#wayfinder trio age regression
s3cr3tjuic3 · 1 year
wayfinder trio agere headcannons! sorry for any spelling errors!
terra has no cg/r lean, he's just vibing
i cant just forget about the wayfinder trio! theyre all flips, terras a flip, aquas a flip, ventus is a flips. chirithy doesnt count but they dont mind looking after one of the trio members until someone came back to take care of them. but here we go!
terra is a very laid-back caregiver, he has few rules and he's very playful!
his favorite thing to do, whether he's regressed or caring, is to either play pretend or read story books! he's always been a good actor so he impliements that well into both activities
he's not the best craftsman lol! but that doesn't mean his caregivers dont gush about his artwork and try to let them hang it on their fridge!
aqua has a regressor lean! shes more independent when shes regressed but she thoroughly enjoys the time she spends with her caregivers
she LOOOOOVES baking, especially with ven
she also loves spending time with ven, be it as a regressed playdate or just aqua hanging out with her brother
and of course, during playdates, terra is more than happy to watch over them or sometimes even join them!
ven has the sliiiightest cg lean. he enjoys looking after terra and aqua, they angels most of the time
ven is a middle, he regresses to an older age. he doesnt like most of the younger activities that the others like (except baking, that means he gets to bake with aqua and eho could say no to that??)
ven looooves video games, roxas introduced them to him and he often has sleepovers with roxas and xion and they treat him like their little brother
while aqua, terra, and ven mostly take care of each other, roxas and xion usually enjoy watching over ven a lot too
ven is more secretive about his regression. he's just not fond of everyone knowing, thats all.
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starsurface · 7 months
I ADORE your headcanons. Could I get some HCs of Vanitas as a baby regressor, with the Wayfinder Trio taking care of him? I find the idea of Vanitas being adopted and learning to cope with his past in a healthy way very comforting. Thank you so much!! Have a great day/night! :3
Yippie!!! Kingdom Hearts request!! :D Vanitas is one of my favs.
Also thank you so much!!! Have an amazing day/night!!! <3 <3 <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Aqua, Terra, & Ventus w/ Babyspace Regressor Vanitas Hcs
💧 Vanitas actually involuntary regressed for a very long time without knowing what age regression was
🪵 It terrified him, feeling small and vulenerbal and scared, having to also fight for his life and reason to keep living
🍏 He regresses small to, about a few months to about 4
💀 It wasn’t until Terra (my lovely ‘dummy’) noticed that Vantias ‘outbursts’ were actually tantrums that he brought it up with him
💧 At first Vanitas shouted at him, calling him every name under the sun for even suggesting that Vanitas regressed
🪵 But Terra said that they all regressed, and even if Vanitas hadn’t been involuntierly regressing, perhaps he should try out the coping mechanism
🍏 Terra was Vanitas’s main cg for quite some time
💀 Why? Because it took some time for Aqua and Ventus to warm up to Vantias, always being suspicious of him, checking up on him to make sure he wans’t doing anything evil
💧 ^ This caused Vanitas to purposely act up sometimes, and then Terra would have to come and try to defend him 
🪵 Terra only took him in faster because he was also controlled by darkness, and Vanitas, by extent, was a version of Ven, and he wasn’t going to give up on Vanitas when he never even got the chance
🍏 Regressed Vanitas was actually what made Aqua and Ventus trust Vanitas a bit more
💀 One day when Terra was out, Aqua found a sobbing Vanitas curled up in the middle of the hall, desperately holding onto a Hareraiser (the bunny unverse)
💧 She softened around the boy, letting Vanitas cling to her, sniffing as he hide in her shoulder (they ended up cuddling and watching cartoons)
🪵 With both Aqua and Terra accepting Vanitas, Ventus decided to give his ‘brother’ a chance
🍏 Don’t believe what Ventus tells you, Vanitas totally didn’t sob in his arms later that night because Ventus was giving the chance he always wished for (. . . One of thems a lier)
💀 Don’t ask Vanitas who his favorite is because he’ll either shout at you or start crying on spot, he doesn’t want to choose, he loves his entire family
💧 Vanitas has favorite little activities he’ll do with everyone
🪵 For Aqua, he likes sitting on the counter while she’s cooking (she normally kicks everyone out) and either try to help her, or eat the ingredients
🍏 ^ And then get really fussy because he ate half the chocolate chips and now had a tummy ache and it’s all Aqua’s fault!!! >:(
💀 Why didn’t she tell him not to do that?! How could she just stand there and watch him suffer!!!
💧 . . . She did tell him, he just ignored her and cotinued
🪵 For Ventus, he likes coloring with him
🍏 It sounds really simple, but Vanitas never really colored before and Ventus showed him how fun it was
💀 Plus, Ventus gives really nice praises to his pictures (which are really hard to desiper some times) and Vanitas really likes being praised for simple things
💧 Prefers making his own drawing over coloring books
🪵 For Terra, Vanitas likes story time!!
🍏 Terra does amazing story time!! He choices stories that are approeriate for Vanitas’s headspace but also not ‘boring’, and he does funny voices!!
💀 It also helps Vanitas with sleepytime, he usually gets super fussy when it comes to naptime and bedtime, but the promise of a book and some yummy milk will make him begrudgingly agree
💧 Aqua’s cg nicknames are Mama and ‘Auqa
🪵 Terra’s cg nicknames are Bubba and Venty (Venty Wenty when Vanitas is upset with him)
🍏 And Ventus’s cg nicknames are Papa and Bubba
💀 Vanitas hates nicknames >:\
💧 Or, he acts like he does (he’s not use to them just yet)
🪵 Some of Vanitas’s favorites are Tough Guy, Cookie, Sweetie (he’ll never admit it), Little One
🍏 ^ Mister as well, but only when he’s doing something naughty on purpose 
💀 Exp: “Excuse me Mister, why are you trying to sneak that candy before bed? “
💧 It makes Vanitas happy beccause he doesn’t get screamed or shouted at, and he instead giggles and quickly tries to shove it into his mouth 
🪵 (^ He’ll pout later about how he has no no more candy after dinner . . . it’s litterally his fault for eating it earlier though, but he will be stealing some of Terra’s candy later)
🍏 Super big sweeth tooth, but doesn’t indgulge
💀 Actually, Vanitas doesn’t eat much as it is (still getting use to having his own body) so when he’s small, they all try to fill him up on yummy food and sweets
💧 Vanitas gets incredibly bad nightmare, and wakes up feeling incredibly small and scared because of them most times
🪵 Luckily, his room is really close to all of theirs so he can quickly run to any of them and cuddle them until the morning
🍏 Aqua suggests a baby monitor that she can keep in her room and doesn’t have to be turned on unless he wants it on (which Vanitas gets super defensive and huffy about)
💀 He doesn’t use it until weeks later where he guesses he could try it out, and he does like how fast Aqua comes to his aid instead of him trying to will himself to get out of bed
💧 Vanitas also really likes cuddling with them all, whether it’s Aqua letting him his on her lap, or Terra full on bear hugging him, or Ventus laying with him and letting Vanitas hide in his arm
🪵 However, Vanitas likes initiating touch, and deems some reaching out as violence coming towards him (he’s working on it)
🍏 One of his favorite activities with all three of them is watching cartoons
💀 They have some of Aqua’s yummy sweets, and they all get to cuddle and watch Ruby Gloom <3 (one of his favorite little cartoons)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all, i've got so many angst hcs just for Vanitas.
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nadziejastar · 5 years
What if Subject X turns out to be Ava instead?
I’d still feel the same as I do about Skuld being Subject X. The only character who deserved to be Subject X was Isa. He was made for that role. It was ridiculous that KH3 tried to pass Saïx off as a normal person when he was clearly a science experiment gone wrong, lol. I also put Ava and the other foretellers into the same category as the rest of the Union X characters. They are great background characters that add interesting lore to the series. But I don’t feel like they should all be transported to the present and become the main focus of the new arc. The KHUX characters aren’t really that personable. There’s also enough main characters as it is, at least for now. If Lea and Isa were to grow closer to other characters, I’d prefer it be with the existing protagonists. There is so much more potential there.
Other than Subject X, what I didn’t like about Lea’s characterization in KH3 was his single-minded focus on Roxas. He’s grown so much as a character since KH2, it felt like such a waste to make him go back to that again. It’s not that I didn’t like Roxas and Axel’s friendship or anything. I did like it. I just hated how that one relationship eclipsed everything else about Lea’s character. 
His relationships with everyone else were left very underdeveloped because I guess Square thought fans only cared about Axel/Roxas, and to a lesser extent, Axel/Roxas/Xion. I don’t like the characters being stuck in their separate trios in general, which was another reason I didn’t like KH3. I want to see everyone interact. But with Lea specifically, there is so much potential with his other relationships. The Xehanort Saga went out of its way to show that he had a lot in common with everyone, not just Roxas. The LAST thing I wanted for Lea in KH3 was to go back to being Axel and go back to being in the sea-salt trio of all things. Talk about character regression. I’ve complained a lot about how Lea/Isa was such a wasted opportunity, but so were Lea’s other relationships.
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Lea/Sora: These two have had almost no development together, even after Lea joined the good side. Why? Sora was the one who inspired Axel to betray the organization in CoM, and it wasn’t just because he was connected to Roxas. Axel gave up his life for Sora in KH2. He made him feel like he had a heart. Sora is the one who can connect with anyone. Lea was the perfect person to benefit from a character like Sora. Axel’s whole character arc in 358/2 Days was about reconnecting with his inner child—his true self—and changing back into Lea. Lea wanted to be with his friends forever. Axel told himself to grow up and stop wishing for the impossible, but then he changed his mind at the end. Axel said he and Sora had a lot in common and they did. Lea was a natural optimist who would do anything for his friends, like Sora. I want a heartfelt scene where Lea thanks Sora for everything and tells him about how much he changed after meeting him.
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Lea/Kairi: Yes, they did get a little development in KH3, but not nearly enough. This relationship would have been a lot better if Xion’s bond with Axel carried over to Lea and Kairi. That’s what I think Nomura originally wanted, anyways. Instead of having an underdeveloped bond with Kairi and and an underdeveloped bond with Xion, focus on ONE well-developed bond with Kairi. Same with Ventus. Kairi and Lea were both from Radiant Garden and both were implied to be test subjects. They both had a lot in common, too. They both missed someone they cared about which led to them summoning Keyblades. Isa also has a lot in common with Kairi. They both wanted to be helpful but felt like they just got in the way. Neither of them were naturally good at fighting and needed to be protected a lot. This made them feel like a burden. Kairi and Isa have the potential to grow very close and I think it would be an adorable friendship.
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Lea/Riku: Axel actually got a lot more interaction with Riku in the novels, which was great. They became friends. Axel acted playful and childish in a way he never did with Roxas or Xion. They ALSO have a lot in common since they’re the leader. They both worry about their friends and want to step in and do everything for them. They also both have a tendency to keep their feelings a secret from others and handle their emotional problems on their own. I think Lea would be comfortable talking with Riku about certain things he might not with other characters. Riku spent a long time battling the darkness, for Sora’s sake. And Lea was all alone for many years trying to help Isa, who was possessed. And since Riku was possessed, he could also understand how Isa felt, being used as a vessel.
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Lea/Mickey: After being in Organization XIII for so long, Lea needs to be around upbeat, lighthearted characters. Mickey was the one he turned to for help when he was recompleted. Without him, he never would have summoned a Keyblade. In the KH2 novels, Mickey trusted Axel and was glad Riku became friends with him. Any Disney characters would provide good character development for Lea. Let’s not forget that Pluto adored Axel. I’d rather see Lea grow close to Pluto than any Union X character…  
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Lea/Ventus: I’m of the opinion that Axel’s relationship with Roxas was always meant to carry over to Ventus. I hated the way Roxas was handled in KH3 because it prevented Lea from forming a deeper bond with Ven, who Lea was obviously meant to grow close to ever since BBS. I don’t think it was a coincidence that Lea’s best friend was a vessel, and Ventus was best friends with Terra, who was also a vessel. Roxas never understood Axel or learned about his past, but Ven could definitely understand Lea if he got to know him. Too bad he was never given the chance. Ven and Lea are both outgoing and have a childlike sense of fun. And Ven is also one of the only characters to have an established friendship with Isa. Ven is a great person to help Isa come out of his shell and be more comfortable around new people. I liked that they were playing frisbee together in the ending. I would prefer to see their friendship developed more rather than Lea and Isa being used as props to introduce Skuld.
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Lea/Aqua: I think these two have great potential. Out of the wayfinder trio, Aqua was the most complex and had the most emotional depth. Out of the sea-salt trio, Axel was the most complex and had the most emotional depth. Both of them keep their more sentimental feelings to themselves, though. Both of them know what it’s like to lose hope and be lost in darkness for a very long time. Both of them know what it’s like to give up everything for a friend. Aqua is mature and more of an adult than most of the other characters, so I think Lea could talk with her about serious stuff, like his past. Isa also has a lot in common with her. Both are mature, reserved and a bit shy. 
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Lea/Terra: Lea picked up Terra’s wooden Keyblade. That definitely was supposed to be significant. He took care of Ven when he was in the organization, alone with no memories. It was just like how Terra took care of him. I’m sure Aqua and Terra would be grateful to Lea for looking out for their friend. Lea and Isa are closest in age to Terra and Aqua. They wouldn’t have to feel like the “old guys” of the group with them. The potential for a great friendship is all there. But now I’m not sure if they’ll even get a chance to interact. Heck, I would be more excited to see Lea and Isa grow close with Hayner, Pence, and Olette more than anyone from Union X. 
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starsurface · 4 months
I know it'd be weird to come to your centric blog and ask but may I for what regressions in this context even are? I saw a Ventus and Vanitas regression headcanon post but I didn't really understand it - I only really noticed the brothers like relationship and so still enjoyed reading but ultimately was quite confused. I was thinking maybe like how people regress in age mentally when faced with certain situations but was more confused with that scenario since the poat was talking about changing physical size (and the regressing mentally to the age of a toddler or baby -while not unheard of- was still slightly farfetched to me). If you ever have to time, could you tell me what the 'age regressions' mean in that specific KH context? Many thanks would you to indulge me. :)
Oh no worries, your great!! And asking great question!! :D
When people age regress, it's a mental thing. It can seem a bit farfetched, even I'm not fully convince someone 100% reverts back for a small period of time, but it is a mental thing where something thinks and acts like a young child.
Now, whether you fully revert to a young child completely depends on the person. I've personally never experienced it, I've experienced age dreaming, which is more what my post are based off.
Age dreaming is just like age regression, but you don't fully revert to a young child. You may do childish or kid things, but you can still do adult things or can think like an adult.
They do not turn younger or anything like that, so it's not a physical thing (I also thought it was physical when I I first learnt of it, don't worry)
Also, I wasn't sure if you were concerned of it or not but I'm going to bring it up anyhow, almost all my post are 100% platonic. Unless it specifically states they're dating or it's tagged with a ship name. And they're obviously not shipped if they're siblings, step, half, or whatever kind of family. Also, is there is a ship in it, they aren't dating while one is regressed. One might become a CG role, but most times littles don't have/do romantic things while in their headspace.
But yeah, for the most part age regression is a coping mechanism where someone thinks and acts like a child. Sometimes people fully rever to the headspace, others can still do adult things and not fully revert but just act and think like a child.
Age Regression is a coping mechanism btw!! Often used for past traumas, or stress, or sometimes just for fun! Most activities include watching childrens cartoons, cutting the crust off sandwiches, crying into a stuffie (not all the time is Age regression happy, as seen through Vanitas's posts), and similar activities like that.
Be wary about Age Play!!! That is not a coping mechanism, that is a kink where someone acts like a child during intercourse!!! It is weird and gross!!! Some of it's tags are DD/LG or MD/LB, please be safe out there and avoid these!!
Age Regression DOES NOT EQUAL Age Play
In the contexts on Kingdom Hearts, we'll use the Wayfinder Trio + Vanitas, let's say that Vanitas regresses. Aqua, Terra, and Ventus could all babysit (watch/hang out) him. Or they can be his CG (wich is like babysitting but most times with a title)
Titles for CGs are mostly things like Dada, Mama, things like that. But Bubba or shorten names (like Ven or Vani for Ventus and Vanitas) are also CG names!!
Now let's grab Terra and Aqua! Let's say theyre dating, and Terra regresses sometimes. During the time Terra's small, Aqua and him wouldn't nessecairly be dating, or more not do any romantic acts. Aqua could be his CG, or Ventus could be his CG, or even Master Eraqus could be his CG! It doesn't only have to be your partner, it can be your brother or best friend!
I really hope this help and if you can have more questions or are confused at all, please let me know!! You can DM, or ask by commenting, or send in another 'ask', I'd love to answer any questions someone has!!! No matter how 'silly' or 'weird' they sound, knowledge is a tool that should be spread!!!! :D
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