#water cooled vw
onlyhappyvibes · 1 year
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mercuryo427 · 1 year
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Photos Taken in 2023
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Volkswagen EA 276 Prototype, 1969. The EA 276 is the missing link between the rear-engined/aircooled Beetle-era VWs and the front engine/water-cooled Golf-generation. It was a prototype front engine/front drive hatchback but it continued to use the Beetle’s air-cooled flat-4 engine
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
When I was a kid, there was nothing better than heading into town to see the sights. Food, fashion, family, those were great too, but the best part was seeing the weird VW Beetle sculpture outside the local Volkswagen mechanic. For whatever reason, the guy running the shop had decided to place an old air-cooled Beetle chassis atop some welded-rebar legs, such that its two-hump body looked like the thorax of a spider. This, to my childhood mind, was cool as hell.
Unfortunately for grown-up me, air-cooled Volkswagen repair is no longer the moneymaker that it once was. In fact, I'm about ninety percent sure that it wasn't turning much of a profit when I was a kid, either. Chances are that guy had to compromise his principles and do a couple oil changes on a water-cooled Toyota, gritting his teeth in rage the whole time about how things made sense and were generally reliable. Eventually, he retired, and the Beetle statue disappeared.
What happened to it? Nobody knew, but it seemed difficult to hide an entire car plus two-storey-tall giant steel spider legs for long. Eventually, it popped up on the roof of the Starbucks across the street. When I recently visited, I was overjoyed to see that it had returned, in some way, to the community in which it once lived. It gave me further joy to imagine the confused anger of the local populace, queuing for their mocha half-fraps, wondering why the fuck there is a giant menacing Volkswagen-spider on top of their local coffee establishment. Perhaps this was part of the original owner's contract: I'll sell, but you gotta freak out the squares.
If that's the case, then hats off to that weird dude from long ago. You spent a weekend or two turning a rusty Beetle shell into some kind of horrifying art project, and made the world that much stranger in the process. And if you are reading this, please cut that rusty Beetle shell back off those legs, drop it from the roof of the Starbucks, and sell it to me so I can turn it into a Baja Bug. I got dumb art projects of my own to do.
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xnewtiebooty · 20 days
Newt headcanons for Newt day!
Newt will step up to the plate, take on a leadership role when the situation calls for it, but honestly dreads it. He hates feeling that kind of pressure, those expectations placed on him. He feels inadequate and like he falls short where others (Thomas and Alby) have succeeded. He prefers his role as second-in-command. It gives him a platform for his voice to be heard, and be taken seriously, and he can still assist where needed, provide advice to the others and keep them in check. (Honestly, as far as I'm concerned this is just canon.)
Newt is a (power)bottom.
Newt, to everyone's shock and disbelief, is more of a coffee drinker than tea. He enjoys the occasional cup of tea, of course, but simply drinks coffee out of habit. He'll usually just take it with cream, but definitely enjoys adding Irish cream or peppermint syrup on occasion. 
Newt's favourite colour/s are blue and purple. He also likes deep reds.
His favourite season is fall. The colours of the trees changing and the smell of fallen leaves, as well as the scorching heat of summer finally dying off and the approach of Halloween and the other holidays are all reasons for this. 
Newt often wears turtlenecks and jumpers - partly because they're simply comfortable and versatile, but also to hide his scars. He hates it when people stare as if he won't notice, his brokenness physically displayed for everyone to see.
Newt plays the violin.
Newt always enjoyed running at night, before he broke his leg. It felt like he could breathe easier, run faster in the cool night air.
Now, he's more of a swimmer. It's therapeutic for his leg, and he enjoys being in the water.
Newt pierced his ears himself when he was 13.
If you were to ask any of them, his friends would compare Newt to a cat, personality-wise. However, he's both a cat and dog person.
Newt prefers wine over beer, mostly. With some exceptions, beer, in his opinion, tastes like piss.
Newt enjoys reading, listening to music, and drawing. He dabbles in writing too, on occasion. It gives him purpose to create something and put it out into the world, makes him feel like he's contributing in some way.
When he was younger, Newt wanted to be a veterinarian. However, he didn't end up pursuing it because he realized he wouldn't be able to cope when he lost patients. Yet, he still helps in other ways. He likes to volunteer at the local animal shelter, and works at the doggy daycare.
Newt enjoys surrealist horror and mystery, and has seen David Lynch's complete filmography. 
His favourite shows are Twin Peaks, Hannibal, and The Following. 
Newt often has candles or incense burning in his room. It helps him to de-stress and creates a calm, relaxing environment. 
Newt's history hyperfixation was Ancient Egypt.
Newt loves the smell of petrichor, and particularly enjoys cold, dewy mornings after it rains.
Newt is a Cancer + Virgo moon.
Newt drives a 1956 VW Beetle (black.)
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emchant3d · 3 months
So excited to talk about my sapphic bang fic!! Take me Down to the River, a modern magic realism buckingham work 🥀🕯🔮🌙
I'm incredibly lucky to be partnered with Heather ( @inflomora-art ) and Mack (@/llovemack on insta) and can't wait to share this one 💕
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Aaaaand a little sneak peek for wip Wednesday 🥰
She comes on the first day of spring.
There's still a chill in the air, Indiana weather temperamental at the best of times, but the ground's softened and the river behind the cottage has long since thawed and Chrissy is eager to get the new garden beds ready. Hauling the bags of soil is enough to have her working up a sweat, and the cool breeze that slices through the lawn is a welcome reprieve.
The burble of the water conceals the sound of an engine from her, but Basil perks up where he's curled into a sun spot on the grass, climbing up to the top of the stone wall to peer towards the road. Chrissy rises in response, shading her eyes with a hand and watching as a little green VW bug makes its way up the dirt path.
Visitors aren't wildly uncommon, but she isn't expecting anyone today, and she certainly doesn't recognize the car. A customer then, she thinks, brushing the worst of the dirt from her gloves before she pulls them off and tucks them into the pocket of her overalls.
The bug comes to a stop a ways away, muffled music cutting off. Chrissy watches as the figure inside scrambles for a bag and their keys, and then the door is tossed open and out tumbles the prettiest woman Chrissy’s ever seen.
Tall, a little gangly, hair shorn short and wild around her freckled face, chipped nail polish on long fingers adorned with a multitude of rings. She’s wearing brown trousers and a men’s button down beneath an oversized cardigan and her scuffed Docs kick up a little dirt as she comes to a stop just outside the gate.
“Hello,” she says with a little finger wave. Her voice is warm and raspy, and her mouth spreads into a smile, and Chrissy’s heart skips a beat in her chest. “I’m looking for Chrissy Cunningham?”
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calciumdeficientt · 21 days
Little Drabble thing with @cyanityy ‘s gorgeous girl Sonya! Based on a convo we had a few days back
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“Are you fixing it?” “Hold your horses, I’m trying my best”
Lenora’s VW beetle was jacked up in the middle of a parking lot just outside Old Bullworth Vale. Lenora was on the hood, tanning and flicking through an old copy of playboy that she was only vaguely interested in, Sonya was underneath tinkering with it as best she could. It was a hot day in deep summer. Even for the East coast, it was pretty toasty. She pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head and swivelled so that she was dangling just above where Sonya was working, the ends of her long blonde curls just barely brushing over the worn grey of Sonya’s jumpsuit “Can it be fixed?” She asked in a tired drawl, watching intently as her friend fiddled with her car’s suspension. Honestly it was a wonder it hadn’t gone out long ago. Lenora was very generous, she let all her friends drive her car basically whenever they wanted, the crux of this problem was that… all of her friends were jocks, and so they pushed her poor car to the limits, driving like they were in a police chase pretty regularly. That and also a fun game they called ‘punch the roof’ which was exactly what it sounded like- which of them could punch the roof the hardest for the longest.
Sonya wheeled herself out from under the car and looked up, she jumped a little bit realising she was nose to nose with Lenore “sure I can fix it, it’s just your suspension, its not like you blew a trans or anything” Lenora’s brows knitted together for a second. She barely understood half of what Sonya said, it was meaningless to her. She didn’t need to know what the problem was, she just needed to know it could be fixed.”excuse me?” “Just… whatever, I can fix it” Sonya rolled her eyes and rolled herself back underneath the car, Lenora lolled back over the hood, “Cool, I don’t wanna leave her here overnight in case they give her a new paint job or like… tow her or something th-” Her response was cut off by a short yelp followed by a brief bout of pained hissing a little as the hot metal gently roasted her exposed skin “Hey this is really hot” she murmured, trying to peel herself off the hood, it was a little difficult, the bikini she was in wasn’t really the most conservative, it was a lot of skin to metal contact. “You’re lying on top of a hot metal box in the middle of the day, in the middle of Summer Lenny, what did you think was gonna happen?” Sonya inquired, her voice a little muffled due to the car blocking her face. Lenora slipped off the hood and put her discarded shorts back on, and after a little bit of time spent patting them down to find the pocket with her key in, she unlocked the car “Hey, at least I dont look like I’m gonna get up and start singing greased lightning” she retorted, chuckling at her own joke as she began to root through the dashboard for her blunts. Sonya got herself out from under the car, happy that she’d fixed the suspension up as best she could which what few tools she had on her “You are such an asshole” Sonya tutted as she began going through the motions of lowering the car back down “I’m older than you I can do what I want… like page John Travolta and tell him to saddle up for a new grease movie… I always did think it could do with a remake” “You’re the worst” Sonya huffed, sliding the jack out from under the car and hauling ass to get it back into Lenora’s trunk.
Lenora turned and regarded Sonya with a look of the deepest mock offence she could muster “Heeeey… words hurt. There’s power in words Sonya… like the words ‘let’s go to the beach’ there’s a lot of emotion behind them” she gave the younger girl a crooked smile, nodding a little to herself. Sonya didn’t mind that idea so much, they were pretty close to the docks. It might be a little cooler in the water “I mean.. we’re close enough to walk” “what? no like.. a real beach with real girls and not rich losers that wont touch the sand.” “ NO, no way, by the time we get there it’ll be sunset, no chance” “What if I let you drive?” Lenora offered, knowing full well Sonya had taken quite a liking to her little car. Sonya looked down at her feet and made a small motion of false-shyness “Maaaaaaaybe I’ll consider it” “And I’ll buy you Taco Bell” “Okay okay I’m sold. Get in the car.” Lenora made a small fist-pump action and got into the passenger side, tossing Sonya the key. Sonya started up the car and backed out of the parking lot, with a lot more care and precision than Lenora (who had been driving for two years longer) could ever dream of showing. “Hey, maybe on the way you can tell me about this mysterious greaser you’re so infatuated with” Sonya slammed hard on the brake “WHAT… where did you hear about that?!?!?” “The grapevine… duh.” “What fucking grapevine?” “Just y’know… the grapevine. Don’t worry about it” “How can I not worry about that?” “Just drive the car, dumbass. I’ll get you two baja blasts if you shut up and drive” “uuuugh fine” Sonya put her foot on the gas and continued to speed out of Old Bullworth Vale, slowing only to press play on whatever CD Lenora had in the stereo, beside her Lenora laughed, pushed her sunglasses back down onto her nose and lit up her blunt. Reluctantly, after much yelling from Sonya, she rolled down a window to avoid hotboxing her younger friend. Off they drove, in search of both a beach, and a Taco Bell. Ahhh, summer nights.
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep9: Future's End pt 2
Another episode where I sit there twirling my hair, kicking my feet, and grinning, having my happy Star Trek fun time. It's truly got it all: epic adventure, silly hijinks, time travel paradoxes, phaser shootouts, a cute romance subplot, heck, even a car chase! You could not ask for more.
It's also the ep that introduces the Doctor's moblie emitter, which is a huge deal for his character, and the show in general, now that he can leave sickbay like everyone else. It was honestly a genius move to have a villain use stolen 29th century holo technology to kidnap the Doctor, because not only do we have a workaround for how it can technically be accomplished, in spite of established limits of holodeck technology, we get to keep the emitter and use it forever without any temporal prime directive red tape. Slow clap for that one!
Also, what is up with Chakotay doing flirty flirt all the time in this story?! First with the Captain in the first part (typical, tbh), but then with B'Elanna in the second part! Was this a direction? Or just Beltran spicing things up for his own amusement? Idk, but it's a lot, and it feels weird with B'Elanna, especially when we straight up know he's down bad for Janeway.
And I gotta say, no alien on Star Trek has ever inspired me with visceral terror the way those flannel wearing white guys with guns in this one do. Even the Borg are pretend at the end of the day, but gun-toting rednecks are very real, and even though I know they're not going to kill off main characters, I still sit there thinking "get them out, get them out now!!" when they capture Chakotay and B'Elanna. Having the Doctor phaser those guys was a huge relief tbh!
This story feels more like a TV movie than a regular episode- being able to go to actual locations makes everything seem so much bigger. I mean, they drive past houses! They never just go down random streets on alien planets, because it's too expensive and time consuming to build just to be in the background, and here, we get all the little details of real places, atmosphere, sunshine! It's so great! All the colors look really saturated too, it's almost cartoonish, but not in a bad way. I honestly wonder if they used some kind of filters to make the trees greener and the sky bluer, or if LA really just looks like that. Star Trek tends to be very grey and beige, and I just love all the colors we see in this one.
There's so much here that's nostalgic- the flip phones! Rain Robinson's entire wardrobe! (Girl looks like she stepped out of the pages of Teen Vogue- every girl wanted to dress like her, she even had a VW van, which was very cool at the time.)
I really do like the little romantic subplot they gave to Tom and Rain. It was sweet that they bonded over being nerdy, and it was so lovely that they let Tom be genuine and not cheesy, finally. I love that they gave Rain a little speech recognizing how selfless and dutiful Tom actually is. (I think this episode is where little 10 year old me started to develop a crush on him- and here we are, 27 years later, and I'll still fight anyone who doesn't respect my cringefail nerd blorbo. I'm fine and normal, I promise!)
One thing I noticed on rewatching this, though, is that after the big car chase, when Tom and Rain have their little goodbye kiss, Tom walks away, and gets beamed back to Voyager, but, um... how is she supposed to get home?! Her van just got crashed into, and they're in the middle of the desert! You couldn't just get an Uber in those days! They left her stranded out on a desert road with no car, no food, no water! She's gonna die y'all! The least they can do after she helped them is beam her the hell back to town!! Lol wtf?!
This is one of those eps that's so much fun that you don't want it to end. But of course, our plucky Voyager crew stops Starling from taking the timeship back to the future, and prevents him from destroying the solar system. It's very satisfying knowing his greed is what gets him killed- if only billionaires always got what they deserved lol. And then they get to go back to their own time, but they have to go back to the Delta Quadrant- that pesky temporal prime directive! But we get treated to a final scene of all of the crew together in the mess hall, for the first time ever! I'm not sure if they're celebrating the Doctor's mobile emitter, or getting back to their own time, or what, but it's cute AF. Tom then calls Tuvok a freakasaurus (affectionate), and I'm just about to keel over from warm fuzzy feelings as the credits roll. I love this one so, so much!!
Tl;dr: A conclusion that lives up to the first part, this is an epic time travel story with all the fun, nostalgia, and excitement you could ask for. One of the series best, a true classic.
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tiny-maus-boots · 11 months
Darkest of Nights pt 18
A/N: for all those patient waiters. Thank you. sorry it took forever this time.
“Is…is that a minotaur's head hanging on the wall??”
Both vampires turned to follow Beca's pointed finger. Aubrey slid herself between them and the stuffed head with a menacing growl that promised an eternity of pain. 
Chloe quickly slid her arms around the blonde vampire and rested her chin on Aubrey’s shoulder. It had been a long time since she had fit herself along Bree's back like this and the simple action stoked the ember of five centuries of longing that softened her voice.
"Hey Growly Pants. You know the big guy has been dead for over a millenia now. He can't actually hurt anyone."
"I don't like the way he is looking at us."
Aubrey gave a low growling hiss and snapped her teeth at Sal. Beca giggled from the bed and clapped her hand over her mouth too late to keep Aubrey from hearing it. Chloe bit her lip and guided the blonde back to the smaller woman's side. She had the feeling she would be smiling and laughing a lot more as they learned to navigate this unnamed thing between them.
"Okay lets just leave Sal alone."
The necromancer was still a bit too pale for Chloe’s liking but the blood loss had in no way dampened Beca's amusement and wonder at Aubrey’s state.
"Is she drunk right now?"
Aubrey had left off her scowling and was now gently sniffing along Beca’s temple and ear. Chloe nudged Aubrey back into the bed further from Beca, just in case she was still a little hungry. When they had been in the VW she hadn’t even blinked at another vampire feeding from the brunette. It had been right and natural because it was Aubrey. Chloe’s gaze drifted down to the smear of red on Beca's arm.
"Well. You are intoxicating, speaking from experience."
"You barely had a sip."
There was something suggestive in the comment and her fangs lengthened in response. She had bitten Beca before against her will but to be invited…
Aubrey’s solid, weighty tone brought her back to herself. Chloe gave a slight shake of her head and smiled to chase away the lure of Beca's  blood. Yes. It had been right for Aubrey to feed before but it was too soon for Beca to donate a second time.
"Just rest, I'll be right back." 
Chloe eased out of her heeled boots for what felt like the first time in weeks and stretched her toes in the plush pale carpet. Home. Home was safe. She had done it, she had found Beca and brought Aubrey back. Chloe stretched with a self satisfied groan and padded into the kitchen to peek into the fridge. Not much fit for a human save for the bottles of water. 
Truthfully, she should have prepared better for their return. Aubrey would have. Chloe leaned against the counter before picking up the handset of the wired phone system. It picked up instantly and although he didn't speak or even breathe she could feel her father's presence on the other end.
"How could you bring her here?"
Just when she was feeling so pleased at a job well done. Chloe lowered her voice and moved further into the kitchen.
"Should I have left her for the Guard to find? You know what they do to her kind."
"Do you even know what she did to us? Were you even aware? Or were you so enthralled that you do not yet realize…"
Chloe knew. She could feel each and every vampire that Beca had touched and drained. Honestly she had been surprised at how many there were. She had been gone so long searching for the last of the Michile, had grown so out of touch that she hadn’t realized things were changing quickly at home.
"I know! I know what she did and I helped her!"
Years of obedience silenced her immediately. There was nothing quite like a father's deep disapproval to take the wind from her sails. It had been the right thing to do and she didn’t feel the least bit bad about it. Chloe met his angry silence with a tired sigh before the phone was taken by another. Her mother's cool, even tone replaced her father's deep rumble of frustration.
"You found her."
"I found them both."
"I smelled blood."
That was unsurprising. She hadn’t seen her mother in the crowd but she didn't need to be close to catch that scent. Cahira was known for her ability to track prey for miles on the scent of a single drop of blood. Chloe nodded her head even though her mother couldn't see.
"We had trouble. They caught up to us before Aubrey was at full strength…it was bad. She was dying Mama." 
"So you fed the necromancer to her." 
It wasn’t a question. It was a flat practical statement. Sacrifice the necromancer to save the Queen. It would be expected and maybe even would earn her some forgiveness for bringing a threat into their midst. But it wasn't the truth.
"She offered herself. Actually…she didn't give either of us a choice." Pride warmed her tone and she looked over her shoulder to peek into the bedroom. Aubrey was curled protectively around a dozing Beca and still glaring at the minotaur's head on the wall with a curled lip. "She commanded Aubrey to drink until she healed. And yes I am aware that she took from all of us to fix the damage in Bree's body. I encouraged it and I will do it again if I have to."
Cahira's soft gasp of surprise was expected. Her musical, lilting laugh was not. Chloe frowned and looked at the receiver before putting it back to her ear.
"She will need care to recover. No doubt they both will." Chloe could tell her mother was taking charge even before she heard the snapped out command through the line. "Husband make yourself useful and collect their belongings from the garage. Have someone dispose of that vehicle far enough away that the Guard gains nothing from finding it."
Despite the heavy feet and grumbling she could hear in the background she knew her father was doing as told. It made her smile a little. In three thousand years not a single thing had changed between them. Einar may be the head of their bloodline but it was ruled by Cahira’s fiery spirit.
"Your travel things and some food will be brought to your rooms."
The line cut off abruptly in her ear and she grunted softly.  Chloe loved her mom but her phone etiquette could use some work. She hung up the receiver, grabbed a couple of bottles of water from the fridge and wandered back to the bedroom. Beca's dark blue eyes opened and tracked her movement.
"Here you should drink this."
"Oh water, yes, please. My brain feels dry."
Chloe chuckled and handed Beca a bottle. The redhead settled on the edge of the bed awkwardly. Now that they were alone together in safety she hardly knew how to be anymore. Beca seemed to feel the awkwardness between them all and leaned in for a gentle shoulder bump.
"So. Sal Mineo-taur, huh? That would totally be clever if anyone still knew who Sal Mineo was, Grandma."
Her mouth dropped open as she sputtered for a response. Grandma? How dare! Beca took one look at her outraged expression and dissolved into laughter. It was the kind of laughter that couldn’t be stopped once it started. Too many days on the run, too many threats to their lives, too many near misses. The laughter was contagious and Chloe found herself chuckling with Beca.
They collapsed into each other and back into the bed still laughing. Chloe reached up to tuck a strand of dark hair behind Beca's ear. There was a comfortable stillness between them, then. Nothing but the reassuring sound of Beca's heartbeat and the warmth of her body tucked between her and Aubrey. 
"So this is a thing, huh? All of us. What with the kissing and the cuddling and feeding and all. I guess…you want to keep me?"
Chloe's heart broke with how timidly hopeful the other woman sounded. She brought their faces together for another soft kiss. 
"It's the real deal. You, me and Bree against the world."
"And…and we are all okay with that? Because…you two…"
Chloe understood what Beca was asking. There was a very long, complicated history between her and Aubrey. Beca was walking into a battlefield full of emotional landmines and blindly trusting that it would all work out.
Aubrey sat up and snarled a soft warning and Beca’s eyes widened.
“So that’s a no? Or..? Is that like a sexy growl? No? What’s happening right now?”
“Someone is coming.
”Chloe knew they were safe in her father's home but she still reached for the heavy iron staff resting against the wall next to the headboard. A moment later a soft knock sounded from the door.
"Wait here."
"I thought we were safe here."
“Totes but it doesn’t hurt to remind people that I am in fact a certifiable badass.”
“I believe the certifiable part.”
Chloe stood and offered Beca a reassuring smile. But she didn't put her staff down when she went to the door. Aubrey slid an arm around Beca and dragged her further back on the bed protectively as the redhead answered the door. 
She opened it a crack to peek out and sighed. This was going to be interesting, she was sure. Chloe stepped back and gestured inside allowing them entrance. Her parents walked in, her mother pushing a wheeled cart overly laden with food and bags of blood. Her father looked surly and annoyed with his arms full of whatever was of value in the van.
"Mom…Dad. You didn’t have to bring this yourselves.”
"Everyone else was too afraid."
"Husband, kindly close your mouth."
Aubrey eased off the bed with liquid grace, her sure steps bringing her before Einar. He was a good foot and a half taller than she was but he trembled as he sank to his knees before her. Her dad might be grumpy pants about having a necromancer in his home but wasn't grumpy enough to say it in front of Aubrey’s face. 
Chloe bit her lip trying to fight the smile when Bree brushed past him dismissively and picked through the food on the cart.
"There are no pig snacks on this cart."
Beca cautiously made her way into the room. She paused and gave a hesitant nod to Chloe’s parents before sidling up to Aubrey.
"Burgers, Bree. Remember?"
"Right. Burgers. There are no pig burgers on this cart."
Beca's face split into a wide grin at the other woman's earnest expression of concentration. Einar and Cahira shared a stunned blink when the necromancer gave them a smirk and a wink.
"She's still working on catching up on the lingo, kids."
"Cheeky little thing, aren't you?"
Beca eyed Chloe's still kneeling father for a moment, trying to decide how respectful she needed to be. It only took her a tick to decide ‘not that respectful’.
"Only on days that end with the letter y. Uh Mr. The…no longer…lonely? Do you guys just have a normal last name or should I just call you dad?"
Nothing in this world, in all her lifetimes on earth, could have prepared her for the shock, outrage and bewilderment on her dad's face as he struggled to find a response. Chloe and Cahira made the mistake of glancing at each other. It was too much to bear and they both broke into  fits of unrestrained laughter. 
Gods help her…she loved that tiny woman.
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crawlspacefics · 7 months
I don't know if you know a lot about cars or not but I've compiled a list of cars of what the senshi would drive and you can tell me what you think.
(If you can look it up if you want)
(This is also going to be a long one lol)
Usagi- Newer Volkswagen Beetle because she thinks it's cute
Ami- Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic. She prefers something reliable and economical.
Makoto- Toyota FJ Cruiser or New Ford Bronco because I see her as an off road driver who enjoys exploring.
Rei- Probably something that runs and drives but I would lean her towards something that is cheap and practical while still enjoying it. Probably a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza WRX Hatchback.
Minako- Something cool like a BMW M5 F10 (Rip water pump lol) or 2012 Mercedes SL-Class (Rip engine due to trashing the shit out of that car lol)
Michiru- Something fancy yet practical such as a Mercedes E-Class Wagon Diesel or Volkswagen Passat 4Motion.
Haruka- Sport cars obviously lol. I would think a BMW M3 E46 Convertable for daily driver and Volkswagen Golf R to take Hotaru to school while still looking cool lol
Hotaru- Haruka's Golf but Michiru would get her a Toyota Yaris to start but if she doesn't want it, then she's going to get her own car lol.
Setsuna- Anything that runs and drives lol
I love this question! 🌞🚙 (Though I warn I'm not a knowledgeable car person and most of this is based on aesthetics. Also, I'm adding to, not disagreeing with your choices. I like the Yaris!)
Usagi - I agree on the newer Beetle Bug. She needs an automatic, it would be pale yellow with cute glitter decals on the windows and a pink license plate frame. I'd even say she has a pink fuzzy steering wheel cover and some kind of cute pink seat covers. There would be a little crystal hanging from the rearview mirror.
Rei - I feel like I'm being mean to her, but Rei has a faded 1977 Red Gremlin hatchback with the white stripes. It runs (and not much else). And she can shove a dozen people into the hatchback if she really tries. She's no frills with this and also refusing to take anything from her father even though he could have/maybe offered her a nicer vehicle.
Ami - this one was harder. I actually see her on a scooter with a cute little basket on the front. Pale blue with white details and a matching helmet. But, if she were to get a car, it would be a Smart Car. Same pale blue with white details and a little black cat decal on the back window. She's getting her transportation to take her from point A to point B without really thinking of passengers. If it's more than just her going anywhere, the other person is driving. Or alternately, a dark blue Prius.
Makoto - my girl has a small, budget-friendly pick-up truck. Specifically, a Chevy LUV (manufactured by Isuzu). Fading baby blue with a rust spot on the hood and a pink plastic flower hanging from the rearview mirror. She keeps an old wooden crate in the bed to throw stuff in and has a flowered license plate frame. Alternately, she gets a classic Bronco. There's still a wooden crate in the back.
Minako - my party girl gets a party vehicle. A bright sunny yellow VW Bus with polished chrome. It's a bitch to park in Tokyo but she loves it. It has a hippie stoner look but only because Minako loves the aesthetic of all the rainbows and colors and peace sign stickers. There's a blue bird figure glued to the dashboard and she pats its head every time she gets in. Fuzzy dice! Artemis has his very own customized cat seat slung over the front bench (it can be relocated if he wants to get in the back to get away from the commotion of the entire crew on a road trip). She has a custom license plate - SAYLAV
Haruka - like you said, definitely sport cars. And more than one because she married really well. 😁 I definitely see her going with mostly modern cars, like day one off the assembly line. There's a Porsche involved. But there has to be a classic 1965 Shelby Mustang in there somewhere. White with a dark blue racing stripe. She would not besmirch her car with decals. LOL
Michiru - she's going for classy and high end. I had to look some of these up because I'm not familiar with high end 😅, but I could see her in something like a Lexus LFA as her everyday driver. But I'm also giving her a high end modern Jeep for fun, like when they go on trips to the mountains. It is teal. Because she is girly.
Setsuna - she's going for basic use and reliability. Cadillac XTS in dark burgundy.
Hotaru - she'll inherit Michiru's Jeep and have it repainted purple. 😎
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markosbabymama · 1 year
1st, I found ur page yesterday and I love it!
2nd, could I request a matchup pls? Could be for anyone lol
Anyway, I’m 5ft. Like on the dot man. I’m more on the curvier side. My skin is light normally but I just got back from the beach so I have a tan lol. I’m also an introvert (unless I’m with friends) and an INFP. Along with major social anxiety. I’m a virgo.
I have hazel eyes that are more on the green side. My hair is slightly passed my shoulders and is wavy/curly. I’m in the process of trying to heal it after years of heat damage. It’s dark brown and I have bangs.
I love art and books. Along with animals. I have a cat, dog, and turtle. I love the ocean. My aesthetic, I would say is salted granola. I saw a tiktok once and was like ‘yes. That one.’ Im a big marvel, dc, and Star Wars fan. Music is like my life. Literally had 1526 minutes played last week. I’m in a honors choir class, book club, and art club. I have a green VW beetle.
Idk how much of that u needed but oh well🤷‍♀️ thank you love you🫶🫶
aww omg ty sm!! i’m so happy u like my content!
okay so idk what fandom to do but i’ll do ck to play it safe lol!
you would be the cutest with demetri ???
y’all have been besties since u were kids, like it was u eli and him
so when u hit puberty, both of em were like 👁️👄👁️
and y’all had crushes on each other for the longestttt time so when he finally grew a pair and asked u out it was like
“so, do you wanna go to the movies tomorrow?”
“oh sure! should i pick up eli?, or do you want to?” “o-oh no i meant like, just me and you y/n.”
*ur obviously screaming on the inside and blushing.*
“oh u- uhm, i would love too! what time?” “let’s say 4:30?”
“yea. i would really like that dem.”
“awesome! uh- i mean- psh, yea it’s cool. whatever” *leaning on his locker to act cool.*
“okay. cool. see you tomorrow.”
and when eli found out he was so happy for y’all bc he was y’all’s #1 shipper.
he definitely teases u abt ur height, always has.
but it’s demetri so it’s all in good fun.
“so like, do you think you’ll ever grow? you’ve been 5’0 since you were 13.” “oh piss off tree trunk.”
A LOT of playful banter is going on in this relationship.
“why do you HAVE to put everything on the top shelf.”
“because it’s funny. watching you struggle to get a cup. better then television.”
“you know i’m the perfect height to punch you in the guts.”
“ohh shes fiesty today.”
demetri is a very mouthy sarcastic guy, but only with his close friends.
hes also very shy so he obviously doesn’t mind it
and he definitely helps you with ur social anxiety 🥹
*at a crowded party* “hey are you okay? do you need something? a water?”
“i’m okay dem, looks likes you’re worried about me.”
“psh i’m not worried about you. just don’t need you dying on me and everyone’s think that it’s my fault.”
*lauging* “you’re a jerk dem.”
always makes jokes that y’all have the same eye color.
“y’know, i think we were meant to be y/n.”
“why’s that dem?”
“because we have the same eye color, what kinda couple has the EXACT same eye color? no one. we’re special. it was definitely meant to be.”
“you’re actually crazy, you know that?”
“no i didn’t. but i DO know that we were meant to be.”
*laughs* “you’re such a dork. you’re lucky i love you.”
always takes pics of ur eyes side by side AND has it as his wallpaper 😭😭🥹🥹
ugh he lOVES ur hair
loves it.
plays with ur hair all the damn time
has your loose hair ties on his desk and in his backpack LMAOO
“dem have you seen my hai-“
“your hair tie? yeah i have about 50 of them in my backpack.”
“really? welll, can i have one… please?”
“no y/n im revoking your hair tie privileges. yes you can have one.”
“thankssss demmie!!”
loves going to museums with u🥹
he doesn’t really care for art but he goes anyways to make u happy🫶🏻
“y/nnnn, i have a suprise for u”
“what is it dem?”
“i got us tickets to the art museum! you’ve been talking about it so much lately, so i thought i’d take you today.”
*y/n bear hugging him* “OH MY GOSH!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! I LOVE YOU DEM!” *kisses him on the cheek*
*lauging* “you’re welcome, i love you too.”
definitely loves ur aesthetic
and secretly loves going shopping with u lol🤭
*y/n dragging demeitri to another store* “y/n, another store?”
“yes demetri! you wanted to come anyways, so suck it up and help me pick out more outfits.”
it’s like one of those scenes in a corny chick flick where you go in and out of the dressing rooms showing him outfits LOL
definitely getting into arguments over who’s team cap and team iron man 😭😭
“y/n how could you possibly be team cap!? bucky killed tony’s parents and he tried to justify it by saying he was brainwashed????”
“because dem!, he didn’t understand what he was doing. it’s not his fault!”
constantly saying that you’re mary jane and peter because he’s nerdy and you’re gorgeous 😭
loves looking at all ur stuff u painted/ drew in art class
literally will post them on ig and show them off like he did it LMAOAKS
he’s so proud of u cause u can paint
he was so jealous when u first got it lolz
him and eli were in literal shock
they were both so excited because now u didn’t have to pay for ubers/ have eli’s mom drop u off LMFAOOO
A/N: OH MY GOD I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW LONG😭 i hope u like it this took me so long to finish for no reason?!?
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weird-kid-maxx · 10 months
Hypothermia (My Babysitter's A Vampire)
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Platonic! Jane Morgan X Platonic! Benny Weir; Platonic! Jane Morgan X Platonic/Acquaintance Jesse Black.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary: Ethan, benny, Jane, Sarah, Rory, Erica, and Jesse are at Lake Ontario, having fun, when Jane falls through the ice. Jesse rescues her, and from that point on, he seems to have redeemed himself to Ethan adn the gang for saving Jane's life, and Jane is a little closer than she used to be.
Strictly all platonic.
Third Person
It was winter in Whitechapel and Ethan, Jane, and Benny were at Lake Ontario with Sarah and the undead gang, having a field day (though Jesse was dragged there by Erica, because Erica forced Jesse to "be sociable" for once). Benny and Ethan were trying to build a snowman, Jane and Rory were having a furious snowball fight (though Rory was careful not to use his vampire strength), and Sarah, Erica, and Jesse were in Benny's grandma's 1960 VW bus. Benny was surprised his grandma even had one, but his grandma claimed that she "did used to be a hippy." Whatever, Benny thinks. It was warm, and it worked in the snow thanks to Grandma, and so it worked.
"I'm going on the ice!" Jane yelled. "Wait, no!" Ethan yelled, dropping his big snowball. "It might be thin! Jane!" He yelled as she ignored him, strapping her ice skates on and sliding out. "Let her have fun," Jesse remarked, sighing. "She's only a kid once, you know." "The ice--" "Is fine," Sarah said firmly, putting her gloves on. "Now let me help you guys, please. I can't sit here with Erica and Kid Darkness anymore." Jesse gave her an offended look as she stood. "I am not--" "Yes, you are." Erica said, patting his arm. "But that's okay."
"What--" Meanwhile, Jane was struggling. She'd never been ice skating before and finally convinced her mother to buy her skates this Christmas, and now she could use them! She giggled, then squealed as she fell over. "Dang it," She muttered, slipping and sliding to her feet. "Jane!" Rory yelled. "You wanna know what I learned?" "Not to be an idiot?" Erica mumbled. Ignoring her, Rory yelled, "Think of it as roller-skating, right? One foot in front of the other." Jane frowned, slowly placing one foot in front of the other, then moving the next, back and forth, and smiled. "Cool!" She yelled, then promptly slipped and fell on her butt. "Well, she tried." Benny said as he packed in the middle of the snowman. "At least she's having fun," Erica snapped.
Jane heard something snap. She looked up from examining her bruised knee, frowning. "What was that?" She called, but now she was too far from the shore for her human brothers to hear her, and the vampires weren't paying attention. When she stood again, trying not to let her feet slip from under her, she heard the crack again, sort of like tiny, tiny firecrackers. Wait, no! It might be thin! Her brother's voice echoed in her head. She stood completely still, heart pounding, breath heavy. Was the ice cracking? "Ethan." She called, voice shaking. Crack. Snap. Craackk, snap!
"Ethan!" Jane shouted, voice wobbly. "The ice!" She shouted just as the ice gave a horrible, loud SNAP and exploded. Her scream echoed across the lake as her body was submerged.
Jesse was the first one on his feet, slipping and sliding across the ice as Benny ran to the van, cranking the heater and Rory and Ethan digging for blankets. Erica raced after Jesse, who was already by the hole in the ice and sliding in the water.
He didn't need to breathe, but when he touched the freezing water, he almost inhaled in shock at the cold. He forced himself to remain breathless, seeing Jane a few feet away, slamming at the bottom of the ice, eyes wide. He swam to her quickly, grabbing her around the waist and using his vampire strength to bust a new hole in the ice. Erica grasped Jane's arms, pulling her up, and Sarah grabbed Jesse, who was barely shaking compared to Jane. She was shaking, teeth chattering, and her teeth slammed into her lip, making it bleed. Jesse flinched at the smell, but forced himself to pick Jane up, speeding to the van.
"Under here!" Benny shouted, peeling back a nest of blankets. Jesse slid Jane under the blankets, and Erica and Sarah forced the boys from the van so they could get Jane in something warm. As they waited, the human boys shivering, Ethan was mumbling, "Mom's gonna kill me, your grandma's gonna kill me, is she okay?" "She's fine." Jesse grunted. "We got her warm before she had a chance to freeze." He glared at Ethan's skeptical look. "You think just because I'm a vampire that I wasn't human once or something?" "N-no." Ethan mumbled as the van door slid open. "We're good, let's go back." Erica said, and the boys clambered in.
On the way home, Jane was shivering really bad. Now, vampires don't really give off heat, but Jane went red (or, more redder than she was) and slightly scooted over, pressing her arm to Jesse's. He blinked, surprised, as her eyes fluttered, and her head dropped onto his shoulder. "Um, should she sleep?" Benny asked from the front. "No. Hey." Jesse nudged her with his shoulder, and she blinked, eyes hazy. "What?" She asked. "Don't fall asleep." Sarah called from the driver's seat. "I'm tired," Jane whined. "I know, but it won't be good." Erica tucked the blanket back around her shivering body, and Jane hummed, curling into Jesse's coat. He blinked, and one of his arms went over her shoulder. "Warm," She muttered, and he sighed, "Yeah, I've been told that." His eyes caught Sarah's, and she coughed, "We're here. Jesse--" "Got it."
"What happened?" Samantha Morgan asked worriedly, sitting on the couch with Ross, as the group came in, Jesse carrying Jane. "Jane fell through the ice, but Jesse pulled her out," Ethan reassured his parents as Erica and Rory led Jesse to Jane's room. Jesse tucked Jane into her bed, and Erica said, "I can stay with her." "Okay."
*Time Skip*
Jane must've fallen asleep, because she woke up in her room, alone. She frowned. "Ethan?" She called. Nothing. "Ethannn!" She yelled even louder. Still nothing. She sighed, swinging her legs off the bed. She groaned as her head spun, legs tingling, but forced herself to get up, moving to her door. She opened it, looking down the hall. Nothing. She stepped to the stairs, descending slowly, and saw Jesse, asleep, on the sofa, head leaned back into the cushions, a random sitcom playing on the TV.
She turned to the hall, grabbing a blanket. She knew vampires didn't really feel cold or hot, but she figured he'd appreciate the gesture. She crept to the sofa, carefully trying to put the blanket on Jesse without waking him up, but then he groaned, eyes fluttering open, and she froze, blanket in her fists. "Um. Hi." She said carefully, eyes wide. He blinked, dark eyes taking in the blanket. "I don't really get cold," He said, voice raspy. "I know. But..." She hesitated, lowering her hands. "You helped me earlier. Like, saved my life. And, obviously, you're not in danger, but I figured I'd do something nice, and now I realize it was dumb--" She ranted. "Jane, breathe. This is very sweet, thank you." He smiled, taking the blanket, then scooted over, eyebrows raised. "Wanna watch TV?" "Sure." She sat on the sofa, and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, sighing. "Thank you. I don't know if I ever said that earlier." Jane whispered. "No, you didn't. But you're welcome." He grinned. When they came back from the store, Ethan, Rory, Benny, Erica, and Sarah smiled softly, seeing Jane curled up to Jesse on the sofa, both asleep. "Softie," Benny snarked, giggling. "Oh, leave them alone." Sarah rolled her eyes. "And let's go make dinner, okay?" "Sure." Ethan said. He was glad Jane found a friend, even if it was their old enemy.
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mercuryo427 · 1 year
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Photos Taken in 2023
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airmighty · 2 years
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Another picture Gallery uploaded on our website www.AirMighty.com from the air- and water-cooled VW Speed Midwinter Meeting 2022. Be sure to check it out #airmighty #vwspeed #vwspeedmidwintermeeting (bij Hangar 11) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZRjF7MmKs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 months
Postcards from Snagglepuss
We never knew bears were returning to Iowa
AT A COFFEE SHOP IN OKOBOJI, IOWA: For some reason, Huckleberry Hound and yours truly decided to spend a little time in the town of Okoboji to walkabout some, browse the gift shops (tacky and otherwise), meet up with tourists--and have some coffee and rolls.
Not to mention a side of the Hair Bear Bunch, who decided to pass some time in those parts before heading back west to their Secret Surf and Dive Spot of legend outside Malibu.
"And I certainly have to admit there, Snag," Hair Bear admitted with his legendary swagger of the ursine sort, "that our mating season road trip couldn't have been more interesting than ever!"
"How so exactly?" asked Huckleberry over a sip of iced milky coffee.
"If it's all the same to you, Huck and Snag, nothing feels more relaxing to us bears than to have an all-night orgy by the lakeside on some warm evening or two, the moon reflected in the waters of the lake we're camped beside--"
"Yeahhhh," chimed in Square Bear, the somewhat dopey but likable one of the madcap trio, "just making some serious bear-type love like you wouldn't believe ... imagine how warm and how invigorating it can be, just letting your ursine self go for the sake of Nature as much as relaxation! Yeah, just goin' with the flow with a rather wonderful lady bear, just chillaxing for about a hour and feeling good about it!"
Bubi, the somewhat excitable one, couldn't help but add his quarter: "Yeah, just sense the sheer delight and fascination of what that feeling of love must feel like; what more could be said to feel like it when the moon is out and the night warm, and it's just your bear self that you're wearing!"
"That's Bubi for you," Hair Bear explained, "a little exaggerated, but yet a bit on the likably honest side! And he just can't help it ... but it's probably worth mentioning that on at least one afternoon, after just setting up what we call 'Camp Volkswagen,' after our VW Campervan that we use to relax in, our crew did some diving in the lake to cool off and relax in...."
"I understand bears happen to be quite adept swimmers themselves," Huckleberry remarked.
"How right you are, Huck!" remarked Hair over some Vietnamese iced coffee, which is especially delectable because sweetened condensed milk happens to be used. "And we can seriously DIVE big time just holding our breath in! In fact, diving to the bottom of this particular lake up in northern Wisconsin, and just wearing ourselves as well ... we happened to find THESE!" (Holding a small pillbox containing about four freshwater pearls.)
"Heavens to Mikimoto!" saith I on seeing such, about the size of a pea. And you could even tell where Huckleberry Hound was surprised to notice such unlikely freshwater pearls, even asking Hair if they've received any offers to buy such from them.
"Admittedly," Hair Bear responded, "we don't want to create too much of a stampede of anxious and overzealous divers when word gets out about finding freshwater pearls of such dimensions as these, even if such was a sideline of our mating season escapades!"
"I guess things certainly went off rather well with the laydeez," I remarked, Hair Bear responding "After all, Nature calls on us to offer our seed, and to enjoy the experience afforded us in the bargain!"
And what tales of ursine love were bound to be shared in the process!
@warnerbrosentertainment @joey-gatorman @aquablock68 @iheartgod175 @groovybribri @theweekenddigest @zodiacfan32 @multi-fandom-girl-451 @archive-archives @hanna-barbera-land @themineralyoucrave @screamingtoosoftly @hanna-barberians @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @hanna-barbera-blog @warnerbros-blog1 @ultrakeencollectionbreadfan @railguner34 @jellystone-enjoyer @funtasticworld @xdiver71 @indigo-corvus @passionateclown @warnerbrosent-blog
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govindhtech · 6 months
Cooler Master Masterbox TD500 ATX Mid Tower Case Review
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Cooler Master Masterbox TD500 ATX
Review of the Cooler Master TD500 Max ATX case Very cleverly done, but not fully considered
We have previously tested a Cooler Master “Max” case here at the beginning of the year, but that was for small systems with an ITX mainboard. The same partially-prepared method is used in a different case that follows today, but it concerns ATX. Although this isn’t really my style, their case specialist Alexander needs time off, and I’m hoping that passing the NCORE 100 Max exam will allow me to fill in for him. So let’s examine what Cooler Master is entering in this race together.
Delivery area and packaging The two handles on the left and right help to make the large box easy to carry even though it weighs a good 14 kg, which also pleases the letter carrier. In the unlikely event that a transport company employee has a bad day and throws package into the delivery van from the sorting centre, the sturdy foam blocks should shield it from any harm.
The slightly tinted side window made of toughened glass looks much better in one piece than in shards, so hopefully the delivery person won’t take this as a challenge.
The components that come pre-installed in the Cooler Master Max series are its unique selling point. More precisely, an AIO water cooling system with a suitably sized power supply unit and an extra-thick radiator, both from the business’s own line of goods.
As a result, a few more accessories are included than one would typically find with an enclosure. There are short sleeves, a power cable, and several tiny parts for installing the water cooling in addition to rails for 3.5′′ hard drives. However, the power supply unit’s cables and screws for the case itself are still missing.
Cooler Master Masterbox TD500 mesh v2 ATX Mid Tower case Let’s examine the case itself first, then respond to the previous page’s question. It is clearly not an entirely new design, as it is based on the Masterbox TD500 that is currently in use.We would say that it is the Mesh V2 variant based on the pattern of the glass’s notches. The model name is prominently displayed on the upper right to prevent any unintentional confusion.We would have preferred a rim that was entirely black, so we think it would have been better to leave this out. However, we think the colour is much better.
Masterbox TD500 ATX
The right side isn’t very visible, but this is where we can best showcase the paintwork, which is a little challenging to photograph.And even though the thematic shift is now quite distant, when we first opened it, we thought of the 2019 VW Golf VIII’s light grey color just with a nice, matte finish instead of a glossy one.
When the side panel is removed, the TD500 Max’s additional unique feature is exposed. The housing has built-in plugs in addition to the power supply unit already being installed. They’re even fairly tidy and have already been connected to the power supply unit at the back.The internal hub is already linked to the fans and RGB lighting. This can be powered by a button on the front or directly connected to the motherboard.
Additionally, there are two USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports, one USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 Type-C port, and an AUX port that can be used for both headphones and a microphone. It also comes with a power button shaped like the Cooler Master logo, of course.
Cooler Master Masterbox TD500 ATX System architecture The system should be put together as soon as possible because the power supply and cooling are already installed. But when the screw came out while we was taking the side panel off, It was a little surprised.This one is loose, in contrast to the two knurled screws on the opposite side.Now that we know where the missing screws are right on the housing, behind a little flap right in front of the power supply unit we can finally put an end to the mystery surrounding them.We started by inserting the necessary sleeved cables into the case wall connectors.
Then, the mainboard can come right after, which is subsequently connected to the power connections as well. Naturally, they also remember to include the cables for the front connections as well as the connections to the RGB fan hub. The entire water cooling system is fitted with a factory-applied template, which should simplify the process of figuring out the proper placement and amount of thermal paste.
The processor can then be connected to the pump block. You can also add the two plastic hose clips if you like the way it looks.The graphics card has been installed and connected, last but not least.Everything is completed swiftly and painlessly overall.Nearly every component, with the exception of a few cables for the front I/O, is constructed in the “main chamber.” Additionally, the side panel needs to be changed before they can discuss the stress test results.
Stress assessments Chose to compare directly against “optimal conditions,” that is, without any housing at all. By the way, you can brush up on your memory if the layout of this entire water cooling system looks oddly familiar.With the ostensibly superior Mobius fans, they have the pump design of the Atmos series. These were last seen on the AIOs in the PL-Flux series. While the version here, which is not yet available separately, has a 38 mm radiator, the other version has a thinner 27 mm radiator.
The Ryzen 9 3950X processor was tested with a 150 watt power target, the pump operating at 100% PWM, and the case and radiator fans operating at 50% speed. Additionally, the RTX 4070 graphics card’s fans were turned down to 50%.
Synopsis and conclusion You essentially don’t have to sacrifice anything with the case in terms of cooling the CPU, as the graphs have already demonstrated quite effectively. Nearly unhindered cool air flow to the radiator is allowed by the front grille. After passing through it, though, it is blasted straight into the graphics card. In my tests, this raises the GPU’s core temperature by an average of 10°C, as predicted.
This is especially clear from the GPU graph of the Prime95 test run, where there is no graphics card activity at all. This could be fixed by mounting it in the lid, but since the VRM voltage converters are 55 mm away, this might be a little close. Furthermore, the screws that come with the fans have a very big head that would hit the dust filter on top.
However, that’s only the start of my grievances. We can live with minor details like the outdated 3-pin PWM splitter cable that came with this AIO and the missing plastic card that was supposed to be used to spread the thermal paste.We should probably say “overlook” rather than “overlook,” since Cooler Master is probably not targeting people without a graphics card with Nvidia 12VHPWR or one 8-pin power supply. SATA/Molex and PCIe cables each have an unused connection on the power supply unit. Furthermore excluded from the delivery’s scope are the cables. The case did not even have a second graphics card connection.
This indicates that the compatibility list does not include most of the better graphics cards from the current AMD lineup and the RTX 3000 series. How this could have been missed during product development is beyond me. So perhaps it’s deliberate.
However, why is an already tiny target group being needlessly narrowed down even more. Although the AIO water cooling system’s 5-year warranty is praiseworthy, other manufacturers within this price range also provide a 5-year warranty for the power supply unit, and the case’s 2-year warranty is essentially meaningless. Most likely, it won’t collapse. Conclusion
After asking, We was told that the retail version should come with the missing 6+2 pin PCIe cable. In the event that this is not the case, the missing cable will be supplied without charge provided that proof of purchase is shown. Nevertheless, there isn’t a spare connector integrated into the inner wall. The idea behind this case is further undermined by the fact that the cable could only be run from the power supply unit to the graphics card when necessary.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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