there not the stars of the show, I ended up finding this team just as interesting as our main protagonist, if not more so on certain occasions.
 And sure, the characters may rely a bit on common tropes, but it's all about the execution of these tropes that determine the quality. I'm not going to act like their the most complex characters ever made or anything, and a lot of the darker themes I talked about before have been explored better in other series. But that doesn't mean the cast is bad, by any sense. I was still invested in there stories, and felt suspense for them when I was suppose to. There's a real comradely with the teammates, and they good chemistry with each other. They feel like real friends, and that's what matters the most.
 Let's talk about the animation. I've seen a lot of people either really love or really hate the animation of the series, and I noticed that the difference seems to often be based on what standard it is being judged by. People who judge RWBY as a web series seem to be really impressed with the visuals and action scenes. While people who judge it as an "anime" seem to think that the show looks cheap and uninspired. And while I can understand the later viewpoint I do tend to find agreeing more with the viewpoint of the former. RWBY isn't an anime...
 _-**YES IT IS! SHUT UP! **_
 ...And while Rooster Teeth is a big company, but it's still not as large as other major anime productions. They obviously were on a budget, especially early on. And they were taking on a project on a scale much larger than anything they had done before. It's an all CG motion capture web series, featuring entirely new and original assets that had to build from the ground up from scratch. So yeah, or course it's not going to look as good as other animes. But I don't think that should be held against it to much, given the circumstances. Plus honestly, it's still probably one of, it not the, best looking web series I've ever seen. It's definitely one of the most ambitious.
 That being said though, I'm not going to be one hundred percent nice here. Looking back at early episodes, yeah, they look kinda rough. They still look good, especially by the standard of web series. But you can definitely see the budget show in some parts. It's clear they were biting off a bit more than they could chew in some respects. That being said though it is remarkable to see how much the shows animation has improved overtime. By the time we get to volume four, where a new animation engine was introduced, the show goes from "looking good by web animation standards." to "looking genuinely good by animation standards in general." I honestly really like the shows visuals a lot.
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 And don't forget the action scenes! This is the part of the show that you can tell the most amount of effort was put into, and the part that the shows original creator, Monty Oum, was the most personally involved in. From the animation to the choreography, the action scenes are what gives the series it's sense of style. The action scenes are over the top, flashy, stylish, and such an array of pure insanity, and it's hard not to be blown away by them. And in a time where so many western cartoons are so comedy oriented, it's really a breath of fresh air to see an american action show with fight scenes as hype as the ones this show presents.
 The voice acting is also pretty good. Starting out with a cast mostly reusing actions known from Rooster Teeth's other works. I admit that there were some growing pains early on with the cast, but they really did grow into there roles pretty fast. And as they series goes on they get a lot more "high profile" actors. From the likes of Vic Mignogna, Aaron Dismuke, Chris Sabat, Yuri Lowenthal, and Cherami Leigh among others. All the actors do really good jobs preforming there characters, for the most part. If I had to nitpick any performances though, and these are nitpicks mind you, would be the performances of Ruby and Pyrrah. Maybe it's just me, but I never felt like either characters sounded like the ages they were suppose to be. Regardless, these are nitpicks, There more of just an observation rather than a "fault" in the series.
 So the show has good animation, good characters, amazing action scenes, and a pretty all star voice cast. Sounds like the show is pretty awesome show, right? Sure they've been some nitpicks and complaints here and there, but it's mostly been over all pretty minor stuff. Nothing that would impact the show that much.
 So, Let's talk about the shows writing.
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 So remember when I said that this show was convoluted? This is a serious problem. Things in this show are often not explained very well. For example, in most stories where a character has a special powers, there powers would be shown off or explained right when the characters are introduced. We'd learn how they work, and what there limits are. There are several characters in RWBY who's semblances I still don't fully understand. Like Ruby's super speed. Does Ruby turns into roses peddles when she uses her super speed or is that just an artistic license thing? And there are some characters who we don't even figure out what there semblances do until WAY late into the series. Ren for example, who's introduced in volume one, semblance isn't shown until volume four! And it's not like he only unlocks his powers in volume four or something, he's always had them. It's just never mentioned or came up before, and you'd think it would be. Things like "How are characters powers work." are things that should be established early on!
 The show is also REALLY bad at set up. (Don't @ me!) They'll have these moments where a "big twist" is suppose to happen that's suppose to catch the audience off guard. And they do, but only the twist are set up in such minute ways, there's no way the audience can realistically be expected to see it coming. I know the idea is to help make these twist surprising, but they don't give the audience enough hints to piece things together. They'll be a minor, one off line in one episode, that'll be a major plot point volumes down the road, with nothing to imply that said line was significant. And since these twist aren't set up very well, a lot of these twist just end up feeling like, "um, okay. This is a thing now." I know it's probably all planned out from the beginning, but it's not properly set up. It sometimes feels like the people behind the show are just like "Hey, you know what would be cool?" and just throw things at the wall until they stick. This can work sometimes but other times it just feels random. The shows acts like "They got us." when really it's a problem with their own writing.
 The show also has a major problem with focus. I listed Team RWBY and Team JNPR as the main characters. That's EIGHT different characters to divide focus between, which is already a lot when you only have twelve to fourteen episodes per volume to work with. And while those eight character are the closest thing the show has to "definitive main characters" there are so many other side characters who  that I didn't mention in order to keep this review spoiler free/not ten thousand words long. addition to Team RWBY and JNPR, there's also _(Slight Spoiler Warning) _Team SUNN, Ozpin's circle, Cinder's group, Salem's group, the White Fang, Raven's tribe, the various teachers at the school, the characters extended families, That useless rabbit girl that the fandom likes for some reason. etcetera. (Spoilers Over) There's just too many characters to keep track of! And while there's nothing wrong with having a large cast, (personally I tend to gravitate more to shows that do.) it can defiantly be hard to juggle all that screen time. Sure these side characters are often interesting, but they end up distracting focus and taking time away from the main cast, and side characters shouldn't do that.
 Often, characters will only have a few moments per volume to really shine, due to just how much screen time they have to share. And sometimes it can make big character moments feel a bit undeserved, as there just isn't enough build up to make the moments feel as powerful as they should. And this is a problem that has gotten more and more prevalent overtime as the series has become more ensemble. But I'm hopeful that, given the series extending it's length from twelve episodes per volume to fourteen, as well as the episodes getting genuinely longer, this problem may be able to be fixed in the future. Maybe. Please...
 So to sum up, is RWBY a perfect series? No. It is a very flawed show. VERY FLAWED. Particularly in the writing and the story department. However, I do not think that the show is as bad as a lot of the more vocal hatedom seems to think it is. Just because a series is flawed, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the elements that do work. Even when the flaws are extremely glaring. And that's how I feel about this show. Sure it has problems, but in my opinion the positives out-way the negatives. The action is still done very well, the characters are all pretty fun to be around. The world, while a bit overly complicated at times is interesting. And more importantly, the series never feels like it's being lazy. You can feel the passion that went into the series, and the show can be a lot of fun. There are just some parts where you might need to turn your brain off for a bit. There are plenty of worse series out there that don't try as hard and provide a lot less. But overall, the element I think I enjoy the most about RWBY is what the show represents.
 What RWBY shows is that it is possible for a web animated series to hit the main stream. You can get RWBY T-shirts and merch easily, not just online, but in actual retail stores without much effort. The series can be watched on Netflix and Cruchyroll._ _There are not one, but TWO tie in manga's. There's a spin-off comedy series that's on it's third season. It's one of the four franchises represented in _Blazblue: Cross Tag Battle! _And most importantly it is partially responsible for transforming Rooster Teeth from a fairly successful internet company known for video game parodies, to a studio that is seen in the same light as the likes of more main stream television outlets! Never in my life had I seen a web animated series see this level of success. And sure, you could say that all that just means that the show is just good at selling out or whatever, but I like to have a more positive perspective. I think the show deserves to be respected for it's accomplished.
 And to me, that's inspiring. It's like the weeb equivalent to the American dream! And that's why I have a RWBY poster hung over my work desk. As a reminder that there is no limitations to how far an online content can go. With just some hard work, determination, a studio of about three hundred employees, a stellar marketing team, a close connection to the anime dubbing industry, and a ton of money, you too can make your dreams a reality. And that's motivational...I think...maybe. And if they can make it, maybe I can make my own weeaboo dreams a reality...
**_  So that's my review of RWBY. What do you think of the series, and would you like me to do another review of the series in the future? Maybe on volume six or something, kinda like what I do with my Dragon Ball Super reviews? Tell me all this in the comments down bellow. I'd love to start a conversation, even if you disagree with my points I made here. Please fav, follow, and comment if you liked the review and have a great day.
(I do not own any of the images or videos in this review all credit goes to there original owners.)
https://www.deviantart.com/joyofcrimeart/journal/RWBY-REVW-775726477 DA Link
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
Gisaengchung (Parasites) [SPOILERS]
A lovely tale on why you shouldn´t trust people!
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A family barely subsists in a basement they call home. Unemployed and at the border of misery, a job opportunity is presented to the older son Gi Woo, which consists on giving english classes to the daughter of a high class family. Step by step he gains the trust of the owner and begins to introduce his own family as workers in hopes of getting more money from them. 
Writing and characters (+some acting):
I am not very familiar of Korean movies, I´ve heard about some good movies but never actually watch any from the country. Now, I´ve heard about Bong Joon-Ho since I watch one of his previews works called Snowpiercer and even though that kind of movie is not exactly my favorite I have to admit it was really well written and the visuals were really creepy but pretty in some twisted way. 
Gisaenchung´s story is really well thought, all the details fit together like a puzzle of 500 pieces or more. It had to be meticulously written so to make some sort of sense and even then some things dont make so much sense, but Joon-Ho has a cover: this movies is a drama, suspense and dark humor movie. When you have a super dramatic rich family with their over the top reactions and mannerisms in an only drama movie it would be seen as a joke if they were trying to look serious or be taken seriously, in this case works perfectly since they are used as comic relief, specifically the rich mom being the most gullible and most dramatic of all. Their purpose is accomplish perfectly and the sheer dumb and naive nature of the mother works in favor of our bunch of vermin. 
It is a very understandable and digestible plot: you have a poor family of scammers, they get an opportunity to scam a family, they proceed to scam the rich family by pretending to be strangers to each other and working as a house keeper, a driver and 2 teachers, and then they get discovered. At the simplicity it doesnt sound that entertaining I suppose, everything in between is simple yet complex and then it goes into fucked up territory almost from 10 to 110 really quick. 
This family are assholes! Like... Complete assholes, the name of the movie is after them! They take advantage of a character that is super anxious about her children and is super naive and is really lonely because of his husband leaving for work a lot and completely destroy 2 lives in the process too! They get the husband´s driver fired by framing him as a sex addict with a kink and the housekeeper is fired by making her look like a tuberculosis patient. This people are awful! They are manipulative, dangerous, assholes! And yet... you kind of root for them? That´s how good the writing is. You know they are awful, you know they are manipulative. Hell, at the beginning they use manipulation to probably get someone fire and get money from a small pizza company they work for as box benders. AND THEY FUCKED UP AT LEAST A QUARTER OF THOSE BOXES! They are not good! 
...But who can blame them for being like that? They are living in a really bad situation, they are stealing wifi from a neighbor so they can check a WhatsApp to see if the pizza place send them a message. They were talented at sports, the daughter knows how to work with programs like photoshop and probably other types, the son is really smart reason why he was given the job as an english teacher and to be honest he is kind of good at it. They are not lazy people. The situation is not good for them and they can´t exactly get a good job due to not having a degree. It´s actually kind of sad to see their potential being wasted due to their economic situation. Of course anyone would survive in however manner they can, even if that makes them a bad person in the process. 
You have a rich family that supports and loves their children, shown as getting both of them private ¨teachers¨ (not enough love I guess, due to not fucking checking this people up in the first place and only trusting the recommendations of a college student). They aren´t bad people, they treat their workers fairly and they respect them and when there´s reason to fire someone they try to do so respectfully as not to damage their reputation or shame them (so much). You should feel sorry for them because they are so nice and are being scammed but you can´t shake the feeling that they kind of deserve it for being so naive. Well, at least not the children, those kids have 0 control over who their parents choose. THE PARENTS ARE SO DAMN DUMB! The mother specially! So anxious about your children learning and exploiting their talents but not so anxious to get the first whoever that crosses your ears? You feel bad, for them and maybe you dont get angry, they antics are not anger inducing, they are hilarious because, as i explain before, they over react A LOT. I don´t know if that was a directors decision or if the actors did what they pleased, they fit too well in the scene to not be planned.
One thing that stood out to me were the dialogues, they made sense but they became a bit descriptive in certain points.There were really good silent scenes, there was a good balance between dialogues and silence, though I don´t know why I felt certain dialogues were too much? Maybe it was with their reactions as well, Korean and older Mexican movies have a thing in common and that´s a level of exaggeration. Sometimes it´s good, sometimes it gets the spotlight and not in a good sense. With the rich family there was no problem, it was with certain characters like the daughter of the scam family that overreact in one scene. Since they were drunk it kind of made sense but it there wasn´t exactly a follow up of his outburst. it passed relatively quick so it wasn´t much of a problem. 
Sound and music: 
The dialogues were well said, there was no difference in volumes and it had no noise. The silent parts had a good sound, whether it was background noises or music, it never felt out of place. The sounds were actually relaxing at some point, specially with the rain or water flowing. It had a good crispiness on them, they sounded natural and not manufacture with materials. The music wasn´t over used or overbearing, it was mostly in the background. It wasn´t almost present in certain scenes, you could hear it but it was very low. It didn´t had weird spikes and it was kind of nice. Not exactly the most memorable. 
Photography and art: 
First... Some examples:
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I mean... WOW. The different lights, the shadows, the colors, the difference in lighting from each set. EVERYTHING IS GORGEOUS. Easily identifiable, with that I mean if you see this screenshots you would probably recognize them immediately. I don´t know how original the setting is from other movies but MAN is it gorgeous. The shots are most of the time open, details are hidden in the background (even when they can be a bit blurry, sometimes there something behind), the lighting is the first thing you´ll notice. There´s so much contrast between the highlights and shadows, even though most of them are not really strong. 
The colors schemes for each place are not entirely different, I think the reason is they wanted to portray that both families have certain similarities, mostly the only difference being the living situation. It´s really interesting how you can find warm colors in both families, they all love each other, both families support each other and their interests. The parents praise their children (even though the scam family probably shouldn´t praise illegality but, meh...at that point it can be consider too late)  
The art department went OFF with this one. You can feel the filthiness and close space they live in, their living situation is bad but they manage. The other family is clean and clear and it has to be perfect that way. I think there were 2 parts where they work even harder. 
(This is a kind of Spoiler for the end) When they use blood, it tends to look fake in some movies, in here it looks really, really red and dark. The makeup for the strangled neck also was a nice touch and look really good. 
The other part I think was really well accomplish and that also might have taken FOR EVER TO MAKE IT WORK, was the flood, because it not only involved flooding and ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD, it involved a toilet spewing black water out as if it was puking. How did they manage to do all that? HOW MUCH WAS THE BUDGET? Geez, How many TAKES TOOK TO ACCOMPLISH THAT?! It look hella gross and the way it was spewing water was very realistic. 
There´s an entire sequence where three members of the family gets out of the rich house and walks towards their home and each step they take they descend even more, but that´s not all, it is raining and water is flowing and pouring, it looks fantastic and the neighborhood gets flooded and there´s stuff out getting fucked over. The makeup and the art design were crazy here, I wish and hope and pray they got paid well because MY GOD this was hard work at its finest. 
I need to watch more of this foreign movies and so do you! If you haven´t seen any movie out of Hollywood, you should do so. Maybe this one is a bit too much though. It goes well but there are certain parts that are a bit slow and then it goes fast and then slow again, it can be a rollercoaster and I´d be lying if i wasn´t expecting the movie to finally end. It is entertaining and it isn´t that long (2:12 hours), it doesn´t have any popular references. This movie was thought to be seen by an international audience. If you as an USA Citizen (´cause I´m not calling you Americans, America isn´t a country and USA is not the center of it) feel uncomfortable to be shown or for your culture be mock, well TOO BAD GET USED TO IT! Nah, I´m kidding. The kid in the movie has an obsession with indians and the family acts like USA is like high standard but in a mocking kind of way? My brother actually thought it was a Get Out situation so... 
This movie has a perfect blend of suspense and humor, the drama is palpable, it is there, the suspense and dark humor are the spotlight though. The actors are really good and the dialogues are not complicated to follow. It is pretty funny, heartwhrenching at points (specially the end) and entertaining movie, if you want to start watching foreign films you could start with this one. 
The worst part of the story is that both sides are right to react the way they did, and it´s kind of sad. 
This is what I took from it:  Poor or rich, it doesn´t matter. People are humans and they all have needs. And those needs will be satisfied one way or another. When you have a family, You will do whatever it takes to make them happy and sometimes drastic measures will be used. 
Go watch it, you won´t regret it. 
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-Sincerely creeped out, T.O.D 
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jrpneblog · 3 years
Journey`s end.
This strangest of seasons reaches journey`s end on Saturday lunchtime as North End make the trip to the City Ground Nottingham (KO 12:30pm) for the 46th and final league game. There is no doubt that this season will be remembered as the season with now fans and whether North End finish 13th or 14th after Saturday`s fixtures, the league position will not define the season. However with 8 games to go and an interim head coach with no managerial experience in place things were not looking so bright. The fact that we had 44 points with 8 games to go was worrying but as it has turned out we would only have needed 45 points to be safe, so I suppose you could say that Brad Potts goal in injury time against Norwich was enough to keep us up but it certainly didn't feel like it. We will round up the season in more detail once the season is complete around 2:30 on Saturday afternoon. For now I`m just going to concentrate on the usual format because, well, it is actually a usual week.
Last Saturday we produced another very good performance beating play-off contenders, Barnsley, 2-0 in the process. I real hope the Tykes do it in the play offs against the odds as it will give other teams on smaller budget the inspiration and motivation to go on and do you best every game and if you do who knows what can be achieve. The Barnsley game saw a man of the match performance from Jordan Storey who has had a bit of a torrid time of it during various parts of the season, particularly in the 4-1 defeat at Watford. However he has finished the season well and scored the first goal against Barnsley 8 minutes before the break and flicked the ball on for Ched Evans to get the second and winning goal four minutes after the break. He seems to have settled in with this thrown together back three but in fairness to Lindsay, Hughes and Storey they have done an excellent job during the run in.
On Saturday we travel to Nottingham and take on a Forest side who seem to have really under achieved this season. The fact that I tipped them to be right up when I guested of a From The Finney podcast probably put the kiss of death on them as it usually does. Incidentally I also said Blackburn would be the surprise team in the Championship...what do I know! The Reds are not in particularly good form having taken just four points from the last five game with four draws and a defeat. I will be slightly surprised if Frankie makes wholesale changes and if everyone is fir it wouldn`t surprise me if he keeps the same team that beat Barnsley last Saturday. All games are important and while there is only one league position at stake in this game, win or lose, it would be good to finish the season with 61 points in 13th place. In years to come it will look like it was an decent sort of season given the number of teams with parachute payments but my oh my it really could have been so different as we know. I`m going for a North End win to finish the season off in style and to give give Frankie McAvoy 17 points from his 8 games which is absolutely promotion form. Don`t forget, as well, in those 8 games we have played 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th so there have been no gimmes at all. 
And finally this week (x2):- 
1.Football, as we know, throws up some incredible co-incidences and this years Gentry day at Nottingham on Saturday is no different. North End are taking the Gentry Banner to the City Ground and placing it behind the away goal. Nothing wrong with that you might think. Nothing indeed. However, on that Banner is my Dad`s name, my Dad passing away in February 2019. So I guess you could say that my Dad will be at the City Ground on Saturday and I will be at home watching on the PC. Now here is the co-incidence - the last away game my Dad went to that I wasn`t with him was....you`ve guessed it...... Nottingham Forest v Preston North End 22nd September 1973. It was a game in the early days of Bobby Charlton being our manager and I was stuck at my Grandma`s poorly sick. To add more co-incidence it was the last ever away game my Maternal Grandfather (Bill Smalley) attended, he would have been 70 years old at the time. I did get to watch the game as it was featured on Match of the day and the 1-1 draw was the first point Forest had dropped at home that season.
2. As people who know me will vouch for, I am not one for blowing my trumpet with betting. In fact I am one of the worlds worst tipsters, however the JR High Fives little flutter has had some success this season and with North End being the final bet we have a chance of being £57.25 up for the season. At worst it will be £40.75 and a profit of 20%+ . So good luck to anyone daft enough to follow me and let`s hope North End make it a final day win at Forest on Saturday at a nice price of 23/10 with the 36th and final selection of the season
JR`s HIGH FIVES                               
Preston to beat Nottingham Forest 23/10                        
A £5 Stake returns £16.50 on bet365                 
SEASONS STATS                               
Returns  £220.75    Stake £175.00    percentage profit  + 26.1%                        
Predictions 35   won 20   lost 15
0 notes
fly-pow-bye · 6 years
DuckTales 2017 - “Sky Pirates...in the Sky!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Madison Bateman
Directed by: Matthew Humphreys
Storyboard by: Vaughn Tada, Brandon Warren, Jason Zurek
That’s redundant!
Last week on DuckTales 2017: a vision where a major character gets vaporized, and someone got their mind taken over in a horrifying way and is now asking where the knives are! And now, we continue from that with a “someone not fitting in with his usual group joining a bunch of bad influences” plot. Or, to put it more bluntly and more Disney...
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🎵La la la laaa, la la, tweet deedle dee, tweet deedle dee, tweet deedle dee, la la la la!🎶
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Our story begins with the Sun Chaser coming back from another adventure, the bountiful treasures of Duckachuquack. Dewey, the fun-loving-one in any plot that doesn't involve his search for his mother, and the focus of this one, is trying to tell his story about his new "trademark hat" to no avail.
We see pretty much everyone's personalities on display here: Louie's counting up the money, Webby is being educational, Huey is complaining about how Launchpad uses an ant farm instead of a radar, Launchpad is being Launchpad, and Donald is too busy working on the houseboat to be in this episode. He even tries to get the attention of Scrooge McDuck, currently talking about expenditures, but he eventually gets told to sit quietly. This all gets interupted by a grappling hook from a giant flying pirate airship called the Iron Vulture.
Sky Pirates: 🎵LYo, ho, yo! Yo, ho, yo!🎶
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Not only is this ship piloted by sky pirates, they’re musical sky pirates, and they're glad to let you know about that with an elaborate musical number. If you recongize that name, there's a good reason for that, as the song leads to naming their leader...
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Captain Don Karnage! Is it the Don Karnage from Disney Afternoon classic TaleSpin? Well, I would say no, not just because TaleSpin took place long before DuckTales did, but because he's a very different character. While Jim Cummings was able to reprise his role for Darkwing Duck, he did not get the role of Don Karnage. Instead, it's Jaime Camil, best known for his role as Miguel's Dad from Coco.
More than likely, they felt the original was too much like a foreign stereotype, even if nobody could decide which nationality they were stereotyping. Also, he doesn't have a tail! Maybe they wanted to save the budget for the musical segments, which will be very apparent in this episode.
This is not to say that Don Karnage is on the same level as another "discounted" villain from that "discounted" show. While he never says any of his classic lines, he sure has a habit of saying his name over and over again, just like the original. He will certainly have a personality as we will see later, though if you can't wait that long, he says it right in the song.
Don Karnage 🎵With dagger, swagger, derring-do, handsome and fearsome and suaaaaave!🎶
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They steal all of the loot in that musical number, and everyone's jaw is dropped by this. The one exception being our lovable doofus of a pilot, who is applauding. Launchpad enjoyed it, it even gets stuck in his head in a running gag. I would say this is a pale attempt to get people to like the musical number, but I don't necessarily disagree with the notion.
They yell at him, even though they were just as mesmerized by this to not fight back in any way. Then again, maybe they're more angry at him for leaving his pilot's seat...
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...causing the plane to crash in the jungle, its vines getting caught up in the propellers, and the engine getting busted. While everyone is distracted, Dewey runs off. It's a little believable that Scrooge wouldn't have noticed if one of the kids ran off.
Huey gets the job to fix the plane, and accidently gets blue oil spilled on him. He even had the instinct to take off his hat so he can be confused with Dewey by Scrooge. Donald missed the trip; he would have broken this plot with his ability to tell the nephews apart. He never thinks about where Huey went to, but never mind about that!
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Dewey is still on that quest for attention, and considers getting captured by the pirates. Thankfully for that plan, one of the Sky Pirates was practicing for the musical segment, not realizing that musical segment ended a few minutes ago. He grabs onto that plane leading to the pirates and sneaks behind a few boxes, as the pirates are celebrating their treasure.
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We get to see Don Karnage's personality in full view this time: he's a perfectionist, and his review of that performance doesn't exactly match Launchpad's. He criticizes all of his crewmembers for being off-sync.
One poor sod comments that they got all of the treasure, so it shouldn't matter that the musical part was a little imperfect. Karnage does not exactly agree with that, so he decides to give him some pointers...
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...by throwing him off of the Iron Vulture to what would have been his certain death! This episode may be all fun, but it's not playing around! Of course, we get a shot showing that he parachuted to safety in the forest, even though he didn't have a backpack with one in the shot where he's falling. I mean, I would be shocked if there wasn't a scene like this. There is a minor point to why this is there.
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Eventually, Dewey gets caught, and Don Karnage has to leave to think about a good demise for this stowaway. Dewey tries to convince the pirates not to kill him because he just wanted his hat back, and the pirates stop in their tracks. The sky pirates are intrigued by the hat because of the way it ties onto one's head, preventing it from getting lost in the wind.
More importantly, they ask Dewey where he got it. For the first time, he finally gets to tell his story of the hat to people willing to give him that attention.
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While that's happening, we see that Louie is paying close attention to a diamond. He proceeds to talk to himself. Webby tells Louie that it's the Sapphire of Souls, a gemstone that reveals someone's inner personality. Louie gets an idea that if he pretends to have saved the diamond from the pirates, Scrooge will let him keep it.
It must be a mandate that there must be a B plot in a DuckTales 2017 episode, and to call it a B plot is really pushing it. Not so much the "B" part, I could see some potential with the plot, but the "plot" part. Louie's adventure with the diamond really only shows up twice, and by the time it comes up again at the tail end of the episode, I completely forgot about it.
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Going back to the plot they actually cared about, he gets a whole audience of sky pirates to listen to the story of how he got a magical alpaca to make him that hat. It is suggested that he embellished the story by saying that he was the chosen one, which fits his personality, but the pirates applaud at this.
The pirates lament that they can't be the "chosen one", because they're just stuck in the chorus, and the Captain doesn't think they're great.
Dewey: Well, what if he wasn't (the Captain)?
The pirates look at each other...
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...and team up to get rid of Captain Don Karnage by making him "walk the plank" off of the airship, just like how he did to that one guy from earlier. Thankfully, he also has the ability to suddenly have a parachute as he falls off, and he also lands in the forest.
He ends up near the Sun Chaser is, and seeing a plane gives him the idea to use it to get back to his Iron Vulture. He does realize that the people he stole from wouldn't help someone who stole all of their loot, so he has to use all the skills in his musical repertoire to become someone else.
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Unfortunately, because disguise material is pretty rare in the jungle, he had to make do with parts of his parachute and a bug for a mustache. Not helping matters is that, despite his status among the sky pirates, he's a pretty amateur actor. I could see the irony here.
He introduces himself as Tom Karnage, no relation, a plant scientist who had his research stolen by Don Karnage. Scrooge and the nephews huddle up, and it's clear that they didn't buy it. However, the plot doesn't continue unless they say yes, so they say yes.
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After we see the end of a dance number, and Dewey giving the Sky Pirates the praise that Don Karnage wouldn't give them, he decides he wants to leave. One of the sky pirates offers him an alternative: the old Captain's dead lost in the jungle, long live the new captain. At first, he's confused, but he decides to join them anyway. You know, for attention.
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Dewey becomes the new Captain. This episode has a variation on the cliche: instead of being badly influenced by the evil sky pirates, he's going to be the influence. His status is made even clearer when Dewey uses the pitch pipe to start another musical number, revealing himself to the Sun Chaser.
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In fact, it's the same musical number from before, but this time the pirates all introduce themselves one by one. They even make fun of how this musical number is taking way too long, and I'm actually going to agree with that. It almost loses its charm, but it thankfully ends before that happens. Since the Iron Vulture is so big, they manage to capture the entire Sun Chaser, and grab what's left in it.
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That is, they capture Scrooge and company, essentially guaranteeing that they would give Dewey some of that much needed attention. Unforunately for him, they didn't even know he was gone; Scrooge was still thinking Huey was Dewey the whole time due to that blue oil. Dewey gets upset that nobody even knew that he was gone, but not before he orders his crew to give back all of the treasure they just stole from Scrooge. After all...
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...a good pirate never takes another person’s property! These pirates don’t seem to agree with that, though, and start to realize that their new leader reminds them too much of their old disenfranchised one...but with less money for them.
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So Dewey's short career as a Sky Pirate Captain comes to an end, and both Dewey and the people he captured are put on the plank. On the plus side, Dewey is finally getting his attention...with a bunch of angry looks. Eventually, a special guest shows himself, still in his plant scientist get-up.
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The sky pirates, in contrast to Scrooge and the nephews sans Launchpad, do buy said plant scientist get-up. It's a nice callback to when Launchpad confused him for one, and that won't be the only callback of that kind. He reveals himself as Don Karnage, and his Sky Pirates reunite under him. While the pirates are actually going to do something under the command of the new old Captain, Dewey tries to apologize to Scrooge, but...
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...Scrooge starts to apologize to Dewey for not paying attention to him, since if he did, this all wouldn't have happened? I would think it would be just Dewey apologizing; Scrooge didn't really do anything wrong. Even Huey protests this, but Scrooge elbows him to keep him quiet. The plot doesn't continue unless they make up, I guess. Eventually, Don Karnage tries to use his sword, but he accidently frees Scrooge and the kids.
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This all leads to a sword fight. When I saw this in one of the trailers, I thought this was a fantasy sequence inspired by reading about his historical figure, but no, this is an actual fight scene with Don Karnage and Dewey. There's some clever moments in here, including a plan involving all of the kids, and is the highlight of the episode.
How do they get out of this situation? You'll just have to watch the episode to find out, but I will say it does make the musical segments worth it. There's even a neat callback to "the Launchpad leaving the steering wheel gag" from earlier. It makes me wonder what this plot would be like if it was Launchpad who became the captain. I don't know how, but it would be funny.
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Of course, they all live, they have two different arcs to resolve. It all ends with Dewey getting what he wanted in the first place, and Louie's plot finally gets its punchline. It's more of an extended joke than a B plot.
How does it stack up?
Unlike the last episode, there wasn't as much promise with this plot. It doesn't continue either of the arcs, there's no major plot changes, there's not even a cliffhanger unless you count the "curse you, Dewey" part. It's just a pure fun episode.
I debated whether this should be a high Neutral or a low Happy; I enjoyed it a little more than the last episode, but not that much more. The swordfight is good, I didn't think this Don Karnage was that bad, but other than that, there's not much that puts it with the best this show can offer.
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Next, at least one secret of the Manor will be revealed, as even the title can’t decide if it is plural.
← The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuck! 🦆 The Secret(s) of Castle McDuck →
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tibbo · 3 years
A Trio of New Tibbits Offer Enhanced Options For Measurement, Connectivity, and Power.
Plus, Meet WebTIDE!
Here at Tibbo, we remain hard at work creating the solutions that make your IoT and automation projects come to life. In recent weeks, we've released not one, not two, but three Tibbits that significantly enhance the capabilities of our Tibbo Project System (TPS) devices.
In addition, we're pulling back the curtain on a new project that will revolutionize your Tibbo BASIC development workflow and experience. Read on to learn more!
Tibbit #43-1 Four-Channel Streaming ADC
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The new ADC Tibbit #43-1 has a built-in microcontroller and can output a steady stream of low-jitter measurements via the UART interface. Streaming solves a common data acquisition pain point: getting the main CPU to perform ADC conversions at precisely spaced time intervals. Achieving this is usually very hard. Employing a Tibbit that makes all the measurements on its own and just streams them into the system gets the job done.
Using serial port communications also simplifies the Tibbit's interfacing with our LTPP3(G2) Linux board. While Linux is not known for the fast or convenient handling of I²C or SPI comms, it is perfectly capable in the serial port department. It is really easy to write an app that picks the incoming data from the serial port's buffer, and the buffer size is usually large enough to keep accumulating the incoming data stream while the system is tied up elsewhere.
Tibbit #43-1 can function in single-ended or differential mode. In the single-ended mode, it offers four input channels with a ±10V input range. In the differential mode, there are two channels with a ±20V range. The Tibbit performs up to 1,000 ADC conversions per second while achieving an effective resolution of 10 bits + sign.
Each device is shipped pre-calibrated to minimize the linearity error and zero offset. The calibration parameters are stored in the onboard EEPROM. In operation, the Tibbit's microcontroller performs on-the-fly data corrections based on the stored calibration data.
The Tibbit's onboard microcontroller implements a simple command-and-reply interface for configuring the device's operating mode (single-ended or differential), active channels, sampling rate, and other parameters. There is also a command for performing single conversions, which allows using the Tibbit in a non-streaming, polled mode as well.
Last but not least, #43-1 generates all additional voltages on board and does not require Tibbit #12 (±15V power source), as was the case with our original ADC Tibbit #13.
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Tibbit #46 Cat-M1/NB-IoT Modem
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Many IoT and industrial automation projects require cellular communications as the only, main, or backup way of maintaining the cloud connection.
Our new Tibbit #46 provides Cat-M1 and NB-IoT connectivity for your TPS-based systems. NB-IoT is an excellent choice for the cost-effective transmission of small amounts of data from stationary IoT devices. While possessing a very limited bandwidth, NB-IoT networks typically offer superior signal penetration and, hence, better coverage. Applications that cannot be stationary can rely on Cat-M1, which supports roaming between cellular towers.
A dedicated library unlocks the full capabilities of Tibbit #46, allowing you to automate the process of initializing the modem, as well as automatically establishing and maintaining a PPP connection. The library also offers an AT command mode for "manual" modem control. You can easily include the library into your project through CODY, our project code wizard.
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Tibbit #33 Wide Input Range Industrial-Grade Power Supply
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As some of you may know, Tibbo is active in the OEM market for industrial and automotive products. For years, we've been perfecting the craft of making highly reliable, rugged devices designed to work in some of the most unusual and challenging environments on Earth — aluminum smelter plant, anyone?
One of the crucial components of any tough industrial-grade product is, of course, its power regulator. We have invested years into choosing the right power supply circuitry. A lot of that unique experience we garnered along the way has now been distilled into the new power supply Tibbit #33.
This new Tibbit provides up to 1.5A of current from input voltages as low as 8V and as high as 60V, and in the entire industrial temperature range from –40°C to +85°C. The module's ability to handle voltage dips down to 6V and spikes up to 100V makes it suitable for battery-powered and automotive applications.
A single Tibbit #33 will be sufficient for most TPS configurations. Several Tibbits can be paralleled to increase the available current budget, for power redundancy, or load sharing. The -SHDN (shutdown) control line provides a way to shut down individual Tibbits #33, while the -PF (power fail) line allows detecting input power problems.
To achieve the best performance in high-temperature conditions, even the Tibbit's plastic shell has been revised to use a new high melting point mix!
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Announcing WebTIDE, Our Cross-Platform Development Solution
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From its inception 20 years ago, Tibbo's mission has always been to provide hardware and software solutions that simplify and speed up the creation of IoT and industrial automation devices. In continuing this quest, we are once again focusing on Tibbo IDE (TIDE) — our development tool supporting all our programmable products.
The reason is simple: The world has moved beyond its reliance on Windows, and TIDE has remained in the "single-OS jail." Sure, it was possible to run it on Linux through Wine, but the experience wasn't perfect. Plus, this still left out many other platforms and device form factors.
Enter WebTIDE — our in-browser, cross-platform solution that works on Windows, Linux, and macOS, as well as iOS*, Android*, and Chrome OS*. WebTIDE runs in Chrome, Safari, Edge, and other popular browsers, achieving true multi-platform portability.
Unlike its desktop counterpart, WebTIDE is tightly integrated with CODY, our handy online project code generator. Create a project in CODY and hand it off to WebTIDE for further development. Want to change your project's configuration? To save time, make the changes in CODY, and they will propagate into and merge with the code you've been editing in WebTIDE.
A marquee feature of WebTIDE is the one many of our users have dreamed of, and it is arriving just in time for this socially distanced era: the ability to debug Tibbo BASIC code running on Tibbo devices installed on remote networks. For code debugging, WebTIDE relies on a separate debugging extension app. This extension can be deployed almost anywhere, even on a system connected to another network — thus enabling the remote debugging of your apps.
Please note that WebTIDE is still in early beta, and we are continuing to work on porting and implementing many vital features. However, nearly all of the main functionality is already present. Join the growing ranks of WebTIDE users and be sure to tell us if you find a bug or want a specific feature or change — absolutely all feedback is welcome!
* With the debugging extension deployed elsewhere.
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