#we dont need to know that far ahead... lets focus on getting everything ready and reaching march
seariii · 9 months
There we go, the shards have been picked up... Will start bothering mutuals soon
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A ball| Tup
Note: they did not need to make him that Pretty
Warnings: no not really, just Tup and Y/n fallin in love and steamy scene at the very end but kinda not really, also this is really long
Reader: female
Part 1 | 2 (in the works)
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"Checkmate," Satine spoke.
"Damn it..." Y/n muttered, hand on her chin as Satine had one yet again another game.
Satine smiled at her, as Y/n tried reading the board seeing how it had exactly happened.
"Duchess, excuse me." A guard interrupted their leisurely game outside in the guards of the castle.
"It's no problem, what seems to be the problem?" Satine questioned.
"The preparations for the ball are underway, the royal seamstress says your outfits are done and asks if you both can approve of them."
"Yes of course," Satine spoke, two more guards walking up with boxes.
"Oh. no, I'm quite okay," Y/n responded, resetting the black and clear glass pieces.
"Y/n, you are turning 19, my dear, you'll need to look presentable," Satine spoke.
"Dutchess I believe I look presentable, I'm quite comfortable like this as well," Y/n told.
"I know my sweet child, you've always been comfortable with the bare minimum, but please, let me spoil you for one day," Satine responded.
Y/n was quiet as she set the final piece down, "very well..."
Satine smiled as she stood up to look inside the box and approve the dress, Y/n sat in thought, Satine wasn't her mother, no they looked drastically different after all, Y/n had been left in a bush in the palace gardens, Satine finding the child alone and in silence, busying herself with one of the flowers. Satine had gladly kept the child inside the palace walls until a parent came along, but no one ever came and Satine was suddenly a mother.
"Mistress." The guard spoke snapping her out of thought.
"Oh uh, yes." Y/n spoke standing up from her seat, and looking at the creme outfit with barely a glance, "Yes, it's beautiful, tell the Seamstress 100 thanks."
The guard nodded covering the box as they all bowed and left, Satine frowned, "Come walk. Let's talk my daughter."
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"General Skywalker, do, do we really have to go as well?" Tup questioned, droids handing them all dark blue suits almost black in color, and matte.
"Yes, Obi-Wan was double security at this event for the Dutchess, and I agree with him," Anakin spoke, "Separatist parties will be there, Duchess Satine has a knack for being able to convince people, and with Padame they're practically an unstoppable team."
"But," Tup spoke, "Sir a, a party?"
"Diplomatic party, you'll be fine Tup."
Anakin then walked away to let his boys get ready and go get himself ready.
"I look good," Fives spoke checking himself out in the mirror.
"It's nice to wear something besides armor." Hardcase commented, "Makes me feel like a civie."
"A civie that just has thousands of replicas." Dogma argued.
"Oh get the stick out your ass," Jesse argued, "We can have fun for the one time in our life on the job,"
"Hey," Kix placed a hand on Tup's shoulder, "You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah," Tup spoke, "Crowds, uh aren't my thing."
"I'll make sure Rex posts you on the patio outside, you won't be around too many people then," Kix told.
"No, It's fine, I'm on the job- I'll, uh...just focus on that," Tup responded.
"Are you sure?"
Tup nodded as Kix returned the nod in understanding, going back to dressing himself, Tup went over to his bunk to dress, he'd admit, even though he was the same as everyone else in that room, he still felt shy, being a bit leaner than the others he started pulling his armor off to dress in the new outfit, simply putting the outfit over his blacks.
"What- No! Hey I want a titty window!" Fives argued.
"No," Echo demand, buttoning up his brother's shirt fixing Fives vest as well.
Tup stayed silent as he buttoned up the shirt, tucking it into the slacks and putting on the matching vest.
"OH Ho HO!" Fives whistled, "Look at Tup!"
"Yeah, thanks," Tup spoke, fixing the collar of his shirt, and pushing up the sleeves.
"Come on! Let your hair down! We're going somewhere fancy!"
"I'm good." Tup spoke
"He's way to excited for this." Dogma protested causing Tup to chuckle.
"You look nice." Tup commented.
"Uh. Yeah I guess." Dogma spoke.
The two had gotten close due to one another due to being not only regular troopers with no rank, but due to there quietness.
The boys turned there head whistling playfully.
"Bad bitch is the house."
She wore a pinstrip pant suit, the lines orange on white fabric and a pair of heels. She laughed.
"We're almost there." She spoke, "Skyguy wants us on the transports now."
Tup followed suit of everyone else. Everyone doing as asked, it was odd, seeing everyone dressed up all fancy and nice.
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Y/n sighed.
"Look up madame. They'll be plenty fine gentlemen there." A maid tried to pursuade, "or a woman if you'd prefer."
"Yes. I know." Y/n responded mindlessly, nose stuck in the book about game tactics, her goal to be her mother, "mhm. I've never tried that before."
The maid sighed finishing y/n's hair in the crowned braid.
"Look look beautiful."
The maid frowned, and there was a knock on the door. It opened as Satine came in, the maid bowing and leaving quickly.
"You're nose still stuck in a book. You remind me much of Obi-wan."
"Is the party over yet?" Y/n questioned flipping the page.
"It hasnt even began my dear." Satine spoke, expecting a comment back Y/n kept silent sitting infront of her simple vanity it black in color and matched the bench she sat on.
Satine walked over, taking the open spot next to Y/n.
"What is wrong me dear?" Satine inquired, "You don't avidly read strategic books unless something is wrong."
Y/n sighed, marking the book with a string and setting it down.
"I. I just don't wish to go." Y/n responded.
"It is much bigger than that isn't it?" Satine refered, catching Y/n in her lie.
"I." Y/n sighed, "I am nervous."
"For what my darling?"
"People." Y/n responded, "I. This. People...it's...I dont have the skills."
"Well of course you do,"
"I've never been out the palace walls, I've never fallen in love, I've never been taken advantage of- I just- Don't know anything about people," y/n defended "I've never even seen another sential species besides the holograms and images in my books that use words. I know every launage out there but have never met there people- I-"
"Calm down, take a deep breathe." Satine soothed, "everything will be fine. I will be at your side. The whole time, and you know me. Don't you?"
Y/n nodded as Satine smiled, "You're turning 19 my dear, becoming a young woman. You can do this, and I will guide you through whatever you ask."
Y/n only nodded once more, "now. Lets put our. Pain killing heels on and make haste shall we? Guest are arriving and I'd like to introduce you to your very first group of friends, but first."
Y/n watched as Satine pulled out a box, "I had something much. Much more elaborate my birthday, but you I know. Like to keep things as simple as possible."
Y/n took the small box in hand. Opening the golden box there was a small golden crown, it reminded her of a laurel wreath, yet without as many leaves, a few littered around the gold band with a stone that was ment to set on her forehead.
"For you're love of nature a green stone." Satine spoke.
"Its beatiful, thank you." Y/n spoke softly pulling it out of its box.
"Allow me." Satine spoke, y/n handing it over and bowing her head, Satine with a smile set the item on her head.
Y/n raised her head back up, "quiet beatiful you have become."
Y/n smiled smallly, "now. Shall we make haste? To make new friends?"
Y/n nodded smally as Satine smiled.
With that they were off, y/n following Satine dressed up nice, and thanked maker for the soleless sandles given to her instead of heels.
Y/n wouldn't lie, when General Kenobi arrived as they walked out onto the royal landing pad she found no interest in him, bowing her head respectfully, she did the same with Anakin. A bit more intrigued with Ashoka, but nothing pictures hadn't depicted. A man stood next to Anakin, who was soon introduced as Captain Rex. Y/n welcomed and thanked him for coming, but besides that, she was silent during the conversation.
"Sir, apologies for interrupting."
"It's fine, Jesse go ahead," Anakin spoke, Y/n watching the man with a large tattoo on his face gave a brief report to his general as the two joined the tight group of talkers.
Y/n was intrigued with the man next to him, hair tied back in a bun as his brother in arms talked. He too seemed the silent type, staying behind Jesse's shoulder rather than next to him, it was a slight difference Y/n realized.
"Lady Y/n, these are two are some of my finest men, Jesse and Tup."
"Lady Y/n" Jesse spoke bowing his head.
"Nice to meet you," Tup spoke nervously, his hand outreached for a handshake, Jesse quickly pulling his brother's hand down who was already a nervous wreck.
"Apologies for my brother! He doesn't know how to act!" Jesse scolded elbowing Tup slightly who was already shaming himself mentally and Y/n could sense it, but Jesse was already dragging him away with an insane amount of apologies as he left. 
Y/n watched as they got far enough away to where Jesse had started to drag Tup by the collar of his shirt.
"Lively bunch aren't they?" Satine questioned Y/n who nodded.
"My apologies Duchess, Lady Y/n. The 501st is not very big on tradition, and neither is there general."  Obi-Wan scolded as Anakin shrugged.
"It's okay." Y/n finally spoke up, causing heads to turn, "I, um, apologizes. Duchess if I may."
"Yes, you can go ahead," Satine spoke worried for the girl as she rushed off quickly. 
"Will she be okay?" Ashoka questioned.
"She has no social skills, and on top that, no friends her age," Satine spoke solemnly, "I wish to help her but she's a closed book." 
"Have I got the perfect trooper for her to make friends with," Anakin responded
"You're not sending Fives or Hardcase over to her, if anyone to watch her it'll be Cody, at least he can stay on task," Obi-wan argued.
"I think me and my master have the same idea," Ashoka smirked.
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"I- I'm sorry general- Me?" Tup questioned.
"Yes I need a clone with Lady Y/n at all times, and since she seems to like you after a slip up that could have cost us a whole war," Anakin spoke, "You're watching her,"
"General! I. I can't watch her! I. I. I. I have patrol!" Tup tried to argue.
"Kix is on patrol now, she's supposedly back in her room," Anakin spoke.
"Her- what!?" Tup argued.
"one of the guards will escort you thanks again."
"Wait! General!" Tup argued but he was walking away and waving to Tup happily. 
"Are you the clone trooper known as Tup?" A guard asked walking up to him.
"yes, but wait a minute!-"
"This way." 
Tup had no option but to follow a guard at his back and his front as they escorted him to the room. Anxiety racked his body, his hands clammy and squeezing each other as he gulped, the guards stopping and knocking.
"Mistress your escort is here."
"Oh, yes," Y/n spoke quietly, "He may come in alone."
The guards posted outside her room as Tup pushed one of the doors opened, he walked in silently and closed the door behind him carefully.
Looking straight on the large french doors were opened to a patio. Walking towards the open doors he found Y/n sitting on the floor a stack of books beside her with a chessboard by her side, her knees raised to her chest as her dress was laid out around her.
"I'm uh, your guard for the dance," Tup spoke, his thumb pressing into his palm.
"You can go back, I'm not going," Y/n told him, her mouth and jaw covered by her arms propped on her knees.
"oh, uh..." Tup spoke, not knowing what to do.
Y/n looked beside her, "You can sit, maybe you'll get in less trouble that way?"
He nodded in agreement, taking a seat on one side of the chess board. They sat in silence against the wall. Tup looking down at the pieces of the board set up on their respective sides, his clammy hands couldn't help but move a piece. Y/n looked overhearing the crystal click on the board. Looking down she picked up a piece and moved it, Tup moving his next piece without a word. Y/n looked down at the board, her legs falling from her chest and onto the ground flat as she looked over in thought. Picking up her next piece she took his pawn, setting it down on the side.  As they played they could hear the talk of guests starting to come to the palace. Due to where Y/n's room was it wasn't much to hear, just the occasional burst of loud laughter. 
"Ah yes! Yes!" One laughed spoke loudly, "I love the stars!"
Y/n suddenly came with an outburst the came with the man's hearty laugh, "I have loved the stars to foundly-"
"-to be fearful of the night." Tup finished moving his next piece.
Y/n's moved her gaze up softly then chuckled, "Mythology lover?"
"When I have the time, I mostly learn through tell and hear," Tup responded watching Y/n capture another piece.
It was silent again as Tup captured yet another piece, his eyes drifting over to her stack of books. Eyes glancing over the titles.
"H.P Lovecraft?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding.
"I find his stories interesting, I enjoy the horror genere as a whole." Y/n smiled moving her next peice, "do you like horror?"
Tup nodded, "I do occasionally, again hear and tell mostly."
Y/n nodded, "come with me."
Y/n stood up, walking into her room, Tup watching her.
"Come on." Y/n gestured holding out a hand for him.
He took it gently and was pulled up from his spot on the floor. Y/n led him by the hand into her room and towards a wall pushing on a certain spot a small door opened. Y/n leaned down walking through the door as Tup followed, Y/n closed the door behind them.
Y/n smiled, "the palace library."
"I am the only one who's ever in here." Y/n contuined.
The two walked side by side, out from the side of the room and into the center of the room. Tup turned around to speak, but he watched her pass a dusty window, the sun set passing in through cobwebs and dusty, shining on her think crown, her dress flowly and made up of multiple thin layers of fabric.
He gulped as she turned her head, stopping in her spot.
"What's wrong?"
"I," he started but stopped for a momment, "My name, its. It's Tup. I don't know if you-"
"Remember you?" Y/n questioned, "I do."
She walked up to him a hand extended, "Y/n."
He smiled as they shook hands.
"Tup." He introduced himself once again as they chuckled lightly.
They pulled away, Y/n's hands clasped infront of her.
"Well Tup its very nice to meet you again."
"Its nice to meet you too Lady Y/n."
"Lady Y/n!"
She took a quick step back from her closeness with Tup, clearing her throat.
"Oh thank maker..." the gaurd spoke under his breathe, "the duchess wishes for you to greet your guest."
Y/n nodded softly, "Well. Let's go?"
Tup nodded, the two leaving side by side in silence. They two making there way down to the main set of doors which led to the throne room.
"Lady Y/n." Obi-wan spoke, "The Duchess ask I escort you in while introduced."
"Oh." Y/n spoke looking at Tup he gave her an akwards thumb up, she chuckled and smiled at him with a nod.
Y/n smiled Obi wan extending an arm, Y/n linking arms with the Jedi General. The doors opened as they walked forward.
"Introducing Lady Y/n! Daughter of Dutchess Satine! Next in line for the throne!"
Y/n and Obi-wan walked forward people clearing a straight shot to her mother. Her and Obi-wan walked forward, feeling the stares on her she kept silent. It soon because uncomfortable, feeling the gaze more than just simple admiration or awe. She tensed as they walked making her to the steps to Satines throne. She pulled away from Obi-wan, bowing her head to her mother as she walked up, a smaller throne simplistic like how Y/n liked it and took a simple seat, she watched Tup sneak into the room carefully standing next to a man who had a medical band on his arm with his suit, before everyone started to fill the room again.
Satine stood up, she was making a speech Y/n zoned out, it was a greeting, thanking everyone personally for coming to celebrate Y/n's transition into womenhood.
"That's why I am glad to speak, Y/n's hand is extended for potential marraige candidates!"
Y/n sat up shocked, and Satine thanked everyone once again and took a seat. Everyone going back to chatting.
"Excuse me!? Marraige?" Y/n argued.
"It is a formality you do not have to marry anyone."
"Im not taking anyone into consideration," Y/n defended, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Lady Y/n-"
"No." Y/n spoke, she was beyond annoyed.
"Thank you for your time..." he spoke bowing his head and walking away heart broken.
Y/n rejected any man that came up to try and give there hand to her.
Tup watched from afar, Kix and Dogma by his side. Men contuined to go up to her and as more and more did she seemed more and more irratated. He quickly walked away from his brothers would watched him out of confusion.
Watching him walk up to the thrown he started walking up the steps.
"Y/n," Tup spoke, holding a hand out for her, "I'd like to spend time with you, perhaps a dance?"
"Hey! Buddy wait in line!" A man argued but Y/n looked at Tup thanks in her eyes.
The lighting on him seemed perfect, he back lit perfectly, his eyes holding a smile along with his lips. Y/n grabbed his hand lightly as Tup helped her up, the two walking down the stairs hand in hand.
"Thank you." Y/n spoke they now in the crowd of people.
"Seems you needed it," Tup answered as Y/n chuckled.
"To the libary?"
"Actually," Tup spoke quietly, "I'd...like to have a dance with you."
Y/n flushed, "t-that sounds good. Yeah."
It was almost on cue did everyone backed up circling people who wanted to dance, Y/n and Tup in the center of it.
"Um. Tup." Y/n spoke.
"Do you know how to dance?"
"Oh. Uh." Tup spoke, "no actually, do. Do you?"
Y/n shook her head no. The two laughing together as the music started.
"Suppose we should act like we're doing and maybe we'll fall in?" Y/n laughed.
Tup smiled in return, "I suppose."
The music started as they watched other, a simple waltz. Y/n and Tup luckily able to copy others, hands which once were placed in hand on on him, soon became more intimate, fingers intertwining. Tup's hand moving from her hip to the small of her back, she leaning into his touch just a bit more.
"Not bad." Y/n spoke softly, "we're doing decent."
Tup chuckled softly in return, "I suppose us clones learn quick."
"Clone?" Y/n questioned, "you're a clone?"
Tup looked at her confused, "You. You don't know that?" He questioned confused.
"I." Y/n spoke, "I don't mean to sound, uh, Rude."
Tup frowned, maybe she was an avid clone hater?
"I um. Havent payed much attention, to your face, my apologies." Y/n spoke, a flush coming to her cheeks.
"Am I offensive?" Tup questioned.
"No. No. Not at all." Y/n spoke, "On the contrary actually. I. Find you most appealing, your. Voice and presence is quiet soothing. You're a good man."
It was Tup's turn to flush, spinning her around softly as everyone else did. Her dress picking up just the slightest at the ends. Pulling her back into his grasp, it was sudden for both of them, there chest pressed up against one another, faces close, Tup's hand now across the small of her back grabbing her other hip as he lowered her into a dip, Y/n's arm around his neck as he did.
The claps of everyone was muffled in there ears.
Tup's nose brushing against hers as he tilted his head softly, Y/n stopping him with a hand on hie jaw , and she was raised up again in a flash.
"I. Im sorry" Tup apologized, everyone still clapping as Y/n bowed to him red faced.
"I...must go." Y/n spoke quickly rushing away and into the crowd.
"Wait!" Tup called rushing after her, she rushing out the throne room.
"My lady-"
"Im quiet fine a game of tag is all." Y/n defended rushing off, the urge of wanting Tup so bad fueling her feet as she ran from him.
Tup rushed looking both ways, "Which way did she go?"
"Left sir-"
Tup rushed after her, his shoes clicking against the marble floors of the palace as he ran. Seeing her take a turn up ahead he called her name once more, following her quick steps, she rushed into her ungaurded room and closing the door behind her.
Making it to the doors he panted for a moment, soon calming his breath he knocked on the door.
"Please! Y/n I did not mean to upset you!" He begged, "I. I should have asked asked you! I should have never just jumped into it!"
Y/n quiet as she leaned against the door, her body pressed up against it to keep it closed, he seemed genuinely angered with himself, and worried for her.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Tup spoke softly, "I...just..."
Y/n stayed silent listening.
"I. Seen you for the first time walking up with my brother to report to General Skywalker..." he informed, "I had no idea someone could look so beautiful until I seen you, then. Well then we started that chess game."
Y/n's cheeks grew red as she listened, her heart starting to drop its quickly put up walls.
"You just spoke and It was beautiful. I. I'm not good with words either. I." He sighed, "I didn't realize someone like me could have so much in common with you... half the time my brothers don't like any same things as me. And we're all copies of each other."
The knot in her stomach grew as she gulped, "I. Tup. Its not that I'm mad at you."
Tup was surprised to hear an answer, "I. I think you're quiet beatiful, I. I just...I've never..."
"Y/n you do not need to explain yourself to me." Tup told her.
"Just. Let me finish." Y/n spoke calmly, "I've, well. Tup. I. I. I've never kissed anyone."
Y/n stopped waiting for a laugh, or even a 'yeah right', but she got a sincere chuckle trying to break the ice, "neither have I."
It was a surpise to Tup when the door opened softly, Y/n's flushed face being seen due to the light of the hall.
"Are you okay?" Tup questioned Y/n nodding her gaze to the floor.
"We're you being..serious?" Y/n questioned softly.
Tup nodded, growing nervous himself.
"Would you..umm. like too?" Y/n questioned, "kiss me?"
"I..um." tup spoke his face full red, "yes.."
Y/n opened up the door a bit more so he could come in, taking the hint he walked in the room dark. His eyes not having to adjust as the French doors which were uncovered let in moonlight.
Y/n closed the door quietly, locking it behind her so they'd be uninterrupted. He turned his head watching her walk towards him.
Oh maker.
They stood infront of each other nervously, refusing to make eye contact. Y/n with a shaking hand reached out her hand, her fingers dancing along his shoulder as he looked down.
"Tup. I." Y/n spoke, her other arm following her first one on the other side of his head his hands slipping onto her hips.
Nerves in a bundle they tensed in one anothers arms, faces leaning in slowly, noses brushed up against one another. A few of Tup's fingers tapped and tilted her face to the side as he tilted his own face the other way.
"Tup...Im nervous." Y/n whispered against his lips, "what happens if...if i like it too much?"
"I'll do anything you ask me..." he mummbled her hot breathe hitting his lips.
It was silent for another momment, Y/n's eyes slolwy closing as Tup's followed. They leaning in the small space as there lips pressrd against each others. The bundle of nerves melting away and falling into ribbions that slowly started to knot.
The kiss was, cute, nothing more than pressing there lips against one another and then pulled away little space between there lips, a new found hunger filled the both of them, Tup pressing forward in a much more passionate kiss, y/n kissed back, lips dancing against one another. Y/n pushed into Tup. Breathe heavy through the armature kisses. Tup mindlessly picked Y/m up, her legs wrapping around his waist as they contuined to kiss. Walking over to her bed he placed her down carefully, climbing over her body.
Kiss only breaking for air, "Do. Do you want this?" Tup questioned, things had moved awfully fast and turned into a one night stand, love filled relationship neither could explain.
Y/n nodded, "Only from you"
"Are you sure? I don't want you unsatisfied." Tup spoke honestly.
"If its you I'll never be unsatisfied." Y/n told him, the two kissing again, Tup holding his like a peice of glass under him.
"I love you." Tup whispered against her lips.
"I love you too Tup." She spoke back. Tup kissing her once more.
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
4 | Crosses
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pairing: tom holland x reader
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing descritive and nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut!! but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.5 k
a/n: english it’s not my first language, Sorry for any mistakes! If you want to be tag on the next chapters, please let me know
Summary: Y/n, Harrison and Tom has always been best friends. Since childhood they’ve always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom
PART 4! If you want to read the other parts click here
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I woke up the other day feeling a little better, which was good. I washed my face thoroughly, put on a pair of jeans, a Beatles T-shirt along with a jacket and left my room, ready for another week of torture.
- Good morning mom... - I was saying going down the stairs, but I remembered that she had already left for work. Which was good, because that way I didn't have to talk about the party.
I had my coffee, in the silenc  and soon after opened my phone, until I got on Instagram and saw that Tom had posted pictures of the party. The caption said: Thank you all! you guys are awesome! The photos from the party were great 😂
I was scrolling the photos, the first ones were all of us at the table, some were blurry of the people dancing... until I saw one of him with other people from school: Meghan was hugged him from the side making the peace sign with her fingers and he was kissing the top of her head. I sighed feeling my eyes fill with tears again. Okay, maybe I wasn't as ok as I thought.
I blocked my phone and put it in my pocket, taking my backpack and leaving the house, otherwise I would going to be late. I had to focus on school, not crying for silly things, I had to pay attention in my tests, that was more important than anything.
I went down the street and found Haz already waiting for me in the same place, I approached him and when he looked at my face, he made a pitying one.
- You saw the photos didn't you? - he asked and I nodded as he hugged me.
- It's alright Haz, I'll be fine- I said releasing him after a few seconds and he looked at me raising an eyebrow doubtingly - It's no big deal! By the way, I won't talk about it anymore, if we don't go now, we'll be late for school. - I said pulling him and we started walking.
- Okay... But just to close this subject, Tom sent me a message yesterday asking if you were okay and if there was anything wrong because you left early without saying goodbye.
- Hmm, and you didn't say anything right?
- Of course not! I just said that you weren't very used to drinking and that was all, and he believed... - Haz said and I breathed a sigh of relief.
- Good... He also texted me yesterday, he even wanted me to go to his house to tell me about Meghan.
- Well, whether way, he still thinks he's your best friend, nothing more than that...- Haz said, and I hated that he was right.
- It's true, and he's just my best friend, nothing more... - I emphasized the JUST- Did he tell you anything else about Meghan? - I asked and when Haz was going to answer I cut him - Never mind, It’s better if i don’t know. - I said waving my hand in the air.
- If you want it that way... - he replied. - Oh god you two have the same class today right? - he asked and I put my hand in my forehead. I had forgotten that I had English today for the first two classes and Tom would be sitting right next to me.
- I had even forgotten about that. But you know what? I'm going to stay there like a champ and ignore everything. - I said determined and Haz laughed feeling a little sad for me.
- Okay, I support that, but...- he was talking and I cut him again saying: shhh.
- No buts, and now enough of this subject, because we're already arriving. - I said and he rolled his eyes in agreement.
We arrived at the corner and Tom was already waiting for us as usual. He wore a blue sweatshirt and a backwards cap, black jeans and white sneakers. Obviously he was gorgeous as usual, which was ridiculous, but no sign of Meghan, which was good for now...
I tightened my grip on Haz's arm that I was hooked on and he smiled encouragingly. We got closer and Tom looked up from his phone, hanging up and putting it in his pocket.
- Hey strangers! - He said putting the backpack on his back, shaking hands with Haz and me with the usual kiss on the forehead. I lowered my eyes, smelling his scent and smirked. - You better y/n?
- I am, staying in bed all day yesterday did me good. - I said as we headed towards the stairs.
- That's good! And even better that now you have two classes with me- he said winking and Haz looked at me apprehensively.
- HA-HA, very funny. Too bad I'll have to pay attention in class and I won't be able to talk to you. - I said shrugging and Tom looked at me with an ironic face.
- Wow shortie, I felt rejected now. - He said pouting and I rolled my eyes. Of rejection I knew well.
- Well, I have to go because I have a presentation about geography, so, see you guys later? - Haz said when we arrived in the hallway, waving and looking at me discreetly as if he was saying: good luck.
- Let's go, grumpy face? - Tom said pointed for me to go ahead. I rolled my eyes looking at him, which he laughed and we went to the class.
I sat a little further back in my usual seat and Tom sat behind me. I was feeling claustrophobic, but it was only two classes, I could survive this. But when Mr. Ribbs came into the room and started talking, I lost all courage i had.
- Good morning students! Today the two classes will be more dynamic. As I know you had a difficult week, with so many papers and tests, I decided to leave these classes for you to go to the library and pick up any book to read and then give me a summary about it. - he was talking and I was excited, because I loved reading and I could still get my book and be quiet without having to talk to Tom, right? - But... I want you to do this in pairs. - wrong - Happy reading! - He said and everyone stood up forming their pairs and leaving the room one by one.
I felt someone nudge my shoulder and tooking a deep breath I turned around, seeing a smiling Tom.
- Good, reading... At least you like to read, because I with my dyslexia... - he laughed.
- Yeah good... it fit like a glove... Shall we go? - I said and we got up going towards the library. If Tom thought my way of talking was a little dry, he didn't react, which was good.
We arrived at the library and I was looking among the shelves for something easy and good for us to read.
- Y/n, darling... I have to tell you about yesterday - Tom started talking excitedly as he followed me through the halls. - After you and Haz left, a lot things happened...
- Hmm, I'm glad you had fun Tom. - I said a little disinterested picking up some books and looking at the synopsis.
- Yea! I had a lot of fun, but what happened was...
- Hey, how about we read Pride and Prejudice? It's one of my favorites, I think it's a good one, because we just need to read the main parts to refresh our memory. - I said, interrupting him.
-Yeah... Sure, I think it's a good one. - he said as I grabbed Jane Austen's book off the shelf and headed toward one of the tables.
- Shortie, how about if we read this outside? I think it's better than staying here, besides, we can talk better. - Tom said and I stopped turning around. Damn it, I was counting on staying there in the library anyway, so he wouldn't be able to say anything about the night before, because they were going to tell him to be quiet.
- Okay, good idea... - I said, giving up on to try to inventing another excuse.
We left the library and headed towards some tables outside. They were empty, except for a couple of couples scattered around the yard who had the same idea. I sat down and Tom sat next to me putting the book on the table and pulling out his notebook so we could write something down.
- So, as I was saying... We were on the dance floor, right, and Meghan and I were talking about the theater and other things, until... Guess what? - He started talking and I raised my eyebrow, while trying to distract myself with the book. - She said she thought I was cute and that I had a cute, sexy look. - He continued and I laughed ironically.
- So far so good, right... Until she just kissed me in the middle of the dance floor! - He said as if it were the most extraordinary thing in the world. Yeah, I thought with myself, I was there and saw everything, that's why I'm feeling bad and I can't even look at your face right now... I wanted to say it, but I just looked at him pretending to be interested.
- And mate, it was the best kiss of my life! We stayed together practically all night... Damn, I've dreamed about this so much since childhood...
- Good Tom, it must have been a really good birthday gift, right? - I said, looking at the book again.
- Yea! It was perfect...- he said and I could feel him staring at me. - Hey, you don't seem very excited about my little conquest... - he nudged me pouting and I looked at him.
- Nah, it's just that you guys are always hooking up lately, so I'm just not surprised...- I replied shrugging.
- Y/n Meghan is not just a hook up, she is an old passion, she is special - he said and I felt my heart ache a little while looking away. - You dont like her?
- It's not that I don't like her... I don't even know her, I just... I think she did it after you started getting more popular with the theater, because before that she didn't even look at you...
- That's not true, besides, people can change right? Maybe she realized that I'm not as bad as she thought before... I don't know... But as you said, you don't even know her, so I didn't understand you being mad like that. -he said scribbling in his notebook.
- It's not that I'm mad, I just... I didn't wake up very well today, that's all... 
- Yeah... But you don't need to project that to others around you, I thought you'd be happy for me.- Tom said and I looked at him ironically.
- Yeah, but there are days when we're not okay Thomas and not in the mood to be throwing confetti at every girl your friend kiss at some party. - I said and regretted it right away, it wasn't fair to him.
Tom looked at me in surprise, as I had never talk with him like that. Even as kids we didn't fight, why was I being such a bitch now? He took his things in silence and walked away leaving me with tears in my eyes.
I shook my head trying to get rid of what had just happened. I picked up the book and tried to read it, but I couldn't even get past the first line. Damn, why did I have to have those feelings? It wasn't fair.
I thought about going after Tom and apologizing, but I don't think he wanted to see me right now. A few minutes passed and the class was almost finishing when I felt someone nudge my shoulder. I turned in hopes of seeing Tom, but was surprised to see Steven standing up in front of me.
- Are you okay? I heard you fighting with Tom earlier, I never saw you guys fight like that, so I was worried. - he asked.
- I'm fine Stev, it was just a silly disagreement, nothing to worry about. Are you okay? - I asked trying to change the subject.
- Yeah, just studying a lot, you know, I have to go to business school. - he said and I agreed. Steven always wanted to work at his father's company, but for that he had to go to business school in Japan, because there was one of the company's units there and that's where his father wanted him to live. A lot of his family was Japanese, so he had an advantage with the language and culture. But that was one of the reasons we broke up, after fighting a lot about who was going to live where. - And you still focused on journalism?
- Of course, forever and always. - I said and we laughed, hearing the bell saying the class are over.
- Well, I have to go, I have to meet Elle, good luck with your essay. - He said pointing to the book.
- For you too. - I said smiling and he left towards the building.
I got up to get my things, scanning the yard with my eyes, but there was no sign of Tom. I sighed and put my headphones on, heading towards our tree. As I was already out there I ended up arriving first, so I sat down and played the song Crosses by José González.
I waited a few minutes and saw Haz approaching and I took off my headphones as I watched him sit beside me.
- So..How everything went? Where is Tom?-  he asked looking around.
- A disaster... - I said, rubbing my hands over my face. - We ended up arguing, I said some things without thinking and he left without saying anything.
- Oh y/n... I don't even know what to say, but did you confess something to him? he asked and I widened my eyes.
- No! Are you crazy? I told him I didn't trust Meghan, but in a rude way... - I said and Haz took a deep breath hugging me sideways.
- Well, you can't control your feelings...
- But I can control my tongue. - I said and we laughed a little. - How was it with Gracie? Did you guys talked today? - I said changing the subject.
- I talked to her a lot by text during class, I even asked her if she wanted to spend some time with us now, but she said she had to hang with her friends...
- Hmm. - I said putting my hand on my chin losing myself in thoughts as I watched the patio to see if I could see Tom. And after a lot of looking I found him. And there he was sitting on one of the benches near the building with Meghan hugging him, she with his cap on her head and the two of them were laughing and talking excitedly to each other. Until he gave her a kiss and she reciprocated.
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enviedear · 4 years
secrets that you keep → peter parker
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DESCRIPTION ⌙ in a consolation trip back to europe, the kids of midtown high are eager to have a normal vacation, finally. but you on the other hand are on a mission. something weird is going on with peter parker, and you’re going to figure it out.
PAIRING ⌙ peter parker x fem!reader
“-smaller group than before, but we’ll still have fun guys. the tour company has made precautions for you kids. there will not be a repeat of last year.” mr. harrington babbles.
you sink lower into the bus seat. you did not want to be back in europe. truthfully you want to be anywhere but here. wherever, here, was. no one knew. cell service went out about five miles back and the bus driver didn’t speak english. 
“yeah guys, don’t worry. this trip is going to be ten times worse than the last. it’s already started bad since we don't know where we ARE!” flash yells, running a hand down his face.
mr. harrington tries to calm him and the rest of the bus down, to no avail.
you block out the commotion and stare out of the bus window. grass, farm, cattle, shack, more grass, more farm. and not one single cell tower in sight. this is it, you think, this is how it ends, stranded in a foreign country with the most annoying people you’ve ever known.
“guys, GUYS! my service is back,” betty yelps. “it says we’re in wiveliscombe, and that it’s going to be three hours until we reach london.”
her words are met with groans.
“at least we have cell service now.” jokes peter parker, who’s sat in the seat across the aisle from you. he’s cute and nice, but weird. last year’s trip he had about a thousand excuses as to why he’d leave the group and if it happened this year, you were gonna figure out why. no matter what it took.
“mhm, and since we have access to the endless possibilities of the internet again, we don’t have to talk..” you huff.
“i.. sorry. i didn’t-” you cut him off by placing your earbuds back into your ears and turning the volume up. 
something about peter irked your nerves in a way you couldn’t understand. maybe it was the way he knew fucking everything. maybe it was the way his body became incomprehensibly fit in such a short period of time. you really couldn’t understand that. even went as far as to do research on steroids, but found there was no way he could be using those. most probably it was the nonsense of his idiotic excuses. he might be able to fool everyone else, but not you. you knew there had to be something going on.
he and his stupid cute little brown curls, button nose, and six pack were under your firm watch.
by the time the bus reached the hotel the sun was beginning to set. jet lagged and in need of a long shower, you’re one of the first to fly into the hotel.
“It's me and you for the next week.” mj smiles, holding out a room key for you. truthfully, you really liked mj. she was cool and liked a lot of the same things as you. but she had one fatal flaw in your eyes, she used to date peter parker.
it was a short lived relationship, almost everyone saw it as a fling. peter and mj were just… too different. but they remain close friends.
it’s not like you were jealous... just, a tad bit jealous. besides, that ship had sailed and your goal wasn’t to end up like mj on the last trip to europe. no, you had other plans.
“cool. we can watch murder mysteries tonight and grab some snack from the convenience store down the street.” you grin.
the rooming situation for everyone else took entirely too long. it started with flash being upset that his room requirements weren’t being met. he wanted nothing to do with a roommate. this, caused his previous roommate, zander, to object to rooming with someone so, ‘coddled’.
took a full twenty minutes to resolve the issue. 
“mj, you still wanna visit the national gallery tomorrow?” asks the one and only peter parker.
“uh, yeah. y/n, wanna join?” she questions.
you were ready to object, finding it far more intriguing to stay in and sleep but then you remembered your little mission. if you wanted to figure out what peter parker’s deal was, you’d have to be around him. 
“sure. nothing better to do.” you shrug, peering straight into peter’s eyes. 
“i, uh- i thought we’d get an early start to the day. ned wants to go on the jack the ripper tour, so that gives us until one to look through the museum.” peter rambles.
“alright, me and y/n will meet you two down here around ten thirty.” mj clarifies.
“see you then. night mj,” he looks to you. “goodnight y/n.”
you narrow your eyes at him, “sleep tight parker. busy day tomorrow.”
with that you and mj enter your room, ready to sleep off the jet lag. and soon enough, sleep carries you into her open arms, preparing you for the day ahead.
the next morning consists of peter and ned rushing in and out of their room. the duo forgetting nearly everything they needed for the day. it was extremely annoying. but you’d take watching the two ninnies scramble about over this tour you’re forcing yourself to get through right now.
the national gallery was proving to be a bore. maybe it was you. or maybe it was the dull ass tour guide. either way, you’re finding it hard to focus on any of these artworks around you.
“this is the arnolfini portrait. it’s the work of jan van eyck and it is believed to depict an italian merchant named giovanni di nicolao arnolfini. this painting has remained in the national gallery since 1843.” the tour guide drones.
you peer up at the art, searching for anything to interest you about it. you try to focus of the dark green of the woman’s dress, then the small dog, but nothing about this art is appealing to you. instead, you find the whispered conversation going on behind you to be much more intriguing.
“ned how am i going to make it all the way to japan and back here before the ripper tour?” peter grumbles.
“i don’t know, but i really don’t want to go on a tour of the most infamous and creepy serial killers of all time without my best friend.” ned whispers.
“but mj will be there, and.. y/n.” peter assures.
“great. they both creep me out. that’s like, two extra loads of creepy added onto the already creepy tour.” ned huffs.
“dude, i have to go… mr. stark is waiting on me.” peter pleads.
you hear ned give an annoyed, “fine.”
you wait a few seconds before turning around to face peter’s friend.
“where did peter run off to?” you ask, as innocently as you can.
“uhhhh- the bathroom. the uh, hotel bathroom. yeah, must have been those tomatoes he ate with his breakfast today.” ned gulps.
“mhm. well i think i’ll meet up with him. he shouldn’t walk all the way back alone.” you smirk, shoving past ned and running the direction peter went.
it took a good minute to find him outside, the boy running into a bakery. but once your eyes find him, you rush straight in, right behind him. eyes narrowed and full of questions. 
the brown haired boy quickly enters a bathroom and you grin. 
no escaping now, parker.
you wait outside the bathroom eagerly. only for minutes to pass. no sound escapes the room and you furrow your brows.
you knock on the door, no answer. annoyed you open the door, only to be met with an empty bathroom. 
an empty bathroom with an opened window.
what the fuck?
“we’ve been upgraded!” mr. harrington gleams, looking down at our tired faces.
“last time we were upgraded we almost died.” betty sighs.
“ah- what did i say, we’re not going to repeat last year,” harrington retorts. “now...how do you guys feel about paris?”
well those words certainly livened up the breakfast table. train tickets are soon passed around, and you study yours, spoonful of yogurt still in your mouth.
“hey y/n, mj and i are gonna go to the louvre when we get there,” ned grins. “wanna come with?”
you chuckle, “another museum? nah, i’m good.”
mj quirks a brow at you, “this museum is home to the mona lisa. it’s not just any museum.”
“and the mona lisa is not just any painting… it’s an ugly one.” you huff.
ned guffaws at you.
“honestly, i might skip out too.” peter says.
you turn to face him, “great. you and i can explore paris while mj and ned explore another museum.”
he shifts in his seat, “i dunno i was thinking of-”
mj cuts him off, “i think that’s a great idea y/n. don’t you, peter? you remember what harrington said.. no repeat of last year.”
her eyes are cold as she awaits his answer and he fidgets more in his seat.
“i just think it might be best for me to stay here… ya know in case mr. stark needs anything.”
you roll your eyes, “dude, you’re just an intern. what could he possibly need that his other ten thousand interns can’t do.”
“technically he only has like six other… interns.” peter mumbles.
“but uh.. they can handle whatever mr. stark needs from you. i mean they’ve been av- uh, interns, for a while.” ned says, eyes pleading with his friend.
peter sighs before smiling at you, “alright, me and you versus paris.”
no peter parker, me and myself versus your dirty little secret.
somehow you got to sit next to peter in an empty train car for the ride to paris. and holy shit.. could he talk.
his eyes did have a way of lighting a fire inside you as he talked but, that, was not the point.
it was between an empty car with peter or full car sat between flash and harrington.
peter is always better than the latter.
“-anyways, how’d you convince your parents to let you go back to europe?” he asks.
“i didn’t. they made me.” you say simply.
peter slumps into his seat a little, “uh, why?”
“because when they were younger they traveled the world. i dunno, i guess they expect me to want to as well.” 
“oh. well, are you enjoying it so far.” he asks.
i’d enjoy it more if i could figure out your damned secret, parker.
and then, finally, peter is quiet. 
but not for long, as the train comes to a screeching halt.
over the train speakers comes a booming voice, “veuillez rester calme. le train s'est arrêté en raison d'un dysfonctionnement du moteur.”
your body tenses and you look at peter, “please tell me you understand french?”
“a little.. i dont think we need to worry. they said it’s just an engine malfunction.” he nods, looking around the train car.
you try to breathe. 
everything is okay. there’s no evil robots coming to destroy a train car with two innocent teenagers. that’s so pre civil war. just breathe. 
suddenly a loud bang is heard from the car behind you. not just any bang… a gunshot.
“holy shit.” you whisper, stiff as a board.
peter on the other hand is rummaging through his bag.
“parker! what the fuck are you doing?” you hiss.
“i.. just trust me okay? when i tell you to run… run.”
you look at him with a scowl, “i’m not going to be the sacrificial pig for slaughter, asswipe.”
he rolls his eyes, “i’m going to run with you. we’re going to find an empty car and then… wait for spiderman.” 
you blink. the kid’s gone insane.
“peter. listen, i know coping with your own inevitable death can be hard but, spiderman.. really?” you groan.
another loud bang comes from the car behind you. 
peter looks at you, taking your hand in his. 
the door to your car bursts open.
“run!” peter yelps, rushing into the next car, the gunmen not far enough behind.
“holy shit i’m gonna die.” you scream.
peter throws something at the gunmen when the two of you enter the next car, separating the two of you from the monsters.
but the kid didn’t throw just anything at them. motherfucker threw a damn door. a metal train door.
by the time you process the information, peter is pulling you into a cramped bathroom.
“i don’t have much time but basically, hi, i’m spiderman. those guys back there are people tony stark pissed off really bad and i need you to hide in here until i fix this issue.”
with that he pulls his jacket off revealing the spiderman suit you’re so used to seeing on the news.
“that’s your secret? this entire time i’ve been hanging around you trying to figure it out, and it turns out you’re spiderman. i would have thought anything before fucking spiderman.” you dwell, eyes wide.
he slips his mask on, “wait, you only hung out with me because you thought i had a secret? i mean.. i did but-”
another loud bang interrupts him, “nevermind. we’ll talk about this later. stay here and don’t tell anyone what i just told you.”
you nod, and watch him exit the bathroom.
so much for “not a repeat of last time.”
“at least it wasn’t witches this time.” mr. dell sighs.
your entire fourth period groans. 
“what! our world is infested with witches now. i don’t even know why i’m teaching science. i’m gonna turn around one day and suddenly i’ll be teaching witchcraft.”
your eyes return back to your desk, staring a hole into the old wood. your trance is broken by a crumpled piece of paper. you roll your eyes and turn your attention to peter, who after europe has been watching you like a hawk.
you open the paper to see, ‘listen, mr. stark said i need to get written evidence that you won’t spill the beans. please sign below.’
you grimace but sign at the bottom of the paper and hand it back to your new ninny friend.
that’s right. friend. despite being one of the most annoying people on the planet, with the weirdest secret ever.. peter was nice. he was really nice. he liked almost everything you did and listened intently to whatever you had to say.
“earth to y/n.” his voice calls from beside you.
“oh? is class over?” you ask.
he nods and holds his arm out to you. you take it and give him a half smile.
you may find peter parker to be the weirdest dude ever, but you can’t deny that the secret superhero is starting to flood your mind. you never thought you’d be the one to say it, but peter parker is the coolest weirdo you’ve ever met.
and besides, your mission was a success. you figured out his secret and obtained a friend along with it.
well, friend, until you could complete your newest mission.
telling him you like him. like, a lot.
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Can we get some spare Launo headcannons for July?
Launo sucked big time at knight school when he first arrived—he didn’t exactly have any background help given no one in his family was a knight either. He was basically assigned the equivalent of “equipment manager” during the first few months. And when he did get proper actions with a broadsword or a bow, Launo struggled with footwork and precision and all the minute details of a duel so he often got his ass handed to him.
But one the top kids in Launo’s class thought he was cool anyways—that was, one Arcadius Hartell. Pretty, rich, ace with sword, bow, spear, and anything sharp, and pretty much had no flaws or weaknesses. Launo at first thought the guy was just pitying him, the kid who has never won a single sparring match and consistently put on training dummy duty (that is reattaching their heads when they got lopped off)
So it came as a bit of a surprise when Arcadius came to ask something from him.
“How do you do that?”
Launo turned from the training dummy he was working on. “S-Sorry, what?”
“The...the thing you do. With the...thing?” Arcadius pointed to the needle and thread Launo was holding as he was reattaching the dummy’s forearm. “How do you do that?”
Launo scrunched his eyebrows in confuzzlement. “This is, uh, well. It’s just sewing I guess. If this guy were real I guess it would be stitching, haha...” He patted the dummy’s wood shoulder playfully as if joking with a pal—the dummy immediately tipped over, Launo coughed and stepped in front of the mess to ignore it. Arcadius nodded thoughtfully.
“So, do you have a special technique or something?”
“I mean, not really, it’s just regular old sewing...”
“But I assume you’ve spent years training on the art.”
“I...uh...I guess? My mom taught me.”
“Oh! So it’s like...an apprenticeship...?”
“...Are you under the impression that sewing is some sacred gift that gets passed down to the worthy or something?”
The two boys just stood awkwardly for a moment longer, Launo studying Arcadius’ face.
“You don’t even know what sewing is do you?”
“O-Of course I do! It’s the...thing.” He made a sword motion with his fingers, as if wielding a tiny blade. “You stab the stuff and it repairs. With the...” Arcadius squinted as he thought for a moment, “...stool...”
“Yeah! That! So, look, you’re pretty skilled at everything—“
“I am??” Launo took a step back in shock.
“Yeah! You always fix the equipment, and somehow haul around all those weapons, and make us cool lunches—“
“I don’t know, I made Rubeo vomit last week cause I forgot he hates blueberries...”
Arcadius shook his hands. “N-Not the point. And he sort of deserves it. The fact is you’re obviously leagues ahead of the game—“
“I—Actually I wouldn’t say—“
“—so you just gotta teach me everything you know!” Arcadius pumped a fist and closed his eyes. “How could I ever call myself a knight if I don’t even learn the basics of equipment management! Who will mend the wounded holes in my soldier’s pride if I can’t even fix the tears in my uniform! A mountain’s peak is equivalent to the shallow shore if you have no bearing of the heights you soar.”
Launo blinked. “Are you...okay?”
Arcadius scratched his head. “Aha...sorry. That’s a quote from Aria Nori’s newest volume. Guess I was too into the moment there.”
“Oh! The Zora poet! I’ve read her stuff! I haven’t read her latest volume, but my dad often binds her books—“
“Really?!” Arcadius’ eyes were suddenly star struck. “That’s so cool! This is all the more reason you gotta teach me this stuff.” He waved again at the collapsed training dummy. “Maybe start with the beetle and thread.”
“Needle. D-Do you not know what a needle is?”
Arcadius’ eyes glazed over. “...no...oh my gods that’s not gonna be on the test is it?? I’m so screwed—“
“Nonono it’s not, I’m just...” Launo bit his tongue. Now that he thought about it, he never really saw anyone else in his class do mundane house chore stuff. They were far too busy sharpening swords and bragging about their parents or grandparents or great uncles or cousins that totally were war heroes and high ranking political figures. Sewing could just be a Hateno thing, could it..?
“Can’t you just hire someone to teach you?” Launo started. “I mean, I’m super flattered! Just that, I’m not exactly a master at this, so I’m sure there are adults out there that are more accomplished.”
Arcadius hung his head. “I don’t think my dad would let me...Pretty much everything not sword related he just hires someone to do for me. And he’s super picky about what training I focus on.”
“Well it’s not really official training, it could just be a hobby.”
The boy raised an eyebrow, sounding out the word. “H...Hob...?”
“O-OK, just forget that. H-How about...” Launo didn’t meet his eyes as he absentmindedly kicked the dirt. “Y-You like poetry, right? You can come over to my house and look at my dad’s collection. And when we’re there, I can let my mom...” He scrunched his eyes, trying to nail down the words, “...apprentice you? On the...art, of sewing?”
Arcadius’ eyes were wide enough to reflect the heavens themselves. “R-Really?? You’d do that??”
“I don’t see why not. It’ll be after call and,” Launo’s eyes suddenly sparked, “...You can just tell your dad that you’re training me! Say that you were asked to help your fellow classmates cause you’re already so far ahead from everyone else.”
Which isn’t exactly a lie, Launo thought, bitterly.
“Hmm...” Arcadius tapped his chin, before shrugging. “Might have to tweak the explanation to ‘getting extra credit for top grades by tutoring’ cause I don’t know how he’ll feel about me helping the competition.” He articulated the last word with a mocking, adulting tone. Then he held out a hand. “But I think it sounds like a deal! I’ll give you some pointers, and you introduce me to your mentor.”
“My mom.”
“Yeah, that.”
Launo shook his hand, still a bit timidly, given he now noticed that a few other boys in the training yard were watching the prodigy student interact with the glorified janitor boy.
So they both tutored each other: Larc, in the art of knowing what sewing magic was (Larc bringing the most expensive and ornate needle Launo had ever seen, even though Larc claimed he just found it in his father’s closet) and brewing delicious broths (“Wait, you have to stand around this pot for hours and cook this stuff?? I thought you just made soup in a bowl! You know, like how servants take off the silver cover on the tray and the soup is already there?” “We...dont have waiters or anything...so our method of cooking different.”) Meanwhile, Launo was able to make some progress with knight training—keyword, “some.”
“Don’t make your stance so wide.” Arcadius shoved Launo’s back foot with his boot. “Keep your feet closer together, you only want enough distance so that your front foot can hover an inch off the ground while your back foot stays planted. Any further, and you’ll topple too easily.”
Launo adjusted his stance as instructed, and readied the rapier again. He set his jaw. “OK. Come at me!”
Arcadius nodded. He picked up the wooden sword and swung (a bit slowly and wide) at Launo’s side.
Launo immediately shoved his rapier point left to counter his attack, but instead moved with such force and vigor that he practically fell onto Arcadius’ blade.
Arcadius chuckled, dropping the sword and helping Launo up again. “You don’t need to use to much force when you swing. In fact it’s better to work with simple quick movements with any rapier or piercing sword, since the damage is done by the tip, not the weight.”
“S-Sorry...” Launo mumbled as he got up again.
“Don’t be! Oh hey!” Arcadius suddenly went back around towards the pile of weapons and pulled out a claymore. “Actually, maybe a sword like this will work better for you! You won’t have to worry as much about holding back, or being finesse. All the power is in that downward swing—!” Arcadius swung the sword into a nearby log to demonstrate, nearly cutting it asunder.
He offered it to Launo. “And don’t let the size fool you, it’s not actually that heavy. Large weapons still need to let soldiers be quick enough to parry and block attacks.”
Launo turned the claymore around in his hands, studying the blade and handle.
Arcadius gestured to the log. “Well, go on! It’s similar to the grip I taught you with the broadsword, but this time you use your other hand in the bottom to support the weight as it turns on an axis. Try that downward swing I showed you!”
Launo paused for a moment, thinking. Then, he planted his foot down, and swung the claymore down with all his might, aiming for another soon-to-be piece of firewood.
The claymore whistled as it fell, and it cut into the log deep—about halfway. Yet, still not nearly as deep as how Arcadius had done it.
Nonetheless, he was hopping with joy for Launo. “That was awesome!! You did great!!”
He sighed as he left the claymore in the log. “No I didn’t...”
“What are you talking about? That was probably the best blow you’ve done all night!”
“Yeah! And it’s not even a quarter of the damage that you did with your swing!”
“Well, it still took me a while to—“
Launo gestured to the other log. “It’s been how many weeks?? And I’m not even CLOSE to being as good as you, much less being a top student...” He plopped into the dirt and laid himself out like a starfish.
Larc stood over him, confused. “Why would you want to be a top student?”
“BECAUSE I SUCK ASS, DUDE!” Launo held up his arms, exasperated. Larc, on instinct, stepped back and held his hands close to his chest as he fiddled with his thumbs and mumbled an apology. Launo immediately sighed.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I’m mad at you. You’re really great, Link. You’re so nice to me and you’re talented and I’m so grateful, but I’m just...” He shifted in the dirt again. “I don’t think I could ever be like you. I’d even dare to say it’s impossible.”
Larc stilled, playing with his thumbs, before daring to step closer and sit in the dirt beside him.
“Can I tell you a secret, Launo?”
He was quiet, but he nodded a yes.
“I think my brother’s a stronger fighter than me.”
Launo furrowed his eyebrows confused, but he continued.
“He just never takes his knight training seriously, because of my father. But I bet if he really tried, he’d be great at it.”
Ah. So that’s what he meant.
“But I AM trying.” Launo whined. “I guess compared to you it doesn’t seem like much but—!”
“Nono! Sorry that’s not what I meant!” Larc quickly cut in. “I just...” He trailed off.
“...There’s a reason I have to be the best.” Larc finally said. He was looking out into the woods, but Launo felt that he wasn’t really looking at anything in particular, maybe deep in thought. “There’s a reason I can’t settle, I can’t rest. It’s really important that I get this all right. And I guess that makes me admirable to most people but...”
He looked down at Launo, still spread out in the dirt. “I didn’t really choose to be a knight, unlike you. I didn’t actually choose to be the best, and I don’t get why so many people do train to be at the top out of their own violation. It really...sucks ass.” He articulated the last part in Launo’s tone, and they both giggled.
“So...I guess that I’m trying to say here is that...” He thought one his words a moment longer. “I think so many people are afraid of trying new things, because they fear not being the best at it, not being at the top. And I suppose ambition is good but...” He tilted his head and shrugged at Launo. “As someone who’s supposedly at the top, I would say I envy anybody that can make progress that their proud of. You choose to be a knight, and you’re training for it out of your own strength and courage. That’s more than I’ll ever have, so you should probably get off the ground and realize that soon.”
Launo’s eyes widened, a bit unnerved by how uncharacteristically blunt Larc was being.
“In my opinion, anyone that aims to be better than everyone is stupid—maybe that’s just me, but...I would think that if I was you, I’d be proud of any progress I made. If I was more skilled than I was yesterday, that’s really all I would care about. Why would I care about being the top of my class? I would kill to just be satisfied with being a better me.”
There was silence as the boys took in Larc’s words. Then he suddenly stood up. “G-Goddess Hylia, sorry I’ve been talking for so long, I didn’t realize how late it was getting.” He went to collect his things. “You can keep the claymore, I think you’d be great at it, just...”
Larc packed his swords and backpack, before turning back to the flopped out Launo. “...I think you’re really cool, Launo. So don’t tap out for my sake—I’m not the person that matters in your training, am I? So don’t give up for any silly reasons like that.”
Launo perked his head up to meet his gaze. While Arcadius was usually serious and controlled during training at school, Larc always seemed to have genuine excitement about swords when it came to him. The bright smile on his face caused his cheeks to warm and he immediately flipped his head back to hide it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Launo!” Larc ran off into the night, a cobblestone streets in the distance swallowing his figure.
“See you...” Launo whispered.
He lay in the dirt a moment longer—his mother would probably berated him for the stains again—when he finally got up and looked at the claymore in the log. He walked up to it and observed it further, it was another a sixth of the way deep. He glanced at Larc’s log, which was nearly split in two, and sighed. Then he glanced back at his own work.
“Well, it’s better than when I first started I guess...” Launo mumbled.
No one responded.
The boy let out a huff, and gripped the sword again in his hands.
“But I can do better.”
By the time Launo was 16 he was finally beating his classmates with ease, specializing in longswords, axes, and hammers. And while he definitely still “sucked ass” in things like archery and lance work—to which some boys still teased him for—he found overtime that he no longer cared about what they thought. They had their strengths, and he had his. And to top it off, absolutely no one in the academy could make a lemon cookie like him. So at least he had the best in show for that angle.
Even years later, after certain incidents transpired concerning House Hartell, Launo always welcomed Larc to his house for “training.” Although after a while, it would be hard to still call it that when a large chunk of time is really just spent running their fingers through each other’s hair.
“But we’re friends, right?”
And even years after graduating as part of the top ten in his class and working as a knight, some of his old classmates would tease him for being the “rich boy’s lap dog,” Launo would find that he still really didn’t care—after a punch or two was thrown, of course. He found that his new lack of anxiety and concern heavily stemmed from that night, when Larc had told him about his envy for choice and satisfaction. Thinking back at the memory of his handling with a sword and his happy little smile once made Launo blush so hard his father teased him about it for the rest of his life—his mother claimed he went so red he would fit right in with the tomato stew. One of these days, Launo would pay Larc back for the endless teasing he got from his parents. And pay Larc back he would, indeed.
I mean, he already had the ring.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Stuck in the Middle with You (Part 3)
Bakugo X Reader
Words : 2280
How? How has it already been five days? The two of you had fallen into a routine that was borderline domestic. Bakugo was an early riser so every morning you could expect to wake up to a fresh pot of coffee and some kind of breakfast. Pancakes were usually his go to. It could have been because you had a shit ton of pancake batter... or maybe he had picked up on the fact you really liked pancakes? 
After breakfast he would do some kind of workout, sometimes using your backyard to do sprints or using your lawn furniture as weights. You had to admit he was kind of... hot when he got all sweaty. You’d never let him know that though. He’d let it go straight to his head and you'd never hear the end of it, So instead of watching him workout like you wanted to , you would usually curl up on the sofa with your iPad and do todays crossword puzzle. 
Then next on the list was you binge watching criminal minds with him and you both would bet on who the killer was. You always won, which Bakugo always pretended to be mad about. He would call you a cheater because this was what you did for a living. You’d both bicker and complain but without fail you'd always end up leaning on him and he would always pull you closer. It was nice. 
Then when dinner rolled around he would do his best to teach you how to cook. That was the deal after all. He would growl under his breath every time you did something wrong but he’d never actually scold you. Instead he would patiently help you fix it. This was a whole different side to him you had never seen. To be fair you had really only spent time with him in school, and in group settings. Maybe this was normal one on one behavior for him... you’d have to ask Kiri. 
Tonight he was teaching you how to make home made sushi. He insisted it wasnt as hard as it looked but you didnt believe him. He said that about everything he had taught you so far, and so far it was all really hard. 
Cooking with Bakugo was... rather difficult. He was a great teacher and actually way more patient then you would have thought, it was just... his proximity. He was always right next to you or leaning on you, sometimes he’d take your hand and try and to guide you through the motions. As comforting as you found his presence, your brain would just shut down when he was that close to you. You’d find yourself lost in your thoughts. 
Today was no different. Right now he is right next to you showing you how to roll the rice paper and you started your usual spiral. Is he mad he’s stuck here? Does he like teaching you to cook? Wow he smells nice. Why does he sleep on your floor every night? Is it comfortable? Does his back hurt? Should you invite him to sleep in your bed? Would he think thats weird? Should you tell him to go back to the couch? Would that hurt his feeling? Wow his body heat feels great. Wait...  did he stop talking?
“OI! Earth to smalls! I swear you’re always so hyper focused when watching tv but it when it comes to cooking its like you check out completely! You’re the one who asked me to teach you how to cook.”
You blushed and gave him a quick shrug, “You're right I’m sorry. I am trying though. It’s just sometimes I get stuck in my own head.”
Bakugo softened a bit as he turned to lean on the counter and look at you, “Yeah I know. Usually I dont have a problem with it but the kitchen isn't exactly the best place for you to go all space cadet. It’s full of things that can and will cut you, burn you, and squish you....”
A vision of a first aid kit popped into your head and your lip quirked in a soft smile. You didn't mean to take peaks into Bakugo’s head but sometimes it was like his thoughts were screaming at you. Begging for you to see. It was almost like he wanted you to know that he would take care of you if you got hurt. “I’m a big girl Bakugo. If i get hurt it won't be any ones fault but mine. But I will try to focus a bit more, I promise.” 
You put your hand on his shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze, “So what’s next?”
Bakugo narrowed his eyes at you, indicating he didnt think the conversation was over. He picked up the finished plates of sushi and headed towards the kitchen table? “Now we eat and you tell me what you were thinking about.”
You blushed as you took your normal seat across from him. “Do we have to?”
Bakugo stopped mid bite, “Uh... yeah. Eating is kind of necessary to survival y/n.” 
You rolled your eyes, “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Bakugo smirked, “Well maybe I’d know you better if you actually talked to me. You were the one bitching the other day that you didnt know anything about me... come on... what had you stuck in the cramped little brain of yours a few minutes ago?”
You huffed as you threw your hands up in frustration, “Same thing as always! You! Its always you. Not in like a weird way or anything... I swear... It’s just... I dont know!”
You saw the faintest of blushes grace his cheeks before he composed himself, “What about me?” 
You took a sip of your water as you searched for the right words. “I just... I tend to over think every single aspect of my life. And right now... you’re basically the only thing in my life. I keep wondering if you’re happy here or if you’re miserable being stuck here with me. I wonder if you’re back hurts from sleeping on the floor and if I should offer to let you sleep in the bed. Then I wonder if that’s creepy. It starts as something so innocent and then it just spirals until I fall down the rabbit hole... completely lost in my own head.”
Bakugo nodded as he took another bite of his sushi, “Sounds exhausting... Why not just ask me instead, and save yourself the trouble?”
You eyes widened, “What do you mean?”
It was his turn to roll his eyes at you, “I mean idiot.. instead of getting tangled up in wondering about me and my feeling just fucking ask... No. I am not miserable, I actually find your company to be pleasant. No my back doesn't hurt from sleeping on your floor but I can't say the same for my shoulder. No it wouldn't be creepy to ask if I wanted to sleep in your bed... honestly I think that's very sweet of you and as long as you were comfortable I may even take you up on it... There yeah see... problem solved.... anything else I can clear up for you?”
It was like this weird buzzing in your head that you hadn't even noticed was there had finally stopped. Was it really that easy. “Yeah actually... would you mind if I joined you during your workouts sometime? I’m not in as good as shape as I used yo be... but..”
“But nothing... of course you’re welcome to join. I won't go easy on you though. Never have and I won't start now!”
You bit back a smile as you mind wandered back to the all the times at UA you stood across from him during training. He scared the absolute shit out of you then. His intensity had really done a number on your anxiety. But honestly whether he knew it or not it had also helped you prepare for the real world. “I wouldn't expect it any other way believe me.” 
After diner you both got ready for bed and instead of watching tv in the living room you had decided to just go ahead and get in bed. You had expected him to stay up a little later but to your surprise he walked in a few minutes after and stood at the end of your bed, “So what's the deal? Am I sleeping on the floor or what?” 
You gestured to the empty side of the bed, “That side’s all yours. I’m sorry in advance if I accidentally hit you. It hasn't happened in a while, but I’ve been known to thrash around when I’m having intense dreams.”
He smirked, “As if it would even hurt. I’ll be fine. It’s your bed anyways, thrash around all you want.” 
You pulled out your iPad and started on a new crossword puzzle. 
Bakugo crawled in to bed next to you and took a peak over your shoulder. “May I ask what is with you and crossword puzzles?”
You shrugged, “They’re fun. They keep your brain sharp. They’re relaxing. And sometimes they are excellent distractions. I love all puzzles though. Not just crosswords. I love anything that makes me think. I mean look at my job. Sometimes I feel like I’m just playing a game of clue.” 
He scooted a bit closer and after a few minutes of silence he reached over to point at one of the clues, “ Nitroglycerin... thats the answer.”
You smiled, “I’d say I’m surprised but if you know about anything it’s about what blows up.”
He held a crackling hand close enough for you to see but far enough to not be dangerous, “Well I sweat the stuff, so of course I’d know about it but I’ll have you know I’m fucking smart. I’m not just a hot piece of ass. I got better grades than fucking Deku half the time. What app is that... I’ll show you.”
You giggled as you helped him download the puzzle page app on his phone and he immediately started to try and complete puzzles faster than you. You could hear him cursing under his breath when he would get stuck and once you caught him trying to take a peak at your screen. 
“Katsuki! I know you are competitive but I never would have believed you to be a cheater!” You hid your screen from his view as your eyes connected with his slightly embarrassed look. 
“I’m not a cheater! It’s not cheating! It’s just... reconnaissance...You had information I needed and I simply observed to gain that information...”
You swatted at him, “Oh you are so busted!”
He laughed “Shit calm down woman! You said it yourself! You fucking solve puzzles for a living! I needed all the help I could get!”
You sat up straight, “What happened to ‘I’m fucking smart. I’m not just a hot piece of ass’?”
He sat up too inserting himself into your personal space, “I am fucking smart! You’re just...” His voice dropped to an almost inaudible whisper, “fucking smarter.”
You were now on your knees jumping up and down, “Oh my fucking god! Did Bakugo Katsuki really just admit that someone was better than him at something?”  
He hid his face while you jumped up and down in celebration but when he looked at you he looked happy, “Yeah yeah, whatever smalls. You win this time but there’s always tomorrow.” 
You got back in you spot and grabbed the remote to turn on the tv, “I’ll probably beat you tomorrow too. But dont worry Katsuki... at least you’re still be a hot piece of ass..” 
He gave you a light shove as you picked something to watch. It didnt take long for you to drift off. In fact you had fallen asleep much faster than you usually did. And for once your dreams where pretty tame. No bad memories haunting you, no anxieties dragging you down. Instead you dreamed about the UA sports festival, and this time you won instead of Bakugo.
When you woke up you felt a pressure on your back as well as a vice like grip around your hip. You didnt know what was more surprising, the fact you woke up before Bakugo, or that he was currently spooning you. 
You cleared your throat and wiggled a bit to try and wake him up but he just groaned, “Uhhh y/n could you not wiggle your ass when I’m right behind you.”
You scoffed, “I wouldn’t have to if you were on your side of the bed.”
He squeezed you tighter, “I wouldn't be on your side of the bed if I hadn’t had to physically restrain you so you’d stop hitting me last night...”
You blushed, “I’m sorry... I did try and warn you...”
His eyes still closed, obviously still tired, “It’s cool, you calmed down as soon as I held you.”
You put your hand over his that was still wrapped around your waist, “Well I’m awake now Bakugo and I promise I won't hit you. You can let go.”
He just nuzzled further into your back, “Well I’m still tired and I don’t want to. You’re the perfect size for a teddy bear smalls.”
You tried not to, but you snorted, “Ground Zero needs a teddy bear to sleep?”
He froze before he shoved you almost off the bed, “Shut up smalls... I’m gonna go make coffee.... and lots of it.” 
You watched the muscles in his back as he walked across the room in nothing but a pair of shorts... fuck... you were in over your head. 
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whattodowithace · 4 years
I Hate You Part II (Byeongkwan)
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Title: I Hate You Part II
Pairing: Byeongkwan (A.C.E) x Reader
Genre: Spice
Word Count: 2.2K Words
Writer: Whattodowithkpop
I sigh nervously as I stand at the entrance, adjusting the scarf I had secured around my neck, covering up the evidence from the previous day. I close my eyes, hoping to avoid him as much as possible, pushing the doors open and being engulfed by loud conversations from the students that frequented the halls. 
I walk with my head down, focusing on the tiles that lay before me as I make each step carefully, hoping not to bump into anyone. I hear my name suddenly, my head raising at the familiarity of Chan’s voice. As I look up, I see Him. Panic rises within me as I see his red hair flash against my sight. I quickly notice the black turtleneck he wore, covering his neck all the way to his jaw, showing no evidence either. He turns his head, feeling my eyes on him. I glare at him instinctively as I approach where he was talking with his friends. Instead of a glare, he lips turn up to a smirk as he looks down to my scarf, giving me a quick wink. My eyes widen, not expecting that reaction from him at all. I nearly run into Chan as my quickened heartbeat clouds my mind.
“Can you two please, get along once?” Chan laughs, not knowing of the events that had transpired less than a day before. “Also, why are you wearing that scarf, it’s so hot in here!”
“It’s a fashion statement.” I grumble at him, walking next to him as we make our way to our first class.
I knew he would also be there, but I push that into the back of my thoughts, focusing on Chan’s conversation.
I watch the door nervously, hoping he wouldn’t walk through and that he would hopefully moved schools, but alas, he strolls into the room immediately looking up to me as he finds his desk, his eyes not leaving mine until he has to face the front.
“What was that?” Chan asks in a shocked tone.
“What was what?” I turn to him, raising an eyebrow at his question.
“That was a longing gaze right there.” Chan giggles like a school boy as he gently pushes my shoulder.
“Chan, you are seeing things.” I roll my eyes, focusing on the paper in front of me.
I hear nothing else from the boy next to me, but I know he is smiling excitedly at his theory of ‘sexual tension’ being correct.
The rest of the morning classes go over without incident. Byeongkwan wasn’t in any of the classes, giving my mind a break to actually focus on school. I was thankful for the lunch period, being able to eat with Chan and Chan alone bringing me relief over my tense body. I had told Chan to go ahead of me, him having to buy his lunch while I just needed to retrieve mine from my locker. I waited for the halls to die down before braving them, the foot traffic much lighter after everyone had made their way to the cafeteria.
I walk to empty halls, traveling slowly to bask in the quietness.
I hear footsteps approaching me, turning to face the owner of said footsteps. I stagger backwards as I see Byeongkwan approaching.
“No.” I tell him, turning back around to continue walking away from him. His footsteps continue to follow me as I reach my locker, opening it in the hopes that the door would block me from him.
“Nice scarf.” He says, a smirk clearly evident in his voice.
“Nice turtle neck.” I retort back with monotone, not looking up at him as I close my door having retrieved my lunch.
“Dont you think the artist would like to see his work?” He asks, pulling at the scarf gently.
“Byeongkwan.” I warn, stepping back from him.
He leans closer to me, his mouth leaning down to my ear, his hot breath causing a shiver to run up my spine.
“I want everyone to see.” He whispers, one of his hands resting on my waist. His closeness causes me to freeze, not being able to stop his hand that reaches for my scarf, unwrapping ti from my neck to let the marks be on display.
He steps back from me, the scarf hanging from his hand as a smirk appears on his face. I blush, bringing my hands to my neck in an attempt to mask all the marks.
“Give it back.” I growl as I make an attempt to grab the scarf.
“No, I prefer you without it.” He bites his lip, running off in the other direction with my scarf in hand. I groan out angrily, feeling my body heat up from anger.
I enter the cafeteria, looking for Chan as I cover my neck with both hands, hiding the majority of the dark bruises. I find Chan sitting at a table, eating his food by himself as his backpack saves a seat next to him. I walk quickly towards him, my head down so as not to draw any attention to myself. I hear Chan call my name as I approach him, looking into his eyes.
“Chan, I need your jacket.” I tell him, only keeping eye contact with him as I sit next to him.
“My jacket?” He asks confused. “Why?”
I squeeze my eyes shut as I sigh out in defeat. I face him directly, blocking the view for everyone else as I slowly uncover my hands to reveal my neck.
Chan gasps loudly. “Who gave you hickeys?” His voice was loud, catching some other students attention, making me shush him loudly.
“I just need your jacket.” I plead him. His eyes dart behind me, looking past my shoulder before his eyes widen.
“BK is wearing a turtleneck…” Chan states, the pieces connecting in his mind.
"BK gave you hickeys…” His eyes focused on what I assume to be Byeongkwan behind me.
“And you gave him hickeys…”
“Chan, please.” I whine, covering my neck again.
Chan shakes his head, handing me his jacket with a smirk on his face.
“So, there was sexual tension.” Chan notes as he goes back to his food.
“Chan, I will hit you.”
“I hate to tell you this…” Chan trails off as he stares at my neck as I put his jacket on. “That jacket cant cover everything.”
I sigh out as I zip the jacket as much as I could, the top of my neck still visible, but nothing my hair couldn’t cover.
“Are they hidden?”
Chan furrows his eyebrows. “If you don’t look too closely.”
“I’ll take it.” I huff, finally ready to start eating. 
When I look up I see Byeongkwan in my sight, him and his friends sitting at the table just across from Chan and I’s. 
His jaw was clenched as he looked at my attire, clearly frustrated I had covered my neck again. His eyes connect with mine as he glares. I smirk back at him, feeling proud. 
Byeongkwan reaches up the the collar of his turtle neck, looping his fingers to the inside. He holds my eye contact as he gently folds the fabric down a few times, revealing light red marks on the upper part of his neck. I glare at him, turning back to my food to ignore him.
I avoided Byeongkwan for the majority of the day. I avoided his eyes and side stepped his advances as best I could. Chan’s jacket covered my neck, but it wasn’t full proof, many other students saw the marks, staring at them once they realized what they were. 
The one class I had to interact with Byeongkwan was biology. We had to finish taking notes on our dissection project. 
I had been taking notes quietly, telling Byeongkwan to make his own notes since he didn’t help me with the dissection in the first place. I was doing okay, until I felt him breath on my neck as he looked over my shoulder to copy my notes. I felt a wave of nervousness as my body heated up as my mind drifted to yesterday, making me anxious. 
I quickly stood up from my chair, asking the teacher if I could be excused to the bathroom, which she granted. 
I walk to the hall quickly, rushing to the bathroom so I could splash cold water on my face. AS I look into the mirror, I can see the hickeys darkening in color. I gently run my finger over my collarbone, feeling a twinge of pain at the contact. I huff out in annoyance, trying to cover them back over with my hair.
“I hate him.” I tell myself in the mirror, glaring at the thought of him. I shake my thoughts, focusing back to the dissection and the class, hoping to finish it without anymore distractions. I make my way out of the bathroom, immediately spotting Byeongkwan resting against the wall.
“They never let two students go at the same time.” I glare at him, the heat coming back through my body.
“I have my ways.” He smiles, pushing off the wall to make his way over to me. “Im sad you covered up.” He feigns a frown, flicking the zipper of Chan’s jacket as his eyes focus on his handiwork.
“You look real broken up about it.” I roll my eyes, pushing past him to walk back to class. 
Before I make it too far, Byeongkwan grabs my wrist dragging me past our classroom.
“What are you doing?” I ask him in irritation, being dragged into a dark room that I recognized to be the third music room that no one seemed to use.
“You have been avoiding me all day.” Byeongkwan remarks, releasing my wrist to face me fully.
“I wonder why?” I glare at him.
“You were 100% willing yesterday, in fact, you started it.” Byeongkwan lets out, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I just…” He sighs out, looking me in the eye. “I don’t care how, I just want you attention.”
My eyes widen, not sure if I understood his words.
“If you want to go back to screaming at me fine, just please give me something.” He admits, his eyes never leaving mine.
I stay silent awhile, trying to process his words in my mind. I open my mouth to say something but no words come out, making me look down at the floor.
He sighs again, his voice sharp as he speaks again. “God, you’re so annoying.”
“I’m annoying?” I scoff at him as I unzip Chan's jacket. “Do you know how annoying it to have marks this dark? Im going to get in trouble by the teachers!” Byeongkwan’s lips turn up into a small smile making me realize he had said those words to get a reaction from me. I glare at him as he walks closer to me, his fingers reach up to his collar.
“You haven’t seen your work have you?” He asks darkly, slowing pulling down the neck of his sweater past his collarbones and part of his chest. Dark purple bruises cover his chest and collarbones, making my breath catch in my throat as I realize I had made those marks and that I was the one that marked him. I gulp nervously as he steps closer to me, our bodies nearly flush by his close proximity.
I reach my fingers out, running them gently along his chest, making him wince in pain. I suck in a breath as I watch his body react to me, making me feel hot again. I trace my fingers up his neck, watching his skin tense under my fingertips until I reach the back of his neck, my hand wrapping around it to pull him down. My lips meet his as I run my fingers through his hair and his move to my waist. He deepens the kiss, forcing his tongue into my mouth as it dances with mine. I breath through my nose as I wrap my arms full around his neck, standing on my tip toes to reach more of him. He pulls away, quickly pushing the jacket off my body as he begins to kiss the tender skin of my neck.
I gasp from the twinge of pain. “Byeongkwan.”
He hums against my jaw, starting another mark below it.  
“We are going to get in trouble.” I whisper to him as I push his head to my skin, keeping him on my neck.
“I don’t think you care.” He pushes, trailing kisses up to my ear.
His hands travels down my waist, leaning down slight to grip my thighs. “I- I do care.” I stutter out weakly, helping him wrap my legs around his waist.
“Then tell me to stop.” He challenges, kissing along my jawline as he awaits my answer.
I strain my neck backwards, giving Byeongkwan more access to my neck. He breathes against my neck causing goosebumps to rise on my skin.
“Byeongkwan.” I pant, digging my fingers into his shoulders. “We should go back.”
He kisses the bruises over my neck. “I don’t want to.”
I pull his hair to look into my eyes. “I would rather make out with you in a more secluded place.”
He groans out. “Meet me after school in this room.”
I bite my lip as I smile. “Okay.”
Previous Part ~ Next Part
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writingsbychlo · 4 years
i dont know if you use tiktok a lot but theres this trend where girlfriends / wives walk in on their men playing video games or doing whatever buttass naked... how do you think dylan and his characters would react to that? (not fiming it for tiktok obviously)
you guys, I seriously had so much fun writing this.
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Sending another snap to the girls, you typed furiously at the screen, each of their bubbles lighting up at the bottom with speech bubbles as they all typed, equal sounds of irritation from all of them.
[Lyds 💋 - it’s saturday. there’s nothin goin on. whats he doin???]
[Alli  🏹 - if that was isaac he’d be begging for forgiveness by now.]
[Ki ⚡- you brought him lunch!!! and he didn’t even kiss you?]
[Me - he grunted a vague thx in my direction.]
[Lyds 💋 - unacceptable. we’re girls. we demand kisses. & equal pay.]
[Mal 🍕- u should get naked. stiles is weak to sex.]
[Me - that might acc work. he really is, it’s almost embarrassing.]
[Ki ⚡- omg, I rlly bet that would work.]
[Lyds 💋 - if he won’t give u attention, u have to take it. the only way.]
[Alli  🏹 - wait pls film his reaction. Isaac wants to laugh too.]
[Mal 🍕- I could use a laugh, I'm pretty bored too.]
You giggled at the idea, the girls blowing up the group chat as they encouraged you to do it, and you headed away to the bathroom, stripping your clothes down and folding them neatly, before slipping Stiles’ flannel up over your arms, holding it closed for modesty as you began the video.
You grinned into the mirror, before turning the video around and dropping the item to the ground so they could see it. Filming ahead of yourself, you took several steps forward, your hand on camera pushing open his door, and you called out to him.
He simply hummed in response, not even bothering to turn around, and you flipped him off behind his back, knowing Isaac and Allison would get a kick out of that part, before you sighed loudly. “Fine, I guess I’ll go be naked downstairs, then.”
“Wait, what?” The man spun around, the marker dropping from his lips as he finally tore his attention from the crime board before him, his eyes widening as he looked at you, his eyes scanning over you appreciatively and he let out some noise between a growl and a moan, before he finally met your eyes. “Are you filming me?”
He didn’t even give you a chance to reply, a smirk on his face as he paced across the room toward you, crushing the phone and your arms between you both as he backed you into the wall, his hands cupping your face so he could land his lips on yours in a hot kiss. Lifting your finger from the record button, you hit send, dropping the device to the floor and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Grunting into your mouth, his hands skimmed down to your thighs, scooping you up from the ground as the continual chimes of the group chat receiving messages faded into the background, your back meeting the mattress.
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You sighed, moving around the bathroom as quietly as you could. You knew Stuart was in a work call, he’d told you so himself. His group was doing some big project lately, and you were trying your best to stay out of his way as he worked.
You had run your bath, bubbled decorating the surface as the colours from the scented bath bomb swirled in the steaming water, the scents of berries and vanilla filling the room as you tied up your hair with the scrunchie from the counter. Catching sight of the back of the door you noticed the hooks hanging empty of towels, and you turned, glancing to the shelves, only to see them empty too.
You debated just leaving it, but you had no idea how much longer Stuart would be in this call, it had already been almost four hours and when you’d passed by your bedroom half an hour ago to run a bath, it hadn’t sounded like he was anywhere near finishing. You had already thrown your clothes into the hamper, and you knew all the fresh towels were in the basket in your bedroom.
Groaning, you peeped around the bathroom door, noting Stuart sitting up against the headboard, laptop balanced on his lap and he didn’t even look up to see you, earphones plugged in as he occasionally talked and added his say to the group, and you decided it was safe.
The bedroom as far colder than the bathroom, goosebumps running over your skin and your nipples hardening at the contrast, your feet soft on the carpet as you stayed out of view, bending over to dig through the basket, snatching two towels from the stack and standing straight, turning around. Stuart’s eyes were fixed on you, or more precisely, where you had been bent in half to gather your towels. Dragging his eyes up along your body, he looked like he was almost drooling, and he swallowed thickly, dark gaze meeting yours.
Holding his microphone to his lips, he cleared his throat, not even bothering to look back tot he screen as he mumbled an excuse to them all; “Uh.. yeah, sorry guys. I have to go.. do something. Bye.” Clicking ‘hang up’, he yanked his earbuds out, discarding the device and the wires to the desk as he stumbled over his feet toward you, your eyebrows raised, a sly grin on his face.
“So, I’m a something now.”
He groaned, his hands sitting on your bare waist as his fingertips dug into your flesh. “You’re absolutely everything, sweetheart.” With that, he spun you around, snatching the towel from your hands and pushing you back onto the bed.
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The buildings around paradise had certainly come a long way since the small fabric tents they had been in the beginning. Small huts had been crafted from wood, and soon stones had followed up on the walls, washed up on the beach and chipped from the rocks until cabins with real rooms and walls had started to be crafted.
When you had woken up, the bed had been cold, and muffled voices from the main room of your home disturbed your peace, making you stir in the sheets, rolling over with a quiet groan and shielding your eyes from the morning sun rays. Wrapping the thin sheet blanket around your body, you got to your feet, running a hand through your messy hair and shuffling from the room.
Thomas saw you first, his smile lighting up the second he saw you and the blond he was talking to paused in his chatting, turning around to greet you as you moved through the small home, fishing an apple from the bowl of fruit on your counter. Thomas wrapped an arm around your waist, tugging you into his side and placing a sweet kiss to your lips, bumping the tip of his nose against yours.
“Good morning, Tommy.” You teased, biting into your apple and wiping the edge of your mouth on the back of your hand to gather up the excess juice. “Mornin’ Newt.”
“Good morning, love. Sorry to interrupt your morning, I figured you both would have been up by now.” You blushed, Thomas smirking as he squeezed his arm around your waist tighter, the loud crunches of your apple being consumed sounded out as your boyfriend chuckled.
“We had a late night.”
You slapped at his chest, shaking your head as your cheeks heated up, and you peeled yourself away from his side, shaking your head at him fondly and leaning up to press a kiss to Newt’s cheek as you wandered on past, chucking the apple core into the small bin in the corner of the room as you left, and the boys picked their discussion back up. With a cheeky grin, you paused in your room as you looked at the bare bed, before a smirk took over on your face.
Sticking your head back out of the door to peep at your boyfriend, his eyes caught yours over Newt’s shoulders, a single brow raising as you winked at him, stepping out into the room to stand before him, Newt’s back still to you and he had no idea what was going on. You watched as your boyfriend’s jaw tightened, his eyes as wide as saucers when he watched you let go of the handful of material that was holding the cover-up wrapped around you. The fabric dropped to the ground, baring your nude body to him and you licked over your lips slowly, biting down on your bottom lip and disappearing into the bedroom as his jaw fell slack.
“Newt, I love you, man, but I need you to get out. Like, right now.”
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Both you and Dave had decided to stay on campus for spring break. Your family wasn’t really expecting you home, and Dave’s mother and sister had gone to Disneyland for the break as a treat to Stella, and Dave really didn’t feel like spending two weeks surrounded by screaming children and standing in queues for hours on end.
Never when Dave had started college did he think he’d be this happy by his spring break. He’d started as a heartbroken freshman after Aubrey had dumped him weeks prior to his first-week beginning, and he certainly never expected to end up dating one of the hottest chicks he had ever seen, from the most popular sororities on campus.
The two of you had settled on hanging out in his dorm over spring break. His roommates were out, but a couple of the girls had also stayed behind, and so you wouldn’t quite have had the privacy at the house you did here. Dave was on his third day of lounging in his sweatpants and playing videogames. He had a pizza menu ready beside him, and his head popped up in your lap as you played with his slightly grown out hair, your phone buzzing in your hands every so often as you played with the hair under the band of his headset, running your fingernails over his scalp soothingly as he hummed under his breath at the feeling.
“Dave, I gotta’ go.” You spoke quietly as not to interrupt the flow of chatter going on that you could hear coming from the ears of his headphones, and you eased yourself out from under him, the boy groaning as he turned to look at you, brows raised as his focus left the shooting taking place on the tv screen.
“Where you goin’?”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you stood up from the bed, stretching out and brushing the wrinkles from your pyjamas. “I’m going out with some of the girls today, I’ll be back later.” He pouted, and you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips to placate him, a smile on his face when you pulled away.
“Okay, have fun. I’ll miss you.” You grinned, and you could hear the teasing coming from the other end of the headphones, excessive amounts of kissy-noises and declarations of love sounding out as Dave scoffed and told them all where to stick it, and you rooted around in the drawer he’d cleared for you to put your weeks worth of clothes in. Selecting the matching black set with the pretty yellow and white daisies on, you tossed it onto the bed, searching for a pair of shorts when Dave cleared his throat, his eyes wide as he held up the bikini bottoms from one finger, and he raised his brows. “What’s this?”
“It’s a bikini. It is spring break, we’re going to the beach.”
You shrugged, finding the shorts you wanted and pulling them from the drawer, and Dave hummed, clearing his throat and gripping the material tightly. “So, you’re going to be all wet, and half-naked, and tanning, and half-naked and did I mention wet?”
You laughed loudly at his words, and he shoved the headset down from his ears as the boys on the other end went wild, and you nodded, fishing the suncream from your bag and waving it at him teasingly. “I’ll be all moisturised and soft and shiny, too.”
“Fuck.” He mumbled, and you giggled, shaking your head and putting the bottle back in your bag, before peeling your shirt up over your head, dropping your sleep shorts to the floor and picking them up, a growl sounding beside you as Dave watched you, jaw slack. “Guys I’m tapping out, turns out I’m going to the beach.”
Within seconds he’d logged off, and he was tossing the controller and the headset away to the floor. “You’re coming to the beach?”
“Yeah, but first you’re cumming right here, at least twice, so get over here.” You shook your head at him, his body flopping back into the bed as you squealed, crawling up his body as your lips met his.
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Mitch was busy working, on all his important case files, hunched over his desk as he did his best to get through his jobs as quickly as possible. He’d finished his assignment three days early, and he was hoping that if he could get all the reports and briefs finished in time, that would give him a whole extra week of holiday off with you, a week he could spend cooking with you, and holding you, and fucking you senseless.
Unfortunately, since you hadn't been expecting him home, you had dinner plans with the girls and your dress was staring at him from across the room. A slim maroon number with spaghetti straps and a slit in the thigh, a pair of sleek black heels and a leather jacket to match. You were in the bathroom, and he had long since heard the hairdryer go off after your shower, and so he knew you were doing your makeup.
Around half an hour ago, your ringtone had snapped him out of his daze, and as much as he had tried to refocus, your sweet voice was muffled from the other side of the door but he could make out a few words, and he was still staring at the page on his computer, only four new lines having been added in thirty minutes. When the door finally clicked open, the smell of your perfume drifted out into the room, and Mitch’s mouth went dry as he looked up at you from his desk.
Your skin was shining and inviting, freshly moisturised and shaven, your hair falling in loose curls down your back, perfect spirals that bounced with each movement you made and your makeup was flawless. Your lips were painted a dark-red colour, the exact matching shade of your dress and it only made them look plumper and more inviting, and Mitch leaned back in his seat, legs splayed open as his cock twitched interestedly in his sweatpants, your naked body on full display for him as you held your phone to your ear and chatted away, unaware of the effect you were having on him.
Standing from his seat, he came up behind you as you fished through your drawer for some underwear, and he swiped your hair from your shoulder, pressing a kiss to your bare skin as his other hand came up to pluck the phone from your hands, lifting it to his own ear and ignoring the sounds of your complaints.
“She’s going to be thirty minutes late, sorry girls.”
Before you could protest, he’d hung up, a smirk on his face as he dropped the device tot he carpet and spun you around, planting his lips on yours and you sighed against his mouth, your arms slinging around his neck, giving in to the affections. His tongue teased at your lower lip, his own hands sliding down to palm at your ass in groping handfuls.
“Only thirty minutes then, huh?”
“Well, I’ve got to save the main event for when you get back, you only get a taste before you go out, because if I really got to have my way with you, there’s no way you’d be stable in heels. You wouldn’t be able to walk properly.” He hummed, pecking your lips and scooping you up under your thighs, your legs wrapping around his waist.
“Give me my sneak preview then, hotshot.”
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Sam (1920′s)
With a grin, you wrapped the red coat tighter around your body, nerves flooding your body as you watched the familiar beaten up truck of the man you loved beginning to make the way down the pathway through the fields toward your shared home. Sam had been having a tough time lately, this week had been a struggle for him, and as Friday night had rolled around, you knew he was looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and resting up, resetting himself and de-stressing in hopes that the next working week would go better.
It wasn’t something girls of your century did, but Sam wasn’t from your century, and he’d always seemed particularly fond of when you were naked. It was a struggle for you at first, you weren’t used to the idea of being nude, you were raised to be a lady and you could never be seen in an undignified way, but everything had changed for you when you’d met Sam.
The large red coat he so often wore was hanging on your body, your hair in loose waves down your back from the style it had been held in all day, and you watched from the top window as Sam pulled up in front of the house, and you dashed around the room and lit candles, pouring out glasses of the special occasion wine you had deemed appropriate to crack open.
The door opened and closed, and you heard Sam kicking off his shoes, locking the front door and making his way upstairs. You met him at the top of the stairs, a soft smile etching onto his frowning features as he looked up at you, before his brows were furrowing as he looked at you, his eyes scanning along your body and you shuffled nervously under his gaze. “Hey, doll. You look as pretty as ever.”
He took the final steps up, placing a sweet kiss to your lips and you returned the gesture, before splaying a hand out on his chest and taking a step back. With a deep sigh, you grinned up at his as boldly as you could, before releasing the hand the was holding the coat closed and the material fell open, your body exposed to him and his breath hitched in his throat. “Prettier, now?”
“You’re naked.”
“Yeah, I thought you deserved a nice surprise.” He beamed up at you, looking happier than he had all week and he pushed the coat from your shoulders, groaning as it fell to the floor and he smoothed large hands over your hips, pulling you in close to him, his lips brushing yours.
“I’m so in love with you.”
“I also opened a bottle of wine.” You teased, and he groaned under his breath, dipping down to scoop you up bridal style as he carried you toward your room.
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tangerinegod · 4 years
Hello! I am sorry to bother you but I am a senior getting ready for college this year. I am in the US and I wanted to major in the same thing you did, do you have any possible tips for me? I still haven't even looked for colleges that would be best for animation majors so I figured if you were up to giving out any tips/saying any basic ideas if you wanted to/if you had the time to then maybe I'll have a better idea! I apologise for if I sound weird! I'm tried to word it correctly but I can't 😿
hi!! i’m totally down to share my experiences! someone else also had some questions so i’m going to put them all together in this post haha, hopefully this helps! it’ll get pretty long so apologies ahead of time but art school is a lot to think about so i wanna be as helpful as i can around it, its a lot of time and money. I’m gonna put it all under a read more cus it is really really long!
i wanna start off with the fact that I had the privilege of attending school in a financially stable environment, my parents were/are really supportive so w merit scholarship i only came out with around 20-30k in debt and i also had housing support my entire time in school. they were ok with me focusing on academics so i didn’t hold a retail job unless i was out of school like summer/winter break. Ofc though i regularly take commissions/do merch/cons to try and pay for all bills that arent rent cus i did want to be financially independent where it was possible. I also did try and work during the semester but everytime i did my body would deff start to breakdown from the fact that i didnt wanna compromise schoolwork with jobs.. so just read ahead know this experience is from a student who was able to attend focusing only on school work for most of the time!
the biggest thing is knowing art school is not required to become a professional in either freelancing or industry! there are a huuuge amount of online tools and classes these days that provide the exact same education and for cheaper too. i think it depends on what experience you prefer/can handle/want but it’s definitely possible to make art/animation art your living without higher education. the thing that college will for sure give you though is the ability to meet deadlines, work even when you dont want to, and connections with peers+teachers. i think the connections part is invaluable because you’re basically coming out with a network of people you already know and who know you! 
also its good to know if you want to attend/can handle art school! it’s a lot of time and energy and students get burned out really fast. the best piece of advice i got before going was ‘if you draw every single day, even if its for only like 5-10 minutes or a doodle for a whole year you should be fine’ consistency is super key because you’re attending school to draw, and you’ll have to create work for stuff you aren’t excited for at some point or another. burnout is extremely real and the only reason i didn’t experience it was probably because i got super into drawing naruto fanart again inbetween sophomore and junior year! it helped give me something to draw seperated from school which is the only thing i was drawing for since i had entered rip. a heads up id also consider myself a workaholic so i fit in ok with the ‘art school’ environment but it is suuper unhealthy. if you are fantastic at managing your schedule then it’s definitely possible to take care of yourself! freshman year i got 8 hours a sleep a night and only pulled all nighters for some second semester finals at the end. sophomore year + up though i ended up prioritizing hw over sleep and like for sure, definitely shortened my life span. there’s another q down below where i’ll go more into detail but ya, be careful w ur work balance!
another tip especially for animation is knowing for a fact what type of animation you’re looking to go into, and what the school is offering. I didn’t think i’d get into art school at the time so i only applied to two places + decided if i didnt get into either id attend community to get credits out of the way while building portfolio. honestly? i did not do a lot of research LOL but like i did end up having the chance to tour and stuff! just know that each school will have a very different curriculum. The main differences are schools that prioritize 3D (cg animation, cg modeling, ect) and 2D/traditional (hand drawn, ‘oldschool’, digital or traditional based) this is a huge difference so make sure you do research for it! in most cases a 2D/traditional program will also offer 3D since it’s at the forefront of the industry animation wise rn. My school taught 2D but like hand drawn on physical paper 2D, frame by frame. while it was a good experience it’s super outdated because digital tools make it way faster + easier! i’d recommend looking for a program that is digital 2D over traditional 2D. 
if after your senior year covid is still affecting campuses in the US to keep them shut down i’d recommend attending a community college to get credits and then transferring into school. one of the negatives is paying money for gened classes when ur not there for them; if you can get them out of the way sooner and cheaper there is absolutely no negative + you could graduate earlier or use the extra time for better work or to work a job! 
these are all the general tips i think i’d give on like a broad basis of attending or not to think about? let me know if u have more q’s! someone asked q’s im answering below that go more into personal experiences + work culture so heres those:
- how many hours a week do u spend studying, in class, otherwise making art? like how much of ur life does it consume?
I was basically working on art.... 24/7! since i wasnt working a job at the same time i crammed as many credits as possible into my schedule so on avg i did 18 credit semesters (around 6 classes) art classes go for 6 hours and non art go for 3, so i’d spent around 30-35 hours in class a week! hw wise it varied on the class but combined it would be around 35-50 hours a week... im guessing? on average studio classes would have 8-10 hours of hw, maybe 5 for a light week, and gened classes 5 hours w them all combined. or this was probably how things were before junior year? junior+senior year i had thesis + everything else ontop.. i’d spend around 30-40 hours on thesis a week with other classes ontop of that bc my film was super long cus im a dummy! 
- is it hard going to art school n realising that altho u were probably quite talented… so is everyone else? Like. all of a sudden. ur not special and everyone seems as good as u, you know? More generally, how do u deal with comparison?
kinda?? i think instead of the idea of like you vs others it feels more of like a competition at first to be the best. this varies hugely on school culture though; my animation year was really friendly with each other and get along extremely well, so my answer to this is v different than some others who attended different schools. i think that the idea of ‘comparison’ only lasts a portion of the first year because at some point you realize that it’s not a who’s better as much as its a ‘these are my coworkers’ type thing? like healthy competition 100% because we’re all working to improve but i think most of us learned pretty early on that viewing each other as peers going into the same workforce helped a lot. also at some point everyone develops their own style/starts to develop their artistic preferences so there isn’t a way to compare whos 'better’ anymore? i dont think there ever is tbh because style is appealing based off of an individuals preferences. If anything realizing everyone else is also amazing makes you wanna work harder ig? or thats how i felt! it’s inspiring to be surrounded by so many people who create such amazing work. 
- is there a lot of workaholic culture? all nighter culture?
100000% there can be a workaholic and all nighter culture. i know people who avoided it and thats honestly fantastic because i fall super easily into that pit. sometimes i’ll pull all nighters on a personal project just because i really want to finish it... i am definitely considered a workaholic all the way through and its not healthy rip... i’d estimate at the worst i was pulling 2-3 all nighters a week and only 4-5 hours of sleep on the nights i didn’t? that was only for one year tho, after that i was like yeah ok this is really bad for my health in the long run LOL so i tried to cut it down to one all nighter a week and around 5-6 hours of sleep the rest of the week! by senior year my decision to cram in full semesters paid off and i was able to consistently get around 7 hours of sleep a night + no all nighters minus finals since my schedule was lighter despite thesis 😭 while there is that culture i don’t think people view it as like a badge of honor or something to be proud of anymore which is good, we mostly view it as a flaw of the art school system and something that needs to be fixed!!
- are you glad u did it? how did u know it was what u wanted?
i am glad i did it! i’m definitely in a limbo right now of if it was worth both my time, money, and my parents money rip but i think with what i got out of it i definitely wouldn’t be as far skill wise or knowledge wise when it comes to the art industry. i would say it was only worth it for be because i had so much support going in though so i was able to focus so much on improving. if i had only been able to put in part of the effort and not make full use of the resources provided i would honestly have a different answer.. 
i knew it was what i wanted when i realized i really couldn’t see myself pursuing a different profession happily! despite all the bumps and stuff im fully in love with drawing still and feel honored that it’s a field that can provide a living. my second profession choice was to go into culinary school? and third option i think going was into music cus i was also a band kid hehe.  
- how do u cope with ur hobby becoming ur job? how do u deal with art going from something u do for fun to something u do on command constantly?
i think seperating work art from personal art is important! in my case im doubling naruto into being personal work so i have something to fall back onto that isn’t work related. its been a hyperfixation for 12+ years? so drawing it at this point is just like personal art imo. some people have hobbies outside of art and only draw for their job! i think after attending classes for so long the idea of hobby turning into job feels extremely natural? also i enjoy doing it so thats a huge plus! 
sorry this is SO long but i hope i answered your guys’ questions! if you have more just lmk!
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dazeyrains2 · 5 years
DECEPTION - A Multi Chapter, Hayffie fic - Prompt...POISON
Thanks @ellanainthetardis for the prompt.
Pt1 of Deception
Today was Thursday and Thursday's were quickly becoming Effies favourite day of the whole week in district 13.
Thursday's were when Coin held their weekly update meetings about Katniss and the war.
And Thurdays was also a day when they were allowed coffee!.
Astriss arrived a little later than usual with a full tray of steaming hot mugs and Effie couldn't stop the beam spreading across her face.
Whatever Coin was babbling on about did not matter to Effie for the next 10 minutes, because she would be holding a steaming mug of coffee between her hands and smelling the bitter sweet aroma of the black liquid and nothing was going to stop her from enjoying it.
"Thank you Astriss, you may serve" Coin six passively, waving at the girl with the tray.
Astriss was also quickly becoming Effies new favourite person.
Haymitch reached for a mug but Astriss batted his hand away...
"Not that one, that's for miss Trinket" The girl looked at Effie and winked "Double shot, just how you like it"
Coin cringed at the delightful squeal that came out of Effies throat.
"Oh Astriss, you are a pet!"
Haymitch grumbled something irrelevant and just took another mug.
"How come she gets two shots" he tutted and Effie jutted her bottom lip out towards him sarcastically
"Because Miss Trinket asked. And besides...she gives good makeup tips...tit for tat" she winked again
"Enough, Astriss" Coin begged "That will be all"
The girl left with a grin and a wave from Effie.
"Oh she's delightful" Effie trilled
Haymitch sipped his coffee and it tasted weak."Yeah, sure. Delightful indeed"
That evening in the cafeteria, Effie invited Astriss to join her and Katniss at their table for dinner.
"I don't think the woman dishing out this slop likes me very much" Effie grumbled over her tray of soggy vegetables and questionable meat. Katniss and Astriss peered over towards the serving station.
Effie had a point. If looks could kill. The woman behind the counter was throwing daggers at Effie almost too obviously.
"Has anything happened between you?" Katniss asked, knowing full well that Effie possibly brought it on herself, complaining about the food or something, but Effie shook her head.
"I know what you're thinking Katniss, but I've done nothing to offend that woman, just merely exist it seems"
Astriss lay her hand over Effies
"Hey, some of the people down here just haven't been able to accept the Captiol refugees yet" she sympathised "But if they want to live bitterly, then let them. You're a kind and generous person, Effie. They'll come to know it soon enough"
Effie smiled bright but her smile soon faded when she noticed the difference on her plate as to what was on Katniss's and Astriss's
"Look at that" Effie huffed, picking up a rather unusual looking slice of the rabbit meat that was on her plate. "Pure fat! And those vegetables look like they were drowned twice over..."
"Maybe she's just having a bad day and wants someone to take it out on?" Katniss suggested, but Effie wasn't bought.
"No, Katniss." Effie disagreed tiresomely "She's been treating me this way since I arrived here. Always taking my plate out of my hands and wandering off, only to return with what can only be described as leftovers fit for a mutt. I put up with it because I'm hungry, but heaven knows where shes getting my food from or what shes doing to it"
Astriss grabbed Effies plate suddenly and slid it towards herself "You're right Effie, this is disgusting and this is uncalled for, leave it with me"
Before Effie or Katniss could protest, Astriss was up and marching over to the counter to confront the woman.
The ladies couldn't hear what was said, but Astriss looked stern and the woman looked sheepish.
In less than a few more seconds Astriss had returned with a brand new plate full of healthy looking meat and fresh vegetables
"She won't be bothering you again Effie" Astriss beamed brightly "Not whilst I'm around"
Fair to say, Effie had just found her new best friend.
At dinner the next evening, the woman behind the counter barely made eye contact with Effie but Effies plate was returned to her bursting with fresh vegetables and dumplings.
On returning to her table, Effie couldn't help but feel suspicious.
"Saved you ladies some nice hot coffee!" Astriss smiled, sliding Effie and Katniss a cup each.
"Thanks Astriss" Katniss grinned but Effie was distracted by her thoughts
"She's smirking at me" Effie said, peering over her shoulder at the woman still serving the food.
"Effie, she's just smiling" Katniss assured "Maybe she's trying to make amends"
"What exactly did you say to her Astriss" Effie asked curiously
"I told her that if it wasn't for you slipping those golden tokens into the arena, then there never would have been an alliance with Finnick Odair, and Katniss and Peeta may not have trusted him and possibly not survived." Astriss stated proudly "I told her that the real hero here was you, no offence Katniss, and that she better start showing you some respect or I'd notify Coin of her behaviour"
Katniss and Effie shared a look but then Effie was beaming...
Astriss kind of reminded Effie of Katniss in some ways. Fearless, honest, brave and loyal.
"You're a good person Astriss" Effie smiled
Katniss agreed "Yeah, good job you're here"
Later that evening, just before she settled down to bed, Effie felt a whirring in her stomach and the room felt particularly warm that night.
She downed a glass of water, took off all of her clothes and crawled into bed, hoping the feeling would shift by morning.
The next morning, she felt no better but Coin had called an early 2nd meeting to discuss an urgent propo for Katniss, but Effie wasnt happy about it because it was still too soon, the girl wasn't ready. So, Effie had to be sharp and focused today and stand her ground.
She arrived late after spending the first part of the morning with her head over the toilet, but her excuses fell flat. Coin didn't strike anyone as a sympathetic soul.
"If you're under the weather, Miss Trinket, I suggest you sit this meeting out?" Coin challenged, but Effie was having none of it.
"No, no. I'm quite alright...go ahead"
But as Coin proceeded, Haymitch leant a little closer in to Effie and gave her a nudge.
"You sure you're ok?, I can fill you in later, you look a little pale?"
"That damn food server in the canteen" she seethed quietly "She's fed me rotten meat again, I just know it"
"Food poisoning?"
"I think so" Effie nodded "But I got the worst out this morning"
Haymitch turned his nose up at the thought.
"Vomiting, Haymitch" She assured "Not the other way yet...although, not too far off" The face he pulled as she rubbed her stomach was totally worth it. She chuckled at his reaction and told him she was kidding... but she wasnt kidding. Her insides felt alien.
"Just...drink plenty of water, ok" he suggested and Effie smirked curiously. Haymitch had never been one to care before... Ever!
"Ok" she nodded, and poured herself a glass.
As the meeting went on, the temperature in the room seemed to sky rocket. Effie could feel beads of perspiration running down the back of her neck.
"Look, just a few more weeks" Effie tried to argue "let's get her comfortable with that damn camera first, if you throw her in now, it'll be a disaster"
Haymitch had agreed with her, thankfully, but between the two of them and Coin and Plutarch, it was still two agaisnt two.
Plutarch tried to reason...
"Well, let's film rehearsal? She doesn't need to know the cameras are rolling, we might capture something good?"
"And if she figures it out-" Haymtich began until Effie interrupted
"Which she will! She will lose more trust in you than ever..." The room suddenly started spinning but Effie couldn't bow out now. "Look, just give her time"
"WE DONT HAVE TIME, TRINKET" Coin bellowed suddenly it was like a hammer had been smashed into Effies skull.
"Ouch! Why are you yelling!?"
Conversation erupted around the table but the voices seemed to become raised causing Effie to cover her ears.
Everything sounded weird and everyone seemed to be yelling now.
She pleaded one more time "Please stop yelling"
Confused eyes crossed the table to where she sat
"Stop moving, why are you all moving..." effie continued, trying to focus. The room felt like it was spinning
Haymitch reached out towards her, grabbing her wrist
"Effie, we're all sat down...no ones moving, no ones yelling...What's going on with you?"
Effie put her head in her hands for a moment, but as she tried to focus again, Haymitch noticed the blood
"Jesus ef! Your nose!"
Effie looked into her hands and saw a pool of sticky red liquid, she pressed her fingers above her upper lip and felt the blood running from her nose.
"Get her a tissue!" Coin ordered. Plutarch grabbed a box on the side and ran around the table to join Haymitch.
Hands were holding her arms for comfort but she didn't know who's they were as the room began to spin even more.
"I need to stand" she whimpered but Haymtich strongly protested
"I need to get out, it's too hot in here..." she begged
Her speech was slurred, Haymitch ordered one of the guards to fetch a doctor.
"Ok, let's get you up" He soothed "I'll walk out with you" But as Haymitch lifted her to her feet, Effies knees buckled immediately and she fell into his arms.
"Miss Trinket? What's happening?" Coin asked, looking to Haymitch for answers but he was just as clueless.
She was becoming a dead weight so Haymitch lay Effie down gently on the floor instead and whipped his sweater off to create a pillow for her head. That's when she started coughing.
"Turn her on her side!" Coin suggested
But as he did, her throat gargled painfully and she began to cough up blood. Not just a little...a lot...a whole lot. It started pouring out of her mouth.
"Effie!? Effie?!" Haymitch panicked now. He saw her eyes starting to roll into the back of her head "Stay with me, Ef. Come on, Breathe in! Breathe!"
Haymitch didn't know what to do or what to say, all he knew was that this doctor better hurry because this was no food poisoning or stomach bug, this was something else. Somthing far more sinister.
To be continued...
*what's going on with Effie!?? Will she be ok??? Find out soon... xx
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andymull · 5 years
NJPW BOSJ Block A Breakdown
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In the first of our two part breakdown of the upcoming Best Of The Super Juniors presented by NJPW we will be looking in focus on Block A, dissecting the front runners, the dark horses as well the matches to keep an eye out for over the course of the tournament. So hopefully if this is your first or thirtieth tournament you’ll leave knowing everything you need to know to be ready to take in the whole experience.
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So lets dive into Block A and the first of the 10 men involved, at first glance it seems a pretty even group in terms of threats as I see it being nearly equal of guys that could go deep in the tournament mixed with guys who wont but will provide some fun match-ups along the way.
I feel we can safely rule out the crowning of Taka as the new BOSJ winner, as well as Tiger Mask and Kanemaru. The former two are good established names in the company and across parts of the world to help bring eyes in but are both closer to their in-ring retirement than peak........or moving the mask on in Tiger Mask’s situation. While Kanemaru is much more of a threat in the tag scene and the tag league than here, but brings the stable war feuds to give some heat to his matches.
The next two names that I have closer to that front group than the next are Gresham and Titan. Firstly with Jonathan Gresham we have someone newish to NJPW having worked in joint shows with them and ROH or on NJPW’s US tour, but not primarily on Japanese soil and infront of the Japanese fans, I see this being the tournament for him to really make a name for his-self infront of them with great matches but sadly not the wins to accompany them. And that’s not a problem, remember this is NJPW and their long term booking is usually very sound so this could be the beginning of a longer sustained run for him in the Juniors division. Next up is Titan, now he has worked for NJPW plenty before but isnt full time with them but with CMLL their partner company, I expect Titan to be similar to Gresham but with afew more victories under his belt.
Just slightly ahead of them in my thoughts is Marty Scurll, poor Marty is finding his-self in a slightly awkward position following his friends all leaving to start up AEW (All Elite Wrestling), the NJPW management seem certain he will be leaving to join them when his contract runs out so wont give him a solid push if he’ll be leaving soon enough. I expect him to go to AEW too but wouldn't be surprised to see him in NXT with his partner already there. I dont think they want to bury him completely until he decides his next move but could see him take some comedy losses along the way here, just hopefully he is able to get some competitive matches too to stay a threat in peoples eyes.
The final four names are where I see the winner coming from, those names being Sho, Dragon Lee, Taiji Ishimori and Shingo Takagi. Ishimori is going strong to win the title back, Dragon Lee is doing well as champion and will be going harder to impress. Then we get to Sho and Shingo, they have developed a really good feud together which is interesting as its taking over their tag team feud. The main thing with it for me is that its pushed Sho ahead of Yoh in terms of their progression which I didnt expect, but Shingo has really dragged him along quickly and its been fun to watch on the under cards which sometimes can alittle boring but their mini feud has been a highlight. 
I dont see Lee winning and they usually use their champions in tournaments to take the odd loss to setup future challengers on the next few shows, which will work for him as champion and give him the big challenge of the eventual winner coming for his title down the road. I could see Ishimori taking the block and the overall win but im not 100% sold that they want him back straight away as a challenger for the belt, I feel with them debuting someone new in the Bullet Club they possibly may want them in the spot before another shot for Taiji.
Which leads me to Sho and Shingo, and I think the biggest story going in is that Shingo has yet to be pinned since joining NJPW. For me the ideal finish would be to have them both go undefeated through the block, and have Sho be the one to finally defeat him and make his way to the final. Giving Sho such a huge boost for the final and beyond as well as a longer singles feud with Shingo leading to a title match, but what would that do to their tag team as I dont think they are splitting or taking a break anytime soon. But at the same time Shingo is one of my favourite wrestlers and has been since I drilled deep into Dragon Gate over 10 years ago, I could watch the guy all day long and that un-pinned streak will be hard for them to let go off. They should also be thinking of having him dominate the block and the final leading to a title shot and subsequent victory all without taking a pinfall, id go as far as having him dominate completely until he decides to move to the heavyweight scene and vacant his title, you always have to think of moves/ideas that are rarely seen that prepare someone for the much bigger future plans.
I feel I have to go for Shingo, but would be just as happy for Sho to get the big push if he’s chosen.
In terms of matches, any mixture of those main four guys is a must watch, Dragon Lee vs Titan is usually a fast paced great match. Gresham’s technical style will mesh really well with Shingo and Ishimori’s too and should see him do great with the company.
Hopefully this gives everyone a good outline of the block with some of the history and feuds we’ll encounter on the way through the tournament. 
Next up will be Block B, or as they should have called it Block SPEED!!!
Bye for now
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axiumin · 6 years
Take Care | Jinyoung x Reader
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Anonymous said: hi! if its alright w you i'd like to request for an angsty jinyoung scenario where you overwork yourself and you're v stubborn and you dont listen to jinyoung's pleas to take better care of yourself so he finally snaps one day after seeing you fall sick bc of it. please end it w fluff!! thank you so much!! im looking forward to reading it! have a great day! 💖💖💖
Thank you for your request, anon! I hope you enjoy!
You supposed everyone had a breaking point. Jinyoung reached his when he found you feverish and half-delirious.
Pairing: Jinyoung x Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
Words: 3.4k+
Your apartment door closed behind you with a ‘thunk’. With a noise somewhere between a sigh and a groan, you eased your heavy work bag off of your shoulder and tried to force the tense muscles of your back to relax.
It had been another long day of rushing to meetings, juggling assignment deadlines, and floundering in what seemed like an ever-increasing workload. These kinds of days were always exhausting, but they stayed manageable as long as they remained few and far in between. But lately, it felt like you’ve only been having days like this, and the exhaustion was beginning to drag you down. The only reason you made it through the day was the knowledge that tomorrow was Saturday, and that meant blessed rest.
You pulled your phone out to send the customary ‘Just got home!’ text to Jinyoung and shuffled to your bedroom, intent on changing into some sweatpants. You had just faceplanted on your bed when your phone began buzzing against the blanket beside you. A moment of shuffling later, you were face to face with Jinyoung, who smiled at you from your phone screen.
“Hey, babe. How did today go?”
You sighed again but found yourself smiling tiredly back at him.
“It was a day. You know how it is, Jinyoung.”
He leaned closer to his phone and squinted a bit, scrutinizing you.
“Y/N, you look so tired,” he said with a frown. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”
You knew what you looked like. You saw the dark smudges under your eyes and the tiredness that had settled into your face over the last few days. Apparently, a sheet mask wasn’t the miracle cure you had hoped it would be. You sighed and rubbed a hand over your face.
“Honestly, I’ve been pulling a few late nights to try to get some work done. I was kind of thinking I’d stay in this weekend. Just focus on getting some rest so I can get back to normal?” You said this last part as a question, knowing that you usually spent as much of your weekend with Jinyoung as possible. You didn’t want him to think that you weren’t interested in being with him; you were just too tired to go out and do anything.
But Jinyoung only nodded, satisfied.
“Good. I want you to get more rest. I’ll come over tomorrow, and we can just spend the day as lazy as you want. We can nap or watch movies— whatever you want. I just want to make sure you’re happy and healthy, Y/N.”
Your throat tightened a bit as you were momentarily overwhelmed with affection for Jinyoung. He loved teasing you sometimes, but you knew that underneath all that, he was truly caring and protective of you.  
“I’d like that,” you whispered back, sinking back into your pillows to listen to Jinyoung tell you about his day until you were lulled to sleep by the sound of his voice.
You woke up to bright light filtering through your window. Groaning, you rolled over to check the time and gasped when you saw that it was already late morning and had no idea when Jinyoung was coming over.
Suddenly awake, you sat up in bed and scrolled through the notifications on your phone, sighing in relief when you saw the messages from Jinyoung.
‘It didn’t take you very long to fall asleep this time. I guess you really do need the rest.’ ‘Unless you’ve only just been pretending to find me interesting all this time.’ ‘😒😒😒’ ‘But really, sleep as late as you need tomorrow. Just text me when you wake up, and I’ll come over when you’re ready. Good night, love you x’
So that was one crisis averted. You didn’t think you’d be able to handle shuffling out to your living room, looking and feeling half-dead, only to unexpectedly find Jinyoung waiting on your couch looking chipper and beautiful. You would know; you already experienced that once, and your heart couldn’t handle it happening a second time.
Knowing you had a moment to yourself, you stretched languidly, relishing in the sound of your back popping. Yeah, that was some much-needed sleep. You then took a moment to text Jinyoung back with a simple ‘I’m awake!’ before shuffling to your bathroom to shower and get ready for the day.
You were fully clothed and your hair was half-dried when you finally heard the knock on your door. Good timing.
You opened your door to reveal Jinyoung. He was wearing a hoodie and track pants, and he had left his hair unstyled. As he greeted you with a one-armed hug and a kiss, you couldn’t help but feel excited, knowing you were in for a ‘soft boyfriend’ sort of a day.
“Hey, you,” he murmured as he pulled away. He held up a plastic bag. “I brought food.”
“You’re too good to me.”
Soon, the two of you were seated on your couch, a rather impressive take-out affair spread across your coffee table. The rumbling of your stomach had you piling food on your plate, and you couldn’t help but be glad that you happened to be dating someone who loved food as much as you did. Jinyoung always brought the good stuff, and he always brought a lot.
“Ugh, this is too good. You need to try this,” you gushed after taking a particularly tasty bite of food. You held up another bite of food to Jinyoung’s mouth, and he happily opened up for you.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said, around his mouthful of food. And really, ew. “I tried this place out after practice earlier this week, and I thought I’d try taking you sometime. I hear they have really good appetizers, but I haven’t tried all of them yet.” You hummed, waiting until after you finished swallowing your next mouthful to reply.
“Honestly, any food sounds good right now. I’ve been so busy lately that I’ve been missing meals. I was so tired when I got home last night that I didn’t even have dinner!” You shook your head, though your annoyance with your past self was becoming more distant the more you appeased your hungry stomach.
Next to you, Jinyoung stopped eating in favor of frowning at you.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t let your work get in the way of your health like this.” He reached up and carefully brushed the pad of his thumb under your eye, which was still darkened with fatigue. “First, you lost sleep, and then you missed meals? What can be so important that it takes precedence over your health?”
You sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from your face so you could lace your fingers together. It was frustrating for you, too. It’s not like you enjoyed feeling so dogged by work— honestly, you would love to take more breaks if you didn’t feel anxious about your workload every time you tried to rest. But as you saw the sincere concern on Jinyoung’s face, your frustration faded.
“You’re right, Jinyoung.”
He cracked a wry smile at that. “I never get tired of hearing you say that.” He sobered a bit before adding, “Promise me. Promise me that you’ll try to take better care of yourself.”
You brought your joined hands up to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles.
“I’ll try my best. I promise.”
Jinyoung held your gaze for a moment longer before finally nodding in satisfaction. You watched as his seriousness melted away into playfulness and he started to whine a bit.
“Then it’s time for you to pay attention to me, Y/N. We have an entire afternoon of rest ahead of us, and I need you to show me how much you appreciate your kind, loving boyfriend who brings wonderful food for you and looks out for your health!”
Chuckling, you obligingly opened your arms for him and contented yourself in spending the rest of the day sharing cuddles and bites of food with Jinyoung.
An entire weekend of lounging around the house with Jinyoung left you feeling almost rested going into the new week. Unfortunately, by the time you were halfway through Monday, it was like you had taken a step forward only to take two steps back. You felt just as exhausted and tense as you had on Friday.
To make matters worse, you ended up working through your usual lunch break just to try to catch up with the tide of incoming tasks. Even as your stomach grumbled and you longed for even a short respite, you continued to push through. When you finally got home for the day, it was all you could do to cram some food in your mouth and plop down onto your bed for some much-needed rest.
The next day was much of the same. And the day after that, too.
The shadows under your eyes became more prominent, and between the missing sleep and the inconsistent eating, you were becoming increasingly sluggish. Jinyoung often texted you with reminders to take a break and eat something, but deadlines hung over your head like a stormcloud, bringing a fresh wave of anxiety every time you even thought about taking a break. The only thing that kept you going was the realization that you were slowly but surely making an impact on your workload; there was an end in sight.
This meant that you were all the more devastated when you woke up Friday morning with a pounding headache and a fever. If you felt sluggish before, now it felt as if you were trying to push through molasses with every move you made. Your brain felt slow and heavy, and even your tongue felt too thick in your mouth. Everything required more effort and energy than you had in you.
You sat on the edge of your bed for what felt like forever, just staring at your phone, considering whether or not you should call out of work for the day. You did.
A heavy sigh left your body when you hung up the phone, but it felt more like you got punched in the gut. It was as if all of that hard work you had put into finishing your projects was being thrown away, ironically because you had worked too hard and your body apparently decided to remind you of your humanity.
Your eyes burned with exhaustion and unshed tears, but you blinked them away. If you couldn’t physically go anywhere to work, then at least you could try to get something done from home, right? You sent Jinyoung a quick text explaining that you were unwell and would be staying home today, and you settled in at your desk to do what you could.
Your work went by agonizingly slowly. It was only desperation that kept you working through your headache, though you felt like your work was only being compounded as you kept making mistakes that you had to go back and fix. Frustration simmered in your belly and was on the verge of swelling up, hot and terrible, when you heard a key turn in your door.
Immediately, your head whipped up to see Jinyoung walk through the door, carrying a bag and a paper cup. He froze in place when he saw you sitting at your desk. You saw the exact moment he realized what you were doing.
“Y/N…” he started quietly, eyes beginning to narrow.
Quite suddenly, you felt very overwhelmed. For a moment, it was like you were oddly disconnected from your body, as if you were watching from a distance as you sat at your desk almost listlessly, surrounded by papers and the bright glow of your laptop. But then the moment passed just as soon as it had started and you had to blink back the dizziness as you were suddenly very much back in your body, staring helplessly into Jinyoung’s increasingly stormy face.
“Please tell me that you haven’t been sitting here all morning, working when you’re supposed to have the day off.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but he was just getting started.
“You work yourself ragged every day! You haven’t been eating, you haven’t been sleeping, and when you finally have a perfectly good reason not to go to work, you don’t take it for what it is and get some rest. No, you go and you do more work! You’re going to kill yourself if you keep doing this!” He gestured sharply at this and nearly dropped the cup he was holding. He visibly reined himself in, put down his load, and marched over to your desk to start piling up your papers.
“Jinyoung, I—”
“No!” He whipped around to look at you, eyes blazing. “Don’t you remember promising me that you would try to take better care of yourself? You promised me this, Y/N. But you broke your promise, and now here we are. What could possibly be so important to you that you’d prioritize it over your health?”
You knew that he was angry because he was worried. You knew that he cared about you. But that knowledge didn’t do anything to stave off the tears that welled up in your eyes as he yelled at you. You shrank back in your chair, shying away from his looming form.
If he noticed your reaction, he didn’t comment. Jinyoung just turned away from you to finish gathering your work. He tucked it, along with your laptop, under his arm and disappeared into your bedroom. He reappeared a moment later, empty-handed, and slammed the door behind him.
For a moment, he just stood in your living room, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Your gaze fell as the first tear slipped from your eye. Jinyoung was perfectly right, you knew. But at this point you were just so exhausted and anxious and jittery that you wanted nothing more than to just take a break from everything for just a moment, just long enough for you to put your life back in order.
Neither of you moved for a long moment, save for your near-imperceptible shaking. Neither of you said anything; Jinyoung had said all he had to say, and you had nothing to add.
Eventually, you heard rather than saw Jinyoung move to crouch in front of you, ducking his head to see your face. You saw the corners of his mouth tug down in a frown when he noticed your tears, and he raised his hand to cup your cheek.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” he said, his voice nearly a whisper. “It just kills me to see you do this to yourself. Please, Y/N, take better care of yourself. Put your wellbeing first.”
You nodded mutely, unable to speak around the lump in your throat. Jinyoung sighed and pulled you in for a hug. For an indeterminable amount of time, the two of you sat there, just clinging to each other. The fight— if you could really call it that— used up all of the emotion and energy you could offer, and it left you feeling drained and oddly hollow.
When you and Jinyoung finally parted, you felt like a ragdoll, limp and weak. Jinyoung helped you stand, but all you could do when you regained your footing was rest against him.
“Y/N?” he asked, concerned.
“I feel weird,” you mumbled. You leaned your head in the crook of his neck.
“You have a fever, Y/N. Your face is really hot right now.”
Yeah, that sounded about right. But you didn’t really any energy left to do anything about it, so you stayed where you were and just made a small noise at the back of your throat.
You felt Jinyoung carefully scoop you up and carry you into your bedroom. You said nothing as he set you on your unmade bed, but you managed a small “Wait,” when he turned to walk away.
Jinyoung turned back, resting a hand on your feverish forehead and smiling, small and hesitant.
“I’ll be back, I promise. I just need to put some things away first.” You let him go without protest this time, and your eyes slipped shut before he was out the door.
The golden glow of sunset was casting your room in warm amber tones by the time you woke up with a groan. Every muscle in your body protested when you moved. Reluctantly, you forced yourself into a sitting position, turning when you heard the shuffle of blankets from beside you.
Jinyoung’s eyes fluttered open. He made a noise and quickly sat up once he noticed you were awake and watching him.
“Y/N. How are you feeling?”
You took a moment to consider this before answering truthfully.
“Sore. But my headache is gone, and I feel like my fever is down, too.”
Jinyoung pressed a hand to your forehead, letting it linger for perhaps just a bit longer than necessary before pulling away and nodding.
“I think you’re right.”
Silence settled heavily between the two of you for a moment, though neither of you averted your eyes. Jinyoung was the first to relent.
“I’m so sorry I yelled at you, Y/N. You already weren’t feeling well, and I only made it worse by taking out my frustration on you.” But you were already shaking your head before he finished speaking.
“Jinyoung, no, it’s fine. I shouldn’t have pushed myself so hard, and I refused to listen to you when you tried to help me.” You took in a shaky breath. “To be honest, I just felt so overwhelmed and anxious that I couldn’t stop working. I know there will be times in the future when I become overwhelmed by work again, and I want to be better about this. I just don’t know how.”
Jinyoung finally closed the distance between the two of you and leaned in until your foreheads touched.
“I’ll help you out, Y/N. I promise. In any way I can. I know you’re feeling anxious, but just know that you’re not alone in this. I’ll always be here for you.”
You sighed, feeling some of the tension release from your shoulders. You hadn’t known how much you needed to hear that.
You knew it wouldn’t be easy for you to go back to work. The stress and the worry would be back before you knew it, but you didn’t have to dwell on that now. You had the rest of the weekend to allow yourself time to get your thoughts in order, and you truly believed Jinyoung when he told you he’d do anything to help you. You could do this.
Monday arrived, and you once again came face-to-face with your workload. It hadn’t built up quite as badly as you had worried, but it was still daunting all the same, and you felt the familiar creep of anxiety when you thought about all you had to do still. But instead of letting it take over, you resolutely focused on only one task at a time. It made things more manageable, and although it was somewhat exhausting to pick up a new task immediately after finishing another, you felt bolstered by the progress you were making.
Besides, it was a little bit easier to get your work done when you knew what was waiting for you. Your phone buzzed at the beginning of your allotted work break, and a smile tugged at your lips.
You and Jinyoung had talked extensively about ways to help you keep track of your eating, and you had agreed to try taking more lunch dates together. Already, you could tell this was a good idea; as you left your desk to meet Jinyoung outside, it felt as if you were leaving your tension behind.
Jinyoung greeted you with a kiss and immediately laced your fingers together.
“Hey, babe. I was thinking I’d take you to this new restaurant I heard about. Originally, Jackson was supposed to go with me, but he took BamBam instead, so I guess that just goes to show that some friendships are based on lies. But enough of that. How are you today?”
You shrugged, your gait feeling light and carefree as you walked down the street hand-in-hand.
“I’m doing great,” you said. It was the truth, and it only got better from there.
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peculiar-author · 7 years
Well I think everyone here could make their own version/pick. 
I'll make one. Pendi's Top 11 Picks for Produce 101 Season 2
1. Pledis Entertainment's Kim Jong Hyun - LEADER
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I think everyone of us agreed that he should be up in the top 11 taking the title of Leader. He experienced being a leader not just in produce 101, but even before when he was still an active member of NU'EST. He already taste the bitter-sweet of becoming an idol and how tough it is to become one of them and have to take his pride down and join the Produce 101. With the right mentality, and wisdom, there is no one in Produce 101 (all at least so far from what we saw) can touch Kim Jonghyun in term of his capability to be a leader. Otherwise he is so talented and a soulful rapper with a great dance ability too. So he is no doubt would be on top 11 with his recent rank as no 1 in rap and also no 1 in overall 2nd ranking announcement. 
2. MMO Entertainment's Kang Daniel - JUST DO ANYTHING  
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As beautiful his face and smile is. He is really the heart robber. He has great personality and motivation. I know he may got into some controversial act before, and cheating is really such an unhonorable act, with that being said, his personality and talent show that he is more than that. His attitude on the screen also shows that he is responsible and have a good fighting spirit. He is incredible with his dancing b-boy thing, and rapping and singing. He does improve a lot too, there are still room to grow even though he is already in Class A. With the right attitude and willing to learn & grow, he is a good example to be a great idol. 
3. Fantagio's Ong Song Sung Woo - VISUAL   
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He is already my favorite since the first episode, but until Kang Daniel came and shows his cuteness. LOL. But he is the man of dance and popping God. His jokes and Gag talents is also worth to count. With great visual and stage presence he is for me one of the best stage & expression experts. His dance skills also great and also his attitude and how he cares about others. He knows how to put himself in different kind of situation, for me he is a man with many talents, without trying to hard to show off and he got his way to impress people effortlessly. and he is more than ready to steal your heart right from the first impression to his long career ahead. 
4. Brave Entertainment's Kim Samuel - DANCE    
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I don't understand why people doesn't seem to agree that he deserve to be in the top 11. Even the trainers and national representative the Queen BoA fall in love with him and he is the first trainee to get into the A Class (based on the show). With his young age and how much he loves to dance and how much he spent his life practicing and dancing and how much he shows that he really want this is just.. beautiful. I really appreciate him to keep going and keep the fighting spirit. He is also respected by other trainees with his talents and I think he already shows improvement of his singing skills to. 
5. Chun Entertainment's Kim Yong Guk - VOCAL
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He really shows his charm and how good his vocal is in the "If It Is You" performance. I think he is another good example on how much an underdog can do more and be success with his talent and not just his face. He has amazing vocal who can give different color to the group, I think he has so much potential and he doesn't have a problem with following the choreography, so he is up in top 5 for me. 
6. Individual Trainee Kim Jae Hwan - VOCAL     
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He is no dubbed the best vocal in P101 now. But he is more than his vocal. I his personality and charms he shows during the interview. I really like the way he talk and how he is honest and not so greedy for a position (maybe because he is already got the top posisition). But I think he is a must in term for vocal ability to be put in the top 11. And I am glad everyone have voted and put him in the top 11, for his talents, not just for a pretty boy with no talents. 
7. CUBE Entertainment's Lai Guan Lin - RAP 
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Talking about pretty boy without talent, the first time I saw him in the top 11 in the first voting result, and how he perform in front of the trainer for the first time, I basicly hate him for being in the top 11 with pretty face with no (I mean still in the making) talent & ability. But through out the show he shows how he is so passionate in rap and his ability to write and compose rap for his performance is amazing. He also know how to put great performance on stage, and I really appreciate him. It is not just a talent but his attitude also counts. I think everyone is working hard and everyone is also trying hard. But to put that hard work into something that is a great performance, I think he nailed it. Love his voice. 
8. Brand New Music's Park Woo Jin - DANCE  
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I am agreed with everything Jenny said. He is one of my favorite now after the get ugly episode. Just seeing him saying "I'm Doomed" is cute and how he reacts to the first time he saw the Get Ugly Team. But I think he has a solid talent for vocal and dance. He is the perfect example for not craving for high ranks, just do and give the best, and now he got in the top 11. Love him so much. 
9. MAROO Entertainment's Park Ji Hoon - VISUAL   
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Honestly I hope to see more talent from him, not just his visual. I think he has been to focus on how to act cute and come up with new trademark after the wink. But I know he is good tho, being in the Class B means he is great, and I think it is a safe choice to include him to the top 11 as we are talking about IDOLS, and boy like him with his charms and talents is one solid yes for an Idol. 
10. C9 Entertainment's Bae JinYoung - VOCAL
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He is just charming in many ways. With that shy not-so-confident personality is cute but also shame. He should know how good he is, he is charming in many ways, his face, his voice, his dance, his one covered eye, his stage presence, his smile. I am glad that he shows more smile and prove he is great on stage in the recent My Little Girl performance. I am just so happy to watch his performance with his smile through out the performance, and we also haven't talk about his performance the ballad song downpour, his voice is just great. And I shipped him with Jihoon haha
11. Brand New Music's Lee Dae Hwi - VOCAL   
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It hurts my heart that he has lesser screen time now, but he proves to have more to show and more ideas and more stage presence in every performance he is on. I think he has so many talent and potential. Hope he can become more confident than ever and overcome all the hates he got. 
12. Pledis Entertainment's Hwang Minhyun - VISUAL.   
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What just top 11? But I really can't leave this one. He is a great center to, I love all his stage presence, the smirk, the stares, the gaze. I think he is also have a solid vocal too. He is experienced and I think he deserve to be in the top 11. He has all the idol material, handsome, tall, sharp, and charming. He is price charming and he really completed the group as a whole. so please let him be in the top 11. 
Other trainees that I hope to be in the top 11 is actually Lee Woo Jin, although I know he might be hard to fit in, but I love himm.. #13 - VOCAL
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Choi Min Ki & Dong Ho - it hurts my heart to hear they story and how they struggle to survive the idol life and music industry. As all the talents they got, they really are ready to get another chance to debut. But I think not in this group. I hope they both get success in the future. - #14 #15 VISUAL - VOCAL
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Takeda Kenta. He is great I think he got all and everything you need as an idol, but poorly we have less interaction with him. Less interview, less screen time. But he nailed all the performance and I love him so much. #16 - VOCAL
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Yoon Jae Sung he is incredible person and i just want to see him more and more. He is just hillarious. - #17 - I dont know what suitable position for him. Maybe Vocal or Responsible for GAG & VARIETY SHOW
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Jung Se Woon - I love his understanding and his vocal. He is great, and it is waste of talent if he doesnt debut soon.  #18 - VOCAL
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Lim Young Min & Kim Dong Hyun: Everyone from Brand New Music is ridiculously attractive to me. I think both of them have reputable capability as a rapper. Coming from the rap agency I think they have the quality looks and talent becoming an idol. #19 #20 - RAP
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Ardor & Able trainees Noh Tae Hyun & Ha Sungwoon. Both are in Class A and super talented in dancing, but sadly they lack of screen time. I am happy for Taehyun he really still the spotlight in the position challenge. He did super great as the leader and choreographer for Shape of You, and he is just the best dancer in P101 for me. Next Ha Sungwoon who recently hopelessly and relentlessly trying hard to be get notice and to keep being in the competition. I think he has a great personality, and work ethic. #21 & #22 DANCE
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I dont know how they survive, for me their stage is average, but I think if you just be positive, and smile, and hard working enough, you’ll get notice.
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gigadracky · 5 years
In this game you can team up with 3 other people online and fight a dungeon together. Doing so you will gain more rewards from drops, and an extra drop in the end based on the luck combined by the team!
You can Host which lets you pick and choose what event/key/story quest but you will have to use Stamina. Or you can Search and Join where you dont spend any Stamina but it depends if anyone is Hosting any quests.
I suggest following this guide closely since there is an etiquette by playing Multiplayer, it is not so strict but doing so will ensure you a smooth play and even people sending friend requests or more likely to accept your request :)!
First off, when you press the Multi button you'll see this.
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Host a Quest
Search and Join Quest
Preparation Bar (Character, Item, Food, Stamp)
Before going into Hosting and Joining, lets go over the preparation bar.
First you can change your Lead Character to any of the 3 in your party to be the one joining or hosting quests, this lets you compose an organized party when playing with friends.
Second you can change around the items you can bring in your journey. You can only bring 4 items and depending on how effective or potent the item is you'll carry a certain limit of the item.
Third you can prepare a food ahead of time so you do not have to search for it while hosting. This saves time and lets people know you need that set of food.
And Last, you can change your Stamps here. The Stamps is what you can use to communicate or express yourself to Others. You can tell people Nice To Meet you, Good Job, Good Night, etc. And there are expressive stamps like Cruelcumbers dancing saying "Yay Yaay~!" and the such. You can only have a certain amount of stamps equipped and you can earn new stamps through Story Mode and Events. You can also buy them at the Merchant Shop through the Ticket Exchange shop. In a separate post I'll post up what each stamp means.
Now to Hosting and Hosting Etiquette.
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Host online/Host around you/Host on LINE APP
Password(4 numbers) On/Off
Host only to Friends/Host to Everyone
Select Quest to Host
First option you have 3 selections you can make. You can Host to anyone playing online, this means anyone online can join. You can host to anyone that is near you in person, this means only people near you can join. Or you can host with your linked LINE account and only LINE friends can join.
Second, you can enter a password of your choice(4 numbers) and only people with that password can join what you are hosting. Pressing on will activate the password and from there on people can only join if they have the password. You can turn it on/off even while you are hosting, so lets say only one person joined with the password, if you want to complete the whoke team with 2 other online players you can turn it off while you are hosting to make it available for anyone else to join those 2 extra spots. I'll tell you where you can do this later in this post, ill add a 😱 emoji to it.
Third you have the option to Host for people who are in your Friends List, only people you have added as friend can see you hosting and join you. Or Host to everyone out there, letting anyone see you hosting and join.
Fourth, once you have everything about all set you click here to select a Quest/Dungeon youd like to host. Again Hosting will cost you Stamina.
Once you have selected you will see this.
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Above you, you can check on info about Quest/Dungeon you are hosting. You can see things like the Mission Rewards, few enemy moves, drops, and mosters that are in the quest/dungeon.
View Character
(From left to right)Edit Food/Edit Items/Start Quest/Custom Setting Off-On
You can view peoples stats, their equipment, resistances, and you can kick people off before embarking on a quest. Now only kick someone off if they are not providing food or completing the food set properly, or if they are too weak or do not have the right resistances.
😱in this screen is where you can do it, I'll edit the photo soon but on the bottom right hand corner in blue is where you can set the password or any other settings you added to turn off or on while still hosting. Very handy feature!
When everyone is ready you click the big yellow square in the bottom middle. If you just joined(not hosting) then when you are ready click on that same button to let the Host know youre preparations are complete. Make sure you do this, if you do not let the host know your preparations are ok, they will most likely kick you out.
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Now if you get kicked out it is most likely those reasons I listed above. You either are far too weak for the quest, you're too vulnerable to possible stat effects, or didn't complete the proper food set or put any food at all.
This is a team effort so before entering dungeons that are high leveled you will have to make sure you are prepared well on your end. It is your responsibility to give your characters the correct resistances. Good team work is a tactical effort, we are responsible of our own selves first, then others.
Also playing the roles of each Vocation properly is important. If you have a Sage, Gladiator, Paladin, and Battle Master it is the Sage's job to make sure everyone is healed and is using proper elemental spell skills, Gladiators job to fight, Paladin to block for anyone vulnerable and supporting the Sage with healing/buffing efforts, and Battle Master to fight. Don't ever have a Battle Master or Gladiator heal, or have a Sage with weapons that doesn't have both Spell and Support Skills. As a Paladin and Sage your job is to focus supporting your team, not as primary attacker. And as Battle Master and Gladiator your job is to decimate your foes.
Let's say you are a Sage and you have a Hammer Equipped, people will most likely kick you out since it isn't your proper role as that Vocation. But again people are most likely to kick you out if the dungeon level is high. If its low, people don't care.
Next the stamps are pretty much self explanatory, you can use them to communicate with others.
Now the last part. You can edit the food and items you have set for the dungeon. You can embark on a quest with just only one person joining you, the rest will fill with the characters from your party(I highly advise not doing this, as you will miss out the extra rewards you can possibly earn with a full 4 party team with 3 online friends/random people.) And that 😱blue button in the bottom corner will pop up the Custom Hosting screen, like before, where you can change it to password, friend only, and such. You can turn On of Off the custom hosting setting.
Now an important etiquette is pick your battles wisely. If you are level 20, its not wise jumping into a level 90 quest, you'll just hold everyone back and you'll die the instant the battle starts. You don't have to always communicate with the stamps but it is nice to tell people Yoroshiku/Nice to Meet You and Otsukare/Job Well Done :) Follow the Food Set if people are trying to set up a whole set. Don't spam stamps. Instead of leaving the Hosting room to kick someone out, kick them out directly. Don't quit in the middle of a quest. And finally don't be inactive while you are on a quest, you can't really pause and if you exit the app you'll exit the quest so don't abandon your team.
Now to Join in Multiplayer Quests.
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Select Quest/Dungeon to search
Display Result
Auto Search and Join
The above is basically the same as the Hosting Setting. The leaning Wi-fi symbol is to seach people hosting online, the one next to it with people in a circle is to search people hosting nearby you. Then password. Then Friends or Random People.
Selecting Quest, if left blank and clicked the display result button you will see everything that is being hosted. If you click 3) Auto join, you will join a random quest that is being hosted automatically.
Only downside with this is you'll be put in a queue so you might wait a little until it finds someone hosting.
Thats about it for multiplayer.
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0 notes
zombierunfiction · 7 years
Season 1 Mission 23: Aftermath
The sound of gunshots wafted through the air as consiousness began to show up again. A tone slowly followed as memories of the last few seconds race past Charlotte's mind.  The explosion, Sara shouting at her before the shouting began to get louder and she felt something shaking her rather violently.
"Char!  Charlotte wake up!  Come on wake up!"  Sara shouted as Charlotte blinked slowly looking up at Sara.  She had dirt and blood marks on her face looking like she cut herself on the stones.
"I'm awake... stop shaking me..."  Charlotte said slowly getting up.
"Come on up up Char... I've got to go.  We've got to go.  I can't stay here with you."  Sara said almost paniced.
"What's wrong?"  Charlotte asked as static appeared over her headset and Nadia's voice suddenly appeared.
"I can't see anything!  Cameras aren't working!  Runner Twenty-two, say again!"  
Sara breathes deeply.  "You've got to get ready to run when they come.  I'm going to lead the pack of zoms that are coming north."  Sara turns and fires at a zombie that was coming too close.  "Don't worry I'll save one bullet for myself if the time comes."
"Time comes... oh Sara no..."  Charlotte breathes deeply.
"There's a possibility I've been bitten.  When the blast hit us, I fell over.  There was a crawler in the long grass. I have a scrape on my angel.  I can't know for sure, but I have to be safe and get clear of you and the township.  I've checked you - you're clean."  Sara said as Charlotte looks up the hill.
"So Abels..."
"I don't know. It might be gone.  Their comes are silent.  Everything's gone crazy!  But if she's still alive, tell Janine something.  It's important.  Tell her that she was right."  Sara said as the wind picked up some of the dirt flying in the air making both Charlotte and Sara cough.  "I've heard those tomes every time, just before they attacked, just like we discussed!  Tell her exactly that, okay?  You were always a good runner, Char.  Run now!  Don't stop!"  Sara said taking off towards the pack.  "Over here!  Over here, you goddamn freaks!"  
Charlotte breathed deeply as she suddenly felt something wet slide down her face.  She touched it showing blood on her fingers.  She needed to get out of here.  She took off away from Sara hoping that she would be alright.  More importantly that Sam was still alive.
After a while of running Charlotte heard static again on her headset.  "Runner Twenty-two, say again?  No, we don't know what to do either.  My cameras are still... Wait, wait!  All runners, cameras are coming back online.  Just a few, but... aw, this is fantastic!  Did you do this, Allison?  Huh... okay, then.  Whatever noodoo it was seems to be working."  Nadia said.  "Guys, I can't see everyone, but I've got cameras to the east and some to the south.  There are still a lot of zoms heading in the direction of the Abel Township site and... no Runner Twenty-two, I can't see anything in that direction.  Can't raise any communications with them, either.  I think..."  Nadia sighs.  "Orders are for you to head bak as soon as it's safe.  I think there should be a clear pathway if you stick to the course of the river.  Yep.  Stick to the banks of the Bailey, you should be safe.  Come on in, everyone.  No.  We can't risk looking for Abel Township survivors.  They're gone, guys.  Something blew them up.  They're all gone."  Nadia said as Charlotte felt tears fill her eyes.
"No... Sammy... you promise..."  Charlotte breathed as tears streamed down her face mixing with the blood coming from her hairline.
"Wait, are you seeing this, guys?  Look at this - the signal's coming back again!  No cameras available in that section but our beacon's still good!  It's Runner Thirty-eigt, there he is again!  Lem, respond if you can!... Nothing.  No he's not responding."  Nadia said as Charlotte picked up the pace.  Come hell or high water she was not going to let New Canton capture her.  "Okay, Runners Thirty-one and thirty-four, head towards Peacock Park, that little park where we set those construction work zoms on fire.  Lem's not responding, but if you hurry, you can intercept him.  Bring him home. Yes, I understand.  Intercept him, or put a bullet in his head.  I know it might not be him.  Just get him and we can find out."  Nadia said as Charlotte looked over seeing two runners off in the distance.  She ran faster trying to keep ahead of them.
"Not going to get me if I can help it."  Charlotte whispered.
"Wait, he's speeding up!  Runner Forty-five, head in from the left, down Scott Road.  Runner Forty0three, come in from the right, by Pewpid Hall.  come on, he's getting quickly!  Princer attack!  Whoever or whatever is wearing that beacon, we're gonna get'em. Run!"  Nadia shouts as Charlotte lept over a few fallen trees running faster.  "All runners in the area of Peacock Park, report!  Do you have visual contact with Runner Thirty-eight?  Runner Forty-five, report!  What do you see?..."  NAdia was quiet for a long time.  "Oh... are you sure, Forty-five?  The light's not good, and all the smoke from the... "  She stops.  "Yes... Okay.  I understand.  Yes.  All runners!  the signal from Runner Thirty-eight is not Lem.  Repeat: Not Lem!  We think an Abel Township runner is wearing one of our headsets.  Come back guys.  That Abel Township runner's not worth risking your lives for."  Nadia said coldly.
"Damn it..."  Charlotte looked around seeing the group of runners backtracking away from her.
"So, not Runner Thirty-eight, not Lem.  I've switched to a private comms channel.  It's just you and me."  Nadia said.
"Not exactly the person I want to be hearing right now."  Charlotte says to herself as she continued to run.
"Not that you can talk back, but... I have to wonder who you are.  I'm going to have to tell our people about you.  I think they'll be very interested to bring you in and talk to you."  NAdia said almost sinisterly.
"Oh I'm sure they would."  Charlotte said as she continued to run.
A few minutes later Nadia came back on the line.  "I've spoken with the counsil, Abel Township runner.  They want you to come in.  I said. 'Why would the Abel Township runner trust us?'  and they said, 'Well Nadia, that Abel Township runner has no choice.  We're the only safe haven wintin fifteen miles, and Abel Township is gone.  Enormous explosion, no comms - gone.  So that runner will have to come in to us eventually!'"  
Charlotte grit her teeth as she pushed the thought of Sam's dead body out of her mind.  Chances were equal that Sam could be alive and she had to believe that.  She felt so much different this time.  When she didn't know Amir's fate she had accepted it. With Sam wasn't going to accept it until she had proof that he was gone.  He meant so much more in such little time than Amir had in the years they had been together.  Static came over her headset as the muffled sound of someone talking disappeared as soon as she heard it.
"Oh yes, I see you now on my cameras.  Funny, imagine my thinking you were Lem, just because you're wearing his headset.  Imagine how you ran around letting me think that all this time...  I should direct you into a swarm."  She said lowly as Charlotte looked up slightly.  She wouldn't dare...  "No.  Because I don't like, and I have a job to do."  More static came up as Nadia continued to talk.  "Abel Township runner, head straight on.  You'll be with us soon enough.  The static again had voices mixed in it but she couldn't identify whose voices she was hearing.  "Yes, Runner forty-Five, come in from the west, there are some zoms to the east still.  Runner Twenty-two, thanks for your status report.  We're gonna ask you to run sentry for the next twenty minutes while we bring the cameras up.  Runners Thirty-one and Thirty-four, can you check the camera at the northern perimeter before you come in?  We think that zom attack shook loose some wiring."  The static returned louder than before.  "No I dont heard anything.  Is there a problem with the transmission?  Runner Twenty-two, can you tell me exactly what you're hear-"
The static cleared suddenly and a female voice is heard.  "This is a test."
"What was that?"  Charlotte and Nadia both stated in confusion.  "Are you doing something, Abel Township runner?"  Nadia asked.  "Have you done something to my coms sys-"
The voice appeared again.  "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system."
"Now we get that back."  Charlotte said sarcasticly.
"Did you hear that?  No, I don't know what it was!  I don't know who has the capacity to override my coms like that!"  NAdia shouts as the static begins to get louder.  "No it's not in the goddamn manual, it's-"  The static over takes Nadia as a deep female voice suddenly appears.
"Charlotte.  This is Major De Santa.  I'm back.  You can stop running now."  She said as Charlotte slowed to a stop panting heavily.  
"Major... where-"
"No time for talk Charlotte this is critically important.  I know this will sound bizarre but I want you to listen to me very carefully.  Do you understand?"  Major De Santa asked.
"Yes ma'am."  Charlotte said.
"I want you to go to New Canton.  Stay with them until you hear from me again.  I have spoken with their council, more pointedly a Mr. Hakim, who will personally take care of you and your tech.  He will meet you at the tunnel into New Canton."  The Major said.
"What about Abel is it?"
"Don't focus on Abel right now.  Focus on getting to New Canton and keeping yourself alive.  Do you understand?"
Charlotte breathed heavily for a moment.  "Yes ma'am.  Can you see where I am going?"
"Yes I am.  Head east from you.  You are not far from them right now."  The Major said.  "I will contact you again Charlotte.  Major over and out."  
Charlotte ran off into the east as she saw the large overbearing castle come into view.  From the outside it looked intimidating.  There were two large circles in the walls that had iron gates on them.
"Stop!  Or we will shoot!"  A sniper on the tower shouted.
Charlotte stopped and held up her hands.  "I'm here to see Amir Hakim!"  She shouted as the sniper didn't move for a moment before the tunnel opened on the left side opened and Amir jogged out.  
"You look a little worse for ware."  Amir said as he wrapped an arm around Charlotte helpping her inside the tunnel.  He took off her headset and tucked it into a bag on his hip as they walked through the tunnel.  "I will keep you safe while you are here.  Just stick with me or Archie."
Charlotte nodded holding onto Amir tight suddenly feeling fatigue setting in.  Once inside Amir took her into a small white room where the doctors took off her pack and began checking her for bites.  She was showered in cold water and her head was bandaged up given a basic blue t-shirt and blue shorts.  They pulled her hair into a ponytail and sent off with Amir.  She looked around as everyone looked at her with combinations of anger and hatred which made her look away.
The curly haired woman from before walked over and stood on the other side of her.  "Hi.  I'm Archie.  Amir told me what's going on.  You will be fine."  She said wrapping her arm around her waist while Amir just help Charlotte's arm.  She was taken into a room with one other bed that looked more like a jail cell.  "You and I will stay here with Amir not far from us."  Archie explained as Charlotte nodded slowly.
"Alright..."  She said softly as they set her down on the bed.
Amir took off the bag that he had stashed her headset in and handed it to her.  "Here you go.  Keep it hidden."  He said as Charlotte took the bag and put it under the pillow for now.  "I'm going to get you some food and some blankets."  Charlotte nodded mutely as Archie knelt in front of her.
"Are you okay sweetie?"  Archie asked petting the side of Charlotte's hair.
Charlotte suddenly felt herself lose it.  She curled up on herself started to cry hard.  Amir knelt down as he wrapped his arm around her while Archie gently ran her hand over Charlotte's head.  Charlotte sobbed hard as she let everything that happen hit her.
Maggie died.
Sara might be a zombie.
Abel was blown up.
And Sam...
Charlotte sobbed even harder as Archie moved to the bed and gently gathered Charlotte into her arms gently humming softly to console her.  Amir got up and walked out leaving the two women alone in the cell.  Archie started to softly sing a lullaby rocking Charlotte through her tears.  
<      29    >
Season 1 Beginning
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dorothydelgadillo · 5 years
The Dos and Don’ts of Video Interviews
Over the last few years, video interviews have become more and more popular. In fact, according to Talent Hub, the use of video interviewing has risen 49% since 2011.
With video being such a popular platform for interviews, it’s important that the candidates do the right things before, during, and after the video interview to really stand out.
After witnessing some successes and failures, I put together a list of my top do’s and don’ts for your next video interview. 
Video Interview Do’s
Do: Dress Appropriately
Just because you’re on video, possibly in the comfort of your own home, doesn’t mean you should show up in your favorite hoodie. You should treat video interviews as if they’re in-person, and dress the same way you would if you were showing up to the company’s office.
Do some research into the dress code of the office, and try to imitate that same style or go slightly more dressed up.
Do: Have a Professional Background
Aside from looking at you, the only other thing for an interviewer to notice is your background. Make sure your environment isn’t messy or distracting, and do your best to avoid making it obvious if you’re taking the call from your bedroom.
Certain indicators would be showing a bed in the background, or taking the call from bed. (Yes, I’ve had people really do that!)  It immediately sets an unprofessional tone for the call. The last thing you want is your background to steal the spotlight over you.
Nick Sal, one of our Client Success Managers rockin’ this cool backdrop.
Do: Test Out The Video Platform
Once your interview is scheduled, look into the platform you’ll use for the call. If there’s anything you need to download or install, do that far in advance of the call.
You don’t want to show up late to the call, or worse, not be able to get into the call on time because you didn’t install your technology first. Some popular video platforms you might come across are Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Google Hangouts.
Do: Test Your Audio and Video
Not only do you want to test out the video platform in advance, but you’ll also want to make sure the audio and video are ready to go. Do a quick test of your audio and video to make sure they are both working properly. Doing this in advance will give you time to troubleshoot any issues so you can be prepared to take the call.
Do: Find a Strong Internet Connection
Even if you say all the right things, having an internet connection that is lagging is most likely going to frustrate the person interviewing you. Odds are, they also won’t be able to catch everything that you’re saying in your answers. If your Internet isn’t great at home, check out this list of places that offer free wifi.
Do: Send a Thank You Note
Even though a video interview doesn’t feel the same as an in-person one, you’re still taking time out of the interviewers day so they can give you a shot at a job. Making a good impression on that person is crucial, and sending a thank you note is typically expected, and sometimes required to move forward in their process.
Video Interview Don’ts
Don’t: Take the Call in a Loud Setting
At the end of the day, the content of your answers is likely going to be what determines if you move forward. However, if the person can’t hear your answers, or only hears part of them, you won’t be able to fully represent yourself.
Although I love a good group hangout, taking an interview around a lot of people can add a bunch of noise in the background.
In addition, it can be very distracting if there’s too much background noise. So even if they can hear you through the noise, they might not be fully able to keep their attention on you.
Make sure to scope out your call location ahead of time so you can determine if it’s too loud. Give yourself enough time to find a new place, or have a few backups just in case.
Don’t: Move the Camera too Much
Have you ever taken a video on your phone and then when you replayed it, you realized how shaky your hand was? If you are using your phone for the call, don’t hold it in your hand if you can help it. Much like noise in the background, it can be very distracting or even make the person a little dizzy.
If you need to take the call on your phone, find a place where you can prop it so it doesn’t shake.
Shandi, our Sales Operations Specialist, taking a call with her laptop on her lap. Fine for working, but not great for video interviews!
Similarly, if you’re taking the call on a computer or laptop, make sure to keep it on a steady surface the whole time. I’ve had people take calls with their laptop on their lap, and it’s very shaky and can sometimes interfere with the audio. Steer clear!
Don’t: Let Anyone Else in the Spotlight
When you’re in an interview, make sure nobody else is around or behind you. It can come off unprofessional or distracting if your parents, significant other, or pets come on the screen. This is your big shot, so you want all of the focus on you.
Don’t: Turn Off Your Video
Believe it or not, we’ve actually had people turn off their camera either before or during the call. We make it very clear that it’s a video interview, so people should show up prepared to be on camera.
It definitely sets a strange mood when the interviewer is the only person with their camera on. Especially in our company, we’re expected to be on video all day talking to co-workers, clients, etc., so if someone can’t handle being on video this probably isn’t a good fit for them.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Now it’s your time to shine! Give interviewers a much-needed break from all the video fails they see, and really wow them with your preparation and professionalism. It would probably be beneficial to reference this article or your own checklist before taking any video interviews so you know you’re always putting your best foot forward.
from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/the-dos-and-donts-of-video-interviews
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