#watch me fail
topsyturvy-turtely · 1 year
watch an unproductive turtle fail at being productive! :D
things i should/wanna do tomorrow because i'll be home alone and apparently have no friends in rl and also no fun real life (okay i do have friends but they are being busy SO THEY ARE NO MORE FRIENDS OF MINE (not to be dramatic or sth))
work out
change my bedsheets
wash the bedsheets
(not me shortly going "that's it i got nothing")
clean up
try fun crazy make up
playing the guitar
yeah okay can't think of anything else rn lol, but i'll probably only do one thing anygays (*coughs* tumblr) (ik that's not on the list which makes it even more possible for me to not do anything of those actually listed things because in reality i hate lists... they stress me out)
tomorrow i am gonna reblog this and tell you how much i got done.
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m3tth4ws · 1 year
uploaded three drafts of the most random nobody asked for pairings on ao3. watch out.
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tuliharja · 2 years
I feel like that Picard meme when I'm trying to desperate write Star Wars Rebel's fanfic to my friend and my knowledge of Star Wars as a whole topic is based on that one series (and not even all seasons!) and some very shaky memories of the movies.
Like, I've so many questions related to the fact, how things are addressed in Star Wars.
Like, what are droid's wrench-like hands called? Are those just hands?
Do imperial troops shoot lasers? Bullets? Like whut?
Also, those white stormtroopers...does the rebels call them stormtroopers or bucket heads?
Hows do the Force work apart from the fact Jedis and Padawans can use light sabers and make things float?
Is there cussing in Star Wars? I want to Zeb have potty mouth.
What are the ships called? Like, imperial ships? Enemy ships? How I should refer to those from the rebels' point of view?
And all the other little details keep coming to my mind, even though I'm pretty sure my friend won't mind as long as I'll make enough 'kaboom' and 'boom' scenes. Or, they'll laugh their butt off for all the 'mistakes' I make or be super impressed I could actually write a Star Wars fic, despite the fact my knowledge of it is very...very...bad.
But hey. It's fiction! So, I get to make my own rules!
(Not really, because I'll dread all the 'mistakes' I might make, even though I'm sure they won't notice those.)
Haha, I forgot how fun writing fanfiction can be, but at the same time stressing.
Watch me writing A + Star Wars fanfiction, while circling around all the little details masterfully~.
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cammy-mcspammy · 1 year
Hey, please never feel like you HAVE TO get quickly to requests or that people will grow tired or impatient. Especially for us rare pair shippers it's like Christmas and Birthday in one to get art of our ships and personally I would wait however long it may take. You already did a request of mine and I look at it every day and it makes me so immensely happy to see. Please take care of yourself and don't put pressure on yourself. I think it's safe to assume you made each and every single persons day with those posts and it means so so much!! You're such a blessing 🙏
*Starts sobbing openly*
THANK YOU!!! I will get to the commissions one day I swear ☝️☝️☝️ I'm glad you loved my art from your request that makes me very happy
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
ok i wrote something heartwarming and now im going to write something funny im giving myself a sadness embargo
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Me, trying to change our power dynamics: leaving you like this, unsatisfied, would be fun
Her: I have hands, I can finish the job myself
Me: 😮🥺🥺🥺 noo, why would you do that 🥺🥺🥺
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emptymanuscript · 2 years
Ok, thinking more about fixing the name.
The original name that my friend came up with and I've inherited is Eun Ae Gwon.
Looking up Eun, that's probably either 恩 (grace, kindness, mercy, or charity) or 銀 (silver or money). It supposedly has an upper class or refined meaning. It looks like it CAN be a surname but it is rare. There are supposedly something like 30 Kanja that could have the pronunciation but I'm only finding these 2.
It looks like 銀 is significantly more common than 恩. But still pretty rare. I don't think of her as having had a lot of resources to draw on, so I'm just going to limit it to the more common name to start.
Looking at where the name comes from, I would expect that she came from Haengju-dong. And while it is a rare name it isn't impossible. It does seem like the family or at least her clan had to have been important at one time but I don't think that cancels out any element of the story as is. So I think 銀 is doable and can stay, actually looking at it.
That means she is from here
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which is right near Seoul which is convenient. Since I would assume a search for someone with the story she has would have begun in Seoul.
She would have come from the Haengju Eun clan (幸州 殷氏) founded by Un Hong yeol, a scholar dispatched from the Tang dynasty in 850.
Ok, so can Ae fit with Eun? ...wow, that's complicated.
Ok. So I'm going to need her birthday. Alright well Peter was born in 1951. Since he is specifically looking for someone to throw off the scent of scandal, he's going to be looking for someone close to his own age. He's in trouble in 1976, so I'm going to assume he starts looking for a wife then. Which would make him 25 trying to find a woman close to his own age, possibly even older, actually that would make a lot of sense for his purposes. Maybe he's looking for someone born at least in 1950, something easily verifiable just by asking if she was born before the war. Roll a d6 and I get 4, so we'll say that she's born April 1950, just before the war. Roll a d30 and I get 12. That'll work. Roll a d24 and I get 3. So she's born 3am on Wednesday April 12th 1950 in the city of Goyang.
Alight, now that I have that, can I find the generational naming scheme for the Eun's in 1950? Not with Google. Nada. Hmmph.
Ok, so lateral thinking, how else can I come at this name? ...hmmm. I can't look by immigration records because I don't have a specific person I'm looking for and records are protected for 75 years.
There does appear to be an actress with a similar name, which I'd bet is where my friend originally came up with it. But she's the wrong age.
MMMmmm :/ I wonder if I just have to go back to the drawing board and start again. Pfft. I can't get it right if I don't have the information. Feh.
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undyingghoul · 2 years
I'm gonna make a color game thingy, see if I actually have creative talent to do so. I'll be back!!
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sleepless-crows · 2 years
i want to try something out. send me a taylor swift song in my asks and i'll try relating it to the grishaverse
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iris awoke, this time not in green splendor, but with something covering her eyes - and teeth.
she half clawed, half slapped at her face to try to remove it. it finally unstuck itself from her teeth with a splock and flopped out of her mouth onto her neck. instinctively she swatted at it again, only for it to bounce back. it was apparently attached to something.
there were things on her arms and hands, long, thin snakelike wiring that was taped down and pulled at her skin as she desperately flailed trying to get them off.
something else touched her, and patted her. another hand. the mask over her eyes was taken away, and she stared up into the eyes of a completely different beast. this beast was frowning, and iris shut her eyes immediately, in case of any kind of retaliation.
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natjennie · 8 months
something about "your anger isn't scary to me" is making me so emotional. something about as above so below, cassandra as a mirror of kristen. something about "I've been dropping the ball a lot lately" and kristen's struggles with adhd. something about teenage girls and rage and fury and justice. something about adaine's vision of ruining fallinel and the sylvaire looking for revenge. something about sadness and doubt and anger and love. something about "I choose to understand" being the absolute core theme of d20 in general. something something.
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
are. are you telling me that if the romanced mage warden dies and alistair is king, he deadass stares greagoir down over her dead body and grants the circle of ferelden its autonomy after ordering it rebuilt somewhere safer. first you have to deliberately leave him behind so he won't die for you and then he does that for you once you're gone, even when you're broken up??? absolute and literal king behaviour of the highest order????? the actions speak louder than words of it all??????? I think I hauve covid
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reisakumaproducer · 2 years
I know I’m on break but I still feel guilty for not being productive. I’m going yo read Next Door today and do some hw in advanced maybe
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moonilit · 14 days
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I read some NTT and don’t think comics books are for me but i had fun as i was exploring, I have accumulated bunch of doodles and sketches as i tend to draw them while reading and thought i could stack them together and post it as thanks for these characters. they were very cute 💙❤️‍🔥
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valtsv · 11 months
hey babe i know you want to punch the wall in a fit of impulsive rage that you'll immediately come to regret when your knuckles split and tear on the brickwork, but i just wanted to remind you to make sure you use proper technique so you don't do any permanent damage to your wrists, alright? and come find me when you're done so i can clean your wounds with antiseptic and bandage them so they don't get infected. okay. love you.
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calicorobin · 3 months
Meenah: Recommend Tame Impala
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