#we also had shrek 2 playing in the background the entire dinner
dredgesnails · 5 months
the clockers are great because pretending to be a toxic family with your friends is one of life’s greatest and simplest pleasures. even kids like to play house. i had a dinner party with my friends once and we roleplayed a toxic suburban family and the vibes were like, almost identical to the clockers’ family dinner
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aeschylus · 6 years
tagged by @heartturnedtoporcelain im cleaning out my drafts and finding these dftghfdfdg, thx fr tagging me  ^^
i had to add a cut cuz this got reallly long lmao
Books, Movies, or T.V. show: gosh i would never have touched the hannibal franchise with a Yardstick if not for the TV show
Favorite Character:  I can’t help but relate a lot to Will bc he exhibits aspie traits just constantly and in s2 he is just finally (ironically) so empowered&powerful and it was just ugh!!!!!!! beyond satisfying
Favorite moment of the entire franchise: when hannibal sics Randall on Will and Will saves pudgy lil buster the pup bc he is a useless little pudge...and then he dashes through the snow with the pudge in his arms like “Mama’s gotchu and I will straight kill a mf for hurting u bb” ..that was Fav....also when Will just straight murders Randall in cold fukign blood, i was Shook,,,,really makes u realize how much Will has learned from being in the minds of  serial killers,,tbh i love all of the moments where he just pops tf off and we get to see how easy it would be for him to be a killer and get away with it (like when he copies Abel Gideon and escapes the bhsci truck or whatevertf)
Favorite quote of the entire franchise: there are just....Too Many Holy Shit....the show is just made up of constant streams of memorable quotable dialogue uhhh when hannibal says something like when u kill someone they are nothing but “light and air and colour” v. lovely
Fight scene you’d want to see on NBC’s Hannibal: I need to see a version of the jack/hannibal kitchen fight that is b/t  will/hannibal, i read a fic where they fought and hannibal threw a mug at him (in lieu of the butcher knife he threw at jack)  i would die laughing ok,,,although Knowing Them it’d probably get too sensual 2 Fast
 Alternative theme song to NBC’s Hannibal: that song “Accidentally in Love“ that played in Shrek 2 
Favorite book from the series: im gonna start reading them bc the show got me really intrigued!!
Favorite movie from the series: nbc hannibal made hannibal sexy so ngl i am not interested in those non-sexy creepy ass hannibal movies,,,although i might watch the ones w anthony hopkins bc he’s a stellar actor and ive always been really secretly gay for jodie foster (i watched Contacts once in like 5th grade then it was all over)
Favorite episode from NBC’s Hannibal: mizumono for reasons i outline later and that ep in s3 where jack beats the shit out of hannibal with the triumphant music in the background i was laughing so hard there were Tears in my eyes Literal Tears b/c Hannibal got to be way too smug for too damn long!!!nearly three whole seasons of him one-upping Everyone and being smug af!!! that’s what he gets lmaoooo
Hannibal Season 4, yes or no: I’d love more content but if they kill off hannibal or will it is Dead 2 Me (i mean if they both got killed together that’d be great, awful but great it’s already kinda foreshadowed with their Reichenbach,, but if one has to live without the other that’d be Too Cruell bicht i’ve been hurt Too Many Times by Brokeback Mountain for that Shit!!!!!)
Alternative hobbies to replace Hannibal’s cannibalism: i feel like he’d be really great at knitting,,,thing is he already has a ton of hobbies (composing,playing various instruments, swimming, cooking, home design, floristry,lowkey a theatre twink, etc.) and they fail to keep him from his murder/cannibalism so idk maybe once he’s finally seduced and married Will  he won’t care for it so much anymore
Hannibal invites you to a dinner party, you…: 1) i would be no where near any one of his odd social circles for him to invite me 2) i don’t eat meat so i guess i’d start packing to skip town and change my name so i don’t get hannibalized loll
Alternative animals for Will to collect: capybaras
Animal (mythical or real) you’d tattoo on your back like Francis Dolarhyde: the chimera has always fascinated me also if anyone saw that fuckt up creature on my back the reactions would prlly be hilarious
What brought you into the fandom; books, movies, or T.V. series: i remember when it ended years ago and people were sobbing all over my dash and posting bad quality gifs of the reichenbach scene and i would read some of the fanfic based on what i guessed the hannigram dynamic must be--turns out my concept of the dynamic was way off-- but ye i’ve basically been stewing over the idea of watching the show for a while then i just said fuck-it bc i knew i could stomach it/appreciate it now 
Least Favorite scene from the entire franchise: gtta say cordell was not my favorite,i could’ve lived Quite Well without seeing will bite his cheek off and without those awful few seconds where I thought Will was getting his face caught off, just Awful, also when francis bites chilton’s lips,,,basically i can’t re-watch any one of those crazy bloody scenes (some bloody scenes just not the ones that are absolutely Nuts like when the guy wakes up an he’s been sewed in with other people)
Add Clarice to NBC’s Hannibal, yes or no: as long as she doesn’t disrupt the hannigram dynamic in any way, i’d love for her to be in it if only bc it’d be refreshing to see a characters who’s “on the side of the Angels” so to speak and able too keep up with hannigram/maybe even beat them at their own game, pull a Will Graham Betrayal on the duo who kno
Favorite killer of the week: that dude who did the totem and ironically killed his own son and didn’t know it was his son,,just,,,who was that actor like he had maybe like 5 min of screen time but he somehow managed to give me the heebiejeebies with what little lines he was given it was so great
Your reaction to Mizumono (S2 finale): I was Ecstatic.
1) Everyone gets to see Hannibal as the monster he really is and it is Cathartic bitch!! just give me all that Good Closure!!!! Jig is up !!!the FBI and Alana had been played Like A  Goddamned Fiddle For Too Damn Long and drama bitch Hannibal nearly murders the entire main cast of the show, amazing!! Watch her go!!!!!!
2) The Goddamn Hannigram theme that plays when Will walks in all beautiful and wide-eyed and soaked from the rain and just UGH not knowing what’s going to happen but already accepting it BECAUSE HE AND HANNIBAL ARE BOTH SO VERY SELF-DESTRUCTIVE WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR CURIOSITY AND THIS IS THEIR HUBRIS AND THIS IS WHY HANNIBAL BASICALLY ALMOST KILLS EVERYONE HE LOVES AND WHY HE TESTS ALANA TO SEE IF SHE’D SHOOT HIM JUST UGHHH
3) There’s just so much Goddamned Tension and Electricity When Will turns to see Hannibal and their soft music is playing and i think this is when i was putting 2+2 together and i realized holy shit they’re actually in love and they could kiss or one of them could die right now and both of these things would make perfect sense somehow 
4) Hannibal stabbing Will, I fukign Rejoiced bih bc that’s what made it canon for me, maybe it’s just the english major in me but i was like Bithc it don’t get Gayer than a Phallic Knife in the pelvic area like that is some sweet sweet homoerotic subtext i live fr that Shit also none of my ships have ever been made explicitly canon before so yeah the stabbing is what made it explicit, it’s such a triumphant feeling to have a ship canon for once i never thought it’d be something I’d ever get to feel
5) Will Sobbing but still speaking in verse
6) Hannibal Crying and looking like a Scorned Mistress
7) That lovely lovely parallelism to s1e1 with alana as the mom and hannibal as  jacob hobbs  and will as himself helpless this time to save anyone, not even himself, this fits so very neatly with the themes of history repeating itself/the cycle of time/hannibal’s theory of time
8) The “Hannibal-as-god” themes coming full circle with Hannibal being all “i gave you this child, this life, and I now I take it all away right in front of you”, echoes of classical mythos like medea, honestly i could go on but yeah fav episode
Your reaction to The Wrath of The Lamb (S3 finale): actual physical literal tears at the Gay Drama and aesthetic of it all, like i love how francis is literally dying a painful gruesome death but the camera just focuses on hannigram eyeing each other up with Young and The Restless Music Playing in the Background it was so Surreal
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