#wasn't expecting anything for this year's valentine xD
Valentine's Day, Kuroshitsuji style
Like the butterfly effect, one action triggered another, and no one would have predicted the end result. Spending Valentine's Day with his fiancée...it made sense, didn't it? Too bad the young man wasn't sure of his feelings. It's not like Sebastian has all the answers with him... SebaCiel, lime, some OoC.
Fanfic of 2014 that I am rescuing in case the flies and ffnet falls. I didn't reread it very well because he gave me some cringe, so if you feel any tag is missing, please tell me. c:
I rescue with everything and comments to save the whole experience, lol.
Work Text:
Happy Valentines Day! For lovers, I hope you had a very romantic day. For those of us who don't have that special being, I hope you had a nice day, surrounded by friends and family.
Strength Venezuela! If there is any Venezuelan here.
This goes to Ertal77, who put up with my twists and turns, my complaints, and my literary mess with tenses. ;)
I'm sorry if it's not Valentine's Day in your country anymore, I wanted to post early, but my brother hoarded the computer. XD
Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me, characters or original plot. Everything belongs to Yana Toboso. If I was entitled to even one thousandth of the right, I would have begged Yana to bring the manga forward to today. :3
Warnings: excess fluf, some OoC, lime. This was a fic that I devised to make something nice, cute and semi-porn of this beautiful and precious fandom, so don't expect anything dark or... very in keeping with their personalities. XD
Valentine's Day, Kuroshitsuji style.
Being confused by such a small date was not something worthy of a noble. But maybe… could she give herself some time to sink into his feelings?
The young Phantomhive was getting worse every day. Hanging around those dates made him thoughtful and robbed him of sleep. So much so that at that moment he just lay in his bed waiting for Sebastián to come and pick him up, because he had been awake for hours.
He never gave himself time to think about anything other than revenge, so why not waste some time on…?
Nope! She thought to herself as she gave a loud yawn.
Valentine's… Valentine's… What exactly was that date?
A date to spend with a special being? An excuse for mass consumerism? It could be both, in a world so complicated and full of nuances, but who in this world has the opportunity to really fall in love with a person? The best example of the case was him. His parents "condemned" him to an arranged engagement, denying him any chance to fall in love on his own.
Not to mention that he would never enjoy love, even if he found it -or if he fell in love with his cousin- because he had a contract to pay.
So wasting his time thinking about that was stupid. It was stupid and yet...
It belongs to Sebastian. His soul belongs to Sebastian. All of his being belongs to Sebastian . Why did those kinds of –stupid- thoughts come to him at this moment?
I really didn't know, and I didn't want to know. But the fact of thinking that something of him belonged to Sebastian... Thinking of Sebastian, simply... made him stir between the sheets, in a not at all pleasant feeling.
In another moment, Sebastián had also spent the night awake, more out of habit than to find himself thinking about something in reality. He didn't like to sleep because he was a very heavy sleeper and with a master as demanding as Ciel Phantomhive was, he preferred to always be on the lookout for anything that might happen.
Sticky Toffee, maybe? She thought of all the desserts she knew, and given the situation, less is more. That would be perfect.
Sebastian was aware that his master was not a fan of those kinds of dates, but he knew how much he liked sweets. As he also knew that the young man's fiancee would probably appear, and having everything prepared was worthy of a servant like him. In the midst of his musings, he wondered if this year I love her would want him to keep the girl away. He was so stubborn in that regard.
It's final , Ciel thought determinedly. He was going to spend Valentine's Day with his cousin…his fiancée. Really, without pouting. He had been begging her for days, and he didn't see any problem in going on a date with her.
Ciel supposed that the presence of his cousin would remove that feeling of discomfort. Because if his future wife couldn't reassure him, what was he going to do?
"Good morning, young master," Sebastian greeted him delicately, as he drew back the curtains to let in the sunlight. I notice that you have been awake for a while, is something worrying you?
Everything sounded so false and lying that Ciel pursed his lips. That damned demon doesn't care about me in any way! he thought with annoyance. And immediately he remembered that he had decided not to think about it. He remembered that he had decided that he agreed with his fate, and that thinking such nonsense was only wreaking havoc on his sleeping hours.
The curious thing about the case was that, in fact, Sebastian was not worried about his young master. After all, he would never be hurt because it was his duty to protect him, and they hadn't been through any stressful situations for the young man. So he assumed he had just had a bad night, ergo he just asked out of courtesy.
"Sebastian," she called with as much serenity as she could muster, as she sat down lazily and directed her gaze towards the man. Today is the fourteenth of February, and you know what that means, Elizabeth will come and… He paused for a moment, as he thought over his next words.
Sebastian smiled, amused. His young master was so predictable where Miss Elizabeth was concerned. He didn't need to listen anymore, living with the young man for so long had made him get to know him. He began to pour her -almost cliche- cup of Earl Gray while he replied:
- I understand. My young master wants me to keep her distracted. Although I would recommend that she spend some time with her fiancée, master, since…
"Sebastian, you're not letting me talk," answered Ciel, somewhat dazed. Sebastian wasn't usually that talkative. He didn't mind though, because he knew even he himself would have thought that was going to be his request. What he wanted to tell you is just the opposite. I want to spend the day with my fiancée, and I want you to set up the living room to receive her there.
Fiancee? Spend the day with her?
"As you order," he blurted out. She had no reason to bother about it. She wasn't bothering about it. That would be stupid . So no, Sebastian wasn't upset that his young master wanted to spend Valentine's Day with his fiancée. He just annoyed him because he didn't like it when Ciel did that, when he found it unpredictable. Yes, that must be it , he resolved while he dedicated himself to dressing his mistress.
Ciel couldn't help but groan when the noose over his throat tightened almost to choke him.
"I beg your pardon," Sebastian said without a hint of true remorse in his voice. Ciel looked at him thoughtfully, and took a sip of his tea.
— You've been acting weird, Sebastian. Is something wrong with you? —. In truth, the whole situation gave him a bad feeling. She almost felt as if…she had to apologize to the man . And that was ridiculous . Why was Sebastian upset? If he was upset. Because of… Because of Elizabeth?
That makes no sense.
Sebastian finished putting the boy's shoes on and stood up gracefully. He looked at her with as much respect as he could muster, and replied:
"Of course not, young master. So you're sure of his decision regarding Miss Elizabeth?
“Are you defying my words? Don't make me repeat it, Sebastian.
The butler had to keep his eyes from rolling at the earl's childish attitude. He gave her a polite reply, and left the room to make sure Ciel had his breakfast ready; then he went to fulfill the order of his master.
Meanwhile, in the earl's room, he was in the same position in which the man had left him.
What's up with all this crap? No. Ciel was a capable man. He was a capable man, owner of a mansion, a company and a noble title. He was a person with a lot of power, and he was not going to let himself be intimidated by the stupid and strange attitude of an obnoxious, out of place butler. No, he wouldn't. He owned all that damn land, and if he wanted to spend his Valentine's Day with…Undertaker! He would if he wanted.
She dug her nails into her palms and made a mental note: Don't think of Undertaker in any remotely romantic way ever.
The Middford girl was very happy about her date with her fiancé. Every year she went to visit him on that date, but she had a feeling that on that day, something could make Ciel happy. That was her dream of hers, and she hoped to fulfill it.
He arrived at the mansion at two in the afternoon with several suitcases to "decorate the room in a manner appropriate for Valentine's Day". Sebastian came out to greet her, while Snake took care of her luggage.
Is rare. Elizabeth thought as she looked at Sebastian. She had barely said a few polite words to him. Generally, Sebastian would tell him something about Ciel's mood, or rather make a friendly joke about Ciel's character. He was unusually quiet, though, of course, charming nonetheless.
He was thinking about that as he headed towards Ciel's study. Maybe she's sad about spending Valentine's Day alone. But he didn't think much of it because he arrived at his destination, and the only thing his brain could process was his lovely fiancé doing paperwork.
"Ciel..." she couldn't help but whisper, excited. Over the years she had worked on her self-control, and each time she tried not to throw herself into a hug until she suffocated the boy, but it was very difficult at times.
Ciel looked up and gave him his typical crooked smile. With all the chivalry that he knew he was capable of, she asked him to wait for her, that he had some documents to sign, but that she would immediately devote all of his attention to her.
*crooked smile* *crooked smile* *Lizzy dying of excitement*
The girl couldn't with herself. Ciel had never treated her like that! Could it be that she finally recognized all her efforts to make him happy?
- Excuse me for interrupting, the room is ready. Sebastian's deep voice interrupted the young people's moment. Ciel just nodded and Elizabeth looked at him confused.
"But I brought decorations to fix it myself...
"You don't have to worry about that, my young lady, what kind of butler would I be, if I couldn't handle simple themed decorations?"
That guy, and that damn phrase. Who does he think he is? And why so much trust with my fiancee?
"Sebastian, always so efficient," said the girl, while she laughed softly.
The young man finished a stroke of his stylized signature, and prepared to take his fiancée to spend the afternoon together. The weather was bad, so Lizzy was disappointed that she couldn't have a picnic outside but, as long as she went with Ciel, it didn't matter where she went.
- Sebastian! This is amazing!” The girl said as she jumped up and down with excitement. Good thing I didn't set out to accommodate it myself, this is pure genius.
The room was fully ornate, without being cheesy. The lights had been dimmed, giving the place a warm and welcoming tone. There were decorations of hearts, swans, -all kinds of matching animals- all over the place. Different shades of red filled the place, without looking ornate. The place was filled with a soft scent of roses, which were distributed throughout the place, on the tables, on the sides of the chair, there were petals on the floor...
Even Ciel had to admit that the butler-demon had done an excellent job. He didn't come across as cheesy and crude, as he imagined his cousin would have adorned him. He scans the room with his eyes and when he looks from him to Sebastian he sees him with a devilish grin on his face.
— Is the master pleased with my work? She asked, bowing respectfully, without letting go of that smile. Even if he wanted to, Sebastian couldn't contain the desire to annoy him.
Ciel was caught off guard by this question. Damned demon. He glanced quickly at Lizzy, who was looking at him with little stars in her eyes, and all she made of it was click her tongue and mumble something about a job done decently.
Sebastian smiled pleased and went to do other chores. He could live with it. Sebastian felt an inexplicable desire to be the best butler for Ciel. For being the best for him, for pleasing that child. It was the first time he had a contract, of this kind, with a human. He didn't know if he would be like that with everyone, but he did know that he loved following orders from that spoiled child. If only it wasn't so much fun to mess it up.
The appointment passed with an almost strange normality. A feeling of comfort, but not familiar. It was hard to explain. There was a place where they could settle down to have a snack, like a picnic. At Elizabeth's request, and Sebastian gladly complied. Seeing the heart-shaped cakes, Ciel began to suspect that the demon was a first-rate cheesy, deep down. Then he laughed to himself, because he knew more than anyone about his lack of feeling.
They spent the evening talking about various topics, mostly banalities. Being in this situation with her cousin made him feel better about love . He felt something warm in his chest, but he wasn't sure if it was right. For some reason, the situation made him feel homesick. As if something or someone was missing .
But overall it wasn't bad. The complaint was not because the occasion was bad. He was sitting right next to the girl, their hands intertwined and her warm breath hitting his face, as she talked about a trip to France. Everything felt…good. He generally shunned her physical contact, but he didn't dislike it, not at all... He loved her cousin, for better or for worse, but was he in love with her?
He shook his shoulders listlessly, thinking about that situation gave him a headache, and he didn't understand when Lizzy started talking about a new fashion that was sweeping England. She tried to listen to him, but she didn't quite get the point, so she proposed a game of chess.
"Ciel, that's the only game you like to play…" she complained in a somewhat childish way, pouting. I propose something to you, and if you play a violin piece for me?” She requested something excited. She was sure that Ciel would say yes to that. She already knew that her fiancé didn't have much dancing skills, and that games other than her brain skills would bore him. Just like her, she also knew how much Ciel liked her violin.
This request caught Ciel off guard, however Lizzy's excited eyes and his own affinity towards his instrument pushed him to accept the proposal. She opened her mouth to reply when a throat clearer interrupted her.
"Young master…" Sebastian told him as he shows the violin he has in his hands. Ciel wasn't as upset by the interruption, as he was by the realization that that damned demon knew everything about him.
It seemed that that –stupid- mischievous smile never disappeared from his face, and Ciel had to turn his eyes because seeing that smile made him sting, he just didn't know what kind. He directed her gaze to the girl, whose eyes were shining, smiled at her and took her instrument with a bad attitude, which made Sebastian laugh internally.
He went to the center of the room, where -the imbecile- Sebastian, had placed the music stand with the score of his favorite piece. Moron.
She smirked at Elizabeth before beginning to play. She was a few meters from him and further back was, in his correct and hateful position of her, the demon-butler listening intently to the piece.
He needed to concentrate. It was a somewhat complicated piece, which is why it was one of his favorites. She closed her eyes gently, concentrating on the movement of her hands, and when she felt comfortable she opened them again and directed her gaze to the blonde girl.
Am I doing it right? She couldn't help but wonder. Lizzy was looking at him with excitement in her eyes, but she didn't know much about music, so, in a human reflex of needing approval, she glanced at her at the one she sometimes played as her violin tutor. .
He was amazed by the count's presentation, he had never played the piece with such elegance. So he smiled approvingly at her when he glanced at her, and gave her a reassuring nod. Ciel smiled softly at that and continued the piece, looking towards his butler.
It wasn't like he needed her approval. Of course not, because what that demon thought didn't matter, and his thoughts or emotions could go to hell. But for some reason, he liked the idea of ​​knowing that Sebastian was proud of him. That Sebastian had liked an attitude or action of his.
Neither took their eyes off the other until the piece ended. Ciel lowered the violin from his shoulder, held his breath and had to look away from the man, who also did the same.
It's very intense , she thought as she let out a breath. Sebastian's look was just...
It did not make sense. What did he gain by looking at Sebastian like that? Was he a fucking masochist? Did he like that Sebastian made fun of him? She was probably gloating right now about how she needed his approval, and damn it , he didn't care what Sebastian thought or did or thought. She didn't need him to smile at her, much less for her to look at him, which was probably annoyed, although he thought it was… What with that look? She almost seemed... affectionate.
No, this could not be done. He couldn't believe for a minute that this demon was interested in him, because all he wanted was his soul. He couldn't get his hopes up about… Get his hopes up about what? It wasn't even legal to be with another man! And less with a servant... what was he thinking...
I should stop thinking nonsense. Besides, getting excited about Sebastián would imply that she liked Sebastián and he rather felt that something else… Nonsense! Knowing that Sebastián was attractive didn't make her like him, as well as feeling protected by his side, or that he was the only being who understood everything that was happening to him… Damn.
Lizzy pounced on him and showered him with compliments about how cute he looked playing.
Sebastian, for his part, managed to blow the hair that was falling on his face. He was annoyed by that situation... Wait a minute, for what reason? It was stupid. Jealous that his contractor was spending time with someone else? It was ridiculous and on top of…low-class demon attitude.
Sebastian could admit that he was attracted to the teenage brat. His soul was attractive enough for that. Just as he was also a unique and special person, with a conviction like no other, that when he got angry he would make that tender pout like a kitten and...
Damn , he thought as he massaged his temple. She couldn't be doing that, she had work to do. She left the room quickly, not noticing how blue eyes followed her trail as she walked away from her.
Sebastian and Ciel were dispatching Elizabeth from the mansion. The girl planned to stay that night, but they decided that it was better not to worry the marquise in that way, that Ciel would be the one who would have to bear her scolding.
"This was an incredible evening, Ciel," the girl said as she lovingly took her hands, and Ciel gave her his best fake smile to please her.
Elizabeth was flying on cotton candy riding unicorns that spewed chocolate. Her fiancé had been incredibly tender with her – as tender as the boy could be – and at last she felt that he hadn't been her typical annoyance to him.
— Ciel I… — muttered the girl as she got as close as she could to Ciel.
The boy looked at him in surprise and understood what the girl wanted. For a few moments she found herself wondering what she had to do. His cousin was definitely attractive and she was in love with him. The girl closed her eyes and he almost decided to give her a simple kiss on the cheek, risking disappointing the girl, when she turned and saw her butler looking at him with… anger?
What happens? Why the hell is he angry? The boy frowned and watched as Sebastian dug his nails into the palms of his hands. What happened to him? Sebastian had no right to give an opinion, not even to think about anything about him. If he wanted to kiss his damn fiancée of his, he would, and there was nothing that idiot demon could do about it. That he probably didn't even want to do anything. That damned demon was probably angry because someone was touching his dinner, and Ciel decided that he wasn't interested in that idiot's selfish feelings, so he placed his hand on his cousin's cheek and gave her the best kiss he could, in his inexperience. .
Sebastian bit the inside of his cheek, and sighed, relaxing his hands. He knew that this was going to happen at some point, that his master and his fiancée were going to go physical at some point. It did not matter. He wasn't upset with the girl, because she didn't know anything about what was n't going on between the two of them. He was also not interested in whether or not her master touched the -hateful- girl, because that was her duty as her future husband.
No, I wasn't upset about that. Not because he had decided to spend the date with the girl, was the most logical thing to do. Or because he had dedicated a -fucking- violin concert to the little music connoisseur. That didn't matter.
To admit her annoyance, she would have to admit a truth that she had tried to hide for years. The master of his attracted him. It was stupid, it was not new to him, but he felt that the whole development had been very ridiculous.
Coming back to the subject, the reason he was upset was because of the young man's attitude towards him. He clicked his tongue because the kiss was extending more than necessary and it bothered him that his master had no consideration for him...
Consideration with what? Since he was the damned master of that soul and that body! , and that spoiled child shouldn't be giving himself away to anyone who... But that wasn't just anyone, it was his fiancée. Ciel didn't know that Sebastian was upset, they were nothing...
Ciel believed that he had no feelings.
Damn .
Ciel released Lizzy from his grip and she was so stunned that she couldn't find the words to say, so she just got into the carriage with a wide smile and walked away, waving goodbye.
— I see that the young master has learned to… “tolerate” his fiancée more, if I'm not mistaken. Does that mean the future won't be looking for excuses to take her away from you?” Sebastian said, with all the malice he could muster. He was a much better player than Ciel in that area, that he didn't expect him to make it easy for him.
- Shut! I didn't ask for your opinion. Ciel was upset. That kiss had only left him more confused… Had he really only kissed the girl because he was upset with Sebastian?
Elizabeth didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve it and he...
Damn , he thought as he smoothed back the hair that was falling on his forehead. That while she was kissing her cousin, only she could think about how hateful Sebastian was and how she wasn't going to let him intimidate her.
Upon entering the mansion again, each went to do the last homework of the day. Ciel decided to fix some documents that he needed to review, and then go to sleep and end that tedious day. The visit of his cousin the only thing he managed to do was confuse him more and now he was confused by the always irritating Sebastian.
He paused for a moment and stretched out his arms. If... if he admitted to himself that he was... -and this is a word chosen at random for not having a better word to describe the situation...- attracted, towards Sebastian. Suppose he was. Just for a moment.
Did he have psychological problems? Seriously, being interested - falling in love - with a being like Sebastián only showed that something was wrong in her head.
She threw her head back on her desk and grabbed her hair in frustration. He was the only person in the world stupid enough to fall in love with an unfeeling being who only saw him as a gourmet dish.
He had to bite his lip in frustration, because making that discovery made him angry. He made her understand why he was so confused when he was around, with the whole idea of ​​Valentine's. He would rather remain in denial, the only thing missing is for him to come to…
"Young master, it is time for bed." Forget about it.
Ciel looked up and stared at the man in front of him. She glanced at him, not embarrassed, because he was the –fucking- master here and he did what he wanted and Sebastian couldn't tell him no.
Sebastian cringed into himself momentarily. What happened to the young man suddenly? He regained his composure quickly and asked:
"Is something wrong, sir?"
"Not at all, Sebastian," he answered as he closed his eyes in boredom and got up from his chair.
Both went to the young man's bedroom to prepare him for sleep. As usual, Ciel walked ahead and Sebastian followed about three steps behind.
The butler was reflecting on the situation. Even assuming the fact that he was somehow attracted to his contractor, that didn't change a thing. Ciel would never see it that way. For Ciel, he was just a servant who catered to his every whim and would help him complete his revenge, for a comfortable price. Ciel only saw their relationship as a business exchange. That was fine, because that was what it was all about.
Demons could get what they wanted from humans. And Sebastian was aware that he could seduce Ciel if he pleased. Ciel, despite everything, was still a human. But when you think about it...
Where did all that hypocritical morality come from? She had seduced hundreds of people in the past, why would his young master be any different? … Because he cared about Ciel.
fuck . Someone should write a book about the complications of having a master like Ciel Phantomhive.
Arriving at the room, Sebastian prepared to undress Ciel to put on his pajamas. It was a routine activity, in which they did not even look into each other's eyes, but this was not a night like the others. The tension was unbearable and almost palpable. Sebastian got down on his knees, and he couldn't help but watch the boy's neck move with each breath, and that only made him more eager to taste it, to know what it would be like to lick that neck and listen to the young man's moans of pleasure... He had to swallow thick at those thoughts.
Ciel could only get more heated, having the attractive butler between his legs, trying to remove the noose with which he almost strangled him this morning. The boy clutched his hands to the sheet, and when their eyes met, they just couldn't take it anymore. For a few minutes they hesitated, the young man grasping his wrists and lowering them to his waist, and Sebastian stopped playing games and leaned forward.
Their lips met hard. Ciel started out a bit shy, but he was getting more and more demanding. She grabbed Sebastian's tie to control him at will. Sebastian could only smile into the kiss, his young master did not change at any time. Ciel fell onto the mattress, and Sebastian climbed on top of him leaning on his knee.
Ciel opened his mouth and licked Sebastian's lower lip. He started begging furiously, to which Sebastian agreed by opening his mouth, causing their tongues to meet.
Ciel felt in the clouds. He began to take off Sebastian's jacket and his movements were more and more disordered, so he was beginning to lack air. Sebastian gently caressed her waist and the back of his neck before gently moving away. All that effort could be bad for him. Ciel made something similar to a pout when he felt them moving away from him.
Sebastian, what...
"You are very passionate, aren't you, young master?" She asked as she wiped away a trail of saliva that ran down to her chin.
Ciel felt his cheeks burn and only responded with a — Shut up! — To throw Sebastian on his bed and get on top of him.
“Do you have to ruin every moment we spend together? Ciel asked to finish taking off his tie and start taking off his jacket.
“I was just making a point, my lord. It's possible she'll have an asthma attack again if he doesn't do a better job of controlling his impulses. Sebastian had Ciel by the waist and began to take off his vest.
- You're an idiot, Sebastian. You are an idiot, as well as interested and false.
Ciel starts licking her lip, running his nose along her jaw.
— Interested and false? And why does my young lord have such a horrible notion of me? She asked as he put his hand under the young man's shirt and began to caress him.
Ciel sat up fully and began to move on top of him.
Come on, Sebastian! Let's stop being childish… I'm aware that the only reason you're reciprocating me is because I pity you, or because of some strange demonic habit that involves fucking your contractor. I don't care, I'll accept that. I just hope you keep quiet because I...
- Master, that's not...
— Oh, come on! — Ciel grabbed Sebastian's hair with such force that it almost hurt— Now are you going to tell me that you've fallen in love with me? she said sarcastically as he looked away from the man.
"I…" Sebastian shrank into himself, and for the first time in his life, he didn't know what to answer.
Ciel raised an eyebrow and then suddenly started laughing. It wasn't a mocking or fake laugh, it was just that, a laugh. Sebastian smiled confused and asked why.
—It's just… Damn, this is so stupid and… clichéd and… —he raised the butler's body to strip him of the garment —I think we've wasted a lot of time— he whispered in his ear with all the sensuality he was capable of.
Wasted a lot of time, all in all. Sebastian couldn't contain his emotion and placed himself on top of Ciel again. He started licking her neck, and Ciel bit his lips trying to contain the moans that wanted to come out of his mouth.
Sebastian's hands ran down each side of the boy, making him shiver. He undressed him completely from the top and dedicated himself to savoring all of his chest.
"Sebastian, I…" Ciel sat up and took off his shirt, finishing undressing him. His curious hands go over all the skin he can go over. It's almost as pale as his and it's very soft.
It is a body that seems sculpted by the angels themselves. Speaking of irony. Ciel's mouth waters at the thought of him being in bed with his butler, busy with this kind of chores. Sebastián seemed to be just as ecstatic as he was, his eyes half-closed and an almost imperceptible blush on his cheeks. Ciel swallowed hard and looked back at the demon's body from him.
He traced her nipples with a naive interest, and decided to experiment with licking her breast with some shyness. She kept going down until she reached her belly, and then back up to meet her lips again.
This kid. He had received that kind of scrutiny in the past, but for some reason this time was much more intense than the previous times. Because Ciel mattered to him.
The kiss was hard and passionate. Slow, covering every inch of the other's mouth. Ciel directed his hands to the back of the butler's neck and they fell back onto the bed. It was a delicious mix of tongue and saliva that made Ciel see stars. Sebastian couldn't stop his hands that yearned to cover the entire body of the minor, who moaned in the kiss. He ran down the sides of his torso, his thighs, the small of his back that sent even more shivers up the boy's spine.
It was amazing .
Sebastian began to unbutton Ciel's pants and Ciel, by reflex, tried to close his legs.
"My master does not wish to go there?" Sebastian asked in his ear before playfully biting him. Pronouncing the words with a deep, grave once, and that my master had made Ciel have to suppress an extremely unseemly gasp.
- Do not be an idiot. It was a reflex action… And you can call me Ciel—she requested -she ordered- in a whisper, while she directed her gaze to another place.
" Okay, my Ciel , " he replied as he lowered his hand to unbutton his pants. Ciel gulped as he looked back at him and found that hellish red gaze burning with desire.
They shared another kiss and Sebastian finished stripping the boy of the garment. He shivered as he felt the cold air hit his legs.
Sebastian laughed at that reaction and Ciel sent him one of his "I'm going to kill you" looks.
The brunette made a tour with his tongue, going through his neck - bothering him until he could get all the moans he wanted - going through the nipples. His tongue licked and bit one of them while his hand took care of teasing the entire chest area.
"Sebastian that... That feels good," she groaned as her head fell onto the mattress.
"And it's going to get better," he said with a tone that made Ciel blush even more, if that was possible.
He lowered his hand to the boy's crotch and began to touch him with some reserve, which made Ciel frustrated. He knew what the man wanted him to do, but he wasn't going to beg, he wasn't going to do it under any criteria...
— Ah! Sebastian! He groaned as the man fully grasped the length of him with his hand and began nibbling at the skin on his lower belly.
— Does my Ciel like what I'm doing to him? she asked lewdly as she tightened her hold on her and began pumping slowly, up and down.
"You're a looooong…" he claimed as he sat up and looked Sebastian in the eye. It licked all over his skin. Feeling it was one thing, but seeing Sebastián in those tasks was, without a doubt, the most erotic thing she could witness in his life. He was about to order her to move his hand faster, because the idiot wouldn't let him just like that, when the man clucked his tongue and climbed up to his ear.
"Don't worry, Ciel , I'll give you what you want," he said before he started pumping quickly, making Ciel see stars.
Her whole body felt on fire, and she wanted to break free at that moment. His hips moved without his will, yearning for more and more of that contact that until moments before Sebastian had denied him.
The man in question needed to bite his lip at his master's adorable reaction. See how she moaned, how she writhed beneath him. The curses that dirty little mouth uttered. It was certainly a sight, she thought as she licked her lips.
The boy was really close. He held onto the shoulders of his ever-loyal butler. Everything was so intense and incredible that the world seemed to shine, each sensation was amplified a million, and in the middle of all that, Sebastian. It didn't take long for him to come and fall agitated on the bed.
Sebastian pushed himself up and stared at the panting youth beneath him for a moment. The boy was smiling in the post-orgasmic haze, as he brought his hand to his face.
- That was…-. She needed to show him how much she liked him. She made a move to get up, but only managed to pull Sebastian on top of him and kiss him.
Sebastian started stroking his hair and Ciel seemed to be about to fall asleep. He bit his lip as he tried to stop thinking about the erection between her legs.
Ciel was exhausted, and he couldn't force him to continue. He didn't want to anyway, he was satisfied that he had pleased his master in such a way. He got up regretfully as he went to pick up his clothes when Ciel grabbed him around the waist.
"Where… where are you going?" she asked shyly. She looked down at the crotch of his demon, and saw her erection under the fabric of his pants. Her eyes widened in surprise. You haven't...I haven't done anything with you and I...
"You shouldn't worry about that, young master, I'll be fine," he said as he kissed his forehead. Ciel closed his eyes, dazed, but before Sebastian got up he threw him on the bed.
"That's not right, Sebastian. I won't let you think I'm useless. Let me…let me help you with that. He looked away from him and began to unbutton the man's pants.
Sebastian was about to stop his master, when he completely lowered his underwear and began to pump his member rapidly.
"Besides, I told you to call me Ciel."
"Okay... Ciel," Sebastian said in a grave and hoarse tone as he tried to control the movements of his hips.
Ciel grabbed the member with both hands. It's big, he thought to himself. He licked his lips unconsciously, and started running his fingers over the tip, listening in glory as Sebastian moaned at his actions.
The boy was inexperienced and messy. He acted on instinct, not sure what to do, but wanting to give her as much pleasure as he could. Sebastian was touched by that as they had no idea. No one had ever been so… considerate of him.
They pleased him, just to please themselves with his body, and then when they were done with him, they would send him out of his room, not caring about his feelings because, ohh, he was a demon and he didn't. He had never given much importance to it, sex had never been something he had given importance to. If Ciel didn't want to continue, he wasn't going to force him, she would remove his erection with cold water, or wait for her to go down on her own...
But as always, Ciel acted beyond what he expected. There he was, in his inexperience, biting his lips, trying to give her pleasure. It was Ciel, who leaned down and was giving him tender and shy kisses on his chest. It was Ciel, the one who was worrying about his pleasure.
It was Ciel, the one who made him finish, because everything was fucking intense, and boy did he love that boy.
It ended up in the boy's hand, who looked at the semen with surprise and some curiosity, while he gasped and lay on the bed.
"Did you… did you like it?" Hmm, did I do it right? Ciel asked shyly as he lay down on his butler's chest.
"As always, Ciel, you exceeded my expectations," he said before starting to caress her hair.
"You're an idiot, Sebastian," he said as he felt his ears redden.
Sebastian laughed out loud and, when he tried to get up, Ciel caught him with his arms.
"I want you to sleep with me tonight." It was an order, but it sounded like a request. Ciel looked away and Sebastian caressed his cheeks.
— I was going to clean us up so we wouldn't sleep like this, Ciel.
— So… so yes. — Ciel crossed his arms and let the butler sit up. The man looked for some cloths and cleaned him gently, touching places he shouldn't, tickling Ciel. He was passing out from exhaustion, but he wanted to make sure that he would spend the night by his side.
When he finished cleaning, he lay down on the mattress again and the boy immediately pulled him to his body and covered them under the sheet.
"Someone is anxious..." he said as he took her by the waist.
"Shut up, I told you," he answered as he buried his nose in her neck and sniffed that rich essence... it smelled like apple, like the forbidden fruit.
Sebastian watched the boy sniff his neck and chuckled internally. The young man fell asleep shortly after and Sebastian spent a while looking at him...
Maybe he would sleep tonight, being by Ciel's side was so warm and sweet that it made him want to sleep by his side, although spending the night looking at his cute little face was also very tempting.
And well , Ciel would think the next day, now I don't feel so bad about this day.
It seems that Lizzy was right that something would make Ciel happy on that February 14th.
A/N: I love it when Ciel is playful, but at the same time shy. And I love when Sebastian cares about Ciel's well-being, I don't know what the obsession is to put a Sebastian hurting Ciel. He sometimes lets them hurt him, but when he knows there is no real danger, Sebastian would never really let Ciel suffer. Not for him... what happens is that Sebas is something of a sadist, but he does care about the cute count. :3
As for the aforementioned dessert, look for it, just seeing it provoked me, it's a sponge cake soaked in syrup, and it's a typical English dessert. ;3
I urge you to read Ertal77's fic, Valentine's Day at the Phantomhive mansion , it's simply beautiful. Thanks for the beteo girl. ;)
Thaks everyone for reading. If you want more fics like these (with a weird plot and taken from the fifth hell) you know that you have to encourage me with your beautiful words made review. ;)
See you. ;)
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