#wayv: teaser
kpopmultifan · 1 year
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[C-Pop] WayV has released a set of teaser images for their digital single “Welcome to My Paradise.”
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wongyuseok · 3 months
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Yangyang — WayV Japan 1st Mini Album 『The Highest』 Teaser Image #3 - DUEL Ver. #YANGYANG
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weishenvicons · 3 months
WayV Japan 1st Mini Album 『The Highest』
Teaser Image #1 - DUEL Ver.
🎧 ➫ 2024.08.08 6PM (JST)
💿🎬 ➫ 2024.09.25 0AM (JST)
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starlightkun · 5 months
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⇢ teaser word count: 2.2k | series word count: 67.8k ⇢ warnings: past unethical experimentation, brief blood and gore descriptions (some human and some non-human), you have to accept the premise of a single human empire in space in the future with colonies and a military and not think deeper about that ⇢ genre: sci-fi, set in the near-ish future, humans and aliens and robots, black op mission, captain kun, ?????? reader, slow burn, fluff, dash of angst, ft. wayv as the crew of the vision ⇢ extra info: took a lot of obvious inspo for this one from isaac asimov’s robot stories, specifically his concept of positronic brains & the three laws of robotics (and if you’ve read any of his stories, you’ll probably be able to see some other places too) ⇢ estimated release date: saturday, may 18, 2024 6:00 p.m. eastern time ⇢ series masterlist
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The air smelled like blood, burned electrical components, and whatever horrible odor came from blood getting onto electrical components as they sparked. All the blood wasn’t human, you could tell that, too. Skipper blood always stung your nose like rubbing alcohol. It was pitch black in the space you were hiding in, or maybe it was just nighttime. You should be scared, but your heart wasn’t beating fast for some reason.
Two pairs of heavy footfalls. One was heavier than the other. Walking, so definitely not Skippers. Both were still too light to be heavier races.
They slowed to a stop outside your hiding spot, and you really hoped they couldn’t read the Outspacer controls that would open the otherwise impossible-to-see door. After all, it was a language that had been dead for hundreds of millions of years, there was no way—
“Hey, Zennie, you got a read on these?” A man’s voice came from nearby, muffled by both the wall and presumably a helmet as well. Human, or related species.
You couldn’t hear this ‘Zennie’s reply, as it most likely came through the comms in his helmet, but you could hear the man’s side of the conversation.
“Oh, of course, how dare I, a mere meatsack, doubt your high-and-mighty artificial intelligence,” he replied with fake deference. “Yeah, yeah, I know that’s not what you meant. Alright, so just tell me which one’s the self-destruct button so I don’t press it?”
“Move, Wong, before you blow us up.” Another voice interjected. “ZEN? You said it’s a passageway? Oh, safe shelter. Bit different, don’t you think? Mind translating the dead language right the first time?”
He paused as he probably listened to Zen’s reply, then continued, “So? You know which one’s the open button?”
You couldn’t go anywhere. The hideout you were in was designed to hold only a few people for weather emergencies, to be structurally sound; not to have a back door in case you needed to escape intruders. You just had to hope Zen was completely wrong and they wouldn’t get it open.
There goes that.
The door dematerialized, and the rancid smell from before became even stronger. A man peered in barrel-first, and you recoiled back from the sudden light flooding your vision. You couldn’t press yourself any further back into the corner, but you still turned your head away to shield your sensitive eyes.
It only took a couple strides for one of the men to reach you, the other stayed back in the hallway, keeping his rifle fixed on you. The man stood over where you were sitting on the floor—your legs had gotten tired of standing after so long—and lowered his gun slightly so you could see the entirety of the front plate that covered his face. It was a reflective shield that gave you no clue to who was behind it, only let you see a warped, thinned and stretched version of yourself cowering in a corner. His armor was an improved version of the standard issue United Human Navy, if the insignia on both of his shoulders didn’t make that clear enough. It looked the same as the standard issue, but the heft of his footsteps had belied a weight difference that wasn’t explained by his stature or build, so it must be the grade of material.
“Are you hurt?” His voice came through an external speaker on his helmet. He was speaking in standard human. You couldn’t detect any sort of odd stiltedness or lag that sometimes happened with computer-assisted translations. He was assuming you understood standard human, and you did.
“No,” you replied, slowly uncrossing your arms to show your hands first, that you didn’t have anything hidden in them to attack him with. You still weren’t scared, for some reason.
“Oh, she’s pretty,” his companion commented from the hallway. The two of them must be sharing helmet feeds, as the one in front of you was definitely blocking most of you from his sight.
“Wong, shut it.” The outer speaker had been turned off for that, but it was still pretty clear to you.
“Sir, yes sir.”
“Can you stand?” His weapon was still at the ready, his finger resting above the trigger.
You couldn’t remember the last time you’d wiggled your fingers and toes, and it felt good to do it. “Yes.”
He stepped back, the unexpressive mirror of his face shield watching as you pushed up from your half-sit half-crouch, bracing yourself against the wall. Your body instinctively took a deep breath to try to recover from the sudden exertion, but the vaporized Skipper blood burned your entire respiratory tract, and you coughed and spluttered trying to force it back out, catching yourself on the wall on your forearms to stay upright. The odor made your head swim, your eyes water, and your chest hurt like someone had put gasoline in your lungs and struck a match.
“Okay, woah, woah.” Two gloved hands were on your arms and back, helping you stay up. His voice was muffled again as he switched to his in-helmet comms, “Xiao, get over here! We’ve got a survivor! Yes, really, just look at my stream.”
Then, his voice was projecting to you once more, “Breathe, breathe.”
You felt the roughness of a thumb wiping at the tears running down your cheeks, the durable material of his glove scratching against your skin. He grabbed the front of your shirt collar, pulling it up towards your face at the same time he firmly pulled your hand down that had been covering your mouth as you wheezed. Positioning the material over your nose and mouth into a makeshift filter of some sort, he continued holding it there for you as you took a few breaths.
You nodded shallowly. The smell of Skipper blood still cloyed to your throat and lungs, but the shirt helped keep more from entering.
More footsteps from down the hall, then another pair entered the shelter.
“Holy shit…” Someone breathed out.
“I know, man,” the voice that you were already pretty sure was ‘Wong’ from earlier replied.
“How long has she been in here?” A fourth voice asked, belonging to the footsteps getting closer to you.
“I don’t know,” the man already with you answered. “Wong and I just found her while clearing this sector.”
“Okay, well, you mind, Captain?” He said indicatively. “Can’t examine my patient through you.”
“You got it?” The captain asked you, shaking the collar slightly.
You took it from him, holding it over the bridge of your nose yourself as he had been doing for you before. Looking into his face shield where you were pretty sure his eyes should be, you nodded firmly this time.
He didn’t step back until you felt another pair of gloves grabbing your elbows where he had been. The newcomer’s uniform differed from the others’ in one way, he had a neon green rectangular patch on his right arm below his UHN insignia, as well as a few other places—intergalactic signal for medic. It was removable for the wearer’s own safety, and his in particular was slightly askew, as if he’d just slapped it back on in a hurry.
The medic flipped through the pockets of a pack strapped to his thigh before pulling out a small disc of clear plastic and pushing that against your hand. “Here, this’ll work a lot better than your shirt.”
You accepted it, and he helped you orient it the right way over your nose and mouth. It was apparently a mask or rebreather of some sort. It wasn’t exceptionally bulky, and you could feel that there was some sort of fine mesh material on the inside. Immediately, you could tell the difference. The air coming into your lungs carried only the slightest tinge of lingering burning electronics smell, and while you could tell that there was Skipper blood, it didn’t burn, or make your head spin. It was just unpleasant.
“There. How’s that?”
You gave him a thumbs-up, the standard human gesture for good, since they all seemed to speak standard human. The mask didn’t allow much room for talking.
“Alright, good. Are you injured?”
You shook your head.
“Do you feel pain anywhere?”
You shook your head again.
“Good, good. I have more questions, but we should get somewhere you can breathe. Give me a second.” He looked upwards as if talking to the heavens, and his outer speaker turned off. “Liu? Professor? Did you finish clearing the building? Alright, ZEN, got readings on air quality for her?”
After a pause, both the medic, Xiao, and the captain, who had been hovering behind him the whole time, nodded.
“Thanks, ZEN.” Xiao’s speaker turned on, “Here, our teammates found somewhere that you can breathe. It’s going to be a little bit of a walk, though. Is that okay?”
You nodded. Your legs would just have to deal.
“It’s not pretty out here…” The only one that hadn’t been identified to you in passing called out as a warning from his position in the hallway with ‘Wong.’
You turned around and pushed off the wall as your answer.
Stepping into the hall, you knew why you had smelled that particular concoction of smells. Just off to your left were two dead Skippers, their uniquely-articulated hind limbs that gave them their distinct gait—and consequently, the questionably flattering nickname from humans—stuck out at awkward angles now. Dark purple sludge seeped out from under their armor, Skipper blood. On the outside of the armor were smears, streaks, and splatters turned a gleaming ruby red under the emergency lights, human blood.
You couldn’t see any dead humans, or pieces of them, in this corner, but you remembered what the captain had called you. A survivor. Which meant there were others who didn’t survive.
“Come on.” It was the captain who ushered you the other direction from the Skipper bodies. “This way.”
Their helmets must have been mapping out the facility as the unit cleared it and displaying a route in all of their HUDs, because the four of them moved as if they knew the building like the back of their hand. The captain and Xiao flanked you on either side, with Wong at the front and the fourth unnamed one at the rear. You couldn’t tell if it felt more like a protection detail or a prisoner transport.
You kept your eyes on your feet not only so you didn’t have to see all of the mutilation, or to keep from stepping in something, but to avoid the unsettling, cold dread slowly sinking over you when from the moment you caught a look at the first dead human you passed by with her remarkably in-tact face, dandelion yellow blouse and lab coat, and realized you didn’t recognize her. When you inhaled sharply and shot your eyes down to your feet, you could tell that the captain noticed. He turned his head just ever so slightly towards you, off of the consistent path it had been before, and he paused, then went back to keeping watch.
They weren’t kidding when they said it was a bit of a walk. You could feel the muscles in your legs get sore, then start twitching, then start shaking, but you didn’t even consider asking to stop.
“Woah, Liu, slow down!” The captain ordered into his headset. “Okay, yeah, I see it. Don’t touch anything. We’re just sweeping right now, remember?”
“Great, the kid’s found more toys,” the one behind you snorted.
Xiao and Wong suddenly erupted into more laughter than that statement warranted you were pretty sure.
Wong then informed him with a snicker, “Mic’s on, Ten.”
“You say that as if I wouldn’t have said that to his face, too,” the one now finally identified as Ten retorted.
“ZEN, the mics, please?” The captain sighed. “Thank you.”
“Now he’s going to whine that we were shit talking him behind his back,” Xiao groaned. “Again.”
“Well we are,” Ten laughed.
“If he just stopped acting like a baby, Captain here wouldn’t have to step in and put him in time out all the time,” Wong clicked his tongue.
“You think he’s the one in time out right now?” The captain replied dryly.
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle into your mask, trying to cover it up with a cough when all four of their reflective shields whipped around to face you, as if they’d forgotten you were there. After an uncomfortable stretch of silence, they all shifted back into their watchful stances.
The captain suddenly spoke again, “Yes, Professor? Okay, sure… ZEN, put that on everyone’s HUDs.”
The lack of commentary from any of them for seemingly several minutes was startling, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what this ‘Professor’ was showing them.
“We’re going to have to go back there after dropping Xiao and her off, aren’t we?” Wong was the first to speak.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” Ten sighed.
“Or already know the answer to,” the captain said. “If she has any wounds that Xiao needs to tend to, one of you will stay to keep guard. If not, it’ll be Ten and Wong with me to meet up with Liu and the Professor, and Xiao will stay with her.”
“Alright, Ten,” Wong rolled out his neck. “Rock paper scissors?”
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⇢ series masterlist | blog masterlist
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sailorjisunq · 1 year
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bang-chan-my-man · 4 months
WayV ‘Give Me That’ Teaser Icons
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i-m-hendery · 4 months
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hey guys .
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cinematheory · 8 months
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TEN 'Lights On' Teaser
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sunmisbf · 4 months
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librarisxng · 2 months
I hope no pun intended Yuta’s solo debut promotions don’t overlap with Jaehyun’s solo debut (vice versa depending on who’s releasing theirs first) like how Ten’s and Taeyong’s did but with SM being SM, it’s probably gonna happen.
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kpopmultifan · 2 years
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[C-Pop] WayV has released a group teaser image for their long-awaited 4th mini-album “Phantom” which is now scheduled to be released on December 28th.
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wongyuseok · 9 months
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Qian Kun in Every Era 01.01.2024 🐻 HAPPY KUN DAY!! 💚
sm rookies ✦ nct 2018 empathy ✦ regular ✦ dream launch ✦ take off ✦ moonwalk ✦ love talk ✦ turn back time ✦ bad alive ✦ nct 2020 resonance pt. 1 ✦ from home ✦ nct 2020 resonance pt. 2 ✦ kick back ✦ back to you ✦ nct 2021 universe ✦ miracle ✦ rain day ✦ diamonds only ✦ phantom ✦ nct 2023 golden age ✦ nct nation ✦ no one but you + invincible ✦ on my youth ✦ poppin love ✦ marine turtle
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weishenvicons · 3 months
WayV Japan 1st Mini Album 『The Highest』
➫ 2024.9.25 Release
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doiesfav · 1 year
¡! ❞ Parenthood - NCT DJJ ||
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Release: 17/7
Plot: You realized that your daughter would feel awkward with his own dad sometimes so you decided to do a picnic to help them improve their relationship.
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Release: 1/8
Plot: Jaehyun is always prepared for any challenge, even if it was sky diving or meeting the president but preparing her daughter's first official day at school was worse than he imagined. Y/n his wife, was on a business trip so of course he had to do it alone.
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Release: 8/8
Plot: The day was coming, Jungwoo and you always wanted to move to a pretty and cozy apartment but the real problem is dealing with a 5 month born kid at the same time.
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bang-chan-my-man · 4 months
WayV 'Give Me That' Mood Sampler : Part 2 Icons
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gay-little-cloud · 11 months
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pretty little sad boys 💔
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