#wasnt expecting the absolute aggression
chainedspectre · 11 months
halfway through newsies and i was not prepared for the sheer use of the word crip jesus christ
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
saiki is such a fucking loser when it comes to romance (and also in general shh) that no matter who it is hes trying to date, he ALWAYS waits for THEM to confess. he will NEVER be the one to confess first..
i dont think he even CONSIDERS the fact that he could confess first, even though he can read their mind and knows exactly how they feel about him.. he waits and waits for a confession and when he doesnt get it, he gets really frustrated and is like 'i guess they just arent serious about me 😒🙄' BRO YOU HAVENT CONFESSED EITHER ?? YOU HAVE THE CAPABILITIES TO DO IT TOO WHY ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE ??
#my agenda that kusuo is just a bratty girlfriend#kusuo with an UNREQUITED crush is just satousai like i dont even have to say it#he never thought of confessing to satou cuz he knew it wasnt requited so he didnt really think it mattered#which is also funny and related to this because he just never wants to be the one to pursue someone lmfao#'ugh when is he going to notice me' -guy preparing for his first queer heartbreak#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#saiki kusuo#meows post#kubosai#<- i think kuboyasu almost always confesses anyway so kusuo doesnt need to worry about this for long#but theyre both pathetic hopeless losers so theres a chance kusuo could get frustrated listening to him pine after him#thats a rare case that could happen with anyone tbh where kusuo MIGHT confess. or avoid them like the passive aggressive tsundere he is.#terusai#<- this one he also gets very very frustrated!! because koko is kinda the same way he is..#she also expects to be confessed to and he hears her think that and is sooo annoyed because absolutely NOT#haisai#<- i think if hairo realized he had a crush he would immediately confess BUT he and kusuo are aroace kings lmfao#so i think that both of them r kinda oblivious and hairo simply wouldnt realize it was a crush#stg one of their friends would have to step in and be like 'u guys r practically dating can u just kiss or something damn..'#merasai#<- ALSO BOTH AROACE AND WOULD BASICALLY BE DATING WAY BEFORE MERA EVEN KNEW SHE LIKED HIM#saikai#<- kusuo is on a MISSION with this one omg. he does everything in his power to make his feelings known without being TOO obvious#so that KAIDO will confess.. but kaido just gets awkward about it for a while.. kusuo does not realize what hes doing is called flirting..#saikechi#<- idk i feel like this would be complicated.. akechi wouldnt want to confess cuz he would b like well i know he knows..#and he would probably mention casually wheile hes talking and not expect kusuo to respond#so like.. he just wouldnt think kusuo likes him because kusuo never acknowledges it but its only cuz akechi hasnt really CONFESSED
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lingeringdesires505 · 4 months
horror escape room with nagi seishiro
nagi seishiro x reader
cw: small mention of fake blood
managing to get the man off his phone and go outside was probably the hardest part of the experience compared to solving the puzzles the horror escape room had prepared for you. 
when you first suggested that you guys go on a horror escape room date, he wasnt very keen on the idea, but after some relentless pestering from you, he finally gave in. 
“i still dont understand why you would want to go. horror escape rooms are such a hassle, not only will they force you to solve a ton of riddles and puzzles while being harassed by some silly people wearing costumes, but will also make you pay them some ridiculous price for wasting your time and energy. sounds more like a hassle to me rather than fun. why couldnt we just stay home and cuddle?” he whined while aggressively tapping away on his phone, trying to beat the current level he was at. 
you could only roll your eyes in response. this was probably the thousandth time he had complained about being dragged outside, the only thing that kept you from beating the shit out of him at this point was his pretty face and the fact that you, unfortunately, loved him way too much. 
as the two of you finally went inside the escape room, you were already starting to regret ever wanting to go there. 
the corridor of the escape room was dark and quiet, with only a few candles on the ground illuminating the area. fake blood splattered across the walls. you hadn’t expected it to be this dark and scary. you were definitely starting to feel a little scared and nervous. 
nagi, on the other hand, was completely unfazed and just stood there, waiting for you to start walking.
werent you the one that kept pestering him to go to a horror escape room? shouldnt you be eagerly exploring the different rooms and solving puzzles already? he thought to himself until he realised that you were tugging on the hem on your shirt — a sign that he often associated with you being scared or nervous. 
as you tugged on the hen of your shirt, picking the loose strings, nagi walks closer to you, intertwining his hand with yours before patting your head gently. “there’s nothing to be scared of, angel, im here. lets get going okay?” he reassured you. 
as cheesy as he sounded, red started to tint your cheeks, you absolutely loved this side of nagi — the way he would show his love and care towards you always reminded you of the reason why you ever fell for him in the first place. 
you nodded your head and followed closely behind nagi. since he was walking in front of you, he had closer encounters with the jumpscares, shielding and protecting you from the actors so as to lessen the impact of the scare for you, making you feel safer and less scared. after every jumpscare, he would look back at you and squeeze your hand, making sure you were alright before the two of you proceeded. 
running and hiding away from the scare actors with nagi as they try to chase and hunt the both of you down gave the both of you an adrenaline rush, making you more excited than nervous compared to the start of the experience. being able to hide under the table and inside closets as the two of you tried your hardest to stifle your giggles, hoping to not get caught in your hiding spot. since nagi was taller and more muscular than your average human, he would often have trouble fitting into the hiding places. he would either occupy more than half the space, squeezing you flat like a pancake, or, would constantly hit his head under the table he was crawling under that was was a little too short and small for his liking. 
unsurprisingly, the man was extremely good at solving the riddles and puzzles given. ( probably because he spends hours in his room doing nothing but playing games that required him to solve more difficult riddles and puzzles ) since nagi knew you would probably want to solve some on your own, he decided to let you solve them yourself and would only step in if you needed guidance or help, which basically turned into him basically carrying you throughout the escape room. 
despite nagi finding all this ‘horror escape room’ nonsense to be such a hassle, he tried to be on his best behaviour and made it as fun as he could while making sure that you were doing fine, and that you felt safe with him; all because he knew how important quality time with him meant to you. being able to see you so happy and excited made his heart fill with joy. 
after the both of you had finished the escape room, nagi insisted that you reward him by cuddling on the couch and watching his favourite movie — eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, for the third time this month. you chuckled at how insistent he was on you rewarding him with what he asked for and nodded your head, promising him that the two of you would do so that night.
thank you for reading!
word count: 850++
feel free to request!
please dont steal
@lingeringdesires505 2024
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Sorry if this is a bad question, but do you think the Palestinians can keep their gains? I know this is an important win psychologically no matter what happens next, but is there any chance for changing the borders on the map?
Sorry if this naive or not relevant to the actual events
no its very relevant! Really too early to tell I think, at the absolute minimum I think this conflict could last several weeks, wouldn't be surprised if longer though. Either way the entire regional politic has already been changed forever, and I'm sure there will be defacto territorial change one way or another
Main factors/possibilities (rougly sorted in terms of my perceived importance/likeliness) imo:
A) level of coordination that Al-Qassam & other militants taking part have (idk what comms they'd really have available at this point, particularly with the blackout) as well as how robust logistical supply chains are for deliveries of weapons, personnel, and ammo, but to start out w 5,000 missiles in 20 minutes (though israel claims 2,500) definitely indicates a major degree of planning & coordination, probably months in advance if not more - so many contingencies were probably accounted for
B) how much Hezb'ullah enters the offensive, even pinning down a couple battalions around Sheba farm or the broader Golan heights can be a pretty pivotal, but if they actually are able to take territory that changes things significantly
B-2) how much non-muslim groups in lebanon accept hezb'ullah joining the offensive - israel can escalate here & potentially fracture the offensive by staging a ground invasion/aerial attack into Lebanon, as long as non-muslim groups read that as "because hezb'ullah instigated it" instead of as israeli aggression on them. I have no read on lebanese public opinion here so idk.
C) Whether the Syrian SAF steps up strikes against israeli occupational military targets in the Golan Heights in the next couple days
C-2) amount of explicit coordination between Hezb'ullah & SAF
D) how the situation develops in the West Bank - expect a lot of retributional violence by Israeli civilians here.
D-2) Abbas & his govt have already taken quite a strong stance where they dont quite endorse hamas' operation, but put blame squarely on Israel - if West Bank escalates decisively they might take a much stronger stance.
E) How many israeli political prisoners Hamas has taken (israel has admitted to 130, hamas says "more than dozens") - PIJ also claims 30, how important they are, & how many of their own civilians Israel is willing to potentially kill in order to achieve broader military objectives.
E-2) If Israel arent willing to do that, then that also means a lot of their vaunted air force is largely useless here & combat will largely take the form of urban street battles, which tend to favor irregular insurgent combatants (esp when the regular army is used to unquestioned aerial supremacy)
E-3) what happens during the land invasion of Gaza (said to happen in about 24 hours, and something that would be surprising if wasnt expected by hamas), which is likely prompted by the large number of detained political prisoners. If this ends without something that can be spun as a clear victory for IDF, then this will be a major demotivating factor against their international perceived strength & massively increase morale among palestinian militants & civilians
F) If gazans are able to make a land bridge to the West Bank, then things are going to escalate in a significant way. Sderot is right now the frontline here, about 20 mile straight shot
G) how much more of the barrier around the Gaza strip is able to be destroyed, particularly at checkpoints
I) if the Saudis officially announce a pause in normalization talks
I-2) if other factions in the House of Saud take advantage of the mass-unpopularity of normalization with israel among saudi citizen (ie not immigrant labor) population (~2% support support among saudi youth according to Arab Youth Survey 2023 https://arabyouthsurvey.com/wp-content/uploads/whitepaper/AYS-2023-WP_123_English.pdf - seems like a fair assumption this isn't limited to the young). Even absolute monarchies have limits in terms of unpopular choices.
H) how much of a united front palestinian refugees (across the region but in Egypt & Jordan in particular) are able to mount & what political ends they're able to force pressure on - Sisi has rhetorically genuflected to Israel being the one to provoke escalation while also condemning both sides, but Jordan's Abd'allah has pretty much stuck to both sides so far
H-2) If the youth survey is a good proxy, Jordan would likely be the one where the governing regime would have most difficulty avoiding taking a stand against israel (~6% in favor of normalization)
J) if Israel officially declares military operations against Iran, then that's going to be a major escalation path.
J-2) More likely imo will just step up operations particularly in Iraq against shi'a militants, not sure they'd really want to escalate in Syria at this exact moment
K) how long the Netanyahu-centered Unity Govt takes to form, especially how much Gantz tries to push himself into the center
L) How much the US/european politicians publicly supports israel rhetorically & with guns without public pushback (that's where posting can actually help, particularly politicians). Right now the political class has basically all fallen in line in support of Israel, so normalizing discourse in support of palestine does do something, particularly if it has quantifiable achievement like BDS (particularly S)
M) Now is also when israeli civilians protesting against the corruption of their government would make the most difference. Strangely the recurring protests have been canceled. lol.
Z (wildcard)) Ansar Allah (houthis) or other non-coalition yemeni militant groups start an offensive against the Israeli-UAE occupation of Socotra. UAE alone is still militarily powerful and islands have obvious defensive advantages but scrambling to coordinate a rebuff of Israeli military positions all that way away would definitely start to strain logistics
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gaiasucks · 2 years
my first attempt at incel xiao 😿 sorry if it sucks im not used to writing fanfic
// fem reader / incel xiao , roommates , slut shaming + general insults, drunk sex, nsfw //
upon arriving to your new college dorm, you expected a normal, nice roommate. one who would clean up after themselves, one who would take care of themselves, or at the least wasnt a gross person. but, that wish wasn’t granted. your new roommate was xiao, who is the absolute opposite of what you wished for.
xiao never brushes his hair, and he just let it get all tangled to the point where it looked like a ball of fluff on the top of his head. he never took showers, and always had this disgusting smell surrounding him. his teeth always went unbrushed, and he rarely changed his clothes, let alone washed them. and he didn’t act any better. he practically never left his room, and would just stay in, playing valorant and watching porn. he would spend all his time on discord talking to his group of weirdo friends, constantly passing around hentai and insulting random women on instagram. all he ever drinks is alcohol and energy drinks, and any time he talks to you, his breath reeks of vodka and monster. he constantly jacks off to hentai games, and his room has this putrid smell of cum that makes you gag anytime you walk his room.
but, you weren’t his dream roommate either. but unlike you, he hated you. you didn’t particularly enjoy his presence, but you never hated him. but, he hated you. he hated everything about you. he hated the way you smelt so sickly sweet due to the scented lotions and perfumes you use. he hate the fact you care so much about your appearance, and how you cared so much about how you looked. he hated how long you spent on your makeup and hair. he hated how you dress so slutty in his eyes. the way your shirts are so tight on you, and your pants are so snug against your body. he hated the fact that anytime you wear skirts they’re so short and show your panties anytime you bend over to pick something up. he hated the fact that anytime you wore button ups, they were so tight and made your boobs so noticeable. he felt like you were such a whore, trying to attract the attention of guys. he constantly talked about you to his friends, calling you a dirty hoe who sleeps with a bunch of guys.
though, despite the fact he hates you, he’s obsessed with you. your the only thing that gets him hard, since porn doesn’t work anymore. he constantly gets off to the idea of sexually overstimulating you to the point your crying due to the pleasure overload. he fantasizes about pulling down your panties and pounding you for hours at a time. whenever he sees you, he wishes you were on your knees right now, sucking his cock with your cute, slutty little mouth. the idea of fucking you till your numb turns him on so much, he can’t control the urge to just stroke his dick to that thought. his one and old wish is to penetrate you to the point where you just melt and become a moaning little mess. all he wants to do is corrupt your mind and body, ruining you to no return.
and his wish was granted. after all this time of imagining, he finally took things in his own hands. though it wasn’t as nice as expected. xiao was blackout drunk, sprawled and passed out on the couch, and you had just entered the dorm. you tried to wake up him up gently, but he wouldn’t budge. so, you start getting more aggressive, shaking him to the point he was flopping around like a fish. eventually, he woke up. he tried to say something, but his speech was so slurred you couldn’t make it out. you pull him up and off the couch and start walking him too his room, scolding him. we reach his godawful bedroom, and you lead him to his bed and tell him to go to bed. he vaguely says “i don’t wanna go to bed”, but he slurred it so much he couldn’t even form normal sounding words. you try to him to go to bed, but he holds you down, trying to tell you something. “if you really care, you can help put me to sleep.” he murmurs, which at the time didn’t make much sense, but when he pinned you to his bed and started taking off the dress you were wearing, the answer was clear.
in what seemed like a second, you were laying on his bed, practically naked. he stared at your body with a look of lust and disgust in his eyes. your gaze shifts from his face to his pants, which is hands are flimsily unbuttoning. “this isn’t like you xiao..” you whimper as you watch him undress himself. despite the fact your so disgusted by this; you continue to watch him take off his clothing, almost as if you were under a spell. “you seem to enjoy this, you slut.” xiao suddenly says, taking you back to reality. “i’m not a slut! i’m a completely norm-“ you try to say, but he stuffs his cock in your mouth, shutting you up. at first, you were shocked. you didn’t know what to do. you didn’t know if you were supposed to take it out and run away, or to just roll with it. after a few seconds of just sitting in a state of shock, you start to feel him shoving it deeper and deeper. it felt so nice and warm, you couldn’t just walk away. the more you sucked his cock, the more it went deeper and deeper inside your throat. you were practically choking on his cock, but it felt so good, you didn’t mind it. hearing his deep moans and grunts made your clit throb more and more, ready to get fucked.
“your so good at this, fuck..” he muttered under his breath while you sucked him off. his whimpers filled your ears, turning you on. as you went on, his moans slowly started to push you over the edge. eventually, you couldn’t take it anymore. you take his cock out of your mouth and force it inside you, clenching it as it went deeper inside. “your such a slut, you know that, right?” but you didn’t care, you didn’t care how slutty you were, all you wanted was him inside of you. you were a moaning mess at this point, just begging him to fuck you harder and harder. he complied, and started thrusting you as hard as he could.
you were such a mess, but you didn’t care. you didn’t care if you made ugly sex faces. you didn’t care if you made gross sounding moans. you just didn’t care. you were in a pure euphoric state of mind, experiencing the best pleasure you ever felt. and the constant flow of insults, constantly being called a dirty whore, slut, hoe, and more just made the experience even more enjoyable.
that it 😿 srry if it sucked uhh recc me i more incel!xiao shit to do
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casey-complains · 10 months
I know the argument could be made that the Sides were roleplaying Inside Out and so technically they didn't need to sound like themselves but ooh boy, I watched newest Asides and when Roman appeared I had no idea who he was supposed to be. And when Virgil showed up I literally would have not known it was him if it wasnt the eyeshadow. Like the Sides in the 2016-2020 vids all have very distinct voice inflections and word usage that helps define them as their own unique characters but the only Side whose voice felt distinct and true to themselves was Remus to a degree.
Even when they were "themselves" again, they didnt sound like themselves. It was so bizarre, it was like watching one of those AI deepfake videos.
And as much as I'd like to see the finale, I'm not sure if I want to see it with these versions of the characters. And in regards to this past year's "content" like, yeah I would've loved seeing some lighthearted filler content with the Sides several years back that were non-main series related, but this current year of Asides content has made it increasingly harder not to feel like Thomas is ready to move on creatively from SaSi, but he isn't willing to admit that to fans. Or at least be honest with fans that he wants to pursue other projects and maybe one day return to SaSi to give a finale.
In contrast to other content creators who are honest with their fans that there was a time they created "x content" and now they find it more fulfilling to create "y content", it just feels incredibly shitty for him to string fans along knowing his Sides content does more views than anything else (and im sorry but my toxic conspiracy theory is that there was a genuine spinoff series featuring Sasi!Roman but Thomas scrapped it and "refurbished" the idea to be Roleslaying and misled fans into thinking it was the spinoff sasi series because it would get the sasi fans in the door) and act passive-aggressive when fans express interest in Sasi content since he hasnt outright said anything about his feelings regarding SaSi.
Something of interest to note, Thomas was on a recent Smosh vid a few weeks back and when they did their usual spiel of "what can people expect to find you", he didnt promote Sanders Sides at all, just Roleslaying and his shorts content, which is like,,,, absolutely wild. I know Sanders Sides is on indefinite hiatus but if that doesnt show that he really wants new people who finds him to focus on his ongoing dnd series than SaSi, Idk what will.
i literally have nothing to add, you said it all perfectly
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musubiki · 1 year
If Lime is getting attention from the local college girls do you think they’d be a lot more forward in asking him out in comparison to just a high school fan club of girls ogling at him? And if these girls have the balls to actually walk up to him and ask him out do you think he’d be more inclined to say yes? AND if he maybe did have a couple dates during time skip period maybe morbid curiosity kicks in and he wants to see jealous Mochi???👀👀👀
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to be honest the girls that come at him are always a mix, which was true for their high school days as well!!! theres obviously a big shy chunk that (as expected) would go "no point, he probably has a girlfriend" or "im too terrified to ask him out lets just enjoy his beauty from afar," the normal intensity chunk of regular human beings that ask him once and when he says "ah, sorry im not really interested but i appreciate it," they let it go and dont ask again. and then theres the aggressive chunk he cant STAND which is the "i can convince him to hook up with me 😘😉" girls that try and straight up seduce him in the middle of the store.
the normal intensity chunk he respects a little more. because when he gives an answer they dont press. the aggressive chunk he HATES because he gives an answer and they dont respect it and keep attempting to lure him in. its these people that lime learned early on, its so much easier to use the strategy of "first response will be polite, anything after that i will be an asshole to them"
which throughout high school and very quickly through the post-timeskip earns him a bit of an asshole reputation because "wow i hear hes so mean to girls when he rejects them why is he like that???" but if you get to know him, he only reacts like that if you keep pestering him.
(he learned this in late middle school when he tried to keep being nice in his rejections, but being nice never got them to give up so eventually he figured out that being an absolute asshole turns most of them away)
NOW ON THE NOTE ABOUT HIM DATING OTHER GIRLS: he DID got on a few dates in between the timeskip when mochi wasnt around, and it was always with the normal intensity types who would at least respect his decisions. he did this as an attempt to get over mochi, but one or two dates in realized that yep this isnt working, and also its not fair to this poor girl because im still thinking about mochi and clearly i cant commit to her, so it would end pretty fast.
and when mochi DOES find this out (he tried to hide it from her hehe) its not exactly jealousy, but that horrible twisting sinking feeling you get in your stomach. she usually deals with this kind of emotion alone and doesnt tell anyone, and tries to sort it out in her head herself before coming to terms with it and finally asking lime about it. (lime can kinda tell though. and when he does find out shes feeling like this, post-timeskip lime is a little better at not denying his feelings and isnt bad at making her feel better)
BUT IN THE EVENT OF THEM FIGHTING?????? yeah if he was mad enough he would 1000% go out with one of these girls out of spite just to upset her. in these cases though mochis emotional state is a bit better because its the (oh hes doing this to piss me off then), and not (he genuinely wants to be romantically involved with someone else)
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Sibling headcanons [1/3]
(you are here) -> PART 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
Important note: To the person who requested this, I will be splitting this into 3 parts so its more doable... and bearable to read through. Sorry that just these two took so long :') Enjoy tho!
content: [gn!reader], [olderbrother!kageura], [olderbrother!ninomiya]
status: unedited/not proofread + requested
character(s): Masato Kageura, Masataka Ninomiya
warning(s): mild cursing. Uhhh... likely wont be proofread? I dont think they're too OOC, but Kageura might be...
extra: Masterlist
(reader is around 10 years younger in my mind but its written in a way where you can imagine the age gap as whatever)
Masato Kageura:
Ur probably one of his favorite people tbh, if not THE favorite
because ur emotions towards him arent so prickly AT LEAST 60% of the time
Puts up w whatever antics you do and might go along with it
But also gets fed up w you so quickly
He's aggressively protective? Kind of.
Kage knows when you're upset w him due to his side effect
When he senses that, he usually does try to talk to you.
100% hates it when ur angry or upset towards him for more than a day.
He does his best to not have outbursts towards you
Always encourages you to stand up for yourself and gets absolutely pissed off if you dont.
He'll defend you despite that though
Will scold you when he's done
"Why're ya mad at me this time?!" He groaned in frustration, turning to face you.
The annoying, prickly sensation was crawling across his skin. He knew it was coming from you, the only other person in the room.
You glowered at him from your spot on the couch, right across the room from him.
Kageura gave you a narrowed eyed look of which you returned.
He apologized, "Alright, damn... Sorry for making a scene earlier."
"Good," you said.
Someone had bad mouthed you for outfit choice and the both of you had heard it. Kageura had expected you to at least give them a stern look but you didn't do anything. So, he stood up for you like a good big brother would.
Masataka Ninomiya:
He isn't as cold and arrogant towards you as he is to everyone else
But he is blunt and is still kind of an ass
Personally, I think he wouldnt be the best older brother, but also not the worst.
Would probably hurt ur feelings tbh LOL
and he'd mean it
If ur the type to friendly to everyone, it annoys him
He wont tell u tho (the one thing he wont bring up)
Ur still ur own person after all
Are u talented in something? Anything?
Ur not his sibling anymore /j
Ok but seriously, in his trivia it says he hates ppl with talent lmaooo
I have the feeling that if u are, he doesnt subject you to his opinion about that but always has that icy stare whenever he see's u doing whatever it is
You call him "Masa" and he doesnt care until you say it in front of someone, especially if they're from Border
In the end, ur his younger sibling and he treats you accordingly
Maybe buys you gifts for special occasions... but always gets u smth for ur birthday
Idk, he's just not the greatest sibling out there.
It was your birthday today. Everyone had wished you a happy one throughout the day. Well, everyone besides your own brother. But what could you do? It was the Masataka Ninomiya after all.
After his shift at Border, he dropped by your room. Usually an unexpected thing, but he seemed to remember that he had a younger sibling when it was your birthday.
"Here," he said with his normal blunt tone.
You didnt question him and simply took the item (pretend it's smth you've wanted for a while now). It wasnt even wrapped up...
After silently swallowing your subtle displeasure, you were thankful in the end, "Thanks Masa."
He ignored this nickname and began to walk out.
"Dinner's ready," he said from over his shoulder.
You suddenly couldn't help but wonder what his reaction was when he found out he was going to have a younger sibling. An amusing thought crossed your mind. It would've been really funny if he had actually made a face of worry or discontent. You were definitely going to bring it up to your parents during dinner.
to be continued...
word count: dont feel like looking
start: 7/04/23
finish: 7/09/23
a/n: gonna be honest. just these two should NOT have taken this long. the procrastination is hitting me... I PROMISE PT2 AND 3 WILL BE OUT SOON... <3
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nataliescatorccio · 2 years
i wasnt yelling at you! i noticed a typo in a pretty post and if i had a glaring mistake in something i worked really hard i would want someone to tell me so i could fix it! u and ur followers are mocking me and being mean girls abt this but i was literally only trying to help!!!!!!
theres a very similar edit to yours which had a different caption and i mixed them up, since you had gotten mad at me for that i messaged again to explain about the caption. and then u decided i was yelling at u cause my tone wasnt perfect??? i was explaining what had gotten mixed up!
communicating is really fucking hard for some people, ok? we dont all just breeze through life with no struggles. communicating is hard. i was doing the best that i could and you read a negative intention into everything i said and then made fun of me. so then i snapped and said i what said about your blog not being safe for neurodivergent people. maybe i shouldnt have said that but i was frustrated at that point cause i was trying to help and u and ur followers kept mocking me for it.
this is the last message i will respond to of yours and i am only responding because i would like you to stop flooding my inbox. it is incredibly upsetting and you do not seem to be getting the message to let this drop.
to me, speaking in caps is yelling. saying 'but i WAS right' and 'you ARE the op' is incredibly aggressive, especially when it follows on from a perfectly fine interaction where we resolved what you meant. the issue is not mixing the sets up, these things happen and it was easily resolved with the follow up message! but you continued to push at me and to be honest, you put my back up. i don't think it's fair for you to sit here and expect me to not get defensive when you seem to keep messaging me being upset that i didn't immediately understand what you meant? and also for you to expect my tone to be perfect, but you're allowed to say whatever you want?
as i tried to explain, i'm sorry but pointing out a mistake that is a year old isn't helpful to me. i know you were trying to help! but what you're effectively doing is pointing to something i have no power to change and go 'that's wrong'. now that sets my perfectionism right on edge because i then go 'oh god, this is wrong, everyone knows what an idiot i am, but i can't change it'. which is what i was trying to explain to you at the time. i understand you were trying to help, however i was trying to explain to you that it's not helpful towards me because i cannot change it. i tried to tell you i can’t do anything about it because it’s an old set, but you wouldn’t let the subject drop and continued to message me about it being wrong and needing changing.
also, no one was mocking at you. you sent that ask saying i was picking on you for being autistic before i'd even received any other asks and comments. and yeah, upon seeing that, my mutuals and followers tried to be there to support me because they're absolutely amazing people who could tell i was upset. and even then, no one has mocked you. they have called you out on being rude, and you could have taken that as a wake-up call to let it drop or apologise instead of continuing to play the victim.
lastly - i spend the majority of my time on my blog on the internet. does that not also tell you that i might not have the best communication skills either? we all struggle. that is no excuse to act like you can act rudely to me and i have to treat you perfectly in response.
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
if you are looking for writing requests, maybe more ingo/gaeric/melli stuff or adaman stuff?
I will. Do both and one of them will be fucking incomprehensible and have blood in it (its the adaman one) bc i havent talked to Anybody abt the context of it
"Just so we are clear," Melli hissed out of absolutely nowhere while washing his tunic, "I will never fall for you."
Gaeric arched a brow and only gave him a puzzled glare.
The Diamond warden held it for a while before pouting excessively loudly, roll his eyes, and explain as he harshly rubbed soap against blue fabric: "We may share Ingo’s love and get along for his sake, but don't expect me to one day just turn around and court you as well."
"Ah," the bulkier man only said, nodding lightly and agreeing with the statement as he had no plans of becoming interested in Melli enough to court him either.
He wasnt able to vocalize that sentiment, interrupted by a late addition: "You've got nothing to like in a man, anyways."
Gaeric could not, in good conscience, pride himself on being level-headed.
There were... A frankly excessive amount of examples from both his youth and more recent years that flooded his mind within a second of himself very blatantly jumping to conclusions (and very often, consequentially, into trouble) at the first suspicion, percieved sign of aggression, or insult - though despite the habit being hard to break he had learned to calm himself, as he needed to do so, to become a proper worthy warden to mighty and unmovable Avalugg.
So instead of instantly knocking Melli right out of his body for implying he was the ugliest man alive, he focused on how his deep breaths caused his chest to expand and strayed the path of his thoughts to the man for whom he was not going to punch the Diamond a brand new set of teeth.
Come to think of it, he could not remember an occasion in which Ingo had been so absolutely fuming with rage to lose control of himself. Even in that one unprecedented, vaguely exhilarating case in which he purposefully and uncerimoniously tripped a particularly rude young woman straight into the freezing waters around the settlement with a fulmineous swipe of his leg directly across her ankles, he had first stewed for nearly two hours in her unwanted and unappreciated attentions, carefully calculating his odds before deciding mild petty violence was both a viable option and the one he wanted to choose.
How he could manage that was beyond him.
In that aspect they were really nothing alike.
Melli jumped when the Pearl warden suddenly interrupted his six whole minutes of perfect silence to burst into a booming laugh.
With opaque blue eyes turning to him wider than the hole in the sky as if he were absolutely insane, Gaeric waved a hand dismissively: “Worry not your pretty head,” he cackled some more, “I simply agree with you.”
“On what?” the younger man asked, confused.
“Oh, on your tastes and your stern romantic dislike of me,” the other replied with a mischievous grin. “I understand, really! Certainly you wouldn’t like a Pearl Clan warden, let alone a man older than youself - and I do suppose your ego wouldn’t really just let you keel over and accept him being able to defeat you in battle, would it?”
The Diamond narrowed his eyes with an unamused ‘hmph!’, unimpressed by what he believed to be boasting.
“And I do agree that I am a bit too loud for my own good-” now that fool understood, and Gaeric could have laughed in his steadily reddening face right then if he wasn’t as committed to the bit as he was “-But if it’s something to do with the beard I would urge you then to give it a chance, at the very least - you know, it can make a man look --”
Something wet and made of cloth hit the entirety of his face.
“SHUT!” Melli shrieked as the other broke out into laughter against the drenched tunic he had hurled at his face. The light blue eyes faced him again with a smirk that had his cheeks and ears burn strong enough to burst into flames, and he pointed a finger at him as viciously as he could, babbling wildly for a moment or two in absence of a proper argument.
“We even both have hair lighter than yours!”
“YOU--!!” kicking his feet around like a little kid, Electrode’s warden jumped upright and uncatiously landed a pair of slaps the brick wall of a man, who lucky for him was too busy making fun of him to get mad: “You’re- those are just - superficial details! He’s- you- you two are, you’re completely different!”
He was right, of course. But now that the similarities had been brought to his attention he felt like an idiot for trying to rile the other man like that only to become the one humiliated instead.
To add insult to injury his head was suddenly, viciously scratched and rocked from side to side by a large hand, in a way that reminded him far too much of the loving noogies Mai would administer when he was younger and that made him purple with embarassment.
“You’re one to talk!” Gaeric laughed. “You’re really nothing like him!”
Melli wiggled his entire lanky body out of the mighty hold with outstanding wrath: “And he likes me for that!” he shrieked back.
“So it is, so it is,” the other warden admitted placidly. Better to stop this here, before the somewhat light bickering went out of their control and they started getting seriously angry.
The sopping tunic was yanked away from his gracious offering hand and squeezed dry with a quiet string of frustrated mutterings. He wasn’t fluent in the dialect of the Diamond Clan, far from it - but he had heard Sabi slip into it at length enough to understand that the warden was saying something about children and treatments of sorts as he crouched back down to tend to his laundry. So this time at the very least he was certainly not being insulted.
He stretched his shoulders back as the sound of soap scrubbing on cloth got a lot more frantic than it had been previously and rolled his neck backwards, stopping halfway through to look at the sky.
It was a clear day, today.
Ingo was probably taking his sweet time coming back from Jubilife just to soak in the warmth like a Swinub in a hot spring.
Maybe he had even decided to have himself a nap in the grass. He had a habit of doing just that, he’d been told - with Gliscor on his face to both protect his eyes and discourage uncatious Pokémon thinking he could be an easy prey.
In that case, if they listened closely they could have probably heard him snore from across the region.
“Kind of strange for it to be us,” he commented to nobody.
After a moment of brooding silence, Melli caved in: “His partners, you mean?”
Grabbing one of his arms and stretching it behind his head, Gaeric hummed: “One somewhat similar to him and one not at all. Just looking at the two of us I don’t think anybody could find a pattern to make a perfect suitor for him.”
He felt a shoulder pop satisfyingly softly and repeated the exercise on its twin. Slowly, as he proceeded to work on his leg muscles in order not to remain idle, he heard the splashing sounds of washing cloth at his side quiet to a halt: when he turned to check if the other man was done he found him looking up to his face intently with no sign of aggression on his fair features, pinkish hands resting on his knees as he sat on his own heels.
They took each other in for a while, calmly, almost without thinking.
They really was nothing alike about them.
Except, maybe...
“He likes long blue hair,” Melli noted.
Gaeric nodded sagely: “He certainly does.”
“And blue eyes too.”
“Oh, definitely.”
Lady Lilligant had been incapacitated.
If even she could not fight back against whatever had been prowling through the Scarlet Bog, by all means, a meager human wasn’t going to emerge from a confrontation with it victorious - maybe not even in one piece.
But Adaman was still a young enough man for many older clansmen to think of him as a still grievously inexperienced child, and somewhere in his chest he ached to prove himself deserving of his title to those who doubted him more than he wanted to protect the settlement.
Leafeon followed, equally as stubborn despite the poisonous Pokémon of the swamps being more than well equipped to knock him out in one swift move, as his partner trudged carefully between a strangely meager number of Stunkies and Croagunks. Eyes and ears sharpened to the point of near straining them, both found themselves puzzled by a seeming lack of movement: even the Hippopotas and Hippodowns, usually busy with ridding themselves of pests coming too close for comfort, remained still in the muddled waters, at the edges of the bog, and even the Alpha Skuntank had left her post to retreat on more solid ground from which her flaming eyes trailed after the anomalous pair.
Just watching.
Almost... Strangely afraid.
A wet shift had Adaman turn his head in an instant.
His mind wandered, in a moment of strange detachment, to the memory of something he had heard - the description of a Pokémon, a Grotle: standing on four wide steady legs, with a shell thin in appearance yet hardy upon its back, green bushes sprouting lush from it, a mouth like a hook capable of biting a hand off if it so wanted, and big black eyes.
This did not look like that.
This, half hidden in the mud from which it arose and under the grime slowly dripping off of it as if its skin were smooth polished metal, sustained itself on a thin arm (the other seemed covered by some kind of cloth, a sleeve of sorts) and looked at him through small inescapable eyes the color of dark rotten Apricorns.
When the light shifted upon the murky waters its face laid half submerged in he saw its sclera was a horrible hue - like charcoal made liquid; the same hue coating long, sharp nails as it lifted its hand out the water to crawl forward.
Towards him.
He stepped back, Leafeon growling in some attempt at intimidation.
Between the skeletal fingers, now he could see it - between them the mud seemed to create a web that cut through the thick waters with ease, like boned fins; the hair, if hair it was, two lone long strands curling at the sides of its face, framing its peculiar simmetry centered by its broken nose, joining at the back of the buzzed head, was a dusty kind of brown that wouldn’t have been out of place on the crests of Lady Lilligant.
Its lips were pitch black, when they appeared out of the grime.
“Come a little closer, boy.”
That voice was sweet, sickeningly so. Pitched high and with a certain inflection to it that felt like honey pooling at his feet and turning hard as salt, trapping him in place. It didn’t fall out of the human-like mouth: it slithered and danced.
Its shoulders arose as its arms stretched to get itself into a crouching position. Its body was anthropomorphic in a strange way - covered in a long attush robe with patterns embroidered upon it, half of its chest escaping the elm bark fabric (ribs stretched the skin as if it had been that of a drum), one nearly atrophied leg sticking out of it as its twin laid shrouded within the cloth.
“Don’t worry,” it sang with its black and rotten green eyes pinning Adaman in place, with a tone playful in the same manner with which a Luxray’s paws push around its agonizing prey, with a curl of its nose that made the four spikes at its side move up and down.
The charcoal lips pulled back into a rectangular grin more reminiscent of a snarl: four canines - the longest he had ever seen - welcomed his sight hungrily.
“I don’t bite.”
If it had been as human as its appearance suggested the Leaf Blades would have cut through its limbs to color the puddle it still had not managed to leave a crimson even deeper that the sunset’s reflection on the mercurean waters.
With a potent gust of wind Leafeon flew across the marsh, little body landing on soft mud instead of on the rocks jutting from it by pure miracle. Adaman called out another attack uselessly, mind still stuck to a mere second before, sight and voice and hearing and the very consciousness of his own body catching up too late - only when his mouth still open in an interrupted scream was filled with dirt and acidic goo that made him want to gag and gasp for air, and his shoulder slammed harshly on the shallow bottom of the bog, and against his eyelids closed just in time he saw the burned afterimage of the ghastly face that had been so close to his.
Something sunk in his arm, through the bandages and the skin and nearly through the muscle, and with a yank his dirtied head was pulled out of the mud enough for him to vomit out the foulness on his tongue.
First he felt the wet on his neck, and then the impression of something weirdly flat grazing against it.
Then, finally, the piercing.
He spat out a scream muffled by what felt a liter of bog water as the teeth clasped around his throat, both sides of it punctured in two spots each.
It should have hurt, it should have made the adrenaline course through his body for him to writhe and struggle against the bite; and while the pain was so intense that it did make his eyes go blind for a moment, and a terrified chemical frenesy did overtake his limbs, he remained unmoving if trembling, mouth hung open even in silence, as the hold on his neck tightened so much that he could feel his bones strain under the pressure. He breathed still: it felt as if the air was warmer, saturated with a heaviness that reminded him of pollen.
A hand grasped his hair tight. Nails held his forearm in an iron grip.
He felt as if his lungs were being filled to burst.
Adaman fell to the wet ground barely registering the teeth leaving his throat or his own deep shuddering gasp. His body remained immobilized, and so all he could do was look up from where he had been uncerimoniously dropped, forced to spy through the corner of his eye.
There was a dangling ornate necklace running three circles across its clavicles - made of pinkish beads weaved inbetween tightly twisted braids of a kind of rope he could not remember seeing ever before. It was the same color of its hair.
Its wide snarling grin shined mockingly down on him, lip and fangs stained red. Its rotten green eyes were small and vicious as they glinted in the falling sun.
Its laugh was a cruel, slow sound, like the gekkering of a wounded Jolteon.
The air felt warm.
So warm.
His clansmen ran to meet him as he stumbled back up the slope to the settlement nearly on all fours, weak and near delirious, after Leafeon had returned alone yipping and barking in distress. Arezu cried and begged forgiveness when she saw the blood running down his neck, staining his clothes through the grime, pouring still in thin rivers, begged forgiveness for not assisting Lady Lilligant when she should have, for not accompanying him, for not disobbeying and following him when he insisted on taking this upon himself.
Her leader did not hear her, eyes glazed with remembrances of bright yellow eyelids behind black and green, and a voice like honeysuckle poison laughing at him, laughing.
“I’m in love,” Adaman spoke with a haunted, hoarse voice.
He collapsed prey to a spring fever as he was carried to his tent, and the wounds on his neck never healed.
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i made a poll about taylor swift. it slightly made my notes a living hell for a week. heres some info i gathered from it cos i figure some people might find it interesting!
(gonna put a keep reading thing cos this might get long!)
- the post got 36k votes and 7.5k notes and really made it round every possible opinion on taylor swift there could be
- it was a lot more negative than i was expecting. i accidentally found my way onto swiftie instagram a few months ago and now my instagram algorithm thinks thats all i wanna watch so i think maybe my perception of how many people are actually are a fan of her is a bit skewed?
- that being said, in general, people were actually very reasonable and had very nuanced opinions in the notes, which was a little surprising
- however, the people who really really dont like her have absolutely zero chill
- tumblr swifties are a lot better than instagram swifties
- i should have made some options on the poll which included being completely neutral/having no opinions on her as a person, thats my bad
- a lot of people think shes hot, regardless of their opinions on her or her music
- the main reasons, roughly in order, for people disliking her are:
1. her fans
2. the private jet thing
3. the matty healy thing
4. her having a white woman victim complex
5. her being a nepo baby (something i wasnt aware of before this poll)
6. her music being overplayed at peoples places of work (which is so valid, i cant listen to cardigan without wanting to die for this very reason!)
(there were other reasons people disliked her but these are main ones)
- a lot of people who said they didnt like her music did have one or two songs that they said were the exception. these are all the ones i saw specified:
- love story
- you belong with me
- innocent
- blank space
- look what you made me do
- bad blood
- the best day
- safe and sound
- no body no crime
- style
- anti-hero
- we are never ever getting back together
- tolerate it
- seven
- you're on your own kid
- long live
- never grow up
- also quite a lot of people said they disliked her music with the exception of one album. the albums i most saw specified for this were 1989, fearless and speak now.
- a lot of people, regardless of their overall opinion on her/her music dislike midnights
- a lot of people said they only liked her music up until red. alternatively, quite a lot people said they have only liked her music released since red.
- i learnt about gaylors (and kaylors) through this poll. i didnt really know that was a thing. it confuses me. (shoutout to the anon i got about it, i dont agree with you and dont really get it, but you were also one of the nicest people towards me on this poll so i very much appreciate that, thank you!)
- on that topic, everyone, regardless of their opinions on taylor, seems to be annoyed by gaylors. (except the gaylors themselves).
- i got frequently (and sometimes quite aggressively) accused of being a swiftie on this poll due to the range of options on it. im not actually a swiftie, im just bad at making polls! i have very complicated opinions on her that frequently change, which is the main reason i made the poll, i wont go into detail on my thoughts on her here (nor did i on the actual poll) but im happy to explain my thoughts fully if someone asks!
- finally, here are some tags that made me laugh!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
and this tag, which might be the most baffing thing anyone has ever added to one of my posts:
Tumblr media
theres probably more absolute gems hidden in the notes, but this poll got a lot of tags and replies and there was no way i could read everything!
thanks for reading and please dont take any of this too seriously, i made the poll due to my own curiosity and this post is just for anyone else interested!
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communist-cat-girl · 2 years
i wrote way too much shit so ima paraphrase what made me block someone a minute ago
if someone rewrites a story and makes the characters gay, thats fine if you think doin that shows that you have “gay blinders”, just block me
if youre mad about that, keep readin. if you dont wanna read, block me. its a bad faith take thats on par with “representation is pointless” and “i wish modern media would stop shovin gays down my throat” type 4chan shit
if you dont know what i mean, be thankful! its a pointless bit of discourse that doesnt matter to any real world person except queers online who want to gatekeep every aspect of bein a queer. be gay and free, fuck these hos
“just because its gay doesnt mean its better!” feels a little bad faith? like ya, its obviously not necessarily better, but the thing is ... im gay ... so i have a vested interest in if whether or not they get together; not to mention it recontextualizes stories as one’s of aggression against oppression (if they werent already) that makes me doubly interested as an anarchist.
if we look at, say, Alice Isnt Dead we can see this in full swing both ways. not only is the core audience and creative team behind Welcome to Nightvale openly supportive or queer themselves, so too are those who’ve worked on Alice Isnt Dead. Not only does this mean that the queer audience will feel catered too but the queer staff will be more likely to *want* to work on this, to put their whole ass into this project and make it better than if they were just paid to make some mlw piece of media.
and would the mlw idea rly work when the end of part 1 and all of part 2, spoilers by the way, of alice isnt dead are about the gov’t doin absolutely everythin it can to keep them apart and how *keepin them apart, even as alice is part of this shadowy institution, didnt make them happy and didnt solve the wider problems of the world anyways*
im sorry, but if that story wasnt gay, if its gayness didnt put into focus the issues real gay people face, then that story is ostensibly weaker, its prose less profound, its themes less touchin
now, to talk about the post that made me want to write this ...
im not gonna link it or even directly phrase it, i dont want anyone comin onto me or comin onto anyone else over this (not like my small follower count would)
the tldr is that, the hades and persephone myth is ... well, its kinda shit. its a kidnappin, its a possibly a sexual assault, its a woman forced into a bad circumstance; and so if you made this myth wlw and say its better you “have blinders because its gay” or somethin; which ive never heard anyone suggest EVER but sure, whatever
disclaimer, i am a hellenic pagan, more specifically of roman traditions, so my opinion on the *story itself* is complicated. so im not gonna be sayin much about that.
what i really care about is how somone brings of the Hades Game and i *think* lore olympus retellin where persephone is kidnapped, lowkey on purpose possibly, and eats of the pomegranate to like ... get at her naggin mom, or w/ever. thats not actually the story of the Hades Game nor of the more popular modern helpol retellin but its close enough.
the person who relays this paraphrased story says that if its wlw its better than it would be if it was mlw (and, in gnrl, this retellin is far more palatable to a modern audience; which isnt even rly debateable) and the person complainin say somethin about “gay blinders” says “no it wouldnt be” and a cry emoji.
now, ignorin how ... perhaps accidentally homophobic that comes off as ... like ... it would. mlw forbidden love doesnt really strike the same chord like it used to. in a time of arranged marriage and loveless lives, this concept was REALLY important and was the framein of most myths about a couple in the Mediterranean durin antiquity. problem is, these days, while expectations are hard even for mlw couples, youre still largely goin to get reluctant parents go “*sigh* fine, you may”
and unless youre under a rock you may have forgotten that us fags have a habit of gettin shot for lovin who we love
so ya, the story of forbidden love between a fem hades and a sapphic persephone bein a story of gay love in which they fight against all odds and become happy with each other is substantially more *touchin* (and thus “better” in the common parlance) than the same milk toast mlw forbidden love thats been shoved down queer people’s throats since day one of our birth. 
whats rly annoyin is that op doesnt explain WHY “gay blinders” are such a bad thing anyway? is it genuinely so bad to enjoy gay stories more? to see yourself represented in a piece of media, esp one that you already connect so strongly too?
the worst outcome is “because its gay people think the story is good” but ... i dont think anyone is confused about the story of hades and persephone anyways? like, the ancients werent fuckin morons. zeus was a tyrant king and a story of how despots, even one’s who gain it thru noble means, will inevitably abuse their power. athena was dedicated to protectin women but when a woman needed her most she turned her into a fuckin monster. hera, in her hetero jealousy, harms WOMEN more than men when it comes to vengeance because she believes *the harmful actions of men against women are the fault of women.* and WHO suggests that the ancients thought otherwise?
do you think they would be allowed to spread such horrific and grotesque tales without approval from religious or political authorities if this was not an intentional and integral aspect of their faith? is it not curious that most ancient writers dont rly talk about these tales but only speak of the gods in a Vague sense? is it not curious that the details are obfuscated? ignored? its because while the gods love us and care for us they are also fickle and jealous and violent and they must be, in the ancient view, respected OUT OF FEAR
they clearly understood that these were representations of natural causes (a commonly held belief by ancient philosophers) and so their stories show that the natural outcome of things like LIGHTNING STORMS or EARTHQUAKES happen to everyone because the world is just Like That Sometimes; givin names to these causes just makes it easier to explain them. it helps them figure out the Shape of their trauma, far easier than the existential horror that we experience in our hyper objective world of today
so no, i dont think your modern liberal minded fag is gonna go “oh hades and persephone is so romantic” and even helpols on this site pretty famously go for the stories that resonate more with them on a personal level than the ancient stories men told other men to make them feel good about bein men
yes, even if the story is about two gays
if you think a story is bad on a personal level and think gayness wouldnt solve it ... Okay. thats subjective, movin on.
if you think its bad because makin it gay is a superficial bit of representation, im sorry you live a borin life? all representation is superficial then, if you wanted to be that kindve a jerk about it.
if you think makin it gay harms the original script, im sorry to tell you that oral history has changed most scripts so beyond their original form that we will NEVER be able to know that that original story was (and very likely, from an anthropological point of view, the origin of these stories could be as old as 5 to 10 thousand years ago told in different times with different gods and different circumstnaces; we will NEVER know the original story)
changin the story to fit your modern sensibilities and makin it gay is not bad, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. it even might make the story infinitely better! who knows, who cares! write what makes you happy, fuck these hos
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sleepycicada · 2 years
Just went in like an adult instead of sending a passive aggressive text to my gm which wouldn't have benefited me anyway,,,
They absolutely talked to her. 🥴 The schedule was updated and I'm no longer closing every single fucking day. She wasnt there today but my AP was. (He always has my back) What a relief. I UNDERSTAND that I am a manager and I'm expected to close at least once a week. Maybe even twice!!! But not every single fucking day. That the GM's job. I was working her hours.
Also my FL wants to set up a meeting next week to talk about a raise. 🪙🪙🪙🪙💰
Anyways long story short. If you're being abused at work, do something.
🫂 <- me supporting you
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netfleecking · 2 months
july watches 🎬
1. descendants: rise of red
very poor storytelling abilities created this story.
i love musicals, but the characters actually broke off into song for absolutely no reason throughout the film (e.g. rapping dialogue that could just have been dialogue)
they spent half the movie on intro, and then kind of forgot they had to write a good climax or conclusion
hated their decisions with how to use their cast (which i thought wasnt bad). why uliana and not ursurla? since when was morgana a popular disney villain? why did hook and morganas kid have no personality? why is chloe so boring?
2. taskmaster: series 4, series 8, series 9, CoC 1, CoC 3, series 15
• series 9: 10/10. very strong cast. almost everyone filled a specific niche of comedy that was thoroughly entertaining and enjoyable. the cast also played off each other very well. ed gamble, in particular, is an absolute riot.
• series 4: 9/10. genuinely the most wholesome cast. they werent the wildest or most competitive, but their vibe was so pure and sweet its wholesome to watch. mel and hugh are huge softies. noel and joe are the chaotic cousins, and lolli the youngest.
• series 15: 7/10. i didnt expect to like series 15 as much as i did. casting was okay, though not particularly interesting. a stand-out cast member is ivo graham who had me laughing until my sides hurt. not a particularly memorable series, but not bad
• series 8: 5/10. ambivalent series for me, because i loved joe thomas' odd personality, but lou sanders and iian sterling made it unbearable sometimes. lou was genuinely annoying, and i had to skip through MANY scenes of her whining and being bratty. ian was wayy too competitive and aggressive. but at least he toned it down after seeing himself be that way on the big screen.
3. taskmaster NZ: series 2
• 10/10. i never wanted to watch any taskmaster spin offs after watching taskmaster US a few years back, but series 2 of TM-NZ might rank as one of the best series ever, even when up against TM-UK
• the cast and chemistry was excellent. they also had many memorable taskd like "find alex", the never-ending "float a brussel sprout" and "milk jugs on the microwave". i cant go a day without thinking about guy's greenscreen date with paul.
• i applaud the casting of jeremy and paul, too. for they were able to set the tone true to the original TM, while not exactly copying greg and alex. paul is a lot more quippy and sarcastic, and jeremy more deadpan. but all enjoyable, nonetheless
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ajmakoko · 10 months
TW: violence, transphobia
It's just funny to me that "what would he do if he saw a penis inside those pants and wasnt expecting it?!?!?!?!" Is seen as a reasonable defense for aggression towards preop trans women, when cismen literally see dick in pants all day every day constantly. Transpanic makes it sounds like it's a fucking bomb or alien appendage and not something a man is crazy familiar with. If he's looking for porn and a transwoman's penis shows up (absolutely inevitable when sifting through porn), does he punch his screen because that's a "normal" reaction to seeing a woman's dick? The idea is absurd. As if men on Grindr don't send you dick pics within 5 messages, as if you don't get surprise dick images scrawled on subways and online forums and in memes sent via text.
"What if he sees a dick??? He could freak out and kill someone???" Well fuck, I wish he'd do that to himself about his own dick. Maybe that would solve some things
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kimmkitsuragi · 11 months
ooh i get it now
no other screenshots today bc astarion looking in the mirror post was more than enough lmao but a lil update as i said
i get my character now i think!! lou is self-serving but not cruel. his concern for himself also extends to his party, because he sees them as his only way of survival. that's why he chooses to co-operete with the others when he can- like sticking with laezel when she's interrogating the tiefling somewhat... harshly lol
but also, he's not cruel to the point where he lets random people die. if it's too out of his way, he might not rush in to save them (like helping tieflings out of the druid grove). if he thinks he will also benefit, he will intervene and help. like halsin for example, the party is on their way to save him. not because lou is a hero who wants to save the grove, but because he thinks halsin will be able to help him. he doesnt care that much about the situation with the druids- but also he wont just let them kill tiefling children when he sees it happening, because that's just cruel*. he just wont go out of his way to escort them out to safety, he thinks he can kill two birds with one stone if he saves halsin anyway. so that's not cruel in his mind
*just realized that this point can also be connected to the fact that he's a drow... druids would kill him in the same situation too. (they even show aggression right away when they see him) so he ofc doesnt trust their judgement that much- especially after seeing that dead drow on nettie's room lol. i also found the underground caves with lolth's cult (? idk the lore that much yet) so i wonder how this will fold out for him. he's not following lolth so im expecting aggression towards him even tho he's a drow too? i havent explored the caves that much yet because i dont wanna die lmaooo
(alsoooo there's his background - noble. so his self-serving qualities make sense too. he's used to getting what he wants anyway.)
he will intervene with the goblin's death penalty, because she has information that he can use. he wont free her tho, doesnt necessarily trust her innocence. and he got the needed info, so he will figure it out himself. you know. things like that.
the only action he regrets doing / doesnt align with this way of thinking was those 2 people and their absolution thing. he wanted to get to the bottom of this "absolution" and the way they call him a "true one", because that would benefit him. but then his words got one of them killed for no reason- he was just trying to deceive them into giving more info and help. so that was a sad situation...
i will try to play him with this consistency from now on! rn i have astarion, laezel, and gale in my party. i feel like we need a healer/supporter in the party tho so im not sure if i will stick with gale :( i like him but might switch back to shadowheart until i get them to level-up. maybe after the level-up, i can reconsider based on their new abilities idk.... i still havent recruited karlach btw lmao im on my way!! feels like i will really like her too !! - btw just remembered my whole party is dumb of ass if i leave gale. that's a concern too tbh lol
astarion is proving to be more than just my favored blorbo tho, he's so good at so many skills i favor and REALLY useful in combat with how i play this game lmao. he basically cleared out all the goblins waiting to ambush us on top of roofs!! i mean gale was a help too, but my ranger and fighter wasnt that fitting for a more discreet way of fighting lol. and that's my fave way of combat so far tbh (obviously it cant be used throughout a boss fight or something lol, just for small things like this) so im keeping him FOREVER tbh he's never leaving the party
anyway i also found one of his victims (it was a boar or something) and lou was like 🤔 wonder what couldve happen to this poor animal 🤔 what do u think astarion 🤔 lol babygirl so bad at lying to me <3 girl u're so good at deception but why were u panicking at that point lmao
also i already posted abt it butttttt laezel was literally like "hi let's have sex" to Lou i meannnn 😭😭 i like u but not so fast damnnn im also eyeing astarion obviously so i said thanks but no lmao astarion on the other hand is not acting like he even likes me 😭😭 i mean he doesnt hate me i see his approval slider thing lmao but in action... at camp last night, he was like hmm u're better than i thought ngl and im not even sure if he means it or just trying to do something else lmaoooo he was also lying seductively while saying it so,,,, what's the truth lol
also gale approves a LOT of my actions i fear he will be the next one to say hey let's fuck lmao. the thing is im making "good" decisions for selfish reasons so he approves the good decisions idk man let's see where this will go
also also, this game has SO MANY things to do damn i keep getting distracted by everything
0 notes