#we don’t have 2 be mutuals but if i reblog a ‘mutuals are my besties’ just know i’m talkin bout u too
stevebabey · 1 year
hi ruby darlin i had. my first Proper Drink tonite and am WILDLY affectionate and i need you to know i ADOREEEEE you <3 we're not mutuals but every time i see you post im like YEAHHHHH YOU GO BABE YOU BLOG THAT SHIT im delighted to see you <3 idk you have good vibes and i really admire your writing and your blog feels like fresh baked bread with GOURMET cheeese its incredible. im so sorry if this is babbly im a little out of it rn hjfkhj ok love you wishing you a WONDERFUL... i think its day there rn. mwah mwah
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↑ literally me reading this while still at work….
firstly i luv that ur out here on the drinks- what’s on the menu? i dearly hope it’s something delicious like margaritas i LOVE those YUM ! also i can’t believe u would do this to me. u deliver me the most heart-wrenching perfect compliment— COMPARING ME GO CHEESE!!! KISS ME ON THE LIPS!!!!
i’m v fuckin glad that you think i’ve got the good vibes :’) and u enjoy my writing!!! and my sillay lil blog!! enough to come tell me 🥹 it is day here & u know what, it’s a fuckin good day having received this <3 enjoy ur night bub, stay safe & drink water and oh what’s this? nay…it can’t be…it’s a million mwahs….coming right for u….
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
Ok, so I need to get this off my chest because it’s been weighing heavily on my mind. I’ve never properly addressed this because I honestly think it’s not something that deserves the traffic, but my entire feed has been overwhelmed with negativity and it’s genuinely making me want to not be on here anymore.
1. I age up my characters. No, that absolutely does not make me a paedophile. You don’t like it, the door’s right there, the block button’s easily accessible, i tag my fics, you can block tags, there’s so many things you can do.
2. Throwing words with such horrible and serious connotations around as a hyperbole is not quirky and doesn’t make you interesting, it makes you an asshole who diminishes and undermines real world problems to make yourself feel better about literally the most inane of non-problems.
3. If you have time to give a shit about someone you don’t know on the internet who finds joy in some artistic relief, you haVE TOO MUCH TIME!!! I’m curious how many of you actually have any concern or involvement in anything regarding actual paedophilia, that concerns actual kids, actual real life people.
4. If you do indeed believe that someone who ages up a literal fictional tall blue alien is a “paedophile”, you genuinely, genuinely need to go out and touch some grass, BUT what absolutely KILLS me is the absolute unhinged hypocrisy: you want to think you’re better than me, you denounce my work publicly, and then FOLLOW ME and reblog my Jake smut (?!???!?). Like this actually blows my mind. So in your eyes, i am the scum of the earth, i deserve to die and go to jail cause i am “sexualising minors”, but THEN you’re ok with it when you get off to my smut that you do agree with. HOW?! You must be so flexible cause that’s some impressive mental acrobatics. Congrats!!!
5. YOU CANNOT PICK AND CHOOSE WHAT YOU’RE MORALLY SUPERIOR ABOUT!!! Pls get that through your head. If you can forgive “deviant” behaviour when you’re horny and need a Jake fic to get yourself off to, honey baby, you’re just as bad, cause you’re proving you’re willing to bend your morals for your own pleasure and selfish needs. Like PLEASE BE FOR FUCKING REAL!!!
6. This is for my readers and readers of fics in general - if you like what we write, please, please show it. I have seen/talked to several of my mutuals who want to take a step back because of so much negativity that outweighs the support at the moment. If you want to keep being able to enjoy this content, please show your favourite writers some love, especially at this time.
7. And for my mutuals/besties, please, please don’t get discouraged. I know it’s hard, and it sucks, and it’s so disheartening, but i am here to talk and here to stay, and we can get through this together. It would hurt me so badly to see genuinely talented, beautiful, creative, kind people be driven away by some lowlives with nothing better to do than bully people. Stay strong and know I’m always here for you.
This is the first and last time i will be addressing this. I will not be engaging with these people anymore, and i will be using the block button incredibly liberally going forward. Remember you’re responsible for curating your online experience. You don’t like/agree with something, FUCKING BLOCK ME. I BEG YOU.
That’s all. Stay safe and good luck, my loves. I love you. Xoxoxox
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puckpocketed · 9 months
19/12/2023 Seattle Kraken vs Dallas Stars
The Summer I Fell For Hockey - The Kraken Wagon: How to Stay Silly in the Face of Loss
I’m the asshole on the tram who’s watching hockey on their phone and not paying attention. This is how my afternoon commute home starts. I almost run into at least two people, I definitely trip a guy trying to get off the tram because I’m not looking, and I’m caught scrambling for the door after nearly missing my stop. My walk home is slowed by my unwillingness to take my eyes off the live feed. I’m sweating through an ill-advised sweater vest thrown on at 6 in the morning on my way out the door and my feet sting from the 5 hour shift I just finished — but I don’t care. The Kraken are down 0-2 and it feels like if I stop watching, if I even think about hurrying home through the swampy, muggy afternoon, the game will run away from us. 
“The Kraken are a wagon” is a sentiment I’ve come across repeatedly in my idle googling about my team. They’re a new team, my friend tells me over discord — she fell out of love with ice hockey years ago, some time back when the Kraken were first drafting their inaugural season lineup — and as soon as I hear it I am enamoured with them. A baby team! One that’s still building an identity, trying to figure out its core; and I’m already so charmed by their jerseys — toothpaste red, white, and blue, a squiggly tentacle ‘S’ for Seattle and a glaring sea monster’s eye — but a baby team? That’s the kind of story I can gorge myself on.
So they have me. I’m in and I’m reading primers and checking player stats, and I only find out about the “Kraken wagon” later. My squids have been in free fall all season, I learn this not long after I catch a game (their 0-3 defeat to the Minnesota Wild). This is what I get for choosing teams based on jersey colours, it’s not too late to swap loyalties — my regulars, who have by now heard all about my latent ice hockey obsession, tell me this as I pour their coffees. They don’t get it yet. If I truly didn’t like the Kraken, I’d have given up on them by now. The jersey colours, at this point, are immaterial. The jerseys are a cute bonus.
Here’s the rub: no one ever expected them to make the Stanley Cup playoffs in their second ever season of existence, but they did — or, some past incarnation of them did. The shadow that this playoffs run casts, even now, is where the “wagon” accusations stem from. But I didn’t join them when times were good. I joined them after an 8 game-long skid into the boards.
It’s hard to love something when all you ever see are the worst parts of it, some might assume. Looking through the Kraken tag tells an entirely different story. Loving the Seattle Kraken has come so easily to me largely due to the tiny group of die-hard followers I’ve come into contact with. I have a tab perpetually open on my second monitor at home when I’m watching games, set to the Kraken’s liveblog tag, and each time I’ve tuned in has been the ride of my life. It’s clear from the speed at which we like and reblog each other’s posts that we’re all regularly checking the tag when something happens. It’s like the world’s most intimate Twitch chat section, the world’s least intimate discord call. We’re mutuals and besties, strangers and fellow fans — I imagine if we were in the stands together, we’d look at each other when our Kraken score and cheer together, maybe we’d scream and laugh in half-disbelief.
The Dallas Stars are at the top of the Western Conference’s central division table, and they play like it. In the first few minutes of the match, Duchene and Seguin blast through and slip one past Daccord, no easy feat given he’s been on fire himself recently. Time after time, the Kraken’s power play is wrecked. The Kraken are being given the runaround, having to doggedly chase down intercepted pucks where the Stars’ passes always seem to connect. Recovery from 0-2 might seem impossible from where they are at the end of the first period, but the Kraken bring to the second period the same energy they had for their relentless puck hunting. Matty B and Tuna — Beniers and Tatar  — put us on the scoreboard and keep us in it, even as we lose Canner and Belly to injuries. Recovery from such an early and demoralising goal deficit isn’t impossible, just increasingly unlikely when you’ve got no superstars and are trying to throw off the wagon allegations.
That’s another thing: expectations are low. And not in a way that’s meant to disrespect the Kraken players — it’s closer to how animals might ball up and protect their vulnerable, soft bellies from harm. Losing, to be perfectly candid, fucking sucks. Reminding ourselves that any gains — no matter how trivial — still count as a win is one way to stave off the inevitable heartbreak. Another way we do it is, to paraphrase several Kraken bloggers,  “staying silly”.
If I were to distill the essence of silliness, I’d start with hockey itself. This game is a goofy one, in spite of my past assertions about warrior’s codes and narratives and unspoken honour. On-ice collisions can in fact be the height of slapstick comedy; and today the tension of a potential line brawl was broken with, of all things, the arena DJ playing Mortal Kombat music. As for the people? Even as the Kraken went down two goals halfway through the first period, the posts and memes rolled in. 
Watching sports is meant to be a leisure activity. If the stress of it ever becomes too much for me, stepping away is vital. Having the denizens of krakenblr being silly alongside me is like having an extra layer of armour between us and the heartache of loss. We crack jokes about manifesting wins, about freeing our boys from the penalty box (they’ve never done anything wrong in their lives, ever, and even if they did those assholes had it coming), about our players who are babygirls, about the endless double-entendre made by Forslund and Olczyk. For each time we scored, for each penalty taken, each power play and penalty kill the tone set by everyone was simple: stay silly. 
In the last minute of the third period, the Kraken rally for one final push. With Daccord pulled from the net the 6-man rush is relentless, and they manage to get up in the Stars’ faces. This is the grit that so inspired my admiration. Though the recaps on the news feed might only list one or two names on the assist, the last goal of third period is thanks to everyone on the ice. The Kraken players perform as their namesake implies: as one they are a many-armed leviathan, come to drag you and yours down, down, down, into the deep.
Vince Dunn — Dunner or Vincess depending on who you ask — keeps the puck from the blue line, Wenny snatches it away from a tight spot between two Stars, and everyone works to feed it back onto Bjorkstrand’s tape. Bjorkstrand’s shot cracks down the line and into the crease — and how’s this for poetry: from the same goddamn place on the ice he shot the last time he had to even up a game going into overtime — and the ensuing scuffle ends with Tolvy tipping it past Wedgewood. After a deeply frustrating review from the situation room, the goal is called good and we’re confirmed for overtime. Various posts to the effect of, “No matter what happens, I love you all. We’ll be okay,” flood the tag as I refresh my page. With them, it truly ain’t that serious; and going into overtime, even knowing the Kraken have one of the least impressive OT records in the league, truly cements it for me. The Kraken will be my team for the foreseeable future.
I won’t keep you in suspense, if you’re reading this from the outside looking in. The game ends in a loss. But I’m no heavier than I was when the game started. On the contrary, I’m lighter. The little reservoir of dread that had built up inside me in the early hours of the game has been emptied by a tidal wave of sweetness, of sincere well-wishes and optimism. To the Kraken fans I’ve interacted with so far: thank you all so much for what is possibly the warmest welcome I’ve ever received to a fandom space, thank you for making this game and this team so easy to love, thank you for shielding my tender flesh from loss and making even defeats a little fun.
So what if the Kraken are a wagon? It’s a clown wagon, and we’re riding it together; hand in silly hand.
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modawg · 5 months
@demigods-posts here! what is something that has happened with your blog that makes you feel really cool or happy? just questions i wish people would ask me lol. love your posts <3
HIIIIIIIIII !!!!! (^·^) also idk if you’ll see this unless i tag you so here’s me tagging you @demigods-posts
i can name a couple bc it’s so fun here
firstly: girl you LMAOOO swear i followed you first and i was like “yas eating” and i did NOT realise we became mutuals so everytime you’d reblog my stuff i’d be like “LETS FUCKING GOOOOO” bc it felt like a celeb was noticing me or smth (i still don’t know how to see if someone’s my mutual so if you are pls lmk LMAO id love to be besties i just barely know how this app works)
second: the actually most insane thing that’s happened was a fanfic written either based off of or connected to smth i had randomly written like 2 years ago (?) i was tagged in it and i was SHOCKEDDDD i love reading and writing (i’m an english major) and seeing that was insane
third: the messages i get are so great i’ve had a couple people reach out thanking me for things i’ve talked abt and had kinda blow up bc ppl at the time didn’t talk abt it as much or i’ve had someone send me some of their work asking for me to read it which makes me want to rip my skin off bc IM NOT COOL like thank you so much ofc i’ll read your stuff I LOVE YOU
fourth: ppl reblog my shit on instagram????? THAT was crazy i remember going on instagram after someone dm’d me asking if it was ok for them to repost my stuff and i was like “uhh fuck yeah??” so i went on there and went into a deep dive of like 20posts i never knew got reposted on there i felt like a celeb
and lastly: probably when literally anything gets any type of interaction i’m like shocked bc i don’t have notifications on for this app so anytime i come back on here a couple hours or days later some things randomly get thousands of notes and its jaw dropping to me everytime
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)
It took me a while to gather all my things but it’s good!!!
1. I had a phone call with my grandma today. It’s always weird to reach out but I missed her and we had a good 30 minute chisme session. They’re not divorced just separated and it’s bc she cheated on him a second time!
2. On the topic of reaching out (look at me taking initiative) one of my friends agreed to go to the art gallery with me on Saturday and next weekend I’m gonna visit another friend that I haven’t seen in forever.
3. On the topic of friends (and also reaching out 🤔) my bestie of besties just in general who then led me to other besties on tumblr that I haven’t spoken to but those tag games are special to me. All bc I sent a bang chan thirst trap 🤪
4. The attorney I share my office with added art to it and idk if it is or is just similar to one of my favorite art styles but it’s way more personalized now and isn’t a cube of sadness (we don’t have a window). I just have to find something to hang my fan with and also maybe some of those indigo art things that came with the album but I think it’ll look good together
5. I haven’t been to a concert in a while but I was thinking about nauseous by the rose and it was reaaaallly good live. The “you’re so loud and so obnoxious” part is so fun to me.
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darcyolsson · 2 years
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I posted 9,809 times in 2022
816 posts created (8%)
8,993 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,154 of my posts in 2022
#personal - 684 posts
#answered asks - 239 posts
#anonymous - 117 posts
#trc - 98 posts
#hstv - 89 posts
#words - 73 posts
#tdt - 58 posts
#succession - 56 posts
#heartstopper - 51 posts
#wwdits - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#but youuu...muuuust...knooow...ill..beee heeere waaaiiitiiing hooooping praaaaying that. the skyyy will guuuuide you hooome ‼️‼️‼️‼️
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
1,424 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
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1,573 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
DO interact if you still don’t like phone calls, feel like you’re behind in life, make very long really specific playlists, are a cat person, dyed your hair and wear monochrome outfits to match it, like dangly earrings, occasionally watch movies from before 1960, romanticise everything, sometimes struggle with modern technology even though you’re using it 24/7, are/were always drawing in class, don’t have your driver’s license, were so obsessed with a celeb as a tween you still have a weak spot for them, use <3 so often it’s starting to become a problem, and finally, are bisexual <3
2,141 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
dracula is so funny rn mina and lucys letters are just like hiiii bestie loml sweetheart 😍😍😍💕 how are youuuuuu i love you soooo much 🥰 can't wait to see you again you're my favourite person everrrr did i hear you have a CRUSH 🤭🤭 btw sorry 4 slow replies 😅😅 i was busy thinking about my boyfriend 😍😍😍 JONATHAN 😍😍😍😍😍😍 and then the jonathan in question is just like Dear Diary Today I Experienced Horrors Beyond My Comprehension
34,801 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
wish i could grab coffee w my mutuals. mentally we are in a cute café right now
44,594 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stonedregulus · 2 years
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I posted 17,275 times in 2022
That's 1,991 more posts than 2021!
5,462 posts created (32%)
11,813 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 5,975 of my posts in 2022
#ollie is answering asks - 2,626 posts
#bestie tag - 540 posts
#wyidias - 540 posts
#regulus black - 458 posts
#jegulus - 419 posts
#james potter - 372 posts
#fic: with you i'd dance in a storm - 288 posts
#starchaser - 247 posts
#barty crouch jr - 246 posts
#evan rosier - 219 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#just because we don’t share everything about ourselves on here doesn’t mean we don’t have experiences that make us knowledgeable in certain
My Top Posts in 2022:
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717 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
do you ever think about how you have such double standards for fic writers vs book authors and tv/movie writers?
like you don’t like when fic writers do xyz, but when you read it in a young adult novel you have no problem, or you see it on the screen and you love it.
that’s just so funny to me. the hypocrisy is so funny to me.
you’ll bitch about an age gap fic (even though both characters are concenting adults) but you adore call me by your name which has a 17 year old fucking a 24 year old (and i’m not bashing cmbyn i love that movie i’m just using it as an example).
you’ll bitch about adult fic authors writing minors having sex with each other but you’ll watch gossip girl where teenagers are fucking like crazy on screen.
you do realize that all of that was written by adults, right? most of the media you consume is created by adults. and when we write about teenagers fucking it’s not because we want to fuck teenagers. that’s gross. we’re writing about experiences, and we’re writing coming-of-age stories because we’ve already fucking been through that shit and we have life experiences that you don’t. if we didn’t the content you would have would fucking suck. it would suck.
most of your favorite fic writers are adults. your favorite novels and tv shows and movies were all written by adults. and if you enjoy that media anywhere except for when it’s in fics why is that? is it because fan fiction authors are more accessible to you? is it because you can find us on discord and tumblr and tell us all about your favorite and least favorite parts of what we’ve written? and you can’t do that with the authors of your favorite novels and the writers of your favorite tv shows and movies?
i just think your hypocrisy is bullshit, and maybe you should think more about what the fuck you say to people who write things for free. no one is forcing you to read anything. if you don’t like it don’t fucking read it and leave the people who do write it alone.
721 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
wyidias jegulus
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open for higher quality
890 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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This fandom used to be an open and inviting space where people could share their creativity in a form that they, as the author, enjoyed. Unfortunately, as has become obvious, this is no longer the case, and many authors are beginning to feel trapped by the invisible constraints put upon them by a group of people who feel they can shout louder than others. Therefore, I am asking all Jegulus authors, whether we are friends, mutuals, don’t even like each other, or have never crossed paths, to join me in “No Post November.” Enough is enough.
Don’t write? Help us out by sharing this post and encouraging all Jegulus Authors to participate. Feel free to not post any other type of Jegulus media you create to stand with us against the hate.
Here are images you should feel free to use on your own blogs.
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902 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Guyyyyyyyyyyys! I commissioned the super talented Talita for this Jegulus dads & Wolfstar dads family portrait. I'm screaming a little bit, it turned out sooooo goooood!!! If you have Instagram, please go follow her!
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1,582 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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writingmochi · 2 years
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(with my own reviews in parentheses)
I posted 133 times in 2022
That's 105 more posts than 2021! (that's why i didn't post my 2021 ver)
62 posts created (47%)
71 posts reblogged (53%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@/writingmochi (ofc)
@/sozosnipes (mutual uwu)
@/luhv4won (we banter on their review of my work)
@/s-9in (we banter on their review of my work pt. 2)
I tagged 132 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#ignore the ramble - 24 posts (yes i ramble a lot)
#rsc: time wave - 23 posts (might be more when i finish the soobin spin-off)
#sc: regina - 18 posts (it's probably 21+ if combined with the ones i posted in 2021)
#research update by the moon - 17 posts (yes i update stuff)
#milestone of the moon - 14 posts (so many milestone yas)
#txt scenarios - 14 posts (sorry to the engenes that follow me x5)
#txt imagines - 14 posts
#cs: txt - 14 posts
#txt x reader - 14 posts
#txt fluff - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#we do love feedback :d even though i myself do appreciate likes as well meaning that you've read/you are interested in reading our works (so true bestie)
My Top Posts in 2022:
#5 (the comeback after two months, huh?)
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chapter v. blue period
cast: grunge kid!yeonjun ✗ art student/painter!fem.reader
synopsis: you’re an out-of-place art student living in your childhood hometown, pursuing your dream of becoming a painter. one day, you were given a mysterious responsibility as you try to not get your childhood best friend killed
genre: coming of age, college/university au, childhood best friend au, supernatural au, angst, fluff, mature content (sensitive topics and explicit smut)
based on: video game life is strange (2013)
word count: 8605
taglist? closed
warning(s): suggestive (a direct continuation of the last episode), nudity, attempted suicide (this is a safe place carrd for awareness and resources, you can reach out to me by anon if you need someone to talk to), blood, mention of bullying, implicit mention of mental breakdown, implicit mention of self-harm (if i forgot some, let me know)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction. do be careful and read the warnings at the top as both the chapter and the series as a whole will contain serious and sensitive topics.
thank you for waiting for two months for this chapter. not gonna lie, this is the hardest chapter to write because of the subject matter + gaining the time and right head space to write them down as i want it to focus on the characters and what they’ve gone through to reach there instead of the actions they do. nonetheless, i hope you will like it and if the subject matter is too hard for you, you don’t have to read it…
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91 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
#4 (new episodes coming soon asdfghjkl)
“smirch” episode 1: heeseung
cast: student council president & bad boy!heeseung ✗ friend’s sister!fem.reader
synopsis: lee heeseung was given the responsibility of being the student council president of decelis high. yet, he’s living a double life, being the resident “bad boy” outside of his academic career. well, he can balance them out with the help of a few people with very diverse characters he proudly calls his friends. one day, he found another person joining the group. you, his friend’s younger sister
genre: teen drama, coming of age, slice of life, high school au, fluff, comedy, angst, mature content (drugs, suggestive themes, mental health)
based on: tv shows skins uk; specifically gen 1 banner intro video inspired by series 1′s opening (2007-2013) and skam norway (2015-2017)
word count: 25701 (25.7k)
warning(s): mc has sleep deprivation, mention of parental infidelity, mention of nudity, mention of drugs and consumption of drugs (cigarette and marijuana) (if i forgot some, let me know)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction. do be careful and read the warnings at the top as both the chapter and the series as a whole will contain serious and sensitive topics.
hi! i’m so excited to finally be releasing this lmao and i want to say sorry for the delay cause i accidentally delete one part of the story that is final so i had to take more time to rewrite/re-edit that part as good as i can. but hey it’s finally here and very ambitious project indeed. i’ve also opened an ask my character/behind the writing content for this series that you can check out right here. enjoy the messiness!
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you've always heard the phrase 'the night is young', but surely it goes older as time passes.
colours of blue, pink, and gold embrace the dawn sky as you stroll on the pavement of your neighbourhood from your nightly rendezvous with your friends, feeling all the energy softens in your body after experiencing a whole different part of the universe from your usual teenage life, shedding all the troubles away for a night of fun and freedom. but all of them must end when the hint of the sun peeks from the east.
wrapping your hands around yourself in your thin-layered clothes as you step past the other houses to your home, the make-up on your face smudged from the greasy foods and beverages you consume, your eye-lined eyes smeared and messier than when you put them on the previous night. spring's cold weather greets you with a sudden blow of wind as you cowered for the warmth of your body heat. when you see the silhouette of your destination with the sun peeking behind it, you pick your phone up from your pocket, pressing a speed dial to the only boy you can put your trust in.
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93 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
#3 (makes sense cuz the tension between them ughhhh)
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chapter iv. twin flames
cast: grunge kid!yeonjun ✗ art student/painter!fem.reader
synopsis: you’re an out-of-place art student living in your childhood hometown, pursuing your dream of becoming a painter. one day, you were given a mysterious responsibility as you try to not get your childhood best friend killed
genre: coming of age, college/university au, childhood best friend au, supernatural au, angst, fluff, mature content (sensitive topics and explicit smut)
based on: video game life is strange (2013)
word count: 7801
taglist? closed
warning(s): mention of drugs (marijuana), alcohol consumption, explicit sex, unprotected sex (be safe!), handjob (m & f receive), oral job (m & f receive), cockwarming (if i forgot some, let me know)
message from the moon: remember that this story is fiction. do be careful and read the warnings at the top as both the chapter and the series as a whole will contain serious and sensitive topics.
probably one of the anticipated chapters of the series (cause it’s getting towards the steamier part). on a serious note, thank you so much for the love and a reminder that you can interact with the characters through beyond the wave! enjoy!!!
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98 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
#2 (the collaboration moa and/or engene never expected)
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“what do you think we are?” “me, you, us, all of us. we are stains to society.”
cast: txt and enhypen 01, 02, & 03 members ✗ fem.reader (featuring many other idols)
synopsis: ahh… teenage… people said that those times are the golden years of life. yet here you guys are, being the dirt that smeared it instead
genre: teen drama, coming of age, slice of life, high school au, fluff, comedy, angst, mature content (drugs, suggestive themes, mental health)
based on: tv shows skins uk; specifically gen 1 (2007-2013) and skam norway (2015-2017)
status: episode 1 out now! on an indefinite hiatus
message from the moon: this is fiction and all of the characters in this series are of age. yet, since it is set in a high school setting, there will be no explicit smut, only implications and suggestive contents. can be read as a standalone but all characters will show up starting from episode 1. so, if you’re a sucker for character arcs, i suggest reading from the beginning (just like a tv show) *thumbs up*
taglist? right here
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104 notes - Posted March 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022 (well freaking deserved *clap* *clap* and still one of my favorite things to write)
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cast: jay ✗ fem.reader (ft. enhypen’s 02 line, billlie's sheon (kim suyeon), and other idols)
synopsis: crossroads have always been a part of your life. every zebra crossing you pass, every train interchange you go through, every hallway you walk in on your way to class, every eye you encounter with or without greeting. no one seems to dare to cross your tangled crossroads unless you cross it to meet them on the other side. that is until jay—a candidate for the student council president—has crossed one path with one single chocolate
genre: coming of age, bildungsroman, melodrama, slow burn, slice of life, realistic fiction, romance, high school au, fluff, angst
word count: 39366 (39.3k)
warning(s): self-inflicted harm, blood, explicit description of drowning, mention of bullying, mention of death by suicide
message from the moon: this story is fiction and will also have dialogues in different languages, translation of the dialogue will be put at the bottom of the fic and have numbers at the top to easily refer to. i'm sorry in advance if i got the translations wrong cause i'm still a beginner in the other languages and thanks for the translator app for helping *thumbs up* ! (y/f/n) = your full name. jay and jongseong will be used interchangeably. also, first time writing a (mostly) silent (but active) protagonist yey!
first thing first, welcome back to my blog after my one month+ break! this was supposed to be for jjongssaeng's birthday special one-shot but for reasons stated on my post about myself taking a break, i moved it back to june :] secondly, i wanna thank @orpheyeux cause i got to be introduced to the genre of melodrama (boost to 14 steps and welcome) through her writings or just more genres other than the usual fluff and angst umbrella. thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy it!
if this fic has a soundtrack album, it will be this playlist !
See the full post
299 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thedragonemperess · 2 years
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I posted 30,258 times in 2022
1,210 posts created (4%)
29,048 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10,509 of my posts in 2022
#awesome art - 1,843 posts
#marankton speaks because why not - 750 posts
#cars stuff - 711 posts
#answering asks - 535 posts
#demon without a red circle - 401 posts
#2022 bingo card - 390 posts
#lrmmlref stuff - 346 posts
#blue heart friend - 341 posts
#tumblr stuff - 299 posts
#for later - 263 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#honestly if you watch xmfc and don’t come away with some kind of ‘erik isn’t a horrible person and a lot of what he did was justified’
My Top Posts in 2022:
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So I started watching the iBinge iCarly vid by Quinton Reviews
1,872 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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So there's a month before the first Tumblr Sexyman and the evident downward spiral of Tumblr began's anniversary
2,792 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
It's me bestie I'm the mutual inside of your brain don't download Twitter you don't need it stay with me we can have funky blorbo times in eeby deeby
4,966 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
I am literally BEGGING YOU to watch this all the way through
7,470 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey reblog this post to give the person you reblogged from gender euphoria
51,169 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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modkatisbacc · 2 years
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I posted 677 times in 2022
That's 309 more posts than 2021!
117 posts created (17%)
560 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 387 of my posts in 2022
Only 43% of my posts had no tags
#ninjago - 122 posts
#cool art - 54 posts
#warcraft - 32 posts
#rwby - 26 posts
#world of warcraft - 20 posts
#signal boost - 18 posts
#pixal borg - 14 posts
#lloyd garmadon - 14 posts
#gen:lock - 12 posts
#yeah - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#also if u have kids and they happen to find a version of cooking mama on a random website please verify that it's not petas version
My Top Posts in 2022:
More Fair Maidens AU!
Pyrrha: So, we are in a mutual agreement!
Penny: Oh, of course!
Jaune, walking into the room: Pyrrha, what were you and Penny talking about in here?
Pyrrha, trying to cover a giggle: Oh you know, just girly things.
Penny, raising her voice excitedly: Like murder!
50 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
“And you cheated your way into Beacon!” Love that line, gotta be one of my favorite lines now. Not because of its direct context, though.
We learn a few things about this line:
1: The rest of team JNPR were told about Jaune cheating to get into Beacon (They were chill with it tho,, means he’s just as chaotic as the rest of his team)
2: While Yang seemed surprised at Rens outburst, she wasn’t at the information, meaning team RWBY was also told at some point (They r bestie teams that is all)
3: The hidden context behind this,, Ren doesn’t think Jaune is terrible or anything obviously,, but something tells me JNR never sat down and even TALKED about Pyrrhas death. They never dealt with it, and just pushed past it. All Three of them pause for a moment, Jaune doesn’t even argue back, BECAUSE GUESS WHO THE FIRST PERSON WAS THAT KNEW HE CHEATED HIS WAY INTO BEACON?
If he would have said anything else on the subject they would’ve just shut down.
I’ve been THINKING of this for MONTHS, actually. They’re SCARED, Ren has so far gone along with everything just FINE but he’s literally the “We need an adult” meme at that point.
They should be in CLASS, not saving the literal world from an immortal Grimm witch!!!
Jaune just deflates afterwards, and Yang gets angry, it’s just,,, TALK.
51 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
I don’t think they’re getting rid of Pixal. They are deliberately keeping her out of the trailers for a REASON. And that’s because she has this EPIC COOL SIDE PLOT ALL FOR HERSELF. BOOM PROBLEM SOLVED. I CRACKED THE CASE.
53 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
That moment in season 3 when Garmadon and Lloyd come across a nest with some kinda bird baby inside and Lloyd picks it up and Garmadon said “It’s going to know someone has touched its young”
And the when Lloyd asks who IT is, he says “Daddy” and yes people in the comments were laughing bc of how he said it, but WHO other than Garmadon would know that feeling more than anyone else in the show? When he was trying to turn Ninjago into his own image, and when the serpentine suggested getting rid of Lloyd he snapped at them and threw them off the ship/locked them up. The only reason the venom didn’t take him over entirely was because the love for his son was THAT strong. It took Ninjgos first and greatest evil to truly corrupt him.
99 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
In the intro of TLOVM, there’s this snowy place they’re apparently going to in the future, and I am super excited to see whatever it is because the lighting and just how the background looks for it?? BEAUTIFUL?? It’ll probably be a ways off, with them being arrested and all.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, Is the King still under control? How are they gonna Roll themselves outta this mess? (See what I did there?)
Also I love that when the guards get there, after already shooting the driver, Percy just stands there getting surrounded by guards, and honestly its a cool shot but he is gonna have some EXPLAINING to do to EVERYONE. Considering the others look mighty surprised by what’s happening, he hasn’t done THIS before. Also did I mention I really like his plague Doctor mask? Super cool.
116 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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deliriumofendless · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @glambby ❤️❤️
1. Why did you choose your url?
my brain is only capable of thinking about pretty men from the 80s
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
none that are active anymore
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
uhhh probably since i was about 13? maybe 14? so like 6 or 7 years
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i’m gonna be honest with you, i don’t understand queuing so y’all just get a thousand posts whenever i’m active
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i got anxious running my other blog because of the amount of followers i was getting and i wanted to start up another 80s blog since i got rid of my last one
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
because i’m in love with slash😌🤏🏻
7. Why did you choose your header?
slash and duff look sexy in that pic
8. What's your post with the most notes?
9. How many mutuals do you have?
uhhh 5 maybe? only 2 close ones
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
almost all of my original posts are shitposts
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
we don’t talk about it,,,
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
uhhh not on tumblr i don’t think?
15. How do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts?
i honestly kinda hate them, i use this blog as a form of escapism and thinking about real world problems when i’m trying to shut it all out stresses me out
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah! it’s nice to know people think of me🥺
17. Do you like ask games?
100% yes, i love talking to people
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
my bestie, kayla
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
being asked this when i openly flirt with Jax on a daily basis is so funny to me
20. Tags:
@80srocker @slashxrose @niksixx @longlivejbj
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eintracht · 3 years
I got tagged by @diegoalvesisgod. Thanks, bestie! Also I always think you are me when I scroll through tumblr because our icons are so similar sjdhkjshf
1. Why did you choose your URL?
First of all I couldn’t believe it was still available! I was inactive on tumblr for a while but then the Euros pulled me back and I found the most amazing community who fanned my sprak into a flame and made me want to commit to having a football tumblr. And since Eintracht Frankfurt has always been my club, the choice was simple!
2. Any side blogs?
This is actually a side blog, my main is @lady-alayne but I am way more active here. (at least until the new season of Better Call Saul airs!)
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Too long.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I like to keep y’all on your toes.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
This side blog was started in 2016 to thirst for Bastian Schweinsteiger. Ah. Good times.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because my boyfriend Jens Petter Hauge possesses such angelic beauty and @leeenuu, being the queen of photophop, gave him wings and a halo.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because it’s my boys! Jens and Jesper, Haugstrøm, my boyfriend and my son, Nordic lights of my life. I adopted Jesper in my heart the second I first saw him and when I saw him talking to the new Norwegian dude we had signed I hoped they would become friends. And now they have, and I am so happy about this. I love them so much. Thanks for adopting Jens, Jesper. I don’t know what he’d do without you.
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
Real life pictograms at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo 2020 olympics
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I don’t know, and what’s with this obsession with mutuals? There are some users here I love with all my heart but don’t follow because we don’t have that many fandoms in common, and some users that I love and follow but who don’t follow me – I really don’t care. I love everyone I interact with here!
10. How many followers do you have?
Like 70 lmao
11. How many people do you follow?
Too many
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I pointed out that the Bayern home kits are just a bunch of arrows pointing at their d*cks and I am very proud of this observation.
13. How often do you use tumblr?
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
15. How do you feel about the "you have to reblog this" posts?
I feel like they were made for the attention and I hate them
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes! Although I don’t always respond
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your moots do you think are tumblr famous?
Idk if they are famous but @leeenuu should be
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
@bobeklewandorski when is this happening???
I’m tagging @bobeklewandorski, @samlammers @theheirofgryffindorsblog and @maestro-niko
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http-hnigrm · 3 years
I was tagged by @hannibalhadalittlelamb to answer these questions! [tyty <3 :]
1. why did you choose your url?:
“http-“ is the beginning of all my side blogs & my main blog :,) it’s j kinda my little thing I do <3 as for hnigrm…. @/http-hannigram was already taken ;__; </3
2. any side blogs?:
so many… so many… they’re kinda cringe tho and I don’t really use them… this is the only side blog I use with any regularity! (even more than my main tbh…)
3. how long have you been on tumblr?:
Just shy of 8 years? damn. makes me feel old as hell ;__; but in actuality I was j on the internet way too young :,)
4. do you have a queue tag?:
not on this blog :,) I can’t be bothered it do it tbh… I put everything in my drafts to sit until I feel like posting it, but no queue :3
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?:
I make a side blog for all my hyperfixations :3 I will admit that I put much more effort into this blog than any others… I j knew when I was watching hannibal for the first time that I would be stuck on it for a very long time afterwards
6. why did you choose your icon?:
hottest picture I’ve ever seen. :,) I thought about changing it recently to my Instagram pfp, but I couldn’t get rid of this photo ;__;
7. why did you choose your header?:
my phone theme is like Hannibal/mind palace ish so I have paintings that remind me of Hannibal/hannigram as my widgets! So I thought Achilles Lamenting the Death of Patroclus was fitting for my silly little blog
8. what's your post with the most notes?:
definitely my “I never feel guilty eating anything” post! kinda silly bc it was one of my least favorites but everyone here seemed to like it! I appreciate the love it got <3
9. how many mutuals do you have?:
on here, probably like 10? on my main I have closer to 35 :)
10. how many followers do you have?:
209! holding u all tenderly in my hands <3
11. how many ppl do you follow?:
My main blog says 1897, but Hannibal centric blogs I’d say around 60?
12. have vou ever made a shitpost?:
I’m not convinced all of my posts aren’t shitposts :,)
13. how many times do you use tumblr a day?:
I fully log on at least once (unless I’m taking a conscious break) but I probably do a quick scroll through on my phone somewhere between 3-5 times? unless I’m expecting something (a dm reply or an ask answer) bc then that number jumps to like 30x… I’m a bit obsessive <3
14. have you ever had a fight with another blog?:
I’m been fortunate enough to have never fought with any blogs in my 8 years on here (at least not to my knowledge?)
15. how do you feel abt "need to reblog" posts?:
not great. I think they cause unnecessary anxiety about what to put on ur blog! it’s ur blog! do what u want!
16. do you like tag games?
love em! i love hearing myself talk :,) </3
17. do you like ask games?:
yes yes ! ^^^
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?:
i literally have no idea… tumblr is fake in my mind… I know it’s social media, but it feels like a silly little diary for my Hannibal brainrot </3 ur all tumblr famous to me besties <33 :3
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?:
yes. all of them. if we’re mutuals, the fine print reads that we are actually engaged to be married! <3 :,)
20. tagging:
@haydenbadartist @snailmailthings @bluebean-draws @mirigen-ly @ezzakennebba and idk! anyone else who wants to! <33
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jamminvroomvroom · 3 years
About my blog tag! I was tagged by @welld0nebaku <33
1. Why did you choose your url?
jammin is a nickname of mine, don’t ask why bc i also do not know lmao, one day it just stuck. and if i have not already made it explicitly clear, i like it when the cars go vroom soooo jammin 🤝 vroom vroom
2. Any side blogs?
nope, i barely have enough brain cells to maintain this one
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
well i had an account for literal years that i was never active on but then i started using it to lurk on f1 lmao so i deleted that blog bc it was just eh no and created this one so i could join f1blr about 6ish months ago???
4. Do you have a queue tag?
wtf is that
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
as i said above, i started using my old blog for f1 stuff but i decided i wanted to be more active and try and find cool people with similar interests to me!! met some wonderful people and have fully immersed myself into f1 hehe
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
well. simulation glitch!lando is something that is so relatable 😌
7. Why did you choose your header?
honestly your guess is as good as mine. the colours fit and daniel is hot lol
8. What's your post with the most notes?
part one of my first fic - monaco
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i don’t know exactly but i have some *chefs kiss* besties
10. How many followers do you have?
230 something??? that’s a ballpark tbh bc why are people following me all i do is shout and thirst
11. How many people do you follow?
70 something???? as you can see numbers are my passion.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
i am the shitpost.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
no but there have been close calls lmao. i am a leo.
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
don’t care for them too much but also i’m not gonna get mad if i see that on my dash. just today i reblogged the creative duck or whatever that was. do what u gotta do is what i am trying to say.
16. Do you like tag games?
i was a tag game virgin but this is fun.
17. Do you like ask games?
i am yet to play one bc who actually asked for my opinion on anything. i mean i still give my opinion unprompted anyways but yk
18. Which one of your moots do you think is Tumblr famous?
it is hard to tell bc once in a while we all pop off for a sec lol. they all deserve to be tumblr famous though if they are not already.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i am simply in love with all of you.
I would like to tag @boysthatgovroomvroom @thegirlinthefandoms <33
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iminthisstanshit · 3 years
thank you @ducktan-sonyeondan for the tag 💜
We going ✈ 20 Questions Tag Game
1. Why did you chose your url?
Well because, I am in this stan shit, next question
2.Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why do you have them?
This is a side blog. My main is @svallthewaydown but I don't use it. When I created this one, I didn't knew what was a side acc but time passes and I liked this one so much and I leaved the main to get dusty. Some mistakes never leave you...
3.How long have you been on Tumblr?
I guess since 2013
4.Do you have a queue tag?
First of all no, I don't have a tag. Second of all I HATE THIS WORD? How do we even pronounce it, uiui? kiui? I don't read it I see it and act like I read it
5.Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Since I'm fangirling over so many things, my groupchat was always full with me fangirling. I thought my friends might, maybe, not want to learn about Harry's birds tattoos differences, maybe, so I decided to have somewhere I can talk nonsense and no one would be sick of it (Since they can simply not look at my blog) That's how it started. This one. The other one is not gonna get remembered.
6.Why did you chose your icon?
I am in love with him
7.Why did you chose your header?
They are in love with me
8.What is your post with the most notes?
it is this one and I have no idea how did that happened
9.How many mutuals do you have?
Could count with me fingers
10.How many followers do you have?
It's between 0 and infinity, but closer to 0 kdnskzmaks
11.How many people do you follow?
Please forgive me but I'm really so lazy right now to close this tab and check it
12.Have you ever made shitposts?
Have you ever saw my page?
13.How often do you use Tumblr each day?
More often than drinking water. I am always here. I have no life.
14.Did you have a fight with another blog before?
Don't fight, don't fight. Treat people with kindness everyone.
15.How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I reblog everything I love to help the post circulate and also want them on my page. The post telling me I need to or not won't change anything.
16.Do you like tag games?
17.Do you like ask games?
I love answering questions and I love games and I like tagging bestie, you say if I like them
18.Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
I think they all are famous in their own little worlds, I don't know why did they even followed me in the first place
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
Do people need water to live? Do birds fly? Is purple a color?
20. Tags?
@burger-who @harry-s-gayvodka @oneaddition-or-onesubtraction if you would like to do?
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just-patchy · 4 years
💜(Cringe) 2020 Grateful Thing💜
so uh people been tagging me in those ‘tag ppl you’re grateful to have met or whatever in 2020’ posts and i’m just gonna make my own for that and try to say something about everyone instead of reblogging bc i’d absolutely miss someone otherwise hsjdhsjd
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@oiseaunoir11: one of the first friends I ever made in the twst fandom and on tumblr in general? I was pretty intimidated bc most of the twst creators I heard of at the time were already pretty well-established and I didn’t have the courage to reach out to anyone. Can’t believe we became friends just through me being shippy in the tags shdjhsjdjs I’m super glad to have met you bestie and ily a lot! You went through a lot and you deserve love, support, and a break 💜💜
@rikanoctrix: another person I was super intimidated by bc I see any sort of good art and I’m like “yeaaaaaa no I’m not worthy” ahdjshsjs, super nice and caring!! I’m too shy to talk to you still sometimes but 👉👈
@multi-ankin: are we still besties yes or no- actually are we still friends yes or no??? i know you’ve been busy or whatever but i literally cannot without like at least a greeting every 3 days, anyways hi i still appreciate you v v v much and we should probably talk more hsjdhsjdjs
@its-alvi-tar: we don’t talk that much nowadays but hi!! I don’t have much to say aside from v v v nice person and a r t, also can i get german lessons from u and rika pls
@thetwstwildcard: super cool, brainrot always, i still remember we started with fox gang and now we got cat harem and syzygy too shdjhsjdhsbs thank you for all the validation you have given by sending me asks and thereby giving me permission to go ham with brainrot uwu
@bakujho: really cool and badass, honestly thank you for giving people a platform to speak up about gravedigging drama, also felt safe opening up to you so thanks for that!! would talk more with you if i weren’t so easily intimidated all the time so i’ll prolly try and work on that??
@ellovett: hi gamer :3 another really cool person!!! super friendly, i just have the courage of a bean www we!!! gotta!!! talk!!! more!!! i hope we can have more shenanigan moments in the future shdjhsjdjs
@unidraky: hiiii another person I haven’t rly talked with a lot hsjdhsjdjsj anyways!! thanks for the art advice you gave n’ stuff!!! it’s pretty useful!!
@ashygrotthoe: rly fun to talk to! should bring back gay 1 and gay 2 nicknames hsjshjfhsnd anyways yeah thank u for listening to (or i guess reading) my lil bisaster rambles and also my uh poetry(?)
@toadodoki @twst-zombie: shjdhsjdhsj you two are super fun to be around and infectious energy is a thing!!!! thank y’all for enabling my chaotic energy to just go ham
@peteza-mozzarella: probably the sweetest person i’ve ever met in the span of uh 1-2 months??? idk time doesn’t exist in 2020, really cute, 12/10 would hug
@mofuyuu: the first person who ever drew fanart of my oc i believe? i remember being super excited when i secretly used my phone at school and i was really happy about it! thanks for that!! (super cute art btw)
@ratgoddess-v: thank u for putting in effort to talk to me and sorry that convos always end up kinda dying down cause i cannot with thinking of conversation topics shdjhsjdhdjs
@fumikomiyasaki @rebellious-princess-athie @xena0212 @kuruispams @ocean-water-tea @girl-in-the-tower @twistedikon @keyenuta @nobleswansong @arigatou-gozaimalleus @araminta-lemontea @roseparfaits @starrymothwings @eclipsezero @shoujoqueensstuff @halloweenismyfav @zonamemoryverse @vorvexia @supergals and i hope i didn’t leave anyone out! at least not the people i’m not afraid to tag (for now)! i checked like 10 times i hope not, if i don’t tag you it’s bc i only have so much courage before i lose steam ok
before i finish this post, a moment of silence for the mutuals who left tumblr and/or have no way to contact them otherwise, both with and without notice 😔😔 you guys were fun to talk to even though i barely talked to anyone back then tbh
I love y’all and thank you for sticking with this wacky 16 yr old (still thinks it’s funny people thought i was older wwww), it hasn’t been a year since I made this blog, but 2020 has been a very questionable year for me, especially with mentally/emotionally since a lot of things happened! I can’t say I’m ending this year on a healthy note, but hey at least I got a crowd of people I got to meet :3c 💜💜💜💜💜
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