#wasn't sure how to directly address this so i ended up rambling
bemuseing · 1 year
If someone told Descole that he had a mental illness, how would he react? / What if a close friend suggested it? / What if a professional made an official diagnosis? / What if a close friend or relative of his was given the diagnosis instead?
I am not sure exactly how he would react but considering this man and what has happened to him during his life I am pretty sure he would not be surprised. I think he's fully aware he has issues. (For the first option at least, the exact reaction will probably depend on the tone in which it was said.)
I tend not to go into named specifics of what my muses may or may not be suffering from (I'm not confident enough or knowledgeable + experienced enough to do that beyond offhanded mentions or hints here and there) but that doesn't mean there is Nothing Going On.
Honestly, I think he would give it credence no matter who said it, as long as they weren't saying it in a mocking way. He might not express that he's giving it weight depending on who's saying it, but he would at least evaluate it - again, he Definitely has issues and he isn't blind to them. If it's coming from a close friend or family member [even if his family situation is... complicated], he would give it serious consideration. A professional diagnosis would re-enforce that, although I can't see him seeking one at this stage for any reason.
I'm not sure being aware of it would change a great deal about what he does. He's not really a seeks recovery or help type of person, at least in canon.
As for the last option, I think again the specifics would depend on the person and the situation in question (mental illness is a very broad term after all). If it was his brother or his father for example he wouldn't be surprised at all. They ALL have issues. Traumatised the entire family. Overall though I think he would approach it from a fairly intellectual point of view (as in he's accepting of the fact it is how it is, and will try to understand, even if he can't relate or isn't well-versed in it. But he'll probably research it, then! Man is a nerd after all and when he cares he cares).
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: Tallis  part three! I hope you enjoy :D first. Previous
Tagged:  @the-pure-angel @egrets-not-regrets  @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: flesh-change, unhappy ending
Summary: The apothecaries attempt to reverse Lord Tallis’ accidental shrinking. 
You patiently wait for Lord Tallis' name to be called in the waiting room, carefully cradling the currently tiny Astartes close to your chest. He's been grumbling for several minutes about the intricacies of the magical spell he had been attempting to create for minutes now. You really don't understand the intricacies of warp-craft, and as you are not warp-touched yourself, you would not be able to use any of the spells or learning that you had observed as you had served the Thousand Sons and Lord Tallis in particular. But you patiently and attentively listened to his grumpy ramblings, offering understanding noises and gentle taps on the back with the tip of one of your fingers at the appropriate points. It was entirely possible that Lord Tallis would be able to figure out what had gone wrong and reverse how he'd accidentally shrunk himself before the apothecary sorcerers were able to treat him. 
Tallis eventually settled down in your hands, smiling warmly up at you, one of his currently tiny hands lightly squeezing one of your fingers "I am grateful that you are so dutiful and careful... Especially when mishaps like this happen." 
"You saved me from oblivion or worse, my lord." You respond, smiling back at him "Of course I will serve you to the best of my abilities for as long as you will have me, my lord."
"Still... Your diligence and care have long since repaid any life debt that you owed me, and yet you stay. For that I am grateful, truly." Tallis murmurs, leaning into you, a soft rumbling sound coming from his chest. It sounded similar to a purr.
You nod wordlessly in response, unsure as to just how to respond. You truly felt that it was an honor to be able to serve the Adeptus Astartes in such a direct way... And you were much better treated by Tallis and his brothers than you had been on the merchant vessel that you'd been born on, and you'd expected to live out your life and die on. Unlike with the merchant vessel, Tallis had allowed you to explore some of the worlds that he visited - if it was safe for you to do so. 
Before your mind could wander too far, Lord Tallis' name was called out and you walked over to the Apothecary, holding out the tiny Tallis in your cupped hands. You weren't sure if he could swim through the air in this form, nor if it was safe for him to use even that minor warp-based ability while shrunken down. "Here he is, Lord Apothecary." You murmur quietly.
Tallis waves sheepishly up at one of his older brothers, explaining the spell he'd been tinkering with, and what he'd intended for the spell to do. He wasn't sure what exactly had gone wrong, and had woken up to you hovering over him some amount of time after the spell had backlashed and knocked him out. 
The apothecary sighed, shaking his head a little before responding "A spell of that magnitude should be fairly easy to reverse." He addresses you directly "Place him in the cleansing basin carefully. I will then begin to activate the runes of reversal and see how they affect him."
"Yes sir." You answer as you do as you're told, waiting and watching with baited breath. Most of the time reversing spells like this went well and the Thousand Son in question was able to return to their duties without issue. Sometimes attempting to reverse whatever they'd done to themselves brought on the awful and terrible Flesh-changing curse and the Thousand Son would either need to be killed as the accompanying madness would make him a danger to himself and everyone else around him... Or if the flesh-change curse was in the beginning stages, he would be put into stasis, in the hopes that one day a cure would be found and those brothers in stasis could be saved. 
The Imperium of man worshipped no gods. It was, in fact, banned and strictly enforced on the ship that you'd been born and raised on. Still, little rituals for good luck and good fortune were common amongst your fellow star-sailors. The desire to perform several of them as the blue light of the warp washed over Lord Tallis was nearly overwhelming, but you held fast, not wanting to potentially distract anyone. The warp-light intensified and you heard several alarms sound at once.
You were grabbed by one of the apprentice apothecaries as the light further intensified, his voice quiet but firm "You must come with me, something is going wrong in the cleansing basin, and we don't want to put you in danger. Once things have settled down, then you might be allowed to see him again."
Your heart sinks in worry, though you know better than to try to struggle against the might and strength of an Astartes. "I... yes, lord."
You wait what feels like several long eternities and was definitely at least hours - if not days, though it's hard to tell the time on a ship in eternal twilight - before First Captain Ahriman himself knocks on the door to the small but comfortable quarters you'd been assigned as Lord Tallis' personal serf. The expression on his face is somber and does not bode well. You bow deeply and murmur "Please come in, Lord Ahriman. How... How is Lord Tallis?"
The first captain looked at you for a long moment before answering "He has been put in stasis, due to showing signs of the flesh change. Were you aware that he'd been feeling poorly?"
Guilt and horror flash across your face and echo through your soul "No, I... I had no idea, Lord Ahriman." As a personal serf... As you had been a personal serf to a Thousand Son, part of your training involved learning the signs and symptoms of the Flesh Change... But as far as you knew, Lord Tallis hadn't been showing any of the signs or complaining of any of the internal symptoms of the curse-illness or whatever the fuck the Flesh Change was. 
He looks at you carefully for several moments before nodding "Very well. While I would hope that the curse for the flesh change occurs in your lifetime, as it would mean that my brothers in stasis would be able to be freed of such a thing, and that any other brothers who begin to fall ill can be cured without being killed... I do not know how likely that is. Would you like to see his stasis pod, and say goodbye?"
You nod, tears blurring your vision "Yes please, lord Ahriman." You manage out, voice shaking and cracking with the grief and sorrow you were feeling. 
First Captain Ahriman is kind enough to shorten his stride as you stumble behind him, sniffling and trying to keep the tears out of your eyes, leading you to where Lord Tallis had been put into stasis. He was his proper size, but his scales were a duller shade, and you could see the bubbling ripples of something beneath his skin, trying to escape and frozen by the force of the stasis field. 
Your knees buckled and you shamelessly threw yourself at the edge of the forcefield, arms wrapping around it as best as you could, weeping, mumbling endless apologies for not realizing that he was suffering, wishing that he would be able to be saved. You choke back the words that you love him - which you do. How could you not have fallen in love with such a talented, charismatic, charming individual? Of course you had. You weren't sure if Astartes could feel such things, and you'd... Tended to his personal needs when he asked with zeal and enthusiasm. But you hadn't known if he felt the same - and you'd been happy to serve at his side, in his shadow, for the rest of your life. It wasn't fair that he was gone now. He wasn't supposed to be gone first. Astartes were near-immortal unless they were killed. He was supposed to have out-lived you by centuries. 
First captain Ahriman quietly excuses himself from the room, allowing you to grieve and wail in private. You weep and cling to his stasis chamber until you fall unconscious, heartbroken.
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dbphantom · 3 months
Just finished Skypiea with the bestie (not telling him G-8 is filler because I fucking love G-8) and damn I need to ramble about one piece. I'm gonna ramble about one piece. I love one piece.
Mild spoilers for most recent chapters below the cut just to address Things and Stuff
Mostly because I want the Cross Guild to reach it first so that Buggy will use it to declare himself PK. Marineford foreshadowing.
I know it is kind of being undermined rn but I still want to believe that either the OP (unlikely) or something with the OP (more likely, still unlikely) will allow whoever finds it to communicate with the entire world directly
But on a more serious note I think it would eventually be used to broadcast the true story of the Straw Hat Pirates (and probably also the Void Century, given Robin's dream + the Rio Poneglyph) to the entire world, kinda like the ending of TAZ.
I hope the reason Roger n his crew were too early wasn't solely because of a prophecy (poseidon not being born yet I can cope w/ yknow), but because they wanted to free the world from the WG and they knew if they told the truth to the entire world right then, too many people would die in the resulting uprisings and the movement would be smothered.
(I think this is also why Crocus is hanging at reverse mountain and Rayleigh is vibing on Sabaody. They are like 'check-in' points for pirates on the grand line, so they're just making sure things go smoothly. Also probably why Shanks was going after the Nika fruit bc if they are trying to weaken the WG's hold on people, having an old god of freedom and icon of hope running around would help. And why he showed up at Marineford. Also also I hope the man the burn scar is another of Roger's old crew. Scopper Gaban, I miss you every day...)
But the polical climate of the OP world is changing a lot in the current day, and I think the reason Roger chose to be executed instead of dying to the disease was to have a grand stage so he could set up the Great Pirate Era. Essentially his final words would kickstart a new world where people are more comfortable living and trading and exchanging information on the rising seas. They won't be stuck isolated on their islands and therefore easier to control by the WG.
I said in the above that recent chapters are kind of undermining this and that's bc obviously we already have the tech to broadcast to the entire world, so why tf would the OP or something as important to be included with the OP be that? But I personally think the den dens are too easily controlled/interfered with by the Marines. They were still able to cut off VP's message and (unintentionally) deflect the blame of his death onto the SHs despite his best efforts and he's probably the smartest person in the OP universe. So I think a way to 'directly' communicate (be it telepathically or via memory transfer or a comic book or whatever) so that the truth can come out would be neat. Fuck censorship. Stay silly. Uphold freedom. Or something.
Also the manga is named One Piece and I think the final broadcast reaching us through dimensions would be cool af. I'm sorry, I really just think it would be neat, that's the reason I am writing this. It'd be so cool and I love stories that get meta 🤩
Anyway yeah I just finished rewatching Skypiea and given just how many parallels are within it compared to the rest of the series I will continue to hold on to this belief that the one piece is the EOS equivalent of the golden bell. It guides lost souls home. And home is currently at the bottom the ocean so I think we are all lost souls
... That's so romantic 💙
(Also ngl the end of Skypiea is also why I believe in Space Piece so much... I want terraforming so fucking bad bro... Ship coating and knock-up streams and the space pirates and the kingdom on the moon HAVE to come back, right? Please please please please please please please please please-)
Anyway if you actually read this, thank you, here is my favorite panel of Hawkins
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blackpoolcombatwriter · 9 months
I ended up going to bed before the scrum was done but I did see Tony get the second question about harassment. Going to put my reaction under a cut for TW.
I thought Tony's comments about the company's policy came from such a place of privilege. It's easy for the rich, male boss of the company to say his door is always open for anyone to come to him with concerns, or they can go to anyone in the disciplinary committee. In theory, sure it works. In reality, it doesn't matter how many times you assure a young rookie they'll be listened to and taken seriously when their accusation is against someone who's a powerful veteran, friends with the owner, with the ability to blacklist them from many promotions. In way too many cases there will be enough doubt and fear for them to decide to stay silent.
As a woman(and one who has been in the unfortunate position with a coworker), nothing Tony said reassured me. Nothing about it was handled well. Have a prepared statement at the beginning to address it because you are the owner of the company and it should be addressed. It shouldn't have been up to the journalists to have to ask. The first guy shouldn't have asked during Julia's time(he has since posted he regrets his timing but thought the presser vibe was Tony wasn't going to do solo time because it was different than all the other pressers, take that what you will). The WON journalist saying the accusations have agendas is so gross. Tony repeatedly saying AEW is the safest when a few months ago he said he feared for his life, someone needs to get this man media training so he stops rambling on forever.
It's just so unfortunate that something like this overshadows their last PPV of the year, and a lot of wrestlers big moments. I do understand that they're in a weird place because the accusation hasn't come directly from Kylie Rae, she's been dragged into this, but her reaction by tweeting a heart in response to a tweet accusing Jericho can't be ignored. Tony can call them "internet rumours" all he wants, but if people who know Jericho think he's not capable of doing something like this, where's all the supportive tweets? Where's the AEW locker room bad = talent rally of positivity tweets?
Trying to pass the responsibility of having to deal with it off by saying they haven't received any complaints is also ridiculous. It shouldn't have to come directly from a terrified wrestler to be taken seriously. Most of the Speaking Out Movement accusations weren't made directly to the companies but they were still investigated and people were fired. The only reason not to at least reach out about these accusations is if Tony already knows what happened and there's NDAs, but that would also mean something did happened and they covered it up.
It's going to be 2024 here in like less than 12 hours. Can we all just fucking learn that you are not entitled to someone else's body?
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xoluvx · 3 years
this is me trying; t.holland
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» pairing: tom holland x reader » song: this is me trying » word count: 1.6K
"Hey, you want to join us for movie night today?" Zendaya's voice brought you back to reality. You glanced at her, she was holding the door open while leaning her head in through the small space. There was a small smile on her face like she was too scared to show too much emotion in case it triggered you.
Shaking your head, you leaned further into your bed pulling the covers closer to your chin.
"Are you sure?" she asked again. Usually, she would've given up, but this time she was persistent. There weren't many nights left.
"I'm sure," you said blankly not looking at her. You turned your back towards her bringing the covers over your shoulder. You heard a small sigh followed by the door closing. You felt your throat tightening, the familiar knot making it difficult for you to lay in peace.
The warm tears started forming and it wasn't long before they were streaming down your face.
"I don't understand what the big deal is," his voice echoed as you walked down the hallway. Your hands were fists at your side and all you wanted to do was disappear. "I'm talking to you," he called out again hoping you would stop.
But you weren't stopping.
"Tell me why that's wrong?" he asked again. His voice settling into a softer tone realizing that raising his voice wasn't going to help. He was quickly walking now in the hopes to catch you. His fingers wrapped around your arm gently and you stopped.
"What's wrong? I told you I didn't want to go public, you went against what I specifically told you I didn't want. Why would you do that to me?" you asked the hurt in your voice piercing through his heart.
It hadn't been his intention. It'd slipped. It wasn't something he could take back now.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" he rambled, but you jerked your arm away shaking your head. The last words you spoke directly to him rung in his head.
"It's over. We're done."
Sinking deeper into the mattress, you held on to the comforter tighter. The tears had dried, but the pain was still holding on tight. You'd seen Tom since then. Obviously, you had to. There was no way of escaping him while you promoting the film, but you hadn't spoken to him. Not directly. Not intentionally.
There was a knock again. This time you didn't react so you were surprised when the door opened slowly and in came the familiar figure again.
"It's not the same without you," Zendaya said sitting at the edge of the bed. She wasn't leaving this time. "Why don't you talk to him?" she asked. She knew everything. She was the one person you ran to, but recently you'd started to slowly isolate her too only leaving the hotel room when you had an interview or special appearance.
"He doesn't want to talk to me anyway," you mumbled. Your voice was muffled by the comforter.
"How do you know? Has he told you that?" Zendaya flopped on the bed, she rested on her side watching the back of your head. Her hand came up to the covers trying to them from your face.
You groaned pulling on the cover.
"He doesn't want me back. I was awful to him," you said remembering how everything went down. The look of hurt he had on his face. The way he'd tucked his hands into the pockets of his trousers and slowly backed away like you'd just accused him of the most horrible crime. The way he turned around and didn't look back. Not once.
"Did he say that?"
"No, but I know." That was the end of the conversation. And the last time you really spent time with her. Or with anyone no the cast for that matter.
"He's not here tonight, just come down for a bit." She pulled on your arm. Finally, you gave up. You let her lead you to the rest of the cast. Sitting down on one of the couches you pulled your sweater sleeves down so your hands saved in the fabric.
There was laughter and talking, but you spaced thinking of the times when you were on this very couch with Tom making jokes with everyone. Back before the world knew about the two of you. Before your world seemed to come down in flames.
It'd been almost a month. A month without Tom. You'd think a month would be long enough to forget about him, but time did not heal your wounds. You'd tried texting him. You missed him. But he never replied. You had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Did he go back home for a break or did he stay in the country to work?
He hadn't posted on Instagram. It was like he'd vanished into thin air, just like you'd wished for when you broke up with him. Which you had to remind yourself, you broke up with him. It didn't make it any easier.
Have you heard anything from Tom?
You'd given in and texted Zendaya, with who you'd patched things up. You couldn't bear to lose her too.
He's actually in town.
The reply was quick and it almost caused your heart to jump out of your chest. He was in town and you didn't know. She hadn't told you without prompting. Had he asked her not to?
The address to the hotel he was staying in flashed on your screen and your heart started jumping again. Thumping loudly, so loudly you could hardly hear yourself think.
It was late. Late enough that paparazzi wouldn't follow you. Late enough that Tom would probably be asleep. Late enough that maybe he wouldn't even want to talk to you if he was awake.
After pulling a few strings, you were standing outside his hotel room. Your hands cold in the pockets of your jacket. Taking out a hand, you formed a small fist knocking on the door gently. No response.
You waited, biting your lip and debating whether you should just go. Shaking the defeatist attitude, you knocked again. This time with a little more force.
It took a few seconds, but the door opened slowly and a shirtless Tom peaked his head through the small crack.
"Hi," you exhaled. You hadn't realized you were holding your breath until you saw him. There was a warm fuzzy feeling in your chest. Your heart was happy to see him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked rubbing his eyes. He had been sleeping.
"You didn't answer my text," you almost whispered. It was as if you'd forgotten how to speak, how to put words together to form a cohesive thought.
"What?" he said furrowing his brows, he still hadn't opened the door completely and you were standing outside his hotel room awkwardly playing with your fingers.
"I text you-"
"You broke up with me. Am I obligated to respond? I've been busy..." he added almost as if to soften the blow.
Stepping back at the sound of his raised voice, you nodded. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come." Walking backward, you apologized again turning on your heel, walking back towards the elevator. You heard the door close as you walked away cupping your hand over your mouth to block the ugly crying noises that were desperate to escape.
Pushing on the elevator button aggressively, you waiting for the ding. It felt like the longest seconds of your life. When the doors finally opened you stepped in. Again, the wait felt like an eternity. They were finally closing, but you saw an arm stop the doors.
It was Tom with his disheveled hair and a shirt. He'd put on a shirt.
"I didn't reply because it hurt too much," he confessed standing in front of you as the elevator doors closed. Your bodies shook as the elevator moved down and you held on to the railing to hold your ground.
"I wanted to. I wanted to reply, but you broke up with me." His voice cracked. You wiped some of the tears that'd started falling from your face. He was right.
"I'm sorry," you said finally looking at him. The tears were back, but you weren't wiping them this time. "I want to-" your voice cracked and your chest tightened. You stopped and inhaled deeply watching Tom stand in front of you with confusion.
"I want to try again. Please." Stepping forward you tried reaching for his hand, but he retracted it quickly running both hands through his hair and cupping one over his mouth.
"We can't-" he said softly the elevator doors finally opening. This was your queue.
"It's fine," you smiled forcefully shaking your head as he tried approaching. "It's okay. I'm going," you said pushing past him quickly leaving him dumbfounded on the elevator.
The air was cold as you stepped outside. Your tear-streaked face was faced with the cold wind and tucked your hands into your coat again silently sobbing as you aimlessly walked down the street.
Were you hallucinating? Turning you saw Tom standing by the hotel entrance. He was walking towards you. Your feet worked quicker than your brain, you started walking towards him too. Each step quicker than the one before and soon enough you were face to face.
His breathing was heavy, his hands cold as they made contact with your cheeks.
"Let's try again," he whispered as he brushed his nose against yours. His lips only centimeters away from yours. Wrapping your arms around his body, you closed the gap. The tears that pooled on your cheeks coursed down your cheeks as you closed your eyes. Losing yourself in the kiss, you tightened your grip around him and his thumb gently wiped the tears.
You didn't know how things would work out, but you knew you wanted to be with him. Publicly or not. You'd never stop trying.
folklore masterlist
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waywardstation · 2 years
Petition to get Kamado sitting out in the heat all day next time. Or something else for punishment. That was just cruel of him. (I can't stand heat at all and I had so much sympathy for Zisu and Ingo.) But for real I really hope Karma's coming back to Kamado at some point.
But wow I loved this new story so much. With Summer fast approaching this is really an appropriate situation. (the place I live in currently also has somewhat of a heatwave so I especially relate rn) Ingo not wanting to part with his coat at first and then even taking off his Pearl Clan tunic. (but tbh this guy is dressed to stand against the harsh cold of the Pearl Clan, I'm surprised he didn't got a heatstroke... and while it wasn't addressed directly I'm pretty sure you could see how thin he actually is could be mentioned in a later story maybe?)
Glad Akari is here to save the day with some Popsicles! I know that they also sell ice with some kind of syrup in japan during those summer festivals. But Popsicles are way easier to make. I'm also very happy to read another Rotom appearance. (Rotom is one of my favorite Pokemon I'm always happy when one shows up!)
Oh to sit with your Uncle and his colleague in the shadow of a building on a hot day and eat popsicles. A cute image! And I'm pretty sure this summer I'll be thinking about this story and probably read it again in the middle of a heatwave to have a sweet treat and to distract myself.
Thanks for another quick update. For real the timing of those fast updates couldn't been better. Currently not having the best of times but your storys always cheer me up and make my day. I love coming back for them for something sweet and for some comfort. Thanks for that.
I'll be looking forward for the next update and until then be one of many anons bouncing around ideas and have a fun time (also thank you for those fun times too) Take care and always remember to stay awesome! Because you are awesome!
(ugh hope my ramble wasn't too annoying Sorry about that)
First off Anon, no worries at all about anything being too long, I appreciate in-depth things and this really made my day to read!! ;w; You’re so sweet, and so awesome too!! I’m so glad my fics and all of the asks everyone has sent have made things easier, I do hope with time things look up for you, you deserve it!!! <3
And absolutely!! Kamado just generally isn’t considering the situation! (He might seem like such a stubborn, one-sided character now, but maybe I’ll get opportunities to flesh him out…I’ve heard some very interesting theories regarding his past!)
I’m so glad you love the story, I was a little worried people might find this one a bit directionless! ^^; but yes, I’m currently going through hot weather myself, so I really felt it as I was writing! I’m so thankful for modern times and our air conditioners haha!
And about Ingo and his coat, yes, it wasn’t directly pointed out; I sort of set that up for my food shortage fic as you guessed. Things are being noticed, but not to the point where it is explicitly clear (because people aren’t aware of the issue yet). So instead of writing that straight up described Ingo as thin or skinny, I talked about how without his clothes, he contrasted Zisu with her muscles, and how he seemed less broad and smaller. How his Pearl clan tunic was big, and gave no defining form to his body. Akari notes how he seems incomplete as well when he’s just in his underlayer. She can’t pinpoint it yet. I appreciate you caught onto that!
I did almost write him having a heat stroke because yeah, that is a LOT of thick layers, but the man needs a break so I had Zisu save him from that haha
And yes! I considered doing something more elaborate than snow and berries on a stick, but I was like “Akari’s a kid and she’s rushing, she’s gonna be cheap and easy” haha. Glad you appreciate the rotom appearance as well! I am very fond of the Pokémon myself!! :)
I’m glad the visual of having popsicles with Ingo and Zisu at the end of a hot day gives summer vibes, it was what I was trying to go for!! The highest compliment I can get is knowing someone returns to my stories to read them again, so thank you so much, genuinely ;w;
I’m so glad you appreciate my updates, it makes me happy to know you enjoy them and appreciate me trying to get them out as quick as possible without rushing the story! So thank you very much!
Once again, thank you for the ask, it’s much appreciated. Looking forward to sharing more ideas around with you and the other anons! Have a great day! :)
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