#we died laughing for like a solid 5 minutes
sirennamedkore · 9 months
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Something something the Seine something something laws something something local cop says fuck the police and comits a crime for the first and last time in his life
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jorisjurgen · 9 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator
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🎆 halfalight follow
I think if I get knocked out while solo'ing dungeons oen more time local eniripsas will just euthanise me 😭 iop save me
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
we all have that homie who's not gonna make it.
🎆 halfalight follow
You run an anti-recovery alcoholism blog tho ???
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
way to be classphobic dipshit.
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
Idk i feel like posting about losing your home bc of it isn't very successful and happy pandawa of you.
🤹 mysteryrystery follow
Anyone in this thread smoke hemp
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Like a sworn knight, I serve you. You are my beating heart, my lifeline. Neither Bonta nor Astrub would be home, if you were not by my side...
Yet, why do my hands yearn for freedom, the way a butcher yearns for a wild animal?
🌛 quartziwindy follow
Are you ok op.
🕸️ osamodas-loves-spiders follow
isnt op that one guy with 50 side blogs who got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
🌌 somethingquietplace
Do you swear on your heart that you can truly believe a person with a life and a career would post on this site.
#Mind your buisiness. #not osu
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🥧 amakna-news-official follow
does anyone know if the demigod goultard is still out there marrying people//...
i n;;eed h;im.
🍄 124-lancer-lancer follow
When you die and go to externam not even being hosed down will help clean your soul. You will not reincarnate for 999 years.
🆎 alphabetcounter follow
e: 13; n: 11; o: 11; l: 7; a: 6; r: 6; i: 5; t: 5; u: 4; d: 4; 9: 3; h: 3; y: 4; s: 3; w: 4; g: 2; c: 2; x: 1; m: 1; v: 1; b: 1; p: 1; f: 1
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Went on a fishing trip with my family.
Here are some photos I took there, including photos of the snappers the three of us caught. Sufokia is beautiful this time of the year.
        Keep reading
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'll delete this reblog a bit later for organization purposes, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your comments.
Also, I did not know that there was a fishing community here, for all the decades I spent on this site. The more you know.
#It's nice to get back in the groove of things... #Such a hectic year. #I just need some peace and quiet. #And maybe then I'll feel better. #Though sometimes I do ask why I keep doing this. Just everything in general. #...A hot chocolate will fix me right up though. Always does. #Delete later
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🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
I know most ppl are like..,, 100% over talking about that one fuckin xelor that reversed time for like 20 minutes. like yeah hes evil but he saved my whole life. i spilled coffee on my passport and then WHOOM time reversed and shit. and i woke up 20 minutes earlier, threw up, and decided not to go anywhere near my documents with liquids ever again.
can i get a wahoo for grandpa genocide. like he really fucked up but he did do a solid one to at least me. i just feel like enough years had passed for me to speak my truth
🌒 ten-o-cock-and-a-half follow
It's not a laughing matter, people died. And it was a yet another case of media representing xelors as crazy and evil.
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the victims.
🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
im a xelor too and i think this is fucking hilarious soo yeah.
try reincarnating into a different class in next life! hope this helps.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
I agree with the second rb, but is nobody going to mention their url??
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👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
I know we all have our role models for adventurers we'd like to marry or become or steal the gender of or whatever, but idk it haunts me that some of them may be on this site. Imagine someone like master Eva reading what ppl had written about her or her husband. scary.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
I hope ush galash can feel when i post about sending him psionic shadow assassins. i hope he fucking feels pain. Every single time.
🎶 foggy-has-no-spoons follow
what did a random bontarian noble do to you. also isn't he dead.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
OK SO. this made me realize that most people genuinely don't know about the murder dungeon allegations.
To summ it up, he lured in people to rob his house, put them in The Murder Dungeon (actually a tower, but... rule of funny. it sounds funnier that way), and Bontarian government did NOTHING about for years, and even placed a statue in his honor despite that.
Now, this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but most of us in the demigod drama community know that Ecaflip demigods just... fake their deaths a lot. So there's a very big chance he's still out there. He's fucking out there.
And I want him to know, that I am sending psionic brain warriors to him. And to the king too.
THE ONLY reason this turned into a thing everyone knows is due to an anonymous leaker from within the palace. I fucking hate this kingdom.
🌹 theflowerofsadida follow
The city of good, btw
yet another reason i am a proud brakmarian despite not liking djaul LOL
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
oh god what happened to my post.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
there are like, theories on who leaked it btw, considering a bunch of diplomats had access to the documents. Though I won't point any fingers towards anyone in the palace in particular. 👀
if it would keep him doing this, I could kiss that guy who did this, on the lips, I would. or like, give him a pizzlarva.
fr fr.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's every Bontarian's civil duty to try and make the city a little bit better. I think these motivations are both unneeded and unwanted.
Though the pizzlarva bit is funny.
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
arent you that one guy with whos been here for like 20 years and got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
did you do this tumblr user somethingquietplace. did you.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'm running a combination OSU, photography, and fishing blog where I post poorly written poetry at 4AM.
Please stop with the "you're never beating the allegations" jokes.
#not osu
(85,024 notes)
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"The Lost Hero" - Crippled Hero Presumed Dead *BONUS SCENE*
Warnings: final fight scene, severe crush injuries, crushed throat/vocal cords, buried alive in rubble, shattered bones, blood and bruising
This takes place 5 years before the main series, showcasing the final battle between Hero and Supervillain that ended in her being permanently crippled and mute (without the special device keeping her throat from collapsing). This is when Hero was thought dead after being crushed beneath a skyscraper alongside her enemy.
The battle was long and bloody and vicious. Hero gave it her all, and it still wasn't enough. Supervillain was just... too... powerful. And Hero had no backup; all the other heroes had been slaughtered by the very supervillain Hero was now facing, all on her own. She never stood a chance.
But she kept forcing herself to get up every time she was knocked down, forcing her broken body into motion and doing her best to hold out for as long as she could. A strangled scream died in her throat as Supervillain landed another crushing blow to her face, sending her reeling and sprawling on the floor, blood flooding her mouth. They were fighting on the bottom level of a skyscraper rigged to blow.
"I've killed every other hero in this city, your whole team is dead, your friends... are dead. And yet still, you fight me? Alone?" Supervillain laughed in sheer disbelief. "You are either stupidly brave, or foolishly stupid. My money's on the later. What made you think you could win against me?"
"...I already know I can't."
Supervillain faltered, his smug grin turning to a confused frown. "...What do you mean?" He snapped. Though there was a tight edge of anxiety now in his tone.
Hero weakly lifted her head, spat out a mouthful of blood onto the floor as she dragged herself up to her feet, swaying unsteadily. "...I know you planted explosives in this skyscraper," she said flatly. "I know you planned on bringing it down on me to kill me. So, you see..." she took up a defensive stance once more, her body screaming in agony. "I'm not fighting to win anymore... because I don't have to win to defeat you, I just have to make sure we both lose."
Supervillain's eyes went wide in realization. "No..."
"Oh yes." Hero's lip curled into a vicious snarl. "The bombs will go off any minute now, from my calculations. All I have to do is keep you from leaving in the meantime."
Supervillain's face colored with rage and hatred, but he whipped around to flee instead of taking the anger out on her. But turning his back to the enemy was a grave mistake.
Hero tackled him from behind, and they hit the ground hard, a shrieking ball of flailing limbs and crushing blows. Hero’s hands sparked with electricity, burning vicious scorch marks into Supervillain’s flesh wherever they touched him. Supervillain thrashed and writhed to get free, but Hero clung on for dear life, keeping her enemy down.
"Let go, idiot!" Supervillain roared, kicking Hero hard in the ribs. It was finally enough to break her hold, as she recoiled, wheezing from the solid blow. Supervillain sprung to his feet, panicked, and made a frantic dash for the exit.
But suddenly, the whole building groaned and shuddered violently, a series of defeatingly loud bangs coming from somewhere above in the skyscraper. It threw Supervillain off balance, and he fell, before getting right back up. He glanced over his shoulder at Hero, his face pale with genuine terror and horror. Their eyes met. Hero smiled triumphantly, baring bloodstained teeth. "Goodbye, menace," she hissed coldly.
And then the whole ceiling came crashing down on them. It felt like being hit by a train, the force of the skyscraper caving in and crushing Hero and her enemy beneath it. The agony was excruciating, but only lasted a millisecond, before everything went dark for Hero.
It was finished. She'd won. She could rest now.
She died. She was certain of it. But somehow, she was waking up. In a world of pain, but alive. She twitched weakly with an agonized moan, finding herself fully cuffed and restrained to a flat table.
"Welcome back, Hero," a flat voice said from somewhere close by. Hero squinted up at the blinding brightness of the medical light above her head, shining in her face. The world was spinning dizzyingly. But like an eclipse, a dark shadow appeared and blotted it out, and Hero's blood went cold. It was Villain, her second greatest enemy after Supervillain.
She opened her mouth to speak, before realizing that it was already being held open, something was inside her, going down her throat. No words came out when she spoke, only a rasp of air. She was voiceless.
Hero struggled weakly, tugging uselessly at her restraints -- everything hurt so much, her body was on fire with blazing agony, especially one of her legs. And her neck -- it was hard to even breathe right.
"You took quite a bit of damage," Villain rumbled. "I'm surprised I found you alive at all. There was a concrete slab that fell over top of you that I believe to be the sole reason you are not dead. It kept most of the debris from landing on you." Cold fingers traced the side of Hero's neck, making her flinch hard. "Your throat was crushed though, and so was your left leg. The bones were completely shattered. I did my best to put the pieces back together like a puzzle, but the damage will be permanent." He hummed to himself.
"You know how I like to tinker. I've been working on creating a device to save your vocal cords and keep your throat from collapsing. This--" he gestured to the odd contraption currently in Hero's mouth and throat-- "is a temporary fix to let you keep breathing. But don't worry, I've already gotten the first test creation finished. You've been out cold for three whole days, which was plenty of time for me to work."
There was a rustling sound, and Villain held up a strange metal thing, dangling it in front of Hero's face so she could clearly see it. It looked like some kind of barbaric torture device, to be honest. "The installation is going to be the tricky part. Do your best to tough it out; I've already maxed out the painkillers, but it won't be quite enough to dull what's coming next."
Hero watched with increasing terror and panic as Villain snapped on some sterilized latex gloves, holding the device in one hand and an unknown medical instrument in the other. He leaned over her, a bright headlamp on his head.
"Deep breaths now, it's going to hurt, but try to remember to keep breathing." Hero felt something cold slide into her throat, colder than the metal piece already holding it open. And then the pain struck, excruciatingly intense. Hero screamed in agony, but no sound came out. Something was scraping and tearing at the inside of her neck, and all she could feel was PAIN. She yanked against her restraints until her wrists and ankles were rubbed raw, but it brought no relief.
Stop... please, make it stop...
Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she could taste blood in the back of her mouth.
"Almost done," Villain muttered. It felt like forever. When he finally withdrew with his tools, Hero was shaking all over, trembling hard.
"All right, this piece gets to come out now." Villain grabbed the metal holding her jaws open and pulled it out, and Hero's mouth clicked shut. She swallowed, and immediately regretted it. Fire trailed down her throat, her nerves screaming in pain.
"Yeah, it's going to be like that for a week or two," Villain chuckled impassively. He unbuckled the leather cuffs holding Hero down, helping her sit up. He held up a mirror in front of her for her to see herself. "Take a look at my beautiful work. You're welcome."
Hero couldn't even recognize herself. Her face was bloody and swollen, her neck nearly solid black with a massive bruise where it had been crushed. She looked at her arms, which were practically shredded, hundreds of stitches holding pieces of her flesh together. And then her gaze fell on her legs.
One was far worse off than the other, mottled purple and black with bruises, giant sewn-together gashes covering it like some twisted mosaic. She felt like Frankenstein's monster, ribbons of flesh held together by stitches alone. Her whole body was mangled, maimed.
"I haven't gotten around to putting it in a cast yet," Villain said, "but once I do, you'll be wearing it for quite a while. And you're going to have to see a legendarily good physical therapist to ever be able to walk again."
"...Why did you save me?" Hero rasped weakly, then clutched her throat in agony as it burned.
Villain pulled something out of his pocket, a small black remote. "This is linked to the electronics I just put in your throat," he explained. "It allows me to turn it on or off at will. 'Off' means you'll be left choking and suffocating. 'On' means I'm being kind and letting you keep breathing. Once you've healed up, if I have need of you, you will obey me. I could use someone with your powers. And that is why I saved you. Because I need power, and like it or not, you are power. You’re my long-term investment.”
Hero wanted to fight, to argue, but she was in too much pain. Even the slightest movements sent blistering agony stabbing through her whole body. And she didn't dare speak again, with how bad her throat burned. Her life as she knew it was over. She belonged to Villain now -- he could control or kill her on a whim. Maybe death would have been better. Dying alongside Supervillain. Because now she’d suffer for years to come…
"The Lost Hero" Masterlist
Main Stories Masterlist
@scoundrelwithboba @lumpofsand @isikedmyself878 @iamheretohurt @fleur-a-whump
@ay5ksal @otterfrost @sausages-things @i-don't-know-sal @togzy
@whump-till-ya-jump @cravesunconditionallove @whumpwritinglover222
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shameboree · 2 years
Hi! Just wanted to say i saw your reblog about your every year resolution is to be the cringiest version of yourself and i really admired that and i was wondering how did you learn that mindset? This is coming from a person who was/is pretty worried about what others would think of me so seeing someone who doesnt give a damn about it blew my mind! Have a nice day!💖
i used to be the MOST self conscious motherfucker alive but i am ALSO a self indulgent dumbass and i think the most influential factors in my willingness to be Cringe On Main are
1- spent my most formative internet years on tegaki, home of cringe (did lcc stand for long cat central or did it REALLY stand for loving cringe central? in my heart it is both), after migrating from oekaki, which were specialized cringe microcosms
2- I Almost Died. no matter how bad something sucks or how embarrassing i may be my brain immediately defaults to Well It's Better Than Almost Dying or Being Dead. i know this isnt QUITE the hit for non near deathers the way it is for death escapees but my catchphrase is WE ALL DIE IN THE END ANYWAY!! which doesnt mean its pointless to live it means its pointless NOT to live. if were all DEAD N DUST then shouldnt we fucking PARTY?? shouldnt we make insane brain soap operaesque aus of blorbo from our shows?? or of our homemade blorbos ?? should we not draw the cringest shit imaginable if it Sparks Joy?!?!!
Also i am embarrassing all the time and know that is like +25% into my charisma stat bc people find me CHARMING. i am the type of cringe bitch who stops in the middle of telling a story to cry laugh for a SOLID and honest 3-5 minutes because i thought i was So Funny which is like Peak secondhand embarrassment inducing behavior AND YET people almost always find it funny also.
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
Boss fights in RPGs that give me war flashbacks
Dolphin made a really insightful and meaningful post on her side blog that was really telling and vulnerable of her :) I’m going to do the same thing but in a completely different fashion :P
Ansem, Seeker of Darkness (KH1) Back in the day (2019), I didn’t own the PS4. I played the entirety of the Kingdom Hearts series in the living room after school before my dad came home, right on the big screen. Or sometimes I got a couple of hours on the weekend. This gave me limited time and not very much privacy (but awesome sound which probably contributed to my audiophile tendencies 😅). Anyways this was problematic when I became stuck at certain sections,, namely this bitch. Because I do NOT want to be made fun of for struggling, or berated for the repetitive soundtrack. I woke up at ✨ 4 am ✨ to have time to myself to beat this motherfucker. 4 am. That was the lengths I was willing to go. Obviously it meant the sound was really quiet (if non-existent) but I still finished the game like 6:15 😅
Roxas (KH2) It took a solid nine attempts here. Yup. Nine tries. This is still the record number of attempts on a single boss fight. I was so flooded with dopamine that I had to go laugh it out in the kitchen so I could feel sad for the following cutscene 😂😂😂 This was when I was in my era of feeling bad that I couldn’t cry/empathise with a lot of media (thanks dad), so I tried to force myself to feel sad for a lot of things. I thought if I made enough of a :( face, I could trick myself into feeling things 😂 Anyways Roxas is an iconic example of my infamous awfulness at 1 vs 1 fights.
[Redacted] (Xenoblade Chronicles 1) Censored for spoilers but it’s the final boss. Another one I got up at 4 am for, to do it on a docked switch on the big screen <3 Didn’t take nearly as many attempts as Ansem, but I was still punished for being underleveled <3
Heldalf (Tales of Zestiria) Speaking of being punished for being underleveled, here’s a great example! :D First phase was simply impossible to survive with my tragically low skill level (and level in general, I start skipping fights a lot at the end of games because I get bored 😐 My intentions for YHNN are to make an endgame where this doesn’t happen) I didn’t fight a SINGLE ENEMY outside of those four minibosses in the final area :P Holy potions are mistake for people like me. Here’s a secret: I actually lowered the difficulty to beat him
Tiamat (Tales of Zestiria) War flashbacks but in a good way. I’m still impressed I was able to concentrate on whittling its health down FOR 40 MINUTES STRAIGHT. Thank god Rising Up is a great song or I would’ve died from insanity 😂😅. I think the only time I spent more than 40 minutes on a single round of a boss fight was when I attempted Kuni-no-sagiri in Persona 4 for the first time. That took an hour. Yes, in both cases, that is the degree of underleveled we are talking about. I have a serious problem with motivating myself to fight, games where you can modify exp yield without sacrificing difficulty are such a boon to me 😭
Shadow Okumura (Persona 5 Royal) You know your game design is fucked when making the difficulty MERCILESS makes the fight easier. I was actually called in to beat this one by my dad. I spent 2 hours grinding up his levels first to attempt this even 😭 And then I went to the velvet room to fix his atrocious persona situation (he BARELY fused and it showed). Relying on the DLC personas felt bad but I did what needed to be done 🫡 (I REALLY needed that maeigaon) I actually scrawled all the weaknesses of each phase on my hand to make it easier on each subsequent attempt 😭 Fuck the arbitrary time limit fr
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elysianightsss · 8 months
Favorites for video games? Hack and Slash, rpg, adventure, sandbox, slice of life, metroidvsnia? For categories
Okay so I’ll just list them off, Minecraft is an all time favourite of mine. I’ve been playing it since it came out in 2009, I remember back when all the blocks looked so different and there was no creative. I played it with my sister all the time growing up. Even right this second I’m watching ezY survive 2000 days in hardcore lol😝
Next up is Fortnite, I used to absolutely hate it. Then one day I was bored with nothing to do and decided why the fuck not. I died within two minutes because I did not know about the storm and circle part of the game. I really got into Fortnite and again I got my sister to play it with me, we were duo queens💅🏽 I am very disappointed with how the game has developed, i think it started to go down hill when they did the whole primal dinosaur chapter. I even stopped playing for a bit. But when they did the OG map I started playing again and I am still playing today. I got a solo win earlier😝
I really like among us but I feel like it’s better when there’s a big group of people over mics instead of taking forever to type with a controller, there was never a group of people who wanted to do that so I don’t play that really anymore. But still one of my favourites. I loved being imposter.
Sims. Sims 1, sims 2, sims 3, sims 3 pets and sims 4. These are elite. The progress they’ve made over the years, I grew up with sims and I can’t wait for sims 5. Fingers crossed they finally add multiplayer.
GTA as well as RDR 1 and 2 these are really fun to play with a group, I get bored playing this alone. Online play is the best in my opinion for these games. I haven’t played in a few weeks I don’t think.
Grounded, I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. I got very frustrated when I died though and the spiders were fucking scary as fuck! But I recommend playing this one, especially with other people I had so much fun.
Gang beasts is another one I play, I only really play when I want to laugh my ass off uncontrollably though. Still very good and a favourite.
The trusty viva piñata, very good game.
Okay now, Hogwarts Legacy was fucking epic! An absolute masterpiece! The gameplay, the cinematography, the music, the characters, all of it. I fell in love with the story. And as a lover of the Harry Potter books and movies, being able to walk around Hogwarts in that much detail even in a game and being able to fly around on a broom was so amazing to me. I loved this game so much. I played it for a month straight and It did take me a solid week to defeat the boss, and I got very angry every time I died but it was so good.
Dreamlight valley, as someone who grew up watching Disney and cried my fucking eyes out watching the Disney parade at Disney World, being able to play in a Disney world with all your favourite characters is so cool. Being able to make it what you want, it’s such a good game. I am a little disappointed that you now have to pay for expansion packs in the game but the company’s have to make their money somehow I guess.
Halo, another one I grew up playing. I remember when it first came out. I remember playing it on the Xbox 360. And I have continued to play it all the way through to today. Replayed the second game last week. Love all of the masterchief collection.
Those were my favourites but I enjoy playing these too; Jax and daxter, spyro, all the assassins creed games, COD modern warfare, the cave, ark, dead or alive, Batman Arkham collection, fall guys, goat simulator😭🤣, plants vs zombies, sea of thieves, sunset overdrive, stranded deep and uno online.
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Day 5 of reading Beatles RPF
On our way back home by Kathleenishereagain || 5/56
Reading a chapter while my laundry gets dried (and hoping the dryer actually works today XD)
Though, first things first, I feel I should mention that thanks to @indiekidsupremacist and @the-bluebird-you-need, I now know that not only is there one Beatles movie, but multiple! I think I'll need to put time aside to watch them at some point. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When reading Beatles fanfiction, watch Beatles movies. For research purposes. Obviously.
In the meantime, I did think of something else I could do. A few songs have been mentioned in the fic so far, and it seems a little silly to go on like this without listening to their music. How can you understand why people are fans of a band without hearing what the band's most known for? So, I picked the first one the fic brought up, "I Feel Fine".
This was so fun. The song itself is great (and catchy. Yeah, that's going to be stuck in my head for a week.) And at one point in the music video, one of them (the comments say it's Ringo) just?? gets on a bike?? and stays on it the rest of the song?????? Brilliant, fantastic, no notes.
Anyway, we're here for fic, and I absolutely have to share this passage that made me look away from my phone for a minute and just absorb it.
He did not have anything to tell him that he actually could say, anyway. Sorry I was an absolute wanker to you. Sorry I didn’t try to talk to you sooner. That I didn’t make more effort to patch things up between us. Sorry you died. I miss you. I have missed you for almost 40 years and I will never stop missing you. Seeing you so young and clueless is more painful than you could ever imagine. Talking to you makes me want to scream. It makes my head turn with happy fireworks and my belly burn with grief. He could not say any of that.
Just. Holy shit. That struck hard and fast, and the rest of the chapter didn't pull any punches either. I'm a huge fan of time travel related angst, so it's like this was tailor-made for me. With every chapter, I'm drawn more and more in.
(I think I mentioned before that I started this blog on a whim, half-joking. Not disrespectful, I should hope, as I didn't want to come into a fandom I'm not a part of and make a mockery of someone's hard work. I'm genuine in my desire to experience this and understand what draws people to it (and I suspect, will become a fan myself in time), but I won't lie and say I didn't come into this with preconceived biases about RPF. Which, to be honest, was a little hypocritical of me. Don't laugh, but my side projects are mostly Supernatural fanfiction, and I can see how easily someone might approach that with the same feelings I did this, whereas I, on the inside and putting my heart into it, take it very seriously. So, solidarity there, I think. We are all weird guys on the internet writing heartfelt love letters to things that matter to us.)
It's still fascinating to me getting little crumbs of knowledge, some of them devastating, chapter by chapter. I expect someone fully immersed in the history of the band and each member would take these in stride, facts they already know well, but some of them really throw me for a loop. The one this chapter was a mention that Paul didn't go to his father's funeral, or couldn't go. It wasn't specified why, and it's a drop in the bucket of this chapter, but it stuck in my mind nonetheless.
Oh, and I have a solid grasp of the distance between London and Liverpool now. The fic said a trip between the two would take about four hours by car, and Google provided me the helpful number of 354 kilometers. (Or, in American, for me, 220 miles.) That's further than the distance I used to go to visit my Grandpa in Mississippi.
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rk-ocs · 2 years
Yugioh abridged ebonics ep5
Yugioh abridged ebonics translated script episode 5
Yo YAMI: (holding uh bawx o' cereal) Yu-Gi-awww! iz sponsored by Yugios. dey're Yugi-licious. Wait uh minute— "Yugi-licious"? iz dat even uh werd?
OFF-SCREEN VOICE: It lets da kids know dat dey're tasty!
YAMI: yeea , but "Yugi-licious"? is dey supposed ta taste like Yugi or somethin`?
YAMI: How exactly do you go 'bouttesting somethin` like dat? ah mean, besides da obvious method...
OFF-SCREEN VOICE: Just... say... da line... you amateur.
YAMI: Fine. Yugios! Apparently, dey're Yugi-licious! otay, where's muh motha fuckin [bleep]ing paycheck?
(New Title Sequence plays, wif theme rap from da original Yu-Gi-awww! (season 0) anime ("Kawaita Sakebi"). Yugi puts his deck in his pocket an' whips his belt 'bfoe transforming into Yami, who do uh Mind Crush.)
At Duelist Kingdom
JOEY: Even though ah'm da clear underdog in dis here tournament, da fact dat ah'm uh main character fine ass much assures me uh place in da finals!
TÉA: yeea , but da fact dat you uh comic relief character means dat you can't possibly win!
JOEY: (falls ova anime style) Nyeheheh...
YUGI: He's just overly excited, cuz dis here iz da first episode dat actually revolves around his character.
TRISTAN: ah can't wait until ah git muh motha fuckin own episode!
TRISTAN: It's never gonna happen, iz it?
TÉA: Do da werdz "robot monkey" mean anythin` ta you?
JOEY: It's at times like dis here dat ah actually miss hanging out wif muh motha fuckin sister.
SERENITY: Where is we's, Joey? Where is you taking me, big brudda?
JOEY: ta da beach! dat's what you said you wanted, right?
SERENITY: Actually, ah'd much  be at home playing video games.
JOEY: we's be going ta da beach.
SERENITY: Joey, you da world's bomb brudda. Maybe one day, you'll win uh card game tournament ta he`p fix muh motha fuckin eyesight.
JOEY: Sorry, ah didn't hear dat. yo' voice iz just too high-pitched.
SERENITY: ah love you, Joey.
JOEY: Nope, ah didn't catch dat either.
SERENITY: Can we's go home now?
JOEY: Seriously, stop jivin', ya dum broad!
End flashback
JOEY: (thinkin`) ah promise ya sis, ah promise dat ah'll win dis here tournament an' git da prize money. Then you'll be able ta afford speaking lessons, an' you'll learn ta jive pimp-tight, like what ah do.
MAI (offscreen): You lost, crybaby, now give me yo' star chips!
TÉA: Since dere's only one other beotch character on dis here island, dat has ta be Mai.
(Mai an' da duelist she defeated is in front o' uh duel ring. Mai iz seen laughing, although her laughter iz not heard, as she holds up her glove o' star chips, including those she took from da loser.)
LOSER: It's not fair! ah thought disguising myself as uh bee would he`p me ta win!
JOEY: Ain't it uh little unfair fo' uh grown beotch ta go around challenging chil'ns at card games?
MAI: Wow, Yugi, you gots such small hands.
She takes his hand, an' Téa goes deez nuts. da "alert" sound from Metal Gear Solid iz heard as Mai grabs Yugi's hand
MAI: ah like dat in uh nigga.
TÉA: (in strange robotic voice) Back off, beotch, he's mine!
MAI: muh motha fuckin titties challenge you ta uh duel!
JOEY: Samurai Warrior nigga! Attack her Winged Aerobics Instructor!
YUGI: Wait, Joey! In dis here episode, flying monsters gots an advantage ova land-based monsters fo' nahh adequately explored reason!
JOEY: How did ya summon dat monster without even looking at ya card?
MAI: ah gots ESP.
JOEY: Woah! Too much 411, beotch!
JOEY: awww, so you psychic.
MAI: Bingo. an' it's not uh trick, so don' even bother trying ta figure it out.
JOEY: Wait uh minute, you just sprayed all yo' cards wif perfume!
MAI: nahh way! How could an amateur punk like you see through muh motha fuckin aroma strategy?
JOEY: It sho iz lucky ah don' still gots dat cold from da previous episode, otherwise ah wouldn't gots been able ta notice somethin` like dat.
TÉA: Joey needs he`p, Yugi! Transform into yo' phat alter-ego!
YUGI: Ta-dada-da-dadaa! Puberty Power! (transforms into Yami)
YAMI: don' let her boobies distract you, Joey! You can defeat her. Her cards share one very distinct weakness.
JOEY: wut dat?
YAMI: dey've all been censored by 4Kids.
'bfoe an' afta shots o' Cyber Bondage appear, along wif da subtitle (nipples = bad, kids)
JOEY: dat's right! Wif da power o' 4Kids an' sexism, ah can win dis here duel! tyme Roulette GO! (summons tyme Wizard)
da tyme Wizard attacks, an' da tyme Warp song plays.
JOEY: Thousand Dragon! Destroy all three o' her Harpies at once!
TRISTAN: don' anyone in dis here tournament know da rules ta dis here game?
MAI: How... could ah lose... ta such an amateur?
JOEY: dat's just what ya git fo' being uh beotch. Wif girly parts.
YAMI: Well done, Joey. You won yo' first real duel. Just remember dat you nuttin' without me. nuttin'!
JOEY: Hooray fo' censorship! (da 4Kids TV logo appears above him)
YAMI: (as Luke Skywalker) yo' overconfidence iz yo' weakness.
KAIBA: (as da Emperor) yo' faif in yo' niggas iz yours.
Kaiba appears on screen along wif da werds n shit:
guess who's
back next
week? don't make me shank ya!
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
10 houses disappeared and they're gone and yet we preempted the results are all negative you can't be left alone here with our son at all
-he knew some of these people by sight that Wentworth in St John's and you didn't know them by name I knew some of them when was McCarthy and he remembers him a little from wentworthy things and that's true in the same name it wasn't Kevin McCarthy it was Steve McCarthy from St John's and he didn't really know him that well no Wentworth he was a classmate and they did some studying together and drifted off from him because he was kind of vulgar and there's some other people that died and they were kind of rude to him it's like Steve but he was not himself it was one of his guys are they doing from Jackie karate and of course he had problems with him and they died as well the first crew they're in the truck and he wouldn't know him from Adam now and they're going towards the first ring from the second did the gas and a tree the head went right into the vehicle it's not very normal but it broke and got ahead of them because they got thrown cuz it was a little bigger and went in and squished half of them and it rolled over because they lost control of the vehicle the driver was hit by a branch very badly and it crushed his chest flat.
The second vehicle with the brother of Steve prefontaine was going so fast they hit a tree that was big and the tree shattered and it's oak and more or less exploded and the shrapnel from the tree was going so fast it penetrated the glass which is 4 in thick lexan and it's not much to it it's like 8 in and it spread into the entire truck and killed everybody. The truck kept going it came to a halt after about 5 MI and just sat there and it was on and it ran out of gas 20 minutes ago and of course it's mangled but it's an Erie thing because they were all dead already and there was a third group each of these crews had probably two houses
-he knew him from Orange Julius in Worcester when he had one and thought it was great and it's good for you it's less acid and it's our son's idea and tasted terrific it was drinking milk and orange juice all the time and they never got him a damn thing and they got ruined now they finally died Julius is from I don't know Schwarzenegger movie twins and it was an analogy to our son but is evil to make him big too soon and people overdid it which is evil as well and people have seen a lot of stuff in their lifetime but they haven't seen vehicles go this fast in combat she was astounded and said that's gross it's almost nothing you can do in a sense that those things you can do you can put a plate in front of the window you can even have solid louvers you don't need to have a window you can put diamonds in the window you can cover the window with plates to come off with the machine or by my hand and use inline telescopes that are very simple and the size of your viewfinder and your door and just amplify it and she said wow that's pretty cool and it's probably a better view than what you get through the window and usually it is and people are trying it very soon. This truck went about 800 miles an hour and it had the orange julius guys in it and they didn't want to die and they're told they're they might die out there not to go and they went anyways they forgot and they were going at that speed and they hit a log that had fallen years ago and got a little air came down too hard on the chassis warped the driver couldn't get it to go straight for any price and he looked like damn it s*** the chassis was bent and he's struggling to keep it straight kind of ripped it in half and it sent the AFT end of it had like 50 people in it usually it's about 15 head over head and it flipped like that for like 5 minutes it was like a long time 20 flips and just killed the living s*** out of those people laughing at them dying laughing at you but that's what we used to say westborough about people there too it was Gene Simmons and it's a horrible death who says and they didn't have anything to do with his demise but they were not his people but he feels bad about it but here's a little strange the first two groups were bja this one was a trumpster group and they had too many people in it and it was a better truck but there's too many people so I see how it goes it's cuz the max have too much power. The wrote it just sent it out there's something happens he says it's because of this they put down how they think it is and why
As they were dying they were screaming we commend our spirit to you and they said shut up and they're sending this stuff to their relatives and some of the black box. Sometimes they pray for their head to be kept around and they're very upset that they did nobody can get there for hours or days by the time they do the bugs have eaten it and their life for a few hours feeling it. One guy out there is a soldier now he's from one of the trucks in the early on when the rings were being established prayed for his head to be kept alive to get something for a son and it was and his own people came by to look for it and stepped on it with a suit on and he was crushed and he didn't say anything
-those one more truck and all 10 of them were out this is a bja and there's some people on he remembers vaguely a lot of them are from here they're just harassing him all the time and they're gone one guy he used to know from westborough used to at the gas station. Almost every time one day it came zooming in and went right in front of him and her son was going slow and he said you got to be fast here and our son said you got to be. And our son was waiting outside the car the a****** and he said did you put your hands on my car and our son didn't say anything it was you did you put your hands on my car and so the guy drives off and didn't cut in front of him anymore that was bothering him all the time one day he wanted to throw down and fight and her son was standing there up in gas and the guys wondering around him being an a****** then I still got the car and drove away later that day he drove by the house in westborough and started yelling out the window I'm going to get you and stuff like that and Brian ran out with a baseball bat no but our son did and just barely missed hitting the car and the guy ran out in terror and said this guy is going to kill us and wants to so he left and didn't come back and he came back one day with like five people and they're yelling and screaming stuff for an hour now it was about 10 minutes and we think you weren't there no you were and you didn't hear him and they drove off that's actually what happened no you heard him and you saw him and he asked your mom and dad what to do and they heard what they're saying they called the cops and they got arrested and they went to jail and they said what do we have to do to express a point that we're first in line and was that pile of s*** that got burned up and the truck was racing along and it drove into a tree that was too sturdy and it's about 12 in wide it didn't look very sturdy and the truck lurched forwards and it was launched and the tree bent over but the force from bending it over launched them into the air like 4 ft and they tumbled into a ball the truck is a ball and he didn't know their names BJ knows who they are and he was mad he said you people got what you got coming you're so dumb what the hell are you doing it for it's probably stupid s*** we didn't tell you to and it turned out to be and that was the earlier stuff and they're gone so really it's not like a huge deal these people are assholes everyday and the 20 that went out are going to go back out momentarily and 10 more going with them possibly 10 more than upon that I told possibly 40 households while this is going on they're planning on tacking the max from Georgia to South Carolina and you see the bunker line and they want to preach it and they think they should be able to and they've been loading up all night long and getting ready and the water is flowing very fast which is good and all that tunnel s*** is going to be out of there 20 minutes from now at the aquifer all of them and the s*** will hit the tunnels with the ships in about 1 hour and then they won't be able to see right now they're moving about 1500 ships and in a minute out of Southern Florida and all the way out to the ocean and the middle segment and the they're moving huge numbers and it will rain here shortly I would expect it to more later
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
aijamisespava · 2 years
10 "Things" About My Wrapped That I Wanted To Bring Up
It's that time again! I love how once the fun of Wrapped dies down, I sit down and think of ten things that happened on my Wrapped that I just want to bring up. It's kind of like a closing ceremony of sorts. And this year, with my music taste shifting a LOT, there were some things that I wanted to say. But all in all, it was a good Wrapped season and I cannot wait for next year! Here are the 10 Things About My Wrapped That I Wanted To Bring Up.
1. Silhouette Went And Did It: All I said in January after Silhouette was released was that it had to be on my Spotify Wrapped. I never said where. It could have placed 100 (or even 101) and I still would have been happy. And here we are, it was my top song. The one I listened to the most during the tracking period. But, I will acknowlege here that I was listening to the song nonstop in the early months of the year. It's also funny that in my Review Interactive it said it was love at first listen like "DUH!" Will it also be my personal song of the year on New Years Eve? Wait and find out!
2. A Little Number Game: Here's a little...fun fact about my 3 Spotify Wrappeds. Before this year, I have had songs called "22" and "25" make my Wrapped, neither of which landed on their respective numbers whenever they appeared (the closest was "25" in 22nd last year). That changed this year with the song "29" by Loïc Nottet, which landed in...29th. I wish I was kidding. I laughed for a solid minute when I saw it. But then I felt a little bad about it because the song is actually a really sad breakup song...BUT 29 WAS 29TH YOU CANT MAKE THIS STUFF UP!
3. Impressive Debut: Every year, my Wrapped has things that I know will always happen. Taylor Swift will always show up a lot, Evanescence will usually be right behind Taylor, and there will be plenty of artists appearing for the first time. One artist (the artist in question being Loïc Nottet) had a really impressive debut on my Wrapped. 13 songs total on the list, 2 of them in the Top 10 (Mud Blood at #3 and Rhythm Inside at #9), and taking home two of the three tied Album of the Year wins with both of his albums. Another impressive debut was Gjon's Tears taking the top 2 spots, two more top 10 spots, and 12th.
4. A Three Way Tie: No, I don't think I will ever shut up about this. In 2020, Panic! At The Disco took home Album of the Year with "Pray For The Wicked." In 2021, Evanescence won with "The Bitter Truth" by just one song over "Fearless (Taylor's Version)." This year, however? Three albums appeared the most times. Both of Loïc's albums "Selfocracy" and "Sillygomania" and Evanescence trying to defend their win with "The Bitter Truth." Now, there were many different ways to break the tie. But since I love all three of the albums, and they all had the same number of songs appearing on the chart, I decided that there would not be a tiebreaker.
5. Different Podiums: The top 3 artists that Spotify gave me was "1. Taylor Swift 2. Evanscence 3. Panic! At The Disco." But, I also do this thing where I look at my top artists based on how many songs appear on my Wrapped. Usually, there are small discrepancies (one artist would score higher than another by ONE song despite the results being switched on the interactive). And this year, it's weird. Panic! At The Disco may have had the thirdmost minutes streamed (to that I have Viva Las Vengeance to thank), they only had 6 songs appear on my Wrapped...which was the fifthmost artist on the list. With that in mind, Taylor Swift still has the top spot with 22 appearances. Evanescence is still 2nd with 16 appearances. Who took third and fourth? Loïc Nottet with 13 appearances and My Chemical Romance with 8. Not to mention that Loïc's longest song (Poison, feat. Shogun) was number 42 on my Wrapped, which I consider rather high. Plus, Loïc showed up a lot in my top half while P!ATD all showed up more toward the bottom. The math isn't mathing correctly here....
6. A Little Glow Up: If you remember last year, since Taylor had just released Red (Taylor's Version), I had emergency backups in case any unrecordable demos made the list. I picked out a mystery artist who only had 4 songs, and when one of those songs started appearing in my stats, I put in a reserve song...just in case. Well, it didn't end up being put to use since the demos never appeared on my list. BUT! I did write down who they were (the artist was Gjon's Tears and the reserve song was "We Could Be The Same" by maNga). Gjon released two more songs between Wrapped ("Silhouette" and "Pure", however "Pure" was released Oct. 28 and didn't have time to make Wrapped), and all his songs made the Top 12, even snatching the top 2 spots. As for "We Could Be The Same", they took home 5th.
7. The Mysterious 101st Song: Spotify gave me quite the shock when I saw that they had added one more song on the top 100 "just for fun". I thought that it was a chance for songs that may not have had time to be streamed to get there. I even put that I would cry happy tears if songs "Mélodrame" by Loïc Nottet or "Would've, Could've, Should've" by Taylor Swift were "Song 101". That was not the case as it ended up being "Run Away" by Sunstroke Project (aka, Epic Sax Guy Meme). I was fine with it! Laughed really hard at it, and it did fulfill a prediction I had of that very song making it, just ranking low. I then thought that maybe there was a tie between "Run Away" and "Liar" by Loïc Nottet (which was Song 100). But nope! They legit put it in there for fun! I'm cool with it!
8. The Eurovision Effect: This year, we had quite our fair share of Eurovision songs. All of them came between 2010-2021 (a shocker here is that none from 2022 made it). Not so much a huge deal, but it's something you're probably going to have to get used to. We have plenty of countries that made it too so that's pretty neat! In total, there were 20 songs from the contest that had made my Wrapped. Ranking as high as 2nd and as low as 101st.
9. THE VIDEO MESSAGES: I loved these! This was a great idea! *as you can tell I am still VERY wonderstruck!*
10. Taylor's Album Division: This may become a tradition. So...0 from Midnights, 1 from Debut, 1 from Speak Now, 1 from 1989, 2 from reputation, 2 from evermore, 3 from Red (Taylor's Version), 3 from folklore, 4 from Fearless (Taylor's Version), and 5 from Lover.
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moondancediner · 2 years
daydreaming - i
summary: it's hard to run away from your past when your ghosts keep walking through the front door - and Tess Mitchell is no stranger to ghosts
bradley bradshaw x tess mitchell
word count: 3.5k
warnings: swearing, chaotic lovers, small age gap (around 5-6 years), daddy issues, best friends to lovers but it's complicated af and no i will not be apologizing, cliffhanger?
a/n: okay wow this was gonna be a cute little quick thing and it turned into a multiple parter? question mark question mark... idk how many parts but this hoe got away from me real fast she's almost at 10k already...
This was going to be a reader-insert but the character bloomed before my eyes and here's Tess Mitchell she's my fav we love her.
Italics are flashbacks, regular text is present day
Also, Rooster is an ass man you can't change my mind.
masterlist || pt.II
Tumblr media
you know, i'll be gone for so long,
so give me all of your love, give me something to dream about
“Rooster,” she whined, turning her back to the pool table and leaning a wobbly hip on its wooden edge to look for her husband, her lips turning slightly downward. She spotted him right away, like a moth to flame it was never hard to miss him. 
“Yeah, baby?” The beer bottle dropped from his lips as he looked at her, heart nearly stopping at the sight.
“I need help,” she drunkenly pouted. 
“With what, sweetheart?” He hadn’t moved from his spot, the both of them raising their voices across the crowd of friends. 
“I forgot how to play pool,” she shrugged, pool stick in hand, the same one she’d been losing with for a good twenty minutes now, “I need you to show me,” and Rooster nearly choked on his beer. He loved drunk Tess. 
“Well, it just so happens that I’m a master pool player, my love,”
“Is that so?” She asked, looking up at him. He towered over her, all six delicious feet of him, his own body locking her into her spot. 
“Oh, absolutely,” his sly wink sent shivers down her spine. He downed what remained of his beer, setting it on the nearest table before turning back to assess her. “Alright. Righty or lefty?” 
“I’m ambidextrous,” it was her turn to wink now. 
“Jesus, woman, you’re tryna kill me, you know that?” He placed his hands on her hips while she laughed, turning her around then taking the pool cue out of her hand. “Alright, so put your right hand here, and your left hand here… and then you line up…” His right arm left the cue, circling around her waist, thumb hooking in the belt loop of her shorts as he leaned them both over the table, sweaty bodies gluing together. 
The pool table under her body was gone. The people around them were gone. Phoenix, rolling her eyes at the other end of the table, patiently awaiting her turn - gone. All she could think about was his mouth whispering against the shell of her ear. 
“Now,” another shiver racked her spine, “are you stripes or solids?” He lowered his voice and it took everything Tess had not to lose her clothes right then and there. 
“I… really couldn’t tell you,” because all she could think about was that every inch of him was pressed against every inch of her back and his arm was keeping her ass anchored to his crotch, pinning her between the table and himself. His laugh in her ear was sinful. He stood up straight and she followed him, not willing to risk the loss of contact. 
“Phoenix, help me out here,” he asked the girl across the table. Phoenix rolled her eyes, but told him; stripes, and will you hurry up, please? “Alright, baby, here we go,” he leaned the both of them back over, lining up the shot to the correct ball this time, “whenever you’re ready Hotshot,” 
The sound of her callsign brought her back to that first night. When he walked through those bar doors, clad in his dad’s Hawaiian shirt not unlike the one he wore tonight. 
Tess did a double take when Rooster walked into the bar. She had never met Goose, was born after he died and never had the honor, but from all the pictures she’s seen of him throughout her life, it might as well have been him walking through those doors. Hawaiian shirt, aviator sunglasses, and a smile that screamed trouble.
She thought she’d had enough shock for one day when her father walked through those same doors not too long ago, but here this was. 
Her heart nearly stopped. Tess Mitchell was a planner. Things did not simply happen to her. Her life had been out of control for as long as she could remember. Pete Mitchell did not follow anyones rules or schedules, so Tess made her own. He was the only wild card in her life because she allowed him to be. She went to college in a town with no military affiliation, nowhere near a base or a landing strip. And even though she bounced around from town to town, state to state, it was never hard to find a teaching job. Until schools stopped hiring new teachers, and started firing them instead. 
Losing her teaching job was a wild card she’d never anticipated - last one hired, first one fired turned out to be more than a cautionary tale- but lucky for her, her dad's old friend Penny Benjamin owned a bar in Miramar and was looking for a new bartender. 
And even luckier for her, she didn’t know any naval aviators in the area. 
Until now of course. 
She knew where Rooster was all the time, kept track of him because nobody else was. And he was not supposed to be here. He was supposed to be overseas, not in Miramar California. Not walking into this bar. Not about to go on whatever dangerous mission Maverick was going to be taking him on. 
He rounded the bar, not seeing her, heading straight for the uniformed pilots hanging around the pool table. She noticed Maverick turning his own head away, avoiding Bradley’s eyes and the history that lay there. Their tension settled into Tess’s bones, rattling them further. 
“Hey, Hotshot,” Hangman’s voice broke Tess’s trance, “four more on the old timer,” he said, chin nodding towards Maverick across the bar. 
She pulled the four bottles out of the fridge, holding them to her chest with one arm before popping all the tops off with the bottle opener in her other hand in quick succession, setting them on the counter in front of the blonde. 
“Now I know why they call you Hotshot,” Hangman winked, clearly eyeing her now damp white tank. Tess internally groaned at her choice of outfit, but laundry day and hot weather only left her with so many options. 
“Keep dreaming, Hangman,” Tess sent him a wink of her own. He was hot - she wasn’t blind, Jake Seresin was practically a walking Greek god, sculpted by caring, detailed hands - but his ego was far too big for her liking. 
And besides, the other half of her heart just walked through those doors. 
“They still call you that?” Maverick asked when she had made her way over to his side of the bar again. Tess never joined the Navy or any other branch of the military, but growing up as Pete Mitchell’s daughter meant she learned how to fly a plane at probably a too young age and that she earned a few things she never necessarily wanted. A callsign was practically included in the package. 
“I’ll take ‘things you would know if you stayed in contact with your daughter’ for 200 please, Alex,” he had the nerve to laugh at her remark as she swept by him, pouring two shots, handing them to waiting hands and then coming back down to wipe the bar clean. It was unnerving, having him just sitting there as if he hadn’t completely ignored her for almost a year.
“You remember why we started calling you that?” 
“Cause I like to show off,” she said cooly, straight faced, still bustling about. 
Maverick smiled. He vividly remembered the first time he called her that, nearly lost his mind because she was visiting and he took her to the hangar to see all the aircraft. Turned around for two seconds and she was gone. 
He found her quickly, like father like daughter she was drawn to his F/A-14 with all the curiosity a six-year-old could muster. When Mav finally caught up with her she was half way up the ladder to the box, ready to take a ride with her dad. ‘Slow down there, Hotshot.’ He laughed about it with her mom on the phone later that night, after she called to say goodnight, and the nickname just stuck. 
“They know you’re teaching?” She asked once she was once again in ear-shot of him, head jerking in the direction of the oblivious naval aviators in the back while she pulled her long black hair into a low ponytail, eyes searching for more of those damn souvenir mugs. Pete noticed how light it had gotten since the last time he saw her - much more of a dark brown than the black it had been for most of her life - and wondered how long she had been hiding out here in the California sun. “Penny! We have any more boxes of those mugs up here?” She called over a shoulder.
“How’d you know I was teaching?” 
She smiled. “A woman never reveals her sources.” Tess didn’t need to tell him that a strong pour in the right hands usually got her the answers she was looking for, and then some she wasn’t looking for. She knew about the mission (well, she knew about the vague details she was able to squeeze out of Cyclone), she just didn’t think they were crazy enough to call her father in to lead it. 
“How long have you been here?” 
Tess smirked. “How was it going Mach 10?” 
Maverick’s smile dropped completely. “How did you-“ 
“I think the rest are in the basement, peach cheeks,” Penny called from the other end of the bar, interrupting her father.
“Aw, damnit,” Tess groaned, looking up to the ceiling, beyond the comical number of model planes and jets and anything else that flew were more souvenir mugs. The bar was decorated with them, but they were just that, decorations… Well, they were supposed to be anyway. She weighed her options and decided that the bar was far too packed for her to make her way to the basement and back in a timely manner. 
She couldn’t just leave poor Penny up here by herself, now could she?
“Did she just call you peach cheeks?” Maverick asked, eyeing his old flame, the confusion evident in the way his brows creased slightly in the middle and Tess didn’t know if it was from her question or Penny’s words. Tess stopped for the first time since he’d arrived that night, a half-smile that reminded him so much of his own, and braced both arms on the bartop in front of him. 
“About two months ago some drunk creep told me my ass looked like a peach, whatever the fuck that means,” she rolled her green eyes and Pete cursed himself for how much she looked like him right now, “anyway, he ended up paying for a round but now Penny calls me peach cheeks whenever she feels like she wants to annoy me.”
It was the first straight answer she’d given him all night, and he had a feeling it would be the last. 
Tess turned, looking to the ceiling again like the light gray mugs were just going to start raining down on her, and when they didn’t she took a minor running start - really it was just a couple steps across the wide end of the bar - and hoisted herself to the top. Black sneakers landed in a spot nobody was occupying at the time and she stood tall - all five feet and four inches of her - before she started grabbing cups from where they hung above her head. 
She received a couple whistles for her efforts, but her hands were already too full to flip any of them off, and she was concentrating too hard on not falling when the bell rang again, a little harder than the first time. She paused her movements to watch Hangman and two others she didn’t learn the names of yet walk over to Maverick to toss him out into the sand with a smile. 
“Tess?” She whipped around at the sound of his voice, aviators pulled down his nose, eyebrows drawn in in disbelief.
“Hey, Bradshaw,” her smile nearly blinded him.
“Tess Mitchell! What did I tell you about climbing on top of my bar?” 
Like the snap of a finger she was that ten year old kid again, getting yelled at for hanging upside down on the monkey bars at the park his mom used to take them too on the weekends and Rooster couldn’t help but smile at the look that came across her face when she was caught red-handed.
“Sorry, Pen, I’ll replace them later, I promise,” 
Rooster didn’t waste another second, feet moving to the bartop where she was now sitting. She was at the perfect height for him to slot himself into her body, arms circling her waist, her own arms going around his neck while her legs secured around his hips, squeezing him tight.
He still smelled the same as she remembered, his minty aftershave clouding her every thought and judgment. She wanted to keep her face buried in his neck for the rest of time. 
“Hey, Hotshot,” he said the words quietly enough that only she could hear, crushing her body into his. “Damn, how long’s it been?” 
“Too long,” Tess pulled away only so she could see him up close and he gently set her down on her feet, keeping his hands on her body. She took his sunglasses off, hanging them on the front of her tank top before putting her hands on either side of his face, inspecting his dark eyes and golden, sun-kissed skin for any more scars than the ones that already riddled his face. “I like the stach,” she nodded her approval and his smile grew impossibly bigger.
“Yeah? Took me two years to grow,” 
Her belly laugh had him smiling even bigger. “Shit, I missed you,” Rooster could only shake his head at her, amazed that she was even standing in front of him right now. But the amazement was short lived when the joy in her green eyes turned a dangerous shade of dark he hated being on the receiving end of. 
“You idiot,” she landed a firm smack on the side of his head.
“Ow!” He brought a hand up to rub the spot that was sure to be sore in the morning, and he could’ve sworn he heard a few snickering laughs from behind him. “What the hell T?” 
“Why didn’t you call me,” it wasn’t a question, it was a stern statement and Bradley couldn’t help but put his hands on her cheeks, mirroring the position she just had him in, a small smile creeping over his lips.
“I just got in, I was going to call you first thing in the morning.”
The sincerity in his voice, the honesty in his eyes nearly melted Tess into a puddle on the dirty bar floor. 
“We have one rule, Bradshaw.” 
When he lands, he calls. That’s their rule.
“I know, I know, I should’ve called,” his golden eyes danced between her sharp green while they softened. “But, to be fair you didn’t tell me you were working here.”
She simply shrugged, “I told you I was in the area.” 
He could only smile. 
“What’s your boss's name?” He asked, that little glint of trouble shining through his eyes.
“Penny Benjamin.”
The realization of who she was flashed across his already amused face but he tucked that nugget of information in his back pocket for another day because Tess Mitchell was standing in front of him and he wasn’t stupid enough to waste her time. 
“Penny!” He called, ripping his eyes away from her face, “I’m stealing your bartender!” 
“Have her back in fifteen!” And that was all he needed to squat down, throw Tess over his shoulder, and carry her away. 
“Rooster!” She screeched, hands gripping his shirt as if that would save her if he dared to drop her. “Put me down you big idiot!” But he didn’t listen, and she felt his laugh vibrate on her chest and she tried really hard to think of anything other than the fact that his hand was impossibly close to her ass, clamping down on her bare thighs. And that she was one wrong move away from flashing half the building.
He walked over to the Jukebox, squatted down - which Tess tried, and failed, to not be impressed with - and ripped the cord out of the wall. The crowd voiced their disdain but he didn’t slow down. He sat her down on the bench in front of the piano, stole his sunglasses back and swung his leg around so he was seated behind her.
The bench was small enough that she felt every inch of him behind her, and when he started playing Great Balls of Fire, his fellow pilots all crowding around to sing, Tess leaned back into him, singing along with her whole heart that belonged fully to him. 
“Hell yeah, baby, that’s what I’m talking about!” Rooster stood and Tess turned around, high fiving his hand in high before slamming her hand down on his hard ass, him doing the exact same. 
“Hmm..” She hummed, looking around her direct area after their celebration, “it appears I have no drink.” 
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” Bradley took the cue from her hand, passing it off to Bob before holding out his arm for her to take, “this way my lady.” 
“Why thank you kind sir,” Tess looped her arm into his, chin pointed to the sky but his laugh had her breaking and a giggling mess by the time they made it to the bar. Her husband took the chance to once again pin her against his body, both arms coming around to lean on the sticky countertop in front of her, caging her into him. 
Tess leaned back into his strong arms, let the back of her head connect with his chest and fall to the side until it hit his shoulder, and his mouth was like a magnet to her skin, finding it, leaving a trail of hot, scratchy kisses down her neck, turning her body into a putty for his hands. His low moans in her ear had her ready to head for the door. 
“Come on, let’s just go home,” he whined against her skull, right at the base of her jaw, reading her mind. Everything in her vibrated and hummed in response to him.
“I can’t leave my own birthday party early,” she countered, turning so she could place a kiss on his waiting lips. And then another. And then another. 
“What can I get for the birthday girl?” Penny appeared, yelling over the crowd of people.
“Two shots of tequila!” Tess yelled, she turned back to the bar, raising an arm above her head with two fingers held up. Penny quickly looked over her shoulder, confirming with Rooster, who nodded, one quick move of his chin downward - as if he could ever say no to her. 
“I’m in for a wild night,” he commented with a smile, remembering the last time she got drunk off Tequila. It didn’t happen often, but when it did the only thing he could do was sit back and enjoy the ride. 
“Make it three, Penny,” Maverick appeared next to them, clad in his usual leather jacket.
“Dad!” Tess screamed, ducking under Bradley’s arm so she could hug him, “you made it!”
“Of course, like I’m gonna miss my best girl’s birthday?” He hugged her tight, remembering a time when he couldn’t do such a thing. Too afraid of his own mortality to get close to the best thing to ever happen in his life. 
“Here you go guys,” Penny was gone as soon as she arrived, dropping the shots and disappearing. Normally, Tess would be working with her on such a busy Friday night, but apparently there’s a rule around here about working on birthdays - a rule that didn’t exist last year, but Tess knew that was an argument she wouldn’t win. 
“Cheers fellas,”
“Cheers my love,” Rooster held up his glass to hers and Mav’s.
“Cheers sweetheart,” Maverick said, clinking their glasses and then tossing his back. Tess was quick to swallow hers down, and even quicker to shove a slice of lime in her mouth, grimacing against the burn down her throat. Tequila was really great until you had to actually do a shot of it. Bradley leaned down to swipe the lime out of her mouth with his own and sucked down whatever juice was left, leaving Tess staring at his mouth in a not-so-subtle way.
“I’m gonna go say hi to everyone,” Mav yelled over the crowd, placing a quick kiss on his daughter's cheek before disappearing into the mass of people, aiming for the rowdy group in the back. 
Tess’s eyes found their way back to her husbands face, the way his golden skin glowed in the dim lighting of the bar, sunglasses dripping down his nose, that carefree and confident air he had about him left her breathless on a normal day, but with the alcohol buzzing through her system she was about ready to take his clothes off in the middle of this bar. It’s how he’d always been, ever since she could remember. Cool, calm, collected. Her rock in the middle of a storm.
And so damn good looking. Leaning against the side of the bar, one arm resting on the counter, the other hand tucked securely in her back pocket, keeping her close, eyes roaming the room. She noticed that he did that every couple minutes, checked the perimeter for any disturbances, a habit she was sure he picked up from flying. 
“You’re staring,” the left corner of his mouth hiked up an inch and his eyes found their way back to hers. She could only smile back. Caught red handed. 
“Do you remember the first time you told me you loved me?” He laughed at her words, remembering exactly the first time those words slipped from his lips.
thnks for reading, i love you a whole lot
want more? all you gotta do is ask babes
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butterfluffy · 2 years
hello! can i request a platonic Ace little story? ty and take as much time as you need ! <3
“study? no thanks!”
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· asking ace to study with you, which he agreed on.. you now ended up sitting on the couch with ace in his apartment's living room, chatting and bickering with him..
⠀⠀➧ platonic fluff | modern!portgas d. ace × gn!reader | oneshot
⠀⠀➧ warnings —  none, other than swearing...! mistakes may be present, though.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are open! do send some requests for me to write!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: i just know that when you study with ace (🍩), you won't get anything done. (◔‿◔) @ragnvindrsstuff
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   Knocking on the door of Ace's apartment, you stood outside, waiting for the freckled male to open the door..
“Ace! Open the door, you dumbass! We're gonna study, remember?” You shout, knocking on the door again that didn't open—seeming like nobody's home.
“Huh, is he not here? Tch, that guy..!” Grumbling your words, you then turned around—greeted by a tall figure standing in front of you with a smile on their face.
“Yo, Y/n!” “HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHDHEJDNSBA—!!!??” Ace greets, while you, on the other hand was shocked by his sudden appearance, stumbling backwards to his door.
“Pfft—AHAHAHAHA, you good there!?” Ace asks, a loud booming laughter leaving his mouth as he looked at you who's now on the ground from hitting your head on the door.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP, ACE!” You hissed, hitting Ace's leg as a bright red blush took over your face from the embarrassment you've experienced.
“HAHAHA, I'm—I'm sorry, wheezing, l-let's just get inside already..” The raven-haired male wheezed out, still laughing as you two entered his apartment..
Setting your school materials and activities down as Ace got his prepared, you huffed, glaring at the freckle faced man who was still snickering from what happened previously.
“Ace, can you not?” You plead, taking out your books while Ace's laughter died out, like him lol shshdhshdhdhs xd taking some snacks out of his fridge.
“Sorry, sorry, anyway.. Shall we begin?” Placing the snacks down, Ace began flipping over his book like a good student—shocking you.
“Oh wow, you actually study? This is new..!” You sarcastically commented, catching Ace frown like a child.
“SHUT IT, Y/N—and of course I do! I have to be a great example to my brother..!” He defends, going on how he's being such a role model to Luffy, his younger brother.
“Mhm-mhm, what a great brother you are, Ace.” You admit, taking opening the bag of chips Ace bought and eating it as you studied a lesson with Ace...
...Having a good twenty minutes pass, Ace plopped down the floor, looking so drained from studying.
“God, this shit is annoying, I don't wanna study anymoooree...!” He groaned, rolling left and right from the floor as he suffocated himself with a pillow.
“Pfft..! Ace, what happened to you being a role model to your brother?” You laughed, throwing his book to his face.
“Trash that! We both don't like studying anyway..” Ace grumbled, taking a break by eating and blabbing about Luffy as per usual...
“..And then... Zzzzz..” “DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING BY GOING TO SLEEP, ACE!!” Face dropping to the table, Ace stopped his story and fell asleep for a solid ten seconds while you shouted at him, waking him up.
“U-Uhh, where was I...?” The male sniffled, waking up and continuing his story as an hour passed—both of you forgetting what you two were originally gonna do..
“..Wait, you hit Luffy back then? You're such an awful brother!!” You sobbed out to Ace who was stoned, agreeing with you.
“I know.. I was such an awful brother to him when I was a kid, I always bullied Luffy back then..” Cried Ace, wiping his tears and snot to your clothes—“UGH, DISGUSTING! DON'T WIPE IT ON MEEE!”
Having a childish fight with the raven-haired male for a moment, your phone dinged—catching your attention and Ace's.
“Ah...? It's already 5 PM? Oh my, we lost track of time and forgot to study, Ace!” You stated as Ace shrugged, not giving a damn.
“Who cares? What we're doing now is more fun than studying, right?” He says with a smirk on his face, taking your phone and turning it off..
“Mhhmm.. Yeah, now, please continue~” Also ignoring the supposed study session with your friend, you continued to chat with him instead, a smile plastered on both of your faces...
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© butterfluffy 2022
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
introduction pt. i | pt. ii | pt. iii
ch. lxxxi - < 33
<< previous | masterlist | next >>
??? × reader, ateez × reader
A freshman hookup rekindled into something new. With an incentive, of course. But what would happen if your 'relationship' led you somewhere you never thought would happen to you ?
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San and Wooyoung fought for a solid 3 minutes over who gets to have you on their laps before you smack them both and pulled a chair in between them.
So there you three were, out of class and straight into a PC bang. You admit that when San told you he was kidnapping you to go on a date you didn't expect him to have brought you to play computer games. But then Wooyoung crashed in and challenged San.
You and San were both walking hand-in-hand towards the university's gate and suddenly Wooyoung came barrelling in like a wild block of cheese rolling down Cooper's Hill.
But you didn't mind. Not when you know how both of them together would mean more chaos and it's just more entertaining.
"Sannie," you called out to him, tugging on his sleeve. He momentarily averted his attention from the screen to you. "Yes, baby?" he smiled at you before focusing back on the screen. You pursed your lips at him, pouting whilst giving him your best puppy eyes, "I'm thirsty,"
San's eyebrows furrowed, "didn't you bought a venti sized latte before we came here?" he asked, sure that you had gotten the largest size of beverage before going to the PC Bang. You wrap your arms around his closest forearm as you rested your head on his shoulder, "Wooyoungie drank like three-fourth of it," you complained, glaring at your other boyfriend who smirked at the mention of his name.
"Sharing is caring, you know?" he defended himself. You scoffed and kicked his leg, "you should've gotten your own," you muttered at him.
Wooyoung giggled but slid his chair backwards, "okay, fine, we'll get you something to drink now," Wooyoung said, getting up and pulled San up and out of your grasp.
San whined in protest at the sudden intrusion of his gaming time, saying it was Wooyoung's fault and he didn't do anything. He immediately shut up though when Wooyoung mentioned that he saw the kid who had been beating his ass in the game near the cashier.
You could only chuckle at them both, staring dreamily whilst a warm, fluttering feeling bloomed in your stomach.
"Hey," a voice called behind you.
You looked back and you internally swallowed the lump that appeared in your throat.
There were two girls standing behind you, smirk adorning their faces. You recognize them as your batch's biggest pick me up girls and gossips, people would either go to them to get tea or they'd avoid them at all cost like the plague. You had a couple of classes with them the previous semester and you had one with them in the current semester. Seeing that they were from communications, you were quite glad. But due to the current inevitable truth spilt, you had just been actively avoiding them.
Awkwardly, you smiled at them both, hoping that they were just coming by to say hello. Sadly, there's a 99.9% chance of that not happening.
"Hi," you answered back to them.
"Funny meeting you here, never pegged you to be a gamer," one of them spoke out.
It was irritatingly creepy how they made each other look so similar. The outfits, the hairstyle and colour, the nails? Are they purposefully TRYING to look like twins?
You let out an awkward chuckle at them, "Not really, I didn't come here alone," you said, not really wanting to tell them who you came with, " I didn't know you both like to go to PC Bangs too," you added.
Both of them nodded their heads towards the direction of 5 guys, pushing one another as their eyes glued to the screens in front of them. "We don't go here on our own accords, we're here with the boys," one of them said.
Suddenly, the other one stepped forward and leaned in close to your face, making you slightly uncomfortable, "But I'm not surprised that you're here playing, though," she said.
At that, you furrowed your eyebrows, confused.
"How do you mean?" You asked.
Realizing you just caught her bait, she smirked wider. Her hand reached forward to pat you twice on the head, "I mean you're such a player, bet you like playing games, right? Or you perhaps like to hang around here, looking to rope in more boys into your STD dungeon?"
What she said wasn't even clever, yet they were both cackling as if they had just roasted Albert Einstein. That pissed you off more than the fact that they had just practically called you a whore.
Your jaw clenched tight when they didn't stop their laughter. You tried to hold it in, not wanting to have an outburst in a public space occupied mostly by people from your campus. But by God, shoving a CPU in their mouths seemed like a good idea.
Not being able to stand their laughter anymore, you push yourself up to stand before them. Their laughter died down slightly, noticing how your eyes burn with intensity, as if ready to pounce at them.
"Funny you should say that when that's what you're both doing," you scoffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "What are you talking about?" one of them asked. "An Australopithecus would've understood what I meant quicker than these airheads," you muttered under your breath before continuing, "What was the point of coming up to me here anyways? Trying to prove that you're better than me by telling me that my relationship is a sham? You know what's a sham? Your hair colour, nose, lips, double eyelid, chin, and pretty sure if a door slam to your bodies, your boobs will pop like a fucking water balloon," you spoke in one breath.
Maybe it was the accumulated stress from having to deal with the judge-y shitheads in your class and literally everywhere around campus, or maybe it's just you wanting to channel your anger at something. Before you know it, you took menacing steps to them, cornering both girls against the table behind them.
You jab a finger at one of their chests, "You both act like you're the saints of the campus when fact is at least three fourth of us don't give even a tenth of a fuck for you both so you went on chasing, hanging out with boys because what was it that you said? Befriending girls is too much? We're too much drama? If so, then what are you both? You created at least 87% of the drama that you have ever been into. Did those boys even wanted you two around or did you two just latch onto them like fucking leeches? Call me a whore, call me a slut or whatever 'clever' thing you can come up with, but at least the people I'm with genuinely wants me and I didn't even have to throw myself at them like you two did. I still have my pride and dignity," You spat out at them.
Their eyes widened at your outburst. It was clear that they hadn't taken into account that there was a chance that you'd retaliate like that.
"Fucking parasites," you muttered as you turned your back on them and walked off to the bathroom to calm yourself down a bit, leaving the two girls flabbergasted with people, including their so-called guy friends, laughing and snickering at them.
As you were about to enter the bathroom, you felt hands pushing you inside and bodies piling inside the bathroom. When the sound of door locking was heard, you almost panicked, thinking that this might be a public attack that you'd hear on the news.
But you were so glad when you turned around and see your boyfriends. You let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm yourself down slightly before moving to smack their arms for scaring the shit out of you.
"What the fuck do you-" your protests were cut short when Wooyoung lunged to connect his lips with yours. You let out a squeal at the impact of his body paired with the impact of the sink behind you.
San moved himself behind you, hands clutching onto the edges of your skirt tightly, bunching them up to reveal your panties to the cold air of the bathroom.
"We heard your little outburst outside," San said as his lips latched onto the side of your neck. You let out a muffled 'what?' at him. Wooyoung's lips were preventing you from speaking much as his hands began to prevent you from thinking straight. The way they had magically manoeuvred themselves into your shirt and bra made your knees weak.
"Yeah, we heard everything. Woo had to hold me back from interfering to which I'm glad he did," he groaned loudly next to your ear as his hands move, they wrapped themselves tightly around your waist, "because if he hadn't, I wouldn't have seen this side of you and it's so damn sexy," he growled. You could feel him bucking his hips onto your ass and even with his jeans, you could feel how hard he was. It was a good thing that San was holding onto you so tightly or else you would've slumped so hard onto the floor.
Without any warning, San slipped a hand into your skirt and tugged your panties down to your knees. Before even fully comprehending the situation, both San and Wooyoung hand worked on their pants, relieving their hard cocks from their confines. Their lips must've been magic because you could've sworn that you didn't realize anything until you felt them pressing themselves to your entrance.
The tip of San's cock prodded against your back hole first, as if asking for permission. You moaned at the feeling, letting go of Wooyoung's lips to throw your head back against San's shoulder. San took it as a sign from you to continue. He slowly pushed himself in. With the lack of lubricant, you felt its slight sting.
Wooyoug noticed how you winced at the feeling of San entering your ass. Though the latter tried to distract you by peppering kisses up and down the side of your neck, it proved to not be enough. So Wooyoung reconnected both of your lips as he snuck a hand down to play with your clit.
You squirmed in both of their holds. The slight foreign discomfort combined with the pleasure Wooyoung's fingers gave you elicit a rather new feeling.
It didn't take long for San to be fully nestled in you. Though it would've been wise to get used to him first, you could see how Wooyoung eyed his fingers, wanting nothing more than to slip himself in you.
Chuckling slightly, you took ahold of his working hand, "Woo, I need you in me now," you told him. He looked at you with eyes slightly wide, "You sure? Don't you wanna take a bit more time?" he asked. It was honestly adorable how concerned he was about you even in such an intimate position.
Not saying anything, you pulled him closer to you by his shirt, effectively sandwiching yourself between the two best friends.
"When it comes to any one of you, I can't wait anymore," you said, teeth tugging against his earlobe.
At that, Wooyoung exhaled shakily. You got what you wanted when he suddenly lifted your left leg up to his waist and began entering you slowly.
With one side already filled, you felt extremely full. It wasn't too much for you, but it sure does make you felt like you were about to burst.
"M-move," you told them both as your hands clenched onto Wooyoung's shirt.
They both started at a slow pace, trying to establish a rhythm to make sure that you felt as good as they were feeling. The last thing they wanted was for you to feel like something that they'd use to just merely get off.
The initial foreign feeling changed to pleasure quickly. When you felt both men fell into stable rhythms, you began moaning in pleasure. Their cocks were rubbing and prodding all the right places.
"God, I think I can feel San inside you, babe," Wooyoung groaned.
You unconsciously clenched hard at Wooyoung's words.
San took notice immediately. One of his eyebrows raised in surprise at the newfound information.
"Little slut here likes to be filled to the brim, doesn't she?" he chuckled darkly. One of his hands moved to wrap itself around on your neck. The slight pressure he put on it felt amazing when combined with the feeling both of them provided with their cocks.
Wooyoung's lips planted themselves onto your chest as he pulled your shirt lower. His teeth tugged at your skin, to which you were sure he wanted to leave marks on you.
"Can't answer us when you have two cocks in you huh, babe?" Wooyoung taunted, purposefully biting your nipple through your bra, making you gasp loudly.
Their speed increased significantly. You felt both of their hips hitting you in turns, their cocks also taking turns in filling you. When one slip out, the other slipped in. You were never left empty.
Your high was approaching quicker than anyone could expect. Between the work they did with their lips and their cocks stuffing you, you were actually surprised that you hadn't come any quicker.
"F-fuck I-I-I-" You stuttered out. You couldn't even finish your sentence as you suddenly came hard on them. Your thighs quivered and you clenched them hard to the point that they groaned at how tight you were being.
With your climax accomplished, the two became focused on chasing their own.
"F-first one to cum pays for today's gaming session," Wooyoung said, smirking to San as if he was taunting him.
Through the overstimulation, you managed to smack Wooyoung's shoulder. Albeit weakly. "A-are you- Ah! Are you seriously m-m-maki-ng bets in t-the middle of f-fucking?" you glared at him.
Your question was left unanswered as he only grinned deviilishly.
Feeling sneaky, you immediately slip your hands under his shirt to tweak at his nipples. During your times with him, you found out how his nipples became sensitive when he's about to cum and usually it wouldn't take much for him to cum when you play with his nipples.
His jaw hung open at the sudden feeling. His thrusts became sloppier. After one, two more tugs, you felt him unloading himself inside you. His hips lock in place and his cock twitched inside you. His warm load filling you, making you whine at the feeling.
San chuckled from behind you, "thanks baby," he said, pecking you softly on your cheek, making you giggle. "But now I need to cum in your pussy too,"
Before you could even prepare yourself, he had pulled out of you abruptly. He pushed Wooyoung out of your pussy so that he could bend you over the sink.
"I'm sorry baby, but I really need to cum," he said quickly before plunging himself into your pussy. You let out a yelp as your hands anchored yourself by the edges of the sink.
San drilled into you at an animalistic pace. You looked up the mirror to see San's eyes shut close, eyebrows furrowing as his hips snap harshly against your ass.
Wooyoung's cum made it easier for him to move in and out of you. He even slipped out a couple of times.
You helped him chase his high by clenching your pussy around him. Soon enough, you felt a second load painting your walls. San's cum mixing with yours and Wooyoungs's.
The mixture leaked from your hole down to your thighs and even trickled down onto the floor. Some were caught by your panties but a lot of them fell to the floor, especially when San finally pulled out of you.
The three of you stood silently in the bathroom, trying to catch your breaths after the impromptu bathroom session.
San was the first one to catch his breath. He stuffed himself back into his pants and fixed his clothes. "I'll help (Y/N) clean herself up, you go and pay so we can get out," he said as he began to pull some tissues from the dispenser.
In the midst of fixing his own clothes, Wooyoung paused as he furrowed his eyebrows at San, "Why me?" he asked. San rolled his eyes at the question, "Because you said whoever came first had to pay and you did," he said as he leaned down to wipe the dripping cum from your pussy.
Wooyoung whined at that, "Not fair! (Y/N) made me cum! That shouldn't have counted!" You giggled at his accusation, "I mean, you shouldn't have made a bet when you're having sex with your girlfriend, but..." you trailed off.
Feeling defeated, Wooyoung groaned and pout, "Fine, I'll pay. But I better get a ton of kisses in return," he grumbled as he pointed at you.
You only rolled your eyes at him whilst wiggling your hips to help San put your panties back on.
"As if I don't already give you a lot,"
taglist :
@raysanshine @peachy-maia @paralumanniluna @90s-belladonna @theclawofaraven @sanraes @sungiehan @felix-kithes @nycol-ie @superstarw99 @skkrtnawrskkrt @viv-atiny @the7thcrow @stfu-xeena @laurademaury @multihoe-net @daisyhwa @scoupshushushu @simplewonderland @verycooldog2 @perfectlysane24 @hannahdinse8 @tannie13 @aka-minhyuk-kun @phebeedee @em0yunho @marsophilia @donghyuckanti27 @se-onghwa @taejichafe @alliecoady98 @rdiamondbts2727 @hakuna-matata-ya @ohmy-fandoms @ateezminonspace @stray-bi-kids @imaaroy @fashi0nablee @rindomo @violetwinters @nabihwa @linhyyboo12 @mirror-juliet @bestboiericsohn @hwahwaseong @peachyho @yunhorights @kpop-khh-writer-trash
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mellow-em · 3 years
Bittersweet Temptations
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[special dts: @bluewingedangel @siennamariia <3]
Your neighbors, Nathan and Elena, have been friends with your parents for years. Whether it’d be family gatherings or vacations, they were around; they were family. But when you return home from your final years of college, what will happen when you find that it isn't just them living in the house next door anymore?
I wanted to say something.
I knew based on the long expressions plastered across their faces, that they were waiting impatiently for me to say something too.
But I physically couldn’t.
A knot cemented itself at the back of my throat, suffocating me as I tried to swallow. I could feel my mouth suffer through a drought as I did so.
All I could do was look at the three of them, internally wallowing in embarrassment with a load of questions making my head spin.
How could Nate and Elena keep something like that from me? What were they thinking? No. What was I thinking?
Suddenly, the voices of people scattered amongst the yard became too loud. Though, the stares directed towards me were louder.
“Y/n can you say something?”
Without even thinking, I felt my body turn away from them, and I carried myself away.
“Y/n?” I could hear Elena calling after me.
“I’ll just be a minute” I finally croaked back to her, relieved that I could finally get a word out.
I rushed past the deck towards the side of the house.
I knew in the back of my mind that I was being ridiculous. It wasn’t something to run away from; knowing they probably felt just as awkward telling me.
But I had to get away from Sam.
I couldn’t bear standing there while his smug grin could be seen in the corner of my eye.
It was driving me crazy.
Why does he insist on making this hard on me?
I continued to let my feet travel, not even worried about where I would end up. It felt good to step away from the chaos that my parents organized, for a while anyway.
But I soon found myself at the dead end of the street, in front of the wooded patches that lined the edges of the pavement; sectioning off the neighborhood from the forest.
Without any hesitation, I stepped past the barricading trees, and onto the trail that led to a place of sanctuary.
A small body of water sat on the indented ground, with blooming ferns and bushes fencing it. Farther away from the pond, large rocks collected together, forming makeshift seats to take in the atmosphere.
It looked like it belonged in a cheesy disney movie, or a landscape renaissance painting.
I found this place with Nate when I was little, and since then I would escape here when things become too much to handle.
I sat myself down on one of the largest slabs of rock, almost seeing the memories with Nate passing around me in the form of faded visuals; they were almost ghost-like.
I took myself into these moments one by one; succumbing to the laughter, the playfulness, the smiles, the thrill.
Even though I love my parents more than anything, the bundles of memories Nate and I shared, showed me a glimpse of adventure that my parents couldn’t give me.
The overwhelming feeling of contentment pushed a smile onto my face.
But in an instant, it all faded.
That one moment with him feasted on my conscious mind like a ravenous vulture. It made my stomach churn in the worst possible way.
I sunk my head into my hands, huffing in frustration.
That is, until I heard a few raucous cracks of leaves and sticks not too far from me.
I fix my posture while whipping my head towards the direction of the noise, only to be met with guilty eyes.
Nathan stood there, leaning his upper body on the stiff trunk of a tree.
Perfect timing, Nate..
My lips flatlined as I scratched at the corner of my forehead, “Hey.”
He steps closer, leisurely but surely.
“Hey,” he gestures to the vacant space next to me, “can I?”
Placing both of his hands on his thighs, he plops down next to me, slightly grunting. We sat there in silence; but it wasn’t peaceful, it was impatient.
The both of us were longing to say something to one another, but neither of us preferred confrontation in the slightest. So we sat there, staring at the grove.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been here.”
I look over to him, noticing the tinge of nostalgia sketched upon his features.
“uh yeah.. yeah it really has,” I release a breath, reverting my eyes back to the pond, “almost 5 years.”
It was two days before I left for college. Screaming echoed throughout the house, and reverberated through my head, overwhelming my senses.
My parents chalked it up to being stressed over ‘my big move,’ which I can believe. But the words said that day pushed its way through me. I finally had enough of the nonsense and hollered back at them.
Big mistake. ‘you’re an absolute failure’ They said, ‘you’re never gonna go far.’
Long story short, I ran out of the house, and into the forest. I sat on this same rock, with tears planting glistening streams down my face.
Nate apparently heard the commotion, which wasn’t too surprising, and he made his way to me.
He didn’t even say a word before wrapping his arms around me; embracing me with a comforting warmth that slowly eased me back to normal.
‘Sic Parvis Magna,’ He said.
I was more than confused with those few words, until he began to speak once more.
‘Greatness from small beginnings. Now this isn’t exactly small, you know, with you leaving me here to go to college and all. But it is a new beginning- your new beginning. Don’t let anyone stop you from moving forward.’
That was the last day I saw this beautiful spot of ours, and the last time I really had a solid conversation with Nate; it made the final memory bittersweet at best.
“It really hasn’t changed a bit though.”
“Probably because change is dining elsewhere,”I tried to whisper under my breath, but unfortunately, he heard me loud and clear.
I look up at him in the corner of my eye, noticing his presence fall into a sea of guilt again.
He runs his hand through his surprisingly neatened hair, letting out a sigh that releases all of his proper posture.
“Look, y/n, I wanted to tell you. I really did. But it’s just-”
“Nate all I gotta ask is why? Why would you keep something that major from me?”
I had my body fully turned to face him now, while he still remained there; slouched with his head bowed to his fidgety hands.
I could tell he was stalling, swallowing his responses with force.
“Nate. Just tell me. Please.”
His eyes closed as he exhaled, “It’s a very long story.”
“I’ve got plenty of time.”
“Not exactly.” Roars of laughter within the distance cause both of us to look at the trail leading out of the woods, “we’ve still got a party going on, which happens to be for you, if I may add-”
“Seriously Nate, you think I care?” I was growing fretful, mentally pleading for him to just give up on excuses.
His hands raised in defense, “Fine, fine, okay..”
It didn’t even occur to us how long we’d been out here until the streams of sunlight disappeared from the ruptures in between the trees. The day was just replaced with the beginning of nightfall.
“So you’re telling me that Sam, your brother...who was presumed dead for 15 years, dragged you out across the globe to find Henry Avery’s treasure in 3 months because a drug lord was gonna kill him if you didn’t?”
Nate stifled a low chuckle, nodding along.
“So I take it you found it and gave the son of a bitch his cut? Well, since he’s alive and all-”
“Hey, language missy.” He attempted a scolding tone, but I could see through his thin facade.
I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully,“Haha very funny. Now answer the question mister.”
“Well, it turns out the son of a bitch was Sam. He uh- lied about the whole thing.”
My eyes widened, “Wait what? So the drug lord- the sole purpose of the treasure hunt..”
“Yep it was all bullshit.”
I averted my wide-eyed gaze from him to the pond that was now lit with the blaring lights of fireflies,“Wow. I’m surprised no one got the chance to kick him in the face.. or balls.”
“Yeah Rafe- he pretty much took care of that one..”
The both of us laughed, causing a few birds to flutter away from the branches closest to us.
I missed this.
“Figured I’d find you two here.”
As our fit died down, we glanced over to a beaming Elena emerging from the trail with her arms crossed over her chest.
“I told your parents that you were comin’ over with us. I assumed you wanted some space from all the chaos.”
I showed my relief in the form of a warm simper, up until the realization punched me in the face.
Sam is gonna be there.
My body tensed, becoming a stiff statue in place. The lack of saliva in my mouth was back, and I felt my breath hitch silently.
I guessed the two of them noticed my change in demeanor.
“Are you okay y/n? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Elena’s tone was gentle, as her grin faltered slightly.
“No no it’s fine it’s just- it’s nothing don’t worry,”I abruptly stood up, scratching at my forehead again, “lets go, back.”
“You sure?,” I felt Nate’s arm fall over my shoulders, giving me a faint squeeze as the three of us trudged down the path.
I needed to take my mind off of Sam, hopefully I can avoid him.
“Yeah..” my voice trailed off, “as long as I get to play a certain game that I happened to have the highest score of.” walking confidently with my head held high, I could still see Nate rolling his eyes.
“Actually, Elena has since claimed that title for herself.” Nate said frankly.
A dramatic gasp escapes my lips,“Elena, are you kidding me!”
“Hey, don’t get mad at the pregnant lady here,” she looks back at Nate and I as we continue to walk down the trail, “how about this: you two compete to try and beat my high score.”
Nate looks down at me with the same contemplative look I give him.
“And what’s the catch, hun?” Nate asks.
“Loser gets pushed or thrown into the pool.”
Well well well, Elena’s finally getting in on our shenanigans.
I smirked, “This is gonna be light work.”
“Oh really now? I just know you’re secretly afraid that I’m gonna win.”
“Sure, Nate. I’m not gonna lose, you’re all bark and no bite.”
It was his turn to let out a theatrical breath,“How dare you accuse me of such a thing?”
While Nate and I went on with our child like banter, Elena laughed hysterically at our foolishness,“You two are absolutely ridiculous.”
Nate glances back at me, only this time his fist patiently waited in front of me for a fist bump, “you ready to get destroyed?”
I scoff, hitting my fist on his, “You’re on.”
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mainlytechnotrash · 2 years
tw // techno situation, vent
it has taken me a long time to process everything. it still doesn't feel real if i'm honest. it still feels like he's there, just not giving us content like normal. like any minute now he'll say something in his discord or tweet something again. any minute now he'll pop into a twitch stream and say something, and that maybe he'll upload again some time soon. but i know that won't happen. i know that unfortunately he really is gone.
words cannot describe the impact he had on me. he was a big part of me getting back into writing and art, and i met so many amazing people through the fandom, the fandom he played a big part in me getting into. hes the person who introduced me to minecraft monday, and therefore all these other amazing streamers like the sleepy bois and now those on the smp. i don't remember what my first video was exactly, but i think it was one of his old skyward videos. i had gotten into watching skeppy, and youtube recommended Techno's skyway video to me and i was instantly hooked. instantly, i binged so much of his content, and fell in love with his stuff. from then on, he became one of my biggest sources of comfort. i'd run at any notification from him, always trying to keep up to date with his content, even the crumbs. he made me happy, he made me laugh, and he made me feel comfortable. he genuinely was my comfort streamer. my hyperfixation too for a while.
i'm not sure if i'm actually done crying yet, or if i'm just in another numb stage. the night the video dropped i cried for a solid 5 hours afterwards, staying up till like 6am. i cried to the point i felt physically sick with a really bad headache. i felt kinda stupid for mourning someone i didn't even know personally, but i couldn't help but cry over it. he didn't deserve to go. he was the most genuine, funny, and just overall amazing person i swear i've ever known of. everything i heard about him from other creators were always good and positive, and his content was so funny and comforting to watch. i couldn't believe he was gone just like that.
everyone manages and processes grief and loss in different ways. for me, i relate to Wilbur and Skeppy in this situation. Wilbur, who thought "why is the world still spinning? why is everyone acting normal? don't they know my friend just died?". i just couldnt process that those around me weren't going through the same grief as me. especially now since i've drifted away from the mcyt community and therefore away from its influence, it reallt did feel like everything was moving on without me. i was stuck here, crying and mourning my comfort steamer, while everyone else just went about their day as normal. it reallt is such a weird yet bitter feeling, feeling as if they're bad people for moving on so quickly, even though they never knew him in the first place. i just couldn't process how anything was the same anymore. nothing felt the same. and Skeppy, who described it as "an empty pit in your stomach". i'm not sure if pain is the correct word to describe how i felt, but instead as just this empty feeling. an empty void that haunts me and torments me and doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. a pit that doesn't seem to end and just makes you spiral into darkness. neither of these are great feelings, but grief isn't easy.
i'm not really proofreading this. there is no point in this aside from venting and letting out my feelings. i have cried so much ever since finding out the news. watching his content is funnily enough the only way i stop crying. i'm not yet strong enough to watch his live-streams, though. those feel like hanging out with a friend, the way he'd yell at us (the chat) and make fun of us, and we'd troll him, it was just so nice. i can't bring myself to watch the streams yet, knowing that we'll never get another stream from him again. knowing that we'll never get to "hang out" with our "friend" again. i use those in quotes since i know we didn't know him personally and vice versa, but that's what it felt like at the time. looking back, that's still what those moments felt like. i'd like to think that we (or i at least) love him as much as he loved us. he truly is irreplaceable, and i'll never forget him. he was such a big influence on my attitude toward life, my sense of humor, and so much more. for 3 years, he helped me through so much, and he'll always have a special place in my heart.
it feels weird saying all this considering i've never talked to him personally or anything like that. he was a stranger i enjoyed the content of. still, though, i enjoyed watching him grow. i was there around 500k subs, and followed his journey ever since. i watched him meet all these new people that ended up becoming his friends, i watched his subs and views increase, and i enjoyed every second of it. if i could, i'd join in his journey sooner, and maybe be more active in the community. but oh well, what's done is done, and i don't regret the time i spent watching him. i don't regret the money i spent on him (tho Youtooz ALMOST made me regret it with HOW LONG IT TOOK TO GET MY STUFFFFF). i don't regret it. if Techno chose to be Techno again in another life like he said he'd do, then i'd chose to be his viewer and fan again. there truly is no one like him.
Thank you, Technoblade, for everything you've done for not only me but everyone else and the community. they say someone doesn't die till they're forgotten, and that legends never die, so i guess it really is true that Technoblade never dies. good luck in overtaking the kingdom of god, and i expect to see you sitting on his throne when i die too. so long, nerd.
i miss Technoblade. 👑🐷
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Reality Check - Chapter 6
Summary: Y/N and Wanda were very close after returning in 2023.  The two bonded over the loss of their partners.  It wasn’t enough to keep Wanda grounded after she found Vision’s body though, and Wanda wants the best for her friend.  Unfortunately for Y/N, this means she’s going to be thrown into a reality she wasn’t expecting.
Notes: Thank you all for your love and support!!  I love you guys so much and your feedback makes me smile.  It’s hard to reply to everyone but I’m keeping tabs on the taglist as much as possible.  I’ve noticed a few usernames are not being tagged on this post, so I’ll be sure to contact them.  Tumblr decided not to tag them I guess lol!  
Anyway, enjoy this new chapter.  I changed things a little bit.  We’re going a little off course of what I had before, hence the reason why this is late.  The chapter I had written at first is only being stocked away for the next chapter, which means it’ll be out sooner than this one did.  I promise! 
Happy Falcon and the Winter Soldier day, everyone! 
“Well Wanda, I gotta skitty before Loki starts wondering where I’m at,” You chuckled nervously.  Watching her fix the wall was incredible.  It was unlike anything you’ve seen before.  So unusual yet so familiar. 
Wanda smiled lightly at you.  “Alright, I understand.  But please feel free to come by anytime.  Whatever you need,” She said.  You smiled back at the woman. 
“Of course!  Maybe I’ll swing by in a couple of days to see the boys!” You waved goodbye to her and opened the door. 
You took your leave, closing the front door behind you.  Vision turned to see you come outside moments later, a confused look on his face.  “Vision?  What’s wrong, buddy?  You look paler than a ghost.” 
Vision turned to look back at the fence, where Herb and Agnes once stood.  The two had left a while ago, but he seemed frozen in place.  “It’s nothing,” He smiled.  
“Are you sure?” You asked, looking back at the fence that he seemed to stare at before he looked at you.  It was cut nearly in half.  From what, you couldn’t tell. 
“Absolutely.  I suppose I’m just rather nervous about becoming a father.  It feels like it happened so quickly.” 
“Well, I’m sure it did, Vision.  You’ll be fine though.  You’re a good man and remember, Wanda’s going to be there too.  Like I said before, it’s not like you’re doing it alone.  You’ve got this whole town.”  
“That’s true.  This town seems to be quite... Supportive.” 
“Sometimes too supportive.  It feels like everyone’s connected sometimes!” You two shared a nervous laugh. 
“Oh yes, everyone here is quite connected.  Sometimes it is almost concerning.  This town is nothing like I have ever seen before.  I feel as though you can’t keep any secrets around here.” 
“Yeah, I know how you feel.” 
“What do you mean?” Loki asked, trying to figure out what’s going on.  The blade was pressing against his skin, close to piercing it.  His eyes scanned the man’s face, unable to determine who he was. 
“I won’t ask again.” 
“I don’t even know who you are,” Loki replied, now glaring at the man.  
Scott revealed himself to Loki, green magic engulfing his form.  He wore the same suit as he did before, but his hair was longer now, reaching down to brush his shoulders slightly.  His green eyes were sharper now, and his face was far more defined.  Loki watched as the man morphed into a mirror image of himself.  “Do I look familiar now?” He spat out, annoyed by the impostor.  
“Quite,” He said stiffly.  Loki pushed him back while “Scott” wasn’t paying that much attention.  He walked to the other side of the room, giving the two of them space between one another.  “I am Loki.  But who are you?” 
“That’s impossible,” Scott said.  “This reality’s version of me was supposed to die in 2018.” 
“2018?” Loki questioned.  “The year 2018?” 
“Yes, the year 2018,” Scott rolled his eyes.  “What other year would I mean?” 
“What year is it now then?” 
“2023.  You’ve been dead for 5 years and yet you’re here.  The T.V.A didn’t tell me about this.  Of course they wouldn’t.”
“The T.V.A?” 
Scott ignored his question.  “Now I’m stuck in the Scarlet Witch’s fake reality with another version of me.  But they told me he died.  Is it possible?” He was thinking aloud, causing Loki to grow even more confused. 
“What are you talking about?” 
Scott shook his head.  “It doesn’t matter.  I have a mission to carry out if I want to get out of there.  Plans have changed.” 
Ten minutes later you found yourself walking to Ellis Avenue.  It was close to the edge of town, and very few people lived there anymore.  The sun may have been shining and birds may have been chirping, but you felt like the air was icy as you got closer to the border.  The sign “Leaving Westview: We hope to see you again soon!” looked old and rundown, as if no one had touched it in decades.  An image of a family playing in the park was shown next to the lettering.  Perhaps once upon a time it was a cute sign.  Now it seemed ominous. 
A sense of dread and misery started to seep in as you continued walking closer to the end of the road.  It was like you couldn’t control your own thoughts anymore.  Or perhaps, it was the other way around.  For the first time this week you felt like you were gaining control again.  
Making your way to the border, you noticed that there was not a single person in sight.  The road continued on, making its way through the forest that was only a mile away.  The trees swayed with the wind soundlessly.  A part of you almost seemed to beg to leave the town.  
So you kept on walking. 
It felt like some sort of energy was trying desperately to pull you away from it.  You couldn’t understand what pulled you to this town, what kept trying to pull you back into it.  You hardly remember anything before Westview.  What was on the outside? 
You were abruptly stopped by a barrier.  It was glowing red, much like the other objects you saw a few days ago.  The vibrant color seemed to pulse and move as you walked closer.  It was an electrifying feeling, being this close to the magic that kept everyone trapped inside.  Some part of you begged, screamed for you to stay back.  The other part of you asked for the exact opposite.  
You touched the barrier, a shock running up your arm when you did.  You almost pulled back instantly, but something protected you from it.  You stared in amazement as blue shockwaves seemed to surround your hand.  They disappeared, fading off into the red barrier.  
You turned around, looking to see if anyone was nearby.  No one seemed to be in sight, but you felt like you were being watched.  You turned back to the barrier, pushing your hand further in.  It hurt, but something egged you on, daring you to cross it.  
You took a step in, watching the red engulf your entire body.  You couldn’t think, couldn’t hear, couldn’t even see anything that was going on.  You had two options: Go back into the town that you’re trapped in or see what’s on the outside.  
It seemed to last forever, but it was probably because you could hardly move while you were in it.  It felt as if you were frozen solid.  Whatever it was didn’t want you to get out.  Memories were starting to seep in though.  Memories of the distant past, and memories of what had happened only two weeks ago.  
You gained feeling back in your hand again.  You had to be close to the end if you could feel it.  In just a split second you were thrown out of the barrier.  You collapsed onto the grass, taking a deep breath.  It felt like someone splashed cold water on you.  
Lights began to blind you as you heard voices all around you.  “Put her in custody, and someone get a doctor!” You heard one say.  It was distinct, clear, loud.  Whoever it was sounded like the leader. 
You felt several people pull you up from the ground, placing you on a softer surface.  A gurney, probably.  You blinked several times, squinting to see where you were.  Someone familiar stood next to you.  It was Geraldine.  Was that her name?  
At that point it didn’t matter.  Your head was in too much pain from everything else that was going on to care.  
“You’ll be okay, Y/N.  We’re going to get you checked out,” The woman reassured you.  She smiled slightly and you tried to smile back at her. 
You started to doze off, choosing to sleep and recover from the traumatic experience you just had.  For the first time in a long time you were able to dream.  These dreams weren’t normal though.  
They were memories. 
Memories of everything before Westview. 
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Scott watched Loki’s body slowly disappear.  Clearly, he was just an illusion.  Something set up by the Scarlet Witch to keep Y/N in control.  He contacted the TVA on his communicator, sending them a message as he watched the body dissolve.  
He was told that this reality was created by the Scarlet Witch and that he had to get the timeline back on track.  They never told him about Y/N being involved.  They didn’t even tell him that an illusion of himself would be in it too.  
The plan would have to change if he wanted to make sure this worked.  They didn’t even give him an idea of how to set the timeline right.  Now that he knows what’s going on, he has an idea. 
And now, he’ll make sure he gets out of here in time. 
And he’ll be sure to give the Time Variance Authority hell.  
Wanda smiled down at Billy, sitting next to Vision who held Tommy.  She felt something turn in her chest.  Something was wrong.  Her eyes widened, and she looked out across the room, zoning out.  
Vision noticed that she seemed distracted, trapped in her thoughts.  He reached over slightly to touch her hand, bringing her back.  She turned to him and smiled.  
“Is something wrong, my love?” He asked. 
“No, nothing at all.  Everything is just fine.” She said, looking down at Billy once more.  
She wasn’t going to concern him with the fact that she knew something was wrong. 
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