#we couldve been balls deep
sparrowsdiary · 5 months
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Destiel went canon (again) in the 2nd funniest way possible thank you misha for single-handedly creating chaos in the fandom once again
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getupanddance · 5 months
Opening tumblr to see these trending.
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somewhere in the world Jensen just woke up in a cold sweat.
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theosconfessions · 5 months
The Miscellaneous questions for River and his man/child, i mean husband.
i actually loled haha!! thank you for asking, love.
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MISCELLANEOUS: Is money a problem? River: its not. i think we're lucky that blake got drafted and makes a good amount of money playing football. we literally got married while we were still in high school and a good majority of kids that do that are NOT in the same position we're in right now.
How many cars do they own?
Blake: we own two. one for riv to take the kids around when im not home and one for me to take to practice/games all that stuff.
Do they own their home or do they rent?
Blake: DUDEEEE if my apartment couldve magically grown with every kid we had ..then i would still be renting. good memories in that place
River: better memories in a place where we actually have room for kids..and me.
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside?
Blake: we're balls deep in suburbia right now. his parents live out in the country and FUCK I WANT IT SO BAD.
Do they live in the city or in the country?
River: suburbs ..for now.
Do they enjoy their surroundings? River: i was fucking DYING in that apartment. i think having the house kinda gives me space so i dont really necessarily feel like im suffocating.
Blake: you feel like your suffocating?
River: in your man cave apartment i did yeah.
What’s their song? Blake: i gotta do it' so high school'-taylor swift
What do they do when they’re away from each other? River: we dont constantly text eachother but little pics through the day i think. gives us time to be you know separate people and lets us enjoy whatever we're doing at the moment without being glued to our phone all the time.
Blake: i demand sexy riv pics every night im away [smirks]
River: demands a strong word.
Blake: you know what i mean. i APPRECIATE sexy riv pics every night.
River: dude. looking like a douchebag.
Where did they first meet? Blake: we went to school together [smirks] friends first.
How did they first meet? Blake: we were in the same gym class and he fucking PELTED me with a dodgeball man. love at first sight. for me.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? Blake : *points to riv*
River: treats.
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? River: oh my god blake. he does it during games. FINED ALL OF THE TIME.
Blake: worth it [smirks]
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? River: me. hes not coordinated at all. youd think he would be but....
Any mental issues? Blake: oh god yeah. i mean...
River: i have depression. the past years been kinda.. i dont know. but i am doing better. im getting better
Blake: my boy.
Who’s terrified of bugs? River: i think both of us? fuck that shit.
Who kills the spiders around the house? Blake: Nellie
River: definitely Nellie.
Their favourite place? Blake: [smirks] theres this little ranch up in chestnut ridge. i love taking him there. just me him. no kids.
River:thats a good place [smirks]
Who pays the bills? Blake [raises hand] and proud of that shit
Do they have any fears for their future? River: i think that...we went through a lot of rough stuff in our separation and i just..do not want to go through that again. i think we're on a good path right now and i want to stay on that path
Blake: i think what riv said yeah. the last thing we both wanted when we were having problems was a divorce. and its something i do not want. i guess thats my fear for my future. i just wanna be good for him. i know i wasnt in the past.im trying to be now.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Blake: me for SURE.
Who uses up all of the hot water? Blake: again me for SURE. but he can crash the shower whenever
River: me time,babe.
Who’s the tallest? Blake: me. rivers a short shit.
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? River:thats definitely blake. i LOVE showering alone but hey.
Blake: wont turn down that DICK.
River: gross.
Who wanders around in their underwear? River: [points to blake] he hasnt learned.
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Blake: River for sure.he has a pretty voice though. love to hear that shit.
What do they tease each other about? River: i like to tease him over how much of a pussy he was for me back in our first starting dating days
Blake: i cried after we fucked for the first time. for real. and id do it again.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? River: me. blakes taste is .....
Do they have mutual friends? River: not anymore.
Who crushed first? Blake: oh me for sure. unless riv is about to say something i didnt know
River: i never really considered that AT ALL until you kissed me that one day. you werent on my radar at all i was so into my girlfriend at the time
Blake:until ....
Any alcohol or substance related problems? River: no we both quit that stuff when teddie came along.
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Blake: we are good boys [smirks]
Who swears the most?
River: i think me and its purely because of my dads influence i swear to god.
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Ngl, Far Harbour is actually an amazing and fun DLC. It made me the most emotional i've ever been playing through a video game and I got so attached to some of the characters, and despite the writing flunks, it was a pretty solid DLC, in my opinion.
But there is one major issue I have with it, and it's that, as the player, you're SEVERELY limited in what you can do.
When I was going through, I made the decision to not tell Avery she was a synth. When I went back to do the Replace Tectus ending, I also did some quests for the people of Far Harbour to be trusted by them. There was one point where I had to talk to Avery to advance a quest, and it WOULD NOT let me advance that quest until I told her she was a synth. I tried. All the options were either to end dialogue or some varying degree of "You're a synth, Avery," until I told her and THEN it let me talk to her about the quest. I was so frustrated by it.
I also remember having to dismiss Nick at some point because my actions were just upsetting him too much when I was trying to get the Children to like me so I could get inside the Nucleus. Like, why couldn't I somehow explain to him that I was going "undercover" to help everyone out?? He's a detective, he'd understand that whatever I'm talking about is just to butter them up and that I don't actually mean anything that I'm telling them, right??
Not to mention, when you uncover stuff about DiMa, or the Children, or the people of Far Harbour, you're pretty much forced into this stringed out series of events rather than being able to intervene in certain situations. Like, why can't we intervene with DiMa's death? I understand that's their law, but we seriously aren't even given the choice to say anything, and we're forced to watch him be murdered like a bystander who hasn't been waist-deep in this situation the entire time?
(On a side note: I understand the limitations they established with the 4-option dialogue Fallout 4 has, among the limitations in potentially making this DLC more "fleshed out" than is already is, but c'mon. I felt like I was just a guard rail for a bowling ball towards a certain ending rather than being the person who threw the ball itself.)
[Also extra side note: It's been literal years since I played that DLC so there's some things I may not analyze well or misremember
i agree 100%. there was always some sort of railroading or limitation when it came to far harbor. its def not just a part of the 4 option dialogue, i think there couldve been a lot of improvements to give the player more options of actions even with the limited dialogue trees.
also on ur note, i wish we couldve pulled a bit with nick and go undercover with him. would love to see some actual sleuthing and lying thru ur teeth with nick giving you the thumbs up behind you. maybe there couldve been a part where nick pulls you aside after that and is like hey that was cool and all but you sounded really convincing. hope that aint how you really feel. and you can reassure him it was a bit, or that yeah its how you really feel, etc. make a joke (sarcasm option). i think it couldve made that part of the game a lil more fun and you wouldnt have to piss nick off bc all the companions dont understand what lying is due to game mechanics.
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abimee · 1 year
Papalymo really existed in two total expansions and died .5 seconds into the second one. I miss him, he didn’t get like anything
they slipped that bullshit about yda in last second too and expected me to not wish we got more of original yda and papalymo before fake yda and papalymo.
i thinl like. like okay its not that haurchefant and papalymo died that get to me because i dont think killing off a character i like equals BAD WRITING like people sometomes get but i do think like. both papalymo and haurchefant were the weakest kills compared to stuff like wilfred and ysayle because we literally had so little time with them before the out of left field death. and i guess haurchafent makes a bit more sense but i really do wish he was AROUND FOR HEAVENSWARD MORE. LIKE AT ALL to really drive home why he had become so investedin us. or even in ARR. i wish he popped up everywhere. i think he really had a promising character
and papalymo too but papalymo gets it even WORSE and THATS what makes his death haunt me. because first off i really like his bit. 40 year old lalafell scholar whos probably the most well versed in the group and closest to lewey sewey whos ornery and aggressive (and we dont know WHY but i like to imagine he was always that ornery because he had to hide yda's secret. ik he was ornery in 1.0 but i enjoy it considering it shows in-game like when yda tries to introduce herself and papalymo cuts her off to introduce her instead. again this is a plot point they really couldve shown some fun stuff with). i really do think papalymo wouldve done amazing in shadowbringers. but i liked that he was very to the point and i wish he had more time to actually be part of MSQ rather than have him and yda hang back for everything. and i think it wouldve been amazing if instead of having him do all of that wrt shinryu at the beginning they at least wouldve killed him at the end to encase zenos-shinryu in an aether ball so that at least if papalymo died they couldve killed zenos along with him and made me smile.
but deep in the trenches of my brain i will be thinking about what ifs where papalymo was in shadowbringers and lyse stayed behind in ala mhigo so now papalymo is just some 40 year old man in an entirely new world and urianger rolls up with a child that looks like minfillia and papalymo has to babysit her and learn to be nicey. and i smile thinking about how the pixies would be able to punk him so easily
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miep-morp · 2 years
I had a really weired dream (well i think it was a dream couldve also been an astral projection im really unsure)
So basically i awoke on a field of grass in the middle of an endlessly expanding forrest. with trees so tall you couldnt see the canopy and it was a foggy twilight
I stood up cuz I didn't know where the fuck I was and the only thing I saw at first was a wild boar and well being raised near a forest here in Germany taugh me to never underestimate board (especially during the spring time when they have offsprings) so at first I slowly retreated to not cause it to notice me and to get a save distance and well I stepped on a twig and it shaped
The boar then turned its head to me and smiled with fucking human teeth at me before saying in a rough and somewhat deep voice (kinda like the one chainsmokers have after decades of smoking) "hello, didn't expect to see you so soon here" (like how tf do you respond to that) I just I didn't know what to say so I just mumbled something about not knowing where I am and how I don't know how I got here
Well turns out that forrest was the land of the dead and every soul becomes a plant here and like I didn't even think about how many souls mustve already lived but like the trees alone are like uncountably many not to mention the grass, lichen, moss, funguses and the likes also like and being capable of thought has a soul
Anyway he began to walk away and not knowing what to do I just followed him "It's rare that souls visit before their time comes" Said the boar in this uncanny voice "even I as one of the older guardians have only seen it a few times" I started at him in confusion and a sense of abstract horror
I finals managed to say a full sentence without stuttering of shock/fear "what do you mean guardian what are you guarding?" He looked at me before turning away again and saying "you'll be happier not knowing" Like wtf does that even mean what is there that could be so mindbogelingly fucked????
Well I'd get part of the answer soon cuz we walked past another resident of the forrest at first I thought it was just a normal deer grazing but OH BOY WAS I WRONG turns out it was a so called "rebirther" Meaning it ate the souls in the grass with his deer mouth and fuse/remix them and then spit out a big ball of fresh souls out of a vertical moth that streches the entirety of their front neck shortly after that the ball disintegrates to be born
So anyway shortly after this I woke up in a cold sweat and I could hear a faint "see you sooner than you think" I'm still unsure about wtf just happened but I dont think I should go sleep for a while
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1-800-imagines · 3 years
our little secret part 7
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authors note: writing this chapter was like pulling TEETH for some reason so if it sucks i’m sorry. i don’t know why i’m having such bad writers block
NOTE: nate is HEAVILY romanticized and is absolutely NON-canon. he never abused maddy. he is abused by his father. basically an alternate universe of how nate COULDVE been
masterlist for series
getting home from the hospital was fine, except for the fact that fez and ash wouldn’t leave your side, which was sweet, but meant you couldn’t sneak out to see nate or sneak nate in.
“lovie you gotta lay down.” ash said as he ushered you into your room. you shook your head.
“ash, honey, i’m fine. head doesn’t even hurt anymore.” you were lying, and badly. as soon as ash had turned on your room light, you had winced.
he shot you a look and you put your hands up, “fine.”
“do you want that soup you like from the corner store?” he asked, he was your little protector. no matter what.
“that’d be nice. thank you bud.” you gave him a light smile. you gently hugged him and climbed into your bed.
after a few minutes, fez knocked on your door, “yo, you got a visitor.” your heart sped up with excitement. you couldn’t believe nate had the balls to just come in and hang out with you.
except it wasn’t him.
it was maddy.
you groaned, “close the door, would ya? i’m gonna assume she’s gonna keep it civil since i’m already beat to shit.” you eyed her as you spoke to your brother.
fez nodded eyeing maddy as well. maddy scoffed, “you think that little of me? that i’d kick you when you’re down? i’m not that much of a cunt, damn.”
you nodded at fez and he closed the door. you pushed yourself up so you were sitting and motioned her to sit down anywhere in your room.
she decided to sit at your desk chair. you waited for her to start talking. she cleared her throat, “i know we don’t like each other,” she paused, “but if he hurt you, you could tell me.”
you gritted your teeth. the thought that nate could hurt you, repulsed you. you had to take a deep breathe. you knew they had a previously volatile relationship, but he had never laid a hand on her. you knew that for certain.
“he didn’t hurt me. he wouldn’t do that,” you spoke softly.
she scoffed, “you’ve seen what he can do, love. don’t be naïve.” she was referring to nate beating the shit out of people. in fact, he beat the shit out of people FOR her. but violence was part of your world. and you knew why nate was so violent. it was how he was taught to express his emotions.
“i appreciate your concern, but he didn’t do this.” you shot back.
“why are you protecting him? it’s not like you guys are together.” she rolled her eyes a little as she said it. she was slowly piecing everything together, “there’s something you’re not saying.” she shook her head one last time.
“just fucking stay out of it, maddy. you’ve said your piece. you don’t know shit about what’s happening. okay?” you were more hostile than you meant to be.
maddy just stood up and walked out of your room. you groaned as she left, grabbing your phone to text nate.
‘maddy just came to surprise visit me’ you typed, ‘today is utter shit and my head hurts still.’ you didn’t even finish typing the text before erasing everything and throwing your phone to the side.
you hated hiding your relationship with nate. it was the dumbest shit. if anyone wasn’t happy with it, they could fucking shove it.
at times like this especially, you wished your mom was around, or grandma kitty was awake from her coma.
the boys wouldn’t understand as they were half the reason you were still hiding nate.
you hated that nate wasn’t fighting to make your relationship public. why did HE want to keep you a secret? was he ashamed?
tears began to stream down your cheeks and you let them. you weren’t one to show your emotions normally, but after everything, it made sense.
you hadn’t even been able to tell your best friend about nate. rue had been your best friend since before you remembered. and when jules came in the mix you easily befriended her as well.
when rue and jules got together, that meant you inherited jules as a best friend - in law. which meant not associating with nate by proxy of his father for what he did to jules.
but they didn’t know that nate hated his dad for similar reasons.
you rolled over in the bed with your pillow covering your face. not wanting to deal with anyone, or even text nate. your whole body was hurting, even your heart.
tags later)
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brelione · 4 years
First Date With Pope Headcanons
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You and Pope’s first date was at Walmart
Well, kind of.You guys were planning on just stopping in really quickly to grab snacks to watch a movie but it ended up as a full on journey across the store.
He was trying so hard not to act too weird but you laughing because you found a vibrator in an abandoned cart wasnt helping
“We should make tacos.”He suggested, noticing a sale on tortillas.You shrugged, tossing some into the cart. “We should make cup cakes but make them look like flowers.”You replied, already on your way to the baking isle.
“Can we get this?”He asked, holding up a bag of sour skittles.You nodded,sitting in the cart on your phone as he pushed it through the isles, secretly taking a  video of him. “Can we get this?”He asked, holding up a bag of caramel m and ms.You nodded again, trying your best not to laugh at him as he pushed the cart with a grin that resembled that of a child at a toys r us. “Can we get this?”He asked, holding up a bag of cool ranch doritos. “Yep.”You replied.
Eventually you decided to switch places, you pushing the cart while POpe sat inside, grabbing anything he wanted off the shelves as you passed.
Playing pass with a bouncy ball only to throw it across the store wheen you hear a worker on their way to kick you guys out
“Go,go,go!”You exclaimed, running down the isles to hide in the toy section.
“Wait- can we get this?”Pope asked, pointing to a nerf gun.You laughed, trying to figure out what he could possibly want with it. “Yeah, sure.Grab me one too.”You told him.
Somehow you guys ended up in the book section
“Trash!they literally dont have any classics all they have is-oh wait.Wait, they have Percy Jackson.Can I please get this?”He asked, holding up one of the books.
You assumed he had never been able to get whatever he wanted at a store before so you just let him go wild
“What is this?”He asked, looking at a case of La Croix.You shrugged, telling him to just put it in the cart.
“Thay have birthday cake oreos!”He exclaimed, tossing them into the cart.
“Do you need any clothes?”You asked, approaching the mens section.He shrugged, not really expecting you to buy him clothes. 
“We’re getting this.”You didnt even show him the shirt before it ended up in the cart.When he tried to turn it over to see why you liked it som much you simply smacked his hand away and told him it was a surprise.
Him buying like eight different DVD’s because “THERE WAS A SALE!”
 “Do you think its weird that you’re lik...you know, a kook in  a walmart.”He muttered, trying not to sound rude.You raised an eyebrow, not really getting his point. “No, like, i mean because other kooks dont go to-nevermind.”He trailed off, kissing your forehead.
He was literally shaking when the cashier was ringing in all the items because you guys bought so much
He held your hand while he drove, rolling his eyes when you started playing LIttle Einsteins
“Why is this happening?”He asked, clearly referring to the song.You just laughed, knowing how annoyed he was.
Once you guys got back to your house you just sat in the driveway for a good twenty minutes when the realization hit you that you’d have to bring all the bags inside
Baking cake was a mess
“It says to get  two round eight inch-”You paused to laugh, finding it really funny. “Shush the hell your mouth.”He replied,finding the baking pans.
“How many eggs did you put in there?”He asked, noticing that the mixture was kind of dry. “I didnt put in the eggs yet, dumb dumb.”You replied,digging deep in your fridge to find the carton of eggs only to drop one on the floor. “Yeah, okay, fair enough.”You stared at the egg.He frowned,grabbing a paper towel. “Youre a murderer.”He mumbled,scooping the shells and the yol onto the towel. “You’re the one who smashed a moth to death last week.”You retaliated, earning a dramatic gasp from him. “It was trying to attack you!”He defended himself.
So you guys didnt even end up watching a  movie because you guys were too busy baking and eating
“So whats the shirt?”He asked, noticing that you were holding the bag that contained the black cloth.You grinned,pulling it out and throwing it to him.
“OH MY GOD!IS THE GOLDEN GIRLS!”he exclaimed, peeling off the shirt he was currently wearing and into his new one.
“Oh shit- we forgot to get frosting!”You exclaimed, realizing that you had only bought cake mix.
“Its fine, you have peanut butter somewhere in here.”He raided your kitchen cabinets,hoping for the best.
The night ended with the two of you on the couch with a batch of cupcakes covered in peanut butter and powdered sugar, falling asleep in eachothers arms before you could even put a movie on.
When you woke up he was still asleep with his head resting on your thighs, trapping you on the couch.
“Pope….Pope wake up.”You whispered, shaking him back and forth. “No….”He grumbled, half asleep as his arms tightened around you. “Pope!Up, now.”You repeated,trying to get him off of you before your legs would go numb.He yawned, saying something under his breath before rolling onto the floor, not even caring.He grabbed a pillow from off the couch and held it to his chest, going back to sleep.
You laughed, getting up and going into your kitchen to make two cups of coffee, feeling his arms around you. 
“Morning.”You grinned, kissing his cheek lightly. “Afternoon.”He corrected after glancing over at the clock in your kitchen.You shrugged, deciding that it was basically the same thing.
You ate what was left of the cupcakes with your coffee before realizing you guys hadnt made tacos last night, deciding to make some for lunch
“We couldve just got taco bell.”He realized,stirring the meat in the pan.You sighed, opening a soda. “It was your idea to make tacos.”You reminded him, taking a sip of the soda before grabbing cheese, lettuce,guacamole,salsa and sour cream from the fridge.
Sitting down on the couch you guys decided to do a redo, putting on a movie as you ate the tacos
“shhh-stop crunching so loud!”You exclaimed, turning up the volume so you could hear the dialogue over the chewing of taco shells. “sorry.” he whispered.
“That bitch just shot her husband!If you ever do that to me im gonna be so mad.”He shook his head, leaning back against the pillow.You raised an eyebrow, a small grin forming on your face. “Are you saying that we’re gonna get married?”You teased,watching his eyes widen. “Maybe.”He replied.
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just-zenitsu · 4 years
oh that makes me curious... do you think zenitsu was thrown between orphanages and foster homes as a kid? or maybe he was in one until he ran away, either when he eloped or some time before and then lived on the street from then... or did he just live on the streets his whole childhood? ive been wondering this for days and its been on my mind for ages
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first of all id like to say that i have like three fic ideas that explore his past (whether it focuses on how he grew up or not) BUT THANK U FOR INDULGING ME GUYS IM DEFINITELY RAMBLING ABT EACH OF THEM NOW… (this is a fucking monster tho. so its under read more)
* @anon THATS A WHOLE ASS MOOD TBH. i spend literal hours at night thinking abt whether he was in an orphanage or a street kid. ive wrote him living in the streets  and getting sent to an orphanage when he was caught stealing. whereas i ALSO have mindless scribbled notes of modern au where his parents left him in an orphanage but bc of bad experiences (and thats putting it lightly) he gets sent to different homes A LOT and eventually gets kicked out at some point, ILL GET TO THAT LATER IN A BIT
* SINCE im trying to NOT write a fic here ill just list down headcanons and stuff bc YEET!!!! and for the sake of convenience lets just say he was both sent to an orphanage and lived as a street kid :”DD
* lets talk abt hcs ive seen first,, jpn fandom mostly all seem to hc him as a street kid who lived by working on odd jobs and the sort. ofc more often than not he just gets the bare amount for payment and the people he works for arent really nice :(( they never have the nicest words to say and sometimes they even hit him. zen sometimes endures it bc its not like he has much of a choice in the end. other times he runs away crying and scared.
* he also doesnt really have a permanent home so he wanders a lot carrying what little stuff he owns (probably a few clothes or a worn-out futon or something)
* he’s taken advantage of a lot,, whether it’d be people tricking him into doing some work saying ‘he’ll be given something good in return’ or something equally vague. he usually wonders why their words sound so kind in comparison to their heartbeats that sound… off,, its not until he’s older that he gets an answer to that question
* bc he cant be picky i like to think that its not that hard for him to sleep somewhere uncomfortable. he also curls up a lot into a ball when he sleeps. he likes being cooped up into small spaces, it makes him feel safe and that no one can get him. 
* was initially very verbal about his hearing condition (something along the lines of saying ‘i heard you say that ____’ or ‘hey, do you hear that’ etc etc.) people think hes creepy and/or he’s lying most of the time. he eventually doesnt really wanna talk about it anymore once someone came this close to threatening to cut his ears off.
* i think we can say that zen lived in the city? its why he likes expensive things and the sort, and he has a lot of stock knowledge about how the city works and stuff like that, not to say that he’s ever really participated in it 
* as a child (and even as he got older) zenitsu’s favorite season is spring, autumn being a close second. he likes spring bc the air is fresh and he can find flowers in the outskirts of the city, surviving despite growing in cracked concrete. he makes little flower crowns out of them!
* he likes autumn bc the way the leaves change is pretty! but its only second to spring bc the flowers usually wilt by then and he gets cold :(
* he doesnt like winter simply because it is VERY cold. he dislikes summer the most tho bc the sound of literal thousands of cicadas give him a lot of headaches aaa 
* is very used to being hungry when he goes to sleep. he makes due with it as best as he can. one of his fondest memories is a frail old man who owns a sweet bun cart that gives him buns in exchange for a lower price than what he actually sells them for. on a day where he thinks the old man looks more tired and quiet than usual, zenitsu takes it upon himself to give him a flower crown. 
* unfortunately he never is able to give it, bc the next day, or days after that, zenitsu never sees him again.
* he has experience bein a sneaky little thief! its the reason on why he can easily take sweets without permission at the butterfly estate in canon hehe
* but its this very same reason that he gets sent to an orphanage, he gets caught! and bc he is a Literal Child. they send him to foster care woohoo
* i dont have a clear idea on how zenitsu couldve been treated in an orphanage. but all in all, he’s just very grateful to be given some kind of semblance of a home and food
* he learned how to speak (barely) when he lived in the streets, but they teach the basic minimum and suddenly he’s learning all these sorts of things
* the people who took care of them arent the most affectionate, neither are the kids he lives with. zenitsu’s crying is often really looked down upon, he tries to stop but he can’t really help it. he’s not really anyones favorite person here
* there’s a small somewhat neglected garden in the orphanage’s backyard. he spends his time here when everyones playing and no one wants to play with him
* every time someone comes to adopt a kid he cries and begs for them to adopt him whenever they show a spark of interest towards him. it goes as bad as u think it does, they dont like that type of kid, and as such they assume everyone else is like that and leaves w/o taking anyone. zenitsu isnt allowed to eat dinner in these nights ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
* bc of the latter reason, kids gang up and bully him a lot. zenitsu tries to go along w it bc its the ONLY time anyone ever pays attention to him, but at the end of the day the only thing he gets is scratches and bruises from being pushed around and lots of words that hurt his heart
* people think he’s a nuisance more or less. and then he gets sent to varied foster homes again and again bc he’s ‘difficult to deal with’ and going back to the first bullet point, he gets kicked out again wAH. at this point he might have been 15 and its when he starts trying to date girls, despite hearing everyone’s sounds of deceit and lies time and time again, he still goes through with it. and the rest is canon, 
OK. thats basically my brain vomit about zenitsu backstory. i am deceased and IM JUST PURELY FROTHING AT THE MOUTH EVERYTIME I THINK ABT HIM KDFKLGDFDGHF. thank u sm if u read this far, i appreciate it ;_______;
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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sunstar121 · 4 years
For The Departed
summary: phase has a bad dream. the author needs a hug, and wishes to project that upon all their characters
content warning: blood, gore, possession, nightmares, death (can all be skipped by skipping over the dream sequence)
Phases breaths were quick and hot against their knees. They pant as though they've been running a marathon, when in actuality they woke up a couple minutes ago. 
It keeps racing through their head, over and over and over.
(What is being hidden here?
Over and over and over.
It's 2 am, and it's late winter. It's 2 am, and even with fur it's incredibly cold out. It's 2 am, and Phase Akkra has just woken up from a nightmare.
It's the same nightmare that's been running through their head for weeks, plaguing them ever since that wretched day. It's nearly the same every single time as well, minor changes excluded.
( "Phase? What are you doing? What's- What's going on?" Zakk stuttered, his eyes wide. Phase swung their head around slowly, eyes glowing harshly. Their mouth was slightly agape, showing off glinting, red stained teeth.
They were kneeling next to a body, stock still, like an animal waiting to pounce. The body had no face, no features, its colours drained and muted. Even in its anonymous state, Phase knew it was one of their friends. It smelled familiar, and the cloth beneath their hands rubbed comfortingly between their fingertips. They couldn't quite tell which of their friends it was, the fuzz of dreaming obscuring their senses.
They did know one thing, though, and that thing is the person underneath them was dead. Its throat was a bloody, gaping hole, its torso cut to shreds by serrated claws. 
Their serrated claws. Their serrated claws, disgusting and clotted with blood and flesh. It made their stomach turn.
Zakk reeled back, his face twisting with disgust and horror. He didn't say anything, though, and neither did Phase. The only sound in the room was the steady drip-drip-drip of blood rolling off of Phases cheek and splattering on the floor. 
"You.... you... you did this. You killed them. You killed them, Phase." His voice shook, and tears filled his eyes. Phase noticed dully that his hands were balled into fists, and his stance was lower and more steady. They didnt care though. They couldn't. 
The being possessing them scratched the back of their mind, forcing them to their feet. He tugged on their torso and legs until they were fully facing Zakk, teeth bared, red pupils blown wide. 
Fear blossomed in his eyes, and he took a step back. Wrong choice. They lunged forward, hands on his chest, teeth colliding with his throat. Zakk crumpled to the floor, unable to stay standing with Phases full weight on his chest. They straddled his torso, claws sunk deep into his shoulders. In one swift motion they swooped down, fangs gleaming, and plunged their teeth into his neck. It made a blood-curdling squelching noise, liquids and flesh colliding with hard bone and enamel. Phases hackles raised at the noise, but they didn't relent. They just kept going deeper, and deeper, and deeperanddeeperanddeeperanddeeper-
They registered fists slamming against their back, hands grabbing and scrabbling at their chest and arms. It hurt, it hurt so very badly. Zakk was incredibly strong, he wasn't a monk for no reason. He knew the places to hit where it would hurt the hardest, the points to push that would send someone spiralling. He was certainly strong, but he didn't even come close to how strong a demon-possessed Shifter was.
Someone was screaming. Their ears rang from the proximity and volume of it, but they couldn't place where it was coming from. Zakk's mouth was definitely open, but they couldn't feel any vibrations coming from his throat. Their mouth wasn't open, but their lungs ached in a way that made them think it was coming from them.
Below them, Zakk was stilling. His fists beat weaker and weaker, his muscles slowly letting go and loosening. His breath was barely coming out, and his eyes were no longer rolling frantically. They were locked onto Phase's face, full of horror and... something. Something deep, something aching, something hollow and echoing. They didn't have time to unpack all of that. He certainly didn't. 
With one last, heaving breath, Zakk stilled. His eyes glossed, his hands fell, and his head lolled to the side. Phase removed their teeth from his throat, blood, bile and ichor staining the inside of their mouth. Shakily, they raised up to their feet and observed the room.
Laying in a perfect, delicate circle around them were nine bodies, each with giant gaps in their throats. 
Cecilia, Corwin, Richard, Kara, Kyle, Malachi, Quincy, Ris, and finally Zakk. Their best friends. The only people who cared about them... and they were all gone. 
A laugh, dark and deep, echoed through their skull as Asmodeus exited their psyche. Phase fell to their knees, a scream in their throat, and tears in their eyes)
Phase, present Phase, real Phase, awake Phase, shook violently as they replayed the nightmare in their head. They could practically taste the blood on their tongue, could practically feel flesh between their teet-
Something shifted on the bed next to them, grumbling slightly. Oh. Oh.
They had forgotten that Zakk had decided to spend the night in their room. The man in question shifted again, his eyes fluttering open and settling on their shaking form. Damn it, they had hoped they were quiet enough that they wouldn't wake him, but apparently they were mistaken. 
"Phase? Hey, hey! What's going on?" Zakk propped himself up on his elbows, one hand idly running through his hair. His face was twisted in concern, and he shuffled closer to them. They flinched back, still trembling like a leaf. Looking at his face, they couldn't stop imagining it twisted with horror and splattered with blood. He seemed to pick up on their vibe, and reached out a hand to them. They took it, threading his fingers with theirs.
"Let me guess, bad dream, huh?" He was speaking softly, slowly, like one might do to a scared animal. Though, they kinda were an animal, or at least as close to an animal as you can get without going full Tabaxi. Regardless, it worked. They could already feel their heartbeat slowing, and their breathing become less frantic.
"Yeah, uhm, really- uh, really bad dream. S-sorry, you.... haven't spent a night in my room before, I should have warned you." They sniffed, and wiped a hand across their cheeks. They hadn't even noticed the tears rolling down their cheeks until now.
"What do you mean? Is this, like, a nightly thing for you?" His voice was laden with concern, and a pang of guilt shot through their stomach.
"Yeah, uh, c-close enough. I get.... I get nightmares a lot, uhm, especially now with the whole..... Asmodeus thing." They cringed as the name left their mouth, an acrid taste on their tongue.
"Oh, Phase.... you could've come get me, you know? Even when we weren't together, you could've come get me. You didn't have to suffer through the aftermath of these nightmares alone."
Silence settled between the two, thick and heavy. Phase didn't know what to say. Of course- of course they knew they could go to someone. You don't go through years of therapy without getting that sufficiently drilled into your head.
It's just..... putting that idea into practice isn't as easy as it sounds, especially around people who are still a little unfamiliar to you. There's that fear factor, that small probability of rejection that prevents you from doing it. When you're in a bad space there's no worse feeling than shame, and you do whatever you can to avoid it.
So yeah, they knew. They knew that their friends would care, that Zakk would care, but they couldn't. They just couldn't. 
Zakk seemed to understand the meaning of their silence, and threw an arm around their shoulder. They leaned into him, lungs heavy in their chest. His lips brushed against their hair, tender and soft in all the right ways.
"I know," They mumbled, "I know." Lips pressed into their hair once more.
"You don't have to be ashamed of asking us for help, Phase. You're not- you aren't a burden to us, and you never will be."
"Yeah, I- I know. I know. It's just- I-its just hard, y'know? It's just.... hard. Ugh.'
They buried their head in their hands, cheeks burning. They couldn't find the proper words, and even if they did they didnt know if the words would even come out.
'I.... I feel... bad. So ba-ad. I keep... I keep just, uh, just replaying everything that c-couldve been. Everything that I could've done, and.. and! And I know that that's bad! A-and I know that, uhhhhh, that that's just... just like, PTSD talking, i know that.... but knowing that, knowing that doesn't make it hurt less." They finished, blowing out a breath they didn't know they had been holding.
"Yeah bud, I get that. I get that. Just.... just know that I don't think less of you for feeling like this, okay? I care about you, and I'll still care about you even if it gets worse." He rubbed gentle circles into their back as he spoke, his voice low and soft. It felt... nice, honestly, to be cared for and heard like this.
"M-man, Zakk," They barked out a dry laugh, a small smile on their face, "You know.... you know, caring for me... caring about me, it's rotten work, it is."
"Not for me it isn't," He paused, turning to face them. His eyes were soft and tender, and deep with warmth, "Not if it's you." 
Hours later, tangled deep in a mess of blankets and limbs, Phase awoke from the best sleep they had had in years.
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i preplanned those tunnel tweets + made a list of specifically what pictures i wanted and finished making the worms earlier this morning so like i wasnt Winging It at all but it sure felt like it! bc weve only ever gone to the tunnels as a group before, but today the only time i could go was in the 25 minutes before my evening class and no one else was free then so i was like whatever ill just go get my pictures and then to class and it’s fine. so i put my little sandwich baggie full of worms in my pocket and went over to the machinery building, which is where the tunnel entrance is, but the entrance is in the basement and there’s two ways to get into the basement both of which are almost always locked so i was like well i’ll just check and see if either of them are open. and it turned out the freight elevator was allowing trips to the basement so i got in and went down
the freight elevator spits you out in like this really cluttered and fucked-up looking storage basement basically which is where the tunnel entrance is and while the tunnel is dark the basement itself is usually lit by these shitty fluorescents HOWEVER! today when the elevator doors opened it was absolutely completely dark in the entire enormous basement. but at that point i was like i made it over here, i have my worms, i have my photo list, i have time before class, and what are the odds the elevator will be working again, ill just use my flashlight who cares. so i turned my flashlight on and started picking my way through to the tunnel entrance, except i stopped and made a detour to take pics in that little office room because i thought it would sorta look like the room where they found gertrude’s body and i could make a fun joke about it  ANYWAY as i’m coming out of the office room i notice that the stairway door directly across from me is open, which is weird because they’re Never open because they don’t want us to go down there. so i was like, shit, maintenance and/or security are down here and my only way out is the super obvious elevator so ill just wait them out so i like turned my flashlight off and crouched behind a bunch of shit
anyway i just sort of huddled in the dark for a while and soon enough it became clear that no one was actually coming so i took advantage of my proximity to the ground to scatter some worms and take that first worm pic where im pointing. and then i was like okay, might as well get the tunnel bit over with. so the area of the basement where the mouth of the tunnel is is closed off with this big metal fence and there’s like a wire-mesh on the front with a huge padlock only years and years of horrible college students have managed to sort of beat the bottom half of the gate a few inches outwards + compromise its integrity enough that its easy to pull far enough open for someone else to slip through. however my problems today were 1) like i said ive only ever gone with a group before, meaning i’d always had someone to hold the gate open for me, and i had never attempted to get through without assistance before let alone back out and 2) the gate is RIGHT next to the stairs that i mentioned earlier were open when they usually never are. so i stood there for a minute like... okay, say i DO try to get through myself, and i get stuck. OR, say that happens and THEN whoever was working down here comes back and im stuck so i get caught and in trouble.
and then i was like actually fuck it we ball so i like. sort of just got down fully on the ground (which was gross btw do not recommend) and like rolled and twisted and pushed myself around until i wiggled through. that was the moment when i sort of started to accept just how much tunnel dirt i was gonna be covered in by the end but it was so far past too late to back out so i headed into the tunnel entrance. it gets TRULY dark like really really soon after you walk in also like i thought the basement outside was dark because the lights were off but the tunnels are like....  DARK. anyway i stopped halfway down the entry tunnel to try and set up the like “worm door outline” thing from after MAG39 and like initially i had thought that i could figure out an okay way to at least temporarily get them on the wall bc theyre made of latex and super light but it was quickly apparent that that would not be the case so i found a patch of the floor that looked smooth enough to be a wall and set it up on there instead. so i’m like. squatting on the floor in this very dark and kind of gross tunnel, and i have my phone laying on the ground next to me flashlight-side-up so i can see as well as use both hands to dig cold little latex worms out of a sandwich baggie and arrange them in a pattern on the ground and the flashlight was lighting up the tunnel in the most fucked up way and it was dead silent and the WHOLE time i was like, and this is the moment when like a maintenance worker turns the corner and finds me and is just like, hello??? theres some clown playing with worms in the tunnel????
anyway that did not happen and instead i got my little doorway set up and then it was time to take the first pic (of the worm door by itself without me in it) which was when i realized that when i open my camera app my phone forcibly turns the flashlight off so every time i wanted to take a picture in the tunnels i was gonna have to turn my light off and just like chill alone in the pitch dark in a tiny tunnel for however long it took me to take each photo and i was like hm okay wig i guess so i took the door pic and then it took me like four tries to get myself positioned right for the cringe ass fail worms one because, surprisingly, it is difficult to position yourself directly in the center of an archway of worms that you cannot see, and while i was doing all those failed tries i got to spend a lot of time laying splayed out on my back in the dark on the tunnel floor anyway i got it finally so i just sort of kicked the worms to the sides and kept going in further. to get to the pit you have to turn left at the first fork and then take a right and then theres this weird like step? thing? in the middle of the tunnel and if youre me you have to do a super awkward crabwalk limbo step thing to get over it because the pipes on the ceiling above it are hot and the step comes up to like 6 inches below the pipe but also i dont like to touch the top of the step because its gross. so its always a production. this time i think they had worked on that pipe recently or something because it was leaking so the step was wet and the pipe dripped hot water onto my neck while i was crawling under it LMAO
anyway from there its a straight shot and it opens out into this like larger room near the entrance to the engine room and the pit is right at the edge of where the dirt of the tunnel turns into the concrete of the room floor. and theyve like half-covered the top of it in wooden planks but theyre not held down so when you have to step on them just for a second to get out of the tunnel its so nervewracking. theres overhead lights in that room though so that was nice idk if i couldve managed the flashlight-camera-transition in the dark AND one-handed. so i took my from-above tunnel pic and then i was like (checks my photos list) “well...... i did say id get two from inside the pit.” i had actually never been in the pit before because the other two times i’ve gone to the tunnels i’ve been with other people and they would barely even let me get near it let alone get on the ladder. so i was like well i guess there is a first time for everything so i put my phone in my back pocket and ducked under the little yellow chain they have up and started going down the ladder and i got like 8? maybe 10? feet down before i thought to look down again and let me just say..... all the times we had looked into that pit from above we had never guessed anywhere CLOSE to how deep it actually was. thats all. so i was like.... um i was expecting to be able to like, stand on solid ground while i take this pit selfie, but that was clearly not going to be an option, but also i had committed this far already to getting these pics from the pit so i was like ugh i guess and hooked my one arm over the ladder so i could get my phone out w the other hand and take the pics from in there. and then i climbed back out. the ladder rungs made my hands SO gross and dirty with rust i was like eugh eugh.
but after that the only picture left to take was the one w my pen and the only way for me to go was back out towards the entrance so i was like its fine im almost done. so i went back out until i got to the tunnel after the first fork and i was like cool here’s a good a place as any so i got my pen ready + went to get my camera out, and literally RIGHT as the flashlight went out and the camera app opened i was like SO sure i saw something move vaguely in the darkness to my right like REALLY close to me shoulder height so i was like uhhh no and took a flash photo more out of reflex than anything and i didnt see anything but also the flash lit up for like,  one second and then it was dark again so i like switched back to the flashlight really quick and obviously it was just a normal tunnel and i was the only one there so i opened the camera app again to try to take the pic again and literally just like the first time right as the flashlight turned off i was soooo sure something moved right next to me like so close but i was like “nell. youre being insane.” so i didnt do anything and i just took like three more possible variations on the pic i wanted and then i turned my flashlight back on and once again obviously nothing was amiss so i was like epic win and went back out the tunnel entrance. and then i was like............. oh god i have to do the gate squirm again. but there was no other way so i just did it really fast before i could really get worked up about it lol and then i went back over to the freight elevator only when i pressed the button it would light up and then immediately go dark when i unpressed it and i was like oh fuck because 90% of the time when you get in on the ground floor this elevator literally refuses to take you to the basement and i was like oh no it re-locked while i was down here and now i can’t get up this way so im just like in this basement for the foreseeable future but then of course as i was going down that tangent the elevator doors opened and i stepped into the fluorescent light and looked down and was like wow i am just so thoroughly, completely, orangely covered in dirt. but i made it home with like 5 minutes to wash up a bit before my evening class so that was a win! i did learn however that i should never take my evening dose of adderall directly after a bit of minor breaking&entering while the adrenaline is still there because when i got to class i almost jackhammered a hole through the floor with my shakyleg
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kekyowin · 5 years
you decided not to board the boat with the rest of the gang. (spoilers)
what couldve happened. narancia x reader
˚✧₊In which you guys separate and you wonder what could’ve been⁎⁺˳✧༚
As the rest of the crew along with the exception of you, Narancia, and Fugo, stepped onto the boat with little hesitation, you remained stuck there. If you went, you would surely be killed. That wasn’t the smartest idea now wasn’t it?
Taking a look to your left you saw sweat piling on Fugo’s face. To the right, Narancia looked petrified almost. You were always one to follow the crowds, never stepping up to the leader position. But this time, you were thinking of your future. You were thinking of yourself.
Lacing your fingers through Narancia’s, you stood still in your position. His hands were clammy and his fingers were shaking. You tried to make eye contact with him as to tell him to stay with you and stay safe but his eyes were focused on the now leaving boat.
“I-I can’t. I’m so sorry y/n.”
“What are you saying Nara...?”
He took a step forward, then two, and let go of your hand. It almost felt as if he were stabbing you in the back.
He didn’t look back at you. You were left there, left to look at your lover slowly letting go of you and the relationship you built with him. Him leaving to betray the boss meant he would die. You didn’t think he cared though. Narancia was never one to be a leader either. Even though he left, you would always love him. Your best friend and your reason to keep moving on, Narancia Ghirga.
All you could do was look at the floor and smile solemnly in an effort to mask the tears threatening to fall. You had to be strong, even if you had to fake the strength. You knew this decision was the best for you. It hurt though, how he let go, how he swam away and how he abandoned you.
Fugo placed his hand on your shoulder. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, his gaze headed towards the now speeding off boat.
“They’re gonna be okay. They’ll be just fine without us, y/n”
“Were we really that useless...? Did we not add anything to the team? Even after all this time? I’m sure they’ll be fine too. They’ve always been fine without our help. I’m scared I won’t be okay though. I can’t do this alone. Maybe I’m just selfish but, I wish they hadn’t left, for my sake, and for yours.”
He looked up to the sky and closed his eyes. You could hear him sigh and he sounded uneasy.
“What now?” He asked with worry written on his face. Now turning to face you and placing both hands on your shoulders he asked, “What’re you gonna do now, y/n?”
His voice was shaky and you’ve never heard him sound like this before. It was unsettling and it made you want to cry and turn yourself into a ball and never see the light of day again.
“I-I don’t know.
The only thing I know is that we can never go back to the way things were before. We don’t have a place to call home anymore, Fugo. Do you think Narancia hates me now? Will we ever be together again? Will we even get the chance to see them again...?”
As you went on, your voice got quieter with each sentence and by the end your voice was reduced to a whisper.
All you two could do was stare at the empty space where the crew members boarded the boat and eventually left. In the end, you couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve been.
“Who would’ve thought it would’ve ended like this?”
Every word you two exchanged made you want to break down. Somewhere deep down inside your heart you wished you went with them.
Little did you know that by the end of the gang’s adventure, most of them would be up in the clouds, happy that you weren’t there to suffer just as they did. They were happy you didn’t come with them so you wouldn’t have had to die.
But in that moment, where you two were unsure of what to do next, all you wanted most was to die.
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soledadcatalina · 6 years
kjnkjdnfd im gonna be predictable, adam (eff) daisy bec or lucretia :P
favorite thing about them: he’s funny and genuinely charming & endearing
least favorite thing about them: the fact that i love him but this is all the content i have of him smh
favorite line: “The best thing you can do is bring your heart down here with you, you keep it down here with you. Whatever happens, however bad it gets, you keep it.”
brOTP: him & batek
OTP: him & donovan
nOTP: girls i guess, but also nothing creepy 
random headcanon: sometimes he drools in his sleep and thats why donovan kicks him out lol
unpopular opinion: unpopular about what lol
song i associate with them: i dont have a good adam songs yet itll come to me in a dream
favorite picture of them: every picture ive drawn of him lol
favorite thing about them: daisy brien is licherally a ball of sunshine omg
least favorite thing about them: the way her story wrapped up 
favorite line: “Daisy laughed, her angel laughed, the sound of it blasting away the last of the smoke. This time, even the vacuum of space permitted it, the sound echoing in her ears. It had never heard laughter. All the way out here there was only absence. This place, the emptiness between the stars, was what he liked, the man in the storm. He wanted to wipe everything else away so this was all that was left. Well, she wouldn’t let him, she wouldn’t. She would fill it all up with laughter.”
brOTP: her & cal, her & adam (fury adam lol i cant believe this gordon)
OTP: uve been persuading me to becsy i will say
nOTP: her & adam not to start shit but like this adam is like 9 and thats a little weird, also any weird gross shit but thats a given
random headcanon: her parents have a collection of waybills from every school play and performance shes ever been in
unpopular opinion: unpopular to whomst 
song i associate with them: dfsdfhdsjfs ill get back on this
favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media
[ID: a pencil drawing of daisy brien, holding up her curled hand smiling as she says to someone offscreen: “y’know, like n’ya.” “what?” “nya~” “stop.”] 
least favorite thing about them: i wish we couldve gotten even more of her tbh
favorite line: “ Oh you’re so deep in the test, you are knee-deep in test town.”
brOTP: her & magnus tbh
OTP: lupcretia/polyblaster shenanigans
nOTP: ppl being gross
random headcanon:
unpopular opinion: lucretia gambled in her plan knowing that there were no good options the way they were, that there was no winning outcome she could’ve proposed, and acted out of a desire to ease her family’s pain and thats my opinion on that!!!
song i associate with them: laura mvula’s “sing to the moon”
favorite picture of them: any picture of lucretia enjoying herself post canon, or any of her drinking a big ass glass of wine
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quinlin-blog1 · 6 years
Blurb from What’s It Like
Axel Fletcher was a nine year old boy. He had brown eyes that were full of life and messy brown hair to match. He lived with his Mother and Father and his two siblings, both were girls.
Axel went to school like any other child would do, he did his homework, he got good grades and he even helped the Kindergartners with their lunches. But like any other child, Axel also got bullied.
It was always during break, Axel had just finished helping the Kindergarten class and he would make his way outside to the playground. Axel’s favorite spot on the playground, was under the slide. Not many kids went there because they were too busy playing on the swings or on the slide itself. All break, this was where Axel would sit, happily coloring in his drawing book, oblivious of the other children.
This obliviousness left Axel when two eighth grade boys came up to him. These two boys were known throughout the entire playground as the bullies and if you see them, you’d best avoid them. But unfortunately for Axel, today, he didn’t see them coming.
Axel was using an orange coloring pen, to color in the bill of the duck on the page, when suddenly the pen was ripped from his hands and a muddy, scuffed boots stepped right on his picture.
“Hey!” Axel exclaimed.
It was in the moment that Axel chose to look up at whoever had ruined his picture, expecting and hoping for it to be a kindergartener, playing around with him like they had done moments before, but not today.
“Watch it Shrimp!” The first boy told Axel as he snapped the coloring pen in his beefy hands.
Axel looked at the two boys, hoping that maybe he could just disappear and they would never see him again.
“Hey! We were talking to you Shrimp!” The second boy exclaimed.
Axel looked around the playground for a teacher, even another student that may help him, but the playground had been deserted. There wasn’t a teacher or student in sight. Now Axel really wish he was invisible.
The one boy watched ass Axel’s glance fleeted to his picture, so the older boy picked up the drawing and laugh a loud, fake laugh.
“What’s this supposed to be? Roadkill?”
Tears jumped to Axel’s eyes and he quickly looked away, hoping that the bullies wouldn’t see him crying and pick on him even more.
But luck, just didn’t like Axel today.
The first boy pulled Axel up by the collar of his shirt and then shoved Axel down to the hard gravel ground again. Axel could feel tiny pebbles sticking into the palms of his hands and his back and bum hurt from the harsh impact, but Axel didn’t cry, not again, he didn’t want to be weak in front of the older boys.
Once again, Axel was picked up by his collar and the second boy hung him on the edge on the railing for the slide, high enough to make sure that Axel’s feet didn’t touch the ground.
Axel thrashed and kicked, hoping that if he moved enough he would get unhooked, but looking down at the ground, it seemed much farther away than it had before and suddenly Axel didn’t want to fall, nor did he want to stay hooked on that railing. The two boys stepped back and started laughing cruelly, really, Axel didn’t see what was so funny. Why would you laugh at someone who’s stuck and can’t get down? But it was the mind of a big boy, as much as Axel tried, he didn’t understand how an eighth grader thought and didn’t think he ever would.
Now Axel was just hanging limply in the air, trying to hold his head up although it felt like his head weighed a million pounds. His legs were beginning to go numb and Axel already couldn’t feel his fingers. His back was getting cold from the light wind, the back of his shirt was stretching awkwardly and to make matters worse, the bell rang.
The bell rang, this meant that the other children would be coming out from wherever they had been playing and would see Axel hanging there. They were bound to laugh at him. He was going to get teased, laughed at and people would never let Axel live this day down.
But one good thing would come out of this, maybe a teacher would see.
‘Maybe they’ll get expelled’ Axel thought bitterly ‘maybe they’ll have to do community service.’
As children filled the school yard once more, Axel became aware of how many students there really were, there were hundreds. And they were all standing there, laughing at him.
Well most of them were, the only ones that weren’t were the ones that thought practical jokes were silly and a waste of time, but these children wouldn’t voice their thoughts, nor would they help poor Axel down from his perch, so really, Axel would remain there.
It was when a teacher came five minutes later that Axel finally got down. For the rest of the day, Axel kept his head down, hoping that his classmates wouldn’t tease him too harshly. The end of the day couldn’t have come quicker in Axel’s mind. As soon as the bell rang, Axel was out of his seat, grabbing his backpack and putting his coat on, soon Axel was running out the front doors of the school, ignoring the other people that were snickering and pointing.
The bus ride home wasn’t eventful. Axel sat in the seat closest to the driver hoping that no one would throw paper wads at him if he did this. But instead, kids just spat spit balls at the back of his neck and called out mean things. No matter how hard, Axel couldn’t shut it all out.
So when the bus reached his stop, Axel jumped up and ran out towards his home.
Axel opened his front door, took off his coat and shoes, dumped his backpack on the ground and ran up to his bedroom. He knew that his parents weren’t home yet, his mother was visiting his aunt in Florida whilst his father was at work. The babysitter was going to be there soon so Axel only had a few moments to himself.
In those moments, Axel decided that he was going to go hide himself in the attic and not come out for the rest of the day. In his mind, it made sense, he didn’t want to be bothered and no one went into the attic anyway, so Axel grabbed his favorite comic books, a few packages of crackers from the kitchen and pulled the ladder down. The attic was dusty, as attics are, in one corner there were boxes of old Christmas decorations that would not be taken out for another few months, in another corner there was a box that was labeled “Axel’s Baby stuff” and there was a clutter of other random boxes around the attic.
Axel found a folder out chair in one of the many boxes and unfolded it next to the grimy window. Looking out of the dirty glass pane, Axel could see the other houses on the street, cars driving, most likely filled with children from school, there were dogs running on the street, cats sitting on fences and leaves blowing from the trees. It was truly beautiful. Now that Axel cared. The beauty of the outside world never really struck Axel and he never understood why his mother was always talking about how amazing nature was.
Huffing, Axel sat back in the chair and watched as the sun slowly went down behind the clouds and down onto the horizon. He could hear his babysitter downstairs, calling for him, telling him that it was dinner, but Axel wasn’t hungry and he was pretty sure that if he tried to eat, it wouldn’t end well.
So Axel stayed in the chair, in the attic, looking out the window, watching as the sky faded into oranges and pinks and yellows, then as sit faded into a dark blue and black. The stars had come out by the time that Axel heard this front door opening, alerting him that his mother and father had returned home and his babysitter was leaving.
Something glittered in the sky and Axel looked up. It was a star, just like the other stars, but this one was special somehow. It was brighter, bigger and Axel could’ve looked at it all night long.
“If you wish on a star, maybe it will come true”
Axel remembered the words his mother had told him when he was young, of course Axel didn’t believe any of that nonsense at the time nor did he now, but it was worth a try.
So Axel closed his eyes, took a deep breath and thought to the star.
“I wish I was invisible. I wish that I was invisible and no one would ever know where I was. I wish that I was invisible so that I will never get teased again”
With that last thought, Axel opened his eyes and looked at his hands. When he realized that they were still there, he sighed.
Axel folded that chair up once more and put it back in its box, making sure that he put the box exactly where he found it, because he didn’t want his mother to be cross with him and then Axel went down the ladder.
“Axel! You didn’t eat your dinner” Axel’s Mother stated as he walked into the sitting room. She’d returned earlier that day.
“I’m not hungry” Axel said quietly.
“The Sitter said that you’ve been up in the attic since you got home from school. Did you need something?” Axel’s father asked.
Axel simply shook his head “I thought I would find my Soldier toy up there, but I couldn’t find him” Axel lied.
“Well I’m sure he’ll turn up. Now, go eat your dinner, I’ve just warmed it up and then go straight to bed” His mother ordered.
So Axel went and sat at the table and slowly ate his cold dinner. The chicken didn’t taste good, the potatoes were dry and his broccoli were mushy, all in all, Axel was excited to go to bed. Once he had finished his dinner, Axel put his plate in the sink, kissed his mother and father good night, then went up to the bathroom to brush his teeth.
As he did this, Axel wondered why his wish hadn’t worked.
‘Did I do it wrong? Was I missing something? Maybe the star needed some food and maybe it would have answered my wish if I had given it some chicken. Do stars eat chicken? Do stars eat at all?’
All these thoughts went through Axel’s mind as he finished brushing his teeth and he climbed into his warm bed.
Grabbing his stuffed bear, Axel closed his eyes and the last thing he saw was the star, before he fell asleep.
The next Morning Axel woke up dreading school. He didn’t want to go and he buried himself deeper into his covers, hoping that the world would disappear and school would cease to exist. But reality came to him when his babysitter called up the stairs to him, saying that it was time to go to school.
So Axel begrudgingly got out of his bed and trudged over to his cupboard, where he quickly got dressed, put on his shoes on, brushed out his hair and grabbed his backpack and ran down the stairs, where his sitter was holding his lunch.
“Turkey and Cheese, with no mayo and extra ketchup” His sitter recited.
Axel smiled a fake smile and took the paper bag out of the baby sitter’s hands.
“Thank you” He said before rushing out the door.
But as soon as he did, Axel felt a sudden wave of dizziness surround him, stumbling for a moment, Axel blinked the spots dancing in front of his eyes away and he continued to walk to the bus stop. He was hesitant when he saw that there were other kids standing there, he didn’t want to be made fun of because of what had happened yesterday, but when he arrived at the bus stop, no one greeted him, no one said hi, or asked him how he was, no one teased him, no one even looked at him. This relieved Axel, he waited at the bus stop in peace, and no one spoke to him, which was alright with Axel because he didn’t really know any of them.
When the bus arrived, Axel was the first to get on, he sat in the front row where no one else joined him.
In wasn’t a very long drive to school, around five minutes if the stops to pick up the other children weren’t long. During this short time, Axel looked out the window and waited to get to school, still dreading what might await him.
But finally the bus stopped at Axel’s school and all the children got off the bus, Axel going last, hoping to get lost in the crowd, but nobody noticed him.
Everything went normally, Axel went to his locker cubby, placed his coat and backpack in it, and then walked to class, where Axel sat at his desk, waiting for all the other children to join him.
Soon enough, the classroom slowly filled with other children and Axel’s teacher began roll call.
Considering the first letter in Axel’s name was A, his name was quite near the beginning of the list.
“Axel” His teacher called out
“Here!” Axel replied like always. But his teacher didn’t hear him.
But once again, poor Axel wasn’t heard.
“He wasn’t on the bus today. Maybe he’s sick?” One of the other children suggested
“But I’m right here!” Axel protested, getting up out of his seat.
Axel walked over to his teacher and waved his hand in front of their face, but it was like Axel was invisible.
Then the thought hit Axel. He had wished on the start that he could be invisible, he woke up this morning and he wasn’t.
‘But then I got very dizzy when I walked out the front door’ Axel reminded himself ‘Maybe I’m only invisible when I’m not in my home’
This made Axel very happy. He could do whatever he wanted to and not have to worry about anybody seeing him.
Grinning to himself, Axel made his way silently (Although no one could hear him) out of the classroom and down the hall to find the grade eight class.
Inside this classroom, was a grade eight class learning about biology, and the two bullies from the day before were there as well.
Axel slowly walked into the classroom and sat in the teacher’s chair, watching ass the teacher explained bird physiology. Axel played with the things lying on the teacher’s desk, things like tack and erasers and confiscated phones. The class seemed to drag on forever in Axel’s mind and he was sure that some of the other students felt the same way. Some of them were staring blankly at the chalk board, other were napping with their heads tucked onto their desks, while there were very few writing down every word the Teacher was saying, whether it be important or not.
From what Axel gathered, the teacher was both telling a story about a bird and telling a story about his childhood, both were equally boring. Axel looked around the classroom for anything he could mess with and his eyes came into contact with the other chalk board. The one the teacher wasn’t writing on. One this chalk board was the date, the eighth grade lessons for that day, reminders about a math test on Wednesday and an old game of tic-tac-toe. Grinning, Axel made his way over to this board and picked up the chalk board eraser. Axel raised the Eraser and began to wipe away the words and numbers written there. Slightly paranoid, Axel kept looking over his shoulder to see if any of the students had seen him, but no one had, in fact Axel had remained invisible to the entire class.
Soon, Axel had wiped the entire chalkboard clean of the writing and he picked up a piece of blue chalk, grinning a Cheshire Cat grin. Axel put the chalk to the board and began drawing a giant wobbly picture. As he drew, the picture turned out to be a picture of a volcano, a blue volcano with pink lava flooding from the top. Personally, if you were to ask Axel, he’d say it was the best Volcano he had ever drawn. As Axel moved on to draw a spaceship hovering in the sky by the volcano, he realized that he was too short to reach the place he needed to. So Axel walked over to a stack of spare chairs in the corner and picked one up. Looking around Axel realized that surely someone would notice a floating chair being walked across the classroom.
Ignoring those thoughts Axel began to carry the chair to his old spot in front of the chalk board. To his shock, no one saw him.
Shrugging, Axel began to draw the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars.
AS he drew, Axel heard a grunt as one of the students woke up, yet he ignored this noise and continued to draw. Suddenly, the classroom erupted into whispers and chatter and the teacher stopped his droning.
“What is the matter?” He asked
One of the eighth grade students pointed to the chalk board and the teacher looked over and let out a shriek.
The author is sure that you would too if you saw a floating piece of chalk drawing a picture of a spaceship.
“What is this!?” The teacher demanded.
“The classroom is haunted!” One girl cried out
Grinning again, Axel put the chalk down, causing several children to squeal and look around to look for him. Axel went over to one of his bullies from yesterday and began playing with his hair.
“What’s happening!?” His friend exclaimed as Axel put a pencil in the boy’s ear.
As the cherry on the cake, Axel went over to the chalk board with the teachers writing and wrote, in giant letters. BOO!
Everyone in the classroom began to scream and they jumped from their seats out of the classroom, the teacher close behind them.
Axel was doubled over in fits of laughter as he listened to the class freak out in the hallways.
‘That was fun’ Axel thought to himself ‘What should I do now?’
As a response to that, Axel’s stomach rumbled and Axel happily skipped to the classroom, giggling as he passed the grade eight class. In the cafeteria, the lunch lady was scooping things into bowls, getting ready for lunch which happened to be very soon. Axel walked over and grabbed a piece of a turkey sandwich, which had been put on a plate not moments before. When the lunch Lady turned around and saw a sandwich missing she looked around and picked up a cleaver.
“Come here ya vermin, try it!” She then began to run around the cafeteria, trying to find the “Mice” that had stolen the sandwich.
The day went by too quickly for Axel’s liking. During the next few hours, he had thrown cheese strings at the Secretary, Poured water on the head of his French teacher, whom he thoroughly disliked, given flowers to the girl that he had a tiny crush on and sat in the principal’s office, while spinning on the Principal’s chair.
The bus ride home was pretty boring compared to the rest of the day, he stood at the very front, not sat, stood and waited to get off. When he got off the bus, he ran home and stopped at his porch.
‘If I go into my house, will I reappear?’ He asked himself. ‘Well I’ll have to go in sometime’
So Axel took a step forwards and walked into his house.
“Hey Axel” His babysitter said “How was school?” She looked over at his, smiling lightly.
Axel grinned and set his bag down “Oh you know, pretty boring”
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sexi4never · 3 years
I see you through the phone, you're so beautiful with your ruffled hair and your sheepish dimpled grin. You make it easy to think of what we are and what we couldve been. But then I think of what you see on your screen and I feel myself winding up. My brain coming up with all possible ways to tell me that I'm not enough. I hide my face, wear my specs so I make myself believe that you don't recoil at what you see, but deep down it takes all of me to not curl up into a ball and weep. There are much better people, much prettier faces and the fact that you like mine right now baffles me beyond my liminal stages. I know you'll leave someday but when you smile at me I forget that I have a face I hate, I only think there's something this man sees in me to stay and I'd give to world to keep it that way. Maybe I'll learn and get over all this is someday.
- a.
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