#we cant just avoid the house the weekend
mvltisstuff · 1 year
911 fic - A fic of y/n begins like buck/Eddie begins please, but the reader is eddie’s sister 💗
angst, heartbreak, grief, fluff too if possible pls 🫶
thank you ❤️‍🩹
mr. rager - e.d
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summary: request
eddie diaz x sister!reader
gif from @tawaifeddiediaz
a/n: i hope i included all the things you wanted in there, apologies if i missed anything 🩶 can we also appreciate kid cudi for a few mins thanks
ever since middle school, y/n was told about how much of a dream life she had. she had good friends, good style, she was pretty. she spent a lot of her time occupied with friends and out of the house to avoid the chaos and criticism.
she’d been the youngest of the diaz family, with two older sisters, adriana and sophia, and her older brother eddie. at home, she was just the little sister who was forced to live up to her siblings. when she wasn’t home, she was y/n and only y/n.
for as long as she could remember, it was her and eddie. when they were kids, they ran around the yard and had slumber parties in the basement. her sisters would be out with their own friends, sharing their time together. as time went on, eddie grew older. it’s natural, y/n knew. she dreaded the day that eddie would want to move on and stop hanging out with her.
then, eddie enlisted. y/n was immensely proud of him, but she then realized that she would be alone. her sisters wanted nothing to do with her, and her parents just put her to the side. y/n almost felt selfish for wanting eddie to come home, despite knowing all the good he had been doing.
eddie had been in the army for a few years, and that’s just how long it took y/n to adjust to life without him there. she didn’t know what to do with herself. she had no one at home who truly supported her. eddie came to all of her sports games, all of her award nights, every single thing that y/n was a part of, he was there. she prayed that her parents would come, to be proud of her and to cheer her on, but it seemed that everything she did was useless to them. it was impossible to form bonds with them. her sisters basically said they wouldn’t waste their time on her, and her parents didn’t have time for her.
the sneaking out started freshman year. the drinking with her friends and getting wasted pretty much every weekend continued for a while. her parents rarely even noticed her, so she didn’t think they’d care about any of that.
it wasn’t until her sister-in-law, shannon, got pregnant and had christopher that eddie came back. he instantly noticed y/n’s change. her style, personality, and she became a stranger. she held a lot of anger for him, somehow. he was the one person to look out for her, and then he just left again.
eddie was in the living room of their house, christopher and shannon sleeping in the other room. he had a bottle of beer and was watching a spanish show on the TV. he heard the footsteps that came from behind him, but y/n didn’t care if he heard. he wouldn’t say anything, he’s done enough by leaving her in hell already. it wasn’t his fault. she knows that, but some part of her broken self cannot realize that yet.
“hey, you’re up late,” eddie speaks first.
“so are you.”
“it’s midnight, where are you going?”
“out, edmundo.” the backpack on her shoulders was clanking, signaling that she very noticeably had stuff in there.
“why do you have all that? what the hell has gotten into you? sneaking out and drinking, wearing that?”
“this isn’t a new thing. besides, i’m like a ghost here anyway. with my friends, at least i get some type of attention. i’ll see you later,” she argues, trying to end the conversation.
“no, i cant let you go out now, y/n,” eddie replies, standing up and speaking louder.
“can you be quiet? it’s not like anyone would notice anyway.”
“y/n, this is so stupid, c’mon-“ he’s cut off by the sharp cries of christopher, sighing when he hears them.
“why don’t you go take care of your kid before you disappear again?” she asks, and turns around, quietly shutting the door and running to her friends car. her words secretly sting eddie. he had to support his family, and he had to finish his tour in afghanistan. he didn’t know leaving would cause so much tension between him and his baby sister, but it did and he didn’t know how to reverse it. eddie went back to the room, picking christopher up into his arms and looking at shannon, who was beginning to roll awake.
“is he ok?”
“yeah, yeah he’s alright.”
“are you ok?” she asks him, not taking her eyes off him.
“i don’t- i don’t know what happened to y/n. she’s changed so much and i missed all of it. and i don’t think it’s for the better.”
y/n arrives home from her friends house the next night to be confronted with her family at the table. “y/n, sit,” her father breaks the silence.
“papí, i have so much homework i need to get done-“
“maybe you could’ve done that instead of sneaking out,” he cuts through her sentence, ending it. y/n’s eyes immediately dart to eddie’s, not breaking the contact between them. “i don’t know what to do with you, y/n. what happened to the girl i knew?”
“what girl you knew? none of you ever attempted to spend time with me, so i found people who will. and you’re kissing up to someone who’s leaving tomorrow!”
“y/n, stop this now! your brother has to work,” her mom says.
“yeah, i know. i’m happier than i’ve been in months, months! no thanks to you guys, i might as well be invisible here!”
“what do you want us to do?” adriana remarks. “you’re not the center of the universe, y/n.”
“yeah, like grow up,” sophia comments, in her sisters footsteps. y/n forced back any tears of frustration she had, not letting them see her cry like a child. they missed everything important to her, they didn’t care.
it was finally graduation day. y/n was free of everything, and it was the marking of her adulthood. her family sat in the audience, and she looked at christopher who attempted his own sign. the words were unreadable, but y/n didn’t care. she had a plan and saved up a ton of money for school, and maybe even an apartment, eventually. she stayed for the summer, but left for los angeles in the fall.
she attended university of california in berkley, finally wishing to settle her life out of el paso. meanwhile, eddie had been having an internal battle with himself. shannon had left for her mother, leaving him with christopher. his parents begged him to give them chris, but he refused. the boy needs his father, and eddie would never, ever leave him again. he decided to go to los angeles for a job as a firefighter/paramedic. he knew y/n was there, and maybe he could find shannon too.
eddie and y/n had become strangers, almost. she moved away after school and barely spoke to her family. a direct cause of their treatment toward her. he missed her dearly, longing for the bond they had as children that had faded away. y/n wanted to see him again, but figured he was still disappointed in the person she was without him. she forgets that she was just a teenager. their brains are all hormonal and such, but the true reason was the abandonment she felt. she hadn’t been back to texas in years, content with her new life and friends she formed in california. it was completely different. she was in control of her life, not having to be under the spotlight of judgement every day.
after his shift one day, eddie was brought up by his motivation. he knew if he didn’t fix his relationship with his sister now, they never would be the same again. it’s such a fragile concept. one obstacle in a family can have a domino effect over everyone. so, he picked up his phone and pressed on her number, even if it was late. it rang for an uncomfortable amount of time, before her memorable voice came through again. he’d been stuck watching videos and tapes of the family out of fear to push her away even more, but he was relieved to her her voice live.
y/n sat in eddie’s kitchen on his day off with a cup of coffee in her hand. christopher had been out with buck for a while, so they could have a little bit of time alone. eddie sat down soon after across from her. he sighed, disappointed that he didn’t know where to begin. “so, what have you been up to? work, you know.”
“it’s been good, i’m working with some of the best in the field right now. i got promoted.”
“that’s great! you like it there?”
“i love it, i’m happier than ever right now,” she smiles and looks down.
“it’s been so long, i feel like we have too much to talk about.”
“i know, eddie,” she says. “but, how’s everyone at home?”
“they’re good, have you spoke to them?”
“not too much. just for the big milestones like weddings and babies.”
eddie pauses, thinking about whether or not he wants to mention the elephant in the room. “i never meant to put you in the dark, y/n.”
“eddie, it’s fine-“
“no, it’s not fine. i thought that they would care about you when i wasn’t there, but i didn’t realize how bad things were until i got back. i don’t know why they didn’t notice when you’d get back hungover as hell.”
“it sucked but-“
“i just think-“
“dude,” y/n speaks up, interrupting him while grinning. “you have to let me speak.”
“sorry, go on,” eddie laughs.
“it was awful not having you there. you’re the only one who gave a shit about me. i never got a ‘how are you doing’ or a real appreciation. and i tried so hard to get their affection and i don’t know what i did.”
“so you came here?”
“yeah. and i found what i needed. i get told thank you and get appreciated by people who’ve known me for a minute now. it took 18 years for me to get that from everyone else. i was crushed when you decided to leave, but i’m just proud of you now. and i was too blind to say that years ago,” y/n spills out about her life, and portrays everything to him to lay it out. it’s off her shoulders now, and eddie’s here. she can forget about it.
“i’m sorry, y/n. i’m never leaving again, and i never wanted anything more than to see you living the life you’ve always wanted.”
“stop,” y/n speaks abruptly.
“you’re gonna make me cry, stop it!” she replies, trying to hide her watery eyes, but eddie’s smile is clear. it’s mocking, but in a beautiful way. “where’s my little guy?”
“he’s out with my best friend, buck. figured it would give us some time to talk,” eddie informs. “they’ll be back soon, if you wanna meet him.”
“i already know christopher, eddie. i haven’t been away that long.”
“no, buck,” eddie tells. “you’d get along, just a hello.” before eddie can keep ranting about buck and how he’s trying to set her up, the door swings open to reveal the brightest smile from christopher and the man behind him. christopher has always remembered y/n. no matter what she went through, she was there for him and he adored her. y/n decides to surprise him, moving into the doorway and hiding behind a wall.
“hi, dad!” christopher says, walking over to him.
“hey, buddy! i’ve got a surprise for you.”
“i love surprises,” christopher awaits what could be shown to him.
“your tía is here,” eddie says, in a singsongy voice as y/n steps out into the door.
“y/n!” christopher says, trying his best to move as fast as he can over to her. she bends down to his level and pulls him into a hug. “i missed you.”
“i know, kid. it’s been too long, but i’m here now. i’m here with you and my brother.”
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ohboycharlie · 1 year
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This is my first time writing so please ignore EVERYTHING. pairing: Charles x fem!reader summary: an elevator becomes your cupid.
part2: here part3: here
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Shifting to Monaco was a huge step but the building I got to stay in felt like a reward. I swear I've never lived in such a posh place and the people? god. Rich+Italian=unnecessary attitude. I avoided leaving my flat as much as possible so I wouldn't bump into people and ruin their day with my massacred version of french and Italian.
My job required me to be physically present in the office for only 4 days in a week. This job was my dream job I mean stay at home and work? amazing. Stay at home that the office gave you? AMAZING. Even the locality was good with a coffee shop right around the corner I was living my dream and I really hoped it wouldn't turn into a nightmare.
My neighbour was weird tho. Like I don't think the person ever lived there and they only came at night (I absolutely did not try to spy from the peek hole), at times there were noises of things being thrown around and the piano and I swear I was scared for the day they would ring my bell for some salt or coffee.
The one thing I noticed the people loved was their sport. Let it be tennis or F1, they were PASSIONATE. I knew there was a grand prix the week before I shifted because of the posters. The Leclerc guy had to be too good to be pasted on every street. And the fact that he was that good-looking? Definitely poster material.
Ramen was my staple diet so a frequent grocery shop haul wasn't that surprising for anyone in my life. It was a calming Monday night when I had the sudden urge to pee while coming back. I ran for my life and just as I entered the lobby, the elevator doors were closing and the man inside did NOTHING to stop it. And it wasn't as if my presence wasn't sensed. I was running with a huge bag and screaming to stop the elevator. "Asshole". That's what described the rude person the best and to top it all off the elevator stopped on my floor. GREAT. He was my fucking weird neighbour. That act just confirmed my 'no sugar for you mister' deal.
After an eternity, the lift finally came and if looks could destroy, his door would have been in pieces. But I was a very forgiving person so he was out of my mind the way he was out of his house.
It was months after the incident and my life was going the way it was. My job kept me busy. I partied on the weekends. I dated people. There was this one guy though from my building. We usually met in the lobby and it turned out he only lived 2 floors below me! We went on a few dates but after that, I decided no dating people from the place you live because if things did not work out, it could get pretty awkward in the elevators. Elevators god I hate them. You meet every kind of person there and all they do is look down at their phones so as to not make eye contact or conversation. Elevators can also make some people claustrophobic and what if there were two people trying to get me and some guy to be together by stopping the lift and a delivery man comes in and pees because he cant handle small spaces? real questions were asked.
One fine day though, I got to get my revenge. I was going to buy ramen as usual and I entered the elevator but then I saw my neighbour trying to remove his keys from the door and showing me a hand to let me know he wanted to come but me being the petty bitch, closed the elevator innocently by just turning around and pretending I never saw him (I honestly did not see his face). The joy I felt was PURE.
A few weeks passed by and once again I was hungry so I left in my PJs at 2 am to fulfil my stomach's wishes. As I was coming, I saw the lift close yet again but this time I screamed so that the person inside knows someone is coming. I was honestly out of breath so I did not even think about pressing the button to my floor. After regaining my senses I went ahead to thank the person and the view in front of me was enough to make me gasp. There, on the lift with me was, Charles Leclerc in all his glory. I did not want to make it obvious that I was internally screaming so I just looked down and said "Thank you for stopping the elevator, last time this asshole, my apparent neighbour just let the elevator close on my face". Charles looked amused to me but I couldn't figure it out then he said the most bizarre thing. "You won't believe it but my neighbour did the same thing. She just acted as if she didn't see me." All I could do was just nod at him because THE F1 driver was in the lift with me. "Anyways this is me, see you later" and as the doors were about to close I realised he got down on the 26th floor. MY FLOOR. Charles bloody Leclerc was my asshole neighbour!
I had to get down to the upper floor and come down via the stairs. I was shocked but then I thought what if I revealed myself to him. Maybe go ask for coffee. Act as if we did not just bond over each other in the elevator. I was determined to show him who the true asshole was because if they go low, I go lower.
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pitchblackveins · 2 months
follow me home, if you dare to. i hope your life leads you back to my front door. so i drive home alone--the girl in the dress cried the whole way home...i take the long way home, to a house not a home all alone cuz nobodys there. i've been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted, sneak into my house with all the cobwebs--he's gonna burn this house to the ground. little did you know your home's really only a town youre just a guest in, so you pack your life away...i can go anywhere i want, just not home. you cant hold onto everything. she rose slowly, avoiding old haunts. i knew i had to go back home.......im perfectly fine, i live on my own. something bout it felt like home somehow; feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend. i'll make myself at home and he'll want me to stay. you know that my train could take you home, anywhere else is hollow. i found myself running home to your sweet nothings. now pretty baby im running back home to you.... you dont knock anymore and my whole life's ruined. i heard your key in the door, down the hallway; is that your key in the door, is it okay? i look through the windows of this love, even though we boarded it up. at the house lonely, i sit alone behind walls of regret; i drew my curtains closed, drank my poison all alone. i sat and stared, right where you left me.
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jedlknight · 7 months
so goddamn lonely so goddamn isolated just spent the weekend w extended family after a funeral and we went out to lunch and out of 16 people not one would talk to me bc they all had other conversations they’d rather have and it’s not like i didn’t try to participate in the conversations but when i spoke they literally all just ignored me so like what’s the point. stayed at my aunts house and my uncle seemed like he was avoiding my dad and i and my aunt was busy around the house and didn’t spend any time with us and my cousin who i lived with who i was once close as a sister to and who i was once really good friends with her was around for just a few hours and she was so distant the whole time and she never responds to texts anymore or anything and I haven’t even done anything!! I don’t know what i did wrong!! everybodys leaving and it’s not just them it’s my only friends in state who both moved away and out of state within three weeks of each other and it’s my friend who suddenly is flighty as hell because she has a new guy and it’s friends who have gotten busier with work and only have so much time and it’s everybody everybody everybody and I’m trying so hard to keep up with communicating with them but I can’t seem to keep anybody in my life and i cant fix it
and i need to move out of my parents house bc living with them is so suffocating and I’m tired of being at the whims of their moods but i can’t move out of my parents house bc everything is too expensive and i can’t manage to get a full time job and i feel so inherently unloveable and useless and like i’m going to rot away in this goddamn bedroom that ive hated since i was 17 fuck. my anxiety is so bad i’m getting worse and worse about being comfortable in public everything is worse everything is bad
sorry just . bad night bad night bad night
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bvannn · 1 year
Weekly update September 1, 2023
Adobe has done an adobe and corrupted the TRGA file, and the backup has disappeared. I found an old version in the recycle bin, but I now have to redo Emile and Tim’s animation for two shots, which while simple in both cases, has been completely lost. Jon’s animation, which was the most complex, is still intact, thankfully. I have the corrupted file so I can try to mess with it more, but I find it unlikely I will be able to repair it. I will try to increase my output to 2 keyframes/tweens per day, or I will just say fuck all and redo it all this weekend. I am fucking pissed and will probably throw up tonight over it. I have implemented 3 manual backup files, to avoid this happening in the future.
This will probably mean I will not be drawing more this weekend. I am going to try to do what I can but I’m mainly focused on the animation. This past week I was making a good amount of progress on a pitch comic, which I may turn focus to making a pseudo animation instead, given I switched into an animation history class, and I’ve heard they sometimes give extra credit assignments like that. I know I should be more afraid, but I have a decent script for the pilot, and worst case, people post awful pilots on the internet all the time, I can’t possibly be worse than some of those. That will only become a priority once I’ve fixed my TRGA mistake.
Also sorting out some overall plot stuff and designed the layout of the home itself. I drew a decent creepy house before, but I’ll probably redesign it a bit from the outside too, to make the layout make sense.
I’m also a bit worried about some life stuff, so do know I will put all passion projects in pause for any commissions, but I cant add any options to those officially for a while because of this hiccup. I think I’ll be okay I don’t need any emergency commissions or anything, I’m just a little worried since a certain place is taking a while to get back to me, and my would be job is on pause until we get confirmation on that.
This week was going well, I was almost through shot 2, but now I have so redo everything. The world may be a beautiful and righteous place, but I have never been welcome, and I believe I never will be.
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mikoriin · 2 years
100 OC questions: for Heather, 1 5 7 22 27 33 38 44 52 67 74 89 90 99
WOW a lot!! im glad u wanna know so much about heather!!
1. What common traits do you share with your oc? What about them is the least like you?
we're both kind, queer, and we both admire our mothers. however heather is very close to her religion because she admires her parents so much who are devout. she's a little more modern with her beliefs tho. but even still, im definitely not religious at all so i cant rly relate to her in that sense haha
5. What is your oc’s patience like? When waiting for something, are they able to sit still or do they fidget? How do they fidget?
she's sooo patient. she's actually a pacifist so its hard for her to get into the "fighting" scene when she becomes apart of the group magically, but once she realizes she's mainly there for defense and assist she warms up to the battles. she doesnt fidget very much, if she's waiting for an appointment or on someone, she'll simply pull out a book from her bag and start reading. if she doesnt have a book she'll start thinking of her schedule for the next week and planning everything in her planner, or maybe even just reading wiki articles on her phone or playing bejeweled on her phone lol
7. Does your oc collect anything? What about of knowledge or facts? How big is their collection?
ive never really thought about this before, but i can see her collecting plants. she's one of those people that cherishes them and names them, talks to them, takes amazing care of them and can bring a dead plant back to life. it brings her peace knowing she's surrounded by breathing life and it makes her feel a little less lonely. she'd definitely know a lot about lots of different species of flora and various plant life out there. her room is definitely filled to the brim with greenery haha
22. How easily does your oc fare in the sun? Do they tan or burn easily? Are they completely unaffected?
if its super bad out i can see her tanning a bit, but she never burns. mostly she's unaffected. her hijab rly helps keep her face cool haha
27. What is your oc’s sleep schedule like? Are they a night owl, an early morning riser, or do they get any sleep at all?
early morning riser definitely! she wakes up at a whapping 7 am every day even the weekends and then anything past 10 pm is way past her bedtime haha
33. What five objects or things could be expected to be found on your oc’s person at any time? Why?
planner & pen, because she likes to keep a schedule
candy, because elise gets the munchies for something sweet
pepper spray because she knows no woman should be without one
wallet because i feel its obvious
a spare book to read in her spare time
phone and charger
house keys
travel sized Quran
i absolutely listed everything she normally carries in her bag on a day to day
38. What does your oc do to relax? Any specific activities? Why?
she loves to spend time in her garden! she's got a little section for her garden in her back yard where she grows fresh veggies and herbs. sometimes she'll talk to all her crop because she feels itll help them grow healthy and delicious if the plant feels loved. she also likes to read and sew!
44. How violent is your oc? Or are they more a pacifist? To what lengths will they go to start/avoid a conflict?
heather is 100% a pacifist as ive said previously, so she's generally the one always trying to keep the peace. she and csilla would be the ones avoiding personal conflict the most, but in battle csilla is more aggressive while heather is more docile and not willing to harm anyone because of her personal values and morals. she's a healer and the team shield, she's here to protect her friends and comrades. However, if it was for someone like elise, sinie, or daren, then heather would be more willing to face conflict head on. and honestly, the fact that she's a pacifist magical girl is such a fun concept to play with when you think about it because at some point, she's going to have to fight in some way. so finding the way she would "fight" is gonna be fun
52. In what ways does your oc cope with anger? How easily angered are they? Do they lash out?
heather is very docile and doesnt get angry often, however when she is she doesnt even need to tell you because all she needs to do is give you That Look. which is rly just a look of sadness and disappointment and u dont want that from heather. like personally, if heather ever told me she was disappointed in me i'd cry lmao
67. How many people does your oc prefer to be around? A crowd, a few friends, or all on their own?
heather is good in a crowd, but she does prefer to be around her own personal circle. her circle is definitely going to grow when csilla, agitha, urania, and eventually everett are added to the mix, which is something she's going to have to come to terms with that her personal circle is kind of a crowd. but she'll be content because its a crowd of people she cares about and fights for/with.
74. How would your oc act when drunk? What about when really, really tired?
oh man she'd be sooo lovey dovey with elise. texting elise like "where'd you go my love?" and elise is like babe im right next to you. heather has had way too much to drink but is always in when its time to take another shot. take a shot, choose ur chaser, kiss ur girlfriend. that is what heather would be like drunk haha
if she was very tired she would simply sleep. she does not fight sleep when she is tired, she feels zzzs and she is Out
89. What does your oc’s laugh sound like? How often do they laugh? Are they easily amused?
heather's laugh in my head sounds like a little melodic giggle. like...a soft hum or something. heather's voice is very soft and a little higher pitched, but her words are carried with grace and when she laughs its like a river. she laughs often too so its like music when she's around.
90. Does your oc have any objects they could never give up? Why is it so important to them? Do they have any family heirlooms?
idk if this counts, but her hijab maybe? like its soo important to her by this point in her life, but its not rly so much of an object...so im rly not sure haha but i cant rly think of any family heirlooms at the moment!
99. What is your oc’s morning routine usually like? What do they eat for breakfast (if they have breakfast)? What time do they usually get up in the morning?
she wakes up at 7 sharp every morning, washes her face, and makes breakfast. she usually eats veggies, a bit of eggs, and tea for breakfast on the weekdays, but on the weekends she spices it up with some adasi!
100 oc questions
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cu1tofdionysus · 3 months
(See above link for all pictures)
Schools out for summer and I need a strong drink in the wilderness to recover. Junior year is intense. In the city, there are so many places to go for a breath of fresh air. Just a short car, bus, or train ride and you could be away from the humid hustling and bustling. Some can go to the Hamptons, if they can’t they might get a weekend AirBnb near the Rockaways or something. Some go upstate, some go to the shores of dirty Jerz to gamble or bake to a crisp. I chose to go to Woodstock, New York. In my head, it’s synonymous with the legendary 1969 Woodstock festival. I love a place where something happened. I love a live music venue. 
Most of Woodstock’s whole thing is that it has the bohemian art culture of the city, only in the woods. Bob Dylan owned a house here. I learned about the Hudson River school in history class, landscape painters in the Hudson valley that invented a new art movement in the mid 1800s. In 1903, Ralph Whitehead founded Byrdcliffe colony in Woodstock, intended to be a utopian art colony. My roommate got into their summer residency. Hi Sonia! We missed our exit on the highway. Don't do that, because if you do, you’ll have to spend 30 more minutes driving to the next one.
The decoy main attraction is the Woodstock festival grounds, which are an hour away in Bethel, New York. The real main attraction is Tinker St, the Lower East Side of Woodstock, (main street), nestled at the end of a large hill. It is lined with pinterest board boutiques, cafes, a few restaurants and churches and places to buy incense or expensive tie-dye. After Tinker St it’s green. Ancient trees, winding roads, wildflowers, hidden homes, cottage homes with long and twisting driveways. A sign in someone’s yard says: “KEEP WOODSTOCK WILD. SAY NO TO OVERDEVELOPMENT!” We swerved often, narrowly avoiding mini squirrels darting across the road. I registered a bit later that they were chipmunks. Cute!!!! RIP to the ones we passed, already flattened
Our first time stretching our legs from the 3 hr car ride and our first time eating that day. Pearl Moon has a pretty string light patio, can’t miss it from the road. The inside has a stage with gold curtains for live music. The walls are painted with rich teal paint. Our waitress and hostess were both very friendly and attentive in a way that initially threw me— were not in NYC anymore! I got a $30 burger in front of me swiftly. The $30 made it less enjoyable, but it was good, and the hot toddy my boyfriend got was strong. His duck quesadilla was unique. Go there for dinner instead of lunch, when there's music. They have some drag events too. 
We perused in and out of a bookshop, some spiritual shops, gift shops, smoke shops, antique stores, consignment stores, home goods stores. Most of them had the owner behind the register. 
Bookstore- The Golden Notebook
Ice cream- Sweet Dreams Organic Ice Cream
Vintage shop- Rock City Vintage
Record store- Woodstock Music Shop
Antiques- Woodstock Way Hotel – There’s a little shop owned by the same people directly in front of the hotel. 
Free Gallery- Woodstock Artists Association & Museum
Our lodging was right on Tinker street, perfect location, but hidden behind a bigger house with a garden. But we didn’t read the full description. It turns out our yellow cottage is more like a guest house attached to a main house. Our host runs “authentic writing workshops'' out of her main house. Even though the house was a bit closer for comfort than we were used to— no Midnight drives, headlines too bright— we never saw the host. The place was too sweet — studio sized, sunny, surrounded by wildflowers. Adorable mugs, quilts, a rocking chair, sky light. A nice queen bed to finally fuck where your roommates cant hear. We couldn’t take our trash outside because of the bears. We only had a kitchenette, so no cooking. Sleeping in such a quiet place took a couple nights to get used to, we heard the screaming of a fox and music lofting over from the bar across the street. We were also getting some kind of allergy sickness, ushering in summer, so we had tea in green mugs with fortunes on the tags at 3am. 
My boyfriend, a musician, wanted to go to the Levon Helm Studios show for our first night. Levon Helm was a famous drummer, and Levon Studios is a tricked out barn. Its main attraction is their midnight rambles, where Helm's daughter, other extended family and invited guests put on a Midnight tribute. They didn’t have one tonight, so we’re seeing John Moreland, a big guy from Texas with sailor type tattoos and an old soul. 
The stage was a nice red rug laid out over an elevated sector of the floor. Helm Studios Shows are acoustic. The stage  wasn’t much but a few guitars, some harmonicas and vintage looking light bulbs in funky modern industrial stand up lands. But it was beautiful and intimate. 
John Moreland could make anything sound good. His voice is warm and full and raspy. His opening was Ken Pomeroy, a folk singer who was about my age (22.) Her vibrato danced sweetly through our ears as she sang and told stories about what her songs were about. 
The con? The crowd was a double edged sword. Mirroring the town's general population, I was one of very few young people there, one of an even smaller number of people of color. It was a lot of people over 60, music enthusiasts eager to listen, so much that the stillness and quietness dragged after a while. Some people brought their babies and toddlers though it was getting late for a farm town. Another con, Levon Helm doesn’t serve alcohol, and we didn’t know that, so we didn’t bring any. We had to resort to smoking in the car beforehand, which didn’t feel too good around a bunch of old white people. I could hear the couple behind me talking about my tattoos. They didn’t have any, but the man was once thinking about getting a cross. 
It was before midnight, but too late to get food after, something I’m not used to. We had to drive to the McDonalds in the neighboring town, which made me really sick later. 
Not sure if it was the leftover salad from Pearl Moon or the Mickey D’s but I got super sick from 3-5AM. I took the car out to try and watch the sunrise. Pulled into the parking lot of Euphoria Yoga and The Station bar, just across the street from AirBnb. Euphoria is a yellow two story house turned yoga studio. Station bar is a neighborhood bar housed in the remains of an old train station. I am very dumb and know nothing about terrains and tires. The dirt parking lot turned to mud with the night rain. I got the car stuck. We had to wait for a cleaning lady for one of the stores opening to help us maneuver the tires of my bf’s audi in a crazy way, to get us unstuck. We fell back asleep and slept through our morning level 1 yoga class. I regret missing it. Book a $20 yoga class and get reconnected. 
I’m from Texas, where it gets hot in April. In New York it doesn’t get hot until after memorial day. I figured this would be a summer weekend trip, so I ordered a silver bikini for the swimming holes. A lot of them were closed until the aforementioned memorial day. The weather was wet and rainy and foggy and muddy. We drove about 10 minutes away from Tinker St to find a hidden stream safe to swim in, but it was ice cold water. 
Google reviews lie. I so wanted to like this place. It was an indoor/outdoor situation overlooking a stream, like a lot of the set-ups in this town. The owners' three fluffy adorable dogs were present and available for petting. Both employees were kind, one of them was wearing a bandana around his neck and a boater hat. Go here for drinks and great vibes, not so much for food. The tacos were… not good. Cold and warm at the same time. But the reviews were raving! Perhaps this has something to do with the lack of POC in the area. 
My streak of bad luck continues. We drove all the way up the hill passing grand lush trees and deer and chipmunks, to the Buddisht Monastery. Lines of Tibetan flags are strung on every tree. People are mountain watching near the parking lot. The monastery is a gorgeous white stone building with bronze roof panels and ornate window panes. A lot of the monks were converts, a lot of them were caucasian. These woodstock hippies are something.  It’s open to the public and even available to tour. I donated three dollars for a candle to be lit in my name, for happiness. I got kicked out for wearing shorts that were not that short with a baggy cardigan, so it felt like I got kicked out for being a harlot. 
The monastery is at the tip top of the hill, nothing neighboring it, but the nearest plot belongs to the Church of Transfiguration. A black, hand built, wooden, single-room church stands in an overgrown lot, built in 1891. You can’t go in it, but you can smoke weed in front of it sitting in your car, if you get kicked out of the Buddhist Monastery. Come, smoke weed as you are. 
We have reservations at Cucina, a fancy Italian spot inside, yes, an old yellow house. We sit on the veranda, warm bulbs twinkle above our heads. Both pasta dishes were fire, the best meal of the trip. Our waitress was young and cool, which gets me thinking, where do all these hip young people hang out?
There weren’t many 20-somethings at Tinker St Tavern, either, but they were the most I’ve seen in one place. One girl had a leather jacket, “QUESTION AUTHORITY” scrawled across the shoulders. The bar is owned by the same people who own Do or Dive in Bed-Stuy. Both bars have a retro dive meets honky tonk vibe, pool table, repurposed old fluorescent signs. There was a girl band playing, composed of a bunch of rockstar moms who put their own spin on Tom Petty, called The Tom Pettys. They were all wearing tight pants and sunglasses and top hats. Two big dogs were behind the bar. at some point hopped up, leaned on the counter and looked like he was the bartender. 
Now, this is a place for lunch/ brunch. Inside an old house. This place, casualish Italian/ American, looks like the set of Practical Magic. Steak and eggs were yummy. Pesto sandwiches were so good we tried to make our own later. Not overpriced. 
Last stop! If you’re in the area long enough, it might be worth checking out Saugerties, the bigger neighboring town. We stopped by to walk the lighthouse trail, which, yeah, leads to an old lighthouse. Bring shoes you can get muddy and make sure the tide isn’t high. Apparently, you can rent it out for the weekend or tour, but we didn’t do that, and it was still nice to see. A lot of them were…….closed until Memorial Day. Next time :(
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thelastevilregal · 6 months
oh my god you want hear about problems? i have SO many problems and my Work Therapist just moved to miami so i have a backlog
so .. back in october i accidentally. slept with my housemate uhh not realizing she had had feelings for me for like a year and a half and we ended up dating for like 2 months. i realized i wanted to break it off around thanksgiving but didnt work up the nerve until the new year partly bc i got hit by a car early december and had to get her to pick me up from the er and then she did a lot to take care of me after and. AHH.
im ok now also but. i broke up w her right after we both got back from visiting our families for xmas and i was like i HAVE to do it tonight bc we had scheduled a 'roommate mtg' w all 4 of us to confront our other bitch roommate over how shitty she was acting and i was like. if i dont do this now then our relationship is going to come up in this talk. and i cant sit and defend us while actively wanting to break up ykkkkk?? ughh i felt so bad for it but the straw that had broke the camels back with bitch roommate was that when i told her that me and ex were dating, the cunt had the nerve to pull a face and say "yikes" before slamming the bathroom door in my face. then 15 seconds later yank it open again and snark "you couldnt have said something before we moved to a new place?" i was like "bitch its been a week wtf are you talking about" and she slammed the door again. as though id been dating my ex in 'secret' for like 6 months since our last apt???? IM not the one whos weird and cagey about my sex life. bitch roommate is the one who lied to me about being a virgin for some reason and then actively hid her sex life from me for the next 4 years in order to maintain that lie, as though i give a single solitary shit who or if she fucks????
but so bitch roommate and i did not speak again until the roommate meeting. at the end of which i was like 'k ig lemme clear the air about dnd' (i had my dm kick her out of my dnd group—they are MY friends to begin with and we were starting a new campaign with a much paired down party specifically bc we didnt want roommate bs at the table. the morning after he did she TEXTED me at 6:22am like 'i know youre afraid of conflict but this is fucking weird if you have a problem say it to me' as though cheap jabs will get me to talk to you. obviously i ignored her). cunt had the nerve to go 'yeah what was that about?' as though she really had no idea what she couldve done. im like bitch wtfym what was that about?? have you not noticed we havent spoken in 2 months?? she gave a half hearted 'i guess im sorry' when i told her she had been so far out of pocket it was ridiculous.
but again. id also broken up w my ex the night before all of that. so she had been planning to micromanage the shit out of this conversation and then ended up being an emotional wreck. i felt so bad but i was like i HAD to yknow???? she said we could go back to being friends......
so that was 2 months ago now. i 'gave her space' for the first few weeks (p much avoiding being at the house like i had when i was actively avoiding bitch roommate) and its been several weeks since ive like. checked in with her emotionally. shes finally started acting more normal around me again, mostly at my queue. she watched alien with me last weekend. opposite end of the couch, where she used to lean her head on my shoulder before we dated. although actually maybe that was a romantic feelings thing?? fuck. i dont know how to know if im being like, callous by just acting like things are the same as before, or if i should be doing something different, and its hard bc we have opposite work schedules so i dont see her most days anyway and idk how to talk to her about it. we havent gone into each others bedrooms beyond talking in the doorways since breaking up, but like it feels like a conversation we need to have in private, no?? ughhhhhhh i hate this. idk how to prompt this, nor what i actually need to ask her to begin with..... just like, are we actually okay, yknow?
my old work therapist thought my problems were hilarious. like an american telanovela. i was like well at least someone is enjoying this situation :/
You know I don't think I can even give you any terrible advice for this situation. Sounds like you got that part handled. Just keep doing what you're doing 💯
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goremet-chef · 1 year
maybe ill tell my mom im hungry? im so. my entire LIFE i have always always hated asking for things like so much so that i stopped asking for things on my BIRTHDAY because im like. terrified of being seen as selfish? idk its funny cuz parents will like. god forbid i get a treat when im a kid, then all the grown ups in my life look down and call me spoiled as if they didnt give me the treat, and they still think children arent capable of complex thought so they didnt anticipate that id internalize it for the rest of my life but here we are 😁😁
so i just. god i hate asking for things it makes me feel so shitty but i think shes gonna go somewhere anyways? and EVENTUALLY hes going to run out of things to cook so maybe if i ask she'll bring home some food (vent/rant)
that is one thing that always bothers me tho ive got? idk my mom is. shes my mom i guess, currently she treats me very nicely but when her bf was gone for a few years all that anger was directed at me so yknow. i guess shes over it? or she tries to make up for it, but if im not given an apology, i wont forgive or forget even. it was mutual, lots of arguing on the basis of politics at time, but sometimes it was just fucking nothing, to the point where she'd even admit that i didnt deserve that treatment its just. SIGHHHHH im over it at this point im just trying to get out atp yknow? but like
my sibling asks for LOTS of things. and they get all of them. money for computer parts? sure. money for literally any thing? sure. new game? sure
im not bitter about it, as long as my mom can afford it i dont care. but like....... whenever I ask for things, its usually a no
because of my BPD, i take rejection really hard, its the worst pain in the world so i kinda just stopped asking for anything at all to avoid the feeling. then they always are like "ohh what do you want for yr birthday we cant just get you nothing" but i actually DID ask for something on my birthday. i asked for a copy of pokemon black for the ds. it was the only thing ive directly asked for in years, and i didnt get it which is super embarrassing. like whats the point of bothering me about what i want if you dont listen to me when i do? they always get me what they THINK i want and its this really outdated version of me that doesnt even exist anymore, its makes me dissociate knowing thats what they see me as when im just not that anymore. even when i tell them its null
IDK its jsut a whole thing, idk how to feel about it anymore. its to the point where like. my friends take me out sometimes but i mean. they know im broke, they know i have no job, they know i have no income. but im terrified the entire time that theyre gonna like. ask me to pay or something, and i always do my best to just do nothing when we go out cuz i really like. even when they offer to get me things it makes me feel so fucking shitty man i feel like im just leeching off of them even when they offered. even when they tell me they like getting me things it just. it feels so bad. and GOD its embarrassing, when we're walking around stores and all im doing is just following them around because i have like FIVE DOLLARS in my pocket at most. things like that make me want to never leave my house again, it just sucks.
im jealous of them if im honest, because they have jobs and i dont. but i dont think? i genuinely am unsure id ever be able to get a job. im not well adjusted like them, im constantly dissociating, constantly tired, my sibling yesterday, i made a comment about my mom leaving without telling me at all and he was like "well she said she was leaving on the weekend didnt she?" like yes, she did, but i genuinely have no idea what day it is at any given point. all i know is the number, i dont know the day of the week ever.
like im so. fucked, im fucked! totally, even if i managed to get me shit together, relearn the days of the week, set a good sleep schedule, im fucked anyways because i dont know how to be a person at all. an interview sounds fucking terrifying, ESPECIALLY if i dont know the questions theyre going to ask. i do really REALLY poorly with actual human conversation, like its painful. and pretty much everyone around me thinks im kinda creepy or weird in some way, so theyd DEFINITELY be able to tell. i have no resume, i dont even know what that IS. like im so fucked!! i wasnt able to pass highschool, i cant partake in a conversation if i dont somehow have both sides planned perfectly.
little unsure about my odds, gotta be honest
but at the same time like? i keep hearing people say "if you cant work then get disability insurance" am i disabled? everyone around me tells me im just not trying hard enough. they laugh at me when i say i just cant. even if it covers mental illness, i? i dont know. im constantly in denial of things because my family specifically my mom like. a long time ago she told me i just couldnt be autistic, because im "too smart"
?????? it showed me immediately that she has absolutely no fucking idea what shes talking about ever, i bet she couldnt list more than 2 symptoms of autism like genuinely. im not even smart also????? maybe id be a genius, if i could retain information after 5 minutes 💀💀 its complete bullshit man, im just. im at a loss
and then they have the audacity to mock me for not knowing how to be a person in the world, when THEY shouldve taught me. it was THEIR job to help guide me through it, and they didnt. they laugh and roll their eyes and scoff when i tell them oh i dont know how to use a stove, i dont know what food stamps are i dont know how to dress for a job interview ETC
they expect ill know, that i wouldve jsut picked it up over time but surprise! i didnt. i need instruction i need CLEAR instruction and no one will give it to me. its so frustrating man, they suck ass and they just make me feel WORSE about myself. like good fucking god, give me a break
idk im just. exhausted. im tired of just cramming my problems down because the people around me are incapable of seeing me as anything other than a child, and children dont have problems, right? i have no right to complain if my backs constantly hurting, if im too tired to feed myself properly, if i cant leave my house for 2 seconds without feeling the deepest dread. like be so serious bro
i cant wait to fucking move out, but.. how? my friends said its okay if i cant always make enough money from art to pay rent, but no. i dont believe them at all. theyre just being nice to me and i dont even deserve that, i fucking refuse i cant just. im always dead weight, its so frustrating. it frustrates the people around me, too. i feel like such a fucking burden man, its so tiring. if its not things i just dont know how to do, its fear. oh i cant help clean the garage because its crawling with spiders, i cant take out the trash because the trash bins are crawling with spiders. i cant walk down the stairs because i saw a spider on the ground. they fucking hate me man
i know what they see me as, but i have no idea how to convince them that its not me. they think im rude because i dont know how to properly communicate, i say things and its rude to them and i feel bad because i didnt intend to come off that way. everyone thinks im selfish, they think im overdramatic. exaggerating. if they could live in my head for one day, they wouldnt think that anymore
its so exhausting because you dont even get any sort of sympathy from them! just like. awkward pity, and it makes me wish i was never born. never oh im sorry yr feeling that way, do you wanna talk about it? never
they see me as such an obvious burden but they? i dont know! i genuinely cant understand, they think i just have no complex emotions? they think i cant hear it, cant see it? they think i dont feel like a burden when they tell me i am. its so stupid
i cant stand being around anyone, and it just pushes me FURTHER into dissociation. ive got an interesting thing with that. see, typically when yr dissociate with a dissociative disorder like OSDD or DID, that hazy period in time opens up for another alter to front, you dissociate away and get tucked inside yr head. except i get maladaptive daydreams. so im fully dissociated in another world basically but im still physically present. its like i just always take up space thats never meant for me, in every conceivable way. i hate it.
i know, when i finish typing this, ill feel a lot better. which is just embarrassing, bpd fucking sucks. having no emotional permanence is EMBARRASSING when im over here crying on my knees about my problems and then the second i get it out i feel completely fine. it just makes me invalidate my very real emotions even further and its so.
im just. whatever.
just spit it out and stop looking that way
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Nostalia as college  degree or online  taxon  data, geocites ves, myspace  vs,  facebook  vs twitter verse tumblr, 
now we can only  have one accoutn on  a platform , lol, ( or  so we think) we cant act like the  trolls who  trolled us, in the same context as  Homestuck taught us,
actually, post war 1950 comics, in  repeated  high  school  and  college  university  examinations were tried and  tried again, to   be  used, to find the  voices of each  generation, just  as  Homestuck taught us, 
, themes are similar to my grandparents  games of  word  games, saduko, talking back and trolling culture, the trolls are after a  harvest of  data,
then  yes, most of it  doesnt work on a 1990 , 1980  audeince, as they were trolled to the  point of avoidence,  Disney  trolled us more, Niceoldieon  trolled us more, no 1980, 1990 person would actively want ot  get  trolled by a skilled  troll, we  give  wrong  answers all the time, , we were th e generation of 1990 ″ hmm,  yeah naa, but no”
in some instances a  tv show  or movie gave a particular culture  a  voice,  but then it  took it  back, the  Simpsons  gave native indigenous cultures a point ot  say, hey, they are mentioning  the  trashing of   the world and the neglect of  values,
the voice of the voiceless,  was the  troll paradise,
, in 1960 , 1970, 1980, 1990 audiences were too busy on our community clean ups, we went out with a bag each month to  clean up  our water ways, and then the governments  made a law to  stop average  citezins  form cleaning public land, so they  got people jobs ot  do the jobs we  did  for  free, and the the  council  worker  would troll us  and  follow us and stalk us  for  doing thier  job on their  day off , on a  weekend, on thier  day off, saying :LOL you again, i can do  a better job”
so then we  went online,  sick of   people trolling us and stalking us,
til then the governement worker realised where we  were and went online and  made  laws ot  stop us  being online, having  made us asll logging onto  a governemnt  database to   show our  locations day in day out in 2020,. what a  troll situation we have  gotten oueselves into, feeding trolls and   the  twitter,  thought, ah well we  dont  need peopel who  know  what  trolling  behaviour of  data  collection is, so ,  get them off twitter  before they tell the    mindless zombies what is  happening, , we  want  real answers, not,  tea pot poets,  sucking on  lemon tea, , as a few trolls  describe me as a  cave   dwelling   pixie,” 
hey  didint we  learn  form  30  years of internet,  1980 1990 2000;s  the  etiquette  rules were, “ dont   reveal our identities”,  dont  give location,  dont  do  mindless time online,  letting a  data  app know  why  you swipes left and  right, 
but  sure we  put  our information into   “homestuck name finder”, , “what  percentage of  troll  are  we,”  what  taxon data   . “:homestuck  fanfiction  generator “
for  1990 internet, we were too busy on
1 chat forums and
2 internet  games ( that took 2 hours ot load) and  5 to 30  minutes ot play
3,  9 to  5  job,
4,and planning a gardening landscape type job for their parents retirment home, as it was the in thing to walk around  town collecting   garbage,
some peopels  garbage was  like a nostalgia  trip,  walking around in the garbage   dump pit at the  end of the  street , where  people  dumped all their collectables, then,  we  would   have had such a wonderous  supply of information,
and then  the  same govemerment troll who found out, now owns a nostaligia shop, with everything  we  threw out of our house from when we  were  kids to  adults,,
the point about 1990s was that it  was pure mass produced saturation, to the  point  everyone  had bart simpson underwaer, shirts, hats
the lisa  simpson  motivaiton of  going to college,  was  also a  motivaiton of many
..,our assignments at university / college in 1980/ 1990 was  to  examine our own clique, we had  just gotten out of the  mod, or hippie era of classic  batman puns about saving the  world and  bouregouisee. vs corporate culture, non of us  joined the corporate  culture, so , or  own  circle of  friends, the  nerd, the goth, the mods, we were too busy, creating our own fanfictions in 1990 as well,
our  colege  course in 1980 / 1990  depended on self, other and  community, , self identity,community identity, not  realising that, the governement troll  was hoping  we  would get  a job out of  our “nostalgia  degrees” in looking into  our pasts, we would not  have had a clue the troll was after a nostalgia hit,  , to have realised what movies and tv shows were about in 1990 to  feed the troll,  
but we  did our  best to  tarnish all the past,  lol,
but  middway through 1990, 1998,  when the  internet  took  hold and  everyone  was online , well 25% of the   world online, ,
(side note),, in also most  govemrnets in free nations like america and  australia UK canada, banned studies of popular culture and history, so the  governement troll, took a  deep dive into  every university course around th e world, and  got  paid to  do that job of  trolling,
 during a global university  crack  down on  college degrees where the end result was, , us, of the  trolled audeince, we were the data worth  finding  for, so our jobs ended up as online  blogging, travel bologs,  all  day for  40 years,
lol its fun and its fun to  have many variations of  ourselves online,
so, yes, some of the  1990;s culture of  repeat  1950 post  war  Batman, marvel,  super heroes ,  crime fighting  ninja  schools of displaced, and oppressed individuals,  who had no  friends in   real life and
we only knew people online, we  didint  know  our  neighbour,  is the  genre of  connection that  most  1990 audiences  knew about,  
the only people Homestuck would trigger is the parents of the 1990 teenagers without  headphones  like that are readily available in  2022,
“ parents i assume who  had to  listen to repeat showing of said nostaligia  “ lampshading”
one movie example would be the movie  Pearl Habour, with its loudness and, love theme nostalgia for the  1940 crowd, who  have  since moved on from the  nursing home to  be  replaced by  50  year olds,  who love their classic  1980, 1990 shows, that  dan schnieder  churns out on  nickelodian .lol
nursing home  
dental plan,
Disney owns all,. yet one thing  that, a troll never understands, is that online life is  way different ot the person who does the  data entry, its  why, the money  made from   civid lockdown caused a  global recession, cos  just like homestuck, there are over,  870K gender identies online,  enough  to  give  a troll  of internet life of data entry a many “matrix obsession”,  of too many lose ends, no real  data matched the  real  data, that  covid  tracing  tried to  find, i think that is the best  lesson learnt  form  current Homestuck  stories and fanfiction generated plot lines , and  gaming  culture, that,  recite the lines in the fanfictions as well
Name Llamamiji  Brood
Blood color: deep blue Lusus: a rook Interests: zombie films Trollian handle: crookedTinker Strife specibus: axkind God Tier: Maid of Void Land: Land of Valleys and Artifacts Consorts: purple newts Denizen: Hecate Dreams on: Derse
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rommahh · 3 years
I Carry Your Heart
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Harry Styles x Reader
Word Count: 4k
{Ahhhh ok so this is my first work like ever. There will definitely be a second part because ive got more to say and it needs a second part. I hope whoever sees and reads this imagine enjoys it. I appreciate comments, likes, reblogs, ideas on what could go into the story, and any form of help and redirection as to how i should write things. Much love, R.}.
Part two
All Y/N wanted tonight was to hang out with her boyfriend, eat a mass amount of junk food, and watch a marvel movie or two. That was all she wanted and that was all she asked of her boyfriend. Instead of any of that happening, she found herself sitting on the nasty kitchen island of her boyfriend's frat at a party that she was trying to avoid going to.
This party was supposedly ‘the party of the year.’ The last rager before finals and then christmas break. Y/N had spent the whole week studying and finishing up end of semester projects hence the want for a chill night. When Harry came to her saying his frat was throwing a party tonight and that he just HAD to be here, Y/N didn't feel like she had a choice but to let him go. She came because she thought this would be the only time she would be able to have some time with Harry after a long week of barely seeing each other. With two vastly different majors, the couple wasnt able to find a lot of time in the middle of school work to make time for just the two of them. Obviously her hopes of quality time with her man were futile because here she was sitting by herself in the kitchen of the frat while Harry drank and got high with his friends in other parts of the house.
Of course she was disappointed. She felt a knot in her throat and a weight on her chest just sitting there in that kitchen. Her white claw was warm now- not that it was any cold when she opened it. She was starting to form a small headache from the too loud music and the ache in her heart was growing.
She stood from the countertop on the search for her boyfriend, hoping he wasn't too far gone from sober. Wiping the back of her jeans from anything that was left on the island, she began walking around the house. She doesn't remember the last time the two of them spent time together by themselves. Of course they occasionally ate dinner together in the dining hall but they were normally surrounded by friends. Y/N wanted to be alone with her boyfriend to talk and bask in his presence.
After pushing through groups of partying humans, she found Harry and at least ten other people sitting around playing some sort of drinking game.
“Y/N! Where have you been?” Luca, one of Harry's frat brothers yelled out to her from the circle. Luca was cool, he was one of the only tolerable boys in this frat aside from Harry. Hearing his girlfriend's name, Harry turned around from where he sat on the ground and reached out for his girlfriend to sit beside him. Much to Y/N’s dismay, Harry was wasted. His eyes were half mass and his words bumped and slurred together. “We are playing truth or dare, wanna play?” Luca asked.
“I don't wanna play but Ill sit and watch.” Sitting next to her boyfriend, she grabbed one of his hands holding it in her lap. She was annoyed at him but it did her no good to show it when he was this drunk.
This game of truth or dare was childish. Dares of licking people's shoes and taking multiple shots had been done and truths about money and relationships were being spilled among the group. It had finally become Harry’s turn to do something, making Y/N tense.
“Ok Harry, I dare you to…” One drunk frat boy started looking around the room trying to come up with something clever. His eyes landed on a pretty girl in the room, Yara, a stuck up girl who for sure got her way no matter what. “I dare you to kiss the hottest girl in the room- obviously not your girlfriend because that defeats the purpose.” The frat boy smirked knowing what his intentions were. Everyone in the group giggles and gasped shocked by the dare but ready to see what was going to go down. Y/N’s brows furrowed as she became angry with the stupid dare.
The ache in her chest seemed to tip over the edge when she felt her boyfriend in the room move to stand up. She grabbed at the bottom of his shirt as a way of stopping him. Harry halted his movements to look down at his girlfriend. He giggled a little.
“You’re not actually going to do this right?” She asked Harry with wide eyes of shock. Harry laughed at her like she made a joke, making her heart hurt even more.”Harry I do not want you to do this just take the shot and lose the dare.” Her tone held warning.
“Don't be silly of course I'm going to. It's just a dare, nothing serious. Don't be so clingy.” He stood walking over to Yara and planted a wet kiss on her mouth. Yara gripped Harry’s shirt and kissed him harder. The kiss went on for a few more seconds, the room absolutely silent out of shock. Harry stepped back from Yara slightly sobering up from his actions. Yara smirked at Y/N, hand gliding down the front of Harry's shirt.
Y/N stood from the seat she was in and scoffed. Scoffed because she should've known Harry would do something like this. Scoffed because it hurt to see her boyfriend do something so careless without any regard for his girl's feelings. She pulled herself together, feeling her throat tighten once again. She was quick to leave the room and down the hall of the frat.
Harry's clumsy steps could be heard from behind her as he mumbled her name. Or at least he tried to. He was still so out of it, his words not making much sense. Y/N was crying now, the strength that she had slowly dissolving as she walked further away from her boyfriend.
“Y/N wait. P-please wait. I cant-” Harry stumbled over his legs behind her falling into the grass of the front yard. The girl couldn't help but turn around looking at her stupid boyfriend. She was choking on sobs now. She wasn't crying over a measly little kiss but over an extreme amount of burnout from school and exhaustion from simply existing. She was crying because her boyfriend ignored her boundaries, crushing and erasing the boundaries she had set in their relationship. Harry tried reaching for her once she had stopped walking. His hand clasped around her wrist, he laid his head down on her shoulder. He hated seeing her cry even if he was too drunk to see why.
“Baby don't leave, Im-Im Sorry.” He hiccuped and burped due to the alcohol. Y/N felt her rage build. Shoving Harry off of her, she crossed her arms across her chest as a way to shield herself from Harry physically. He was hurt by her distance and the wall she put up around her.
“You're an idiot Harry. An idiot!” her sobs grew louder, some stray party goers watching in amusement- some even snapchatting it for shits and giggles. “I didnt want you to kiss her and you did. What provoked you to think that was ok? All I wanted was for us to hang out tonight and just be us and you did this!” She was yelling now. Her hurt is beyond her now. Anger and rage simmered throughout her body making her head dizzy and her fingers curl within themselves. She didnt like being angry. It wasn't an emotion she liked acting on, it felt impersonal.
“Baby I don't under-” Before Harry could finish his sentence he was barfing at his feet. Y/N stepped back disgusted with her boyfriend. She couldn't even feel remorseful because of how angry she was. Luca, the frat brother from earlier, caught up with Harry and his girl only to find Harry doubled over heaving. Luca wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders.
“I'm sorry Luca but I can't do this tonight. Can you please make sure he gets some water and goes to bed. I-I can't do it tonight, I wish I could but I can't.” Y/N didn't want to leave her boyfriend in this state but she didn't deserve this. She wasn't going to care for her drunk boyfriend when all she wanted to do was care for herself. Selfishly, she enjoyed seeing him this way because of the anger he caused her.
Luca shook his head in understandment. “Of course, I'm really sorry for tonight. He's going to seriously regret this in the morning, especially since it will be circulating all over snapchat in the morning.” Luca waved to Y/N then proceeded to pull Harry into the house. Harry called out for Y/N not wanting to be away from her but Luca pulled him harder.
Harry woke up the next morning feeling like the bottom of a dumpster. He wasn't shocked by that. He knew he got trashed last night, he had planned to. He, just like Y/N, spent all week studying and completing projects while also fulfilling certain responsibilities for his frat. He wanted one night to be a normal teen. So he drank and drank and drank and maybe even smoked some weed. As he tried to recall last night's events he came up with nothing. He didn't understand why Y/N wasn't here with him like she normally would after a party on the weekend. They were normally always together during the weekend. A bad feeling loomed over him. He could tell something wasn't right but decided to put his feelings to the side.
He saw a bottle of water beside his bed making him think she was probably here and left early. Chugging the water he started to go through his socials to see if anyone had posted about the party. He had multiple tagged pics and videos in his notifications from snapchat. Way more than he normally would.
The first video he saw was a video of him and Y/N standing in the front yard of the frat house. Turning the volume all the way up he could hear Y/N yelling, it shocked him. She doesn't normally raise her voice, especially not at him. The angle changed showing her face which was red with anger, eyes filled with unshed tears. He could hear her yelling about him kissing someone else. He felt his heart stop. He had kissed someone else? On the next snap was a picture of him keeled over vomiting on his shoes with the caption saying, ‘are yall seeing this shit?’ Harry was embarrassed but he was more concerned than anything.
His head was hurting but it didn't stop him from rolling out of bed, washing up, and putting on a fresh set of clothes. He checked his phone hoping Y/N had messaged him but nothing was there. He walked into the kitchen only to see luca sitting at the counter eating cereal.
“Hey Harry….” Luca said warily. Luca pushed the cereal around his bowl feeling the tension begin to rise in the room. He felt horrible about his friends.
“Luca...what's up?” Harry was confused by Lucas' wariness.
“So do you remember anything about last night?” Luca asked, setting his cereal down in the sink behind him. Harry started playing with the frayed edges of a bracelet Y/N made for him. It had little beads with her name on it. They made them together at an event on campus.
“I don't, I only saw the videos of Y/N screaming at me. I think I fucked up but I- I don't know what happened.” Harry's cheek flushed with even more embarrassment. Luca awkwardly chuckled scratching the back of his neck.
“You got dared to kiss the hottest girl in the room and um actually did it in front of Y/N...even though she didn't want you to. Which led you guys outside and yeah you know the rest...Im sorry dude, I wish I had stopped you.”
“Who- who did I kiss?” Harrys stomach lurched when he heard Yara’s name come out of Lucas' name. Y/N didn't like Yara and it was understandable. Yara has been pining after Harry since their first year of college. Harry couldn't breathe. He felt disgusted with himself. He could only imagine how Y/N was feeling.
Y/N woke up the same morning, eyes puffy and crusty from tears and head hurting. She probably cried herself into dehydration. She was lucky enough to have no roommate because she wouldn't have wanted someone else to see her breakdown. She still couldn't believe last night went down the way it went down. She couldn't tell if she was just being overdramatic or if her emotions were in the right place. She didn't want to be mad at Harry. He was everything to her, she had an odd connection to him. Meeting him during their freshman welcome week they quickly became best friends with a growing romantic connection in the mix. They started dating before Christmas break. They had grown close so fast that he even came home with her to meet her family for the first few days of break.  Even though they were in their junior year of college, Y/N could see them beyond college. She's imagined them getting married, travelling, sharing a home. She saw the whole future with him. She had her doubts though. He was immature just like every other boy in college. He was dumb with his actions and tended to only do things if they benefited him. He had a lot of growing to do as a person, so did she but she wanted to grow with him.
She heard a knock on her door hesitating to answer it because one, it could be Harry, and two, she looked like a wreck. Answering anyways, she was met with a very sorry looking Harry holding a small coffee and bagel from their cafe.
“Hi baby…” He sheepishly said holding out the items. She silently let him through the door not once looking him in the eye. He stepped into her room, setting her treats on her desk. He could see that her bed was messy meaning she recently woke up. Y/N never went about her day without making her bed. He turned back to her and finally their eyes met. He took in all of her facial features, from her puffy eyes, to her downturned lips that looked chapped, to her flushed cheeks that longed to be held for warmth. He hated to see her like this, the last time he saw her so upset was when her parents moved out of her childhood home. It took alot to make Y/N this upset. She was normally really headstrong and vigilant. She knew how to ease her way out of problematic situations and could talk her way through anything.
Harry opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Y/N holding her hand up in front of his face. “Don't talk. I'm really hurt Harry, so if your plan was to come over here and apologize over bagels- think again.” She snapped, backing up to put space between the two of them. She sat down on her bed while Harry pulled the desk chair out and sat down. He much preferred to be on the bed with her holding her tight but he didn't want to overstep boundaries.
“Love, I don't know where to begin. I'm really sorry for what happened last night. I was really drunk and obviously wasn't in the right headspace.” Harry reached out and touched the tips of her fingers with his. She wanted to move but it felt good to be touched by Harry.
“I told you that a measly little apology won't do Harry. I didn't want you to kiss Yara and you did anyway. You know how Yara feels about you and you just let it happen!” She pulled her hand away remembering the prior night's events. Harry felt himself getting angry too. He felt like he needed to defend himself- even though it would be a very bad idea.
“I think you're being over dramatic.” Wrong move Harry. “It wasn't like I was making out with her!”
“You're joking right?” She scoffed and scooted further up her bed to create more distance. “Harry it's the simple fact that you did something that made me uncomfortable that shouldn't have even happened. I see myself getting married to you and it makes me worry that right now in our relationship you can't respect my boundaries!” She yelled. Harry’s eyes widened as he laughed sarcastically.
“Married? What the fuck are you on about? I'm a junior in college. In what world would it make sense for me to be prepping a relationship for marriage? Once again I think you're being over dramatic.” Her eyes watered hearing Harry's statement.
“I- I guess I'm the only one in this relationship thinking about the future? I thought we were on the same page. I'm not planning our marriage now, obviously. I'm thinking about how elements of our relationship now could play out in the future when we do want to get married. You cheated on me last night. I went to a party you begged ME to go to only to be there for you. I wanted to be here cuddling with you, pigging out on fast food but I was at a party with you and got cheated on!” Her volume rises once again, making Harry shove his chair from underneath him when he stands up.
“You're doing too much right now. I'm not planning a future right now because I don't want this future! I want to be myself without thinking about how to appease my girlfriend. I invited you to the party so you could lighten the fuck up. I love you, I do, but I'm not thinking of marriage and futures. I'm thinking about my life right now and having fun.” Harry snapped right back at her. Her chin wobbled. Obviously her and Harry were on different pages. It hurt so much to hear him say that he didn't want a future with her. Harry didn't mean it though.
“Ok, well I guess that's my fault for assuming we were thinking along the same lines. Um, I don't want to hold you back from being yourself so with that being said, you are a free man Harry.” She pushed herself up from her bed walking to the door ready to escort Harry out.
“Huh? Love, what?” Harry was confused on how they got to this point. Just a few days ago they were in love, meeting in the library to share a lunch and exchanging sweet words determined by their love.
“Listen I have a day full of exams tomorrow so if you could just leave that would be best. You don't really want this so I'm letting you go, Harry.” She had tears rolling down her face, falling from her eyes down to her chin where they fell to the ground in droplets. Harry’s eyes welled up watching his love cry before him.
“I don't-”
“Harry, leave, please.” She opened the door making room for him to go through. He walked through the door turning to look at her. She turned her face away from him whispering a small goodbye before shutting the door. Harry was left in the silent hallway, so silent he could hear his thoughts and the tears hitting the tile floor beneath him. He thinks he stood there for at least thirty more minutes before accepting what had happened and walking away.
Leaving Y/N in her room sobbing like she had never done before. Her tears coated her face and she thought her head could explode right then and there. She didn't want to accept what had happened but she had priorities. She composed herself enough to start studying for her exams.
The week rolled by quickly, Monday meeting Friday in a flash. Exams were done and Christmas break was on the horizon. Students were piling off of campus in a hurry ready to get home to their loved ones. People were outside by cars loading up their winter necessaries and saying their goodbyes to their close friends.
Harry cried everyday this week. He wasn't normally a crier. He hated crying, he hated the feeling of crying and the headache that came from it. He cried because he realized how wrong he was. He missed Y/N. He missed finals week dinner together where they tried to get off campus at least once and be alone for a moment. He missed watching her relax while eating food that wasn't from their school's cafeteria. He would pay for their meal just so she could have one less thing to worry about. They would normally get frozen yogurt right after too, Y/N getting as many toppings as she wanted because Harry would be the one paying. He missed her tight after exam hugs. She would squeeze his shoulders tight, smiling into his neck, telling him how proud she was of him. She would bring him tea in the morning when they met for breakfast. Sometimes they would spend the night in one or the others room so they could have time together to destress and just talk.
Y/N wasn't doing any better. She normally went into exam week feeling confident. She studied too hard not to. But this week she felt like shit. Her heart hurt and she kept thinking about the fight. She feels like she overreacted but hearing Harry talk about their lack of a future hurt nonetheless. She really assumed that they did have a future that included marriage and a life together. She didn't understand where his sudden lack of commitment came from. She regretted dumping him but at the same time she wished he did more to get them back together but he was silent. He hasn't contacted her at all and avoided all of their spots on campus all together.
She stood by her car prepping for her six hours car ride back home. Packing away her clothes and some essentials in the trunk of her car, she heard light footsteps behind her. Closing her trunk she turned to see Harry standing with his hands in his pockets.  
“Hi.” He said. She looked at him, putting her own hands in her pockets. It was cold outside, the nippy air hinting at a possibility of snow.
“Hi Harry.” They shared a moment of silence together. Just staring at each other. It felt good to be near each other again. They felt like they could breathe again.
“I had to see you before you left. I know the break is only a month but I didn't want to leave without seeing you.” He replied quietly. She made him feel so shy. Her beauty always made him awestruck. Even in a hoodie with their college's logo and some large sweatpants and some fuzzy crocs, she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.
“I don't know what to say harry.”
“It's ok. I don't deserve anything from you after what I said. I just wanted to apologize and wish you a good break before you left. I also wanted to give you this.” He pulled a small box and envelope out of the front pocket of his backpack. “I know we agreed on no presents but I think thats a dumb rule and I love you too much to not get you something.” She smiled at his words, taking the gift from his hands.
“Thank you Harry, it means a lot to me. So what are your plans for a break?” She asked him, the tension that was in the air slowly dissipating.
“I couldn't get a flight home until next wednesday so i'll stay here on campus until then.” He shrugged.
“Oh ok. Well tell Anne I said hi. I have to go Harry but I'll see you after the break, ok?” She didn't want to leave him but she didn't want to drive through the dark.
“Ok, love. Drive safe. I lov- I mean have a good break.” Her chest tightened at his hesitation. She wants to hear him say the words but she knows he won't.
“Have a good break Harry.” She whispered. Before getting in her car she stood on her toes placing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Rubbing her thumb across his cheek and turning away and into her car.
She drove away knowing that her heart was left in that parking lot in the hands of someone she loves way too much.
Harry stood in the parking lot watching his heart drive away for winter wanting nothing more than to be with her.
Part two
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thedeathdeelers · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where... Luke and Julie aren't soulmates...
But then....
They actually are :)
lmao of course
so this kinda just kept on going and idk what happened but uh — it’s longer than I expected so under the cut we go yay
julie and luke live in a world where everyone gets a letter at the age of 18 from this one millennia old family run company that tells them who their soulmate is — they base this information on everything about you: age, passion, where you live, your culture, your likes and dislikes — heck even based on your DNA. it has such a flawless success rate that there have been rumours for decades (nay, centuries) that this ‘family’ is made up of gods & demi-gods, of witches and faeries, of literally every magical mythical creature known to man.
BUT ANYWAY so julie and luke are childhood best friends. they met in kindergarten — he pulled her hair, she scolded him, he shrunk in size (even tho his eyes got super large staring at the girl with the pretty girl shout at him) and then she gave him one of her cookies: instant best friends. they grow up together, spend every weekend at each others’ houses.
it’s your classic childhood best friends to 👀 something hinting at lovers 👀
so things change between them a little once they hit those formative teen years, where everyone can tell there’s chemistry between them (particularly two stubborn bandmates who say they ooze chemistry (reg stop saying that) (it’s true alex!). they keep toeing the line of best friends and something more, but neither wants to make a move until it’s official and they get that letter that seals their fate (literally everyone and their grandma think, no scratch that, know, that julie and luke are meant to be: soulmates. 100%. their letters will 100% have each others’ names on them)
and then. on luke’s 18th. he gets a letter. he doesn’t show it to anyone. julie asks to see but he won’t let her. it gets awkward.
fast forward to julie’s 18th, things are still weird with luke, they haven’t been the same since his birthday, but she figures maybe once she sees his name in her letter, they could maybe talk it out and figure things out and hope for the best
she opens her letter and....finds another name neatly written in a loopy font, front and centre — Nick [insert last name here].
and she’s stumped. she knows nick. thought she might have had a passing crush on him for maybe 10 minutes that one time in junior year, but then completely forgot about him the moment luke had walked back into their classroom and sat down next to her, launching into yet another impassioned speech about music connecting everyone to everything etc etc.
but now this letter is telling her that nick is the one....and it’s a lot. she’s crushed, heartbroken. doesn’t know what to do, cant even talk to her best friend about it because he’s avoiding her and- oh. she finally understands why. her name wasn’t on that letter. maybe whoever it was asked him to distance himself from her.
drama drama pining angst
she eventually picks herself back up and gives the nick thing a try (her mom and dad were the most perfect soulmates she’d ever seen, and they were matched by those letters. who wrong could her match be?) so when nick approaches her the next day like “so.....soulmates?” she goes with it.
julie and luke are back on speaking terms ish, especially since, yknow, band practice and music and stuff. alex and reggie feel like things aren’t the same anymore but they try to give their friends space. they don’t bring up the oozing of the chemistry anymore and try to keep things as lighthearted as possible around the two.
it’s all getting a little better - julie gets along with nick (spark is still missing tho), luke looks like he’s doing fine with Jessica (spark is also missing). they trudge along, practice like crazy and just fully focus on their music, hoping to ignore the feeling that they’re with the wrong people (the letters are never wrong. those who choose to ignore their letters and chase their own significant other always end up breaking up or screwing up because the letter is never wrong).
so jatp are full steam ahead — desperately trying to find a gig — until they do. they’re all hyped. they open up with bright, follow that up with flying solo, then edge of great — and close it out with finally free. and this is where it gets intense - this is where both luke and julie are confronted with how unhappy they are with their ‘soulmates’ — it’s where they realise it’s just..not cutting it for them. because what juke have with each other when they’re singing to each other while staring into each others’ eyes...it’s magic. it’s something else — there are no words.
so they break up with their respective soulmates (kinda frowned upon in their society). it’s difficult and complicated (especially with luke who has drama with parents cause ‘how could you! it’s the only stable thing you have in your life the letter says so!’ but julie has her father’s full support).
they both feel extremely guilty, their respective soulmates feeling betrayed and it’s just not done yknow? but they’ve both made the decision to break it off and stick to it.
and even though they’re scared to start something that hasn’t been decreed to be the perfect match, they tentatively dance around each other whenever they’re alone together. fingers brushing, sitting closer to each other. glances. etc
but they’re scared they might screw it up like all the other people throughout history who went against their letters. cause the band. their friendship. it’s all super important to them.
and so a year or two maybe pass by and it’s just...adjusting to a new routine.
until one late night as they’re finishing off a ballad for their new album, julie looks up from her sheet music and finds luke, his face barely inches away, staring at her with this kind of wonder and awe and it’s so soft and — the big kiss happens. and it’s explosive and mind blowing and neither can breathe properly when they pull away, foreheads resting against each other, eyes closed.
and they’re both confused and happy and torn and— how could the soulmate letter get it wrong? they question everything about this world but decide that, yknow what, they’re going against the universe, against the norm. what they have is real, what they have is special and they refuse to waste it.
they got this.
and then fast forward to a few years when these two are making waves and jatp are getting famous and juke, the infamous non-soulmates soulmates are getting married, the big company hears about them and investigates
on the day of their wedding, julie receives a letter. it’s very similar to the letter and she’s curious and stressed but she opens it anyway with shaking fingers and-
“Dear Ms. Molina,
Please let us begin by profusely apologising for the letter we sent you on your 18th birthday on the 12th of January, 2024. Please understand that this has never happened, ever, in the history of our company and we can’t even begin to imagine what we have put you through.
We would like to officially inform you that your 100% perfect match, your soulmate, is not Nick [insert last name here], but one Luke M. Patterson.
Again we apologise blah blah blah blah”
Julie stops reading the moment she sees Luke’s name, dropping the paper from her hands and bursting out of the hotel suite she’s changing in, wedding dress on and all. she barely makes it one step out when she’s blocked by a warm solid body.
He’s holding a similar sheet of paper in his hand and he’s breathless and eyes wide and staring at her that same way he did all those years ago and...
“Told you the universe was wrong.”
She throws her arms around him, pulls him down to her level, and kisses him senseless.
the end
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It’s the Thought that Counts
Aelin Galathynius x Rowan Whitethorn - Birthday Oneshot
All Rowan wants to do is throw a surprise party for his girlfriend, but that becomes increasingly difficult as every possible thing that could go wrong—goes wrong.
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I wrote this for my birthday on the fifth, but I couldn't wait until then to post it, Enjoy!
Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language, Light NSFW
4476 words
“Are you serious?”
If Rowan’s hair wasn’t already silver, it would’ve been by the end of the day from all the stress this was putting him through.
Looking into the open cake box in Fenrys’ hands, he just stared at the inscription atop what was supposed to be a birthday cake for Aelin.
“What? What’s wrong?” Fenrys tried to lean over the lid of the box but it was tall enough to block his view.
“Did you even look at it before you left the store? Before you paid for it?” It took all of Rowan’s self-control not to scream. How many more things could go wrong today?
Fenrys shifted uneasily, noticing Rowan’s slipping control. “Uh, no. I was already running late, and you said to get back here as soon as possible to help finish setting up.”
All Rowan could do was let out a long, slow breath.
“This. Says. Alien.”
The blonde man holding the cake snorted, “what?”
“The cake says ‘Happy Birthday, Alien’”
“Seriously?” Fenrys was quick to put the box down on a nearby table so he could stand next to Rowan and look at it. “Shit. They even put little green Martians on it.”
All Rowan wanted to do was throw a surprise party for his girlfriend.
Was that really too much to ask? Apparently, so.
A couple of months ago Aelin had mentioned how she’d always wanted a surprise party, but of course, you cant ask for a surprise party because then it’s no longer a surprise.
Rowan took the hint and decided to plan something special for her birthday. He even got all their friends to help, and if everything had gone to plan then it would have been a perfect day.
Too bad he couldn’t catch a break.
Rowan had made a list of everything they needed to do, buy, and plan. It was an extensive list because he knew that a party for Aelin had to be perfect. Not because she had impossibly high standards—well, she did, but that wasn’t why it had to be perfect—it was because he loved her and wanted to show her how much he appreciated her on her birthday.
And he thought it would be the icing on the cake—pun intended—to have all their friends involved too. That’s why he was making calls to all of them about what they each needed to do for the party.
First, he got Lorcan and Elide to pick up the golden balloon arch that was going to be at the entrance of the park he’d reserved for the day. By the time he got on the phone with Lorcan, Rowan was already exasperated from having to deal with the city planning office in order to reserve the particular park and gazebo.
“Lorcan, I need you in charge of the—” Rowan broke off, hearing a loud crackling from the other end of the phone.
“You’re cutting off, wha— you say?” Lorcan’s voice was halting as the call cut in-and-out
“I was saying, I need you to cover the balloons.”
“The balloon canopy.”
“The bo—, ca—”
“Yeah, we need a golden balloon canopy.”
“Okay, fine. I— got the— boun— ca—”
“Shit. Can you hear me?” Rowan pulled his phone away to check his service. It was fine from his end, it must be Lorcan’s phone being spotty.
When Rowan put the phone back to his ear, he could hear rustling and the sound of a car door opening and closing, and then the connection cleared.
“Yeah, man. I heard you. But, are you sure Aelin wants that?” Lorcan sounded skeptical.
“What? Yeah, of course, it’ll be great.” Rowan was already getting impatient, knowing he had a few more errands to run before he could relax.
“Whatever. She’s your girlfriend, and it’s your credit card.”
Rolling his eyes, Rowan muttered, “Thank you for your generous help, Lorcan.” then heard someone scolding Lorcan and grinned before saying loud enough for the other person to hear, “Thank you, Elide!”
Rowan hung up and mentally checked off the balloons. What was next?
“Aedion, please, I need you to keep Aelin busy for the day.”
Aedion and Lysandra had come over to Rowan and Aelin’s apartment for dinner, and Rowan had dragged Aedion into the kitchen to talk about that weekend’s plan.
Taking a sip of his beer, Aedion raised an eyebrow at him, “Won’t she wonder why her boyfriend is avoiding her on her birthday?”
Rowan rolled his eyes. “I won’t be avoiding her. You will very adamantly request to take your cousin to lunch for her birthday, and who am I to get in the way of family?”
Aedion snorted but nodded. “Yeah, okay. Lys and I can take her out.”
“No, Lys can’t be there.”
“What?” Aedion looked at him bewildered. “Why not?”
Rowan sighed. “Because if Lysandra is there with you, then Aelin will wonder why I’m not there with her. If it’s just you and Aelin, then she won’t think it’s weird that I’m gone. Besides,” Rowan took another sip of beer, “I’ll need Lys’ help during the day to set up that slideshow.”
The slideshow Rowan had asked Aedion and Lysandra to make using pictures of Aelin that would play during the party. The one that Aedion wasn’t going to tell Rowan hadn’t been started yet. “Yeah, okay. I’ll invite Aelin to come get lunch with me.”
One more thing off Rowan’s list.
The morning of the party Rowan asked Fenrys to go pick up Aelin’s cake. It was supposed to be a chocolate and hazelnut cake with the top decorated with kingsflame blossoms and say, “Happy Birthday Aelin.”
Rowan was distracted with setting up decorations and directing their friends to put away the things they brought. Dorian and Manon were in charge of getting the alcohol. Chaol and Yrene were bringing deserts because when it came to Aelin there could never be enough sweets. Fenrys helped Rowan bring out the rest of the food, before being sent off to pick up the cake.
Rowan did a quick scan, mentally checking off everyone. Besides the people he could see, he knew Lysandra was in the gazebo finishing up the slideshow, Aedion was out distracting Aelin, and Elide and Lorcan would be here any minute with the balloons.
Letting out a breath, Rowan smiled. Things seemed to be coming together.
Busy showing Dorian where the coolers for the drinks were, he was too distracted to do more than wave a ‘hello’ to Lorcan and Elide as Lorcan’s truck pulled up to the park. Rowan decided they were smart enough to figure out how to set up a balloon arch—or at least Elide could read the directions to a grumbling Lorcan, so Rowan spent the next half hour with other parts of the setup.
After he finished hanging up the screen they were going to use for the picture slideshow, Rowan went to check on the balloons.
He made it two steps out of the large gazebo and stopped in his tracks.
“What the fuck is this?” Rowan exclaimed, gaping at the large monstrosity in front of him.
Instead of looking at a beautiful, arched balloon canopy, he was looking at a massive, inflatable, child’s bouncy castle.
“What do you mean ‘what the fuck is this?’” Lorcan asked, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead and stepping around the side of the castle. “This is what you asked for.”
“This is not what I asked for.” Rowan could feel his mouth still hanging open and quickly shut it.
Elide looked at Rowan in confusion. “Rowan, you did ask for this. I mean, I definitely thought it was weird that Aelin would want a blow-up bounce house for her birthday, but when Lor asked if you were sure, you insisted it was right.”
Rowan tried to remember that particular conversation. He had so many details in his head and too many people in charge of different things.
“Shit.” The phone call was coming back to Rowan to now. “We kept getting cut off. Shit,” He ran an exasperated hand through his hair making it all stand up on end. He swung around towards Lorcan who looked at him with raised brows. “What did you think I was asking you to get?”
Lorcan slowly looked between the bouncy house and Rowan. “You asked me to get a Bounce Castle.”
For fucks sake.
“I asked you to get a Balloon Canopy.”
Elide’s mouth opened in an ‘O’ and Lorcan said nothing until a moment later he was laughing, bent over at the waist.
“You wanted balloons, and now Galathynius has a bounce castle.” He managed between breaths, ignoring Rowan’s fuming look. It took Elide elbowing him in the side to get him to stop laughing.
“I don’t have time for this. Fix this.” Rowan waved his arms around at the massive blow-up castle, and then he turned around to find something he could actually focus on, trying his best to ignore the increasingly greying clouds in the sky.
“You still paying?” Lorcan called after him.
He let out a string of curses. “Yes.”
Rowan just barely heard the sound of air being let out of the castle as he walked away.
A shriek drew Rowan’s attention away from the chairs he was unfolding. He turned towards the gazebo to see Lysandra throw a small ice bucket, mostly filled with water at this point, at the screen Rowan had set up earlier.
The screen that was on fire.
Running in to help, Rowan saw that the candles placed around it had been lit—why the hell would someone already light them? The wind must’ve blown the screen too close causing it to catch fire.
He reached Lysandra just as she threw another bucket of icy water on the screen, dousing the rest of the flames.
“Are you okay?” He looked over Lysandra, but she just seemed shocked and irritated.
“I’m fine.” She gave him a reassuring nod before scowling at the destroyed screen. “This, though, is pretty much dead.” she sighed and closed her laptop she was using to work on the slideshow. “It doesn’t look like we’ll be showing pictures today, Rowan.”
He rubbed at his face. Fine. Okay. He could deal with this. They had a children��s bounce house and no slideshow. That was fine. As long as nothing else went wrong, he could deal with it.
As if in response to his thought, the day began to dim as clouds moved to cover the sun. If Rowan didn’t look at the heavy clouds, they would disappear.
That was when Fenrys came back with the cake.
“Alien?! I can’t give my girlfriend a birthday cake that’s calling her an Alien!”
Fenrys almost wanted to laugh at how ridiculous Rowan looked with his hair sticking up and face all red, but he knew this was just the latest in a list of ‘things gone wrong’ and was worried that if he laughed then he wouldn’t live to see the birthday girl.
“Maybe she’ll find it funny,” Fenrys suggested.
Rowan slowly turned toward him with an almost crazed look in his eye. “Funny? You think Aelin will find all this,” he waved his hands at the deflating bounce house, charred hanging screen, and the horribly incorrect cake, “Funny?”
“...Maybe?” Honestly, Fenrys thought Aelin would find it all hilarious but decided to keep his mouth shut. He knew how much work and energy Rowan put into this party, and he worried for his friend’s mental state as he counted all the things that had already gone wrong.
Rowan just dropped his head in his hands and groaned.
As soon as Rowan unpacked the last of the food, he heard a boom of thunder.
“This is not happening.” He muttered to himself, refusing to look at what was surely the worst thing that could happen that day.
A moment later he heard the unmistakable sound of hard, fast rain. The yelps from his friends broke him out of his haze and he turned to see everyone rush into the covered gazebo, careful to keep close to the center where they could stay dry.
Everyone besides Yrene, who had been helping Rowan with the food, were varying levels of soaked. And all the decorations they’d been holding were either stuck outside taking the worst of the rain or dragged inside to drip water onto the floor.
Rowan didn’t say anything, he just grabbed the beer bottle out of Aedion’s hand and took a long swig.
Looking around, Rowan surveyed the damage. Where a nice balloon canopy should’ve been positioned, a large, deflated, child’s bounce castle stood in its place; the screen he was going to use to show a slideshow of Aelin was burnt to a crisp; the rain pouring down was soaking the park and wrecking everything brought in from the cars, and the perfect cake for his girlfriend was ruined by calling her Alien.
But at least all their friends showed up.
That was the one good thing to come out of this disaster of a party. Even if they were all dripping wet and shivering from their walks from their cars to the covered gazebo in the middle of the park.
Dorian walked up to where Rowan and Aedion were talking about the cousin’s lunch. He took a sip of his drink and asked them, “So, what time is Aelin is getting here?”
Rowan and Aedion both turned towards each other.
“What time did you—”
“When did you say—”
They both froze.
Rowan slowly blinked. “Aedion, you did tell Aelin what time to come tonight, right?”
Aedion shook his head, wincing, “No, man. I was taking her out to lunch. You were supposed to find a reason to get her to the park.”
A dull roaring started in Rowan’s head. He thought over everything he had on his list.
Rent out gazebo: Check.
Delegate decorations: unsuccessful, but Check.
Order cake: again, unsuccessful, but Check.
Get friends to show up: Check.
Buy Aelin’s present: Check
Invite Aelin…
“Fuck. Shit. Fuck me. No, no, no, no, no… Gods damn it!”
Before anyone could another word, Rowan pulled his keys from his pocket and sprinted into the rain towards his car.
Aelin loved her birthday.
She loved celebrating with her friends and laughing about the stupid gag gift they bought her. She loved making a wish on her candles and she even loved the awkward minute of listening to people sing happy birthday.
Last year, Rowan had woken her up to a particularly amazing round of birthday sex. Which turned into another round in the kitchen and then another one in the shower. He had also spent the day last year doing her favorite things and ending the night with a wonderful dinner at her favorite restaurant.
Which was why she had been so excited to see what this birthday would bring.
Her morning began exactly how she hoped: with Rowan’s tongue between her legs. He’d woken her up slowly, lazily, until she was squirming on the sheets with her hand fisted in his hair.
She’d hoped their morning tumble was the start of a very satisfying day, but soon afterward Rowan left saying he had to make a work call and she should get ready for her lunch with Aedion.
As much as she loved her cousin, all Aelin really wanted to do was stay inside with Rowan all day, clothing-optional. Actually, clothing-nonexistent.
But she did want to see Aedion, and apparently, Rowan’s work call was pressing enough that he practically ran out the door.
Lunch was nice. She hadn’t had one-on-one time with Aedion in a while, but she couldn’t help but notice how antsy he seemed.
“What aren’t you telling me?” She asked him after the waiter took their set down their drinks.
Her cousin choked on the sip he’d taken, and she raised an eyebrow at him.
“What?” He sputtered. “I’m not not telling you anything.”
“Uh huh.”
He rolled his eyes. “There’s nothing Ae, don’t sweat it.”
“It looks like you’re the one sweating Aedion.” Leaning back in her chair she smirked and crossed her arms. “Did you get me something you’re worried I won’t like?” she joked.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, exactly! Lysandra picked it out but I don’t know if you’ll like it.”
Aelin rolled her eyes at her cousin. “Please, if Lys picked out whatever it is, then I’m sure I’ll love it.” Her smirk turned into a genuine smile. “But, it’s from you so I know I’ll like it.”
He laughed but she thought he still looked a bit anxious. Deciding not to worry about whatever else had him fidgety, she let it go.
When she got back to her and Rowan’s apartment, she expected he would be there. He wasn’t.
Aelin didn’t think a work call would take the two hours she’d been out with Aedion, so she hoped Rowan would be back soon. She hadn’t talked about plans today because last year he had been so eager to take the lead.
So she waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Three hours later she was irate, hurt, and confused. How could he just up and disappear on her birthday? If he was busy—if something came up that he needed to deal with—he should’ve just told her. She still would be upset, but she’d have understood.
But he hadn’t said anything. He hadn’t called or texted. Rowan hadn’t given her any explanation as to why she was alone now on her birthday.
Aelin walked into the kitchen and was about to pour herself a glass of wine when she heard loud noises from the hall outside her apartment door. It sounded like heavy, stampeding footsteps.
And then Rowan was bursting into their apartment.
He was breathing heavily, soaking wet, and looking at her with such an apologetic expression that she momentarily forgot why she was angry.
“Aelin,” he panted, trying to get a breath, “I am so sorry.”
Right. That was why she was angry.
She crossed her arms over her chest and took in his disheveled appearance, trying desperately to understand why he was so out of sorts.
“What happened to you?”
Rowan loosed a long, heavy breath and stepped closer to her. “Aelin, gods, I’m an idiot.”
“Yes, you are.” She agreed. “But, explain to me why.”
Rowan took another step towards her and she let him.
“I had a whole thing planned— I still do, kind of, but it’s basically ruined at this point—” Rowan started talking faster and Aelin struggled to keep up. “I planned an amazing surprise party for you, I spent weeks getting things organized. I had all our friends come out to help, they’re all still out at the park—I rented out the park—they’d better all still be there, anyway.”
He took a breath and Aelin’s anger slowly started to fade, but then she remembered sitting alone in her apartment for three hours and stared at him until he continued his explanation.
“There were supposed to be balloons, golden ones! And photos of you, and a cake, but all of it got ruined.” Rowan ran an angry hand through his hair. “Lorcan thought I asked him for a bounce castle— a bounce castle! Then the screen caught on fire, and then there was a mess up with the cake that you don’t even want to know about.”
He finally looked back at her, pleadingly, hoping she could understand how sorry he was. “But the worst part, which was one-hundred-percent my fault, was that I forgot to invite you to your own party.”
Aelin was wide-eyed by the end of his speech. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.
Rowan grabbed her hand and looked down at her with sorry eyes. “Please, forgive me.”
“Forgive you?”
His face crumpled and he leaned to press it into her shoulder. She heard him grumble, “Fuck. I ruined your birthday, I’m so sorry.”
Aelin pulled away to hold his face between her hands. She waited until his eyes opened to say, “Rowan, you planned that whole thing? For me?”
His brow furrowed as if he couldn’t understand why she would ask that. “Of course, I did. I know how much you wanted a surprise party, but—”
“But nothing.” She cut him off pressing her mouth firmly against his. Rowan was too surprised at her reaction to reciprocate, but she pulled back just as fast.
“Okay, yes, not inviting me to my own party was a bad move,” He winced. “But, everything else you did was amazing.” When he still looked skeptically at her she continued, “the rest of that stuff; the weather, the cake, the fire, Lorcan’s bad judgment—none of that was your fault.”
Rowan finally cracked a smile at the last bit.
“So,” he searched her face for any clues, “you’re not upset?”
Aelin laughed at pulled Rowan down for another kiss. This time, he eagerly returned it and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other moved so his hand could hold the back of her head. They stood wrapped up in each other for a minute, deepening the kiss before they both pulled back for air.
“I’m not mad. I was, before when I thought you’d ditched me on my birthday. But I’m not anymore now that I know you spent the day trying to make me happy."
Aelin pulled back further to give him a stern look. “But I will be angry if you don’t bring me to this party right now.”
He pulled her back into him and let out a relieved laugh.
“Let’s get the birthday girl to her party.”
The drive from their apartment to the park was filled with Rowan telling Aelin about everything that had gone wrong. His fingers intertwined with her over the middle console and she listened as he told her about the crazy day.
“Why someone would light the candles so early in the day is beyond me.” He grumbled and Aelin chuckled at the bitterness in his tone.
“I’m sure the slideshow would’ve been great.” She perked up. “Oh my gods, that was why Aedion was so weird at lunch.”
Rowan glanced side longed at her. “He was weird?”
“Yeah, real fidgety, wouldn’t always look me in the eye. He said it was because he was worried I wouldn’t like my present, but I knew that was a load of bullshit.” She laughed, remembering how relived his face had been when she offered that excuse.
Rowan rolled his eyes but watched as the sky began to clear.
“Good, the rains finally stopping. I told the others to finish putting up decorations if the weather cleared.”
“There’s more?” Aelin questioned, thinking of everything he’d already told her about.
“A bit. I gave Fen a list of stuff to buy, but knowing him, he picked up some things that I didn’t tell him to. So, who knows what we’ll see when we get there.” He groaned thinking about it, but Aelin just laughed.
“It’s a couple of decorations, Ro. I’m sure they’ve got it handled.”
When they finally pulled into the parking lot nearest the gazebo, Aelin and Rowan didn’t get out of the cart immediately. They watched the scene in front of them in bewilderment
Lorcan was throwing a rope over a tree branch—Aelin assumed it was because he was the tallest—tying one end to the trunk and the other end was attached to a large pinata.
“Is that…?” She was so confused about what was happening.
“Are you fucking kidding me, Fen?” Rowan seethed.
“Fen did that? Why would Fenrys buy an Alien pinata?” Aelin suddenly had more questions than answers.
Rowan rubbed his hands down his face, muffling his curses.
“Don’t ask.”
Aelin watched as Aedion picked up the stick and took a couple of practice swings.
“What? They’re gonna start without us?” Aelin pulled Rowan’s hand off his face and made him look at her. “Hey. I know this didn’t go like you’d planned, but it's still pretty great, and everyone is here and having a good time. And there’s cake, right?”
“There’s cake.”
Rowan refrained from reminding her that all the guests had trekked in and out of the rain that afternoon setting up and half the supplies were ruined or nonexistent. Apparently, she could see all that in his face though so Aelin leaned over and kissed him.
“Let’s go, come on.”
At some point during their conversation, Lysandra had found the blindfold and tied it around Aedion’s head. The rest of the group, minus Manon and Dorian who had snuck off somewhere she didn’t want to think about too much, stood around as Fenrys cheered and Aedion swung.
He missed the first time, but as he prepped himself to swing again, Aelin and Rowan climbed out of the car and walked toward the group.
“Aelin!” Fenrys called, eyes going wide as he called her name.
Everyone else whipped around to face her and Rowan and yell “Surprise!”
Unfortunately, Aedion still had a stick in his hands; and he quickly turned, it nailed Fenrys in the head.
Rowan stood there gaping as Fenrys let out a loud sound between a yelp and a groan, before falling to the ground, knocked out.
“Shit! Who’d I hit?” Aedion asked as he ripped off the blindfold, and tuned to see what—or, who—exactly he had swung at.
Mostly in shock, a little bit in amusement, everyone watched as Fenrys slowly groaned, lifted his head only to wince and bring his hand up to hold it, and opened his eyes.
“You know, this may be my most memorable birthday.” Aelin was perched on Rowan’s lap, eating a piece of the outer space-themed cake.
Her boyfriend groaned and pressed his face into her shoulder.
“I’ll take it. Memorable is better than disastrous.”
She threw her head back and laughed.
After Fenrys woke up, Yrene came over to check on him and make sure he was going to be alright. She didn’t think he had a concussion, but she put Aedion in charge of watching him. His punishment, apparently. They were currently at another table with Lysandra, Lorcan, and Elide.
Aelin looked over to the other end of the gazebo and watched as Chaol and Yrene sat with Dorian and Manon, the latter was trying her best to pretend she was interested in the conversation. By the heated looks she and Dorian were giving each other, Aelin didn’t think those two would be sticking around too long.
Turning back to Rowan, Aelin smiled.
“Thank you, Buzzard. I love it.” She grinned as he rolled his eyes, but he tightened his grip on her and pulled her face down to his.
“Happy Birthday, Fireheart.”
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Danon - M Hellhound x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board. Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: NSFW/Lemon; injury (brief, not to reader), mild aggression, mentions of death, soul bonding, fluff, receiving oral, penetrative sex (+ knotting), marking (no biting - tattoo), more fluff to top it off, with the NSFW only at the very end - (if there is anything else anyone would like tagged here that I haven't caught, let me know!)
Wordcount: 3715
 The creature rested at your front door had been your shadow for some time now.
 The raven fur thick at its scruff tinged with a crimson the nearer you came, and though you doubted its domesticity - its claws were far too long for any house pet, not to mention in place of fluffy ears were ram horns, wide and curled back to its neck - you still felt sympathy for the creature, wounded as it was.
 You first saw it nearly a month ago, trailing at your shadow when the evening fell into night. If the creature had wanted to have you then, it would have. The flash of fanged teeth hadn't been so unusual, until the muzzle almost tore back, sinew and tendons sewing flesh together, up to it skull. Then you'd known it wasn't quite a dog, nor some odd breeding anomaly, and had fought to ignore the memory.
 Until the creature was at your backdoor come dawn when you went to the river for water and herbs for medicine. You were no healer, not properly, but your parents had passed down knowledge you cherished and made use of. Poultices ready-made waited for collection, all the while your stalker sat by the tree line, waiting; you weren't sure what for.
 To see it so defeated when it was usually full of life tugged you down to your knees. The first time you had confronted it - in a rage of foolishness, really, considering how lucky you had been to avoid any harm at its infliction, the creature had staggered back almost in shock at having stones thrown, before letting loose a growl so low your muscles locked, and you thought then you had incited your own death, as its muzzle nudged up at your fist, the creature large enough to come to your hips like a pony.
 The memory was nothing now. You whispered, hoping to soothe the dog-like demon when you brushed its fur. It gave a low whine, and tail thin like a whip with an arrowed tip tucked neater to its belly. Whatever it was, was decisively male, but your focus was more on the scratches curled deep into its stomach, and the wound on its throat must have been from another creature of the same kind.
 "Hey, boy," you said and offered your hand for him to sniff. The notion struck you as pointless; obviously he recognised you, laying at your door after following for so long, but the press of a hot nose was more reassurance to you than anything. "Stay still. You'll be okay, boy."
 The idea of letting him inside was daunting, but you couldn't just leave him there to die. No matter why he followed you, he had come to you now for help, and you pressed onto his back carefully. When he snarled, you winced through gritted teeth.
 "Come on, boy." You tucked your hands beneath his back enough to encourage him up. Your door was open. All he had to do was collapse inside. "Go on-"
 With a pitiful whine, he fell heavily against your thigh as you led him in. He managed to carry himself to the fireplace before landing with a thud, and though he still breathed, you weren't surprised to find him now unconscious.
 Treating a dog was different from humans but you made do with what you had, and you couldn't do anything more than that. What you noticed, even as you tried not to, was the thick stench of something foul and smoky on washing away blood, and something about it twisted at you. Like it was unnatural. There wasn't anything natural to a dog of his size, with horns and a tail like that, nor a muzzle so wide and sharp, but you had already invited him in and tended to his wounds, so you moved on.
 You left a bowl of water and some old meat at his side but when you retreated to your room, sharp canines snatched your wrist. His eyes flicked up to you, a bright, burning red against his ashen body. When you conceded and sat at his side, a soft whimper enticed your fingers to his scruff, careful to avoid the horns and shallow wound.
 "You're okay," you hummed, holding still when he inched close enough to lay a heavy head on your thighs. "You'll be okay, boy. You’ll be healthy again, and you won't even try to eat me, will you? No," you whispered, and spoke until his eyes fell shut.
 That night you spent curled uncomfortably back against the sofa, falling in and out of a restless sleep. You woke before dawn to find the beast gone, and in his place was a man. The first, natural instinct that came to you was to scream; his head was nuzzled against your thighs, a hand curled at your hip and clutching loosely, but the familiarity struck you before the screech came.
 His body was the same black of his fur, a rich, almost obsidian, but the giveaway was the tail twined to his bare legs. Even still, his mouth seemed off, a little too wide, and the short nubs at his temples, though dramatically smaller horns, were the same.
 So you yawned, snatching the blanket off the sofa and laying it across his thin body, too. Waking hours later with daylight on your face, you were alone. He had rested you on the sofa with a pillow beneath your head and the blanket up to your neck. It melted away remnants of fear, after being alone with not only some demonic hound, but a strange man, too, more than capable of harming you.
 It was a struggle to continue your day as you normally would, but it was a weekend, so a short trip out was all you needed. You were back before midday but still alone. Alone until well into the evening, almost convinced it had been a fever dream until you had finished changing into comfortable clothes, and the silhouette standing in your kitchen turned, tail wound at his bare ankle.
 The tail flicked and he watched you with glowing eyes, which darted back from you to the door. "If you would rather I leave-"
 "No. No, stay." His head canted much like it had when he was the creature, and you smiled, offering him a change of clothes you had bought; not so much a change, but something to cover up with. "I'd like the company, and an explanation."
 He apparently had no shame, and you had to admit, he needn't have any. His body was taut, and once more you were drawn to admiring him. The clothes hung off his frame, adding to his general unruliness - his hair particularly, ruffed with thick curls nearly enshrouding the nubby horns.
 The stranger was a foot or so taller than you, stiffening when you reached out towards him. He blinked when you introduced yourself, before whispering, "my name is Danon. It's okay," he said, and tipped his head down.
 They were rough, thick at the base, and Danon's breath caught when you stroked up to the tips. Horns of a devil, yet he stood before you still weakened by wounds visible, though closed over at his throat, at least. No blood stained the white shirt yet, so you instead moved past to make a drink for you each.
 "Start from the beginning, Danon."
 His lips twitched, though the smile didn't last. "I am a hellhound. We guide souls on from their lives here. My life is owed to you."
 You sipped in quiet until it helped calm your thoughts. Sat opposite a hellhound, you needed the strength. "Sounds lonely."
 His voice trembled. "It is."
When Danon chose not to elaborate, you embraced the quiet. He had only sniffed at the tea, but you wouldn't force him to drink it. With his hands so large, clawed, the mug shrunk between them.
He still remained quiet, so you watched him carefully and said, "you followed me for a month."
 "It was meant to be you."
 Danon's lips pulled back like he was snarling down at his mug, but the action somehow only made a smile grow on your face. He snapped his head up, slamming the mug down hard enough the handle shattered free.
 "It was your life I was sent for. Not the elder man. You. Say something," he bit out, a snarl coming audibly now when you just looked at him, heart-pounding but face unchanging. "Is that it? You don't care about your own life? I could snatch it from you now, leave you there breathless until-" he bit his cheek sharp as his tail swung out in short whips. "I chose to give you time."
 The only sound you could make was a breathless, "why?"
 "I watched you long before revealing myself."
 "Oh, don't tell me," you cut in, rolling your eyes. "You fell in love with me? Is that it?"
 "Very funny," you snapped, and Danon's throat bobbed. Like you had done, he said nothing, and you began to grip your mug tighter. "Tell me you're lying. You killed someone because you love me?"
 "His time had come. I sent him in place of your soul. The world cannot lose you. The way you care for these people… not one other soul is so caring. You deserve to live."
 "But he didn't?"
 Danon's long tipped ears twitched, almost pinning back once your voice sharpened. He thumbed the crack in the mug with his claw and grunted, "we can claim a soul. I fought for yours and until I choose to let you pass," he glanced up, finding your face ashen. "You will live. The elder was sickly. Longer for him would be a cruelty. His soul was so far gone I couldn't resist guiding him. It's like… like an itch."
 Questions sprouted endlessly the more he spoke, and you fully intended to return to the matter of him claiming your soul, but he hunched over, and you wondered if it took a toll on him, being the one to cart people from this life. Better to have a guide than not, but your mind drifted to the man whose passing you'd heard of nearby; very old, very sick, and in a way, it was an easing of pain.
 "Don't I itch?"
 His warm laughter came as a surprise. Danon's tail swayed gently. "No. You're like a beacon to me. I need to scratch the itch, but your soul is where I return to. When you healed me, you accepted my claim. For simplicity," he murmured, canting his head a little to hold your eyes. "We are bound, 'til death do us part. It is late."
 Like that, Danon dismissed the questions burning in your mind. He rose, his form slender and lean, before rounding the table towards you. His claws pressed beneath your chin and he fell low, so close his breath brushed your face. The warmth in your stomach tightened your chest. If Danon lowered himself a little more, you would lean into his kiss without pause.
 "I will never apologise for choosing you."
 Sleep evaded you for a long time. Knowing that a creature of hell was resting in the lounge gave you plenty to torment over, and like he knew, the soft padding of paws entered your room. The beast huffed a heavy breath against your hand before curling at the foot of your bed, a weight that left you curled into yourself. His presence was a comfort, even as you struggled to stop thinking of him.
 He loved you. He loved you, and he had bound your souls together.
 Sometime in the night as your thoughts became heavier, the bed dipped. The creature rose, a yawn baring sharp teeth in a display that had frightened you nights ago, before whining quietly. He nudged at your arm until you let him lay close, nosing at your throat and whining again until you were able to rest.
 Danon wasn't by your side when you woke. There wasn't a trace of him left. The shattered mug had been cleared away, the smoky scent that followed him was gone, and the comfort with it. You almost thought it had been a dream, a delirious lie after being alone too long, and forced yourself to go about your day as you would normally. If Danon came home, it would be of his own choice.
 He staggered into your room three nights gone and collapsed to his knees in reaching out to you. It was the thick of night, so you woke with a cry at somebody waking you. Danon caught your face in clammy palms and hushed you. It was without a word that you kicked back the sheets for him, and he crawled beside you - bare, but so exhausted you couldn't find it in you to care as he clutched you tight with a rough sigh.
 It wasn't the time for questions, but you leaned back as far as you could with his arms snaked against you, brushing your hand against his burning cheek. "I missed you."
 His glowing eyes blinked down at you. "You missed me?"
 You hummed and leaned into his chest. "Did you have an itch?"
 His chest rose beneath you but it was answer enough. Danon's kiss was tentative, pressed to your temple like a breath, fleeting when he laid his cheek to your crown. "I missed you, too."
 "Tell me what it means to have my soul claimed."
"Come morning, you may ask me anything."
 "Will you be here?"
 The hellhound paused a breath. "I'm never far," he said, but it was answer enough as you woke entwined, cheek to his shoulder and with a tail draped over your hips.
 For a creature of hell, sunlight blessed him. The sharp angles of his face looked softer in the golden hue, and you were free to admire him until he grumbled and peeked open an eye at you. Danon's brows dipped when he found you already awake, but you were quick to catch his arm before he could lean away.
 "I fought for the right to your soul," he murmured, thick with sleep and slightly slurred. "It is mine. Nothing can take you without me releasing you."
 "Don't I own my own soul?"
 "It is mine," he said against the pillows, grumbling and turning away. Though as he fought to muffle himself, his arm around you tightened. "Pretty soul, too."
 "Am I immortal?" Danon breathed a laugh. His tail flicked down your legs and he shook his head. "Are you?"
 "If I wish to pass on, I may."
 The words were rough and muffled now he had found a spot on the pillow to hide from the light, but you spoke still. If he was in your bed, he would answer your questions. "Will you pass on when I do?"
 He hummed, "I might." You frowned, and he let out a rumble of a growl, turning fully from the pillow. Danon rose over you until you were laid back beneath him. "It is dependent on you."
 "Me?" You blanched, "why me?"
 "How attached I am. I never," he growled, and would have lurched back if not for your touch brushing his arm. "I never intended to claim someone. Your soul is my burden-"
 "I'm a burden?"
 Danon snarled, but you bit back a smile at the gesture. He brought himself close, forehead to yours, and whispered, "I loved you before claiming you. That is my burden alone. May I?"
 Throat tight, you tried to hold your voice steady when you asked, "may you?"
 "May I sleep?"
 Your breath rushed from you and you forced a nod, laying still as he nestled back into the pillows. Danon's hand skimmed your stomach when you slid free, and his tail snagged at your ankle before unwinding.
  Days passed much like that, and each in his presence weakened you. Confessions came in soft whispers when, to him, they were the only possible answer to yet another of your questions. You asked him if he had a home. He did; loose curls fell against his horns, brushed his dark eyes, and the answer, though he never did anything more than smile at you, echoed in your chest. It was the same reason he came back after a soul needed guiding, and the isolation of what he was struck you when he returned, falling into your arms no matter where he found you.
 The worst came when he was gone nearly a fortnight. Some nights you doubted if he would come back to you, and the memory of him seeing you as beacon became your clutch. You had taken to resting on the small sofa in the days, knowing that if he came back in the light, you would wake.
 His whine was so soft you thought him to be the beast when a warmth brushed your cheek, but arms tucked beneath you and curled you into a bare chest. Danon's lips lingered on your forehead before he laid you on your bed, whispering your name as he began to free you from your dress. The lace parted easily for him, and you brought his hands up to your sleeves when he made to turn, helping him undress you until you were left only in your underwear.
 "Don't stay away so long," you whispered, reaching out to brush back his loose curls. Danon trembled when you ran your thumb against his horns. "What if you didn't come back to me?"
 He closed his eyes and leaned into your palm. "That will never happen."
 "This isn't one-sided," you said. Lengthened teeth cut into his lower lip when you slowly parted your legs beneath him, and Danon's hips fell against yours. He let out a breathless moan when your touch pressed to his lips and he let them part, tongue hot against you. "Did you not think I loved you?"
 He whined, and his head fell heavy onto your chest. You gasped when he kissed the soft skin as it fell low, and his hands settled on your hips. "Tell me you do."
 "I might," you said, and he was peppering softer kisses across your breast, hot lips drawing on your nipple until you groaned. "You'll have to do more than that first."
 Danon's lips curled up against your stomach, and relief flooded you when he moved lower. His thumbs stroked small circles into your thighs when he pressed his hot tongue to the fabric clinging to your body, tasting you through it. His teeth caught at the hem and as you lifted your hips, he snatched them off and returned as fast, kissing purple flushes onto your legs before pausing.
 "Tell me now."
 With a small smile, you reached low to hook a finger against his horn, and breathed, "not yet, love."
 He snarled half-heartedly before a long drag of his tongue made you choke. Danon flicked the muscle up until it nudged to your nerves, earning a sharp cry of his name in pleasure. The heat now rushing through you began to pool in your gut, and tightened with the passion he began to lap at you with. The hound growled low, and the shock of it ran in shivers through you.
 Claws curled against your skin and he pressed your legs back to your chest. The same fire you felt throbbing glowed in his eyes, and he almost held your stare for as long as he stretched your tight body around his tongue, if you hadn't shuddered and bucked against him.
 "Danon-" His nose forced hot air against you, nosing up at your clit and you stuttered out a plea, grasping at his hair and grinding your hips up to his face. "I need you. I need you to-Danon-"
 He yelped when you dragged him up, and his body rubbed hard against you. The weight of him slick and nudging to your core made you wriggle, and he palmed your stomach with a small smile, the other hand circling his cock and guiding it up so his head rubbed to your nerves.
 "If we do this, you will wear my mark." He turned to kiss your knee as it came against his shoulder. "Am I what you want?"
 The shine to eyes was so innocent that you nodded, tangling your fingers in his hair again to drag him against you. "I love you."
 Your voice broke on a hoarse cry. Danon laid over you, your legs strained up against him a way that had your body so tight and stuffed when his cock drove deep. His lips, thick and sweetened by your taste, parted on a heady groan with each thrust, each clench of your thighs dragging him deeper.
 At that moment, your souls recognised the other; they must have done, with a feeling of belonging overcoming you as Danon cradled your face, running away a tear of pleasure. He rutted up as he began to gasp and shake, a weight slamming against your centre. He soothed you with a whisper of his love, and grinned at your answering whine before the claw of his thumb flicked your clit. Bolts of pleasure knotted in your core. You cried, seeing white and locking tight in the same second Danon thrust hard, the knot forced into you and sticking.
 You felt him come, thick and hard until he was panting and kissing down your throat. The black swirls of his mark formed across your chest and Danon held you close as his knot swelled all the more.
 "Stay here." He swallowed, nipping at your jaw before meeting your eyes. "Stop travelling," you said quietly, and Danon's fingers running down your hips paused, splaying wide as he looked down at you. Your traced his chest, drawn to the stretch of his skin where a matching mark laid. "Care for this village, the neighbouring ones. You said you only take souls at their time. Guide theirs."
 "Stay with you?" His small smile tugged at your heart. Danon slid his arm lower to lift you up against him, brushing a soft kiss to your lips. "I will try."
I wrote Danon in like one sitting and honestly? He stole my heart. I don't know how it happened but this is the longest thing I've written that wasn't intended to be two parts. Danon is now my baby, and I hope you all loved him too - let me know if you did! Threw in the NSFW as a treat to myself. We love indulgent writing. Thank you for getting this far <3
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
potions class confessions (james potter x reader)
description - Reader is a potions natural and she gets paired up with James in class. While trying to make conversation they both let it slip that they might have a crush on each other. oops?
word count - about 1800
warning - Fluff!! avoidance and awkwardness, James being maybe a little shy ooc. Reader is a badass. House not specified but non Gryffindor is implied. Some negative self talk. There is also wolfstar!
Potions was by far your favorite class. The professor loved you and you had it with Gryffindor. This meant that you got to see him. James Potter. The golden boy of his year. You knew he was probably out of your league but you were pretty badass as well if you did say so yourself. You had top marks and were the seeker of Y/H. You were also widely liked, even though you weren't as loud or outspoken as the troublesome group of four in Gryffindor house. Your attention was drawn to your professor when he began to call out partners for the next couple weeks of the course. Your heart nearly stopped when he said you would be partners with none other than James Potter. Your heart picked up speed. You had a crush on the boy but you knew he was deeply infatuated with the beautiful Lily Evans of his own house. You knew better than to try to compete.
You looked over to where he sat with his friends and they were all giving him looks and shoving his shoulders. You thought they might be making fun of him for having to be partnered with you. You felt heat rise to your cheeks. He looked over and you made eye contact. Both of you looked away as quickly as possible and your cheeks darkened in color.
By the middle of class you had all migrated into your potion pairs and your assignment was to make a very simple healing potion that you could make in your sleep. It was more for practice than anything else. You hadn't spoken a word to James and he seemed unusually quiet. You had a suspicion that he didn't like you. He got pretty quiet whenever you were around and he sometimes would even leave the room when you entered. You didn't know why he didn't like you but you pressed on. And your crush persisted nonetheless.
"Quit staring at me, you're making me nervous." You mumbled as you began pouring in ingredients but you could feel his gaze on the side of your head.
You didn't look up when you heard him mutter a small, "Sorry." It was a short response and your heart sped up a bit at even the sound of his voice. Oh you were whipped and he wouldn't even talk to you.
"Do you wanna do this next part? You should participate if you want full marks on the assignment but I can keep going if you want me to." You offered, finally looking up at him. He was taller than you but his eyes were piercing. You held the spoon out a bit for him to take if he wanted and he smiled a bit at you before grabbing it. His hand brushing against yours had your heart fluttering and you thought you might just throw up. You both stared at the potion as James began to stir and he counted his rotations. When he got to 20 you threw something else in and he began to stir again, counting to 20 again. It was a bit tedious and ridiculously quiet.
"So, are you looking forward to the match tomorrow?" you tried to find a common discussion topic. He smiled a bit and took the spoon out of the cauldron. You looked to the clock and began the countdown of 5 minutes for the potion to sit before the next step.
"I'm very much looking forward to it. We are for sure gonna beat Y/H" he looked over at you slyly. You gasped dramatically.
"How dare you! I will have you know that I have caught the snitch in every match this year but one and that was because your beater hit me early in the game. I will be beating you tomorrow." You smirked. He looked at you with amusement in his eyes and he giggled a bit. He wasn't nearly as cocky alone as he was in large crowds.
"You're probably right. Our seeker is a bloody dud and it's unfair that we have to deal with him while Y/H has you, you're the best seeker Hogwarts has had in 50 years." He smiled at you, his volume matching yours, louder than your previous murmurs. You blushed under his gaze and under the praise that you hadn't expected. You thought he would tease you back instead of showering you with compliments.
"Flattery wont make me go easier on you, Potter. I'm still going to beat Gryffindor." you smiled., trying to bring the teasing back before the conversation got too serious and you revealed something you weren't supposed to. His eyes sparked at you and he smiled for a second longer before breaking your eye contact and chuckling.
"It was worth a try." He grinned, "You know, Remus was jealous I got to be your potions partner cause you're such a genius in potions and he's got to deal with stumble-y over there. " he nodded over to where you could see Remus trying to corral Sirius away from their cauldron as Sirius was a bit notorious for dropping things that happened to cause explosions. You laughed and blushed at the compliment.
"You do just fine on your own but thank you." You tried to calm your heart rate a bit. "Are they dating?" you questioned genuinely, still gazing at the duo across the room. You had seen them in the halls standing a bit close for friends and you thought you saw them holding hands once. James smiled like he was remembering something fondly and shakes his head.
"Not yet." he said simply. You quirked an eyebrow at him questioningly. "They've both got massive crushes on each other but refuse to see it. They'll figure it out eventually but for now its just endless flirting and it is downright exhausting." He said but all with a smile on his face, never an ounce of annoyance in his voice. "Have you had anyone catch your eye yet? I cant believe you aren't dating anyone." He continued to make conversation.
"I've thought about a few guys but the ones I like aren't the ones that like me." You tried to say lightly, avoiding eye contact with James. "But thats no big deal, I've got bigger things to worry about than who wants to take me to Hogsmeade next weekend or who's going to pick me up on the quidditch pitch when I've won that match tomorrow." You joked but James didn't really laugh.
"I want to." He looked at you before the timer you had set went off. Before you could say anything he started asking questions about what was next and you quickly threw the right ingredient in and stirred it three times. You raised your hand to call the professor over and while you were explaining your work you could feel James fidgeting behind you. The professor told you to sit tight the rest of class as you had finished early and you nodded at him before turning back to James.
"Are you pranking me or something?" You questioned lightly, already slightly upset that he would joke about something that you didn't want to joke about. You saw him look up into your eyes and furrow his eyebrows at you.
"No I'm not pranking you, why would you ask me that?" he asked, concern filled his voice. You looked down again and felt your heart pick up, your eyes stinging.
"Its just that I know that you have a think for Evans and I didn't know if you were kidding a second ago." you relied honestly. You felt a hand on yours before your pinkie was linked with his.
"I'm not pranking you. And I don't actually like Evans. I mean she's one of my best friends but me being in love with her was a rumor Sirius started as revenge for me telling Remus he liked him. I've.." He sighed a bit, "I've had a crush on you for a few years now actually." he looked sad. You moved so you were fully holding his hand and you squeezed.
"Look, if you're serious then I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you, I've liked you for a significant amount of time, I just don't want you to feel like you have to cause you pity me or something." you mumbled the last part. James looked at you inquisitively.
"Why would I pity you? As I've said you're the best seeker I've ever seen at Hogwarts and you can properly kick my ass in any class we happen to be in. And I promise I'm only half trying to get you to go easy on the match tomorrow." you smiled at the end and you chuckled a bit.
"Okay then, will you go to Hogsmeade with me next weekend?" You questioned, a bit more sure of yourself.
"Of course I will. I was also hoping I could steal a tie or two so I can properly represent when i'm at your matches. When you aren't actively crushing my team, that is." he smiled and your heart soared.
"I guess we will have to make a trade." you smiled and as soon as class let out you walked hand in hand into the corridor.
"Finally! Took you long enough, mate." you heard the voice of the raven haired boy behind you as he stood rather close to his not-yet-boyfriend. He pushed James a bit in the shoulder and held his hand out to Remus. Remus sighed and handed him a galleon.
"You couldn't have waited to make it official until the Hogsmeade trip? You've just cost me a galleon." he teased and you both laughed a bit.
"You should have let me in on the bet before hand and I could have kept it professional for another week." you smiled and James pushed you a bit from the side and you all laughed.
You looked over at him and his smile was so wide it made his eyes nearly close. You took a deep breath as you finished laughing and you started to pull him toward the dining hall where you were planning on getting dinner. His hand left yours and instead snaked up to you head so he could push your hair to press a kiss to the side of your head and you blushed deeply. You couldn’t have cared less when you heard a gagging sound behind you from the best friends of the man you hoped to be with for a longtime.
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n-naturely · 3 years
Pjo secret santa fic!
I got @fratboyjasongrace for the @pjosecretsanta2021 so here's my fic I hope you like it!
Prompt: percabeth or just general hoo gang friendship fic in a high school au
read on Ao3
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thank god for friday
“Don’t forget to turn in your report, it’s due by tonight so finish it early,” Ms.Peter called out to the class as the final bell rang. Percy groaned inwardly as he packed away his papers and rushed out the door, eager to leave school and start the weekend. Students started pouring out of classrooms into the halls, to head home. The air felt lighter, the pressure from the week lifted as students went home for the weekend. As Percy navigated his way through the crowd he found Hazel who was less walking through the crowd and more just plowing forward while people moved to avoid her. Her earphones were in and she was tapping her fingers against her skirt to a beat no one else could hear but her. Percy walked up and pulled her out the way before she was about to run into a student. The student shot the two of them a look but Percy ignored them and dragged Hazel along
“ What did you do that for?,” Hazel complained
“You were literally about to crash into that person”
“ I was watching, I was fine”
“ Yeah and you were totally fine when you ran into your teacher yesterday and that random guy before that and-”
“ I was paying attention this time”
“Keep telling yourself that”. Frank appeared beside them
“ Let me guess, Hazel crashed into someone?” Frank asked
“ No-” Hazel began
“ Because I was there to stop her” Percy finished
Frank just shook his head.
“It’s not that hard to just not listen to music for a few minutes”
“This music is literally the only thing that gets me through the school day”
The trio walked into the parking lot to where a silver, used car was waiting for them. Two figures were already in the front seats. In the driver’s seat was Reyna who was concentrating on something on her phone. She looked the part of the school president with her turtleneck and coat she was wearing with her trademark braid over her shoulder. In contrast, Nico had his seat all the way back and was checking on his phone absentmindedly. He was the complete opposite of Reyna, with his regular jeans and leather jacket and his black hair pulled into a short ponytail.
“Thank god you’re here, Piper and Leo have been spamming the group chat for the past ten minutes” Nico said as Frank, Hazel, and Percy climbed into the back of the car. Everyone took out their phones and checked the 40 new messages in the groupchat between Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, and Nico.
just a bunch of gays
Leo: guys
Piper: smh Reyna you’re school president
Piper: You know better
Leo: lmao
Reyna: Stfu you know it’s Percy
Nico: And Hazel and Frank
Piper: Tell them to hurry up
Reyna: No <3
Leo: im so bored
Leo: help
Piper: Literally have been waiting for an hour
Piper: cmon
Jason: Guys stop
Leo: No
Piper: Why are you texting us you’re literally at the gas station with us
Jason: reasons
Annabeth: you three have one less period than everyone else you know this
Annabeth: You cant talk you’re not even at Percy’s house
Jason: We were bored we're getting snacks
Leo: And we’re not getting you any
Annabeth: Jason tell them to buy us snacks
Piper: Jason don’t you dare
Jason: im not saying anything
Leo: Nico
Leo: Reyna
Leo: Hazel Leo: Frank Leo: Percy
Leo: Annabeth
Nico changed the chat to: stfu leo
Piper: Lmao
Piper changed the chat to: Tell your sister and her friends to get their asses over here
Leo changed the chat to: Leo’s the best
Reyna: Leo wtf did you do
Reyna: I can’t change it
Jason: .
Piper: LMAO
Leo: ;)
Hazel laughed as she scrolled through the messages.
“ You seriously can’t change it?” Frank asked
“ What do you think I’ve been doing?” Reyna said tapping her phone, as if that would change the group chat name.
“I’ll get them to change the chat, I’ll just bribe them with my mom’s cookies” Percy said. Everyone’s phones pinged simultaneously with a new message:
Annabeth: seriously where are you guys
Reyna turned the engine to car on. “Lets just go”
The group walked up to the front of the grocery store where Annabeth was waiting for them.
“ Do we really have to take a whole shopping cart?,” Annabeth asked, falling in step with Frank, who was pushing the cart.
“Yes because Hazel wants to ride in it,” Frank said, nodding to Hazel who was sitting cross-legged in the cart.
Frank grabbed a bunch of bags of candy “We’re also gonna buy a ton of snacks,” he said, tossing them into the cart
“ What chips do we want?,” Reyna said, looking at the rows of colourful bags in front of  her.
“ Let’s just get all of them,” Nico said beside her, grabbing as much as he could carry. Reyna grabbed his arm, pulling him back, “ No, let's not get all of them, we don’t have much money guys”.
“ You don’t have much money,” Hazel corrected, “ Me and Nico are rich and can buy as much as we want”. She reached over the cart, grabbing 3 packs of M&Ms. Next to her, Percy and Annabeth were arguing with each other about how much six packs of soda was too much. “ Three packs of soda is not that much,” Percy argued, holding the third pack he was about to put in the cart.
“ It is when they’re twelve packs, that’s thirty-six cans,” Annabeth said, trying to tug the pack away from Percy who was holding onto it, clearly not done arguing. “ Yes we need twelve coca cola cans so that’s one for each of us, and because we don’t know what kind of soda everyone likes we need to get two other packs of fanta and sprite to be safe”
“ Just get coca cola, everyone likes coca cola”.
“ I don’t,” Hazel said, “and Piper prefers Sprite”
“ Not helping”
“ So it’s settled,” Percy said, tugging the pack away from Annabeth and placing it in the cart, which was becoming so full, the bags were starting to cover Hazel.
“ We’re all gonna be sick,” Reyna sighed.
In the dining room of Percy’s room everyone had dumped all the snacks they had bought on the dining table. With the snacks bought at the grocery store, to everything Jason, Leo, and Piper had bought, the food covered most of the table. Sally walked through the front door, carrying Estelle.
“ Hello sweetie-” she stopped, staring at the ridiculous amount of snacks everyone had bought.
“ Hi mom,” Percy said cheerfully.
“ I hope you’re not planning on eating all of that today,” Sally said, setting Estelle down so she could climb on the table to look at what everyone got.
“ You underestimate how much nine teenagers can eat when they’re hungry,” Annabeth replied, next to Percy
“ Well I hope you finish your homework before settling before settling down,” Sally said, looking at Percy pointedly.
“I didn’t even say anything!” he complained
“No but you complain about Ms.Peter assigning homework on Fridays every week,” Piper called from the living room where everyone else was.
“Ok so she did make a report due tonight because she’s an as-”
“Sorry,” Percy said, glancing at Estelle, who was still examining the snacks, oblivious. She gasped excitedly, pulling out the M&Ms.
“Please Mommy?” she cried, hugging the packet close to her chest.
“Fine,” Sally sighed
“Oh and I also got you this,” Annabeth said, handing Estelle a Twix bar.
“You’re my favourite” Estelle said adoringly, snatching the bar from Annabeth
“I’m right here!” Percy protested.
Half an hour later, everyone was gathered in front of the tv in Percy’s apartment. Sally and Estelle were upstairs, allowing Percy and his friends to take over the entire living room. Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Jason,Piper, Frank, and Reyna were all squashed together on the sofa with Nico and Hazel sitting in front of them. Everyone could barely fit on the small sofa, with Jason hanging right on the edge. The snacks that everyone had bought were everywhere on the sofa, and strewn all over the floor. As everyone was opening the snacks and swapping them with each other, Leo ran over and pulled out a Monopoly game from the drawer under the tv, sparking an instant reaction from everyone.
“ Oh no, that game is dead to me,” Frank said
“ Only because you keep losing,” Leo teased, setting the game on the table, “ I know Piper wants to play though”. Jason pulled back Piper, who was already getting up.
“ No, it just ends up between you and Piper and it goes on for hours and you win”
“ That’s what makes it so fun”.
“ I know I can beat him this time,” Piper said, stubbornly, “I almost beat him last time”
“ Just like how you ‘almost beat him’ last week? And the week before that, and the week before that, and the week before-” Piper shoved Jason as everyone laughed.
Even Frank relented in the end and that’s how, three hours later, everyone was watching Leo as he studied the two dice in front of him.
“ Dude, why are you staring at the dice, there’s literally no strategy in rolling.” said Annabeth, who had already lost a long time ago. She was sharing a bag of chips with Percy, who had also lost. In fact everyone had lost except for Piper and Leo. Everyone was growing tired of the game and were either on their phone or working their way through all the snacks that had been brought. Hazel had been half falling asleep next to Nico. But now it was getting close to the end and everyone was waiting for Leo to take his turn and roll. One of Piper’s hotels was on Park Place, the most expensive area of the game. If he rolled a 4 it was all over for him. If he didn’t roll a four however, Piper would have to roll and she had about a 50% chance of landing on one of Leo’s hotels in front of her. Leo slowly picked up the die.
“ Finally,” Frank sighed. Leo shushed him and rolled the die across the board and everyone crowded around the table. The two dice showed a three and a one. Four altogether. Leo threw himself on the floor dramatically as Piper jumped up, throwing the fake Monopoly everywhere. Everyone surrounded Piper, jumping up and down and screaming. Leo’s month-long winning streak had come to an end. Everyone was hugging Piper, even Nico, who wasn’t big on physical contact, gave her a high-five.
“ How does it feel to lose?” Piper asked. Leo didn’t move from his position on the floor and just gave her the middle finger.
“ Ok guys,” Reyna said as she flicked through channels , “ What movie are we watching?”. Jason groaned
“ Do we have to?” he asked
“You don’t wanna watch anything?”
“ I do but we’re literally just gonna argue for an hour on what to watch and then when we finally pick a movie, we’re all gonna fall asleep halfway through”
“ Point taken”
“ I vote for a horror movie,” Nico said from where he was sitting next to the soda bottles and demolishing the coca cola bottles, one by one.
“ We’re not watching a horror movie,” Reyna cut in
“ Afraid you’re gonna have nightmares?”. Reyna pointedly looked over to where Piper was sitting.
“ That is not fair-”
“ You literally covered your eyes during most of A Quiet Place”
“ Ok first of all it was scary, second,” Piper said over Reyna’s laughter “ We already watched a horror movie last week, so no more”
“ Then I got nothing”.
The house was mostly quiet for a while as everyone looked on their phones for a movie to watch.
“ Let's just watch Marvel, you can’t go wrong with them.” Jason said
“ Haven’t we watched Marvel, like, a dozen times?” Nico asked
“ Can we watch Age of Ultron?” Hazel asked
“ You just wanna watch that one for Wanda” “ Exactly, so we’re watching Age of Ultron”
“I literally can’t find anything else,” Percy said, dropping his head. Annabeth sat up beside him.
“ I still think we should watch a documentary-”
“ No”
Perfect looked around halfway through the movie to see that everyone had fallen asleep and only he was watching the movie. Frank was still clinging to the bag of candy he was eating.
“Typical,” he sighed, looking at Hazel, who- despite insisting on Age of Ultron for Wanda- had been one of the first ones to fall asleep, on the carpet. But even Percy was tired and soon he found himself slowly nodding off as well.
When he was about to fall asleep, Sally came downstairs to check on everyone. She turned off the tv and threw a blanket over Nico, Hazel, and Jason who were all asleep on the floor, and another one over everyone else on the sofa.
“ Thanks mom,” Percy said sleepily
“ Oh and before I forget,” Sally said, “ Did you finish your report that’s due tonight you?”. Percy looked up.
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